Before you call or email about unsubscribing
Tinycc is not the source of content or the sharing. We don't send out promotional emails, SMS texts, or newsletters of any kind - so there is nothing to unsubscribe. If you received spam containing a domain, regretfully it was the work of abusers! Such as bulk email campaigns or attempts to hide malware or phish behind a link. Please send us the link so that abuse of our service can be provides the technology to shorten web addresses. That is all it does. These short URLs are basically just links to other websites... all created and shared by users of our service. Unsolicited commercial email / SMS is not an acceptable use of this service.
Submit link using this form:
Please report spamming of links such as advertisement or comment spam that you find on blogs, chat forums, message boards, social networks etc.Please report any links to malware, worms, viruses or other executable files.
Login button problems? Try clearing your browser's cookies and cache or check your computer's anti-virus/firewall. For example you need to whitelist if using Bitdefender.
No validation email for your new account? Typical reasons are: typo in your submitted email address or delivery into your spam box. Also make sure that you haven't accidently quarantined us at your end by an email filter such as Boxbe or Spam Arrest.
"Sorry, this URL is currently not allowed" message when you try to shorten a URL? It means the domain in that URL is on an external spam block list such as URIBL or SURBL or our own internal list. When contacting us concerning this message, please include the URL(s) you are having issues with. It is also against TOS to chain redirects together (meaning attempt to shorten other URL shortening domains such as,,, etc.).
Manage URLs page doesn't load or is blank? And clearing your browser cookies and cache doesn't fix? Kaspersky Total Security can render pages inoperable as a result of "data collection" being blocked. Change the settings to allow Data collection or go to Private Browsing exclusions window and Add
"The URL entered is invalid. (is http:// missing?)" message when you try to shorten a URL? Often the cause is a blank space accidentally tacked to either the front or back of the URL during the process of select and copy to clipboard. The extra space was highlighted by accident. But empty space is not allowed anywhere in a URL, so take a careful look at your cursor during copy and paste.
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