Make email-friendly links. Use on blogs, forums, social networks, instant messages, online publications or ad campaigns. Shorten and track it for business or educational projects.
Click statistics. Get interactive charts with click analytics... trace uniques, returning clicks, visitors' country of origin, browsers used and more! No account needed to monitor stats.
Edit or delete a URL. See your complete tiny link history... with tools to manage, filter, tag, search and share URLs. Statistical link analysis is now amazingly simple using Tiny!
- Shareable, user-friendly URLs
- Bookmarklet tool for one-click link shortening anywhere on the web
- Edit links feature for registered users
- Short links using your brand or custom domain
- Accounts for managing links
- High volume commercial URL platforms for applications such as SMS text, email, advertising or social media campaigns
- Track click statistics; and no account needed to monitor stats
- Custom option for making personalized URLs
Insert URLs into email or Skype and never have issues with the links wrapping or breaking. Ideal for blogs, forums, social networks. Used in ebooks, online magazines, newspapers and journals. Archival uses in schools and universities. Used in QR codes - it generates a simpler code with lower dpi for printed versions. Or anytime you run into a ridiculously long URL that just won't fit the spot Tiny can make your address short, plus meaningful! See our:
How URLs Work
All About Web Addresses
How to Mask Links
Custom Domains
Need marketing insight for your business?
Measure the conversions for links and understand your traffic with Tiny's statistics. We can help grow your audience and increase traffic. Shorten a link for your ad campaign and track it. Hide a link. Have an address that you don't want to reveal... such as an affiliate link? Cloak and redirect it - the recipient will only see a short address containing the domain. Make a link to your online survey or invitation. And Tiny has more advanced tools such as a traffic filter that is perfect for marketing, surveys or research projects.
Track banner Ads for internet marketing
An Ad is a piece of html code that includes a URL to refer the visitor to a merchants's web site. Convert it into a Tiny URL and replace it in the Ad's html code. When clicked it works behind the scenes to gather stats and redirect visitors to your seller's landing page or web site. This allows you to track Ads by viewing statistics related to user clicks.
- Campaign Tracking:
- Convert referrer or affiliate URLs into tiny's and use on Ads, emails, hyperlinks and track their success.
- Action Tracking:
- Convert action links (form submissions, signups, opt-ins, survey or checkout completions) into tiny's so you know which entry pages attract the most visitors and which pages are converting them. Test ad variations, ad copy or search terms.
Use Tiny to track QR Code campaigns
Tiny can provide tracking stats and also generate free QR codes. How our QR-Codes work

A few of our satisfied users
I cannot believe that a FREE service ( has treated me with the level of customer care that I never see from our other vendors who are more than happy to take our money! TM, Allstate Insurance
So simple! Thank you very much for ALL your help! I have to say that you are one of the few companies who offer FREE services and you actually respond to my emailed questions AND in a timely manner. I GREATLY appreciate it! HP, Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool
We starting using for our in-app URLs and were extremely amazed to find the level of support from you guys. TechNyx Softlabs
Fantastic tool. The more I play with it, the more I like it! There is a lot under the surface here. Farley B

Shortcomings of URL Shorteners
- Expanded click reporting
- 99.99% network uptime
- Manage multiple users / Pro features