About Me + Contacts

My name is Sylverstone Khandr and I'm a multimedia artist who is the creator of my multimedia brand (Sylver's Edge), under which my body of work is distributed.

My work is a mix of various forms of media: digital art, video game design, creative writing, videography, interaction design, and alternative art.

I consider my creative process to be continually evolving as I learn more about different art forms beyond my scope.

My approach to art acts as an avenue for me to be honest with myself and to my audience, while also sharing my views on a variety of topics and themes that may be expressed and explored by my work.

I can be everywhere and anywhere on the Internet... so long as you know where to find me.

Sylverstone Khandr: The Portfolio
You're already here!

@Sylverstone14 on Twitter
Where I chat about the things happening around me as they happen. Perhaps my most active social media page!

Sylverstone Khandr on Ko-fi
My Ko-fi, where people can become patrons of my work (or do a one-time tip) by chipping in whatever money possible to get more out of what I do, which helps support me.

SYLVER.STREAM on Twitch.tv
My streaming channel where I broadcast video game content weekly! I also broadcast some of my work on occasion.

Sylverstone Khandr on ArtStation
Sylverstone Khandr on DeviantArt
Sylverstone Khandr on Pixiv
My digital art galleries, where I upload my digital art work!

Sylverstone Khandr on YouTube
My YouTube channel where I upload content (artwork, games, etc) or other videos in general.

Sylverstone Khandr on itch.io
My itch.io games gallery, where my video game content can be played.