United We Thrive, Divided We Die! The Choice That Will Make or Break Humanity: Uncomfortable Truth No one dare to tell you in 2023!
One Earth, One Chance dystopia by Dalle3, all the artwork in this article are selected from 100+ created here: http://tiny.cc/UnitedDalle3Flickr

United We Thrive, Divided We Die! The Choice That Will Make or Break Humanity: Uncomfortable Truth No one dare to tell you in 2023!

bWelcome to #FixTheWorld or #GiveUp newsletter no.35

Hi, I’m Gareth Wong

Let’s take a tea/coffe today, and read through this blog post, love to have your feedback and suggestions, corrections.

This is another somber week, I did not expect same theme of my last blog on nationalism, deepfakes & #TruthDecay would shift so quickly to a major geopolitical conflict with great human lost of lives that could now lead to potential nuclear conflict. Youtube shorts to this week's newsletter:

The tragic violence in Israel and Gaza should serve as an urgent wake-up call, we should all condemn all terrorists acts like those by ISIS/Hamas absolutely.

For beyond specific conflicts, humanity faces shared threats that endanger all of our futures. Climate change, pollution, disease, inequality and political instability cannot be resolved through further division.

Our real enemy might be climate change which has already arrived and WILL destroy our home, environment that sustain our lives (if Warheads don't destroy us first.):

#MustRead & Act great animation.. shocking!

On the contrary, these global crises demand increased compassion, cooperation and solidarity across all borders if we are to overcome them.

People united despite all faith, religions & race, as imagined by Dalle3

United we thrive:

Mrs Michal Froman’s tragic but inspiring spiritual story after her attack by a 16year’s kid whilst pregnant is inspiring, see her interview on NYTimes by Iris Zaki below:

Looking ahead, fostering unity and combating the instinct to define ourselves against some vilified "other" may be humanity's defining challenge.

We must proactively build bridges across lines of race, nationality, religion and more. This requires addressing root causes of prejudice such as economic insecurity and lack of inter-group contact.

Education systems should impart values of tolerance and critical thinking to counter xenophobic propaganda. Mainstream leaders must denounce bigotry decisively, while crafting inclusive narratives focused on shared aspirations rather than past divisions. Each of us also bears responsibility to call out dehumanizing rhetoric and act with compassion in our daily lives.

The obstacles are immense, but so is our human capacity for hope, creativity and empathy.

By recognizing that we face common threats, and share core needs and dreams, we find strength through solidarity. Now more than ever, we must choose the path of cooperation over conflict, wisdom over fear, and justice allied with love.

Hope this post play a small roll to spark ideas that FixTheWorld, help us and tell others: FixTheWorld.4good.space

United We Thrive, Divided We Die! One Earth, one chance as imagined by Dalle3

Full blog post below:

The heart wrenching violence in Israel and Gaza is yet another painful example of what hate can unleash. As scenes of destruction and anguish flooded global news, our shared humanity cried out for it to stop. Yet still the weapons spoke as the cycle of action and retribution continues.

This is not an isolated event, but part of a rising global pattern - one we ignore at our collective peril. Around the world, ethnic, religious and political tensions seem to be increasing. Anti-immigrant rallies, hate crimes, genocidal rhetoric, terrorist attacks, polarized politics - these dangerous undercurrents signal a growing crisis of division.

What ideology or mindset allows us to devalue lives different from our own? How can we prevent more atrocities rooted in tribalism? Now more than ever, we must reflect on the forces tearing our human family apart - and explore how we can mend our fractured world.

Dehumanisation and the 'Other' leads to end of our world. no one is sub-human Unity is our strength, as imagined by Dalle3

Dehumanisation and the 'Other'

Division begins when we stop seeing members of another group as fully human. Once people become the ambiguous "other," it gets easier to turn a blind eye to their suffering. Soldiers who would never harm a neighbor at home can justify unspeakable brutality against "the enemy."

This process of dehumanization has enabled violence throughout history. Extreme examples include the genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas, Australia and Africa by colonizing powers. Imperial Japan's merciless treatment of Chinese civilians during World War II also reflected utter contempt, with victims referred to derogatorily as chancorro, or "sub-human." (Gory records of Rape of Nanjing)

While those cases involved different ethnicities, religion can likewise be used to separate us vs. them. European wars between Catholics and Protestants routinely involved massacring civilians. The Holocaust took antisemitism to a tragic level never seen before. More recently, ISIS justified sexual slavery and slaughter of Yazidis as theologically sanctioned.

Sadly, no culture or faith tradition holds a monopoly on tolerance. In various contexts, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians have all persecuted those practicing a different religion.

No belief system inherently makes one group superior to another. It is still happening as we speak, shocking but true, a new documentary by Johnny Harris on what facebook algorithm did in Myanmar/previously Burma below:

Ray of light from Anocracy by Dalle3

Ray of light from an Anocracy

There is however a shining example of a gold standard for religious and racial harmony if you can accept their common accents.. and maybe it is also time to adopt a national/international military service for all (except migrant workers), singapore (despite some might argue it is an anocracy, i.e. running as a semi-democratic authoritarian state), has the most racial and religious harmony based on pew research:

Although even within seemingly homogeneous societies, we find reasons to divide. Rwanda's 1994 genocide pitted two ethnic groups - Hutu and Tutsi - against each other. The two groups share a common language, culture and history. Intermarriage was common. Yet colonial powers and corrupt leaders manufactured tribal divisions, ultimately leading to horrific bloodshed.

different races from the world by Dalle3

Race and Migration

Migration often represents another fault line. Across Europe and North America, backlash against immigrants and refugees has grown in recent years. Right-wing politicians cite threats to social cohesion and economic security to justify draconian policies aimed at keeping migrants out.

This hostility overlaps with racial resentment, especially opposition to non-European immigration. After the 2015 refugee crisis, countries like Hungary and Poland resisted EU quotas for resettlement, with leaders expressing preferences for Christian refugees. Post-Brexit UK likewise stripped rights of mobile EU citizens while restricting non-European immigrants.

Fear of demographic change, cultural dilution and competition for resources spurs much of this nativist reaction. Racial and ethnic stereotypes help justify mistreating the 'invading other.' Again, humanity divides along imaginary lines - disregarding our universal rights and aspirations.

Within multicultural democracies, migration has long served as convenient scapegoat for economic and social problems. Donald Trump's allegations that Mexicans are "criminals" and "rapists" brought him to power after the 2008 financial crisis left millions struggling.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further amplified anti-Asian racism and migrant phobia. Chinese and Southeast Asians faced verbal and physical assaults as the virus spread globally early 2020. By mid-year, former President Trump was blaming Mexico and China while barring entry for migrants and travelers from both nations.

It is ONLY about me populist politician by Dalle3

Populist Propaganda

Sadly, many leaders actively cultivate such prejudices for political gain through "otherizing" propaganda. Branding subgroups as national threats ready-made for scapegoating. This strategy allows autocratic populists like Trump, Modi and Bolsonaro to consolidate power.

The formula is disturbingly routine: First, target a vulnerable minority and convince the public it threatens their values, security and livelihoods. Then attack individual liberty and institutional checks on executive authority in the name of vanquishing that enemy within. Soon democratic freedoms erode amid a toxic mix of nativism, majoritarian-nationalism and strongman rule.

Whipping up xenophobia is the populist gateway drug. Control over state media lets demagogues promote disinformation, sensationalize anecdotes and peddle crude stereotypes that breed contempt. Think Fox News' immigrant "caravan" hysteria in 2018, which spurred Trump's base while vilifying asylum seekers.

Gender and sexual minorities are another common populist punching bag. Authoritarians often depict feminists and LGBTQ groups as foreign agents of moral corruption undermining traditional values. Putin's regime bans disseminating "gay propaganda" in a country where anti-LGBTQ violence is surging.

Religious minorities also face scapegoating, even in constitutionally secular states. Under Modi's Hindu nationalist government, India has seen attacks on Christians, Muslims and Sikhs, along with efforts to strip citizenship from Muslim migrants. great article below by Doug Bandow

But the autocrat's ultimate target isn't the demonized minority - it's democracy itself. Stoking division both distracts from authoritarian encroachment and justifies expanded repression. Trump's Muslim ban and child separation policy at the border exemplify how demonizing foreigners facilitates human rights abuses.

Erdogan likewise leveraged public fear after the 2016 Turkish coup attempt to implement mass purges and arrests. Orban cites the Muslim migrant threat to Hungary as rationale for restricting press and judicial independence, tampering with elections, and forcing out George Soros' pro-democracy foundation.

The end game is unchecked power via what scholars call "constitutional capture." First, crowds chanting populist slogans provide cover to dismantle institutional constraints on executive power. Then party loyalists are installed to undermine checks and balances. Soon an illiberal regime gains control over election rules, courts, security forces, media and more.

Special Symposium–Part 2 of 7: Constitutional Capture in Israel , —Gila Stopler, College of Law and Business, Israel 21Aug17

Electoral autocracy follows, maintaining a hollow semblance of democracy. However, civil liberties are curtailed and opponents sidelined. The will of the "real people" as interpreted by the leader reigns supreme. Pluralism dies amid the toxic fiction that the despot embodies the virtuous homogeneous nation, while dissenters are dangerous others betraying it.

Violence due to dehumanisation by Dalle3

The Violence Connection

There is also strong linkage between rhetorical dehumanisation and real violence against vilified groups. Leaders' inflammatory words often correlate with hate crimes. For example, anti-Muslim hate crimes in the U.S. surged after Trump's 2015 campaign launch and his calls for a Muslim ban and Muslim registry. Anti-asian hate crime spiked after the sentiment of 'Chinavirus' of soon to be jailed ex president.

Bigoted incitement also enables more organized atrocities. The stereotypes and accusations spread by populist regimes - or non-state extremist groups - lay groundwork for justifying larger-scale attacks.

This violent endpoint results when dehumanizing propaganda goes mainstream. Media outlets controlled by autocratic regimes and extremist groups play a major role in disseminating radicalizing narratives. Cost of war:

In the early days of the Rwandan genocide, state-owned RTLM radio urged Hutu militias to ensure "no Tutsis survive." ISIS has used glossy online magazines and social media viral videos to recruit youth vulnerable to its apocalyptic ideology promoting religious war against unbelievers.

Words matter. Dehumanizing language and imagery have consequences. Leaders and media outlets that systematically demonize vulnerable groups should recognize the blood on their hands.

Hope & bridges can be built, to FixTheWorld by Dalle3 in style of Gustav Klimt

Paths Forward

How do we counter these dangerous trends exacerbating division and hate? If you have read this far, you are almost half way there! (If you internalise, think through, you are half way there already!)

The stakes are high, as tribalism, xenophobia and autocracy will only spawn more violence and suffering if left unchecked.

Promoting global human rights norms is crucial - they affirm moral principles we all share by virtue of our common humanity.

Governments must respect diversity and protect minorities as enshrined under treaty obligations. Media outlets need to report responsibly, challenging stereotypes with nuanced, compassionate narratives.


On an interpersonal level, getting to know others different from ourselves has transformative power. We must seek out experiences that build empathy and remind us of our shared struggles and dreams.

Easy Action: host or join meals with people you don't know/identify with (yet)? reach out and invite others?


Policy-wise, fostering pluralism and strong civil society helps integration. Social services, public spaces and policies benefiting marginalized groups promote inclusive national identities not fixated on ethnicity or creed. A sense of belonging matters, especially for immigrant and minority populations.

Action: most agencies sadly been mis-formed? Can this be fixed? if done properly would we have Opiods crisis or Madoff or even SBF?


Education systems should impart values of tolerance, acceptance and critical thinking. Lessons on past atrocities and dehumanization are essential. Media literacy helps students detect disinformation and prejudice. Holistic curriculums centred on universal ethics can inoculate youth against radical ideologies.

Action: minimum media literacy and read my last post on nationalism and fake news, #TruthDecay. and check out biases of media like GroundNews or Allsides.


Technology platforms must curb algorithmic radicalization steering users into extremist echo chambers. Recommendation AI optimized for "engagement" has fueled conspiracy theories, inflammatory content and calls for violence. Systems promoting diverse connections and flagging hate speech will be vital.

Action: Let's talk, most platform does not fix news, social media etc. Ping me a message!


Mainstream politicians need to pivot decisively away from populism's toxic playbook. Responsible leaders speak inclusively about shared future hopes rather than past grievances. They avoid scapegoating and explain complex policy tradeoffs. Stronger campaign finance laws could reduce influence of xenophobic fringe groups.

Coalition building also matters greatly. Minority groups and civil society organizations should unite against repression and bigotry impacting any vulnerable subgroup. Only cross-cutting solidarity can block autocrats' divide-and-conquer tactics.

Action: get involved, sadly we are only given a limited choice of 'career politicians' that would do what their donor might want!? Can this be fixed?

great insightful video by Leeja Miller on maybe it is already lost in US:

Control Risks:

Preventing atrocities ultimately requires addressing risk factors early. Reducing economic inequality, strengthening institutions and boosting social cohesion all help counter drivers of radicalization. Hate crimes and dehumanizing rhetoric should be confronted before they become normalized.

Each of us must also speak out in our daily lives against the casual bigotry and stereotyping that divides humanity. With courage and compassion, we can isolate voices of prejudice and normalize respect across lines of ethnicity, faith, nationality and more.

Dark confusion to brightness (enlightenment?) by Dalle3

Dark to brightness:

Dark episodes will surely continue arising periodically, fueled by tribalism and fear of the other. But humanity has confronted this sickness of the spirit before and found healing through moral leadership rooted in our shared bonds and equal worth. In oppressive interludes, the embers of hope and unity must be kept burning to light the way forward after violence subsides.

For lasting change, societies must look inward to identify how similar dynamics may exist domestically. Western Europeans and white Americans, for example, should reflect on how ingrained prejudices may unconsciously devalue African or Indigenous lives. Or how jingoism justifies militarism abroad.

We are all vulnerable to the temptations of tribal thinking. By acknowledging our shared flaws and frailties, we can build solidarity across seemingly disparate groups. Only then can nations truly move towards justice and inclusive communities that nurture all citizens.

The obstacles are immense, but the vision of an open and tolerant global society must persist - even in the face of leaders and groups violently negating that uplifting dream. For it remains humanity's best hope for overcoming the hatred currently jeopardizing our collective future.

May we all find the courage to build bridges where there are walls, see light in the darkness, and love in the face of hate.

The hour is late, but our destiny remains unwritten. The choice is ours.

Simple actions that can unite and fix the world as imagined by Dalle3

Concrete Actions:

1) Global national service across all nation, or "Good brother" camp, to empower people to find common grounds (now given faith & religions are mostly lost to our youths) is this even possible? maybe some unknown non fame touting, anti-Bear Grylls and big corporate sponsors can get together?

2) Musical competitions that each team must be formed across culture, region & racial diversity, vs those that homogenous, and find the best song, dance stories that unite rather than divide us, using conventional or AI technologies, I call it AIArtiste.org

3) Hackathon that create new "Good-network" that authentic people's true identity, and use that as plugin to all social networks so they are responsible and transparent with what they posts so they cannot hide behind anonymous handles, sunlight kill bad germs?

WE do have some people that shares similar thoughts like Ben Sheehan :

References (mostly via links within the article) and some more notable ones here:

How Do Civil Wars Happen? UC San Diego Professor Barbara F. Walter, a leading expert on civil wars, political violence and terrorism, poses crucial questions in a time of national unrest 3Jan2022

In Singapore, religious diversity and tolerance go hand in hand, 6Oct2023

Hindu nationalists now pose a global problem The recent UK violence should serve as a wake-up call. Hindu nationalism is no longer a worry just in India. Somdeep Sen Somdeep Sen Associate Professor of International Development Studies at Roskilde University 26Sep22

Special Symposium–Part 2 of 7: Constitutional Capture in Israel , —Gila Stopler, College of Law and Business, Israel 21Aug17

Howard Zinn on War, Book 2011

Fog of war, human and monetary costs for United States on Watson’s institute

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