Spring Break Mission Trip 2023

San Antonio, March 11-15

Shortcut: tiny.cc/sbmt

Register: http://tiny.cc/sbmt-reg

Pay: https://mkt.com/utabsm or Venmo | utabsm

The Trip 

Join the UTA BSM for a 5 day/4 night missions experience in San Antonio, Texas. We’ll work hard and have fun! Join one of 5 mission teams that will engage in meaningful ministry projects during the day. Then, in the evenings we’ll enjoy fun social activities together!  Trip departs from UTA BSM on Saturday at 10am and return on Wednesday evening by 10pm. 

Work Projects


$120 covers most food, housing, transportation, insurance, supplies, and lots of fun.   Pay by Wednesday, March 8. Make checks payable to “BSM”.  (International student rate: $60.) Pay online at mkt.com/utabsm or Venmo utabsm

Packing List: What to bring


We are carpooling and need drivers! BSM will reimburse your fuel costs. After the trip, we will calculate an estimated fuel cost and issue you a check. If you like, you can keep your receipts and, if you spent more, we’ll reimburse the difference. Please start the trip with a full tank, and only report subsequent receipts. You must have a valid driver’s license, auto insurance, agree to drive safely, obey traffic laws, assume liability for accidents. You commit to have your car and passengers WHERE and WHEN the schedule says to be there. 

YOU WILL BE CONTACTED IF YOU ARE DRIVING. If you are not contacted by BSM staff, we don't need you to drive and won't reimburse your fuel if you do. 


We are thanking God for a sharp reduction in covid cases in the weeks leading up to SBMT. However, covid is still a reality. Therefore, we're asking every participant in SBMT to frequently self monitor for symptoms including sore throat, headache, and fever. (BSM will have a touchless digital thermometer at every mealtime.) If you suspect you've been exposed to covid, please obtain a negative test before departure. If you experience symptoms during the trip, inform staff immediately and we will provide a rapid test to confirm.