
Asurnage's bots


Meet Octonage, my ultimate bot. I put most of my time into this bot, whether it's perfecting it or adding a new command. Octonage can help with moderation, socialization, leveling, and fun! Commands such as the 8ball or the pfp can lead your server to be the most active it can be! But the members better watch out, Octonage plays fun safely! Get strapped in with auto mod, or warn the member yourself!

Octonage is a really useful bot in the whole thing!


Ultralex is a bot made by BrXdyTheDuck#9394 and I, and it is still starting out but when it is completely finished, it will be an ultra bot!


Asurbot was my first bot when I got into the business of making bots, and has turned out great! Still working on some flukes but has a nice leveling system, and works out amazing!


Justic3 is my official moderation bot, with all the commands and message watching. Recording mod-logs to warning members, Justic3 is your go-to when it comes to moderation!

A lot more bots coming soon...

Submit your bot ideas here; https://forms.gle/NS43Fz5xrhrMro1x5

Created By
Asurnage YT


Head art created by Asurnage (Me) Bot logos found on internet