
尪公仔圖 | ang-kong-á-tôo 🇲🇾

Gōo-ki jiá-lí-kiánn, gīm-tiáu tsi̍t-tsâng tshat-sek-pit, uā ang-kong-á-tôo.
“Five little fingers, holding on to a colour pencil, doodled cartoon.”

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Based in Penang, Malaysia

A-Bôi is a self-taught illustrator,
who enjoys doodling kawaii characters and objects.
A-Bôi 是一个 家己亂學亂畫兮 畫家,
舒合畫 趣味兮 尫公仔圖。


90's Penangite. Malaysian. Diversity and Inclusion.
玖零後庇能囝 |馬來西亞人|多元佮包容

尪 . 公 . 仔 . 圖

Angkongatoo means cartoon or comic in
Northern Malaysia / Penang Hokkien Language.

Join A-Bôi and friends through their slice-of-life!
歡迎大家 來綴看覓 A-Bôi 佮朋友 兮日常!

骹 . 跡


2020 Sep 『開始』
Launching of @angkongtoo on Instagram - comics and illustrations in Penang Hokkien using standard Hanji (Han characters) and Lomaji (standard romanisation).

2021 Jan 『黏公仔圖/貼圖:新兮一年,新兮開始』
Digital stickers series, themed “New Year, Fresh Start”.
Free DLC for WhatsApp and Telegram users.

2021 Aug 『十二生相』
Promotional Cartoon Characters Design in collaboration with Penang Hokkien Class and Penang Hokkien Podcast to support local storyteller, Kim Sir’s “Twelve Chinese Zodiac” short story series (in Penang Hokkien) for children.


Pī-néeng Hok-kiàn-uā
庇 . 能 . 福 . 建 . 話

Want to know a little bit about Penang Hokkien?
Click on the button below:
想欲較了解 庇能福建話?請揤下底兮鈕仔:

Pī-néeng Hok-kiàn-uā
庇 . 能 . 福 . 建 . 話

Penang Hokkien

Same same but different.

Penang Hokkien is a dialect of the Hokkien (Southern Min / Minnan) language, which mainly inherited the Zhangzhou-accent with influence from Quanzhou-accent and Amoy-accent. Centuries after branching out from mainland China, significant amount of vocabularies from Malay, English, Teochew, Cantonese, and Thai were also absorbed, modified, and widely used (now inseparable) in Penang Hokkien. In fact, this unique mosaic-liked feature should make us proud of our own variant of Hokkien!

庇能(檳城)福建話 是 一種福建閩南語佇長山域外兮方言,以漳州腔為主、泉州廈門腔為輔。幾偌百年來,伊佇南洋接受了無像款兮外來詞匯(有 馬來話、紅毛話 / 英語、潮州話、廣府話、暹話),慢慢徦發展出今仔日兮 庇能福建話。其實,我儂應該對我儂這種特別、多元 佮
有包容性 兮 庇能福建話 感覺著誠芒茭!


Despite differences in accents and some vocabularies, Hokkien dialects (be it Penang Hokkien, Southern Malaysia / Singapore Hokkien, Philippines Hokkien, or Taiwanese Taigi) are still ultimately originated from the same root: the Hokkien (Minnan) language.

雖然講 無像所在兮福建話(無管是 庇能福建話、南馬 / 新加坡福建話、菲律賓咱儂話、猶是 台語),講話有無像款兮腔、用無像兮字眼,逐比講到底,攏總僨是源自於福建閩南語系。

gú-giân thè-uānn
語 . 言 . 替 . 換

Language Shift

Yes, language-shift is happening.

Penang Hokkien is one of the lingua francas in the Penang conurbation, especially among the Peranakan (Baba Nyonya) and Chinese communities of different ancestral origins, alongside with other languages like Bahasa Tanjung (one of the Northern Malay dialects), Tamil, and English.

庇能福建話 是一種 峇峇娘惹 佮 無像祖公兮唐人 平平佇庇能用牢兮語言,佮 北馬馬來語、淡米爾語、英語 像款,攏是 庇能區 常見兮 通用語言。


This common language haplessly underwent a series of (official and unofficial) oppressions over the past decades. Since then, it is significantly being replaced by other dominant languages, and it is slowly disappearing…


Hàn-jī + Lô-má-jī
漢 字 + 羅 馬 字

Han Characters + Romanisation System

Adopting a resourceful and widely-used system among the global Hokkien communities.

A-Bôi is trying to contribute his humble effort to preserve this disappearing local language by normalizing the use of an effective Hokkien writing system to caption his art.

A-Bôi 是希望家己會出一分力,用一種較有效兮福建文系統去紀錄伊圖文內面所愛寫兮物件。


Adopting a resourceful and widely-used system would be a good way going forward. Besides to more accurately document / preserve our lingual-heritage, it can also effectively foster communication among global Hokkien communities despite difference in accents and nationalities.

選用一種 第一濟資料 佮 第一濟人用 兮系統,
除了會使用來較標準兮紀錄 / 保留我儂兮語言文化,像一種系統 僨會使方便世界各地 無像腔、無像國家兮 福建話使用者 較有效兮去交流。


The team behind @penanghokkienclass and @penanghokkien has done a great job with tremendous efforts in researches to capture traditional and localized vocabularies for Northern Malaysia / Penang-centric Hokkien by expanding with slight modifications from the proposed recommendations (Hàn-jī and Tâi-lô) by Taiwanese Ministry of Education.

@penanghokkienclass 佮 @penanghokkien
用台灣教育部建議兮 漢字佮台羅 系統做基礎,
抾出一套包括 北馬 / 庇能福建話 本土特別詞彙兮
漢字 佮 羅馬字。

If you'd like to show your support,
buy A-Bôi a cup of coffee! Thank you!
若準汝想欲支持 A-Bôi 佇做牢兮物件,
請 A-Bôi 啉一甌㗝呸!感謝!

If you happen to have any comments, ideas, inquiries for commissions or collaborations, do let A-Bôi know!
讀者若有看法、意見、委託猶是合作,歡迎聯絡 A-Bôi!