Submit a Track/Album
Submit your track, EP, album, etc., to the StormwavZ YouTube channel with this form. Alternatively, you can likely get a quicker response if you message me on Discord: Storm#4567. You may only submit your own works which you have full permission to share with me. If the submitted content is signed by a label, ensure that I have permission from the label to promote your content. By submitting this form, you agree to let me promote the provided content on YouTube, and confirm that I have the rights to do so. I do not monetize my videos; as a result, you may claim my videos that promote your work to receive any possible ad revenue. Contact me at if you prefer communicating via email. Thank you for sharing your music with me, and I will respond as soon as I can!
Stage Name/Alias *
Email *
Discord Username
E.g. Storm#4567
Social Media Links *
Website, SoundCloud, Twitter, etc.
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