State Happenings
by Carolyn Meyer, Outreach Coordinator
HLAA, like many other organizations, is struggling to keep its members supported as well as informed. Virtual meetings have become a part of our lives. In late October, with the initiative of Mike Miles, Southeastern PA Chapter Coordinator, five chapters joined in one Zoom meeting with a guest speaker, Chris Doig. Approximately 40 participants signed on to hear Chris, a member of the MontCo chapter and N-CHATT trained leader, speak about the latest in assistive listening devices. Chris gave an excellent presentation. Participants were invited to share experiences and ask questions. Using this protocol, separate chapters do not have to provide separate programs for their members. Surely other chapter members could join these meetings by contacting chapter leaders and providing their contact information to receive the link and future meeting dates. Captioning was provided. Many used Otter and other apps on their smart phones if they preferred. We are always looking for a chapter leader to step up to organize this so please contact Mike Miles for information . The All Generations chapter has had a Zoom Game Night as their virtual meeting. Lots of creativity here to be explored.
The Joe Meyer Memorial Grant was established by HLAA-PA to assist Pennsylvania residents with hearing loss for one or more of the following purposes:
- To purchase hearing assistive technology, including hearing aids
- To participate in educational programs on coping with hearing loss for personal benefit and/or to help others
- To attend a college or technical institute
One grant will be available per year. The HLAA-PA Advisory Council’s Joe Meyer Memorial Grant Committee will select the qualifying applicant. Applicants may be of any age and must meet the following requirements:
- Be a Pennsylvania resident
- Have a documented hearing loss (provide documentation)
- Use residual hearing (can utilize hearing aids and/or cochlear implants) to communicate
- Indicate how the funds will be spent and provide a receipt for the purchase or evidence of college/technical institute enrollment
Grant amount: The recipient will be awarded up to $500.
If you are an interested candidate or know someone who may be qualified, please pass along this information. Here is the link to the application form if you wish to print it out.
docx format pdf format
*Please note that this year the grant can also be applied to hearing aid purchases.
We are appreciative of a $2,000.00 grant awarded to our state organization. The grant can be used for captioning of our joint virtual meetings as well as to help cover expenses for our state website. Captioning is essential for many members to receive benefit and support from our online experiences. We are thrilled to have this support during the pandemic to help us achieve the goals of our mission.