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War Snipers 2.4 Info
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War Snipers 2.4

General Information

War Snipers 2.4 is a Farm War Alliance (FWA) clan, part of a War Snipers group of clans. We do farm wars for plenty of loot, stars and XP. We are also aimed at farming and always fully completing all clan games, as well as doing great in clan capital, where we are currently Capital level 10.

Leader: mbehtiop

Co-Leaders: Thxbault*, Black Panter, Skuba, King Franks, Genius N.A

Clan Tag: #9P290VUJ - search it in game or click this link 

Join us in Discord here

Check our activity sheet here (for members only)

Message mbehtiop through our Discord server (direct link in #clans channel under our clan profile).

War Snipers 2.4

General Information

Clan Rules

Entry Requirements

Membership Criteria

Strike System

Season Strikes

Elder Promotion Criteria

Elder Demotion Criteria

FWA Attack Methods

Clan games

Mismatch Rules

Clan War Leagues (CWL)

War Base Setup

Clan Capital

Clan Rules

Entry Requirements

To join War Snipers 2.4 you must:

Membership Criteria

Every member must get a league shield as soon as possible in the new season(at the latest by the end of the first week of the season). This is to avoid showing inactivity by lack of badges, and to also incentivize those to attack.


Donations and requests (D/R for short) wise, these are the minimums, they are based on your Town Hall level, and are the same every season (it doesn’t change if the season is 28 or 35 days long), you must reach both of these:

Town Hall Level

Troops donated

Troops received
















Note: Anyone can get unexpectedly busy for a period of time due to various reasons. In that case, upon notifying leadership, you can be excused from reaching minimum D/R for a season.

  1. You must be active in our Discord server, which means at least checking announcements, our clan specific channels, and responding to @ mentions within a reasonable timeframe.
  2. Minimums are rounded to 0% or 50% of the full minimums for new members that join us in the middle of the season. It depends on how far into the season they join us. This is only valid for that first season, then those must meet full minimums the same as everyone else.

CURRENTLY SUSPENDED: There is a mid-season D/R check that occurs 2 weeks (14 days) before the end of the season. Basically to keep consistent activity throughout the whole season.. The minimum for it is half of the full end of season minimum. Failing to reach that means the same season strikes as at the end of the season.


Strike System

Whenever a member of the clan does something wrong, a strike will be scored next to their name.

To view strikes made against you or your clan mates, visit:

2.4 Activity Sheet

Strike values:

Special case for 3* (starring) mirror in LOSING war. For doing that you will:

  • Get 1.5 season strikes,
  • Be forced to 1* #50 with 2nd attack for 2 wars. (not doing so will result in a kick)

0.5 strike:

  • 2 starring mirror in a winning war(with effort)1
  • 1 starring mirror in a losing war
  • Not attacking the mirror with your first attack.

1 strike:

  • 1 or 2 starring mirror in a winning war(without effort)1.
  • 0 starring mirror in war (war base).
  • Not attacking any leftover base, when your mirror was cleaned up in the cleanup time at the end of the war, or attacking top bases for loot instead of redoing your mirror with no bases left.

1.5 strikes:

  • Disobeying any of the Clan Rules.
  • Not attacking the mirror base in war or missing the war entirely.
  • 2 staring #1 (2 staring #2 for our #1) before our #1 attacks it, in any FWA war
  • 0 starring mirror in war(FWA base).
  • Not having a FWA qualified base when battle day starts(if it's close to FWA qualified base).
  • Doing cleanup attacks before cleanup time starts at the end of war day.
  • Using 0 attacks in the weekend capital raids.

2 strikes:

  • Attacking the wrong target in war.
  • Not reaching minimum required points in the clan games ( see Clan Games ) - gives season strikes.
  • Using 1, 2, 3, 4  or 5 attacks in the weekend capital raids.

3 strikes:

  • Not having a FWA qualified base when battle day starts(if it is a real war base).
  • Failing to reach membership criteria at the end of the season if below 80% of it 2.
  • Causing drama, spamming etc in chat, really bad behaviour in short.

Upon reaching 3+ strikes, you WILL be kicked (Elders will instead be demoted, with one strike removed. See elder demotion criteria for more information). You have been warned. Note: Leaders have the right to kick anyone on the spot within good reason.

Strikes decay (are removed) by 0.5 every clean 4 days (e.g. A member gets 1 strike in the current war, then in the next two wars, he did nothing wrong. That brings him down by 0.5. Super simple stuff.)

1 - If you haven't used your other attack, these strikes can be cleared if you attack any not attacked/1/2-starred base for the 2/3-stars (depending on win or loss).

2 - These strikes last a full month, and will not decay. Next season, criteria must be fully met or they will NOT be removed.

Season Strikes

Season strikes last, unlike regular strikes, for a full month, regardless if a player does clean ups in wars. They are given for:

  • Not reaching minimum donations/requests (ranges from 0.5 up to an instant kick depending on reached numbers).
  • 3 starring the mirror base in losing wars (1.5 season strikes).
  • Not reaching minimum clan games points in clan games (2 season strikes).
  • Not having a league shield by the end of the 1st week into a new season (1 season strike).

Elder Promotion Criteria

Troops donated

Troops received

Minimum required



Elder status is completely optional, if you reach these requirements, you will be promoted at the end of the season(if the leadership agrees on it), provided you additionally also meet these requirements:

To keep the elder status, you need to reach the same requirements as members do(listed above in the Membership Criteria section). Also note that you must check Discord regularly, not ignore it. The point of it is to be reachable there in private messages, not just in game clan mails.

Elder abilities and responsibilities:

Elder Demotion Criteria

An elder is demoted back to the member rank, and gets 1 strike removed (which the elders get as a perk) upon one of the following criteria:

FWA Attack Methods

If we are winning the war, you must:

If we are losing the war, you must:


You must always scout your mirror before attacking! Bases don't show during preparation day any more, so we can't know if they're correct or not. Not scouting and then 0 starring (0 *) it, if it's not a correct base is considered your fault, resulting in a strike( 0.5 or 1).

If your mirror has been attacked already, you are supposed to attack another base that wasn't attacked yet. If there is no base left then you may attack your mirror again and 1* the number 1.

If your mirror has a base that cannot be 3-starred (FWA base with errors or real war base), you only need to 2 star (2 *) it (or 1 star (1 *) if it's a real war base) regardless of lotto results.

If you're our #1 or #2, please attack your mirror for 2/3-stars (depending on win or loss) even though it may have been attacked already.

If you wish to get strikes reduced or more stars, the last 6 hours of war are clean up, meaning any base that wasn't attacked yet, can be attacked by anyone. Just don’t 3 star(*) it if we're losing. The same goes for so called “free bases”, which are bases available to be taken by anyone, at any time during the war day. They are announced in clan mails during preparation day.

Clan games

Minimum is set to 75% of the last reward tier divided by 50 (members), which would be 1000 per player in games with 50k points for the last tier, but is reduced to 75% of that amount (reason is because we have more than enough active player that we can keep it at 75% for the minimum). Short calculation of this is: (Last reward tier amount) / 50 * 0.75. For example:

Failing to reach the minimum will result in 2 season lasting strikes(until the end of next clan games, a month later).

Anyone reaching at least 80%, of the maximum player points, will have 1 strike removed (if they have any). For example: If a player can reach at most 4000 points, then anyone reaching 3200 or more will get 1 strike removed.

Mismatch Rules

In case of a mismatch war, or a blacklisted war, rules become different. We do a real war in that case, here are the instructions:

Clan War Leagues (CWL)

We do CWLs in 2-3 separate clans, to keep the FWA wars going alongside CWL. We do CWLs of size 15 or 30 there.

1-2 weeks before CWL sign ups start, a poll is posted in our clan’s Discord announcement channel. A poll in Discord is used for ease of use as well as only getting those for CWL that check Discord regularly. It states whether you wish to join the CWL or not, this is done by clicking on the reactions (✅ for “YES” and ❌ for “NO”). Once a poll is closed (mentioned in the poll itself, basically responses after the poll end time are ignored), participants are selected.

Conditions that will always exclude you from participating in the CWL are:

Note: Missing any attacks in CWL, or in FWA war, during the CWL automatically means you cannot obtain the bonus CWL medals even if you’re an elder or a co-leader. Same goes for missing FWA searches (by not being in the main clan when needed).

Those selected will be given a CWL role with access to a separate chat channel, where all CWL related communication will be done. That is also where the CWL search time will be posted to, with a countdown timer, to make it clear for everyone, regardless of timezones. If someone is not in the CWL clan by that deadline, CWL search will be started without them.

We create either a new clan, or use old clans as needed, to get the best possible placement by weight. This currently means Crystal 1 - Masters 2 leagues for all lower TH levels, and Masters 1 for all TH16 (always in a new clan in order to get this league). Opponents are usually of a higher TH level than you, especially if you’re a lower TH level, so expect to have to get stars against a TH that is a few levels higher!

To get full CWL medals from the game mechanics, you must score a minimum of 8 stars in total from all 7 war days. You can simply always aim for a safe 1*, and do just one 2* when your target is easier, e.g. not of a higher level or when the town hall is somewhat exposed. That is up to your own consideration.

After the search is started, everyone has to return to our main clan. CWL participants will then be tagged daily in the Discord CWL channel, when each CWL day begins, along with a time window of when they can go over to attack (never when FWA war is about to end or we are not in any war in the main clan at all). That is done for each CWL day, every CWL participant goes over to attack in CWL war and then immediately returns to our main clan again. We keep FWA base as the active war base at all times. You must also always attack your mirror target base in CWL wars, unless you are told otherwise.

Once the final 7th CWL day is over, bonuses are distributed to elders and co-leaders (excludes those that missed a CWL or FWA attack, missed the FWA war search, or made some other mistake) according to the history of bonuses, to get everyone to have the same ratio of bonuses given vs CWLs participated. Note: nobody receives a bonus until they have done at least 4 CWLs in our clan, due to the rarity of bonuses (only 2-3 per CWL clan but we normally share CWL clans with another War Snipers clan). Only elders+ can get CWL bonuses. This ensures it’s fair to everyone and those not being active or making mistakes are not rewarded. All CWL participations, bonuses given etc are logged by leadership into our clan’s spreadsheets, for keeping track of the criterias for bonuses.

Note about D/R: If you participate in CWL, then you are expected to reach full D/R just like everyone else has to. Otherwise it shows you have problems with activity due to participating in CWL, which means you cannot participate in the next CWL in such a case. All achieved D/R in the main clan is logged with a bot, so by joining CWL clans you will not lose your D/R numbers.

War Base Setup

Set up your FWA war base exactly as it is shown on the according Town Hall level links below:

Or you can just use these base links to copy bases directly into your account! Just make sure to copy into the war bases and set it to active afterwards.

Unable to do so when in a FWA war will result in a kick. You have been warned.

Clan Capital

We are also active in and contribute to our clan capital. This means we do all of the weekend raids and contribute to the progress of our capital.


Note, to know what is being upgraded, check the clan activity sheets (here), there is a “Capital Plan” sheet there that lists the current upgrades in order and some other notes. Otherwise, just ask when you are not certain what to upgrade. That is always better than randomly contributing capital gold.

A general reminder to collect your daily free capital gold at the forge, and then contribute it to our capital upgrades. However, note that nobody will be forced to use his builders and resources in the forge to craft more capital gold! You are of course welcome to do so when you have an excess of resources, e.g. if you are maxed out and have no other way for spending resources. While we all actively participate and contribute to our clan capital improvements, it should not be a hindrance to personal progress of each member. This is the reason why we will never force anyone to craft in the forge. As for where to donate, check the builders list in the Capital overview screen, and look for any upgrades with a green banner next to them, because green banner means that is a prioritized upgrade (set by leadership). Do not donate it randomly, rather ask if you aren’t sure and we will direct you.

The most important thing is the weekend raids, where the goal is for everyone to pitch in their effort and participate in the raids. Because the attacks in the capital raids do not consume any resources for the army training, nor take any time to train an army, this means doing raid attacks is not hindering anyone’s personal progress. Thus the decision has been made to set a minimum of attacks everyone should do in each weekend raid. The minimum number of required attacks to use in each capital weekend raid is 6 attacks. This is done with the bonus 6th attack (that everyone should normally obtain by 100% a base once in the weekend raid). Strikes for failing to achieve that to help the clan and contribute your fair share of effort by doing at least this number of attacks are explained directly below. Remember, if you need help with strategy feel free to ask in game for advice or try attacking our own districts via practice,  or in our Discord for help.

Important note: In order to ensure highest medals for everyone, and most raided gold and thus our clan capital progress, the last 12 hours of the raids weekend are cleanup time, free-for-all in the sense of any unclaimed spots left can be taken by alts of anyone in the clan (that still need to inform us in advance if it is an unknown alt, so we know to accept). Alts shall do all their raid attacks as quickly as they can, donate raided capital gold, and then leave the clan again. In order to not miss out on your capital raid spot, at the very least you must do your first raid attack before the clean up phase begins! Failing to do so will not excuse you from the strikes explained below.

Strikes for not using the minimum 5  attacks in the capital weekend raid:

The raiding plan

In order to have simpler attacking in the capital raids and keep the momentum going smoothly, some rules have been added:

  1. So, first check if that person has already spent all 6 of their attacks. If that is true, then go ahead freely with attacking it.
  2. Otherwise, check if the person is online, if the chat says that there are 1/49 online (important part being 1, because the total members number can vary), then you know you are the only person online.
  3. If that is not the case, continue verifying by asking in the in-game chat what’s their situation.
  4. If they do not reply for 5 minutes, then you may go attack it.

Also, to prove you've read these rules and information completely, say 'War Snipers 2.4 are the best!' in the in-game chat, Discord chat or directly to the person from leadership who recruited you..

If you have any questions about these rules, or need help understanding, feel free to directly contact me through Discord ( I am directly linked in #clans channel under War Snipers 2.4  section) or ask in our Discord chat (#ws24-chat).