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More Sales Success in 2013 – part 3, its going to take WORK

I know work is a four letter word!

We all wish that there were a way to NOT have to do work! Get paid for doing less – or in my personal dream world, be paid for taking naps. As you continue to work on achieving more sales success in 2013 here are three important things to remember.

Every day – do something that moves you closer

These daily ‘somethings’ don’t have to be monumental.

Instead begin to look at the daily activity you already are doing and quickly evaluate if it is helping you move toward your vision of sales success. CONGRATULATIONS! I bet there was more than you thought.

Now for the next piece – anything that doesn’t help you move closer… why are you doing it? For most of my coaching clients where we did this exercise, there are things that were put into the day that helped achieve some previous goal and now are STUFF taking up time. No one expects you to do them, so stop!

I’d guess you can find an hour of time to add to your day eliminating things you don’t need to do,  why not spend it doing something that moves you closer to sales success!

Push yourself to work harder

HEY, I saw you roll your eyes at me! You think you’re already working hard. I’m not saying that you aren’t, I’m saying there is probably more effort you can put in to your own success.

When I was a manager, I use to explain to my team that I assumed they screwed around for 2 hours a day – therefore I was expecting 100% for the other 6 hours. How much time do you spend: chatting, getting another cup of coffee… getting rid of the last cup of coffee, staring at your monitor deciding who to call next, pretending to do research but really surfing the web, etc…

If you WORK, I mean really put in 30 minutes MORE of true effort each day that is 15 more SELLING DAYS a year (30 min x 5 days x 48 weeks… I gave you 4 weeks vacation = 7200 min/60 min in an hour/8 hr work day = 15 DAYS)

Make sure you’re working smarter

The last piece about work and effort is DO THE RIGHT THINGS! If you read the blog regularly you’ve seen this before, my Taijiquan instructor always says “Practice doesn’t make perfect – it makes permanent. Perfect practice makes perfect.”

Make sure the hard work and effort you’re putting in is what needs to be done to help you move forward toward success. PLUS that you’re ‘doing it right’ every time.

<more on this topic in the upcoming weeks AND hear it from Lynn on Sales Coaching over Coffee radio TOMORROW January Thursday 3rd 1:00 pm & again at 7:00 pm NY Time, with an Encore Presentation airing Saturday the 5th 1:00 pm NY Time>

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