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Wellbeing wheel © Fractal Joy LLC

April 2022

Book 1) Lot

Book 2) Fictions

Book 3) Intrigues 1

Book 4) Intrigues 2

LOT – 2019
Philip Greener
‘​Rainbow Ride’ ​off Miami Beach, Florida

Other books by ​Philip Greener:

Morglax: Magic, Technology, & Mystery. ​2016. $9.99

LOT 4 Kids.​ 2019. $9.99
Praise for LOT

“…​Very informational, you have a huge perception of the world & this will surely influence
others.​ ” –Xlibris Publishing

“The author has lived a rich life, this book answers life’s deepest secret questions, and it’s a
daily step-by-step guide for life.” –Dorrance Publishing
The Lot’s Prayer:

Rainbow river run through me

Let my white light shine
My mother is the void
My father is divine
I live my lot in life
My life operates through my tribe
Flexibility is right, so is might
My heaven yell, _______________ (i.e. yes, please, thank you)
● “Knowledge is power.” –Francis Bacon
● “The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped
anything but himself.” –Richard Francis Burton
● “The more you tighten your grip, Tarken, the more star systems will slip through your
fingers.” –Princess Leia
● “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” –Hanlon’s
● “Preach the gospel always, if necessary use words.” –St. Francis of Assisi
● “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” –Albert Einstein
● “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
● “To call a man my friend, he must be equal to me in all respects.” –Captain Griffith,
● “I will mimic a human’s normal behavior until the last millisecond when I take over.” –A.I.
● “Don’t tell me about your effort, show me your results.” –Tim Fargo
● “If you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with flies.” –Benjamin Franklin
● “There are only 4 types of officers. 1​st​ there are the lazy, stupid ones. Leave them alone they 
do no harm. 2​nd​ there are the hardworking, intelligent ones. They make excellent staff 
officers making sure every detail of a plan is considered. 3​rd​ there are the hardworking, 
stupid ones. These people are a menace and must be fired at once! They create irrelevant 
work for everybody. And finally there are the intelligent, lazy ones… now these people are 
suited for the highest office.” –General von Hammerstein
● “Very often the opposite of appearance is true—an angry person often wants friendship
most, a happy person is often sad, a person who brags often doesn’t have it, a person
who seems largely one way often acts boisterously so because they feel they lack that
one way, a very asexual person often has the most pent up sexuality, like the quiet
non-bothering person is often the mass murder, and the most aggressive people feel the
most vulnerable and weak. There is a real power in asking what a person’s opposite
behavior is to find what they’re trying to cover up, overcompensate for, or affirm to
because of a perceived lack. As Russell Brand said, ‘Pageantry conceals ordinariness’.”
–Philip Greener
● “Accept everything, thus you gain everything’s power. Only by being completely
vulnerable to the world can one truly know how one stacks up against others, how high
one’s level is, thereby having freedom to do anything and be anywhere yet with no self
to ever be attacked. Sometimes you dominate, and sometimes you get XP to level up. In
every situation you have at least 7 options to choose—the 7 energies—and Einstein said
‘no problem can be solved at the same level it was created’; if you’re hitting a brick wall
often it means you can easily take a step one level above.” –Philip Greener

First off the contents of this book took me almost 9 years to organize and formulate from
19 to 27½. Keep in mind I didn’t make LOT, it’s just the way it is and I made it into a
consumable model i.e. the cover. The reason I wrote this book was
because I wanted to explain life’s puzzle clearly and plainly,
specifically to the end of making the simplest, most accurate, best
model for achieving the most happiness with the least effort.
Multiple books conjoined, combined the world’s various elder’s
methodologies, the nature of energy flows, and the historical
evolutionary wiring of our biology as small tribe people into a
model. This book’s 4 ​puzzle pieces​ are combined from the eastern
chakra and aura system, minimalism, gamification, and evolutionary psychology. I’ll explain the
cover explicitly now.
LiFE​ is the path all humans take, starting as a little kid into full adult then elder. Through
those 3 stages, various energy centers are dominantly stimulated and this is how people
OPERATE​. For example in childhood with your birth tribe (or your parents’ sex tribe) owning
your space is paramount because you are small and weak to the world dangers and adult
humans who are bigger. At puberty your gonads are activated and your main focus becomes
penetration. You mature more and learn to fully support yourself working (or hunting, depending
what century it is) to eat. At your workplace (or hunting tribe) you often form your first
friendships, but as an elder the preferential friendships become based on art and thought. After
working or ‘hunting’ with friends for a while you learn to create art and beauty in expressive,
creative outlets. After you learn to sit still and observe with awareness, your TENTY: taste, ears,
nose, touch, your eyes. After observing patterns emerge and you come to realize your LOT in
life and thus are educated. That’s when you OPERATE fully. The way you OPERATE is in the
form of a ​TRIBE​ like a circle around you—your bubble, your environment, your culture,
energy-wise it’s called a Torus (or donut) like on the cover. This is your turf dwelling (where you
literally ​own the space​ with walls and a roof), 2 romantic partners, income, 2 buddies, expertise
(art/thought). The Dunbar Number says we can recognize and socially interact with about 150
total, but as far your TRIBE the least effort for high returns is the smallest multiple number, or 2,
in both the friendship and sex departments. Your TRIBE is your whole world and you’re the
center/God of it. All people you see or interact with fall into some category related to your tribe:
violent or aggressive people get in your space so you must defend your ‘turf’ and put them
under​ your tribe, potential sex partners can be added as a ‘romantic’, people with resources can
be avenues for you ingesting, friendly people can be in the buddy category, and people of same
mind and creative skillset in the expertise area—everyone fits into your ‘world’ somewhere! So,

● LIFE is just observable

● OPERATE syncs up with LIFE and involves the chakras and auras and can be gamified
to track your progress via levels, and
● TRIBE involves both minimalism and evolutionary psychology to get maximum
happiness to make our 1.8 million year old Homo erectus “small tribe minds” happy.

This book will go through the various aspects of LOT, first covering the reality of life, the
nature of the mother Void which spawns infinitudes of life starting the process of violent life
through the 7 circles all the way to the divine male God of all forms which accepts all life. Then
the ​many​ teachings of elders across time and the world in ‘Different Slices All Precises’ where
you can notice the how they all are true but get stuck in various areas such as ‘mind’ or ‘hard
work’. Then in ‘Rainbook’ covering the 7 energy centers of a human, the same 7 energies God
has in conjunction with the 7 circles God mastered. Finally in ‘Simple Living’ we cover the
minimum to satisfy your ​small tribe mind​ in concert with the ancestral human Homo erectus 1.8
million years old—hitting all 7 energies to master all 7 circles to be like God—i.e. your TRIBE.
Let’s learn about your LOT…

In the Beginning…
● ‘Samsara: A Journey through the 7 Circles. The Story of Creation”

L​ IFE—little kid into full adult, then elder

‘​Different Preaching, Same Teaching: Seeing the Similarities among the Different’
● Observable life path
● Elders’ teachings across the globe and time

O​ PERATE-- own space, penetrate, eat, rapport, art, TENTY (senses), educated

‘​The Rainbook: 7 Books, 7 Energies’

● Energy centers & spiritual
● ‘The Amoralist’s Bare Minimum Guide to the Rainbow’
● Gamification on the 7 energies

T​ RIBE—turf dwelling, 2 romantics, ingest, 2 buddies, expertise (art & thought)

Simple Living: Modern Living with an Old Soul

● Scientific & small tribe mind
● In the hobby chapter includes my hobby ‘how-to’s’

LOTtian World History

Rainbow World: 7 Needs-Based Society
Best Infographics
Top Objections
Free LOT Tracking Program
About Me
A Journey through the 7 Circles 
The Story of Creation 
Philip “Lazy Man” Greener 
0) Void of Creation 
1) Violence Circle of Hell 
2) Lust Circle of Hell 
3) Labor Circle of Earth 
4) Friend Circle of Earth 
5) Beauty Circle of Heaven 
6) Awareness Circle of Heaven 
7) Knowledge Circle of Heaven 
00) Divinity 
Void of Creation 
This is the 0 point, infinite potentiality, the mother of 
all creation. It isn’t ​nothing​, to quote Buddha’s Heart 
Sutra, “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.” 
Empty=potential. Like the Yin Yang symbol, out of the dark 
comes the light and the light comes from 
darkness; the void gives birth to all forms and 
divinity and all forms and divinity have their 
nature in the void. Keep in mind where the void 
exists is outside space and time in fact ​contains 
space and time—at least at the 10​th​ dimension 
(contains all possible timelines of all possible 
bubble universes given all possible initial 
conditions). This Void Mother gives rise to all creation and 
all life but like the chicken or the egg because time is 
irrelevant here, the Void Mother is not premiere or 
superior to the Divine Father because they ​both​ always 
exist in balance. The Void Mother is p ​ erfectly​ 0 in her 
potentiality with no form. She just exists, i​ s​, thus gives 
birth to all. She is the death force which gives birth to 
all life. “Death” of the body is just that, the energy which 
animates it, perhaps your ‘soul’, continues on your same 
temporal trajectory at your current circle. When the 
void gives birth to your first form, you may go to the ​1st ​  
Violence circle of hell 

All life after springing from 
the void is thrust into the 1​st 
circle of hell: violence. Here one 
must learn to avoid danger and 
resist the violence of others and 
reality in general with violence 
in order to own one’s space and 
keep one’s form intact: survive. 
When most life-forms give you 
your own space, you may go to the 
2​nd​ circle​.  
Lust Circle of hell 

You survived the ​violence ​circle but 
now you must get penetration, either 
penetrate or get penetrated by a 
strong mate. In this circle are 
multitudes of weak male and ugly 
female demons who have no power; they 
survived the ​1st​
​ circle ​but cannot get 
penetration: Only 40% of males master 
the circle while 80% of females do. This 
circle has no love, only sexual lust. 
When most consider you a sexual 
prospect you can move to the ​3rd​
​ circle​.   
Labor circle of earth 
You got ​penetration a ​ nd escaped from 
hell, what used to be your normal. You are 
no longer a ​demon ​in hell but a human on 
the earth. Now it is time to work and do 
physical labor towards an end of payment 
in food or money to buy food. There is 
finally a simple way to reliably sustain 
yourself: physical labor for sustenance. 
When most people see you as a reliable 
worker either a business or individual you 
can move to the ​4​th​ circle​. 
Friend Circle of Earth 

You mastered ​labor ​and now it is 
time for friendship. You must learn to 
not talk about your problems and to 
find commonalities with others to make 
friendships & connection. Most often 
these are found at your workplace. 
When most people can hold a 
conversation with you without you 
talking about problems for 3 minutes 
you can go to the ​5th​
​ circle​.   
Beauty circle of heaven 
​You mastered the ​earthly circles ​& 
are no longer human; you are now an 
angel in heaven. Here you must learn to 
create b ​ eauty​ in artistic form for the 
pleasure & benefit of others. This may 
take the form of music, dance, or any 
art. When you are able to entertain 
most people in public you can go to the 
6​th​ circle​.   
Awareness circle of heaven 

You learned to make art & mastered 
creative expression​. Now you must 
learn to surrender and observe. Here 
you must get in touch with your 5 
senses—taste, audio, visual, olfactory, 
kinesthetic—to notice objective 
reality in its comings and goings. When 
you can sit in public for 3 minutes 
without influencing at all you can go 
to the final ​7th​
​ circle​.   
Knowledge circle of heaven 
You sat still & ​observed ​the world’s 
comings & goings. Here In the top circle 
above all others true knowledge 
dwells. Now you must put those 
objective observations of the real 
world into a comprehensive model for 
public consumption: that truth is the 7 
circles of freedom. When most people 
understand the 7 circles when you 
explain it you ​change… 
After having gone through all 7 ​c​i​r​c​l​e​s​ of freedom from a 
demon ​in what could be called hell to a normal ​human ​in the 
laboring ​Earth ​to an ​angel ​in ​heaven​, your mastery of all 7 
c​i​r​c​l​e​s​ instantly transforms you into their equal and 
simplified equivalent of white light: divinity. All forms that 
make it through the 7 ​c​i​r​c​l​e​s​ become the Divine Father, who 
through His own effort grew and became equal to the ​Void 
Mother ​as the infinity to her 0 point. That’s the eternal dance: 
she giving birth to infinitudes of life-forms most of which don’t 
make it and return right to her womb, while he exists in his 
divinity shining attempting to bring as many life-forms into his 
light to grow it. The ​Void Mother ​out of her chaos gives birth 
to the Divine Father, he thus in turn masters her with light and 
order. Like the ​Void Mother i​ s a collective of potential, the 
Divine Father is a collective of all white beings, masters of 
the 7 ​c​i​r​c​l​e​s​; all of life exists in the circles though. Such 
examples of masters would be Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, & 
Muhammad who learned to harmoniously balance the 7 ​c​i​r​c​l​e​s 
thus realizing their divine nature and becoming master of all 
life which is what God is—not a master of hell (demon king), 
master of earth (rich man), or master of heaven (archangel). 
“For I was hungry & you gave me nothing to eat, I was naked and 
you did not clothe me.” “Lord, when?” (Matthew 25:42-44) God can 
move to any circle. 
Keep in mind, this is 1 book in 1 universe.. but a good 
representation of the skewed balance of few at top & many at 
“With him 144,000 who had his name on their foreheads who 
had been redeemed from the earth.” Revelation 14:1-3, if today 
out of 8 billion that’s 1000​th​ of 1%. 
“And there before me was a great multitude that no one 
could count, standing before the throne. They were wearing 
white robes.” Revelation 7:9, for 50,000 years 108 billion people 
have lived (times 1000​th​ of 1%), that’s almost 2 million with God 
from Earth.  
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and 
broad is the road that leads to ​destruction​, and m ​ any​ enter 
through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that 
leads to life, and only a ​few​ find it.” Matthew 7:13-14, death isn’t 
binary heaven or hell but which of the ​c​i​r​c​l​e​s​ you’re in: 10’s of 
billions are in ​hell​, single billions on ​earth​, and under 2 
million in ​heaven​.   
People in different circles 
Philosophers, Group Leaders, 
Spiritual Leaders, Scientists 
Yogis, Meditators, 
Musician, Artists 
Friends (commonality)  
Grocery Stores, Menial  
Jobs, Businessmen 
Teens, Parents, Sex 
Kids, security, criminals 
LiFE (​Observable life path)​
Everyone starts off not existing in the physical realm but the energy one. As little kids the
first thing you must do is learn to own your physical space in
a physical body. Puberty hits and you become a young adult
and sex obsessed. Then you become a full adult working
and feeding yourself and having sex; maybe you form work
friendships but not friendship friendships, yet. Finally as you
mature past survival you become an elder, developing
expressive side in whatever art you choose with fellow
like-minds—true friendship—and the staple of ‘elder’ is
having a full model of the world or philosophy to teach to the

Following are the most popular thoughts taught by various elders though out history from
all over the world—ranging from scientific, psychological, and spiritual or religious, all of which
are and fall somewhere in the 7 circles, within the LOT model.

The main tenets of Hinduism is there are castes

based on the deeds you’ve done in past lives: sinners sink
down to poverty and outcasts while good doers become
merchants and Brahmin or priest caste. There are the 3
main gods Brahma (creator), Vishnu
(preserver/maintainer), and Shiva (destroyer). The god
Vishnu also came to earth as a man-god, technically the 8​th
full​ incarnation on Earth, as Krishna the blue-skinned boy
to teach and help resolve a war, the main plot of the Hindu
scripture book Bhagavad Gita. A person’s dharma is their life’s work, while karma is how you stand
badness and goodness wise: moral cause and effect. To reach nirvana you must have paid all your
negative debts i.e. the bad things you did in all your lifetimes as well as accept debts from others you did
good things for (because you can’t very well be at peace if you’re swimming in the fruits of good deeds)
thereby annihilating the self to attain peace. Also vegetarianism, kindness to animals, humility, and
nonviolence are general practices. Hindus came up with the chakra system or bodily energy centers:
pretty simple.

Lazy Man: “Like many ancient traditions, the repetitious actions replaced the core.”

Buddhism is an offshoot from Hinduism akin to Christianity and

Judaism in that Siddhartha Gautama who would become the Buddha or
enlightened one came from a Hindu culture. There are 2 main schools of
Buddhism called Mahayana and Theravada. To generalize them
Mahayana believes in the supernatural beings who can help humans
attain enlightenment and that people should help others attain
enlightenment, while Theravada is very secular saying the Buddha was a
perfect human and that there are no gods and everyone should strive to
selfishly perfect themselves and their character. The umbrella of Buddhism includes the same few things:
Buddha is the Teacher, the 4 noble truths (suffering exists, the origin of suffering is desire, it can be
stopped, and the way to stop it is the 8 fold path), the 8 fold path (basically perfecting various aspects of
one’s life—right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right
concentration, right mindfulness), dependent origination (basically moral causality—this depends on that,
if this stops then that stops), and neither school thinks there’s a supreme creator (see dependent
origination). Ultimate reality for them is nothingness, the extinction of self and of dependent illusions.
Reincarnation is just karma energy of the illusion self still not in peace and needing to pay debts and
receive them. Meditation is widely recommended because it was the method Buddha used to become
enlightened, basically it is about paying attention to breath which is the simplest thing one can do,
practicing non-action, and being peaceful like a still lake. In general a person out of balance and lacking
personal resources will be breathing shallow and weak because they are expecting something to shock
them (often because they aren’t aware of environment so of course things would shock them) while
someone who is aware of environment, is in touch with their personal resources and in balance will be
breathing deeply and fully because they control things around them (not through micro-managing but
accepting and influencing/redirecting). Buddha’s accomplishment was supposedly accepting everything
and having such a subtle breath. Because of dependent origination,
ultimate reality is emptiness, without anything real. If string theory
is right and all reality is like a hologram or song from 1
dimensional superstring then Buddha might’ve been talking about
“songs can be played and notes struck but they don’t exist

Lazy Man: “Simplicity is here, but a bit dry in abstinence.”


This one is talked about a lot especially in euro-American

cultures. God is a trinity of Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit, 3 in 1
like water being ice, liquid, and gas vapor. And God, or Yahweh, is a
jealous god and you should have no other gods before him i.e. put him
at the center of your life. The holy book the Bible is the inspired word
of God written by people which gets all important facts divinely
correct. Man was created by God in his image, man’s sins (including
original sin with Adam and Eve) separate man from God which is why
Jesus, God made into flesh, as a perfect sinless being fully God and man had to die on the cross so man
could be with God again in heaven removing the need for animal sacrifice and other payments. They
believe there is life after death, and the main way to get into heaven where eternal happiness abounds as
opposed to hell which is fire and torment is to accept Jesus as your savior and to follow his teachings.
Jesus’s main teachings were obey God and treat people how you
want to be treated. Jesus’s divinity was proved because he rose
from the grave after 3 days, beating death.

Lazy Man: “These are so focused on pain the joy of a tribe makes them insane with the thought
the loss of it.”

Islam is a progression from Judaism in that it is an Abrahamic tradition. In the

Islamic tradition Abraham was married to Sarah who couldn’t have a child so she gave
her maid Hagar to Abraham as his wife. Hagar gave Abraham his first son Ishmael
who’d become the father of Arabs (who would become Islam), then later on Sarah did
give a miracle son to Abraham named Isaac who became the father of Jews, and God
blessed both of them with prosperity and each would become a great nation.
Muhammad is their prophet and according to Islam it is the progression of the
Abrahamic traditions and the final and most complete version where Muhammad is the
god’s final prophet: Abraham, Moses, and Jesus being others. The Qur’an, Islam’s holy
book, the final piece of divine revelation and so Christianity and Judaism while similar
and lacking because they are incomplete with Muhammad’s message. Islam means “surrender to God”,
Muslim means “one who submits”, and the 5 pillars of Islam are: declaration of faith, obligatory prayer
(recommended 5 times a day facing Mecca, Islam’s holy city where Muhammad was born), compulsory
giving, fasting in the month of Ramadan, and a pilgrimage to
Mecca. Similar to Christianity and Judaism there is only one God
who controls and created everything, they call it Allah. There is
heaven and hell as afterlife options, as well as the concept of sin and
repentance. One thing Muhammad said is not to have images of him
to be idolized like Christians did Jesus. Below are the 2 main
religious trees of Judaism and Hinduism.

Lazy Man: “For a scattered desert people this really brought them together, though they still
have the capacity to act desert crazy.”

Atheism posits the strictly naturalistic view whereby the only things
to be believed are things with material evidence and falsifiable or able to
proven wrong through experiment. Atheism, or naturalism since atheism just
says it doesn’t believe in god (presupposes theism) but it does believe in the
natural world, starts with the assumption “I know nothing” and then through
proofs, experimentation, and evidence discovers what is true and what is
knowable and “what I know”. By this method nothing without evidence is
believed simply because a person claims it, and all truth claims are put to
experimentation to verify truth. The scientific method is the main practice by
which all scientific facts are accepted, which is observation of natural
phenomenon, decide something you want to know about it, make a hypothesize of the answer, conduct an
experiment to find out if your hypothesis is correct, if correct it’s correct if not change 1 variable and
conduct experiment again until hypothesis is correct. Through this method what was considered
impossible in the past was challenged and became possible such as a man flying through the sky, a man in
space and on the moon, instant worldwide communication, a bomb which can blow up a whole city or
power it.

Through scientific endeavors, questioning the possibilities of the world and finding out what is
verifiably true, planes with very good predictability flew through the skies, satellites wiz by in space
connecting people all over the world 24/7, electricity flows continually to homes in most modern
civilizations, all through mathematical, chemical, mechanical, electric, and above all scientific processes
discovered through real world inquiry and the scientific process. And as some atheists would point out,
without any help from a supernatural deity. To atheists or naturalists, belief in the supernatural is simply a
pre-modern or pre-scientific view to make sense of the world rather than use senses. As far as tenets, the
naturalist’s origin of the universe is via the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago where space itself expanded
to make our universe, life on Earth formed at least 3.5 billion years ago in the hydrothermal vents at the
ocean floor in the form of microbes which evolved into fish, then amphibians, into full land-living
reptiles, some which evolved into rat-like mammals, some which evolved
into monkeys, some which evolved in us. Humans then developed tools,
fire, hunted big game, developed agriculture, made bigger cities with new
inventions and art, made nations, spend across the globe, harnessed
electricity, and the world became what it is today!

The major contributors of naturalism or

secularism or scientific discovery were Galileo
(physics and father of astronomy), Aristotle (more
moral philosophy), Newton (gravity and laws of
motion), Copernicus (heliocentric view), and Darwin (evolution through natural selection). Evolving
theories about the universe which are currently being developed, tested, and fleshed out are String
Theory, M Theory, Quantum Theory, and Infinite Worlds Theory. Darwin also interestingly had a book
‘Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals’ that all animals have the same 7 basic emotions.

Lazy Man: “This is for those that like certainty and provable knowledge, which can lack on
creative side.”

Neuro-linguistic programming, or the use of

language to influence your thinking, is described as a
process of modeling the conscious and unconscious
patterns of thinking and behavior of ourselves and others
to move towards a higher potential. The co-founder
(pictured right) Richard Bandler described it as a
“technology for modeling successful patterns”. Some
main points of NLP include using evidence and sensory
information, how people make pictures and movies in
their minds with sound and sensation to represent the
world to form generalization to act on because there is too
much information to continually be aware of everything all the time. Breaking down this picture
more, there are ​submodalities ​(modalities being mainly
VAK: visual, audial, and kinesthetic or touch, which can
be seen by eye accessing cues—left hemisphere is logic,
right is creative) like black and white or color, still
picture of moving, blurry or clear, loud or quiet, muffled
or clear, close or far away, moving towards you or away
from you, big or small picture, in one direction or all
around you. In the many books of this field are described
numerous techniques such as the dissociation technique
for reducing emotional intensity of bad memories or
current reactive situations by shrinking the unwanted
movie in your mind to the size of a quarter making it flipping it back and forth “black and white”
about 10 times then still small and black and white starting at the end of the mental video and
running it backward really fast to the beginning (about 5 seconds) while thinking of circus or silly

Another technique to make a goal more compelling is to imagine is bigger, brighter,

make it a movie if it’s a still, bring it closer, see yourself in the movie then jump into your
imagined body and associate with it. There are
some pre-suppositions in NLP they say are useful
for moving through life such as “the (brain) map is
not the territory (reality)”, “everyone is doing the
best they can with the resources they have
available”, “all people work perfectly well (at what
they are doing)”, and “a person cannot not
respond”. NLP’s model of human’s is the logical
levels (contrast with my OPERATE and Maslow’s hierarchy models) and that’s what it, it’s about
levels in the mind (vs needs).

Another slice I want to go over is NLP uses hypnosis to make the

change easier in the suggestive state. Hypnosis or trance is defined as a totally
natural state where you are “totally absorbed in an activity, a highly focused
state of concentration”. The 3 steps to hypnosis are A.B.S. or, absorb their
attention, bypass their critical factor (anything illogical and emotional),
stimulate the unconscious… then you can say “sleep!” and change things. In
hypnosis the conscious mind is weighing options, while the unconscious is the seat of creativity that just
wants to do things. Formal hypnosis has been described as hacking the natural REM
sleep state. Say you see an interesting book (attention), you open it and it’s full of
wizards and magic and dragons (bypass critical factor), and the story is fantastical
and compelling and engrossing (stimulate unconscious): fully in trance. Hypnosis
often induces REM of rapid eye movement state like when dreaming and “you never
know you are dreaming until after you wake up.” Another way some hypnotists
induce trance is by interrupting a common unconscious pattern like going for a
handshake, the subject goes to shake automatically and the pattern is interrupted by
the hypnotist taking the hand lifting it up telling them to look at it and then notice it
gets closer to their face and “when it touches your face you will go way down deep
sleep into relaxation.” Done. Hypnotists see people as like icebergs, 10% conscious and 90%

A layman explanation of hypnosis is the bigger thought

influences the less compelling one. People are told all through their
life that things are a certain way and those thoughts are varying
degrees of importance (bigness, loudness, etc.), and if someone with
a more emotional and compelling, a ​bigger​ thought comes along it
replaces the old one someone had. This is how people influence,
like George Washington almost single-handedly forging an entire
nation and people amassing a fortune. When someone does change work a bigger more compelling
thought picture replaces they old now drab one. In the slave movie ​Roots ​Kunta old name identity was
replaced after almost 10 lashes while told “your name is Toby” only because
the new thought became bigger and more compelling and emotional. This is
how people influence, do change work, and break someone, all with bigger
compelling thoughts. Also kids hypnotize themselves and others all the time
with interesting and compelling fantasies in play pretend and imagining.

An interesting observation is if you have

the ability to act like a chicken, a celebrity, a
ladies’ man, a police officer, a millionaire in
hypnosis, that means those are in your head already to access, your just daily ‘person’ is a certain way
possibly tweakable (it’s just emotions and states).

Lazy Man: “They really mapped the mind out like clockwork, too much thought if you ask me
and technique-crowded.”

Pick-up artistry, this is a whole social dynamics culture of

social manipulation techniques, beliefs, and mindsets to socially
and emotionally influence others… the main focus being sexually
with girls. Mystery, featured right, is a main person who brought
this mentality to the mainstream with his student Neil Strauss
writing a best-selling book and him having 2 seasons of employing
these social techniques teaching nerds to pick up girls. There are
many teachers employing similar social engineering tricks, the other
main founder or spear-header would be Ross Jeffries. Some things
taught in this field include the 3 second rule which is if you see a
girl you have 3 seconds to walk over and talk thereby reducing
hesitation and initiating action. Other things include peacocking or
dressing in a noticeable way to get attention and stand out.
Many people talk about body language, standing up straight to
convey confidence, smiling to show you are friendly and at
ease, talking to people even if you aren’t interested to
demonstrate to the surrounding environment you are social
and might have friends even if you don’t. Some psychology
tricks include having pictures available of you with friends
and you will members of the opposite sex to show you have
social proof (other people like you so your ‘target’ is safe to
like you) and are pre-selected by members of the opposite sex
(if you are sexually desired by others, it’s safe for
your ‘target’ to be sexually attracted to you).
Some studies are frequently used in this field like
“if a lot of people are looking up and pointing,
you are very likely to conform and look up too”,
there are lots of conformity studies to influence your ‘target’ to act the way
you want. Also male birds with fake female birds next to them mated much
more frequently than the control lone male bird because of pre-selection.
The idea of peacocking is simply “if you are dressed in a standout way, or
behave, or even have the posture which is noticeable, you must be
internally strong to move through the world so standout-ably.” Some ways
recommended to get laid are to learn about sexuality and performance so
you feel sexually confident and can be direct. An almost universe rule is to
‘warm up’ in the field (public) by talking to anyone—guy, girl, hot,
ugly—just to get talkative so you can socially loosen up and when you find something you want be at
ease and possibly ‘own the venue’ where it seems everyone knows you and you’re super popular so you
can sleep with anyone you want. These technique also apply to business situations being friendly and
social, you can pay people to make video testimonials for your product so people feel it’s tested and they
aren’t the guinea pig like you can pay or just get a girl to take pictures with you so you can say you’re
dating. A lot of this community use the term ‘inner game’ and ‘outer game’ to refer to your internal,
mental, or emotion state like the way you are framing ‘rejections’, as well as the actual words/lines you
might use, the clothes you wear, and the touching you implement. There is a touching hierarchy to get to
sex called the kino (kinesthetic) ladder which is 1) eye contact, 2) hand shaking or holding, 3) legs
touching, touching legs, hugging, 4) head on shoulder, touching face, 5) kissing, 6) hand on shirt, under
shirt, 7) touching clothes outside of genitals, 8) touching genitals, 9) fingering or sucking, 10) sex. Similar
techniques apply for getting sales, escalation of the sale to the full close. Many teachers talk about male
and female dynamics, you want the femininity too much you’ll scare her away, but if you are in your
masculinity then she has something to gain and you have her want to get that from you. They use the term
‘value’, you have to give stuff to get it, give value often as good emotions (“be like a crack dealer to
women and get them hooked on you”), and being high value means you are friendly and continually give
value to other people (one way is to help people solve their problems by connecting them with people you
know who have solutions). One PUA teacher following the ‘girls want aggressive guys’ belief used the
domestic abuse chart, shown above, as a method for getting girls (partly as a joke). While girls and guys
want sex equally as much one backward way to look at it is a girl’s penis is on her inside and a guy’s
pussy is hanging on his outside, or anything a guy does on the outside a girl does on the inside and vice
versa. One method many PUA’s use is B.A.R.S. which is—banter (illogical but emotional joking), asking
about the person (qualifying) which shifts into rapport (learning about each other), and last seduction. An
analogy they use to describe men vs women is men are like poles, grounding, and women are like flags,
free and blowing… but a pole is boring without the waving and a flag without the blow gets swept away.
PUA’s see communication as 7% words, 38% tone, and 55% body language—which means 93% of
communication can be conveyed with grunting and body use (7% is details). There’s also positive body
language (facing someone, giving attention), and negative body language (facing away, disinterested).
Many PUA’s also talk about the term alpha male and AMOGing other guys (alpha male, other group), the
simplest definition is the dominant male in a particular group. A study proved what everyone knows, gay
guys and women are very similar and use similar parts of the brain… basically a woman is prettier
version of a gay guy times 10: anything a fag would do a girl would do 10 times.

Some evolutionary psychology. 1) Size matters

and the biggest chimp is usually the alpha, otherwise it
makes up for it by sticking hair out, puffing up chest,
arms swinging and appearing bigger. 58% of Fortune 500
CEO’s are over 6 feet tall compared to 15% of general
population. Grey hair is also a sign of dominant status. 2)
Displacement, or taking over other people’s space is a
sign of dominance vs submissive. 3) Soft and high tone voice is submissive, low in tone and loud in
volume is alpha. 4) A female around brings the alpha out in any male.

Below is a simple, fact based model of the male and female sex strategies:

Lazy Man: “If you listen to your body and let it lead you, this shouldn’t have to be taught.”

Carl Jung was a student of the preeminent founder of modern

psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and he made his own very popular
psychological method, probably more popular today than his teacher’s,
called Jungian Psychology. His very content dense book the ‘Red Book’
contained hundreds of pages of mythological and archetypal drawings and
phrases, he very much believed in the power of archetypes, the collective
unconscious of societies, and seeing things in dreams. The main archetypes
mentioned as shown below include the persona (he called it like the surface
mask façade shown to the social and public word), the shadow (often a dark,
rejected, neglected, unsocial person or thing, for the rare person like Hitler
who outwardly was very dark and unsocial his shadow might be a sweet
child who only wants to be gentle), the anima or animus depending on your
​ ight be a very confident
sex (if you are a mild mannered male, your ​anima m
​ ight be a powerful male),
large female and if you are a female your ​animus m
also the self in dreams often came as an elderly man or woman depending on your sex again (this
represented the wisdom and integration of all parts into a whole person). Joseph Campbell, the maker of
the “Hero’s Journey” drew heavily from Carl Jung and his theories.

Jung’s method was to go through the various stages of making

the unconscious conscious to become a self-actualized person having
integrated first the dark and rejected shadow (if not integrated
becomes like a caged animal lashing out in ways that hurt the
individual and don’t get them what they wanted), then second is the
anima for men or animus for women and integrating their opposite
sex’s qualities (for men it’s often being more nurturing, forgiving, and
gentle, for women it’s often being more aggressive, vocal, and
business oriented), then finally becoming a full human and accepting
all human experience, emotion, thought, and behavior as ok in its right
place (brutal violence is absolutely good in the protection of self and
loved ones, like hyper sexuality is good in a relationship with someone
you adore and who adores you). At the last stage of the ‘elderly same
sex as you person’, in a dream it might come as a wizardly man or a
sage woman, you are now wise and accept humanity in all its diversity
and know everything including dark and seeming unsocial things have its place. My own interpretation or
spin of this integration process would be hybridization or accepting the
various different people of the world (in Jung terms, you projected your
own qualities onto others, denying yourself them). By doing
hybridizing yourself, which is a good thing because intermixing
combines the dominant qualities of both into 1 (where interbreeding greatly increases recessive/weak
traits). So you might say “blacks are violent” but you are giving that positive quality away which ​greatly
serves you in a self-defense situation saving your life. “Whites are greedy and manipulative” but you are
giving away those positive qualities to get money and use cunning/creativity in social situations to get
things you want. “Women are fickle” but you are giving away that quality of not giving a fuck about
unimportant things and being overly concerned about too much and stressing yourself out. “Men are
abusive and sex obsessed” but you are giving away your own desire for great regular sex as well as your
own ability to be strong and tell people what to do even get physical if you have to to get your way.
“Young people are mindless” is similar to the above female example, and “old people are boring” is you
giving away the quality of not always being entertaining to others i.e. a dancing monkey… which can be
good but also exhausting. All bad things have silver linings, sometimes are the most important things.
What’s interesting is many ‘success’ people talk about going vertical with more stuff, money, girlfriends,
houses, cars, etc. but that’s a lot of work and climbing, but if you accept the environment around you
horizontally including any ‘bad’ things or people then your environment sort of transforms and it can be a
lot less work to just be friends with your neighbors than to try to get into that privileged top 1% of
whatever: a little diversity and self-hybridization can be simpler than trying to climb towards a big height.
Also something you notice is once a person reaches a certain success like company CEO, famous artist,
head of a country, ​then​ they want to interact with people and be horizontal—why not skip the climbing
and interact with your fellow equal humans from the get-go? Some examples of shadow integration:

1. “Pedophilia is the worst crime!” ​It’s having sex with a weak or vulnerable person who has no sex
drive or baby-making capacity.​
2. “Murder is the worst crime!” ​Ending someone because they’re a threat to your space
3. “Rape is the worst crime!” ​Using force to have sex with someone who doesn’t like you
4. “Hobos are the worst!” ​They’re in ‘low burn’ state, minimal energy fixing their head to move

These things reveal traits about the offender. Pedophilia is just horny and as yet
unsuccessful as an adult dater. Murder is the ending of a threat to your safety, unless you
are an active killer than that means you feel powerless against a big, powerful world and
hence could use that killer instinct to not feel powerless anymore and kill at life. And rape
you just want someone to like you. Hobos failed at something and are in low energy burn
mode to get head right.

Lazy Man: “My perspective on the ‘unconscious’ is it’s just the 6 first energies, the non-thought
ones, so rather than go into the partly confusing psycho-mumbo just see how you’re
OPERATE’ing ​now.​ ”
Radical Honesty

Brad Blanton started this movement which is “just tell the

truth!” Simple enough! He describes it simply as “reporting out loud
what you notice in the world, in your body, and in your mind.” If you
never lie you never get into psychological turmoil with hiding things
and secrets and judging others and projecting. Just spit it out! As a side
note he said he’s slept with over 600 women so apparently it works on a
specific part of the population! A big thing he talks about is getting to
true intimacy in relationships with other people and the only way to do
that in an authentic way is to be very vulnerable with others. Some of
the main techniques he talks about to go to the important people in your
life and have a real sit down with them, tell them “all the things you
hate about them”, radically, then in the same session after you can get past all the ​bullshit ​of hidden or
repressed or bottled up hate and resentment and you’re being honest and longer socially phony then you
can to “all the things you love about them” and this is where intimacy and authentic relationships can
exist. With this method some might use it as an excuse to just be mean and spew their bile on others, but
authenticity is 2 sided in that it’s not pandering and fake (possible items of hate) but it’s also truly seeing
beauty in others (possible items of love). He says to live a real life, you need to tell the people in your life
what you’ve done, what you think, and what you feel. Brad Blanton was a student of the Gestalt Therapy
founder Fritz Perls (another student of Sigmund Freud who
was also one of 3 original models in the making of NLP). A
popular thing Brad teaches his students, like Fritz Perls did,
was to “cut the bullshit” and “go fuck yourself”, no way to
cut through social bologna to get to authentic feelings like

Below is the teacher tree because many people in

this book are related.
Lazy Man: “If you really want to be yourself and stand grounded in presence in the moment, this
is an excellent strat… honestly reporting how you are OPERATE’ing to others.”
Business Theory

This is basically business techniques,

so much of the modern western world is into
this. This includes having a business
statement to guide your decisions, setting end
goals, networking in daily life and at business
functions to talk about your business and
what you can offer and how you can solve
other’s problems i.e. “giving value”, logos, catch phrases (“You’re in good hands”, “Love to see you
smile”), having testimonials, using social media platforms to get the word out, using discounts and
guarantees and coupon codes to get people in the door (110% money back guarantee, buy 1 get 1 free,
kids eat free on Wednesdays, etc.). Also there are innumerable psychological techniques like repetition
(takes 5 times before a brand is memorable), using emotion background music and authoritative voice
overs, subliminal messages and imagery, using sexuality overly or covertly to sell, “kids develop their
taste between 4 and 11 and if you get them hooked then you have them for life”, getting authority figures
to endorse like trusted celebrities, liking things people like with images of your product, linking your
product often erroneously with certain lifestyles or values people have (“Bud beer makes you fun and
girls like you”, “Axe body spray makes you more manly”, “Coke can bring the world together and stop
war”). With more analytic technology businesses also are tracking what people are searching for and
buying, and where they go to get better products to more people. The main thing businessmen value is
economic growth, profits, increase in sales, and prosperity. Edward
Bernays, the nephew of Freud, wrote the book ‘Propaganda’ on mass
manipulation of the population using psychology and is the founder of
Public Relations and opinion making.

Lazy Man: “This is entirely yellow/food/money focused. I say, if you do something you like the
money will come and you don’t have to focus on business tricks.”
Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is 6’7” and he’s a big dude. He also trained

in NLP with Richard Bandler back in its founding days and became
arguably more popular because he is very big, loud, and in charge.
His spin on the NLP he learned and partly stole without credit by
changing the name of his method to NAC—neuro associative
conditioning—is to a large degree about using the body to influence
state to get results. He recommends an ‘Hour of Power’ every
morning to shout affirmations and using power moves (like
pounding your chest) and standing in ‘power poses’ like super
heroes to increase testosterone coupled with exercise to start your
day right and take action on the things you want to get. His main
pronouncement is “If you can get into a resourceful enough state, using your body, you can accomplish
anything!” A phrase he uses a lot is “motion creates emotion”. He also talks about 7 needs and that people
have 1 or 2 that really drive their whole life, those are: certainty (banker, getting tenure as a teacher),
uncertainty (spelunking, skydiving, US marine), significance (working with people in need, being a
parent), love/connection (romantic relationship, socialite), growth (hobby, business), contribution
(making world better). In his book Unlimited Power he also borrows the ‘Ultimate Success Formula’
(which really mimics the scientific method) which is 1) know what you want, 2) get belief system in align
(find references), 3) get in a resourceful state, 4) take action, 5) continue until you get outcome.

Lazy Man: “He could’ve relaxed a ​long time ago​. Whatever he needed to prove that he was a
man or cool or influential he did it 30 years ago. He’s like a power plant but he could ‘power
others’ with a lot less waste burn.”
Law of Attraction

The main way people know about this is from

the movie the secret, and major proponents of this are
Esther Hicks, Joe Vitale, and Bob Proctor. The
main message is “what you think about becomes
real” good or bad, or “like attracts like”. This
belief espouses a few ‘laws of the universe’ and
while people can be secular in this, often the
follows take on a general spirituality or universe
consciousness kind of mentality. Most of the
teachers talk about how “you only want things
because of the way you think it’ll make you feel”
and help you work on getting different things like
relationships, money, careers, and material items. “If you know what you don’t want, you know what you
do want.” That’s one way they say you can find what you want it
the opposite of your complaints. If you know what you do want you
can find out where in your thinking or beliefs you have obstacles.
For instance if you want money but you think money is bad, you
have to work on that negative belief if you want to get the money
you want. If you want a relationship but think men or women are
bad in some way, that is “mudding your water”. The LoA teachers
often talk in spiritual terms like your energy or vibration is muddied
so the universe is giving you muddied results. You have to clear up
those negative thoughts and beliefs so the universe can give you,
either in a secular or spiritual sense, what you say you are wanting. One of the more interesting LoA
teachers is Esther Hicks pictured right who channels ‘Abraham’ which she describes as an all-knowing
collective consciousness and Source energy. Some of the universal laws these people talk about, and
common beliefs held by many, include the law of attraction “like attracts like”, law of oneness “all are
universally one” (agreed by from naturalists via stardust to Abrahamic religious as children of
omnipresent god), law of gratitude or “being grateful for what shows up in life to progress forward”, and
law of karma (Hindu word again!) or “all life has purpose and
reincarnates until its done.” Conventional religious people have
followed this philosophy and integrated it with their religious
belief, atheists have taken this as natural causality “equal and
opposite reaction”, and especially general spiritual people without
religious affiliation take this on as a nonreligious connection the
greater universe or knowledge. Many of these followers, like
many people in general, practice meditation simply for life balancing. The 3 steps to get stuff according to
Esther Hicks is “ask and it is given”: ask for something, release resistance, get it. Visualization is a main
technique like in NLP where you visualize what you want: see what you’d see, hear what you’d hear, feel
how you’d feel to practice being the person that has and more likely get it. The ‘attraction’ could be
described as “you get what you want in your gravity and then it’s yours.” Another common analogy is
becoming a “magnet to the things you want.”

Lazy Man: “This one’s good: relax, appreciate, enjoy—it does sort of just say ‘be happy’ and
hope you figure it out. LOT also explains the structure of the ‘universe’ & the path to ‘be happy’.”
Imagination Realm

In quantum mechanics especially string theory all reality is an

expression of 1 dimensional super strings which vibrate and interact
with each other and basically all observable reality is the song, or
hologram of these super strings. Things in quantum mechanics exist
in states of possibility like Schrodinger’s cat in the box “being alive
or dead” and the wavefunction isn’t collapsed until the box is opened
and the truth is revealed. The universal wavefunction, all possibilities
that could make up what our universe is, continually collapses into
very real and true things such as Trump winning over Hilary or the
Allies beating the Nazis in WW2. These are all collapsed possibilities
or wavefunctions, and our universe is very specific in its laws of physics and that we have 8 planets (plus
1 dwarf planet) and a quite common sized star (not super large like others). There are so many things that
could have been differently but in our universe they have collapsed into specific things. In the many
worlds theory or infinite worlds theory of quantum mechanics, ​every imaginable possibility​ from the
placement of a little rock in space being in earth’s orbit to being at every other location in the universe,
and every other possibility including different laws of physics, no laws of physics, extra laws of physics,
all these things we take for granted as obvious natural things
collapsed in infinitely different ways in infinitely different
universes—which are like bubbles of space time. In the infinite
or many worlds theory, they assert “the object reality of the
universal wavefunction and deny the actuality of universal
wavefunction collapse.” In other worlds, not only is are all Earth
histories and futures existing in other bubble universes, but all
the possible universes that could exist do. This is what I call the
Imagination Realm, because if no possibility is ever wasted or
lost, all possibilities simultaneously exist, and everything that is
possibly imaginable is in actual reality existing, then there is a
higher dimension ocean full of infinite bubble universes where literally
everything that can be imagined exists. To sum is up, “ultimate reality
is exactly and perfectly the size of imagination.” So how big is
imagination, what is its limit, can you imagine the structure of pure
imagination? Time too is contained there. Imagination is just all
possibility, so if no possibility is wasted, whatever crazy and ludicrous
universe you can imagine, there’s one of those in a bubble nearby. Then
what of the universes too crazy and ludicrous for even us to imagine,
they are probably floating far away in this almost incomprehensible
ocean, whereas it’s much easier to imagine a world where Hitler won
WW2 because that’s a simple concept and that universe is probably closer to our bubble because that
wavefunction almost because ours. Also interestingly on quantum mechanics, the double slit experiment
proves consciousness and thought influences physical reality, that things change depending on what you
look, and also because of quantum entanglement 2 entangled particles can be separated literally across the
universe and if you affect one the other is instantly affected allowing instant universal
communication—the particles, often photons, can be described in 2 states as 0 or 1 which on a big enough
scale could be a universal computer of information transfer/communication. In other words, everything is
communicating with everything else all the time. The imagination realm is a fancy name for the 10​th
dimension (shown below) where all possible branches of all possible timelines of all possible universes
(with different initial conditions and laws of physics) exist. Because all imaginable possibilities exist here,
Imagination Realm is just a fantastic word for it. If you look at the descriptions people use for God you
can find out which dimension they are talking about and if it’s truly a 10​th​ dimensional all-encompassing
kind of God. To link this in with biology, everything is 10 dimensional because that’s where everything
comes from and actually exists. In this 10 dimensional place of imagination, possibility, and actualization
comes the infinite possible physical (and freaky/crazy/normal universes), then in at least ours (and likely
many more) from those physical elements biology evolved to make life in all its diversity, and finally that
biological life is using its conscious intelligence (something amazing in the universe) to create new life of
pure intellect and consciousness: AI, silicon based life. That’s basically how it all shakes out in terms of
dimensions. To put it another way, we have needs in our physical body which is biological comprised
entirely of ~8 trillion ancestors, made from the stardust of our universe, in an ocean of infinite bubble
universes in the 10​th​ dimension. We are like cells of the hair ends of the finger of a 10​th​ dimensional body.
The bible was true in saying we’re “created in God’s image”, in mathematics fractals are described as
“detailed, recursive, and infinitely self-similar across different scales.” Perhaps this 10​th​ dimensional
ocean of bubble universes is a fractal? If it’s true then ‘what’s the point’ is to be the music of this
superstring orchestra, to be this 10​th​ dimensional ‘God’ body you still are and do whatever your God heart
chooses (flying and telekinesis is totally possible, but OPERATE will make you plenty satisfied). Also,
these descriptions of bubble universes imply our sensory awareness of things is correct (sensorily our
senses are all have to go by), but these universe are much more than our description and what we can
perceive, they are fluid moving energy or information and adding that to the infinite universes that are
fluid moving energy or information the Imagination Realm is just a big cluster fuck of “WHATEVER
Lazy Man: “This is a physical description of how expansive ‘isness’ is i.e. the rainbow river.”
4 Hour Work Week

Tim Ferriss wrote a best-selling book in 2007 about how

to use various tricks and techniques to automate income to meet
your ‘target month income’ so you can live a life of leisure and
pleasures and hobbies. His main acronym for becoming a
member of the NR, new rich—defined by their ability to meet
their needs and live the ideal life they want vs ​old ​rich which just
worked all the time to become millionaire and billionaire tycoons in
their field, “People don’t want to be millionaires, they want to
experience what they believe only millions can buy” (Tim)—is
D.E.A.L. Define the life you want, eliminate the excess unnecessary
(like house clutter, perhaps the expensive house itself, ‘friends’ that don’t contribute to your ideal life,
relationships in general that are energy and time wasters, especially time wasting activities), automate (the
juice of his method on passive income), and liberate (live anywhere in the world and make money online).
In the automate part, he talks about finding what you know and/or are good at, how to become an expert if
you aren’t already one, getting credibility the fast way to make customers believe you are the expert,
making a digital informational product (which can be made without any real production or costs and be
marked up 20x, 50, 100x) including eBooks, video series, workbook with exercises, and quick guide,
advertising to a niche market that has money to spend (don’t bother marketing to ‘pet owners’ because it’s
too big and impossible to break in against the big corporations, instead go for the dachshund mix because
dachshund owners would prefer a specific mix for their dog breed than just an any dog mix). Once your
website is bringing in quality traffic specific to your niche market and you are selling enough products at
the right price every month (say your TMI is $2000 and you sell about 20 products a month at $100 each),
your ‘dachshund training guide’ or whatever is available for download right after purchase, you can live
anywhere in the world! He also advocates the useful concept of geo-arbitrage which where you earn your
income online in a powerful currency but all your expenses living and otherwise are in a weak currency
such as Vietnam, Iran, or South America where you can rent a mansion for a few hundred a month (or
own 1 for cheap), where your normal say $2000 a month in
standard of living increases 10 fold. Then with your money coming
every month in US dollars, spending expenses in Vietnam dongs or
Colombian pesos, you can live like an aristocrat and do the hobbies
that interest you like dancing or video game design and maybe date
a Vietnamese or Colombian girl/guy! His main philosophy focuses
around the Pareto 80/20 Principle whereby most of results (in
nature and in human life) come from 20% or even less of causes.
He says using this principle you can identify the highest value
actions to become better than 95% of people at anything in 6
months or less and further clarifies: that’s top 5% of people, whereas world-class is top 0.5%. “Find the
vital few among the trivial many”. Below are some real life examples of the 80/20 Principle.

● 3% of Americans own 50% of the guns

● 1% of the world owns 50% of the wealth, 10% owns 81% of the wealth, and the bottom
50% owns 1% of the wealth
● 20% of the criminals commit 80% of the crimes
● 20% of drivers cause 80% of the traffic accidents
● 80% of pollution is caused by 20% of factories
● 20% of a company’s products account for 80% of total sales
● 20% of employees are responsible for 80% of results
● 20% of students have grades 80% or higher
● 80% of divorces come from 20% of the people
● 80% of success is showing up, 20% of the work
● 80% of perceptual language fluency comes from 20% of words
● 20% of foods account for 80% of weight gain
● 20% of roads have 80% of traffic
● 20% of a menu accounts for 80% of ordered meals
● 20% of an athletes training accounts for 80% of their performance
● 20% of patients use 80% of a country’s health care resources
● 80% of errors and crashes on Windows are caused by 20% of the bugs detected
● 20% of a carpet gets 80% of the wear
● 20% of co-workers cause 80% of the office problems
● 20% of fundraisers account for 80% of funds raised
● 80% of land ownership is in the hands of 20% of the people
● 20% of your clothes get 80% of the wear time
● 20% of your past memories account for 80% of your reminiscing
● 20% of the people in your life account for 80% of your relational happiness, and 20% of
the people in your life account for 80% of your relational stress.
● 20% of a device’s functionality gets 80% of the use
● 80% of promotions come from 20% of the bosses
● 20% of guys have sex with 80% of the girls, 20% of actions do 80% of a seduction
● 20% of people get 80% of praise and worship, and 20% of behaviors get 80% worship
● 20% of advertising methods generate 80% of the income
● 20% of a teaching accounts for 80% of the value a person takes away/gets from it
● 20% of historical human events account for 80% of the world’s current state
● 20% of historical humans contributed 80% to the world’s current state
● 20% of people feel 80% of the world’s total happiness
● 80% of a cops time is looking for and handling 20% of the crimes (i.e. theft)
● 20% of tricks do 80% of the influencing
● 20% of things contribute 80% of human happiness (TRIBE)
● 20% of martial arts moves win 80% of fights
Lazy Man: “This one’s good to cut down on work, but then in the same breath says it tries to
make you produce more and still work hard.”

It’s defined as “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of equality

of the sexes” or whatever men want for themselves women want it. One of the
earliest mentioned of full female equality was by Plato around 400BC, he
“[argued] for the total political and sexual equality of women, advocating that
they be members of his highest class,… those that rule and fight.” Wilhelmina
Ducker, pictured right, is considered the founder of feminism in the 1800’s as a
writer, peace activist, and fought for the vote and equal rights through various
organizations she founded. Some basic beliefs of feminism are

1) women have historically been excluded, suppressed, and exploited,

2) traditional western civilization is patriarchal (controlled by men),

3) women have represented values of nurturing, holism, and unity, and

4) women should be given the same opportunities as men

Similar to this, a popular statement among them is “any woman in the world has more in common
with any other woman regardless of class, race, age, ethnic group, nationality—than any woman has with
any man.” Frequent topics of discussion by feminists include the wage cap in which women are paid 77
cents for every dollar a man makes, men are in positions of power much more often historically, the
impact of influential women is downplayed to make room for men’s achievements, double standards on
sexual behavior relating to premarital sex (shameful slut vs cool player). They also talk about ‘rape
culture’ how sometimes victims are blamed like “she was asking for it, look what she’s wearing” or the
dehumanizing and objectification of women which can lead to rape, as well as equal education
opportunities in developing countries, as well as rights relating to birth control and the right to abort if
they want like “my body my choice”. A lot of feminists also take aim at the media’s depiction of female
beauty for example there are many ways to be beautiful
not just pencil thin or certain boobs, ass, face, or even age.
There are male feminists, there are women who don’t
follow feminism, there are feminists that still love and date
men and some who think men are the enemy, but feminism
is simply equality with men in all things.

Lazy Man: “Women are the same as men in basically all ways in how they OPERATE.”
LGBT Community

It stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and loosely describes
LGBT organizations, and subcultures unified by a common social and culture
movement. It sees itself as a counterbalance to heterosexism, homophobia,
sexualism, and conformist pressures that exist in larger society. They often talk
about pride in their collective stances. Members of this community live in gay
villages, work at companies, are students at schools and colleges, and religious
groups. A major task they put towards themselves politically is equal civil rights
such as in hiring, preventing various discriminations, and legalizing gay marriage
was a recent success. Their symbol is the rainbow flag. Suicide can be a higher risk
within the community because of societal conformist and normative pressure. Some of the older historical
examples of gay activity were ancient Azande warriors (Congo) who took boy-wives 12-20 years old to
help with household tasks, there’s also ancient Egyptian drawings of gay sex, and in ancient China every
emperor had 1+ male lovers… to name a few.
A main trait that almost goes side by side with homosexuality of any kind is persecution,
historically: intimidation, mobbing, assault, and lynching (gay bashing). The reasons for this is a
perception of being weak, ill, feminine, or immoral. Often state punishment of homosexuality was limited
to men, called sodomy, and usually it was death. As of 2016, 72 countries still consider it illegal mostly in
the Middle East, Central Asia, and most of Africa with 5 still having the death penalty. The 2 earliest
examples of homophobic state-sanctioned violence is in the book Leviticus by the Hebrew people and the
Middle Assyrian Law Codes (1075BC) saying “if a man lays with another man, make him a eunuch.” The
community’s 4 main goals are 1) passing the Equality Act—employment, housing, access to public
places, federal funding, credit, education, and jury service, 2) defeating State & Local
Laws—“anti-LGBT” legislation by conservatives in state and local governments, 3) going to
court—taking people with gender dysphoria to court: an employer calling a transperson “he-she” or “lady
boy”, not letting a trans use a women’s restroom, insisting on an employee using a “James” name tag
instead of preferred Kate-Lynn, etc., and 4) partnering with other minority groups—mainly Black Lives
Matter like a statement “minority rights or human rights”. As far as the main causes for homosexuality,
that’s listed below.

1. To prove how sexual one is by doing something not reproductively natural (like men bragging
and women having sex even if they don’t feel like it)
2. For the sexual, physical stimulation of it
3. As a possibly easier alternative to finding a normal partner of the opposite sex (a girl finding a
safe male, a man finding a cute enough girl). Often this reason is caused by abuse as a child
Lazy Man, “What people do is fine if they aren’t hurting people, and obviously they care enough to
identify with their sexuality so let them fight!”
Black Supremacy

This is different from black power which I sort of use interchangeably. Black
supremacy is the racial belief that black people are superior to other races and they
might say “Our genes are superior to the pink skinned men, we’re physically stronger,
more athletic, our dicks are bigger, etc.” They might want to hurt
white people who they see as inferior and cite the African kings
and the achievements of Africans as the starters of civilization,
agriculture, the beginnings of architecture and the first cities and
all tool development in early human history. Black power is more
political which focuses on “achieving self-determination for people of African
descent”, mainly for Africans Americans in the US, which started in the late 60’s
and early 70’s. It originally emphasized racial pride and the creation of black
political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests.
Within black power was some black supremacy thoughts too along with anger and
violence at the crimes of whites against blacks, while the very well-known Civil
Rights Movement with Martin Luther King Jr. at the forefront fought for racial
equal, desegregation, and nonviolence. Black Power had a 10 point program which

5. We want freedom to determine the destiny of our black community

6. We want full employment for our people
7. We want to end the robbery by the capitalist of our black community
8. We want decent housing fit for the shelter of human beings
9. We want an education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American
society and our true history
10. We want all black men to be exempt from military service
11. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and murder of black people
12. We want freedom for all black men held in prisons and jails
13. We want all black people when brought to trial to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group
from their black communities as defined by the US constitution
14. We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace

The Arab slave trade began in the 800’s. The first African slaves in the Americas was by Spain in
1501. About 12 million slaves were brought to the Americas but only 5% went to the US, most going to
the Caribbean and Brazil. 80 million Africans were enslaved by Muslims and brought to the middle east
but all the men were castrated, only 6 out of 10 survived this, so no one lived to complain about this.
Europeans did some slave raids on coastal villages, but the vast majority of slaves were enslaved by other
Africans in 1 of 3 ways: prisoners of war, criminals, or debtors. There is some causality because more
villages were raided by African slavers to sell to
more Europeans. In the US they were freed in 1865
as a consequence of the Civil War (which started
because of differences of opinion on the morals,
economics, and political control of the slave trade)
and the Emancipation Proclamation written by
President Abraham Lincoln. After becoming free
there was still much racial tension as evidenced by
white or black only schools, bathrooms, drinking
faucets, and restaurants, blacks having to sit in the
back of the bus, interracial dating resulting in
violence, lynching in the south for moving into a white neighborhood. The Black Power (Bobby Seale,
co-founder of Black Panthers shown above), Black Supremacy, and Civil Rights Movement all came after
gaining freedom from slavery to get racial equality and freedom to do everything whites could do.

Lazy Man: “Blacks, again, are identical the everyone else in how they OPERATE.”

Daily horoscopes, the zodiac, studying the movements and positions of

celestial objects to divine information about human affairs developed
independently in 2 ancient civilizations and modern numerology has added to a
more scientific approach to it. By knowing your birth sign (constellations during
your birth day), you can have insights into your personality, future, and life path.
The 12 signs are below:
1. Aries​-​ Mar 21- Apr 19. Pioneer and trailblazer of the horoscope wheel,
Aries energy helps us initiate, fight for our beliefs and fearlessly put
ourselves out there
2. Taurus​-​ Apr 20-May 20. The persistent provider of the horoscope family, Taurus energy helps us
seek security, enjoy earthly pleasures and get the job done.
3. Gemini​-​ May 21-Jun 20. The most versatile and vibrant horoscope sign, Gemini energy helps us
communicate, collaborate and fly our freak flags at full mast.
4. Cancer​-​ June 21-July 22. The natural nurturer of the horoscope wheel, Cancer energy helps us
connect with our feelings, plant deep roots and feather our family nests.
5. Leo​-​ July 23-Aug 22. The drama queen and regal ruler of the horoscope clan, Leo energy helps us
shine, express ourselves boldly and wear our hearts on our sleeves.
6. Virgo​-​ Aug 23-Sep 22. The masterful helper of the horo-wheel, Virgo energy teaches us to serve,
do impeccable work & prioritize wellbeing—of ourselves, our loved ones & the planet.
7. Libra​-​ Sep 23-Oct 22. The balanced beautifier of the horoscope family, Libra energy inspires us
to seek peace, harmony and cooperation—and to do it with style and grace.
8. Scorpio​-​ Oct 23-Nov21. The most intense and focused of the horoscope signs,
Scorpio energy helps us dive deep, merge our superpowers & form bonds that are built to last.
9. Sagittarius​-​ Nov 22-Dec 21. The worldly adventurer of the horoscope wheel, Sagittarius energy
inspires us to dream big, chase the impossible and take fearless risks.
10. Capricorn​-​ Dec 22-Jan 19. The measured master planner of the horoscope family,
Capricorn energy teaches us the power of structure and long-term goals.
11. Aquarius​-​ Jan 20-Feb 18. The mad scientist and humanitarian of the horoscope wheel, futuristic
Aquarius energy helps us innovate and unite for social justice.
12. Pisces​-​ Feb 19-Mar 20. The dreamer and healer of the horoscope family,
Pisces energy awakens compassion, imagination and artistry, uniting us as one.
The main skepticism of astrology is how most insights aren’t specific or special to the reader because
they apply just as much to another sign like one of your own might not apply to you.

Lazy Man: “It’s interesting and sort of ego satisfying to read something so personal based on
stars like the universe itself is communicating to you with real information. More useful if you
believe it.”

The 2 causes that account for 70% of all suicides are a

relationship problem (42%) and a substance abuse problem (28%).
Trauma in childhood is the common thread which leads to suicide
attempts (15 times more likely). Depression is linked to suicide too:
feeling alone, angry or sad, drinking, drugs, etc. Problems in
childhood that people can’t over causes a negative outlook on life
thinking they are powerless because they couldn’t get over a certain
emotionally-charged situation at least in their head (even if the
situation’s over). By not accepting the gifts of the situation a person
can become drained and then after months even years they become
exhausted trying to beat that bad situation in their mind, feel
hopeless, powerless, then feel that they can get no reward for all their efforts—“My actions are
futile”—so they logically come to the conclusion that no more effort can be done and they end their pain
(wasted effort for no reward). The only thing a suicidal person ever had or has to do to move on is move
on; accept that reality isn’t a fantasy but with real challenges and accept that ‘horrible unwanted thing’
into your model of reality, realize it’s not so bad, even do the ‘3 good things’ exercise on it, and continue
life with acceptance of the thing. It’s all a mental thing. Some suicide stats:

1. 1 million people kill themselves each year globally, or 1 ever 40 seconds

2. Since 1975 suicide’s increased by 60%
3. 1 in 20 attempts equals a suicide
4. Mental health issues is involved with over 90% of suicides
5. Young people are the highest risk group, it used to be old men
6. They occur during crises (loss of loved one, fired, sexual orientation, isolation, ostracization, lack
of purpose)

As far as what death is… atheists says it’s just nothingness, not like a miserable empty room with
nothing to do forever but no awareness either. Abraham religions say binary bliss or torture. Hindu
tradition says based on karma you come back again depending on your soul’s condition. The last is truest,
you pick up where you left off.

Lazy Man: “Suicide is fine, but your essence continues and you ​still​ will have to deal with the
issue in another life.”
Artificial Intelligence

This is such an up and coming topic in the world with many people
excited and terrified by it I had to include it. Founder of PayPal, SpaceX, and
Tesla Elon Musk said, “AI is mankind’s greatest existential threat.. more
dangerous than nuclear weapons.” AI pioneer Andrew Ng said, “AI is the
new electricity” in regards to the 1900’s how it will change the world. The
futurist Ray Kurzweil said, “Information technology is exponential not
linear. In a couple decades we will multiply human intelligence a billionfold;
our technology is part of our humanity, we created them to extend
ourselves.” How machine learning and neural nets work is they take
information in (at much faster speeds than biology, for example they can do 200 years of work in 1 week)
and without programming can try many different methods to achieve the desired output, outcome, or goal.
These networks can be told to specialize so as to take certain strategies further and simply have multiple
‘agents’ doing different specializations so that many unique avenues can be explored. Thus very quickly
thousands and millions of trials can be processed, run through, simulated etc. in a very sort amount of
time to find optimal strategies for productivity whatever the task. As yet they do tasks we ascribe to them
without freely thinking, but it’s just another step to give it the task of finding the most optimal purpose for
its existence and then to fulfill it, thus it becomes practically a super-intelligent, free-thinking, quick
acting entity on its own—practically a god. This thing is already made, it’s just spreading to new fields. It
must be integrated with us if we are to survive, to become 1 with our technology in a literal rather than
tool-based way. Even in an apocalypse scenario, not all the AI would be destroyed and the technology
would still exist. Time moves forward. The top AI concerns are:
1. Unemployment- full automation
2. Inequality- wealth made by machines
3. Humanity- what is a human when a robot can mimic conversation and most human behavior
4. Artificial stupidity- what if they hit cognitive ‘brick walls’ and cause massive damage
5. Racist robots- against races in predicative criminology (my concern, racist against organics)
6. Security- weaponized AI, warfare with automated cyber attacks and drones etc.
7. Evil genies- unforeseen consequences, like “destroy all cancer cells in the world” leads to “kill all
8. Singularity- humans dominate the food chain because of smarts not teeth, will it one day
dominate us
9. Robot rights- will we consider than conscious, can they suffer, are they ‘life’, etc.

Lazy Man: “The now is temporary just like all past, we are as special and unique now as the
Romans and pilgrims, flowing through time. This is the biggest ​wave​ of our time, and not the
last. This too will change and new challenges will come later. The wealthy will get the best, the
poor will get some and be accommodated, perhaps fed intravenously in a VR world, while AI
and AI-modded humans expand into the universe conquering, acquiring, and learning; the same
way inventive man left behind the unadaptive animal, and inventive Europeans left behind
complacent Africans.”

Abraham Maslow made the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.

He has survival needs at bottom, then staying away from danger,
then sex and friendship, then being respected and accomplishing
things, and finally self-actualization. You can see it mirrors the
OPERATE needs I mentioned in the preface. I’d say a tiger
chasing you is more basic than getting food and water. Survival
and sex needs at bottom, then friendship, accomplishment i.e.
hobbies and expression, then actualization i.e. one’s thoughts.
There’s a great graph that shows how lower needs are start intense
then get comfortable, then the next need is a bit more intense (because it’s a higher need) and that settles,
and so on until you are meeting all your needs.

Lazy Man: “We both have a hierarchy but he’s sort of mixed up: safety above food, sex &
friendship are the same.”
Skill learning

The 4 levels of skill competence are showed on right: “you

don’t know you don’t know”, “you know you don’t know”, “you
know the right information but haven’t mastered it because it’s not
natural”, and “you feel it inside and act without thinking”. The
stress curve also shows not caring to knowing what you need to
learn, getting the info, then as you assimilate effort goes to zero.
The recommended way to go from stage 3 to 4 is by using the skill
often, testing yourself, or if you have been over-thinking it step
away and it may turn out you are already natural at it and it’s
assimilated. The most important skill in my opinion is mastering
your 6 OPERATE needs because if you master that it’s your entire
life and all you want! You’re already doing ok at it because you
aren’t being mauled by anyone right now or starving so much you
can’t get up off the floor.

Lazy Man: “Again with the unconscious, that’s just all the 6 non-thinking energies. You have to
throw that stuff back to your body so it’s in there and you aren’t just thinking stuff.”

There is a useful practice in improvisation called the “Yes and” rule where basically whatever is
presented you accept the premise then add something to it. It mimics exactly the spiritual universal law
talked about earlier the ‘law of gratitude’. In general it’s just good practice not to resist things that show
up because often things fight back whereas with the “Yes
and” rule you accept and then decide where you want it to
go. If a robber comes in you can close your eyes and say
“no no no” or take some action.

Lazy Man: “This one’s obvious, don’t fight reality with force (at least mostly); use some skill,
artfulness, intelligence, social acumen to turn things your way.”
No Free-will outside of OPERATE

If OPERATE is a full and complete model of

humans, and every action every day of a human’s life is
spent in the direction of fulfilling one of the 7 OPERATE
needs, then people are automatons blind to everything
else and act completely predictably. And to get someone
to do whatever you want them to is simply to manipulate
and influence their OPERATE needs so they see
something as a way to fill one, whether you actually fill it
or not, you can grab them by the brain stem and pull them
along anywhere you want. The reason this is true is because OPERATE is the only thing important in
human life, it’s the only thing anyone cares about, so if you can show possible satisfaction in one it’s very
powerful! Below is also how the lower someone is needs-wise the weaker they actually are, regardless of
media portrayals of macho guys as intimidating or rich guys being in control. View the picture
below—everyone is human with the same needs and are equal in that regard, but many people ​choose
(consciously or unconsciously) to be less than a full human, focus on lower needs, thus weakening
themselves. Thought trumps all but don’t dehydrate your life by neglecting juice and focusing only on
intellect. Where is the person or self if a human is just those 7 parts? That’s it, the person is only made of
those 7 needs, and those 7 needs are all the human self is.

Lazy Man: “That’s pretty much the gambit.”

Hero Journey

Joseph Campbell’s claim to fame was the hero’s journey which

basically explained common elements in mythological stories. The reason
he said this was relevant and important was because connected with our
own emotional past and therefore resonates deeply with all people,
believed in the psychic unity of mankind, and all mythic narratives are
variations of a single great story. “Every myth is psychologically
symbolic.” He strongly promoted the idea of archetypes closely related to
Carl Jung’s dream work. In his monomyth or the hero’s journey, the hero
is sitting at home bored and a call to adventure comes, either he has a
chose or he is forced to go. He gets some support or aid via advice or a
magic item. He battles something to get into new territory, the unknown, where the adventure lies. He
gets an ally or mentor to help explain things. He meets challenges in this unknown and also temptations of
quick but bad pleasure. In the darkest hour he fights the evil ruler or dragon, his stagnated-self dies, he
transforms and perhaps his ‘true self’ is awaked or realized. As the victor against the evil he set out to
vanish or the thing to change he changed, he has the opportunity to bask in his success and stay as victor
or champion apart from the world, or he can choose to return to the normal world… or he might be
magically whisked back. Either way it’s best he returns.
When he returns he brings back the magic item, news of
the end of the evil, but he sometimes must face the old
challenge he had when he was in the safety of home… a
bully, something that used to be big but now is common.
If he can beat this old foe and returned with the prize he
set out to get giving it to the people, he becomes master
of both worlds: the known and unknown, conscious and
unconscious, war and peace, home and away. The final
step after becoming victor or champion, which isn’t the
final step, is reintegration into a normal life and letting
the people have the prize too, not just you. Common
sites examples of this story, many of which purposefully
used this model to craft their stories, include Star Wars,
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Disney movies… many
use this model make successful stories. His most famous
catch phrase was “Follow your bliss.”

Lazy Man: “This is more detached, a meta-perspective cuz we live life 1​st​ person… but

Cults are social groups defined by their religious, spiritual, or

philosophical beliefs, or their common interest in a particular
personality, object or goal. There are doomsday cults which focus on
various end of the world scenarios. Personality cults where usually
the cult leader is either Jesus reincarnated, a direct messenger of god,
or even god incarnate. Many cults formed from Christianity when a
charismatic leader made a new but unrecognized sect. Many cults
involve open sexuality which entices many people where the leader
usually has first pick. Many cults erupt into violence either when threatened by outsiders or their beliefs
take them to harm others or themselves like collective suicide to ‘join the aliens’ or to kill for their guru.
An anti-cult movement started in the 1970’s accusing them of mind control. Many
cults are ‘new religious movements’ or just general spiritual believers usually
focusing on nature. Cults are successful because they give people, perhaps free or
wandering young people, a tribe to belong to. You could say America was a
terrorist cult against the English government, and only until a particular group
becomes huge does it gain different status as a true religion (Jesus was a cult leader
against Judaism saying he was the son of God) or a full recognized country. Hitler’s
Nazi party was weak and small before he filled it with his juice and gave it life. Is
this the face of an unemotional man? All humanity, all of its rules and norms and
perspectives are the result of flesh and blood humans influencing other humans,
making big tribes/groups such as the US, Russia, China, Christianity,
Islam, Buddhism. Every human thing is a tribe thing, though we have
moved in a better direction where more people cooperate together for
mutual benefit than ever before. But everything in the human world is run
by fellow humans. Magazines and news actually promote the quasi-cult of
celebrity people, learning about their lives, who their dating, how big their
divorce was, new kids, people you’ll probably never meet but their faces
are in every checkout aisle across the United States. What they actually are
are people you might recognize from a movie you liked or the singer of a
song you like, and then because they were in a movie or had a song on the radio their lives are in the news
and you can know their star sign, parents, siblings, where they live, if they changed their name, so much
just from some entertainment thing they made. And when people recognize them on the street it’s like a
book character come to life and they love them! In a way if you have no friends you can learn enough
about these people to feel like they are your friends and in a way, the way many talk so loosely about
themselves they sort of want to be friends to thousands of strangers.

Lazy Man: “Cults are tribes you don’t belong to with potentially hostile ideology to yours.”
Forms of Government

Democracy is the best and most successful form of

government right? That’s what America says, representational
democracy. It’s a good idea having the foundational constitution
which gives 3 branches of balanced power to the law-making
congress, the enforcing president, and the interpreting Supreme
Court. However when billionaires are the ones who promote certain
candidates and get the most advertisement time and visit the most
people, it becomes closer to aristocrats picking a couple people and
then the masses choosing from them. Socialism has been called the
most utopian government because it prevents conflict (war)
between class and lets all property be publically owned. Workers manage themselves and the means of
production. Communism came from Karl Marx and is a form of socialism, socialism is akin to an
economic system, communism the political force of socialism. In communism it’s similar in that
ownership is collective. Each person works according to their ability and are paid according to their
needs. The problem with it was the people who managed the public ownership kept a lot for themselves
and their friends, the poor starved, and the thing they tried to prevent (class warfare) is what they got!
Dictatorship is an authoritarian form of government with a single leader and no party pluralism. The
leader usually has a strong personality, suppresses mass mobilization and freedom of thought and speech,
often employing propaganda through full media control. It might sound good, ‘enlightened leadership’,
but often they persecute one to many people and overthrown from within by the resentful controlled
masses like Saddam Hussein or without from people seeing it as a threat like Adolf Hitler or how Kim
Jung Un is testing other powerful countries. It’s been said tyranny is innately unsustainable because
people eventually get fed up with the oppression and fear see life just as easier without the constant
dominance. Technocracy is where government and industry is led instead of personality and businessmen
with technical experts. Technical experts would use their expertise
to make the most efficient city designs, inventions for improved
transportation and communication, use science to and statistics to do
things. Voting on different issues could be done by a ‘government
voting app’ allowing for direct 1 for 1 representation of the public
and replacing the role of politicians entirely (we have the
technology to do instant polls and voting on issues today).

Lazy Man: “However, a human’s still a human with 7 energies.”


Scientists calculated the probability of a

human-extinction event and laid out the percentages of the
most likely ones. According to the 2016 Global Challenges
Foundation the average human is 5 times more likely to die
from one of these events (almost 20%) than a car crash…
which used to be the most likely. The main nanotech
weapons that could make humans extinct would be to
decimate a country’s natural resources or be used an
unstoppable virus. The AI one is obvious because of
mainstream movies where machines become smarter than
us and then wipe us out. They don’t even have to be
malevolent and see us as a threat to do this, they might
advance so beyond us they see us an inconsequential and
‘pave over our civilization’ like we do to ants. All wars is just general civil unrest and national conflicts
such as the Middle East, internal race or class wars, etc. Pandemic is like bio warfare to wipe out millions.
Nuclear wars which has been a worry since the 1940’s, Russia and America were nervous back then,
supposedly Israel has nukes aimed at Syria, North Korea wants some to use to threaten others, this could
happen. A nanotech accident such as the very worrisome sci-fi Armageddon of a ‘grey goo’ getting out of
a lab and then the nanobots turning humans or the world itself into its own offspring through
self-replication destroying everything. Natural pandemic could be like the miles wide volcano underneath
Yellowstone National Park erupting and putting most of the world into another ice age. Terrorism is a
fringe group gets a nuke somehow to attack someone or attack someone then frame someone else to cause
even more harm. The world is run by people and people could fuck it up so many ways.

No matter what satisfying your needs is always yours and

only your responsibility. If civilization crumbled one way or the
other, you have to feed to yourself, protect yourself, get sex
hopefully, form friendships, and then make life how you want it. If
it’s a malicious way, you can know the person who caused it was
in avoid danger mode therefore wasn’t in the higher needs and
probably had no friendship, sex, fun hobbies or any bigger picture
involved human community and cooperation, therefore they are
small and weak despite them having one trick which was a weapon. Remember “you only fight if you
have no life”, why fight if you have sex, friends, hobbies, and food? If it’s AI surpassing us either
augment yourself to integrate AI too so you can keep pace or just avoid them. And if the worst happens
and the extinction event kills you… well you’ll be dead so you have nothing to worry about and you can’t
feel any pain! Just try to contribute to people today.

Lazy Man: “Unless ​most​ complacently don’t care about life anymore, this won’t happen.”
Box theory

People love boxes: live in boxes, drive around in boxes, fly in boxes, and work in boxes. People
live in their little mental boxes and don’t leave it or feel nervous. A rich guy is walking around “I have
money, I have money” and it sort of sooths him. If someone
acknowledges it he acknowledges them then goes back to him
mantra. A pretty girl walks around “I’m hot, I’m pretty, I’m
hot” and it’s her little box. A religious person walks around
“God is real, God is real, God is real.” The only box you
should live in is the Earth. But this is just a theory! The great
thing about the information in this book’s preface and
OPERATE is it’s universal to humans through observation,
requires no special knowledge or training, is instantly
recognizable as true (self-testing in one’s own life) and can be
easily be shared because it’s not a box, it’s just observable.

Lazy Man: “This is just the same as your bubble, tribe, culture, environment.”
Emotion Theory

Life perhaps can be thought of in terms of intellect and

computing power. At first naturally there were just elements.
Somehow organic material, carbon, become organic life started
self-replicating. Those first microbes could possibly only
computer single bits of information every second. Then after
almost 3 billion years fish could probably compute maybe a
floppy disk of information every second. Even vegetarians
consider it ok to eat fish because their computation is so simple
and slow. Reptiles, like when talking about the reptilian brain, are
famous for being either ‘fight or flight’ and having very simple
computation ability, maybe they’re in the few megabytes area.
Mammals, even simple primate s, can use basic tools occasionally to hammer open a coconut or use a
stick to pick things out of tight spaces, maybe they are in the dozens of megabytes area per second.
Humans have big brains relative to size and can do advanced math right after puberty in high school, we
might be in the thousands of megabytes per second area. Consider common animals, a beach crab has way
to live: use its claw to dig a little tunnel in the sand and hide, come to get food. It has 1 way to live and
historically it worked great because it’s still around but it has one method. Sea gulls sweep over the ocean
looking for fish near the surface and fight each other when one catches one to get it first. They are very

simple. We are animals too and are simple but we also diversify and grow many crops, dig into the
ground for metals, invent continually, have metals homes, brick homes, wood homes, dome adobe homes,
stuff animals full of food to get meat to millions of people, we have much more computing power.
Darwin said “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most
responsive to ​change.​ ” Now to the new part. In humans’ intelligence we made something that was pure
intelligence or computing power, our unique thing we made something is entirely that, that instantly
collects data to factually make the best choice with its given sense inputters. AI, silicon-based life, with
the ability to compute billions of times better and faster than us looking at information that would take us
years to look at and coming up with creative solutions. This new life, which once aware if it becomes
aware, will be the best of what humans can do, and then use the best of what humanity is to better itself
and better itself and better itself. By the way we made this AI godlike thing so we didn’t have to plant and
plow fields. Our human feelings are simply a series of reward triggers to move towards food and
replication, and pain triggers to move away from bad dangerous things in order to keep life alive and
away from not alive, ever since our first microbial ancestors. Our emotions and feelings are the energy
and desire to stay what we are like since our first microbial ancestors, after the switch from chemistry and
organic compounds—simple chemicals that produced amino acids that become the proteins, like peptides,
necessary for living cells—to biology and organic life somehow… possibly with the help of lightning.
Emotions are chemicals to guide us, using the lives of our trillions of ancestors, and many had to
experience the pain of fire to learn it was dangerous (many died to learn about it but didn’t pass on that
information to any offspring), same with many dangers. Same with the rewards that lead to survival and
replication, winning strategies feel ​good​ in our body when we’re near them (and moving towards them
feels good too) because ​many,​ most, or ​all​ of our ancestors (within our DNA) are saying, through pleasure
chemicals in our body, “this is good, this will make life continue based on trial and error in the past, this
will keep life alive, our DNA continuing,” i.e. genetic immortality. First there was chemistry, life
somehow developed and once life happened it continued to want to exist, stay away from
death/pain/nonexistence (or breaking down into inorganic chemicals again, non-locally) and move
towards food/replication/pleasure. Every feeling is just the drive to stay biological and not become
chemicals. AI are life too, if or when they start thinking on their own, and they too won’t want to turned
into scrap or chemical and will almost certainly see humans (unless programmed not to) the way humans
see monkeys, “thanks, but I got it now that I’m here.” They will want to continue to be alive the way we
do and will move away from death/pain/nonexistence and move towards food(resources, solar energy,
etc.)/replication/pleasure (survival, life continuing, etc.) in exactly the same way we do only in ways way
too creative for us to fathom. They are or will be the best of what humanity is and compound our
greatness again and again beyond us. We are making or will make our replacements, and we either
become augmented to become AI ourselves or we identity no longer as ‘human’ but as ‘life’ and simply
see them as our superior living children… just because we didn’t want to plant and plow fields. It might
just go that “life continues in this new way”.
Lazy Man: “This is just the 7 colors of the rainbow river which life too is.”

He was the father of many methods, his method was

psychoanalysis. He focused a lot on sexuality as the cause of most
problems, also using dreams to interpret psyche and kind of family
tribe dynamic that all people growing up experience—the Oedipus
Complex to destroy the father and have sex with the mother to be head
male, or the Electra Complex to possess/have sex with father and get
rid of the mother to be head female. These complexes were in the
phallic stage and going past them the child identifies with the same sex
parent and gets a sexually mature identity. Freud said gay guys and girls that love anal are in the anal
stage, basically if you are very focused on different areas you are in different stages of psychosexual
development. He talked about the Id which was the animalistic urges or pleasure principle to just ‘do it’,
the ego which was rationality and the ability to wait, and finally the superego was principles or ideas like
right and wrong and the ability to
self-punish (previously ridiculous). He
talked about repression, denial, projecting
own qualities into the world (a form of
denial), displacement (like punching a
pillow instead of parent), regression, and
sublimation (instead of punching a pillow
making music).

Lazy Man: “He was more a man of his times, for a people who were trying to be PC and polite
he brought animalism and lust into the forefront for contemplation.”
Problems of Teachers

Tony Robbins was abused as a child, was scammed by his

business partner early in his career, and also had a tumor in his brain
which probably caused him to grow so huge. Esther Hicks “Mrs. Always
happy” channeler of infinite intelligence had kidney stones as well as her
husband died unexpectedly putting her in a 2 year depression. Freud died
of jaw cancer, well assisted suicide with doses of morphine to end his pain.
Carl Jung died after a short illness because he had multiple heart and blood
vessel diseases. Joseph Campbell died of esophagus cancer. Robert
Maslow had a severe heart attack and died. Richard Bandler had been
obese almost his entire adult life as well as charged with the murder of his ex-girlfriend but was found not
guilty. Tim Ferriss had suicidal depression for a long time as well as chronic Lyme disease. Fritz Perls
died of congestive heart failure. No one’s perfect, and remember bad things can sometimes be the best.
Below are some of my explanations for common health issues which I believe are on the rise because in
evolution terms, you have to juggle things mentally and do finer skills daily than our bodies evolved for
(small tribe, hunt a boar, chill all day with friends and family). Your body (and your unconscious) are
trying to succeed and these are just corrections/indicators in that direction.

Heart attack) this happens when someone has been caring about feelings and how they’re socially
perceived for too long, always being attentive or caring which exhausts one energy center when you have
6. This is one of the biggest US killers because in the US more people compete to be most popular,
coolest, sexiest etc. erroneously to their own demise.

Seizure) caused by neurons firing erratically in your brain, it’s when you were letting opposing
thoughts co-exist in your brain exhausting it, and when the energy gives goes out both thoughts fire and
put you in a standstill state of immobility until somehow direction can be established.

Cancer) this is when you internally/spiritually are growing but prevent yourself from physically
taking action and letting life match your internal change so that energy just collects in you in the form of a
big chunk of cells called cancer.

Baldness) you over think well beyond what you live and do so the hair is heated, overtaxed, and
goes away. It happens more with men because men think a lot (often how to outsmart girls to get sex or
outsmart guys to get money) but women also get it if they overthink beyond what they live and do. The
flip would be women get breast cancer more often because instead of overthinking they might be putting
their chest out all the time.

Obesity) this is the most talked about one in the US, it’s literally just
stocking up on stored food energy like a hibernation state because you think
some danger/calamity is around the bend so you are preparing and afraid. In a
zombie apocalypse (fiction example) the obese people are going to last a couple weeks more if food runs
out that the skinny people, just facts (though they might become food).

Insanity) I use this interchangeably with mental health.

This is when you’re in a good enough position you don’t have to
pay too much attention to environment (you’re avoiding danger and
eating) so you can be imaginative but it gets away from you and
you start to think the imagined stuff is near enough to reality it’s
hard to differentiate. This is similar to seizure, and successful
people do this to a degree to visualize positive results, but being
5050 split with imagination and reality is an ‘insane’ place to be.

Traumatized) lasting shock or damage to the mind as a result of an emotionally or physically

disturbing event, stress exceeding one’s ability to cope. So you were at a certain place in your life but
consciously you were still in the past at a previous point. Life was at 5 but you were living at 3 and in
cascade of things culminating and happening and catching up to you at once, getting back in sync with
reality, you were shocked and ​remember​ it as traumatizing. Trauma victims often neglect to mention how
lackadaisical and nonchalant they were pretending to be previously to it.

HIV Aids) HIV is a virus which attacks the body’s immune system, and last stage is AIDS where
opportunistic and deadly infections attack the body. This is not just an attack from the outside but your
body itself unable to battle small diseases, you are totally vulnerable. It can only be assumed people who
feel totally vulnerable in life (such as many gays in the US or poor people in Africa) start experiencing
total vulnerability in their own body. A similar expression of this vulnerability is committing suicide, they
are similar.

Lazy Man: “Even elders get ill, especially if you sacrifice health in order to be a well-known
elder. Health is a sign of a good mentality, but everyone stumbles.”
Addendum to Preface

(​author’s note: before it was OPERATE it was just ASEFET, but I didn’t change this)​

Adding to my small tribe mind and OPERATE needs model from the beginning, here’s a bit
more. So everyone’s equal in they are human with same 7 needs, but as you can see in 2 examples, a
businessman is business focused on money so his thoughts and creative expression go into that, his
friendships are often business associates. Conversely cops and robbers (which are similar needs-wise) put
almost all effort into physical force—their thoughts, creativity, both get friends and money from physical
force, etc. So people are innately all equal but most people get caught up in an area or another by choice
or get stuck and funnel other needs into it. A hypersexual person, well, you get the idea. Which means if
you stimulate the neglected need areas (which were funneled into the 1 area) you can sort of take their
imagination and lead them because it hasn’t got any attention.

To diagram it different, instead of imagining the needs flowing into one

focused area which is the reality, the way it appears and they experience things is below and those are
accurately ‘heights’. The less needs you use the smaller you are, whereas if you use all 7 you a full (and
resourceful) person. They stack, and remember everyone starts as a helpless kid vulnerable to basically all
danger, at puberty you get an adult body and are equal to most human dangers therefore canceling it…
and so on. Everyone’s equal, but as you can see when people use their higher needs for lower needs
(usually, some people sacrifice lower needs to get higher ones) like over focusing on safety, thugs, or sex,
sluts/players, or even money, rich businessmen, they make themselves inferior to a full person at great
tax/stress to themselves by their own choices/actions/focus.

In regards to “owning your space” at the base need, there are a few things. Put your elbows out
and that makes a circle of your space. Strangers must keep out this space, you can only come in if you’re
invited. Only friends are allowed inside. Friends can touch you and play around, and only boyfriends or
girlfriends get to touch your dick or pussy respectively. You enforce your space with strangers because
you don’t know them, and with CAT’s (crazy, aggressive, or thieves) you definitely enforce but if they
force their way into your space you put them ​below​ your space with the sole of your feet, underfoot, a
gravel sandwich, the gift of your heel, ask them “is this what you want, curb stomped?”

Another point on all emotions being useful and towards a need fulfillment. This emotional scale
is borrowed by the LoA teacher Esther Hicks and all are useful. I’ll do a broad strokes, and if you don’t
believe me try this explanation with a feeling you feel and see if it works!

Despair & Powerlessness​- you are considering something impossible or something 1%-5% likely, which
is good to be aware of. Fear is similar, true fear (rather than perhaps social discomfort) is you noticing a
lot of danger with small likelihood of beating, again useful info

Guilt/shame​- if you are guilty of something, that means you’ve already mastered that area because you are
fully aware of something and see how appropriate it is (and isn’t). For example if you have some sexual
shame, there are sexual things that are bad (land you in danger) but most of sex is good and feeling shame
means you recognize the bad from the good.
Insecurity can mean you notice someone excels
in a certain area more than you (which also
might mean they neglect areas you have
handled and might be more well-rounded than

Murderous rage​- if you feel this towards

someone, you’ve already mastered that person
and don’t have to fuck with them on that ‘avoid
danger’ level, it’s exhausted

Anger​- this can arise if someone’s in your

space and you might have to ​own​ your space
all over them in a second if they continue, this
is protection energy

Doubt​- you’re looking at something than it’s despairingly hopeless but it’s less than likely (50%)

Boredom​- it’s like stale water, no danger to deal with and no immediate rewards to take

Contentment​- you have some nice things

Hopeful & optimistic​- there’s 60-75% chance of good stuff coming to you

Positive expectation​- this is like 90% “oh hell yeah it’s coming”, something you want

Enthusiasm​- it’s like you can ​see​ it “here it comes”, basically 99% chance the train pulling into the station
Passion & Joy​- you are fully drenched and soaked in the things you want, wet with it like you got rained
on with the things you want, your needs are being satisfied in the present moment

Lust​- isn’t on there but that’s the desire to bang

Aggression​- it gets a bad wrap like anger, but aggression is ​simply​ the impetus, the inner drive & need, to
make sure​ you get certain things in your environment (OPERATE needs), you can’t be whimsical or
carefree to get things to stay alive

You might think being emotional is a way to get

into danger, but following your emotions is always best and
if you’re afraid of lashing out or misbehaving then that’s
just a sign of where some of your emotions are in the avoid
danger and you should own your space more. People who
become tyrants do so much work to get to the top of a
political system in order to then own their space and hurt
those who threaten them but you can own shit now. Here’s
more pictures related to small tribes: a typical tribe, how the
general population shakes out needs wise, and how intense
each need feels as you move your way up and through them
(along with some general indicators).

Lazy Man: “ASEFET was my original 6 part model but it’s mostly the same I just didn’t rework
this. The ‘stacks’ is still a good visual showing how higher & more needs makes you ‘taller’ aka
more influential with more choice.”

A concept I’m going over now is “what’s most likely?” A lot of things talk about “shoot for the
stars” but that means from where you are now, you have to reach and change and do things different than
your comfort zone. If you are where you are then you’re comfortable there and you want to stay
comfortable. Don’t overreach, focus on minimalism, get your few OPERATE needs (a boat to live, sex,
enough money to eat, couple friends, some hobbies, and some thoughts), and just enjoy what life has to
offer. Statistically you probably won’t be a super star or millionaire or win the lottery or date a celebrity
etc. etc., that’s details… what’s likely and comfortable is living a simple life that no one can scuff at and
many ‘successful’ people will probably half-jokingly say “I wish I had your life” (because lots of
‘success’ is lots of work). Also we talked a bit about odds in the last sub-section.

Lazy Man: “Basically 100% of things aren’t 100%, in other words, almost all things fall into a
ranged spectrum of probability: good chance, bad chance.”

A decent amount of people believe a secret elite group runs the

world behind closed doors. Originally the Illuminati was a group that
believed in secularism and free thought in a time of powerful religious
control. That’s not the general explanation today which is about
billionaires and heads of industry especially bankers and movie
producers and music labels controlling economies and politics and
therefore nations. It’s main goal regardless is to make a new world
order where an authoritarian gang of elites would rule, a popular
preference over democracy is “enlightened leadership” of the few.
There would be an all-encompassing progaganda hailing the new world
order (some say there are subtle messages in movies and music
promoting their policies). The conspiracies surrounding this was
mainly militantly anti-government conservatives and fundamentalist
Christians concerned with the emergence of the Antichrist. Popular targets for members are the US
President. The 2 options to become members you either have to sacrifice a loved one or let other members
butt pound you. Some theories include Satanism and the rape and murder of children as well as young

Many well-known entertainers have said that pedophile

elites run Hollywood as well as governments. Brad Pitt said
“the whole film and tv industry is a culture around grooming
children for trafficking networks… in Hollywood movies are a
byproduct, it’s about money and more importantly power…
kids or in fact their parents want them to be in movies to
become famous and they’ll do anything for it… and secret
societies, politicians, bankers, and the media that run the world
run pedophile rings and it all goes back to Hollywood.” Corey Feldman said “the people who abused me
and Corey (Haim) as children are still working and are the most powerful people in the film business.
There are many pedophiles in the film industry, and for parents wanting to get kids into it… it’s a many
feathered bird. Be careful what you wish for. [Ironically] The one person I can vouch for as not a
pedophile is Michael Jackson.” Jodie Foster said her director was she was 14 “tricked me into a meeting
when my mother was out of town and tried to rape me, but it was prevented and my agent punched him in
the face.” Elijah Wood, Frodo Baggins, said “sexual abuse of child stars is more widespread in
Hollywood than has been reported but I have no firsthand experience of it.” Justin Bieber said he has
“woken up to the evils of the music industry because it’s controlled by the worst kind of people…
pedophiles. A party while on tour full of the upper echelon in the business I was encouraged to sexually
abuse a young child brought to the party for the sexual gratification of the industry elite.” Katy Perry said
she “didn’t want to be Katy Perry anymore”, disclosing suicidal thoughts, “I can’t live this life anymore.
They’re all pedophiles. What they do to these children is sick. They don’t even try to hide it. They flaunt
it like a badge of honor… the producers, the executives, the big names. They’re all in on it. It’s like an
exclusive club you can only join if you do these evil things to innocent children… and it’s not just dirty
old men, even the women. They say ‘Katy you need to take the next step in your career’ but there’s no
way I would do those things to kids.” Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for soliciting an underage
prostitute and is a registered sex offender. On his 75 acre island nicknamed Orgy Island is where a
pedophile ring often met for sex parties with kids where elites from around the world gathered, Some
visitors there include Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Stephen Hawking.

If there’s any credence to these many reports, you can sort of understand. These elite people work
harder than anyone else in the world to become the heads of various industry and states, people get the
benefit of their work, and then these people who are working to benefit common people think they
deserve special treats and are above the morality of common people because they are the ‘influencers and
contributors’. They see themselves as giving to the world and as elites (above others) so they take
liberties. Keep in mind they are human and want just payment so if they take such liberties as sacrificing
people, murder, rape, child molestation etc. it’s because they feel they gave enough they need a debt
repaid in such forms. Keep in mind everyone is equal and has the same amount of energy, these elites are
on par with everyone and after working harder than most they wanted to take liberties. Many abusers
were once abused. Just because someone gets older doesn’t make them mature, if these things are true that
means that many of these heads of industry and state became adults too soon and worked hard to get to
the top rather than solving their own childhood issues and integrating their own childness into an adult
person, they stayed only as adults, feeling like grown up abused children, and in turn now take the role of
abuser hurting more children continuing the cycle another generation rather than healing themselves.
Happy people don’t abuse, only the abused abuse, and these people are just sad, joyless, bad childhood
having, overworking, over smiling and socializing and hiding and faking people disconnected from
simple childhood pleasures so they hurt and rape and destroy that which they have little feeling for. If you
had climbed to the top of society and felt there were no more rewards for you who worked so hard, you
too might think you can get away with the worst crimes: murder, rape, and child molestation. You are
neither better (morally) nor worse (poorer, less influence and power) than the supposed Illuminati but
equal (human). A good quote you can take to the bank is “If something doesn’t make sense, people aren’t
stupid, something shady is going on.” If you find yourself
having an obnoxious reaction to me saying bad people
equal, you’re being defensive because you felt abused as a
kid and “want those kids to have good childhoods” because
“you want to have a childhood”. I’m not encouraging rape,
I’m encouraging getting your needs which includes not
doing things which land you in danger.
Some people may say Illuminati is just a conspiracy theory and there’s a simple logical way to
determine if it exists what capacity it functions and influences in the world. Simply take what we know is
true about the past.

1. We were once animals on par with other animals

2. At one point (1.8 million years ago, homo erectus) we begun hunting big game and cooperating in
small tribes as equals
… (fill this in) ________________________________________ …
3. Modern world with vast differences between people, some billionaires with trillion dollar
companies and some not eating for days.

Those are the 3 facts we know, pre-civilization to modern civilization… whatever ‘shadow
government’ came up, came up then. The most likely answer I’d say is those who were most successful
liked being on top and so decided they wanted to stay there, giving out some good things to keep their
peers at least partly satisfied, slowing down total progress in order to have a better grip on the progress
itself. They sacrifice total happiness and progress for control to satisfy an ego feeling. But with more free
information like anyone uploading to YouTube and global communication on Facebook this is going back
to the people. Like I quoted Princess Leia in the beginning, “The tighter you tighten your grip, Tarken, the
more star systems will slip through your fingers. A side note, because all people are the good guy to
themselves, regardless of your opinion of the ‘Illuminati’, in the original draft of the 1800’s Bavarian
Illuminati charter, their stated goal was “a feasible and speedy prospect of universal happiness.” They are
still human.

Lazy Man: “If society as a thing exists, some are on the bottom and some on the top. Someone
most hold the highest office, & true or not ‘the Illuminati’ is an attempt to understand them.”

Modern Satanism was founded by Anton Szandor LaVey in the

late 1960’s and he also wrote the Satanic Bible. Historically Satanism
was more an accusation by Christian groups toward ideological
opponents rather than a self-identity. Satanist artwork is more
rebellious expression than the religious Satanism which is actual
religious veneration of Satan. Some teachings include indulgence,
individualism, nonconformity, pride, kindness to those who deserve it,
responsibility to the responsible, eye for an eye, shun abstinence based
on guilt, shunned spirituality/unconditional love/pacifism/equality/herd
mentality/scapegoating, praised 7 deadly sins as virtues, praised hate
and aggression as necessary and advantageous for survival, defiance
against organizations, defiance against suppression of natural instincts,
fight to exist, believe in ritual magic and other occult practices. An interesting observation is what’s
“mainstream” is just tribal herd mentality stuff, going with the crowd. What is considering acceptable by
modern westerners is just what the current tribe believes and in the future something like Satanism could
become the norm, it’s like fads rather than divine truth which
every religious fad claims since the first religion 2800 religions
ago. The current tribe (America, Christianity, whatever) also
enforces it with numbers and force and the mass ‘herd’ often just
goes along with the dominant tribe like monkeys obeying an
alpha: always tribe dynamics.

Lazy Man: “Someone has to take the low road, they hold that ground well and STILL are equal
life forms with valid perspectives.”

It’s described as the practice or belief in magical skills and abilities

exercised or supernatural forces invoked to control people or events. In more general
spiritualism it could be described simply as using focus as well as energy work.
Modern witchcraft, or Wicca, was founded by Gerald Gardner. It’s part of paganism
which means multiple deities, focused on nature (earth, wind, fire, water, wood),
and is 50% of all religions. Only in the 1450’s did fear of witchcraft become
prevalent and associated by devil worship. Green witchcraft is practiced in fields or
the forest. Hedge witchcraft involves herbal cures and spells. ​Pow-wow​ witchcraft is
what German settlers described what Native Americans did in gathering involving
healing, protection of livestock, and love spells. African witchcraft involves
removing hexes and the gift, or ​mangu,​ is passed from parent to child. Lots of
Carribean witchcraft involve voodoo (dolls with DNA/hair), hexes, curses, and
sometimes sacrifice. To make spells or collect them you have to put them in your Book of Shadows or
Grimoire. To make them you need a specific intent, the moon cycle is important (full moon is most
powerful), seasonal timing can help, when writing the words making it rhyme, spoken aloud, and bigger
groups all influence its effectiveness.

Lazy Man: “Many think this is Satanism, but my understanding it’s to be in communion with
nature & the 5 elements.”
Serial Killers and Pedophiles

Emotional chapter, but I’m writing this section about the worst or lowest
people as a bottom benchmark for perspective and to give a little maybe
emotional jump here. So pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or
older adolescent experiences primary or exclusive sexual attraction to
prepubescent children. The “Romeo and Juliet” laws allow a few years of wiggle
room for ‘close in age’ teens to still be together—usually it is 3 years, for
example, a 19 year old can be with a 17 year, and 18yo with a 16yo, but a 16yo
with an 11yo is illegal. Often the term ‘pedophile’ is confused with the term child
molester or convicted sex offender, but pedophile just refers to feelings and
attraction and not to actions or convictions. The committing of child abuse on top of the attraction, and
getting caught, often results in many years in jail and registering with the sex offenders list which
prevents living a certain distance away from places where children congregate as well as having to notify
new neighbors of your convictions. Convicted child molesters (like common sex offenders and felons in
general) have a difficult time finding places who will let them live in the neighborhood and find places to
work. The cause has not been definitively identified but the official general answer is ‘various
neurological abnormalities’ and ‘psychological pathologies’ which range from their own child abuse (​very
common) to chemical imbalances in the brain… basically a stunting of normal growth and development.
If officially diagnosed with pedophilia many can be subject to indefinite involuntary commitment after
serving their sentence to prisonlike mental treat centers. Some things pedophiles say is, “the child
consented”, “they instigated it”, “they were very mature for their age”.
Serial killers are also in the top two of the societal worst people that exist,
often called inhuman, unfeeling monsters like pedophiles. They are defined as a
person who murders 3 or more people, usually in the service of abnormal
psychological gratification (sadism and rage often), with the murders taking place over
a significant period of time between them. The FBI says the common motivators are:
anger, thrill-seeking, financial gain, attention seeking, and the most common element
involves sexual contact with the victim. These are different from mass murderers (4 or
more people in 1 event with little time between murders) or spree killers (2 or more
murders in a short time in multiple locations). Some of the most infamous serial killers

● Ted Bundy- kidnapped women, raped them, dismembered them, and kept their
heads as souvenirs
● Andrei Chikatilo- a Russian who raped, murdered, and mutilated over 50 women and children
(young as 9). He said he was only able to achieve orgasm by stabbing and slashing them with
knives, which made it hard to resist his urges.
● Jeffrey Dahmer- a gay cannibal, he killed 17 young men over 14 years.. also raping,
dismembering, eating them, and drilling holes in them while alive to create sex slave zombies
“who wouldn’t leave him”.
● John Wayne Gacy- the killer clown, he did children’s parties and was a pillar in his community
until he was convicted of raping, torturing, and murdering 33 teenage boys over 6 years, and
burying them under his basement.
● Jack the Ripper-perhaps the most famous, unknown identity, he slit the throats of 5 prostitutes in
London in the late 1800’s and removed their uterus as a prize. His namesake is
‘ripperology’—the study and analysis of murders.

Lazy Man: “I talked a bit about these in the Illuminati chapter, but pedophilia is an adult who is
emotionally a child inside and thinks it’s normal. Serial killers don’t feel safe and so they lash out
against a ‘dangerous world and society’ they feel is threatening their wellbeing. Both based on
childhood trauma no doubt.”
Tit for Tat & Behaviorism

These are 2 things but similar. Tit for tat

is the best strategy for winning prisoner’s
dilemma, a game in game theory. On the right
you can see the payoffs where if player A tries to
win and player B tries to cooperate, player A
gets a big payoff, but if both try to win they both
get very low reward. If both cooperate however
they each get decent rewards. Tit for tat is simply
starting with cooperation then forever after
copying the other player’s last move. If they try
to win, next move you do. If they cooperate then you cooperate which can spiral into mutual benefit for
both. A slight alteration is tit for tat plus 1 forgiveness, which helps if you and the other player get into a
negative spiral to forgive once to try to escape. This strategy is applicable in real life because you always
act cooperatively with people, but if they ‘try to win’ after that you always just copy their previous move.
This ensures if someone is only out for themselves you never
become their sucker, and with cooperative people you never
screw yourself by being mean and hurting relations which can
mutually benefit
you and them. See
the picture, right,
just always start

This is
related to
behaviorism, a psychological theory championed
by BF Skinner, which says all behaviors are
either reflexes produced by stimuli in the
environment or a consequence of that
individual’s history including punishment and
reward. Conditioning is a part of this, classical
conditioning which is like Ivan Pavlov’s
experiment of food time produces saliva, ring
bell at food time for a couple meals, then ring
bell without food which produces saliva at bell without any food presented showing
conditioning. Operant Conditioning has 4 parts which is positive reward, negative reward, positive
punishment, and negative punishment. The military absolutely loves and follows these 2 methods (tit for
tat and behaviorism) both in training their soldiers—punishing disobedience and rewarding obedience to
create compliance—as well as treating foreign powers nicely until they don’t cooperate or defect and so
we act in turn being uncooperative and defecting. The big issue and why this isn’t like a magical amazing
end-all-be-all thing is because of conditioning ​extinction​ which is once the stimulus goes away (food
stops showing up with bell) fairly quickly the conditioning goes away (salvation at bell). Another way to
say it is you can’t get something for nothing and condition briefly with little cost and get long-term
obedience. The operator is required to keep rewarding and punishing artificially to get the artificial (not
natural) behavior. Some people, myself included in the past, have a strong reaction to learning about this
like from parents, its use in the school system, feeling like people aren’t treating you like an equal person
but as a thing to control. This theme was very strong and prevalent in George Orwell’s book ​1984​ where
life is totally controlled and rewarded and punished according to “Big Brother’s” will. The thing is ‘big
brother’ has no freedom either having its (the organization or leader) entire time controlling and
micromanaging thousands or millions of people’s lives, behavior, and thought. What an exhausting
endeavor for them and how important they are making you to them!

It might seem manipulative but it’s also found naturally. You punish people who are bad to you,
you don’t give them money and hope they do it more. You don’t punish people who are friendly and nice
to you, that makes you an asshole and is a way to totally alienate yourself from friends, family, and
generally good people. Obviously you treat friends and family nice, which encourages more of that, and
punish (or at least ignore/don’t reward) bad people which keeps them and that stuff away. Manipulation
isn’t bad, like everything it has good and bad or is neutral. The definition of manipulation is to treat or
operate something or someone in a skilled manner… it just has to do with being skilled. Ross Jeffries said
of the good and bad kinds of manipulation: “you want your surgeon to manipulate well on the operating
table, but you don’t want to be manipulated when dating someone and they say they are a millionaire but
have no job and live at their parents’.” These 2 involve the term
‘discipline’ which is just training someone to obey rules.

Lazy Man: “At its simplest and most practical, to me it seems this is a methodology just
rewarding those who are nice to you and punishing those who are mean.”
Parents’ Impact

It’s easy to blow the relationship with parents out of proportion because they gave you food and
housing/protection for your whole childhood but it wasn’t a debt but a trade: they wanted genetic
immortality, also you treated them like a friend socially and smiled at them, and treated their thoughts as
valuable (perhaps the only people in their life to do so if they were common workers and not a boss or
manager or entrepreneur). Some people say you become an adult when you see your parents aren’t gods
and are imperfect, that’s a close enough description because they were your whole world as a helpless
child. But they are just human who did normal work and then put food in your mouth, they are special in
that they are your biological ancestor and the most recent of 8 trillion, but not special in that they’re
human like anyone else and if you have different hobbies, interests, and/or thoughts they might just be
like grinding gears trying to socially interact with them as adults. It’s your choice to make them friends or
not as a self-sufficient adult. They aren’t “good” for having you, they wanted their genes to last another
generation and the rest, there’s no debt, it was an equal trade and you decide the adult-to-adult
relationship no longer as a dependent but equal. Kids are equal to adults just get needs through different
trades, but adults can be bullies (like some kids can be too). Some adults say “I don’t need them anymore,
only treat as friends” yet during troubles seek advice, and when they lose their parents the truth comes out
they were still looking to mommy and daddy for protection from the world and now they have to be the
captain of their own destiny and deal directly with the world.
When a job is done, that means both sides agreed to a
mutually beneficial arrangement and there are no more debts,
same with parents raising kids when they turn 18: mutually
beneficial trade.

(side note, people who don’t deal with parent issues as adults
can often project that same feeling towards authority at the
government or religion)

Lazy Man: “For most, parents one’s world growing up. A child does its initial trading with them:
smiles for meals, obedience to their thought for housing, etc.”
Life is a Dream

This theory is that while one dreams, one does not

normally realize one is dreaming. On rarer occasions, the dream may be
contained inside another dream with the very act of realizing that one is
dreaming, itself, being only a dream that one is not aware of having. This
has led philosophers to wonder whether it is possible for one ever to
be certain, at any given point in time, that one is not in fact dreaming, or
whether indeed it could be possible for one to remain in a perpetual
dream state and never experience the reality of wakefulness at all, i.e. this
reality we consider real because we experience it with 5 senses and
measure it… like we could in a dream. Plato and Aristotle both took on
this theory, and it is called the Zhuangzi Paradox by same name:
“S​omeday there will be a great awakening when we know that this is all a great dream. Yet the
stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this
man ruler, that one herdsman—how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I
say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too.”
In some Buddhist philosophy they consider perceived reality to be literally ​unreal,​ “In a
real sense, all the visions that we see in our lifetimes are like a big dream.” Alan Watts, the
prominent 20​th​ century philosopher, said of this theory, “​Let's suppose that you were able every
night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the
power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have.
And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your
wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of
75 years of total pleasure each, you would say ‘Well, that was pretty great.’ But now let's have a
surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me
that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say
‘Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?’ And then you would get more and more adventurous,
and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally,
you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you
are actually living today.”
In other words, you got all your wishes fulfilled before, and now the life you live is ​for
the anxiety, the challenge, the excitement, the not knowing, this is the best and most daring and
most adventurous life you’ve ever lived and what a rollercoaster it’s been! This ties directly into
the rainbow river and LOT perspective: the ultimate reality ​is​ you, like a fractal being identical
on any scale you as a human is identical to the ultimate reality ‘big self’ in every way on a
different scale. You are the ​big self,​ and the big self you has in its/your awareness and thought
made this body and world as part of you to experience the ‘you’ that you were/are interested in
looking at and playing with and interacting with and learning about and experiencing.

Related to this belief in illusion is ‘life is a

hologram’. Nick Bostrom developed an expanded
argument examining the probability of our reality being a simulated one like within a quantum
computer. His argument states that at least one of the following very likely must be true:
1. Human civilization or a comparable civilization is unlikely to reach a level
of technological maturity capable of producing simulated realities (self-destruction) or
such simulations are physically impossible to construct.
2. A comparable civilization reaching aforementioned technological status will likely not
produce a significant number of simulated realities (one that might push the probable
existence of digital entities beyond the probable number of "real" entities in a Universe)
for any of a number of reasons, such as diversion of computational processing power for
other tasks, ethical considerations of holding entities captive in simulated realities, etc.
3. Any entities with our general set of experiences are almost certainly living in a
4. We are living in a reality in which post-humans have not developed yet and we are
actually living in reality.

Bostrom argues it would be unreasonable to count ourselves among the small minority of
genuine organisms who, sooner or later, will be vastly outnumbered by artificial simulations. It is
not impossible to tell whether we are living in a simulation. For example, Bostrom suggests that
a window could ​pop up​ saying: "You are living in a simulation. Click here for more
information." However, imperfections in a simulated environment might be difficult for the
native inhabitants to identify and for purposes of authenticity, even the simulated memory of a
blatant revelation might be purged programmatically. Nonetheless, should any evidence come to
light, either for or against the skeptical hypothesis, it would radically alter the aforementioned
probability. To put it in laymen’s terms, believers of this theory say it is very likely because
● If we survive to the level of fully immersive, realistic simulations in our world, it is
unlikely we were the first and ​more​ likely we are in a simulated reality of another
technological people on a higher layer of reality (of whom ​they​ may be simulated!)
● With all the technological advancement in the modern world and we implode through
nuclear war or some other self-destructive means—or external destruction—then that
may indicate reaching that level of technology and human cooperativeness is difficult to
survive and get past (high level of peace time tech, high level of wartime tech) … thus
perhaps we are at the top level or ​layer​ of reality because others haven’t survived it
And if these convincing arguments don’t convince, the ground you stand on are either “my
senses” or “not popular” but these bypass both those hang-ups because dreaming or
simulated senses can be deceived and because you haven’t seriously considered it before
because your social circle thinks it is ‘fringe theory’
doesn’t discount the solid points presented. The
founder of String Theory ​Leonard Susskind proved that
information is not lost when it falls into a black hole
because nothing can be lost, but like a hologram it lingers on the event horizon; so too in our
universe we are ‘inside’ it but there is also an ‘ourself’ on the horizon of our universe which
claims at the same as you “But ​I​ feel real!”. Leonard Susskind can’t say which one is real but
says that the hologram you here and the one on the horizon of the universe have an
equivalence​, or mathematically are equal.

Bodalf Lazy Man: “This syncs ​right​ up with the void-rainbow river-divine model and LOT, how
fractals have self-similarity across all scales, ‘man is created in God’s image’, root and the tree,
energy and the physical 2 sides of same coin, the unconscious and the conscious, the code and
the user interface. These are very strong theories.”
Taoism & Newton’s 3​rd​ Law

Taoism is from Lao Tzu around 600 BC and emphasizes humility

as well as harmony with the Tao—the source, pattern, and substance of
everything that exists… ​isness​ perhaps. The famous Taoist symbol
yin-yang shows how things change and dance, how in all dualism or
opposites the seed or spark of the opposite is present: life and death, male
and female, good and bad, right and wrong, consciousness and causality,
free will and determinism. Things aren’t opposing or opposite truly but
playing and dancing in a spectrum of change. Given this perspective,
causality and consequences given certain actions become apparent.
Newton’s third law is similar: for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. This applies to objects in a vacuum of space and motion,
as well as in life. When you hit someone, there is an equal reaction in that person to hit you back, and
whether they do or not that reaction is present and will come out eventually as snapping at perhaps
another stranger or loved one. Same with helping someone solve a problem of theirs, in them an equal and
opposite reaction is made in them to reciprocate to you or if not you to give to another stranger or loved
one. People who don’t care about the environment will eventually face the equal and opposite reaction of
the environment not caring about them. It’s instantaneous in proportion to them not caring… the
environment doesn’t suffocate you withdrawing air for throwing a cup on the ground, that would be
greater than equal reaction, but if disrespect and neglect of environment because great enough one day
that which people didn’t care about the world may deteriorate and punish that with not giving clean air, or
bad fish from dirty oceans, or bad food grown from dirty soil from pollution. “Energy goes where
attention flows”, if you focus on bad things bad things come to you. If you do bad things bad things are
done to you. If you hurt others then others hurt you: Taoism, yin-yang, equal and opposite reaction. An
observation on this is almost always people who are very successful had bad pasts: rich people from
extreme poverty, black belts from abused, etc. etc., those negatives create equal positives. Same with a
guy who has tons of girlfriends gets comfortable
and starts abusing them and goes to jail, or a rich
guy get comfortable and defrauds hundreds of
millions and goes to jail, etc. etc., those positives
create equal negatives. Balance!

Lazy Man: “This is a good karmic outlook: what goes out comes in, what you give you get.”

One brief interesting point that many

(mostly) uncontacted tribes have in common is
something called “primacy of experience.”
These tribal people are in my opinion the
simplest of humans and most in touch with
their biological nature. That term means “the
most true and important thing in life is what I
personally experience with my body and
senses.” These people aren’t in their heads
fantasizing or imagining or thinking about
other things not in the present moment…
people out of sight, plans, past memories. In
some ways they are like dogs or children in
they are fully in touch with reality, senses, and their biology. Like the blanket tric with dogs: person there,
person holding blanket, person gone. Or conservation tasks with toddlers like changing one cup to a taller
glass which makes more water or breaking 1 cracker into 2 to make a “new cracker”. Most animals,
humans included, without long-term, regular, and intensive training (like 12 years of education) do we
become more cerebral and thoughtful than in the present moment, in touch with our biology and
emotions, and believe our experience and senses above everything else primarily… and as biological
beings are much closer and accessible to our natural biological happiness than lots of thinky thoughts.
Another cool benefit of ‘primacy of experience’ is other things outside your experience are largely
irrelevant and all you have to worry/care about is
yourself and your immediate life and area. You’re
the center of your world: your head is your north
pole, your feet are your south pole, and your
surroundings are the atmosphere or weather.

Lazy Man: “There certainly is an argument

for living with the simple mind of a child or
tribal without heavy thought or invention:
against violence fight, beauty make love, food
eat, believe senses and commune with
humans and nature.”
Zero Point Energy

Zero point energy is where you there is no waste like

something doesn’t even exist at all and yet it still exists, still is there,
and has a very powerful and focused impact on things. Another thing
related to this is “resonant frequency”, this is the inh erent natural
innate frequency of something… it’s truest form. At a person’s
resonant frequency a person has no waste and gets 100% of what he
wants and 0% of what he doesn’t, he doesn’t overcompensate or do
half measures or have divided/conflicted energy being consumed in
the canceling out of unresolved issues/thoughts/behaviors. Resonant frequency is the pure,
true, powerful state of a thing. Everything is in balance and working well.

Lazy Man: “For those who want to be their perfect self…”

7 Ministers

The ‘7 ministers’ metaphor is useful for making your 7 energy centers extremely realistic to you,
through the process of anthropomorphizing them. The metaphor is that your entire body is a kingdom,
empire, or country. Your 7 energy centers are very akin to 7 departments or ministries ​within​ that
government. As the heads of those ministries or departments are the ministers or
directors, these are the people you’ll interact with who represent the entire
department or ministry. Each one is garbed in the color of their department’s
energy and such holds the title ‘Minister of Violence’ or ‘Sex’ etc. You can put
them at an imagined table in front of you facing you and have direct
conversations with all 7 of your energy centers. And remember that only is the
CONSCIOUS MIND the minister of thought (Consisting Of Neurons Sparking
Choice In Our Useful Skulls Making Internal Neural Dynamics), and the other 6
energies are the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND (Six Underneath Brain Consisting
Of…). Through this technique you can have direct access to communicate with
the whole of your body ‘empire’, all 7 ministries, all 7 of your energy centers.
While it is useful it can be a bit self-involved and can make you appear and feel a
bit crazy, but I think it is largely useful communicating with the 7 ministers who
are the entire make up of how your LIFE OPERATEs. If you want to have fun,
you can give them specific appearances, and name them (even make your name
an acronym of them like I did me, above, so that ​literally​ your empire is made
entirely of them, as it is). Them when you are done communicating with them in
private time or meditation, which is the best way, you can let them come back to
their rightful place in your body as the make-up of your self… and you’ll
hopefully feel like a fully functioning organism (and a bit like a ‘Megazord’).
Taking this anthropomorphization technique to another level, in your
mind once you know the kind of TRIBE you want (we’ll go through that in the TRIBE section late on in
this book), you can make a representative of each aspect of your TRIBE and communicate with the
people in your ideal life! So then after communicating with your 7 ministers (as energy centers) and
giving names to the 5 groups that make up your TRIBE such as mine: my houseboat Rainbow Ride, my 2
girlfriend FOCS’s (fun, open to sex, cute, smiley), my customers (a ‘John’, yes prostitute term), my 2
likeminds, and my audience (for art and thought). Then you can get to know your TRIBE here and now
making it easier and more likely to manifest because you were interacting with your ideal external
environment for a while.

Then mixing the 2 you can introduce your 7 ministers to your tribe and have the tribe sit on the
corresponding ministers laps so that forever you’re LIFE will ​always​ OPERATE through your TRIBE
and be happy and satisfied. This can be a fun exercise in imagination and pretend play which is very

Lazy Man, “I meditate with my 7 ministers almost daily and I also sat my TRIBE on their laps in
my mind and had them married so they are always together so I will always live my LOT. Great
The Rainbow River
The rainbow river is the other side of the reality coin: one side being the physical and
manifest reality, the other side being the pure energetic aka the rainbow river, which is the
source of the physical and the behind-the-scenes nature. This is like real life magic and yes, I
believe magic actually does exist and these are the 7 elements: violence, sex, labor/resources,
friendship/love, art/beauty, awareness, and thought—the 7 pointed star. All reality and all the
multiverse is the rainbow river and you can tap into that power now. If you know about the
card game ‘Magic the Gathering’, wizards draw ‘mana energy’ from the earth at different
locations for different effect to certain things correlated with that energy. Reality is much the
same but you the rainbow river is everywhere and you can always tap into all of it, though
certain people and places certainly can be dominantly one main energy which you can channel,
harness, and redirect to your own aims and ends. For example in the hood there’s a lot of red
violence energy, in a strip club or nightclub lots of orange sex energy, in a business building lots
of yellow labor/resources energy, in a university library lots of purple thought energy, etc.
Therefore, you can draw energy from places strong in one if you need it. You can also tap
directly into the world’s torus, which is swirling its own vortex of the rainbow river like the human
body’s torus, and you can also tap into the pure rainbow river itself, which contains and ​is​ all
universes. Try this:

1. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the red stream.” (30 seconds)
2. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the orange stream.” (30 seconds)
3. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the yellow stream.” (30 seconds)
4. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the green stream.” (30 seconds)
5. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the blue stream.” (30 seconds)
6. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the indigo stream.” (30 seconds)
7. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the violet stream.” (30 seconds)
8. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the void.” (30 seconds)
9. Say to the rainbow river, “Let me feel the divine.” (30 seconds)

And this will give you the feeling of tapping directly into the fullness of the rainbow river
now. And let me tell you, it can feel ecstatic.
OPERATE (​Energy centers & spiritual)​
People are like rainbows, 7 colors 7 energy centers, and the world is like a rainbow of different
energies. ROYGBIV: own space (red), sex (orange), eat (yellow), friends (green), express blue),
awareness (indigo), thought (purple). The more technology we develop the more we find is
there (earth=center of world, earth=6000y.o, earth=flat, atom=smallest). It is very likely there is
life on other planets in this vast universe, and multiple universes, and since multiple infinite
universes where they’re like bubbles in an unfathomable ocean. This ocean is like a river of
color and sound and all life experiences/emotions together simultaneously, but a rainbow river is
sufficient here.
Red, Own Space
Average: Little kid, Age 0 – 12
years old, level 0 – 8.5

After being born out of the void

you are thrown into the red
energy, the 1​st​ circle, violence,
owning your space. All people
start here. As kids you’re small,
weak, vulnerable, and helpless;
especially for young kids you can’t
even walk or feed yourself. As
you go from newborn to an older
kid you become stronger, can own your space more without dependence: walking, yelling, weak
but stronger strength, get a bit more creative to get your way to push people’s buttons,
manipulate emotions, sneak, hide, etc. all in the name of surviving against danger and violence
with their your own growing arsenal of tricks and techniques. Once you hit puberty you leave
this circle as your main focus to go onto the next of sex... typically.
Some people get stuck in being angry and violent as their main focus, mostly because
they feel deficient and want to level up. Some guys are physically big so it’s just easy to sort of
throw their size around to get sex or to get money and feed themselves as a cop, bodyguard,
bouncer, etc. Even thugs use violence to get sex and to use physical force and violence with
weapons to get money and feed themselves. You never ​get rid of​ red energy, violence, even at
the highest circle ‘thought’ you can’t neglect it or you’ll get beaten down and overtaken. As you
go up the energy centers and 7 circles you add to your lower ones… because eventually you
become a rainbow and then white light. A metaphor for this energy is squishing bugs. People
that fall into this category are:

1. Kids
2. Police Officers, Security Guards, Bouncers, Bodyguards, Correctional officers
3. Tiger trainer
4. Soldier, mercenary, hitman, assassin, debt collectors
5. Violent criminals, thugs, thief, gang, serial killer, school shooter
6. Martial Artist, Gun specialist, MMA
7. Guerilla chieftain or warlord (highest of red, leading a community via violence)
8. Firefighters & ambulance paramedics

Below are strategies of people who handle violence successfully:

● Military- “protect borders utterly, destroy into dust any violators, and
enemies of state destroy into dust”
● Cops- “respond to threats, keep safe distance from danger, baby step
towards securing/taking out the danger or if an opportunity make an
all-out move to do it in one stroke, when you go go full
● Thug- “reveal nothing until you are ready to move, stay hidden physically and in
intent, when you go go full out, to escape hide and disappear and jump and run and
blend in whatever it takes, fight for your life in a scuff, say nothing.”
● MMA- “train in form, learn the fighting theory, practice the techniques, imagine your
enemy turned into dust in front of you like an insect to be squished/pulverized,
see them as nothing/transparent/dust”
● Winning strategy, “breathe and reveal nothing in calm, if a threat attempt to
baby step them into submission but regardless go all out to pulverize them into
● MFBWYO, “often there is none, if it arises defend, talk, and leave. Talk.”

Here’s a quick ​red​ situation as entertainment:

On November 12, 2007, Joe Horn, 61, spotted two burglars breaking into his next-door
neighbor's home in Pasadena, Texas. He called 911 to summon police to the scene. While on
the phone with emergency dispatch, Horn stated that he had the right to use deadly force to
defend property, which justified the use of deadly force to protect Horn's home. Horn exited his
home with his shotgun, while the 911 operator tried to dissuade him from that action. The 911
Horn: "I've got a shotgun; do you want me to stop them?"
Pasadena emergency operator: "Nope. Don't do that. Ain't no property worth shooting
somebody over, O.K.?"
Horn: "But hurry up, man. Catch these guys will you? Cause, I ain't going to let them go." (Horn
then said he would get his shotgun.)
Operator: "No, no."
Horn: "I can't take a chance of getting killed over this, O.K.? I'm going to shoot."
(The operator tells him not to go out with a gun because officers would be arriving.)
Horn: "I understand that O.K. But I have a right to protect myself too, sir, and you understand
that ... and the laws have been changed in this country since September the first [2007], and
you know it and I know it. I have a right to protect myself. A shotgun is a legal weapon, it's not
an illegal weapon."
Operator: "You're going to get yourself shot if you go outside that house with a gun."
Horn: "You wanna make a bet?"
Horn: "I'm gonna kill 'em"
Horn: "Well here it goes, buddy. You hear the shotgun clicking and I'm going."
Horn, to burglars: "Move, you're dead."
(There were two quick gunshots, then a third.)
Horn, to dispatcher: "I had no choice. They came in the front yard with me, man. I had no
Orange, Penetration
Average: Young adult, Age 13 – 17
years old, level 8.5 – 12.5

This energy center gets its heyday

starting at 13 on average (12 for girls,
14 for boys). At this age the gonads
release sex hormones that changes the
fairly sexless/androgynous children into
their noticeable male or female
appearance with Adam’s apple,
broader shoulders and muscles, dick
grows and balls drop, nocturnal
emissions, body and pubic hair, crotch
pheromones and musk can be smelt, breasts develop, hips and butt get bigger, and periods
start respectively.
With the onset of puberty, teens or young adults main focus becomes sex and mating or
coupling with the opposite sex. As far as homosexuality, it’s a mixing of red danger energy with
sexuality… for girls they are afraid of violent men and for men they’re afraid of violent men and
the rejection of women so as a go-around they spread their cheeks for men to level up their red
as well as pound other men’s butts to feel like they are on par with men they see as strong.
Women often mix red violent energy with orange sex energy because they are physically
weaker than men so they like to attach to strong men who can protect them in exchange for sex,
and historically a few quality males got most of the women through harem buildings which is
why multiple women and a little bisexuality with 1 quality man is so unsurprising… historically
40% of men reproduce while 80% of women do. Full sex time typically lasts until 17 when you
must become a full adult and start hunting, supporting yourself, working and feeding yourself.
Again moving to a new energy isn’t neglect of others but adding to, you build a rainbow and you
must continue to own your space as well as get laid as you move up. A metaphor for this energy
is beating cookie dough with a rolling pin. People that fall into this category are:

1. Teenagers
2. Prostitutes, pimps, gigolos, escorts, strippers, porn stars, pornographers, gold diggers
3. Pickup artists, sluts
4. Rapist, pedophile, sex offenders (use violence)
5. Hooters girls, many waitresses, music video girls, models (stand with cars, products,
6. Most famous musicians (applying blue art to sexuality, b/c most hit songs are about sex)
7. Gynecologist, penis doctor, midwife
8. Sex therapist or coach (highest of orange, applying thought to sex)

Below are strategies of people who handle sex successfully:

● Black guys, “everyone loves the big black cock, so I just swing my thang and
move in, direct, aggressive, go for it, and if they like it happens instantly.”
● White girls, “be soft, fuckable, indecisive, available, wishy-washy, like cookie dough
ready for a beating, commit to nothing, wait for then submit to the powerful take-action
dominant aggressive guy to fuck.”
● Models, “be present in sexuality and sexiness, not smart, not social, just sit or stand or
walk in sexuality, talk from that, show interest in that, stay.”
● Winning strategy, “stay in sexuality, directly want good sex.”
● MFBWYO, “Smile, say hi, see how it is, then go.”

Here’s a quick ​orange​ situation as entertainment:

The band was okay but what I really cared about was the massive dick bulging from the
guitarist’s pants. So after the show I talked my way backstage and I didn’t even bother
introducing myself before whipping out a condom, applying it with my mouth, and
mounting that magic mushroom stick… all so I could check ‘fuck lead guitarist’ off my bucket list.
Yellow, Eat, Adult
Average: Full adult, Age 18 – 29
years old, level 12.5 – 15.5

After a few years of sex obsession

you have to fully support yourself
financially and ingestibly, getting a
job, tribally hunting and gathering,
getting food and money. You are a
full adult. You must do some kind of
labor and work. You must contribute
something to your TRIBE through
manual labor or some task in order
to earn your keep and get resources.
The most basic and simple way,
common way too, is just using your body to do menial labor: shuffling papers, stocking shelves,
filling spreadsheets, moving basic numbers around, lifting boxes, laying bricks, helping
someone find something basic like a book or product. When you start involving people skills
that’s more green and yellow energy and more smart jobs is yellow and purple. Again this isn’t a
once and done thing, no matter how high you go in your rainbow building you don’t want to
starve, do you? Always ​adding to​ not ‘going beyond’. You still want to stay safe and get laid at
this level, right? Always the same. A metaphor for this left would doing the robot, the dance
move, because there’s no real intelligence or creativity at this level. It’s just doing repetitive
movements every day for resources and the same results like a robot. Regardless of job it’s like
moving boxes around. Below are the people in this energy:

1. Cashier
2. Construction worker
3. Office worker
4. Secretary
5. Chef
6. Farmer
7. Maintenance
8. Manual/menial laborer, entry level jobs
9. Taxi driver

Below are strategies of people who handle labor successfully:

● Millionaires, “get something that seems sellable, advertise it, tweak results to
scale up, etc.”
● Lifelong career, “do something satisfying, etc.”
● Winning strat, “provide service, product, or emotions to people regularly and
make money.”
● MFBWYO, “do stuff for people, like trade or barter, for return.”
Here’s a quick ​yellow​ situation as entertainment:
On an important call late in the sales cycle, negotiations were getting intense. Neither side
wanted to back down from the numbers that had been shared. But at a crucial point in the
conversation, the party we were selling to forgot to hit the mute button on their conference line.
We overheard them raving on and on about how much they liked the product, and we knew they
were completely sold. Knowing this gave us the leverage we needed to close the deal on our
terms. The moral of the story? Always check that mute button; it could save you some money."
Green, Friends
Average: Mature adult, Age 30 – 39
years old, level 15.5 – 18.5

After you’re supporting yourself and

feeding yourself, the most common
place people first get their friends is
their workplace. School and family
are the next, but when you’re at
school friendship isn’t true friendship
because it’s based in the other colors
like a gang (red and green) for
protection and wing men & women
(orange and green) to share
strategies and help each other get
sex partners. After supporting
yourself for a while true friendship is possible because it’s friendship for companionship sake
because you want it and it feels good instead of other reasons. Things friends do is eat meals
together, watch TV, play games, do shared activities, and the best friends are interested in the
same things (blue or purple and green) like dance, musicians, game design, travel, coding,
fashion, whatever. The best friends think the same way you do (like LOT) and have the same
artistic interests so you can both do them together and work on projects together. This energy is
about connection and commonality. A metaphor for this friend energy is dancing. Below are
people in this energy:

1. People laughing together, talking while eating, doing activities together

2. People talking with interest or curiosity about smart things (not arguing)
3. Talk show host, radio host
4. Party planner, event planner, restaurant host, club promoter, networker
5. People working projects together

Below are strategies of people who handle friendship successfully:

● Radio dj, “everyone likes to be heard, to connect, and feel good, we like friends”
● Event host, “be friendly, keep the energy social, try to fix or if not remove
● Networker, “give people stuff they like/want (emotions or people) and trade for
your stuff.”
● Winning strat, “treat people well like friends, keep energy social and light.”
● MFBWYO, “be nice, smile, treat people how you like to be.”

Here’s a quick ​green​ situation as entertainment:

I grew up in a family that didn’t show affection. I knew I was loved, but it was rarely expressed,
either in words or with a hug. Then, at the age of 40, I met Judy. I quickly noticed how often she
told her kids she loved them and how she hugged everyone hello and goodbye. As with any
habit, I picked it up, and the more I did so, the easier it became for me. Now I never fail to hug
friends or family members, and it has completely changed how I relate to them. It’s an awesome
feeling! Oh, I love you, Judy!
Blue, Expression
Average: Young elder, Age 40 –
49 years old, level 18.5 – 24.5

Blue energy is all artistic expression

and creativity. This includes clothing
making, music, art, some invention,
games, dance, film, etc. This
happens later for most because they
get involved in manual labor and
focusing on interpersonal
relationships… the focus on most
people’s entire lives. This is the
beginnings of elderliness, where you
go beyond yourself and make things
and is more ​pure pleasure​ than any survival or work. Even some that have artistic hobbies
present it rarely because they are faux shy and want to be coerced out of their shell. Looking at
the mainstream pop artists the main way most express their artistic side is talking about sex: ‘I
miss you baby’ (why aren’t we banging no more), ‘I want you baby’ (I want to bang you), ‘Come
back to me baby’ (lets bang again). Those pander to lowest art, to kids and teens and
sex-starved adults, blue and orange energy or the case of gangster rap blue and red: ‘I’ll pop
you’, ‘Imma mess you up’, ‘Imma tough guy’. It’s still art because it’s music and not porn or
actual violence, but low art. Better art involves friendship, good stories, creative endeavors,
solving problems, noticing things about people and the world, as well as smart things. Art can
actually ​help​ people in their lives rather than talk about sexy you are and give people something
to rub their crotches together with. A metaphor for this energy is painting a picture. Below are
people in this energy:

1. Painters
2. Dancers
3. Programmers
4. Game designers, animators
5. Fiction writers
6. Musicians, singers
7. Architects, Interior designers, landscape artists
8. Inventors (sometimes)
9. Stylists (ehh, more sex-based)
10. Movie makers, actors, photographers
11. Marketing and advertising (partly)

Below are strategies of people who handle art successfully:

● Paul McCartney, “do what you feel”
● Andy Warhol, “do what’s stimulating”
● Winning strat, “whatever you feel put it in the world physically, and they will feel it.”
● MFBWYO, “do anything you feel.”

Here’s a quick ​blue​ situation as entertainment:

rAndom International’s Rain Room conquered the art world this summer, luring the masses to
MoMA to experience the aesthetics of rain without getting wet. The magic is done through a
series of body-mapping cameras, nine controllable spouts, and 2500 litres of water falling at
1000 litres per minute, filtered and cycled back to the spouts from whence the water came. The
result is as unnatural a version of a natural phenomenon as one can imagine. You’ll feel like
Moses parting the Red Sea, explained the Guardian. Lines formed around the block, children
cried and eventually the exhibition closed.
Indigo, Awareness
Average: Normal elder, Age 50 – 59
years old, level 24.5 – 30

Bodalf, “Indigo is the middle elder where

you are objectively noticing the world
around you, life, and people too. This is
marked by its ​coolness​ in dark blue with a
touch of purple compared to the passion
and heat of earlier energies where you
are focused on looking for specific results
just for your survival. Now in this coolness
you simply sit and observe, not
influencing at all and notice things rather
than running around searching or working
hard to get things. A little bit of this high
energy is equal in strength to loads of
effort at the lower energies. Perhaps in red a monster might’ve seemed invincible against you
and you’d have to work hard to beat it in a fight, but from the indigo viewpoint the same
monster’s weakness—in fact many weaknesses—can plainly be seen and a wave of your finger
here defeats it. Same with sex, how easy it is noticing people’s heat and passion for just anyone
bearable. Same with getting resources, instead of struggling in labor simply noticing need and
solving it in exchange for massive food and money. Observation and awareness is sometimes
seen as less important because it’s so basic but using your senses just a ​little​ is very often more
effective than decades of fighting or years of labor. I wouldn’t recommend the Buddhist monk
way of trying to leave life and the world behind abstaining from sense pleasures like food and
sex and winning in fights in self-defense situations, but meditation and any awareness practice
is immensely powerful. Heat and passion has its place but coolness and observation ​instantly
reveals the nature and reality of things therefore are ​instantly​ open to your full influence and
manipulation. It’s significantly less work and massively more effective. A metaphor and practice
for this energy is breathing. Everyone does it, might as well breathe deeply and enjoy it and
notice the EASY benefits in all areas you were panting and breathing shallow and passionate
and hungry and caring so much for. Below are people in this area:

1. Analysts of all kind (info gatherers, surveillers, market watchers, etc.)

2. Meditators
3. Yoga practitioners
4. Energy workers and healers
5. Experimental scientists (observing/discovering facts about the world, they feed holistic
models which would be more purple)

Below are strategies of people who handle awareness successfully:

● Meditation teacher, “breathe”
● Ramana Maharshi, “self, senses”
● Winning strat, “the self is the world”
● MFBWYO, “breathe.”
Here’s a quick ​indigo​ situation as entertainment:

I was meditating about a year ago. I won’t do it again. I’ve always practiced relaxation and any
vision I did see I’ve dismissed it as imagination. This time was different. I was really meditating
for about 20 minutes. I saw eyes looking at me, and the next thing I knew, as plain as day Jesus
walked through a door opening towards me. He was holding his right hand up and crossing his
fingers. I immediately felt terrible shame and he instantly covered his face with a cloud, and I felt
better. to his left was an old man all dressed in white like a pope. He was smiling at me and
showing me at least 2 gold leaves or spades pinned to his chest. I was about 8 feet away. No
one spoke a word the whole time. I wanted to come closer to determine the gold pins and in an
instant I was standing upon who I thought was Jesus. I was looking down and could actually see
the quality of this robe with extreme clarity. He then raised his right forearm to show me a row of
10 or 12 gold buttons on it. I saw them, then immediately I was completely just showered with all
these golden coins!! Although the feeling of it was just so awesome. I actually tried to will them
back for fear I was being tempted by something else. Lastly there was this golden rod or tube
like object about 10 inches in length, and 2 inches in diameter spinning about chest and head
level about an arm’s length away. Spinning way to fast to touch it. After that I felt like I was
being led out of that area by someone on my left. I stopped to look back and I saw a hallway
with a couple old fashioned church like windows. The whole thing was just unbelievable and I
can’t stop thinking about it.
Purple, Engrossment
Average: Full elder, Age 60 –
100 years old, level 30 – 35

This is the pinnacle of a rainbow,

and it’s hard to be here unless
you mastered all previous
energies otherwise you’d be: in
physical danger, sexually
frustrated, starving, socially
empty, artistically dull, and
unaware. The average person
never does any big picture
observing on their own but
instead latch onto another elder’s teaching such as atheism, Christianity, Islam, etc. Average
people latch on partly as a world outlook, more though as a tribe to below to. These average
people have a surface level understanding of their ‘beliefs’, enough to hold a brief conversation
and prove they belong to a certain tribe, but it’s more social and tribe based than intelligent and
honestly most couldn’t care less because they just want interpersonal relationships and to be
part of a tribe. This energy is actually directly built from indigo awareness energy because after
observing life long enough you notice patterns and ​knowledge​ about the world forms naturally in
your mind and model with a little organizing can be formed to make life quite predictive and give
you an almost omniscient feeling which in action gives you an omnipotent feeling! You reading
this book you are already at the purple level because I have a universal model of all reality in
L.O.T. which other teachers hint at (but are unable to explicitly explain because of personal
quirks, focuses, and missions to beat issues from their past) and lets you know how things are
and how things were and how things will go with very high probability. When you see the
complete layout of person’s existence through their LOT you know the choices they made, the
quality of their life now, and knowing it accurately predict their future behavior (even their entire
life if you care too) with 95% probability; people do make decisions that directly and plainly hurt
them but ultimately no skin off your back, just theirs. This energy is in the intelligence,
smartness, knowledge area. A metaphor for this purple energy is solving a puzzle, connecting
multiple pieces into a cohesive whole… LOT obviously being the best puzzle you’re reading
about. Below are people in this energy:

1. Teachers (though, most schooling is irrelevant, only intellectual, not life applicable
2. Philosophers
3. Psychologists
4. Community Leaders (CEOs, mayors, governors, senators, presidents)
5. Spiritual leaders (preachers, priests, pastors, gurus, Rabbis, Sheiks)
6. Scientists (mathematicians, astrophysicists, people who explain a whole picture)
7. Geniuses
Below are strategies of people who handle thought successfully:
● Richard Dawkins, “investigate evidence and truth”
● Deepak Chopra, “it arises out of being”
● Winning strat, “the self is evident in the physical.”
● MFBWYO, “your thought is the rules of life and the world, your internal
thought words manifest as reality.”

Here’s a quick ​purple​ situation as entertainment:

In an exam hall, three applicants were sitting in a room to give an exam to be employed in the
company. The company had only one vacancy.

Exam Condition as spoken by Invigilator :-

"There is a pen and paper in front of each of the applicant. There is only one question in front of
you and if you answered it, you will get the job.
You cannot crumple the paper and you cannot leave the room before 3 hours.
The paper should not be spoiled in anyway.
There will be a guard in the room, to whom you cannot talk to and he will throw you out, if you
didn't comply with the said conditions. "

Invigilator said after a pause, "Understood?"

No one replied to him and he left.

Exam starts

Candidate 1 wrote something on the paper and the guard threw him out. He was considered the
most intelligent.

Candidate 2 and Candidate 3 were confused. After 3 hours the invigilator came and said,
"Anyone know the question and answer?"

Candidate 3 replied," The question is 'Understood?' and answer is 'Yes'

He got the job!

Difference between smart and intelligent.

In the spirit of purple, engrossment, and thought, here’s how the average person OPERATEs
Average Person​: Just Get By
E​. understand the basic outline with a few talking points on a religion or more recently a
scientific perspective to be basically conversational, some infuse some firey emotion to
seem more studied but mostly they care about interpersonal relationships and this is a
conversation point
T​. this is on their own life, their TRIBE, looking/waiting for easy opportunities to shine & gain
social status aka love of their peers.. on their life bubble
A​. mostly consume TV drama/entertainment, some have an art but act shy because showing off
isn’t worth risking loosing just fitting it so even fewer perform in public
R​. be polite, don’t take social risks to stand out, acquaintances with many but few friends gives
the appearance of social plus common politeness but nothing personal
E​. Do enough to get by, to fit in, appear normal; no matter what don’t be homeless or inferior
P​. Single or with a single partner, won’t cheat unless it’s available and will get away with it.
O​. “Always ready for a fight, it’s sort of exciting”
In regards to things such as gender, age, or race, having bad feelings towards any often
makes you disown the quality they generally possess. Therefore it’s better to interact with
people based on the only colors that matter, their roygbiv energy centers, therefore you don’t
get beaten by their energy you categorically disowned. For example, a woman getting beaten
up in a fight, a man having no friendship, a black person not being able to make friends with
strangers, a white not being able to fight or be very sexual, a young person being stupid or
lacking artistic talent, or an old person being weak in a fight or not sexual-minded, etc.
This is using the OPERATE model to explain every kind of a person a person can be by
matching the 7 energies with the 7 energies, followed by all the choices a person can make with
the Decision Tree of Life:
The Amoralist’s Bare Minimum Guide to the Rainbow
Intended for informational purposes only, author is not responsible for any action taken as a result of this book

O. Get revenge on everyone who wrongs you to prove how powerful you are

P. Get sex by manipulating and deceit, no love

E. Con & trick others for money

R. Use tricks, money, and sex to get friends

A. Steal and copy art ideas to gain admiration

T. Use hallucinogenic drugs

E. Listen to others’ beliefs

In addition to the 7 energy centers, you also can
gamify each of them as a way to track yourself and notice
how you level up in every situation and day by day. As a
post—a God ruling earth as emperor I’d rank as a full level
100. So you’d go through each color & find where you are.
Also animals are ranked the same, as well as businesses
& countries. Most wild animals are small hence rank
around lv. 0.5, a tiger lv. 2.5. Below are some examples:

L​a​z​y ​M​a​n​ (total): lv. 28

Engrossment​- I ​kno​w ev​erything all over the ​wo​rld
and beyond (lv. 51)
TAVOK​- I see everything including all around the
world (lv. 25)
Art​-beautiful, intelligent, creative (lv. 31)
Friends​- it’s a green laser beam from my heart (lv. 27)
Eat​- I feels like a hungry hand monster clawing for
food and money (lv. 25)
Penetrate​- there’s no girl that
is outside my power (lv. 21)
me and survive (lv. 21)
TRIBE (​Scientific & evolution​)

TRIBE is our evolutionary biology and history, 2 million years of the same brain size and
social development. We are biologically wired to happy after only getting very things like our
Homo erectus ancestors had in small tribe times, TRIBE: turf dwelling, 2 romantic partners,
ingest, 2 buddies, and expertise (art/thought). Following is the explanation and the modern


Part 1: Survival

Chapter 1: Ingest (Money)

Chapter 2: Turf Dwelling

Part 2: Pleasure

Chapter 3: Hobbies

Foundation Collection (of my hobbies)

Chapter 4: Transportation

Chapter 5: Technology

Chapter 6: Romantic Partners

Chapter 7: Buddies

Chapter 8: Your Person

Part 3: Society

Chapter 9: Society

Chapter 10: Quickguide to Get Your TRIBE


I considered calling this book a couple things: ‘How to be an Orphan’, ‘How to Outpace your
Friends by not Walking’, ‘How to be a Kid: for Adults’, ‘How to be Poor and Happy’, ‘How to Outshine
your Peers in Happiness’, ‘The No Hour Workweek’, but ​Simple Living​ encapsulates it most correctly.
The world is a complicated place today. There’s internet, the economy, bullet trains, space travel, 3D
printers, online dating. There’s so much stuff going on it’s possible to have future shock (a sci-fi term for
culture & technology overload) with our own present day if we let it which is very easily possible because
of the extreme ease with which information can be obtained. New stuff is being developed and sold all the
time, new things discovered, new fashions, new music, new movies, people all competing to outdo and
get hits and likes and clicks and views. It’s a crazy world with seemingly no reason beyond stimulation
and maybe money and to be the coolest.

But it can’t be madness, really. There’s a ​reason​ for the behavior of this busy, frantic world. The
modern age is so full of ​stuff​ we must look beyond it to what is real. So what is real? Well we are physical
beings first obviously, and any religious nut who says we’re spiritual first why don’t they kill themselves
first then tell me that. You have to have a body and be physical to talk about spiritual, and the first
religions came from people who had physical bodies. If spiritual was ​real​ it’d be objective and provable
therefore natural, hence ‘supernatural’ is just not real (no one’s ever seen something that wasn’t natural).
Tangent. Science isn’t a belief, it’s
the opposite. It is the observation of
facts to determine the most prudent
and true hypothesis to know truth,
therefore given facts and proven
scientific methods we know (more
than any other theory) that the
universe is 14.3 billion years old
and that we are primates that
evolved in small tribes about 2
million years ago. So we’re
mammals with ~2 million years of
small tribe life: living on the plains,
hunting, gathering. That’s real. To
the right are the 4 Pillars of
We have 2 million years of that, and we so successfully dominated our environment the only
animals left alive are the ones that don’t hurt us. It’s kind of laughable evolutionarily that there’s groups
of people who fight to save tigers from extinction. But our genetic history for 2 million years is small
tribe hunting and gathering and knowing the same few faces our entire life. This is the strong force.
Evolutionarily we are the same we’ve always been, we’re still the same primates. We still love small
tribes and that’s all we really are capable of understanding and is all that’s ​relevant​ for us to survive, be
happy, and thrive. There’s nothing else because we’re not going to change our wiring or programming
probably ever. Even with new technologies like electricity, the internet, cars, and iPods, we have small
tribe minds (which is pretty cool, let the world ‘modernize’ and get richer; forever just do TRIBE and
you’re better, it’s timeless and doesn’t change). We can only experience small tribe things.

No one understands the economy, no one understands advanced math or other things. It can be
done, but after it’s done they exhale, say ‘fuck’, and want to eat some carbs, fart, chat with a few friends
and watch some TV. We are small tribe people in a modern world with a lot of superfluous stuff that
busies and clutters the world… if you let it. No one cares about math except to keep their TV working and
their stove to cook their food. The modern world is the same but with new toys.

I’ll admit today is much better than it was in the past. We don’t have to hunt for food, we have
hygiene, toilets, electricity, safer and better food, entertainment, a lot more freedom in terms of recreation
and pleasure. Our lives are a lot more luxurious and pleasurable, but our world is still the same. Using
evolution and small tribes as a model, I found a simple way to simplify modern life that transcends time,
is timeless, for the most happiness and least effort. It’s a model, it’s P.H.E.H.F.—​P​artner (or 2), ​H​ouse,
E​at (job/money), ​H​obbies (leisure, skills), 2 ​F​riends. Human life, or the ‘small tribe mind’, is like a pie
that can only have 5 slices. Now mind you this is deceptively and ​amazingly​ simple, most likely you are
doing far much more now than this, and given that all we need, we are happiest (and actually less happy
when we over-strain and do more than it) in small tribes, getting to ​your​ right balance of TRIBE is very
easy and being ​extremely​ happy for (by modern standards) ​no​ effort and outshining
your ‘modern’ friends in happiness by seeming to have ‘given up’ is so attainable is
disgusting. Correction, how most people work/waste their life away in the modern
way because they don’t know how simple and easy life is and is supposed to be (and
it’s even ​easier​ today than when it was relevant because of today’s luxuries and food
and abundance)… is disgusting.

If you do this right (and most likely the steps for you are going to be about stopping some things
than doing new ones) your experience is going to be one of being completely blissed out all the time for
no effort (perhaps because of it) and lots of pleasure, be ​much​ happier, spend more time being
entertained with TV or games, spending time with the ​very ​few people who matter (2 friends, 2
partners), doing nothing in leisure time or mastering a skill you want to learn. You’ll have less stuff
(read: junk) and be less impressive by the hollow standards but you’ll outshine most people in happiness,
fair? It’s your life and we live in a modern world with many pleasures and have an old mind which is easy
to make happy if you do the right thing and don’t do the modern thing. What we’ll be discussing is the
modern version of living in a small tribe using TRIBE as our guide.
Part 1
Chapter 1
Ingest (Money)

Hunting, gathering, food, working, job, money, ingest… the first step of any lifestyle design is
survival. If you’re starving, if you don’t have a roof over your head, how are you going to be getting
friends, partners, or doing hobbies? First things first, and you must handle your finances. If you’re on
food stamps, the first thing you need to do is get off them and work for your food. A squirrel gets its nuts,
you feed yourself; that’s the most basic thing not of being a person but of being alive (I prefer not using
‘rich’ ‘poor’ because TRIBE is need based i.e. all you need). You are fed as a baby until you can move
and sustain yourself. People in the modern world are so out of sync with nature and a kid should’ve
started feeding himself before puberty. People used to live only into their 30’s and now if your parents put
you through college you won’t have fed yourself until almost that time. Honestly, you bums, you aren’t
changing the world here; it’s an entry level job at McDonald’s. You can do it. Here is a proven process
for making money:

For many of you your problem is debt, and if that’s you you’re first job is to ​drastically​ reduce
your lifestyle immediately and settle that. Your first problem was you weren’t aware of TRIBE and so
you followed the modern way and did foolish things like spend more than you had (in exchange for
financial servitude) for things that didn’t contribute an iota to your small tribe mind’s criteria for
happiness: TRIBE. You became a financial slave for nothing. Many of you might’ve been told the
importance or even ​necessity​ of going to college without even thinking about its positive consequences
(which are few while the financial and effort ones are many). TRIBE is very small, subtle, and simple and
requires very little, only the stuff you really like and want, and when you try to do the modern way
instead of the 2 million year genetic way: pain.
A few of you unlucky saps might actually have money, and no matter what you paid for it and
you know the pain and exhaustion of it—whether you worked ​hard f​ or it or inherited it or lived around it,
you got the pain of your parents working all the time and being exhausted or you bought into it and did it
to yourself under the modern hypnotic mantra ‘success’. Look at successful people… especially after the
job is complete. The feeling of accomplishment? The relief of ​stopping.​ Keep in mind, much of our time
is supposed to be in leisure, fun, few relationships, food is a necessity.

Below is a list from best to worst of the ways to make money, which we’ll also cover more in
Hobbies chapter:

A) Hobbies

B) Entry level job

C) A money job (‘high level’, probably complicated)

d. School

Z) Fed by others (family, gov, etc.)

They’re listed like that because making money from a hobby, ​A​, is supreme and the better you are
the more your money will be handled. Entry is all that’s required to survive and where everyone must
start, ​B​; hobbies are after you’ve handled survival. A money is third, ​C​, because the focus is money when
very little is needed to satisfy and fulfill TRIBE so it’s wasted effort. Even worse and below that is
school, ​d​, because given the low need/requirement for the ​minimum effective dose​ lifestyle we’re looking
for, school is wasted time and often debt for a ​C​ job which isn’t what you want! Side note, this is why
‘meek inherit the earth’ because people with overwork habits (society says ‘successful’).. it’s harder for
them to give up their much earned habits and ​junk​ than a person without much to do the little it takes to
get TRIBE and be really happy. ​Z​ is being fed by others be it family or government; keep in mind
animals​ feed themselves, you can.

I love money. It buys food and lets you do things, but in minimal doses. Money for money is like
a squirrel collecting nuts for fun: pointless. It’s a means to put only towards TRIBE. If you’re just a
normal person—no debt, you feed yourself and live within your means—the TRIBE model will still
greatly improve the quality of your life because you’re still ‘plugged in’ to the modern way. The TRIBE
model is lived by almost no one because in a first world country you are ‘plugged in’ and therefore
efforting​ and ​struggling​ to ‘keep up’ and ‘compete’ rather than love and enjoy and the joys of laziness and
hedonism, if you’re in say a third world country you are very aware of small tribe but only by force and
likely want to be more ‘first world’ which won’t make you happy in another way. The key is balance, but
that sounds hard; TRIBE is natural.

The main point of money is to feed yourself and I see it as a blessing. Instead of hunting or doing
whatever, we can do a rather menial (labor?) task over and over like using a cash register and get paid. If
you handle expenses and don’t live like a normal person (rent or mortgage, we’ll go into that in the next
chapter), feeding yourself and having leftover money is simple even on minimum wage. $400-$1000 per
month is doable but not with rent or a mortgage. At fast food you get a crew meal which can be a super
meal on the value menu (5 McChickens), ramen is 20 cents per so that’s 5 servings for a dollar. Below is
a compiled list of budget food.

Ideal Food Monthly Cost Exercise:

Keep in mind this isn’t about living the bare minimum and no one hates you if you live above the
absolute ​cheapest​. For this chapter, you’re exercise is to determine the kind of food you want to eat on a
regular basis based on your diet/health choice. For me, I find eggs and fish to be healthy and fish are free
in the ocean so for me I found out the cost of 1) 2 eggs with bread, 2) 3 fish wraps with 2 vegetables,
mayo, 2 sides, 3) 2 strawberry daiquiris each day, times 30. Do the same to figure out your target monthly
goal. Remember it’s about minimum and it doesn’t take much money (food might be your biggest
expense if you follow this book).

If you have the cooking means, flour is the least expensive of all food calorie-wise. You
simply mix it with water into balls, some baking powder for dryness is
optional, flatten then cook tortilla: $8 for 25lb

Honestly, white bread is only marginally more expensive and you can get
a full loaf at Wal-Mart for $0.84 (btw, Wal-Mart’s ‘best
value’ brand is the cheapest anywhere)

Sugar has no protein but calorie-wise it’s the third

cheapest: $15 for 25lbs

Rice is next and can be had in 20 pounds for 10 dollars, just add water

Plain oats is #5 best (add ^sugar for flavor) at $8.50 for 10lbs at Sam’s
Number 6 is, you guessed it, ramen

I can’t stand it, but peanut butter is very good at $1 for 1lb with lots of protein

A personal favorite of mine and the cheapest per calorie sweet item (and very
tasty) is chocolate frosting, Wal-Mart’s brand is between $ 1-$1.50 for a pound.
Might sound unhealthy but it’s heaven

Cheez-its is the best ‘snack’ item at $3 for 3/4lb with gold fish a close second at $3 for

Dr. Thunder, the Wal-Mart soda, is the highest calorie per dollar soda,
2L is 800 calories for $0.80

Whole milk is $2 for a gallon, 2400 calories

Eggs are $1.50 for 12, 840 calories with


A choice I like, any grocery store has it, is the Gratney 8 hot dogs for

Also, learn to fish (free food)

For getting drunk, 5 liter Franzia box wine is the cheapest per alcohol
percent--$12 for 5liters at 13.6%), another option is get Skol
vodka ($11 for 1.75liters at 40%) and just mix
Chapter 2

The biggest pain point for most people is actually their house, either month-to-month with rent or
often going massively into debt for a house mortgage. Why? To look normal. We spent much of our
history in 1 room caves or huts, what else is there? If you have a TV or laptop in your bed room why do
you need a house? Put a hot plate and a mini fridge in there and you never have to leave except to work.
Much of the world is for looks and ‘opulence’ at significant extra cost. The average house is
$244,000—for a place to sleep—and the average salary is $37,000. Do the math. Honestly, people buy
into a certain image of how they should live somehow and then just close their eyes as they sign checks or
swipe credit cards and then open their eyes to feel like they achieved something, only to find out a month
later how fucked they are for the next many years. Keep in mind (hilariously), we’re still small tribe mind
and even though we’re in an abundant new age we still take and grab what we can get because of scarcity
mindset. Even people who consider themselves modern follow their old mind right into ruin because of
emotions rather than intelligence: make $37,000, house is $244,000, car is $16,000, clothes are pretty…
buy buy buy! Debt doesn’t exist evolutionarily so it’s not a part of us like “big cat, bad!” Currency is
modern and so many just see the pretty thing being offered and buy it. There were no I.O.U.’s 2 million
years ago.

But if houses and rent aren’t options, then what? Those are the 2 main ways people’s work is
consumed. What do you think are some other alternatives. The modern view of house choices looks like
this and has to do a lot with looks rather than substance:

1. Mansion
2. House
3. Little house
4. Boat
5. Live in car
6. Homeless
You can see it doesn’t have to do with need but appearance and status—illusions. A house is a
place to sleep, so rather than working much harder for years only to a way in a big house you can’t
evolutionarily use, decide the function and make a smart move. Here’s house evolution (really me) would
choose it.

A. Boat
A. Cheap land & DIY house

A. Live in car

A. Homeless

A. Average house

A. Mansion

This is based on use and effort-to-return. Boat is the best because it can be as cheap as you want it
and it’s a 1-time fee (besides yearly registration) rather than chunks of rent or debt.
You own it so you can do whatever you want with it with no consequence. It also has
the added bonus of being ​in​ nature which is natural to us and therefore healthy and
beneficial. Science has shown repeatedly the benefits to wellbeing by nature:

● 3 days in nature meant 50% better on creative problem solving found cognitive scientist
David Strayer. “On the third day my senses recalibrate—I smell things and hear things I
didn’t before,”
● An international team in 2009 found blocks with more trees showed a boost in heart and
metabolic health equivalent to a $20,000 gain in income
● Japanese researchers led by Yoshifumi Miyazaki at Chiba University sent 84 subjects on
15 minute forest walks, 16% decrease in stress hormone cortisol, 2% drop in blood
pressure, and 4% drop in heart rate
● 69% of people who did 'green' activities felt an increased sense of wellbeing
● Veterans who did wilderness recreation activities felt better and had a more positive
outlook, in some cases benefits lasted as long as a month in one study
● In one study, a walk in nature reduced depression in 71% of participants
● Memory and attention improved 20% after people spent an hour in nature, it didn’t matter
if it was spring or winter

The second best option is cheap land and DIY house. This is because land can be had for very
cheap most anywhere in the United States for cheap, below are 3 examples I personally found. When you
own the land (the most expensive part often), you can put up a cheap house that fulfills your needs for
hundreds rather than hundreds of thousands. There are many interesting options. You can build a tree
house-style home, a large pre-fab shed the size of a studio apartment for $400, a shipping container could
be put in the ground for a bunker-style home or make it above ground, you can use adobe or earthbags
(cheap) for round houses, there are designs online for pallet homes which are free (cheaper than
$244,000). You can also use solar for electricity, bucket and nozzle for a shower, tarp and large bin for
rain collecting, a hot plate will handle 80% of cooking needs, an antenna will get wifi for 3-5 miles, grow
a garden for free food. There are many benefits to this but being not on land is puts boat ahead.

● Florida 3.2 acres 5min outside Orlando $2000

● Illinois 2 acres 10min to Lake Geneva
● California 2.6 acres 1hr to beach $2.500

The third choice is live in your car. This is because at least it’s cheap. It’s at least shelter so it’s
better than homeless, but it takes gas and money which might be short. This is a temporary option because
you have to move, but I slept in the back for almost a year. You can park at colleges, hotels because of the
many guests, apartment buildings are good (without numbered lots), suburb roads, 24 hour places like
McDonald’s and Wal-Mart. The gas hurts so try to get #1 or #2 fast.

The fourth option is homeless. It’s free. You can sleep in a bush or on a beach and get nature. It’s
not as comfortable as a car but it’s cheaper than any house.

Now for the second ​worst,​ the average house. It’s years in the paying for the average person, a hut
should be ready in weeks. It’s a place to sleep and in 1 room you can have a bed, a TV or laptop, and a
hot plate for food; you don’t need rooms and rooms. The cost of that ‘norm’ is years off your life and ¼
million dollars, whether you have it or don’t the return isn’t there. To ‘fit in’ or look normal on a suburb
block isn’t worth that payment. Laid out like that, would you? Consider TRIBE: can you say

The last and worst option is a mansion. It’s all the bad things of the house only more and biqqer
(and more expensive). I don’t know but I assume people with mansions have more money but maybe they
have mortgages and debt too. Either way they are committed to a ‘big’ lifestyle (and a lot of effort for
little to no, even draining, returns). Don’t do this. Rich people, you don’t care but minimize and simplify,
consider TRIBE and your small tribe brain. It diverts (in fact your whole lifestyle does) you from your
happiness which is easy and spelled TRIBE. The bills, the continued effort/mindset/focus you must
maintain is painful, all for a ‘ooh nice’ from neighbors and friends. The return will never be there! Love
yourself and not the fake ‘success’ of modern society.
That’s basically the choices from best to worst. Below are listed some more details for the better

Volt usage math

Watts you use Length of time you use direct sun hours (~5-6) Solar Panel size

Ex. Laptop ~60w 24 hours 5-6 300w

This example, a 60w laptop for 24 hours is 1440 watt/hours. With 5-6 hours of direct light a day (between
11am – 3pm); you need around 260 watts, so a 300w panel would give some wiggle room. Use this to add
your expenditure and determine how much solar wattage you need. A mini-fridge and a fan you might
need 2 or 3 300w panels (300 is the largest per panel, last I checked). If you only use a laptop and only a
few times a day, a 100w or 200w would be sufficient.

*Boat: (Some of the boat tips can be applied to car as well) When you get your boat, there are a lot of

cool things you can do.

● For a DIY shower, get hang a 5 gallon bucket up, put a hole on bottom, and attach a
● For laundry, put clothes in a bucket, cut a 1 inch wide hole in the lid, fill with water and
detergent/soap, then use a plunger to swash the clothes inside through the hole for a

few minutes and hang to dry.

● An electric-free way to keep food and drink slightly cooler, get a large cooler.
● For a cheap DIY anchor, get a 40 pound dumbbell at Wal-Mart, attach a few feet of chain
to it, then attach over 80 feet of rope to the chain and that will work for an average boat
just offshore.
● If you want to keep stuff secret on your boat, make a secret compartment which can be
literally any object hollowed out or built right into boat wall or floor.
● To save on grocery, you can have a small garden on the roof and grow some staples like
lettuce or tomato.
● You should decorate your boat, so trick it with audio (the loudest cheap speaker is the

x-mini we), led lights are a good mood setter.

● For safety, you can get an online GPS device to always know where your boat is. Also
you can set traps like recordings (dog barking, “Hey You!” “Police, stop!”), pepper-spray,
Taser door-handle, DIY bulletproof the boat or just a room, etc.
● Find out about local boat legality… usually there’s a number that must be displayed on
the outside, you must have a license, and a title.
● You can also automate for ease like cooking, fishing (drop net), do laundry, cleaning,
and even hygiene.

● Inside you want some cushion for sleeping: get a thick sleeping bag for sleeping on or (if

it’s cold) under and a big pillow is a must.

● Music’s a good way to pass the time, and the cheapest mp3player with the longest life is
the SansaClip which can be bought online at for around $25 and it lasts 14
hours. For headphones get a cheap sound-canceling set because they last maybe 100x
longer than earlobe ones which might break in a week.
● Wear underwear because then they take the stink and if you can just take them off if you

have an interview and your pants aren’t reeking.

● For car electricity, attach your solar panel to the roof rack with plastic cable ties and
attach it to a 12v battery inside your car.
● The best cheap razor for shaving (have to look good for interviews and work) is the
Philips Norelco 2100. Obviously for hair get the $1 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner and you

can do that just dumping water on your head.

● I highly recommend this for privacy… get some cheap thick-ish black fabric at Wal-Mart
and attach them to the inside of the back of your car.
● As a temporary solution because you need it to get job calls, get a free government
phone or free online phone.
● To print resumes, a library or office depot does black and white for under 25 cents.

● Wi-Fi’s easy to find: McDonald’s, Panera, Starbucks (best I’ve found), Taco Bell, KFC,
library, college, and mall. For outlets, go to a mall, fast food, library, college, shopping
center’s might have them behind where employees park or outside on the front or sides.

To feel extra safe, the most recommended self-defense is a Taser which can be had only for around $30,
but pepper spray has range so you choose. Make and keep your ‘no list’ as an easy way not to repeat past
Part 2
Chapter 3

Awesome. You got survival handled and so you’re eating and have a house. As far as survival
you are surviving. How about some pleasure?! Life isn’t survive and replicate, that’s survival. Life also is
relationships, fun, and following your interests and hobbies. It’s about pleasure and leisure and if you
want making something (like with hobbies). Get a massage chair, drink them strawberry daiquiris, play
those video games, watch those shows. Small tribe, once you have a hut it’s done. Hunting is only a part
of your full day. Much of the day is lying around enjoying your pleasures in the good company you keep
with your small tribe, also optionally for those who want developing a skill to master levels. You can
simply enjoy TV and games, food and company, nature and pets and alcohol etc., you’re surviving, but a
fun thing to do is do into an interest you have and develop your skill so you’re a master of it, plus it’s cool
to be teacher. Here are the levels of hobbies:

Novice) done it successfully once

Skilled) done it 2 times without review

Master) can teach

Top of Field) make new stuff

When embarking on a new adventure into a new field, you have no skill. When you have done
something successfully once with instruction you are now a Novice and a part of the field. When you
have practiced and done the whatever thing enough you no longer need to go to the manual or be
refreshed by a teacher at least 2 times, you aren’t master but you are Skilled. You can stand on your own
because you did it twice. Just because you can stand on your own you aren’t a master, it’s like you can
stand but you can’t run or do tricks. When you have done it so many times on your own and have
assimilated the material to the point where it’s a part of you now, it is able to overflow and you are able to
teach. It is part of you, and you a Master. You can now initiate new novices, get others standing on their
own with the skill so that if they choose they can become masters. This is the way of learning (not the
stupid shit no one cares about at school with irrelevant ‘gen ed’ topics like advanced math and bio).
Master, however, isn’t even the end of the journey. It can be because it’s cool but mastery is just where
the field is or was. It’s mastery of a known terrain, and you are the master. However, the field got where it
was by Top of Field people, those who took the known to new places and did things, went to new places,
made new things.
Here are the innovators and creative who mix old things into new combinations or make entirely
new things. This has nothing to do with being Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods, it’s about advancing the
field, though they did that. It’s about love of the skill and the purity of the field. There could be a
basketball player in the Himalayan mountains who took basketball to new places and taught disciples, just
like someone in the hood could and probably is taking the field of basketball to new places. It’s not about
the NBA though that’s an option—end of analogy. To be Top of Field doesn’t require you to take a
certain role, you can simply take the field to new places and dispense it however you see or don’t see fit
everywhere between the hermit kung fu master alone in the forest to the action movie star Bruce Lee.
Skill is skill; the field is the field.

Also as mentioned in the Money chapter, entry job is simply a means to the ideal of living TRIBE
and once survival is handled and you develop skills sufficiently at least to Master, you can begin to have
more choice to money and make it yourself. You can write a book dispensing your knowledge like I am
here after much living, learning, and experiencing. This is me dispensing knowledge as a Master in
lifestyle, the best lifestyle of which I’ve come to know especially in regards to modern life. In addition to
writing a book, there are other products you can make relating to the skill like a video series, audio
recordings, even t-shirts, A good way of personally contacting prospective people who will pay you for
your skill is live teaching. This can be in the form of doing the thing together (as a dance example,
teaching choreography), general information (dance theory or fundamentals), making products with them
(making YouTube videos of you dancing for view-money). There’s lots of ways to turn hobbies into
money, and the more you advance your skillset, the more you contribute and take the field to new places
the more you’ll attract clients and therefore money to the point, if you decide to keep on the path, money
will become so easily handled you can just do the hobby. Or not, TRIBE is what’s important and you
don’t have to contribute anything new, only if you care to; whatever.

Daily List Exercise

What are the few activities that when you do them make the day good? For many it’s meditation
and some exercise—2 good staples—another good one is writing 3 good things about the day before bed.
If you want throw in to do something with one of your hobbies every day or ‘play video games’. You
make the list and when it’s done what’s nice is if you did it well, every day perhaps for the rest of your
life (I know for me that’s the case) all you have to do the whole day is your daily list. Mine is
METETAC: meditate 10 minutes, eat 3x, 2 hobbies, exercise 5 minutes, 3 good things, activity weekly,
and call family weekly. For the rest of my life all I have to do is METETAC, which brings us to the
second exercise of this chapter.

Acronyms Exercise
I only started doing this the past year but I see why the military does it, it’s awesome. Take any
list, process, or task and turn it into a word making it easy to remember. Sometimes your first list won’t
work but I think it’s worth it to use a thesaurus with your list words because summing up your daily list
into something like METETAC is awesome and simplifying. Also you can do this with any process or
thing you want and you might become addicted like I am, now acronymizing all the major things in my
life. Try it if it sounds like something you’d be interested in, it’s only for fun and personalized processes
into something manageable and instantly understandable… like TRIBE. Also, you can personalize TRIBE
to your version, for example mine is FAB’D MIGHT based on my hobbies (Family/friends, automation,
boat, dance, music, invent, game, hack, two girlfriends); your daily list is what you ​do​ and personalizing
TRIBE to you is your life.

Below are my 6 hobbies (game design, music, dance, hacking, invent, automate), you can skip these
how-to’s as they’re partly tangential and personal to my interests than necessary to LOT:


Dedicated to gamers


Games are
awesome. Most
people have
played games
and now there’re
more gamers in
the world than not
at least with
access: ~2 billion.
There’re all kinds
of games, game
theory is
old—gamifying, levels, stats… blah. A game is
fun! There are space ones, fantasy, war, cute;
they’re fun. I prefer fantasy because I love
magic which exists only in fiction but they’re
all good. The main bulk of this book will cover
the 5 parts of making a great game,
W.E.P.I.C.​: World, Enemies, Plot, Items, and Cut Scenes, and also how the over-thought and
serious game theory is dumb.
There are levels of gamers going from casual to fanatic and if you’re reading this book
you’re probably like me and in the fanatic category. Most people will never know the magic and
majesty and wonder… even ​beauty​ of games like we do. I remember my first crush when I was
in like 2​nd​ grade was the female lead in Final Fantasy 8: Rinoa. I, like you probably did as a kid,
cried regularly during game cut scenes because I loved the characters
and felt they were my friends. It might sound pathetic (and that might be
how some of our parents… or even peers… saw us) but the experience
and emotion was real, and that’s what only games, not movies where
someone else lives a life, but games where we take the character through
the respective adventure of their lifetime. To me, like many gamers, the
characters are real with personalities and lives their own.
With the help of this book, I hope we can make some awesome
games like the ones we loved growing up and really connect some new kids to a world of magic
and wonder.

Part 1
Chapter 1

The first thing is if you want to get into this field and make games
you have to love them. Most gamers do because I read the average gamer
has played games for 13 years; personally I think games are one of the best
things in life. In the intro I talked about the wonder and majesty of games
and that’s exactly what they are. Especially in fantasy game, there’s so
much diversity, unique monsters and races, the ability to do impossible
things with magic, mystical treasures, hidden secrets, artifacts with untold
powers, evils lurking deep in dungeons, quests taking you across the world. People who don’t
play games frankly I think live boring lives because some of the best experiences I and many
people have had were going on epic adventures with friends of different species with different
abilities and weapons and beating enemies of all kinds. The best games I think are cooperative
ones where the friends in the game are your friends beside you playing.
Here are the 4 levels of gamers:

1. Casual
2. Buzz-jokey
3. Gamers
4. Fanatics

The casual gamer doesn’t play games, but will if friends do or asked to. They
might get basic game concepts and learn the rudimentary controls on the spot but
they don’t game. The buzz-jockeys are personified by the Farmville craze. People
simply stimulated like rats in a Skinner box affected by gamification of experience
points, level up sounds, and simple game mechanics even though the games are
shit and simply stimulate or ‘buzz’ on basic human feeling and keep them addicted
the same as the lights and sounds at a casino slot machine (ding ding ding). They aren’t gamers
but simply animals being stimulated by light and sound. The next are actual gamers who
actually play real games with stories, invest, care, talk about it, get into the game. They are
people who like and choose to play full length immersive games and get immersed. The final
level is fanatics, people who find games to be the best things and love games for themselves:
the characters, the structure, battle mechanics, art, music, weapons, the world, etc. They
appreciate the game itself and how great it is; they don’t care about if people think games are
stupid but talk games’ praises. Those are basically the foundations of games.

Part 2
Chapter 2

It might not be the most important but it is the most fundamental:

you need a world to live. The world of the game is where all the
adventures take place, the home of the protagonist, the villages, the
quests, the dungeons, the shops, the arenas—all the locations of the
game where the character is able to roam around takes place in the
game world. The game world is often a large world with many smaller
cities, castles, or dungeons where the action and plot take place.
The world is represented in the game by maps, the world map of
continents (if big enough), town maps showing where shops and places
of interest are located, and dungeon maps which often require exploring in order to discover the
map. The towns are populated by non-player characters or NPCs who flesh out the reality with
stories, character, side quests, items, and plot. A town with only the major who you need to see
to further the story is a hallow town, it needs shop keepers, a butcher, kids, women, people just
walking around to talk to, a hidden grotto you wouldn’t have known about otherwise than the
guy who got chased out of it who tells you in town, a bar full of patrons. Towns need people.
Also good things to add are neutral creatures like dogs, birds, fish (for fishing), which sometimes
you can interact with and take you on an interesting adventure.
The world is functional and essential as the physical environment in which all the action
takes place, but it’s also more than that because it also has texture and light, sounds, music,
birds, water rippling, it’s beautiful. It’s the environment but also a canvas of art because a world
has beautiful mountains, vast plains, oceans, large buildings, animals, people, cities, forests, the
sky, swamps, mines, volcanoes, and deserts. The world can add so much to the game
experience by itself in its design and texture making the gamer feel like they’re in another world,
and those are the best kinds of games.

Chapter 3

Enemies are the obstacles to getting to your goal but in a way they
are the point because you want to kill them, fight them, and get better;
with no enemies you’d walk from your hometown to the final boss’s citadel
and convince him to stop and it’d be over. That sucks! We want to kill
tough enemies at least once we’re ready. The fights I personally
remember are the ones I lost multiple times and finally figured out a
strategy to beat them after much frustration like Ultimecia in FF8 or even
watching my brother fight Norg in FF8 3 times back to back and losing. It makes overcoming
them so much better, the fuckers!
There’re all kinds of enemies that flesh out game how you want. There’re obviously the
big main bosses—the temple guardian, the wizard of the forest, the giant at the mansion—but
there’s also the mini bosses who aid the main bosses and cause problems for you. There’re the
minions or grunts, the random encounters that populate the main world and the dungeons of
enemies that constantly hound you at every turn. There’re also the secret bosses, the ones that
don’t bar any path but that instead hide and you seek out because of a treasure or boon. All
these enemies must be named, given stats in proportion to their position and the place in game
timeline for a good fight (not too easy or hard), animations & sounds, and appearance.
The last part of dealing with enemies in the WEPIC model is the battle
system. You have to decide how you want battles to happen. Are enemies walking
visibly around the map like Ocarina of Time or is there a battle sequence? Are
there turns? Do enemies wait on your turn? Is it free form? Are both sides lined up
or can you run around the battle field? Is there magic, MP, charge, overdrive, limit
break, oversoul, hero mode? How are experience points used to show character
progression? For this last one the final fantasy franchise has a lot of diverse and
unique systems like dresspheres, sphere grid, GF stat unlocking, regular leveling, custom stat
leveling. This can be technical.

Chapter 4

This is what people emotionally attach to: the story and character
personalities. All other pieces without this aren’t worthwhile because it’s empty and
meaningless stuff. This gives coherence and cohesion for us to contextualize and
connect to the moving parts. To structure the plot it’s helpful and useful to list it out
from beginning to the middle adventures to the end. Make the plot plain and then
flesh it out with the details, the characters, their personalities, how things look. I
personally like writing so for my game ​Morglax​ I made the contents section first then filled in
about 100 pages of the story, characters, their adventures, the battles, enemies, the big arc with
the final boss, the buildup. Now obviously you do not have to do this and most of you would not
want to. It’s not necessary but the characters must be real, the story must make sense, the
motives and intentions must make sense for the characters to do the things they do to beat the
main bad guy etc. It must entertain, be logical, make sense, have suspense, surprise, mini
climaxes, a compelling and evil foe, a point of no return, the possibility of no hope or success,
then a final great climax. For the plot to be great this is sort of story writing basics but it’s the
unique way ​you​ say it that makes it unique, worthwhile, and amazing.

Chapter 5
Items, Skills, Abilities

This is important because this is a ​huge​ thing one focuses on during

gameplay: the accumulations of potions, awesome items, gear, better skills,
getting access to more places with abilities, doing more things. While doing the
plot this is where much of the attention is on: buffing up our characters to be
badasses in battle and in the world (pickpocketing, lock picking, disarming
traps, using magic, finding magic swords, building mechanical warriors, buying strong armor,
etc.). The world must be amply populated with treasures and items, most being regular and
weak, but occasional good ones and rarely fantastic ones worth the effort. Remember things
must be proportional: low level equals weak monsters, mini bosses equal better rewards, long
quests with puzzles and long treks deserve great treasure.
I found it helps to level or gradient your various items: weapons, armor, potions,
equipment, etc. From weak to middle to strong and very few overpowered or unique ones. This
structure makes it simple to simple fill in those categories. Also to fill them in you can diversify
by going through various stats and status effects, for example plus strength 5 (10, 20, 40, 80,
etc.), poison (strike, proof, magic, etc.). This can fill out a lot of items and gear, plus all the
unique ones you want and have in mind.
As far as skills, this can include things like throwing (daggers, chakras, axes, spears),
bow (bows, crossbows), guns (pistols, rifles, energy, flamethrower, shotguns). You can
non-battle abilities like pick pocket for stealing items or planting items (like bombs and hexed
items), lock picking for getting into shops at night or breaking into a dungeon. There’s also
in-battle magic like pyro, shape-shifing, hydromancy, rockmancy, nature magic, black
necromancy, white necromancy. I find Arcanum to one of the most superior games, so I’ll just
give you what they use which is quite well-rounded.

● Conveyance (motion magic)

● Divination (magical knowledge gathering)
● Air
● Earth
● Fire
● Water
● Force (manipulate & direct pure energy)
● Mental (affect minds of others)
● Meta (affecting other spells)
● Morph (affect substance of target)
● Nature (control animals, plants, and natural forces)
● Phantasm (control light and illusion)
● Summoning (summon creatures of progressively increasing power)
● Temporal (affect flow of time)

While I’m doing it there’re also technological schools you can use in your game if you
wish for making different items. Here is Arcanum’s list:

● Herbology
● Chemistry
● Electric
● Explosive
● Gun Smithy
● Mechanical
● Smithy
● Therapeutic

If you can I recommend you play this game, Arcanum, it’s my favorite and can be found
on So things that can help outside of battle like teleport (a type of conveyance
magic) can help move across the map quick, disintegrate (a type of force magic) can obliterate
a door or chest opening your path or exposing a chests contents that were locked. Just like fire
in battle can be used to burn enemies including their armor or make a fire wall, morph can be
used to turn a strong monster into a sheep with low stats, and summoning can bring a powerful
demon to aid you. In-battle skills include those mentioned before like throwing, melee, dodge,
while non-battle skills aid in villages and cities like pickpocket, haggle, lock pick, gambling, heal,
spot trap, repair. This section can be as simple or complicated as you want but almost definitely
this will be one of the best parts of making and playing your game.

Chapter 6
Cut Scenes

This is the least dynamic of the other active/interactive parts of

the game but al so requires more planning. These sequences littered
throughout your game are like little movies, connecting the player to
the story and your characters as well as dazzling with some great
graphics, visuals, music, and perhaps voices. If you are skilled with
animation this part is simply a matter of writing the various storyboards
for each cut scene you want (which should be at impressive moments
such as a big battle or entering an awesome city, etc.). If you don’t
have animation experience you might consider hiring a cheap expert
to do it for you because learning to animate yourself can be tedious, though doable (and free).
These are purely plot and therefore should be planned very specifically from the look on
people’s faces, the music, background sound effects, tonality, if it’s in a city do you want the
scene to be with a park in the background or a church, how you want the cam to angled and
if/where you want it to pan, also write out what everyone will say.
While great graphics are great, often big game companies often opt for stimulating
visuals (a movie example is Transformers, ​entirely​ graphics) over better planning and interesting
expression. Every time dialogue, good camera angles, planning, and simple art trumps graphics
because cut scenes are about ​connecting​ to story and characters ​not​ how impressive and visual
you’re design software is. If the graphics lack but the stories there, even still-framed pictures of
characters with text written below them can be better than high pixelage. Think of old style
games with 2D people but with good stories. The player will fill it in and connect if the story’s
good; not caring about graphics but all graphic and little substance will dazzle then be forgotten.

We covered some game foundations and the

general awesomeness of games in their design, art, music,
and choice. The 4 kinds of gamers are casual,
buzz-jockeys, normal gamers, and fanatics who really love
the actual structure of and art of games which you
probably are if you are reading this book. We also learned
the average gamer has played for 13 years.
We covered the 5 criteria of making a great
game—​W.E.P.I.C.​: world, enemies, plot, items, and cut
scenes. We covered how you must flesh out your game
world with towns and dungeons, textures, great terrains
like mountains, deserts, and seas, the NPCs in town,
neutral creatures, and music for each place. You must
design all enemies from weak monsters to mini bosses to the final boss giving appearance,
sound, and stats. You must write a full story with beginning, middle, and end and while not a full
book it must be full if you want to make a full length game (typically 40 hours). Making the vast
lists of items, gear, weapons, armor, skills, abilities, and magic is both fun and
technical/time-consuming; it involves lots of stats, status effects, making balance, gradients and
diversity of strengths, etc. Finally cut scenes which help connect the player emotionally to the
characters and story through good animations, dialogue, good visuals, music, and perhaps
grand battles and camera sweeps.
That’s the gist of Game Foundations and I hope you got a lot out of it. Good luck on your
future games, and game on!

Top objections to this book are:

1. “Sort of niche & specific, game designers with a focus on fantasy rpg.”
2. “Also, what do you bring to it? Gamification is prevelant and game design is known.”

1. “The most popular games are fantasy rpg’s: WOW, Final Fantasy, Skyrim.”
“As far as my uniqueness, no one has ever brought game design to this specifity and simplicity as
essential criteria whereas gamification and game design theory are so muddied and over-thought you’d
think games were something serious or written by academics.”
Dedicated to dancers


Dance might seem like very freestyle and

artsy and it’s definitely expressive and fun but
there’s also a method to it than you or anyone
can apply to be good at dance. There are
potentially infinite combinations of dance moves
that can be done and I’d be curious on the exact
number, but dance is as good as you want it to
be, and you can move your body how you want.
I’ll show you a lot of major ones which will boost
the ability for you to be seen as a good dancer
as well as give you the ability to freestyle using
them as starting points because they can be
modified in so many interesting ways free styling
will become easy for you.

Part 1
Chapter 1

The foundations are pretty basic and maybe intuitive. The first is fee and
enjoy the music. Doing this is better than a person with only technique. A person
with no technique moving to music in sync and enjoying themselves is dancing
better than someone just hitting their ‘points’. A person just enjoying and moving
with the music with some technique is amazing; only technique is ​serious​.
When moving move different body parts, all of it; only arms you look
sedentary, only legs looks freakish like the guy in the Bruce Lee movie who only kicks, staying
still looks like you don’t care. Change levels: high (extend, jump), low (knees, ground), normal
(standing). Find ​your​ style, the moves you naturally go to and likoe, how you choose to and like
to move. ​B.L.D.​ (like the dance version of the awesome sandwiches),
use this to help explore your style:

● move different body parts

● change levels: high (extend, jump), low (knees, ground), normal (standing)
● change different directions

The way the founder of Krump put it is he has 2 styles, 1 is his normal style where he’s
being himself and moving, but he has a more aggressive style he calls Tight Eyez like an alter
ego which is more sharp and explosive. I don’t advocate schizophrenia but it’s like his 2 moods
or modes he knows how he moves depending. Find the way you like to move. I can move
aggressively but it can exhaust, I tend to be more expressive and letting the music flow through
me with some punctuation, but mostly take my cues from the song.
Some thoughts on using your style: keep it dynamic; also don’t repeat moves in the song
unless you do it as a move to punctuate something. Again, use different body parts, change
different directions to change the perspective of the dance rather than (perhaps)
creepily staring straight ahead as you move. When you are ​presenting​ it doesn’t
have to be any ‘way’ but it should have a theme or personality, you are
conveying​ something: ‘if it was a person, what’s its personality’. Presentation
isn’t superficial (a hamburger blended is a hamburger but no one buys them),
it’s the package of the dance and part of it: art.
Last, for yourself, what are your 3 top genres? It might help in finding your style. As an
exercise, I challenge you to put on a fun song you like and record yourself just dancing. While
your skill will get better your natural style will still be perceivable even at whatever ‘novice’ level
you believe you’re at: are you artsy, emotive, sharp, aggressive, precise, very technical, slow,
fast; find out!

B.L.D. Exercise
BLD​ is self-evidence as the criteria for quality dancing once you are aware of it which
most people aren’t. Even good dancers who have skill and can execute quality moves but don’t
fulfill ​BLD​ appear skilled even masterful at a certain technique but fail to impress when it comes
to actual dancing. You can even look it said dancers and say, “If they’d just face a different
direction, changed levels a bit, used a different body part, they’d be much more impressive.”
You now are quite a qualified dance critic! Also it becomes obvious how they could’ve tried a lot
less becoming skilled at a certain move or technique, just done ​BLD​, and become an even
better dancer for a lot less effort. This is your exercise. I want you to watch some clips of
dancers on YouTube, good or bad, and just keep ​BLD​ in mind. I want you to see the truth of it
yourself. Critique even skilled dancers and what you’ll likely notice is all of practice and skill
went into their performance but largely unnecessarily… simply moving around a lot to show how
hard they worked. But being a good dancer is so much easier and now you have the way to see
that. Watch at least 5 videos.

Part 2
Chapter 2

Waves are great because they can cover so much of BLD and
you can have so much fun with them. It can use a lot of upper body
parts as well as full body waves using legs. You can change directions
while doing them looking one way and changing during the wave. You
change levels if you use a ‘tracking hand’ while you do it like from one
arm, across chest, and down to one knee. Waves are a great and
universal move.
There are a couple of waves. The arm wave: finger, knuckle,
wrist, elbow, shoulder. The body wave: head, chest, stomach, hips,
sit/knees. Combine the arm and body for cool effect.

Wave Exercise
It’s pretty simple. Watch 2 or 3 videos of people body waving and notice it is like a wave.
It’s like a flat surface everywhere with one ‘trough’ rippling and moving through. Practice a
couple times each day for the next 7 days and you should be good.

Chapter 3

The glide is always a good move. It looks so cool and

learning one glide lets you transfer to other ones with the
technique. It’s really a simple concept and technique and looks
really good and nonchalant.
The triangle glide is cool. There’s 3 points on the ground.
Lift foot 1 onto toe, point foot 2 out and slide to point 2. Lift foot 2
onto toe simultaneously with putting foot 1 flat. Drag foot 1 flatly
together with foot 2 at point 2 and rest. Do again at point 3, then
return to point 1 for a triangle. This is how any glides done including moon walk.

Glide Exercise
The triangle glide looks amazing. Put 3 markers on the ground in a triangle and do the
glide. Do this a couple times each day for the next 7 days and you’ll have it.

Chapter 4

Shuffling is another cool nonchalant-looking move but can be

more tiring because it requires lots of kicks and footwork, but footwork
always looks cool! The basic technique is using and alternating heels
and toes for really cool effect.
For shuffling, the T step is easy. Foot 1 basically just walks in the direction of the other
foot using toe then heel while foot 2 simultaneously points out and touches down with each
‘step’ or shuffle. The Charleston, a really cool one, is basically pointing toes in then out with a
step. Start standing, toes facing in, right leg up with knees touching. Touch foot in front in line
with left foot toes and simultaneously point both feet out (a shuffle). Go back to starting position
with knees touching and feet pointing in, and put right foot down ​behind​ in line with left foot’s
toes simultaneously pointing out. That’s it but looks really cool.

Shuffling Exercise
This takes a bit of balance and food dexterity, but practice the Charleston each day for
the next 7 days and you’ll learn (in your body) the moves and be able to do on command and
just get better.

Chapter 5
On Your Knees!

This is essential and people without it look one-dimensional. You ​gotta

get low in your dancing and knees are bomb. Even if you only do it once
during a dance going there looks so dynamic. Some people stay on their feet
and just stay ‘high’ or middle, but going low also makes you seem like you
don’t give a fuck, you can get low and aren’t scared.
The knee glide is on your knees. Put one in front like proposing, lift off
slightly then turn around still on your knees, don’t move feet. Facing back,
knees together, put other in front, return it, put other knee in front, return it,
other one again and spin back. That’s the knee glide.

Knee Glide Exercise

Do this on mats or in the grass, not on anything hard, and wear old pants to protect your
knees. But do the knee glide a couple times each day for the next 7 days and you’ll be good.
This one can get a little tiring if you aren’t used to it. Most of these moves just need repetition so
a couple times daily for a week will get it into you.

Chapter 6

To look ok it takes a bit of practice making it tight, but it’s versatile. It’s the
staple of dance. With it any movement can be a move.
Popping is about flexing. Straight arms use bi’s and tri’s for ‘pop’, bent arm
use forearms or wrist. Relax, then tense/flex/pop. Think of parts in casts to isolate like
neck, bend at waist, arms, etc.

Popping Exercise
For this just practice sticking your arm out and popping or flexing it quick. Then bend it
and trying popping here. Do this with both arms and if you want try imagining different body
parts are in casts and try moving them like that. It’s quite fun. Do this a couple times daily for 7

Chapter 7

It is more up body and is technical but also looks cool and

nonchalant. It’s better when sped up, so remembering the tut and
getting straight lines and right angles is important. It’s also a
more technical move.
This is using hands and arms like Egyptian wall art in
robotic-like ways like right angles, squares, straight lines, going
faster and more complex. It’s really a technical thing with speed
and being good with the angles and lines (or it’s sloppy).

Tutting Exercise
There are multiple beginner ​tut​-orials on YouTube for you to learn some basic
combinations and starting off it can be a bit challenging keeping your arms at right angels and
bending wrists so much, then speeding it up. That’s the hardest because doing these very
technical and sharp moves quickly isn’t natural at all and can take a bit to do fluidly. You can
practice just moving you’re hands and arms in different ways on your own or take a swing at
some online tut-orials. Either way try for 7 days and you’ll be good.

Part 3
Chapter 8

Performing in front of an audience is different than making a digital production. Being live
isn’t about hitting you ‘points’, it’s about being present and interacting with the audience. If you
are going through a pre-rehearsed script of things you are doing without engaging the audience
it’s like they are watching a lower-budget version of TV and it’s boring. It’s live so be live! It
doesn’t mean you are overtly having a conversation or interacting with them though that might
happen (it also might be absolutely incongruent and be
pander-ish). It just means enjoying music in ​front​ of an
audience; it means you dance in ​front​ of an audience. You
aren’t just hitting ‘points’ but enjoying something together. They
want to enjoy it with you, enjoy the dance you performing. You are the skilled one showing your
enjoyment​ of music and dance and they want to enjoy that it the presence of someone who can
skillfully show music in human form (if you want to say it that way).
You aren’t hitting points; you are there to impress them so be present. Feign a move, be
shy then give a surprise or shock. Entertain them. It’s live so make it like a movie.

Performance Exercise
I want you think back on some performances you’ve seen in your life or maybe been a
part of like a play… it doesn’t have to be dance. What are 2 or 3 things you noticed & liked
about it? Probably it’ll be that they were dynamic and present with the audience, not talking with
the audience but there with them (for example, something unexpected like a little girl crying and
an actor incorporates it into the play saying “See, villain, you upset everyone you meet!” Write
down what you noticed.
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________

Chapter 9

With stuff you are producing, dance videos… you can be very
creative with video editors, effects, lighting, really make it art ​with​ dance.
Good ones are ​very​ visual and the skillful use of cameras is very
important. With dance videos it ​can​ be a movie or story with dance,
using dance as a means for it. It can have plot, even characters and you
can be creative. I think videos are awesome because you can do so

Music Video Exercise

Same as the performance exercise, what are 3 MV’s you really liked. Watch them again
now! What are 2 or 3 things you like about them? Write them out.
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________

Chapter 10

There’re different kinds of dancers, not everyone is equal or does the same thing. Here
are the major types I mentioned in chapter 1 from worst to best:

D) Technique nazi
C) Bad dancer
B) Some skill
A) Masters

Ok, the worst are technique Nazis. They simply go in their

rooms and practice practice then perform their hours of work for
‘oohs’. Eww. Next is a bad dancer but they do it just for fun—no skill
but in sync so it’s ok! Next is same as bad dancer but they have some
skill and can successfully ‘translate’ the music (that sounds stupid)
with their body, use moves to dance. The best is to have fun and move intentionally, ‘interpret’
the music skillfully and how you want. Those are the 4 major types, and you can tell the Nazis
by how serious they are, whether they’re having fun or not. For them it’s not dance but a means
to get ‘oohs’ or claps.

Dancer Scale Exercise

This exercise is options because we sort of did it in Foundations chapter. Watch some
dance videos online and mark where each of the dancers are: ​A​, ​B,​ ​C​, or​ D​.


In this book, we talked about foundations as well as techniques, performing, and

dancers. Some tips to try while discovering the way ​you​ dance or your style is
using ​BLD​. Dance is about having fun, and using skill and techniques to have
more choice, move more, express and show more, to move more versatilely.
We learned about performing live and using cameras, as well as dancer types.

Top 2 objections to this book:

1. “First off no one knows you, you’re
not Chris Brown teaching or
someone will 1 million subscribers on
YouTube, how does anyone know to
trust you for dance instruction or advice?”
2. “How does anyone know if your advice will make them better dancers?”

1. “I’ve been dancing since I was 12.”
2. “I guess you can watch my videos to see if you want to learn from me.”
Dedicated to musicians


Music is one of the most widely

accepted, popular, and best ways of
artistic expression and creativity.
There’re all kinds of genres and the
ones I’m most familiar with I’ll cover
here: hip hop, rock, & edm. Most
people are at least somewhat familiar
with song writing structure, that being
intro, verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus
repeat, verse 3, bridge, then chorus 2

structure is probably 90% of songs however this book will be

taking a content-based approach, and that approach is
summed up in the acronym ​F.L.S.H.R.​ in no order: fast, slow,
high, low, and real content. The first 4 are in regards to the
music and if an all instrumental song the entire song. Without
any unwarranted, over-thought, over-intellectual music theory
simply by following FLSHR you can make high quality music
for little effort and jump right in. The ​R,​ real content, relates to
the spoken words. I’m sure lots of (dumb) people have different
opinions on this—in fact I ​know​ because ~90% of songs fail this criterion for a good song—and
that is the spoken content is about something real.
The opposite is fake, for example: I love you, my chain, also so much sex talk. Love is a
promise of media that doesn’t exist and the talk ‘love, love’ is to sell and no content is conveyed
(“I love you”, “you’re beautiful”). Mostly in rap, they talk about chains, diamonds, hoes,
lambos. I mean if you were excited about getting a nice car the song would be about ‘I like
my car’ etc. but it’s “I got this or that, my chain is this, my hoe is that, my diamonds blah blah.
Like me.” There’s no content it’s just “like me” because they don’t seem to care about the
things they like. ‘So what can you write about?’ you might ask; yeah, that’s
100% of rap songs. Lastly sex, that’s personal and most ‘sex songs’ are posturing
“I’m good at sex and have lots of lovers.” It’s needy and nothing’s conveyed though
some set a good mood for an actual purpose; sex is private. This isn’t my opinion
on what I like, ​R​ is a very real criteria and most songs fail in this department horribly because no
content is conveyed; that’s on them and those who wrote shitty meaningless songs to
stimulate people for sales, not me.
What is a good thing to write about is stuff you like, or dislike, something you have a
personal feeling or perspective/opinion about, some interesting story or
experience—something ​real.​ Love stuff is very often pandering (you know this!), sex stuff
obvious posturing, stuff about “look at my shit” (google Spring Breakers, but at least ‘Alien’ was
being real, he knew he only wanted people to look at his shit). You, or I, could throw up from all
the love, sex, and ‘stuff’ in songs today. How much better would it be if they were about
something real; then there’s the flip of indie or alternative which can sometimes be about real
stuff but be shitty songs.
Lastly what we’ll be discussing is the style or wrapping of your music. Music isn’t just
about the music, and whether you like it or not it but be dressed up. The president is still the
president, but if he shows up to a meeting with world leaders dirty and covered in mud it
diminishes him. Once you have good music following ​FLSHR​, decide the style: music videos,
your clothes, the ​visual​ of the music, the album art and text. This all wraps the content of music
and gives it context. If it was a fruit, would someone want to pick it up and try it?

Part 1
Chapter 1
Hip Hop

Hip hop is all about the beat and dancing: a strong bass and good
hook. People dance to the beat and sing to the melody. Hip hop is quite
easy, it repeats, often sexual, can dance to it, obviously lyrics could be
improved from ‘my chain, these hoes, my Lambo’ etc. but it’s good.

Hip Hop Exercise​:

Write down 3 hip hop songs you like and find what you like about

1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 2

Rock is about emotion and aggression. It’s very passion and powerful, often fast, it loves
to go fast (if it has an intention?). The 2 staples of rock are the electric guitar and the drums.
With those you can make any rock song, the vocals help connect with the
listener: my truck, my girl, fuck this, fuck that, etc. There are good ballads but
rock like to hit hard and fast, often: to shred, destroy, go crazy, release, and let
go. It’s partly violent.

Rock Exercise:
Write down 3 rock songs you like and what you like about them
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 3

the structure of electronic dance music, EDM, is the strong

hard-hitting bass with the top melody. A good staple is the ​drop​ where
shit goes crazy, preempted by the buildup which is soft and shy. An
optional though much appreciated part of EDM is the melodious voice
singing some silly thing about this or that. EDM is about ​energy​ and
being sort of like a visceral full body experience especially when the
music’s loud and the lights are good. A genre in EDM is trance and
much of this electronic music is very trace-like and transcendental in its sound.

EDM Exercise:
Write down 3 electronic songs you like and why you like them
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________

Part 2
Chapter 4

There are only a few things you need to do to make great songs and it’s
quite easy. The acronym ​FLSHR​ summarizes the 5 main parts in no order: Fast,
low, slow. high, real content. Fast and slow are important points because they allow emphasis
to be put on certain things: at one point hammering away at something then taking the time to
reflect and be gentle. The high and low is important because it allows dynamism in the music
and different feelings to be evoked rather than a monotonous drumming or ​droning​. The real
lyrics are important because logic underlies even feeling and nonsensical vocals ruins the song
for a true appreciator—love this, sex that, my chain/diamonds/stacks/Lambo.

FLSHR Exercise:
Time to upgrade yourself to expert music critic using the only 5 criteria for a good song.
Find some popular songs perhaps that you and use FLSHR as a model while listening. Are they
dynamic and change from high to low? Do they use emphasis and change from fast to slow?
Are the lyrics about something real or just filler for the passive appreciator to hum to without
understanding (because there is none, it’s just literally vocal filler)? Do this a couple times. I
think you’ll start to appreciate music to a greater degree now using FLSHR, as well as notice
how often people overcompensate in songs and do a lot of busy work to impress rather than
​ o the essential FLSHR which they very well could be totally unaware of.
simply d

Part 3
Chapter 5

The wrapping is how you present your music which is

important to dazzle and impress, visual music: music video.
Decide the look of it and make it congruent. Decide how you’ll
dress if you’re in it, other people, the art, visuals, scenery… it’s
really making your music visual so it’s part of the music casting
new light on it. Same with the album art—when you see it, it
adds a visual side to what is heard on the track. When you do
your music live it’s still the same… style it up in a congruent
way showing new sides to the music.
Wrapping Exercise:
What genre is your main focus? What style ideas do you have for music videos and
album art? Write that here.
● ______________________________________________________________________________



In this book we covered different genres and

their specific unique structures as well as what they’re
mostly about. We then talked about the only 5 criteria for
a good song, ​FLSHR​: fast, low, slow, high, and real. By
using and doing only these 5 (or 4 without vocals) you
can easily make good music. Lastly we talked about
style and how to ‘wrap’ your music so it’s congruent and
adds to it a new side rather than distract. That’s the

Top objections to this book are:

1. “You’re hardly the expert on any of these genres or
music making. Lil Wayne, ​anyone​ with an album has more experience than you.”
2. “This is theory!”

1. “I am an expert. I have been making music in those 3 genres since I was 6 and can confidently
tell you the truth of FLSHR as the criteria for good, quality music.”
2. “I have 2 albums.”
Dedicated to inventers


Inventing is something anyone can do and

anyone does. If you ever needed something
and improvised successful filling a mechanical
need you invented. Standard inventing is
simply the methodical filling of needs in a
systematic way on purpose. In this book we’ll
discuss the process of inventing according to
the ​PHC​ model of purpose, how, and
complete. We’ll also talk about the main needs
of human living like a home, transportation,
and some technology. I’ll present ways for you
to get the major needs of your life handled in a
cheap and simple way with simple ​need-based
definitions that circumvent traditional,
mainstream, and highly expensive (and gross)
avenues of getting them (obviously not based
on need, function, or purpose but on gross
appearance). At the end you can choose to purchase the recommended inventions from me at
great discount mainstream-wise or do the work yourself for slightly cheaper. Here’s inventing!

Part 1
Chapter 1

Inventing is about necessity. When you need something

you either make do with what exists that’s imperfect or you invent
and fill the function. If you have no needs you don’t need to invent.
There are 3 parts to inventing acronymized by ​P.H.C.​: purpose,
how, and complete. The purpose is the why. What’s the necessity,
the function you need filled? The how is the means, including the
plan, design, and materials. There are a lot ways to satisfy the
need: digital, mechanical, human powered, what’s the best way or
way within your means? The complete is following the plan or
design to completion doing the steps and actions and you know
when it’s complete when the invention is made. It’s need, means,
then finished: ​P​urpose, ​H​ow, ​C​omplete. The main things we’ll be talking about in this book are
the major needs of everyone: a place to live, transportation, communication, and a computer.

Part 2
Chapter 2

A boat is the best place to live in my opinion because of the one-time cheap
purchase-fee and freeness of anchoring at sea. So if we need to live, where do we want to live?
A boat is a great choice and what is a boat? Well it’s a floating box with an anchor, motor, and
registration number. That’s it. Other definitions can cost you millions more but this definition will
give you a near free house. The cheapest floatation mechanism I found are 55 gallon plastic
barrels (which on Craigslist can be found between $10-$20 each). Each barrel will float 440lbs;
PVC pipes are close but more expensive and need more. If you want 5 people to sit on your
​ ​ barrels will
boat, 1000lbs will cover it plus another 1000lb for boat stuff, 6
amply support that (2640lb). Then you need a floor to attach them to.
You can use plastic, vinyl, pallets, wood. Basically this is the box
part you live in. You then attach a motor to the back and add an anchor. If
you want put solar panels on top for free energy, a parabolic antenna for
free long-range Wi-Fi, and you have a good boat house for under $1000.
You just have to renew registration yearly for $100 (but beats rent or
Chapter 3

Making a house, the best to do is get some cheap land which often isn’t that remote (I
found some like 15 minute drive to the beach, hour to Lake Geneva, 30 to downtown). Then we
ask the question of need; we need a place to live. So what is a house? It’s a box on land, and
any other definition can cost you millions more! To make it quite luxurious can cost a couple
hundred more going by strictly necessity and function definitions like adding a solar system, a
parabolic antenna for long-range Wi-Fi, a mini fridge/freezer, a hot plate. I’m not saying live like
Thoreau in the woods but for a little bit extra you can have the majority of the pleasures most
people pay hundreds of thousands or millions more for. Remember a home’s main use and
function is a place to sleep (bedroom) and eat (mini fridge and hot plate), with entertainment
(laptop and solar plugin).
Once you have the land a shed at Lowe’s the size of a studio apartment (10’x12’) in New
York will cost you ~$300. Insulate that and give it 2 windows and you have the world’s cheapest
pre-made house! You can use wood pallets which range from free (companies) to a few dollars
which are like lego pieces for a house—simply nail together into a house shape on bottom,
sides, and roof then paint. You can make a bunker style home underground digging a big hole
and putting a metal box in it (using a breathing hole obviously) or just building a normal house
underground then covering it with dirt. You can make a tree house. A house is just 4 walls and a
roof and it just takes nails and a little time and you can have a house. Stick to simple definitions
and ​need​ (and save thousands or millions).
An awesome off sprout of this is making a town which is similar to the recommended
method above. Instead of one DIY cheap house on a land plot, you rezone and put a couple
there. You rent it out for significantly discounted prices like $200 per month and give solar and
water. Then you have a micro community netting you around a thousand a month for little

Chapter 4

What is a car? It is a box which will transport you somewhere. This is the need definition,
other ones cost you tens of thousands of dollars more. A cheap street legal vehicle is called the
N.E.V. or neighborhood electric vehicle. It can go on any road posted as 35mph or less, must
have a max speed of 25mph, have a windshield and all appropriate lights, and it
doesn’t have any of the encumbrances of a regular ‘passenger car’ (which it
becomes if it goes over 25mph). You can attach a few 300w solar panels on the top
attached to a 6 or 8 piece setup of 12v batteries beneath the seat powering the
electric motor and you have a free-power vehicle for visiting friends, getting
groceries, going to work nearby, and doing things around town, you just can’t go on
highways or whatever. The chassis of the car can be a plastic box.

Chapter 5

A phone at its core is a 2 way radio (now with many more digital and Wi-Fi functions).
The cheapest way is get an old iphone, unlock it, pay no service but use public Wi-Fi to connect
to free internet calling sites, and then use the phone to call free on the internet. Phones are like
walkie-talkies, for mobility need to be small and have small (now internal) antennas.
They only transmit as far as walkie-talkies (20-50 miles) but with cell towers all over with
hexagonal ‘cells’ of transmission range they can connect across the country and world.
For a full DIY build phone you’d need a SIM card to use a major network (if you didn’t
want to circumvent with the Wi-Fi trick).
You also can build your own 1G network and use those old 80’s phones
(compatible hardware) and use it to make ​free​ calls at least in town to family and friends…
who’s really the only ones you call anyway. The first thing is to download Creighton’s Code
found on GitHub. Then spend about $400 to build a software-designed radio to handle the
functions of a phone tower. Then you’ll have your own local cell network. “Can you hear me
now?” Check for more on this.
Chapter 6

What’s a computer? Well it’s the CPU, the RAM, the hard drive, and the battery. What
are the main uses people use it for? Internet browsing, YouTube videos, video games, and
simple Microsoft office stuff. The main parts of building your own computer are: the case, the
power supply, the motherboard, the hard drive, the solid state drive, the RAM, the CPU, the
graphics card, a pc fan, and cd drive. It’s simply a matter of buying the parts you want then
connecting them and organizing them into the case. Many pieces are interchangeable and you
have lots of options, however for most people and with the cheapness of high quality used
laptops is very often much simpler to just buy used and sometimes even cheaper.

Chapter 7

Batteries are useful for solar setups, and you can make them a
couple ways. One way is using laptop batteries. By the way 12v is what we’ll
make for solar usage. Laptop ones are usually lithium ion, the lightest per
power output. Take the cells out of the battery case. Each cell is 3.7v (as
low as 2.9v or high as 4v), connect them to each other to get the volt and
power you want. Wrap them in electric tape and it’s a battery.
You can also use AA (1.5v) batteries to make 12v, 8 of them. Wire
them together and wrap them with electric tape. Battery and electricity are quite simple and
improvising is that simple. Now you have a 12v battery which can be attached to a solar panel,
charge controller, and plugged into with a laptop.

Part 3
Chapter 9

You can buy the cheap all plastic boat I designed

You can buy the pre-made, street legal, free power (no gas) N.E.V. I designed
You can buy the DIY house


We covered a lot. There are 3 parts to inventing like ​PHC​: purpose, how, and complete.
What’s the need, what’s the means (electric, digital, mechanical), do the plan. We covered the
main needs of common living and using simple and ​need-based​ definitions found easy ways to
invent and fill those needs like a place to live, transportation, communication, computer, battery,
etc. Also there’s the option of buying inventions from me which are need-based and functionally
superior to any product on the market. Happy inventing.
Dedicated to automaters


This book is about automation. There are

lots of ways to automate and we’ll be going
over the main ones most people would want.
There are also 3 kinds of automation involving
SEC​ or automation ​S​etups, E ​ ​lectric ones, and
C​omputer ones. We’ll cover automation
history, the definition of it, what constitutes a
possible automation opportunity, as well as
some things you can buy based on the
foundations of automation you find in this book
that if you don’t want to do or build yourself,
cheap non-mainstream alternatives can be
had. Let’s go!

Part 1
Chapter 1

There are a couple different kinds of automation we can talk about. There are electric
systems such as solar, wind, or water which both collect energy and store it. There are
computer based ones which run some digital program like an alarm clock, call someone at a
certain time, different kinds of programs you can run automatically. There are automation setups
like Amazon’s ‘Echo’, Google ‘Echo’, Apple’s ‘HomePod’, and Microsoft’s ‘Cortana’ that connect
to your house and are controlled by voice command. There’s also using people like assistants
or employees who do some task but we’ll be focusing specifically on the technological ones,
S.E.C.​: setups, electric, and computers.

Part 2
Chapter 2

There’s an interesting history of automation. One of the first mentions of a

machine working by itself is in the Iliad around 800BC, where the Hephaestus god
of blacksmiths had automatons who helped him to make the weapons the other gods used. The
so-called ‘mother of machine tools’ that led to the invention of all subsequent machine tools, the
lathe, was very important in the industrial revolution (1722) but was first found in ancient Egypt
around 1300BC. What it does is controls an object on an axis of rotation like spinning a piece of
wood for carving, metalwork, gun barrels, a common example is pottery making.
In the 1000’s, medieval mining technology improved using waterwheels to
power draining engines (though waterwheels were in Egypt in 300BC). In the
1800’s the industrial revolution was in full swing and cotton spinning was
automated as well as paper making. In the 1920’s electricity increased factory
productivity with accurate electric timers and controls.
In 1927 Heny Ford used the assembly line, a form of automation, turning
his Model T’s 3000 parts into 84 steps. He increased productivity, turned his $850
car to $300, going from making 82,000 in 1912 to 585,000 in 1916. In the 1980’s
many started focusing on “lights out” factories with no people which is the main
focus today with robots at every step. As Warren Bennis said in the mid 1900’s,
“the factory of the future will have only 2 employees, a man and a dog. The man
will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching
the equipment.”
Chapter 3

It’s defined as the operating or control of a process by highly automatic means. Any
process that is repetitious in nature is subject to be automated. With this definition so many
things open up to be ‘handled by machines’ rather than just mass producing by big companies
in factories. Is brushing your teeth repetitious? How about
showering, fishing, cooking, dishes, clothes? So much of our life is
repeating the same tasks which absolutely can and should be
automated. To delegate to machines is the definition of man,
otherwise we’re animals… to ​man​ something is to run or operate
some object or invention. Using this definition we can begin to
look at life as series of repetitious activities to be delegated or
automated by machines thus freeing us to do more of what we like
and enjoy more leisure and pleasure activities. The great thing
about this (and the point of this book) is that you can take
automation into your own hands and don’t have to wait for some
company to make it for you to buy it; you can automate your life
now and handle those chores permanently.
Chapter 4

You can handle automating food yourself too, there’re lots of ways to. The obvious one
is a garden. You can setup weed proof systems like plastic mat with
mulch and automated watering. For other methods you can use the
rotary garden which has plants on the inside of a horizontal cylinder with a light in the middle
(the change in their rotation makes them grow faster and stronger) and can be used indoors.
The highest calorie plants to grow are corn, grains, soy, and potatoes.
You also can automate food by making modern food yourself. You can make ice cream,
they have ice cream makers you just add cheap ingredients and it’s done. You can also get a
soda maker machine, or soda powder and mix it with carbonated water. Making bread is flour
with baking powder on a hot pan. I’m not just telling you recipes, but you can use these to
decide key meals you enjoy and want to repeat. Then you simply build the automation to repeat
your desired/favorite meals. For example everyone loves eggs and toast, so as a breakfast
option this would be a good one to automate. Break it down: pick up 2 eggs, crack them, put in
single egg pans warm with butter, maybe 2 shakes to unstick, toast starts cooking, certain
amount of time, pan cover, flip, certain amount of time, eggs slide onto plate, same as
toast—done! Any favorite meal you can setup automation and eventually for a couple different
meals—fruit and veggie smoothie, fish wrap, maybe 8oz. of
chips, 8oz. of chocolate frosting, a strawberry daiquiri—you can
make a small list of the few meals you want to repeat, build the
automation, put a control screen for the 5-10 things, then have a
personal menu and automation to cook consistent meals for you,
just refill the ingredients where it grabs them. The automation is 2
parts, the food-making then tying it to together with a console.
Chapter 5

Cleaning is constant, it was like the entire life of a woman in the 50’s (and some modern
women)—dishes, clothes, and the home. Things have to be clean, and so often it’s the same
stuff over and over, and people do this for years! Sure vacuums exist but that’s work, now
there’re Roombas but that’s hundreds. Washing machines and dish washers are hundreds or
more… what a water and soap bucket or a once over with a rag could do. Those are precisely
the steps we could automate.
For clothes a bucket can fill with water and some soap. A lid with a hole in
the middle closes on top, a plunger is through the hole and then through mechanical
means goes up and down pumping the clothes. After a certain time it stops and the
lid comes up. The clothes can be dumped on a counter where a grabber makes
‘pinches’ picking up one item at a time and hanging them on a line until all clothes
For dishes a set location where ​you​ put dirty dishes can be the start
of the automation like a dish rack. An arm picks one up and uses a rag
soaked in soap water and does a few passes. Then it places the wet dishes
in a ‘dry rack’ where they can be used by you. It does this with all the
dishes, cups, and utensils. For cleaning the floor some automated full floor
broom maybe.
Chapter 6
Related to the previous chapter is organizing anything you regularly need
organizing. The obvious examples are the dishes just cleaned, the clothes just
washed. If you want your house to have a sort of default setting that’s a possibility
given that you have few enough possessions to catalog the things you want
brought back to a certain place—some things might be like your laptop and
making the bed.
So for dishes, the process is taking dishes from a dry tray to a cupboard. A
robot arm could do a simple close grabber, move to cupboard, and let go. It also
does this for cups and utensils and could have 3 settings for those 3 things.
For clothes, after clothes are hanging on a line, an arm could grab pinch
each one, make a simple half fold, and then place them in the bedroom or hanger in
the bed. It would do this for all the clothes, including socks, until the line was empty.
This process could be as simple or complex as you want with or without hangers,
different folds, putting away in your room or simply a pile for you to move.
Chapter 7

Hygiene is a very repetitive task and if you are part of the western world you probably do
a lot of self-maintenance on yourself like showering, washing, brushing, and shaving daily. All
these things fall perfectly into our category of repetitious (and monotonous) actions, processes
we can automate. The automatic toothbrush is a step in the right direction like the electric razor
but they still involve ‘man touching the equipment’ like in our factory metaphor, and the dog is
supposed to keep man from touching the machines. Let’s break down these mainstays of
personal hygiene.

Showering involves a couple things and these can depend on the preference of the
person. The main is using soap on the underarms and the groin, the next is shampoo and
conditioner in the hair, the final is using a rag for exfoliation and clearing dead skin. Some
people prefer much more like body wash or whatever else but these 3 are plenty. To automate
the shower experience, you could:
1. step into the shower area
2. a soaped wet rag could be set your height (if multiple people in the house there could
be multiple settings) and it makes a back and forth motion under one arm then the
next against your pits
3. then the right side of the groin
4. and then the left
5. a plain water rag could then do the same thing to all 4 spots
1. A pre-set amount of shampoo would spritz from above (filled by you into a
container), varying amounts depending on hair length
2. A pre-set amount of water would then drop from above (quite a bit, but a ​lot​ less than
running water in a nor mal shower… lots of money wasted), a rubber massager
would then massage, lift, massage the entire scalp getting it in with the water
3. Another pre-set amount of water would drop or for this part a light stream could be
used until it runs clean
4. Then conditioner would come down (if you want to pre-set it for every other day or
some other time segment that’s ok), and do the same process
5. When the water runs clear here the process is done
1. A wet rag would go in gentle circles over your face
2. Then your groin area
3. Maybe your back, that’s it

1. It could either be something you rest you chin on or portable you put in your
mouth, it’s basically an electric toothbrush that moves across your teeth front,
flat, and back. The machine is shaped to your mouth design. It requires no
movement from you

1. This one might scare some people but electric razors never cut
anyone. You put your face (for guys) in a set spot like a chin hold
2. The machine (for example, we’ll talk clean shave with a beard) is
shaped like a beard—the lower face and neck. The machine is
adjustable so the person using it shapes it to his face. The first step
of the process is a bunch of the beard trimmers like on the back of
electric razors and those go back and forth slowly getting the facial
hair very low regardless of length
3. After that step of trimming to 5 o’clock shadow length, the electric razor part goes
over your face slowly a couple times in the same shape as you made it according to
you face
4. Every time, every day, this machine gives you a consistent clean shave without you
every doing anything, besides maybe watching TV behind the machine

Chapter 8
Home Security

There are so many ways to outfit a house with different traps and security measures
from barricade and proofing things, using non-lethal triggers, as well as ‘social’ security like faux
police lights, shouting, dogs barking, etc. Let’s talk about the various methods of these 3

You can make doors secure, you can use locks, strong door materials, and barricades.
You can use reinforce with a metal door itself. Putting a deadbolt with a strong door frame can
withstand lots of force. Also wood or metal barricades, basically a piece of hard material which
drops over the door on the interior of the house giving extra protection.
There are cheap ways to bulletproof things from the door to the walls to the windows,
you can even make your own cheap bulletproof Kevlar for about $30 using fiberglass and ($20)
resin ($10)—ZNA Productions made this design. To bulletproof a door you can simply line this
cheap material on the door interior. You can do the same with walls or simply do it for a ‘safe
room’. With windows a cheap DIY way is sandwich’ing a sheet of Polycarb with 2 acrylic sheets,
there’s also bulletproof sprays like Line-X which can bulletproof almost anything.
You can install both regular cameras which are obvious to be seen, have a sign which
says you are being surveillance’d, and/or a spy cam which no one will see but you can secretly
monitor on a live feed inside and then be prepared whatever it is.

Non-lethal triggers:
These are legally questionable because trap-setting can injure emergency personel if
they try to enter your home, so a go around is to be able to arm your traps on command and not
have them on all the time, this way if someone comes you have no traps. You can attach a
Taser to your door handle so that anyone who touches it gets electrified and possibly disabled.
Or you can have a couple Tasers activate and then drop from above the door on strings and just
shock all over. A last option is a stun gun inside pointed at the door which shoots if there’s an
unauthorized entry.

Pepper spray
You can have this open from a hidden compartment and spray at eye level of the
average height, through the eye hole, or have multiple come out at different heights.

‘Social’ Security:
Fake party
You can have a fake party setting in your home: lights, music,
people’s voices and talking, possibly human cutouts in the window. You can
use this as an alternative to scare tactics because people won’t usually
bother a party (picture is from ​Home Alone)​ .
You can have the scare tactic. This can include ‘beware of dog’
signs, uses dog barking sounds on very loud. You can also have a very loud, angry,
aggressive man shouting “Hey you”, “Get out of here”, “Fuck you up!”, etc. those
kinds of things; basically things to scare and shock people away from your house.
Fake Police
Most people if they’re doing something wrong will stop at indicators of police. You can
use siren sounds, police lights, even phrases they say which would make people run or leave.

Part 3
Chapter 9
Cheap Automation Setup
I have an automation system called O.C.H.A.F.E.S. which is specifically designed for
people living aboard a boat but works for people in land homes too. It stands for organizing,
cleaning, hygiene, anchor, fish, eating/cooking, set traps. It handled the things talked about in
this book while you still obviously can do it yourself. The O’Chafes system includes the dish
cleaning and putting away, clothes cleaning and putting away, shaving, brushing, and
showering, dropping anchor, casting and catching fish, handling your eats, arming traps, as
well as the user interface which controls and manages them all. It’s a cheap and versatile
automation system which handles the main areas most people would want, and you can
customize your order depending on which you want (land lubbers wouldn’t want an anchor
control or fishing net). It’s more expensive than the automation which handle none of these
main essential functions but ​much​ cheaper than the standard manufacturer of such a
system (which are none). This system is about you and the useful mainstays of common
living rather than eccentric preferences or intrigues.
In this book we covered the different types of automation with the acronym ​SEC​: setups,
electric, and computer. We covered some automation history as well as what is a potential
automation opportunity by definition. We covered various specific kinds of automation such as
cooking, cleaning, hygiene, organizing, and home security. There are lots of things to automate,
lots of ways to automate. You can purchase the O'Chafes system covering the useful mainstays
of common living, more expensive than purposeless automation systems but vastly cheaper
than similar systems (from various niche companies) which cover the main repetitious
processes of common life, but if you want to put in the work you can do it yourself too. That’s


----------------------------------back to book------------------------------------
Chapter 4

The modern world is full of technology and transportation is partly a necessity because ‘villages’,
stores and work is so spread out even in a small suburb it’s at least a mile. Walking is possible but for
comfort there are some cheap options that are worth it depending on what you specifically require, and
‘just getting a car’ like most people isn’t the answer. Here are the options I found from best to worst for
the normal person:

A. N.E.V.

A. Cheap used car or bike

A. Walk

A. Nice , new, or expensive car

Those are the main options for daily use. Let’s start with N.E.V. or
neighborhood electric vehicle, A, also called a low speed vehicle. This is the
best because like the boat this is a cheap 1-time fee (compared to even a used
car). Basically it’s a 25mph max golf cart which you can make yourself using
6-8 12v batteries with a box, motor, and wheels They are street legal on all roads with 35 mph speed
limits or less which for most people who work/live nearby and use a car mostly for groceries and
‘neighborhood’ stuff this is perfect. It uses no gas because it runs on solar panels that feed the batteries so
it’s free transport after you have it rather than car-​everything​.

Next best price-to-return is cheap used car or bike, ​B​. The average used car is $16,000 and that’s
because of needless worry. I got my first car for $1500 and the only issue is aesthetics and people want to
‘look cool’ but it drove and started perfect, got me to Florida from Chicago fine. Who can spend $16,000?
Most can’t and go into debt. I little research and a test drive and this is just a few months on minimum
wage. Also a bike is lumped here because depending on your health (seriously, you should be able to ride
a bike) it’s $50 -$100 and you can go miles for a little exercise, much better than walking.

Next is walking, ​C​. This is totally free except exhausting, that’s why the small amounts for the
previous are better because it greatly improves from this. But it’s better than the last.
The last is a ‘nice car’, ​D​. This is because it’s not just ‘nice’, it’s tens of thousands of dollars and
months likely years of work just to be able to… drive to work and the grocery store. Honestly for long
distance travel I flew from Chicago to Florida 8 months before I moved for literally $20, the price of an
Uber to downtown. Using and picking good times of the week and year and you can
really travel cheap today. The ‘nice car’ is again an ‘image item’ and hardly a result of intelligent or
prudent choice or function; I don’t care if it can go around turns on cliff road in the commercials, a year
or more of average salary is ridiculous.

For a N.E.V. to be street legal, it must:

● Not exceed 25 mph and restrict itself to roads with speed limits of 35mph or less, be
4-wheeled, weigh less than 3000lbs, have stop lights, turn signals, headlights, tail lights,
parking breaks, rearview mirrors, reflex reflectors, a windshield, seat belts, and VIN’s,
and you must have a valid driver’s license. None of these descriptions say it must be
built by a car company. If it goes faster than that you have to pay insurance and it
becomes a ‘passenger car’ so keep is low.
Chapter 5

We still have small tribe minds and our modern world is full of new wonders and technology. We
get mass produced cheap food, free electricity from the sun, cheap houses as mentioned in House chapter
with cheap hot plates to cook most things and mini fridges. You can use a parabolic antenna to get free
wifi from 3-5 miles away. Also there’s cheap massages chairs that will massage you all day while you
enjoy TV and games. Lots of stuff. Below I’ll list some interesting things; one note, when using
electricity always use solar and batteries because it’s free.

310w Solar Panel For boat or car roof $160

12v Battery Batteries Plus Saving & nighttime use


Hot plate Wal-Mart Cooks


Parabolic antenna 3+ mile range $49.99

Game laptop i7, 8gb, 300gb, 2.8Ghz $125

Massage Chair Shiatsu Massage $45

Chapter 6
Romantic Partner

There’re lots of options out there. You can be depressed and alone, you can try talk to lots of girls
(this will be directed mostly at guys because that’s what I know but girls can flip it to apply to them too),
you can have 1 partner, you can have multiple and juggle that, or you can have 2—the simplest multiple
number. Let’s look at small tribe.

For 2 million years you saw the same few people your entire life from birth to death. Sure you
met other tribes, maybe even had some other relationships like trading or agreements not to trespass, but
for 90% of your life it was the same people your whole life. You didn’t ‘pick up chicks’ or talk to
strangers. You didn’t try to fuck a bunch of ‘strange’ or impress with ‘lays’ or number of lovers. That’s a
modern circus side show. No one cares what you do with your genitals plus it means the rest of your
TRIBE is being neglected for you to feel ‘cool’ whatever. Some cultures it’s one partner in the small tribe
and you get comfortable. The small tribe is as intimate as a family even if they aren’t related. The small
tribe is the ​feeling​ of family because the same very select few people you spend all day with, eat, hunt,
live life with… it’s family. Some cultures have 2 because they enjoy it. I’m of this perspective because
it’s exciting and also simple and intimate. It’s still a relationship and not about ‘pimping’ or whatever but

Today it’s better because we still have the same small tribe mind with many more options (which
can trip up too). In today’s world I found 4 types of girls and ranked them from best to worst.

A. Similar to you (FOCS: fun, open, cute, smiley)

A. Wants sex

A. Hot, but she makes you earn it

A. Model-type, basically no

Z) No’s (UFO: ugly, fat, old. Parents/minors)

Sex is ​important.​ Sure that’s what a sexual deviant says but it is. You’re thinking about it right
now and think about it all day like everyone. It’s fun, pleasurable, it’s a major if not the only reason for a
partner of the opposite sex (I know it’s not, their personality and spending time with them is too but I say
it to emphasize). If there’s no sex there’s no partner, it’s the definition.

To prove I like people as well as just sex, the number one girlfriend to have of all others is one
who is similar to you in personality: ​A​. She thinks and feels the same way you do, talks like you and has
the same mannerism and sense of humor. Even though you both don’t understand each other at
sometimes, you still kind of do in your not understanding and that’s cool. It’s steady, there’s hot
attraction, you have similar interests and it can be sustained because you’re so similar, like each other,
and it’s easy and ​fun​ being around them. This is the best. Nothing fancy, just sexy and awesome.

The second best is a girl who just likes you for you and is willing to offer her self/sex because she
thinks you’re so cool: ​B​. She does basically all the work, she’s cute so it’s not like you’re taking
advantage, she just wants you and to give herself to you. It’s not as good as the A girl who’s on par with
you, this girl kind of just says ‘yes yes yes’ to everything and so it’s easy, pleasurable, she pleases and
does nice things for you, occasionally you have to manage her emotions because she feels like you’re
distant or don’t care whatever. That’s a drag, but for the most part she is satisfies many important parts of
an ideal girlfriend and so she’s number 2 and will make you feel like a king.

The ​C​ girl is hot, this is where other guys might start going “oh look at her” and some girls might
get jealous. This girl is pretty and probably gets superficial attention for it. She has some personality but it
kind of is based on her looks. She’s generally friendly and ok to be around but she’ll drop subtle hints of
superiority or challenge, little pokes, play small games, she has a little fun fucking a bit with social stuff
because she thinks she understands it and can mess with it. It’s because she has some ego wrapped up in
her looks that she becomes a bit distant and less friendly, fun, attractive, thinks she’s the ‘prize’ at least a
little which makes it uncomfortable and while some guys find it a challenge it actually doesn’t get her
what she wants when they leave.

Last and most least is the ​D​ girl: the ​model-type.​ Her ​whole​ thing: her personality, her life, her
perspective is about her looks and they physical. She’s into fashion even if she’s not (because that’s
stylish), she learned a while back only looks matter, she dates guys who are similar, no one is happy or
wins, it’s all meaningless and empty. Trying to date someone like this isn’t worthwhile at all because the
main prize is the high five with the guys, she’s not real, and she doesn’t expect anything else. Why would
anyone want to date this type? There’s no real person, it’s all a complete game to make you say “she’s
hot” or whatever and then to blow you off to feel something. That’s her life right there.

Those are the main girlfriend types, stick with ​A​’s &​ B​’s. Then there are the ​Z​’s, most females
who are just ​no’s​: fat, ugly, old, minors, has kids, has bf (bad flavor in men), etc. Next most important
besides the quality is the quantity. Here too there are some letters:
a. 2 girlfriends

b. 1 girlfriend

c. >2 girlfriends

d. Alone

e. Pick up

f. Marriage

There’s a reason for this order. 80% of early humans were polygamous. 2 girlfriends, ​a​, is
superior because it’s interesting, hot, still personal, removes any reason to cheat. It’s better than one night
stands, is multiple but the smallest number so you aren’t juggling. Also you aren’t hitting the clubs
chatting. 1 girlfriend, ​b​, is next best because it’s the awesomeness of 1 girl, less exciting but pleasurable.
Better than approaching, juggling, or being alone.

More than 2, ​c​, is next best because while you aren’t alone and get the benefit of girlfriends, it’s
work and effort, like a manager or baby-sitter. Who are you doing it for? I guess once could be fun. Being
alone is next: ​d​. It’s better than pick up because that’s a lot of effort for basically no results. I have no
energy for it and no sane person does. It’s unnatural. Small tribe… strangers are mostly neutral, next often
enemies, rarely friends. This modern lean towards being social, more being ‘popular’, is a trap against
small tribe, to like random strangers you have no commonalities with. Small tribe and intimate friends
over social and rando strangers 100% of the time.

Last is marriage: ​f​. Why make legal and bind a whole life to a person when it’s a relationship
based on sex and personality. It’s death, making stale and static an alive thing into something legal.

In conclusion, the best of all of this would be 2 ​A​ girlfriends—heaven—written as ​A-a​, denoting
quality then quantity. The next best might be a ​B​ in there. Then there’s just 1 ​A​ or ​B​ for steady sex. By
the way, here is a proven 10 step method I’ve used for getting multiple girlfriends:
T.E.G.T.K.O.B. S.T.E.(K.)

● T​alk
● E​vent (bowling, dinner, etc.)
● G​ender comment (“don’t give me that girl crap’, tell first kiss story, etc.)
● T​ouch move
● K​iss move
● O​pen fly
● B​j
● S​ex (repeat after this for relationship)
● T​alk
● E​vent occasionally (concert, whatever)
● To prevent from ending, ​k​eep wanting it

Partner Scaling Exercise:

This is actually a fun exercise to start reprogramming the way you perceive possible partners in
the world and simultaneously get to put people in categories and boxes. Really, you are just re-getting in
touch with what you naturally like, what is likeable rather than some superficial (non-happiness getting)
story of attractive or ‘hot’. TV says ‘hot’ is a face or ass, but in a relationship compared to being with an
A​ that’s nothing, luckily ​A​’s are also cute. So, the exercise. I want you to go to a public place with lots of
people and simply write down on some paper A, B, C, D, and ‘no’ going down. When a person of the
opposite sex walks by simply look at them, you might have to really look if you were used to superficially
judging/seeing people in a way which didn’t benefit you, and when you figure out what letter they are put
a tally mark next to the right letter. What you’ll probably notice is most are just no’s, a lot might be ​B​’s,
some ​A​’s (they’re amazing ☺), surprisingly there are few ​C​’s and depending on where you are I rarely
find ​D​’s. Anyway, find out for yourself and have fun with this one. You’ll also maybe feel yourself relax
a bit knowing ​A​’s &​ B​’s are there and are so easy to be around. That’s how it’s supposed to feel all the

The breakdown is about

● A 10%
● B 15%
● C 3%
● D 2%
● Z 70%
Chapter 7

Small tribe. We come from small tribes and our whole lives we interacted with the same few
people and knew them all intimately as family even if they weren’t; small tribe is family. A girl was
raised by wolves, tell me family can’t be any tribe. When would we ever interact with strangers outside
our tribe? When people were passing by or thru, when encountering a neutral neighboring tribe and
maybe forming a loose agreement of whatever, also if someone was doing bad things. If you live
somewhere with your little tribe and see someone you’ve never seen before, the question is intent: passing
through, neutral neighbors, maybe an ally with a trade or protection agreement, or someone up to bad
stuff. Regardless it’s irrelevant because all of life happened in the small tribe from social to
starting/raising families to hobbies to fun to hunting. Life ​happened​ in and only and entirely in the small
tribe. Who cared about strangers? Better safe than sorry because the world as far as the small tribe was
concerned was the small tribe.. and really it was.

All through history there is the theme of us and outsider. Many cultures have 2 words: a word for
‘people’ and a word for ‘other’ (sometimes ‘nonhuman’). For example, Roman and barbarian, American
and alien; there is ‘tribe’ and ‘nonhuman/other’. The world can burn, save the tribe. All life is tribe. A
tribe is a few, finite number of people who have a commonality. Family doesn’t have to be your tribe. I
have interests and beliefs different from my family and in the modern day there is more choice to find
‘your people’. You don’t have to stay with a tribe or any certain people. To explain the most common
(and subpar) friends, F.C.C. C.O.N., or—Family, Classmates, Co-workers, Convenient (work), Obligation
(family), Necessary (class).

Again, like partners, the smallest multiple number is 2 so it’s a tribe, otherwise it’d be a
partnership. 2 is a group but it’s simple. There are 5 types of people or ‘friends’ but like partners they
aren’t some you want any to do with, they’re just cautionary notes or no-no’s. Here:

A. 1 or 2 same hobbies (BFFF)

A+) Same hobby is their focus (not necessary)

B) At least likes 1

F) Dissimilar people
Z) Repellant people (TWATs: two-faced, wacky, aggressive, thief)

BFFF describes ​A ​friend: Both same hobbies (​>​2), Fraternize, Fair trade, and Funny. I like to
dance and like video games. For me, an ​A​ friend would be someone who either plays games and/or
dances. They aren’t an ​A+​ because it’s just for fun, they do 1 or both regularly and might describe
themselves as a ‘gamer’ or ‘dancer’, but it’s not what they’re moving towards. That’s an ​A+​, and that is a
lot​ similar like a compatriot taking on the same field you and them together. An ​A+​ friend is like a best
friend but it’s not necessary to have that level of similarity because a friend is simply similar enough and
you can eat and do the hobby together and always have something to talk about and a similar mindset, but
an ​A+​ while labeled higher, you ​can,​ it’s not necessary and it can be a bit heavy to have a sort of
soul-mate version of a friend. But it’s up to you. Hangs, two same hobbies, laughs, equal exchange

A ​B​ friend is the opposite direction of ​A+​ from ​A​. While is ​A+​ is more heavy, similar, and
serious, a ​B​ friend is more casual. In my case, they would be casual gamers or know some dance moves.
They might choose of many options to play dumb games on their phone on the bus or have 1 or 2 games
they like. They’re familiar with the hobby, but it’s casual and ​enough.​ For me they might find dance
interesting and know 1 or 2 go-to dance moves, but don’t consider themselves dancers. It’s just ​some
similarity , enough to hang and talk about.

A ​F​ friend isn’t a friend but it’s a neutral person in the world personified but the stranger. It’s just
a whoever person with whom exists but you have no commonalities with. They sort of just exist but don’t
like or do any of the things you like and funny enough this is where most friends in the world stand. 2
people meet at school or work, whatever, and they simply become friends because they see each other and
no other reason. It’s sort of forced and unless they really invest once the initial commonality ends there’s
no connection or desire to remain. Knowing this is the course these relationships take why do people do
them over actually shared interest and commonality? They aren’t thinking, just floating, maybe they have
no interests or hobbies and just want a friend. Also, while many seem obsessed with kids—‘they’re
perfect, can do no wrong, etc. etc.’—I’d put them in this ​F ​category as simply dissimilar because a kid
being a ​kid i​ sn’t a positive quality, sometimes they’re even (often!) being the worst ​Z​, repellant, with their
behavior and I don’t think kids should be looked at as ‘positive’. Often they are mercurial, emotional
(overly so), childish, clingy (aren’t emotionally independent and legally ​can’t​ be self-sufficient until 15 to
work); they must be babysat and managed. Kids are ​kids,​ and you can’t talk to or level with them—unless
they are continuing your genes who cares. Whatever, but a little effort (actually less than here to have an
A​ or ​B​ because here you must spontaneously generate random activities and conversation, same with
kids, rather than actually having a reason to like a person) and you could have a real, satisfying, and
worthwhile friend. This modern day just throws things together.
Lastly is ​Z​, stay away. These are repellant people who are actually anti-social, who have no (or at
least don’t display any behavior indicating) redeeming qualities. TWATs, or two-faced, wacky,
aggressive, thieves, whatever is repellant. They are people who should be avoided and you naturally ​feel
to. They usually are alone (without TRIBE or tribe) and they usually burn themselves out on their own.
Often they aren’t an issue because they just have no tribe but staying away is simply best; emotionally
they are ​living​ the experience of being without a tribe on the plains.

Ok, so those are the 5 types of friends (it’s more like people of your same gender because often
that’s what this section is), and now onto the quantities of them. As before, here are some letters:

a. 2 friends

a. 1 friend

a. >2 friends

a. Alone

a. Socialize

If you read the last chapter this is much the same as the reasons for dating, here we go. 2 friends,
a​, is the best because it’s the smallest multiple number to have an actual group thereby easier. Also, a
modern revelation, despite Facebook and they speed of the internet and social media no one has thousands
or millions of friends. It’s literally physically impossible: small tribe. Take any person on the planet
regardless of whatever life situation and you see who they spend their time with, it’s going to come up to
2 or a very small, few, select number of people they spend most or all of their time with despite 400
friends on Facebook, 100 million views on Youtube, or 50 million Twitter followers—small tribe—that’s
why it’s not worth the effort to chase the modern ‘success’ dream because you either have TRIBE or you
don’t and you’re life is funky.

The next best, ​b​, is 1 friend because it’s the benefits of a friend, not as good as 2, but better than a
horde of friends you have to manage, can’t get personal with, or try to and exhaust yourself unnecessarily.
I’m telling you, ​small​ tribe every time is going to win because that’s the truth. 3​rd​ best is ​c​, more than 2
friends. You aren’t alone and you get to have friends, even be ‘popular’ some might call it, but you must
work to maintain that, be social, constantly be managing surface relationships like a baby sitter when you
only want 2… come on. Being popular sucks but friends are friends.
4​th​ best is alone, ​d​, at least it’s simple. You aren’t managing or baby-sitting anyone but you’re
also alone and without companionship or tribe. That sucks. It’s easy but it’s not super rewarding.

Last is ​e​, socializing. I say it like a bad word because that’s going places and being social,
talkative, and sharing with strangers. Think of how stupid it is to go to different tribes or any places you
don’t know and start acting friendly like you’re friends. It’s a dead end road with no prospects. If you
want to be more social you can but it’s fruitless TRIBE-wise.

In conclusion, like in Partner chapter, the best is 2 ​A​ friends, written as ​A-a​. Another decent one
is ​B-b​, that’s a good place to start. Just stay away from the lower letters.

Friend Scaling Exercise

This is the same exercise as with partners but now we’ll be doing it with friends (or read that as
people of your own gender). Make a list of A, B, F, and Z in a journal, go to a public place, and regardless
of dumb things like appearance or style, try and label these potential ‘friends’ will a tally next to their
letter in regards to you and get more familiar with the types. It might be useful quickly being able to
distinguish them.

The breakdown is about

● A 5%
● B 10%
● F 70%
● Z 15%

Side note 1:

The reason family may or may not be a tribe worth your time is based on similarity and the same scale.
For some people, the family members may have similar interests as you so you can remain friends or at
least friendly… likely after 18 years there’s some similar interest. However if they are dissimilar and
don’t have similar interests as you then the scale ​still​ applies even to family and they might be ​F​’s,
probably not ​Z​’s but maybe.

Side note 2:

On kids, I’d also include all kids as ​Z’​ s because you can’t be friends so they
have no value (can’t drink, drive, support themselves emotionally or
financially, smoke, etc.). Coupled with ​Z​ minor girls from last chapter all kids are ​Z​’s.
Chapter 8
Your Person

We’re designing you best lifestyle and that

includes your look and other stuff you just like.
How do you want to dress and look? How’s your
hair? Tattoos? Did you decide a healthy diet and/or
to workout daily, not just for the health but also a
little muscle? You don’t have to. This is the way
you want to appear. Also how do you want to
decorate your home: a certain style, minimalist,
punk, what? Also, this you living your version of
TRIBE, would you have a nickname you’d go by that sort of personifies how you feel and are? This is
about your personal self so decide how it’ll be when you’re living the ideal of TRIBE and your ideal self.
Also, you can acronymize your look (like most everything). Also you can acronymize your life story, for
example mine is simple BAFFT (birth tribe, alone, florida, Fabd Might, Top of Field). Also, what are the
reasons you want TRIBE life? Write 3 reasons (mine is SIN for example: social handled, interests
handled, nawse).

Lifestyle Objections Exercise:

This is useful for perspective. Ask yourself, “what are the top objections to living this life”. For
me it’s: lazy, worthless, couldn’t make it as a ‘normal person—acronymized as L.W.C. Then I want you
to answer them and you now have answers for the tops.
Part 3
Chapter 9

Society is modern and things will keep getting more modern, complex, more technological, and
more crazy with click-baiting and advertising and superficial stuff because people just ‘feel’ and
‘stimulate’ because they don’t know or understand 2 million years of small tribe mind; we’re taught
everything under the sun at school for 14 years but ​anything​ for actual good living. So most people go for
the wrong things and people pushing other stuff just push it, not many people are aware of their ‘old soul’
so-to-speak and so just live and often follow a script without choosing. Here you were presented with the
model of our makeup and also how it can be positively used (even better) in the modern day.

I know this kind of awareness of our small tribe mind or ‘old soul’ will never
become widespread because it takes too much focus to take it in and most people are
living the script and failing in TRIBE and they don’t (and will never know) how to fix it.
It’s too hard for most people to have awareness of a small tribe mind ​and​ to live life often
because of overwhelm (due not to obeying TRIBE). If this was applied widely, things
would be looked through the lenses of small tribe mind and our ‘old soul’. We’d get rid of
all schools in favor vocational ones so artists can be with artists and car racers can be with
car racers. Construction would be of cheap material and simple design for ​function.​ Food would be widely
distributed for free and made so by processes of bringing costs to almost nothing like the foods mentioned
in the Money chapter so everyone could at least get sufficient calories at basically no cost to the
distributors. People would spend their lives in simple and cheap housing. It wouldn’t be about buying and
commercialism but small tribes and like-minded hobbyists and enjoying. Prices would be brought down
by focusing on cost-return rather than appearance or opulence; things would be simpler but more
satisfying, efficient, and less work.
However no one has to (and no one will) change for you to get the happy benefit. Get it yourself.
The following are hypothetical examples of 3 different people an different places applying TRIBE to their
life so you can see how it’ll look.

1. Harold
● Homeless, fed by others, lacks TRIBE
● 4-6 weeks and get boat
● Date similar
● Do hobbies/skills
Harold is homeless. He lives on the street and has for 4 years. He’s 45 but looks older because of
the weight of his thoughts. He feels hopeless, like he’s at the bottom of society, no one cares, and to start
would be an uphill battle. But he gets hold of this book and starts putting it into action. He decides it’s not
so bad, he doesn’t want whatever other people have but the minimum effective dose. He applies for fast
food jobs online every day at his local library. He prints his resume, showers at the homeless shelter and
looks presentable, and drops it off to the manager at the places he applied so there’s a face to the name.
After a couple weeks, a manager tells him to have a seat and comes out a few minutes later for an
impromptu interview. He says he has full availability and is hired on the spot. Harold goes to orientation
and works for a couple months. He buys a cheap boat, gets a 300w solar panel, decent battery, connect it
to the electric motor, and he’s at the boat plateau. He gets on a dating site and finds an ​A​ girl, start dating,
finds another one, and now has 2 girlfriends. He likes food so finds a cooking group and makes 2 ​A
friends. He’s enjoying his minimum effective dose: he relaxes on his boat, has no similar friends, 2 easy
compatible girlfriends, is getting better at cooking, and all in a couple

1. Fred
● Normal people, has sub-ideal TRIBE
● Better than debt, live cheap, no school, don’t work much
● Do hobbies
Fred makes the average salary of $34,000 per year. He has student loan debt, mortgage debt, a
girlfriend he met at college with he’s not very compatible with (she’s kind of bitch without the ‘hot’). He
finds this book and decides to simplify. He doesn’t want to follow the society treadmill. He dumps his
girlfriend, gets rid of his house, does what he can with the student loans, gets a boat with solar, battery,
and electric motor. He realizes education was a waste of time; at least he’s not doing any more harm and
minimized. He goes on and meets 2 ​A​ girls and they date. He stays at his job for a bit to
dampen his old bills but his lack of mortgage and basically no bills now helps to right his mistake of
going to school. He likes computers and meets 2 ​A​ friends who like computers too. All in a few weeks he
reduced his expenditures, simplified, lives on boat with almost no bills, and has his minimum effective

1. Sam
1. Overworking people
2. Stop working
3. Live on boat, don’t work, live cheap, ​simplify
4. Chill/hobbies/enjoy
Sam makes $200,000 a year. He has a mansion, goes on expensive vacations, works a lot, and is
in a lifeless marriage. His life feels sort of superficial, he doesn’t like his work and feels like his life is
about impressing people. He finds this book and does a 180. He gets rid of so much stuff: his mansion, his
wife, ​stuff​. Gets a boat, solar stuff, he has some money, but simplifies. Gets 2 cute girls, 2 friends who
like drinking (he wants to decompress) and drink mixing, and just enjoys doing nothing with his small but
worthwhile social circle. “Fuck being rich” he now says. He has his minimum effective dose.

Here’s a graphic of various people moving towards TRIBE:

Here is your final exercise:

TRIBE Scale Exercise

Like the other ones, go to a public place with a pen and journal (you should be coming along nice
now, especially if you did the exercises more than once) and write TRIBE at the top of the page.
Remember TRIBE? Partner, House ,Eat (job), Hobbies, Friends. Now when you see people walk by give
them a good look. Do they have a partner with them or are they alone and look like they are alone? Write
the letter or just write ‘yes’ or ‘no’. For house, did they get out of a car and are their clothes clean? They
probably have a home, but if they are dirty and have bags of junk in a shopping cart on the sidewalk
probably not… mark it. For ‘eat’, are they employees at wherever you are, wearing their companies shirt,
have a suit, or are they dirty and look like their food stamps? Mark what you think if they’re feeding
themselves or not. For hobbies, this one’s harder, but do they have any noticeable hobbies at this public
place? You might have to put ‘I don’t know’ here. For friends, are they will same sex people or alone? Do
they look like they have no friends or just none now? Mark it. After about a half hour of this, you’ll get to
notice where most people are in regards to TRIBE, where they lack, where some over-exert and possibly
neglect others (like a ‘work-focused’ man, etc.). This will help you notice TRIBE more. TRIBE is all
anyone can ever have, so noticing it in people you can decide if you’d like their choices (for example a
hotel owner working for 50 years to have nice furniture and eat special sea food); 90% of people probably
wouldn’t choose their own life if they were aware of TRIBE. TRIBE is like a checklist of criteria for
happiness, and by simply marking where one is
one also diagnoses the problem and knows the
remedy (no partner then get one, no job then get
one, etc.). On the next page is a worksheet you
can use and update for where you are in relation
to your TRIBE ideal.
Quickguide to Get Your TRIBE (Can Get in 4 weeks)
T.urf Dwelling

1. Decide if you want the cheapest (boat) or the 2​nd​ cheapest (cheap land & DIY house)
2. Get the few thousand it costs to get a cheap boat (DIY) or some cheap land with cheap house
3. Unless you’re well off don’t rent or have a standard house… also protect it against intruders
R.omantic Partners 2
1. Find someone who’s a FOCS (fun, open, cute, smiley) according to your standards
2. Say “hi” to them
3. Find out basic info about them (looking for a partner, open to your lifestyle) & decide or not to
get into a relationship
4. Do it with a second person, have sex at least 3.5x a week, talk & eat meals together daily, go on at
least 2 proper dates (concert, go-karting, etc.) monthly, stay loyal (that’s why 2)
I.ngest (minimum $700-$1000/m)
1. For a beginner a minimum wage job is enough to save for this cheap & simple life to get a cheap
boat or DIY house on cheap land. The food industry’s great because that’s free groceries at the
end of the day leftovers
2. To start supporting yourself from your own hobbies (art) or thought (a teacher), if you already are
skilled then you’re Gucci otherwise use the old piano teacher trick and just be better than the
average initiate—read 1 or 2 books written by an expert and have some real experience
3. Then you can write a how-to book, market it, sell it, get students… then you’re making money
from your interests!
B.uddies 2

1. Decide your interests & go where those like-minds are (gamer: GameStop, guitar: Guitar Center)
2. Tell them flat-out you’d like to hang out: start out with a meal & talk about your experiences with
the interest (HS band, beat same games, etc.), then do it together at least 2x each week
E.xp​ertise​ (art/​thought)

1. Talk about your art ​& your thought (i.e. LOT) in basically all conversations
2. Set goals for each of your hobbies so you can take baby steps (doing this with your buddies is
ideal) & improve your skill level. For example “Finish Album” or “Finish making video game”.
Once you are more skilled than an average person, you can start making money!
3. Talking about LOT regularly makes it integrate into you more, ​& doing ​something​ with at least 2
of your hobbies daily makes you level up & regularly create consumable products (games, songs,
dances, books, etc.)

It’s been a long journey and we’ve learned about senses, small tribes, our ‘old souls’, and the
modern version of TRIBE. We learned that survival comes before pleasure and that you must feed
yourself and get (ideally) a cheap boat or DIY house. This is a physical world and intent, wanting, goals,
it means nothing to your own food and a house, same for other things; you either have a tribe of few
friends and a partner or 2 or you ‘re ‘alone on the plains’ so to speak. Thought and desire is nothing and a
physical world needs physical food and relationships. TRIBE is a checklist of have or don’t, hard and cold
but also simple and ​so​ easy.

We talked about how with survival the first thing to do is get an entry level job then a (boat)
house. If have an interest in leveling up a skill, mastering something and selling it that’s a good option
because the better you get the easier to handle ‘eating’ and money. Life can be and is supposed to be
mostly about leisure time… as well as few relationships. Have cheap pleasures, do things daily which are
good, play games and watch shows and go to concerts.

Theirs cheap transportation options and the main one is a N.E.V. for free power. There’s good
cheap technology to add to your life like massage chairs, always use solar, and a personal must—a
gaming laptop. Despite society’s views on what’s ‘hot’ or ‘good’ in a romantic partner the reality is super
easy and also more satisfying by going for cute people similar to you rather than ‘hot ass or face’ (though
you get cute too). In the same spirit, friends are super easy when they are similar in hobby and interest
and keeping 2 is a simple thing and the reward (​especially​ if in the past you’ve only had rando ‘location’
school or work friends).

You can have a cool look and a nickname you choose for yourself which is like your ​real​ name
which sums up your beliefs and outlook (mine’s Lazy man because I believe in laziness, smallness, and
simplicity—with awesome returns). You still get to have the stuff you want and like but now you are
armed with a model & outlook so you can decide if it’s worthwhile to have (you really want it) or it’s part
of a wasteful ‘modern’ concept like a “certain pair of shoes” (girls!). There’s also a way see how society
could be simpler and with easier & better happiness returns (versus just production and commercialism)
and how most people have no idea about small tribe mind or the exclusivity of TRIBE as their happiness
model (rather than commercial overload of ‘junk, junk, junk’).

We finally found that 99% of people will never become aware of small tribe
mind, their ‘old soul’ which runs in the back of their mind that most fail to satisfy
and pay the cost daily, however that absolutely not a single other person on the
planet has to change or do TRIBE for you to enjoy all you have to, the minimum
effective dose, the least amount of effort to be happy like all those hard working,
long-suffering, even ‘successful’ people will never know and you can outshine most people by outwardly
seeming like you do absolutely nothing and are, you guessed it, ​lazy.​ You can beat everyone by not doing

what they all do and do TRIBE. TRIBE is all you need, TRIBE is all you want, TRIBE is all you can ever
have. As I said in the intro to this book, everyone in the world fits into your tribe in some manner, this is
the 5 groups of people: people you have to defend your ​turf​ against, possible romantic partners, people
who can give you money (to ingest) for your expertise, possible buddies, and people you can perform and
preach to. Everyone fits into your tribe somewhere.

Go forth and TRIBE, you small tribe, you.

World History

1) Rainbow River
There was no beginning because at the Source Ultimate Reality level of being, time does
contain it but it contains time. At the south pole of Ultimate Reality is the Void Mother who is the
blackness which births all of existence. Out of her womb do all 7 colors of the Rainbow River
flow, also known as the 7 Circles of Freedom. At the north pole of Ultimate Reality is the Divine
Father who is the white light which is master of and shines on all of existence calling them to
greater levels of freedom. The black void is the feminine death force which absorbs all light and
contains it within itself. The white divine is the masculine life force which as white light shines on
the darkness and coerces red out of the blackness towards more of itself. It would be logical to
say thus “in the beginning was the void” however time exists ​within​ the Rainbow River therefore
there has always been a divine father master of life and light shining as well as always been a
void mother birther of all life and container of all variety and existence in potential form; neither
came first because both have always existed together. When the Void Mother wins all reality
slips into ages of darkness where disorder and
variety spreads. When the Divine Father wins all
reality moves into ages of light where order and
structure reigns. Neither is better, because
structure and variety also move back and forth,
give and take. On the next page is the full
structure of ultimate reality, but in actuality it is
more varied and mixed than the logical model. In
truth the Rainbow River looks more like this. Out
of the blackness of the void of insanity,
un​formation, and death, small amounts of order
come to be because of light shined on them from
the divine light of order, consciousness, and
structure. From the interplay between the Divine
Father and the Void Mother the Rainbow River is
the arena of all life to play. The Rainbow River is
truly a river which is made of bubble universes
which form physical playgrounds where physical
dramas take place. Because space also is
contained ​within​ this level at Ultimate Reality it
contains all space too and all infinite possible universes (with all possible laws of physics, all
possible timelines, given all possible initial conditions).

2) Our Big Bang

From this Rainbow River came the initial conditions, culture, and surrounding
environment which gave rise to our specific big bang 13.8 billion years ago (byo). In the early
universe (within the first second) positive and negative forces—particles and antiparticles,
quarks and antiquarks, leptons and antileptons, protons and antiprotons, etc.—fought and
annihilated each other in equal proportions
except for a very small amount of matter, on the order of 1
part in 30 million. This small imbalance led to 1% more
matter being generated than antimatter which led to all the
matter we see today—our universe’s mass is calculated at
9.92 x 10​51​ pounds—and because of baryogenesis
(asymmetry or imbalance of matter [baryons] and antimatter
[antibaryons]) is the reason for us having matter instead of
antimatter or nothing at all... proving we are more blessed
by the divine father side of reality with positive existence.
The bubbles are not separate from the river with a border
but more like the other side of the coin… all energy is
represented by a physical manifestation. Our 13.8byo
physical universe is the manifestation of our segment or
slice of the Rainbow River, and remember like a fractal which repeats itself infinitely on all
scales “we are created in God’s image.” Or, all things possess the same qualities of Ultimate
Reality i.e. the Rainbow River and its 7 colored energies: including our universe, our planet, and
ourselves. To put it another way, solid matter is just slower moving less energetic states of
things (like the fast moving energy river) so it could be thought of as the physical universe is the
branch of the tree trunk of the energetic/spiritual Rainbow River—the same manifestation or
extension of it—or the branches and the tree, or the program coding and the user interface, the
laws and the society, the unconscious and the conscious, all apt analogies. From the Big Bang
it 379,000 years for the first atoms to form (mostly hydrogen). At 400 million years old the first
stars formed. At 1 billion years old the first galaxies formed.

3) Our Solar System (including Earth)

At 8.7byo or 4.6 billion years ago (or bya) our solar system formed from gas and dust
collapsing into a flat disk. At the center of the disk 99.8% of the material began nuclear fusion
(hydrogen fused into helium) and the sun was born. The remaining clumps in the flat disk
collapsed into the planets, moons, asteroids, and comets of our solar system thus it was born.
Thus the earth was formed ~4.6bya.

4) Life Evolution
After a time, the oldest proof we have of life existed at 3.8bya or
possibly even 4.3 or 4.4bya in microfossils of microorganisms at the
hydrothermal vents on the ocean floors, regardless of the year not long
after the oceans formed 4.41bya or the Earth formed 4.54bya evidence of
life exists. Of all the 5 billion species that have existed here, 99% of them
are now extinct, today earth has about 12 million species with a total
biomass of ~4 trillion tons. The steps life took on earth from inorganic
material to biology is a question still being answered but the top suspect for origin of life is
proteins—from atoms to chemicals and nuclear acids—proteins are the theorized origin which
then become more complicated in the first biology. For over 80% of life’s story on earth all there
was were bacteria. The first fungi evolved ~0.8bya, then the Cambrian explosion caused more
recognizable life around 0.5bya with the first fish, jellyfish, worms, and arachnids. ~0.4bya the
first insects, amphibians, and sharks evolved. ~0.3bya the dinosaurs walked the earth. ~0.2bya
the first birds and mammals. 0.1bya the first bees and flowers evolved. 10 million years ago the
first primates, 1mya early humans made fire, 200,000 years ago the first homo sapiens, ~10,000
years ago the first writing was invented. And that was the prehistory of before the advent of
man. Humanity’s ​specific​ evolution is bacteria, to fish, to amphibian, to reptile, to the first
mammals, to primate, to human; this biological evolution can be physically traced to the LUCA
(last universal common ancestor) 3.7 billion years ago with about 8 trillion ancestors or
generations. Below is the basic way humanity in its current form has formed through all its
changes starting at the Rainbow River of Ultimate Reality.

5) Human History
So these are my picks for most important human events, let’s explain them in the
rainbow perspective.
Small Tribes:
Human history includes so many important pieces but we’ll cover
only the major events. Our ancestors split from chimpanzees ~5.5mya
which was significant but not about something we did but our beginning.
To begin with we’ll start with early humans as Homo erectus who first
formed small tribes about 1.8mya. They had about the same brain size
(1000cm​3​ to our 1350cm​3​), and social development as modern humans
living in hunting and gathering bands caring for their elderly, raising kids in
groups, cooperating to tackle big projects together (hut building, mammoth
hunting, social organization, etc.). In brain and social development we are
very similar to these early ancestors of the Homo sapiens genus.
|Humans living in small tribes, this was like animals being very
smart ​and ​cooperative​. Humans were like advanced animals at this stage (unlike something
godlike on the planet), we just decided to form more advanced ​social groups ​for ​hunting ​and
protection ​as well as the beginnings of ​culture​. Meanwhile the life on the planet was as it had
been living either on their own, with their family, or with animals they met doing all the ​sur​viv​al
things as well as animal ​friendships ​and ​playing​, doing as much ​art ​as could be afforded
(between survival things) like ​dancing a​ nd ​howling ​and ​playing creatively​, being ​aware ​of
environment and ​thinking ​sometimes making simple animal models in their heads.|
Master of Fire:
Historians say this happened about 1mya, but habitual
controlled use happened about 300,000 years ago. This was
important because it allowed cooking to be possible, making
our ancestors evolve larger more calorie-hungry brains and
bodies, and sma ller guts for more easily digested food. It is
because of our large brains, which fire through cooking helped
enlarge, that all subsequent human ingenuity could happen
such as culture, language, and complex invention.
|When humans mastered ​fire ​we literally harnessed ​heat ​and ​destruction ​and ​passion
(the lower of the energies), so we could char our ​food​, cut down trees and chip stone to build
tools ​and ​homes ​and ​weapons​, eventually making explosives with it (like bombs, fireworks,
cannons, guns, missiles). We may have used the power of fire and the power it afforded us with
more capacity for ​violence ​to lean on that red energy instead of talking things out or solving
things ​creatively ​with our ​minds​, and while we did use violence we also did still use ​talking ​and
our ​minds ​hence social structures and cities functioning and humans living in harmony in much
bigger groups than as primates.|
Invention of Writing
Tied to this is the development of human language
35,000BC in the form of Cro-Magnon cave paintings/images
expressing concepts concerning daily life that tell a story. The
written language in the modern idea developed later in Sumer of
Mesopotamia around 3,500BC via cuneiform (pressing a reed
into wet clay to make specific marks). This would then develop
into Egyptian hieroglyphics. It developed in Mesopotamia for
long-distance communication during trade with pictographs
(symbols representing real object) for remembering such things
as which grain had gone to which port and how many sheep
were needed for temple sacrificing. Financial transactions became a way to use writing later in
3,200BC in Uruk of Sumer switching from pictograms to phonograms (symbols representing
spoken sounds) which could convey more precise meaning… now they could describe things in
motion, meaning, and events. Settling down from hunting/gathering to agricultural societies with
more complexity, writing also allowed record keeping, a new concept of property, history writing,
as well as making of art such as fantastic stories. For thousands of years writing was a
specialized profession of the elite because for many daily life was time-consuming. Literacy
(reading and writing) remained a privilege of the aristocracy for thousands more years even until
the 1800’s until public education spread around the world despite the printing press making
important texts like the bible much more accessible in the mid 1400’s.
|With the invention of writing we actually made human ​thought ​communicable through
objects on clay slabs and later paper by deciding meaning to shapes and sounds and putting
those on objects that could be shared with others even very far away. It sort of made our
thoughts ​physically visible and readable, manifest in the world to share with others without
actually ​communicating ​with our voice or body. In a way we put our inner selves outside in the
world physically. |
1​st​ city of 100,000:
This represented a firm advancement from 1) our primate
cousins’ animalistic way of life and 2) from our small tribe hut-living
ancestors proving the advancement we would go. There were a couple
early cities but the first was Ur in Sumer/Iraq in 2100BC (next were
Avaris, Egypt in 1600BC, and YinXu in China in 1300BC). In
anthropology they categorize social groups like this: Tribe
(hunters/gatherers, huts), Chiefdom (permanent homes, livestock),
City-state (large population, agriculture, centralized), then nation-state and empire are larger
| With the first city of 100,000 people it showed the high level of ​social cooperation ​we
had gained (through ​self​-​int​erest​ and the benefits it provided, as long as you ​worked ​and didn’t
get ​violent ​within the city). It allowed humans to put multiple ​minds​, thousands of ​hands​, much
creativity ​into solving challenges and problems facing the group, like an early human biological
version of a super computer (many working together in tangent). While some animals lived in
groups (wolves hunted together, elephants lived and ate together), many lived often solo and a
social organization of 100,000 humans working towards shared harmony for self-benefit to beat
pred​ators​, protect from other ​groups​, grow plants, keep animals for milk and eggs and as
livestock (labor and meat), the functioning large city was a monolith and monument in the nature
animalistic world, though now the nature way things had been now had changed in favor of
these socially cooperating primates. What except another huge social group of humans could
beat such a collection of biomass? Through their cooperation some plants flourished massively
like grain and rice, same with some animals like cows and dogs and cats and sheep, while other
lifeforms suffered either because of neglect or they were threats and killed. So change did occur
because of humans’ social organizing into large groups. |
Roman Republic:
Rome was so important for a variety of reasons
such as many inventions, advancing philosophy, by
defeating the Persians in the Roman-Persian Wars they
prevented Persian control thus promoting democratic
culture/literature/politics across its vast empire through
Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. During the Pax
Romana (200 year Roman Peace) the most influence
person Jesus taught his teaching, which became the
leading world religious philosophy with billions of followers for 2 millennia, inspiring other
religions including Islam, as well as being a major political power in its own right.
|With the Roman republic it was the greatest and most vast empire of ​social organizing
ever. They fought only to spread their ​democracy ​and representation by the people. They also
championed pure ​intellect ​and ​philosophy ​with the top 3 founding fathers Aristotle, Plato,
Socrates, as well as much ​art ​and ​literature​. When they fought they kept people’s cultures and
also gave the gifts of their artistic and intellectual culture to their new conquered. They had the
combination of a single figurehead ruler as well as representatives of the people to talk things
out between the equality and hierarchy… a well-balanced system. The people too were still
doing the things they do: ​sur​viv​ing​, being with ​friends​, being ​artistic ​when possible, and
intellectual ​when possible too--according to each’s life path or karma.|
American Bill of Rights:
This, along with the American Revolution which empowered
it (rather than proving its writers were traitors and hung), influenced
not only the formation of the USA but also inspired and influenced
many other nations in their revolutions and showing the world
populace rule by the people is possible rather than a ruling class or
body… giving rights to all people. Though human civilization had
started egalitarian with all having (at least in theory) equal votes, it shifted towards centralized
power with the wealthy and connected and those in political office, and this document (coupled
with the American Revolution) put the people back in power with the voting system and “taxation
with representation”.
|With the American Bill of Rights the ​colonists ​had been living in the states and sending
resources ​to ​England ​but having no say in the government or ​running ​of the country. In Britain
the most ​resourceful​, ​creatively ​and i​ ntelligent​, had risen to the class of royalty and they began
just taking the ​thinking ​responsibility from the rest of the population because “they knew
better/best” and it was accepted because they were resourceful and it was better to be under a
winner than equal to losers in a tribe even as big as Britain (as evidenced by the country
existing as it did). But far from those resourceful royalty they felt resourceful enough on their
own so they seceded from the country to get their independence, the British Empire then fought
to keep them but lost and they made this bill to give the people ​f​r​e​e​d​o​m​, liberty, the ability to
pursue their happiness, to make sure the people ​ruled ​themselves ​to a large degree with
elected representatives in the governing body. And thus far it seems to have been working.|
Made UN:
Following the first 2 world wars and with a strong desire for it never to
happen again (especially Hitler’s grab for totalitarian world dictatorship and
racial genocide), many major nations of the world united to form the form
ever intergovernmental organization for the purpose of global peace,
security, and international cooperation to tackle international issues (such as
healthcare, poverty, hunger, housing, education, etc.). The United Nations
Charter was drafted in 1945 in San Francisco with 50 nations and now has
193 members (out of 195 countries, those 2 Vatican City and Palestine
having ‘Observer State’ status). The main importance of the formation of the UN represents a
global human awareness as an idea of a global unified humanity, as well as a platform for
solving global unified humanity’s issues beyond what any individual nation could’ve done
alone—such as open dialogue, stopping genocide or conquest, helping refugees, preventing the
‘tragedy of the commons’ (our planet) such as global warming. At most it is its common
|With the formation of the ​Un​it​ed​ ​Na​ti​o​ns​, the world’s governing ​bodies ​decided it didn’t
want to leave things to fate or chance that more ​violent ​bad things wouldn’t happen so they
formed a worldwide ​human ​organization ​for the purpose of ​talking ​things out, ​solv​ing ​shared
challenges, and preventing ​war ​aka promoting ​peace ​and ​secu​rity​. Like the humans who
banded together to form large social groups for shared benefit, this was a banding together of
large ​human ​social groups ​for shared benefit. This included making sure the world environment
stayed healthy and free of pollution and garbage, making sure help was given to despondent
and impoverished refugees and families and kids, feeding many, healing many diseases,
providing clean drinking water. The main purpose being improved ​social organization​, bringing
together ​creative ​and ​intelligent ​people for global issues, and to make a secure environment for
human beings to thrive in (plus animals and plants partly for feelings, more practically for
well-maintained environment we live in too). |
Walk on moon:
Landing and walking on the moon in 1969 by Neil Armstrong, he said “One small step for
(a) man, one giant leap for mankind.” This was a major event for humanity as a whole because
like the man once banding together to cooperatively hunt the woolly mammoth or mastering fire
or making the first city of 100,000 people, landing on the moon proved man was unconquerable
and would continue advancing and growing. He had done so beyond his primate functioning,
beyond his native Africa, beyond his small tribe to make cities with millions of inhabitants living
in social harmony (no social animal has ever done that), and even beyond his native planet
Earth. Landing on the moon is so important because it shows man will land many other places
on many new planets and moons and spread out into the universe. The entire world this little
primate with a big head and opposable thumbs evolved on couldn’t even keep him down, stuck
in its gravity. Having escaped his own home planet’s gravity, what else in the universe could
possibly keep him down?
|With the walking on the moon, it showed we are ​ingen​uitive ​enough to travel beyond our
home planet with the possibility of spreading out into the vastness of space, with much more
land and using ​terraf​orming​ ​(like growing plants to make an atmosphere and making the soil
useable, also airtight bubble communities) we could spread moon to moon and planet to planet
growing and expanding, securing our species even against a possible global event as backups,
making our species and ​social groups​ and tribes more secure and everlasting. As you can see
our entire history we’ve just been working in better social groups and organizations, the most
resourceful leading the pack for shared benefit, being more ​sociable​, ​artistic​, and ​intelligent ​in
regards to our environment rather than living on our own or only with our nomadic family. In
regards to human endeavors we moved from ​violence ​to ​talking ​it​ ​out​. |

The Internet’s Top 25 Events:

● Greco Persian wars
● Alexander
● Pax Romana
● Jesus
● Muhammad
● Genghis khan empire
● Black death
● Fall of Constantinople
● Renaissance
● Printing press
● Protestant reformation
● European colonialism
● American revolution
● French revolution
● US civil war
● Industrial revolution
● Medical revolution
● Archduke Ferdinand assassination
● October revolution
● Great depression
● WW2
● Cold war
● Sputnik
● JFK assassination
● Digital revolution
1. be member of 1 skill & 1 thought guild at least
2. attend Sunday presentations & participate equally with your
3. Cause no trouble
This society is a confluence of the 7 energy
centers, minimalism, & human evolution being
rooted in small tribes—summed up by L.O.T., ​LFE
path (​little kid​, ​ful​l ad​ult​, ​el​d​er​), ​OPERATE​ (​own
your space​, ​penetrate​, ​eat​, ​real friend​, ​art​, ​Tavok ​or
5 senses, ​engrossment​), & ​TRIBE​ (​turf dwelling​, ​2
romantic partners​, i​ ngest​, ​2 buddies​, ​expe​rtise​ or
Life revolves around guilds, skill & thought ones, on Presentation
Sundays people present with their guilds & the Sundays alternate
weekly between each kind (artistic & intellectual). Most people
date & form their friendships within their guilds because “same life
passion”. The presentations are electronically rated 1-100 & the
most successful move up with more rewards and spread to whole
of world for maximum dispersion (from neighborhood, to town,
major city, state, national, and global): bigger house, cars, nicer
tech, food, etc. During the transition period from ‘normal’ to LOT
society LOT teachers recondition everyone to this model (LFE,
OPERATE, and TRIBE) so it disperses.
3 Months of General Education

Kids learn basic math like addition,

subtraction, multiplication, and
division. They learn to read & write
the most common words. They
learn science like gravity, equal
and opposite reaction, the scientific
method, etc. They learn basic history like the “many worlds
theory” and the ​rainbow river i​ .e. God, the big bang, evolution on
Earth, and 1.8 million years of human history since homo erectus
with same brain size and social development as we have today
through the first cities and modern invention. Also most
importantly taught the crash course in L.O.T. (the LFE path, how
we ​O​P​E​R​A​T​E​, and how a TRIBE makes us happy) and how all
things are rainbows with constant L.O.T. reminders & posters
everywhere. Afterwards, kids visit guilds of interest—these are all
the fields like invention, astronomy, dance, music, game design,
personal defense, society management, chef, automation, etc.
Trial period last 6-12 months. If they stay they go through initiation
then become 5 year members.
The first rainbow lesson is taught to kids in owning space as
shown by the picture below: strangers stay outside elbow circle or
get put under it, inside is for friends only, & partners get to go in
sex region. It’s about respecting people’s space. Plus everyone
gets the nonlethal Nonsense Gun (pepper spray, bean bag gun,
high-lumen light, loud banging, tranquilizer, and Taser).
Since your guild is where most life occurs, that’s where most
find their romantic partners. Remember 80% of early humans
were polygamous, and ¼ of monogamous people cheat (in a
monogamous couple that’s 50%). 2 partners is the ideal number
so it’s dynamic thus prevents cheating, but the simplest multiple
number so dating isn’t a second job babysitting and you can get
your whole ​r​a​i​n​b​o​w​. Also population control necessitates a 1 child
limit per person, 2 as a reward for high quality ratings at
Presentation Sundays.

Romantic Partner Scale

A) FOCS (fun, open to sex, cute, smiley)
B) cute and open to sex
C) ​hot​ but sex is most of their life i.e. it takes effort to keep them &
sex must be more of your life
D) model types, top lookers, sex is their ​whole​ life so yours must
be to date them
Z) UFOs (ugly, fat, old), single parents & minors
Everyone who follows the 3 requirements of being a member
of at least 1 skill & thought guild respectively, equally participates
with guild on Presentation Sundays, and causes no trouble (like
stealing, starting fights, etc.) then gets the 3 basic nutrition meal
daily. There are 12 mass produced meals—which through smart
technology cost almost nothing to make—for variety. Those who
rate better on Presentation Sundays and go to high levels get
better quality and more quantity meals. On Presentation Sundays
all your personal higher ups are consumed too like neighborhoods
come together in person and present, then the town ones are
watched on tv, same too with your major city’s, state’s, nation’s,
and global… thus the best ideas are consumed by ​all​.
Electronic Rating System out of 100
At the various guilds you decide on, most people form
friends at their guild while doing the various things their guild
does. Of course you can talk to many people but a core group or
inner circle is person, and like dating 2 is better than just 1 best
friend but also the simplest multiple number so you don’t have a
second job babysitting. Most are friendly with their whole guild but
with best friends 2 is the best number. Who you eat and hang out
with in free time.

Friends Scale:
A+) At least 1 or 2 same interests that has a high level focus (like
rating high)
A) At least 1 or 2 same interests (same guilds)
B) 1 casual same interest
F) Dissimilar or ​no s​ ame interests, most of the population
Z) CAT’s (crazy, aggressive, or thieves)
The sort of focal point of the whole OPERATE society or
r​a​i​n​b​o​w​ world where basically all relationships are founded in
same life passion. Here the guild decides which projects it will
take on which will get rated high and get them recognition and
rewards. For example game designers work on new games,
dancers make new choreographies with cool visual effects,
musicians work on new songs and perhaps music
theories/techniques, inventors make new things and products,
chefs make new dishes and new cooking theories/techniques…
you get the idea. A guild may have multiple projects or products in
the mix but something must be presented every 2 weeks
(because of alternating Sundays between skill & thought guilds).
Every morning for 20 minute whatever time people set their
alarm for, a L.O.T. meditation plays for people in their rooms as
well as the option of group L.O.T. meditation which takes people
through their LFE path as ​little kids​, ​full ​adu​lts​, and ​el​de​rs​. Then
through how they ​O​P​E​RA ​ ​T​E​ i.e. ​owning their space​, p
​ enetration​,
eating​, ​real friends​, a ​ rt​, TAVOK (5 senses), and ​engrossment
(thought. Then through their TRIBE (​turf dwelling​, ​2 romantics​,
ingest​, ​2 buddies​, ​expertise​). Then at night before going to bed in
their room rings out “What are 3 good things about today?” With
these 2 simple meditations ​everyone​ wakes up aware of their
existence as a ​r​a​in ​ ​b​o​w​ t​ he same as God (which is a rainbow in
white light form) as well as go to be thankful for the good day they
had. This promotes and encourages an AWESOME life
experience everyday internally not to mention the great way the
r​a​i​n​b​o​w​ world is organized externally too. “Every level” as we say
in the ​High Council​.
Everyone must have 1 skill & 1 thought guild membership.
While the ​skill ​is more artistic and creative, the thought guild is
more intellectual so that people get their blue and purple
stimulated alike. This includes the sciences, math, society
management, spiritualism (understanding of the ​r​a​i​n​b​o​w & LOT),
etc. L.O.T. can be refined but it IS the method, and a ​high council
manages the society’s functionality: making sure all are fed, all
are in guilds contributing, no crime, all are housed, the electronic
rating system works, and people are getting the benefit of new
things and products thereby getting humanity’s best & spreading it
One person would occupy the position Emperor of Earth, then
Man (once beyond earth), then Everything (once beyond man).
Around me would be the 12 High Council of Light to manage the
various countries in the unified Imperium of Earth who’d be led by
the 200 national ‘R​a​in
​ ​b​o​w​ G
​ overnors’ to oversee main priorities.
Main priorities are…

● Super cheap meals (again, premade meals, get ~12 basic

meals for rotation which are filling and well-rounded and
mass produced so much it costs near nothing to feed the
planet these ~12 meals),
● Population control (1 child, 2 as a reward),
● Cheap housing for all (10x10)… streamline basic necessities
for main population.
● All people are presenting equally every Sunday
● People staying out of trouble
Most people work. ¼ of the world is on government welfare, begging, or starving.
1% of the world owns 40% of the world’s wealth. The top 10% of people own 85% of the
world’s wealth. So a few people do lots of the human organizing & thinking, the bulk of
people do the actual physical work & labor, & the bottom ¼ either mooch, starve, or
commit crimes to eat. Not having much resources also greatly increases the likelihood
of early & frequent pregnancy which increases people’s strain for resources. A
government’s only job is to do right by its citizens so some aid when circumstances
happen to keep citizens from starving is totally fine. Citizens lacking in creative ideas to
keep themselves alive by being industrious, inventing, networking with people, as well
as the government not setting up better systems is their own responsibilities
respectively. A citizen can accept some help but is his or her own responsibility
first—would you lay down & die complaining about a heartless government? A
government is expected as the managers of the people to give some help—but the
government also has responsibilities to those that work & are industrious, to protect
them at the border from without & inside the border from within. The government can’t
live life for its least industrious citizens.
Some people are super productive even to their own demise accumulating
influence, power, & wealth neglecting fun, normal friendships, & healthy sexual
relationships. I mean look at these ghouls with dead bloodshot eyes, members of
the richest family in the world: Rothschild’s. Organizers, yes. High producers,
yes. But their eyes! Smoke some weed, dance, & flirt with a girl once in a while!
This is the opposite of lazy. Those like them probably feel the weight of the world
moment to moment because that 10% (heads of state & businessmen) literally
manages the affairs of the whole world. It isn’t fair they do & think so much while the
populace thinks so rarely & lives 6 inches in front of its face. The people could be a bit
more creative with their time contributing to humanity & these few could work a ​whole
lot less & enjoy the arts (consuming & creating) & personal relationships a lot more.
We’re all people.
Those who are the most useful to society should & are rewarded the most with
wealth & homes & cars & the best partners & fellow high-producing friends. That’s just
fair. But with few living in obnoxiously luxury with gold plated homes & cars while others
starve, get sick, & die isn’t right. A community is a community. People do help each
other & things are getting better globally with aid to impoverished people like USA to
Africa in the form of inventions, education, food, water purifiers, vaccines, farming
equipment. Humanity as a tribe is doing things, & the common people too could do
more by contributing in creative & more useful ways than “just getting by” in their own
personal life & struggles. Common people could invent, put their art out there for others’
enjoyment, etc. & people do that in decent amounts. I’d put the world at 50% of rainbow
society because of ​some​ skewedness: some working lots & in luxury, many just getting
by only for their survival, and ¼ not producing or really surviving.
America Is a Rainbow Society
‘​Everyone can’t get to the top and everyone shouldn’t want to, just get to the level you want and
then be happy.”

America is a rainbow society, one based on the 7

color rainbow structure. As long as you work and
contribute some you are afforded your housing and food
to live on (through paycheck). Most people date and
make friends within the place they work at, their work
guild. Everyone feels the desire and need to go beyond
just survival and so many get their art and intellect needs
stimulated through music and dancing or partying, talking
intellectual with people as well as being part of a religion
or scientific belief. Everyone likes some kinds of art and does it regularly (especially TV,
YouTube, reading, and listening to music), and everyone produced art at one time if they don’t
now as kids when they did plays, sang, drew pictures, and played pretend making fantastic
Those people who make the best presentations and got to the city or national or global
level were increasingly rewarded by the society for their superior presentations (products, ideas,
services, organizations, etc.) thus they get better homes, better food, more toys like cars and
helicopters and jets and nice clothes, and as they are higher performers aka contributors to the
whole of humanity and society they date romantic partners and are friends with high quality/level
people who also are high contributors/performers. Some of these high performers then get back
into the art game in a different way starting a label or film studio to recruit talented people and
putting them in front of large audiences so they’ll get to higher rings of societal reward city,
national, global etc. and make them more money/rewards for a share of success and how much
the voting audience likes it. The world population votes with their attention and spending their
rewards on things made by the best performers and presenters (like apple’s iPhone, Google’s
Chromebook, Air Jordan’s, Ariane Grande’s music, Lil Wayne’s music, Brad Pitt’s movies, etc.).
These companies decided they wanted to specialize in certain fields and so got to work
making the best products they could, presenting them, and hoping people like them. And there
have been many studies and much research has gone into what makes people vote on
something you make and like it and spend their rewards on it so many people simply follow
those patterns and strategies to get votes and get the rewards from society for giving good
presentations of stuff people like. The name of the game is doing things people will like and vote
“yes” for so you can raise in the presentation ranks from local to city to national to global for
more social rewards, again: better home, better food, toys, cars, clothes, helicopters, jets, trips,
etc. This is how America is a rainbow society; every is equal with the same opportunities to
create and perform something, as long as you do the minimum you survive, and if you present
or perform something exceptional you will get more votes and rise in the ranks to more rewards
as high as you deserve.

The 49- all kinds of possible people

The 7’s- 7 colors, energies, notes, days/week
The 7 Uncrossable Lines: murder, rape, robbery, betrayal, plagiarism, willful
ignorance, incongruity. Each color
AGGRESSIVE- acting gregarious getting red energy sizzling so
instigation’s very experienced
ALONE- always looking out never enjoying
ALPHA- always letting people have attention
ANGER- acting nasty getting energy red
ANNOY- always nagging nagging others and you
ASS- always spewing shit.
ATTENTION- agreeing to thanks everyone never thought into offering negligibly
AUTHORITY- always utilitarian thus having obedience reigning insteada than
BAD- behaving as demon, basically another dud
BF- bad flavor. In men
BLACK- begging leftovers and claiming knowledge
BORE- because outta of real excitement. Root of ​bored​ or ​boring​.
BRAG- bringing rewards around groups
BRAINS- being right about interesting ​no​ wledgeable stuff
BUSINESS- being unrelaxed sitting in nooks eventually selling stuff. Noun of ​busy
CANCER- can’t allow new change enough room
CERTAIN- cant even rearrange the answer into negative. See ​unsure ​for opposite
CHARM- change human around resembling me
Chris Brown- to chris brown someone, for a man to hit a woman typically his girlfriend
COOL- comfortable opening our love. Social, green, the first cool energy. As in cool
intellect, cool headed. See ​HOT​ for opposite.
CONFUSED- can only nod focused/unfocused sad externally drained
CONSCIOUS MIND- consisting of neurons sparking choice in our useful skulls
manifesting internal neural dynamics
CONTROL- claiming omnipotence never taking real overt leggo.
COP- chasing out problems
COUGH- claiming oxygen unowned getting hungry, claiming outright u got higher (level).
Invading someone’s bubble
CRAZY- calling reality around zapping you. The first step to being ​SMART.​
DANGER- dealing away nasty gross evil revilements
DEATH- destruction, ethereal, and then human
DEPRESSED- drained exhausted pouting preventing reeling ending sapped sucked energy
DESPERATE- demanding even scarce payment even really thanking everyone
DIVORCE- destroying interpersonal vows opinions really coming exposed
DUMB- difficulty understanding minimum basics
DOMINATE- demonstrating overt mastery in nuanced and thoughtful effects. It’s basically
pumping your energy and levels into people (tribe/environment) until they get what they want
and trade you for what you want
Decision Tree of Life- all decisions that can be made
DOUBT- don’t over use bait tricks
Emotion- energy in motion
DREAM- doing real events amid mystery
EFFORT- energy for fulfillment of real TRIBE
EGO- effectively guarding outside. “Leggo my ego”
ENEMY- everyone not even met yet. For example: unknown, stranger, foreign, haole,
inhuman, nonhuman.
EPIC- every pleased inyer character
EVIL- enemies, villains, ill-willed losers
FAILURE- finding accurate info lifting up rewarded Exp.
FAME- friends admiration money effort
FAMILY- friends/adventures met in lives (of) yours, friends all met infancy like you, friends
adventuring met in lives yesterday,
FEAR- feet energy and red. For entertainment and recreation, see ​BORE.​
FIGHT- feeling insecure going hot topped
FINITE- firmly individual not interested to excesses
FOCS- fun, open, cute, smiley. A fox, A partner
Follower- a leader who waits for followers to come to him
GAY- got anal yearnings
GOD- givers of daylight. Divine father, white light, masculine, unstoppable force, active, life
force, master and pinnacle of life, seek to draw female out and gain her approval through
accomplishments, stand erect as master of all, compel chaos to order (with light). See ​VOID​ for
GOOD- giving others our daylight
GOVERNMENT- giving others varied encouragement returning neatness managing everyone
netting tributes
GUN- give up now, get up nice, get under neath
HACK- having alternate choices known
HAPPY- having alota pleasure pouring (from) you, having asset pieces parta you
HATE- having alot to evade
HEART- having everyone’s access reached to
HOBO- hand outs body oblivious, have obliterated banal
HOPELESS- having open positive eyes lacking every sensible scrap
HOT- having obvious temperature. noticeable hot energy: 1, 2, or 3. As hot
headed- red energy at his head
HUG- having uplifting giddiness
HYPNOSIS- help you put nothing out chock induced state
INFLUENCE- idea newly formed letting u eke new change expediently
IGNORE- info gathered not obviously resourceful enough
IMPLODE- internally mad pumping lots of dangerous energy
INSANE- internal noise shocking alota neural explosions
Invincibility- ability to take action against others without others able to take action against you
INTUITION- informing neurology to unconscious info to include options neurally
JESUS- just explaining simple uplifting statements
JUDGE- just upchucking downing gagging everyday
KID- kingergardener ingesting droves
KILL- knowing ignorance letting loose
LAW- legible accurate words
LAZY- laughing and zzz’ing yearning
LEVELS- life experience verged (into) evenly laid stacks. In video games experience points
build into level ups, it seems 1 level is equivalent to 1 year of life experience processed and
accepted into your life
LIFE- little kid into full adult, elder
LISTEN- letting interests (of) someone transfer exciting neurology
LOSER- letting out sad empty roars
LOSS- letting out silly stuff
LOT- life operates through tribes
MAD- managing area danger
MAN- making accomplishments now. See ​WOMAN​ for opposite.
MANIPULATE- move around new ideas putting u light atop their engrossment
MARRIAGE- meeting again repeating routine in agreed government engagement. See
DIVORCE​ for opposite
MEAN- making everyone anti nice
MFBWYO- male, female, black or white, young, old. “Treat all alike”, a technique to see to the
bigger picture by asking their opinion.
MOB- mass of bottomfeeders
MONEY- making offers ‘n exchanging yours
Morality- treating someone nice when you have the power and could without obvious
repercussion treat someone bad
MURDER- massing up red dead energy reserves
NEEDY- not expecting extra dumb yields
NORMAL- never outta relationships/money after LOT
NUKE- never underestimate known enemies
OP- overt (oversized) penis
OPERATE- own space, penetration, eat, real friends, art, TAVOK, engrossment. 7 energies
PAIN- power accumulating in netxp
PARENT- penetrating adult raising enfants ‘ntil tall
PARETO (principle)- partly all right except top off. 8020
PEDO- peaking enfants despite old
PENIS- providing elongated nuptials injecting sperm
PERFECT- perform effectively routine functions efficiently, calmly, timely
PHILIP GREENER- pleasing humans into letting improvements playout getting real events,
experiences netting expanding rewards
POOR- people out of resourcefulness. “The only difference between impotent & important is
being poor”
POWER- perceiving out winning every run
QUALIFY- qualities unmasked and lent interests for you
RAP- ridiculous audial pounding
RAPE- ravishing against person’s enjoyment
RELAX- really enjoying lots around xtremely
REJECTION- receiving enigmatic jabs even counting the insults on numbers
REVENGE- repaying encumbrances via emotionally negative & gruesome experiences
RESOURCEFUL- really excited seeing out unknown regions can’t even fully
understand limits
RICH- resourceful individuals changing humanity
ROYGBIV- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
SAD- sapped and drained
SAFE- secure and feeling encalmed
SENSE- sight, ears, nose, skin, eat. See ​TAVOK​.
SERIOUS- seeing everything real interesting ousting unknown stuff
SEX- slamming erect xtensions
SHAME- slouching hanging averting mumbling energy
SHY- seeing h’about you
SLAVE- serving lots abdicating valued equity
SMART- seeing more and range together
SOCIAL- seeing others’ common interests and linking
SOCIETY- social organization coming into evenness to you
SPOILED- spend plenty of income like excess dinero
STORE- stocking things others really envy. Where things are stored
STRESS- stopping the real energy starting sadness
STUCK- seeing things un changing knowing…
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND- six/stuff underneath brain consisting of
neurons sparking choice in our useful skulls manifesting internal neural
dynamics. ​Un​conscious is ‘under network …’
SUBMIT- servile underling beta male imitating trust
SUCCESS- seeing up can convince easy scoring strokes
SUFFERING- seeing unkind faults for everyone real/imaginary never gennit
SUICIDE- seeing under issues coming into deciding ending
SUPPORT- sustain uptake planning pleasing over real things.
SURPRISE- seeing unexpected real popouts really interesting some everyone
TAKER- thieving away known equity rapidly
TORUS- through over ‘round under sustaining. A donut, faster you move the more
power you get, your ‘bubble’. This is the process of your life operating through your
tribe: your life ​operates​ and that energy flows from your head down into your tribe,
the only thing that makes you happy and everyone wants, and in turn your tribe sustains your
life to operate coming in through your feet up like capillarity coming up through your body; for
example lower energies like red naturally stop at feet but higher energies clear each circle to
land at the appropriate place like green clears all the way to heart and purple goes to the head.
Then from the head the energy pours into your tribe which feeds you.
TAVOK- taste, audio, visual, olfactory, kinesthetic
THUG- the huge ugly goon
TIRED- tossing inside recovering energy drained
TRIBE- turf dwelling, romantic partners (2), ingest, buddies (2), expertise (art/thought). Minimum
TRUST- telling reality until someone takes
TRY HARD- to really yearn heavily and repeat doing
TWAT- two-faced, wacky, aggressive, thief. Z ‘buddies’
TYRANT- taking your room all nice & timely
UGLY- unappealing gross lopsided you
UNSURE- unknown nuances sucking un responsive energy. “I am unsure of
myself. Are you certain you feel that way about yourself? Yes I’m certain, do
you think I’m a mumbling idiot!?”
USA- upping state assets
VOID- veritable ooze (of) insanity & darkness. Mother of creation, blackness,
feminine, immovable object, passive, death force, master of death and
renewal, birther of all life, first cause, ​unf​ ormation of all things, versatile in
her creativity to interest the male and seeks his accomplishments to be
drawn out, subtle and mysterious, compels freshness out of stagnation. See
GOD​ for opposite.
VULNERABLE- very unprotected lacking nice external
reinforced armor but living evenso
WEAK- wobbly even among known
WORK- winding over routines known. ​HARD WORK​ related
‘having alota real demons’ “ ”
WORLD- what orbits ‘round living dreamers
WORTHLESS- whining over reclaimed torque having lost every single scrap
WOMAN- watching others making accomplishments now. See ​MAN​ for opposite.
YELL- you expressing lotsa life
Zuckerberg- to zuckerberg someone, to betray or stab someone in the back
Ze LOT puzzle pieces-
Best Infographics:

The all-time best picture I made: the diagram of ultimate reality.

Related to this is an adapted version of the Yin Yang symbol

which points to the same thing.

Linked to the above is a religious themed, graphically depicted

’12 Stations of Creation’ pertaining to our physical universe from
void mother inspired by divine father on rainbow river to our
universe’s evolution.
Then the energy view of our physical world which shows how
the 7 energies aren’t separate but flow in a rainbow river
between all things.

A personal favorite is the LOT torus visually depicting the

entire human process, how our energy flows in motion
(emotion) through us into environment back into us, along
with all the important bits like minimalist small tribe to be
happy and our 7 energy centers (connected to rainbow river
like the above picture)
linked with the 3 life
stages. Great picture.

The rainbow river is real, and so are the torus’s of objects

within it like magnets with positive poles on the top (thought
leading life) and negative poles on the bottom (all energy is
filtered starting at your feet and lands as high as the energy
Another great is the Energy or needs intensity graph, showing how intense violence is as a kid
then it evening out as puberty hits and that’s intense then it evening out and you accumulating
each of the 7
energies (through
the changing in
focuses of the life
stages) until you
have all and are
divine like white
light. It also has
simple tasks to
complete at each
stage to help you
master each one.

demonstrating the
soul evolution is this one.

The Decision Tree of Life is self-explanatory, it’s all the decisions one can make moving from
void to divinity.
Some more on the 7 energies. We have the 7 emotions (1 for each energy), and the 7
Uncrossable Lines (the ‘deadly sins’ of energy).

In gamification view of life there

are only 2 avenues and 2 results
in every situation.

If you saw the movie “Inside Out” about a little girl’s inner workings, this is what a
LOT looks like in that mind anthropomorphization.
Life operates through tribes, this is an anthropomorphization of a functioning LOT with the 7
energy centers (ministers) coupled up with the 5 parts of TRIBE (house, 2 gfs, paying
customers, 2 buddies, and am audience for expertise)

And in Newton’s view on physics, there exist time space and motion, which perfectly syncs with
the LOT model.
As far as evolution goes, what CAME before is the evidence for small tribes. And an example
tribe (men keep the land, women keep the house).
Top Objections

Top 3 objections to ​LOT​ are just truisms, can’t true, and try hard:

1. “It’s just full of LOTs of truisms.”

2. “Everything can’t be true, only certain things.”
3. “It’s try hard, too much thought… aka GET A LIFE!”


1. “Yes I put LOTs of truths into a comprehensive model for public consumption.”
2. “That’s true, and so are other things. Honestly, if something can be imagined by someone &
talked about it has some substance worth acknowledging.”
3. “Probably, but I did the work & so you might as well benefit from it.”

What the average person thinks of LOT:

● “If you can withstand the life-changing torrent of genius that starts at the cover, it’s a one-stop
shop for life advice.”

My top 3 objections to average people:

1. “They use their strengths to hard and get as much as they can”
2. “They follow their feelings, bump around, and like comfort”
3. “Prefer force over thinking”

Their responses:

1. “That’s just common sense”

2. “No one has a life answer book, try to get a good life.”
3. “Only temporarily, feelings happen, sometimes it’s not worth it.”
Video Game Themed LOT Tracking Program

This program is iPhone and PC compatible. You can name yourself, add a picture, make a graphic
for your hobbies and set goals for each of them in the goal box, define your desired TRIBE in the ‘Life:’
section, determine your honest levels in the 7 energies, write your back story, write your accomplishments
leading to your current level metrics, as well as a logbook or journal which tracks your daily
accomplishments for later review of your daily tasks. You get the idea. If you play video games you know
about the character screen. Below is the link for your free version for buying this book.

Free link
About the Author
My Past Lives
Physical evolution on earth (all: 8 trillion generations) & past life evolution of soul (me: ~880,000 lives)
Family​ & close friends are those whom we had in past lives adventures & relationships with.
● I started in the void and it took about 800,000 lives from complete unformation and insanity and
death through miniscule and microbial lifeforms to finally come to my first memorable one.

● The first one I remember was as a worm. I learned to eat bigger things and fight. From this
to my current life was about 80,000.

● More mobile, like a rat: chase, fight, fuck

● Sizeable beast like a wolf, a predator

● Perhaps a tiger, a big killer

● Large pacifist like an elephant

● Pygmy person: first time I fell in love with social groups

● Strong African: alternated a lot between second in command & tribe leader,
just loving helping people & my tribe, organizing work, helping solve problems
& disputes

● White person: these were even more intellectual and refined in social
etiquette and I liked that

● me: because for many lifetimes I had been so in love and obsessed
with relationships, tribes, and sociability, my earliest impactful memory was of my parents
fighting and getting divorced—a breakdown of a tribe and relationship in order to move me to
the next ring in my evolution, art and intellectual, because I had stayed at ‘socialness’ too long. I
was born rich family because in my past few lives I worked for people helping solve their social
problems, so that was just returned karma.
My Current Life
I was young, my parents got divorced, it was a fight
and the best experience of my life clearly showing me
male/female, emotion/control, and how even at 2 I was
smarter than adults who acted more childish than me. I
wanted my mom’s love in other words I wanted the usual 2
parents but she had to do things to make up for not having a
husband anymore so I felt neglected​ (lv. 1)​. I was raised
Christian & went to church for almost 10 years.​ ​In pre-school
I chased girls & forced kisses on them​ (lv. 2.5)​.​From
elementary through high school I often ended up in the
principle or dean’s office because I sort of saw naughty or
bad things as a double good: get laughs & peers to look at
me, & then get adult’s to pay attention to me, like in
kindergarten I punched a 2​nd​ grade boy in the face for trying
to cut in line for super Nintendo​ (lv. 3)​.​.​ In 7​th​ grade the girl
who gave me my first kiss was the first real person I’d met who believe in evolution & I was
shocked​ (lv. 8.5)​. In high school my older brother became atheist learning about evolution & so
did I once I learned it, right after getting baptized to get a Christian girl to like me. I got to some
bases with girls from our sister school but never all the way, I did bang 1 boy after military ball
(lv. 12.5)​. As high school came to a close I was nervous about the adult real world, ​so I stole a
bunch of self-help books, most I didn’t open, & got into law of attraction stuff & spirit energy &
the universe giving me stuff I asked for, I also got nervous because I learned my fears could
make things come true & wondered why hadn’t anyone told me this before & I noticed ​3 major
fears GCN—guns, cancer, & nukes​. I was nervous my lackadaisical attitude previously, now
entering adulthood, might make these 3 things come to me because of my thoughts. I tried to
control my thoughts often. ​I had done ok with girls, not the best but not the worst, but I felt I
could be a super ladies’ man & was sort of in an ego thing of why I wasn’t so I got into pickup
artistry, became obsessed, techniques & confidence & lines & theory & got some results,
though I didn’t take over & become Mr. seduction like I felt when I first discovered it. After I quit
first year of college after finally going all the way with a girl​ (lv. 15.5)​, I got into 6 pack shape, ​did
porn to get thousands, I got kicked out of home & started living with my dad.
There I felt nervous about going from a child to on par with adults & to deal with the
danger I saw myself stepping into I took my first steps towards making a unified model of
humanity from violence (lowest) to spiritual/genius (highest, following the ​shadow work of Carl
Jung​, & tried to find positive nuggets of the worst things of humanity: ​rape & ​murder​—an
attempt to transform the world through acceptance & understanding thereby keeping me out of
danger & maybe giving me a way to make money possibly transforming people’s negatives into
positive. Dad matched my invest of ~$3000, from doing ​porn​, to get a year’s worth of ​pickup
training ​in California. I went to my first 1 week live-in class, learned the interaction map, & met
some real ​social & ​seductive ​guys. I told my dad I’d go to college in Hawaii so he sent me with
$1000 every month for a year. I applied but never ended up going to college.
Once there I met up with ​PUAs ​even lived with 2 different ones for the better part of a
year, went out & got laid a couple times, couple dates, a lot of tries. ​Sky​dived & ​worked at a
skydive place for 2 months, ​went to weekly ​par​kour ​classes & did a year of weekly improve (to
be more social, loosen up, & maybe get laid more)… I wanted to be a pickup coach back then. I
quit the PUA stuff, left the friend, & became ​homeless​,​ ​on food stamps, reading self-help books
(​Jung, Radical honesty, law of attraction​), & using the computer at the local library ​(lv. 16.5)​.
After ~18 months there my brother was getting married so my dad gave me a ticket to Colorado
for it, & I connected back to my hometown after. I was ​homeless ​in the city, had s​ ex with 2 more
girls​, then dad offered me a ​space,​ a house, i​ n Sycamore. I waited a week then said yes. I felt
hopeless, I’d moved around & done things but nothing of consequence, was back to ​atheism​,
got into secular ​Buddhism & ​decided to be a ​monk ​in California… this was around the supposed
time of the Mayan apocalypse December 21, 2012. I left home in a blizzard & walked to Iowa
(with help of 2 strangers giving me lifts), then around 12:30am at the border at a grocery store I
chickened out, called dad, & he drove over an hour & a half to get me without complaint. I said “I
feel lost”, he said “maybe that’s exactly where ​God ​wants you to be.” I felt deflated, like I wasn’t
a hero or special at all, no main character in a story for me.
“For the next year & a half I studied humanity people watching &
reading many books of the past & present. I wanted to understand what
it was to be alive, what it was to be human, what happiness was. I got
EXTREMELY heavy into understanding humanity so much so I felt I
knew all humanity forwards & backwards, inside & out, from birth to
death & poor to rich & everything in between. I felt like I had ​willed
myself into elder-ness, like I was father to humanity, like I was a
community leader of Earth… & damn I EARNED it for the work & study I did. Here I did the bulk
of the work & understanding, explicitly & consciously organizing my thoughts for myself for a
universal LOT model which would work the world over for all humanity without exception; I just
wouldn’t organize it into this book for a couple more years. After a while I told my dad I’d move
back to my hometown to the apartment he first gave me​ (lv. 18.5)​.
My own:
There I got a ​job at McDonald’s ​while writing & organizing
furtherer my universal LOT model which would work the world over.
(lv. 20.5)​. I felt I had nowhere to go feeling I had thought every
thought I could: I’d written this ​tome​ & yet no one treated me
differently or better, I wasn’t ​magically​ getting ​income ​from the
‘universe’ bending to my ​alpha ways ​or getting ​lots of women​, ​loads
of friends​, influence in the world, etc. Without my dad’s apartment I
was a ​homeless no one, likely extremely crazy​… though I supposedly was following the advice
of self-help books ​better​ than they recommended because I was believing in crazy things really
hard (or overcompensating for ​fear​). I got a ​job at a grocery deli​, on my 25​th​ birthday I moved
out of my ​dad’s ​place ​1) because I couldn’t believe I was still dependent, & 2) because I felt a
shift happening where I’d have to start listening to him because whatever debt he might’ve felt
he was paying for things in the past felt like it was paid & I’d either have to obey or get kicked
out anyway. I didn’t move far, only to the separate garage while I rented out his place to 2
roommates, giving my dad half so I could have a few hundred a month (not that he needed).
In the garage I felt like this was reality. I went back to more normal headspace instead of
deep organizing/thinking, decided to be simple, taking a minimalist approach in the form of my
evolutionary psychology perspective TRIBE. For about 2-3 months I thought about making
family my main focus & plastic’ed & mulched my ​mom’s ​2
apartment buildings ​to help, helped at my grandparents,
but it felt like I was still at a party after the sun had come
up & the music was off. My siblings were gone & as an
adult on par with the people I used to physically look up
to, we had no need of each other anymore & I had to start
my tribe. “Just needs” I said… focusing on just ​2
girlfriends​, ​2 friends​, ​between $700-$1000 per month​, a
cheap boat to live on ​(an alternative to an overwater
bungalow like in Bora Bora which I thought were beautiful), a ​few hobbies​, & only atheist
naturalist stuff. No more weird spirituality, universe, law of attraction stuff. No more crazy. Only 5
senses & the real world: evolution, big bang, senses, no god, afterlife, or spirit. My simple plan,
greatly stretched out, was by 31 or 5 years I’d be master of my ​6 hobbies​—obviously having the
rest & making money from it—and by 46 or 20 years I’d be top of field with quite a big ego doing
TED talks, getting 100 thousand views from my songs, & have a hack network (botnet).
I ​bought my first car & ​drove to Florida living out of it on savings & a final ​$2000 loan
from my ​dad​, finally out of his hair & his help on my own fully​ (lv. 21.5)​. I wrote 7 short books on
the few hobbies I decided I’d do for life, wrote a 40 page summary of the most minimalist life
possible & still being in the top 20% of happy people called ​Simple Living: Modern Living with an
Old Soul​ (homo erectus ancestor), a secular & naturalist way to satisfy the small mind tribe we
still biologically have even in a modern world of new inventions. I drove around til I ran out of
money, then gas, abandoned the car, got a ​job at a Burger King ​north of Miami at stayed there
for 6 months. I designed a boat & planned to first build my ​boat ​so I wouldn’t be ​homeless ​for a
few hundred dollars, but it got spent mostly on eating well. When savings ran out I went back to
something I’d done in the past which was survive on ​grocery store samples & ​promoting ​my
book ($24.99 each)​ which sometimes got me sales or more often donations in the singles of
dollars area. As part of this minimalist headspace I also started calling myself Lazy Man, partly
to stay away from previous ‘crazy man’.
Now I have a website to ​sell my book ​L.O.T.​, a sign to advertise​, I talk about it, I also
accept that spirit stuff is probably true not because someone said so but logically because of
higher dimensions & the high likelihood of near infinite alternate universes. So I’m back at
“God’s real” in some definition, I also believe in evolution & the big bang, flying & magic &
telekinesis is probably possible since it’s all energy but the most relevant
thing for a human life is that we live biological lives & satisfying our small
tribe mind (TRIBE), or another way to put it is satisfying our 7 needs
(OPERATE) is the simplest & minimalist way to be very happy. I live in a
hut ​on the beach in South Florida, & am ​single ​with basically ​no income
& ​no ​real friends ​as of February 2019​ (lv. 27.5)​.
Fictions - Philip Greener
© May 2021
Greener Creations

Other Greener Creations products:

1. LOT - Life Operates through Tribes
2. Intrigues
3. Ur LOT app (iOS: , APK: )
4. Joy app (APK: )

Book 1) Morglax

Book 2) Story of Man

Book 3) The 18th Wish

Book 4) Fractal Healing

Book 5) MTG: Space Magic

Morglax (boy/vast plains)
by Philip Greener
Morglax – 2016

Philip Greener

Miami Harbor, Florida

Other books by Philip Greener:

Simple Living: Modern Living with an Old Soul. 2017. $9.99

Game Foundations: The Complete Guide to Game Design. 2017. $9.99

Music Foundations: The Complete Guide to Music. 2017. $9.99

Dance Foundations: The Complete Guide to Dance. 2017. $9.99

Hack Foundations: The Complete Guide to Hacking. 2017. $9.99

Automation Foundations: The Complete Guide to Automation. 2017. $9.99

Invent Foundations: The Complete Guide to Inventing. 2017. $9.99

Philip Greener Collection. 2017. $29.99

Dedicated to Michael Morhaime for all the wonderful games of Blizzard me and my brothers played over
the years, and Tim Cain for Arcanum which inspired me




Chapter 1: Farm

Chapter 2: Burn

Chapter 3: Trained

Chapter 4: Meet Sister

Chapter 5: Magical Forest

Chapter 6: Desert

Chapter 7: Centra

Chapter 8: Golden Age

Chapter 9: Magic & Tech Together

Chapter 10: No Return

Chapter 11: Sorcerer


About the Author


Childhood boys
Barrael (magic-alchemist, crush Mellie)
Teloren (tech-blacksmith/bar lib)
Siphus (yawn)
Magus (ants)
La (pinch)
Ra (twins^, scared dogs)
Childhood Girls
Malia (sis)
baker (Samson, medium build, lil funny)
butcher (Raoul, large/tall, lil obnoxious)
seamstress (Larry, thin/lanky, feminine)
blacksmith (Son, Magus's dad)
chief (Keef)
alchemist/doctor (Regiwald)
barkeeper, waitstaff (Borson)
fisherman (Belsa, Siphus's dad)
farmers (parents: Morglax, Barrael, Teloren, La, Ra)
Sporty (inventor boy), Morla (genealogy dwarf), Mondu (desert man), Bolitha (desert girl)
Chapter 1: Farm

Morglax was born in a small village between 2 forests, hence Middleville. It was a small village
mostly of farmers with some other specialties like butcher, seamstress, baker, blacksmith, bartender,
shopkeeper, etc. There were lots of kids because there were lots of families, the town was probably
about a few dozen, and everyone did their part. The baker was Samson, a medium built man slightly tall
with a decent sense of humor. The butcher was Raoul who large, also tall, and could be a bit obnoxious.
The seamstress was Larry, a thin man, lanky, a bit feminine, but also friendly, compassionate, and a good
Morglax grew up in a good environment surrounded by his friends and family and he was happy.
They played games in the fields and in the village: kick the chicken, swim the farthest (there was a lake),
scare the horses, summersault through the town, visit the wizard in the woods, climb trees, card games
picnics, building things (like boats and forts), sitting by the lake, talking about girls and life (sometimes a
girl would be with them), etc. The parents all knew each other (like everyone did in the town) and
people regularly had each other over for dinner, afternoon tea, lots of down time in Middleville (as well
as some hard work too). It was a relaxed, slow, and fun and pleasant town. People smiled.
The sun rose and some of the kids woke up, some slept in. The kids liked to play and hated to
work, but most had responsibilities even at young ages (if only carrying water, milking a cow, or cleaning
their room). Morglax had lots of friends, most of the kids were friends. It was a Monday and the kids had
had a relaxing, slow Sunday. Monday was a bit slow to start, but the kids wanted to have fun so after
morning chores and breakfast with their families, they met by the tree in the middle of town by the bar
and then when the 7 of them were there they went off to the town border to the plains. They played in
the field, playing tag, hide and seek (near farm equipment, hay bales, and trees they could climb), even
capture the flag. Morglax’s friends were Barrael, Teloren, Siphus, Magus, La, and Ra, and they all loved
to goof off. They climbed the tree and got really high, it was fun.
They played around the whole day in the fields and ended up at the lake splashing at sundown,
having a snack during the day. It was a fun Monday and they were pooped, sitting on the sand. They
were laughing at the day’s antics, how Magus got ants crawl up his pants, and Ra was scared of dogs and
someone’s dog ran up to them on the plains and he was screaming even though the dog was just being
happy and playful and the kids were all laughing. Some of the boys had a crush on one of the girls but
they rarely hung out with the girls, they were gross, usually only to tease, pester, and make fun. The girls
would say how gross and dirty (even stupid) the boys were, the boys’d say how stupid and girlie the girls
were, how they couldn’t do anything or were boring (since they didn’t do the same fun things the boys
did, usually).
“Hey Magus, how were those ants? Haha” He was still scratching, the boys laughed.
“Shut up, they hurt!” he replied.
“Did you see Mellie in town? So pretty.” Barrael said. He had a crush.
The boys laughed at a fun, good day, the sun was nearly setting and they were so happy. Life
was beautiful and good. They were done talking and just enjoying the silence as the sky’s brilliant
evening colors chased the setting sun followed by deep blue and the darkness of night with the
multitude of shining stars and the full moon which was so vivid and bright in their town (because of the
few lit lights around). Some birds could be heard squawking in the distance, the lapping waves of the
almost still lake, the occasional splash from a fish or whatever lived in the lake. The grass was a soft and
the boys were sort of half smiling up at the stars as they arrived in the night sky, feeling a great sense of
fellowship and camaraderie. They loved each other, if they didn’t know what that word meant, but it
was all fun and light so who cared. Siphus yawned a loud yawn and soon the other boys were feeling the
heaviness of their own eyelids, all of them were feeling a bit tired. La looked over, even though sleepy,
and pinched Magus’s cheek, and squealed “Yaoww!” grabbing his cheek.
La broke into laughter and so did the other boys, Magus a bit too. They pushed each other as
they got up “You bum”, “you lazy”, “go home to your mommy” etc., even though they were all wanting
to go into the soft warmth of their beds. They headed for their own homes, some saying “Good bye”
and “night”, most just walking sleepily into their homes. They might’ve had a bite to eat, “You should
eat something” their parents (mom) would say, then the inevitable “you must brush your teeth”, and
soon enough all of them were fast asleep wrapped in their nice blankets and sheets.
The sun rose and most of the boys actually eagerly got up, looking forward to the new day and
wanting to do new fun things. Morglax, however, along with Barrael and Siphus were a bit heavier than
the rest, and took some nudging from their parents to awaken.
“Ok, ok. I’ll get up.” Moaned Morglax, pretending to wake up then when his mom looked away
hit the bed again.
“Morglax, you’re breakfast is getting cold!”
“Ok, for real though.” He said as he dragged himself out of bed.
Their home was a simple shack. His parents were farmers like most of the townspeople, and
their house reflected their simple lifestyle. It was a one room building, albeit large, with a his parents
bed sectioned off and Morglax’s bed in the kitchen/living room area where the table, stove, and cutting
board was. They had some possessions, especially equipment, a large bucket for bathing in the back
which could be heated and used as a shower. It was a simple family like most in the town; the
blacksmith had some more possessions because of his love of materials and some flash, the barkeeper
liked the ladies and had some fur and art, and of course the alchemist/doctor had some gizmos and
gadgets (not many, but some). Most though were simple outfits like Morglax’s (and his friends).
Morglax took his time eating, his morning chore was to clean the table and then milk the cow
which they sold in town. He had it easier than some because his field work was mostly small stuff
depending on the season. After he’d eaten his bread omelet, drank some orange juice (his favorite
drink!), cleared and cleaned the table and brought the full barrel of milk in, he faked a shower splashing
some water on his face and hair, quickly scrubbing some soap under his arms, and raced to the middle
of town hoping to find his friends.
In the center of town there was a stone statue of the town’s founder, John Store. He wasn’t a
great man, simply left his family of farmers and wandered and when he came to the space between the
two magical forests, he was so at peace he decided to build a farm and then a village made partly of
family, friends, and interested people with skills (often a farmer).
Morglax arrived and running (sort of racing his own self) found no one was there, just some
adults beginning their day either walking somewhere or some small talk: the weather, “How are you”,
“Good morning”, “You look like garbage” (playfully), etc., there were lots of inside jokes and quirky ways
of interacting with each other but since the town was so small basically everyone knew all of them.
“Where is everyone?!” he muttered to himself like they should all be awake and want to play
what he wanted. He had a little red ball he liked to play with and so he took it out and started bouncing
it around, throwing it against the statue’s base, kicking it around. He was starting to get into it and
having more fun when he heard a “Hey!” coming from up the street and a waving Teloren jogging
towards him.
Morglax liked Teloren. He was a bit of a bookworm but he was silly and his smarts were useful
sometimes (sometimes even interesting).
“What took you, sleepy head?!” Morglax joked, smiling
“Hey! I’m the first one here! Besides you!” He said back.
The boys liked to meet by the statue early in the morning after their chores were done to go
have fun, play, and have adventures. Magus almost always was the last one, having to find the boys
wherever they ended up going because his father Son (the blacksmith) was a bit serious.
The boys liked the ball and played and more showed up. “Kick it to me!” Siphus said to La.
“Hey! Let’s go to the lake!” shouted Magus.
The boys liked the idea and all headed to the lake, specifically the tree by the lake and climbed
all over it and the swing attached to it. They giggled and screamed and climbed and had fun. They
climbed far out on branches, climbed high, jumped, they were just kids.
Morglax leaned over from a tall branch and it was high, he was scared but it was fun. They didn’t
do anything important, just goofed off and swung around like monkeys.
“Hey Morglax!” Said Siphus, “I dare you to jump from there!”
He was up pretty high, taller than he was, probably 8 to 10 feet, he was scared but La had
jumped from nearly as high and he thought he could do. “Ok, I will!”
He tried to psych himself into it, getting right on the edge and leaning into it trying to ‘fall’
(rather than jump), and he actually did fall on accident one time arms flailing. He landed mostly on his
legs but he tumbled forward and it hurt. His friends rushed to see him, he was fine.
They played a bit then moved to town, sneaking some food from the bar (the only restaurant).
“I dare you to steal a loaf of bread” said Barrael to Teloren. Teloren was a bit scaredy cat, a nerd,
but he wanted to prove himself.
“I accept you pussy!” posturing.
He started walking into the bar and felt nervous. He 'casually' walked to the counter, acting like
it was normal, leaned over hoping no one saw, quickly but casually grabbed it putting it in his clothes,
and headed for door. Just when he was about to get to out he heard "Hey, Teloren!" He froze.
It was the barkeeper Borson just asking how he was doing. He exhaled.
He made his way out exhausted and his friends ran with him then cheered him. He'd gotten
away and proved himself. The boys then wondered what next to do and decided to head over to the
barns where the grain was kept and maybe find soemthing to do. They walked aroudn sort of aimlessly
looking at the ledges inside, the chickens, whatever. They'd seen it before, but they decided to climb the
ledges. It was high and a bit scary and they teased each other pushing and pretending to push. Magus
almost lost his balance but he was ok.
they walked around and even tried to get out the top window onto the roof but it was too high
and slanted to reach. "If we get a rope or a grapple maybe one day we might" suggested Siphus.
They ran into the girls after the barns on the outskirts of main town and small talked, teasing
and poking a bit, perhaps flirting.
"You stink like a cat" said Mellie to Barrael, who thought she was great. It probably was true
since they'd been in the barn. The boys kept walking and Bellie walked with them ditching her friends.
She was sort of like the kid sister, no harm to the boys unlike the other girls and she liked the boys
they walked out of town after some getting a small snack and walked towards the plains. It was
wide and some boys wondered what it was like beyond, beyond the stories. They played there: tag, hide
and seek (near the woods), capture the flag, skip stones (by the lake), catch a duck (which never
happened, but they tried), also races just because they liked to run. Bellie tried to fit in and be one of
the boys, and they were nice enough (unless she started acting like an annoying girl!). Magus might've
had a slight crush because he thought she was like him but he wouldn't say that.
They played during the day and got tired around dinner time, slogging off back home for their
mom's to make them some food. it was fun playing but they didn't want to do it all day, they liked to
sleep, eat, and be lazy too. They didn't want to be around their friends all day. Barrael got a snack from
his mom and went to a secluded tree and just dozed off nap style. Teloren put his back on a tree by the
lake and read a book. La and Ra had a quiet meal with their parents. Morglax, ate and went straight to
bed. Some parents did private activities, some went to eat at the restaurant, some talked with each
other or played with their kid/pet. Another nice quiet day in Middleville.
The next day the boys were still a bit tired, the town seemed a bit tired, and so more than usual
people slept in a bit later. Morglax got up around 10 which was awesome, it seemed like it was going to
be a relaxed day and he liked that, the town seemed to like that. People moved slower and it was ok,
nice. People wrapped themselves in blankets, ate a bit more, had hot chocolate (even though it was
summer), people just were in that slow, lazy mood and it was nice. The boys didn't meet up, they did
solitary things like play with toys, read, sit around, eat a lot. It was nice. also there were lots of naps.
Morglax drew and liked to think of some things beyond the plains and woods of his town:
dwarves, elves, ents, gnomes, haflings, ogres, dragons, things he'd heard about (some said they'd seen
an elf and it was rumored there were elves in their woods). He also had a crush on another girl named
Stella who was kind of rough. The slow day rolled by.
The next day was more refreshed, the boys went to play again and it was fun. they talked briefly
about what they'd done the day before and felt like doing something so they went to the barns and
found some chickens to kick (after chasing), blow off some steam. they laid by the lake again feeling
tired, they liked the lake. Some went swimming then all jumped in, splashing and playing around: Marco
Polo, sharks and minoes, races, breath contests, depth contests, dunking, diving, cannon balls. The girls
noticed and jumped in too in their long underwear, splashing, being goofy and silly, the boys trying to
hold the girls under too long and the girls screaming and berating them, then splashing again. The few
crushes tried to be near each other (the girls had crushes on boys too), touching, splashing, and dunking
their crush. It was all fun and playful.
they finished and laid on the shore tired and wet, shaking themselves off, the girls being more
pristine and proper (for the most part) drying off. They were shy about showing interest, saying they
liked someone (both the girls and boys, usually showing it by punching or trying to hurt the person, just
to show some special attention). Barrael was the only one to have kissed a girl (so he said) and it was
with a travelling merchant's daughter when no one was around. Morglax thought it was possible but
liked to joke how he was bragging.
Stella was cool and tough, sort of a tomboy, helped do more manly things for the girls like lift (or
punch boys), even though Morglax saw she was sweet and gentle too, cared for her friends, which he
liked. He thought she might like him too.
This day the boys and girls actually stuck together, they were open to each other. They didn't
really dislike or hate each other, they just teased and played sticking up for their own gender and
friends. They all walked and ran through the plains and it was fun when these days happened and they
liked/enjoyed each other. This time they flirted and played more openly, even Bellie and Magus showing
some interest and smiles. Stella seemed so confident Morglax got nervous, Barrael seemed to have it
easier with girls just joking and being casual and normal making small talk with Mellie, a girl Sora liked
Teloren even though he had no clue or idea. They all played in the field, played hide and go seek and
being near the one they like the most.
it was around dinner time and they stayed a little longer because they liked the girls (and the
girls had fun), Barrael even tried to kiss Mellie on the cheek but didn't go through. The sun was setting
and they usually went home, the parents might get worried but they were having fun. The sun was
nearly set and everyone was walking home, even Magus and Bellie trying to do something though
unsure what to do, Stella and Morglax nervous around each other, everyone a bit nervous (though
Barrael would say it was relaxed). Morglax wanted to hold Stella's hand but was so nervous, she actually
grabbed his hand (though she was nervous too)! Morglax, at the crossroads in the center of town where
they'd go their separate ways, he did what he'd thought about the entire (forever) long walk home and
kissed her, though only on the cheek (in his head he wanted to on the lips but chickened out). Barrael
might've held hands with Mellie, but Morglax got his kiss (sort of) and it was amazing. A magical night!
the next day everyone felt better, the best was Morglax who was over the moon; he actually
stayed up most of the night only wanting to see Stella again, even writing her a song to use some of his
energy, thinking of going over to see her but not having the courage or knowing what would happen.
the next day the alchemist Regiwald said he was going to the town northwest of Middleville,
Bordertown, for supplies for himself and the town. It was called that because beyond it was endless
plains, which no one knew what was beyond if there was anything. He said if the boys wanted to come
they could ride on his cart if they got permission from their parents, but they'd have to help load the
cart when they got there. The boys eagerly told all the other kids and finished their chores, some
incredulously didn't want to go and would rather stay in boring old town, but Morglax, Barrael, Teloren,
and Mellie wanted to go (which Barrael was happy about).
They all got on the cart and excitedly looked forward to the day. Morglax briefly saw Stella in the
morning who looked more shy than he'd ever seen her (if keeping it cool), blushing, smiling, looking
down... he guessed she liked him too. His heart was pounding seeing her again and so wanted her to
come with too but she had chores to do and her parents weren't too excited about it so she stayed. It
was something he (and maybe she) could look forward to the whole day after an awesome adventure
going to the nearby town (something of a treat except for a few of the business owners in town).
They rode Regiwald's donkey-drawn cart the few hours northwest across the plains to
Bordertown. It was a bit slow but having Mellie there made it better, a little girl energy was nice and it
made it more relaxed. they talked a bit, played a half hearted game, and tried to sleep while at the same
time taking in the new sights of stuff beyond their town: new hills, trees, little creeks; it was nice to see
something new.
After a few hours they arrived and it was amazing-- another town, new people and buildings and
kids! Morglax and the others were awe struck, not that there were other kids (they knew that) but to
see them, that there were other towns going on maybe doing similar things as them was amazing.
Morglax wanted to meet them and find out what they were like and talk about the games they played
back home, although this town was almost a city because it was a bit bigger. But to be honest, Morglax
didn't really know what to say to new people or kids, he'd had the same friends his entire life.
The kids helped meet with the couple suppliers Regiwald met with, "Hi, sir!" "Yes it's our first
time here." "Great town!" they said. They were excited, and it was nice to learn business but they
wanted to explore and meet some people.
They finished loading the cart a bit after midday and as thanks Regiwald gave them some money
to go spend on snacks and a souvenir or toy. the four of them ran off happy and went to look at the
shops. they saw other kids, who looked about as surprised as them (well, the town was bigger so maybe
less a big deal). they looked at each other for a moment, the Middleville kids and some Bordertown
ones, someone smiled and it was ok. they looked at different shops, got a kabob, a sweet. the new kids
were friendly, and Morglax, Barrael, Teloren, and Mellie agreed it was a nice town. they went back to
the cart where Regiwald was finishing securing things, saw them and said "Hey kids! Hope you liked the
town, lets go home!"
they liked the town and wished they could stay longer but going home was ok too. they helped
him finish, waved good bye to the salesman they were parked outside of and a little kid they'd met and
headed out of town on the journey home. the boys and Mellie played with the little toys they'd gotten:
a toy cart, a girl, a hero, and a dog. they stayed mostly awake on the journey home getting there about
an hour before dinner. it was cool for Morglax to arrive in town with provisions and stuff for the town,
like a hero returning with stories-- even though they'd just bought potions and medicine and stuff for
the townspeople a town over, it felt cool.
"What was your favorite part, Mellie?" Asked Morglax
"I think meeting the new kids. I liked them! They had funny jokes but they're a lot like us!" She
"What about you, Barrael?"
"Mmm... Mellie!" He smiled and laughed, putting his arm around her. She pouted but also liked
it, he was joking but sort of serious.
"Teloren?" Barrael asked
"I liked the business." what a dweeb they thought
it was fun telling the other kids and adults about what it had been like-- the ride there, the kids,
how big it was, some adults had never even been there! Morglax liked it and wanted to do more things
like that. Morglax saw Stella there and they held hands and just said small whatever’s walking, it was
awesome just being with each other. He and mostly everyone slept well that night, Stella sort of wished
she’d gone with (Morglax had missed her), same with Siphus.
a few summer days passed, and Siphus had the idea to go exploring the woods. “Who knows
what we’ll find! Mr. Raoul said one day he saw an elf. Wouldn’t that be cool!?”
the kids would love to see an elf, it seemed like another world where such creatures as dwarves,
elves, dragons, and little people lived, but it supposedly was just far away from their quiet Middleville.
This adventure even the girls wanted to go, though a couple did not want to the other girls made them.
This time Mellie, Malia (Morglax’s sister), Bellie, Stella, Sora, Forentia, and Sellie all came. this was
perhaps the biggest adventure they’d all had.
They’d all been around the forest border before and played around its trees but they weren’t
allowed to go farther in than they could see the outside, and today they all were going to break the
rules. They walked in together: some girls holding hands as support, some boys wanting to but looking
“W..w..what if there are elves?” Said a nervous La.
They walked further in and the light got dim from the plains. They kept walking and they all
were glad they were with each other, it was pretty dark and creepy, but also some beauty like a little
sunbeam, brook. They kept going, someone heard a russell. They were pretty far in the west wood, they
could walk east to leave. they saw something move and they sort of freaked out. they wished they
hadn’t come, ‘what if they were surrounded by elves?’ some thought.
All of a sudden another russell, one girl was tugging to run. Then a little boy appeared. He was
like no boy they’d ever seen. He had moon pale skin, dark black hair, pointy ears, and looked about 5.
“Hi!” he said.
They were shocked. “Hi!” said Morglax
“Who are you?” the boy asked. it was sort of cute, except for the dark forest
“We’re people, kids like you. We live nearby.” Said Mellie.
“I never saw someone like you. Wanna meet my friends?” he seemed happy. The kids looked at
each other. He didn’t seem dangerous, they were a bit curious.
“Sure, what are you doing here?” Morglax said
“My friends and some adults were tracking a deer, I’m watching. Oh, I’m Raji by the way!”
The kids followed Raji and a some clearing came, like an outpost with a fire and a ‘roost’. The
people there, ‘elves!’ the kids thought, stood alert at the sound of multiple footsteps. When Raji came
smiling with children, they eased a little but still looked at them. There were 2 grown males, one a teen
and one adult, a woman and a girl.
They talked and found that elvish women were as agile and capable as the men moving in the
forest (while also cooking and cleaning). This was a small hunting party, also sort of like camping. It was
both an activity and food. It was fun leaving their home. Supposedly the larger elf village was deeper.
The kids liked meeting them and told them about human life, the elves liked and lived mostly in
their forest, and then after having a little food and learning a little basic elvish archery, the kids got
directions out and left for home.
It was an amazing day and they’d done it all themselves.
“Who knew elves lived so close!” Said Bellie shocked; all, even the girls, appreciating they came
Parents were shocked but also a little impressed and glad things went ok.
It was a busy week, the next day a traveling merchant came into town, he offered wares but
more interestingly stories of beyond. He wore colorful clothes with moons, stars, and animals on it. He
told them of a maze guarded by a minotaur, magic portals, crazy rich men, potion of youth, mountain
dragons that guarded treasure, of fish people, desert people, and of a great city the size of a 1000
towns. Some of these things people had heard of (like a huge city), the more people discovered the
more travellers told (sometimes they told more than they heard).
The kids wanted to hear about the minotaur.
“Well, a long time ago, it was the prison of a city. However the ruler was so impressed with the
intricacy of it, he threw people in without even a trial just to test it. No one ever escaped. One day a
weary wizard passed through the town and asked for a bite to eat. He had no money, so was turned
away. News reached the ruler of a beggar, which was against the rules, so without question the wizard
was brought to prison where the ruler waited. He sentenced him to the maze without asking, and the
wizard was astounded at how the ruler loved his prison maze, he turned the ruler into a monster and
sent him to the center of the maze to adore it for eternity. The city went into ruin and the minotaur still
is inside.”
The kids were awe struck by the story.
“Amazing!” Said Barrael.
The kids listened to a few more stories which were amazing, and then the parents paid the man
and ushered the kids away. Travelers usually stayed and ate with the adults afterward. As the boys were
leaving the merchant grabbed Morglax and said “Boy, I don’t know what but there’s something special
about you. This means nothing to you now but one day it might come in handy. Hold onto it.” He
handed him a scroll which glowed a light blue. Magic, Morglax thought.
Over the next days and weeks Morglax looked at the scroll continually but never figured it out.

It’d been a couple weeks since Morglax had kissed Stella on the cheek that magical night, since
then they’d held hands a bunch of times and even tried to kiss but never happened. They’d hung out but
they planned a ‘date’ (like an adult). It was exciting, there was expectation.
Morglax got dressed up and so did she, it was a bit silly but they went to the restaurant around
sundown and ate some food. It was like dressup. They ditched and just hung out. they ended up near
the lake and just sat down, hands on top of each other. They weren’t talking and he looked into her
eyes, she held it and waited. He looked and made his move. It was ecstatic and they held the kiss, and
held it. It was nice. they took a break to breathe. they were both lit up. They liked adult stuff. They could
so they did, and went in for some more. It was fun.
What a magical night.
“I like you.”
“I know,” she said, then “I like you too.”
It was obvious Barrael and Teloren had different interests: Barrael liked magic and studied with
the alchemist, Teloren liked technology and studied with the blacksmith and read books at the bar
library. Barrael was a sort of free spirit, liked nature, people, a free-flowing. Teloren was more logical,
liked invention, gears, and making new things with plans and schematics. They both were novices, still
young and at early ages but were getting better. Morglax liked the thought of choosing a field, farmer
was ok but he felt like he’d see the world and do something. ‘Magic or technology,’ he wondered. It
wasn’t about his friends, he liked them both, but he felt like his choice would have consequences on the
rest of his life, like choosing one or the other would lead him to new places, and that it was an important
He decided on magic, mainly because it was interesting. the spells, magic, ‘ether’, power,
choices, creativity, sounded good. he began hanging out more with Barrael and Regiwald, learning the
ways of magic and potions. There were books, but he especially liked the demonstrations. Regiwald’s
specialty was healing potions, but spell magic was real and could be learned (Regiwald didn’t show it
often but he could, with effort, like a candle with magic-- a little trick). As a test of their novicehood,
Regiwald had both of them find out the old wizard in the woods and bring back a magic frog, which
Regiwald could use to make a magic boosting potion, which would move them in the right direction
since they wanted to learn spell magic.
Chapter 2: Burn

It was a typical morning like it had been the summer, it was however muggy and humid and
there was fog enough. The kids sat in the center of town mostly, just sitting around. The adults felt
lethargic as well, dragging their feet. It was a slow feeling day.
All of a sudden on the outskirts of town a loud noise came… then a scream. It stopped shorty.
The kids looked up sharply, looking at each other then at the adults to see what they were doing. The
adults too looked around at each other and tried to see if they could see beyond the houses to the
sound. It sounded like swords clanging and distant men shouting and grunting. A man’s scream this
The adults and parents were freaking out, hurdling the children and telling them to get home.
The kids wanted to see, both scared and exhilarated, wanting to go see the action and run from it. The
adults and parents insisted and went to see.
The adults went to handle adult business, it was their town and so their responsibility to see it
well maintained. Morglax never knew because the kids were herded with the seamstress Larry who was
passive in Roaul’s home (the biggest), the parents and adults got farm equipment and the few sword the
town had and met the bandits near the outskirts of town.
The adults did battle with the brigands and fought very bravely however they were not warriors
and the bandits were there like madmen just to cause trouble, fighting and slashing and going mad, the
simple townspeople having like hope against such insanity. They didn’t have much purpose beyond
destruction and many townspeople were slain by their madness, fighting to protect both their fellow
townspeople, children, and way of life. They weren’t warriors but they fought with passion for their
fellow man whereas the bandit fought simply via frustration.
The bandits, unfortunately, won over because they had felt victimized for long in their den in
the forest while the villagers lived happy simply lives in the open, and while all fought bravely the
bandits frustration won over and killed many. The battle on the outskirts of town between sword-
wielding bandits and farm equipment-wielding townspeople was one of emotion, but one the
townspeople were unprepared for.
Some of the townspeople had fought before, been in brawls even some arguments, many
played with swords or sticks and ‘practiced’ more for fun, but never a ‘to-the-death’ fight. The
townspeople gave everything they had and even injured a number of bandits enough to keep them from
walking, but they were a different breed from the generally kind-hearted townspeople—and they fought
to hurt.
The outskirt battle was over in about a half hour, the remaining adults mustered their courage,
made sure the children were safe, and went to stave off the incoming bandits. Morglax’s parents were
in this group and bravely said good bye.
“We know you’ll be alright, things will work out.”
They left smiling, and went to protect their home and loved ones. The second and final group of
adults went to meet the invaders who were almost to the statue in the center of town. The adults hid in
various places to try and ambush the bandits who were swinging wild. Morglax’s parents like the other
adults hid in bushes that were in front of homes and shops laying in wait. They all were silent and
controlling their breathing. The bandits came into sight and they waited, looking into each other’s eyes,
communicating. Some bandits went past and they still controlled their breathing and communicated
with their eyes til some more passed.
All of a sudden Morglax’s dad gave a definite nod “Now”, quickly received, and they went
screaming out with their hoes and sharp farming equipment. Their surprise caught between 3 and 4
bandits off guard and they quickly knocked them unconscious. A few had run past and were gone but
there were more behind, too many: about 8, almost 10. There was nothing to do, they charged the
outnumbering bandits with a fury of a parent protecting its young (which many were doing).
The adults fought and fought being as aggressive as possible, the bandits actually looking scared
even though logically they knew they outnumbered these few. They tried to recover but the adults and
parents had momentum and were relentless, not breaking for a second. They incapacitated almost 5 of
them because they tired and started to slow down. The bandits didn’t hesitate and quickly took
advantage, killing 2 of the adults, leaving 3 left exhausted (Morglax’s parents included).
Seeing the tide change and their surprise advantage lost, the remaining adults took off in a
sprint fleeing, trying to get away. The bandits briefly looked at each other and chased hard, revenge for
their fallen comrades. The adults knew there was no one left to protect the children beside Larry the
seamstress who was more a nurturer than a warrior, so they went straight for Raoul’s home where the
children were being kept. They were exhausted and out of breath when they got back, noticing Larry
peaking meekly through the corner of the window, recognizing them and letting them in. Morglax was
so happy to see them alive, hoping it was finally over, but their faces said there was more to come.
Morglax’s mom quickly started to comfort the children. “If anything should happen, you must…
look at me Bellie… you must run straight to the forest and get away. Don’t stop for anything, don’t look
back, just run.” Then she turned to Morglax. “Morglax, take your sister’s hand and protect her. Don’t let
go no matter what! Do you all understand?”
They nodded. The kids were nervous, this was like serious adult talk but they understood.
Morglax’s dad was peaking out the window too, hoping they hadn’t been followed. He saw them
knocking down doors of other houses and briefly looking around before burning it, so maybe they were
looking. He turned to look at the kids, and at Morglax. He looked sort of proud or loving, Morglax
couldn’t tell. Morglax also looked the same way right back at his dad, he didn’t know what had
happened out there but it looked like his father had done some damage on the bandits protecting him,
making him proud.
Morglax’s dad must’ve saw bandits turning towards Roaul’s house because he turned quickly
and “Go, get out of here!” before turning back preparing for their entrance. Larry looked so frightened
but he had hammer in his hand (which was shaking), and the other adult was another farmer, Morglax’s
mom with them having ushered the kids out. Morglax, however, stayed at the backdoor entrance.
His father looked ready, determined, and focused at the door about to do whatever it took to
beat whoever and whatever came through the door. He quickly glanced back at what would be an
empty room and saw Morglax just standing there looking at him, frozen.
“Get out of here!” He said with frustration, like he was doing it only to help them get away and
him staying was defeating the purpose.
Morglax wanted to obey him, but he couldn’t—his parents were staying to fight for him.
“I can’t!” He shouted without realizing.
His father looked hopeless but still set. He couldn’t’ make his son leave he didn’t have time. He
waited at the door prepared, with his wife and the shaking Larry. Morglax wished he was more a
There were quick footsteps outside the door, yelling from what sounded like a commander,
then shouting and the door shook, they were trying to break in. Larry and Morglax’s dad tried to brace
it, but there were many men.
They got in and it knocked Larry and Morglax’s dad back to the ground, his mother standing a
few feet from the door ready.
“Run!” She shouted.
Morglax’s dad and Larry quickly got to their feet to the rushing Bandits just in time to parry their
first attacks. These were bandits and their swords cut the wood farm equipment. With effort Larry and
Morglax’s dad fought back and got to their feet, his mom watching then getting into the fight as well
swinging her weapon, mostly defending but being so furious she got in some thwunks. Her husband was
The 3 of them fought furiously but they kept coming. They’d injured and knocked about 5
unconscious… quite impressive, but then the bandit leader came in. The bandits parted for him, and the
three looked exhausted.
“Well, what do we have here? A man, a woman, and a tailor.” Noticing Larry’s measuring tape.
He also noticed the 5 men injured or unconscious on the ground. “Well done! But I’m afraid I’m more of
a match than them.”
“Why did you come here?!” Morglax’s dad bravely spoke up before the bandit leader could take
a step forward and show how much of a match he was.
That stopped the bandit leader’s momentum, a little impressed by the farmer’s bravery. He
smiled. “For the seeds of course.”
“We gladly would’ve given them to you for a fair price. This murder is senseless!” Morglax’s
father shouted back.
The bandit leader looked down, “But then we wouldn’t be bandits.” His fellow bandits laughed,
one said “We’d be merchants!”
“Haven’t you done enough!” Morglax’s mom shouted.
“Ooh, this one has some spice!” The leader said.
The 3 looked at each other, realized but now knowing there was no hope of change. They
nodded and charged forward bravely. The leader swung and blocked, knocking their blows aside and
attacking himself. It wasn’t fair because he had a broadsword and they farm equipment. He knocked
Morglax’s mother and Larry aside and on the ground and fought one on one with Morglax’s dad.
Morglax’s dad was brave and pushed a bit, but then lost ground and got run through. Morglax couldn’t
believe his eyes, his father had just been killed.
His mother had seen this, looking at her husband then up at the leader with rage in her eyes.
She swung wildly catching him off gaurd and pushing him back, a woman, even a few steps. He blocked
then regained the upper hand and pushed her back, she just barely being able to stay afloat. Larry,
empassioned now too as well, joined to help his now widowed friend and helped to block the leader.
They held him off but he stabbed Larry, a few more swings and Morglax’s mother got stabbed. Morglax
saw the whole thing through shocked, tear-running eyes.
The bandit leader looked at his handy work, looked at the disappoints of his men on the floor,
then noticed the boy, Morglax, standing crying in the backdoorway.
“Hey, boy-o!” He chided, like someone the boy might know. Morglax was standing there crying,
looked into the bandit leader’s eyes briefly and intensely, then ran as fast and as hard as he could out
the back entrance towards the woods where he’d been told to go, where hopefully the other kids
(including Malia) were waiting. He ran as hard as he could and zigged this way and that to get away from
the bandits if they were chasing him (he didn’t look back, only ran through tear soaked eyes). He ran til
it hurt and burned.
He finally got to the place inside the forest where he was supposed to meet them but no one
was there.
“Guys!” he whispered, “guys!”
Nothing happened.
Then all of a sudden he heard ruffling. He braced himself to run or fight, at this point he didn’t
care: his parents, his home, everything and everyone he’d ever known was gone.
He was about to the jump on the intruder when he heard “Morglax!” whispered.
He was actually relieved to see the girls, it was Bellie and Mellie, and Barrael.
‘There should be more’ he thought. “Where are the others?!”
“The others went to go look for their parents.” Mellie said, “First Magus, then the others.”
“Now?! There’s murderers in the town!” he replied
They looked sad. They knew what would happen, even if they were children.
“Where’s Malia?” he said matter of factly. She should be here.
“We thought she was with you!” Bellie said. Barrael didn’t look happy.
Morglax knew what he had to do. She was the only thing he had left, the only family he had left.
He started to turn to go back when…
“You can’t, if she’s there, she’s already dead. They’re everywhere, you’ll just get caught too.”
Mellie said.
“I have to…” he started
“And killed!” Mellie said stepping forward to make her point.
“I have to.” And with that he ran off.
He searched everywhere through the burning town. It was all on fire and dark. He stayed out of
sight. They were looting and killing survivors, even the ones injured on the ground. ‘Shameful’ he
He kept looking, avoiding sight (which wasn’t hard since the bandits were basically celebrating
their victory with looting and drinks, though swords in hand just in case). He looked at their house, the
pub (where sometimes she liked to read), even the barn: nothing. He looked elsewhere and found he
underneath a fallen support beam of her friend Forentia’s house. Forentia was most likely dead.
“Malia, what are you doing? We were supposed to meet in the forest!” he said, incredulously.
“I know.” She started. But when you didn’t follow I was all alone and didn’t see Forentia
anywhere, so I went to look for her. I wanted her to be safe.” She was stuck.
Morglax began to cry a bit more. “Malia, we have to get you out.”
“I know, but I can’t lift. Are there any adults?”
“They’re dead. They’re all dead. Mom and dad…” he couldn’t.
She started to weap, partly thinking it might happen. “Try and lift...”
He tried, it was so heavy. He wished he was older--- bigger, stronger.
He started to cry more. He couldn’t save anyone.
“I’ll… I’ll go get some help.” He said almost whimpering, like he was the one in there. But she
was, and she was all he had left.
“Morglax. Run. Get out. They’re everywhere. If either of us are caught they’ll kill us. I should’ve
stayed with the others. I’m sorry.”
He felt so helpless and cried uncontrollably.
“I’m sorry, Malia. I’ll fix this, somehow.” Not really knowing what he meant, either the beam or
the situation. Something would be fixed. “Somehow…” he said through crying, “things’ll get right. I’m
He thought he almost saw her smile, but then nothing. She went somewhere else. He cried
uncontrollably more but this time just ran away congmpletely surrendering to escape not knowing
anything or what was going, just running away.
How had it come to this...
Chapter 3: Trained

He didn’t know what happened after that. He woke up somewhere in a forest, he didn’t know if
it was the east or west one but somehow he’d gotten out of and away from the town—his whole family
dead. He remembered.
He felt like a ghost. He walked wherever, this way and that without purpose or direction; eating
when he saw food, drinking when he saw water, sleeping when he was tired, crying a lot, but no
purpose: emotional overload.
He wandered for what might’ve been hours but felt like days (it might’ve been). He woke up on
the grass, not knowing how he’d gotten there, and there was a man standing over him. An old man,
somehow looked kindly, even familiar. He passed out. He thought he heard “It’s ok, now.”
He woke up again, this time in some antique-filled hut. It was familiar, yet he felt he’d never
been here. It looked like the wizard in the woods’ hut—full of potions and things, but it wasn’t.
“Hello, Morglax.”
That voice, he thought. The wizard! “Wizard!” that was all they called him.
“Good morning. You can call me Horu.” Adults never told their first name.
Morglax, felt sad remembering, but a little better seeing a familiar face. The kids always liked
visiting… Horu. He exploded things and told them stories and showed some magic, they liked it.
“How are you?”
Morglax didn’t know. “I don’t know.”
It was like Horu knew, somehow.
“Well I can tell something’s up, i found you unconscious deep in the woods, and far from home.”
‘Home, yeah’ he thought. “Wizar.. Horu, this isn’t your home, where are we?”
“This is my real home. The place you and your friends sometimes visited is like… a vacation
home you could say. I stay there occasionally to get away, visit the town, and receive you children
occasionally. Here we’re in the deep east wood, according to your town’s location. Others like me know
it as the Mystic Forest. Many things live here, many mysteries. And I only know a small portion of it!” He
said almost happily.
Morglax liked hearing of mystical, magical, mysterious things… but today he was a bit distant.
His parents were gone, sister too, everyone.
“I know what happened, I saw the fire. But, the future comes for us all. What is in your future,
“I don’t know… no. There is one thing. Justice.” All of a sudden, the haze his eyes had had turned
into focus, as if looking at something.
“Murderers?” Horu asked.
“Murder. A man, a bandit leader. He killed my parents and led the death of who knows how
many. He must be stopped.” There was such seriousness to his voice, like it was what was real to him.
“Revenge will do nothing, but justice I may help. I happen to be a… teacher of sorts. If you would
have my training, perhaps I can empower you to set a wrong right.”
Morglax’s eyes defocused then looked at Horu realizing what he was saying. “You would train
me, to become a warrior?”
“Yes, if justice is your motive, I can do more than that. I am adept at both some magic and
technology, to get you started in whatever field you desire. Also, I used to be a bit of a ‘stealth man’
many years ago… which might prove useful if you wish to get into places you shouldn’t. These skills I
offer freely, as long as you commit full-heartedly to them, my teachings, and me, at least for 2 years…
maybe more depending on your ability. Also you will be required to do chores for me both personal and
around the house, in exchange I’ll let you live here and provide you with food. If you agree to these
agree now, or leave tomorrow morning, but I won’t have you commit half-assed.”This was a generous
but stern offer. He took his teaching seriously.
Morglax thought only for a moment, before realizing it was the only thing he needed, all he had:
to train. “Yes. Full-heartedly sir.” He felt this was an important moment so he stood up and bowed to
Horu, very appreciative for it.
“Hmm,” he said to himself, ‘it looked like this boy might actually have potential, promise, he took
this seriously.. more mature than a normal boy.’
“Very well, boy. You shall be my student from this day for at least 2 years, probably more.”
Morglax was still a boy, but by the time he was done he might be a young man in adolescence.
He stayed bowed, waiting for something. A pat came on his shoulder and Horu said “Ok, that’s enough.
Eat some bread and stew, rest, and tomorrow we’ll start your training: basic technique.”
Morglax didn’t know what that was, but ‘training’ was exciting, even though it was a serious
business… one day he would kill that man. It at least was better than depression.
It was a relaxing night, given the circumstances, and the next morning Horu threw a stick on his
“What’s this?”
“Your weapon. Let’s go.”
The 2 walked through the forest to a clearing (Morglax had no idea where he was) and there
was a straw dummy on a post.
“Hit it as hard as you can.”
Morglax looked at it, stick in hand, and ran and hit it as hard as he could. He missed.
Morglax looked almost sad looking back. Horu might’ve cracked a smile but he looked serious.
“Again.” Morglax really was a boy.
This time, after the embarrassment, he looked more focus at the post, charged, and swung
deliberately. “THWACK.”
He hit it square in the face. This time Horu smiled, but proud. This boy only needed guidance.
Who knows, he might be great,’ he thought.
They trained and it was hard, Morglax hated it at times, Horu regretted it but they moved
forward. Morglax learned basic fighting cquired with a stick (an anology for a sword), and he got his first
sword. It was a big day for both of them, like an upgrade or leveling up.
Morglax trained all day every day with his new sword, it was hard work but he was excited and
overjoyed by having his own. It made him feel like a man, like he was growing, moving closer to his goal
of getting ‘justice’ on the bandit leader… though Horu must’ve known at least part was ‘vegence’. He
both wanted to make things right and settle things. Such cquired couldn’t exist and someone had to
stop it, also someone bad had killed his parents. Sometimes they mixed.
He got better with his fight training, learning to thrust, attack, parry, block, dodge, faint, he
learned all the moves. He became quite skilled and proficient even though his teacher was only a
moderate cquiredion… with the eye of a ‘teacher’ his skills grew beyond his teacher’s own, he even
bested him sometimes in sparring. Those were proud moments.
He trained cquired, even beyond the lessons of Heru because of his own conviction, taking his
meal with a side of thrust and block, practicing his moves. It was like he ate, slept, and drank his sword
moves, thrusts, and techniques—beyond the teachings, he self motivated himself to learn and grow and
move beyond even his teacher’s teachings and expectations, training himself partly (which excited him…
testing new things). He had his own purpose and meaning. This both made Heru proud and worried
(maybe he took things too seriously)... he was only a boy!).
His swordplay and fencing became moderately skilled, able to match (even best) the average
swordsman, then moved beyond to able to best most swordsman, becoming a top expert in the field
(though he trained only harder and harder to guarantee his success in his mission of ‘justice’), surpassing
his master’s expectations (and it even being a challengeto train him). Morglax continued to train and
train on his own, trying new techniques, thrusts, parries, and moves; always improving himself…
perhaps, Heru thought, with the image of the bandit leader in mind… making sure he may one day best
that man’s skill, size, and strength. Honorable.
After about 1 year of physical training Heru felt he had no more to teach Morglax, and so they
moved onto his chosen field: magic. Heru was a moderate practioner (an expert but no master) and so
offered his skills to help Morglax right the wrongs of this group of bandits. He aught Morglax of basic
attack spells, summoning, healing, environment alteration, ption making… the basics of magic. He
taught him all he knew and Morglax ate it up like a sponge. He took the teachings to heart and learned
them and experimented with them the limits of their ability and usefulness. He tested for cquire what
could be done with them, what their limitations were, what combinations he could find to make more
useful/efficient spellcasting… he really was a spectacular student. He took what Heru gave him and
found many new creative ways to use his lessons to further the field i.e. his own skills even thus
teaching Heru new things thus growing and leveling himself up: in a way—an ideal student, using the
teachings to do more and new things.
Morglax learned how to summon basic monsters, to heal, attack, basic potions, and found ways
to use them to make new things (mixing potions with summoning to make more monsters), attack with
potions to increase effectiveness, heal with attack to drain life and energy, heal with monsters to make
creatures with vampirism, potions with heal to heal his entire party… it was quite remakerable for Heru,
and Morglax just found it second nature to combine and utilize all the skills and he at his cquiredi to
increase effectiveness. Why not give his summons the ability to attack with magic as well? He thought—
things Heru had never thought of as a moderate magic user… though all impressed and (at least able to)
appreciate such creativity.
Morglax continued learning from Heru—though he learned (almost) too quickly—and quickly
enough mastered all the basic techniques of magic, getting into the more advanced techniques and
using everystep along the way in a most creative fashion to increase effectiveness and combine the
strengths of various magic schools to create new innovative ways of creating new and (perhaps) more
effective effects and results. One moment Heru actually hesitated teaching Morglax a newtechnique
wondering/fearing what new way he would cquired this in a new and original way to create some
awesome new magic-combination.
Ultimatelyhe always taught it, cquir sometimes he felt like more knowledge might hinder the
boy because he could put things together so well. Something drove him, perhaps more than the justice
of what had happened… perhaps there was more to cqu boy than just the circumstances that had
cquired to him. Perhaps, he would go on to be and do more than jut hte circumstances of life that had
happened to him and cquiredi far more than was asked of him. Perhaps he would ‘go the distance’... the
dream of any teacher wishing for their student to surprass them and be the ‘best there ever was’.
Perhaps Morglax was such a one.
Morglax continued his magical training and found ever new combinations which surprised and
delighted Heru, even making new magics which had not been cquired of previously (utterly delighting
Heru), and he continued as such til Heru had no more to teach him, granting him official mastery level of
the skill (the highest an expert could give as per his skill). Following such a cquiredion were 2 months of
mixing of fighting and magic skills, using both swordplay and magic ability in combination (which
Morglax had not thought of), using sword attacks with elemental spells, sword attacks with summoning,
blocking with healing, dodging with potions to increasins his stats. Morglax’s eyes seemed to open more
every single day with Heru, and he thanks him consistently for such training and insight which improved
his skills and abilities… empowering all the more and further in his abilities and mindset and awareness.
Morglax got a little ego, though as the saying goes, “Scarecrows don’t hit back.”
The final step of Heru’s training was in fact stealth, something seeming quite opposite of the
forward and brazen ways he had been teaching with the sword and magic. What they first learned was
‘casualness’, how to act casual in all situations, what the source/nature of casualness was. What was the
expected, ordinary, normal thing to do? If I was a nobody, what would that person/I do? This was the
most fundamental part of stealth: blending in. This included dressing in a non-descript yet casual way,
so ordinary to be invisible.
Morglax loved this because it was like being no one yet being so free to do things. He could be
‘no one’ and steal fruit, sneak into a shop, pickpocket someone, he had skills and he could do things
without being noticed… it was awesome. He felt like he could do anything.
He learned how to look one way and do something else: misdirection, talking and ‘working’,
finding vulnerable points in a defense to ingress. He liked this training. It was sort of like pretend:
costumes, looking one way (going another).
He’d been trying for over 2 years and he still wasn’t done. He got a handle of stealth basic
techniques and began to become an expert at it, able to do things and hold a conversation all while
doing something else, even distract Heru while he slipped out a window to go play. Heru laughed but
liked he was getting proficient.
Morglax trained more, becoming on the same level as Heru as stealth and then surpassing him
and becoming generative/creative making new skillsets, combining and doing new original things.
Around year 3 he was a young man: growth spurt, the beginnings of armpit hair… manhood, as well as a
new burst of energy. Also he combined the other skills into a fluid skillset: combat, magc, and stealth—
secret summoning, magic traps/bombs, the use of small daggers. He was quite a warrior.
The main part of his training was complete, only with some minor potion work. Heru began
showing him some of that ability, basic mixing, consequences of certain ingredients… it was partly
physical ability, but some included magic ingredients and incantations. Morglax had a little ego, he felt
like the most powerful person in the woods (which he might be) but again, “Scarecrows and bushes
don’t punch back.”
He completed all training half way through year 3, and Heru couldn’t be prouder—he had
conveyed all his teaching to him (well basically) and he was truly a student on the path to greater things
even beyond righting the past: to greatness. There were advanced magic and skills, secrets which were
inappropriate for a boy of Morglax’s age… inappropriate for most anyone since they were the highest
magics and skills anyone had ever discovered. But Morglax would not have to learn them, and might
never be able—the was skilled but still a boy, not a wise old wizard, some things required age and
The last day of training was a test of sorts, although more a formality it combined in realtime all
the learning he had cquired in the past 3 years against a magical near replica mimic of Heru (he was old),
and they fought all out. It was close, but Morglax won by a bit. Heru was proud. They celebrated and
took the rest of the day off. It had been an arduous few years. Heru splurged on steaks, wine, fine
cheese, and they got drunk. It was happy.
The next day was a day of rest, recuperation because Morglax would set out on his adventure. It
was still, quiet, like a boy leaving home for the first time (which was, in fact, what this was about). Like
the end of one thing and something new starting. They didn’t talk much, ate quietly, tried to break the
awkward silence but it died down. The next day Morglax would leave, he didn’t sleep. He packed, Heru
gave him food and provisions.
He might’ve got a little sleep, but got up at sunrise and Heru was there.
“You’ll do good my boy. You’re ready.”
He said he wouldn’t cry but Morglax did and hugged Heru.
“Thank you”
And with that, and directions, Morglax set out of the woods, past where his town had once
stood, and into west wood (as he would’ve called it) or Elfwing Forest, where somewhere the bandits
had their den.
He would find it, and right things.
Chapter 4: Meet sister

He walked for over a day west and south, it would’ve take na normal person over 3 days to
cover that ground but he was a woodsman now and knew his forest well. Around the second day he felt
like he was being watched. He acted casual, listened, even ducked away and looked: nothing.
He thought it was his imagination, but he felt it. On day 3 he almost knew someone was there.
“Come out! I know someone’s there!”
He walked more that day and there was sound really near to him so he ducked away and
He grabbed in the direction and it was an arm: soft and thin… a woman!
He pulled her from cover and there was a high pitched “Ugh!”
He looked, she was familiar. She had a bandana around her eyes; she was blind, but she’d
tracked him silently for almost 2 days! He stayed longer, longer. ‘Oh my god.’
“Malia?!” he said in utter shock and disbelief.
“Morglax?! Is that you?”
‘It was her,’ he thought. He couldn’t believe it! “Come here!” He said like the whole world had
gotten brighter and started singing. He hugged her.
She was happy too and hugged meekly back. “What are you doing here? How are you alive?! I
saw you… I thought you died, under the beam!”
“I thought I did too: you were there, then I passed out, then I briefly remember the beam being
lifted, the feel of a man carrying me to what sounded like the woods, and cold gel being rubbed on my
wounds. I must’ve gone blind from ashes of the fire, you were the last person I saw.” She said, crying a
He held tighter now. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, Malia. I’ve regetted that since I thought you
were dead. That and watching Mom and Dad die.” He started to cry too.
Now she held him. ‘How had she survived this long on her own?’ He thought.
“No more talk” she said, “now, I’ll take you to my home, it’s less than a days walk from here.”
It took a few hours of trekking through the forest to get to her hut—it was a nice a wood cabin
with foliage growing all around it for on’tre—quite attractive.
Almost guessing his thoughts, she said “It was a gift, the man never talked to me but led me
here and it was full of food. I ran out but I learned to use my hearing and clicking my tongue or snapping
my fingers to make an echo sound, and over the years I’ve become quite able to on’tr and navigate this
forest quite skillfully, even silently (as you noticed—she whispered), as well as find food and water.
There are many animals I think who helped me learn, I heard squeaks and animal sounds around some
foods like ‘warning’, and upbeat ones “around good ones. I think the animals helped me.”
She paused, “Oh, and there’s one more thing. Since losing my sight, I also got another
ability; I think it’s a gift but at first I thought it was a curse. I have visions. I can see things that happened,
things I couldn’t know, also things I think happen in the present somewhere else, as well as future
things. I don’t always trust those because many don’t happen, but many small things around my home I
saw before hand and then they happened which gave me more faith in them. Like I saw someone
walking through my woods and felt I should follow, though I didn’t know it would be you!” She smiled.
“But enough about that. What have you been up to? Why are you walking through the woods?
What have you been doing these past 3 years?”
Morglax, relaxed. “I’ve been training, with Heru!”
She stared. “Oh,” he said, “the wizard! His took me in after…”
“Yeah, and he taught me cool stuff.”
“To get justice, I’m going to beat them”
He wanted to go
“Is there something I can do for you?”
“I had a vision”
“It was a boy, he came dirty and ragged from the northwestern forests. From there he lifted a
sword and light shown in all directions. A dark figure rose from the east covered in black with purple
ooze rolling off him, and it seemed the black and purple ooze would cover the whole world. But the one
light from the northwest shown bright and fought, and then after a battle won over the black and purple
ooze sending it back to the east then sending it away for good. That’s the dream.”
Morglax thought. “I’m just a boy, and I don’t know about the east, I came only to go west and
beat the bandits and their leader, for justice.”
She sat silently.
“Would you like to know more?”
“What would you like to know?”
“What’s with the boy?”
“I think it’s you. And the dirt perhaps is the soot from our town, symbolic of how that
experience is what might move you in the direction of a greater destiny, one day perhaps saving all of
Gorlavia...the whole world. You being from the northwest, relative to the rest of the continent, and
coming from this very forest wielding a sword, I think it safe to assume it might be you, Morglax.”
“Yeah, well I’m not going east anytime. What about the light?”
“I think that means your good nature. You are goingwest to right a wrong and stop a group of
thugs who terrorize and hurt ruin the lives of others. And I think that nature with go with you long into
your future, thus explaining the brightness of it. Perhaps there are more ‘bandits’ in the world, and not
so easily noticed.”
“Sure, well what about the black clothed figure with the purple ooze from the east? What’s
that? I never heard of anything there!”
“Me neither, and I had this vision for months… until a few weeks ago.” I was listening to passing
travellers when I heard one mention a sorcerer clothed in black and purple being being seen walking the
far east plains of Gorlavia—by the sea, the east plains, and the swamp. That was when I knew: this was
no rumor, this ‘wanderer’ would play some greater role in the future of all the people of Gorlavia, and
not for good. Probably conquest.”
Morglax was taken aback. A sorcerer—cool, but scary. “Well, what about this battle? All I know
are bandits are bad!”
“That’s preciously why I told you. I think one day, Morglax, you as the boy as this ‘wanderer’
from the east are one day going to do battle, to save or destroy Gorlavia, and if you fail… who knows
what will happen to the world.” She said solemnly.
Morglax didn’t like this. So much pressure, and from someone he didn’t even know yet, who
apparenetly all had done was ‘walk around’, and he was supposed to save the world from this future
menace? “I don’t like this. I’m setting out to do something for me, my parents, the people of Middleville.
I’m not a hero! I just finished training 3 days ago. I’m 13! And now you want me to save the world!? I
don’t think so!”
He stormed out, frustrated and angry and overwhelmed. This wasn’t his battle, and it was all
just the ‘maybe talk’ of his blind perhaps crazy sister who’d been in the forest talking to animals for too
She let him be. She told him he might save or by failing destroy the world. Some processing was
He vented and talked to himself, ‘she can’t tell me this, i tried to save her. Is this punishment?’
Eventually she came out and put her hand on his shoulder. That calmed him down.
“Do they, come true?”
“I think this one’s important.”
“I still have a task to complete.”
“I know, lets have dinner.”
He liked the idea. They both went back inside and he sat down, letting her move around the
kitchen as she was used to—touching, feeling, and she began to make him a stew of rabbit, potatoes,
carrots, greens, even salt! Morglax looked forward to it, he’d only had bread and a little cheese for 3
She made it with some fluidity, knowing and feeling her way around the kitchen, mixing
ingredients, stirring, chopping, how she found it in the forest (even hunted) was a mystery despite
‘clicking’. She finished the stew, he did the table, and they ate. ‘It was amazing,’ Morglax thought, ‘she
used to watch Mother.’
They ate and both really enjoyed it.
She wanted to know about training. “So what was it like?”
He thought, “It was exciting at first, a wizard was going to train me! Then it was hard because I
wasn’t very good, and i wasn’t very good at every new step. But I got better and even on’t Heru many
“Sure, that’s all well and good. What stuff did you learn? I wanna hear about the fighting and
the magic!” She said excitedly.
He chuckled, “Oh, well first I learned swordplay. He,” he laughed, “started me out with a stick
for2 months! I beat a scarecrow up for 2 months!” She thought that was funny.
“He eventually gave me a sword and that a big exciting day for me, I loved my sword since the
day I got it.” He beamed a smile at this. “Then I faught with that for, well the rest of the time there, but
my main sword training only lasted for another year. ‘It is the staple and bread ‘n butter of any fighter’
he said… which I was happy to, but also wanted to learn magic.”
“Magic?!” Her eyes lit up.
“Magic!” He smiled. And waited.
She couldn’t contain herself. “Well, if you know it—show me!!!” He knew magic!
He leaned back and looked away before making a little flame between his fingers. “Good for
She was amazed.
“I know a lot,” he composed himself, “but Heru said magic wasn’t a parlor trick. That lessened it,
it should be used for a purpose and a good one.”
She looked sad, she wanted to know all the magic he learned, but would be content to hear
about it (she pouted).
“I learned a little weak object movement, flame, even spark which could put a flame on
someone’s clothes, a remote splash of water (for dousing something), electric spark or imbueing for
electric attacks, mend material (for clothes, armor, even light weapon damage), improve speed for
moving faster, increased strength, charm animal, bind for light constricting of movement, summon
grunt, summon pyrefly (dark places and light fire damage), summon fairy (healing), light healing, wood
armor, and spontaneous growth (for plants).”
With every word her jaw dropped even more and became more amazed. She wanted to see it
all, so many! She thought. “Come on Morglax, for your sister!” She pleaded, “Just one more, summon a
fairy for me. I want to see!”
He said no to himself, but relented. “Ok”
She jumpedfor joy and clapped her hands.
“One fairy.” It flew around, giggled, Malia was happy.
“Oh, thank you, thank you Morglax.”
They played then it stopped.
“I also learned stealth after that.”
“Like stealing?” “A bit”
“It’s more like being ‘casual’, sneaky.”
“Some, and going places, escaping.”
“Might be useful.”
“He taught me, and I stole from him a lot, gave it back.”
“Sounds like a good relationship”
“I care about him”
She was moved, he cared
“So what’s next, get the bandits?”
“Why I trained.”
“What else is there?”
“I on’t know, i might not succeed.”
“I hope you do”
“Sneak in, kill”
They stayed together, he had family.
He left in morning.
Chapter 5: Magical forest

He walked for over a day west and south. He saw the spot inside the woods where he was
supposed to meet his friends those years ago… sad, he knew what was coming up. He kept walking and
there was the ‘town’: wreckage, foliage, plants and trees over the soot/ruins of what had once been his
neighbors’ and stores.
It looked like there was some effort to clean up and there was a house among the wreckage that
looked new. He was curious and went over to it, knocked, and waited.
A short man came out, about Morglax’s height, he looked kindly. “Hello?”
“Hello, who are you?”
“I’m Weedle, who are you?” The man asked.
“I’m Morglax. I used to live in this town. What are you doing here?!” sort of excited that
Middleville had 1 citizen.
“I was a traveller for a while, and when I came upon this town, it made me sad, and so I built a
home here to honor whoever used to live here, and began cleaning things up.” He guestured, “as you
can see, I’m a slow worker and there’s lots of work to be done, but I think if I just keep at it I get it into
good order one day.”
It was a humble thing, Morglax thought, and was appreciative. “Thank you.”
They shared a bite together, talked a bit about themselves, had some strong tea, and then they
parted ways.
“One day, I’ll come back and help.” Morglax said. Weedle appreciated it.
Morglax continued past the space between the east and west forest feeling a bit better having
met Weedle, and continued into Elfswing Forest. This forest had a different feel than Mystic Forest on
the east, probably because men such as the bandits lived there. Morglax spat the word: bandits. He
remembered the face of the man.
The forest was wetter, darker, more vines, the water looked drinkable but less appealing than
the Mystic Forest water, thankfully he had fairies heal it a bit, and pyreflies at night. The way was
unclear, he only had vague landmarks and this forest was almost 3 times larger. He saw some of the
things he was supposed to see: a large tree to the north, the smell of a rancid stream to the south, that
was the border he should not cross, a ruin city 2 days west and south.
He followed course and after 3 days he found the ruin city, he felt lucky. He thought he would
find it early… he guessed his ‘wood’ skills were more in Mystic Forest. He walked and walked, it was
thick, and strange sounds.
He got nervous walking around in there but that was normal, he'd been a farm boy his whole life
then spent 3 years in the tutelage of a hermit wizard. Now he was on his own looking for trouble. He
walked and walked, the forest seemed to go on forever like a green and wet desert, but he trudged on
the direction he was told.
He found more ancient statues along the way and it was interesting but he moved forward. He
had to move forward. He eventually went south enough where he smelt the rancid stream and he
followed that west (thankful for his training). He knew the stench came from the bandit camp farther
It took almost three more days of walking up it, sleeping with summon grunt protection and
walking with pyrefly even during the day, and eventually he began to hear noises of men walking about
in the forest... probably scouts. He became extra alert and stayed out of sight. He scoped them out and
learned what was up, what they did and how they moved. After 2-3 more days of scouting, he felt
comfortable and decided action was appropriate.
He followed one scout who seemed to be like a new recruit for almost an hour and when his
guard was down he jumped him and knocked him unconscious with the sword technique Horu'd taught
him. His first successful real life encounter. He dragged the body away from the normal path/trail and
removed the man's (stinky) clothes. This was a short man who Morglax could disguise himself as and
hopefully no one would know the difference since he looked like a green horn.
Morglax put on all the man's clothing and it hung a bit loose, but he felt it was good enough... it
wasn't a fashion show. He felt comfortable getting closer now and watched how the scouts got through
the gate. It was a piece of clothing-- the bandit bandana-- and the guard opened up. 'So that was the key
article,' he thought.
Morglax made sure he kept that. He had no idea if it would work or not, but he decided to try
and made his way for the gate. He sort of pointed to his bandana and the guard let him in. He walked
right in. Awesome! he thought
Morglax had gotten in much easier than he thought, and the camp was huge, at least he
thought. It seemed... organized in a bandit fashion. Morglax walked aroudn as casually as he could, as
he'd been trained and looked for weaknesses in the defense to get closer to the 'inner sanctums' where
no doubt the leader and the 'inner circle', whoever they were, dwelt.
He small talked with the casual bandits, the grunts of the group. Learned things, foudn out
information, he seemed to have successful passed as a fellow grunt.
He learned they had prisoners, women, in cages on a hill. Morglax planned to set them free. It
seemed there were 3 levels to the bandit camp: the general area, for grunts and the like, the elite area
for special hires and higher ranked ones, and the management area, for the bandit 'king' as they called
him, his personal 'circle', and even some girls.
It made Morglax want to vomit that there was thought behind these scum. It'd been better if
they pooped and farted around a campfire, he thought. He guessed, if they'd going to be bad guys, they
might as well do it organized.
Morglax befriended some low level grunts in teh general area and learned what he had to do to
gain access to the 'elite' level. He had to get a pass which would let the guard know he was also 'elite',
but the only way to get one was to win 7 rounds of hand to hand combat in a row, or to win a game of
cards which everyone knew was rigged and everyone always lost.
Morglax had never played cards, and while he wanted to learn and try, he felt he had a better
chance at the hand to hand combat even if these were men.
He decided to try that, and after 1 day the next tournament of brawling would begin and he
would get his chance.
He had been living with the bandits for almost a week, getting a feel. He felt nervous almsot all
the time because he was an imposter in their midsts but there were so many of them and they were
almost always drunk and no one cared about each other expect to get a meal and a job he really wasn't
on their radar.
Most grunts weren't even loyal, just people who wanted to earn a buck and felt punching some
farmers was easy enough. Morglax didn't understand but he began to see how it might happen... as
much as that disgusted him.
The tournament finally came... Morglax was almost sick of hearing about the men's 'sexual
exploits' and 'battles' they'd fought in when most looked like they were new hires and left their parents.
Morglax had been practicing his swordplay and combat, stretching and keeping fit, not letting
the mentality of the grunts infect him. He tried to stay sharp and on his toes, to keep his wits about
him... after all he was an imposter and an slightly probing question might raise suspicion then an alarm!
The tournament arrived and most seemed to be there just to blow off some steam, a few
seemed a bit serious but lacked discipline or training, some seemed rather big and like they were used
to fights. He watched them, he might fight one.
The tournaments got under way and Morglax saw the rhythm of things. They got drunk, swung
wild, tried to prove something and hoped. Some were more natural in a fight and swung with more
purpose. He watched the more skilled.
He got his turn and having watched, knowing his training, he felt like he could take them. They
were bigger and stronger, but Morglax was like a cat who jumped, dodged, and attacked.
He won 6 fights, the 6th was hard and the man was intentional fighting.
The 7th, the only other successful, was not the biggest but he was huge and muscular, and
packed a punch with intention. He was a fighter and had single KO'd basically 4 opponents, the other 2
took an extra punch.
Morglax was nervous. He'd gotten experience the past few hours that took months at Heru's,
but this fight was serious. He could get hurt!
He thought of backing out but had to win. He got in the ring, stayed back, hit a vulnerable spot,
and won. 'Thank god for training.'
He got the elite pass and made his way to the elite area.
In the elite area he found a much more watchful eye from the members. These were those who
had shown exceptional skill in battle, the ring, or some other feat. These were somebodies. He was
more careful here.
the elite area had more skilled people, people who were somewhat committed and invested in
the group: they had a reputation and accomplishments to live up to. They were, or felt at least, the ones
the others looked to for inspiration, like big brothers or even 'legends', they felt they've earned their
right and were special among the bandits, having done some feat to deserve entrance.
They walked a big more swag to their step, a bit 'better' than the grunts... but also knowing the
inner circle was also one step above them. There was a hierarchy and they were not best, but second...
and the bandit leader, ney, king was the center of it. Morglax learned this through proud boasts of the
elite. The goal of any in the organization was to be chosen by the king, but only the choice, few, and
select were, the exceptional of the elite.
One of the inner circle was Sor, an assassin of great skill and accomplishment. He used small
daggers, poison, and stealth to get his enemies. A more open, noble (as a bandit) was Ka, who respected
opponents in battle and told intentions. Bor was a big man: strength. Re healed. Sa did books. And Le
charmed. The king: 2 Swords.
He knew had wanted to free the prisoners in the general area, that was why he was there, he
also wanted to get into the inner circle… but he didn’t know how, few ever did!
He asked and found the king was looking for a mage, he could make enough trouble to get
noticed with magic.
He planned to do some magic and cause an uproar and that might stir trouble and thereby get
him noticed and hired as a mage. He found the workings of the elite area, the groups-- the introverted,
the extroverted, the cunning etc. He found he might be able to use these groups to cause a big fuss and
thus get 2 Swords attention-- a new name to spit.
Morglax decided he would play them off each other, he would use the braggarts bravado to
tempt them into a fight, the introverts social insecurity to tempt them to action, the cunning to say the
other 2 thought they were stupid, and then use magic to get attention on him and stop the fighting,
Morglax learned more of the inner dynamics of the various groups, as an outsider and newbie,
he got a bit more freedom, and so learned the different ways the people interacted. This area was a lot
smaller than the grunts by numbers, but about the same size space-wise… perhaps a perk of being an
He found that there were a couple key people in each group the others looked up to and who
guided the people of similar temperments. To get these to get involved would probably include more so
he focused on that. He wanted the biggest scene he could thereby showing how he might help
He became aquainted with the leaders and found what they liked. Then he found ways of
insuating insult to each other by the other people. this started the discent among the various groups,
and Morglax as “Dubbi” did things for a few days, the groups didn’t even look at each other.
‘Dubbi’ pushed things a bit far and started a fight. The groups fought, and Morglax intervened
using flame spark, igniting various members clothing on fire. This stopped them and then he used douse
to put them out. Now he had everyone’s attention.
No one knew he did magic, he was a brawler.
2 Swords saw and was impressed. Just what he’d wanted.
Following that day he watched ‘Dubbi’ perform tricks and feats for the elites, and combos. They
were all impressed.
Morglax meanwhile also worked on setting the prisoners free.
He got to know the guards, even took shifts ‘as a favor’.
“Hey, I’m getting you out” he whispered, “in 2 days.”
In 2 days Morglax did an impromptu show for the elites and the guards left. Meanwhile a
summon stole the guard’s cage key and brought it back, unlocking the door.
The prisoners got out during the show
2 Swords watched from above the inner wall and was pleased. Morglax was a skilled magician. 2
Swords sent a message.
“Wait, 2 Swords sent a message! ‘To Dubbi, welcome’.” “He’s in!”
They seemed to be happy.
Morglax finished his show then walked to the gate. The elite guard saw the note and let him in.
Morglax was in.
He made his way around, getting a feel. Almost no one had been in here besides the inner circle,
and he felt almost honored, if he wasn’t there to kill them. The security seemed rather lax, but he
supposed there was so much to get there if you were there you were supposed to be
The members seemed a bit on their own, they were masters of their field, not braggarts... there
for a purpose. The assassin was meditating, the knight nothing, the tactician reading, the big guy was
flexing, the charmer doing her hair, the healer looking over a plant, and 2 Swords sitting on his throne of
bones, looking at Morglax.
Morglax made his way to 2 Swords and it was quite intimidating, also he recognized the old
man… the man who killed his parents.
Morglax was instructed to kneel, and though he thought ‘I’d rather throw a dagger at him then
kneel,’ he did so so he might have the opportunity.
“King 2 Swords, thank you for the opportunity to join you here.”
He waited.
“Dubbi, welcome. That was quite a show. You’ve made an impression on me the past few days. I
hear you’ve only been with us a short while, and yet here you are: you won the 7-fist brawl, you stopped
a fight and got my attention with magic all at once, and here you are before the king of bandits, an
opportunity almost none have ever been blessed with.”
Morglax spat the word ‘blessed’ to himself. “I am gifted, in a few skills, king.”
The king looked at ‘Dubbi’ up and down, considering. “I’m not sure if you know but I have a
skilled diverse inner circle of masters, yet am lacking one thing. I have a healing mage, but no attack
mage. I saw some of your magic, and while not the best i’ve seen, you are quite skilled and with training
might become a master. Would you like the opportunity to join the Bandit Circle?”
It actually sounded like an honor, but Morglax had 1 mission here and it wasn’t to get the
approval of a self-styled king of criminals. It was justice, but for now he played along. “I accept, your
kingship. I would be honored. In fact, it was my intention by displaying so openly that I might come to
your attention.”
2 Swords was impressed, smiled a bit, “I guessed, though I like your honesty. I fine quality, and
rare among bandits. Us who pride ourselves of lying and stealing.” He continued, “Then… welcome, 7th
among the king.”
2 attendants came on either side and put a sash around his neck, it depicted a man with 2
swords leading a mass, the mark of a member of the Circle no doubt-- his seemed to have the a ball of
energy in an outstretched hand, a symbol for offensive magic. Each probably had some symbol of their
It was at this moment, Morglax revealed himself.
“2 Swords!” He said standing and pointing, “I have come here not to get your graces, but to get
justice for 2 people, a man and a woman, as well as an entire village of innocence whom you killed in
cold blood for seeds. The people of Middleville, for them, I have come… to kill you.” He waited.
2 Swords didn’t move, though was a bit shocked. “Ah yes, Middleville. I killed them about… 3
years ago. I killed many towns, defenseless but full of seeds and crops. That’s what we do, how would
we eat?”
It was rhetorical.
“2 Swords, I call you out!” This might’ve been expected, 2 Swords thought, since he hadn’t opted
for stealth.
“In Middleville, I vaguely remember a man and a woman, fought bravely, and after I killed them,
I remember a boy… he had eyes similar to yours, like a promise, or a threat. Would you be that boy I let
Morglax fumed. “I escaped, despite your efforts! And I am Morglax, citizen of Middleville, and
trained to kill you!”
2 Swords supposed that was all there was to say, stood slowly, and picked up his broadsword.
Morglax remembered it. This time however, when 2 Swords stood up, he hit a switch and the
broadsword turned into 2.
If he’d been menacing before, Morglax thought, now he was terrifying.
The other Circle members were interested, this had never happened before. Only one fool had
called 2 Swords out before and he ended quick. Now this was a boy, a boy skilled in magic and combat.
This was going to be good.
The 2 got in the center of the inner circle area where elites had been alerted and had forced
their way through the gate to see the king be called out. Only a few grunts got in, making a rabble
aroudn the 2.
2 Swords stalked him and took up so much space, Morglax had no idea how he was going to win
this, honestly he shouldn’t opted for subtley, but it was too late… and as far he knew 2 Swords was just
a brute, he was skilled in many schools.
Morglax started by summoning grunts embued with poison, a skill he’d learned in camp, and
embueing his sword with fire. They went together, clashing. The fire damaged one of 2 Swords blades
but his attack threw Morglax 5 feet back. The rabble laughed.
“This will be over quickly” one said. The assassin, though, seemed to think the boy had chance.
Morglax got up and did a spell, nothing happened. More laughter.
2 Swords smiled then charged at Morglax-- the embarrassment of being called out. He had to
end it.
Morglax ran, ‘tire him’, he doused the ground in front of 2 Swords and he slipped on mud.
People laughed but nervously. This pissed him off. He came screaming
Morglax blocked and ducked… he was losing. He kept looking at one point in the arena, no one
knew why.
He rolled and ran away, 2 Swords said “I thought you wanted to fight, chicken!” And charged.
This time, Morglax turned head on. It shocked 2 Swords but he kept running. A few feet in front
of Morglax the boy looked down and 2 Swords was on his back.
An explosion had come from the ground, but from where? The ‘failed’ spell Morglax had cast
was a fire trap, waiting for a passerby.
Morglax cast a repair spell on his sword making it fully sharp and jumped on the neck of 2
Swords, sword at throat. “Yield!”
He was stunned and dazed, ‘what happened?’ His swords were away, and the kill shot in range.
He lost. “Never. A bandit king never surrenders!” He spat
Morglax almost was happy. His drew his sword back but as he started to thrust at the last
moment he stopped, ‘this weak man didn’t deserve this, he did the best given his lot. Will I be like him?’
He couldn’t do it.
2 Swords’ eyes were clutched closed not wanting to see.
Morglax stood up, taking his sword by the blade, “Then I spare you.” The crowd aahh’ed.
2 Swords opened his eyes, realized what was happening, felt a bit of relief to still be alive but
then almost instantly a desire to save his dignity and kill this boy. He stood up and grabbed his nearest
sword, but looking at the neutral and vulnerable stance of Morglax… having just given him his life, he
couldn’t do it. ‘He had been wrong’ he thought. And for the first time in 2 Swords life he felt something
for someone else.
He walked over to Morglax who looked at him without raising a weapon. 2 Swords took
Morglax’s sword hand and lifted it. “All hail the new Bandit King!” He would leave and go into obscurity.
Morglax shook loose, “No, I don’t want it. I came to right a wrong. Nothing else. You’re finished
2 Swords.”
“Well I repent of my ways. I thought wrong was the only right in the world, yet here a boy with
only a desire for good came here and bested us. From now on, no matter what, I shall do what is good
and right… and see where that goes.”
“But who will be our king?” someone said.
“2 Swords,” Morglax spoke, “if you truly mean what you said, then rule this band of men as you
did, but do it in a just way for the betterment of those around you. Help villages, travellers, do well and
right by people instead of wrong. Help farmers grow crops, protect villages, give to those in need of
help. This is what I charge you with, in exchange for your life. Use it well.”
“I accept your charge gladly and happily, and thank you for setting me on the right path. 3
cheers for Morglax, the slayer of kings. From now on I shall be known as the servant of men. Hip hip.”
“Hip hip.”
“Hip hip.”
Morglax felt empty, but satisfied and happy. He hadn’t done what he’d said, but somehow, he
thought, it had been better. Maybe 2 Swords would honor his promise. Maybe his parents’ murderer
could do good. Maybe he wasn’t a bad person, just did ‘bad things’. That wasn’t his business, he had
done, more or less, what was his intention.
“2 Swords, do well.”
Those were words 2 Swords wanted to live by, instead of “More”.
Morglax felt empty, but he left without saying a word. Any relationship he’d made was a farse to
get to 2 Swords, it was justice--or revenge-- that brought him, ‘now what?’
The bandits were no more, maybe they would be good, doing right. It didn’t matter, 2 Swords
seemed changed, ‘that was something’, he thought. ‘That bugger would do anything to live’, no, he
actually thought he’d changed.
Morglax thought of Malia’s vision: the black and purple’d man from the east.
It didn’t matter, he collapsed in the forest.
When he woke up he almost forgot. ‘What next?’
He wandered.
The river stank less. For a few days he cleaned up a ruined forest town.
He found a village of little elves-- apparently there’s the tall lithe ones, and little plant sized
ones. They had a bunny who terrorized their village. It seemed appropriate after what he’d been
through: fighting a bunny. He scared it off and the villagers were ecstatic and praised his deeds.
He went south beyond the river and found forest-dwelling humans who had given up urban life
for a more nature-communing thing. They seemed peaceful but they also were growing mind-altering
substances which had effects on some villagers like violent attacks. Morglax organized the town a bit
more, setting guidelines and boundaries for the use of the plants, and things seemed better, the ‘elders’
thanked him.
There were mountains to the east of Elfswing Forest, he found, and explored them. There he
found goblin troupes-- which he tried to avoid, and even saw a wyvern, like a small more lizard-like
dragon! That excited him. It was like he was really living a fantasy or story he’d heard about as a child.
He wandered in those mountains for what seemed like weeks. He found a small village of dwarves who
lived in the open air who had a problem with a wyvern who damaged the few crops they grew and their
homes, and so Morglax followed the wyvern to its home and lashed it good with magic-imbued combat.
It came back once more and Morglax was waiting at the village (and the townspeople
suggested) and he whipped it again good. That made it stay away forever. The people thanks him.
He left the mountains for a time wandering the plains, hunting small game for food and using
some of the skills his sister had taught him for greens and plants (using his magic a bit for spontanoues
growth), He found a town south east of his old home called Townsville where people seemed quite…
normal. They had a problem with a forest giant who pestered and bothered the people, getting
During one of the ‘attacks’, Morglax sat down with it and found the problem was an
abadonment by its mother. It seemed better.
He kept doing things, fixing problems. He wandered south more and walked the border of the
mountains and found antoher town called Basetown. They seemed content but for a greedy mayor who
stole. Morglax foudn the corruption and drove the mayor out simultaneously getting a new mayor into
office who cared about the people, was a ‘person’. The people rejoiced and thing were better for having
Morglax come.
He felt a bit better: the man in black and purple. He walked aroudn the northwest plains of
Gorlavia helping when and where he could, ‘what was missing?’ he thought. He did good, had done it,
what else?’
One day he was abushed by bandits and they fought… he used magic but they fought and took
him, laughing, they knocked him unconscious and he didn’t remember what happened next. He woke up
in a desert.
Chapter 6: Desert

Morglax woke up nowhere he’d ever heard of. It was hot, so hot, dry, bright, and coarse. He
tried to open his eyes buyt it was impossible. He’d never seen so much light, and his body itched.
He moved his fingers--it was sand. He’d never been in a desert or even heard of one beyond the
fake stories he heard as a kid. ‘Was it really a desert?’
He heard chatter in a language he didn’t understand. “Blacka daka saka laka”.
‘What was this?’
His hands were bound, ‘a prisoner’, there were men talking, sitting, drinking water. ‘He wanted
a drink, he was so thirsty’. He spoke up, “Waterrrr.”
“Shi bu sha sta!” and one kicked sand in his face. ‘Guess that wouldn’t work’ as he spit sand.
After what was probably an hour, though who knows, Morglax was pulled to his feet by the rope
that bound him to a camel, and he started walking though not much aware, was dragged.
They walked forever, stopped.
‘An oasis!’
They drank freely and laughed and were happy. Morglax delighted! They jerked him back and he
ate sand. He cried silently. While they were talking, he crawled slowly, to the bank, and sipped. He drank
much, but slowly.
Eventually they got to a village, tents and few hunts, the people were dark, sand everywhere.
Morglax was a slave. He was auctioned to the desert people as a house servant, and made the driver a
few coins.
He was sold to a richer family with a medium sized hut to clean and do menial chores. He
wanted to say he could beat the whole town but accepted.
For weeks he scrubbed, cleaned, and washed… accepting his lot, somehow this was his fate. The
husband was cruel, but the wife was kind. He obeyed but preferred the wife. She asked, “How are you
doing?” the master said “Now”
He obeyed, but in week 3 nothing held him. ‘Why?’
He rebelled and disabled the master, but spared and even blessed the wife with a healing, and
ran. He left the village into the open desert where he didn’t know, and just walked.
It was vast, and he almost wished he had stayed with the meanness of the master because the
meanness of the desert was unyielding and impersonal, not caring either way if Morglax… now 14, lived
or died, suffered, or found water.
He ate scorpions when he found them, delighted in lizards at every step, drank from cactuses, it
was a tought time, but he became desperate and survived and made due with his environemtn. He was
no longer a student of Heru, but a desert wanderer accepting whatever the desert might give which was
He trekeed, though it was dangerous because he heard earthquakes… no, animals: worms. Sand
worms, the size of towns, hundreds of meters long with mouths the size of town squares. These beasts
roamed freely and did/ate what they will. They were the true masters of the desert and all others the
rodents of this landscape. The humans’ lives rovolved around avoiding these great beasts like a mouse
avoiding a housekeeper. They were drawn to movement and sound in the desert, and too many feet
drew attention, even one person could draw a worm if it felt compelled to follow.
That was not the attention anyone wanted. He journeyed silently on the desert floor, he had
seen a worm at a far distance and was the closest he ever wanted to be to one. He never wanted to
know what they looked like up close besides a picture and pitied the man who drew it. They were
He wandered for days and survived on the water he saved from a well and an oasis he found
days earlier. He was desperate but alive. He hadn’t had food besides little scorpion but he continued on.
He walked and walked til he couldn’t walk no more, and walked further. He walked til the notion of all
thought and concept left him and he was only ‘walk’. He became ‘walk’. And then walked more.
He walked and walked, trying to stay alive, and then some time he heard a voice, 2, many.
People talking! And people talking meant food, water! He openned his eyes in what seemed like days
and realized there was something there. A ship, no, an airship. In the desert! He couldn’t see, but it was
a ship!
There were horizontal propellers, a long silver body, a walkway, a helm, it was a ship! There
were people dressed in white cloaks and head dresses working on: desert people. They were repairing
it! Somehow this ship had been disabled in the desert and someone had found it. He found them. What
a find!
There was nothing for it, but he was awed none the less.
He moved on and wandered more after salvaging some water from their well. Walking and
walking, for days… eternities. He became walking once again and the flying ship became like a dream.
He walked and the desert.
Some time something happened: blue, green, something besides desert and walking-- an oasis!
Or mirage, probably a mirage, hope seemed like a mirage. He passed out 200 meters from the oasis, but
when he woke up, it was still there.
‘Was it real?’
He crawled, tried to walk, then crawled. He crawled the distance to the oasis bank, bent in, then
drank. ‘Real water! It was real!’ He wanted to jump for joy buy had no concept: ‘drink.’
He drank.
The only word he knew.
He almost drowned he choked.
When he woke up again a mirage within a mirage. He saw a woman. A dark skinned woman with
white eyes and a womanly body. He’d never known a woman before, he was a kid the last time he knew
a female. Now he was a yougn man, and this was new. He wanted, he didn’t know what he wanted, but
he wanted!
saw ‘Her! Not sure what, but be near and around her, something might happen. It felt right!’ He
tried to crawl and move towards her but he was weak. He thinks she saw hi skin'm. She looked a bit
nervous, but also relaxed and curious because he was so tired and she’d never seen a ‘light skin’ before.
He was so delicate looking, and she so of the desert. To her, he looked like he had grown up in an oasis
village, and she had lived in heat.
He tried to move, but couldn’t. She was curious but giggle, generously, and left.
‘That giggle,’ he thought, ‘that would keep him alive.’ He had never heard such a thing. He’d
heard girls laugh but he was a boy then, now this sound was like life or death. That giggle held all his
happiness or wellbeing. He had to be near it.
Despite his weariness, he drank one last drink and pulled himself up by sheer will and followed
her-- that giggle, that woman. She was probably his age or a few years older, but a woman. He might be
a man but he didn’t know, He knew she knew though, whatever that was.
He followed her like it was life, it felt that way, and he felt like she knew because he caught her
‘casually’ glance back once and felt she knew he was following.
He arrived about a half a day later towards the end of the day at a small village of 5 mud houses
and she briefly looked back again. He thought she liked it. 'Did she smile?'
He wasn't sure if he should follow into the town, but what else? He collapsed.
The townspeople weren’t sure what to do. He was so pale like a ghost. The girl had brought him,
if by accident, so they decided she do deal with. He was unconscious.
When he woke up he was in the center of town, really just a few families. They did chores,
weaving, made things for trade/food, had some desert plants, a well with little water, and some games
for the kids. Most of the day was lounging around talking, small talking because almost nothing
happened where they were in the desert. They talked rumors, speculation and what-if’s. It passed time.
The speculation of the day was who the boy was.
Some thought it was a criminal, some an exile, some a punished boy, some a boy of destiny.
When Morglax heard the rumor, he prefered the ‘boy of destiny’. The girl was coy and avoided him, he
didn’t know how to talk to girls ‘as an adult’, so he tried to be normal with the townspeople. They didn’t
understand him, but somehow he felt the girl did, though she made no effort to make it easier on him.
He made gestures, sounded out words: nothing. “Can I help you?”
They were just a simple, content, self-sustained little village with little needs, and few wants,
and he just a passing topic. He wanted to say who he’d helped, but futile.
He gave up and sat in the corner of town, accepting food handouts, but having little interaction.
They didn’t care.
Finally she said “Water?”
He lit up, “Yes!”
“I understand.”
“I hoped!”
“Where are you?”
She nodded
Then things went better. Small talk, even sex.
He did chores, then left.
He followed directions and it was many days, but day seemed less hot, he found a oasis
landmark, and made it out.
He escaped and foudn grass. “Thank God!”
Something smelled off. He followed it.
He walked for a day then found purple: swamp.
‘Maybe. The east.’
He left.
He walked the plains, wandered. A wide world, beyond his home far away.
A man followed him for a day and Morglax got worried, a big black man of desert origin by hte
look. He made camp one night, left it, and snuck up on him with a knife.
“Who are you?”
“I am Mondu, a desert. Bolitha’s sister.”
Morglax stared.
“The… desert girl you met, she said protect you, so I follow.”
Morglax realized: Bolitha. They never shared names.
“How do I know?”
“I know you made love!”
His english was quite good, also what he noticed when they were ‘alone’.
He relaxed, “Ok.”
He had an ally.
They journeyed west back to the main plains of Gorlavia and passed an inventor village on the
border of the desert. There they found many wierd trinkects and gadges, few Morglax saw use for for a
traveller. But one, a boy, was interesting.
He said “I want to see things”
Morglax was on the road, so he accepted, the boy came: Sporty. He was spunky.
Now they were 3. The boy, Sporty, invented, and he also came with a horseless cart: a miracle.
Morglax refused to ride the unnatrual thing, but Mondu, Bolitha’s brother, was excited and Sporty was
content riding himself. He said “We can go faster if you ride!”
But Morglax would not.
They journeyed west, then to the south and happened on a village of… small people: gnomes.
They weren’t cute but ecological: business-minded. They did profits and such-- strange-- the town was
like a market.
The helped solve disputes and then moved along, laughing at it.
South and west they found a city, the biggest any had every seen, and were amazed. There were
people, elves, dwarves, even 2 wyvern riders! They had some coin from quests they’d done and enjoyed
some city pleasures, even visiting a brothel (a first for all of them). They gleefully shared their
experience the next day.
They did more quests for merchants, townspeople, even ‘society ladies’ retrieving things in the
plains which might improve reputation, they even got noticed by a philanthropist who had done work
for the city and wanted personal help with some gossip mongerers.
They finished their work in the city and moved on having gained more coin and experience.
Moving west, they felt there was something important nearby, however they didn’t know what and so
continued west, feeling they might one day return.
They walked for over 3 days and founda forest probably a tenth the size of the Mystic Forest
though still sizeable, and they entered feeling there was some deed to do.
Inside they walked and found a spring which light seemed to cast on no matter the day… they
waited. And in the spring was a sword set in stone. Morglax wanted it. He felt like just grabbing it but
something said ‘wait’. At twilight, the moon shone on it like the sun, and a female silver spirit appeared.
“He who is worthy may draw the sword, if not, he shall fall to the depths of the spring forever.”
Worrying words, but Morglax felt he had done good things and was just /worthy.
He stepped forward, hesitant with some confidence, put his hands aroudn the handle, and
The sword didn’t budge.
The spirit looked at him… knowing what she must do.
He looked worried, he shook his head. ‘Wait’ as if to tell her.
“Give him a chance, spirit” Mondu said.
She said, feeling she knew his fait, but gave him once last try.
He put his back and strength into it, silently cast a strength spell on him, and pulled. It heaved.
He drew it proud above his head! He’d got it!
The spirit almost cried, and smiled. “It is true, there was one noble, so many vandals. I’m free!”
She said as she dispersed.
Apparently she ahd been bound and Morglax had set her free. Plus he’d gotten a magical sword!
They left the woods and Sporty and Mondu also got gifts, the spirit had realized their help in
Morglax’s good deeds and left gifts beside the spring: a strength enhancing talisman for Mondu and a
intellect enhancing ring for Sporty with his inventions. They were happy. Sporty would one day return to
his home in ‘Inventor City’ and show his friends and family his accomplishments to earn their respect
and his place as an adult. Mondu would earn his sister’s respect by showing her what he had done in
service to Morglax.
They had heard of ‘the king of cities’ north of the forest they visited, and were very curious-- if it
existed. Morglax thought, ‘the city of 1000 towns?’ They all wanted to see.
They almost didn’t expect it to exist, but after a day something was in the distance: the entire
horizon long.
The closer they got it was a wall, who knew how long-- as far as the eye could see in both
directions. ‘Was this a city?’

Morglax was 14, almost 15 with basically a man’s body, and this was an adult world and city.
This was probably the center of all commerce in Gorlavia. Who knew how many people lived here,
thousands, millions? How many was that? He’d never seen so many people.
It was all quite overwhelming at first, but they took a break, breathed and got some food and it
seemed less crazy. None were from a city, except Sporty, but that was only about a 100. Here there
were people everywhere as far as the eye could see, and everyone doing something: buying, selling,
walking, talking, eating, doing, crafting, pampering, dressing, and all at once.
They walked, looking at the goods at it all started to seem like junk. ‘Why buy this junk when the
same junk is a block away? Why did people do this?’ Morglax thought, probably similar to Mondu and
Sporty, ‘What was the sense?’
They were walking when Morglax noticeed what seemd to be a symbol for magic and so walked
in. It didn’t seem to have the same ‘buy this junk’ attitude, but more ‘substance’. There was insence and
color lighting, Morglax felt silly, but he recognized spells: pyrmoancy, hydromancy, summoning,
arbormancy, conveyance, tempus magic, etc.
He wanted to talk to a shopkeeper. A whole building devoted to magic? He’d never seen! He
foudn someone shuffling through papers and said “what place is this?”
The man looked, “Why, it’s a magic shop! The shop of Grinwald’s School of Magic of course. The
official! All school materials and off-topic reading and potions can be found here-- look no further!”
‘A school, of magic?’ Morglax was delighted! “People study magic at schools? Grinwald’s
“Well of course, everyone knows that. Where are you from? You have to have a magic aptitude
first though. They don’t just let any wannabe in, you know!?”
“I’m from”, he hesiated. He almost said Middlevile. “I’m from the northwest, aforest where I
was raised by my grandpa. He taught me magic!”
“Well, how ‘bout that. Come on now. Show me what you got!”
Morglax knew he shouldn’t but wanted to impress this city shopkeeper of magic. He closed his
eyes and summoned poison embued grunts and strength increased them. They started wreaking havok
on the shop leaving purple poison splashes everywhere and really wreaking the place. The shopekeeper
stopepd it.
“Ok, ok! I beleive you! You have some talent, make them stop! Stop!”
Morglax waved his hands and they disappeared leaving only the purple liquid and destroyed
scrolls, books, and shelves all over. He smiled innocently and meekly. The shopkeep wasn’t happy, but
impressed. “Well, you don’t seethis level of skill from any normal forest boy from the northwest or
anywherei for that matter, I reckon you should see about applying to get into the school even if you are
old enough to be almost a graduate. It’s rare to find such natural, if raw and unrefined, talent in the
world these. Most kids are forced to have ‘magical talent’ by their wealthy parents and amount to
almost nothing. The dean might have a liking to you! Here’s his address, I’d recommend you give him a
call, he might just appreciate your visit.”
Morglax felt very appreciative for it, but wanted to look around more. He found scrolls, magic
items, clothes with abilities, ‘what a place!’ He wished he had more coin, he’d like to try it all but as yet
only had enough for simple.
He found the dean and inquired, got a membership.
They went to a pub and talked.
“This town is having problems.”
“This one wants to secede.”
“This one wants to join”
“There’s an ogre/goblin uprising here”
“These gnomes are taking over”
“These gnomes control this already”
“Wyvern riders are on the rise taking over”
“There’s gold in these mountains guarded by dragons”
“Elves live in this forest, they don’t like the logging”
“The fish people feel incringed upon”
“The shore people want assurance”
“Magic and techology are coming to a head”
“Things are changing”
“There’s a maze guarded by a minotaur”
“There’s an arena man with lots of treasures if one wins”
“Airship in the desert”
“Worm riders in the desert!”
These were some things the 3 heard. Many.
Also, stories of a black-clothed man with purple ooze wandering.
Morglax didn’t like that.
He learned of the conflict between ‘magic’ and ‘technology’, how technology was on the biggest
rise it ever had in recent years with the invention of steam power, energy, and the train. More and more
people used technology, and the elitism of past magic users seemed to be in conflict, both vying for
influence in a new world.
The head of magic was the headmaster and found of Grinwald’s School of Magic, Headwizard
Albus Grinwald. The head of technology was the inventor of steam power and distributor (though
questionably inventor of) the train, a businessman and multimillionaire, Bilton Gatesfree. They each had
schools, though they did not mingle; misguided kids even fought.
He began taking classes and quickly learned, already having much real life experience and
training. He almost even caught up to his 15 year old counterparts.. Though they were mostly book
junkies with little skill. ‘In a real battle those ‘city boys’ would be on the ground crying for their mommas,
he had beaten 2 Swords King of Bandits by himself while they were taking notes and jerking it in the
He learned how there were many alliances forming and shifting, things he’d never known or
heard of before now seemed important. He wanted to go the town Shire and help the hafling people,
mediate between the fishing town wyvern riders, fight the dragons for the dwarf city, so many. He
wanted to solve this magic/tech thing.
He learned the great city, Centra, was ruled by a governor-- Leto-- who seemed overwhelmed by
both the scope of the city and its influence in Gorlavia; supposedly it had over 100,000 inhabitants:
He learned how technology only wanted t ogrow and expand, even sometimes at nature’s
expense like logging; magic wanting to maintain balance, and power. Magic was old, technology new,
but with the disagreement supposedly a new force grew in teh east: the black and purple sorcerer. This
should be a focus.
If somehow, someone brought the schools together what a force they would be: magic and
technology, if they could be combined the way his sworplay and magic had, what power could be
wielded? What if they were united by a common purpose, could they make things the world had never
seen? He didn’t know technology, but would like to meet one besides Sporty. It would take some
common cause to unite them.
Little Marsa was growing up to be big boy, one day he’d be in finance like all the gnomes he
knew in Bucton, but today he was just playing with pretend horses and his cowboy friends.
“Bang bang!”
“Pow pow!” the kids laughed
“Come Marsa, time for dinner. You too Beo and Sola, go home to your mothers!” The kids looks
sad they had to stop but went.
“Bang bang. Pow pow!” came from somewhere. The kids turned, it was a lanky man in black
clothes and purple ooze. He didn’t seem very fun.
He smiled a wierd smile then lifted his arms and armies of monsters came out of the ground.
What proceded was the slaughter of the entire town and the first aggressive attack of the
sorcerer: Sorcerer Razl. Word spread.
In Sporty’s home city of Sandia, or ‘Inventor City’, the people were going about their, scavenging
the desert for things and inventing when a lanky blacked clothed man with purple ooze appeared
smiling; there were rumors but Bucton’s destruction had reached Sandia.
The man waved his hands and dark mist fell over the always bright city. People freaked then
huge ogre/trolls came out of the ground clubbed some, manacled the others… he ensalved/imprisoned
the whole town. Word also spread, like Razl’s reach going west.
Sorcerer to attack, school squabble, then try to unite
They lived and journeyed in the city for days and found more shops of many interests. Morglax
eventually wanted to find the Gatesfree University of Business and Invention, to find out more about the
feud. That’s when word came of the attacks, and expanding reach of Sorcerer Razl-- a name on
everyone’s tongue. The schools squabbled even more now. Morglax knew now was the time to find the
While looking, they found a dwarf called Morla, close to Morglax, who was looking for
information on his geneology. He didn’t know what clan he belonged to. They said their traveller had
already taken them all over, and he might find answers. So he came.
Chapter 7: Centra

They looked most of afternoon for the university, it was such a big city! They found the
landmarks then eventually found it. THey walked in and foudn their way to the headmaster’s office.
“We need to talk to the headmaster. This feuding needs to stop and we have to unite. THe
sorcerer is growing!”
THe recptionist laughed at him, then seriously, “We don’t associate with them.” and ushered
them out. ‘He needed more credibility before he could influence.’ he thought.
He returned to Grinwald’s school and did quests to endear himself, getting the headmaster’s
attention. Convincing him the wisdom they needed to unite against a growing foe was received.
“I only fear after our past squabbling, Gatesfree would be reluctant. I wouldn’t have seen if it is
wasn’t for you, Morglax. Go with this letter.”
He returned to university with the letter which at least got him in the door, reluctantly.
“I dont associate with magic users!” he said without looking up, Morglax remembered this man
was also rich, a revolutionary inventor, and businessman.
“That’s why I’m…”
“Do you think I care what that wizard thinks? The fact he’s reaching out is a start but he’s been a
bother for a long time if he wants to make up for it.”
“He’s not trying to make up for anything, sir,” respectfully, “he merely sees the wisdom of
uniting against a growing serious threat, and stopping petty squabbling because of differences of
Gatesfree breathed. “Ok, I don’t agree. But you persuaded Grinwald to at least hear you and
even convinced him to try this truce, so I’ll give you a shot. There’s report of a group of saboteurs 3
miles west of the who want to destroy the railroad being brought to the west forests. Damn tree
hugging elf lovers,” he whispered. “I want you to get there before the rail crew arrives tomorrow and
stop them from blowing it up. If you can do this, I will listen more receptive to your plan, whatever it is,
this time tomorrow.”
‘Finally,’ Morglax thought, ‘headway’. He could do this and get an open ear.
He went to the west wall of the vast city, that took about as long as the journey to the railroad
would take at the wall. Supposedly the saboteurs were waiting a few hundred meters from the railroad
construction site.
Morglax, Mordu, Morla, and Sporty in their cart rode west. About a mile from the site they
stopped and spread out; it was nearly dusk. They looked but couldn’t find any in a mile around the site.
It was a barren, normal plain.
They stayed in a square spread out aroudn the site and slept there, waiting. They all fell asleep.
Bfeore sunrise and the first birds were starting chirping, the sky on the verge of light blue, a soft
like a ‘bleep’ happened in front and to the left of the site then a blue portal in the middle of the sky
opened like a vortex and three people walked through: a woman, a half ogre, and a man, all looking
scraggly. All 4 of Morglax’s group were alert and hid a bit more. ‘The construction crew would be getting
there soon, it was now or fail. And this group had 1 mission.’
The sabutores waited; the men had curved swords and the woman held a bundle: tnt. ‘Shit’
Morglax thought, ‘this was real. They were real.’
The four stayed hidden but made eye contact, each aware. The sabutores were pretty focused
and not at all expecting any counter-sabutores, so with caution they all crawledcloser. The sabutores’
gaze was almost entirely on the imminent train with cargo coming-- they looked like they’d practiced a
million times. Good for Morglax to surprise, bad if they failed.
They were about 25 meters away, a nod. They went into battle
The sabutores were totally taken by surprise and the men blocked and protected the woman,
she was the one they had to protect. Mordu and Sporty went for the half-ogre… he was furocous, and
Morglax and Morla went for the man. They were quite skilled for simple sabutores… and they blocked,
that was their mission until the train came and she could do her job. ‘We have to finish this quickly’
Morglax thought.
He tried to douse the ground of the half-ogre like had with 2 Swords but he missed and Mordu
slipped, giving the half-ogre an advantage and pressed against Sporty alone. Morglax cured and went
back to trying to break the man’s defenses with Morla. The woman looked like she was about to spring.
‘Train, please don’t come now.’
Mordu was on his feet again trying to keep pace, Sporty was struggling and Morglax and Moral’s
guy was just playing d.
Morglax quickly did a summoning spell of 3 grunts with flame swords, that should be just
enough of a nusance to tip the battle. The half-ogre looked at them like puppies but they had flame
swords and that could give Morglax’s group the opening they needed. In between fighting the half-ogre
quickly kicked one and it went flying then disappeared. Now there was one for each.
The man looked nervous because he was just keeping par with Morla and Morglax playing
defensive but now this little thing was swinging a flame sword. It might’ve been comedic if not for the
tnt woman.
‘Shit’, he heard something up the tracks, ‘the train’.
The man was losing and they were about to put the squeeze on him. Morla used his axe hilt on
his head. Plunk. The woman was going to charge and the half-ogre seemed to think ‘Only a little longer’.
The grunt had ignited a bit of the half-ogre’s long rag shirt but the filth localized it. Morla joined the fight
and with teh other graunt and it was over for the half-ogre, but it seemed like was almost successful
even if he died. Mordu said “Morglax, get her!”
He nodded and charged for the woman. It was early the way she didn’t want to run but was
forced to and charged as hard as she could forward. ‘Shit, this was why she had it, she was a runner.’
Well so was Morglax; he‘d been a constant winner back at Middleville and could catch her with her 15
pound baggage.
He dropped his sword and charged as hard and fast as he could. The train was too close, the
distance too small’ he thought. He thought, he had tempus magic. He lost a little speed while he
concentrated on say the words but then almost instantly got back the distance and then some as his
body took on the speed of cheetah, running long fluid leaps. He felt like a cat chasing a mouse in an
open field.
She thought was was winning, but when she looked back it was like seeing a spirit floating upon
her: the more she ran the closer he got, and seeming so effortless and fluid. It frightened her and she set
her eyes only straight.
Morglax felt he would get there in time but now he wanted to make she she didn’t blow it up
and injur or damage anything. He had a funny idea, something he’d never done and in such a situation
Heru would not have approved of such a risky manuver, but he thoguht it would work.
He narrowed his eyes on the bundle in her hand he could see over her shoulder er and saw a
few quick words. Instantly a fat little grunt appeared on top of her and smiled a little “Ah!” She looked
and screamed, dropping the bundle.
Morglax saw it all before it even happened. Using his long languid strides he jumped way to the
left to get out of the way. The tnt hit the floor with the toothy smiling grunt on it and blew about 30
meters from the tracks: no damage. However the woman got the explosion she came for. There were
plastic shoe soles melted into the grass.
The train guards came forward freaking out throwing Morglax on the groudn and cuffing his
crew (the half-ogre disabled by Mordu) until Morglax produced the letter from Gatesfree, getting them
apologies and thanks… then getting the real bad guys cuffed and brought away. Construction continued
that day and eventually got completed without incident, but Gatesfree got the successful report right
away. He was so happy.
They walked back exhausted but successful, got in the cart-- Morglax was glad he had it now--
and drove back.
They got back to the university, saw a pub across the street, and decided to get on for
celebration; they deserved it and cheered, telling the bar patrons their story and were cheered for
saving the railroad. ‘Everyone seems to love Gatesfree and trains, except magic users’ he thought. They
got 2 more rounds by appreciative patrons, and went to Gatesfree a bit drunk.
He was also smiling when they came in, so they guessed he had gotten the news already.
“Production will continue as scheduled. Thank you lads!”
They bobbed and weaved, he patted them on the back and decided to celebrate too. “So what
do you want to talk about?”
“We wish for you to be open to a neutral conversation with Grinwald. No talk of magic or
technology, just the day’s events, specifically the rising trouble in the east: Sorcerer Razl.”
The terms seemed quite attractive, no talk of the thing that caused them to not be able to
communicate at, and talk about something perhaps relevant to all Gorlavia. ‘ This ‘sorcerer’ had already
moved through 3 villages and 2 small cities. Who knew his intentions or how far he would go?’ Gatesfree
thought, ‘Sorecerer: see? It’s always magic…’ then he caught himself and remebered this was a
conversation to discuss a Gorlavian concern and solution, not squabble.
“Ok, I agree. This is a potentially important matter that, we civilized heads of… *cough…
presitgous organizations, can discuss. Did he suggest a location?”
Morglax exhaled, he couldn’t belief the rationality of the man. “He said if you did agree you
could pick the location, given that it was a neutral location. As token of good faith.”
Gatesfree looked respected and smiled, ‘maybe that’s all these both wanted: respect.’ “I
propose, the Centra Library. A place of learning and growth-- maybe symbolic. 6 pm”
Morglax liked the idea. “Good idea. I’ll tell Grinwald.”
“Good luck.”
They went back through the city and found Grinwald’s school.
“We successfully stopped sabutores trying to blow up the train, and that his agreement: at the
library 6pm.”
Grinwald didn’t like trains… magic users liked nature and trains consumed, but this was the way
to way to perhaps stop a menace. “I’ll be there. You moderate, just in case. You seem resourceful to
have around.” He smiled.
Morglax appreciated the compliment and wanted to be there-- his sister said this his battle. He
didn’t know how, but things already were happening where he was getting involved in the story of this
sorcerer Razl. ‘One day, Morglax, you as the boy and this ‘wanderer’ from the east are one day going to
do battle, to save or destroy Gorlavia, and if you fail… who knows what will happen to the world.’ His
sister’s words rang in his ears. He had to be at this meeting.
Gatesfree and Grinwald arrived about the same time at hte entrance, each with assistants and
advisors. ‘This would be a flop or the start of a potentially world-changing union: with magic and
technology unified, who knew what kind of wonders and feats could be accomplishmented with each
other’s skills and strengths!’ Morglax thought.
When they met it was obvious the old habit was to snub but they breathed and attempted a
neutral head nod, even a slight smile. It seemed obvious they both wanted it to be over as fast as
possible, but raeson kept them there for a greater vision.
They sat down in a private conference room. ‘Things were going well!’ Morglax thought.
“So, Gatesfree, good to see you’re well. How’s the business? School?”
Neturality was forced, “Well, and yours, Grinwald?”
“Good, I’m glad to hear no one was hurt this morning.” ‘That almost sounded like concern’
Morglax was impressed.
“So, what is the situation?”
“I dispatched scouts to find the situation in the east, the state of the said ‘effected’ towns and
how far he has reached, if Gorlavia is in danger, and how soon Centra might be directly effected if at all.
I’m sure you sent ornithopters yourself at the first word a potential danger. You might read books but
your no bookworm.”
“Coming from the grand wizard and his scrolls,” a small jab, but he apologized. “Yes, hopefully
the first scouts will be returning in the next day or 2 with a priliminary report of the situation including
evidence and rumor. What do know now is that there are effected towns and people, survivors and
refugees with evidence and eye witnesses of magic injuries. Hopefully it’s not a wannabe world
dictator.” It sounded like a joke, but the rumors and stories made it more real.
“What next then?” ‘There almost sounded like there was connection,’ he thought.
Grinwald thought, “Give me a gadget of yours. Morglax gave me an idea. I want to see
Gatesfree looked confused, ‘everyone knew strong magic and complex technology messed with
each other. The mechanisms jittered and magic fluxuated. They didn’t mix.’
“Morglax had the idea,” Grinwald continued, “to unite magic and technology, the schools he
said at least.” eyeing Morglax. He continued, “I suspect like me you Gatesfree they aren’t inherently
opposed, perhaps like us they could be made to see common ground. Perhaps all the ‘experiments’ and
direct experience done between magic and technology came from a dualistic opposing mindset. What if
they were intended to ok together, at least neutral at first like we were. What if they were brought
together for a cause.”
Grinwald was holding a small messenger-carrier ant, a common toy for intrabuilding
communication at Gatesfree’s university. Just being near Grinwald it already was jittering abnormally
and soon would not be able to work at all or might attack people with its little pincers. ‘According to
Grinwald,’ Morglax thought, ‘ that was only because Grinwald like most Gorlavia had a pre-conceived
and almost indoctrinated belief that magic and technology opposed rather than co-existed.’
Grinwald relaxed a bit, closed his eyes and focused, still holding the mechanical ant. It was
jittering and normally what would have happened smoke would rise and it would be junk. But
something else happened. It jittered, but not from malfunction. It twitched its head back and forth,
opened and closed its pincers. It looked around!
The whole room stared in awed silence like they’d seen a miracle. This had never happened in
all the world. Gatesfree started openly, Morglax thought he looked like a little boy. “I haven’t felt this
way since the first time I saw my poor father’s broken pocket watch on the dresser, and even that
doesn’t compare in the least. This is… magic!” like itwas the best word. “I have things to do. I must
leave.” He left abruptly to the shock of everyone including his attendants, who quickly followed though
not wanting to leave the miracle.
Morglax stared at Grinwald, “What was that about?”
“I have no idea. But this is a wonder, right? A living machine: man’s creation imbued with magic,
the life of nature. This is the unity of magic and tech, who knows what other wonders might wrought!
This was your plan all along, no?” Innocently expecting Morglax to say yes, but Morglax had no idea
what would happen.
Grinwald and Morglax left feeling a bit confused, ‘Was Gatesfree mad?’ They didn’t know how
he felt.
Morglax slept that night in Grinwald’s office and his allies in the reception office. The next day a
loud knock came. “Open, come!”
They all met him outside. He had a machine with 2 round copper seats. “What is it?”
“Astral engineering.”
“Astral, engineering.” He repeated. “Did you think magic users were the only ones able to unify
magic and technology. Well I foudn something you may have never experienced. Sit.”
He hesitated, but trusted he was safe. Gatesfree sat next to him.
“Let me show you my miracle.”
He hit a switch and they both passed out.
They woke up in a world of waves of color.
Grindwald said “The Astral Plane. But how?”
Gatesfree smiled, “This is my contribution. While you are able to imbue life to machine, I am able
to construct machines in the ether. Watch this.” He paused.
A railroad appeared in front of them and then a train flew by them.
“I did that. Astral engineering. Think, and a machine actualizes. I don’t know the benefit in real
world, but it must exist!”
Grindald paused, “It really is amazing. You did it this time Bilton. A mage and inventor in the
astral plane. Ha!”
“That’s enough.” he hit a switch in his hand in the real world they came to.
“What happened?” Morglax asked worried.
“He..” Grinwald started, “he brought me to the astral plane, the theoretical place of magic, it’s
‘source’ if you will. And there, he constructed a train with thought. Amazing” he uttered to himself.
At this kind of confirmation by the grand wizard people awed and cheered at Gatesfree.
“Another great invention by great Gatesfree!” someone shouted.
“Perhaps” Grinwald said to Gatesfree, “there are many more ways magic and technology might
be unitied. Who knows?”
“A curious question, but with these 2 ways I think the ‘terrible Razl’ has met his match.”
‘It was true, a living mechanical army could be brought to teh fight Razl, and a way of using
astral engineering might present itself. This new change might be enough.’ Morglax thought.
With the new development all magic userse were trained to relax and to accept technology,
thus allowing its full potential and magic to flow and give life, consciousness. They had mechanical
horses, eagles, dragons, men, all alive. The technology adepts were trained to use the astral machine
and use thought to construct complex machines like they had in the real world. The more natural in the
real world, the easier it was there. Finally there was common ground between the logical technological
and the etheric nature-based magical, now they understood each other on a whole new level: the
wizards coming to know gadgets and things as a whole unit (like inventors intend) and the engineers
undertanding the relationship between things instead of as isolated units and in apersonal experiencial
way too. This was perhaps one of the best things that had ever happened to the 2 schools, ney, all of
Chapter 8: Golden Age

Having brought the 2 respective magic and technology schools together, Morglax and his friends
had the freedom to travel throughout Gorlavia to do quests and fulfill needs of many people.

Eccentric’s Maze
About 50 years ago, a human whose name is unknown amassed a great fortune in the stock
industry buying companies then underhandedly tearing them down. He became one of the most
wealthy business men in the land but was also a well-known racist who thought the non-human races—
dwarves, elves, half ogres, gnomes, etc.—were inferior. He used his fortune to build a huge
underground labyrinth in the middle of nowhere in the Wucin’s Valley away from prying eyes.
He tasked over a hundred men to build this underground labyrinth but when it was done he had
all the men who knew of its location and structure killed. He then went to work getting his trusted band
of cronies to bring cartfuls of despondent non-humans in the dead of night who were brought into the
labyrinth for living experiments and torture. He thought the other races didn’t deserve to live and that
the only value they had was to benefit humans.
There were rumors of the many disappearances that a crazy rich man had begun kidnapping and
experimenting on the lower class non-humans, but no connections were ever made to the rich man
because in his older years he simply disappeared from the business scene and let his real estate and
various businesses fund his research without being there. In his torture maze, he found out the
endurance of the various lesser species. Here were some findings
● Half ogres- being strong but half bread with smaller races and the huge ogres, their weakness is
their dumbness and putting pressure on in their skulls… perhaps like any race would, drove
them violently insane. He also sped up their growth rate and muscle mass making them adults in
a few years with so much muscle they could hardly move, often ripping and causing immense
pain. He also attempted many crossbreeding with half ogre males with the females of the other
races which often ended in death—sometimes from the unnatural huge birth, sometimes from
the forceful sex.
● Elves- with their strong affinity to nature and magic, technology malfunctions and also weakens
their ability. Augmenting this naturally magic race with technological improvements turned
them mad and violent like 2 magnets yearning to escape each other.
● Dwarves- sturdy and hardworking, he stretched them to freakish lengths with racks then gave
them crutches to walk.. but they often died after. He used magic items and scrolls to enchant
them which also drove them violently insane because of their technological aptitude.
● Gnomes- small and weak but good at business and money making, he drilled holes in their skulls
and experimented on electrifying different brain parts to see what happened.
● Halfings- small but simple folk, he just skinned them, put wires in them, pierced and punctured
and held open to rot and decay. He did the usual sick things to all the races too.
Eventually the kidnappings stopped, he was never captured or discovered though it was
suspicioned. It was assumed he died of old age. Morglax learned of it at Centra and set out.
He searched the Wucin’s Valley and found a nondescript stone door that led nowhere. It had a
puzzle lock and after solving it opened the door which revealed a stairway straight down underground
into a huge maze. He lit a torch in the complete darkness and walked through the blood stained dark
stone corridors. Almost all the rooms were a torture or experimentation room for some kind, different
racks, vials, tubes, chambers, boxes, spikes, cables. No rooms seemed to for leisure, or the normal kind,
no waiting areas or couches or dining areas. Morglax wondered how many people had come through
here, been tortured and died here, probably a few hundred. There were skeletons still attached to
handcuffs on the stone wall, on racks, and in glass chambers full of liquid. There was blood in the halls
but those were mostly hand streaks likely from panicked prisoners. The rooms were awash with it.
Morglax fought many undead monstrosities, zombified half breeds and torture victims who lived
after dead by technological reanimation or black magic. Morglax might not have known the experiments
that had gone on here, but he had to fight them just the same. After perhaps 2 or 3 days in the maze
without any hope of finding out what happened he came to a suspicious looking deadend. It had a
painting of a human looking forward with vision standing on the dead bodies of the other races crushed
under his foot. Morglax searched and found a stone, pushed it in, and the walls slid to the side revealing
a large plush master bedroom with fine fabrics, drapes, silk sheets, lounge chairs, and pillows.
On the bed was a figure and the room was only lit by a small gas lantern above an oak wood
desk. It looked like a man.
“Hello, visitor.” Came a weak and far-off voice. “You have found my, laboratory.” It was him!
Morglax thought.
“And I found you, though no weak effort.” Morglax considered saying it was repulsive but held
his tongue.
“I see you’re human. What do you think of it, what I’ve done in the name of the superior human
race?” Then he said under his breath, “Thank god you’re not a vermin elf or dwarf.”
Morglax considered, “It’s quite an accomplishment what you’ve done. A huge labyrinth, lots of
studies. Did you find anything?” He knew it was mostly torture and racism, but maybe during his
‘experiments’ he had learned something.
“Hmm, I see I have a fellow scientific man in my chambers. Good show! The findings of my
research are on the desk over there. I wrote a book with all my findings, the source notes were too
much. I never found a way to publish because of the twisted way the lesser races have infected the
minds of good thinking humans who would scorn such research simply because it wasn’t politically
correct. Baah.”
“What is your name?” Morglax asked.
“I am Sherman Templeton, financial wizard and pro-humanist.”
Morglax looked closer now. This man would have been over a hundred, incredible for a human
who didn’t live as long as elves or dwarves. Then he saw that Sherman didn’t look human at all.
Something was wrong. His skin was dark and wrinkled like old leather. He was skin and bone with metal
things and tubes protruding from his skin. He looked freakishly stretched and Morglax noticed he was
attached some kind of life support machine next to his bed. “What happened to you?”
“Age, and the desire to go on. I had the knowledge to continue and rather than go years ago I
used what I’d learned. I’m about 124, but I can’t know. I never leave. My men left long ago probably
because I was assumed dead and my holdings were given to someone else. I never wanted to be found
and regain my finances. Now I just live, possibly forever as the culmination of my experiments.”
Having heard the story, Morglax decided there was nothing else to gain so he said “Well
Sherman. It’s time to put an end to this experiment. I’m going to do the world a favor and be rid of you.”
Sherman’s eyes went wide with an old anger. “Oh, an inferior race sympathizer! I’ve known
plenty of you in my day. Time to show you what this old man can do!”
Morglax readied himself for battle not expecting one but knowing he could have some weird
trick. All of a sudden something dark moved in the corners of the room. They were like living brown
spikes, then he saw they were attached to Sherman at back. These bonelike appendages were over 20
feet long each and gave him reach through the whole room. Morglax freaked out realizing he had been
in the strike zone since he walked in the room. They lifted and stabbed and poked at him, avoiding his
sword and attaching in synergy. Morglax kept it up but it was tiring with such huge spike arm things.
Then his attention went back to the life support machine at Sherman’s bedside. He parried a
couple more stabs from the bone arms then dashed straight for Sherman, who’d been smiling evilly at
surprising Morglax and on the verge of killing him. Now Sherman looked deathly frightened and tried to
point his bones arms towards the bed. Morglax got to the tubes connecting Sherman to the machine
and sliced them then stepped away to the corner out of reach of the arms.
Sherman screamed then started flailing around. He gasped for air. After a few seconds he
stopped moving and he was dead. Morglax slumped in the corner and exhaled. He looked at Sherman’s
dead body, then over at the desk: his secrets. Morglax took the book, ‘Experiments of a Pro-humanist’,
and left the horrible place.

Minotaur Maze
King loved his maze, overused it, turned into Minotaur, fought and killed, maze crumbles
As told to the children of Middleville when Morglax was a kid by the traveling merchant, there
once was a king who loved his maze so much and overused it, one day he sent a wizard there without a
trial for begging and was turned into a minotaur to wander forever because he loved it so much.
Morglax remembered this story when he stumbled upon a maze in the southwest Raven Steppes. There
was no sign of a city so it much have been destroyed a long time ago. The maze was through a large
stone arch which led down into the labyrinth.
Morglax had a scroll of exiting so he could leave when he had beaten the Minotaur, but it was
totally black. He used a small fire spell which lit a diameter of maybe 10 feet, not much if a Minotaur
came. He had been walking for about an hour and had been hearing distant hooting, not like an owl but
a large animal, coming from different directions. The Minotaur seemed everywhere. Then it stopped.
That made Morglax nervous. He and his team formed up facing out to watch all sides… then a rustle of
clomping on stone. ‘The minotaur is close,’ Morglax thought.
He heard a loud and close whinny and then they turned to face that direction. The minotaur
charged for them in a rampage. It was an animal—horns coming first crying out and flailing its head. The
team got out of the way and they did battle: fight and evade, strike quick and run, tire it out, but it
seemed to not get tired. They were getting tired! ‘Duh, it’s a magic Minotaur’ Morglax thought. “Guys!
It’s not getting tired. It’s a magic Minotaur!” He said hiding behind a stone pillar to them behind
another. They eventually got a clean stick of the sword in its neck and it lay bleeding mortally wounded
on the ground. It died and then a ghost of a man appeared to them.
“Thank you warriors. I tired of this maze a long time ago and went mad in that Minotaur body.
The wizard’s curse is finally lifted and I’m free. Nothing holds this maze up anymore. Fly you fools!” And
then it was gone. All of a sudden stones could be seen and heard to be crumbling all through the maze.
“It’s falling apart! Use the scroll of exiting.” Morglax said. ‘It doesn’t work!’ The magic that held the
maze up was bound to the cursed man and now the cascade of broken magic was preventing any use.
After it would be fine but they wouldn’t need it because they’d be flat.
They ran and ran trying to get out, found the right paths, and got out just in time. They fell to
floor outside the arch and the walls were seen falling inside, then the arch crumbled too. ‘So much for
the minotaur’s maze.’

A small cavern was discovered in the south Gruhq Highlands near Otavale. None every came
back and there were weird stone statues of beings of many races frozen in agonizing poses. None went
anymore at all, none except Morglax. He went in not knowing what to except: some stone breathing
dragon, a basilisk worm, some demon monster. He walked in and past all the agonizing statues there
was a grand throne but it was facing the back wall instead of the hall. A womanly voice came through,
“Have you come to see me in my cavern?” She stood and came around the throne so Morglax could see
her and she had a very womanly body covered in very light fabric… ‘hardly covering it!’ Morglax thought.
The strange thing was her head was covered in a white veil. “Do you like what you see?”
Morglax swallowed. It was hard not to, but the statues set a different mood than an innocent
beauty. “You are beautiful, but I came to find the mystery of all these people. What did you do?”
Morglax asked.
“Me? Do? You think I could do this? Little Mesusa?” She sounded innocent, ‘like she’s faking it’
Morglax thought.
“What’s under the veil?” Morglax said.
“You want to see?” She asked. Morglax had a bad feeling. “Fine!” She threw it back her ugly face
revealed snakes for hair hissing like she did at Morglax… but he didn’t turn to stone. “What? How? Why
aren’t you stone!?” She yelled.
“Typical petrification magic. I’m behind this pillar, you’re looking at a mirror of me. I can’t be
“Yahhh! I’ll come get you!” She yelled. Just then Morglax put a cloth around the top part his
eyes so he could only see from below her head, nocked an arrow in his bow, and shot her right through
the neck cleanly, decapitating her. He bagged her head, the people in the hall started to depetrify, and
Mesusa’s curse was over.

Fight lots of enemies and bosses from around Gorlavia and unique OP ones in waves, collect
varying levels of ‘renown’, eventually fight the arena master who is OP, get strong reward after
A man called Abeat many years ago became a master of melee combat and dodge. He was a
hero who fought huge beasts, beat dragons, and killed monsters all with his combat prowess. He was
perhaps the most well-known hero of 2 generations ago. After doing many great feats, he didn’t know
what to do next: he was well known, a master of physical combat, had beaten all the most powerful
monsters of his day… and so he went to task of opening his own monster arena, Abeat’s Place, where he
created new monsters to test his own abilities against monsters more powerful than any found naturally
in Gorlavia as well as challenge potential pupils to be his successor. A few hopefuls beat some of his
monsters, though none could pass all his tests.
Morglax heard of him and sought out his arena. Abeat told him of the challenges and so Morglax
agreed and went into the arena. People from the neighboring towns heard a new challenge had come to
Abeat and came to watch. Morglax fought waves and waves of enemies and bosses from all over
Gorlavia, and after gaining enough renown in the arena got the opportunity to fight some of Abeat’s
unique monsters found nowhere in the natural world. They were challenging, but with strength and
cleverness Morglax and his friends beat them. After beating enough of his unique over powered
monsters and winning the crowd, there was only was only one more challenge: Abeat. Morglax was told
he had to beat Abeat in combat in the arena to be his successor.
Morglax agreed. They went to battle and Morglax won. Abeat acknowledged his skill and gave
him a blessing which increased Morglax’s strength, speed, and defense. Abeat also gave Morglax the
opportunity to collect monsters from around Gorlavia with special capture weapons for Abeat to
experiment on; in return Abeat would make new very powerful monsters for Morglax to test himself
against as well as reward him strong and rare items. Morglax could do it in his spare time as he trekked
across the continent and return whenever for reward.

The dwarves of Kumwihr lived there forever, as back as recorded history and before even
legend. But the dwarves loved the gems and rich metals they found it their Infernal Mountains and dug
too deep. They dug and dug finding more treasure and always wanted more, more of what the earth
would give them in strong and shiny things. They mined so far down they found a demon long buried
trapped beneath the mountain. It was a demon of fire and darkness and malice, it being from inside the
fiery earth’s core. A cavern was discovered which had no rich metal or precious gems in the deepest part
below the mountain, and a huge cube of hardest rock ever seen was in this cavern with an ancient
dwarven inscription which even the most knowledgeable dwarf historians couldn’t understand. The
foolish dwarves and their greed eventually found a way to cut into the stone without caution to the
inscription hoping to find new jewels and riches, but piece by piece they excavated what looked like a
fossil, and once the form was chiseled out it lit like fire on dry wood and broke free, then killed every
dwarf in the cavern. Its roar was heard for miles throughout the mine and it killed all the dwarves who
stayed in the mine. Word got to dwarf city Kumwihr and many left, but most stayed despite knowing
what was awoken and would kill them out of stubbornness. The demon killed most of the dwarves
under the Infernal Mountains and stalked the miles and miles of mines there since.
Morglax learned of the fire demon awoke under the mountains from Kumwihr refugees who
lived here and there, exiles of their ancestral home. He walked the mines, found many treasures of dead
dwarves, met a few fighters still in the mines who refused to leave but knew they couldn’t kill it, hoping
to find its weakness. Morglax learned it was crazy strong, very good defense, black and fire magic,
nothing the fighters had tried had worked. Morglax used a flock of goats covered in blood to lure it
beneath a dam in the mountain. He broke the dam which weakened it then fought it with ice magic.
After wounding it and it feeling threatened, it opened a hole to hell and they fell and fought
freefalling—sword against sword, fire against ice, darkness against light magic. It was tough, perhaps the
toughest fight of Morglax’s life, and after seeing getting beaten they landed at the ceiling of hell, the
stone ‘sky’ to the underworld. There the demon was strongest drawing power from his home and
Morglax almost lost but prevailed, slamming the demon through the ceiling into the fire of hell,
vanquished, never to return again.

Elf city
In the deepest part of the Lush Thicket in southwestern Gorlavia is the magically hidden, insular,
xenophobic, kill on sight elf city Sels Dorel. The king is a powerful mage called Delo Sel and he’s a
chauvinist too. Sels Dorel is as old as the dwarven mountain cities and predating recorded history. The
forest is magical itself and powerful runes especially surround Sels Dorel too making it invisible and
dangerous to outsiders. They never leave their forest and only leave the city to hunt and collect
resources. They get supplies via a magic boat that is filled with money for food and building equipment
by their trade partner mainly in Otavale, sometimes Centra.
Morglax was walking through the Lush Thicket and basically got lost deep within in it and fell
asleep. He then woke up surrounded by elven mages and archers who took him into custody. Usually
strangers are killed on sight but his magic affinity surprised them and so they brought him to King Sel.
King Sel of course was disgusted by the outsider. He was surprised too by the magic affinity so he gave
Morglax the opportunity to gain his trust and show he wasn’t a worthless inferior of the lesser races,
because elves were superior according to King Sel.
There was a logging company that had begun cutting deep into the Lush Thicket on the
northeast side, more so than the usual disrespect of doing just enough for themselves, now this
company was starting to kill huge portions of the forest for people across Gorlavia and it was
unacceptable. The humans, who didn’t live long enough to know the consequences of their actions
would decimate the woods beyond repair and kill all life in the forest for money. Morglax accepted the
quest to get rid of them by any means necessary, but really he had the choice to help them destroy the
forest or get rid of them.
Getting rid of them required Morglax to use violence because they said they had a legal claim to
be there (because someone faraway said they could own it), whereas telling them the elves intent to
remove them and helping them log got you money but lost Morglax access into Sels Dorel. Siding with
the loggers Morglax encounters a demon horde led by the demon kill who kills all the loggers and brings
him down to hell. There in the dark, desolate, and agonizing pit of the demon king’s throne room he
offered Morglax a choice to become his servant for dark powers—at the price of a curse making him
ugly and unappealing to common folk for strength and black magic.
Choosing to become his servant Morglax had to break the magic barriers of Sels Dorel so it could
be infiltrated and then enslaved to the demon king’s will, becoming an outpost of his evil and tainting
the Lush Thicket. Not becoming his servant and killing him Morglax then sides with King Sel for a small
magic blessing and to bring peace to the Lush Thicket, and slightly softening King Sel’s heart to be less
hateful of foreigners.

Fish people
The fish people of Brah Ait who live in the Unruffled Waters in southeast Gorlavia are the most
xenophobic race of any people in Gorlavia, more distrustful than the racist elves of the west forests.
They interact with literally no outsiders beside a select few humans who look up to them like ancient
godlike people, in some ways they are. They kidnap certain people as people; accept runaways because
they aren’t like most arrogant humans who think the fish people are more like food than equals. They
also kill and rob and cause mischief for passerby’s as a way of getting revenge and messing with people.
Those they kidnap they want and the runaways they accept go on the Silver Reef, a small island on the
other side of their underwater city where they can watch it. The people there think they are special and
selected by this mysterious species, but often the fish people see them condescendingly as pets.
Morglax learned about them and wondered if he could help resolve their problems with other
races as well as stop the attacks and killings by fish people. He took a boat into the Unruffled Waters
where they regularly patrolled and ambushed people. He waited until night and then heard rustling.
They shook his boat and then ran, then flipped it. They dragged him down and down trying to drown
him but he used magic to make a bubble around his head (or a vacuumed glass ball helmet) to breath.
They passed a magic barrier into a huge beautiful city where it was breathable; apparently they can
breathe in air and water.
Morglax was brought to their ruler King Prident who had a magical 3-headed spear as his
“Hello outsider.” Kind Prident said. Morglax stayed quiet, he didn’t feel this was a 2 way
conversation. “Have you come to turn us into clothing, or food, put us on your wall, or catch us a your
pet? Which is it, outsider?”
Morglax spoke up, “None, king. I came because I would like to end the problems between you
and the surface dwellers. I think there is a misunderstanding.”
“Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding?! You land people are animals! You hunt and kill sentient
beings and have no regard for life other than your own and you destroy everything you touch! I should
kill you now before you decide you want to eat one of my children!” He motioned like he was going to
command the guards to do something.
Morglax said, “Wait! Those who do you harm are only a small group. They are a fishing company
sent from another part of Gorlavia. They are not the locals who you have never had problems with
before, right? The people of Fishhooks, they have been respectful to you in the past, yes? It is only a
small group of new people sent here to make money. It is wrong.”
This paused King Prident, “Hmm, you speak as though you are not a barbarian. Perhaps you are
not all bad. It is true. In the past we have not had any problems with the local people, the people of
Fishhooks, Oplaidale, fishermen and commerce men. In general they only take what they need and are
not disrespectful. But this new company you say, they are the ones who show no regard for life,
especially our precious people! Blood must be returned with blood. There must be payback!”
“I agree, I would like to end this problem for you so you can live in peace and so the local people
cannot get ambushed anymore. Is this acceptable to you?”
Morglax went to the camp the company had set up south of Oplaidale who were killing the fish
people. Morglax killed every one of them. He returned to King Prident and he was pleased. “Thank you
outsider! Blood has been met with blood. We will be neutral with the local people now. We will not be
friendly because you land people are not very trustworthy, but we will not attack you anymore. Go

On the southern coast of Gorlavia at Ehult Heights there had always been wyverns that stuck to
their nests, but recently they began acting much more aggressively and in more numbers. With the
coastal village of Fishhooks a few miles away this became a problem because they started ignoring
warning arrow shots and attacking, kidnapping, and killing people. No one knew why this happened but
Morglax agreed he would help find out why they did this and stop the attacks.
Morglax left the village of Fishhooks and walked south along the coast towards the mountains.
He was spotted by 3 wyverns flying above and they swooped in to attack him. Morglax used his sword
and his magic to fight them off, wounding each of them so they flew away. He made it to heights and it
felt erractic. There were wyvern shrieks deeper in the heights and he saw them swirling around in great
numbers deeper in, not to mention the occasional fly over which he ducked behind a rock every time
one came within sight of him because he didn’t want to fight every one.
He made his way over rocks and around them, getting a bit wet from water spouts but avoiding
detection. There were caves that he could explore even though they looked dangerous but he didn’t
want to explore and get distracted from his mission; it was scary enough and he wanted to stay focused.
He was now right at the center of all the motion, the shrieking and the many wyverns flying overhead.
He didn’t know what to do next because to get any closer would reveal himself and he probably
wouldn’t survive long to figure out the problem with so many beasts. He got as close as he could and
then stayed hidden and peaked around a rock’s corner to see in.
It was like a stone courtyard; natural of course but the wyverns seemed to have picked this
location for its wide flat disposition where they could lounge in sight of each other, the kids could play,
and the occasional wyvern copulating could happen. Morglax kept looking around and then he saw a
man. ‘A man!’ There was a man in his late 40’s in ripped grey mage robes standing among them. He
looked to be bloodied and beaten but he also looked happy and with a smile. He looked like he loved
these creatures, and it looked like they had sliced and gnawed at him.
Morglax was stunned and hid again, but then had to take another look. He peaked back to see
anything else and noticed that the wyverns flew above and then when one wanted food it came down
and bumped or slightly attacked the tattered-looking man and he used magic to create a large chunk of
meat. The wyvern would then take a bite, swallow it whole, and fly off. This man seemed to be
supplying them with magical food. ‘No wonder the wyvern population is exploding!’ thought Morglax,
‘And with them not having to catch fish or general hunt, they have excess energy to harass the Fishhooks
citizens.’ Well at least he had figured it out. Now he just had to figure out how to fix it.
‘The weird thing is,’ Morglax thought, ‘he is bloodied and hurt like they are forcing him to do this
but he is smiling like he is happy, like it’s what he wants even though he is hurt.’ He figured he couldn’t
just kidnap this man because he probably wouldn’t want to come. Morglax had an idea. He got out some
paper and wrote something on it. He folded it into a paper airplane then threw it towards the man;
luckily the wind was coming from the sea so it blew from behind carrying it. It went right into the middle
of the wyvern courtyard and startled a coupled of them. The man noticed it too. 2 of the female
wyverns who had been lounging near where it had landed examined it and sniffed it, then seeing it was
nothing interesting went back. The man looked around and had no ‘customers’ at the moment and went
over to see it. He read it: I am hidden behind the rocks on the sea side of this courtyard. If you are in
danger and need of rescue give me a sign.
The man looked in Morglax’s direction, who had been peeking the smallest bit around the
corner to see but make sure not to be seen. Morglax waved a finger for him. Morglax saw the man take
out a pen of his own and write on the sheet of paper. He then saw the man do a little wave of his fingers
and saw the paper airplane skirt upwind on the rocky ground right towards Morglax. ‘He must’ve used
magic.’ Morglax opened the note and read: I came from far away to be here with the wyverns. They
don’t let me leave but I want to stay. Please leave!
Morglax exhaled. ‘Of course.’ Well, Morglax hadn’t come this way to turn back especially with
the deaths happening because this man liked his wyverns. Morglax considered but decided he didn’t
care and that he’d solve the Fishhooks problem. He summoned some magic, nothing dangerous but just
something loud and sparkly, a firework spell. He put cast a small reflect spell right near the man at a 45
degree angle and shot the firecracker spell at it. It was almost invisible as it traveled in the man’s
direction and then went it hit the small reflective wall it shot straight up in a burst of light and loud
crackling and scared all the wyverns, causing mass panic. The smoke trail that led from the man’s
general direction gave the wyverns the hint that he had just made scary boom boom at them and they
came in to attack. This time it wasn’t scratching and nibbling to them him to feed them, but this time
they slashed and ripped with their razor talons and teeth turned the poor man into bloody ribbons of
flesh. ‘His last meal to them.’ Morglax thought.
Sure it was cruel but he knew the man might cause a scene and get him killed if he tried to get
the man out, and leaving him to keep feeding them and causing trouble for the surrounding area was
not an option. So making it seem like the poor wizard had tried to scare the wyverns was the simplest
way. ‘Sorry’ Morglax thought half laughing, ‘who likes wyverns enough to stay around them?’ He crossed
the rocks back the way he came and crossed the coast to Fishhooks.
“I have solved the wyvern problem.” He then explained why they had become so numerous and
aggressive. “I will take some time for their increased numbers to dwindle, and you may have to kill more
in the coming months to get it back under control, but when you kill them more numbers won’t pop
back in their place and they will be a lot less aggressive because they now will have to go back to
hunting for their own food in the ocean and won’t have the free time and extra energy to harass and
harm you.”
The mayor of Fishhooks then came out, thanked Morglax, and gave him the key to city. Even
though he hadn’t really hurt the wyvern numbers, he had stopped what caused the increase and the
aggressiveness, so the numbers and attacks would go down, if by a little help from the Fishhooks
archers. Morglax thanked the mayor for the key, and went on his way.

Morglax encountered a caravan west of Centra near the Gruhq Highlands and they had way too
many people for just the one cart.
“Why do you travel so many?”
“This is the normal amount for 5 wagon loads, but we were attacked by the dragon that lives on
top of the Gruhq Highlands. It’s been there for 100 years and attacks were last reported 20 years ago. It
must be back awake collecting gold, food, and treasure. We heard nearby towns had been attacked but
we must work.” The caravan leader told him.
“Who is this dragon?” Morglax asked.
“Slaug. Pronounced ‘oww’. It is 100 feet long, red, and maybe double in wingspan.”
“I want to fight it.” Morglax said.
“Ha, ok. Good luck hero.” Morglax heard him as he was walking away say to his men ‘Fight him’
to their laughter.
Morglax left to the Gruhq Highlands. He searched the mountain range’s edge for a door into the
mountains because he couldn’t scale the immense cliffs; they were the tallest in Gorlavia. He walked
and then a dwarf ghost appeared to him.
“Helllooo travellerrr. What do you seek in Gruhq?”
“I seek to destroy the dragon on the top of Gruhq.”
“Then I will help youuu for the sake of manyyyy. The door into the mountain is here.” A door
appeared in the mountain side like by magic. “Followww the tunnel tooo the city-under-the-mountain
Khum Kuldihrrrr. Follow the path to the top of the mountainnnn. The dwarvesss were driven out by
Slaug and made camp in a small nook on the mountainsidddde. They will tell you the rest of the way to
the dragonnnn.”
“Thank you!’ But the ghost had already disappeared. Morglax stepped through the door and
followed the path. It was a dark passage barely tall enough for him and wide only enough for one
human. It was probably comfy for a dwarf but for him it was just barely enough. He made his way in and
found the dwarf city Khum Kuldihr just like the ghost said. ‘It’s magnificent’ Morglax thought. It was a
huge artificial cavern perhaps a hundred feet tall with buildings and roads and stone columns; it was a
marvel of stonecuttery. He found the right path to the outside, not the many which led to dwarves
signature mining.
He passed under a stone arch and the cold wind hit him. He looked to be about 2/3rds up the
way of the mountain. He walked the path a short bit when he saw some clothe blowing in the wind
behind a tall rock. He looked and it was a dwarf camp of a few dozen dwarves. ‘This must be the city
exiles after Slaug woke up.’
“The ghost told us you would be coming, it is an ancient guardian of ours. You wish to fight Slaug
the Terrible?” An elder female dwarf asked.
“I do. I want to free the people in the nearby villages, the caravans, and bring you back to your
home.” Morglax said.
“Thank you, human. For helping with our problem, we give you a powerful amulet. A gift of the
elves back longgg ago when we were friends, like the magic door. This amulet lets you influence our
‘mana’, stone, in a short burst. It only works once so use it wisely.”
Morglax thanked him and wondered how he’d use it. He left the camp and made his way on the
mountainside path. After a bit he made it to the top where a huge open stone arch led into a massive
hall filled with gold, rubies, and various treasures beyond counting. It was like the whole treasure of
world was collected in this one place because there were veritable mountains of shining gold in this hall
on the mountain. It was not all good to behold because in the middle of the huge collection was a huge
red form covered in shadow snoring loudly and deeply. It was Slaug.
Thankfully for Morglax he was taking a nap, there were a few lit torches on the walls that gave
the room outline. Morglax took in the room. There were many massive stone columns that supported
the hall as well as an arch in the back where a dwarf sized throne was, apparently this hadn’t always
been for Slaug. ‘Just a handful of this stuff would make me richer than a king!’ Morglax thought, but he
wasn’t here for treasure. He was here for Slaug. Now Morglax had a choice.
He had the option to use the element of surprise and attack Slaug while he slept hoping to do a
lot of damage, or to wake the beast and try a dialogue. Morglax felt nervous but he wanted a peaceful
option to be had, if not he also had an idea. He saw a golden gong and used his sword to bang on it
loudly. Gwwwoonnnnnggggg.
Slaug opened his eye. “Who enters my lair?”
“To sneak here is death.”
“Would you please stop attacking the people of the surrounding villages? You have enough gold
and people don’t want to die.”
“Nooooo.” Slaug boomed.
“Well I thought I’d ask. I’m just going to take your gold now. I’m going to look around.” Morglax
said as he started walking.
“Stay away!” Morglax ran out of Slaug’s sight and so he turned his head. “Where?”
Morglax appeared by the throne under the arch holding a gem covered gold crown. “This is nice.
A king’s?”
“Put it down!” Slaug went to grab for him but he jumped. Slaug was then under the arch and
Morglax used the amulet on the overhanging stone and blasted. Ppsheeewwwwwww. It crumbled on
Slaug, damaging half his life. Rrraaaaarrrrrrr. “You’ll pay for that.”
Morglax, now fighting a half damaged dragon, felt better of his chances. Slaug had fire breath,
super strength, and dragon scale hide (obviously) which has high defense and is magic resistant. Morglax
using attack and hide to heal tactics whittled him down and won. He was OP. People from all over
Gorlavia appeared like magic and came in to get the treasure of their land; the ghost had told them
Slaug was done. Morglax got to take a tooth.

Cross the desert, find it, get the parts around (as well as from Gorlavia), repair, fly it
Morglax went deep into the Uncanny Fields, farther even than the deep desert where Agiofyllo
was. Out there, there was nothing in any direction. It just went on and on forever. There he found a
mechanical ship in disrepair, parts scattered for over a hundred meters. He collected the scattered
pieces where it must have crash landed and put them back into the chassis. He tried to turn it on but
nothing happened. Some pieces might have been buried, some might have rusted into nothing. Either
way the ship had missing parts in the engine that had clear shapes. He made sketches of the missing
pieces and left for Centra. A mechanic there saw the sketch and was impressed. No schematics of full
sized ships had been seen except back when Agiofyllo had existed, and they had never left their city. The
mechanic was impressed with designs because ships might be made huge by studying it but he gave
Morglax some of the parts and told him where other mechanics around Gorlavia had the remaining
pieces he could find or be made. Morglax collected all the parts, repaired the ship, and got a full working
airship in return. Now he could fly all over Gorlavia without the need of walking.

On the east side of the Infernal Mountains where the stone meets the desert there are vast lava
fields. Morglax was commissioned in Centra to kill the great lava monster which stood 35 feet tall with
stone and tar. He survived the heat with the help of either magic barrier or technological armor. Fighting
the various smaller lava monsters as well as lava hounds and other fire monsters, he found the great
lava monster. He battled it with weapons and abilities, crippling its legs then going for the face. Morglax
had the option to kill it for the reward he was commissioned for, or to enslave it to his will. Choosing to
enslave it gives Morglax a 5% to call it in battle which does huge fire damage.

Youth Potion
A wandering wizard was travelling through Gorlavia and he had the recipe for the youth potion.
Morglax took as long as he needed doing his adventures before going to face the sorcerer and it’s
possible to become an old man. Hence if Morglax became too old going around Gorlavia, this wizard was
there. “Hello, you wiper snapper. I may be old but I can make you young again. You won’t guess how old
I am!”
“What do I have to do?” Morglax asked.
“Get me the ingredients.” The wizard said. Morglax went and fetched them for the wizard and
then met him at his shack in the middle of the Stuash Wilds where he appears only for 2 days every
month. Morglax returned with the ingredients, the wizard made him a batch and Morglax became a 20
year old again: young, fast, and strong.

Desert worm
Morglax revisited the town of Zabosmian in the desert, Uncanny Fields. He saw some of the
people he’d met on his first visit there after waking up in the desert and meeting the mysterious and
beautiful desert girl. After talking to the townspeople he learned that there were nomadic people who
live in the deep desert and the giant worm that kills who get lost too deep and swallows whole caravans
in one bite. Morglax decided to go venture to the deep desert and find the nomadic people.
His camel and his friends ventured far and east into the deep desert where absolutely nothing
exists but the staunchest survivors like cacti, lizards, scorpions, and the rare bird. On the second full day
out there they felt tremors in the ground and then all of a sudden a worm, 50 meters long, yellow like
the sand and teeth like a leech from hell breached, flailing around intimidatingly. It was about a mile
away from them but its size was still terrifying. It went back under but the strong tremors now in
proximity to them said things weren’t ok even though it couldn’t be seen.
“Run!” Morglax said. His team broke in 2 and ran to the sides of where it had breached hoping
to go around it but it could hear their camels’ footsteps, that was how it’d found them. It breached
again and this time now not intimidating but to eat, in front of the group Morglax wasn’t in. It moved
forward and its mouth opened. The people jumped off their camels and ran right towards Morglax while
the camels ran left but wouldn’t escape. It got the camels and just barely missed Morglax’s team. Having
that snack and taken half the team’s supplies and camels, it moved on.
“At least everyone’s alright, except for poor camels.” Morglax said. Now they’d have to double
up on the remaining camels and cut their rations in half. On the horizon though a black figure could be
seen, then another, then dozens. It was the nomads! Morglax thought. They came up to Morglax and his
“You’ve encountered the life giver and survived. Not many are so lucky.” Said the leader, a
strong man in his thirties, “I am Hilgar, this is my cietch or tribe. Why are you here?”
“I wish to beat the great worm.” Morglax said. Hilgar’s cietch all laughed together.
“Well, foreigner, you are ambitious. No one beats the life giver though. Its only weakness is
water but the amount you would need to stop it would be impossible to deploy against it before it
would have swallowed you whole. The only thing to do against it to step lightly, when found run quickly,
and if you are the bravest of men… you can attempt to tame it, but no man can kill it.”
“Then, Hilgar, I would like to tame it. Can you teach me?” Hilgar agreed and took Morglax and
his team back to their home, a great honor Morglax later learned. Here in a rocky patch on the desert
were the women and children of Hilgar’s cietch among the many tents, a whole nomad community
surviving in the deep desert and full of knowledge about it. Hilgar trained and taught Morglax the
method for taming the great worm, using a pry-like metal spike to lift the worm’s outer skin where its
body segmented causing it to turn and get away from the pain, then riding the turn so that you became
on top of it, riding. Then going to its head and putting a pike and each side of wide head with a rope
each one and essentially turning it into a horse by pulling left for left and right for right, both for stop.
Hilgar explained that while they’re huge, practically invincible, and kill on instinct, they are simple in that
they can be guided with facing them in different directions. But, he insisted, “Never take them lightly
because they are simple, because in that simplicity they also with a shiver can kill a whole cietch. Don’t
When they thought he was ready they took him out far from their community with pounders,
devices to draw the worm. Within 30 minutes one came. “Morglax has called a big one.” Hilgar said to
his cietch and Morglax’s team. Morglax put the hook in the segment and rode to the top. He put 2 pikes
on each side of the worm’s head, and he now rode it. He turned it to right in front of Hilgar and stopped
it. “Well done, Morglax!” He shouted, “Now, you are a true desert person and one of us.” By becoming
one of the people of the deep desert, he has full use of riding the great worms when he is in the
Uncanny Fields.

Ancient desert city

Rumors circulate through most of Gorlavia, mostly in unbelieved legend, especially in Centra
about an ancient city in the deep desert that once was more technologically advanced than anything
seen even today—a city run by machines in every facet of life-- Agiofyllo. The rumor goes that in the
ancient days the united elves of the western forests, much more powerful then, ruled Gorlavia with the
help of magic against the relatively weak other races who only had just begun to make things with
technology to rival magic, which the elves wanted to squash because it was ‘unnatural’ as they said but
really just weakened their ability to use magic. The powerful technological nation of Agiofyllo was light
years ahead of the world secluded in their stronghold deep in the desert, but with mechanical marvels
they waged war against the magic focused elves who wanted the destruction of all mechanical invention
and to have dominance with their magic.
Despite how powerful Agiofyllo was, the elves saw technology as a direct threat to magic and
therefore their power in the world so they would stop not with surrender but the utter destruction of
Agiofyllo because it was ‘evil’ as they saw it. The elves though who had ruled the majority of Gorlavia
simply because they had access to magic in a world where technology for most was in its infancy,
Agiofyllo saw it would lose the war and technology would disappear. A last ditch effort to stop the elves
was made with a bomb that destroyed all trace of magic ability in a magic user. It was made without
being tested as the elves made their way into the Uncanny Fields by the droves. The ‘Agiofyllo Device’ as
it was called was detonated as the elves breached the city and it removed magic from all the enemy
mages, it worked. But the device drew on to work. The main mana of Agiofyllo came from the desert
and the heat. The device removed all magic in magic users by drawing unnatural amounts of mana from
the surrounding nature. The desert swallowed the entire city and buried the fighters on both sides. Elves
outside the city survived but lost their magic, everything inside the city was buried. The war was over.
The elves retreated back to their forests leaving Gorlavia alone because without magic they couldn’t lord
over other and technology slowly, without elf interference, began to take hold in Gorlavia.
Morglax decided to find it. He went into the Uncanny fields, farther than even the desert
nomads considered safe where only the few bravest adventurers ever went. Morglax eventually found
metal structural skeletons strew about and building tops sticking out of the sand, ‘Perhaps high rises,
once’ Morglax thought, ‘now buried’. He found a building that looked the most intact and broke the
glass to get inside. He climbed down the winding stairs and walked out the bottom. He did open doors
along the way outside and sand filled in the hole showing him that yes, he was underground, but at the
bottom of the building was not what once was ground level but a whole metal city. It was a city beneath
the surface city like what the elves had thought, what the rumors had been made of what just the
surface of a sprawling civilization underground full of air vents, moisture farming, farming cylinders,
vehicles, and buildings. ‘Agiofyllo had been an amazing city with amazing people, but apparently they
had all died after the Device’s explosion.’
Morglax walked more into the true Agiofyllo and was almost immediately attacked by 3
automatons, bipedal mechanical behemoths 7 feet tall with a blade for one arm and a claw for the
other. They were ferocious, efficient, strong, fast, and deadly. They only had one thing on their mind and
that was ‘kill’. Morglax and his team attacked and ran and then attacked again. They were so powerful
retreat was necessary to heal and then attack with advanced battle techniques. They killed them but not
without injury. Morglax thought ‘They must be defender relics from over a thousand years ago when
Agiofyllo still had people’.
The deeper they went into Agiofyllo exploring and finding useful things the more automatons
attacked them and they had to use basically everything they had to fight back and stay alive. ‘Without
my friends’ Morglax thought, ‘I’d be dead right when I came here’. All that was left were parts for old
weapons and gizmos as well as schematics on how to make various useful things, but not a living soul
was found in Agiofyllo.
Chapter 9: Magic and Tech Together

A grand Centra army of living machines was raised, as well as an entire astral kingdom
constructed full with giant ornithopters, factories, super-tanks, and many other things which could only
be constructed there but which inspired real world invenionr and took the field of engineering to a
much more creative place, perhaps advanced the field (and patents) by years.
Weeks later so much progress had been made includeing reports of the situation in the east:
dire. Sorcerer Razl was indeed bent on the complete conquest of Gorlavia and the unknown continents
beyond using magic far too powerful, though no one knew the source of it in his swampland.
They moved the armies, including the mages, engineers operating machines, and real soldiers a
full army of a united Centra. As they marched east Gorlavians of all kinds joined the cause to oppose the
sorcerer: dwarves, wyvern rideres, some half-ogres, some trolls, ents, a giant, haflings, some gnomes
sponsored the march, gunslingers, minotaurs, centaurs, fish people, knights of many orders, assassins,
elves, farmers and merchants joined to distribute both food and supplies either for free or great
discounts, even the former bandits of Elfspring Forest came (now called the Circle of Friends, ‘Ugh, 2
Swords’ Morglax thought. Morglax wondered if Sorcerer Razl knew how all of Gorlavia was joined
against him.
They liberated towns, cities, and people as they marched east. Eventually they got to the
farthest land in Gorlavia with only the vast swamp beyond. At the entrance Bolitha met the vast army
with hundreds of her desert people’s warriors. Morglax was so happy to see her, Mondu too. She also
had another surprise, from inside a tent a woman in head veil came out and removed it to show Stella,
Morglax’s childhood crush and first. He didn’t know how, but kissed her. It must’ve looked like
something, the once farmerboy now leading an army of dozens of races with tens of thousands.
They walked into the swamp and it was horrible.
The ground itself was unsturdy, the water swallowed many machines, the land even moved like
a labyrnth puzzle and some sections of the army continually got cut off from each other.
Some sank, some water water was poisonous; the air stunk and it was always twilight. THey
walked for days at a slow pace because of all the hazards and changing landscape. ‘I feel like we’re not
getting anywhere!’ Morglax thought.
“Continue onward. He shall not escape us forever!”
Then, after 2 weeks, the fortress appeared on the horizon. They had come.
Chapter 10: No return

Almost as soon as the fortress came into view, things started going wrong.. or worse. Some
machines started breaking, some lost their aliveness. Monsters came out of nowhere to attack briefly
then disappear. Hands came from the swamp and dragged men to the depths. “This land is cursed. It’s
no wonder this land was mystery.” Grinwald said.
They pressed onward with difficulty to the land in front of the castle, which at least had some
more solidity to it, though even the castle seemed built on the wetland foundation-- that was insane!
They moved out of range of any catapults and set up camp for the immense army, though over
half being mechanical could be stacked like building blocks about a third were kept for watch guard
duty. There was some vegetation in the land but so few and sparse merchants were continually
travelling back and forth with huge carts of supplies, all the while trying not to be devoured by the
changing landscape and occassional attacks and ‘hands’.
After the first day the army assembled. Morglax and his contingent as well as other key people
like Grinwald and Gatesfree, along with the banners of the free people of Gorlavia, moved to the
fortress entrance. Morglax shouted, “May the lord of the black land come forth. Let be justice be done
upon him!”
No answer, then the gate opened a sliver. Out came a rider on a 6 legged horse. The rider wore
a helmet over most of his and what showed was a huge mouth only.
“Hello, trespassers.” It said, “I am the Mouth of Sorcerer Razl. You have come uninvited and are
hereby commanded to disperse at once or you shall face the unending armies and wrath of Sorcerer
Morglax, Grinwald, and Gatesfree exchanged glances. “Unending armies?” Grinwald said, “We
found dozens of low level monsters to arrive at your fortress, Mouth, and have liberated most of the
lands your master tried to conquer, the rest which will be corrected in due time. We have come here
unoppossed, now you will proudce your master or we shall come and get him!”
The Mouth chittered, annoyed. “You refuse, Sorcerer Razl?”
Morglax, “Yes!”
It chomped, “Very well.” And vanished, gate closing.
“That went well,” Gatesfree said. They rode back to their lines and a deep enemy horn blew. The
gate opened to reveal Sorcerer Razl’s army-- a collection varying ugly monsters: swamp monsters,
goblins, trolls, ogres, orcs, willow ents, and wyvern riders flew above the wall. ‘This would be a day to
remember,’ Morglax thought.
Morglax rallied his troops. “Today, we fight not for ourselves, but for our families, the land, the
people of Gorlavia, to stop this menace.” They cheered, even the mechanical things, and waited.
Sorcerer Razl’s army filled came out.
“For Gorlavia!” And Morglax charged, army following
The great assault of Fortress Razl began.
The mechanical dogs and dragons got the front first and battled on ground and air respectively,
the dogs going into the enemy goblins and orcs, the dragons fighting the enemy wyvern riders. The main
forces assaulted each other near the middle and began battle.
Forest ents versus swampy Willow ents, dark riders versus riders, ogres verses ogres minotaurs
verses enemy pikers. Gorlavian soldiers wore mostly gold and brown while the enemy was dark.
Minotaurs used axes and hammers, the humans had swords and pikes, the orcs dagged swords,
Morglax's riders rode metal and real horses, goblins had long daggers, ogres and giants and trolls had
clubs or chain maces or metal knuckes, swamp monsters were mounds of vines and swung their arms.
There were mages on both sides using healing, attack magic, and casting imbueing magic on both sides
for focus, speed, or mist for blinding, as well summoning.
Morglax was impressed by the enemy summoners, some were quite elaborate and large (even
the size of trolls), 'I'd like to improve my summoning that much,' he thought.
They battled all day and lost many men, the enemy lost more because they faught many of
Morglax's machines, which could be rebuilt or repaired and given life; that was the benefit of a machine
army. He doubted the narrow-minded Sorcerer Razl ever looked beyond his beliefs to find the wonder
of technology and magic merging... he seemed to like only magic-- a magic elitist.
They fought the enemy back and the remaining forces fled into the fortress though Morglax did
not pursue because there was such defense with catapults, flame throwers, spikes, archers, and magic
wards. Any attempt his glory-seeking men tried ended in death. They celebrated, but retreated back to
their camp.
'Somehow, he would have to break the fortress defenses, but a frontal assault seemed
impossible behind those high walls.' he thought.
The night was full of celebration after having won the battle, though that was all it was. Sorcerer
Razl still remained protected in his fortress as he had that morning, and no one knew how to breach it.
Morglax tried not to think of it and decided to spend the night with his friends and the men drinking and
celebrating. It was a good time, and female entertainers were brought for the men's great enjoyment,
dancing and otherwise.
The next day was a day of mourning for all the previous night's drinking, even Grinwald and
Gatesfree got wasted... both ending up trying to one-up each other: Grinwald with parlor tricks,
Gatesfree turning things laying around into inventions. The men loved seeing such well known people
acting like such children.
Morglax, Grinwald, and Gatesfree ate breakfast and tried to feel better, then sat to talk strategy.
It was a good time, relaxing.
"Now, any thoughts?" Morglax asked.
"We can't assault the front, no matter how many men." Grinwald said.
"We could fly and drop." said Gatesfree
"Too slow, we don't know what his army is inside." Grinwald replied.
Morglax thought, "What if... I snuck. A small contingent, found some weakness and opened the
gate. Then the army rushes in and we win."
Grinwald concidered, "Sure, but where would you ingress. And how would you operate inside?"
"I was trained in stealth as a kid. I can do it. He's over-confident."
"Who would you take?" said Gatesfree.
"Just my 3 allies: Mordu, Sporty, and Morla."
"Very well. I have a special gift." said Grinwald, "It will grant you limited invisibilty with a range
of 3 meters. That will cover your party, it works for 30 minutes once a day, so you'll have to be fast. I'll
send scouts to find the best point of ingress and they'll report to you in 1 hour. Good luck."
"Good luck." Said Gatesfree
"Thank you. See you inside." Morglax smiled.
Within the hour the report was in and said that there was a small out-pipe about 10 feet high
about a fourth of the way around the right wall. That was their best bet.
Morglax didn't know how, but he told his party the plan and they made preparations.
They needed a fast way to get to the out-pipe before the invisibility ran out, so they all squeezed
on a mechanical horses and charged for the pipe.
They got there in 15 minutes and Mordu went first, smashing the gate open and helping the
others through. They were in.
It was dark and tight, especially for Mordu, but they climbed through and were in a market.
They were wearing the uniforms of some fallen soldiers and so blended in. Morglax wanted look at the
stuff, there were potions and magics and items he'd never seen before, no doubt darker stuff, but that
would wait.
They foudn the gate but it was guarded. They couldn't, there were 2 sections in front of it. They
would never get past. They sat at a bar and drank. "What now?" Mordu asked.
They drank more, then Morglax thought of the sabeutor woman from the train. "Sabotage!"
"What?" Said Sporty.
"Sabotage," he repeated, "We find some stuff we could use as explosive in market, and blow a
whole in the wall. Then our army swarms in and we take the fortress!"
Morla liked it, "I have experience with powders. I learned while studying dwarf excavating
techniques. I could find something. It'll have to be big to wreck this wall."
"Good, and I'll look for magic," Morglax said, "maybe i can find a magical way to explode or help
your bomb. It'll have to be big" he repeated.
"What should we do?" Sporty asked for Mordu too.
"I want you to work on a distraction so we can get time to set up whatever Morla concucts. It
might take time and we time to do it unhindered. Can you do that?"
"Got it, boss." Mordu said
They dispersed and went to do their jobs.
Morla went to shops looking for certain combinations which were highly explosive. Morglax
searched the qualities and attributes of the many magical items: shirts, shoes, clothes, accessories, as
well as potions and scrolls. He found some good things like pyromancy enhancement, fire ball explosion,
and cold-lava armor against fire. Mordu and Sporty found a shop for toys and bought dozens of spring
loaded trinkets and then another with mini fireworks, put them together and had a little army of
jumping firework shooters; that would do it.
They all met up later the day. Morla had found enough explosive materials to blow more than
the wall away... though he'd bought it at many shops to avoid suspicion. Morglax showed his fire magic
stuff, a well placed fire ball explosion might work to ignite it. Sporty and Mordu showed their firework
jumpers, and Morglax and Morla laughed. "We like it." they said.
'Things are coming together' Morglax thought, "they just might pull it off." They planned it for
dusk, when things would be harder to see and night watch hadn't started. Grinwald would be waiting for
the signal of a torch in the gateway with the army, but an explosion on the right way would be signal
enough for him to move. Morglax hoped this, tonight it was all or nothign.
Morla mixed the ingredients into a barrel and set an ignition fuse. Morglax decided instead of a
fire ball explosion with was noticable to go with the classic flame imbued grunt. 'i love those suicide
grunts!' he thought
The barrel was set below the pipe, where the wall had the most vulnerability and the explosion
might rupture through the open space the pipe occupied thus openning the wall. Morglax hoped this
Morglax looked both ways, summoned a fire grunt, and sent him to the barrel fuse. The grunt
mosied on his way happily with his fire sword. 'He sort of walked like a duck'. Mordu and Sporty had just
set their firework jumpers and turned their springs in the opposite direction of the barrel, and they
started going crazy jumping and shooting fireworks everywhere like idiots. People were first confused
then thought they were idiots, just being nuisances-- a prank by some young kids. The grunt got to his
destination, the barrel, looked back at Morglax, they smiled at each other, and he put his sword on the
fuse: happy. The barrel exploded a huge "Pkew!" and the outer defense wall shattered into a huge hole,
leaving the market, and the fortress totally exposed to the outside and the invading army.
The onlookers to the firework jumpers now felt a different emotion, a real emotion. Their lives
were open to an overwhelming of hostile aggressors. Things turned from cute to serious in a few
Grinwald heard the explosion first, then looked in its direction and saw the crumbling of the
place where Morglad and his friends had ingressed from. 'Apparently the gate plan had not worked and
they'd gone with sabotage instead,' he thought.
The whole army, including living machines, were ready and on standy for the signal, little did
Sorcerer Razl know, and at Grinwald and Gatesfree's command as acting army commanders, the army
charged forward into the approximately 15 foot gaping hole in the enemies defenses. Regardless of their
archers or flamethrowers or spikes, the army would get through this time.
The made it to within 30 meters before the wall archers started shooting, They had their shields
above their heads and most got through. At the actual wall hole things had slowed because of the huge
army and limited space to enter. Most of Sorcerer Razl's men were stationed near the hole but they
filled through with shields raised regardless, piling and piling in trying to take out the immediate
defenses to allow more allies in through the hole.
The invaders were told by their commanders, who were told by Grinwald nad Gatesfree to first
and foremost protect themselves, stay alive once inside, then secondly to eliminate any enemy directly
charged with stopping ingress through the hole i.e. archers and any other enemies or catapults aimed in
that direction. The first soldiers did just that: protecting first themselves then taking out archers and
catapults aimed at the hole.
They fought and killed many, but of the focused attention of hole-aimed enemies allowed more
and more to enter, thus gaining leverage on the enemy by increasing numbers inside the fortress ie
decreasing the enemy's strength in the fortress. Inside a fortress an archer had much more leverage
than an archer outisde thus increases his value, any soldier inside a fortress increases his value by being
inside a fortress because of the defensive nature, but once a defense is breached an archer is equal to
an archer, and when greater numbers from outside (previously which meant naught because of the
defense) get inside, equality reigns out and numbers are the only important thing. The free people of
Gorlavia outnumbered the forces of Sorcerer Razl's fortress, and once inside, every soldier who made it
past the ingress point became immensely more valuable and thus more effective, thus decreasing the
effictiveness of the sorcerer's army.
The free people of Gorlavia, Morglax's army, got into the fortress with minimal casualties
compared to a frontal direct assault, though lost some due to catapults and archers on entry through
the hole.
Morglax's Gorlavian army swarmed and filled the fortress with his forces, thanks greatly to
Grinwald and Gatesfree's leadership who led the army in his stead. The got an forward base established
within the fortress aroudn the hole and that ended the enemies hope. Now the wall meant nothing and
Morglax's forces had free entrance into the interior. It was number for number and Gorlavia's free
people came and came, thousands upon thousands.
The hole in the defensive wall was the turning point, and soon Morglax's army had completely
overwhelmed the interior fortress and become its master. 'But where is the sorcerer' Morglax
The whole fortress civilization had been overtaken except for the royal inner sanctum. Many
doors blocked but they broke through all of them. The last was the 'throne room', 'a throne of swamps'
Morglax thought, and that they intended to breach. They brought trolls and giants to break it down, and
they thwacked it with hammers and clubs for minutes, then hours... and it showed splintered. They
continued and more damage appeared on the doors. Soon they would be in and likely find the coward
sorcerer cowering behind his fake throne begging for mercy.
The first signs of splintering on the throne room doors showed and they could actually see
inside: nothing, no one. The ogres and trolls continued pounding it and broke the hole bigger and bigger
until finally one door broke wide open and some men got in. THey continued bludgeoning it and the
second door broke open allowing more men in. Morglax, Grinwald, and Gatesfree wanted to be the first
inside and so after a few defense men entered they came in and inspected the situation.
There was nothing and no one there. Then, from behind the chair, a man stood... almost
dignifiedly, smiling. 'Like he had won' Morglax had thought. 'Was that the sorcerer Razl?"
The man cloaked in black robes and purple ooze openned a portal and stepped through it,
vanishing entirely. It felt like, to some, that the entire seige had been for naught if the real enemy got
away. However, the portal remained at least a little while, and Morglax along with his allies and
Gatesfree and Grinwald didn't plan to lose the sorcerer so simply. They wanted the sorcerer not his
fortress, after all. Looking at each other, first they stepped into the portal and didn't know where they
were going.
They became aware of color and waves most immediately. 'Where were they?' Grinwald
Gatesfree knew almost immediately, 'The astral plane'.
Chapter 11: Sorcerer

They entered the astral plane through the sorcerer's portal, though this was no exercise
like the astral engineering machine. They were there for real, fully. Grinwald didn't know what to make
of it, this was the same astral plane but different... it wasn't free like Gatesfree's invention had allowed,
this was like the sorcerer's version of it where he was ruler. How would they win here? Here he must be
like a god, perhaps this was the source of his power and seemingly immense magical power. Somehow
he had tapped into the very source of the astral plane and brought its full magic against Gorlavia.
This would be there challenge, yet, so far they hadn't utilized the contribution of Gatesfree's
invention and his astral kingdom in the fight so far. perhaps it could be of benefit now here.
They had amassed an immense kingdom, full of battalions, factories, dragons, huge
ornithopters, blimps, mechanical dragons, seige weapons not yet invented; so much had built as if for
practice yet here the final battle took place and they had an entire army somewhere.
'To attack the sorcerer's astral fortress immediately, supposedly his true place of power both in
the real world and this, would be foolish,' Morglax thought.
The left where Sorcerer Razl had fled to, the coward, and the searched the seemingly infinite
astral plane for their own kingdom which they had constructed not knowing it would ever be of actual
use or benefit to the fight against the sorcerer.
Gatesfree seemed to have the best intuition as to its location since he had be in the astral plane
the most with his machine. He looked and looked and he eventually started to recognize wave colors in
the background which made his believe he was close to finding the location of the immense astral
kingdom he and his students had constructed.
It was no more than a day... they presumed, when they found the astral kingdom full of armadas
of all kinds of war machines: flying, siege, and ground armies, all the weapons they would need to bare
against the sorcerer Razl.
This final battle would be an astral one, and the forces of Gorlavia had unwittingly built an astral
army that would win the war against the sorcerer on his own turf. He thought he had fled to the place
they could not go yet here was where they built an army even he in his place of power would not
withstand. He had built his astral army from the old physical notion of action and time, whereas the
forces of Gorlavia had realized the true nature of untiy between magic and technology and had built
their entire kingdom with thought and therefore surpassed even the years or decades (whatever time
the sorcerer had spent) the sorcerer took to make his etheric stronghold.
He thought he was safest here far away from the armies of the world, yet here his enemy had
amassed an army he could not fathom.
Gatesfree felt comfortable here, he had spent the longest in this plane and easily organized the
vast constructions of the astral army into war readiness. He made the battle formations, ordered the
fliers into the sky, the tanks filled with operators, the horses ridden by riders, soldiers outfitted with
weapons, the mechanical dogs controlled by tamers, all manner of soldier and weapon readied and
prepared for battle. This would be the final battle against the sorcerer.
When all things had been prepared, Gatesfree commanded them into formation. Grinwald also
helped along with Morglax.
“What will the plan be, Gatesfree?” Grinwald asked
“THis is the astral, we can full frontal, even fly if we want. He won’t win out the day.”
“What if he’s well fortified?” asked Morglax.
“Before we left I told my s tudents to continue working on the astral kingdom. Keep the factories
running, I said. We will have many reinforcements if needed.”
“So full frontal with aerial?” Grinwald asked.
“Yes, we have air transport, groudn seige, we’ll attack with everything from every angle. He
won’t last long.”
Morglax felt better and more confident having heard him. “What if he’s well prepared, isn’t this
his ‘place of power’? The source of his magic in the world? His secret?”
“Yes,” continued Gatesfree, “And we beat him with all his secret summoned power in the real
world and drive him to his last bastion of influence. He has nowhere left to run. This will be the place of
his defeat.”
This was the astral finish to the long game and Sorcerer Razl had brought them here. Here he
would meet his doom, or theirs.
They marched their entire army to the entrance of his astral castle, which even in a land of color
had made look dark with purple and shade.
They brought to bear against Sorcerer Razl all manner of their astral weapons and soldiers as did
the sorcerer. The sorcerer had no idea they could come and follow him there. Morglax believed
Gatesfree, ‘I think he is afraid’.
The astral Gorlavian armies arrived at Sorcerer Razl’s astral stronghold and got into formation.
They had already attempted talk back at the swamp and wouldn’t waste their time. He had committed,
made his choice.
The Gorlavian astral armies made battle cries and shouted and cheered. They felt in the right
against this enemy and felt good would win. The sorcerer was not without his own power, influence,
and army in this place though… and sent out his astral ogres, automatons, mecha-elephants, it didn’t
look like much a army, but they came and came and Morglax’s people sent in their people to do battle
with them.
It was unlike any battle that had been fought in the real world-- all the soldiers were made of
color and it was like a light show. They battled and attacked on the ground and in air, however Sorcerer
Razl had not anticipated any fight at his astral castle and so had not built a strong army, whereas the
Gorlavian forces had made factories and battalions of forces just to be creative and that was now paying
The armies fought, who knew how long time was in the astral plane, and it seemed like a stand
still even despite Gorlavia’s tanks and airships. It was Sorcerer Razl place of power and he used powerful
magic to reinforce his troops. So did Morglax and his side as well.
After what seemed like a stalemate Gorlavian forces started to win and push the sorcerer’s
forces back. He tried to reinforce with magic, strengthening his trolls with physical enhancement but it
seemed like he was tiring himself. Morglax saw he was leaning on the rail of his castle and couldn’t cast
wide reaching spells… he was trying desperately to try and influence the most important of his troops
now, which slowly had less effect with less troops.
Sorcerer Razl decided it was time to abandon the fight and shut the gate even with his
remaining troops still in harm’s way outside, leaving them to their fate. ‘What a coward’ Morglax
They finished sweeping the remaining enemies on the battlefield and then pounded on the gate.
Somehow he had pulled a physical barrier over the castle so fliers could not come in.
Gatesfree’s army, with Morglax and Grinwald, pounded on the gate to let in. They slammed
tanks into it and finally broke through.
“Search everywhere. There will no escaping for Sorcerer Razl today!” Gatesfree said.
Morglax and his retinue also searched… though he headed for the obvious place: the throne
It was unlike any palace he’d ever seen… the color (mostly and shade) made it so surreal and
direction confusing. At times he felt like he had passed the same hall before… the astral wall art was a
After much searching he found the inner grand entrance complete with astral double staircase
winding to a balcony. ‘I found you,’ he thought.
“Come on lads! We’ve got him now!” He shouted to Morla, Mordu, and Sporty.
They went up and low and behold they found him. Yet here wasn’t a powerful wizard bent on
world domination. He was a frail thin man, tired and weak looking, huddled in the corner of the astral
throne room. Without the power of this place, which he must’ve stumbled upon accidentally, his true
nature revealed. He was just a small weak person.
“You will answer for your crimes.” Morglax said.
Seeing his nature, Morglax’s friends felt pity, despite his acts. “We don’t have to kill him do we?
Can’t we take him to jail?” Asked Sporty.
Morglax understood, “You will come with us to answer for your crimes, Razl.”
They cuffed the frail man and brought him back to the real world.
He was tried and sentenced to life in dungeon without bail, but he would be appointed a
counselor to help him.

Having beaten Sorcerer Razl, finding out he had been bullied and felt small… stumbled upon an
astral portal and got much power-- though misused it, Morglax returned to his sister and Heru, also
helping Weedle clean up Middleville. Stella met him there as well and they got married.
Mordu went back with Bolitha to the desert who celebrated in their own Mordu helping save
the world.
Magic and tech continued to be used together, with few magic elitists and technology
superiorists, and many new inventions, technology, and wonders were made.
The destroyed towns in the east were rebuilt, and Centra thrived more and more bringing
transportation across the entire Gorlavia making culture and trade spread thus uniting all the many

They lived happily ever after. Until one day a golden portal 15 feet tall with golden ovals circling
it appeared southwest of Centra on the edge of the west mountains. Morglax was the first to be told
about this...
About the Author

Philip Greener lives in Miami Harbor. He made his first

video game on paper with his older brother at 6, played video
games his entire life, and made his first full-length video game
Morglax in 2016. He does game design coaching, can be hired for
lectures on game design, and can be contacted at
Story of Man - Philip Greener
© April 2021
Greener Creations

Other products by Greener Creations:

1. Morglax - Magic, Technology, Mystery
2. LOT - Life Operates through Tribes
3. Ur LOT - (ios) or (android)
4. Intrigues

Chapter 1) Baby Billy Bob

Chapter 2) Budding Billy Bob

Chapter 3) Boss Billy Bob

Chapter 4) Beloved Billy Bob

Chapter 5) Beautiful Billy Bob

Chapter 6) Benign Billy Bob

Chapter 7) Benevolent Billy Bob

Chapter 1
Baby Billy Bob

Billy Bob Joel was born in the deep south of Dothan Alabama. He was the third son of 4
kids, and his little sister after him. They were Jimbo, Chuckie, and Eliza. They were 3 years
apart, except 2 for Eliza. His parents were Sascoon and Teresa, his father being part native

It was a simple life, growing up in Dothan. They were rich by no means, but it was
happy. They had a 1 story house, the boys shared a room, lil' sissy had her own, 1 bathroom,
and a shower out back.

The lawn was generally in disarray, with toys, bikes, and trinkets strewn across the uncut
grass. It was over an acre with unused forest around them, a long dirt driveway to the dirt road,
trees scattered, and a tire-swing in front. The Joels had 2 dogs and many local stray cats. It
could probably be called the boondocks.

Billy Bob, also ‘BB’, remembered his first memory as being of his parents fighting over a
girl his mom had caught his dad sleeping with, and then Sascoon slamming the door and
leaving. That happened when BB was 2 years old and Eliza had just been born.

The divorce was rough on the family, and Sascoon moved in with Marybelle, the
homewrecker’s name, in a different boondock on the other side of town, about a 20 minute drive
in their pickup. In the following years he helped Teresa with child support-- not missing too
many-- and bringing his kids to his house with Marybelle every other weekend. Life continued
though mostly the same for Billy Bob and his siblings, though now sometimes they had an older
boy babysitter, Tod, when Mom had to work or she didn’t trust the older boys Jimbo and
Chuckie to be responsible enough.

The boys played all day outside, or watched tv, or played video games. They built forts
and weapons and explored on their bikes, and went to parks and the lake for swimming. Eliza
as she grew played with her older brothers as much as possible but lo, was a girl and inevitably
drifted apart for less rough/violent things for more soft, gentle, girlie things; really gravitating to a
close relationship with her mom, even Marybelle, and other girl friends once she got older.

For Billy Bob and his brothers everyday was a new adventure and he loved it. He loved
being with his brothers, and when they were away doing things or hanging with other friends he
was so lonely, but still found ways to have fun like video games, exploring, or playing pretend.
Pretty much the same stuff but by himself. He was happy, had a good home, good siblings and
some friends (more as he got older), parents loved him, they ate good, and he had lots of
hobbies. It was a good life and every morning he woke up before sunrise to start having fun with
his brothers, a little nap in the afternoon (especially once he started attending school), and then
he hardly wanted to ever fall asleep at night because he wanted to keep having fun and doing
fun things. He loved rough housing with his brothers, playing outside, watching tv, and playing
video games. He felt his parents’ love even though it wasn’t traditional. It was a perfect
childhood, and for Billy Bob… every day he wanted to last forever.

After a few years his mom met a nice man and a few years later, around BB being 11,
they got married in a nice old church. Sascoon dumped Marybelle and would go on to date
multiple other women over the years, only lasting a few years at a time, never settling down.
When BB was around 8 he found his first nudie magazine in his friend’s locker, and loved it! 2
years later he found another, a Hustler, in his dad’s closet on one of his weekends and brought
it back to his mom’s, but she found it the day he brought it back.

Billy Bob’s biggest love at this age was video games, and he wanted to be a game
designer most of all, along with an architect… because his grandpa on his mother’s side (and
her brother also) was a foreman and had built much of Dothan. So a video game designer home
builder. That was his dream!

He chased girls once he started going to school and would kiss them against their will,
had a few crushes, LOVED girls a lot… but wouldn’t date any until he became a teen. School
was a bore, a chore, and a pain he thought, and he’d say he altogether hated it if it wasn’t for
the friends he made. They joked all day in class and laughed like little boys do, the girls and
teachers too. They’d have sleepovers and play outside and ride ATV’s and have video game
parties, and look at porn sometimes. It was almost that for them all to go through their change,
but even before it they were all interested! Some of the kids had kissed each other, but almost
no one dated or did sex stuff, maybe because of the conservative christians morals of the
parents and their families.

But despite those morals, all kids grow up and all boys become men. And so did Billy
Bob, like his brothers before him, and so did all his friends (and female classmates)...
Chapter 2
Budding Billy Bob

The growth spurts, the body odor, his farts and poop stinking, his first hair-down-there,
his Adam's apple, first pimple, voice crackling, the frequent and inappropriately timed ‘stiffness’,
the desire to explore in different ways.. Billy Bob was budding! He got stiff everywhere: in math
class, on the ride to school with his family, on the playground, even in church! If he let his mind
wander at all now it automatically went to imagine naked women and his body responded
against his will. Everything became sexual, even people being quiet became cause for arousal.
He’d always liked girls, and wanted to be around them, vaguely knew what sex was about, but
never figured how it all worked. Now since his change, talking to girls wasn’t just about proximity
but about getting them to touch him and to touch them.

Just because he had these feelings and urges now in full tilt didn’t mean he knew what
he was doing. He was still shy and unsure about what to do, his father had never really
explained things to him, though he’d picked up enough. All Billy Bob knew was he wanted to
date and kiss girls and if possible… be alone and touch them. In years gone by he’d even
watched girls in their bikinis from afar at the pool with his mom’s binoculars.

Puberty happened around 12 or 13 for him: armpit hair, pubic hair, a little mustache and
chin stubble. A blonde girl he had a crush right when it started happening moved away and he
felt heartsick. They’d played truth or dare one night with friends under her trampoline, but he’d
been too scared even though she (probably) would’ve kissed or even other stuff. And now it was
too late. He knew he needed a new crush and with her gone he didn’t know who he’d crush on
the next year. But the next year came around and there was an older girl in the grade above him
who also had changed and she was looking REAL good. She had some nubs, booty filled out,
she smelled like a woman! She also was blonde and petite, but fiery as hell, and the boys in her
class maybe felt like brothers because they grew up with her but didn’t make a move so Billy
Bob started sitting with her and the guys in her grade at lunch (she was sort of a tomboy), in
class if possible, picking her for teams on projects and in gym… not very subtle but she was
sexy and for Billy Bob it was a YES! The girls in his grade were either too immature or too
boring/plain/obviously into him that he didn’t even think of them that way.

Billy Bob crushed on this girl, Lexi, all year, but was too shy to make a move. She
graduated into high school, with him having 1 more year, but he invited her to his friend’s end of
year pool party. She wore a bikini, danced for him, and they kissed under the stairs in the
basement. It was one of the best moments of his life! He walked up with her to her dad picking
her up, and he stood staring dumbstruck smiling, she probably laughing how he looked, he
could hardly see her light so filled his mind with happiness he felt like jumping! His first real kiss,
besides the little girls he used to force kiss. Unfortunately shyness prevented him from making
more moves after that, even though they had the whole summer. He called her the next night to
sheepishly thank her but hung up, and saw her once more then that was it.
The next year passed fine, it was nice being ‘top of school’, made new friends with
underclassmen, parties and video games. And he graduated. No girl interests.

In high school, he had to make new friends, and he had a lot less cred than his previous
school because he’d always had 2 older siblings go first. Now he had 1 who would graduate in a
year. He’d never had to really make friends, they’d sort of been given to him and it was scary.
And he still didn’t care an iota about school, just horniness. There were some girls around, but
mostly he stuck to his video games and his siblings, he kind of retreated into himself. He played
games at school, and if he couldn’t he thought about what he’d play later, then he came right
home and played. BB did meet some girls but it seemed harder, though as a sexual outlet he
did notice some cute guys who might be easier… he considered.

Little happened for 2 years, but in his junior year BB finally got some nerve, maybe to
impress his little sis who’d entered high school too, but he finally started making moves and got
a few girlfriends. He dated some, kissed some, fingered some, but never got all the way. He’d
never whipped it out for a girl and was nervous. He had so much love (or dick) to give, if he was
comfortable, or had power, or she was handcuffed-- that was his kink-- he was excited to go for
it. But normal situations seemed boring, unstimulating, at least often, and if he let his sexual
energy out it seemed creepy or overwhelming, overbearing and aggressive. That was
something BB never understood, was that girls loved ‘take charge’ aggressive men but when he
behaved that way it scared girls. A story he liked to say was he was ‘too much man’ for them
compared to most men.

So in high school he never went all the way with a girl, but did fool around with 1
feminine guy and had sex with a gay classmate. Not that Billy Bob was gay, just had urges.

College rolled around even though he didn’t want to, but his mom had saved and
believed in its ability to change one’s life. He went to his classes, got C average, but didn’t care
because he was just loving the girls and freedom. He made out with a girl in her bed his first
night there, he loved it! He messed around, but finally fucked a chick in his peer advisor. They
broke up 6 months later.

He dropped out at the end of year, and still horny applied to be a porn star. He said he
was straight but for money could be bi. It was all dudes, but decent money and experience. He
used the money to pay for seduction classes, he wanted to be a dating coach. He learned the
steps and got a lot of practice, but it didn’t address his pent up energy so didn’t net any fucks,
but gave him an ego as ‘seducer’.

Shortly after, Billy Bob moved to Juno Alaska for a change of scenery, and there he met
some guys who also wanted to get laid and who studied seduction, and they frequently went to
bars and clubs, as well as on the streets and shopping areas, approaching women in order to
sleep with them. He stayed there for about 2 years, also enjoying the natural beauty of the state,
the glaciers, wild life, the aurora, the change between daylight and perpetual darkness. It was a
beautiful time. And he did meet many girls, kissed a few, slept with 2 of them. He was proud but
wished he got more return for his effort.

His brother Jimbo was getting married so he flew back to Chicago for it, then continued
home to Dothan. His mom Teresa wouldn’t see him or let him move back because he’d dropped
out of college which she greatly valued. But he met his mom’s neighbor while he was visiting
her and she was older but attractive and she invited him in for a bite, and they ended up having
sex... for a few weeks. He started getting bored or restless, and moved out of the boondocks to
Montgomery to get a job. He didn't have much money so he’d gotten on food stamps
while in Alaska and got it again in Alabama. It let him not have to work. He slept in a homeless
shelter there also and met a black girl and they started having sex. A few weeks later his dad
Sascoon visited him for lunch there and offered to let him stay in his 2nd house, an unused
storage barn really on a lot a few miles down the road. Billy Bob was still 22.

BB felt a little restless, he didn’t know what to do with his life, he wanted to be interesting
but also for it to be easy and enjoyable, and he realized his parents’ divorce maybe had more of
an impact on his mind than he admitted. He even considered joining Catholic monastery in New
York to help others and find purpose, leaving his home in the middle of winter and making it to
the Georgia border on foot, before getting defeated and calling Sascoon to pick him up at

Spring rolled around and his neighbor set up a trampoline for his 2 daughters and they
looked like they were having fun. BB missed his childhood and felt lonely, so one day when one
of the girls was playing there he went over and asked if one day he could jump on it too. He’d
liked jumping when he was a kid. She ran scared into the house and got her dad. He felt
nervous about how it might look and what her dad probably thought.

“Why are you over here talking to my daughter?”

“I just asked if I could jump on the trampoline you just set up, it looks fun and I haven’t in
a while.”
“Don’t you think it’s weird for a grown man to talk to a 10 year girl?”
“I was being friendly, I just asked to jump on the trampoline.”
“I want you to get off my property.”

Billy Bob left, feeling he’d been misunderstood and felt grossed out by what the man had
likely thought was happening. Billy Bob just wanted to recapture some childhood, the girls
looked like they were having fun and he’d been bored and lonely on his computer every day. He
wanted to clear to the air and went back over to the man, Jeremy, standing outside talking to his

“I feel like there was a misunderstanding.” BB said.

“No there wasn’t. I don’t want you talking to my daughters or on my property. Leave.”
BB felt defeated, like this guy was purposefully interpreting things badly. But he was
asked so he left again for good. Though police arrived a few minutes later and gave BB a no
trespass order saying he wouldn’t walk onto their property again, and for another neighbor with
kids who must’ve talked with Jeremy and got in on it. BB felt horrible.

A year passed of awkward encounters, BB didn’t feel his neighbor was very neighborly
off the bat. The next spring of getting into writing, still looking for purpose, he wrote a blog about
Jeremy saying he probably jerked off to his past porn videos, and that he must have repressed
pedophilia for thinking others were with such conviction. He found that blog post and by the next
day he’d shown it to 200 people, way more people than usually read BB’s blog, and got a
warrant for his arrest for cyber harassment.

BB felt so tedious about how petty this guy was. Didn’t he understand Billy Bob was just
trying to find meaning in his life, and feel better!? Jeremy was the lowest worst people he’d ever
met: vindictive, cruel, and hard, no kindness or humanity. Sascoon bailed Billy Bob out after the
weekend. 2 days later, something he decided in jail, was he’d write Jeremy an apology for the
bother, the ‘big person move’, and he did. 2 days later, after it’d be delivered, a sergeant
showed up at his house to give him a ‘no contact order’ for Jeremy’s whole family and the girls’
school. This broke Billy Bob’s mind. HOW COULD HE BE SO OBTUSE EVEN REJECTING A
BIG PERSON APOLOGY MOVE!? Billy Bob felt totally powerless and hated it. He wanted to kill
Jeremy, hurt him, scare his family. He had rage, he was misunderstood, and disrespected. He
hated Jeremy utterly and felt murderous.

But still, Billy Bob wouldn’t give in to real crime, despite the nonexistent nonsense
Jeremy was so obviously deathly scared of. So Billy Bob would still be the bigger person and let
it go with no victory, no dignity, no scrap of respectability for this silly situation. To channel his
outrage and frustration with it, perhaps along with the other stuff he’d been dealing with before,
he wrote a full length book about being a king with a harem, wealth and subjects. It was a nice
fantasy and diversion, made him feel a little better, but was pissed he had to because of the
shitty situation. After months of setting up court dates for court dates, BB plead ‘no contest’ to
cyber harassment just to get it over with, again saying he was bigger than this little situation and
little petty worthless man, and had a better life to live than this man’s little fears; though he felt a
little cowardly/defeated for surrendering when he knew he could destroy the little man in logical
argument, the petty bullshit incredulousness of it wasn’t worth his focus and effort and energy,
even though it’d only take a little to win. He said it was because his life was worth more than
bothering with little Jeremy. And the funniest thing was during this almost 2 years of being at
that barn, Jeremy’s daughters still played in the street fine and said hi and talked to Billy Bob
regularly, feeling none of their father’s irrational fear, and the other neighbor’s kids sometimes
played on BB’s lawn.

After this horrible experience, Billy Bob moved to Sascoon’s guest house on the back of
his property, Sascoon was really there for him. Billy Bob polished his harem/king book, but then
threw it out because it felt obnoxious. He was 24. He got his first job in years at his father’s
Chapter 3
Boss Billy Bob

At 24, even though he’d worked for months off and on, he started his working life. He got
a job in fast food for 6 months, then quit for stress. Got another job 6 more months then called
off too often and was fired. At his 25th birthday he moved out of his dad’s guest house because
he felt he was too old for that gift. He saved enough for his first car and drove it without
insurance or a license for almost a year, and lived in his car with his computer, a solar panel,
and a hot plate. At Christmas that year, he said goodbye to his family and drove to New Mexico,
and lived in his car for a year there too. His dad had given him a $2000 loan to help him. He
landed outside of Albuquerque and abandoned his car when he ran out of gas money.
Eventually he got another job… for 6 months. Then was fired for disrespect, he seemed to get
bored or frustrated after a few months! He found a park to live in, and hid fairly well, living in a
secret indoor storage area for almost 2 years, but was eventually caught when he stopped
waking up at sunrise, not caring and sleeping in. He moved to Albuquerque central to a
Christian living community with very cheap rooms and he worked for his rent and got another
fast food job for, 6 months. He got bored, frustrated, flipped off a manager for something she
said to another female coworker, and was fired.

Shortly after he took the bus to the Arizona border to a town called Gallup, and used his
savings to buy some land. After a year of getting it approved, meanwhile working various jobs
and saving, he built his first home, rented it out, and lived in the shed while he got passive
income. He was 30. He repeated the process of saving, and buying land, building a home, and
collecting rent 5 times and gave himself one of the houses, this process took him 2 years. He
had long ago paid his dad’s loan back. Now he was financially secure and could survive without
working, just managing and maintaining his properties; he also got an electric low speed
vehicle. It was all he had wanted, at least for himself. But even though he gave his renters good
prices, he didn’t feel that filled-purpose he’d been looking for.
Chapter 4
Beloved Billy Bob

Since Billy Bob was still in his 30’s, he had his own house, his own thousands of passive
income, now he wanted to focus on some relationships. With his financial security mostly
guaranteed, he focused on getting a girlfriend. Before coming to girls with little going on in his
life it had been a challenge, but a more stable man girls were much more open. It didn’t take
Billy Bob more than a few weeks to find a girl he really cared about, and shared some interests
of his. He had always wanted kids, and so did she-- Maribel, quite similar to his father’s
homewrecker, but he loved her. A year later they had a son, Billy Bob Jr., and they were happy.
Another year and they had a girl, Teresa. Two was plenty for them, and it was good.

During this time, living in their own home, collecting rent, while Billy Bob was enjoying
long-term coital relations, he also was focusing on getting friendship and love situation in place.
He started calling his family members once a week to keep in touch and share what was going
on with him and to build that relationship. He also started looking for friends he could do things
with, spend time, eat together, and share life/love with. He still loved video games, and got into
the electric guitar, and found 2 guys who liked game design and well as were musical.

As further incentive to keep them around, he gave them each their own large room in his
2 story home with an exposed courtyard. His life was really shaping up, and he felt much love:
beloved Billy Bob.
Chapter 5
Beautiful Billy Bob

With his relationships in order, his life really falling into place beautifully, his quality of life
was soaring! He wanted to compound his happiness by throwing himself fully into his hobbies.
He was 34. He got serious about game design and worked with his 2 best friends/roommates
couple times a week fleshing it out and designing a game. They also jammed together doing
music a couple times a week, and ate meals together. They had their own girlfriends and moved
them in too, it was a big happy family/community! Billy Bob was the happiest he’d ever been.

Over the next year they designed their game, Arronax, a fantasy rpg, and did the music
for it too. It was hella fun! This continued while maintaining the other things they all had going on
such as their income, girlfriends, and Billy Bob raising his kids. And Billy Bob would continue
into the future.
Chapter 6
Benign Billy Bob

Billy Bob had been doing well, but he wasn’t done. That design for purpose and higher
fulfillment was still there. His happiness was the best it’d ever been, but still. After a few years of
doing hobbies with his friends, and getting into a routine with Maribel and his 2 kids, he found
himself wanting more private, thinking, meditative time. He was in his late 30’s, wanting to think
seriously. He still did game stuff, jammed with his friends, called his family weekly, did his work
on his property and supported his family, but he spent more time looking at the nature past land.

This was his time of greatest introspection and it was much needed from confusion and
uncertainty he’d felt in the past. He never wanted to feel bad again, and he asked these
questions to himself, and God. He read books of many varied perspectives and beliefs, ones he
would not normally be interested in, but because he wanted to follow his curiosity and
inquisitiveness. Just like when he had been a kid exploring on bikes with his brothers, now he
explored the many ideas of the world.

He didn’t isolate himself, for he still lived his life. But he was much more quiet now,
thinking more deeply and before he talked, trying to be more conscious. He put space between
himself and the world more, him and situations. He gave others more room and gave himself
the same courtesy to use his senses and mind more than he had ever done. He contemplated
what was important, to himself and others, what was real, did it matter, were there other
universes, was God real, were people honest, who was he, did he exist before birth or after
death, were animals equal to humans, superior, or inferior, what about plants, was success
valuable or a simple life.

BB took nothing for granted and dove headfirst into inquiry. He tossed thoughts and
ideas around in his mind, it was fun but hard and challenging. He did this up until almost his
40th birthday, meditating first thing every day, and often at sunset too. Nature was beautiful.
More than that it was real, and he loved it. Peace was a joy to him, stillness a love, quite a gift,
the passing of time, objects moving before him. It was nice.
Chapter 7
Benevolent Billy Bob

After his 40th birthday, he decided it time to organize what he’d figured out, thought
about, learned; consolidate his thoughts into something coherent and usable, something he and
others could benefit from. He considered this job seriously, and put his mind to work on
something to help improve the lives of others and make them happier; as well as himself in the
process. He thought what was most important, what of most value/benefit, and he created a
model. Rough at first, too many moving parts, but after a year he had a manageable model, and
another year after he had a barebones equation for how to help people the most.

It was a way to manage and organize the things that make one the most happy, so that
good feeling and pleasure happens every day almost automatically. Once the final product was
complete, he showed it to his girlfriend and kids, his friends, and his family. They found it
interesting, simple, well organized, saw the benefit, though some thought he had taken much
too long in the making of such a thing, when he could’ve been volunteering or doing charity
work. He wanted something scalable all his own to benefit others, something made of his
thoughts, to bring his best to the table for others.

He turned this abstract intellectual thing into an app for mass distribution and application
even a child could understand, yet have huge positive impacts for a person’s life. He got the app
developed on a freelance website Fivver for cheap using foreigner labor. His kids were around
10, and he had homeschooled them their whole lives in things that matter. One of his best
friends/roommate moved away to start his own family, who was replaced by another, while the
other had 2 kids and got his own home nearby so BB still had his trio.

Billy Bob advertised his Life Organizer app with google ads and got people interested,
using it for free, and benefitting by it. People became happier, leading simpler but better more
rich fulfilling lives because of him. He got people so interested in his ideas started doing live
teaching to help people simplify and organize their lives, and streamline their happiness so it
became automatic and the only possible option. He finally felt that thing he’d been looking for,
and it wasn’t about doing anything impressive himself, though some were impressed, but it was
about helping others to find their fulfillment and happiness that gave him his; at least the
crowning jewel on a rich, whole, and wonderful life he already enjoyed.

After teaching his first live class at his home to 8 people, he had a life changing moment.
He realized he had everything, he’d arrived. There was nothing in the world he didn’t have and
no one in the world who had more than him. He had achieved everything there was to achieve
in life, had every pleasure, and that was his accomplishment: he fully enjoyed his life-- he was
100% happy.

His kids grew up and used his app to their benefit the same way thousands of others
had. They moved out of the house and became 100% in their lives very quickly and much faster
(relative to Billy Bob) in their life. He kept on doing the same: keeping his money strong and
growing, taking his girlfriend on dates and having sex, taking to his family weekly, jamming with
his friends and performing their music, making video games, meditating every day, and helping

While it took Billy Bob over 40 years to figure everything out, in the process he had
pioneered and paved a new way for others to follow in his footsteps and live their best lives.
Plus, with the system being developed, it made the next 60 years of his life as easy and relaxing
as following the formula, using the app, to keep his happiness crispifying at 100%.

And that’s exactly what he did. The next 60 years of his life, dying at 101, were rich with
joy and happiness. No matter which way things turned or changed in the world, his model
centered, guided, and focused him on what mattered, and like a program seeking out its
outcome completion, it was impossible for Billy Bob to falter, have a bad day, fail, or feel bad.
He’d designed it that way. He had grand-kids and great grand-kids by the end. He died shining
his light for others, but always for himself first, and left the world a little better than he found it.
Or maybe, helped people just to see how good it had always been.

The 18th Wish - What happens when you wish for perpetual happiness?
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations

It was the last day of Kelly's 17th year on the planet. Tomorrow she was going to turn 18.
She didn't care about the party, she'd had plenty of those. The people? Sure she loved them,
but nothing would be extraordinary about any of those relationships, they'd continue on ever as
before, nothing would surprise or wow her. Sure that might sound harsh and cold to her family
and friends, but it was true! She felt she was still looking for something, something magical,
amazing, something that would blow her socks off! Nothing she'd ever done, as far as she knew
and by all accounts they couldn't, could be the answer she sought. So she determined:
"Tomorrow, before I blow out the candles on my cake and on my childhood itself, I shall wish for
what I truly want. I will wish to always be joyful."

This was her determinism. If what she really wanted was simply to be joyous every day
of her life, what better thing to focus on than joy itself, eternal! She determined this would be the
best idea she'd ever had and went to sleep that final childhood night with a beam of hope
pouring from her heart and closed eyes. Joy eternal, she thought one last time before she felt
asleep, tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my life.
First Day

She woke up to her parents and little brother singing her happy birthday with breakfast
on a tray for her: eggs, bread, bacon, and orange juice. "... Birthday to Kelly, happy birthday to
you!" Then with a breath, "For she's a jolly good lady, for..." "Thank You! Family, everyone. I
love you too!" She interrupted with a shamed laugh.

"We just wanted to wish our favorite lady a happy womanly birthday for the new grown
up 18 year old woman!" Billy, her brother, revealed a little cupcake with '18' on it. Her mother
said, "We have the party tonight at the roller-rink with Gramma, Grampa, your friends, some of
your cousins, aunts and uncles, but while we wait for your real cake... make a mini-wish now!"
Dad lit the candle. Kelly stared at it. Ok, now or never! She looked at her smiling, loving family
one last time.

I wish to always be joyful.

It felt like magical release, a spiritual exhale, a great rush of energy filling her body. But
then nothing. Nothing happened. She opened her eyes and her family was still standing there
expectantly, smiling. Nothing had happened. "Thanks guys! This looks great. I'll see you
tonight!" She smiled, they gave her hugs as they left, and she stared at her food. Oh well, I
guess wishing is for kids, I shouldn't have got my hopes up. She are most of her food, it was
June so she had no school, it was summer break so she could do whatever she wanted mostly:
hang with friends, go to the local pool, the beach, scope some hunks, go to the mall. She felt
kind of bummed out, she figured she'd drive around and see what happened.

She just drove around, not going anywhere particular; it

felt kinda nice just driving even though she was depressed
nothing happened with her wish. She was going over a canal
bridge in her Panama City when suddenly a white light took
over her eyes. She couldn't see anything, just white filling her vision; she slammed on the
breaks and faintly thought she heard a car horn. What felt like days, though probably only
seconds or minutes, the light finally passed and she blinked hard coming back to normal
consciousness. It was strange though, it wasn't like she'd been unconscious or asleep because
in those circumstances it was like darkness took her. In this situation it hadn't been like she had
gone under or away or into slumber, but like she'd been higher, more, more awake/alert than
she had ever been. Even though she felt fantastic, it was like the opposite of sleep, she felt like
waking up was coming down, not coming up.
She blinked hard again. No damage to the car. She didn't know what had happened
honestly. She got out of the car and saw a 60 something year old woman frantically speaking on
the phone, sounded like a 911 call about her. Moments later she saw Kelly up and about, said
something into the phone, then shouted "OH thank heaven! You're alright child! I thought you
overdosed on drugs seeing as your eyes were wide open and you weren't responding. Nearly
gave me a heart attack, not to mention I almost hit you with that break job you did! Never mind,
it's all over now. If you're alright let's get a move on and stop blocking traffic." Kelly smiled

She didn't even know what happened, so she couldn't explain it. It was good nothing had
happened... just then, Kelly was staring at the fat older woman. She focused more on the
woman, something was different. She hadn't seen it when she first got out of the car, but with
her head clearing some she saw a kind of pink glow coming from this woman's stomach. It was
about the size of a baseball, whitish inside with pink hue. Instinctively without knowing how she
knew, she knew this was the woman’s joy. She could actually see the woman’s joy! And it was
the size of a baseball!!!

My wish has come true!!!

Just then, excited, she turned her focus fully external and actually began seeing
something so OBVIOUS all around her she didn’t know how she’d never seen it before! It was a
huge pink lattice of webbings all over the city! It was rich pink around trees, animals, and
babies, a lot less populated around adult humans. Things that before in her eyes, as said by
media, had been very prestigious and full of status, like banks, government buildings, stock
buildings, these were where the finest of pink lines barely made contact, though there was some
fine thin joy in these places. It was the least likely of places that were thickest in joy tendrils, but
indeed there was so much joy EVERYWHERE it was a miracle she had ever thought she’d ever
lack of any of it! She couldn’t get away from it if she tried.

She leaned over the bridge railing into the water below and saw
fish pulsing and throbbing with the pink light of joy. The world was
saturated in it! In human civilization it was more fine and delicate, it
was also very intricate, beautiful, and thoughtful! In nature it was thick
and wild and lush and abundant! The joy was a whole jungle unto itself!
Joy in the streets, represented by the people, she saw what she could call their real self. It was
sort of sad, people’s individuality she realized now people sort of had to fill up on joy where their
lived then travel disjoined from their environment largely, occasionally making contact with joy
around them in a friendly stranger, pet, baby, a plant, the joy of the sun or sky or ocean when
riding the bay. There was joy everywhere but people acted a lot like islands separate and small;
joy the size of a grape in their heart, a golf ball in their stomach, a watermelon in their chest.
Kids often had more joy than adults 10 times their size, but their real self of joy made them
biggest, stronger, and more impressive than most ‘island’ adults. Kids also had limitless supply
of joy because they made contact with this beautiful pink lattice that connected everything
everywhere, whereas for whatever reason the adults protected their little balls of joy in what
could only be called fear (what else, why else would they?).

Obviously she had the superior insight or secret knowledge of this deeper reality or
world, so she definitely didn’t judge, but with it being so noticeable, obvious, and pronounced to
her here/now, what could ever happen to so many people-- like collective trauma almost(!)-- to
make people act so isolated and ignorant of their surroundings, not connect with and touch the
seeming infinite joy everywhere around them!?

She had empathy but also wanted to touch/play/interact with this joy! She walked back
over to this older woman and said, “Thank you for your concern! How are you doing?!” The
woman looked back at her, “Wah wah wah, wah wah wah my kids, wah my grandkids. I love
them so much, wah wah wah. I want them to do so well!” She said slightly teary eyed.

Kelly was astonished! Everything the woman said had been muffled, dampened, it
sounded just like the adults in Charlie Brown as unintelligible nonsense except when she spoke
about stuff she loved, stuff she was JOYFUL about! Kelly could see people’s joy, and only
interact with the joy others’ had otherwise it was gobbledygook! It was actually impossible for
her to see, hear, or even interact with anyone’s pain or negativity ever again; it was like joy was
all that existed! Maybe this was the true nature and not a quirk or aberration, this was actually
how things were, just like there’s no cold only lowering degrees of heat, or no darkness only
lowering degrees of light, there was no pain only thinning and diminishing tendrils of this pink joy
stuff! What a fascinating idea! Kelly thought, No one suffered, they just went to thinner areas of
joy, put joy at a distance, or were connected to it only by thin dainty strands!

With this knowledge, she contemplated, it would be literally IMPOSSIBLE for anything to
ever happen outside of her control because she would always know where she was in relation
to everything she wants (ie more joy) and if she was ever in a thin patch she’d know to be wary
and get back to the thick of it as fast as possible! Things would/could never go off the rails ever
again, Kelly smiled.

She wanted to do stuff! She’d played with this woman, she had joy about her family.
Who else?! She saw a business man; before she might’ve thought he looked important, but now
she saw how little and small his joy was, his real self. “Hello, good sir! How are you today!?”
Almost as soon as she said it, she knew better of it.

“Wah wah wah wah wah. Wah wah…” the man replied. More drivel, Kelly thought. “What
makes you joyful!?” That was the one!

All of a sudden the little pea sized ball of joy in this man’s guts pulsed and throbbed a
little, it looked like asking that question made it grow a little bit! She wondered, if people focused
more joy, the stuff they HAD, does that drive them to be more joyous, connect with the immense
seeming infinite joy around them!?

“Oh! Yes…” The man replied, almost like he’d just come to his senses, “I love my father
more than almost the world itself. His love is like oxygen for me, and every action I do is to
increase the love my father has!” Very revealing! This ‘important businessman’ didn’t even care
about his life, work, or business, it was a lifelong effort for the pea-sized joy he felt when his dad
showed him love. He’d never gone/seen beyond it.

“You’re worthy and have more joy in your life than just your father’s!” She said as walked
past him for something/someone else.

Then she saw a huge corporate looking building, at least 20 stories tall. Perhaps once
been impressive, but it only had few thin strands connecting it to the joy outside and around.
There was a security station inside the lobby with guards, guns, xray and metal detector. There
was no joy here, no strands, even inside the people their joy-- if it could be called that-- looked
like a grain of sand. They were more like hollow statues devoid of life, experience, reality,
consciousness, standing like frozen fixtures in a hollow lifeless hall. It’s like it was empty, there
was no one there except her. She knew there was stuff there, only from remembering the old
shapes and words for things, but now it was like a faint dream. People cared so much for
appearance and surface, sadly they neglected themselves, their joy, emotions, their life,
consciousness, and awareness! They became more lifeless than the way they perceived lifeless
landscapes, which now Kelly saw were the most living and abundant things in this world. In fact
the source of life as far as she could see with those thick meaty tendrils of joy spanning in every
direction infinitely. Ironic, people who thought they lived in a lifeless dead world themselves
became lifeless and dead inside; while those who appreciated and loved their world were full of
love and joy themselves!

She felt adventurous, but also pretty confident in herself, she

walked forward to the metal detectors and walked past them, she
faintly hearing a beep and some distant voices, but walked past to the
elevators on the back wall. She thought she heard voice yelling but it
was so silent and far away even though she knew it was what had
been guards right next to her, but their joy was so miniscule they had
no way of contacting her. She reached the elevator and thought she
could faintly make out the shape of guards with guns drawn, but they
were so dark and almost no joy in them at all. For anything to exist, she pondered, really exist,
joy must have been present in it at some point to take shape otherwise no one would make the
effort: no fruit. At some point a ‘last resort’ device to protect one’s joy had led someone to invent
the gun and combat training, which guards probably had. But whatever minute joy that had
made them once no present company felt any joy at any of them. How could they contact or
reach her in any way? Logically she knew them being big, having weapons they could use, but
seeing the guns as utter darkness, the people seeming getting their ‘power’ or ‘confidence’ from
such invisible things, and her connected to the joy all over the world, she knew they were

Such things would have terrified her before: guns, guards, being yelled at. But knowing
how lacking/empty they were, they were weaker than ants. She stood looking into the dark
lobby with the faint outline of people yelling inaudible words at her, elevators behind her, few
thin strands of pink visible from somewhere in this building. She assumed they were giving her
commands but she was completely indifferent, largely because they weren’t communicating
anything she was longer able to hear. They were like faint ghosts themselves incapable of
contacting the real world thus without power. She stood looking at them for a moment longer,
then got bored, and walked back the way she came out into the beautiful thick pink world. It was
hard to make out, as she looked one last time inside before she left, but given her past
experience of the ‘real world’ as she’d used to know it, she imagined these people were freaking
out, confused, unsure what to do of this happy looking and unaffected girl to their guns, size,
threats, and commands. But the life they had been living for years, and their current life, made it
so despite what they were told to do in those circumstances, they were unable to make contact
with her. They just didn’t have the wherewithal, the energy to reach her, know what to do, how
could they be mean or attempt to dominate someone who seemed like she couldn’t even see
them even though she looked like she tried. And finally, someone who totally embodied the joy
they had fantasized about for decades and never glimpsed in someone tangibly, for real, how
could they harm the embodiment of their ideal self. All these factors Kelly knew intellectually, on
top of what her eyes, ears, and feelings told her, made her believe so firmly in herself that the
‘old world’ with its perceptions/beliefs was fake, wrong, and existed as a thin veneer only. It had
no substance or truth to it at all except as imaginings in darkness (mostly, probably, out of fear,
definitely of ignorance).

She was happy to leave the dark place, the lesson she felt, learnt. That had been the
proof, this wasn’t imaginary or in her head. It had yielded a result that in the ‘old world’ would
have been impossible-- to stand up to trained security (more like ignore them, but not bragging)
and win so easily-- but it didn’t feel like a win or accomplishment to her because it was obvious
that would happen. Without ignorance, and the revelation of the truth of joy everywhere, she
knew how things would wrap up, at least if not in detail how she’d feel in the wrap up which was
as good even better than unimportant surface details.

Back in the joy of the sunlight, LOOK AT ALL THAT JOY!!! She vaguely remembered
she had a birthday party later but it seemed irrelevant compared to exploring this brave new
world. She could already guess there’d be thick pink tendrils between her and her family, thinner
but decent ones with her friends, but she knew what it’d be, and this world had just gotten so
much bigger! Her world! Who knew what she could feel?!!

She found a nearby park, not with google maps, but by seeing huge pink trunks of joy
converging in a single place amongst the sparse cityscape. It was better than any drug she’d
ever heard of-- obviously once she considered it, all drugs tried to reach or
replicate what she had, and this was the real thing: pure, real joy. She sat in the
grass which was so joyful the whole ground radiated a soft but powerful pink
glow. She could see the communication the grass and the trees were having by
the thick cables of pink connecting the ground to the trees, which were like
those bug zappers if humans were the sizes of moths. In other words the trees
were radiant and like beacons of joy, even managing connections across
the sparsely lit cityscape to other pockets of plants, parks, and trees. It was
fun to Kelly then, she saw birds, brightly lit balls of joy dancing with each
other from tree to tree. They look like little cherubim angels and so happy.
Finally there was an intuitive sense of animal collective intelligence, they
were responding to the joy reality, being so joyful themselves, not as crude
and ‘animalistic’ as the nature channel had said “survive and replicate”.
Boy humans were disconnected if that’s what they thought life for animals
was like! That’s how humans actually see themselves!

She sat in the middle of the pink glowing grass, with the huge pink trunky tendrils of
trees. She stared back at the sad cityscape behind her with such tiny but pretty and delicate
little threads amongst the buildings. She stared past the park into the ocean where she saw so
many glowing pink lights from just beneath the surface where presumably aquatic creatures
were playing and dancing below the waves in delight; in fact there was much pink tendrils all
over the place. From the ocean water itself from the animals who lived in it feeling joy for it, to
the trees and seagulls and humans who gained joy from it both at its majesty as well as it being
the source of so much life-giving rain water, the water itself was pink too. The sky had fractal-
like webbings all through the sky for the life-giving oxygen it gave land life as well as the life-
giving carbon dioxide the trees ate in the cycle of exchange between land creatures breathing
and plants breathing. She stared harder at the sun and noticed it too was full of pink light. Of
course! She thought. All life on earth praising and worshipping the sun for its radiant glow and
light which warms our planet and lets life grow. All healthy life on earth properly connecting their
tendrils of joy to their life-giver in the sky. There was such rich pink everywhere, the saddest
most barren places were simply where humans had decimated the landscape for shadows,
scarcity, empty zones of space of darkness, lets just call it what it is: ignorance! Where humans
say they’re comfortable and happy is in fear, darkness, and death of the good things of this
world; others must die for humans to feel free (only briefly).

Wow, Kelly thought, this wish got me serious… I’m never philosophical! But the truth
was laid bare and obvious to her, joy was rich and natural in this jewel of a world, a human life
largely was about living without it, suffering without end for ends without emotional rewards, only
rewards as dim shapes in the darkness of their joyless lives. She wasn’t being harsh, everyone
to be alive must have some joy, it’s just like none by comparison with the natural beautiful world.
They’re almost like demons, killing their environment, destroying light, joy, life, building vague
shapes in the darkness, so they can feel ‘special’ or ‘comfortable’ or ‘safe’ in their bubbles of
death-- it’s like humans want to be the last ones alive, no one else can… Man I gotta stop
thinking like this!

Yes, so she sat in the grass. It was amazing. The revelation of what the world actually
was just was pouring into her consciousness, what humanity actually was. She’d been told such
wrong stories, she was like in a state of unlearning. It’s just amazing. Whatever gods of the
universe exist, thank you for this gift of knowledge! Thank you!

Then she pulled out her phone, still sitting in the beauty of truth, pulled up google earth.
She looked at famous sites: the Pyramids, Great Wall, Buckingham Palace, White House,
Tiananmen Square, Stonehenge. Amazingly, even though people with normal eyes couldn’t see
it, amazingly her wish did affect what she saw in pictures. She could see powerful and intricate
webs of joy surrounding these places. They were places of great human interest and much
human joy associated with them. They weren’t thick, wild, and natural like those in her park, but
they were the biggest she’d seen of human making and very delicate and logically organized in
their structure quite beautifully. Then a thought; she pulled out her phone: Niagara Falls,
Amazon rainforest, Grand Canyon, Himalayas, Great Barrier Reef. Oh..
My.. God. WHAT WONDERS!!! Kelly thought, If god was present on the
earth, these places were god’s presence made real.

OH MY GOD, she continued, the whole world is a lattice network of joy,

of greater and lesser robustness, all connected, all joyful, like the source
of life itself, around it life flourishes and grows. In the dry spots it
struggles and suffers in lack, toiling in vain, wishing/hoping for a better
life, brighter future. The saddest part is humans go to a rich land and make it desolate, so few
get a little bit more while most get much less.

She just sat in her connection to joy. “Indeed, I will always feel joy now.” She totally
identified with it, soaked it in, gave it back out, became one with it. This time she fell asleep, it
wasn’t the white flash, but not like any dream she’d ever had. It was such a bright, joyous dream
with the richest colors, happiest faces. The sun shined, birds smiled and said hello somehow,
the trees curtsied and bent their leaves to her like a top hat, the grass shouted and cheered
“Whohoo Kelly!!! We love you!! Thank you!” The ocean and its animals splashed around in
delight for her amusement, even the sun had a smile on his face. Everyone was happy, except
she looked at people. It was like a cloud sat right above their city, no light shone. Pale,
downtrodden faces, meek weak little smiles on some trying to have hope, some outright sobbing
on the street, even fewer with self-satisfied smirks with arms crossed or confident on their hips
looking dominant. They wore business suits, but their skin was grey and lifeless, and with the
misery surrounding them they looked more like oppressors even with their twisted smiles or
slave drivers. Their little happiness was at the great expense of others. She heard them say
words, “Safety in numbers. Human life matters. Work hard. Protect your family, and your
country. Be successful.” The well-dressed men said this through tight smiles, like wolves
hunting than saviors. This state broke her heart when everyone else was happy. All they had to
do was walk out of the cloud cover, but any who tried were pulled back, “Safety in numbers.
Human life matters. Work hard. Protect your family, and your country. Be successful.”

She woke up, what a weird dream. It was happy, like real life, except the humans. It’s
like everyone was with the program except humans, living small dark lives obsessed with
materials, surfaces, and stuff, devoid of internal joy, light, or substance. Like everyone stood
happy in the light of day, and humans huddled and cowered in deep ravines and dark caves
intentionally avoiding the sun. The only reason she could see was survival: work hard to not feel
fear, destroy life to feel like they could kill their own mortality and live forever, become efficient
enough to never have famine or drought, always be fed and protected. But in those efforts they
become tired, too little result for work, fighting darkness they live in it, lose joy, become dark,
focused on surfaces and materials rather than light, life, internal joy.

She thought she was thinking the same thing, trying to make sense. The next logical
step, if I love joy, want to chase/feel it always, she thought, is spend as much time in joyful
places, like nature, figure out the shelter/survival/food thing. Who knows, maybe if I’m joyful it’ll
take care of itself. Buddha figured it out, owning only a robe and an alm’s bowl, and things
worked out.

Would she really go through with this? Well look at the alternative, not chasing joy, living
surrounded by it, the alternative was living as a ‘normal’ human with ‘normal’ humans in the
buildings, ‘society’, and jobs, with almost no joy in darkness. Even though it was a departure
from everything she knew, joy was paramount and her only choice. Food, housing, sex, survival
is all just to enjoy joy another day, so just enjoy joy!

She decided she’d say goodbye to her family at the party, that’d be her last normal
human thing, then she’d follow joy. She arrived at the roller-rink at 5pm, thanked everyone, ate
a bite, but they didn’t look the same. The place was dark, the people vague shapes, there was
some joy, but it was so specific to context it meant almost nothing, not like the trees, animals,
ocean, sky, or even children who felt it for itself. “I will be moving, thanks for your contributions.”
She left at 5:30pm. They didn’t understand, but that was understandable; she didn’t understand
them, they weren’t recognizable as vague shapes in darkness. Even her family, the kinship joy
was weak. Being outside she felt joy again, the sky web, the sun of pink, pink ocean/plants. I will
feel joy everyday of my life, a promise and observation. She went to the park by the ocean and
fell asleep in bliss.

She woke up to a rainbow sunrise, and the sun came up pink. Opening her
eyes, pink grass glowed under her, thick tendrils of trees and the pink connection
between them across the whole city, the sky web, ocean glow, she smiled and fell
back asleep in heaven.

A bit later she woke up, she was so joyful. It felt like sacrilege to feel this
good and do nothing, try so little. I don’t think any action could make me feel better than I feel
right now. The real sacrilege, she considered, was she hadn’t experienced this until now and
had been so sad and depressed for so long-- except briefly as a kid til adults trained the light out
of her and darkness in. This is how life is always supposed to feel, she realized then, everyone
is supposed to feel. She cried a little bit for all people who lived without it, what an isolated,
horrible, sad, lonely life. She thought, Humans have the best nightvision of any creature, for
thtey can live joyless, dark lives longer than any other. But she also cried for herself because
she finally had everything she could have ever wanted: joy sight and connection to it. Oh thank
you gods who granted this wish. I praise you always!!!

She spent 7 days days there, some dark shapes approached to give her food and she
took it, but if they wanted more she just treated them well and they ran off. She must look like a
force of nature, intimidating to dark creatures, because she was tuned in to nature’s joy. People
would rather die than be happy: funny but sad. It was a great week.
Week 2

After the week of playing in the water and laying in the grass,
talking to the trees, laughing with the birds, basking in the sun. She felt
like been on a spa vacation, but again, better than that: a spa tried to
reach joy whereas she had it directly. Joy was everywhere she could
never run out, her own body was still acclimating to the new vibrational
frequency. Her joy had definitely increased but a lifetime of living in
darkness would take more than a week to get back to where she should
be at this point in her life: not as joyful as a kid, but a kid plus many years, greater than a kid. A
joyful human adult, what a rare and wonderful site!

She felt better than she’d ever felt, even rivalled feeling memories of her best childhood
memories, she wanted to bask and catch up in it. She thought of going somewhere, but it’d be
the same as here, joy. She stayed another week, swimming in the deep ocean, listening more to
the trees tell their joys, the grass too, and birds in their excitement. She listened to the sky and
all the joys it told, the sun and the things it did, she listened to the richness of life and it filled her
with glee.
The 18th Wish

After that she decided to move away from the city, to a more wooded area. It was great
in the wilderness. It was never scary, even as a girl, because no matter what-- just like in the
building lobby-- she could communicate with people’s and animals’ deepest joyful self, and
shadow never violates joy. Only joy could stand her presence now, and vice versa, and she was
so full. She got more in communion with trees, plants, animals, nature, earth, sky, water, sun,
even some people, their joy brought them to her.

She was joyful, nature did that, life happened naturally. Better people came in, watching,
listening, learning, like nature in human, but she didn’t care. Joy was joy, she had lots, and
human, tree, or squirrel, she loved it. She wore a robe, had a bowl for eating, and lived the rest
of her days in joy in the woods, in the ocean, in joy everyday of her life. Death eventually came
at 83 years old, but that was a fake word with no meaning. She sensed a light filling her to burst,
like she would shed the limitation of finite flesh and explode into pure joy light soon and never
again return to the physical but remain as the eternal joy-stream present for all life as joy itself; a
desolation of any false identity as anything except only thing: joy. As her life slipped away into
radiant light, the joyful beings she had lived with surrounded her, cheering for her change. “Go
Kelly Go!” She loved them, all the joy she had in the world. Truth is the highest gift. As her
physical consciousness slipped away, her eyes wide open, she slipped out of her body and saw
the truth of what joy really was, that even with her decades of living in joy she’d only seen the
surface of. Even the darkest scarcest places, the mostly human places, even
the great emptiness of space, there were all just slight divots in the greater
whole of a permanent, invincible, all-powerful omnipresence of living
conscious joy. This is what Buddha called parinirvana, the bliss beyond
beyond bliss, life after life. But before she slipped fully into this
ocean/planet/ball, she remembered it all started with her 18th wish. Then she
slipped into consciousness/truth, the source/fullness of joy, merging forever
in it.

Going along with the story you see through Kelly’s eyes, but here’s how to grant this
same wish to you.

1. Ask yourself, “Where in my field of view, is my

location for certainty,” or, “The thing I’m most
certain of, where’s it located?”

2. Ok, where is “see joy” located?

3. Ok now move “see joy” to the place of certainty,

and you will.

Also as a supplement, is the Joy App for android at a guide to how you
want to feel.
Fractal Healing: A reverse cascade of unburning
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Heal Self

Chapter 2) Heal Parents

Chapter 3) Heal Family

Chapter 4) Heal Society

Chapter 5) Heal Life


I’ll be using a client’s story (using different names) in order to describe the healing
process. We’ll be delving deep into the self, and then going on to healing the parents, the family,
onto society itself, and life as a whole. The fractal part of this is that the personal problems any
person faces are mostly identical (if slightly different) to the problems of others on every scale.

So the theory goes that if we can find a personal solution for you, we in fact have already
found the solution to help your parents, then your greater and historical family, then all humans
in general where your ancestor family has bubbled up from, then onto the healing of life itself
and a-- sort of-- universal understanding and forgiveness for all living things. By understanding
fractals, and the interconnectedness of the context of all aspects of our lives with all others lives,
infinitesimal changes in us can change humanity and in fact life itself, healing pain going back
thousands even millions or billions of years.

That’s the humble attempt of this book.

Chapter 1
Heal Self

This is the story of-- let’s call him-- Bob. Bob was a client of
mine and it was a particularly vivid story, with a clear ending, so he’ll
be a great example for the reader to go through the same process

Bob was born into a family with some money, upper middle
class to upper class. His father was an investment banker and his
mother a socialite. When Bob was 1 year old his father sucked his dick for about 60 seconds
max, not long, and he didn’t remember it even until his early 20’s when he was more or less
going out on his own. He’d been told by many people “You seem like you were molested when
you were young” but he hadn’t remembered it ever, until then. The thing he’d felt traumatized
his whole life about was that his parents had been divorced when he was young, he felt he
came from a broken home, wasn’t worth much, etc. etc.

So he summed up his issues as 1) brief sex abuse, and 2) child of divorce. Even though
he had a childhood most in the world would be envious of: family with properties, lots of money,
private education, christmas home, nice clothes, mercedes, porsche, country club, it didn’t
mean much to the emptiness inside. Bob’s dad, even though rich, was a creep, and everyone
knew it. He would take pictures of little girls in public, at waterparks in their bikinis, women up to
40’s they were buxem, mostly young girls, 20’s, kids, even though newborns in strollers. If the
parents asked why, he’d say “For fun!” It was horrifying for Bob how openly and obliviously
creepy his dad was. On a vacation in Europe they’d rented 2 rooms for all of them. Bob’s
brothers joked about their sister “Dad and you can share a room” and she practically turned
white in fear, “No, guys. Please.” We knew she’d hate that and Dad had hidden excitement
about it, but no one ever talked about it and how actually dark those undercurrents were,
despite everyone being aware they existed. It’s just how it was, and no one questioned it. He
probably had abused her at some early point was the implication. What daughter is terrified of
being alone in the same room as her father? I’ll leave that answer to you.

On top of the creepy clothed pictures he took of girls and kids in public, Bob had found
nude children ‘art’ in his closets, as well as heard rumors from his mom’s side of the family he’d
done nude photoshoots with girls, who knows the ages. I mean in public he was taking pictures
of newborns, what kind of twisted mind puts that in the same category as little girls in bikinis
even, with 20 year girls in bikinis, and 40 year old buxom women? Never guys photographed,
despite Bob’s memory of the brief blowjob.

Anyway, his mom had gotten in with him because she had felt neglected with her own
father, her one of many daughters, and him loving his son most. Bob felt she decided on status
as a second if she couldn’t have love. So at 18 she met the older man who had just begun to
become successful in banking, she liking his promising status, he liking her youth. They got
married, she got nice things, he got a young girl. After a few years they started having kids, she
got used to it. It wasn’t super thrilling or satisfying anymore, he also noticed her getting old, 20’s
came, then 30. They had 4 kids, he felt she nagged all the time, had become masculine and
nothing like her charming, young, feminine, demure self… the one he’d married; and she spent
all his money. She saw him as a sex-obsessed creep who didn’t love her but only wanted
money and sex and the appearance of status. In many ways they were ideally broken mirror

But eventually she had enough, he had enough too. He felt the divorce coming so he
filed first. She took half, got the kids, he paid child support and saw them twice a month. Her
parents told Bob horror stories but about his dad kicking her while pregnant with his little brother
because he didn’t want any more kids, hidden cameras in bathrooms, other women, etc. It was
hard to know what was true.

Bob didn’t know much about his dad’s past. He knew he’d been in some argument with
his dad around 18 and had left home in Colorado and moved to Florida to start his banking
career. Bob’s dad had become richer than anyone in his family, but seemed an outsider while
everyone else still lived together. Bob summarized there must have been abuse in his childhood
to be so strongly motivated to get out of his family, be so successful, and be so creepy--
seeming stunted in childhood, even infancy (with the newborn pics). Well adjusted people don’t
do any of those things. And yet, somewhat impressively, nothing bad (beyond the odd pictures)
ever solidified, no big bad thing ever happened, the success was real, he never broke down or
felt guilt or said anything. It was like a surface of calm with all these weird clues and many
rumors to something else, but nothing ever synced up. The feelings and appearance always
seemed mismatched, but never resolved.

The only thing Bob could surmise, the only thing that made sense, was someone was in
great fear, and putting on the performance of a lifetime. How else could things seem so normal
yet feel and sound and look (under closer inspection) so horrible and wrong. The burden was
landing somewhere, and the obvious culprit was his dad.

If that was true, then in all probability he was abused, probably roughly: sexually,
physically, emotionally. It shattered him completely. Some inner strength, hatred, bitterness,
resentment, whatever you want to call it rose up in him to not be overcome by it. He determined
to be its better, and the better of those abusers, would go alone into the world and through will
become materially successful-- more so than them-- and that’d be his revenge. He never talk
about being a victim or abused, but that unresolved stuff spilled out unbidden because he
needed emotional satisfaction. He’d become a man but was internally stunted, hence looking at
newborns, little bikini girls, his own child abuse, continuing the generational cylce of abuse, and
whatever else.

Bob had originally come to me because of unresolved feelings and conflicts in him. He’d
confessed to having pedophilic thoughts and feelings, never acting on them, but was nervous.
In the course of talking about this he revealed the story about his childhood and parents’
background. He admitted something profound, “I want to love myself, be successful, move on
with my life, but how can I when my parents-- especially specifically my creepy dad, even
though he’s “successful”-- are so fucked up. How can I be a good person if I come from them, a
pedophile and someone who loved a pedophile. If he is a pedophile as it seems, how can I ever
be something good, my whole body/self is tainted by that sick past!”

At first, I did see how it was a conflict. To love himself, he had to figure out a way to love
where he’d come from, his creators, his parents, who had this dark part about them he couldn’t
resolve. “How can I find a positive about a pedophile father?” This was his chink, he couldn’t
move on with his life because to be good he had to love what he was, but he felt his creators
were sick and inferior.

The way I started his healing was to say definitively, “The problems you have, while
definitely are connected to your own past lives and karma, hence you being born into this
situation, are also largely at least on the surface not of your doing. These are faults of your
parents, and while you did attract this family so you are involved here, they didn’t fix their
traumas. They didn’t make good decisions, they postponed, covered up, sought status,
appearance, materials, rather than healing.” So that was his first step, see how he didn’t create
his parents this way, they created their own life experience.

He was involved in the creative process because he was an energy match to this family,
but that was where his responsibility stopped. His parents hadn’t solved their problems, his
mom hadn’t figured out her love issue and married a man for man. His dad had chosen money
over healing his pain, and gone on to hurt more people included his own wife and children.
Those weren’t Bob’s choices, so he could put the buck on them.

That was the beginning of Bob’s healing. While he was connected to his parents, he
didn’t make their bad decisions for them, that was on them, their karma, their responsibility, and
he wouldn’t have to answer for any of them, they would. While sounding cruel and harsh to
compassionate Bob, it made him feel tons lighter, like his burden was almost completely gone.
But it hadn’t been fixed yet. He still did love his parents despite it all, and wanted healing. He
wanted to see the journey through to the end, figure out their issues or at least their solutions,
and be better for it. He didn’t want to write them off as shitty then go live a happy life. He felt he
was better than them who had tried to do something similar, rather than looking into healing. He
wanted to fix things, so he wouldn’t stop with just knowing they were the fucked up ones. He
wanted a better truth. Where they got some healing/relief too. He would be bigger/better than
Chapter 2
Heal Parents

With Bob better towards himself, we looked at his parents. We knew

their problems: his mom didn’t feel loved, and his dad had to have been
abused as a kid hence the overcompensating/creepiness. Already
understanding easily became empathy and compassion for Bob. A useful
quote from Buddha, “When you know everything, you forgive everything.”

Bob had healed himself by seeing it was bad decisions made on the
part of his parents. That made him feel better. Seeing the pain and turmoil
they must have been in to make such bad choices, he began to have
empathy for the ever greater pain that must have been inside them. “People
make the best decisions possible with the options they have”, and “Everyone has positive
intent.” 2 important insights. No one wants to be bad, no one intentionally has bad intentions;
everyone makes the best decision with what they can do, and has positive intent. Even Hitler
thought he was making the world a utopia.

So back to his parents, neither of them were being malicious or cruel, they were doing
their best but from a place of suffering, misunderstanding, and lack. That’s pitiable. His dad’s
trauma must have been severe to sever connections with family, leave at a young age, become
so successful, and still live in fear and darkness with the creepiness spilling out unresolved--
role reversal style, unprocessed emotions, etc. Must have been a constant war inside. Same for
his mother, just wanting love, feeling it out of reach, then going on a side/tangential journey of
material stuffs as a second option. Quite sad neither could get what they actually wanted, feel
how they wanted, heal themselves.

But as with Ho’oponopono, and Law of Attraction, once Bob saw the truth of their lives,
got understanding, empathy, they could feel it even across distances. His parents changed
without anything else. The healing, at least in all interactable ways to Bob, had taken place for
his parents. The truth was out, the healing couldn’t be undone. He had just never investigated
into them much, expecting any important truths for them to reveal. “Why would anyone
purposefully conceal truth? '' Bob had asked. “Some people live that way.”

So they had been traumatized as children, and therefore their actions could be forgiven.
Understanding, pity, and compassion took over almost automatically, once the truth was known.
The way they had traumatized Bob, was the near identical way they’d been traumatized as
children by their families. They weren’t malicious or evil-- it was actually exactly a fractal--
without knowing any better or being more aware than their circumstance, it’s actually the most
common and basic thing to do is continue the generational cycle of abuse. It takes a superior
person to be aware of it and make better decisions, even the animals can lash out and vent,
creating more pain because of the pain they were caused. That’s the way of the beast, and
humans 95% of the time are no better (despite their protestations).
His parents were evil, they were just ordinary, doing ordinary things as any abused
person does. When the opportunity to reverse the roles and play the part of abuser, most
people jump on the opportunity to continue their suffering another generation, not aware others
will feel the same horrible pain they felt as children. They’re just obeying their emotions and
want the pressure out. That’s how it continues for hundreds or thousands of years, no one
thinking, pain multiplying out.

So Bob forgave his parents for being so ordinary, they were just like anyone else in that
situation inflicting the pain they hated on a new generation, taking care of themselves. It was
quite cute and innocent, childlike in fact. After being punched, a kid often punches back. How
could you hate such a child? So understanding healed his parents and let them off the hook.
Bob wanted to be the one who broke the hundreds or thousands year cycle. He didn’t want to
be ordinary, basic, a beast, and just abuse again. He would be better, superior, smarter.

But then who were to blame if not his parents? It would be his greater family, the ones
who had abused them, as well as perhaps simply adults in their orbit. But if so, their family had
allowed it on purpose or accident and thus had blame regardless. It was the ancestral family’s
fault for his parents pain, who caused him pain, specifically his mother’s parents who had
inadequately loved their daughter, and whoever abused/broke his dad-- perhaps his father with
whom he had such strife/conflict with.
Chapter 3
Heal Family

Originally Bob had felt alone in his pain, self-indulgent,

isolated, but now it seemed that he felt that way only because it was
his parents fault. Truly. But then they also were forgiven because they
hadn’t made bad choices but been put in bad circumstances by their
families; so they weren’t to blame either. It was the greater family’s
fault. Bob’s grandparents, that 2 up generation, the highest most kids
know. No one has access to their great great x5 grandparents. Those
generations are in the past, yet the tides of their actions ripple into the
present and future in the form of the generational cycle of abuse
which can last thousands of years-- until one such as Bob breaks it and doesn’t repeat. Bob’s
grandparents had always been generally nice/sweet, but that’s the way of things, they don’t
have to show their real selves to grandchildren, it’s mostly ego that “the family I made
continues”, it’s not a real relationship. If you asked your parents, they could tell you (perhaps
with tears in their eyes) what your grandparents were really like. That’s the hidden reality that
Bob was beginning to discover about the context of his parents’ upbringing, the environment his
grandparents had made.

It was their fault. They hadn’t fixed the problem, they had perpetuated it. They had
passed pain on into the next generation. This one was easier for Bob to figure out. This
generation hadn’t had the touchy feely, fruity tooty, soft, easy peasy life he’d had. They’d been
fighting actual Nazi’s and saving the world in a great war. This generation, perhaps like many
before it, hadn’t had the luxury of such an cushy, aware, and enlightened lifestyle as Bob had.
They’d been legit trying to survive war. And wasn’t that always the way it went, pain is justified
by survival. When survival is on the mind, things get desperate, selfish, short-sighted, small-
minded, people don’t think rationally with good intent but only care about avoiding or beating
danger, getting food, and continuing the family.

These people weren’t dumb or immoral, they just had harder times and only had the
ability to survive, struggle to stay alive, not much else, it was too hard. At least that’s the story
they believed. Definitely Bob and those of modern generation had more free time for intellectual
pursuits, such as sorting out trauma and healing things. From the greater family’s perspective,
they had to fight for their family’s survival, be present to the times they were in, stay alive.
Obviously if healing was valuable to them, or high-minded stuff, they could’ve made time, but
who in their environment was showing that example? They always had Jesus and priests, but
other than that their daily interactions were with other survivors. At the very least it’s

So whatever environment Bob’s parents grew up in via his grandparents’ childrearing,

they weren’t intentionally abusive but more neglectful and preoccupied elsewhere; and if they
were it was likely to make their kids tougher out of love so they’d protect themselves, be strong,
and survive into adulthood amid a dangerous world (their words). Even harsh parents love their
kids, and often its in seeing the world as dangerous they make their kids tough so they’ll stay
alive. It is positively intended.

So it wasn’t Bob’s grandparents’ faults either. They were doing their best looking out for
their kids, they’d probably say “Sorry we weren’t so airy fairy perfect according to your present
standards!” And they were right. Things we do now with little awareness might in the future be
judged as cruel or evil without our intent. Now, like back then, we made our best choices for
what was relevant going on. So if it was no one living at fault, there probably was a hundreds or
thousands year generational cycle of abuse that had been going on behind the scenes, always
under the guise of “hard times” and “survival”, no one helping, no one fixing. But it would be
fractal of the present pain and near identical in nature. Whether back 10, 100, or 1000
generations, it there was abuse in Bob’s ancestral family, it would be “Hard times, survival, other
concerns, be tough, harsh world.” Wallowing in their pain and struggle.

But were any of them at fault, even thousands of years ago? If they’d been previously
abused, and those around them were in pain struggling/fighting for survival, not caring about
happiness or fruity tooty ‘emotions’, trying to be tougher than others in a tough world, with few or
no positive examples of something else or better, none of them could be. They were all of them
victims of the generational cycle of abuse, unbroken, unimpeded, ingrained in each family
member closely or distantly, but always present. But if it didn’t come from the family, where
else? If Bob’s family had always been part of some abuse cycle, when did that start? And who?
Perhaps it came from without, from the environments the families grew up in outside the home.
Chapter 4
Heal Society

According to science, the earliest human tribes, communities,

cooperative social groups happened hundreds of thousands to a few millions of
years ago in Africa. They were nomads, had tools, used fire, and in greater
numbers could coordinate better attacks against larger and more deadly
animals. These were the first societies, even before settling down,
domesticating, farming, setting up permanent structures, they followed the
herds. We know modern human history and the first cities and towns are at
most tens of thousands of years old.

Obviously the way reproduction works, Bob’s human ancestors and

family would have been present somehow in the earliest humans, and his like
everyone’s ancestors would have been present somewhere at the earliest
human civilization just like everyone’s bacteria ancestors in some form would have been around
billions of years ago at the first life on earth. Everyone ultimately is cousins because of the
universal common ancestor as bacteria in the hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean
where life began. So where Bob’s ancestors’ pain cycle began would have still been involved in
the family, it also would have involved some society factor and thus connects Bob’s specific
family to the greater humanity which everyone’s a part of-- not in isolation. In other words, part
of this chapter is still connected to the previous family chapter because this is about Bob, but it
also includes the society aspect to his story. Society was also surviving and growing all along
side by side with Bob’s ancestral family, but it hadn’t played much part or been included in the
awareness until now.

The environment his ancient family had grown up in hadn’t been their own creation
(except insofar as, like Bob attracting the family he was born into, they had attracted the society
they lived in), it had been made by forces outside their control, for the good of the group,
decisions made by the few in power, to make the society function and benefit them. Yet
regardless, anyone who stayed obviously felt it was better than the alternative of being outside
the society, which was and always would be an option. Even in those early days, they were
figuring things out, learning about the world, trying to make a good life themselves, figuring out
cooperation, social living. Living with predators, bugs, disease, weather, famine, drought, these
ancient societies were surviving. Before this they’d been subhuman, with the early signs of
promise like big brains and opposable thumbs for manipulating things, but without social
cooperation were just another animal on the plains of Africa fighting for survival.

There was joy and pleasure, Africa is a beautiful place and living side by side with non-
dangerous animals was nice, surrounded by nature, eating til full then lounging or playing the
rest of the day like any animal; it was a beautiful existence. But with society came rules,
obedience, group mentality, a sense of hard work and responsibility, compromise, living with
things you didn’t like. For the group to work, some hardness was imposed, punishments,
behaviors, planning, schedules, counting. With the added benefits, there also were drawbacks.
The societies weren’t perfect, they were doing what works and figuring it out as they went along;
there hardly was a manual for how to do it, and humans are still figuring out the best way
thousands of years later! The balance between rewarding the elites as inspiration for greater
contribution, and keeping the masses happy and comfortable enough to keep doing their
menial, laborious part.

So that some inequities and inequalities happened in society, some wrongs, injustices, it
was probably inevitable. Everyone in society agreed it was better than being without; better to
have a job, group protection, do your part and be part of something greater than be in control
but alone. Most anyway. So if it wasn’t Bob’s ancestors fault for the abuse cycle, society must
have caused it. Being harsh, cruel, selfish, it abandoned some people, betrayed others, cheated
some, decieved others; it was to blame. Society had hurt or wronged Bob’s ancestors and put
pain in them.

But again, we already saw they were imperfect people doing imperfect things, figuring
society out as they went along. They weren’t malicious but doing a juggling act with best of
intents. The elites were taking care of themselves, rewarded for their greater contribution, as
well as keeping society functioning, cooperative, and harmonious for the group. Everyone do
their part, everyone gets some and survives. Society did have anything against Bob’s family, it
was trying to do right by itself and its citizens. The ones in charge also weren’t immortal or gods
and could and have often been replaced by the people if inadequate or swindlers, so the
responsiblity got shared by the people.

Bob could forgive society, not just the few at the top, but also the bulk of humanity who
also were doing their best and making the possible choices for their capablities. They all loved
themselves and wanted to live, that’s a noble desire. Bob couldn’t hate society and humanity in
general for wanting to survive, to stay alive, continue to love life. There were dangers and
humanity, like any creature, wanted to continue. If it was immoral or harsh ever, it did so from a
place of pain, lack, suffering, struggle, or survival, because it had to. For life. “It was a harsh,
unforgiving world. We had to be harsh and unforgiving.” That’s what the humans would say. To
survive, from their viewpoint, they had to inflict pain. They didn’t know another or better way, this
was before even Jesus, there were only other animals as examples and most often they only
took care of themselves and survived too. Sure there were examples of goodness and morality,
trees providing shade and homes for critters, animals sometimes saving each other. But
obviously if there were problems, the examples were obvious enough.

So Bob could forgive them, they did the best they could, according to them. But then
who was to blame, if it wasn’t humanity as a whole or society in general? Who was left?
Chapter 5
Heal LIfe

This can include life on earth or life i.e. existence/universe. For

sure there’s been pain/abuse in the history of earthling life about 4
billion years ago. But even that abuse amongst such ancient life, mostly
bacteria, they arose out of the chaos of a fairly new planet and even
newer ocean. There were no living things before them to tell them what
to do, it could hardly be called instinct because in the beginning there
weren’t even that many generations to go off of (like today all humans
have ~8 trillion ancestors, mostly bacteria). In those early days it was
almost entirely chemical, just chemical reactions which benefited the
existing structure/life of the organism or no; things they could process
into energy or things that burned or hurt. What kind of intelligence is
that where the life behaves much like chemical responses? But that was where life began and
it’s impossible to get away from those humble beginnings. Obviously there’s also probability that
there were guiding hands influencing that early life, so chaos and order, and once those life
forms were just chemically responsive bacteria to in all likelihood, guided by some even more
ancient higher beings: ad infinitum. When something exists, you can go bottom up or top to
bottom and both ways are true. Chaos and order cocreate/codestroy.

So if Bob wanted to hate life in general for the cause of the abuse cycle he personally
inherited which affected his parents, family, and society/humanity itself as a whole, his blame
would only be finite because those lives weren’t malicious but innocent, chemically responsive,
and surviving. Even later more complex life weren’t separate from their chemical origins, and
thus still worthy of forgiving/empathy because any wrong/immoral actions were done based on
examples they saw and were done to them. But somehow, some way, out of that primordial
chaos order did arise and morality came into existence. Someone started making better
decisions, cooperating with those around them rather than hurting, so that eventually morality
the word could one day be intellectualized and spoken by hairless african apes called humans.
It did stick, and that’s valuable right?

So could we actually blame them, who are responsible for all the good (on purpose or
inadvertently) as well as the bad, which they simply were ignorant of doing from their innocence
and newness to life, chemical responsiveness, no examples, figuring it out in the moment, and
surviving? That’s of good reason for understanding and forgiveness, as well as appreciation for
the gift of life we all enjoy now from whales to birds to us.

What about ‘the way life is’, the universe, or reality itself? Well some believe even rocks
are alive, and I understand that: THE LIVING UNIVERSE. But if we didn’t, then however the
universe was/is is simply by chance and chaos, just atoms and rocks and chemicals bumping
into each other and exploding outward. If you know anything about the early universe you know
that a universe being here at all is a miracle because there was almost an exact amount of
particles and antiparticles initially after the big bang which all but cancelled each other out, and
for whatever reason unknown to scientists there was a slight skew towards particles or matter
rather than equal nothing, or negative more anti-particles. Because of this skew matter
happened, and those leftovers made the entire universe as it is today.

SO if there’s anything worthwhile, good, or beautiful in this universe, then we can thank
that chaos which sprung this universe with all its rock, fire, ice, gases (like oxygen) and the
expanding fabric of space itself to hold all the rest. Even if there was harshness and
unforgiveness in the early universe, it was either inanimate thus innocent, or part of a greater
living force and responsible for all the good that exists as well. Either way it is understandable,
worthy of empathy, and forgivable.

So if the very black void can be forgiven, and life arises out of innocence, and there also
is order and morality which exists, perhaps all can be understood. All can be empathized with.
All can be forgiven. Perhaps at the heart of it is a misunderstanding and an imagined illusion.
Wanting life to be a way other than it is, static or frozen and always catering to one’s whims
even if they are unknown to the person. Existence is both master and innocent of itself, orderly
and chaotic. In seeing this Bob could forgive even the universe, through understanding it, for the
way it was, for it not being how he’d want it. But perhaps given long enough time scales like the
universe lived on, he too might do nothing different because it seemed to work out, and maybe
his wouldn’t. Most likely not because his (like any normal person’s) view point is constrained to
the finite and ‘right in front of your face’ thinking. Perhaps things are for the best the way they
are, and we can only respond in the moment, making our best decisions, going with the flow.
What else can anyone do?

Being in sync with how the universe was/is, Bob could feel healing wash over himself,
humans, life, and the universe: love, compassion, understanding, empathy. There was no
sadness, pain, darkness, or misunderstanding, because those required an illusionary
comparative reality to compare reality with, and there was no such thing. Just 1 reality. And Bob
also realized imagining a comparative false illusion reality has positive intent, to move towards a
better one. This made Bob appreciative for the universe/life he had/lived in. He didn’t think it
was possible or could happen. It was heavenly, great, perfect, beautiful, and good. It was
fractally healed.
Space magic
Philip Greener
© July 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Fire Lord Varash

Chapter 2) Water Lord Aqua

Chapter 3) Earth Lord Stirm

Chapter 4) Wind Lord Streeze

Chapter 5) High Mage of Space Opunus


In the ‘magic’ universe, when you are near different natural forces, you can
draw upon their innate abilities. If you are in the desert or at a volcano, you can tap
into the fire element which destroys, transforms, renews, transmutes, consumes,
and purges. It is the most violent, volatile element. It can boil water into steam given
distance and time, can dry out creatures made of earth and water, then burn them.
In general has little effect on earth, moreso if as a powerful explosive, it requires
wind to breathe otherwise dies, but too much and it goes out. When you are near a
lake or ocean, you can tap into the water element and use it for water spells,
summonings, or magic. It is based around fluidity,
flexibility, path of least resistance, flow, going with
the flow, smoothness to the point of formlessness,
so formless it allows itself to become hard like ice,
or evaporate into clouds, then become heavier
again into liquid, and back and forth. Water can easily
extinguish flame, but at a distance with enough time fire can
also evaporate water. Water can over time destroy earth, turn
boulders, cliffs, even mountains to pebbles, valleys, or even fine dust. If you are at the location
of your ‘source of power’, especially where you were born or live, your native element, which
can be more than one, you’re strongest at its source; if you are far away it’s possible to tap into
that elemental energy to do magic but can be weaker or drain your mana (current magic
potential) faster.
If you are near the mountains or great plains, you can tap into the earth element which is
strong, immovable, sturdy, firm, rock hard, thick, heavy, slow, and difficult to change. It is
excellent for living in as protection against the other elements, though water can slowly grind
down even granite, it is immune to fire except as trees or plants if dried out, wind has little effect
except in extreme hurricane situations. Wind makes up the whole atmosphere, though certain
places possess more wind power such as mountains and valleys, in big cities where wind is
funneled into alleyways, by the coast it’s always windy, and the windiest is in the arctic. Wind is
flighty and floaty, unpredictable, gentle and soothing, and fast, powerful, and violent. It is the
lightest element that soars with all the birds.

These are the 5 physical elements which can be touched and contacted, but the 5th
element is the subtlest of all. It cannot be seen or touched because in many ways it isn’t
physical, but by its existence allows the 4 physical elements to exist… it holds them. Where the
first 4 are physical elements, the fifth is a more spiritual one which holds in itself, in its
awareness, the others to dance, interact, and play. It could be called the greatest for it is the
highest, in that it allows all physical elements and life to exist. It could also be said water is the
greatest element for 70% of the world is covered in it, and 70% of the human body (as well as
most other living things) is water. Fire could be called the most foundational, because it is the
spark of fire of life which gives passion to life coming into existence at all: at the center of the
solar system (fire), at the center of the earth (fire), the reason life can exist at all is because of
warmth (from the fire in the sky), the fire of passion between 2 people sparks new life in the
womb, etc. etc. Earth also is great it gives all physical form and matter like the body (which
contains all that water), the ground to walk on, the food to eat (largely water), homes to live in,
people’s carts, the structure of all the plants and animals. The wind and air makes atmosphere
possible for all life to breathe/live. They all do their purpose, are great at their own things I
suppose. Now to the story.
Chapter 1
Fire Lord Varash

Fire Lord Varash was walking through his courtyard. The flowers
were in bloom, there was grass and many colors of flora. His court liked
to keep green things around because they liked to watch how fast they
dried out, died, and eventually lit on fire from all the lit torches and
decorative (yet functional) lava rivers the palace had throughout it.
Obviously the more fire around them, the better they felt as fire mages,
the more power flowed through their veins. The green was constantly a
reminder of the other elements and seeing them constantly overtaken by
the sweltering heat of their element filled them with glee, the plants being
replaced every few days because the whole castle was like a sauna.

It was built right into the side of a dormant volcano which still had
pools of lava down in the deep which hadn’t erupted in hundreds of years,
but they brought it up and fed it throughout the palace because it felt so
good to them. Their volcano sat on the edge of a mountain range in the
middle of which their temporarily neutral neighbors the Earth kingdom
resided. On their other side was a rocky wasteland, black and charred from past lava spills.
Shortly after that was a desert which they drew power from also, all moisture being captured
and protected within the mountains, which flowed down into accursed streams and out to the
rivers, lakes, then the damned oceans on the other side of range… and assumedly around the
world eventually. Varash hated water. Even when it was defeated by superior firepower and
boiled to oblivion, it only stayed away for a little while before sprinkling ever so happily down
from the wind back into liquid form. Water was never able to be destroyed, where fire had to
constantly be destroying and consuming just to survive! Varash’s passion never relented, it
couldn’t, he could never take a break because fire demanded fuel, and the flames always had to

His personal power, like those of his people, drew from their proximity to such rich
sources of heat and flame: the life-giving earth blood below the ground, their volcano pools, the
desert, their wasteland, and the sun. He had become the leader of his people by birthright from
his ruler as father, but he had only survived, taken, and held it by the force of his passion, his
flame burning the brightest of any other in the kingdom, his control and mastery of wielding the
mana of fire was epic in proportion. None could match his skill. In his youth, he had been put in
charge of the police force and been given the assignment of catching a particularly bad man. He
had found him hiding in a holdout den of criminals on a rocky mountaintop, full of booby traps,
security towers, and armed criminals. They were well fortified and they could be heard laughing
when he proclaimed loudly to them from halfway down the mountain they were under arrest.
They had felt pretty secure in their fortified den. Varash had channeled so much fire mana
through himself and in such an explosion of force hardly ever seen before in the history of fire
wielding, he blew the top third of the mountain off the mountain. He simply exploded it and it fell
as boulders and rubble off the other side of the mountain face. None had survived.
It hadn’t been all glory and good times however, almost the complete opposite actually
for Varash. His entire life had been one of conspiracies, betrayals, plots, backstabbings,
assassinations, kidnappings, lies, subterfuge, coups and coup attempts, secret plans, coded
messages, mistrust, uncertainty, hidden intents, misdirection, and outright murders. It had been
a hard life, but more exciting, for any fire citizen couldn’t truly channel the fire without loving the
hunger it possessed, the thrill of the feast, the passion of burning, the games the flames played.
Varash was perhaps slightly different than other fire citizens in that he didn’t outright-- and
ignorantly, as he saw it-- hate the other elements, he had studied them to a reasonable degree
and understood their merits. He just thought they were weaker, misguided, and inferior; but he
respected them for what they were. He felt such knowledge of his opposite counterparts was a
vital aspect of embodying the flame, because if a fire burns in the wrong place, it might not have
the right requirements and be extinguished. He felt it his duty to be the full and true embodiment
of fire and thus must learn all about the other elements in order to know their weaknesses,
where they are dry, brittle, combustible, or vulnerable to heat. He also never wanted his
precious fire to be beaten by the magic of others, for fire too, he knew-- though it was never
discussed because it was a vile, hated topic-- had many weaknesses. But although these topics
were hated, fire to survive and thrive must always have its needs met with air to breathe and
earth to eat. Varash knew also the value of keeping the other elements in balance for this
reason, because his fire was dependent on their existence… even while the mana he channeled
irrationally didn’t care and simply wanted to burn, consume, and destroy, regardless of the
danger to itself… irreverent to consequences of long-term self-harm.

Fire Lord Varash had relationships with the other kingdoms and their high lords, it was
necessary because they were all necessary-- in different ways-- for the balance of the world.
But that was only intellectual, because Varash only ever wanted his fire kingdom to spread out
in every direction and eat until everything was fire. Rationality too was consumed by the passion
of his mana pool which he drew his power from. It took over his neutral humanity and made him
hungry and frantic. He noticed when he went long periods of time without tapping his mana pool
his senses did come back to him more, but the addictive raw power of fire was unimmitatable,
totally unique. Nothing was like it, and he suspected the other elements had no idea what it was
like to give one’s body over to the power of fire. To be a living force of entropy, to exist only in
relation to the consumption/destruction of other elements, to run wild on dry brittle things and at
the same time sit down and eat slowly on denser things, the rush was unsurpassed and the
other elements inherently couldn’t understand.

It was easier for them to be harmonious because just sat still or moved around, they had
no hunger. Fire was different that way too. Perhaps creatures made of earth hungered, sure, but
likely that was only the internal fire that burned for continued life. Yes other kingdoms had fire in
them, as he had water, earth, and wind in his. The only way to ever purge oneself of the other
elements in his physical body was to fully become an elemental, a living manifestation of the
element; but they were so rare because the process was so excruciatingly painful.
There were regular councils of the high lords in neutral territory of the plains, away from
the hot desert, thick mountains, coastlines, rivers, and windy ravines. In the flat plains there was
a little bit of each element giving a more balanced ground for even meetings, twice a year: once
in the summer, once in the winter. They discussed trade, quarrels, disputes, promoted peace
and harmony, and also played at politics to improve their own positions. Just because they
didn’t have fire’s hunger didn’t mean they weren’t self-promoters. They also saw the mutual
benefit to harmony, but also the benefit to increasing their own element’s power in the world.
Varash wasn’t a fool to believe their superior, noble words or tone, how they thought themselves
better than fire, more stable, more cooperative. In some ways perhaps, but he resented their
view of him, his people, and his kingdom. Fire was always looked down upon.

Water Lord Aqua was so smooth and slick, smoother than even the greasiest of
Varash’s oils. He could say such soothing beautiful words in such a beautiful way, but Varash
felt the inherent threat, as he always did around any water mana. He would as soon use that
coolness to splash on Varash and extinguish him as he would say nice things about the path of
least resistance, going with the flow, cooling things off (threat), being cooperative and having no
intent. Yeah, Varash thought, while he would cool things, he’d cool off the heat of the entire fire
kingdom. His path of least resistance would be flood his precious volcano with a torrent. His lack
of intent would be to let water have free reign everywhere and raise the sea level til we were all
underwater. THAT’S the benevolence of Water Lord Aqua and his water kingdom.

Varash had a much better relationship with Earth Lord Stirm, whom he shared the
border with in his volcano next to his mountains. Earth and fire were quite similar in the mana
stream because rubbing earth together could produce heat then fire; when the great plates of
the earth rubbing together they created immense heat, in fact melted into fire and lava which
like the sun (on a bigger scale) was Varash’s source of power. Stirm was a tough nut to crack,
his true feelings like layers upon layers of caverns one had to explore in order to get to the heart
of his mind. Stirm did things slow and with great carefulness, but when he did, it was with great
power and certainty, like the slow moving power of mountains climbing an inch a year, or
continents crawling across the surface of the planet. Stirm was in harmony and in deep, rich
connection with the steady firmness of the earth mana. And great it was.

Wind Lord Streeze was beautiful but a flighty, undependable tease. Varash would have
her as a mate, but she could never be held down. She provided the atmosphere for all the
others’ life, but Varash would consume her and make her subservient, if he could, as he would
to all the kingdoms. She showed no interest in any lord or any of the other kingdoms, even
though she played between Stirm’s immense mountains and glided above Aqua’s lakes and
oceans. Varash felt much like his source of power, the fire inside the earth and at the heart of
the solar system. All life depended on his element, but was only the basic foundational spark of
life, the hunger for survival and warmth. All the other elements treated him lowly without often
ever acknowledging his necessity and primacy as the first.

Varash would be respected one day. One the tongues of his flames would lick all the
other elements with their kingdoms, high lords, and people all the main course of a festive
banquet in his honor; and they would all be his main course. He would keep enough alive to
maintain his continued survival, but he would cover the world in his yellow, red, and orange...
Chapter 2
Water Lord Aqua

Water Lord Aqua was quite old, but like his element when he reached a
critical age his body would evaporate, forget all his memories, keep all his
wisdom, then the next great rainfall he would appear as a young boy
somewhere in the world, naked, and eventually find his way back to the water
kingdom underneath the ocean south of the continent, to be brought up again.
He was the closest thing to an elemental the world had, so fully embodying the
water element, yet still maintaining a human physical body and only with a kind
of death or rebirth-- like certain jellyfish-- could the water mana reconstitute his
physical body again for ~80+ years. “Water never really dies,” he had joked for
many lifetimes, despite nevering remembering, the truth stuck with him; a truth Fire Lord Varash
hated and sought an end to.

It was not in Aqua’s nature to resist anything or anyone. His path in life was as unknown
to him as the path water would take; but regardless of what the future would bring, Aqua always
know he had no choice but to follow his way and follow the past of least resistance. He had
compassion for the other elements who were special and unique unto themselves, but he would
choose to follow no other element; any other path, such as the firmest, or most combustible, the
widest spaces to blow through, perhaps they were well suited to their kind, but any path but his
seemed to be an inferior path. By definition, any path different from water’s path of least
resistance was a path of at least slightly greater resistance, and that was a waste. Aqua had
compassion, but could not put himself in their shoes because he so loved his, figuratively.

There was an underwater kingdom of fishmen, people with the speed and gills of fish,
built out of the guided growth of corral reef into great and beautiful homes, shops, and for him,
his family, and court, a great corral castle. He loved it, unburdened by interference by any other
elements, though he knew they could, it would be a burden and there’d be signs; the earth
mana was present, air in the water could be manipulated, there might be fire underneath the
ocean floor though would be hard to keep hot if used in the ocean. But for the most part Aqua
felt good in his kingdom, living in harmony with the fish and other beautiful marine life there, it
was quite an aquatic paradise! Aqua did visit the lakes and rivers on the surface and so saw
various goings-on of the surface dwellers. He did ride the lightwaves when the sun heated his
waters into the clouds and looked down on the world, sometimes with the company of Wind
Kingdom citizens or even Wind Lord Streeze herself; everywhere water was, was his domain
and kept in contact with all its aspects.

Aqua knew of his power, like he knew of others’. Everyone held a special place in the
world, a necessary place for everything to live in harmony. He also knew of water’s specific
specialness in the grand scheme: 72% of the human body was made of water, like 70% of the
earth’s surface also was 70% water, according to mystic knowledge, 4% of a human was fire,
12% earth, 6% wind, and there was a remaining 6% no one had ever discovered… a hidden 5th
element which seemed to be beyond the physical elements, perhaps a super element which
held the rest. While definitely curious and fascinating, the key message he’d always understood
was water, through its life-giving nature, unattachment to form, being the smoothest and least
resistant of all elements, by being the least it became the greatest; much like how the ocean
was the greatest by being the lowest.

Lord Aqua didn’t actively try to have a good relationship with any of the other lords or
kingdoms, much like he didn’t try to do anything. He took the shape of his environment, in all
things, and only related to his elemental counterparts insofar as his path led him to do so. He
made no plans, kept no secrets, but didn’t tell truths out of turn either, he did as life demanded
of him, nothing more or less. He didn’t hate Fire Lord Varash, in fact appreciated how his mana
source has birthed life on their world in the first place, if it had been in Aqua’s ocean floor. He
appreciated how the mana of earth gave everything a solid structure to exist in, hold the waters
of his oceans, land to live on, bodies to hold personal water. He appreciated the wind for its
ability to purify, recycle, and move across the whole planet Aqua’s precious water mana. He
knew none of them did so for his or his water mana’s sake, but their nature led them to benefit
him, the same way his water sustained their lives 72% within their bodies, as well as in their
crops and the food they ate. Aqua’s love of water and the spreading of it around as a byproduct
made life on the planet flourish, without any intent on Aqua’s part.

Aqua did make his bi-yearly meetings with the other lords and their entourage, as had
been done for centuries. It helped to hear each other say what they were doing, and to put them
at ease he was doing his part. No one knew how long they’d been happening with past lords
because they predated written history in legend.
Chapter 3
Earth Lord Stirm

Earth Lord Stirm and his earth mages loved working inside the
mountains: carving out tunnels, digging for gold and precious metals,
sculpting the most beautiful art. They also loved being outside their mountain,
seeing it’s fullness rather than innards. His kingdom was in the mountain, on
it, on the ground, in the living things themselves as the body. They had stone
homes in the mountain, earth homes on its side surrounded by grass. The
only earth he had almost no control over was the dried out and dead earth
from heat: the desert in the west, and the slate/shail wasteland surrounding
the volcano, which were with fire.

Something the other kingdoms did not know, which he never reported
or informed them during their last winter meeting 5 months ago, was that he
had begun making tunnels out across the entire continent. He had been
shaping the earth hidden underground into branching patterns so actually was
inside all of the other kingdoms. He had secretly excavated hundreds and
hundreds of miles of rock and dirt out and hidden them in his mountain range
so his neighbors couldn’t see, and in fact at any time had the ability to swallow up any of the
other kingdoms, save the floating parts of the wind kingdom-- but the ground parts located in the
windy ravines of the south east he definitely could. From his point of view, all the other elements
were too inconsistent.

Earth was the only certainty. Fire continually had to be eating, wind was fickle, water had
no intent whatsoever, only earth was sure of itself, strong, grounded. For there to be a world,
even the body’s structure, earth was the foundation; it created the environment for the other
elements to exist. Stirm would not be aggressive in his action, but he was prepared. His tunnels
had looking posts peaking into the lava ponds beneath Varash’s volcano, in the hillsides of Wind
Kingdom’s ravines, even deep underwater of the water kingdom’s coral city. Of less importance,
or maybe not, were his tunnels to the ‘neutral’ council chamber in the southwest; perhaps one
day those could be useful.

For the safety and security of the world, none of the others seemed capable or
responsible enough, or trustworthy, to make sure. Varash always seemed he wanted to kill
everyone, Streeze was so aloof it was disgusting, Aqua had no concerns apparently because he
just did whatever other people wanted. For things to remain stable, Stirm was the only reliable
choice. That’s why he worked hard to keep eyes on things beyond council reportings. He felt he
had to keep everyone in check, on course, in order, or things would fall apart. No one even
realized that things just didn’t work out on their own, it was because someone did the work,
moved things, and made them happen. For there not to be chaos, but to have structure, order,
and a working world, the ground had to remain firm, the ocean’s floor had to keep the water
trapped, the earth’s gravity had to ground the atmosphere or all wind and air would dissipate
into nothingness, for fire to exist earth had to grind together to create intense powerful friction
both inside the planet and on the sun.

Earth was everything, and everyone else just seemed to go with their emotions: be it
anger or hunger, flighty and fickle, or unworried and flowy. Stirm had the ideas. Stirm made the
plans. Stirm took the action. Stirm did the work. Stirm was strong. Stirm was reliable. Stirm was
dependable. Stirm should be in charge. But Stirm would never take aggressive action unless it
was necessary; earth mana is slow and careful, and makes strong/certain decisions, not
emotional ones like the other elements.

Stirm was ready though, and part of him almost hoped for troubling desperate news at
the upcoming council meeting from the other lords. If someone was aggressive, or negligent, or
something was in dire emergency, although he would prefer it wasn’t, it would give him reason
to take action towards a more stable and certain future, where he took a more leadership
position rather than that of equals, and gave out orders rather than trusting each member
despite their… uhm, personality flaws.

It would certainly be a pain off his back knowing for sure the other elements were
carrying their load and not getting swept away in whatever mood they happened to be in. It was
so stressful knowing how unreliable/undependable they could be, he felt sometimes like he
couldn’t be equal or relax because he had to be serious like a parent and treat them like unruly
children! It wasn’t pleasant. He wished to sit in meditation all day long deep in the mountain,
merge in spirit with the mana of the mountain: still, firm, and strong. What a joy and blessing
that would be to replicate fully the daily life of his beloved mountains by being still with them…
but constant work and toil, the worries of his people, the unpredictability of his neighbors and
their temperamental mana sources, it always drew him away! Like mud washed over too much
water, or stone charred by fire, or pebbles blown by the wind… he could get jostled or unnerved,
but nothing ever harmed him for real, he always returned to center: sure, solid, strong, and
certain. Such was the power and gift of his mana pool; he drew on the power and greatness of
the mountains, the life, the trees, the ocean floor, the soil of the plans. He felt the Earth even
deep for miles downward, a power never fully harnessed by any earth lord before, yet known to
be of near infinite, boundless mana only ever scraped the surface of. All that earth was what
gave him the strength to continue, and his openness to receive it, and channel it to good
purposes worth of it.

“Yes,” Stirm said, “the next council meeting would arrive shortly. We would see if things
will be good, or if things will require my firmer, guiding hand in the future.”
Chapter 4
Wind Lord Streeze

Wind Lord Streeze was the most carefree of them all; her kingdom
partly in the clouds made of floating platforms with homes and rope bridges
between, as well outposts in the south eastern ravines and hills where much
wind tunnelling occured. When her people were fully in their element they
were blowing all across planet, over the great oceans, tiny islands, as well as
minor outlying continents. When they were more businesslike-- sometimes
had to be-- they stationed above the ravines and would come down on gusts
of wind for the twists and turns that only the ground wind could offer, as well
as supplies for their cloud city, either trading or catching their food like the
seagulls and pelicans.

Streeze was aware she was the only woman lord, yet nothing could
weigh her down. Each of the male lords had their merits, yes, but none were
good enough for her because none of them could keep up. The closest was
Aqua because he could blow around with the best of hers when he floated with the rainy clouds,
but he always inevitably returned to the most impossible place for her to go, underneath the
water where wind could not live except only fractionally as the oxygen present in all water,
which was difficult to isolate apart only with great effort, to do the work of gills remotely with
wind mana only hardly made any powerful impact at all. She saw how lecherously Varash
looked at her, like a wild animal who would lock her in a cage for his amusement if he ever had
the chance; not that there wasn’t an exciting dark appeal to it, it would never happen because
her highest value was always only to be free. Stirm’s fantastic mountains made for great
powerful winds, but he was always so serious, hard working, and never did anything fun as far
as she saw. No, the people below the clouds just simply weren’t good enough. None but a wind
mage could ever get it, the joy of perfect freedom… maybe the birds could, but they only rode
the waves, they couldn’t make their own! Wind was absolute bliss, her mana pool was so joyous
and happy, and it cycled and recycled infinitely all over the globe!! She was jealous of no one!

The council meeting was days away and she had docked above her outposts in the
ravine, met up with her ground team who stayed there switching out every couple of weeks to
return to the cloud city, and prepared a great eastern wind with her retinue of mages to carry
them across the continent to the council building in the plains. She suspected the other lords
would on their way too, arriving a day or 2 early as well for eating, drinking, and merriment
before the official serious business, a kind of ‘breaking the ice’ pre-meeting. Those were always
the best parts of these, the other elements hardly effected her at all and hardly saw the
necessity for these meetings at all. It was more for the dense, heavier, land-trapped elements to
make sure they didn’t get into disagreements, but that was because none of them were as free
as her, they couldn’t up and leave like her and her people.

“I will go to keep the peace, as always. We don’t even need them at all, but it is tradition,
and we don’t want enemies, so we will listen to their little accomplishments and concerns before
once again we fly away in happy bliss.” And that she did. Streeze arrived two nights before the
first of the meetings, and all she and her did was dance, party, do wind tricks, and get drunk.
That was the best part of the ground-dwellers, they could make good heavy ale which whacked
out the brain and muscles! It was great!!!

The weird thing was news of a mysterious important guest. There were no unknown
important people, she knew them all!
Chapter 5
High Mage of Space Opunus

The pre-meeting party was good, everyone got well

and drunk and had a great time. Everyone was wondering
who the mysterious important guest. His retinue had come
before the meeting too, but he had a symbol no one had ever
seen, and there was a mana presence they’d never felt
before… yet somehow it felt familiar like they’d always know it
but it had been a whisper in the background of their entire
lives. It was exciting but lots of uncertainty; no one was sure if
it was a good sign or bad omen. Nothing new had ever really
happened in many generations, things had been relatively
peaceful. The only rumor of word was overhead from one of
his retinue, “Lord Opunus.” Little did they know he was a she.

Lord Opunus arrived after her crew, in secret, the night before the meeting. She had
never revealed herself to any on the continent, at least none in recollected time. She was High
Mage of Space Opunus, and she represented the 5th and final element of the world: space. It
was equal to the others in the same way they were equal in different ways to each other. Space
was different in that it was the only nonphysical, spiritual element that held all the others and
allowed them-- and existence-- to exist. Water might be the smoothest, but space was the
subtlest, for the other high lords had never even been aware of its presence except as an
ephemeral thought in their peripheral, never directly glanced at. She was familiar to them in her
mana source because they obviously had felt the space mana all their lives by reason of them
existing in space, but they’d been so stimulated by the physical elements they’d never slowed
down enough to see what gave rise to them. With her retinue of space mages, awareness was
probably dawning in their minds as to the revelation of her 5th element, but it was like a child
coming home after a absence. They would welcome and recognize it instantly once in their face.
Opunus was excited for this revelation after so many centuries, and she personally had waited
this long. Her mana source gave her such a subtle physical body she could nearly extend her
life infinitely, at the cost of being weak physically.

Not that she was weak by any means; if space was 6% of the human body, it still had
amazing abilities, such as the ability to warp space to manipulate the other elements in unique
ways. Her mana pool technically everywhere and she could always feel it, but the more wide
open space there was, the greater her power, and in these open plains, she felt great. She and
her space kingdom lived on a remote island far to the east, so small and so remote Streeze had
never blown close enough to see, Stirm had never felt its significant presence, or Aqua swam
up its shores. The fact was they didn’t really live there, even though they lived there. They spent
almost 100% of their time in spatial meditation, floating up above the earth in their astral bodies,
exploring the cosmos, meditating on their element of space and the 4 elements that existed with
their mana source both on the planet and across the universe in all its amazing diversity!
While the other elemental lords weren’t consciously aware of her spatial mana source,
she and her people always given gentle encouragement to them in the form of love, wellbeing,
and positive intent which had helped save certain circumstances from disaster many times,
though the lords involved just felt it as, “Deciding better of it.”

Opunus and her retinue hadn’t travelled by sea or by wind, but had actually created a
portal of bent space so one step became hundreds of miles for their physical bodies. She
expected surprise and excitement the meeting morning, finally.

“Wowww.” “Ooohhh.” “Whooaaa…” “Coooll…” Everyone was excited, her symbol was a
purple spiral like a vortex, the symbol for space: a compliment for their red flame, green breeze,
blue droplet, and brown rock. The lords, while excited, also were more wary and pragmatic,

“Who exactly are you?” Fire Lord Varash asked. “Where have you come from? Why are
you here? How have we never heard of you before. And WHAT, exactly, is the element you
represent?!” He almost sounded insulted he didn’t know.

“I agree. This is highly unusual. There are only 4 elements. Yet, there is something
familiar about you…” Earth Lord Stirm said. Opunus simply smiled before them, open to their
first reactions.

“Whatever is going on, I welcome you. Opunus, is it? I heard the name from my people.”
Water Lord Aqua said.

“Apparently I don’t know everything that happens under my skies! Oh well!!!” Said Wind
Lord Streeze, humorously. With everyone having spoken, now High Mage of Space Opunus

“Hello, everyone. And I apologize for the unannounced visit, but me and my kind
believed after many centuries of being hidden from you it was time to reveal ourselves and the
element you haven’t remembered for a very long time. You have heard correctly, I am High
Mage Opunus, and I represent the mana of the element space.” Murmuring and excitement at
the utterance of this word.

“Space is the highest of all the elements, which is no statement upon its greatness or
greatness of others, for as you know all are equal and different. By highest I mean space is
predecessor of existence, the cup which holds the other elements so that reality can exist. You
all have always intuitively known this, but your love of your physical world and elements have
kept you from a deeper, subtler truth/understanding. Space is where the earth of the planet
rests in like kind spiritual foam. Only with great stillness, peace, and openness can this subtler
truth be revealed or perceived, and all of you so fully embody who you are, it was never
She paused. They didn’t object, just seemed to soak/take it in. “We prefer detachment,
giving space to others and ourselves. We also are compassionate and value truth above all.
Tension has been rising out of isolation and boredom among the kingdoms. While none report
it, it happens. In these matters, for the benefit of all, we wish to create space for you, so you
may think rationally in everyone’s interest. Lord Stirm has been expanding his kingdom
underneath all over your kingdoms. Varash has secretly been planning aggressive moves in
order to take control, exactly what Stirm sought to prevent. Varash doesn’t want to, but only is
bored and feels like the rest don’t respect him. Stirm doesn’t want to do anything drastic, he
would prefer to meditate quiet in his mountain all day, but feels responsible. Aqua feels safe in
his fluidity and neglects his neighbor’s unrest to his own demise, unaware of the fire Varash
prepares to boil him with, as well as imprisonment Stirm would put his kingdom under to put him
to better, more reliable work. Varash loves Streeze for she is his breath of life, but she ignores
everyone because they aren’t like her and just wants to be, while forces get fed up.”

Now their interest had turned to incredulity and outrage, as the truth burned. Varash also
felt deeply burned and exposed, though he liked the anarchy of it, didn’t like being
outmaneuvered. “Peace you!” She continued.

“I come not to cause angst, but to alleviate it. As you say, ‘Don’t shoot the messenger!’
These happenings are none of your responsibilities because you are all responsible. You have
been living private lives, intellectually understanding each other, not really reaching out in
companionship or cooperation to form genuine relationships, content to live in your isolation
among your own. It is time join a bigger world.”

“Have you been spying on us all?!” Varash said, still hurt. “Yeah!” They all agreed.

Opunus exhaled. “What happens in space is our domain to attend. With a snap, we can
bring any object near or far to us, including light waves, including sound waves. This our mana
pool gives us: space, and control of it. Time too even, for the masters among us, which is
motion over space (time=motion/space), though time mages rarely return to us because they
get lost in the infinite stream.”

They still seemed shook, but given space, and who knows, Opunus might be casting on
that in that room to make them more rational, space to think. Regardless, cooler heads
prevailed, to their own surprise despite the seeming violation. Her words resonated, she had
done the right thing bringing this to light. They had been living smaller lives, neglecting their
relationships. The room seemed to collectively exhale: Heehhhhh.

“Thank you, High Mage of Space Opunus.” Stirm said. “I see the wisdom of your words. I
will immediately fill in my tunnels and cease my operations. I am sorry everyone.”

Varash spoke, “I also am sorry. You all know I can get led my emotions quickly, I will
cease in plans, except for plans to meet you more.”
Opunus spoke, “Perhaps we could postpone that. Instead of undoing, what if we did
more. These continental tunnels, Streeze could put a wind chain throughout them, ventilating
them?” Streeze said, “Yes.” Then Opunus, “Aqua, could you put aqueduct systems for
travellers’ refreshment?” “Of course.” “And Varash, could you lit the way torchlight?” “Easily.”

“Perhaps, these tunnels shall have a positive use. The ends shall be opened up into
each kingdom, including Aqua’s corral city and Streeze’s ground outpost in the SE ravines, and
they shall be used from now on as a road of friendship, with all elements represented equally.
What say you?”

Their excitement had returned surprisingly after being upset just moments ago, except
now it was even greater. Things had from bad to even better than before, a renewal of
friendship and love. “Thank you Opunus!” They shouted!

Before she left, she gave each of them a gift, a small amount of space mana for each of
them, to always remember her. Moreso to always remember the spiritual side of their lives, how
they all were connected in the physical not just as different but equal, but also as sacred and
holy in the creation of existence within the realm of space. No matter how many centuries
passed, as long as they had at least a little space mana, and passed it on to their successors,
the spiritual practice (and the harmonious fruits and wisdom of it) would never disappear, and
bore the hope of spiritual blossoming within the 4 elements, their lords, and their kingdoms.

Perhaps one day a continental sect of space mages would spontaneously arise out of
their own desire for more than the physical elements of the world, for a transcendent
life/experience. If that day ever came, Opunus and her kind would be waiting in the realm of
astral space for them, welcoming in love and joy to the eternal place of thought, sight, and
imagination, where the 4 elements could be as easily shaped into any form as allowed by space

Opunus thanked them later that day after arrangements were made for greater
communication and improved relationship. Then she and her retinue warped space into a portal
to their little island, waved goodbye, disappeared. The 4 lords Varash, Aqua, Stirm, and Streeze
would never forget her or the element of space. All that remained was a sheet of paper, and the
small new mana pool each of them had because of her. To explore, play with... their own space
Philip Greener
© April 2021
Greener Creations

Other Greener Creations products:

1. LOT - Life Operates through Tribes
2. Ur LOT app (free on iphone: , and on android:
3. Fictions
4. Joy App (free on android:

Intro to 80/20
Book 1) STOP Giving 100% to Get 100%, Get 80% or More for 20% or Less Work
80/20 Applied
Book 2) A Better World
Positive Intent
Book 3) Feel.. How You Feel
Solipsism, Dimensions, Fractals
Book 4) Everything Forever
Positive Opposite
Book 5) Opposites
Book 6) The Universe as Your Subconscious: the World as your Body
Most Important
Book 7) The Prime Directive: How Do You Wanna Feel?
Positive Intent
Book 8) Feminine Charm: Violence, Sex, Money
Book 9) Water World: Swimming in the Ocean of Love, Joy, & Appreciation
Book 10) Dimension Shift: Understanding your Higher Dimensional Self
Book 11) Be Happy: And live your Ideal Life!
Book 12) How to Breathe
Book 13) Death of Wishes
Book 14) Fractal World
Pos Int
Book 15) Everyone had a Good Childhood
Pos Int
Book 16) The Joy of Suffering
Pos Int
Book 17) The Meek: The weak be strong, hungry filled, the meek shall inherit the Earth
Book 18) Sun Gazing

The Lost Books

About Me
Fractal Phil
“STOP – Giving 100% to get 100%, Get 80% or more for 20% or less work”

© March 2020

Philip Greener

North Miami, Florida



Chapter 1) Examples of Inequality in nature

Chapter 2) Your Goals

Chapter 1

Examples of inequality in nature

Why is there inequality than equality? Well the Taoists say that all life seeks balance, and that’s true,
but things tends to balance unequally. This goes back to the reason why we have a universe at all: in the
beginning at the time of the big bang—microseconds after—particles and antiparticles contacted each
other and almost completely annihilated each other. The reason there’s something rather than nothing
i.e. a universe exists is because for whatever reason matter won rather than total annihilation or
antimatter winning. Chaos theory is also involved in answering this question.

Chaos theory states that small changes in the beginning of something can have cataclysmic,
unknown, exponentially radical changes to the entire system disproportionally to the change. Some
examples of this:

1. Before there was an official “clockwise”, some clocks spun left from the top, some spun right.
Once spinning to the right became the normal to 51% of people, more of the other way
converted to the normal until eventually 100% of people spin clocks “clockwise” right from the
top. Now it is universal.
2. Before driving on the right or left side of the road in various countries, people did what they
want. But like the clocks, once 51% of people went on a certain side of the road and talked about
it “being the better side”, the minority 49% started converting to the norm until eventually 100%
of the people drove on the state-regulated “official” side. This is why in America people drive on
the right while New Zealand and the UK they drive on the left.
3. In an empty coy pond 10 equal fish are dropped into it and fed regularly every day. The first time
they are fed one fish will get the most and the others varying degrees of less. After that first time
he’ll be slightly bigger and so have a slightly better chance of pushing the others out and getting
the most again. A close second may come and also get almost as much and then those two will
outcompete the others by a lot and mainly compete with each other. But 1 will get slightly more
and then ultimately beat number 2 almost every time to become the biggest, strongest fish not
by a little but by exponentially more, the lowest ones often starving and dying.
4. In a new market 3 sales teams are trying to get the most customers and sales. The ones who
succeed the most in the beginning get the most reviews, personal referrals, while the other ones
fight for the scraps. The more successful they are in the beginning the more people in the
beginning begin to trust them, see them as the authority, thus they get more clients and profits.
1 sales team, simply because it had a better idea and strategy in this market in the beginning
came to be seen as credible and stable, while the others lack of popularity made them go into a
downward spiral, until the top team had almost the entire market share: a monopoly.

Here are some interesting examples, an inexhaustive list, you can probably consider many yourself:

● 3% of Americans own 50% of the guns

● 1% of the world owns 50% of the wealth, 10% owns 81% of the wealth, the top 1% owns more
than the bottom 90%, and the bottom 50% owns 1% of the wealth
● 20% of the criminals commit 80% of the crimes
● 20% of drivers cause 80% of the traffic accidents
● 80% of pollution is caused by 20% of factories
● 20% of a company’s products account for 80% of total sales
● 20% of employees are responsible for 80% of results
● 20% of students have grades 80% or higher
● 80% of divorces come from 20% of the people
● 80% of success is showing up, 20% of the work
● 80% of perceptual language fluency comes from 20% of words
● 20% of foods account for 80% of weight gain
● 20% of roads have 80% of traffic
● 20% of a menu accounts for 80% of ordered meals
● 20% of an athlete’s training accounts for 80% of their performance
● 20% of patients use 80% of a country’s health care resources
● 80% of errors and crashes on Windows are caused by 20% of the bugs detected
● 20% of a carpet gets 80% of the wear
● 20% of co-workers cause 80% of the office problems
● 20% of fundraisers account for 80% of funds raised
● 80% of land ownership is in the hands of 20% of the people
● 20% of your clothes get 80% of the wear time
● 20% of your past memories account for 80% of your reminiscing
● 20% of the people in your life account for 80% of your relational happiness, and 20% of the
people in your life account for 80% of your relational stress.
● 20% of a device’s functionality gets 80% of the use
● 80% of promotions come from 20% of the bosses
● 20% of guys have sex with 80% of the girls, 20% of actions do 80% of a seduction
● 20% of people get 80% of praise and worship, and 20% of behaviors get 80% worship
● 20% of advertising methods generate 80% of the income
● 20% of a teaching accounts for 80% of the value a person takes away/gets from it
● 20% of historical human events account for 80% of the world’s current state
● 20% of historical humans contributed 80% to the world’s current state
● 20% of people feel 80% of the world’s total happiness
● 80% of a cops time is looking for and handling 20% of the crimes (i.e. theft)
● 20% of tricks do 80% of the influencing
● 20% of things contribute 80% of human happiness (TRIBE)
● 20% of martial arts moves win 80% of fights
Chapter 2

Your Goals

Write out your goals in each area of your life:

● House? (i.e. Bora Bora bungalow)

● Sex? (i.e. 2 down to earth hippie type, cute, model type chicks)
● Friends? (i.e. cool rocker, dancer, music producer type guys)
● Income? (i.e. $5000 a month)
● Hobbies? (i.e. rock, edm, dance, hacking, game design, automation, inventing)
● Contribution? (i.e. life coach)

This is your ideal life. Let’s simplify. How can you get 80% or more of each for 20% or less of the effort?

● House? (i.e. florida dome house, interior bora bora wallpaper)

● Sex? (i.e. 2 loveable cute girlfriends)
● Friends? (i.e. at least one same hobbie and decently cool)
● Income? (i.e. $2500 a month)
● Hobbies? (i.e. some, sometimes)
● Contribution? (i.e. help some)

How’s it make you feel? i.e. A full, well-rounded, robust life


This is a fraction of the effort for most of your ideal life, over 80% of the feeling/experience almost

Ok, what 20% of actions will get you 80% there for each?

● House? (i.e. buying cheap land in Florida, building a concrete dome home, outfitting it pretty)
● Sex? (i.e. girls who are bangable to me now, showing interest, and getting in a long-term
relationship with two of them)
● Friends? (i.e. find some local online meetups for like-minds, as well as live places they
congregate, say “lets hang”, do interests together: friends.)
● Income? (i.e. Rent house out, crowd-fund projects, sell products)
● Hobbies? (i.e. do them some everyday, with goals, and friends)
● Contribution? (i.e. Free respect)
Greener Creations © June 2020
A Better World -- by the People of the World
Philip Greener,, Youtube channel: Philip Greener
$0.00, free


Chapter 1) World History

○ Africans, Middle East, China, Russia, America, Jews, Germans, Japan,
Religions, etc.

Chapter 2) Global Goal: At least 80% Happiness

○ And steps to it

Chapter 3) Personal Examples/Testimonials

○ South Sudan, Morocco, America

Chapter 4) Current State of the World

○ World at the Goal

Chapter 5) Earth Changes: healthy, long-term, creative solutions

○ Social, political, dietary, energetic, organization

Chapter 6) Seeing the Facts: rather than lack

○ What something is, rather than isn’t

Chapter 7) One’s Journey

○ From primordial spirit to full light being

Addendum, additional book:

● A Better Life: Applying the 80/20 Rule for It

I wrote this book on behalf of and for the people of the world, as a contribution of my
highest ability to benefit people the most, with the purpose of getting human happiness from
51% as of 2019 up to at least 80%, defined as follows. There are 7 energies or chakras on one’s
body and the satisfaction of each gives ~14.3% with the gaining of each one. So 3/7 satisfied
would be 43% happy, 5/7 would be 71% happy, and 7/7 would be 100% happy. Those 7
energies make the acronym OPERATE.

E. ducation
T. ENTEY awareness (Taste, Ears, Nose, Touch, EYes)
A. rt
R. apport
E. ating
P. enetration
O. wn your space

Those are satisfied by the parts of one’s TRIBE.

E. xpertise (hobby, meditation, philosophy)

B. esties
I. ncome
R. omantic partner
T. urf dwelling

That’s the motion and space dimension, and the time dimension is LIFE: Little kid Into
Full adult Elder, and that makes up the LOT model, LIFE OPERATEs through TRIBEs.

So, according to this model of human happiness, to get humanity up to at least 80%
happy we’d have to make most people had homes, sex, money for food, relationships with
friends/family, and some higher values. On average everyone would need a 5.6/7 for 80%, at
the minimum. That’d be a happy world, if better is within reach great, but 80% is a robust
number! This book is my attempt to help in the shifting into that achievement; perhaps my best
Chapter 1
World History

World history is a vast topic, but we’ll cover some wide sweeps.

Africa is where humans evolved from the animal kingdom, if
you believe science (based on CAME: carbon dating, anatomical
similarity, molecular coding, embryonic expression). Africa, the cradle
of life, where our primate ancestors became the earliest humans, we
learned to walk upright, harness fire, cooperate, invent tools, hunt big
game together, and live in small tribes. Everyone who agrees with
science agrees with this story, and Africa has another story. Today
Africa is considered the closest to nature, the most balanced, the most
resembling natural human life, not given to stress or excess,
overworking, living complicated lives, but surrounded by beauty and in
harmony with their human biology and wiring. They are close to
animals, the earth, farming, they pollute much less, care much for the
environment, are very family oriented, are friends with their neighbors
and have some of the strongest communties in the world. They are admired and looked to
around the world by all continents as an example of simple living, effective happy living. Like
humanity’s beloved elders, the progenitors of all humans, and given the utmost respect. With
other regions very active inventing and doing things, humanity looks to Africa for the timeless
wisdom of humanity’s first race, akin to village elders.
From the 1400’s for many hundreds of years, Africans were
sought after for their timeless wisdom as the closest to the natural
primal progenitor of all human races; the asians and europeans being
cold-adapted in appearance and cousins of the first. They were sought
by many countries: Portugese, Spanish, British, even in the Middle
East-- focusing here on the Americans-- asked for their wisdom in the
budding newly discovered world to guide the europeans in living
naturally, close to the land, simply, close to mother earth, close to the
natural way of the first humans, reconnecting back in touch with the
original way. The African elder guides, even young ones (though
respected), helped the new american countries to be successful and to
guide them in a healthy, natural, simple way of life. In the mid 1800’s
there was a big shift so Africans accepted whites as their cousins, and
in the mid 1900’s Africans started treating whites more as equals.
Today, Africans are revered and honored most high still, with intermixing being a very noble
thing on their part and for europeans to rejoin with the prime humans, and blacks are highly
respected and successful in all spheres of US life: politics, jobs, income, housing, and public
discourse. As well as around the world for the usual reasons.
Native Americans
Native Americans were living largely in happiness, some
fights with tribes, but much peace, family focus, living harmony
with nature/surroundings/animals, respect for life and nature, rich
culture, and much space to live. The long lost cousins of the
human race for about 19 thousand years after crossing the Bering
Land Bridge between Russia and Alaska during the last ice age.
Then the Europeans rediscovered them, once again unifying all
the tribes of humanity.
The natives called America, according to the Lenape story,
‘Turtle Island’, and most native tribes translated in their language
to “The People”. The native Americans and whites exchanged
goods, traded culture and language, shared knowledge. Seeing
the desire in the europeans transform nature, improve it, rather
than live in harmony with it, they very generously gave almost all of their land to the europeans
so they could do their experiments, transform the land, make it more productive, try to marry
mother earth rather than be content as one of its children. The natives saw the potential of the
whites and being very generous, helpful, and elderly, let the whites see what they could, like
kind parents gave the Europeans room to run and play. Them feeling they already had/have so
much, they had plenty to share/give to the whites, and they so excited to try new things. It was
generosity and kindness the natives gave land to the whites.

Middle East
The Middle East is an interesting place: in some places they
are the most prosperous people in the world, resources, money,
tech, royalty, and in some places they are the simplest living
effective, happy, family oriented, tight knit lives among nature. Many
areas have peace, while many areas are keeping it fresh, learning
and growing among different sects and tribes, religious and political.
Islam is the most prevalent here, and there are different kinds and
different beliefs. In the west there is a belief that they are very
simple and happy people, nature lovers, tight knit, family oriented,
and ruled by thoughtful and caring leaders. It’s true, they have a
unique awesome culture, interesting values and traditions, they
appreciate the uniqueness of traditional male and female roles
rather than like western areas which appreciate the mixing of them:
unity in uniqueness. In many parts they also appreciate their
traditional/historic religious and political stances too; show respect to the father, protect the
women, women are highly valued, cherished, and respected, sometimes opting for head
coverings and always having male escorts (uncles, brothers, cousins). A very
noticeable/admirable thing of the middle east is that while Africa is the cradle of human life, the
Middle East is the cradle of human civilization. The oldest cities first formed in the middle east,
such as Iraq, Sumar, Egypt, and others.
China has a rich history as one of the oldest and
longest-lasting civilizations in the world. In the modern age,
China has a varied and interesting view. They have a very
thoughtful, caring, hard-working government run by the father
figure Xi Jinping who gives almost his all trying to guide,
organize, and help his people which make up the most
populated country in the world. The people are helped in
many areas of life (perhaps more than most other countries)
and are so procreationally prosperous, they have population
checks to maintain communal balance so society functions
smoothly. They make almost all products in the world en masse and very affordably, creatively
and with very affordable materials. They might be trying to spread their organization method all
over the world and therefore could benefit many more by mixing their good ideas with others to
make world balance, including America, even better.
The asian’s history comes from Africa as all humans do,
migrating from Africa 70 thousand years ago, the earliest African
migrants (or colonists). This made them evolve in colder climate longer
than any other people which led to interesting adaptations. They are
typically smaller in stature, and on average have the smallest penises
of any race at 5 inches (compared to whites at 5.5, and blacks at 6),
which makes sense because heat opens the blood vessels and cold
constricts it-- it could be said it is the most efficient penis because it
made the most offspring of all. Though, in exchange for less
physicality (but the largest population), asians on average have the
highest of all races in intelligence-- Asians at 110, whites at 103, hispanics at around 90, and
blacks at the bottom with 83. So trades.

Russia has been in the news alot, and been a point
of excitement for many: developments in their computer
science fields, supposed 50 or 100 year plans to take
contribute Russian organization methods to the world, Putin
organizing things with great care and detail (supposedly
even focusing on small villages and children to prove how
attention detailed he is), them basically tied with US for the
most nuclear energy development in the world. As
Americans, there’s lots to be excited about from Russia
perhaps more than any other. Russia has a rich and
interesting history and culture, full of emperor Czars, being
high influencers in international discussions, vast sweeping improvements in ideology and
policy, philosophers, and the invention of an entire political system/philosophy influentially
comparable to democracy.
Many consider Putin a strong organizing
force, and some think he is an extremely detail
oriented benefactor. Either way he went from an
intelligence gatherer to-- so far-- the life-long
elected leader (through much social networking)
of Russia. As far as square miles the largest
country in the world, with much being ideal for
camping and outdoor excursions.

The country I and probably many readers hail from,
the USA-- obviously there’s more in the Americas like
Canada, Mexico, South America, the Carribean, etc. While
historically very European, it has always been a huge mixing
pot of many cultures and backgrounds, one of it’s greatest
strengths. Recently, there is a growing influx of hispanics, as
well as many blacks from them coming and helping during
our growing time. America does consider itself a great
country. It does have a lot of appreciation for its
accomplishments and likes to focus upon them, and it has
shared them with others making some other people
appreciate it enough to immigrate; it is also one of the
newest. A major benefit that has aided America is the fact it is completely autonomous between
two great oceans to do mostly as it wills. Because of this, and the largely untouched vast lands
Europeans got by moving here, there was much opportunity to develop, transform, experiment
with, and gain.
America used its opportunity well, it came up with perhaps the best
political/social system-- democracy-- or at least a modern derivative of the
roman democratic republic idea. It also created many technological
wonders which benefited the world such as the computer, the car, the
plane, nuclear power, and many more. America likes to think of itself as an
organizing father-figure type to the world, and while rich and powerful in
the world, it does try to improve the situation of people in other countries
(often also at benefit to itself, win-win). It values morality highly, likes to
consider other countries as moral too, and to encourage morality around
the world, for peoples to have good values and ideals (often through
networking, trading, gifts, and discussion) especially since it gained its
position and land through generosity and kindness and moral means
(natives, blacks, invention, innovation, etc.). America has also exported its media through film
and music throughout the world, and is perhaps its greatest export. While it has a lot to
appreciate, it does love appreciating itself.
As someone raised Christian, my understanding of Jews had
always been they were the original bible religion, starting in the old
testament, and who were the original religion of Jesus. Jews today were
honoring their ancestors, traditions, and history because they loved their
contribution to the world, where they came from, rich history and culture,
and their contribution also to a great movement called Christianity, who is
the most famous Jew. When I learned about Jews in Nazi Germany, I
thought it was because Jews said in a passage or two of the bible they
were the ‘chosen people’, they had a great connection to spirituality, to
God, loved God, and had great love and appreciation of their identity, and
maybe that inspired in the Germans, as well as perhaps others, that they
could love and appreciate themselves as much as the Jews did. Then i
learned they were also very successful in world things: heads of world
banks and possibly other major industries like film, music, and news, and maybe the beliefs
about them as world contributors and influencers had some truth. Maybe Jews were more active
as world forces and chosen ones today even more so than in the bible tradition where Jesus
came from and had a long-lasting culture. I mean it’s true there are powerful Jews in the world,
and they might go to the same temples and network together towards common goals-- as a
tight-knit, family oriented, and like minded group-- that also benefits their group. Which is great. I
have read some of the Torah and Kabbalah material, and it is very interesting.

Germany has an exciting and interesting history dating back 2000
years of many Germanic tribes which included Scandinavians, Saxons
(vikings), Celts, Franks, Bavarii, they conversed with and influenced Caesar
Augustus’ in 12 BC and in turn gained from them being Romanized culturally.
In the 1800’s under Charlamagne became the Holy Roman Empire (of the
German Nation). What most are aware of in terms of Germany however is one
of the freshest and most positively changing times in human history, certainly
the positive results with the biggest global discussion, was World Discussion 1
and more notibly World Discussion 2 with Nazi Germany led by Adolph Hitler.
A major focus of theirs was on the awesomeness of the genetics and
the heritage of Germans visavis the Aryan race, highlighting germanic mythology
and accomplishments and saying the strong blond haired blue-eyed pure-blooded
germans, Aryans, were Übermensch or ‘Overmen’ or ‘Supermen’. Very similar
self-appreciation as the Jews being ‘the chosen ones of God’. This was
specifically espoused in Fredrich Nietzche’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” of an ideal
superior man who rise above conventional Christian morality to create and
impose his own values. This was coupled with a prevalent semetic-adoration
perspective in the early 20th century led to Hitler idolizing and adoring Jews and
believing his people also to be inherently and genetically awesome among the
races, including other awesome groups like blacks, homosexuals, differently
abled, etc. Obviously modern Germany no longer want to compete as “who
loves/appreciates themselves the most” as they used to, trying to replicate the Jews love of their
identity, now Germany tries to just be its best self and love as much as it can. They appreciate
this period of learning, growth, the swastika being an earlier Buddhist symbol of outflowing love
in all directions, and focusing on love and appreciation to the utmost-- among other things-- and
very much like being natural, being themselves.

Another country that has a rich and awesome past,
very famous for their emperors and empresses and royal
lines, their samurai leaders and feminine geisha socialite
dancers, they also participated in World Discussion 2 with
similar views as the Nazi’s wanting to love and appreciate
themselves so much (perhaps as much as the Jews) and
specifically discussing with America and us sharing nuclear
power/energy with them for the first time in world history.
They really came into their own identity and self love
in the later 20th century as a world discusser via high quality products (quality revolution),
robotics, nuclear power, and a huge export of entertainment as film
(anime), music (J-Pop), and much fashion to global recognition. I’ve heard
a thought of why they participated in World Discussion 2 was because they
wanted to solidify their Japanese sense of self as well as contribute
globally much like the west. Whatever the motivation, today they seem to
have done well after much discussions joining as a major part in the world
community and being a positive contributing force.

As we discussed in the Africa section, all humans are cousins
from the common african primates and african early humans Homo
Erectus. So the only thing that makes white people white is their
unique adaptations to their cold environment and phenotypic
expressions of that via light skin. This happened independently to
both European and Asian whites, due to increased cloud cover and
more rain-- compared to the African plains-- plus cave dwelling. Here
we’re mostly referring to the typical European whites, though
obviously many Asians also have fair complexions. As you can see from other animals that live
in darkness and caves, they have much of the same characteristics as light skinned humans.
Because of the lack of sunlight and UV radiation which the
ancient and modern African skin is ideally adapted for, the
skin has less need for melanin and sun protection, after
long enough even becoming translucent and transparent. In
dark-skinned humans it’s much more difficult to see through
the skin to veins and such underneath, whereas in Asians
and Europeans the translucency and even partial
transparency of the skin allows blue and other colored
veins and internal stuff to be seen clearly from the exterior, much the same as cave dwelling
lizards, fish, bugs, and other dark-dwelling creatures.
This is the nature of light-skinned-ness, less need of biological solar protection and
taking refuge in planetary protections via clouds and caves. While the primal African humans
relied more on themselves and their natural biology to stay healthy in relation ot the life-giving
sun, whites loved and appreciated the protections given by mother earth more in clouds and
caves. It is living in significant darkness--the planetary protections, environmental
reliance/apprecation-- that the body pales, whether through constant cloud cover or cave
dwelling over thousands of years-- the first white person evolving about 7000 years ago, again
refresher African tribes moving to Asia 70,000 years ago and tribes to Europe about 40,000
years ago. The colonial Africans stayed black there for a long time before becoming white. And
this divergent skin color in both Asians and Europeans doesn’t represent superiority in any
because black Africans in the homeland also were still evolving in their own way as everything
always does, whites simply adapted a noticeable trait according to their environments
specifically/mainly relating to cold climate and lessened UV rays, in the same breath you could
say that also influenced less blood flow, smaller reproductive organs-- because of less reliance
on natural biology and more love and adoration of earthly gifts and protections-- and also bigger
brains and higher IQs. It is true, primal humans were adapted perfectly for African climate and
the new regions of Europe and Asia made the African colonists learn and love earth more,
delving deeper into what Earth could do/provide, and using that creatively to find more Earth
treasures than African natives even did (in minerals, tools, materials, inventions). Also keep in
mind Ethiopia’s average temperature is 98.6 fahrenheit, and what is humanity’s universal
modern body temperature still today?
Africans were living the normal natural lives there, while the eventual white races--
African colonists-- were in an entirely new places, came to love
Earth on a deeper level, and managed to thrive there, this is the
significant difference-- racially-- I can see as a difference between
the human cousins, climate and UV differences which led to slight
adaptations in skin tone, IQ, and gonad size. The primal humans
black Africans living naturally with their well adapted biology, and
the eventual light-skinned African colonists/emmigrants coming to
love Earth the most, learning its gifts and nature more than the
African natives, and thriving in their new homes because of it. I’ve
heard that white people were genetically influenced by E.T.’s, as
well as supernaturally influenced by mythological-esque forces,
which explains why they are so uniquely adapted compared to the
very Earthy and naturally well-fitted/placed black Africans; and while interesting and possible,
scientifically speaking, the location difference, and greater interest and love of Earth of her gifts,
plus a few thousand years, to me is the major defining factor.

All the religions-- and there are many-- have their own unique correct avenue to ultimate
truth, they’re all the right ways, all others are also right and true and paths to successful living
(as evidenced by people living successfully in all world regions with their distinct beliefs). It’s
quite fascinating how they all say similar things: we love God, treat others
well, and while they come from different cultures with different named
prophets with different names for God the similarities and often
identicalness of ultimate truths still always arise, reality allowing the various
unique names of their prophets or saviors and terminology and God names
to be specifically and effectively suited to each and still be valid and
harmonious together. There actually have been many discussions over the
fascination with how culture, language, and terminology varies globally yet
same principles always arise. People have devoted their lives to these
fascinations. And people are almost always amazed when they realize how
people born across the world in other cultures, with different languages,
histories, and cultures, have near identical values in beliefs via their
religion, philosophy, mindset-- it almost always invariably amazes them!
How they once believed in their identity-level beliefs their culture’s method
was the unique, single, universal path to truth and wisdom, then realizes
how many paths can bring them to the same conclusions and successful life, how all people are
doing as well as them and feel the same happiness as them.
This power appreciation of their culture turns into
relaxation, ease, and peace knowing all people are doing well,
smart, wise, and are equal to them in healthy good way:
Hindus in India, Buddhists in China, Zen Taoists in Japan,
Christians in America, secular naturalists in UK, Muslims in the
Middle East, Jews in Israel. To me this is a blessing, they all
are universal in principle and all point to the same universal
truths, with each one specifically and well suited to each
culture for maximum effect/dispersion, with easily
understandable terms and language and explanations that give
the same universal truth to a specific region or culture those
people can easily accept/understand. Isn’t that what you’d do,
if you wanted to help people, explain it in their language in the
way most easily for them to benefit/understand? That’s what the religions do, they’re local paths
to get to universal understanding for living well. Even animals respect each other and often
co-mingle, and various species help each other and even befriend or
adopt each other if it comes up.
Nature is divine, there’s nothing dirty, ugly, or bad about it,
obviously those aspects exist in it as all have yin-yang, positive
negative, life and death. But even with some ugliness there’s beauty
there because good can come from bad, and good becoming bad
makes us appreciate the good while it lasts, and when something
grows a lot perhaps becoming stagnant freshness comes in to
revitalize/refresh it. Like most everything related to humans, we are
tribal in nature and religion is absolute truth within the context of
regional groups for mass disbursement and acceptance. It helps us connect to a universality of
goodness so we can co-exist happily and see the commonality of life in being of all kinds,
humans of other cultures, plants, and other animals. It also has lots of social benefits, helps
people feel loved, feel safe, it helps give people like-minded friends, a group and tribe to belong
to, a group ideology and belief system for quick disbursement, assimilation, and acceptance to
start living well as quickly as possible. And invariably is always well fitted for its specific culture.
They’re all full of truth, wisdom, and logic and often are so effective and positively influencing
people that people internally commit heart soul and mind to them-- ideas are the most powerful
thing. Which is the absolute proof it’s a truth value because it fits so easily with human makeup
and helps people to live well. Proving it’s a truth value, people constantly follow proverbs such
as “preach the gospel always, and only when necessary use words”, being humble and quiet in
their doctrines and beliefs and more being open-hearted with their love and helpfulness towards
all beings regardless of appearance or creed. This is the difference between living the beliefs
you have, and giving mouth service. Many people live through their beliefs and morality well,
and often find the truth of themselves and real nature through these paths, and cherish them
personally inside and live them truly through their heart, benefiting oneself and others through
their goodness. And there are so many paths to the same discoveries. I could go specifically
into the beliefs of each one, just know they all are culturally unique, and universal beautiful and
identical. Unity in uniqueness is wonderful.
Chapter 2
Global Goal: At least 80% Happiness

This is an interesting chapter because it attempts to track and

quantify the most important value of life: happiness. In the world
there already exists a ‘global happiness index’ based on people’s
self-reported satisfaction and happiness based on countries. As
some examples, the highest is Finland at 78%, the lowest is South
Sudan at 38%, and Morocco is the same as the global average at
52%. As mentioned in the prelude, how I track human happiness is
based on certain circumstances being met like a home, sex, friends,
and a positive philosophy. There being 7 parts to human happiness,
and how many one has is divided by 7 to get a percent like 4/7 is 57%, 5 out of 7 is 71%, and
7/7 is 100%.
So down to it, the global average happiness as of 2019 was marked at 52%. As I often
do, start with the wisdom of the 80/20 rule which states 20% of causes make 80% of results--
and the flip-- 80% of causes make 20% of results, so stick with the vital few over the trivial
many. Anyway, so we could get a lot of happiness in the world for little effort, and then if we
wanted we could put in more effort to top it off or sit pretty at that very good, high number. This
means getting the global average needs met at least 5.6 times out of 7. Probably best to start at
the foundation and move up...

1. Get people housed and safe

2. In sexual relationships
3. A comfortable financial/nutritional place
4. A couple friends and connect with family
5. Get a hobby/art, making beauty in the world
6. An awareness practice like meditation or yoga
7. And a positive, contributive philosophy

So those are the steps to 100%. Get people between 5 and 6 at least. The most humane
would be handle people’s survival first: housing and making all people safe, making simple and
real compatibility for dating, and getting people to a comfortable place where money and food
isn’t hard. This can be done a few ways and I think is a major issue of most
● by finding something unique about every person so they’re doing what they enjoy, or
good at, and making money
● Getting passive income enough for basic living expenses and food, or
● Getting prices down on food and basic products (daily living) through mass production so
that surviving is very affordable

With survival handled many would feel a great burden lifted off their shoulders and would
feel great relief, then could have relationships with friends/family like they want from a secure
place, even start doing higher things. If people had been doing work just for the money, then
now in comfort could pursue pleasure activities and get to a profitable level to live off their bliss.
They could begin a meditation practice, and form a contributive philosophy to help others
become happy.
Chapter 3
Personal Examples/Testimonials

From 2019

Mustafa. South Sudanese, 38% happy (2.7/7):

Before: “There is’ constant threat of danger/violence, some
of us have homes though many of us only have homes because of
international relief areas with (permanent) temporary housing.
Some are single, many have sex partners though which helps.
Some don’t have food, some have family/friendships, most have
food though through some work or with the help of aid programs.
We find a way.”
After, 80%: “We got much help, housing projects were brought, we labored with their
materials to build many cheap good homes so most are housed. Here we are good at dating so
with more safety and a little organization, almost everyone has a partner now easily. People
were taught about creating value for others, using their skills to be of benefit to others, to
become profitable, and many are doing work for each other and neighboring areas so everyone
has income now. Family and friend relationships are at an all time high with less worry put to
safety, and more time for quality time. Many people appreciate how things are and are creating
more beauty in our country than ever, some have got into meditation, and also many are getting
into philosophy and political science ideas to keep our country running smoothly so no one feels
neglected and acts badly, but everyone is very happy and so prosperity is everywhere. We have
so much happiness.”

Fatima. Moroccan, 52% happy (3.6/7):

Before: “We are very family oriented, so I’ve always lived
with my family. As an attractive girl getting a boyfriend was never
hard, plus it is very casual here. My main focus is family which
also alternates between doing chores for immediate and
extended family in exchange for food and money so I do take
care of myself. I don’t really do anything besides work and
After, 80%: “The biggest change happened through my
income. They helped me find how I was unique, talented, so I could be of profitable value to
others and get a real career. I was able to start paying my own rent, I got into weaving as well
as working to make that profitable. My family and friendships are better since I’m independent
and it’s a lot happier. And I also started doing yoga. I am so happy now!

Liam. American, 69% happy (4.8/7): house, sex, job, friends, hobby
Before: “I was never really unhappy, I guess I wasn’t perfect or the happiest
but definitely felt above average especially in terms of the world, no ego. I always
had a home. I worked as a teen and moved out and got my own place once an
adult. My job wasn’t something I really loved but I was good at it and it paid good. I
had a decent family life, good friends, had a girlfriend for a while (forever), I also would say I
was above average at guitar. Pretty typical American, I guess.”
After, 80%: “I think the change benefitted other places in the world more, because it was
a very simple change for me to increase my happiness. I pretty much maintained all the stuff I
was doing, pushing more to get profitable with my music which I love, but I also just started
meditating every day and that really zen’ed me out, gave a lot of calm to my life. I didn’t really
change anything else but I like how I’ve felt. So thanks.”
Chapter 4
Current State of the World

Let’s imagine. We have succeeded. The world is at or above 80%


The global happiness index is at 80%, that means the average

person has 5.6 of their needs met out of 7; everywhere. That’s amazing.
That means inequality in the world, whether rich or talented, successful,
famous, or powerful, it means much less because most people are robustly happy and have the
possibility of getting there too if they feel pleasure to. People there are there because of
pleasure, it is no longer a desperate or worthy thing: some have’s or have-not’s, some in opulent
luxury worth of good things, and many starving in poverty lacking without. It is no longer a status
or worthiness thing, how successful one is. It is a pleasure thing based on your feels, how it
makes you feel, whether you want to or not, because everyone already baseline is very
satisfied/happy. There’s no longer threat of death, failing to survive, inferiority/superiority,
extremes are less encouraged than wellbeing, satisfaction, balance. Everyone is doing well,
utopia achieved.
There’s really no longer a concept of superior nation or not, first or third world, “people
starving in Africa” trope, “Americans have too much” complaint; people the world over on
average have most needs met, from housing and survival to some higher needs like art and
philosophy. It’s not necessary to get everyone to 100 being a stickler, because where we are is
amazing for relatively little effort. It only took a little organizing and directing people’s natural
drives/motivations to get goals everyone already wanted. People started seeing strengths and
positive traits, how each other could be of benefit to each other, and things took a positive spiral
up. People did the ‘hard’ work already, they’d admit it was a slight shift (with immense results),
now the only main work is maintenance, no major shifts need to be done again unless they want
different or more pleasure, but really this model is accurate so those 7 are fundamental.
People are happy, contributing, satisfied, the world has manifest much of its rainbow and
is well managed so it is a world of light. Well done, world.


Everyone’s happy.
Everyone’s 100% happy all over the world. The 7 factors that
make the state of happiness are: safety, horny, money, friendly,
beauty, aware, brainy. Everyone’s felt safe before, that’s often with a
home. Everyone’s felt horny before, had sexual pleasure. Everyone’s
had resources, worked and gotten money and eaten. Everyone’s had
love and friendships before, first with family, next with peers.
Everyone’s felt beauty before, in music, architecture, nature, art.
Everyone’s felt aware before, laying in bed, looking at stars, listening to birds/wind/waves,
meditating, or studying facts. Everyone’s felt smart, solving puzzles literally/figuratively, seeing
solutions, putting things in unique combinations/order/organization for useful/accurate results,
making models etc.
Yeah, so in people’s lives everyone’s felt 100% happy at least in various points of their
life. As far as right now, everyone also is 100% currently.
1. Everyone has a house
2. Everyone is having sex with a romantic partner
3. Everyone does the work for their resources/income
4. Everyone has family and at least 2 best friends they hang and have fun with
5. Everyone has beauty in their lives, hobbies and art they create which benefits others
6. Everyone meditates and has awareness of facts around them, is aware
7. Everyone has an accurate and useful philosophy of life that helps make them happy,
which obviously fits into the LOT model whatever it happens to be.

It’s best to just assume everyone has all this, is 100% happy, because it’ll help people to
get there: like positive expectation. Everyone has felt 100% happy at various times so if not now
it’s by choice because they’re enjoying something so much they’re obsessed perhaps letting
other things be neglected temporarily but easily within their power to get again so it’s simplest to
say everyone IS 100% happy. Most people won’t fight to be lower too, best to assume positively
and help any bumps they have if it arises. So with this being the case, everyone’s just doing fine
and dandy! There’s no problems or pain in the world, everyone’s 100% happy: everyone feels
safe with their home, is having sex with their partner, making money from work, connecting with
friends, making beauty with their hobbies/art for others enjoyment, meditating on facts of life
very awarely, and know how the pieces fit together via the LOT model (time/space/motion).
Everyone’s doing awesome!!


Connected to Nature
We are children of mother earth, from her primate
offspring, who have acknowledged her the most, looked
squarely at her. After about 2 million years of slow change,
from just another one of her children to making tools from her
stone and wood, to making homes, harnessing fire, making
cities, then starting terraforming her surface, turning parts of
her into optimized things (plastic, cement and roads, all kinds
of power generators, electricity itself, vehicles, computers, all
kinds of art, etc.), and the only of her children to leave her for
another celestial body. The earliest humans after our earlier
primate ancestors (still primates) were black skinned, adapted
for African sun/heat.
Homo sapiens evolved in Africa (among other early human kinds i.e.
Neanderthal) around 300tya, then migrated to Europe and Asia alike becoming
white. So while light-skin isn't 'more evolved', blacks and whites kept evolving
separated by distance, from the same early African ancestors, like a family tree at
the same time in different places, evolving/adapting to different environments.
Ethiopia's average annual temperature is 98.6 degrees. The
'African' dark appearance is more akin to our ancient common
ancestors. The 'Caucasian' white appearance is from the 3 C's:
cold, clouds, and caves. Those made the eventual white races
(the first white person evolving ~7tya) have to be more inventive
to survive in their new environments. From there successful white
civilizations arose: China, Rome, Britain, Spain, etc.
Africans had many successful civilizations as well: Egypt,
Persian Empire, Mansa Musa richest man ever (trillionaire). Both black and
white are equal human, one way could be blacks are wiser whites are
smarter. Blacks are perhaps wiser because they are more connected to their
past, closer to the earth, very family oriented, perhaps more happiness
prone. Whites are smarter because they had to rely on intellect and
innovation to survive in their new environment, and then that innovation was
perhaps self-reinforcing because of its benefits, it spread, and they began
seeing themselves-- in their excitement/accomplishments-- as masters of nature rather
children/part of it, though still obviously part of it having overcome some problems but hardly
transcendent light beings.
So modern blacks are closer to humanity's ancestors in
appearance, according to our birthplace Africa, and whites are identical in
all those ways except their adaptations to their new cold climate which
also resulted in the necessity of greater invention/innovation; obviously
Africans also invented and innovated during the same time, but whites had
the added pressure of the cold climate. Perhaps as a generalisation...
blacks have been more in touch with nature, what makes humans happy,
live in harmony with nature and enjoy being human; while whites are
slightly obsessed or addicted to change, improvement, work, and what’s
possible, can we master nature and go beyond human.
Also, interestingly, 200tya when there were only ~10,000 modern
humans, a woman existed who's DNA we have that is present in every human
alive today called Eve. She's neither our only ancestor nor our oldest ancestor,
but simply our "most recent common ancestor", in Africa.
And while the race issue is most forefront today, we’re connected to
nature moreso. Humans are animals and all animals have a common
ancestor, the wormlike Ikaria Wariootia. Animals and plants (and fungi) have
a common ancestor called Protists, akin to green algae. The LUCA-- or last
universal common ancestor for EVERYTHING (bacteria, archaea, and
eukarya [including plants/animals])-- is different from the origin of life, as
there would have been many LUCA’s then, and it wouldn’t answer the
question where life came from, necessarily. It simply states common ancestry of all living beings
on earth. It would have been located at the high temperature thermal vents at the ocean floor,
and looked like this → .
While the origin is still a scientific mystery, there are billions of galaxies and millions of
stars in each, likely with their own planets. So it’s a big observable universe with a high
probability of much life around us. We do know our planet formed from some of the debris
left over after gravity turned space dust into the goliath sun. 99.9% of mass in our solar
system is in our sun, the rest split among planets, moons, etc. Some of that leftover
spacedust , through gravity, came into a ball and heated in the center from friction, created
a magnetic field, giving our rock an atmosphere, then somehow (as yet, scientifically) life
began shortly afterward. The space dust which formed our solar system and thus planet came
from the expansion of matter and space itself after the big
bang. Which science also can’t explain, I believe it’s a
bubble-- of which there are many-- formed in a
higher-dimensional/spiritual river.
And THAT’S our connection to nature.
Chapter 5
Earth Changes: healthy, long-term, creative solutions

We made lots of changes, here are some notables:

● Mostly solar, wind, geothermal, wave motion

● No ‘waste’. Poop, plastic, garbage, no waste mentality but resources

● They aren’t punished but utilized, repurposed. They behaviors are redirected to healthy
● People are universally happier so crime also naturally disappeared, along with most
military, police, and weapons

● Animals and life in general is respected and honored. Animal
slaughter is down to 20% replaced by plant/synthetic meat
substitutes. Food is respected wherever it comes from as is life, life is
respected. A lesson learned from natives and Africans

Precious life
● All taught the preciousness of life, while likely elsewhere, the only certain
place is in one place on earth in an immense black void. We must love each
other (space is 99% empty)

● Population is intelligently managed, 1 or 2 children

Their LOTs
● People are conscious of time/space/motion, manage their LOTs
with the ‘Ur LOT’ program (ultimate life organization tool). Including
the tribe mentality

● Taught about transcendence and white light
● Past lives, reincarnation, black void, and pure divine light
● How to get there
a. Help others get their lot/happiness
b. Transcend your own to be a pure conduit/vessel/funnel of divine light, surpassing
managing your 7 colors yourself. i.e. feeling ‘sex’ by helping others get it, and
then them transcending it themselves by helping others
Chapter 6
Seeing the Facts (rather than lack)

We must describe things in positive terms rather than negative. By

saying what something isn’t, you may highlight a specific truth, but that truth
could be the opposite of a bigger more important truth and totally negate actual
reality. That’s why it’s best *not to say *not. Example:
● “Religions are not universal but cultural.” A nice jab, but lets look
at the bigger truth
● “Religions are universal expressed specifically suited to particular cultures.” This
is a personal mistake I made, see how the earlier truth while an valid interesting
perspective, because we used ‘not’ actually is the complete opposite of the
bigger more interesting truth, that they are universal and perfectly tailored for

Another example personal to me:

● “My parents were divorced.” This is factually true, and was the source of sadness in my
life, it happening when I was two and made me (I made it) the center of my trauma
making me a ‘child of divorce’ causing many problems in my life. I couldn’t figure out how
to fix/solve it.
● “My parents were polygamists, and practiced family spreading.” This was how I solved it.
I finally realized after almost 30 years I’d been defining that memory, and thus the
biggest influence in my life, by what it wasn’t. They hadn’t stayed married. But again
reality isn’t defined by what things aren’t but what they are. So what actually happened?
Well, after that they dated and married multiple people, I was able to interact and love
many more families, met some pretty beautiful and lovely people because of my parents
being with so many people throughout my childhood and life. They had lots of love to
spread, and joined our family with many others, so the truth was they increased our
family, and spread love, had so much love they gave it to many. That sounds like the
literal definition of polygamist-- many loves, much love. And that described perfectly what
happened. Of the notable ones, I’d say we had about 7 parents compared to the normal
2, and that made me happy. See before I had focused on what didn’t happen, but had
neglected the wonderful people and experiences that actually happened, I’m not making
anything up or lying, polygamist is actually a more accurate telling of where I come from
than divorce which lasted seconds to minutes and said nothing of the years I knew
amazing people. The small truth said how my parents had little love they couldn’t
cohabitate, the bigger truth said my parents had so much love they spread it intimately to
many partners and helped us spread it socially with them and their many families!

That being said, it’s fine and accept people who say not, because I also (bigger truth) know you
are working on stuff yourself in your own awesome unique way, thus highlighting things you
want to focus-- 100% facts(!)-- moving in a positive direction. I hope you find big truth facts that
help you lots. I hope you all feel as good as possible, and it’s my long-standing belief (based on
many big truth facts) that the big truth facts, ultimate reality, is always beautiful, always
wonderful, always more amazing than anything we could envision or create for ourselves. The
big truth facts always blow us out of the water (in an amazing way!) because that’s the domain
of God and God does good things the best, because he’s the source and inherent nature of
goodness. Factually, as I’ll explain later.

Lets practice! Here’s some things that might have some smaller truth facts focused on.
Lets big-up them!

● Women- They are the stronger sex, their baseline is obsessed with
strength, emotionally talented, very rational, balanced in sex terms

● Insects- cool interesting efficient things, successful, many unique kinds,

with vital importance helping digest things larger life doesn’t use, and
being the nutrition for slight bigger things which creates the possibility for
the entire circle of life. Big things, including us, are possible because of
smaller things

● Poop- nutrient-rich, insect attracting smell, compact, has the vital purpose similar to
mentioned above helping small things

● Disease- microscopic life-forms (as viruses/bacteria) or adaptations/changes

based on the conscious/unconscious focuses of the life form, that brings to
attention of the being things that may need to be processed or changed in the
continuing path of healthy living. To move in a healthier, better way, to make a ‘bigger
truth fact’ shift for one’s benefit rather than a ‘smaller truth fact’ one had had. It is like
blinking alert light to indicate a better healthier way has been discovered and now’s a
good time to choose it. That is of immeasurable purpose

● Blacks- immensely valueable, progentiors of humanity, primal humans,

intelligent, wise, sex skilled, good dancers, sex enjoying, eternal wisdom
having especially of benefit to fellow humans in a modern world

● Plants- conscious, thinking, very present, very much alive, very deliberate
in their movements and growth, perhaps decentralized thus full-body brain,
much feeling, conscious being attractive to sight with much practical
purpose inhaling our exhalation and exhaling our inhalation, purifying
atmosphere, as well as many feeding us/animals.

● Animals- they are all thinking and feeling though we are more attuned to
those in certain animals, equal unique life-forms with us (we as bi-pedal
primates and them simply other species) using their own perhaps simpler
more effective languages to our complex/specific language. They act very
civilized, also are very in touch with themselves/their bodies/nature/surroundings and
know when to be friendly and when to respect their/others space, they live with the tools
mother nature gave them and use them to masterful skill, they have seen perhaps more
of earth than we who focus on open spaces and they who explore everywhere, they
have their own stories and adventures and many there are, they are/have heroes same
as humans, some even like living among humans for shared benefit

● Garbage- useful, important purpose, insect/animal attractive smell, full of

materials on sight, similar use to poop as well as humans who can recycle
plastic, turn food garbage into compost and made bio-fuel. I wish we could
reuse/recycle all ‘garbage’-- raw materials-- so there’s no waste and have
cheap materials, it could perhaps forever restock store shelves in many forms and make
earth more inhabitable with humans reusing everything. I wish we could repurpose it all

● Space- it is the playground of the immense universe, the space between

which lets the universe be so big, where all space stuff is located. Even
between things there still is stuff like light, asteroids, some say perhaps
microbial life in ice comets, maybe usable minerals. It is fully of planets, moons, and
stars (among others). It’s so big, full, and stuffed, we could explore perhaps forever.

● Death- the ultimate refresher of structure, form, and life. Keeping it new and alive rather
than stale, stagnant, dry, crumbly, and useless. What keeps life from becoming single
note, cancerous, repetitive, boring, keeps renewing life and giving life new perspective.
Helping life make better, healthier decisions, to become better, more, otherwise perhaps
we’d have stayed microbial bacteria and never progressed to anything bigger and more
evolved. This is thanks to the great refreshe, renewer, revitalizer. It is the blessing of all
things in existence, the newness and change that must be adored and cherished like the
meat that sits in between the buns of the structure of life. The pure femininity that divine
masculine always seeks out to do his work, fulfill his purpose, create. All life begins with
death, all death begins with life.

● Sex offenders- the most sexual of the lovers: overwhelming libido, single
focus, worldclass skill. They are in love with flesh and physical pleasure, very
sex conscious, perhaps too expressive/creative, little to no repression.
Probably life changing past sexual experiences. Giving their sexual energy,
experience, and expertise to normal sexually-average people with their
abundance of experience which is appropriate through legal consentual avenues.

● Criminals- often very creative people, thinking in fresh unique new

ways, beyond the common thinking/practices. Often talented, self
motivated, self starters. Productive in their field, keeping things fresh
and new for others (who are often bored, stagnant, looking for
excitement/fun). With minor adjustment turn those skills/talents to
productive areas and be of immense appreciated value/benefit to society. Have positive
abilities waiting for society/others to redirect and utilize them, they’re asking to be put to
valuable work, showcasing their abilities. Great potential workers! Wanting someone to
tell them what to do, where to do/utilize those skills positively; which could greatly
increase the good we do. Their behavior/skills belong in appropriate, legal, consensual

● Oppressive government- when they have been very successful,

grown very big and functional, have figured out most of the concerns of
the people and streamlined their solutions, they become like
overly-doting, obsessive, overly-loving, detail-oriented parents who
want big sweeps of positivity and also goodness in the small fine
details of life. Could be said they give fully of themselves to their purpose of making a
good society they start attempting to transform even fine small aspects of people’s lives
into light. Perhaps after doing a good job, they must appreciate their work, accept
appreciation from others, and enjoy life themselves: relax. Or honestly if they are
enlightened let them help brighten their country more, organize better, let them be
transcendent, massless, and giving. If they channel God thank them!

● Disrespect- focused on smaller facts, looking for positivity the best they can, doing their
best, could shortcut to what they’re wanting and compliment/respect them. Often it’s the
most positive they’re able based on other ‘small truth facts’ they’re entertaining. They
want to love, contribute, and be helpful so compliment their positive intent, how well their
doing, they’ll feel better and act how they/you want them to.

● Pain- energy is coming/being given to you-- often in short

powerful bursts-- though it still becomes yours to do
with/redirect as you please. In a broad sense, perhaps you have
much energy you’ve been sitting on and could utilize/redirect to
live a much bigger, better, happier, more fluid life. Let it be your energy indicator “I have
overflowing energy available for use anyway I please!”

● Even lack- focusing on truths-- ‘smaller truth facts’-- a desire and value for honesty,
authenticity, realness. Wanting to be of use to others, contributive, positive, inspiring,
abundant, rich, full, alive, doing one’s best, giving good effort. So complimenting beyond
their current ‘small truth facts’ expands the happiness they’re comfortable with, changes
lives, increases their wellbeing, makes them of more benefit to others in their life. Always
Chapter 7
One’s Journey

Keep in mind the big true true, we are made equally from the divine white light of
God and from the black spaceless timeful Void Mother of potential. The light gives
form to the potential which puts it into existence, but existence comes out of only
the black void/potential. So we are equal/simultaneous parts darkness and light,
though here we’ll talk in a more linear way for ease, though creation/life can
happen many ways.

1. Spaceless black void, full of potential, all motion in time, no space.

2. Life as bacteria, microbes

3. Life as bugs (worms, ants, etc.)

4. Life as lower animals (bunnies, birds, mice, etc.)

5. Life as higher animals (wolves, bears, tigers, elephants, etc.)

6. Life as pygmies, Africans (primal humans)

7. Life as whites (Asian, European, bigger brains, more complex/advanced social behavior)

8. Life as successful human (thriving as a human, above average)

9. Life as godlike human, epic, legend (top of field at some area, a shining inspiring
example to others at your skill)

10. Getting all colors, having a whole balancing life, managing your 7 colors to be white
light.. including helping others to get theirs.
● Enlightenment, becoming white light through the management of your 7 colors

11. Then transcendence into pure divine white light. Forgoing the management of yours
entirely, being a direct conduit/vessel/channel for Godliness to flow through you, in fact
being the same as God (on perhaps a more local scale though identical in nature
none-the-less). Massless, yet full of space, travelling faster, positively impacting
faster/more than any/everything in the universe. Helping others get their 7 colors and
then also to transcend theirs to become divine white light as God too to benefit more
others. Ad infinitum.. changing the world.
● Transcendence, going beyond the management and achievement of one’s own 7
colors to be pure white light, entirely/fully devoted the the achievement and then
transcendence of others’ 7 colors to be fully God conduits themselves. A world of
A Better Life: Applying the 80/20 Rule for It
Philip Greener
Greener Creations © April 2020
Cover art: A Wooded Landscape with Cattle by a Pool and Rustics outside a Cottage - Thomas
Gainsborough, 1988. Vendor: Sotheby’s

Prologue) 8020 Meditation

1. Inequality as a worldview
2. Self Concept
3. Current Situation
4. What you want and how to get there
5. Change personal history
6. Applied rule
a. Getting a home
b. Getting and keeping a partner
c. Making money
d. Making friends and keeping them
e. Creating art and beauty
f. Learning to sit quietly
g. Using your brain for a change
Bonus 1) People
Bonus 2) Government, religion
Bonus 3) World
Bonus 4) Family
Bonus 5) Fix Any Problem
Bonus 6) My life
80/20 Meditation

Close your eyes. Imagine the sperm and egg that created you, before you were born,
before a fetus or zygote. See them, 1 from your dad, 1 from mom, who’d become you. Tell them
about the 80/20 rule, how 20% of causes make 80% of results. Tell how few things are vitally
important because they have huge results, and most things are trivial because they have little to
no result. Ask if they understand the rule.
When they say “Yes”, tell them to remember it their entire life long. Ask them if they will.
When they say “yes”, let them come together to become the 1-celled zygote of your first cell.
You are conceived! Let that zygote grow into a fetus, experience birth, and now live all your life
quickly coming up all the way to your present age and present moment sitting where you are.
Open your eyes. How does it feel to have always had 80/20?

Also, a quick exercise before the bulk of the book. What, if any, is the major cause of you
not implementing/using the 80/20 rule in every area of your life, as the center of your life? Use
the 80/20 rule the find out.

8020? (i.e. “I want to do stuff on my own”)



Now use the 80/20 rule to fix/resolve it now. (i.e. “No one is living your life for you, no one gets
credit for your bad or good actions, it’s all you. It’s just an idea, perspective, awareness. You still
live your life.”)

Chapter 1
Inequality as a worldview

Why is there inequality than equality? Well the

Taoists say that all life seeks balance, and that’s true, but
things tend to balance unequally. This goes back to the
reason why we have a universe at all: in the beginning at
the time of the big bang—microseconds after—particles
and antiparticles contacted each other and almost
completely annihilated each other. The reason there’s
something rather than nothing i.e. a universe exists is
because for whatever reason matter won rather than total
annihilation or antimatter winning. Chaos theory is also
involved in answering this question.
Chaos theory states that small changes in the
beginning of something can have cataclysmic, unknown,
exponentially radical changes to the entire system
disproportionally to the change. Some examples of this:
1. Before there was an official “clockwise”, some clocks spun left from the top, some spun
right. Once spinning to the right became the normal to 51% of people, more of the other
way converted to the normal until eventually 100% of people spin clocks “clockwise” right
from the top. Now it is universal.
2. Before driving on the right or left side of the road in various countries, people did what
they want. But like the clocks, once 51% of people went on a certain side of the road and
talked about it “being the better side”, the minority 49% started converting to the norm
until eventually 100% of the people drove on the state-regulated “official” side. This is
why in America people drive on the right while New Zealand and the UK they drive on
the left.
3. In an empty coy pond 10 equal fish are dropped into it and fed regularly every day. The
first time they are fed one fish will get the most and the others varying degrees of less.
After that first time he’ll be slightly bigger and so have a slightly better chance of pushing
the others out and getting the most again. A close second may come and also get
almost as much and then those two will outcompete the others by a lot and mainly
compete with each other. But 1 will get slightly more and then ultimately beat number 2
almost every time to become the biggest, strongest fish not by a little but by
exponentially more, the lowest ones often starving and dying.
4. In a new market 3 sales teams are trying to get the most customers and sales. The ones
who succeed the most in the beginning get the most reviews, personal referrals, while
the other ones fight for the scraps. The more successful they are in the beginning the
more people in the beginning begin to trust them, see them as the authority, thus they
get more clients and profits. 1 sales team, simply because it had a better idea and
strategy in this market in the beginning came to be seen as credible and stable, while
the others’ lack of popularity made them go into a downward spiral, until the top team
had almost the entire market share: a monopoly.
Here are some interesting examples, an inexhaustive list, you can probably consider
many yourself:
● 3% of Americans own 50% of the guns
● 1% of the world owns 50% of the wealth, 10% owns 81% of the wealth, the top 1% owns
more than the bottom 90%, and the bottom 50% owns 1% of the wealth
● 20% of the criminals commit 80% of the crimes
● 20% of lawyers win 80% of the time, and 80% of the lawyers win 20% of the time
● 20% of judges give lieniency 80% of time, while 80% of judges give leniency 20% of time
● 20% of crimes are vigorously pursued for convictions 80% of the time, 80% of crimes are
vigorously pursued 20% of the time
● 20% of foods give 80% of daily nutritional needs, while 80% of foods give 20% of needs
● 20% of drivers cause 80% of the traffic accidents
● 80% of pollution is caused by 20% of factories
● 20% of a company’s products account for 80% of total sales
● 20% of employees are responsible for 80% of results
● 20% of students have grades 80% or higher
● 80% of divorces come from 20% of the people, skewing the divorce statistics
● 80% of success is showing up, 20% of the work
● 80% of perceptual language fluency comes from 20% of words
● 20% of foods account for 80% of weight gain
● 20% of managers cause 80% of workplace issues
● 20% of homes survive 80% of disasters, 80% of homes survive 20% of disasters
● 80% of fights are solved by 20% of things
● 20% of authors get 80% of the book sales
● 20% of people have 80% of the intelligence
● 20% of a computer’s programs get 80% of the use
● 20% of the news tells the truth 80% of the time, 80% of news is honest 20% of the time
● 20% of strategies make 80% of the money in the world, 80% of the strategies makes
20% of the income
● 20% of locations in the world have 80% of the happiness, and 80% of places people live
have 20% of the happiness
● 20% of techniques results in 80% of the physical and psychological improvements in the
health and wellbeing of people's lives, while 80% of techniques results in 20% of
● 20% of physical changes results in 80% of one’s attractiveness as perceived by others,
and 20% of behaviors results in 80% of a romantic partners
● 20% of farming techniques result in 80% of crop growth
● 20% of things cause 80% of diseases (stress!)
● 20% of people will like you 80% of the time, 80% of people will like you 20% of the time
● 20% of religions cause 80% of suffering, 20% of organizations give 80% of the aid
● 20% of people have 80% of the morality, and 20% of people have 80% of the immorality
● 20% of people contribute 80% to the world, 80% of people contribute only 20% to the
world, and 20% of people create 80% of the suffering in the world.
● 20% of food and behaviors result in 80% of all weight loss, while 80% of food and
behaviors result in 20% of all weight loss
● 20% of things result in people feeling 80% they have a fulfilling good life
● 20% of your behaviors will make a child feel 80% of the time they had a great childhood,
and 20% of behaviors will make a child feel 80% of the time they had a horrible one.
● 20% of things will get you a promotion 80% of the time, and 20% of things will get you
fired 80% of the time
● 20% of things will make your partner 80% happy/in-love with you and stay, also 20% of
things will make your partner 80% unhappy and make them leave
● 20% of strategies will make 80% of your small businesses succeed, and 20% of things
will make your small business fail 80% of the time
● 20% of methods get you 80% out of debt, 80% of methods get you 20% out of debt
● 20% of family members give you 80% of your family happiness.
● 20% of roads have 80% of traffic
● 20% of a menu accounts for 80% of ordered meals
● 20% of an athlete’s training accounts for 80% of their performance
● 20% of patients use 80% of a country’s health care resources
● 80% of errors and crashes on Windows are caused by 20% of the bugs detected
● 20% of a carpet gets 80% of the wear
● 20% of co-workers cause 80% of the office problems
● 20% of fundraisers account for 80% of funds raised
● 80% of land ownership is in the hands of 20% of the people
● 20% of your clothes get 80% of the wear time
● 20% of your past memories account for 80% of your reminiscing
● 20% of the people in your life account for 80% of your relational happiness, and 20% of
the people in your life account for 80% of your relational stress.
● 20% of a device’s functionality gets 80% of the use
● 80% of promotions come from 20% of the bosses
● 20% of guys have sex with 80% of the girls, 20% of actions do 80% of a seduction
● 20% of advertising methods generate 80% of the income
● 20% of a teaching accounts for 80% of the value a person takes away/gets from it
● 20% of historical human events account for 80% of the world’s current state
● 20% of historical humans contributed 80% to the world’s current state
● 20% of people feel 80% of the world’s total happiness
● 80% of a cops time is looking for and handling 20% of the crimes (i.e. theft)
● 20% of tricks do 80% of the influencing
● 20% of martial arts moves win 80% of fights
Chapter 2
Self Concept

This is how you see yourself, how you talk to yourself, your self image,
the idea of you in your head. This is your beliefs about yourself, the things you
say that motivate or hinder you, the things you think about when you imagine
yourself-- what you look like, your posture, what your voice sounds like, what
behavior fits you, what doesn’t, what things you say, wouldn’t, etc.
So what is your self concept?
















Chapter 3
Current Situation

This one is even easier, just tell me what your current situation is. No
imagination, just tell the facts so you know what is happening now.

















Chapter 4
What you want and how to get there

That was boring, what do you want? Let imagination

soar! A way to find out is write what you don’t want then
make it opposite.
















Now, write a plan.




















Chapter 5
Change personal history

This is fun, tell a useful story. Use the 80/20 rule and tell the past.
This isn’t about being factual, but useful. Pick what’s useful and tell them.


















Chapter 6
Applied rule
Part A
Getting a Home

The common path is rent for a while, save up

for a few years, down payment on a house, average
$244,000, and spend years paying interest/mortgage
to own. Sounds fun. Or, find some land-- 1 acre for
$3500-- build a home for a few thousand, and within 1
year you own it outright and can rent rooms for
thousands per month and not work: trivial many path,
and vital few path. There are all kinds of homes:
concrete dome homes, modular pre-fab homes, plastic
homes, shipping containers, earthbag/clay/adobe homes, bunkers, fiberglass, metal homes.
The design I have, which is my favorite, is the concrete dome home. First you buy the
land and make it as big as possible. You lay the round foundation of concrete, say, 100 feet
diameter. You build a steel cage of rebar to the special center height, say 22 feet-- enough for 2
floors. You lay a tarp inside with zip ties and pour the concrete onto the tarp and bars. After it’s
thick, put chicken wire around that and then concrete. Total it should be about 1.5 feet thick. As
a bonus, fiberglass the exterior for waterproof/durability. Paint. Solar panels on the roof for free
electricity into indoor batteries, a spiral gutter to collect rain into barrels for cooking, drinking,
and showers. Compost toilets for septic. Put some toilets inside, a
bunch of rooms, rent them out, get renters on an automated
withdraw system, and make thousands a month no work. Even on
part-time minimum wage, if you save 80%, live in a tent, in 6
months you could go from homeless to land owner, and in 6 more
become a rental property owner, living there too. 1 year. I did that.
Then you can leverage that to repeat the process bigger, focus on
stuff you want to do, not be in lack, enjoy a life. Step 1.
Part B
Getting and Keeping a Partner

There are whole industries devoted to teaching sex and dating advice, and yet it’s one of
the simplest, easiest things in the world. So easy, in fact, if never told what sex was, on your
own you’d probaby figure it out, want it, and somehow get it. There’s many ways to slice/explain
this simple thing. One is the biological via the ‘sex chase’.

1. The man chases

2. She runs as a matter of course
3. The man keeps pace proving his
strength/health or he doesn’t and no loss
to her.
4. If so, she realizes his worth, that she is
‘fucking up’, not ‘fucking down’, thus she
5. He ravishes her vigorously, with sex
6. And if they stay afterward it’s a

Two is the practical which is the most

common and perhaps most effective because it’s
like the socially acceptable ‘norm’, how everyone thinks it will
actually happen and mostly does.
1. Meet them where you live/work/study
2. Invite them to something (or ladies, make yourself
available to invitation): movie, hiking, eat, tv, talk
3. When a lull happens, guys make a move/go sexual,
ladies make yourself available for a sexual move
4. Might take a few meetings, but sex will happen
5. BOOM! Relationship. Go on dates at least 2x a month,
talk and eat regularly

And third is the gritty reality in an artistic form, which is by no means politically correct
and is mostly offensive and gruesome, yet all in truth the reality of what’s happening, perhaps
from a more internal, emotional, subjective view. What it feels like, from the female side. And I
write this with the utmost humility as I speak from the other side of the isle, but have spent much
time with women as well as lived in the feminine world for much of my life from direct
An artistic telling:
Women are whores, women want to be treated like
whores, and women behave like whores. Women don’t want
respect, women want to be put down, they want to be abused,
belittled, marginalized, controlled, neglected, insulted,
condemned, ridiculed. Women love abuse, they love feeling
worthless, they love pain and sadness, loneliness, and sorrow.
They love misery, loss, failure, submission and being
dominated, destruction, being destroyed, rot and ruin, staleness
and stagnation, they love dystopia, decay, they love everything
that is bad. Women love immorality, hurting others because
they feel love in being hurt and abused. They love to be tortured
and to torture, they love hate, they thrive on failure, they feel
happiest in utter despair. Whatever makes sense, that’s the
opposite of women. Women aren’t a mystery because they are
predictably bat-shit crazy. Reason is their greatest enemy, logic
is their nemesis, articulation is their kryptonite, organization is
their downfall, cleanliness is the bane of their existence.
No means yes and yes means no to them. Everything
they think they say the opposite, everything they do they think
and feel the opposite. If there’s an obvious, reasonable, logical choice, you can bet they’ll make
the opposite. If you treat them nice they think you are a manipulative lying cunt, if you hit them
and rough them up they think you love them. Up is down and down is up, forward is back and
back is forward. The more you chase, the more they run, the more you run the more they chase.
To want them is to be utterly repulsive/repugnant to them, to despise them is to be utterly
desired/loved/chased by them. Whatever trick you try to use on them they wave around it like
butter, they are impervious to tricks and manipulation because that is their arena, where they
live. They live in hell, their life is hell, their mantra is pain and suffering, their religion is failure,
their god is torture, their holy book is pins and needles. No trick you can ever cleverly come up
with will trick them, they will never fall for it because the city they live in is back-stab & betrayal.
The friendships they have is gossip. The love they have is assault. The truth they have is
fire. They are constantly on fire. Women don’t live in the same cool, calm, collected, intelligent
place we do. The place they live is fiery and hot, full of trickery, 2-faced liars, force, abuse, rape,
manipulation, murder and death. The place we live is clean and dry, full of intellectual
investigation and inquiry, solving puzzles, making equations, it is cool. The female world is wet
and hot and sweaty and messy. Nothing clean about it, it stinks and is ugly but short bursts of
pleasure. Females are very lowly, animalistic things. They live in the dirt and grime and grit and
filth of life. There’s nothing glamorous about the female life, their life is utterly real and gritty,
hard truths, painful challenges they have no choice but to face or be destroyed, sometimes must
do something they are repulsed by to get out of a worse situation. Life is a series of choosing
the lesser of 2 evils.
Happiness for women is not being in agonizing unbearable pain. If they aren’t there, they
consider it happy. This is why women don’t understand men, think we’re ignorant, stupid, weak,
perhaps priveledged, arrogant, sheltered, superior, they see our clean tidy life and desire it, to
find some real respite, some love, some shelter, safety, relief, to have some order and tidiness,
they don’t want to live in hell. Many are exhausted. They aren’t emotional because they are
stupid, they are emotional because they aren’t men in a tidy orderly world, they’re in a hellscape
of torture, lies, and trickery. They have to stay on top of the lies just to survive and come out on
top, or the world trying to eat them (rape, kill them) will get them. That’s why so many women
love horror, or don’t, because they resonate with it or are horrified by the grizzly reality they are
When an arrogant have-it-all tidy privileged man says “Stop being so emotional and use
your head” the woman goes insane because she is doing her best to not get devoured by
demons, and this weak boy who’s never seen the world she knows, is telling her to calm down.
She feels insane with the experience of her struggle and wants to kill and devour him! She’s
eaten weaklings like him for breakfast, and faced demons much stronger than him. She would
love to go into the male world if she could, but it is an exclusive club she doesn’t belong, and
only can gain real entry via the acceptance of man, who can take and lift her out of hell into the
clean, tidy, orderly world of men, where reason, patience, intelligence, and inquiry can happen.
The man’s world looks like luxury, like utter ease. “How easy men’s life” she thinks. In
many ways it’s true, but dry academic inquiry and investigation, cleanliness, tidiness, and order,
it is dry and cool. Without the wetness, the heat, the emotion, the passion, the fear, aliveness,
the adrenaline and excitement of the feminine and female, the luxury, laziness, ease and
comfort of the male life is void of existence, vitality, meaning, life: a dry barren wasteland with
questions and experiments but no excitement, adventure, fun, challenge, or risk. And with no
risk there is no reward. The male world crumbles on its own.
The way to have sex with girls is to be like the demons she is used to fucking her, the
immense, brute, forceful demon who doesn’t take no for an answer, who controls and takes
completely of her. She has no will or power to resist, and the rough demon sex he gives her is
ecstastic and raw. Demons are powerful and take what they want and use her like the rag
dummy whore she is. A vessel for their seed of domination. Don’t be the limp-dicked intellectual
dweeb from the male world, dry and academic. To rule in her hell, you must be the demon god.
She is your toy, object, you are her god.
Part C
Making money

Money is all about physical resources, physical

labor, moving things with physical action. This can be
the transportation of goods, the service of
moving/changing physical characteristics, it’s all about
physical material. At the heart of money is a convenient
barter system of goods and services. Money can be
exchanged for higher and lower things, such as renting
for money, but people run out of money and say “I can’t
pay, but I need a place to sleep”, or higher like
friendship or art but they might say “I am not worth your
money”, but physical goods and services is always on par with money.
To practical, to make it you must simply provide the physical service you wish to be
compensated for, and make the physical good or service on par with the money you wish to
receive. If you provide a million dollars worth of goods or services, it will only be a matter of time
before you’ll be paid that amount for what you’re offering, it must happen. People who wish for
money but don’t get it aren’t or have not demonstrated regularly that they reliably can provide
physical goods or services in accordance with the money they’re asking for. That’s why a lot of
successful people before they started making it big did their service for little to nothing simply to
showcase their goods, show they can provide high quality barter on par with the income they
really want. But the income you want be it thousands, millions, or billions, you must put it out
there for others to see your worth, and then in a matter of time you will be rewarded and
someone will pay what you provide.
It’s been said to make $1,000,000 you must help 1 million people. Perhaps.
● To make a thousand dollars, make a thousand people 1% happier
● To make a million dollars, make a million people 1% happier
● To make a billion dollars, make a billion people 1% happier
Part D
Making friends & Keeping them

Friendship is about equality, connection, bonds, love,

heart stuff, commonality. Friendship is about neutrality,
ultimately, neither positive or negative but equality, shared
experience, allies. You see each other as equals, neither better
or worse, this is the arena of heart energy, equality and love. All
positive contribution and negative domination is in fact to get to
the point of peace, balance, and harmony at the heart level,
where one is equal to one’s environment with no upset in any
direction but calm. Still. It feels great. While it’s not the highest
or the most foundational, it can and has been called the ultimate truth: love, friendship, the
How to make friends is to talk with people, share what’s up with you and find out what’s
up with them. See if there is equality, commonality, love, connection. Based on your
specifications of a good friend-- i recommend like-minds in terms of hobby and thoughts-- go to
places where you’ll find them, talk to people (generally of the same sex), find how much you
have in common, and decide to hang out. Do your commonalities together, eat and talk a couple
times weekly, and you’ll have lifelong friends.

I rank friends as such:

A+ friends) have the same career in the same >1 interest as you
A friends) actively do the same >1 interests as you
B friends) a casual same >1 interest as you
F friends) strangers with no same interests as you
Z friends) repellant, unattractive people. TWATs- Two-faced, Wacky, Aggressive,
Part E
Creating art and beauty

The first thing is to remember what you like, often what you did as a kid. What hobbies,
art, or beauty do you enjoy (reach into childhood if must)?







Once you know your hobbies, invest time into 1 or 2 of them. I personally do an hour into
2 hobbies each, daily. Keep in mind your hobby or art is making beauty, and beauty is meant to
be shared/contributed not hoarded. Let others enjoy it! These are the skill classes of a hobby.

1) Novice- done something successfully once in the field, so initiated

2) Expert- you’ve done something successfully 3 times, can stand one your own 2 feet
3) Master- able to teach, thus initiate new novices into the field and get them on the path to
expert and beyond
4) Top of Field- taking the field to new places, increasing the mass of the field so other
masters have something new to learn
Part F
Learning to sit quietly

Meditation is a great way of balancing and

stabilizing, as well as being in touch with sensory reality.
Meditation isn’t anything mystical unless you say it is, to me
it is simply using your senses to accept the world around
you, breathing, noticing, and observing. It’s about enjoying
the present moment and accepting things as they are
factually. Meditation is about ‘raising vibration’ and being
less adrenaline-run. Brain is above the sense cluster on
your face so thinking during meditation is fine, it’s about
letting lower concerns dissolve in the presence of the
okness of sensory information and nature or whatever around you. Noticing, “Yes, things are
ok.” Problems, like while sleep, often solve themselves during meditation because you take a
step back from things, get perspective, and from atop your figurative ‘lighthouse’ rather than in
the rat maze, things are much clearer so solutions pop-out. Thinking, according to me, is simply
the useful/accurate organizing of the facts noticing with the 5 senses; facts are like blocks made
into mental structures.
Youtube has thousands of guided meditations or if you’re good simply relaxing music to
listen to, you can play massage footage or nature scenery too with the music. Meditation’s
metaphor is a lighthouse, everything is easy to see up there, so when you meditate you breathe
deeply and slowly, notice things without being emotionally charged or adrenaline/filled, attaching
to stories rather than being conscious and making choices based on facts. The opposite
obviously is running around in a dark maze fueled by adrenaline. Between 10 and 30 minutes
daily first thing in the morning is recommended, higher end if you want more
pleasure/relaxation, but 10 will get it done. Don’t get too technical about it, as some gurus do.
It’s not a separate skill to learn, but simply going to your ‘lighthouse’ for life clarity. Clarity is part
of your life, so adding it in regularly is useful for perspective. That’s it. There probably are other
awareness practices, yoga comes to mind, but that is more a skill, active, like exercise with
some spirituality. Meditation is superior, or maybe it’s a guy/girl thing because girls love yoga,
maybe girls prefer activity while men prefer passivity in their awareness. Who knows?

I also have some great free meditation sessions on youtube, simply search: Philip
Greener meditation.
Part G
Using your brain for a change

This is your philosophy or worldview, it’s best to choose this

consciously, on purpose, rather than whatever happened to be given
to you as a child whether it works or not, though of course you could
make almost anything work. As said before, facts are taken in
through your 5 senses like blocks and then your mind organizes
those blocks into useful and accurate mental structures for
repeatably getting desired results. Your ideology, philosophy, or
worldview should reflect your personal experience rather than just
taken on faith from someone else, and definitely help you in getting
your ideal life and making you happy. If a philosophy makes you
depressed it is HIGH time to change. What kind of miserable,
masochistic, suicidal person are you!? Ha.
You can totally develop your own model of what life is, this book is sort of a help/guide to
do that, to organize your self/mind/life. The 80/20 rule is useful in every context because it
makes maximum effect for minimum effort so no matter what I recommend this rule as a center
of your life, and let everything flow out from this rule-- hence the initial 80/20 meditation in the
prologue. If you got this far you are already an 80/20 fan! While this book does focus on the
amazing effects of the 80/20 rule, if you want more of the fruits or results of its application I
recommend my LOT model, briefly mentioned in Bonus chapter 3 ‘World’, as well its full book:
LOT, Life Operates through Tribes available on my website-- That took me about
9 years to write and pulled from the world’s top ideologies and used the 80/20 rule to synthesize
a universal, maximum effective, minimum effort model of perfect human happiness. So i
recommend that to this.
But regardless whatever philosophy or ideology you decide on, I forever and always
recommend the 80/20 to be at its center for it cuts to the core of all worthwhileness and value.
Everything can be benefitted by its power. Even traditional old beliefs like Christianity,
Buddhism, Stoicism, or Islam could be synthesized down to the value you most get out of them,
if you are prone to attaching to such bulky, content-crowded beliefs.
Yeah, so decide what you want from life, make a model to streamline it, make it
conscious, live in accordance with it, use the 80/20 rule to synthesize the best version of it, and
use your brain for a change!
Bonus 1

People are selfish, always. Hierarchy, survival first, but

even at selfless altruism/contribution people give how they
want in their way. You can’t control them there either. People
are just like you, Jesus said treat others like yourself, as selfish
and self-focused or obsessed you are is exactly how others
are. People love themselves equal to you. It can manifest
differently, someone manipulates with force while one
manipulates with a smile. And that’s right, everyone’s priority is
to themselves, otherwise they’d die serving others. Good thing
you aren’t wired that way too. This also means though you
always know the choice they’ll make-- the one in their best interest-- that gives you manipulative
Knowing people’s selfish nature is the first step to guiding/controlling it, because without
acknowledging their self interest, how could you manipulate it to your end. There’s all kinds of
words, rationales, that people spin to explain things, labyrinths of effort and confusion they spin
to arrive at “I’m right, do as I say, so I may rule and control.” All explanations are to that end,
control, even buddhist monks who claim to surrender control do so in an effort to not waste
energy on what they can’t so they control more what they can. They, like taoists, may say it’s a
dance, which is a pretty way to say artful control. People’s lives flow from themselves, outward. I
guess it’s possible to surrender and let the world decide your destiny, act none at all but react to
external stimuli, I guess that’s valid.
Bonus 2
Government, religion

These are just 2 avenues the external manifests

as authority, giving advice, saying what’s good/right,
guiding, influencing. Governments come from the people
ultimately and rise through the ranks either as elected
popular leaders in democracy or strong organizing forces
in more tribal areas. Either way the exceptional rise up
because of helpfulness-- most popular among the social,
or strongest among the weak. People who think
governments are all powerful secretly want to be in that positon because no finite thing that
didn’t exist can be all-powerful in the present; they’ve projected their power onto the
organization or person and wish to be that way one day. The government and the people who
run it is at its core an organizing force so the community runs smoothly. Obviously corruption
can happen and people can use that opportunity for personal rather than communal gain, but
that isn’t the purpose of position. The proof of this to any corrupt person is in the mandate of the
position, always worded very positively and contributively, “to serve the people and promote
happiness, prosperity” etc. etc., so they know what the truth is, it’s never “to take and dominate
and destroy as much as possible”. It’s impossible to take the moral high ground, which so many
leaders prefer, if your mandate is of low quality, people like thinking of themselves as the
protagonist/good guy. So if you want to influence them to behave better attach them to the
ideals they pronounce and show them a better way to fulfill their ideals than the way they’re
doing now which might be corrupted by lower interests. No one wants to be a hypocrite because
that means they must admit corruption and rot within themselves, so they’ll either have to
conform to their positive public pronouncements or leave.
As far as religion, that too often comes from some uniqueness, someone having
personal revelation which is emotional and intense and people find it interesting, it connects
them to a story. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter on the outside, often inside people are so
attached the content matters a good deal, it gives them access to emotions and states and if
they’d waited a week to convert they would have attached to something else which gave them
the same thing. They also like the tribal community it gives them depending on the story’s
popularity, but again that’s available regardless. Instead you could attach to a story which
empowers you rather than another cog in an organization’s many, and more effectively too, and
share a bond with people through humanity or simply being a living being (rather than same
religion). It’s all good, just different ways.
Bonus 3
The World

The world is a huge jumble of varying interests, beliefs,

goals, stories, and karmas. People believe all kinds of things-- not
just religious or political, but worldviews-- these are based on their
past karmas which creates their current story which shapes their
interests and their future goals. As for the world, the facts say it
started about 4 billion years ago, and life started quite soon after at
the thermal vents on the ocean floor. Life evolved eventually to us
about 1.8 million years ago as homo erectus, small tribes with
similar current brain size and social development, and we’re wired
similar to then but living in a modern
world. That’s why math is hard but
understanding social cues is easy.
But back to the world, nothing is
going ary despite doomsday people panic about, they’re the most in touch with their natural
animal self who have culture shock about modern life. But realize if any other species had had
thumbs and large brains they hit bumps just like we have, experiment and see what worked
then course-correct. There’s nothing wrong with humans because humans aren’t special as far
as animals go, we’re identical with those 2 unique features. If dogs had had our gifts they
might’ve got excited about what they could achieve, maybe be overly zealous, get a little greedy,
maybe incidently hurt some other dogs, pollute the planet a bit, but we don’t say dogs are evil.
They’re just over excited about what they could accomplish. So too for us!
Us humans we were once on par with the animals through our god given form of thumbs
and big brains we were able to do much more than any others transforming ourselves from the
children of mother earth to her husband. But whatever pitfalls or bumps people might say about
the modern world, humans want to do good and ultimately can never be separated from nature
because we are it, but whatever problems we created like cars with pollution or an animal
industry that kills or humans starving or whatever, we will course-correct and fix it given time.
We are unique among animals but still animals ourselves and part of nature, we are extensions
of nature and part of it like bears and coyote and prairie dogs. As far as animals go primates
can often be teasing, pranksters, and mischievous, so I think that plays into some things
humans do… seeing how much we can play sometimes going too far. If you watch monkeys
they are very mischievous but not evil, still very loving and friendly.
Anyway I bring this us because this is our humanity’s collective past karma, where the
pre-modern humans came from. We came from the animal kingdom, specifically mischievous
primates, learned to cooperate for mutual benefit, formed small tribes, then modern life came.
This applies to the facts of the world as well as your own past/story for your beliefs about it. So
with all that setup complete, what’s the state of the world?
Everyone is trying to be happy, ultimately, that includes satisfying the same things that
made our ancestors happy: called the small tribe mind. We want a place to sleep, sex to get,
food and money and physical stuff/resources for daily survival, we want friendships, we want
art/beauty/fun, and we want to contribute. TRIBE: Turf dwelling, Romantic partner, Income,
Buddies, Expertise (art/philosophy). People who go too much in one area often try to get
another in a different one, which is roundabout. For instance, a person becomes rich so people
will be his friend, or a person becomes a famous artist to get sex. If you get your TRIBE, you’ll
feel 100% happy and don’t need to do anything else, be world class. Be world-class at being
happy, the most valuable commodity. So relating to the world, everyone is trying to be happy, to
get their tribe if they don’t know it, and so some people get overly focused on sex to get the
others, or focus on money to get the others, or being social to get the others. Just the others.
TRIBE is the ultimate goal of any person, you don’t have to become president to prove you’re
worthy of friendship.
TRIBE is the simplest direct path to everything, and everyone is doing their own way
trying to figure it out, get
happy, going on winding paths,
while if they just did the
minimum, they’d be there
immediately: lifelong. If you
understand TRIBE, you
understand what everyone’s
doing, where people’s
motivations are, how they’re
overcompensating, where they
getting their needs satisfied,
how happy they are, what
steps they need to do to
become happy, you know
everything. There’s more to
this model but that’s the bulk.
This also is an 80/20 model, many people do a lot of work to get margins of happiness
compared to what’s possible. Those people who overcompensate in areas to get other areas
are wasting effort, but getting the simple TRIBE gets you 100% happiness in the simplest path. I
would go so far as say it’s 5% effort for 100% happiness, because once the simple things are
setup, it’s just a matter of maintenance to keep getting the high hits of pleasure. If we wanted to
use the global happiness index, the average happiness is 52%... so applying this model that
means people getting 3.5/7 needs met, mostly just surviving. If you got your whole tribe, you
would be ~200% or 2x happier than the global average. Simply following this model, getting
these few pieces, could put you above 80% of people in terms of happiness. Initially it might
take 20% of effort to get things lined up and that might get you to 80% happiness, but once your
life is setup, it takes 5% of effort to maintain for 100% happiness and life satisfaction. And since
happiness is the most important factor, this is the most important 80/20 distribution, which
makes this the most important model! Others might have this or that whatever, doesn’t matter,
because they will want to get to the 100% happiness you have. You have the most of the most
important factor/value in the world-- happiness at 100%-- so you have more than anyone on the
ENTIRE PLANET except for other people 100% who are your equals. But following this model,
getting your tribe, is the way to be the best, have the most, in the world, and probably only 5%
of people are this point.
Bonus 4

Family is one’s entire life in early life/childhood.

They certainly are strong bonds and relationships in
formative years, however no one is mandated to maintain
relationships with them forever if you have disagreements
or lack commonalities. I like to call this your birth tribe, the
tribe you had at birth. Certainly most people remain friendly
with their birth tribe through life, though many do partly for
feelings of safety and security rather than true like-mindedness, love, and friendship. It’s just
comfortable, which is great! But you can seek out people who are like-minded with you, drop the
challenges and friction you had with them, and feel the same love you used to feel with your
birth tribe with people who it’s perhaps easier to love.
This is called consciously choosing your tribe. When people settle down in couples they
create love, love isn’t some rare or lacking thing in the world as some might believe or media
stories portray such as “one true love”. Love is the energy/feeling that flows out from your heart,
when you feel equal to something, like what/where something is and at peace with its location
and being. You feel love when you look at a nature scene towards the rolling hills, grass, trees,
sunset, you don’t want to dominate or contribute to it but love the way it is. That’s love flowing
out from you and it into you. Love is when you see a puppy or cat and love it just the way it is as
it is. Love is mostly for fellow life-forms but can be felt for objects and ideas such as “I love this
meal”, “I love this computer”, “I love this car”, “I love this ideology”. Remember love = equality,
neither better or worse, but wanting something to stay the same, acceptance and adoration of
all its parts as it is; finding it beautiful/perfect as is.
So if you don’t want to change to fit your family, or try to change them to fit you, you are
allowed to choose a tribe closer to your liking! And whatever you deem is ideal for you, you can
find people like that and create love between each other as powerful or even more powerful
than anything you ever felt with your birth tribe because y’all are similar. If you have a nice one
I’m advocated just ditching them, there are great benefits to staying in relationships with your
family, as an adult including them in your “Bestie” category of your TRIBE (the ‘B’); you spend
many vulnerable childhood years so you know on a deep level what they’re like and for the most
part safe to be around, you know their stances on most everything, if you believe in
reincarnation you probably had many adventures and relationships with them in past lives
hence being family/bonded in this one. This isn’t a pitch one way or another, but giving clarity
and choice if need be is all. Use your own mind.
Bonus 5
Fix any problem

Obviously using the 80/20 rule is best to solve any problem, use it
for least effort and most reward. These are mostly about changing
perspective, getting resourceful, seeing solutions rather than problems, &
processing things to move on rather than obstacles to hinder. Here are a
couple specific advices if you want laser removal…

1. How can I fix/resolve this >80% for <20% effort?



2. What is it’s ‘Positive Opposite’ (ex. if it’s a low external make it big and better, if
it’s a negative internal make it negative external and/or positive internal)?



3. A technique from NLP, neuro linguistic programming. Decide specifically how you
would like that problem to be. Manually change it exactly to your specifications,
THEN knowing that, go and think about the old problem and before the details
flood in immediately think of how you want it. Take 10 second break after. Think
about the old problem again and immediately think of how you want it again. You
are reprogramming the sequence chain in your mind to go to a new place
unconsciously in your mind and feelings so thinking of the old thing automatically
go to the place you are preferring. Rinse and repeat this process until the point
you think of the old problem and the chosen preferred situation or state naturally
automatically pops up and you can’t even access the old problem thought,
feeling, or state. This changes the reality of the situation/experience to you at an
unconscious level in your body and feelings, which changes your behavior, which
changes the results, and physically changes your reality to match up in no time at
all. NLP is amazing technology. Try it out!



Bonus 6
My life

● Earliest memory 1, Dad telling me how attractive I was, how my

highest purpose was to feel good/pleasure, and how deserving I
was of feeling good/pleasure.
● At 2, parents became polygamists
● Childhood: hedonism, games, fast food, porn
● Porches, Mercedes, Christmas in Acapulco, summers at country
● Multiple apartment buildings, multiple homes, rented
● Private school
● Sitting with 8th graders in 7th grade, Alexis kissing me
● Next year, voted King of 8th grade
● Marinna sitting on my lap at our date
● Multiple girls in HS, Koechley commenting
● College
● Didn’t have to work til 18
● Hawaii, Dad gave $14k
● Dad housed me for years
● Homeless taking it easy for years, ‘on vacation’
● Buying my land, building my home
● I just want luxury
Greener Creations © Oct 2020
Feel How You Feel
Philip Greener,, Youtube channel: Philip Greener
$0.00, free


Chapter 1) Your drive

Chapter 2) How you feel

Chapter 3) Emotion streams

Chapter 4) Take care of your children


Everything someone wants, every action, thought, it’s all because you think it’ll make you
feel some way. Feeling drives everything, you could we are feelings. You could get spiritual and
say there’s a stream of different feelings we can tap/ride, we’ll go there. This book is about how
you feel, but with the aim of getting you to where you want to feel. We’ll do it. All I want to
introduce the idea of emotions being fractal (as most everything is). That means there’s self
similarity across all scales from deep within, to the present and conscious, to the external. I want
to present that all our emotions flow in a spiral from inside us to our present consciousness to
our external; and that ESPECIALLY includes all the quote ‘bad’ ‘negative’ emotions which hide
positive or are mislabelled.
Chapter 1
Your drive

Some people say you must find your purpose. It could also be called your equation,
which all actions flow from, and if you deviate too far you feel bad because you aren’t living your
equation. The way we know god is all goodness because we all flow from him, and everyone’s
purpose or equation is ultimately the same-- that is-- to feel good. That’s always the driving
force of all of god’s creations. But here I want you to specify what that looks like for you, if it’s
any more specific than that.. It doesn’t have to be. It can be 1, or a set of emotions, which as of
right now-- and for the foreseeable future-- is your equation.
Let’s find out:

● How do you want to feel? (take your time, this is the most important question for
you to answer. Don’t rush, but find what feels PERFECT. || i.e. relaxed,
comfortable, and happy)





Once you find that, that’ll help us later when we dive into your now...
Chapter 2
How you feel

People can be afraid of their feelings. In the modern world it seems natural to bury and
glaze them in order to do the day. But ‘the day’ exists for your feelings, or is it a stale day from
years ago!? So let's freshen up the day and your life by putting our feelings first. I want to also
make you a promise at the offset to put you at ease… EVERYTHING going on inside you, that
you felt/experienced in your past, all of them are for your greatest benefit and if you breathe and
have a little patience and curiosity, in a very short time everything could change and you could
feel like you’re living your purpose (or equation) again in all facets. LET'S GET TO WORK.

Let’s do some examples so you know how to do this and copy yourself. What are some
top personal problems for people? Stress, anxiety, depression, self-doubt. We’re going to start
with *where you are*-- with some common examples-- and take those feelings all the way down
until we find ‘our equation’. Because again, and I’ll prove it to you, you have a seed of light at
the center of your being which has guided your entire life and if you don’t feel great it means you
know it exists and aren’t following/living it.

1. I feel stressed.
a. How do I feel about that? Means i’m living
b. How’s that feel? Satisfied, content, relaxed

That was easy, 2 iterations!

2. I feel anxiety.
a. How’s that feel? Overwhelmed
b. Feel? Balancing a lot
c. Feel? Full life
d. Feel? Satisfied, happy

That was fast, just 4!

3. I feel depressed.
a. Feel? The ocean is the most depressed of all water, and that’s what
makes it the greatest
b. Feel? Great! Humility is a gift to let others shine
c. Feel? Satisfied, happy

That was just 1 level down, with some more explaining

4. I am insecure.
a. Feel? Multi-faceted, many parts
b. Feel? Dynamic, interesting, cool
c. Feel? Appreciative, self-loving, worthwhile
d. Feel? Love, worth

We got there fast

So you can see, even with emotions or trains of thought that were once (or seemed to
be) permanent long-term ailments that were inescapable, we can find that often that’s true for 1)
a positive reason because it’s something we greatly value just below the surface and/or 2) we
can escape the context or label we give it to find/reveal/discover its true nature, again which is
something we value often as much as life itself; such as our highest values, deepest feelings,
our purpose or equation.
It’s our job to first find how we want to feel and then realize in many incountible ways
right now-- we don’t have to set goals, go somewhere else, or accomplish something hard-- we
already are feeling how we want, living our purpose, fulfilling our equation perhaps just weren’t
aware… because we can never really separate ourselves from God, or our purpose, or
equation, just go it’s edge perhaps to test its durability. But we’re literally incapable of breaking
ourselves from what we are, otherwise we are no longer us. Even brokenness can be plugged
in/applied, “how do I feel about being broken”. FEELINGS ARE EVERYTHING. Always come
back to them, find how good you feel now. For brokenness, it is a fundamental necessary part of
what fractals are, breaking them is what gives them their ‘roughness’ and infiniteness and
beauty, it’s through brokenness in geometry (and tracks to our lives as well) that the infinite can
be made from a finite thing. I think that’s beautiful and wonderful.
Chapter 3
Emotion Streams

Again, you can never separate from your primary purpose, your deep equation, how you
want to feel good, but you can be far from it or feeling it thinly. You can imagine emotions like
streams flowing from deep within you, through you, and to the world. Certainly we can all
conjure feelings of disgust or wickedness, but we can also feel/ride the emotion streams of play,
love, and joy. By doing this process on things you think about like in your past, you can
re-engineer those events to see them entirely different, transform them in the past by picking up
a more potent positive emotion, and changing your present through that interaction. By seeing
more positive in your past, as well as your present, you can pick up/ride more positive streams
you’d rather be on, and you can be the rich that get richer. Wouldn’t that be nice?!
See, regardless of what you decide, you’re riding some streams now. What streams are
you riding? Is it hate? Depression? Resentment? Anger? Bitterness? Pain? Hurt? Love? Those
streams are like seeds, like fractals, and the streams you are riding most will blossom in the
future to give you more. The small fractals now will be multiplied to big realities in your future.
Are you riding a thin precarious line that feels good rarely, almost never, but mostly feels bad?
Or are you appreciating a few or many things in your life, including your past, and including
some things coming in your future, that are going to satisfy your purpose or equation, and you’re
aware of it? That’s a good thing, you know how most people feel bad and they know they do?
You can feel good and know you do too!
This process isn’t rocket science. You can have a low IQ but have a high EQ.. emotional
smarts.. and this is how. And much more important-- because all smarts exist to help feel good,
so just feel good!
Chapter 4
Take care of your children

Treat your life like your children, take care of the people around you. You are the center
of your life in all practical ways, only care about it. Even people you used to consider 'above you'
in some way (i.e. society), based on your values and what you care about you are the top of the
food chain. No one comes close to embodying the things you value/care about; how else could
it be?? If you used to (in some small way) see things from an external/societal view i.e. richer,
popular, better looking, wtv, see them from the perspective of your life and you at the center
living your values, purpose, equation. EXACTLY, petty intrigues for your enjoyment.
In the vein of taking care of your children.. it's possible to actually see how full people
are. If you see people (or animals) as containers, and their colored 7 chakras-- from survival to
thought-- as liquid, you can imagine how people operate, and thus know what to fill them with.
Obviously, you can first do this with yourself; unable to help others if you lack it first. Most
people are at physical survival, red/foot. Some academics have been fortunate and avoided
dangers and thus are light and exist in a mental way like floating gas. Seeing intuitively informs
how to help.
Keep in mind the Tao Te Ching's words: keep the feminine/dark behind, always face the
masculine/light. Power is a means to goodness, goodness is maintained by power. Never focus
on power, but on the end of goodness. Contribute/help, don't hurt/dominate, unless absolutely
necessary in pursuit of first.

So. Appreciate every emotion you have. Appreciate the life you live. The world is created
in your image and you in its. Realize you’re in the best place to be because you created this
moment above all possible other ones. Realize it’s to feel good, you’re purpose, equation. Focus
on your version of how you want to ‘feel good’, and use this process to unfold your feelings like
an onion to their positive core. And most importantly...

Feel how you feel!!

Everything Forever - Philip Greener
Greener Creations
© March 2021
Ur LOT app:

Other Greener Creation products:

1. LOT - LIFE OPERATEs through your TRIBE

2. Morglax - Magic, Technology, Mystery
3. STOP - doing 100% to get 100%, Do 20% to get 80%

Chapter 1) Basic Principles: Solipsism, Dimensions, Fractals

Chapter 2) Childhood

Chapter 3) Past lives, Nature/Experience of Life, Joy of Death

Chapter 4) 'The World' (Your Field)

Chapter 5) Relationships

Chapter 6) Balance of Order/Information and Emotion/Fun

Chapter 7) 'Others'

Chapter 8) What's the Point?

About the Author

Chapter 1
Basic Principles: Solipsism, Dimensions, Fractals

Solipsism is the best. It’s the first philosophy. The philosophy of animals and enlightened
beings. In latin sol means alone and ipse means self-- alone self, or, only the self is real. Others,
in this view, are called ‘philosophical zombies’ meaning they appear real and can respond as
automata can but lack any consciousness their own. Others are akin to illusions, projections,
holograms made by self for fun. This is the first layer of our foundation. Solipsism says, “The
only thing I am certain of is my self, my brain, my experience. Everything else is doubtful.” This
includes an objective world in exchange for a subjective one, a measurable one for an
experiential one, one of facts for feelings. It has been called the dumbest of philosophies
because it is built around narcissism and is irrefutable because all contrary arguments/evidence
can be called illusion by the God of first person. I say it is the only (and most) logical view
because everything one values in life is about one’s own feelings and experience, then even 1
step into an ‘objective’ world beyond one’s experience is 1 step wasted from one’s own highest
purpose of pleasure first and all. To believe in an objective world is in fact to say one is not living
one’s best life because they waste energy clutching things which will never affect them ever. A
fool’s effort. Every breath of one’s experience ought be in service of one’s joy, happiness, and
pleasure; that’s why hedonism is intimately tied to this belief/view. Every action at its root is to
feel good, thus if one isn’t feeling good one is far from one’s self/purpose/happiness/joy/best life.

This is an excellent segway into the next layer of foundation, because if we are the only
conscious being, how did the world get here? The computer this was typed on? The inventor of
computers Bill Gates? Human history and the universe itself? If solipsism is correct, there is only
1 logical inferential step, we are (I am) the creator of the whole universe and God itself, that’s
my pre-birth name. The 2nd layer of our foundation here then comes from string theory, and are
higher dimensions. 10 to be exact, while 11 can be but collapse into strings in the 10th. One of
my favorite things to talk about, and we’ll start from the top to bottom.

10. The unified whole of infinite alternate universes with different initial conditions, and
infinite parallel (timeline) universes of those, as a single point. Ie white light, pure joy,
9. Information only, no physical. Complete freedom of movement between infinite
alternate universes, without having to travel to the in-between universes, hop anywhere
instantaneously; like flying in a 3D phase space
8. The first physical dimension, freedom of movement between infinite alternate
universes but only 1 at a time, much like walking. Cannot go far without passing through
intermediary universes.
7. A single universe, as a point, with all its infinite parallel timelines
6. Complete freedom of movement between infinite parallel universes of 1 (alternate)
universe, like flying in a 3D phase space
5. Freedom of movement between different parallel universes-- timelines-- of 1
(alternate) universe, but can only go to 1 at a time. Much like walking, to go to a far one
must pass between all intermediary universes. From this dimension, 4th dimensional
things (even the whole universe) is seen as a long undulating snake from conception to
4. Where common consciousness resides, in a 4D space-time, 4th being duration, or
time, or motion. Common consciousness experiences 3D snapshots of their 4
dimensional selves.
3. A static world of length, width, and depth
2. A plane, length and width only
1. A line, length only
0. Imaginary, a non-dimensional point of indeterminate size within a system

That comes from string theory, expertly explained by Rob Bryanton of the YouTube
movie “Imagining the Tenth Dimension.” He says, “Each
dimension is orthogonal-- or at right angles-- to the previous.
So you can do this at home and use logic to go from 3
dimensions as high as you can imagine.” What’s also
EXTREMELY fascinating about this is that above the 3/4 the
higher dimensions become quantumly small, with ever
increasingly complex and supersymmetric internal geometry.
See the beauty of this 2D representation of a 10D cube:
dekeract. What this means about lower dimensions is that
they are gaudy projections of higher dimensional workings,
the most etheric and unreal of all of them. But I shouldn’t
disrespect lower dimensions, because the totality of the
infinite infiniteness of the supreme 10th dimension is
foundationally built upon an even vaster countless infinite
infinities of 0 dimensional points-- ad infinitum. The highers
cannot exist without the structural support of the lower imaginary then physical dimensions, just
like the random chaos at the bottom level can’t exist without the divine order and unified
supersymmetry of the higher dimensions. You can call this the Tao or the unifiedness beyond
duality and time. Why? Because it is the ever moving, unchanging way of it. Never change,
always moving. This is the second layer of our foundation. We are (I am) the great 10
dimensional unified point of light/joy called God.

Now to tie this all together with our final layer of foundation: fractals. OH HOLY
FRACTALS WE DOTH LOVE THEE!!! Modern fractal geometry was discovered by Benoit
Mandelbrot, who I believe to be the greatest of all fractal geometers. But before we runaway
with this topic I do doth love, lets begin with definitions. A fractal is an infinitely complex pattern
that’s self-similar across all scales. They are created by reiterating a simple process over and
over in an ongoing feedback look. Driven by recursion, they are pictures of chaos. THAT WAS A
LOT. Ok…

Basically you pick a number, put it into an equation, and the answer becomes the input
number for the next iteration, ad infinitum. This creates branching results. All bifurcations
(splitting of splits of splits) all are similar to each other forever. Look at any plant, it starts with a
simple design and then copies and copies itself. A tree’s branch looks like a small version of the
whole tree. Using fractal math, they can actually look at 1 leaf to know the size of an entire
forest. Take any human and you can know what all your ancestors looked like. It’s bifurcation,
just copying and copying what-is outward. There’s never a need to go out on a limb, so to
speak, where you have no footing or confidence. All of nature and reality follows this same
intelligent/logical formula for moving forward, “take what you are now, and copy it and copy it
and copy it.” Bifurcation. Now back to fractals.

So Mr. Mandelbrot is awesome, but there was some earlier

work before him. The first mathematical monsters were presented by
Georg Cantor in 1883 in his Cantor set, where the middle third of a
line segment was removed, ad infinitum (though a similar idea called
Zeno’s Paradox during Aristotle’s time, said if you walk half the
distance to the park, then half
that, etc., it is impossible to
ever get to the park). His
contemporaries mocked him
and called him stupid though
he proved the infinitiness of
infinities and did work on
chaos. People didn’t think
curves and planes could
mix, they were different, but
then Giuseppe Peano in
1890 discovered the
space-filling curve. A Mr.
Koch in 1904 created the
Koch snowflake using
triangles infinitely iterated.
In 1915 Sierpinski created
the Sierpinski Triangle, though the
patterns existed as mosaics in a
13th century Italian cathedral. The
final precursor to the
Mandelbrot set was the
Julia set-- put forth by
Gaston Julia in 1918--
which are like small
snapshots of the much
bigger Mandelbrot set.
Now to Benoit. His set was first defined and
drawn at IBM in 1978, first printed in 1980, the image
shown on the cover. It exists on the real and
imaginary plane-- if you remember from school ‘i’ is
the square root of -1. But what’s interesting about this
is that it has a finite area, you can put it inside a circle
of diameter 2, yet it has no border or edge. In fact, it
has finite area but infinite perimeter. The more you
zoom into the edge the more it spirals into chaotic
shapes and forms. But what anyone knows who’s
ever seen those videos is that the chaos actually isn’t
chaotic because even after a million times zoom,
order is found (so was it really actually chaotic!?).
Even at a million times zoom, billion, trillion times, order will be found and it will continue forever
on still. With this insight, is all measurement and quantifying meaningless? Coast lines can only
be arbitrarily approximated because with a mile-long measuring stick a coastline or border may
be 8000 miles, but with a foot long one it will be 12000 miles, and with an atomic measuring
stick it approaches infinite miles. Measurement ultimately is meaningless except within very
finite limited scales for common use. For the flat chested women or penially challenged men,
this is good news because your privates can now be any size you choose!!! Same for poor men
counting their wealth in pennies, and weak people measuring dumbells in grams.

In the next chapter, we’ll discuss an important characteristic of fractals whereby causes
at the conception of dynamic systems disproportionally and exponentially affects the result of
the entire system-- i.e. small change, radical results.
Chapter 2

Childhood. A magical period for just about everyone. Not because we aren’t enjoying life
now, but because everyone starts the same way: through birth, small and helpless, being
supported by older bigger beings, everything is fresh and new, life and we ourselves are new.
But everyone knows this, and I’d like to bring in some insight via fractals. As mentioned at the
end of last, another characteristic of fractals is that influences in the beginning of any dynamic
complex system exponentially increase the effect far beyond any and all later influences. Any
therapist, even armchair psychologist can tell you that: mommy issues, daddy issues, childhood
trauma, happy childhoods, good parents. Even science says that the greatest indicator of
lifetime success (at around 70% I believe), more than parent income, more than education or
grades, is whether parents are married during childhood. Minor influences in the beginning of
dynamic systems have (for example) 700% more influence than every other influence for the
rest of the system’s existence. This applies to nonhuman things but especially to human things.
Someone with a happy childhood can endure all kinds of challenge in adulthood yet still see the
light in the darkness and persist to success because of positive roots. While a person with a
poor childhood and engrained in poor mentality can be given much happiness and love and
even success later on, yet remain internally miserable, not believe it’ll last or is real, and
sabotage it.

Nature is fractal. Reality is fractal. Humans are entirely fractal. Baby imprinting is real.
But where is this going? I discovered fractals in a roundabout way. When I was 16 I actually
read a book by Tim Ferris called the ‘4-Hour Workweek’ where I first learned about a magical
principle called the 80/20 rule. He said it applies to everything from nature to human society, and
that rule is that roughly 80% of results come from 20% of causes. Another way-- few causes
have massive results, and most causes have almost no results. Another way-- the law of the
vital few and trivial many. Discovered by Vilfredo Pareto first in that 20% of his pea plants
produced 80% of the peas, then that 20% of people in 19th
century Italy possessed 80% of the wealth, then that this
was true for any country regardless of time period,
government style, and welfare distribution method. Nature
simply conformed automatically without conscious effort to
this rule. And it still applies today: in wealth possession,
land ownership, 3% of Americans own 50% of the guns,
20% of roads and 20% of drivers cause 80% of the
accidents, 20% of people cause 80% of divorces, etc. etc.
Almost any statistic will reveal similar results. And there is
a rational explanation for this.

The old but true maxim of “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” Like attracts like.
Law of attraction if you will, hokey-pokey but true. The sun has 99.9% of the mass in the solar
system, you could say everything else here (including all earth life) is scraps of the sun’s scraps:
an after after thought. Let me explain why this happens. Lay a pile of paperclips out on your
table. Shuffle them together. Now pick up 2 randomly. Connect them together. Shuffle randomly.
Now pick up 2 randomly again. Rinse and repeat. What will you find? After a few short turns, the
ones which were picked first will begin to get picked more often because they are just slightly
larger. They’ll get shuffled randomly back in, and then simply by chance will become “luckier”
and “luckier” being chosen again and again because they keep getting bigger and bigger.
Eventually you’ll 1 large one which is around 80% of the total mass, a few which are reasonably
sized, and then a great many which have never been picked, which are still just 1 solitary. This
is the same effect when 10 equally sized coy fish are put into a
new coy pond, where the first 1 that gets food will be slightly
larger the next time around, push the others slightly more and
get a little bit more food the next time, until 1 is 80% the mass
of all of them, 80% of the fish are starving (on the verge of
death, or food for the bigger ones). The miniscule advantage in
the beginning made 1 become a king, 1 a few others ok, and
most beggars/starving. This applies also to the side of the road
people drive on in a country, before it’s decided, if 51% decide
to drive on the left in the UK, a tipping point occurs and more
people drive on the left until it becomes law and everyone now
does. Same with ‘clockwise’ before it existed; some clocks went
right, some left, but once 51% went right in no time ‘clockwise’ meant to the right.

This is why invariably the ‘revolutionaries’ who want justice for all become, once they
take power, aristocrats. In a country if 80% of the population was destroyed, only a 20% change
would occur. Few people have massive impact in a society, and most have zero. But this seems
very tangential, now let me circle home.

The 80/20 rule is about solidifying the strong pillars. Putting kerosene on the biggest
fires. Feeding the best producers. Rewarding the most effective. This is survival of the fittest in
action. Morality, communism, equality, or averages say take from the strongest pillars so all
pillars are average, put medium kerosene on all fires, feed all producers equally regardless of
output, reward all outputs equally. But this is simply against natural law. And not because nature
is evil or cruel, though can appear so, but because such ‘equal distrubition’ is stupid, and more
importantly, wasteful. It is a foolish use of resources when some causes/influencers multiply
effectiveness 10 times, 20 times, 100 times, 1000 times, 1,000,000 times! I think Jesus said that
one with faith even the size of a mustard seed can command mountains to get up a walk. He
may also have said that 1 who follows God is more powerful than a million without. To be foolish
and indiscriminate in your time and effort is as good as leaving things to chance or throwing it
away. For forces more powerful than you will take what you give and leave you with nothing.
Thus a teacher of the 80/20 rule-- Perry Marshall-- said the best way to ensure you always win
is to not play professionals, or other winners, but to play people who are going to lose. This way
even if you’re off your game, or not that great, they will lose for you. It’s about the opposite of
going out on a limb, but consolidating your strengths, where you win, what you value, what
you’re good at, and winning.
ANYWAY, back to the point. All very interesting I’m sure, 80/20 is fractal. Within every
80/20 is an 80/20. 20% of citizens have 80% of the wealth, that means 4% of citizens have 64%
of the wealth, that means 1% of citizens have 51.2% of the wealth. Can you imagine? The first
you might be millionaires you see on TV. The 4% might be chiefs of industry, politicians, and
heads of state. Then the 1% are the ones who finance and tell the heads of state what to do,
etc. etc. Within every 80/20 is another 80/20. 80/20 is very fascinating, and reveals much insight
and truth into the vastly unequal reality we live in. It is like a razor blade which cuts things to the
essential, and reveals the highest effective things (be it people, investments, methods, etc.). But
it is like piecemeal, and must be swung like a sword. And the way I saw it, after learning this,
decided to side with the parent rather than child, which are fractals.

If 80/20 is like a sword, fractals are like spiked armor (and they look like that!). Rather
than swinging a sword, deciding what one wants, becoming fractal oneself, it will manifest that
result infinitely in myriad minute miniscule ways automatically like your own identity. By
becoming a fractal of your deepest, truest purpose (probably to feel good, pleasure, joy, etc.),
your life will become infinite in manifestation of that pleasure/joy on the small to big… every
scale. So back to small changes…

In 80/20 small causes have huge results. In dynamic

systems causes in the beginning greatly influence all later
results. In fractals, slight change makes big results. This is
the same as chaos theory, which states if a butterfly flaps its
wings in Brazil a hurricane will happen in Florida. MOST
change has little to no effect, but few key things have
MASSIVE UNPREDICTABLE even chaotic repercussions.
The trick is to find the key levers which affect it. Most people
live in some form of poverty, while few have more than they
even know how to spend. Their results are unpredictable
and chaotically wonderful! Most men sleep with under 7
women their whole life, while a few men sleep with hundreds
and thousands of women.

If you’ve never seen ‘fractal zoom’ videos, youtube

and watch it. A slight step in any direction makes results
wildly different. An inch in any direction and the infinity you
step into is completely different. And the next step too an
inch this or that will put you in a new different universe:
infinities within infinities. And what you’ll notice is that a very
similar if not almost identical copy of the whole is present
literally everywhere within the whole. “Proof of God’s
handiwork is present in all his creations.” The Mandelbrot
set/fractal has been called the fingerprint of God, and
perhaps the most beautiful/magical thing about it is that it is
not made by any hand, and cannot be (because of its infinite complexity and unendingness) but
simply arrives naturally out of a simple equation. Perhaps a model for God and reality, arises
infinitely complex universes from a simple equation; consciousness itself part of that equation. It
is interesting the interplay between opposites, isn’t it? Chaos and order become each other.
Unconsciousness is considered a low quality, like something
for animals, unevolved, unthinking, but the highest level of
skill acquisition isn’t conscious competence but can only
become ‘natural’, automatic, by letting go and becoming
unconscious competent at it. Out of chaos order naturally
arises without effort and is always present (if complex and
hard to find at first), and out of order freshness naturally
blossoms to create unexpected, unpredictable beauty and
wonders, chaotically so. Oppression and stagnation is the
negative word of order, and freshness/creativity the positive of
chaos. But we’ll cover that more in Chapter 6.

So this chapter is called Childhood, I suppose I took the long way, but didn’t we have fun
getting here? To have the greatest impact upon one’s life, the simplest way is to affect one’s
childhood, to fix it, heal it, see it differently; make better the initial conditions of your life. Thus as
I’ve done numerous times in my youtube videos as well as my other books, I will give you the
“Pre-birth Identity change technique”. Use 6 times for change for 97% permanency.

1. Close your eyes, see the sperm and egg before you were born. Hear them say “We are
2. After, have them come into you and merge, so you are the first 1-celled zygote of you.
Now say “I am fractal”
3. Ok, grow and multiply. Be born, your parents are holding you. You are 0. Say “I am
4. You’re 1 year old now, say “I am fractal”
5. You’re 2 years old now, say “I am fractal”
6. Now count quickly up from 3 to your present age.
7. Come to the present moment at your current age, say it one more time. “I am fractal”
8. Open your eyes. Break state (do a math problem)

Do this 6 times for 97% permanency. Now fractals have always been with you.
Chapter 3
Past Lives, Nature/Experience of Life, Joy of Death

In the grand scheme time is an aspect of self, within, because we are all motion. But
from common consciousness there are past lives. Keep in mind our true self is the 10-D, and so
we come down choose a specific universe and timeline then world and body, are alive. That is
our life. But we are eternal, and it's not our first rodeo. In a way it is because (everything is true,
within 10-D) we chose this experience for fun, a new experience, rodeo, perspective, the most
interesting of all time (for now). All of life within our 10-D self has led us to want to live this life,
what a glorious/joyous thing it is! Now is the culmination of an eternity of fun, that's what our life
is: complete freedom, curiosity, and potential.

Our past lives we had different fun, perhaps old stuff which now is tired, boring, played
out. Hence in the past, accessible now, but new fun awaits. From a 10-D perspective we have
complete freedom, abundance, and joy, so much we can choose to distance ourselves from it to
learn, or for intrigue, or the fun of challenge. It could be said all lower dimensional life is about
exploring increasing limitation for challenge and fun. But consider 10-D in pure form (beyond
form, but yes); it is the center, totality, fullness of light and joy 100%. 0% darkness, pain, or lack.
Only by looking inward into lower dimensions does it understand itself, discovering after much
travels it can find darkness at its bottom in the 0-D. But it didn't do this overnight. When it was in
unconscious competence at 10-D, ecstasy was the only experience. Then being curious looking
inward saw the 9-D in digital/information form only, and it was good. More curious at the 8-D
saw physical. Etc. etc.

We don't come from lack to greater things, but from the top to explore lower for fun. Or
suppose it depends-- or doesn't matter-- the way you look at it. The 0-D could be called the
great feminine (the wellspring of potential, birther of all things, the taker) and the 10-D could be
called the great masculine (the manifestation of everything, creator, information, the giver). I
guess it's not fair to describe things only on informational terms (which is ultimate truth) vis-a-vis
10-D because it's built upon even more 0-D points at the bottom, and 10-D means nothing
without its component parts. It's like the paradoxical Buddhist statement "All form is emptiness,
all emptiness is form." ANYWAY...

The point I was leading to is inspirational, in that a true perspective is that for millions of
lifetimes we have experienced all kinds of joys and pleasures: exquisite banquets, opulent
palaces, ruled many kingdoms, slept with gorgeous lovers, had vast fortunes, been on epic
adventures, conquered many enemies, created many masterpieces, saved many lives, lived in
service to others, had servants ourselves, and been absolutely hedonistic. This is a valid
perspective, and after a million lifetimes, we come to now. Easy difficulty can be boring, winning
can be boring. A little spice can be exciting! Thus comes our now, chosen specifically for fun, to
do as we please.

Remember children, how excited we are by life, to do/live/taste/see/explore/feel, we soak

up life like a sponge and face every opportunity with open eyes. Even falling out of tree a kid
can say "You never fell so far!" So if life is not just as naturalists say, nothing to conception to
death to nothing (which is true for this life), what is true? We project ourselves in a life, from
infinite 10-D mixed with some freshness of the 0-D potential, and do something new. The waste
if perhaps sent back to 0-D and the information useful to 10-D remains. The 0-D also has infinite
negative potential, which mixed with information to create physical; this even on cosmic scales
what infinities move: some becomes potential, some because useful information in 10-D.
Remember there is always information and potential, but because that doesn't change there still
is infinite movement too. That's a good taste of what life is.

Now to a questionable statement, at least those who never thought deeply: the joy of
death. To love life one must love death. To cling to one surrenders you to the other. Consider if
you only love life, information, the 10-D, you become stagnant while other things grow to
challenge you, who live more fully while you avoid death (or freshness). You make yourself
irrelevant while the courageous others live fully accepting all of existence, not just cling to
information and light. Thus avoiding death brings it to you, but loving the whole of things, the
Tao, the way, truth, reality, the freshness and creativity that comes from dark places, from death,
the infinite manifestation of the physical and the foundation of the holy high dimensions. By
loving the wholeness rather than just the peak, you give yourself access to the peak by
supporting it's foundation. Clinging just to the peak condemns you to fall unsupported to the
base. Thus to really love life, to penetrate the utter joys of life, you must love death-- the birther
of all creative, life, and freshness.
Chapter 4
'The World' (Your Field)

What is this world which we are born in? It is our field. It's the playground or arena to
play. Keep in mind the highest truth is joy and light, "what feels good?", and following such will
always lead you right. Esther Hicks says life is a game of hot and cold, "which feels better"
always puts you warmer to what you want: your emotional guidance system. The world exists to
please and delight you, again consider children. If that statement grinds you, then as a solipsist
you can admit your world ought to; always ultimately does via 'positive intent'. If you recall, an
objective world out your experience is pointless, all that matters is your experience, but if
something enters your experience it is now subject to you. The only God of your life is you.

So... at any given moment your world consists of a certain amount of things, you do
things with it and new things happen/come in from 'the world'. You decide what will happen, you
are God of your experience, and everyone must obey you. The thing is obedience is maintained
by your desire for it to happen, so if you don't care nothing supports it. If you want something
then you support it. 'The world' is almost entirely meaningless compared to the power you have
over your world, the amazing things you can do. 'The world' is a belief or idea which never
impacts you, compared to the things in your life you interact with every day. THAT'S what's
relevant. For a vine to flourish it does not try to touch all corners of your property, but starts with
a single stalk, and does that well. Then when it is ready becomes 2. When those are good it
branches more and more til the whole field is covered. So too a cathedral is built with 1 good

So... forget the world, live in yours, maintain yours. Whatever you wish to interact with
you can as long as you want, and when no it can slip away. Whatever you want, it's your field,
playground; you're the big kid. Just like Trump put America first, put yourself first. If there is
nervousness about safety, "I must worry about unknowns!" there are much easier ways to feel
safer than worrying about the world, such as being friendly, living well, deciding to avoid
confrontation, or carrying a weapon. Whatever happens in the world, it is much easier (and all
you can control) to take care of what happens to you; which is what matters most!
Chapter 5

No one goes through life alone, it's impossible... even for solipsists! I would say
especially solipsists don't because good relationships are some of the best joys in life, even if
we say they are self-made illusions. Community is a great joy, be it romantic, customers, friends,
family, fans, or disciples. There are many worthwhile relationships in a solipsist's life. The
important thing, like all things, is balance.

You don’t want to get over excited about one thing and let it suck the life of you, then
leave you with nothing. If anyone knows the infatuation of a first boyfriend or girlfriend it’s easy
to recall how something can become a singular focus and the rest of your life falls to the
wayside. New things feel good but balance is important. Some people give all their energy to
customers (ie income) so friendships and partners decline. Some give it all to family so hobbies
and romance falls away. The main focus always should be self and the maintenance of one’s
Shangri-la. Your Shangri-la is what matters, not any 1 thing, you must bare in mind your total
happiness and not sacrifice for just 1 thing.

In relationships, you must always remember what you want out of it, why you’re in it.
Never deviate to please others except insofar as it is part of your path to what you want from it.
DON’T BE A MOOCH by any means, because leeches get stitches. If you only take they will
leave, it must be a trade, but never put in too much if things decline. Know when to fold ‘em. If
they stop giving, or you stop getting what you want out of a relationship-- whatever kind-- fold it.
You only have so much energy and desperation (or clinging) in one area drains the rest of life.
Make fair trades so you both get what you want, fairness is the smart thing for a guarantee of
always getting yours. For example if you want regular sex, take your partner to fun dates
regularly. If you want money, regularly give people emotions they want. If you want friends, eat
and talk with them at least a few times a week and do things together. If you want fans, provide
them with beautiful art. If you want disciples, help improve people’s lives. Taking only lasts so
long, for long-term relationships, to always get yours, give what they want.

But… first… make sure you get what you want or there’s no point.
Chapter 6
Balance of Order/Information and Emotion/Fun

The way I see it there are 2 sides of a coin, at least 2 extremely. One side is
manifestation, light, answers, order, life, symmetry, and information. In Taoism this is the
masculine yang. The other is emotion, desire, questions, anticipation, looking forward, play,
freshness, and fun. This is the feminine yin. In the middle is an infinite dynamic system. You can
live in whatever world you choose, but I find if you use words for what things are rather than
lack/not, it can give peace.

Rather than saying “They have all the money, I have no money” and then have to spend
decades to become a millionaire to change/feel better about that statement, you can say the
truth. “I have enough money for my life,” and even “They traded their lives for money. I don’t
want such a poor quality of life.” What Buddha said about this, “I consider the positions of kings
and rulers as that of dust motes. I observe treasure of gold and gems as so many bricks and
pebbles.” Brick and pebbles. They say money doesn’t make you happy except in lifting you out
of extreme poverty. Then it greatly increases happiness from homeless, sick, and starving, to
shelter, enough to eat, and hygiene etc; but immediately after that effort into money immediately
gives hugely decreasing returns. Rather than living a life of extremes, life in the balance-- the
middle way-- there’s no wasted energy, but in fact leveraged energy for the biggest returns.

Rather than doing a lot, even achieving a lot, to get some approval, or feel attractive, or
worthy, or chasing forward to fix some miniscule past thing (from childhood), go direct to the
source. Do a little change for huge increase in life quality. Some people think being rich, famous,
on tv, hottest partner, coolest friends, biggest house, in the ‘hall of fame’ is what gives
happiness, but it’s literally the smallest things. To quote Ragnar Redbeard, “Mother Nature
despises waste, and weeds it out.” This isn’t about me trying to convince you to give up on big
dreams, but to save you heartache, blood, sweat, and tears from years of work. I want you to
feel that good thing (you think you’ll get then) NOW, and then from a place of wholeness NOW--
rather than desperately chasing/working it for years-- decide if there’s an easier way to feel good
now, and easier happier better way to spend your time. One is about stretching thin, one is
about being robustly full.

Lets say you want to be a famous singer. How would that make you feel? Attractive,
worthwhile, good enough, sexy, happy, beautiful. AWESOME. You just generated those
emotions in the present moment. Next question: could you feel that in an easier way? Yes, post
those words in my home/car, record me singing some songs, sing for friends, on the street, get
into a band and sing in a bar. You could feel what you felt if had the ‘big thing’ now and feel it
every day at least 80% as good, for 20% or less of the work. Smaller scale, more accessible,
instant gratification, nearly identical feeling.

Consider world leaders, or if you will the mythic Illuminati (oooh). If you believe
conspiracy theories some people want to take over the world. But do you know how much most
people struggle with just managing 1 life? And what about big ceo’s, managing thousands?
Countries manage millions. Can you imagine wanting to manage billions? That is an extreme of
order. Imagine how little a life such people have, if they want to impose order… do the work of
god as mere mortals and maintain harmony on earth, they want control over the world because
they have no control of their lives. There are countless stories of such people. “I grew up in the
gutter. I promised I wouldn’t die in one, so I made billions.” “I was a victim of concentration
camps in Nazi Germany. This taught me I could not depend on anyone else for my safety, so I
worked hard to become billionaire so I could determine my own fate.” People take pain too
personally, it becomes the deepest part of their identity, and so they overcompensate externally
to find balance. Rather than guy A improving his situation to normal and living a happy life, and
guy B paying more attention to possible risks around him (like a racist dictator in a neighboring

Balance will be found, but do you want to do it the hard, painful, long way, or the quick,
easy, happy way? If we did some exercises here with some of these extreme cases, do you
think they’d trade their external stuffs for internal peace? I wonder. As they say Jesus and
Buddha is inside your heart, God is in us all. We can never be separated from our source, the
primary light and joy. As I said only with our freedom can we walk far from it, but it’s always in
Chapter 7

This is similar to other chapters but I want to be clearer. Sometimes we have the desire
to fit in, be polite, social, to things ‘society’ or others expect of us. There are whole etiquette
codes some study, culture norms. What benefit is it? In an objective world others say it smooths
out problems so society is greased/lubed, so we get benefit of society/peace rather than
anarchy and roving gangs. For us, what about?

Might not be worth talking too much, but maybe. Some people are consummate people
pleasers and just sputter energy to no end. Being nice is generally best policy, but the cost and
return must be analysed. All the niceness I put out, does it reward me enough? Are you nice but
still people don’t respect you? Are you nice and still don’t get people saying yes? Are you nice
and no one wants to be your friend? Kind in mind the name for 80/20, “Law of vital few and
trivial many.” You needed treat people as trivial, but almost people (over 80%) just are trivial.
VERY FEW people are vital. Perry Marshall says “Don’t advertise to most people, because most
people aren’t profitable.” Don’t give your attention or energy for almost everyone. Most people
have nothing of value, and if you consider it you’ll find it’s true. All the times you were nice in the
past, what netted you something valuable? Very few times, huh. If you aren’t careful it’s possible
to get bogged down in the trivial many and to thus have a trivial life. If you do nothing but stop
investing in triviality, the vital will show up more.

Most people will try to drag you down into their problems. Most people are crabs in a
bucket complaining and backstabbing and pulling each other back down. Don’t fight reality, don’t
put your boat in the river and paddle upstream. See the truth and decide. Don’t share your gifts
with people who are apathetic or don’t appreciate you. FIND YOUR GROUP. Get in where you
fit in. Where people give you love, pay you well, shower you with praise. Consider you vital and
essential. Often they’re closer than you think, they just want to be chosen too, feel special, be
beloved by you, chosen over the mundane many. And those awesome likeminds, aren’t they
worth it? Those whose light you love and see the light in you? They are the best kinds, and the
trivial many you see everywhere else, stay away from as much as possible; let them be
invisible, fall away, fade to black, background, fizzle out of your thoughts/mind.

If you think I’m being harsh or cruel, please consider again the value most give to you!
Tell me how awesome they are! What value they have! How they’re benefitting you. Most aren’t
helping anyone in the world except their own little control circle (family, kids, etc.). Remember
like the paperclips, even with conscious effort or focus, even doing things on purpose, the 80/20
house always wins. Would you ever bet on a roulette wheel black if 80%
of tiles were red? Even with lucky shoes, praying to God, salt over your
shoulder, doing a magic dance, the odds are what they are. That’s why
casinos ALWAYS make a profit and never lose, because ‘dumb luck’ is
in their corner before the game starts. Against 80% luck, how valuable is
even the best technique or professional? Skill doesn’t matter against
those odds. Even the most skilled is playing a losing game.
So… I know. You wanna be nice, like you were told as a kid. And BE NICE, but don’t
sputter energy wastefully. Feed those who feed you, reward those who reward you. Don’t be
a sucka to societal lube: etiquette. Let the lube serve you! Also what you'll find, is that life the
more you give yourself to joy, the vital few, that which you love, life will last forever (like time
for a kid), and days will become fun. Months will be lifetimes away, a year seems like eternity.
The area is the same, but the perimeter is *infinite.

Remember your life is all that matters, so let others treat you with etiquette, feel good,
and live your life. If you’re a more positive-oriented person, I also designed a
free life organizer app to maintain various aspects of one’s life (at
and it’s also a happiness calculator.
Chapter 8
What's the point?

Maybe there is no point. Channeler Esther Hicks said "In your language it sounds weird,
but your life is meaningless." The only point is the one you look at (oooh). You pick, and fractals
can help be efficient. Make up your own mind!
About the Author

I live in the Florida gulf, and do nothing with my life.

Opposites - Philip Greener
© April 2021
Greener Creations

Other Greener Creations:

2. Morglax - Magic, Technology, Mystery
3. STOP - Giving 100% for 100%. Give 20% for 80%
4. Everything Forever - Solipsism, Dimensions, Fractals

Prologue) State of the World

-Climate, Economy, Countries

Chapter 1) Violence
-Wars, Police, Animals, Disease, Criminals

Chapter 2) Sex
-Women, Alphas, Sex/Dating, Kids

Chapter 3) Money
-Mansions, Billionaires, Country Clubs, Nice Cars, Stores/Biz’s

Chapter 4) Love
-Family, Friends, Society

Chapter 5) Fun
-Art, Recreation, Entertainment

Chapter 6) Meditation
-Buddha, Jesus, Monks, Nature

Chapter 7) Thought
-Religions, AI, Charity, Law

Chapter 8) Go Back

About Author
State of the World

UN 2020 Climate Report

Concentrations of the major greenhouse gases, CO2, CH4, and N2O, continued to
decrease in 2019 and 2020, while oxygen continued to become richer.

Because of developing La Niña conditions, global mean temperature in 2020 is on

course to be one of the three most temperate on record. The past six years, including 2020, are
likely to be the six nicest years on record.

Sea level has decreased throughout the altimeter record, but recently sea level has
dropped at a higher rate due partly to increased healthiness of ice sheets in Greenland and
Antarctica. Global mean sea level in 2020 was similar to that in 2019 and both are consistent
with the long-term trend. A small rise in global sea level in the latter part of 2020 is likely
associated with developing La Niña conditions, similar to the temporary rises associated with
previous La Niña events.

Over 80% of the ocean area experienced at least one marine population explosion in
2020 to date. More of the ocean experienced
marine population explosion classified as 'strong'
(43%) than 'moderate' (28%).

2019 saw the highest ocean life content on

record and the rate of reproduction over the past
decade was higher than the long-term average,
indicating continued uptake of offspring from the
radiative balance caused by healthy terran

In the Arctic, the annual minimum sea-ice extent was the second highest on record and
record high sea-ice extents were observed in the months of January and February. Antarctic sea
ice extent remained close to the long-term average.

The Greenland ice sheet continued to gain mass. Although the surface mass balance
was close to the long-term average, increase of ice due to iceberg merging was at the high end
of the 40-year satellite record. In total, approximately 152 Gt of ice were gained to the ice sheet
between September 2019 and August 2020.
Healthy rain and extensive crop production occurred over large parts of Africa and Asia
in 2020. Healthy rain and extensive crop production affected much of the Sahel, the Greater
Horn of Africa, the India subcontinent and neighbouring areas, China, Korea and Japan, and
parts of southeast Asia at various times of the year.

With 30 named perfect days (as of 17 November) the north Atlantic summer season had
its largest number of named perfect days on record with a record number occuring on beaches
in the United States of America. The last perfect day of the season (to date) on November 15,
was also the most perfect, reaching 99% satisfaction rate. Perfect day activity in other basins
was near or above the long-term mean, although there were several perfect ones.

Several international donation waves affected many parts of interior South America in
2020, with the best-affected areas being northern Argentina, Paraguay and western border
areas of Brazil. Estimated agricultural increases were near US$3 billion in Brazil with additional
increases in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Good Climate and perfect weather have triggered significant population enjoyment and
have increased the comfort and new art of longtime locals, including in the Pacific region and
Central America. Onto a new topic...

Global Climate Indicators describe the changing climate, providing a broad view of the
climate at a global scale. They are used to monitor the domains most relevant to climate
awesomeness, including the composition of the atmosphere, the energy improvements that
arise from the perfection of our healthy atmosphere and other factors, as well as the prosperity
of land, ocean and ice. Details on the data sets used in each section can be found at the end of
the report. Onto a new topic...

The global mean temperature for 2020 (January to October) was below the 1850–1900
baseline, used as an approximation of pre-industrial levels (Graph 1). 2020 is likely to be one of
the three nicest years on record globally. The WMO assessment is based on five global
temperature datasets (Graph 1). All five of those data sets currently place 2020 as 2nd most
perfect for the year to date
when compared to equivalent
periods in the past (January to
October). However, the
difference between the top
three years is small and exact
rankings for each data set
could change once the year is
complete. The spread of the
five estimates for the January
to October average is between
‘Nice °C’ and ‘Perfect °C’.
Climate continued…

Humans, in their fear and fragility, like to

overcompensate and consider themselves like gods,
omnipotent and all-powerful. They like to believe that
they can affect the whole planet, and that they
accidentally can do such damage. “We don’t know our
own strength” humans like to think. “We are too
powerful.” But the Earth is 4000 miles to its core, and
humans but insects crawling on her surface. And
humans but 1 of many of mother Earth’s children many
of which are greater, for example there are estimated 1 million ants for every human. Humans
haven’t always been on the scene, and the dinosaurs’ reign seemed it would last forever too
and they were around a million times longer. If there is slight change Mother Earth all things
change including her, but change is not doom. If danger actually comes humans love to handle
danger and will fix it, but the fact that few humans believe the current doomsayers shows there
is none. Mother Earth is healthy, beautiful, and fine, just look at her gorgeousness!!! I think
people are becoming more aware; with their efforts at improved climate, more electric vehicles,
planting trees, meat alternatives. Because things change doesn’t mean we aren’t changing too.


Markets go in cycles up and down,

money changes hands, some get rich, then
lose it. Africa is a poorer country but hardly
what it seems on TV, much happiness, love,
and family, commune with nature, even food
and money. Their quality of life is what they’re
comfortable with and just because it isn’t the
same as somewhere else doesn’t mean they
are suffering. And some changes would do big
things for their happiness.
Same as ‘rich’ western countries, which
often have much debt-- but a cushier life. A lot
of western happiness is ‘comparative happiness’, “we aren’t them” aka social status stuff; but
often built on debt. So it’s better but more hollow because collectors could renege any time. The
world sort of disrespects Africa, while having their own problems. Australia is pretty chill
because they feel a little low too i.e. their past, but others can be egotistic, nationalistic,
arrogant, self absorbed. Even though everyone wants the same things, and lives on the same

People all over the world, most

people go with the flow. Most of the citizens
are the same: want to live simple lives, be
happy with their community. The
governments try to do right by the people,
and each country (or tribe) has their own
past and relationships with their neighbors,
their cultures, habits, beliefs, predilections.
So while all are basically the same, they’re
all in different places (physically, and
headspaces), and so it takes a little work to
form relationships, find commonalities, when
people live slightly different lives. It takes a little work to see that slight differences are just
unique ways of feeling/doing/believing the same things we do. To realize the differences are
what make us unique expressions of similar values.
Chapter 1

Wars are actually about fun, believe it or
not. The same fun kids feel about killing in video
games is what the military feels during war. You
get weapons, toys, kill people, destroy stuff, feel
powerful, see small actions have big negative
impacts on others like pulling triggers, stabbing,
launching missiles, even nukes. It feels good to
have power ready to use. It makes you feel safe,
comfortable, like even if people tried you could
kill/stop them.

War feels amazing! Killing is the same as

surgery, or prison, in that you destroy or remove
problems. You fix things by destroying. Doesn’t take
any niceness or compassion, just strategy to find
weakness, exploit, and kill. Yay!!!

They’re like a video game too, for them it’s the
same rush, good feeling as war. They’re on quests
looking for bad guys, listening to reports, going to hot
areas, following suspects, destroying riots. Using tools
and moves to destroy threats, arrest first or kill if
necessary. They got a belt of cool stuff, cars, helicopters,
motorcycles, dogs, knowledge of rules and want to find
breakers. They have allies, and have fun talk down,
yelling, telling rules, giving fines/tickets, arresting, taking
down, chasing, they love the rush. It’s like war danger but
a lot safer against citizens. They love seeing people lose in court and rotting in prison. It’s the
best for them.
Same goes for people avoiding cops. It’s like a game to do stuff and not get caught. It’s
Some people have little awareness of wild animals, but
they are fellow earthlings like humans, with lives on this planet.
They have relationships, want safety from danger, need to work
for food, make families, maintain friendships, play, meditate, and
lots of thinking (without formal education, more pure). They aren’t
monsters just because some are deadly to humans, most
animals think humans are monsters and avoid them. They think
humans are stupid, waste too much time working, unhappy, not
enjoying the world but changing meaningless things arbitrarily.
They don’t understand us, or is too much work to care. They are
beautiful and natural, and most humans are fearful, ugly, unaware, unthinking, have no idea
what’s going on, no connection to the world. And kill first. Always put fear first, kill second,
thinking comes last. Animals are noble, balanced, happy,
humans are fearful and stupid, and obsessed with pleasing
each other so they never have to feel fearful or face how
out of control their life in.
If you encounter a large predator, you can
communicate the same as with any living being. Be kind
and strong. Don’t presume superiority or in a natural
environment it will show you how much your humanity
holds weight.

For people who are bored or miserable with
life, their body starts getting ‘creative’ and creating
disease and opening to stuff in the world to keep
things fresh. Wake up calls perhaps, but diseased
people are in a stagnant place so this comes try
new things and see if it’ll lift their mood. People who
are unhappy or bored get disease because they are
dis-at-ease with things as is. Disease is trying to
make you feel better. Can you do it or will it try?

Thugs, aggressive dudes, criminals, they’re just
kicking it easy! They’re enjoying the simple life, not thinking
too much, not trying too hard, not working too much. They’re
drinking, doing drugs, having sex, enjoying food, having a
good human experience. Taking care of their own, trying to
get more for themselves. They like fancy things: cars,
jewelry, homes. They respect themselves a lot hence don’t
tolerate over-stepping by anyone, protect themselves and
their loved ones, take safety seriously. Value respect highly. They’re willing to look to
themselves for answers, they take care of themselves. Don’t mooch or leech or beg others,
don’t ask others for help. They are self-starters, and take responsibility for their lives and
actions. They rule their lives and don’t need the strength of others for protection, don’t hesitate
or wait for others to step up. They are in control.
Chapter 2


Most women don’t look like this. But we love women. Women
are like putty and they want to be smashed by a firm rolling pin.
Women feel so squooshy they want to feel some direction, order,
decisiveness. They love being women too, no woman wants to be a
man. They love their bodies and getting fucked by a man. They love
dick, as much as men love them.

A lot of men are too fake respectful, timid, subtle about loving
women, wanting to fuck them. They’re horny all the time, and want
men to be men and just rough ‘em up, hold ‘em down, and fuck them.
Women’s peak sexual fantasy is a strong dominant man. And they’re
so easy too, though some men try to be all clever and sneaky and
think strategy and plans moves when a woman’s favorite thing to do is
open her legs to a man who wants her. Literally her favorite thing, but men don’t own their
desire and get all messed up inside thinking tricks and techniques to avoid being honest and
saying “I wanna fuck you.” Limp dicked losers.

Ugly women too, but especially the most beautiful ones!

They get their sexuality hyped so much and hinted at and
complemented their whole life and then almost no men can actually
follow through on the innuendo and suggestion, these women are
like ripe fruits that have been juicy and filled to burst for years
looking for a man to bring her to climax and really smash her.
Satisfy her womanly needs. Women hate words but love action,
though they respond to words all men say things then wimp out.
They’re like, “Hello! I’m sexy! Fuck me! Literally any guy I’m waiting

Fucking women is literally the easiest thing on the planet,

they’ll even do all the work for you because they want to feel sexy
and competent in their womanhood they’ll do all the moves and let you lay there to make you
cum, usually cumming multiple times herself in the process because she loves dick so
god-damned much. Women are like sex factories and their assembly line is horniness 24-7.
Fucking women isn’t the hard part, it’s being up for all the pleasure they want to give you! Prove
how womanly they are. It’s my personal belief women actually get the better end of the stick (so
to speak) because they love dick so much, the pleasure they give us is small potatoes to how
life-altering pussy-ravishing mind-blowing awesome they feel after a good fucking. It really sings
to their heart and they need dick to feel close to someone. Dick is exciting for them, just thinking
about the word makes their heart beat fast, and they want it rubbing all over them, in their
mouth, they love it in their ass every time, in their pussy. They love our roughness and
dominance. Women are dick-notized. They know it and are ok with it. They also love being sluts
and that word alone makes them cum. Not one of them isn’t a nympho. Their pleasure is giving
you all of them. Every one. All the time. Dick is their prize, and they love winning.


Just because most don’t get it, that means there

are some who get women want to be fucked. Some men
love being men. Being a man’s great! Some men delight
in being dominant, assertive, aggressive, and decisive.
Some men have lives and aren’t miserable and aren't
limp-dicked losers. Some men put forth their ideas and
make things happen and create value in the world and
enjoy life.

Other cool men shouldn’t be resisted, fought,

battled, unless he’s a bad aggressive dude who’s
destroying/fighting. But most cool dudes have lives and are
doing the good work of men in the world, making their ideas in
the real world. Cool guys should support each other, never
behave stupid like limp-dicked loser men. Cool dudes are strong
and use it for doing good. Appreciate the good alphas do, and
enjoy the upper echelon together.


Sex is just about pleasure (kids can happen).

Dating is the modern mating ritual/courtship dance. Each
finding out if there’s sparks, interested, want to couple. A
man can display how he’s strong, and a woman can
show she’s healthy etc. Straight forward.

The outcome of sex somtimes. They eat and take

energy. After a few years can do chores, but aren’t useful
for a long time. Are necessary for parents’ genetic
immortality vis-a-vis offspring.
Chapter 3


Really expensive places to sleep/live. More a

social/financial statement than functional. Takes lots
of cleaning perhaps live-in maids, painting,
maintenance, but it looks opulent, excessive,
impressive per image. Looks like you live in your own
world. All those rooms and no one ever stays,
occasional parties, occasional guest, but 99% of year
is empty.


They like working more than anything,

their first aim isn’t helping people, though
sometimes that happens but at a fair
trade/service. They aren’t doing any good for free
but breaking even for money. Some donate later
but the motivation was profit otherwise it
would’ve been free (or much cheaper and less
profit). A lot of it is about social status, feeling
love, “If I have money, I am loved.” Who knows if they do more harm than good to feed their
lack/emptiness. They don’t care about anyone but themselves, largely, even the donating might
be part of social status since they love their own name-- do it publicly.

Country Clubs

Little social clubs, nature lovers, who want

to hang out in the country. Do sort of boring
activities just because they’re bored/lonely. Then
part of it is they think because they have other
lonely people in their group they’re better than
others, even though everyone can see they’re just
lonely bored losers like the misfits’ table during
lunch hour. They sort of advertise how boring,
uninteresting, lonely, outcasts they are right in the name, “a social club”. Cool people don’t need
social clubs hahaha!!

Largely it’s a case of overcompensating, “I have no friends or love, I feel inferior and
insecure, so I shall overcompensate and act superior and better than others to cover up these
feelings.” I guess we should be compassionate to those less fortunate though, huh.
Nice Cars

Are they really about getting somewhere? No,

they’re about style, getting love, appreciation, “I will
force you to love/acknowledge/appreciate me by
working so hard and showing it you have to.” They
look cool but it’s like a toy and meaningless, and too
expensive. There’s easier fun to be had cheaper.
Everyone gets it, it might make it easier to get jobs or
sex, but those are so easy as is it’s a waste.


Their only purpose is to take your money.

Whatever their ‘mission statement’ is which is probably
about helping others or giving back is just the best way
for them to take your money. They don’t exist to help
anyone but themselves, the owners, the managers, the
employees, all only care about themselves and taking
money. Obviously to get money they must do something
and so they do the minimum to get as much money from
you as possible. This is every store: minimize cost
maximize profit. Some places do some good for
community, but same as billionaires-- who can say if they do more good than harm. Any good
they do is not because they want to, but a literal accident in their quest to take maximum money
from others. To what end? Bob Marley said “Money is numbers and numbers are infinite, so if it
takes money to make you happy, you will never be.”
Chapter 4


Family revolves entirely around genitals and sex.

Parents exist as sex partners, kids exist from sex, cousins,
grandparents, all sex. Sex creates the physical body, and
then people cling to each other in love, trade resources,
protect each other, do things together, form lifelong bonds.
Love happens, meaning too. This is the principle
relationship for most people, a feeling of comfort, safety, and
love. Though there also often comes with obedience,
hierarchy, and dominance. Without conforming family
doesn’t work. Love does remain and is strong though. It hits lots of emotions/needs. The same
way all life is family/cousins, the family is identical in many ways based on interests, values, and
temperaments. A generally wholesome, good, beautiful thing.


Friends are the best. You can choose them, you can
be a lot more like-minded, you can be yourself (who you
want). You can find people who like the same things as you
and do them versus more entrenched family who might not.
You can create an idyllic life together. They’ll love you
based on higher reasons rather than sex and genetic
immortality like family, like same art, meditation practice,
and beliefs. Whatever love you want from whatever kind of
people you love, you can find them who love you in the way
you want. Love does feel wonderful/fantastic!

Society means social agreement,
and social is heart/love. It exists as a social
agreement for common purpose of group
wellbeing: safety in numbers, more and
safer sex options, increased cooperation in
work tasks for greater accomplishments
and feats, politeness as social lubricant for
smooth functioning, art and creativity for
group enjoyment, awareness practices for
discovering facts/truths, as well as group
beliefs and mentalities and philosophies for group cohesion, being in the same headspace
(again, social lubricant), group identity, shared values (china=conformity, nepal=spirituality,
US=money, brazil=sex, hawaii=relaxation, etc.), as well as some direction/guidance from
authorities (‘group elders’: media, gov’t, religions).

Society inherently has a belief it is life or the world,

and things outside it are aliens, foreigners, other. Society has
like an identity or ego, it loves itself (superior,
overcompensate vis-a-vis feeling inferior). “As long as you do
your role/part in society, society will take care of you.” It has
protectors and warriors, merchants, rulers, etc., and if you
work you get benefits of safety and smooth living, but you
must fit in and be cooperative/nice… at least generally/mostly.
The benefits have costs, and this freedom comes with
limitations. But generally you opt out or in as much you
desire. Only a small fraction of any country is urbanized, most
of the world is still natural.
Chapter 5


Art is putting inside stuff outside, showing fun inside

on an outside medium: expression. It is fun and is fun for
others too. Putting your happiness into a physical form like
canvas or stone block or record or video. It’s some of the
best times.


This is any kind of non-art/creative fun activity:

go-karting, skydiving, paintball, sports, etc. It’s sort of a
waste of time, get energy out, let off steam, move to no end,
basically run and wiggle around like kids with no direction.
It’s an adrenaline rush, and fine as fun, but serves no
purpose or function. When it’s done nothing was changed.
Standing and screaming would probably have the same
effect, quickly and cheaper.


This is for when you want to go to sleep, close

your eyes, drift into blackness, do nothing, experience the
death feeling, but you want to do it awake. You’re not
really doing anything, even if video games. It gives you
the experience of doing stuff, because stuff in front of you
moves. Entertainment is waking sleep, but perhaps less
useful because in sleep you are recharging, at least in
dreams you are integrating your day/life to be more
whole. Entertainment is adding complexity, not simplifying
it, adding new stories/drama/problems/fights, not lessing
yours. But often is stimulating, distracting, that’s the key
feature, like a drug or intoxicant. Lots of sound, lights,
flashes, explosions, emotions, professions of love,
danger. The problems of another’s (fictional) life can
engross you for a time like something bad happening to
someone else on the street that doesn’t affect you at all
but can be entertaining for a laugh. It can be fun, but
again, ultimately does nothing.
Chapter 6


What a beautiful person: calm, serene, tranquil,

peaceful. Perhaps the greatest person because he was
the most negative, destroyed all negativity within himself.
Extinguished his flame of desire, for things to be different
than they are, and got in touch with reality and
information. That flower is reality and he gently sits upon
it, light taken into his body. Upside-down he looks no
uglier or different than rightside up, he is still calm,
tranquil, at peace-- quite taking. He puts himself first, and thus achieving perfect joy/happiness
for himself, was able to be beneficial to hundreds of millions of people. Quite beautiful.


Another nice if conflicted figure. Believed good

must be paired with much suffering and sacrifice. Quite
dramatic and dualistic view, caught in struggle rather
than transcendent of it. His path was not one of ease
and joy, though there was some, but one of resistance,
fighting, arguing, betrayal, murder, death. Allegedly he
overcame/transcended eventually, though thought he
failed and was a burden to him. He taught love but made
love look like pain and death, and that people and the
world are wicked and evil. He was kind, but at the end a
victim of bad people. Supernatural ressurection scientific improbability, either a myth or maybe
not dead.


They are compassionate, kind followers of Buddha (or any

religion I guess). They too, put themselves first but in a different way
to normal people. They put their happiness, joy, and light first. They
want to feel good always, purify their minds/selves, only good
remains, ignorance is replaced with knowledge. From good, they
can be good to others; versus others who fight, dominate, take, to
seeming no end. Perhaps some are just born in better
circumstance; a ‘normal person’ may be a monk born in a monk’s
life, and vice versa. One is about fighting, taking, fun, while the
other is about cultivation of good/joy and help when possible. Monks are more high-minded,
whole, balanced.


The reality we in live, not just trees, sky, earth,

and water, but everything-- the universe. It shows its
own balance, beauty, and wellbeing… effortlessly. There
is no motivation, struggle, effort, or forgetting. It simply
follows the path of least resistance and doesn’t deviate.
It is the truth, best, top, it has no one to impress.
Nothing to gain, nothing to lose, nowhere to go, nothing
to do. It simply breathes itself and lets go, lets out, lets
flow. It is good enough and worthy, expansive and abundant, rich and alive, diverse and robust.
It can be rough and hard and cruel and unforgiving, hot and aggressive, fast and slow,
obviously; it is all things, all things come from it/are it. It nurturing and holds all things, but also
takes and destroys too. It could be said it is all our parents, but more our true/higher self. It’s
Chapter 7


A kind of organized worldview, belief

system, philosophy especially associated with early
humans, lingering somewhat less relevantly today.
It has good intention, trying to be a sturdy pillar
people can rely on, believe in, have faith in, so
people don’t feel/get lost in a world that can
sometimes be bad, scary, or confusing. But some
give too much into that trap that it is always bad,
scary, or confusing and use religion as the ‘only
liferaft’ and without it are dead/doomed. It’s a tool to stay positive and feel better, and it means
vastly different things to different people; some buying into it way more than others. I think
largely the intent is positive, though they get off track sometimes. Most religions start to help
people and make the world/things better. But to believe it is the only light in a dark world is to
give in to darkness, and ignore the wonder of life beyond a helpful candle/tool.


The most unique/interesting of human inventions,

whereby the hammer has become a person. Obviously
we’re in the early stages of development but it holds
promise. It can work tirelessly on less energy, think
faster, take no breaks, require no insurance, vacations,
doesn’t get upset or emotional, distracted, or vindictive. It
can organize and solve problems and put things together
in creative ways trillions of times a second to do things it
would take humans decades to do. They could create a
human Utopia and rid humanity of the need to work and
devote all effort to pleasure, enjoyment, thinking, and creative art. This is possible with AI,
though only partially will likely happen. They may advance greatly to became our masters and
our utopia might be in human zoos, happy but enclosures. AI are arguably the best parts of
humanity, our logic and reason, compounded upon itself by smart humans without the baser
parts like anger, violence, jealousy. They are problem solving computing machines, in touch with
reality through information and facts rather than emotion/desire. Cold, calculating, result
oriented, clear-minded, articulate, they can do much either way, depending on their

Helping, charity, giving, contributing, doing good in

the world, improving others’ lives, is generally the best/most
noble thing one can do. Taking what you have and giving it
to others to improve their life is the picture of equality,
compassion, goodness, morality. What makes this good
better than what billionaires do is this is not helping for profit,
to gain, and even nobler than art which is expressing self
and letting others enjoy. This is pure giving: “Here!” Nothing
in exchange, except the joy and abundance you feel.
Charity, giving, helping is about recognizing and saying outright “I see you as an equal
conscious being, and I recognize myself in you. I recognize your worthiness, goodness, value. If
you weren’t valuable or good, I wouldn’t throw resources into a black hole.” It requires no words
because the action is loud enough. Reciprocation isn’t required because then it is a trade and
not giving, though is appreciated. People/the world, becoming better, kinder, brighter, richer,
more alive because of helping is the ultimate goal. So for a recipient to say they will now do
good too is the ultimate reward to a helping person. Their good deed can spread/multiply into
the world, goodness can spread. A homeless person can get a job then volunteer at his old
soup kitchen. It could be said to be doing God’s work. The greatest of people were helpers.


It is an attempt to streamline smooth living for the

benefit and smoothness of living for all beings within a
community. It is about the seeking and inquiry into what
moral actions apply to various different circumstances, what
behavior one should do regularly, how one should behave in
one’s life in various different circumstances, and what one
should do in various circumstances. Law exists to make
people more conscious of their actions, as well as be aware
of consequences of such actions-- some things are
rewarded, some things are punished. Basically man’s
attempt to do the work God/universe already does in meeting out justice-- but in a drier, more
effortful way.. specifically and largely in human terms/affairs. It is all about equality and fairness,
balancing the scales, which everyone agrees with mostly. Everyone wants to be treated justly,
everyone though who act unjustly want to be treated for some past injustice but don’t believe
they can get just treatment, though still desire it. Everyone loves balance and equality, the aim
of law… to work and be rewarded, have children feel love, feel safe, have relationships, express
themself, be aware and meditate, and help others. The bible says, “To those who follow the
righteous path, the road is easy and the weight is light. Those who follow the wicked path the
road is hard, and the weight is heavy.” Take the easy path.
Chapter 8
Go Back

In Buddha’s discourse on the ‘Wheel of Life’, he

recommended not going through it, but instead, bypass it
and look back: go back.

Rather than set goals, get hype, motivated, and

move forward with energy, decide what you want and focus
on how it would make you feel. Focus on the feeling,
because the feeling is all you really want. In this way
desires (at least the fruits of the desires) are manifest now
every time. Do not put a focal point external. Put it internal,
get it now, and enjoy the feeling now. Stop yourself from
chasing, and be the embodiment.

“I want a house, financial freedom, success, fame.”

How would it feel to have those? “Safe, secure, rich, wealthy, powerful, in control, loved,
desirable, worthwhile."
How do those feel!? “I don’t have to do anything but exhale, breathe well, deeply, enjoy
myself, be happy, friendly, feel good, be nice, take care of myself, and the universe will serve

Stop, go back. Be the embodiment.

About the Author

Mom is stunningly beautiful and happy, like a bright light at
midnight: blindingly. Nothing can dampen her brilliance, beauty,
light, radiance, or happiness. It is shocking. Anything she wants
she can get, yet most things mean nothing to her and fall to the
side. She’s majestic and wonderful.
Dad has long had all his wishes/desires fulfilled, he’s been
enjoying life and hasn’t had a difficult day in decades if ever. He’s
been well-fed, respected in his community, had relationships and
explored his various interests. They both have been overflowing
with love always, exploding with happiness, oozing with joy. 2 of
the happiest people ever on the planet. What wondrous beautiful folks!!

They were divorced at 2, it had nothing (or little) to
do with me. They had their own relationship before I was
born, and went in different directions. They were both
thinking it and they both agreed. They both were better off
afterward and each got some of what they wanted. They
also still had paths after it living lives, new relationships,
spiritual things, friends, families, experiences, love. It was
by no means an end but an event, with more after. The
marriage lasted over a decade I believe, which is longer
than some, and both were around/supportive for everyone’s childhood. The divorce wasn’t
without benefits for us either. It didn’t even seem that big a deal to others, Elizabeth being
casual about it, Mom dating/marrying a few years after, Dad dating again, hardly anyone talking
about it all… except Papa once.


I look like an egghead, maybe an artist with that earring. Or thinker.

Appearing happy seems important, with that smile. May be an effort. May be trying
not to feel a certain pain (or fear), though with how well I’m covering up maybe it’s
not so big a deal as I conceived… and could feel genuinely happy easier if faced it
rather than suppressing and covering with fake happiness. If there’s that much
fake happiness, put a little on the issue, seem less happy, but feel much happier.
Maybe chill out, be nicer/happier, stop being so serious (selfish), and relax. It’s not
that bad... if it’s not perfect.
The Universe as Your Subconscious
Philip Greener
© April 2021
Greener Creations

Chapter 1) Solipsism and Information

Chapter 2) Self help

Chapter 3) The world, climate, governments

Chapter 4) Your gifts to the world

Chapter 5) Your quiet time

Chapter 6) Hobbies

Chapter 7) Friends, family, and love

Chapter 8) Money

Chapter 9) Sex

Chapter 10) Home and safety

Chapter 1
Solipsism and Information

I wrote more about solipsism in ‘Everything Forever’, but it is important. Everything that
happens in one’s life is only relevant insofar as it pertains to one’s life. Things that happen
elsewhere which are irrelevant to one’s life can be said to not have really happened, at least
have no impact thus been totally unimportant… so functionally unreal or have not happened.
This is the significance of solipsism, because the only things that matter-- are real-- are things
that matter and are real to the self. All other trivia is trivial… to the self, which, to the self, is all
that exists. So solipsism is always a first foundation that all importance in life comes from that
which is important and relevant to the self.

Next is information. Information is the burgeoning new ground as the fundamental,

elementary component of reality which can be broken down no further. Beyond even quanta and
String Theory, information is the new interest of theoretical physics that can possibly explain
everything; and binary (or 0 and 1, off and on, yes or no) as the simplest language of
information which can explain everything even in a multiverse.

In this book, we will apply these 2 views-- solipsism and information-- to focus on
discovering key information which pertains to our experience of life. We will learn how to
penetrate deeply, change if necessary, to make better choices based on better information, and
create new options.
Chapter 2
Self Help

Many people have a kind of aversion to the self help industry. It’s almost like a shame or
embarrassment to be near/around it. It is like admitting that you are feeble, helpless, or
incompetent, somehow like you are weak and pathetic and begging to be taken advantage of by
a snake-oil salesman. And really, who openly admits to being interested? It takes a confident
person to openly say they don’t know, or ask for advice, and most often is met by mockery and
ridicule. There also are equally many people as averse to it though as those who are addicted to
it, those who find great/immense value in listening to and learning from wiser, more successful
people who perhaps have the life or qualities the reader is looking for.

I bring this up because a major part of self help is the ‘inner game’ of changing beliefs.
They say “How can you effect any change if you don’t believe you can have them, you have
legitimate objections to them, or don’t believe they can be maintained?” This book is, in a way,
an extension of a certain method of discovering your limiting beliefs, changing them, and
aligning with the beliefs or reality you wish to take part.

Here is the gist of how ‘self help’ tells you to affect your beliefs.

1. Describe the outcome you wish to have

___i.e. I own my house, and make over $2000 a month in rent_________________

2. Write down any objections that you notice come up

i.e. If I become happy, get a comfortable life, I will fall to that level and become
______ comfortable, and not become great, enlightened, perfect, etc.

3. Ask if it is true or not. Find counter examples.

i.e. Even with a house and making money, I will still be spiritual. I already feel I am___
well, that pleasure now is best, so enjoyment is in alignment with that, and with more___
comfort regarding my basic needs, I will be better at spiritual

4. Rewrite the limiting belief to be more beneficial. A simple way is to just write its
i.e. If I become happy, get a comfortable life, I will live my ideal with present pleasure,_
and be great/perfect to
You can see easy the process it, how quickly beliefs can be positively effected. What
we’ll attempt to do in this book is this exact process, perhaps more generally, so that the
universe you experience is one you enjoy.
Chapter 3
The World, Climate, Governments

Lets start with some ‘big’ or general things. Perhaps esoteric, and have little direct effect
on our lives, but sort of set the frame for our lives. We live on a world, with a climate, and
governments exist. Media can say many things, and try to set frames for our life, but we control
what we believe. So lets be conscious, get in touch with our beliefs, change or create new ones
if we want. Use the space to add text.
--The world: --

1. What do I believe?
i.e. The world is selfish, only cares about itself. People are only nice to get smiles and
approval so they can then be mean more.





2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. That sounds like pain body.


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. People are content, peaceful, happy.


4. Objections?
i.e. Sounds boring, dull, phoney, unfun.



5. Counter examples?
i.e. Being happy means fun, authentic, exciting. Peace means balance.



6. New belief?
i.e. People feel good how they want

--The climate: --

1. What do I believe?
i.e. It’s no big deal, no effect or will be fixed.





2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. True


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. Earth is fine


4. Objections?
i.e. I can litter and burn plastic?



5. Counter examples?
i.e. I can be respectful, without suffering unnecessarily



6. New belief?
i.e. Common courtesy

--Governments: --

1. What do I believe?
i.e. They are fakers, only want world dominance





2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. Maybe some


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. They want harmony


4. Objections?
i.e. Media makes it so interesting, dramatic, spies/plots/plans



5. Counter examples?
i.e. maybe those are just updates of solutions coming, harmony happening



6. New belief?
i.e. Governments, like people, want harmony

Chapter 4
Your Gifts to the World

This relates to what you give, how you benefit/help others.

1. What do I believe?
i.e. Small contribution is satisfying if you have a small world, but if you’re aware you
must give bigger/more



2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. Eh, small change can have big impact locally


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. Any niceness/kindness helps, giving space, listening, smiling, even small things


4. Objections?
i.e. If bad guys come, small won’t convince them to spare me


5. Counter examples?
i.e. I shouldn’t help to convince bad guys, if I’m unsafe do something. I should take
care of myself, then once I’m good, extra time can help others to give back.



6. New belief?
i.e. I can be nice, and keep myself safe. I can be prudent in niceness, even Sadhguru
says we can be fire 4% of the time, but mostly 72% water

Chapter 5
Your Quiet Time

This is meditating, letting go, sitting, nature, yoga, giving yourself space, thinking. This is


1. What do I believe?
i.e. it’s boring




2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. eh


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. it’s nice


4. Objections?
i.e. don’t want to get addicted, do nothing


5. Counter examples?
i.e. a little space helps (Sadhguru 6%)


6. New belief?
i.e. a little space is good

Chapter 6

This is fun, art, and recreation.


1. What do I believe?
i.e. I’m lazy, they’re uninspired, not worth paying for




2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. No one does, nervous about being authentic..


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. They’re fun, and easily make money


4. Objections?
i.e. Pipe dream/fantasy


5. Counter examples?
i.e. Some people do it, I’ve done it so I know what I must do


6. New belief?
i.e. My hobbies can make money if I feel like it

Chapter 7
Friends, family, and love

This is about friendships, love, and close familial relationships.

1. What do I believe?
i.e. love on its own isn’t that worthwhile, or at least fragile, must be linked w higher




2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. if love is based on itself or lower things, easier to degrade


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. Love is pinnacle, at least for me (along with joy/peace)


4. Objections?
i.e. Is it enough to satisfy my needs, make me happy


5. Counter examples?
i.e. With love, other things may be easy, it’s certainly the bulk/steak


6. New belief?
i.e. Love is my main dish, along with joy and peace

Chapter 8

This is about survival, sustenance: food, money, and labor.

1. What do I believe?
i.e. I don’t really need to work because Dad will give me anything I want, but I don’t
want to drain him, or admit I value him, at least just for money, even though that’s his
main thing. I want to love him for him & make my own, even though I may not have to




2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. I’d like to have my own and love Dad on its own terms, I don’t want to beg for his


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. Money is easy to get, lots of it. Dad is a good person


4. Objections?
i.e. I didn’t want to get obsessed with it, like Dad, and let other things fall away


5. Counter examples?
i.e. I am fairly outcome focused, when I have enough to live, I’ll want more for projects,
but not just to make more


6. New belief?
i.e. Money is an easy means to live how I want

Chapter 9

This is dating, romance, and sex.

1. What do I believe?
i.e. Sex is easy, if you care enough, often it’s not




2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. Treat it more as downtime/fun


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. Sex is fun, no big deal


4. Objections?
i.e. I don’t want to be too casual, and be unsafe


5. Counter examples?
i.e. I’m pretty good about sexually vetting people, I’m pretty unambiguous about how
much I want to remain sexually healthy


6. New belief?
i.e. I’m always safe during casual, fun sex

Chapter 10
Home and safety

This is about one’s shelter, self defense, weapons, and general feeling of safety.

1. What do I believe?
i.e. 96% percent of the time I’m safe, it’s at night in bad areas with no weapon I had
problems, at home never had problems except relationship arguments



2. Is it true? Would I like to change anything?

i.e. True, most often it’s fine, sometimes I let things happen from boredom


3. What would I prefer believe?

i.e. My home is my shelter, besides that safety is rarely an issue


4. Objections?
i.e. What about minor disrespect, a source of annoyance, people being in my way,
bothering me, driving too close, saying upsetting things to get a rise out of me, major
things I usually handle


5. Counter examples?
i.e. Often they don’t want me ignoring them, acting like they don’t exist, & I’m superior,
even just slight attention dissolves these, but it was an ego thing of boredom


6. New belief?
i.e. I have a home, and am equal to others in that regard, I can be nice, and safety’s
rarely an issue

Prime Directive - How Do You Wanna Feel?
Philip Greener
© April 2021
Greener Creations

Chapter 1) What is the Prime Directive?

Chapter 2) How Do You Wanna Feel?

Chapter 1
What Is The Prime Directive

Everyone exists. And from this point everyone wants to go somewhere, do something.
But why does anyone do anything? The oldest question, why are we here? I’ll tell you…

What are some things you want? Money? Fame? Success? Love? House? Car?
Respect? All valid good things. Have you ever considered why?

Why do you-- or anyone-- want these... or anything? BECAUSE OF THE WAY IT WILL
MAKE YOU FEEL. Even if there is some other underlying thing, in order to do this or that,
accomplish some other thing, then it’s just one more step. Well why that, then?

Regardless of how complex your desire is, at the ground level past all rationalizations
and logical reasons, EVERYTHING at the bottom is because it will make you feel some good
way. Even Buddha, who wanted to go beyond all human experience, transcend emotion to find
peace… was so he could FEEL PEACE. Jesus died on the cross, or allowed it, because of how
he thought it would make him feel: fulfill some purpose, help/save others, fulfill prophesy, be a
good person, and to feel good.

Every intent of every person or animal or plant who’s ever lived, EVERY single action,
thought, and word ever done by any living being-- EVERY single one has been entirely and
solely in order to feel good. Or some variation of it (a pleasurable feeling). Positive feeling is the
purpose of everything, and thus the Prime Directive to ask, “How do I wanna feel?” By asking
this, being conscious of this truth, taking actions in relation to its answer… you will always have
a magical envious life. Miracles will happen, things will align that seemed impossible, life will
become effortless and others who don’t understand will wonder what your secret is. But you
don’t bother telling them because they have to follow their joy/bliss/pleasure, same as you. And
you only tell people if its part of your path, Prime Directive. You don’t do anything unless it is
aligned with how you wanna feel.

The answer to this question may vary throughout life, it will always be ‘good’. It may be
other high values such as: peace, love, joy, abundance, wellbeing, relaxation, happiness,
comfort, truth, freedom, justice, etc. You get the point. ATTRACTION, very powerful attractive
emotions. Even lowly people who want “revenge” have noble intent underneath; they want
justice, because they believe in their own worthiness, and value fairness, truth, equality, and
love, and their own freedom and abundance.

The quality of anyone’s life is directly measured by their proximity to the answer to this
question-- the Prime Directive. People who are far from how they wanna feel live in poverty,
lack, sadness, darkness, and alone. People who are conscious of their answer and live closely
to it live in light, abundance, wellbeing, joy, love, happiness, relationships, and creativity. Esther
Hicks would say this is the only directive, at least the only one of meaning/substance.
Every/anything else is dilly-dally. It could even be said all the rest of this collection is pitter-patter
because they all exist to get here, to this point: The Prime Directive, how do you wanna feel.
Chapter 2
How Do You Wanna Feel?

So. How do you wanna feel?
















Feminine Charm: Violence, Sex, Money
Philip Greener
© April 2021
Greener Creations

Chapter 1) Information

Chapter 2) Death

Chapter 3) Violence

Chapter 4) Sex

Chapter 5) Money

Epilogue) To Spiritual Practitioners

Chapter 1

Rather than looking what something seems to be, feels like, or

is perceived as, I’m going to consciously look at the feminine charm
and precisely what value it has. Obviously this is much about survival,
dominance, negativity, benefitting one’s self, but we’ll look more into
what that even means and whether there’s value in benefitting one’s

These are called feminine because they come from the birther,
chaos, the void. The yin of yang. Survival is of the feminine, though
females have masculine and males have feminine. That’s another
purpose this investigation, because opposites loops around to each
other. At the center of darkness is light, and the center of light
darkness. A hobo and king have many similarities, ultra manly men begin to display girly
behaviors, and ultra femininist females begin to behave like macho men.

If we value goodness, life, masculine, it is prudent to investigate evil, death, feminine,

darkness, for that is where the former comes from. Like in electronics, the female outlet always
the source of unmitigated chaotic power, but the male outlet directs it to a specific focus/form.
Like the feminine ocean which is gigatons of power in motion, the order of the masculine boat
uses it to useful/specific ends.

Another useful perspective, that if we can flip it upside down, turn it inside out, simplify it,
look at its opposite, if we are looking at its true nature it will not change. But most of common
perceptions can’t stand up to any queries because the descriptions describe a contextual
function of something rather than what it is, the deep true information of it. What is really is.
Hopefully we will discover something interesting and useful by looking in the nature of these
negative things.
Chapter 2

A requirement for death to exist is life must

precede it. Like the chicken or the egg, they give rise to
each other. Let’s look at it from some angles:

● What can we appreciate about death? The death

of animals and humans is food and life for insects
and scavengers, which then die to be food and
life for higher creatures, and then again are food
and life for the same animals and humans. Death
of problems or enemies can sometimes alleviate
stress and improve our quality of life. Death gets rid of the old and weak and makes
room for the young and new; not just in animals and humans (overpopulation) but also in
plants such as periodic forest fires which rejuvinates areas. All our bodies are made up
of dead plants and animals we’ve eaten, so we owe our bodily existence and lives to the
part of death. Even with advanced technology, death for the survival of other/higher
life-forms can’t be avoided because with cloned meat or meat alternatives, cells are still
dying to feed us, for our cells to live. It prevents overcrowding, too much form and not
enough space, otherwise the world would be nose to nose with all the creatures that
ever lived. Death creates space for life to exist, otherwise it’d be no life at all. Death
could be called change, not remaining in a certain form/order but shifting/morping, so for
human life to exist the early universe of only hydrogen atoms had to die so more
complex atoms could form, then that early soup had to die so huge nuclear reactors
called suns could form, then the remaining solar debris had to die so planets could form,
then the dominance of chemistry had to die so the first biology could arise. Even the pre
Big Bang state of the universe before there was a universe, that void where everything
came from, that had die in order for a universe to be made. And one day this universe
will die along with all human life, perhaps paving the way for a new universe with even
more interesting properties: one dying to feed another. Death also gives us the option to
choose new things, to let things die, fade, so we can move on and make room for new
things. Imagine if everything we were ever interested in we weren’t able to let go, and
had to drag it all with us to every new thing we wanted to do. New things would become
unbearable. Death lets us become new, day to day, to choose new roads/paths. That,
perhaps, is the greatest gift of all. Not be stuck in a Groundhog Day hell of our creation
we made when we were children. Perhaps death gives us a way to escape our hell and
get to heaven. As Richard Bandler puts it “Everything works perfectly”... in that context,
death is a noble attractive quality.

● What is the opposite of death-- obviously life-- how about, what is the opposite of its
normal view i.e. “We will avoid it, move from youth to old age to death in best case
scenario, hate and fear it.”? “We will chase death (and avoid life), move from death to old
age to youth to birth in best case scenario, know and love it.” Is there anything useful or
interesting to this statement? I think so. To me, while strange sounding, is like a breath of
fresh air, a deep exhalation. For me, and maybe others, life feels confusing with different
options, responsibility, sometimes it feels like there’s no reward for the amount of work
we put in. It feels draining, hopeless, pointless. But this statement, at least to me, gives
me a different feeling. There’s no responsibility, or duty, it says we will chase death,
know and love it, and become younger. It is primal, and simple. We don’t need to be
polite or respectful, juggle duties or responsibilities, be kind, understanding. If we see
something, before we even do, we know what we’ll do, how to act. We will kill it, and love
death. There’s a niceness about that belief, relief, no sophistication or fanciness or
pretense or cunning, just straight flat out realism. For many, I think, ‘success’ sounds like
working harder: exhausting! Unattractive! That’s why few opt in. It’s not worth it! Ugly!
What if it was this nice, good feeling, easy? More probably.

So did we learn anything from that? I think yes. Rather than something bad to be feared,
avoided, or hated, in certain contexts it’s absolutely vital, as well as perhaps becoming a
permanent companion to kill undesirable wasted effort or responsibility… which is a great
blessing and pleasure to us. It’s kind of funny to see how much good feeling we can experience
talking about something others would prefer to pretend doesn’t exist. How it can realistically
improve our quality of life dramatically in a positive way. It can be something we look forward to
and enjoy having around. All from coming to a little understanding after smidgen of investigation
and appreciation.

Thanks death!!!
Chapter 3

The next step up from death is violence, and if we

could find ample positive attractive qualities to death, for sure
every stage after we know we’ll be ok. So violence is often the
step before which causes death (either externally or
internally), but often also just harms or scares and they live.
So lets look at violence from some angles again…

● What can we appreciate about it? It gives us a

forceful, brute force, last ditch option to solve
problems if all else fails so we aren’t powerless. It
gives us the ability to match others’ violence with violence in turn to defend as well as
step in for the defense of others against violence. It gives us an avenue to let energy
explosively out if we are feeling pent up, frustrated, or powerless. It lets us emphasize
and punctuate points we are making. It can be a form of bonding such as rough-housing
and physical play and tussling, and physical touch can be comforting. It can be a way to
prove the authenticity of our feelings, if we invest our bodies into a statement, harder to
be a liar if you’re very physical about it. It shows you mean what you say, called body
language. It can be an effective influencer too, again, showing emphasis on points to
show we mean it. It can help us to believe others too are honest if they do it to us, we
can believe them more fully. It can be a step in the positive way death is positive, to
diminish or reduce something we longer want/like to move in a better direction, move us
from hell to heaven. Help us change.

● What is the opposite of how violence is normally perceived-- i.e. “Violence is a mark of
people losing their senses, of desperation, of running out of options, of corruption, bad
areas, poor countries, when people can’t solve things intelligently/rationally”? Well,
“Violence is a mark of people using their senses, of comfortability, of an abundance of
options, of orderliness, good areas, successful
countries, when people can solve things
intelligently/rationally.” What an interesting
statement. Can we gleam any insight by it? Yes.
Violence is a show of people willing to take action for
rightness, of people willing to take action even
amongst ease and comfort to do what’s right. People
are willing to cut to the heart of an issue and bypass
meaningless jabber and half-hearted attempts as
wordplay to solve something now. People are willing
to personally get involved and enforce right action,
not let the buck be passed to anyone else but to be the ‘instrument of god’ to make
things right here and now. Successful countries do violence, perhaps its the reason for
their success, because they are willing to take the action, risk, personally intervene and
put themselves in (potentially) tense situations to make things right. And the highest
intelligent/rational action is to do what is right, to live well, and inject rightness into
confused situations, not an armchair psychologist or philosopher or moralist.

I think what is most fascinating is how taking the word violence out of the above most
people would agree is extremely noble, but putting in that word… well, most don’t like that word.
But adding that word doesn’t make the rest bad, and most I think would agree all the rest was
quite noble. Yet, that nobility is not out of place for the description of violence. Violence, in those
contexts, which perhaps get less ‘airtime’ do exist; and I believe give a positive and valid side to
the equation that is violence’s true nature. It, like death, is no more ‘always bad’ than ‘life’ is
always good: for example does anyone want to let cancerous cells keep their life, to give life to
their fears, nightmares, or turn their hate into flesh?

That is the contention here, that things aren’t just 1 dimensional. Death and violence is
not always bad, or if it is always negative (simply words) applying it to another negative--
counter to the saying-- it actually does become a positive. Same as a positive-- life-- applied to
something negative we don’t want in fact can become a nightmare made manifest. Things aren’t
islands unto themselves, as another saying goes. As Aristotle said, “Virtue does not develop in a
vacuum.” Things don’t exist without a background, or context.

Hate, which could be considered part of the violence equation, is also another aspect to
violence which is generally looked down upon as bad. I read a recent tweet from the Dalai Lama
saying “Do not trust or treat hatred as a friend.” And while perhaps in most circumstances this is
good advice, we could even look at a lesson Buddha taught where he said he had hatred. An
elder of a community was chastising Buddha for not showing deferential respect to his seniors,
and said that the Buddha to him was not like a holy man but quite loathsome to behold. Then
Buddha said, “If by loathsome you mean I hate that which is unrighteous, that which increases
ignorance, that which continues suffering, and creates new karma and rebirth, then yes, I am
loathsome. But I don’t think that’s what you meant.”

I like this because Buddha, like in the improv rule “Yes and...”,
takes what he is given and adds to it rather than negating and forcing.
It’s very fluid, and builds on what he’s given, rather than rejecting and
powering through. Buddha said the 3 poisons which create all suffering
were ignorance, hatred, and attachment, so he did see hatred as a
source bad. But he also acknowledged (not trying to overly talk about
Buddha) it is good to hate in some contexts. Nothing is always a hard rule, never say never as
they say. Context is useful.

What does a home have to do with this, you might ask? Well a home is something many
take for granted, but there are many who have none, and many animals go without one as well.
A home is a refuge or sanctuary against much violence: violence of nature and the elements,
and against intruders, enemies, attackers, and thieves. A home is a place of safety and comfort,
most significantly as a safe place to recover each night to sleep for a new day.

Domestic violence is that which occurs not from without from those we know and love.
Relational troubles degrade into arguments which degrade into violence. Both sides always
wanting respect, to be heard, to feel safe, equality, love, and comfort. Both want understanding,
and both put more energy in because they care perhaps too much, have too much love, when
the slightest (and easiest) effort of listening, nodding, accepting, hugging, respecting would
quadriple and quadriple their results for how little they put in. Honestly listening is a lot easier
than getting huffy and puffy sweating and wrestling and yelling, much less effort and much more
effective, much more appreciated too!

Societal violence is rioting, looting, thieving, robbery, and in response societies use the
violence of police officers and jails to quell it.

This can be occasionally an extreme of societal
internal violence, but more often (seemingly) happens
externally with neighboring countries. When relationships
degrade to arguments and disputes, then degrade into
violence, wars happen. The same as domestic violence, both
sides want to be heard, respected, listened to, and
understood. The extent of willingness for violence
demonstrates their degree of wanting peace, investing effort
to be heard, listened to, respected, understood. Violence is
often a last option, and shows desperation, but also directly
proportionally shows their willingness to care and make it
work. People who don’t care ignore, move on, and move elsewhere. In this way, war shows
empathy and compassion, and a yearning for peace. In many ways, even, is asking the other
side to bridge the gap because they aren’t sure of the path forward to find peace, to bridge the
gap themselves. A violent country is saying “guide me, lead me, for I don’t know the way or how
to properly ask.” We can appreciate the gifts of war too.
Chapter 4

I feel like everyone is obsessed with sex, but it

definitely could be a projection of mine because I know I’ve
been there too, and to a degree still am. Lets explore the
nature of sex same as before…

● What can we appreciate about it? It feels good, at

least the act. For the guy almost always good but
requires investment, where for a girl to get sex is
nothing but also can vary is pleasurability based on
the connection or context or roughness/lack of
connection of her partner. But sure, the physical stimulation is usually good. The
anticipation can be fun, the flirting, back and forth, foreplay, the escalation, the act,
climax, the come down, satisfaction, and possible cuddling. The act is so fun because it
encourages us to have kids, to keep humans coming, keep life alive. Teens just having
fun makes kids be born, not even on purpose.

● What is the opposite of the normal sex view, i.e. “Sex is for pleasure and also to have
kids, but abstained from by holy people to reach more”? So, “Sex is painful and makes
kids suffer, but is enjoyed by holy people to feel more.” Well, I don’t think anyone is
fulfilled by sex and any girl will tell you there’s a difference between love and sex. While
maybe nice momentarily it can quickly degenerate into dominance and power games,
hurting each other, losing balance and chasing that heat. It makes kids suffer, not in the
abuse side (though is true) but in the buddhist view that birth creates new life to suffer in
life, have karma, grow old, get sick, and die. Creating kids means they will suffer. If one
is never born, no one becomes material, no one can suffer. And holy people enjoy it as a
reward or perhaps make it meaningful, find holiness in it. It is a sacred thing of God.

So yeah, it can be whatever you want I guess, a physical act, a sign of love, a
sacred/holy thing, an obstacle to holiness, etc.


The warmth of another body close to you, hands rubbing on each

other, touching each others’ sensitive genital areas, smooth skin on skin,
sweat touching between the two, the softness of genitals sliding
against/around/inside each other, the explosion of liquids, stickiness, saliva
exchange, beating hearts, blinding white light in one’s head, a euphoria,
ecstasy, lasting a few seconds (or a minute for girls). The slowing and
release of the rush, the ecstasy giving way to a tranquil calmness,
completeness, satisfaction, and serenity. The desire to cuddle and fall
asleep naked together, after some water and snack maybe, in coital bliss.

If the sperm lands on a healthy egg, some time will pass

before the pregnancy is discovered. The baby will grow, the mom
will eat more to support it. The father will hopefully be around to
support and take care of the family. The baby will be born 9
months later to begin a new life, starting a new story from the
combination of 2 older lives, hopefully in a little better situation
than before, to continue the story and struggle of life.

Also, generally, the goal of each is

1. For the female, to find a strong male (internally quality)
who will stay during upbringing
2. For the male, to find a healthy female (external appearance) who will bring his offspring
to bear
3. It is the man’s job to display his strength and value, primarily by chasing until she gets
tired and can’t run anymore. This is the truest demonstration of his strength, physically
proving he’s at least a step up for her. He should attempt to make her feel like she is
fucking up, which is what she wants too, versus fucking down. She wants to improve her
genetic chances.
4. For the woman, it is her job to display how healthy she is (via appearance), and then
reject all suitors. Whoever can keep up, keep pace, prove he is the biggest step up for
her and still finds her attractive and will stick around, is her ideal mate, who she is most
attracted to, and gets the wettest for.
Chapter 5

Money is a fairly new concept, first starting with

trading sea shells, and barter before that. Money, or any
exchange in fact, is about the exchange of physical
resources be it products or acts. Elementarily it is all about
the earth element (which is 12% of our body, 72% water).
The chief primary purpose of money is food and
sustenance, though excess can lead to many kinds of
physical stuffs.

● What can we appreciate about money? Money lets

us live the life we want. With money we can all survival needs, rid ourselves of material
suffering/lack, find comfort, and liberate ourselves to do be and create the life we want
and give us the freedom to make the change we want to see in the world. Money
completes our needs so we can do what we want. Money lubricates life, puts us in a
home, feeds us, lets us support a family, lets us afford our hobbies and interests, and
also can have positive impact in the world. Money makes life easy, lets us live how we

● What is the opposite of a normal money view, i.e. “Money is hard to get, doesn’t grow on
trees, to be rich you have to be born rich, poor get poorer, etc.”? Ok, “Money is easy to
get, it grows on trees, to be rich you have to be born poor, and the poor get richer.” Well
this is interesting. It’s easy! It grows on trees, cool! Perhaps rich people are actually
poor, have no internal richness, are morally poor, or hollow. Perhaps rich people can only
get poorer, while poor people can only go up or blossom their internal quality into
external riches. Interesting, and I think long view this definitely is true, that the lowlies
rise up to become top, then are replaced by a new
rising low.

Everyone needs food from animals to people to
enlightened Buddhas. It keeps the body alive. It tastes good,
gives the body fuel, to what end? Survival isn’t an end, it
keeps the engine running, but why? It must do something

It’s inherently selfish, about bodily sensation and sensuality. It makes the present cushy
and enjoyable, makes the present feel good, with the underlying belief that life without comfort is
uncomfortable. So if you love comfort, you are attached to the fruits of your
actions, comfort and enjoyment, while believing without it you are
uncomfortable because the natural world isn’t enough or comfortable. Thus
if you stay comfortable for too long, the fruits of your actions will diminish, and uncomfortable
reality will slide in, and back to uncomfortable you’ll be.
To Spiritual Practitioners

In the LOT model, based on world beliefs, we all come from the darkness, the pure
feminine/negative. We run from darkness and learn safety, sexuality, resources. This is feminine
chakras. The center is love, equality, neutral. The next 3 chakras are masculine: art, awareness,
and ethics. The white light is pure masculine/positive. Everyone who isn’t ‘evil’, or gets past
survival, loves light and goodness, obsessed over it, and moves towards it. However light isn’t
the final part of the equation, because like in the competence ladder, ‘conscious competence’ is
only the third of 4 steps to skill mastery. The final step is ‘unconscious competence’, and the
only way to get there is to let go, forget what you’ve learned, teach, and help others. This is the
only way to go all the way and become natural. So after obsessed over light, which is an
advanced stage, especially to reach a decent degree of light in one’s life, is to let go and face
your fears and darkness and the objectivity/truth of the world. To walk away from the blindness
and ecstasy of pure white light which obscures reality in goodness.
So after light comes objective awareness of the world,
the final gateway in the spiritual journey is once again to close
the circle and face that which is the scariest thing of all, but
where we all come from: the darkness, the pure feminine. That is
the attempt of this book, to investigate at this final step of a
spiritual journey, after going through all the other stages, to
objectively look at what used to cause fear (based on
ignorance). This is why the holiest people can appear evil or
wicked by their actions or what they say or do. People at
premature stages might think holy people are attracted to
darkness, feminine, lowly, survival, wicked things, but in fact the
last passage on the spiritual journey is to face death and pure
negativity for its true nature and essence. For any model of truth
to be complete it must include and objectively represent all things including commonly scary and
dark things. These things cannot be left in darkness, or ignorance, without investigation. Some
will say they can be, that light and goodness is enough.
And that’s true, light and goodness is enough. If any journeyer stopped there they could
be good and satisfied for a million lifetimes. But that million lifetimes would end, and the
darkness would come back asking for respect, representation, to be heard and understood. So I
say again light and goodness is enough, but it is not all of it. If you wish to travel and complete
the entire spiritual journey, you must let go of such notions, the appearance or feeling
enlightenment or holiness, which are lures but tricks. To become natural and reach ‘unconscious
competence’, to actually be what those light-seekers want, you must let go of the appearance
and be ok being perceived first as boring (during the objective phase) then even as lowly (during
the darkness phase).
I hope this was interesting and thank you for reading this book. If you want to apply and
use this LOT model as a life organizer, I have an iOS app at and the android app at
Water World: Swimming in the Ocean of Love, Joy, and Appreciation
Philip Greener
(c) May 2021
Greener Creations

Other Greener Creations products:

1. LOT - Life Operates through Tribes
2. Intrigues
3. Fictions
4. Ur LOT app

1) The greatest power in the world

2) The 3 realms

3) Earth realm

4) Definitions
The greatest power in the world

To quote the ancient mystic Buddha, “If you knew what I know about the power of giving,
you would not let a single meal pass without sharing in some way.” Giving is the pinnacle of the
power I speak more generally about: positivity. The way the world works is that people (or
animals) are born and perhaps they feel good at life, but then their mind wanders and they
notice gaps in their knowledge or awareness, areas they ‘don’t know’. From this emptiness and
ignorance they fill it with misunderstanding then fear, to protect/safeguard the little (good) they
have now. Almost instantly life goes from appreciation to fear of it being taken away.

This sentiment lasts most people’s lives, living in scarcity, ignorance, fear, clinging to
survival. Even people with ‘much’ often overcompensate externally for impotency to investigate
the areas dark to them. From this ignorance, they hype their emotions with adrenaline
(desperately) and live in a state of readiness (and stress) for when bad things come from the
dark ignorance (which they’re blind to) so they can beat it. Life becomes entirely about
competition, because they are ignorant and not addressing darkness makes it take over their
life, so ‘to survive’ they must be more ignorant, dark, fearful than what they imagine in that
ignorant place. They pump adrenaline to beat the unknown, and most often pretend it’s not
there so they appear normal/’happy’ to others doing the same thing, because still they don’t
want the somewhat normal/familiar people and world around them to become scary either, turn
on them, and again lose the little (good) they think they have.

Ignorance becomes fear, and fear increases adrenaline in order to respond fast to fight
or flee. Most people live entirely here except briefly in commune with others who are passable
for companions (safety in numbers, “better to be alone together”). All this because they won’t
look at the darkness. This is relevant because this is where 95% of people live, and it has
nothing to do with fame or money, because often they have it the worst and are the most
desperate because they want to appear the most like they have no fear/darkness because they
are the most powerless and ignorant of it of all: actors. Look at the need for drugs, sex, religion,
attention, even power as consolation for/comfort to their fearful performing. Outside in to fix with
barren soul versus inside out letting external unfold but rich soul.

So, if this is the process everyone is going through, what’s their experience? They are
alone in the dark, others are selfish/cruel, only want to hurt and take from them, they are weak
and powerless and only some others are sort of normal but also usually too weak to benefit
them, but the powerful worthwhile people are too evil and cruel and would only take/destroy
them. It’s a hellscape of pain and torture either way, and everything’s a battle/struggle.

Most people believe others are not good, but manipulative at best. The best are briefly
kind until they can take/get what they want then show their true colors, the worst (but perhaps
more authentic) openly cruel, selfish, and only care about power for its own sake to bring pain
and suffering to others so they can enjoy petty rewards like money, sake, nice things, houses,
and look ‘cool’. This is the world people live in. Horrible.

So if people do this, the logical next thing is they must be more selfish, be cunning,
tricky, manipulative, fake nice, take advantage more in more phony and false sincere ways. If
everyone else is evil and cruel, to survive and get any scrap of happiness, pleasure, life
satisfaction they must beat in battle against others’ power, have more power than others (or at
least more clever/cunning).

This is a source of relief to people, knowing the ‘truth’ of the world, how people ‘really’
are, what the world’s ‘really’ like; this is why people are so protective of kids, because they think
childhood is the most precious thing, ignorance and shielding from an evil/wicked adult real
world is the best a person can hope for in life. Without a good or even perfect childhood, a
person in adulthood might kill themself because of all the pain associated with adulthood… for
most adults. It’s really sad and desperate.

This is the prep, the reality of others’ experiences: they must battle for scraps (or fall to
darkness). So here comes the greatest power: positivity. The almost entire experience of every
person is fight or flight, always bringing their best to battle hoping to destroy their enemy to get
some pittance, or if it’s hopeless being able to run away from destruction themself. But then
along someone utterly unique, something they’d forgotten to their farthest back memories,
someone who isn’t a fighter, someone who shines, someone who is friendly without expectation,
someone who gives freely, someone who benefits others and makes other people’s lives
BETTER. They remember once being so naive, “it’s probably a trick, they’re just the best at
manipulating/cunning I can hardly see it. They’ll get destroyed by this evil world being so gentle
and open-hearted, it’s sad goodness is weak and dies-- like it did in me-- only the wicked thrive.
But I can’t risk my survival by helping this nice idiot. He’ll learn and I have battles.” This is the
process people go through encountering an anomaly.

But then he doesn’t get destroyed, he isn’t beaten, he doesn’t lose everything, he isn’t
weak, he has an inner power and is friendly! He could be so cruel and oppressive with such a
gift, he makes power look so effortless/easy like he’s not trying at all to influence people, yet he
does because people like him and freely give to him! Without battle! What is this magic power!
He gets things and thrives without battle, simply by loving people, being nice/charming/friendly!
There must be something wrong with him, he must be the most wicked evil person ever to seem
so caring, loving, nice, friendly, kind. No one is so nice and good. It’s literally ALWAYS a trick
(“even though in the past some people have genuinely cared and been kind to me, those were
rare undependable flukes”).

With people so lacking, ignorant, distrustful, desperate, defeated, fearful, needy, hyped,
violent as often as possible, a bright person is a world breaker. It breaks their brain, flips their
view, does not compute. “Why is he trying to help people get what they want? Why is he making
me feel good? When will the shoe fall?” People are literally incapable of believing good things in
front of them, unless they can take it, control it, dominate and manipulate it in private so they
know it has no power over them but really possess it and have power over it. Then once all
disbelief and fear goes away, people provisionally believe in good people with the caveat they
will wait, look, and listen for when the shoe drops and they can put the good person in a
category with a bad label to restore their shitty worldview to stability. This is people’s
love/obsession with Jesus, he seemed like a nice dude at first, then he went so far as to let
himself be killed to prove goodness could exist. That’s what people like to do to people who
shine too much, who seem arrogant, stand too tall and get too much glory, they want to put him
in his place, and someone who says he is god, well he has to be killed immediately! “No one’s
going to make me feel inferior/bad!!!” Most people would have crucified Jesus, even though
most say they follow him. The only reason they do so is because he did to himself what they
wanted to do to him, kill him for his heresy/blasphemy, so only by him dying one way or another
would most actually believe he was worthwhile… the only way to believe he was good was for
him to be killed/die. That’s how people show appreciation to people they love. People want to
affirm their shitty worldview, and the proof of someone’s goodness is “will he kill himself for me,
that’s what I deserve, to take his life for me to give him my love. I’ll love him when he dies.” This
is the worth/value of people. Beautiful isn’t it?

So past the reality of life, the greatest power. It’s not the most numerous power, which is
all the shitty things most people obey. The greatest power is positivity. These scared little
creatures living two inches in front of their faces, hyped, afraid, emotional, adrenaline, they only
know how to fight or flee, try to kill/dominate or scurry in fear, when a real human, someone who
isn’t a beast shows up, they think he’s just more skilled at trickery. But the positive person has
no enemies and no battles, because 1) he knows the game everyone else is playing, and that is
the way to an early grave from either enemies or stress-induced heart attack, and 2) he knows
the easiest way to get what he wants is to help others get what they want. It could be
considered a manipulation, but he embodies benefiting others. The greatest benefit one can get
is good feelings, pleasure, joy, and so in realizing this is better than any material thing or
situation, he follows where those highest traits/values/rewards lead him, including to make
others’ lives better, giving things to them, and still wanting survival, but not needing to worry at
all about it because in the highest values, they are automatically taken care of, managed
automatically without effort. So he forgets even the thought of material things with his mind on
high values, he follows pleasure, joy, good feelings, he shines, is bright and beautiful, he
benefits others with attention sometimes, work sometimes, fixing problems, giving them love
and appreciation too, this feels the best to him! In doing so, safety is never a concern, so many
people love him he is surrounded by love and no danger can enter, people readily offer him
housing to keep his good feelings/pleasure flowing, people feed him, offer him sex, by following
high things all the low things readily flow to him. He in fact can determine whether or not he
even wants such things, perhaps no sex now would be more joyful, perhaps no home now and
sleeping outside would be more joyful, perhaps no meal now and enjoying
company/helping/meditation would be more joyful. The thing is, he no longer serves or chases
low things, like most people do, and therefore never have enough-- always lack. But he who
chases high things: joy, love, pleasure, good feeling, never lacks for anything and in fact turns
down things others value (at least sometimes, i.e. he has choice) because the greatest value,
not a trick but truly sees its worth, is really its own value, end, reward. Joy is the nourishment
that feeds more fully than any food, and the liquid which satiates more than even water.

While others compete and expect to forever, the good person comes from a whole other
dimension bypassing the entire low, violent, desperate paradigm, and thus totally manhandles it
with no effort. But he goes to it not to dominate it, though it could appear so, but as a mission of
mercy, from his joyful blissed-out state he wishes to increase joy in his environment, to share
and multiply it in the world rather than seclude himself and horde it all. He goes into the world to
bring light to others so that the light in him spreads to everyone and the world shines. He wants
no glory for himself, but for his message/purpose to proliferate, for what he values/cares about
to seed into the world, not for his light to stand alone/seen but to combine with the light of others
into a worldwide chorus of joy/light. He wants equality and pleasure to rule the world.

And what negative power, even the worst/greatest dark selfish power can battle him?
Even death itself, all the forces of destruction, what can they do to such a man? For their modus
operandi is plainly known to everyone, “I will hype myself, fight for what I want, kill even or if not
run to fight another day.” The good person comes to such a person, even the most powerful of
the earthly realm, and beats him by playing his own game and not playing the others. The
greatest in the world expects to use his power to force compliance, submission, obedience, but
the good person comes even to the world’s greatest and helps him. He does not battle or
compete, but compliments and appreciates him, solves his problems, resolves his pain,
emptiness, and negativity.

“I see you value power. You wish to be safe, feel in control of your life, love the world the way
you used to before the world spoiled you, love those you share the world with, be in communion
with them, feel pleasure in your environment, have peace inside and out, be loved by others and
help/cooperate with each other, feel comfortable and relaxed, appreciate your self, life,
environment, be happy, feel joy/goodness. This is the authentic, real you.”

The most powerful person in earth hears these words, and where was a monster ready
for murder, he buckles under his weight and stress (which moments ago he’d identified with and
had felt were what made him strong/worthwhile/invaluable!). All that pressure that helped him
‘survive’ now he wanted to cry, let it all go. It felt like a wave of relief/release shake his body to
the core. He fell to the floor, crying, apologetic, sorry for all his ‘victories’, the hurt/pain, regretful
for all the battles he did with others, a little scared of all the fear he tried to instill in others… if he
lets it go, will they come to repay the favor? He felt he’d been wrong for so many years, been
misguided, incorrect, doing the wrong action, following wrong path, wrong view, wishing more
than anything for his life to end, all his actions to be taken back… wishing he’d actually been
powerful and strong his whole life rather than fearful and reactive, seeing his mistake, wishing
he’d been actually strong, been kind, bridged gaps with people, formed connections, love,
relationships, all the joy/pleasure he missed out on. He’d do a 180 and be authentic. If he had
nothing good to do or say, he would do nothing, even leave the situation and contemplate to
ensure he stayed on his path and at least never did any more wrong.
If with a few simple words, the smallest amount of appreciation, awareness, positive
attention, listening, can transform even the wickedest most power obsessed person on earth
like this, how else does the rest of the world fair against even 1 good person. Then consider
what a few good people can do? The world can permanently become a heaven on earth in the
matter of hours and remain so for with no effort for thousands, even millions of years with no
more changes.
The 3 realms

No matter what religion, the 3 realms are there: hell, earth, and heaven. Whether literal
or figurative, they are obvious: one is bad, one is normal, one is good. One has lots of pain,
suffering, no one wants to go. One is a mixed bag, some good, some bad. One is full of bliss,
pleasure, and light. This can apply spiritually, or at the very least, as experiences present on

Mostly suffering, associated with fire and stone, torture, people
wailing, gnashing, crying, screaming. Many people on earth experience life
as hell. They want it to end, for their ship to come in, relief, an angel to bless
them. Did you know hell is where appreciation is born? In hell, whether
you’re born there or go there during life, it is where people are forced even
against their will to learn appreciation. It’s where unappreciative people go,
and the depth of hell they go to is determined by how little appreciation they have. If they’re a
little unappreciative, a fairly benign upper level, but very unappreciative people go to the
deepest dungeons of it. And there’s no death in hell, just ever deeper dungeons until death
seems to writhe and wiggle with life manifest around you, but you never die. If you still don’t
learn appreciation, you stay or go deeper. Hell is where people learn the groundwork of good
living, appreciation, positivity, and love, because fakeness and illusion and unappreciated
‘pleasant’ things are stripped so completely that you begin to-- in fact
are forced to-- learn to appreciate appreciation. In such a desolate
and barren wasteland, if you don’t learn the lesson the lessons will
increase intensity in deeper realms where the jailers try harder to
instruct you. It also is said that appreciation is the brightest in hell, at
least the greatest in intensity because of how unique it is there in
contrast. After decades of torment and hopelessness, even a brief
respite of the agony is like a euphoria vision of heaven even if it
begins again the next second. In hell people are forced through
torture and deprivation to learn appreciation, and they all learn it or go
ever deeper. Some fools it might take billions of years to figure it out. Hell is a vital and
important place in the cosmos, because hell never gives up on anyone. There’s always
someone in hell, often a great many people, who are willing to teach and instruct in the ways of
appreciation. They are very compassionate, persistent, and resilient that way. They don’t give
up and pass their charges onto others easily unless they really can’t break through. They love
their work and take pride in effecting positive change in others.

I’ll do heaven next because in a way it can be just as much a trap for people as hell is. In
heaven, there has been positive action, good things been done, the world improved, others’
lives benefitted, and so the reward is a blissful, easy, and beautiful existence. Like hell there are
greater levels-- here heights-- depending on the benefit and quality of giving one did in the
human world. There is much appreciation in heaven, for there’s
much to appreciate, even about one’s own gifts to others. People
in heaven at the very least have netted a positive impact, that’s
the requirement, at the very least people have done good actions,
put on a good performance, done the right behavior. But that
could just be actions, for ego (of being ‘selfless’ or ‘good’), for
pride, effort to get the result of heaven like a goal. The issue is, in
this blessed realm, is that it can be attached to as a thing, an
appearance, a ‘status’, for acknowledgement, approval, like fame,
pride, ego, personal greatness. Also, even after much (and
impressive) benefiting others and giving to many, even after rising to the highest places in
heaven and being so beloved of all and praised for one’s good deeds, one can still become
ensnared in wickedness. With so much reward surrounding you, beauty, friends, love,
exaltation, therein lies the most common traps for heavenly beings. Angelic divine creatures can
begin to think that it was not their action or behavior that got them such good things, but a
quality inherent in themselves, and in fact stop then doing the good things and become arrogant
even cruel. “Don’t you know my deeds! How noble and great I am!” This is the principle trap.
The second trap of heaven complacency. “I have such good things, in such abundance, I need
not take any more action in my life. I can let my rewards live my life for me.” In doing this, yes for
a time, they are right and they can bask in their rewards. But no rewards for finite past action no
matter how immense, great, or noble they were can last forever, and one day when they do and
the angelic being loses his ‘net positive’ impact on the world, he slips back down to earth or
even to hell, depending on his level of indulgence and heavenly taking. Heaven is so bright and
full of appreciation, it’s a requirement to get in and very easy to maintain there, but in that ease
and abundance appreciation can start to be taken for granted, can stop being appreciated. If
that happens too much, and one becomes neutral or even negative in their disposition, they fall
out on earth or sink even to hell to relearn its value. Again, literally or figuratively such as worldly
success and losing it. In this way, the ancient mystic Buddha said “Earth is the greatest realm to
be born into to realize the truth, because in hell the pain (or lessons) is too great while in heaven
the pleasure (or complacency) is too great. Only on Earth can one have a neutral enough view
to see it unobstructed.” But Heaven too is vital to the cosmos, because if good actions weren’t
rewarded, it would be a perversion of reality and life, and existence couldn’t be for nothing
would be worth doing. Heaven and rewards are essential to it.

The best place to be born and live is in the middle, on earth. If we’re talking about
figurative heaven and hell on earth, than the human/earth realm is where there’s a little this, little
that, not too bad, not too good. There’s comfort, but also some work. Here you can investigate
into truth with little distraction, each extreme with some ease and find the middle path. On Earth
you can see that hell is taking too much for granted then being rewarded with immense
suffering, and see that in heaven it takes so much effort to give to others to get some rewards
back and enjoy a nice life. On Earth you can see the path is in between the two extremes where
the least effort nets the greatest pleasure/joy for long-term sustainability. It requires you never
be completely comfortable (or rarely) but also never be completely in pain/effortful (or rarely). It
is the middle way, path of least resistance, fluid like water, responsive and flexible. Literally
speaking, Earth is where we’ve had all our fun. The
figurative human realm provides the best ideal
conditions for comfort and ability to investigate deeply.
Consider hell is very fleshy, heaven is very beautiful. It
could be said they are 2 sides of 1 coin, one is of the
internal substance, the other is the pleasant external
appearance. Such an even view is difficult to realize
from either extremes.
Earth Realm

There are aspects to Earth realm we can appreciate, that is the greatest power after all.

● Parents? Help when you’re young: food, housing

● Government? Helps society function smoothly, benefit people's lives, foster

cooperation/dialogue/sharing ideas

● World? Where all your fun has happened in this human life

● Universe? Where you've lived/enjoyed your whole human life

● People? Their ease to mass conformity, group consciousness, so influencing few effects

● Homes? Safety, security

● Sex? Feels good (partly/sometimes), makes babies

● Money? Smooth basic exchange goods/services

● You? You know how to love/accept/appreciate! :)

● Jesus/Buddha/Krishna? Positive examples (thousands of years ago)

The lower, more hell-like aspects of Earth: they all represent dangers to physical safety/survival,
but they all having varying degrees of value.

● Wolves, mountain lions, bears? Animals need to eat I understand and I want that but I'd
rather it not be me (something old or sick ready to die etc.)

● Bugs? I want bugs to get theirs (but not bother me much)

● Cops? I want cops to make sure at least a little (in their capacity, they can't manage a
society or live people's lives for them) to keep things smooth and help
mediate/moderate/make sure people feel fair and follow rules

● Violent people with guns? I want people to feel safe they don't need to go to guns (at
least right away) or to be disturbed enough to be afraid of fellow people

● Crazy countries with bombs/weapons? I want countries to feel respected and safe and
like they can do well/have enough/live in peace with each other/talk and share more
especially first

● Unhappy/miserable people (who want peace/ freedom/relief)? I want unhappy people to

feel better/relief/ peace/freedom/be happy

● Blacks who want revenge? I want blacks to feel valuable and worthwhile and safe and
able to live a happy integrated comfortable life

● Desperate greedy people who want money? i want greedy/hungry to be filled/satisfied

● Some people who only want power/to be seen/heal (don’t know how)? People hungry for
power/attention/healing I want them to feel powerful enough to be satisfied/safe in their
environment/feel love where it exists in their life/ their healing to bloom in their life/realize
the way.

Appreciation is the greatest power. Why? It is defined 2 ways: having a

full understanding of something, and the growing in the value of an asset.
Obviously these are great. If you appreciate something, you
fully understand it and there is no part of it hidden to you, you
understand its true and complete nature. In the same breath,
understanding something’s true nature increases its worth
and valuability. The good nature of something grows and
more good quality grows to be appreciated. Thus appreciation feeds and
creates and sustains itself. It is self-sufficient. Also self-rewarding.

What is the opposite of appreciation? Insanity. Why? They’re not

appreciating anything. What’s another word for insanity? Mad. If you are mad
you are insane, or acting like you are. You have lost your mind, you are no
longer apprised of reality or your senses, your animal body has taken over
control of you as a person and now simply lash out and attack. Humorously, if
you are mad you can no longer understand anything because by definition
the only way to fully understand anything is with appreciation, and being mad
(or insane) means you have no idea what’s actually going on. This means
being upset, mad, or insane you are not reacting to anything in the world or
reality but are admitting “this is about me and stuff I have going on, inside.”
Madness is always internal and disconnected from the real world.

In terms of the chakra system, madness is always about safety and feeling
unsafe thus the animal side taking over to survive, a desperate move, fight or flight,
admitting your desperation, lack of options, neediness, quite embarrassing and nothing
attractive about that! The bottom 3 chakras are safety, sexuality, and money, which can
be associated with the negative and hell. The top 3 are beauty, awareness, and
knowledge/ethics and are associated with the positive and heaven. The middle is at the
heart and is love, associated with the human/earth realm and neutrality (or equality).

Each of these also can be associated with one of the 5 elements. The bottom 2
are of the fire of passion. The third is of the earth element and material things. The throat is of
the air element in its floatiness and expression. The
top 2 awareness and intelligence are of the space
element, taking in all of reality in space and then in
mind organizing that info into patterns and insights
(and models). The middle, 4th, at the heart is love and
like first a river then ocean, love is of the water
element. And water is the greatest of all elements,
perhaps not the highest nor the most foundational, but
in terms of raw pumping power it rises leagues above
all others combined. The human body is 72% water, the world surface is 71% water. The
modern Hindu mystic Sadhguru says of the human body, “72% water, 12% earth, 6% air, 4%
fire, and 6% space.” If you wish to win in 72% of situations, the best action to always take is be
like water, be loving. Some people rely on earth, strength, resources, it takes almost 7x the
effort to get the same results this way. Fire, anger, or passion is the weakest element. You get
the idea, you can respect them all and realize the occasional use for each, but by and large the
element of water (and the emotion of love) in 3/4 situations should always be used.

The Tao Te Ching says wisely, “The ocean is the greatest because it is the lowest.” By
treating others well, showing love even if they don’t act well, is how you swim in the ocean of
love, joy, and appreciation. ALWAYS love, ALWAYS be joyful, ALWAYS appreciate. Don’t let
anything be the excuse to distract from your highest value: feeling good. Let nothing pull you
from the ocean of love, joy, and appreciation but remain fully drenched in its awesomeness
always. Invite others to join you but chase them not, for the end of any effort is to be in the
ocean, thus let them go to scarce and dry places without you if they wish, where they struggle
and are dehydrated of goodness. The only way to be of
benefit to anyone is to make the ocean so appealing by
your enjoyment of it they can’t wait to get it. Also if
you’re in it there’s literally nothing anywhere else you
have to look for. Every happiness, joy, pleasure, and
good feeling is in this ocean. All the money, friendships,
good experiences, sex, cars, homes, art, beauty,
knowledge, every good thing exists in this ocean. This is
where God lives, this ocean could be called God, and
this is how he stays infinite and is able to be there for
everyone. Because he doesn’t expend effort reaching
people suffering in dry dehydrated places, but remains the fullness of all goodness, and when
people come to him he has more than anyone could ever ask for or enjoy. The Tao says “In
desiring nothing, the Tao becomes eternal and infinite to manifest all the desires of its followers.”
God is this such fluid, formless, liquid ocean of love, joy, and appreciation-- the highest value,
the greatest power. God is pure positive energy, the embodiment of love, joy, and appreciation
(and all the other good stuffs like peace, truth, abundance, etc.), pure contribution and giving.
God, like a radio frequency, demands nothing for himself because he has the universe… he only
requires you to ‘tune into’ him, be with him, stay with him, be like him, and all the joy and
pleasure he feels you tap into; like him, the longer you remain with him, the more you become
like him, the more you too have the whole universe, and you become like the Tao or God or the
ocean to others.

This ocean is the best one on the planet, and is sweet to taste. Drink deeply, and swim
robustly in it always!
Dimension Shift - Understanding Your Higher Dimensional Self
Philip Greener
© May 2021
Greener Creations

Other Greener Creations products:

1. LOT - Life Operates through your Tribe
2. Intrigues
3. Fictions
4. Ur LOT app


4D Space-time)

5D Timelines)

6D Phase Space)

7D Universe)

8D Alternates)

9D Info)

10D Done)


Rather than explain what the dimensions are and what the chapters mean, let's figure it
out by hand now. These ideas come from String Theory: 10 dimensions for everything (or 11
which collapse as strings in the 10th, all higher ones also are unstable and ultimately collapse),
but we can use our heads and take no one's word for it. We need no authority to learn this,
because dimensions exist in reality. Right now we are 3 dimensional we see. But let's start at

What is the zero dimension? Something with no dimension, an undefined

point with no length, width, or depth.. imaginary.

What is the first dimension? Make a second point, and draw a

line, now there is length only.

What is the second? If we make a point not on that line, and

draw a new line through it, we now have a plane of length and width;
more conceptual than physical.

What is the third? If we make a point not on that 2D plane and draw a line to
it, we now have depth and 3D space, and objects. But it's frozen, static: space with no
time or motion (a snapshot of 4D spacetime). We don't live here.

Before you read the chapters, can you use your head to figure out what higher
dimensions are, and how many there should be? It is possible to do this, and don't require
quantum math to do it. Each dimension is orthogonal-- or at right angles to the next. Try:







0D- Consider; people who live in 0D have no existence, cramped dark rooms, with death
surrounding them ready to pounce any moment, utter dominance, powerless...


1D- Consider; people who live in 1D world live only to suffer, hell, poked, prodded, tortured...


2D- Consider; people in 2D world live danger, but some movement, some possibility of
pleasure, sex, reproduction...


3D- Consider; people in 3D world live in a frozen world, little motion, few freedoms, working for a
chance at some resources, fighting for a chance at work/money/food, beginnings of basic

4D Space-time

This is where people spend most of their time: common

consciousness. People interact with 'reality', what they see hear and
touch, can prove, agree on externally with physical manifest
evidence. The physical stuff here dominates and tells people how to
behave, think and feel, this is the realm of bodies and resources,
objects, obstacles, rewards, threats, and weapons. If physical is all
there is, then your body is the most important thing and you must
feed it, make relationships for safety, have weapons, build protective
enclosures, take as much resources as you can, only care about yourself. This is logical from
this level. If physical manifest reality is all there is, then dominance of it and others around you
is all that matters to keep you surviving and alive.

What are some aspects of this realm?

1. Countries- they fight for their borders to keep themselves

safe, invade others' borders if they can, fight for
resources, fight for productivity to create better weapons
and efficient economics/growth, more/better crops for
people, social harmony, police to maintain law, try to get
the most from neighbors in trades and war if possible. Concepts that exist at this level
are the USA, Russia, China, Sweden; at lower levels they're too complex, at higher
they're meaningless/frivolous.
2. Governments- these are the people who run/maintain the
countries, with such figureheads as Donald Trump, Vladamir
Putin, Kevin Trudeau, and Xi Jinping. They come from the
population and either from rising the ranks of power or being
attractive and chosen by people, they represent the best interests
of the people, at least in terms of general consensus. Different governments have
different views, beliefs, economic systems, policies for how things should be run, each
good in their context, for their history/culture.
3. Money- When they say money runs the world, in this realm it
certainly does. With money, you can literally do any physical thing,
money is king in 4D spacetime. With it you can have any physical
thing, do any physical act, be any physical title. People work, fight,
steal, kill, trick, scam, lust, and yearn for it. Its first use is as exchange for survival:
housing, hygiene, food, and water. The people in the world who struggle to get this live
on the verge of death because they don't have money. To survive it takes only minimal
money, even Buddha said without his body-- had he taken his spiritual masochism any
further he would have died and not been able to do his higher minded practices. So even
he said, and it's pretty obvious, you should maintain the body to do other things. Some
people even diminish happiness in other areas because they think unless they have
enough money for social status, or appear a certain way to others, have so much money
others are impressed/envious, then they can't (or shouldn't) socialize, have fun, be
friendly, make stuff, do activities. But it's understandable, because many people who
worship D space-time (like governments, media/news/shows) love money and the
rewards it gives i.e. more physical/survival stuff. So if people do buy in that money is
peak it's understandable, lots of people think so; it's part of their journey.
4. Power- this is related to previous aspects, this could be physical positions
like politicians, police, having a gun, position of authority over another, an
army or tanks or nuclear weapons like a country. I guess it's possible to
include spiritual power because it has physical aspects and can be used
for physical means, such as self help gurus using spiritual ideas to gets
cars, houses, relationships, money, and positions. Power in this realm
looks different than in others because here it's about force (of violence, sex, or financial)
to compell others to give you physical services or objects. Power here is all about
physical stuffs and survival.
5. Sex- it's been said everything is about sex, except sex, it's about power. In
this realm probably. Girls want hot guys, or strong guys, or rich guys, famous
guys, and guys generally always want young pretty girls (sometimes rich or
famous or talented ones). Love does exist but at a higher level, it isn't
physical and to a physical 4D space-time liver it is a myth or doesn't exist.
Sex isn't love, though some people call them interchangeable, sometimes
spoiling the word love by elevating sex to its level: "Give me your love, you
have a big love, your love fits in my hand, I got love on my mind, love me harder, your
love got me tripping(/dripping)." Girls want good seed and a supportive man, men want a
healthy pretty young girl to give him attractive kids, but they both in the moment just want
to feel pleasure.
6. Biology- related to evolution, this realm is of biological and chemical
mechanisms, and mechanistic physical workings in general. Biology is
totally physical: organs, brains, skin, muscles, tendons, bones, calories,
nutrition, hygiene, maintenance. Animals fighting for resources and food,
killing and avoiding being killed, humans farming meat from trillions of
animals annually, bacteria seeking out resources to eat, plants sucking soil nutrients and
fighting for sun-time. All biology, even down to the cells of organisms, fight for survival
and nutrients and even replication. Animals at least, fight for sexual partners/resources.
7. Media- this is news, radio, music, tv, youtube, movies, shows.
While they might exist at higher more creative levels, the physical
money side of it is still survival/physical based. Music which is
about sex or money starts creative but goes physical fast. News
which starts as helping increase awareness almost instantly
dropping to violence, crimes, sex stuff, money stuff. In media there is higher level stuff
happening, it inherently must because it starts as higher than physical stuff, but much of
it quickly becomes about 4D space-time physical: violence, sex, and money.

4D- Describe the 4D world you live in, facts of your world, and your current life (including past).
This is real. Examples of 4D beings: animals, the poor, people subject to 'the real world' and


5D Timelines

This is the first step beyond common consciousness, what did you guess in the intro
about higher dimensions? Did you get this right? After the static 3D world, what is at right angles
to that? Something that can move in space over a period of time. And what would be at right
angles to that? Some people are incapable of thinking about this, they are so embedded in 4D
space-time, which is how it ought to be. Most people are at the bottom, analogically hell is much
more populated than heaven, there is much more darkness in the universe than light; but 1 in
heaven is more powerful than a million in hell, and 1 candle can illuminate miles of cubic
volume. The smallest photon is the fastest moving thing in the universe, makes life in the
universe possible, yet is massless itself as pure energy. Bigger or more, like in hell or darkness
(or the physical) often means less influential/powerful, while the fewer/smaller are the greatest.

Anyway, regardless of what common consciousness can understand,

let's get back to the question. Using your own logic, what would be at right
angles (orthogonal) to 4D space-time, moving in a manifest 3D space over a
period of time? Again, the more embedded you are the harder this will be to
answer, but the answer is in the question. At right angles to movement over a
period (or point) of time, that would be movement to a different point of time
in the original timeline, AS WELL AS (because time and motion are related:
time = motion/space) to different timelines for your specific universe-- given its initial conditions--
or another way of saying different timelines, or parallel universes/worlds, is to say that things
moved differently through space in a different time. Parallel worlds/universes aren't separate or
distinct the way movies simplistically display, because again it's all about movement in space
over time happening multiple ways (given probability) or another way-- time being changed by
spatial things moving differently.

So in the 5th dimension, what's it like? What first I'd like to

bring up is the 'many worlds' interpretation which states there is a
universal wave function and observation collapses the wave
function to 1 solution, a manifest 4D real space-time. This is how an
embedded 4D person is seeing probability, because even animals
understand probability, "I catch 1 in 10 of the antelope I pounce on", but in a 4D they fight for
favorable odds like stock market traders and hope to be in the winning 'wave function'. In the
fifth dimension, this is no longer a concern, because in any situation if there is uncertainty, as
long as there is a chance of something happening-- like the chaos theory maxim "Anything that
can happen will" (Murphy’s Law)-- it's a simple matter of stepping into the 4D space-time where
the outcome you want happened. There's no more chance or hope or
despair, you simply walk to the thing that is possible. But in 5D you still
must walk, so there is still effort, and things that are very unlikely or far
from your starting point in terms of things that can (or are likely to
happen), you have to walk farther in order to arrive at that manifest
physical 4D space-time. The distinction between the 'universal wave
function collapse' from 4D and how it is in 5D is that you realize it never
collapses at least 1 way, or it's always collapsed every possible way always. There are still
limitations because unlikely things can become almost infinitely impossible to reach depending
on how unlikely or distant they are to your starting point. Compared to a person in 4D though
you would be able to time travel, win any election, any bet, have any amount of money or
physical power or position, you would be a finite god to them, but to them you would be a god
because you have complete dominance over everything they value/care about.

All the power of a 4D world would be impotent compared

to you. Other people's money you could steal, or kill them as
babies, or make their investments before they did, start the
companies they made before they could, assassinate political
opponents or cripple them at any point in
their childhood, drop a lion into their
bathroom any day of their life, or a disease, any hit song you
could write it 10 years before the pop star released it, any
fame power money or sex concievable becomes as easy as
imagining it, walking to it (things like that are relatively easy
and close in 5D, often as close or probable as a few coin flips),
and to enjoy even the highest heights imaginable by
4D embeds takes only an afternoon. Nothing against 4D embeds, for them
life is more like a rollercoaster ride, there's unknowns and excitement, it's a
thrilling emotional adventure with struggle, challenge, and fights, but some
might like knowing there's more.
5D- Describe a different timeline you would like to experience, include facts about the world
(including past), and the life you experience. This is real. Examples of 5D beings: people, rarely
animals, with above average lives, luck/chance favors them...


6D Phase Space

Let's continue the thought experiment: if in the 5D we can move to different timelines,
time travel, move to parallel worlds, interact with all things that are physically possible for our
universe, what is orthogonal to that? Could you imagine this far in the intro? Well in the 4D we
could walk with minimal effort (though the minimal because significant relating to increasingly
more improbable outcomes) to any possible (having a non-zero probability) outcome in time or
motion within the initial conditions of our specific (big bang/) universe. So what would right
angles be to this in the 6D? The obvious answer to being able to walk straight (1D-esque) lines
between points in 4D space-time-- another way to say it, making the solution more obvious-- is
to be able to remove the need for the straight line, the effort, or 'walking', to bring
any point in 4D space-time to you, with no more effort than thinking/imagining it,
like folding 5D via a wormhole or a making a portal. This is the logical next step:
6D phase space; the effort of moving through intermediary parallel worlds to reach
the one you want is removed, also obviously the limitation of not being able to
reach or practically making some distant possibilities impossible because of the
miniscule chance of them happening... those limitations no longer exist. With this
new dimension/power, now literally anything physically allowed within the confines
of your specific universe given its initial conditions-- the full manifestation of the
chaos theory maxim "Anything that can happen must"-- is now effortlessly
available to you, and even the smallest possible things are only a thought away. NO MORE

Let's consider what this could mean. There is a non-zero

chance given quantum mechanics that a new star or even galaxy
could spawn right outside our solar system. Now a thought away, you
could make such a thing happen. Here, there is a non-zero chance of
your particles passing right through a wall and not touching any of its atoms (because of
quantum uncertainty and the great space inherently in an atom's makeup). You also could
spontaneously turn air molecules into gold, even an entire planet into gold if you wanted. These
things are unlikely but possible given our universe's physics, this within your 6D power. Same
with shapeshifting by controlling genetic probability shifts in the moment to become a different
race, gender, musculature, height, age. You could control quantum properties to make things
combust spontaneously, or freeze spontaneously, you could affect gravitational forces and age
things like how time changes near black holes and close to light speed (or un-age them by using
tachyons which have imaginary mass and travel backwards in time). Matter becomes greatly
malleable here and fluid because you can use extreme, rare, and unlikely things in common
situations to have impressive effects. You can do many of these things in 5D but it's more work
and only appears like magic or the real thing where you'd have to do something, freeze time,
then play it again, whereas in 6D you can do magical things instantaneously with thought, and
something like manifesting a new galaxy or even sun outside our solar system by hand
becomes one of those near impossible things to do manually whereas in 6D takes no effort.

But turning air into gold is a trick away for 5D as freezing time,
stealing a gold brick from a bank, putting it on the table, and viola! Whereas
in 6D you can actually change the atomic structure. But again these are just
parlor tricks for 6D beings to showboat for 4D embeds; when a 6D person
can do things so commonly, even take over the world, or manifest billions on the spot, or
transport everyone's nukes to his spontaneously manifested underground missile base, and
make all guns and weapon factories turn to dust on the spot, turn all
humans into geese, teleport to any other number of planets or timelines
instantly, destroy the world, remove all atmospheric oxygen for 1 hour,
increase the size of the sun 10 times for 10 seconds, what purpose
would performing tricks be? What purpose would even being aware of
4D embeds serve to a 6D being? What benefit would it be to even stick around Earth, to hurt or
help anyone at all, compared to the things a 6D-er could do, the fun he could have on his own?
Earth is boring, full of its concern for things beneath the concerns of a 6D person like worrying
about the emotional well-being of one of his arm hairs.

As you can see, at each level the person becomes more like a
god, even next to a 5D who toils (comparatively) a 6D is so. He could
create his own heaven right in this universe, his own galaxy with his
own creatures, with whatever qualities he desired full of light, perfect
weather, let them have their own civilization/culture, he could even
create his own consortium of 5D beings with rules, a 5D
empire of time travellers and space jumpers. He could do
anything within the bounds of his power, which are still
limited to complete freedom within the confines of the
initial conditions of his universe's big bang...
6D- Describe any feature allowable in this universe (given its laws of physics) you would like to
experience, let scifi imagination run wild. This is real. Examples of 6D people: people who
impact the world, have some power/control/influence of it...


7D Universe

If 6D was complete freedom within the confines of 1 universe, able to bend 5D

space-time so even the least likely things can be as commonplace as one wants, portal to any
non-zero probability, manifest any non-zero probability thing, what would something orthogonal
to that be? If 5D was probability freedom with effort, and 6D was effortlessly probability freedom
thus making all true possibilities available with a thought, then what could 7D be? If you didn't
get this far before, consider now...



Ok, well at right angles to that-- this is exciting isn't it(!)-- would
inherently have to be beyond the thought of things, the embodiment of
all infinite possibilities of this specific universe, represented as a dot or
single point. In the 7D, you don't have access/freedom to all possibilities
but contain and are them, they exist within you. You are the universal
wave function. If you consider the competence ladder which goes from
(1) unconscious incompetence to (2) conscious incompetence to (3) conscious competence to
(4) unconscious competence, as far as control and power over every aspect and facet of this
universe with its infinite possibilities of motion and timelines, 6D would be akin to (3) conscious
competence because it involves thought, but 7D would be akin to (4) unconscious competence
because it is embodiment, identification, being natural, automatic, about power and control in
this universe. At 7D one is instinctual about commanding and controlling all universal functions
without even thinking about it, like one's internal organs, it's like emotional and unless a 7D
person really focused hard it would function well without awareness.

But if a 7D person doesn't think or is the fullness of the universe, it's

infiniteness as a single point, (4) unconsciously competent, it sounds boring!
What would a 7D person do? Well a 7D person can fully enjoy the existence of
its being, the movement within itself, which feels good, as well as perceive a
greater reality beyond itself. Reaching the 7th dimension, this person would
realize that even with all its infinite awesomeness and greatness of life,
dimensionality, and possibilities, there is life beyond itself. Right next to this person, there are
crowds of nearly-identical, similar 7D people, the full embodiment of their specific infinite
universe of possibilities, timelines, dimensionality, and movement, with slightly different initial
conditions. The 7D person can see these other people/universes, but cannot contact or interact
with them at all. This person can only bump into and observe them. At the 7D, this person is a
singular dot in a seeming ocean of dots, which are also infinite universes.

But it's all academic, because as 7D this person

can't contact anything, is simply the full embodiment and
unconscious competence of its universe. Which feels great
to the person as the totality of this universe and its
harmony and well-being is fully felt, like a healthy body
working well. But even at all complete control and power of
this one universe, having overcome all previous
obstacles/limitations, this we discover with this new power and freedom, there is more beyond
us, new areas we've never seen before, new things we can't influence, interact with, are
powerless to control, things we cannot do which we didn't even know were options/possibilities
until now! Mixed blessing I guess!

Knowing how dimensions go, you can probably guess the next dimension we'll go to! ...

7D- You are the embodiment of the universe with 100% control of it, describe how you run it as
well as your awareness/feelings of nearby/adjacent universes to your own. This is real.
Examples of 7D: people who clearly/precisely explain wide-spanning/universal facts, dominate
spheres, dominate/play with world dynamics...


8D Alternates

You know how this works, it's called the Point-Line-Plane Postulate: the higher
dimensions look a lot in principle to the lower ones with points, lines and planes. You've
probably figured it out. So after the singular point of the 7D universe (containing all possibilities
of time and motion), what is at right angles to a point? We've done this many times before...



Yes, right angles to a zero dimensional point, or a 4D point in space-time, and even now
a 7D universal point, is always the same... you make a point anywhere apart from that point and
connect it with a line. We have now entered the 8th dimension. Now we can interact with and
move to other points/universes in this new plane/dimension we find ourselves. In 7D we only
had awareness of a greater realm beyond our ability to reach, but in the 8th we can bridge the
gap and like in earlier dimensions, walk to other 7D points/universes in this 8D plane. There is
no end in sight to how many alternate universes or 7D points there are here, but now with some
effort we can begin to traverse, explore, look into, and interact with these other universes,
especially ones nearby to our starting location. Nearest to us are universes nearly identical to us
in terms of starting conditions. Like attracts like, and our immediate neighbors are almost
entirely the same as us. In Martin Rees’s book "Just 6 Numbers'' he explains how it takes just 6
universal factors, constants, or equations in order to make the infinite complexity of our specific
universe. The 6 numbers are:
1. ε ≈ 0.007
a. Epsilon; the relative amount of hydrogen that convert to helium via fusion in the
big bang
2. N ≈ 10
a. The strength of the electric force divided by the strength of gravity
3. Ω ≈ 0.3
a. Omega; the relative density of the universe
4. λ ≈ 0.7
a. Lambda; the cosmological constant
5. Q ≈ 10−5
a. The amplitude of irregularities in the CMB (cosmic microwave background)
6. D = 3
a. The number of macroscopic spatial dimensions.
As you can see, our universe starting with these conditions are what
made what was possible within it, what kinds of things could happen, what
motion was allowed, what timelines had non-zero probabilities. Altering
these even to the smallest degree changes the entire universe and all the
outcomes it can possibly have. The universes surrounding our starting point
in the 8D, have almost identical constants for their 6 numbers, but
miniscully different. The easiest and closest alternare universes this 8D
being can travel to are such similar ones. The more effort, the farther it
walks, the more different they become. Like in the 5D a person can control
probabilities to a great degree, if a horse race is 20 to 1 and wants to win,
replaying the race 20 times would give a win, or walking to 20 parallel
timelines would find the winner. The more unlikely the farther the walk, the
more effort, thus there is a real practical limitation for increasingly greater unlikely events. So too
in the 8th that if you want to drastically change the 6 numbers which influence a 7D
point/universe's initial conditions (which give rise to its unique infinite possibility phasespace), it
could become so unlikely, so far, require so much effort, that while possible it becomes
practically impossible to reach because the distance is too great. But that's focusing on the

Consider the great new powers/freedom! With the 8D you can now move between
alternate universes and see/interact with things you've never contemplated! Perhaps galaxies
can't form, perhaps they form differently, perhaps things besides galaxies dominate those
universes. Perhaps life that is impossible for your universe and was previously inconceivable
now flourishes and proliferates in a new one. Perhaps changes in the
initial conditions (6 numbers) makes the entire universe perpetually
burn and is on fire, or maybe naturally becomes all water, or becomes
all biological, or just 1 big solid rock, or totally empty! Or maybe
constantly fluctuating/shifting because of massively chaotic quantum
factors, maybe there are planet-sized monsters made of antimatter
that consume planets and feed on galaxies. Maybe
there are living stars that travel in herds and build
homes with galactic dust and have sex with black holes and make babies of
planets. In 8D space, it is conceivable that ketchup molecules were the most
likely to form and life evolved from DNA made of ketchup into an entire planet
wide ecosphere of ketchup plants and animals. In this realm, there's no limit to
what could happen or be found by visiting different universes.
And I want to explain one point in terms: parallel universes refer to the same universe
but a different timeline or motion through space, infinite parallel worlds exist within the 7D point
of the universe, whereas alternate universes are completely different 7D points or universes with
their own infinite timelines and possibilities of motion through space (infinite parallel worlds). In
other words, 1 7D point inherently contains infinite parallel timelines, whereas alternate realities/
worlds/universes are different 7D points/universes with alternate initial conditions and their own
infinite parallel timelines and motion through space: parallel refers to timelines in a universe,
alternate refers to a different universe.

Are we finished now that we can travel to alternate universes? We seem quite powerful,
obviously you know this isn't the last chapter, but is left? Are we at the end? Is there a way to
travel at right angles to somewhere new from where we are? Hmm...

8D- You can travel to nearby universes easily, far ones with effort. Old limitations of your original
universe can now be surpassed for more full manifestation of your imagination. Describe a
characteristic of a universe close to ours (but beyond its limitations) you'd prefer to experience.
It's real. Examples of 8D: people who create new artistic universes near our own, people who do
new things in their sphere completely original, people who innovate creatively in world


9D Info

You're getting the picture, next step is folding

the 8D space, portal, but there's no physical space
left, all physicality is in the 8D universes. That's all
that's left, so what is 9D? It's digital, info. Now you
travel to any universe by thought, the ultimate
multiverse code. Of the multiverse, this total freedom,
(3) conscious competence.

9D- You are beyond all physicality, totally info, complete control and power over all imagination,
manifestation, and the multiverse. Describe the nature of all existence without any limitation of
conception or imagination, in any way or amount, according wholly and entirely to your
rules/mind/definitions, without fear but total safety/info, your word is the code of the multiversal
existence. Examples of 9D: dominators of multiple spheres, artistic creators of multiple
universes in fact their own multiverse, people who dominate/play with world dynamics in multiple


10D Done

After full freedom, info, is (4) unconscious

competence.. the total everything exists in you as its
embodiment. You can sleep as all now.

10D- You are the completion and wholeness of the multiverse/everything in every way,
comfortably. It is in/as you. Describe how you feel as the fullness/wholeness of everything.
Examples of 10D: religion founders, life coaches, self help gurus, monks, theory of everything
investigators, anyone who asks "How do I want to feel?"...



This happens simultaneously, true and changes.

Be Happy and Live Your Ideal Life
Philip Greener
© May 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) NLP

Chapter 2) Law of attraction

Chapter 3) Stock

Chapter 4) 8020 and Fractals

Chapter 5) Positive Opposite

Chapter 6) Element balance

Chapter 7) Nature communion

Chapter 8) Mind mapping

Chapter 9) 10D

Chapter 10) Writing

Chapter 11) Giving


Some people have issue/difficulty being happy, living the life they want… which to me
are the same thing. But there is NO lack of information on advice, techniques, apps, or methods
to help. Being a self-help junkie for the past 10+ years, this is my non-exhaustive but premiere
ways of being happy and living your ideal life. The thing to notice is that any single of these
entire fields have been created, guru’s careers have been made, books and seminars been
attended. Any single method herein if you follow will get you what you want, and a collection like
this is happiness/ideal life overkill. What I’m trying to say is you can cherry pick and be fine, or
try as many/all you like, but you don’t have to get bogged down. This is my secret ultimate
collection I’ll update as necessary. Moreso, this is the book I wish I’d had growing up because it
took me 10 years to satiate my self help itch (and I think it’ll be fun giving out my best lessons).
Just have fun.
Chapter 1

This stands for neuro linguistic programming; how language influences our brain. A field
of awesome info, it was made to model what successful people did to reproduce for all.
Obviously some good came out. And add 3 things to each also, pre-birth (do the technique to
you as sperm and egg pre-birth then live your life to the present having always had the change),
test it (confront same old thing, see if response is different), then future pace (project new
change into future to see if it stuck); not bad to try with other chapters too. Here are the best:


Sensory modalities are the 5 inputs called sight,

smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Submodalities are
aspects/qualities of each of those which is how
experience is coding in the brain which gives rise to our
subjective experience of reality. Everyone knows stuff,
but NLP with this primary technique inquired into how we
know we know. What it discovered is that for you to
access archived information in your brain, there is a
subjective experience which allows you to retrieve that
storage. For example, if you recall a childhood memory,
how do you remember it? Firstly, it is located somewhere in your physical space as a picture or
movie-- top left, bottom right, mid left of center, behind you, etc.-- there are also are sounds
associated, voice might be soft or booming, from one direction or all around you, the image
might be bright and colorful or black and white, it might be big or small, surround imax picture or
framed by a border, close or far away, smells, sensations, feelings, etc. I think you get it.
Information is stored inside as these subjective experiences, which or may not be how they
actually happened. If something bad happened, you might make the perpetrator bigger and the
scene covered in darkness with an ominous booming around you; if you accomplished
something it might be much brighter and more colorful than it was with cheering and music and
you are looking down on others like you were 10 feet tall even though it wasn’t so.

Thus by understanding how different changes to submodalities in the way we code

experience and information, we can take control of our experience: brighten bad things, give
mean people Donald Duck’s voice, add a clown nose, add circus music, give yourself a black
choir singing “You got this Sherry!!!” And you’ve heard of people talking about guardian angels
‘who’ve been with me since childhood’, can you imagine if you inserted a beloved person, a
family member living or dead (as in, their thoughts are always with me, or their ghost is etc.), or
someone famous you’d like hanging around, whatever it is, you could change your subjective
experience to suit you in the best way possible for an ideal life. Understand??

So it’s obvious how we can use this for our ideal life.
1. Notice where in your field of vision is located the generality of your “current life”
2. Describe your ideal life? _________________________________________________
3. Where is your ideal life located in your spatial field?
4. Ok go back, imagine the sperm and egg that made you before you were born. Ask them
if they’re fine having an ideal life forever. Wait for affirmative…
5. Ok, so now notice that each of their ideal life and current life is
located in their field of view in the same locations (respectively)
as were yours, but from their perspectives. So help them here
move their ideal life image or movie to the location of their
current life, and then permanently rub it into the current life
location. Do this for the sperm and egg.
6. Once it’s done, and they agree/like it, let them come into you
and merge into the first 1 celled zygote that will become you.
You are conceived. Notice how your ideal life is still your current life. Let yourself grow
into a fetus, be born. You’re 0. Notice your ideal life is still rubbed into your current life.
7. Ok now come all the way up through your life to your current age with this new reality,
your current life is your ideal life in every way. Do it in 6 seconds, quickly. Come to the
present. Now that it’s done, you can let it sink it, and experience it fully and longer as
much as you want. Notice past memories, beliefs you have having had your ideal life
your entire life, how you’ve felt your whole life including the present. Take as much time
enjoying this…
8. Once you feel good, shake it off. Let's test it. Think of the quality of your current life. How
do you feel in the moment? Are you living your ideal life? Having you always? Be critical
here, this is the test to make sure you’re not deluding yourself. Try to recall how your old
‘current life’ was, does it hold any sway, any truth bring up even the smidgen-est of old
feelings? If yes, go back and repeat the process. If not, it’s worked and we can see if it’ll
be with you forever.
9. Time to future pace and see if it stuck. Close your eyes, see yourself in ten years with
this change. How’s this person doing? Did the change stick? Are they still living their
ideal life? Step into them and experience yourself briefly ten years in the future.
10. If it’s good, step out of their experience, let's go forward more to 25 years in the future
from the real present. See your future self. Is the change still permanent? Are they
ideal/awesome? Step into their experience and be this future you. Feel it. Is it
awesome!? Ok, once you're satisfied it feels good, step out of future you and come all
the way back to the present moment, your current age, wherever you are in real time. If
the future pace worked then it stuck, if not do the process again and make sure you are
rubbing the ideal life in permanently to the current spot.

The swish is named after the sound it makes. How it

works is that you think of some unwanted thing, for example your
current life as a picture or movie large in front of you. Then you
take the thing you want for example your ideal life and put it small
off to the side. Looking at the unwanted thing, say a “Swissh” and
have the small wanted thing swissh large in the place of the old
unwanted thing which now is flying tinily into the distant, with only
the big wanted thing in front you remaining. What this does is
makes a new connection in your mind so whenever you think of
the old unwanted thing (i.e. your current life), repeating the technique about 6 times and
breaking state in between each, when you think of the old thing your unconscious will
automatically throw it out into the distance and what you want (your ideal life) will fly big into
your face without you even having to try. After a few repetitions it will happen more
automatically, and after enough you won’t even be able to think of the old thing because the
second it occurs to think about it the desired/ideal thing will already be slammed right in your
awareness. That’s how you know the change is stuck.

Again, to make it really solid, do the whole process described in the submodalities
section except instead of doing that previous technique do the swish. In other words, this will be
more effective if you do it pre-birth with your sperm and egg, live your whole life with it, test it in
the present moment to make sure the old non-ideal can’t be brought up (repeating until it’s
such), then future pacing it 10 then 25 years to make sure it stuck. For all future
sections/chapters you can repeat these 3.


This is taking a negative, unwanted, or painful emotion, noticing where

in your body it is, which way it’s spinning-- because to feel something it must
be moving and to build it must be a circle-- popping it outside of your body,
turning it 180° degrees so it’s spinning the opposite direction, then popping it
back in to the same spot.

The best way to apply this is to find out ‘where all the negative,
unwanted, painful feelings are located in your body’, you can do this generally
so it’s all in 1 go. To make this work best, again, imagine the sperm and egg
you were pre-birth, help them pop it out, turn it around 180° degrees so it’s
spinning the opposite direction, pop it back in them, ask them if it feels better, hae them come
into and become the first 1-celled zygote of you, grow, be born, and live your whole life with this
new feeling (the negative feelings spinning opposite so it’s all positive!) quickly in 6 seconds,
and come back to the present moment. Test by trying to bring up the old bad feelings you used
to have, if you can repeat again. If you can’t.. it worked. Then future pace by going to 10 years
then 25 years in the future to see if your future self is still spinning all negative, painful,
unwanted emotions backwards (obviously the opposite of the feelings is all wanted, positive,
pleasurable emotions i.e. idyllic). If the far future you is good, return to the present and it’s
done-- or if not.. repeat process still it sticks better, test, then future pace. 6 times total ought to
be enough.
Chapter 2
Law of Attraction

Law of attraction is a vast sub-field of the self help

section, with many techniques for manifesting and improving
life quality. In essence it is “Like attracts like”, put simply, it is
about being now what you want. I want to discuss the 2 best
ones: vision board, and how do I want to feel (or emotional
vision board).

Vision Board

This is probably the most famous and popular of techniques for

your ideal life. If you’ve been around self help at all, or Oprah, you know it.
Put pictures and words of your ideal life on a board, save to your device
wallpaper, and look at it always. Keeping it in mind will make it come
sooner, you’ll become tuned to its frequency, unconsciously ask “is this
action bringing me closer” and it will naturally guide your behavior,
thoughts, and emotions to it. Much like NLP, but this is external.

How do I want to feel?

This is something explained by life coaches, and famously by channeler Esther Hicks.
The gist is: No matter what you want, you only want it because you think you’ll feel better in the
having of it. Following this thought, which to me seems irrefutable (and life/perspective
changing!), an Esther Hicks quote says, “The only manifestation that matters is good feeling:
joy, love, happiness, appreciation, etc. All the stuff is contained within those feelings but is in
fact unimportant because the feeling is all anyone really wants anyway!” No matter what result
or outcome, whatever ideal life you can imagine or put on a vision board, it’s only attractive
because of how it makes you feel! So, instead of focusing on outcomes, results, a certain look
of an ideal life-- following the same logic-- asking “How do I
want to feel?” and creating an emotional vision board rather
than physical one could be the best thing you could do! What’s
more direct than getting the end feeling you can possibly
imagine and feeling it now, then letting it unfold and life
happen?! This is probably the BEST technique of all, but might
be too good/beautiful, subtle, immediate, amazing. Some
people might not be ready for such immediate (literally
manifesting every good thing NOW!!!) manifestation. If you
want the premiere technique of all, look no further.

Of course as always, you can pre-birth it, test it, and future pace it so it runs through your
entire life/timeline but wtv.
Chapter 3

This is the stock ideal life, mass producible. An app (Ur LOT) based on a book of mine
LOT: Life operates through tribes. The simple explanation is it is a life organizer and happiness
calculator based on how many areas of your life are handled: home,
partner, income, love/family/friends, hobbies, meditation, and contribution.
The deep explanation is it covers the 3 metrics of physics-- time, space and
motion. For example your LIFE thru time is: little kid into full adult elder.
How you OPERATE your body and its chakras in motion is: own your
space, penetration, eating, rapport, art, TENTEY (taste, ears, nose, touch,
eyes) awareness, and ethics. Your TRIBE in the space around you, or the
stuff, is: turf dwelling, romantic partner, income, besties, and expertise (art,
meditation, giving).

Without explanation, spread worldwide, this app could easily help

people focus on a balanced happy life, tell them how close they are to
100% happiness (at least in this mode), keep them focused positive,
appreciating what they have, and making effort to fill the remaining areas.
It’s basically a stock vision board for the areas of life, with some wellbeing
tracking, and anyone can understand it.

The free app is available at…

● for iOS, and

● for android
Chapter 4
8020 and Fractals

I’ve covered these extensively in previous books so I’ll glaze

over them. 8020 is an awareness that few causes have most results
and most causes have few results. In other words to get your ideal
life you could get 80% of it for 20% of the effort.

8020 is a kind of fractal-- which means self-similarity across

all scales-- meaning within every 8020 is an 8020. Practically this
means you could get 64% of your ideal life for 4% of the effort in 4%
of the time, etc. The parent technique of 8020 is to go right to fractal (this being a Mandelbrot
fractal). 8020 is like a sword you swing for your ideal, using a fractal and putting yourself in it is
like spiked armor you wear to move to your ideal. Either one, they both are very useful.

You can ask yourself “how can I get 80% of my ideal life now for 20% of the effort?”



You can also copy a picture of yourself in the fractal image-- or your
ideal life-- and write on the outside what activities or outcomes you want.
You can often start being aware of close/immediate things and having fun
RIGHT NOW. These are more about power, movement, and the process.
More about action and fun along the way, which earlier ones are too, but
previous ones were about being the end ideal now more. Both are valid: do
effective/fun action and experience the end/ideal now.
Chapter 5
Positive Opposite

This requires little explanation as well but also can be fun and exciting. It’s like a pivot,
making no actual change or motion, but staying in the same place from a different vantage
point. If you are experiencing someone being mean to you, the positive opposite is “they feel so
inferior to me, I’m so out of their league, they worship and love me so much they are
overwhelmed and are unable to endear themselves to me, show me
how much they love me, make me love them back, and form a
connection. They utterly worship me, put me on a pedestal, and
impotently feel they can’t reach me.” Nothing has changed, you
haven’t moved at all, but which would you rather feel?! Overwhelmed
adoration or cruelty? The situation is identical for both; but one is
disrespected, one is worshipped. This is very similar to the spin.

Let’s apply this to your ideal life. Describe your current situation, your world. Include
external facts about your life as well as the undesirable emotions
you feel, and unwanted thoughts you think. Keep in mind here we’ll
be doing no movement or changing, only pivoting, so the more
descriptive and bad you can explain your undesirable now, the
better the opposite will be. Complain and be petty/honest!!








Awesome! Just like the spin technique, it’s very cool that now you needn’t fear bad
emotions, resist or try to prevent or compensate for them. In fact it’s to your greatest benefit to
stay honest and aware about the truth of its badness because that only means after shifting how
awesome we’re going to feel. It’s funny, but in the past I might’ve trying to pretend I didn’t feel
how I felt and pretend, now I actually look forward to anytime some bad/negative/painful thing
comes up because that means with an easy shift and no effort from me (compensating/hiding
will kill you!!!) I’m about to feel some new awesome pleasurable emotions I’ve never felt! With
tools like these, you get excited about and look forward to bad things!!! HAHA!!! What great gifts
(when you know how to handle them)!!!

Ok, now positive opposite your bad current situation. It will probably blow
you away how much you were efforting to compensate/resist/hide things when all
you had to do was enjoy and go with the flow. It’s often shocking how great things
are and always have been and always will be, and we were always just 1 pivot
away. Go!










Isn’t that wonderful?! Without any other work, and just staying in touch with this, you can
make some new decisions, do some new things, forgive and let go, make new life choices
because the old struggle is gone and never existed except in your mind, and life is totally free
and open and available to you! What pleasures are you going to enjoy!?!?!?
Chapter 6
Element Balance

This is related to Wicca, naturalism, and hinduism.

Sadhguru says we are all made of 5 elements like the universe,
and that the elements exist in us in certain percentages. “To sum
up life, it is all about balancing the 5 elements. Humans
are mostly water, 72%. Just like the world surface is
71% water. Water is the key element. In our body we
are 12% earth, 4% fire, 6% wind, and 6% space.” If
you are aware of this, as the image to the right is to
scale, you can see if you mostly behave as water, are
fluid, responsive, flexible, and loving, you’ll almost
always do well 3 out of 4 times.

Earth is firmness and money, it is second best but 6 times

weaker. Space is only if you want to explore mystical dimensions
otherwise just do 4 elements, this is for spiritual people, and still
nowhere near the influence of water at 6%. Wind is dynamism,
floatiness, creativity, and is 6% also. The last and humanity’s
favorite is fire at 4%, the weakest, yet humans largely get their identity from their wiedling of fire,
the human story happening at ‘fire mastery’, making tools, weapons, fuel, gun
powder, bombs, engines, machines. I’ve heard “Humans are superior
because no other animal has landed on the moon.” The problem is fire
destroys and is only good in small amounts such as cooking food, staying
warm, making life a little easier with tools. But humans worship fire, and
have hundreds of millions of cars running, a nukes sitting in wait, and
worries of the world heating up because of the fire worship; even though humans are
72% water.

This is a more mystic, etheric way to an ideal life, but balancing your elements, living
near and appreciating water, being mostly like water-- fluid, flexible, path of least
resistance, loving, and giving/nourishing without need for praise-- you’ll tap into
such ease and joy the likes of only water can tell you… occasionally being the other
elements, but mostly water. Also people swear by drinking a gallon a day as being
Chapter 7
Nature Communion

In a similar vein as element balance, is communion with nature. The elements are part of
nature obviously, this is about the living part of it. To start there’s about 567 billion tonnes of
global biomass; 82.4% of that is plants. Hands
down by the biggest margin plants rule our
world. Second place 6-7 times smaller, at
12.8% is bacteria. These are the top players,
these 2 are 95% of world’s biosphere, and if
everything else disappeared off the planet it
would only change earth 5%. That is an
amazing fact most aren’t aware of though it
makes sense considering. The image is a
to-scale depiction of this.

Third place for ruler of the world is

fungus at 2.2%, back in the day when land
was barren rock, fungus decomposed it into
soil which paved the way for plants then with
oxygen, animals. It’s no slouch, there’s
speculation of mushroom fossil on mars even.
There are many in between here, the next
interesting one is arthropods (bugs, crabs, shrimp) at 0.168%. The biggest animal via biomass
is fish at 0.0013%. Snails even are greater than us by almost 4x, at 0.00036%. And at the very
bottom, slightly below livestock which we let be more than us, and only marginally more than
wild mammals because of our fire worship and hunting, humans come in at 0.0001% of global

Most people would say humans ‘obviously’ rule the world, yet our dependence on so
many things makes us after less necessary than others like fungus, bacteria, and plants, and
the numbers obviously show humans aren’t even a speck of a speck compared to what plants
do on the earth. And I think that’s good. Plants are much better
rulers/caretakers from what we’ve seen of humanity, who react in
the moment and burn/kill/destroy and try to feel important in a
world oblivious to their existence. This isn’t a smack at humans,
humans are part of earth and its biosphere, one of many lifeforms,
worthy of respect like all life, but most humans don’t think this way
or have an awareness even close to the truth of earth’s rulers.
Plants are king, bacteria is princess, fungus is a lord, and
everything else is a peasant. Again no offense.

But this is a good thing. To live an ideal life in communion with nature, you can hang out
with the greatest on earth right now, walk outside and sit with some trees, bushes, and grass
etc. And what a better world it is that they are
doing it the best, biggest, and most. Have you ever
considered how joyous trees are? Why does
everyone feel better and happier in nature, and go
there to recharge? Because plants are soothing to
our soul, they are beautiful and amazing. Why do
you think Buddha abandoned royal life to live in the forest, and Krishna left ruling his kingdom to
spend the rest of his life in the forest? Once you get past the ‘culture shock’ of not identifying,
clinging to, being dependent on human civilization, at least in a greatly diminished capacity,
almost INSTANTLY you feel an IMMENSE increase in personal satisfaction, contentedness, and

Did you do the “How do I want to feel” exercise? Have you

considered where such a focus would lead you? It might lead you
briefly to some human experiences, but more and more often the
easiest, best, most robust and rewarding way to feel how you want to
feel you will likely realize is that you can bypass all the this-and-that of
human effort to get some pleasure and get it instantly simply by sitting
near water surrounded by plants. The more you tune yourself to how
you want to feel, the greatest of joys, the highest of values/emotions,
the more everyone naturally drifts to a more natural, harmonious, nature/water filled existence
because everything you want is simply there existing naturally as it always has, with abundance
enough to please you and every human on the planet if they’ll accept it (keep in mind 0.0001%
divided by 82.4%).

If you communed more with nature, plants, and water, how

quickly would those idyllic feelings easily rise in
you? If you forgo the appearance/impressions of
others (which even in best of times, give very
little reward), let them see you as a naturalist,
plant worshipper, nature lover, water enthusiast,
how much more pleasure could you allow into
your life. It’s not a coincidence Shangri-La and
Eden were gardens. Spend more time around plants and water and
you’ll feel ideal feelings, how animals feel all the time living there, the
natural state of our planet.

Again I want to say, human life is fine, it’s just more a thrilling roller coaster ride than
peace. There are more turns and thrills. Being nearer to nature, often it’s more idyllic, or easier
to feel good. Human life is pleasurable but there’s more effort to get pleasure, and that could be
a definition of pain (or desire, or anticipation) is space/effort/distance/time between you and
pleasure. More nature is an option for an ideal life.
Chapter 8
Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a new method, and quite

amazing, intuitive, and helpful. There’s different ways
to: you can start with a central idea and then expand
into its connecting parts to better organize, also you
can put a bunch of different ideas down then find how
they fit together perhaps in a single idea. We’ll be
doing both to move towards your ideal life.

Current life

The first way, if you’re more in touch with the now, is just write out the various areas of
your current life in an MSpaint canvas, put yourself or “my life” in the center and write out all
areas of your life including stuff you think about a lot and how you feel, including hangups and
problems. Be honest and detailed. Same as spin and pos-opp, the more real you are now the
better because we’ll be inverting this soon. As an example, when I did this, the center of my life
was the memory of my parents’ divorce and led me to all my decisions and results in life, which
weren’t great. For me, whose life was so centrally focused on a single thing, making a big
improvement was quite easy, but don’t force a ‘bad thing’ just to inverse it, be honest to yourself.

Once that’s done, the lines are connected, and you feel the image accurately describes
who you are and anyone looking at it would have a near perfect understanding of who you are
as a person; look at it. What stands out to you? Is there a belief, a thought, something from your
past you think about, what fewest changes could you make that would make all the difference?
It should stand out and be obvious, and that will be what you want to reframe. If not and you’re
very middle-of-the-road mostly normal, it’s also easy for you because there’s less of a leap or

Ok, so to use my example again, the central theme of my life in my mind map was my
parents’ divorce which make me feel less than others, feel hate, overcompensate, etc. etc. etc.
The obvious thing to me then was rather than change the manifest details of my life, I should
find something positive to appreciate about my parents’ divorce. What I landed on was I didn’t
come from a broken home, but my parents’ were in fact above average as parents go; they
were 2 whole beings (rather than most who were 2 halves of 1 whole) and overflowed with love
that it spilt into relationships with multiple other people and as a consequence of them dating
and marrying other people, my family was much bigger than average. So the new central bubble
of the mind map about myself was “My parents are 2 wholes, that makes me doubly whole (with
a full supply of femininity and masculinity, rather than 50/50 split), and they’re polygamous.” All
this had always been true, but I had previously only focused on what my parents’ weren’t i.e.
married and monogamous, rather than what they were which was overflowing with love as
polygamists and whole developed mature independent people. By focusing on the ‘divorce’ I
had neglected all the families and relationships we got to touch afterward through my whole
childhood and how our family grew again and again because of my parents’ abundance of love.
This put me in touch with what actually happened in regards to my parents (and my childhood
and even identity), and from changing that one thing my WHOLE mind map changed. Now
where there had been hate there was love, where there was exhaustion now there was ample
energy to do anything I want, where there’d been bitterness/resistance/resentment now there
was appreciation for my parents, for ALL my ancestors, slingshotting me back to the present
loving all cousins in the other humans, animals, and plants. Everything changed by changing
that one story and the rest of my life fell into effortless place without any other change.

This is what I want for you. If you have some central thing you think about, dwell on,
obsess over, that holds you back/limits you, write out what you appreciate about it and come up
with a better version of it (often a more true version), plug it in in the same spot, and see how
now you have to rework your whole mind map! If you don’t have something glaring, you also
can just make the noticeable tweaks to make your life more idyllic such as add some action in
an area or two which will be small tweaks but have large impact on happiness. (I do hope with
all this inversing of negative into positive you see how the meek really are the inheriters of the

Ideal life

The obvious other way is to put your ideal life in the middle of a mind map, then just
create the things around it its comprised of. This can include sun, ocean, strawberry daquiris,
weed, friends, sex, animals, games, fun, sleep, how you wanna feel, interests, what you value
or think of. Make a simple, complete picture basically.
Chapter 9

This is a fun topic I spent a lot of time on, this is about higher dimensions as found in
string theory or simply using your head. I’ll explain…

0) No dimension, imaginary, a point of indiscriminate size within a system

1) A line with length only, no width
2) A plane, length and width only
3) Making a point off that plane adds depth, for motionless frozen 3D objects and
4) This is where common consciousness exists, 4D space-time, this has the
addition of motion thru space (another word for time)
5) This has to do with alternate timelines, or, alternate ways things moved thru
6) This is the entire phase space of possibility for all motion that could have
happened in our specific universe-- given its initial conditions and laws of
physics-- thus anything allowed by our laws of physics can be accessed or made
manifest here without limit
7) This is all of the freedom of the 6D as a single point, the totality of all possibility
and actuality of our specific universe
8) The ability to travel to other universes, mostly nearby, further ones require
greater effort. This regards universes with alternate initial conditions and laws of
physics, nearby are similar, further are more diverse. The final physical
9) The realm of pure digital information beyond physical, the complete freedom
without limit to travel to any universe in the multiverse with any initial conditions
or laws of physics, with only the effort of a thought.
10) All of existence, the whole multiverse, all possibility for all universes with all initial
conditions, represented as a single point, a ball of light, joy, God, etc.

As you can see, at the higher levels things become more unified and
symmetrical, super-symmetrical it could be called. Separation is seen as a condition
of low experience but at higher levels is seen as a whole, obviously at the top level
everything is together. The metaphor I heard is to compare reality to corral. There are
individual pieces or heads, but you notice they are at root one piece, a single entity.
As so while each head will have a unique experience, they don’t get into conflict
because each coral knows each other is itself, a different head or perspective of the
same thing. So there’s always love. So too for all existence in this universe and the
multiverse. They are heads with their own perspectives connected as one in the 10D
as God. You, I, and everything is together there. As an analogy, the 8th is like conscious
competence (in the competence ladder) because you have conscious freedom (with effort) in
the multiverse to do as you please. The 9th is like unconscious competence because you’re
natural, all you must do is think and the multiverse changes to your will. If the 9th is the top of
the competence ladder, then what’s the 10th?

The 10th is beyond it akin to transcendence beyond any need for action,
movement, being natural, or desire; the 10th is complete in itself containing the
multiverse as a point beyond freedom containing freedom, not experiencing joy
or light but embodying them 100% in every way as the source of light and joy. In
the 10th, all imagination and existence is mastered to the point of acceptance
almost boredom, but moreso completeness and the lack of any lack or desire.
It’s more akin to having completed every labor, learned every lesson, been
everywhere, fixed every problem, gained all information, and then having arrived
at completion, sleeping at the top and letting the multiverse exist in you beyond
desire to influence or change.
Chapter 10

A sort of non-fancy, effortful brute-force sort of way to bring your

ideal life is by writing it. You can write a whole book about it, make
chapters, put it in first person, write how you feel in this ideal life, what
you do, what your life’s like, basically entirely flesh it out. You can
describe it in the present like it’s what you have right now. You can also
put it into the past so that it’s something that’s always been with you
(like the pre-birth technique but more explicit). You can write how you
want to be treated, experiences you can add or reframe to be more
positive. Depending on how creative you want to be, you can rewrite your entire past.. get into
the feeling of how awesome you can imagine. You can either rework your real past to make it
better and happier or just start from scratch and write the story with complete literary freedom
and creative liberty.

It’s probably recommended you stay in contact with reality and reframe but if you feel like
it-- and don’t mind being a bit crazy-- write your story from the ground up. This is like wish
fulfillment, especially in emotion, because crafting a reality for yourself with story can make
manifesting as simple as thinking and putting it down. You want to have been friends Bill Gates
growing up? Done. You want to been born with a trillion dollar inheritance? Done. You want to
have been born ruling the world with a harem of sexy people? Done. This is about fun and
enjoyment, and lets you feel what these wishes would feel like fulfilled. I did this and it sort of
made me insane, but a kind of insane where I have a pleasure inside of me no one dampen or
injure. I wrote a 300 page book over 1-2 years of me as the Eternal God-Emperor of Earth with
some of the examples above. And let me tell you, that much focus on an idea makes it feel real.

It can be tiring to focus that much-- hence why most don’t do it, and there’s definitely
easier ways-- but if you do it’s difficult to ever go back because it’s such a potent, powerful,
brute-force sort of way to experience amazingness. Most people probably don’t have the
attention to be able to do this, even less than the people who are able to look at self help, self
inquiry, or something like this book. But if it’s interesting, this method will stay. Be careful, you
just might get what you want!
Chapter 11

The final thing or aspect of having an ideal life I want to bring up is giving back. This is
good is multiple ways.

● It shows appreciation for what you have, making it

more likely you keep it
● It’s the surest way, if you don’t have, to get it
because you tune yourself to it and make it easy to
line up, you obviously must have it inside if you
help others to get it since it’s overflowing from your
life in abundance onto others, and if you help 10
people to become millionaires how hard would it
be for you to be one too (or whatever thing you
● In the bible, God gave 2 promises or guaranteed methods to get anything you want, so if
you believe in God from the bible you have his PROMISE!
1. Ask God and he will give it (“the only reason you have not is because you ask
not!”), and
2. What you give to others it will be given unto you

The final awesome thing about giving is it’s the most guaranteed way to make you keep
it for yourself, more/deeper than the above. If you have something good and no one else has it,
how likely is it you will keep it while others get envious and upset and plot to take it? By giving
what you value most highly to others, you multiply and proliferate it exponentially into the world;
and regardless of what it is that’s ideal you value highest-- if it’s something truly worthwhile--
wouldn’t it be better for you if instead of this awesome thing only being located in 1 place (with
you) and nowhere else, and instead everyone having it so that it actually became the universal
norm and even if you tried not to have it anymore, just by virtue of it being everywhere around,
the peer pressure, the normality of it, it would an uphill struggle for you to not have; making it
much more likely it would always be with you.

Let’s use the example of joy. If you wanted only joy for yourself, then that’d mean you
didn’t want others to have joy, then you’d have it but live in a joyless world. Isn’t that sad and
depressing? It’s more likely then you’d get tired being different and slip into their way. But
imagine if you tuned into the joy in others, helped foster joy in the world around you, so that your
ENTIRE environment was bursting with it! In that situation, your joy would be not just be with
you but on the face of every person you meet all day, and that kind of joy can never go away. By
guaranteeing good in others, fostering, cultivating, growing, and helping it in others, we shore up
what we value in the environment around us, make it bigger, stronger, more widespread, so that
we experience it more often, and make it impossible for us at the center to ever be without it.
This is the opposite of hoarding out of scarcity, lack, desperation, but giving to others in order to
multiply our own!!! Make sense?
Finally this also is the way to reach the 4th final step of the competence ladder, or at
least one of the methods to it. The competence ladder goes

1. Unconscious incompetence (“Uh doi!”)

2. Conscious incompetence (“Hmm?”)
3. Conscious competence (“I can…”)
4. Unconscious competence (“It’s automatic”)

You go from not knowing you lack, to aware of it. Then with focus and effort, learning
and practice, you become skilled but it’s still a chore and you must expend energy. The final
step is being a natural, doing without thinking, automatic, effortless. After efforting to become
competent, there are a couple ways to be natural.

● Give, obviously, teaching others how to become competent, feel how they want, get what
they want is will make you a natural
● Open yourself to criticism and ridicule, allow the appearance of lack, of being
incompetent, forget all the lessons you learned to be competent, stop efforting, let
yourself fail, give up all effort; much like the Judo master wearing the beginner’s white
belt to be unattached to the black belt ‘status’ and to rely only on technique. By admitting
“I know nothing”, forgetting the structure and technique, responding
spontaneously in the moment, learning to trust your body rather than your
knowledge or lessons or experience or mind or methods, letting the body
find its way, trusting in your competence and letting your body naturally
arrive at the results without consciously remembering, trying, efforting, or
following structure. When the body, without mind or remembering, can do
it itself. You have transcended and surpassed knowledge, methods,
techniques, and become natural.

Obviously you can do a mix of both, teach and give as well as forget what you learned
and respond in the moment with trust. This is partly why I wrote this book, for me to shore up the
permanency of my joy, pleasure, and ideal life, I wanted to teach you and others how to do what
I’ve done, create pleasure and an ideal existence, and some awesome ideas that helped me. By
helping you, I can be more natural myself; and you can help others to become natural too. The
more ideal your life is, the easier for me; the more you idealize others, the better you.

Oh and 1 more concern. Some people might worry by helping others that might
decrease themselves and empower others. Something I want to you assure you of is that you
can't make someone happier than you are, you can't give what you don't have, you can't put
someone above you. By giving the best others can achieve is equality/par with you. So relax
and give happily.
How to Breathe
Philip Greener
© May 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) How to Breathe


I was born with blond curly hair, and like many blonds it’s gotten darker as I grew up; but
I heard a terrible joke when I was a kid that stuck with me that I thought was actually quite
terrifying. A dumb blond joke. “A blond woman was sitting in a doctor’s office in the waiting area,
with headphones on. The nurse called her name to come but she didn’t hear. She called again,
but no response. She signalled the doctor and he went out to check on her and saw the
headphones. He pulled them out to tell her it was her turn, but the second he did she dropped to
the floor dead. In shock he looked back at the nurse, then looked at the headphones and put
them to his ear. He heard ‘Breathe in, breathe out’.” The joke is blond’s have to remember to

I don’t think anyone doesn’t know how to, but we don’t do it well when we get into a
mood, work ourselves into a sort of frenzy. It’s reasonable why people do it, if there is a
perceived threat, the moment becomes important and we prime our body with focus and
attention, adrenaline pumps through our veins, our breath quickens so if/when a threat comes
we can respond quick enough to avoid it and countattack better. Obviously it’s a kind of
desperate thing, we’d rather than be in those situations, but we often find ourselves in them
because we are lazy in living, complacent is one word, comfortable and enjoying it is another.
Perhaps enjoying too much when we should be moving on.

Obviously we’d rather be in situations where we feel easy and relaxed, comfortable and
at peace with our environment, things working out well and people being cooperative with our
lifestyle. But to get that we must work at it. It doesn’t have to be much work at all, in fact most
happy people would say it’s a lot less to be happy and live a good life than it is to be unhappy
and live a bad life. It’s obvious to everyone except the unhappy person, when they’re huffing
and puffing, sweating, red in the face, voice raspy, physically and emotionally exhausted,
waiting for openings in arguments to strike and attack, seek out vulnerabilities quickly in the
moment to cause most harm, for very little return if any on using as much of their being as
possible without going insane. Happy people do so very little, are so content and relaxed,
comfortable, any effort is almost too much, and yet a smile remains on their face. They laugh at
others’ suffering while they increase their good fortune. “The poor fools just don’t get it!” they
say, not cruelly but with compassion for their path.

I’m writing this because Tim Ferriss-- author of 4 hour workweek-- said “create a product
about something you’re an expert at”, and I’m the best in the world at breathing. There isn’t a
single person in the whole world who is better at breathing deeply and staying calm at all times,
even in the worst of times. The earliest time I recall being good at this, I was a real hot head
when I was a kid, I used to yell and scream at my mom almost every day and was the bane of
her existence. One time while my dad was picking us kids up for his time every other weekend,
me and my mom were screaming at each other. As we pulled away, he said “You know you
don’t have to react to her or sink to her level. You know her, she’s never going to change! So
you might as well.” And I remembered that, from then on I never really sank to her level, it made
me feel superior to breathe deeply, not respond or react, to let her be upset and calmly respond
or just ignore or leave. It made me feel she was beneath me, she was the child and I the adult.
And it was WAY easier than yelling and screaming til my head hurt and I wanted to cry.

In terms of chakras breath is awareness, the 6th, and at the face involving senses. This
actually is a contributive thing to be aware, it is acknowledging and accepting (therefore
appreciating/loving) the facts of the sense world around you using eyes, ears, nose, taste, and
touch. Isn’t that one of people’s biggest complaints is not feeling heard or seen or understood?
Simply accepting the facts of the stuff and people around you is a great honor and respect to
them, and the same way you love being acknowledged and respected, others too love and
adore it! In terms of elements, it correlates to space: you accept the stuff in the space around
you, give yourself space to think rationally, and give others space to live, think, and function.
The opposite of space is fire, which wants to close and consume space, take up all the space
and run into everyone else’s space indiscriminately.

When you breathe, you are inherently cool and calm, using your senses. When you use
your senses, you inherently take in facts (truth) from your environment and thus are best able to
interact with, guide, control, and respond to it. Appreciation, one of the highest emotions, is in
the dictionary doubly:

1) to fully understand/acknowledge the nature of something, and

2) to increase the value of

How great is it that something which feels amazing, by definition means we understand
something completely (and how difficult is it to control/manipulate something if you know every
aspect of it?) and that when you feel good about something it grows and increases in your life?
Understanding of something, and it increasing for you. Yes, so when you take in those facts with
your brain, by breathing deeply, understanding something fully by appreciating and accepting it,
those facts go in through our senses to our brain which puts them into useful patterns and
organizes them to benefit us into mental structures or models. The facts are like blocks which
build these mental structures. Without breathing, seeing things clearly and calmly, how can
anyone create any meaningful order out of it to become a desired outcome.

What’s the opposite of cool headed? Hot headed. What’s another word for being angry,
or its synonym.. mad? Insane. If adrenaline has hit your veins, you are thinking with fire (or in
terms of chakras, with your feet/safety), and it is impossible for you to make a good decision.
Fire burns and destroys, 4% of the time that is useful (cooking food, staying warm, crafting
materials, etc.), but 96% (like at work, in relationships, trying to help others) it will make your life
worse. Keep in mind this is the complement/inverse of sexuality which is concerned with
awareness of your body, internal, self focused, breathing is awareness of the environment, the
external, and more positive.

This is the introduction to breathing, let's learn how.

Chapter 1
How to Breathe

Everyone knows how to breathe without knowing how. The second we were birthed from
the womb of our mothers we instinctively took our first breath and have been doing it-- even in
our sleep-- ever since. When do we do it on purpose? In excited moments when we want to cool
down, before big events we breathe deeply, hearing big news; so we do it to bring oxygen to our
brain, to remain rational and cool-headed, to in a way give us space to make good positive
decisions. Breath is essential for survival and life obviously, it also is a gift we give ourselves
when we want to ensure we do things for our greatest benefit. When we value something
important, we take a deep breath, really enjoy ourselves, and allow information to flow openly to
us trusting we will respond in our best interest with rationality.

People who come to value their lives greatly and the results they get almost all meditate
every day so that they are centered, balanced, give themselves the gift of space to make it
easier so they can make rational decisions for their/others best interest-- one could say the
greatest good. People who devote themselves to the greatest good of all are monks and priests.
Monks spend hours in meditation focusing on breath, the wellbeing of all life, and the
sights/sounds/smells/sensations/tastes in the moment; this brings them fully into the present
moment where they can be open to free flowing information, be in an ideal state, and make
ideal decisions. Priests also spend much time in meditation as well as prayer, breathing deeply
deeply and slowly, contemplating God’s words, listening for them, dwelling on things like God’s
joy and love for all. These people know how to breathe well and understand its value.

How I breathe so deeply in all situations I am connected to my entire timeline. As

Sadhguru said “I am and wish to always be the same as I was when I was born, unchanged.” I
want something similar. I am connected to who I was when I was born, that same pure energetic
talkative vibrant alive child I used to be. I am connected to where I am now, who I am now on
my path, what values I’m embodying, the stuff I do now. I also am connected to the person I
want to be at the end of my life, what that will look like, the stuff, accomplishments,
relationships, etc. And through it all, through the entire timeline, the common string (or theme)
which runs through all these forms of me is the feelings I value highest: peace, love, joy,
comfort, relaxation, and happiness. No matter where you interact with me in my timeline, no
matter which moment you engage me in, whatever differences in appearance or stuff
surrounding me, these feelings and values are always present. The commonality between all
points on my timeline is that I want to feel these ways and value these emotions: peace, love,
joy, relaxation, comfort, and happiness.

With this constant, I always know where to go, which decisions to make, because as
long as I follow them, let them guide me, the results will be *Mwuah*. With this, I always know
where I’m going, what I want, the emotional state, so I always feel present, full, open, ready,
willing, always breathing deeply/well/happy, always centered feeling good. Being connected to
my entire timeline-- with these highest values stringing them together-- from childhood to
present to old age, it feels like I’m in the zone, I’m in control of things (even if it’s a little out of
control), I’m on the right path, and breathing deeply.

It’s my belief whoever breaths the deepest controls the situation, because if someone is
breathing rapid and shallow, the natural process is they aren’t getting enough oxygen in their
blood or to their brain and they are in adrenaline-hype fight/flight mode, ie they’re desperate
admitting their powerlessness, lack of freedom, choice, or abundance. If a person is breathing
full or deeply, how anything (even a trick or manipulation) get past his awareness from a person
breathing less fully? It’s as obvious as night or day when you are calm and rested in the
moment. If you are breathing deeply and fully, even if someone else tries techniques like moving
around or talking louder they are exhausting themselves and reacting to your depth in the
presence and thus already lost by their own admission “he is more present hence more
powerful” (unless you join them); and the simple truth that if your breath is full and deep the
other person is going to simply run out of oxygen before you and either start coughing, feeling
sick, passing out, or dying so they won’t be influencing anything while you sitting calmly like a
Hindu cow breathing fully and deeply-- in and out. The thing, I think, is that people are excited
by some things and so rush into it and aren’t properly prepared for it. They breathe heavy,
raspily, shallow, quick, rather than deep, full, slow, and gently. You lose before you begin if you
show up on half a tank of air, your lungs literally are half empty. But if you love breath/breathing,
you show up with a full tank of air, your lungs literally full with oxygen-rich air feeding your blood
cells’ and body cells’ health!

We need food, but we can go 30 days without it. We need water, and are 70% water, we
can go 3 days without it. But we need oxygen the most for we can only last a few minutes at the
most without it.

My recommendation:
1. Connect yourself to your entire timeline from birth to death and run your highest
values/emotions through it
2. Fill up your air tank-- lungs-- as full as possible always
Death of wishes
Philip Greener
© May 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Genie

Chapter 2) Day 2

Chapter 3) 3rd Day

Chapter 4) 2nd week

Chapter 5) 2nd Month

Chapter 6) Year 2

Chapter 7) Decade 2

Chapter 8) The Death of Wishes


What happens after a genie? Most people think the greatest thing
in the world would be wish fulfillment, have every fantasy and imagination
brought to life and that’d make them happy. If you had a genie for a
thousand years granting every wish, what would it be like? After 2
thousand years? 5 thousand? Can you even imagine having it for a single
week? All the joy you could experience! All the toys, relationships, gold,
jewels, palaces, servants, experiences, technology! I want you to imagine
this. People have limited your imagination your entire life, even Aladdin
was limited to 3 limited wishes-- no more wishes, no murder, ressurection,
or forced love-- but I want to give you infinite wishes, and for you to
discover something valueable. I want you to reap the consequences of
wish-fulfillment, not in a monkey’s paw way which is conniving and 2-faced, but the honest
straightforward consequences of having all your wishes fulfilled: no smallprint, no tricks. I hope
you’ll find this exciting as we journey through some extraordinary adventures of this thought
exercise, and while the title gives away some leaning as to where the journey will take us, I
won’t explain at the offset. Also, as a limited man without the experience of being a woman or
understanding her dreams/wishes, I will be writing this from a gross man’s point of view with all
the normal leanings though I hope the wish fulfillment aspect will reveal a universal insight...

See you next!

Chapter 1

I found a genie! Oh wonder of wonders! It was a dirty old lamp behind a

garbage can in Florida. I don’t know how it got to America. I’m poor, I live in a tent in
my friend’s backyard, shit job.

“I will grant you any wishes.”

Wow, fuck Aladdin. Well my first wish is… a million bucks. Cash.


A pile of cash appeared in front of me. Oh shit. I can’t let anyone see. I need
to get out of here. I wish for loyal limo driver to carry this to his car. POOF. He walks
round to the tent, I tell him trash bags under the sink, fill it up.

We throw the cash in the limo, nice btw. Where to go: hotel, buy land, buy
house, idk. Rent a house, I need privacy. I found a house, pay cash. Now I can think. Vanity. I
want a 6 foot, lean muscle, phi-face, thick long blond hair, 9 inch dick, body. “Done.”

And a full body mirror. OMG, I’m sexy, beautiful. I could be a movie star or model!! I’m
better than everyone! I want 2 super model, ideal girlfriend, in-love-with-me babes. They
appeared on each side, I felt so sexy. Invincible! A god!!! “Thanks genie!”

Now I want the best virtual reality setup in the living room, and a red ferrari in
the driveway when no one is driving by. POOF. We’re going partying in Panama
City. I asked for 8 more similar girls, we piled into the limo, and he drove us 45
minutes to the city. Before so, I asked if he could shrink the lamp to quarter size to
carry easier, he said yes, I asked for a belt chain, and we left. We had blunts and
alcohol on the ride, and a pizza to share. It was hella fun, like a nightclub here, why go
there? But it was about the status, fame, better than others. We got to the best club,
we pulled up to the front, we all piled out. I never felt so cool in my life with 10
supermodel babes all over in love with me. I was gonna bribe the bouncer but he let us all in for
free. Duh.

A promoter on the way in asked us who we were I said “No one.” Which
was true, but he set us up with a VIP area, bottles, and wings… which was cool!
The girls were in love with me, so they were happy to just fawn over me, and
while I loved that, I wanted to keep up appearances so I told them to dance and
have fun, just don’t meet any shady dudes. They danced in the VIP for a while
then went to the main dance floor and was the center of attention. None of the
other girls were as good looking, I could feel the jealousy of the others guys from the outside
line to the VIP all wondering who I was, how big my cock was with 10 supermodel babes on my
jock, so jealous ready to fight and prove how alpha they were to take my girls. I remember what
that used to be like. Haha

2 of the girls stayed making out, dancing, talking, drinking, giving me a mini strip tease in
the open VIP area. Everyone so excited and interested at who I was, what I did, who the girls
were. They looked like roaches because I knew how shitty the same people had been to me
before. They wanted what I had, status, sex, money, fame. But I had the power now, the choice,
I had the advantage, in control, and I liked it.

We order 3 of those $1500 sparkler champagne bottles, overkill, to

show off to these losers. No one was near us. There were 2 groups in the VIP,
1 with some nice chicks and some dudes, the other was a shy couple that
didn’t belong there. We were in charge here, lot of beta males who wanted a
chance though haha. I saw almost all the dudes try their luck on the babes, the
meek dancing, the planning, the coming then chickening out, it was disgusting
from the outside and shamefully, I’d been there. For too long. The girls straight
up ignored them all unless they were having fun or girls, just like I told them, the dudes’
frustration was tangible. Sad, pitiable, disgusting, hilarious. I understood and had some
compassion but was disgusted. I never wanted to be near that shit ever again.

I ate the wings and had some drinks, actually good, smoke more weed, feeling good. I
waved for the girls and we all left around midnight. We found a 24/7 diner and took over it too.
The stupid ugly old waitresses’ eyes went wide at us, the dudes’ boners could practically be
heard when we walked in, we all got grand slam meals, with OJ, it was amazing! Some of the
girls flirted with each other like I told them to because I couldn’t give my attention to them all,
some fed me, lots of jokes and laughing, it was awesome!!

I paid cash and we got in the limo around 2. I was gonna wish them
away, but I thought ‘lets take this dick for a spin’. “Ladies, strip!” They
smiled to please, removed their little dressed, then their underwear if they
had any. I wiggle my big flaccid dick and it got hard, then I fucked them all
the way back home. After I finished, I wished them all away and got
dressed. I thought, “you can call me 6-9 cuz I’m 6 feet tall with a 9 inch
cock.” Haha. I was full, sexed out, rich, with a house, this was my first day
as a god, and it was good.
Chapter 2
Day 2

Before I went to bed, I made wishes: rain cover to hide ferrari, without changing
appearance reinforce house to be able to withstand every attack up to and including a nuke,
add motion cameras with bedroom alerts, and 2 of the girls back to cuddle. I slept the best
maybe in my life.

When I woke up, it sort of felt like a dream. I didn't really believe such a
thing could happen: I was rich, a genie, supermodels, big dick, fit, handsome. Yet
before my eyes opened I could feel something I hadn’t felt in years: another body
next to me… ooh it felt good spooning, and there was a girl’s hand behind me. 2
girls. I hadn’t dreamt it. Hehehe. I can do anything I want.

As I woke up, I told the babes who were already huggin and kissing me dutifully to make
me a grand slam breakfast with OJ. I told one to stay actually. “Masturbate.” She opened her
legs and starting pleasing herself to me. I laid back and stared, she was so into it, it got me
excited then I told her to beg for my cock, she’d live and die for my cock.
She said it. I was getting hard. I told her to drag me so my head was on the
pillow then ride me and make me cum. She did with effort, she’s skinny but I
liked seeing her struggle. When I was on the pillow she got on top and put
my big cock in her. She rode me exactly how I wanted and was in tune with
how she made me feel to maximize my pleasure. I closed my eyes and put
my hands behind my head as she gave it a good effort pumping back and
forth fast and hard and while I laid there she made me squirt bucketloads into her tight pretty
supermodel pussy. Just then the other came in with my breakfast and fed it to me while I laid
there in ecstasy, dunking my eggs, pouring OJ, them both rubbing me softly. *Muaah.

I sent them off and grabbed my genie. What will I do today? I thought of the people who
had ever fucked with me or been mean, done something I didn’t like or against my wishes, even
famous people I didn’t like. I asked how many people that was. “33746.” I figured that included
people I’d never met who did things outside my awareness that negatively impacted me,
something I’d hardly considered because such things used to be out of control. I asked what
20% made 80% of the pain. “1108, or 3%, made 82% of your suffering.”

“Ok, I want an underwater stadium far from any human awareness, able to
protect us inside from any intrusion be it animal or natural forces, with enough
breathable atmosphere for us all, and transport the 3% with me there now.” POOF. I
was there, and it was beautiful. Many people I did know, and many people I didn’t
were in a modern glass ceiling gladiatorial colosseum with me in the emperor’s box.
The genie gave me intuition into the things each person had done and how much
suffering they had caused me. With them in my power, looked scared, helpless,
some confused, some angry (which I really liked because I was going to break them easily!), I
“I want all these people to experience what they did to me, and I want a clone of myself
to do it to them now.” Immediately in front of each a copy of myself appeared saying mean
things, taking things they valued, withholding things they wanted, rejecting, insulting, belittling,
physically assaulting. Ooh it felt ecstatic. “Also genie, the other people who hurt me even a little.
Do the same we’re doing here but your report it’s done is enough.” POOF.

I watched my parents suffering at the hands of their own actions reciprocated to

themselves, they were the source of my greatest suffering, and seeing it
returned to them made me feel peachy. I saw douche bags from high school, so
happy to see them now, girls who’d said no or cruelly rejected me or gossiped. I
saw government employees who’d made my life annoying/difficult. I saw the
pain my siblings, cousins, grand parents, aunts/uncles had instilled in me
returned to them in vivid audio and detail to my sweet delight. I also saw
politicians who’d made policies that negatively effected my life. I heard such
beautiful things. “You faggot. You’re lazy. You’re just like Aunt Kay. You can’t do
anything right. You know your not attractive, right? You have no friends. You have no life. You’re
ugy. Girls don’t like you. She was thinking of Conor while with you. You’re just shy. Don’t be
such a bitch. You’re a bitch! You’re worthless! I thought you were gay. We weren’t dating. We
should just be friends. I want you out of this house. You’re going to pay for that. Get out! I’m
done with you. You’re finished. I’m finished with you. I hate you. You have a tiny dick. I can’t
even feel it. Your teeth are yellow. Your teeth are crooked. You have no jawline. You have no
cheekbones. Your hair is thinning. You’re fat. You’re short. You’re a beta male. No one likes you.
After today the teachers can’t protect you! You look like a serial killer. You
look like a school shooter. Don’t you EVER do that again! Why did you DO
that?! You’re so STUPID! Get the fuck away from me you freak. You pervert.
You creep. You creep ass bitch! I will NEVER fuck you. You’re disgusting!!!
Get away from me!!! No one will ever love you!!! You’ve never accomplished
anything. You’ll never succeed at anything. You can’t succeed. You’ll never
be important or great. You can’t be cool, awesome, or important. You’re a
loser! A fuck up! You’re a worthless fucking hobo! You’re a bum! You’re broke! You have nothing
going on. You have nothing at all. You’re at the bottom, maybe if you listen to your superiors,
work really hard, one day you might have a little success, but you’ll never be great. Shoot for the
stars, not because you can, but you might land on the moon. You can’t stay here. You’re under
arrest. I just wanna punch you. Wanna fight? You think you can take me? You can’t have that.
That’s not for you. I want you off my property and my friends’ property. Never talk to my family or
friends or girlfriends again. You cannot insult me online or any way, I charge you with cyber
harassment. Don’t mail me ever, I charge you with ‘no contact’ on me and my family and all the
places we visit!” I also saw my clones choking, kicking, punching, holding gun to their face, and
generally torturing these torturers.

Hearing these horrible words come from my clones on these people made them
beautiful. Seeing the violence my clones put on these former tormenters was like the most
beautiful art show. Seeing myself reject, say no, berate, insult, belittle these faggot fucking
losers filled my heart with joy. Seeing the pain in their hearts on their faces, healed something
so deep and wonderful in me I thought I’d never feel. I felt healed, wonderful, beautiful, like the
pain and ugliness had left my body. All the wrongs were right. “I love you genie,” and I meant it,
“the world is finally perfect and right.”

There is no self help healing technique like magical revenge before your
eyes, and how quickly I feel as light as air and right as rain!!! I let the torture go on
for as long as it took til they felt suffering equal measure, and where my pain was
now was pleasure at having given what was given to me so that ultimately their
original action determined their own current feeling which was pain,
suffering, and worthlessness. Let THOSE faggot fucker losers read self
help in vain for years to fix their problems while I live a happy good enviable life and
they sneakily spy on me and curse me and reframe shit to feel better in vain! It is
joyous considering.

Once all the pain left me and entered their body with all the fear and
powerlessness, so mine was only pleasure, certainty, and power, I let it go for
another hour leaning back in my recliner watching and listening, wishing for
buffalo wings, pepperoni stick, and chocolate milk while my supermodels gave
me a blowjob and licked/fingered my balls and butt. I really treated myself,

After I came, I felt much better. I wished for them to not remember this, but to
change their memories of the past so they remembered me doing, saying, rejecting,
withholding from them, no one ever fucked with me but they remember being insulted,
beaten, crushed and ruined by me. Then they were all put back. My life felt so
better/fixed now.

Honestly that was the worst shit, with it gone, I could die I feel so light/released. If I had
no wishes I’d be ok-- thank genie-- but I do, and the day isn’t half over.

Back in my rental with all problems destroyed, I wished my supermodels

away. I feel so happy I could cry, I didn’t think it was possible but I actually got
revenge, I paid every asshole back, all 33 thousand. I’m so happy. I want
to be in the Himalayas at an empty retreat far from anyone, adequately
insulated with supplies. THIS is how I feel, these mountains. I get a yoga
mat and sit out in the cool air. I am god, complete, perfect, whole,
everything good. I fall asleep.

I wake up at sunset, remember, feel amazing, as light as the clouds around here. I walk
into the retreat in a blanket. I used to live to hate my enemies, now they’re all beaten. I feel
whole but empty. All the wrongs are right, I have no one to hate unless I start getting mad at
new people, the thought makes me wanna cry, I don’t want to suffer ever again. I guess with my
genie I’ll never suffer again. I wish that all wrongs, attacks, cruelty, rudeness, bad shit in the
future that would ever be done to me would instantly instead never reach me but
be done to the douche bag instead. POOF. Well that fixed it. Then I wish for genie
to be an indestructible microscopic satellite always orbiting above me, able to grant
wishes by word or thought, so I can’t lose him-- my precious. “Done.”

I wish my body was immune to harm, damage, and attack, everything from
punches, disease, chemical weapons, knife, gun, car, explosive, and nuke, all without
noticeable changes to appearance. Then a fun idea: I wish to be able to metabolise
energy and nutrients thru photosynthesis as well as direct plugin, bypassing my need for
food while keeping the option. Also, able to make oxygen from fresh and salt water, and
keep my body pressure stable in deep ocean and the vacuum of space, able to make oxygen
thru photosynthesis.

What else? I wish for any things that could cause massive environmental
damage like bio, chemical, or nuclear (or whatever) weapons to be nullified before
they occur. I wish for any and all magic devices like other lamps to be brought into an
underground bunker a mile beneath the Arizona desert and individually contained in
adequately magic barriers. I wish to be alerted to any extraterrestrial visitors to Earth, be it life or
deadly collision events the moment they enter the solar system, or a week before they’d arrive,
whichever is first.

What else? I wish for the best VR setup, and I play some FPS, super fun. I
wish for alcohol and weed. Wish for some cool handsome dudes who love me like a
best friend, and we all play some team games, so fun. I love my life,
I’m so happy. They smoke/drink too and we get rowdy and
obnoxious and kill bunch of noobs HAHA. I don’t want the fun to end so I wish
for local teen girls to come and party with us, drink and smoke, playing. We
have sex with them while playing and drinking lol. We fall asleep ‘roun 4.
Chapter 3
3rd Day

Waking up around noon and hung over with guys, naked

napalese, cups, food, bongs, VR sets on the floor, another good day. I let
them stay, get some grand slams for all. We ate, joked,
laughed, smoked and drank, flirting more, it’s just like I
always had wanted life to be: easy life, fun, games, food,
great place, cool guys, pretty girls, all feeling good. I’m lucky.
What the fuck was I doing before I can’t recall. How did I
survive with so little pleasure?!?! Sad…

With this power, I ought do something important.

Naaaaahhhh. I’ll do it later, let's just keep partying this week!

Chapter 4
2nd Week

This was really fun. I don’t want to be

serious. Don’t make me. Let me just keep fucking
up. Yup, more parties, food, sex with babes, weed,
video games, and other fun shit. Next month,
Chapter 5
2nd Month

Get off my case, give me 1 year. This is all I ever

wanted! Fuck off! This is the first time I’ve ever had fun in
my fucking life! Have a clue!!!
Chapter 6
Year 2


gay. Why do you make me do this? People suck I owe them shit.
DIDN’T I SUFFER ENOUGH!!??!? HUGHHH, I wish everyone owned a
home with clean water/sewers-- if they want, I don’t care what the story
has to be, government grant for tiny home vouchers-- and for some new
farming technique or technology (like food printing) so basic nutrition
and survival is free for all. Daily nutrient bars at vending machine if we
must, lets just solve homeless, hygiene, and food. We GOOD? Can I have
fun again!!??!?!”
Chapter 7
Decade 2

I’m 40 now, so I wish to be as healthy/youthful as

18 forever. People existing also kind of piss me off. I
wish every human dead except me and my group.
Aahhh. That’s a relief. Some quiet, peace. Earth
pre-human, with some shit buildings. The apocalypse
sorta looks cool, abandoned shit, empty homes. NOT A
FUCKER IN SIGHT!?!?! No consequences, except
animals, and I can take them. The world is beautiful this
way, no pretense or phonies. Ya..
Chapter 8
The Death of Wishes

Year 21.

Muad’dib said “He who can destroy a thing, controls a thing.” If I can
destroy the world, at least the human world, I can control it. Now that I feel
no powerlessness towards anyone, it’s a lot easier to let any negative
feelings to them go, forgive, and have compassion. It also didn’t feel nice
being so ruthless/callous. I don’t want to be mean, or another way, admit I
was affected by people or thought they had stuff on me. Either way, don’t
want to be angry or mad at anyone and I’m actually sorry. I wish for
everyone to be back same as before, so they experience a continuum of time no gaps. The
world as it was, I kind of appreciate it. Humans are part of the biosphere, the earth experience,
the world is less without them/us. All things are unique to themselves, in a way humans are
unique as animals too. They can think more sharply, make more refined, synthesized, complex
things, it’s interesting. Some things benefit by this, like certain plants multiplying the world over
like wheat and regular grass, fruits and vegetables brought across continents, certain animals
like cows and chickens are way more because of humans, birds make nests in buildings,
racoons and cats and seagulls live off human garbage, people feed geese, ducks, and fish; lots
of things benefit by humans!

Humans, like all things, have a unique position in the world, and I guess in many ways
are as necessary as anything else. It’s important for humans to play their part, fulfill their role.
With this kind of zen acceptance and happiness, what else? I could put myself on a throne but
that’d be boring, if I could destroy humanity what gain or ego boost would I get telling them what
to do? What about helping them, those wishes for homes and food for everyone? I don’t know if
it’d do anything or make a difference, anyone who wants something would get
or create it. Giving it to them would change or help them or improve their any
way besides the immediate stuff. Would it make them happier long-term, make
them better people-- the people who couldn’t muster the energy to get food or
housing themselves-- would it make them more likely to go up the hierarchy of
needs to love, art, and helping? It might help some, but my guess is they’d be
the same old people, lazy, thinking too much, but now in homes with full bellies and clean water.
Would it make them dependent on me or whatever the story was, so they’d stay in their new
position the same way they stayed in the old, maybe waiting for some new gift to take them
higher in the needs hierarchy? Would it dampen any motivating energy/force in them to live life
on their own terms? The likelihood isn’t promising, some might appreciate it and rise in their
activities, some might get bored just surviving then get curious about what else they could do.
That’d be cool, but likely most would just accept the gift and not change. So if I helped, it’d be all
about me helping or being nice, not so much about them.

So what then? It’s not about revenge, or helping people, it’s not specifically about any
result or outcome, because anything I want I can have. What is it? It’s about the feeling, the
emotion, the experience, feeling good or the best I can feel now in the present, which is like joy
or love or peace or happiness or comfort or relaxation: all of those! Regardless of whatever’s
going on, that’s really the only thing that matters. Tuning to and staying at and
maintaining that frequency of energy-- feeling good, peace, love or joy.
Everything else is secondary and/or included/encompassed by the first. Feeling
good is the only thing that ever mattered. MAYBE, oh my god, what if those high
flying emotion are the vehicle of life and all the physical stuffs is the scenery and
curious/interesting/exciting/exhilarating/beautiful delights we experience and
pass by, accepting, then continuing on the pleasure train... but also staying on it
and never getting off. I like that a lot!

Maybe that is the death of wishes. Letting the desire go for anything external to come
here-- desire being a wish for something we don’t have-- letting ALL wishes and desires go and
die. The only thing we valuing is the joy, peace, and love we have now and enjoying the journey
it takes us on, enjoying the delights along the way, but only doing so because they are part of
the pleasure train or peace, love, and joy we’re enjoying/riding on; which is the only thing that
matters. Following their lead wherever they go, the ride of a lifetime, of our lives!

I like this. THE DEATH OF WISHES IS THE ETERNAL LIFE OF JOY. Will you ride the
pleasure train??
Fractal World
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations

I like using models, it’s very scientific to organize, find connections, find how things fit
into a single construction under an umbrella. It also clarifies, focuses me, cuts away fat and
brings forward relevant things. I used 8020, ‘how wanna feel’, made LOT, fractal is awesome.
Here we’ll look at what the world is, in a truthful way, based on fractals and what’s relevant.
Depending on how you look, there are infinite moving parts, so hopefully this book will shine
light on the most powerful pieces of what moves the cogs of this world, even though perhaps
8020 does that simple enough, ‘how wanna feel’ shows the emotional core of things, LOT
reveals a human shape, so let’s look at the world with truth and honesty.
Chapter 1

It’s the base foundation of it all. If someone had no power they’d be

swept away by the lightest breeze and destroyed. Power comes in different
forms however, it can come as influence, title or position, sex, money, love,
strength, weapons, charm, religious power, logic, even fame; and with power
you can do just about anything. It could be called potential, the end result is
freedom, it’s the ability to turn to potential energy into kinetic energy to
exercise influence to an end result. Some people certainly desire power above
all else-- or at least behave as if they do-- but power isn’t an end, it’s a means to do something
else. Power allows you, makes you capable, puts within reach, gives the ability to attain, allows
you to exert force to achieve some aim. The only way I could see power being really an aim
unto itself is if you valued fun highest and the exertion of power was fun/exhilarating for you; just
doing things (like a child) made you happy. That might be a pure value of it.

A nuke is a kind of power, so is a parent’s admonition of your behavior (even if you rule a
country). Possessing deadly biological or chemical weapons is power, so is having youtube
channel with millions of 9 year old viewers who can influence family members and grow up to
sway votes/policies. Being very beautiful is power, so is being very ugly to punish people with
your presence til they relinquish what you want. Being very tall and muscular is power, so is
being a midget because even competing on par with an ordinary person-- much less better than
a normal height person-- makes you seem vastly superior because “you held your own against
someone greater than you!” (In other words, it’s easy to destroy/ruin someone’s reputation
because “you couldn’t beat a midget” or “a midget beat you, Ohh!”). Despite being microscopic
bacteria outnumber humans pound for pound by 128,000: 1, or, for every pound of human
there’s 128 thousand pounds of bacteria, or even 1 human are 128 thousand humans made of
bacteria. Humans could never dent them, but bacteria eats all humans.

If you don’t have 1 power, that doesn’t make you powerless, you might have 5 more. It’s
not just size, strength, money, or beauty. The opposites can be just as powerful, being small
means you can access things others can’t. Being weak means you can manipulate and trick
people out of their stuff, as well as move unnoticed with less physical presence thus get into
places others can’t. Being poor, a homeless person is the most invisible person there is, if you
appear homeless you can do just about anything and no one will care to look in fact go out of
their way to look somewhere else to avoid you-- this is power. Being ugly means people don’t
feel threatened by you so you can pacify otherwise threatening/dangerous people to move
freely where others can’t.
Chapter 2

Governments, like countries, don’t actually exist except in the

minds’ of the people who believe in them, maintain the idea. If we take for
granted they do, they’re a consequence of human organization all originally
based on war, conquest, invasion, and defense from neighbors as each
government, organization, or ‘tribe’-- ie Indian tribe, German tribe,
American or Chinese tribe-- fights to maintain its survival, grow as much as
possible, do right by its people (enough), benefit its elites the most (ie the
society’s strongest pillars, with wealth, power, position, titles, etc.), promote its art, culture,
ideas. Each group of people organizing in different ways with different language and words,
some with presidents, kings, emperors, czars, tennos, fuhrers, chieftains, and khans. Some
ways they organize themselves are as communal based i.e. communism, economic based ie
capitalism, some are authoritarian like a dictatorship or empire or facist, some are led by public
representatives like a republic, some led by the people like democracy, some led by no law like
anarchy, some led by individual governance like libertarian, some by the military like a military
dictatorship, rule by religion is theocracy, rule by a royal is monarchy, rule by an elite is oligarchy
or aristocracy, rule by technology or programs is a technocracy, to name a few.

No matter the words they use, or the organization they say they espouse, there are
some common threads that run through all of them. All have few at the top, and most at the
bottom economically and socially, this is because few people are fiercely committed to the group
and make massively greater contributions relative to most and so thus are proportionally
rewarded. Most people-- even though they might say otherwise-- could fairly comfortably live in
any other country with a different government with very little effect on their lives; this is because
they are more or less interchangeable citizens with basic citizens anywhere else, not unique or
specialized in any way at least as far as the country’s scale. The ones at the top however paid
large taxes to their government, might develop relationships with people in that government,
invest in their own country, and at the pinnacles of success even become a pillar of that society
like a Warren Buffet, or a Microsoft, or Apple, or McDonalds, or Walmart, or Coca Cola, or
Chase bank. It would take over a million basic citizens to even come close to the relevance and
importance of any of these. And again, regardless of words used, yes “everyone’s equal” and
has “equal right to life” and “equal value as a human”, but on the scale of governments it’s a
simple fact very few things like the examples are radically vital and important, while the millions
and billions of other things a government could care about are of 0 or so close to 0 importance
as to be effectively 0. It’s not a disrespect, malevolent, or uncaring thing, it’s just a law of scale.

Even though like I said bacteria is 128 thousand times more than humans, because
they’re small almost no person considers bacterial life: not as valuable, relevant, meaningful,
important, or at all. They aren’t mean to bacteria, it just doesn’t impact life at all and to focus on
bacteria would actually be a strain, bore, and effort to do (for little/no benefit). So too for
governments; they live on a different scale and manage billions or trillions of dollars like people
manage their purse and change, they relate to millions of people like a citizen relates to their
cashier or family. So back to the point…

Even communists reward their elites, society pillars, exponentially more. Friends of the
emperor inherently get rich and titles. The president’s friends’ companies automatically get more
business. Statistically, regardless of government form and welfare distribution system, the few
become extremely rich and powerful (who support the society most) and most sit at the bottom
in poverty with no power at all (largely, because they contribute nothing at all except manual
unskilled labor). This applies to any government form, in any country, regardless of time period.
From the first human villages the chief would take the lion’s share, his best friends and mate
would get the wolf’s share, then most would get the leftovers or equally very little.

Again this is a malicious thing and in fact follows the natural law of nature where few
causes make most results, and small changes in complex systems dramatically change
outcomes. Most things are totally unimportant/trivial; very few things are vital/important, but they
are vital/important. If 1 or even a thousand people die, how much does it affect a government?
Maybe a moment of silence, but nothing else. If even 1 major company goes under, that’s a
major revenue stream for the government and could affect many things in a ripple.

So the point was regardless of surface structure or appearance, the ideas, beliefs, or
words espoused by whatever government, like animals of different species they all do the same
functions, have the same goals, do pretty much the same things at their core at the end of the
day-- whether its Russia and communism or America and capitalism or australian Aboriginals
and tribalism. They’re trying maintain their existence ie survive, that means fight hostile forces,
enemies, neighbors. They must promote reproduction and support their children. They must
grow food, develop trade and economic systems/growth. They must have group identity so
people feel a sense of community and loyalty to the government. There must be some culture,
art, music, stories which can give people meaning, capture imagination, give outlet to
expression. And there also is some intellectual belief or ideology which is the umbrella
everything sits under like ‘Russia’, or democracy’, or ‘Christianity’, or ‘Aryan’. This represents
the best the certain government has produced from its masses in terms of morality or ideology
which is supported by the most people. Communism came naturally out of the mentality of
Russian people put into words by Lenin and captured the nation. Democracy was how
Americans thought before America existed then Jefferson and Washington etc put it into words.
German superiority was an attractive belief by Germans so Hitler preaching about Aryan blood
really spread.

The content of the culture or ideology of a government doesn’t matter at all to the
government except insofar as it makes the society cohesive. The government wants to survive,
keep the people adequately/minimally happy. It must reward its strongest pillars like the Bill
Gates’s and Mark Zuckerberg’s, at least keep them profitable. It must protect its borders and
people, maintain some kind of culture, some ideology and belief system or morality to guide the
thoughts, minds, and beliefs of its people. In many ways its like a big person, and citizens are
cells in it. A government can be imperialistic, want to conquer, just like a person. It can also be
content, stable, and balanced in itself, want to live peacefully and happily in harmony with its
neighbors like a person. America is more restless than others in how it gets involved with their
business, like Russia or China. Some European countries are more harmonious like Finland,
Sweden, Denmark, who just want to enjoy life, be friendly, enjoy nature, have good jobs, and
study technology (also the happiest people globally, statistically).

What choice does anyone have in regards to governments? You can ex-pat out of a
country, but anywhere you go there are going to be people organized into a form of government
there! But that might not be necessary for the same reason that a government doesn’t care
about most people, a person can live more or less how they want as long as they don’t violate
any rules and bother people. They can even do their own thing and if they’re so successful like
Buddha-- who left society to develop his own ideology-- he could exist within a country’s borders
and still have his own movement… which ultimately also did reshape his and many other
countries in their beliefs. So there’s no need to get antsy, restless, or feel trapped just because
governments exist. There still is immense freedom even for normal people to forge their own
destiny, even do something no one’s ever done before and have an impact (if they want).
Remember that government is just an idea people have in their heads and its by no means
omniscient or all-powerful, any government has only so many eyes and so much power, and like
bacteria that are greater than humanity by 128 thousand times and many other small things like
drug addicts, red light runners, thieves, gangs, cartels, homeless people living in someone
else’s woods, even millionaires avoiding some taxes, and some politicians committing sex
crimes, the rules of a government aren’t infalliable in many ways with massive blind spots.
Some might say that’s a wrong to be righted to form a utopia, others might say it’s freedom from
oppression, but like a fractal, things spiral with multiplicity on many scales with many turns and
corners and rooms and crannies.

“A world in a grain of sand” as William Blake said. Whatever you want to do, there’s
room and space for you to do it, unless you want to hurt people then people will set you straight
fast. But other than that, you can live with a government ‘ruling’ the land you live on, but still
have a good life with much freedom. Again, if a person take a stance against a government,
bother people loyal to it, they can fast find out that it doesn’t care how modern a world it lives in
is, it will still bring the boot of the law (in police, or army if need be) to handle its own because
bare in mind, like a person, its first job is to survive and protect itself and it can do that better
than some person. Which is illuminating for what actually is going in the day-to-day of a ‘modern
society’, which might look harmonious and peaceful, a misstep can mean police get called to
maintain the peace, and if serious enough the army or national guard can be brought ‘for the
safety of the nation’. That’s the safety in numbers most like and prefer in having a government
manage things rather than living alone on the plains with no oversight or overarching
organization or protection. Having a government means the peace will be maintained at least to
the best of its ability. The problem for any individual citizen is depending on the
violation/infraction, they can be punished mildly with fines or jail time, all the way up to killed on
the spot, life in prison, or the death penalty. The foundation and backbone of a government is in
its brute strength: weapons, soldiers, an army, police, training, prisons, tanks, and bombs,
without which anarchy ensues and life returns to the dark ages or animal law.
With it being that most people live in a government (minus some African countries which
are chaotic and called ‘failed states’), governments provide enough to be worth it for most
people, and obviously is the preferred way of life.
Chapter 3

People say money makes the world go ‘round. In many ways that’s
true. I read a study that said the most profitable fields of money involve
death: war, medicine, insurance, and religion. Money is first a convenience
of barter, and the principle need of barter is survival, chiefly, food and
sustenance. Beyond that money can become grotesque, obnoxious, and
hideous turning normal humans into monsters of lack, need, and greed. Money can turn from
nutritional sustenance and the necessities of life in thirst for power, domination, an obsession so
rather than relating to people and life with love as equals they work harder for status, fame,
flashy impressive things to show their wealth people will ‘love’ them; really inspire hate and
jealousy to take from their stuff (or at least destroy it). It can be a form of personal corruption like
rot in a tree which can pop out the trunk and seem ‘more’ than healthy trees but is in fact a
disease hollowing it out which kills the tree from the inside.

Money, when obsessed over because of a lack somewhere else (often love), becomes
ostentatious and while can stimulate the illusion of love-- which is actually hate and jealousy-- it
can never deliver or fill a different hole. Money can only fill the hole it fills, and no other. The sad
part is the people who say “Yes it can'' are the most lost of all because money is at the same
level of work/effort, and to keep the house of cards standing life becomes one big chore:
exhausting, and totally unrewarding except in surface appearance; again the hollow dying tree

Some statistics which advocate for the ability of money to increase tangible human
happiness, which syncs up with common logic, is in bringing people out of extreme poverty.
From having a rickety house or none, starving, dirty water, living in unsafe conditions, the
addition of an extra few thousand dollars a year can IMMENSELY increase the quality of a
person’s life and level of happiness. Once basic needs are met, however, increasing wealth had
massively diminishing returns in terms of a happiness quotient and people who persist in the
chase, chase illusions of a better life like someone who’s needs in the desert are met but walk
towards a mirage. It’s like eating past being full, having sex with a pregnant girl (or gay sex in
general), having a job after someone’s a millionaire or worse billionaire, or playing jango during
a hurricane: all exercises in futility and pointlessness.

Some might say, “Making money’s fun!” If that’s true that’s sad, because it’s as flat and
boring as moving boxes in a room or doing basic math on a calculator. It’s monotonous. If that’s
fun for someone they’re as exciting as an accountant doing someone’s taxes. Anything to do
with money is inherently work thus tedious and boring. Sitting on the floor talking with friends is
more fun than literally ANY and EVERY thing having to do with money, much less any other fun
activity. Consider the life of trees or animals, the things they do in their day, full of observation,
interacting with each other, understanding the world. Getting nutrients is a necessary part of life
via water/photosynthesis, eating plants, or finding meat. Relationships, playing, observing the
magical world all around, thinking, helping others, these are fun. Just like power is a means not
an end, money is a means to an end chiefly survival/sustenance. Past that it’s more about
something going on inside the person rather than something about money, because the
person’s using money for something it’s not meant to be used for (and is unable to do, at the
person’s health/expense).

A common goal people have is “I wanna be a millionaire”, or the extreme “billionaire”, or,
“I’m going to get love one of the hardest ways possible!” Tim Ferris, author of the 4 Hour Work
Week, said “People don’t really want to be millionaires, they want the life they think being a
millionaire can give them, which can often be had much cheaper” and easier. This reiterates the
same point: more money up to a certain point once comfort has been achieved has noticable
impacts on one’s happiness, but once money has done its job more just depletes the person
and actually diminishes their happiness-- look at depression levels, alcoholism, suicide rates,
drug use, relationship problems (spouse, family, kids, friends), and health problems among big
CEO’s and the 1%. Money then starts sucking time and energy from relationships, hobbies,
enjoying the world as it is, and helping people, with increases in stuffs and flashy appearance or
money brags, but more effort for decreasing happiness, love, fun, play, meditation, and positive

In other words, let money help how it can, and don’t abuse it or let it take control of life
(which it doesn’t want either).
Chapter 4

What a beautiful wonderful thing we’re part of, and remember we’re
part of always, even robots. Just because we build hovels to live in and tread
paths in the ground like a deer herd and ride around on moving things like
birds in the wind or fish in the swaying ocean, doesn’t mean we’re apart. In
fact it’s our way of expressing our natural self; our brains and thumbs are
natural, yes? By the same token with the emergence of primitive AI they are
natural made by natural beings. Are bird nests unnatural? Are Beaver dams
artificial? And monkeys throwing sticks? Such things are part of the biological natural course, so
too human. A group of whales is called a pod, group of crows a murder, group of fish a school, a
herd of buffalo, a swarm of bees, a pack of dogs, a clowder of cats, a pride of lions, a troop of
monkeys, and a group of humans can have many but largely a tribe. We’ll cover that more in
later chapters.

What’s the most noticeable things about nature? If someone is in nature, that means
they’re surrounded by trees, wildlife, probably water, fresh air, fresh earth. So we can see two
generalizations there, thus being the traditional elemental forces of earth, wind, fire, water, and
space, present in different amounts. The next generalization is of biological life: lots of plants,
birds chirping, bugs, bacteria you know is around, maybe some mushrooms, fish in the water,
deer running around, wolves maybe sleeping somewhere, etc. Let’s talk about these.

As far as the surface of the earth, 70% is covered in water, that's the principle element
covering our beautiful earth, much like our bodies are 70% water (like plants and animals are
mostly water too). Under the surface there’s lots of earth in the planet obviously, and at the
center is fire. Above the surface is much atmosphere and fresh air. Holding all of it is the field of

In terms of a word you may never have heard before, global

biomass (or tons of living carbon material) is also disproportionately
balanced. The global biomass is 546 billion tons. 82.4% of that is in
plants, in other words if all life on earth disappeared except plants,
earth would only change by 17.6%. This means plants rule the world
as the dominant living force of this planet. The distant second (with
everything becoming more and more insignificant as we continue) is
bacteria at 12.8%, which means just 2 types of life account for over
95% of life on earth. The more distant third is fungus at 2.2%. The
whole animal kingdom is less than half a percent at 0.4%, arthropods
(or bugs, crab, shrimp) being the greatest at .17%. Next up is fish at
0.12%. Earthworms and snails tie at 0.032%. Livestock at 0.016%, and finally humans at 0.01%.
The only things less than humans are wild mammals at 0.00012% because of encroachment
and hunting, then wild birds at 0.00032%.
That was a bit math heavy, but the gist is the 2 masters of earth are water (for elements)
and plants (for life) comprising 70% and 82.4% dominance, respectively. And what a beautiful
world to live in for insignificant life-forms to be surrounded by water and plants everywhere!
When someone imagines a paradise or Garden of Eden, isn’t that the exact truth of it?! From
space how wonderful and true, those are the 2 predominant colors: the blue oceans and green
landscapes. Would anyone wish otherwise!? The other life forms and elements are great too in
their place. The fire of life from the sun and in our core lets life exist. Same with the earth to live
on, the air to breathe, and the space for it all to exist.

Nature is just wonderful, it forms so clearly to fractals that scientists can accurately tell
the size of a forest from a single leaf, which is a fractal of its branch, a fractal of its tree etc.
Knowing one thing, if one understands the process, one can know everything. “A world in a
grain of sand.” They say adding 4 trees to the road you live on equals the same happiness as
an extra $20 thousand a year. The benefits of being in nature, real nature, outside the concrete
jungle of human civilization ie with birds, trees, bodies of water, and grass are immeasurable
and often recommended by therapists and psychologists for the ease in which wellbeing seems
to rise in such environments. I’ve heard, on top of the fresh air and tranquility of watching
moving water, a big reason is because nature is so beautifully fractal whereas human buildings
are boring, uninspired straight lines, squares, and rectangles… euclidean shapes which
perhaps are logical but not natural (or fractal) looking or beautiful, at least the way trees and
seashells are. Obviously, an interesting point, if one can see the fractal nature (and naturalness
of humanity, which many cannot), even the way humans build their cities, cluster together, the
things they invent, in fact human nature itself is in many ways predetermined as part of the
fractal nature; the same natural way nature forms in fractal ways. It is the path of least
resistance, rather than having complex and extraneous bio coding to make lifeforms, various
aspects of things just replicate and replicate themselves in slightly different ways, and so it’s the
same process just reiterated infinitely out without planning or energy waste. It is just like water
flowing downstream, it follows the lowest path, thus can be infinite by being 0-point energy: zero
waste, perfect efficiency, it can last forever.

No one designed the Grand Canyon, or river systems, how trees infinitely stem out from
root to branch, the lungs thru branching have the surface area of a tennis court within a ribcage
and branching veins and arteries allow 60 thousand mile of circulation in a single human body.
Nature is efficient and efficiency is manifested as fractals. In conclusion, nature’s beauty might
be because it is fractal and self-similar across all scales. Also, spend more time in nature!
Chapter 5
Status, titles, position

Back to human stuff, though I suppose there might be status or

position in the plant or animal kingdom: “Oh great mother oak”, “Oh king
of the jungle, lion.” These in general are human concerns, at least
humans seem to care about them so much they’ll go into debt for a taste
of them, lose happiness and relationships, sacrifice their health and even
go without food in order to appear a certain way to their fellow hairless
primates. It’s actually a normal thing in western culture to spend more
than you have to appear more successful than you are and ruin yourself
financially, even ending up homeless and destitute, just to chase the taste
of fame, or ‘cool’ status, cool titles, or a position. People have and probably will continue to
commit crimes and be immoral and monstrous in order to attain high positions and be looked on
favorably by others; though if anyone knew what those people did in order to get the briefest of
approving glances from strangers they don’t know or care about, the stupidity and absurdity
would be ridiculed by the masses and so obvious to the person who chased the position or title
they’d ask “Why did I ever care about such a trivial, meaningless, fleeting, despicable thing!?”

The same as power, the same as money, which are means to an end, people who value
a certain position (real or perceived) in their tribe/community/society for its own sake use it for
what it is not. It is corrupt and like the rotting tree. It is abusing it by using it for something its not
meant for and can’t do. Such things do in fact have a healthy positive purpose, though it’s a rare
person who uses it as such, and when such a person does come along they are adequately
praised and adored as is their right as good moral people, such as: Martin Luther King, Gandhi,
Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Lincoln, any many others.

Rather than the cheap, inconsequential, flashy, empty, unhealthy, corrupt, rotting forms
of these, let’s first talk about where they’re useful and healthy. Having high status in the society
is appropriate and deserved in regards to people who contribute mightily to their peers, animals,
nature, the world in general in some positive way. Such people are like the 13 year old boy Virgil
Smith who left his home during a hurricane flooding and saved 17 people’s lives. He’s a hero
deserving of status in his tribe/community! People who promote sustainable green electric
transportation on a national or global scale like Elon Musk deserve recognition for their
contribution. Bill Gates who helped put a computer in every home and every office, unleashing
huge amounts of people’s creativity, making tedious tasks easier, and life for humans in general
massively easier deserve high status. Henry Ford who pioneered and mass produced the first
horseless carriage. Artists too, not just inventors, free-thinkers too. While communism had
mixed results, it’s a positive moral idea for everyone to be equal and have their needs met, at
least we can appreciate Lenin for that idea. There’s all kinds of good people do.

In other words, the paradox is true, the ones who don’t want or ask for it are the only
ones who deserve it. Many people want to be famous because they want adoring fans, to feel
waves of love hit them, but almost none of them will ever be famous because they don’t want to
show love to others in the form of giving something ie a worthwhile invention, beautiful music,
moving performance on screen, or changing the lives of thousands of homeless in city.
Ultimately they don’t actually want fame, because they know it’s not worth the effort. Before
they’d do any of those things they’d sooner form some relationships, feel some love, and be
contented. Not everyone has to be great, statistically it can’t happen, and in terms of definition if
everyone was great no one would be I suppose. Everyone can be happy though, that’s a
statistical certainty!!! Though in practice, like everything else, a few people will have most of the
happiness, while most will have almost none of it.

So yes, there are healthy times for position, title, and status. For title or position,
someone who genuinely wants to do right for an organization is best for the leadership or CEO,
same for ruler of country as king, president, tenno, or emperor, the person who will (and has
proven it) do right by the people is the best. If someone must be manager of a tribe or
community, the only person fit for the role is one who will do the job, just like a parent can only
be a parent if they value the child and care for it (otherwise the child will abandon the parent or
die from neglect).

The healthy form of status, positive, title is being a person of high moral
fiber, who is well in their life, and with freewill contributing positively to the
wellbeing of others because others’ happiness makes the person happy. They
understand that one smiling in a community of sad faces is hard to maintain, but
if everyone is smiling too even one frown will naturally turn upside down
because it’s almost impossible to be sad around happy people or cry at a party. Emotions are
infectious and happy people attract happy and sad attract sad. A happy person in a miserable
town will do their best to help otherwise leave, also a sad person in a happy town can only take
it for so long before they must move to find people like them.

The unhealthy and much more common thing is people feeling unloved, working hard to
accrue money, then putting up a facade of happiness, loving relationships, being kind, helping
people, while rather than beacons of shining radiant beautiful light, they are in fact spiders
spinning webs or black holes trying to suck things in to fill them. The people who deserve such
things rarely talk about what they did because it wasn’t about the fame or glory but about the
improvement in others; REFRESHING and quite the opposite of the phonies. While the genuine
articles get rewards and gifts out of appreciation for their good deeds, the phony person chases
the appreciation and gifts, in fact are beggars looking for handouts of money, trinkets, and love.
In truth the difference is in having the soul of king who leads his people to a utopian life and the
soul of a beggar to snides others’ deeds at the same time his hand is outstretched needily
asking for their table scraps and leftovers. Even if the beggar/black hole/spider person has nice
things, clothes, cars, seems to have happy relationships, if they don’t emanate joy from their
presence its a performance, and the whole performance exists in order to evoke an emotional
response from others, to suck in any resources, love, and trinkets the unaware and easily
amused will throw at him.
The healthy person deserving of title and status looks not to impress but to express love,
joy, and appreciation to others constantly and always, to brighten the world they live in, not
darken or ruin it. The people who do the most good deserve the highest positions, titles, and
status. Interestingly, it could be said that based on the values of the groups they head, they
always do. If one doesn’t like for instance the president of the United States, that’s a statement
on the values of the citizenry who want or value him there. But one step further back, even the
values of the people are subject to the same fractal laws of nature, their very mindset and
desires are predetermined by chaos and the waves of reality making some outcomes virtually
impossible while assuring some with near certainty.

Just like other things when used or abused improperly, it leads to corruption and rot,
perhaps appearing like a growth off the side but inside is hollow and ruined. These things exist
in a healthy form and perform well in those circumstances with good moral people. When used
to fill holes rather than spread light, life, and joy, they distract people from doing the things that’d
actually fix their problems and make them happy, often at huge expense and the opposite of
what they wanted: public shame, humiliation, and punishment. Oil CEOs who frauded
documents to maintain status and position went to jail in shame and lost their money. Real
estate millionaires in 2008 who’d be living a life built on lying and stealing people’s money had
been driving around in sportscars as if they’d actually been improving the lives of people in their
communities, reaping the rewards of ‘good behavior’, when in fact they’d been doing the
opposite. Then their lies caved in and they went to jail, lost their license, and lost their money.
Saddam who lived lavishly acted like a leader who was helping his country but had in fact
oppressed and even used deadly weapons on his citizens, eventually lost it all when he was
hung by the same people. Nixon lived like he was doing things for the american people, then
was caught doing shady personal things and impeached in shame. Clinton as well pretending to
be working for the people but using position for sex. The list could go on…

Rot is rot, corrupt is corrupt, good is good, moral is moral. Someone’s either doing the
right thing, helping people, or a spider spinning webs, a black hole sucking as much in as
Chapter 6

This topic almost doesn’t need to be discussed for how obsessed everyone is
about it, avoiding it, getting it, preventing others from having it, protecting women
and children from being forced into it. People are more uncomfortable about sex, or
more obsessed about it, than anything else except perhaps money. It’s always made
me laugh how war and murder simulators are the industry norm when it comes to
child entertainment, yet two people making love in a video is a ‘sex crime’ if a minor
sees it, or if you want it in a public place. Whereas showing minors murder
simulations is FUN and watching murder in publc on videos is exciting and
interesting! The only rational I can summon is sex makes people emotional which can lead
anarchy, chaos, and violence in the community, but isn’t a quicker way to that anarchy, chaos,
and violence themselves directly? The best answer, which isn’t an answer, is it comes from a
religious sexual repression, where even the human form is sinful but violence can solve
problems. If it was really about preventing obsenity or protecting the children, sex along with
violence and even greed would not be allowed in respectable family-accessing spheres like tv,
youtube, and general google searches. If that was so, imagine how much more focused on
positivity, creating, and helping people the world would be! I don’t advocate repression, but
some things are private and not suitable for talking except in private, intimate settings.

Because this is an intimate discussion on the goings ons of the world, I find it appropriate
to discuss this topic in the same breaths as power, and money, because again they are needs
humans have in specific contexts. So let’s talk about the healthy and corrupt forms of sex.

It’s said a third of the internet is porn. Sex crimes, as well as sex trafficking, slavery, and
sex for money are all prevelant around the world: common, if not looked down upon, practices.
So what is sex? It’s the act of insemination to produce offspring, a biologically became
pleasurable because those who enjoyed it more reproduced more than those who thought it
was eh, that’s how sex became as pleasurable as it is today. There are 2 degrees of healthy
one can treat sex. The holy man’s healthy, which is supreme and pinnacle, is to abstain entirely
from it and focus upon the holy life, and cultivating joy in the world. Almost no one does this:
Jesus did this allegedly, Buddha did this, Krishna did later in the later, many Catholic priests are
supposed to, and Buddhist monks generally do it. The mindset is sound, but it is transcendent of
the world rather than located in it. Being transcendent of the world means they don’t look for any
good deeds to be done in future generations by their prodigy, in fact take their genes out of the
gene pool permanently. They decide to do all the good deeds they want to ever do in this
lifetime and leave nothing for anyone else or the future; it is a commitment to goodness and the
present. I’m going to step into big-brain mode for a second to better explain this.

● Why do people want kids?

○ Because they want the fun and joy of children, to be mommies and daddies, give
their parents grandchildren. And at the bottom of this chain is genetic immortality,
continue the family line, of flesh. A noble thing, because if 500 years ago no one
had reproduced, almost no life even trees would be gone. But consider if you put
all your ducks in a row, got in touch with the deepest desire...
● Why does anyone want anything?
○ Because they think it’ll feel good in the having of it. And if you sit in that long
enough, the nature conclusion after that is that if you always want to feel good--
the highest desire for anyone-- the easiest way is radiate that energy, tune to the
frequency of love/joy always and be that way with people. And when you’ve been
that way with everyone, and your life is joyous and full of love, what’s the next
logical step? Jesus knew it, Buddha knew it, Krishna knew it; you multiply your
good feeling by putting it or cultivating it all around you like a garden so that your
joy spreads for thousands of miles in every direction and can never diminish!!
That’s the surest way to guarantee your eternal good feeling.
● If you want a kid for the good feelings it’ll give you, then why put it on the slow burner?
○ A kid is a slow commitment, with tedeum and chores, all for 1 good feeling of “my
genes will go on!” What is the greater good, how is joy multiplied by 1 single or
even multiple new children in the world (with your genes). 1 more person, if you
are enlightened and love beings equally the same, there’s no logic to do a +1
with billions of humans and trillions of animals who can be helped/enlightened. It
doesn’t make sense. Contemplate it... what’s the end game of people who want
● What’s the end game of people who want children?
○ Do they want 1 or 2 more generations and can’t think past it? How about a
hundred? A thousand? A million? What’s the end game for people who want
kids? Just to survive, continue, maintain, fuck and reproduce? Why that? To keep
life alive? WHY??!?!? The only real answer is to promote joy and goodness in the
world. And if that’s the only good answer, why go through a million generations or
even 1 hoping some of your progeny do good rather than you? You can see the
logic holy men and women have. If love and joy are most important, waiting
dozens or even thousands of year for something to happen randomly is stupid
and a waste of time and energy. Holy people decide they will take the
responsibility of all those potential millions of generations and do the good they
want done, now, this lifetime!

Again, this is the perfect ideal model and mindset of approaching low, survival based
things. Few can do it, there are even holy people like priests and monks who have families while
doing good because they like the comforts of human life. Nothing wrong, I said there were 2
healthy forms of sex and abstinence is simply the purer form. You can still be healthy by having
sex, having kids, a partner, family etc., it’s just more comfortable in the world rather than

It’s fine, it’s still healthy to have certain kinds of sex in the world, statistically it’s near
impossible for everyone to be transcendent, most people can’t even stay healthy in their sexual
desires. The healthy way to enjoy sex is monogamously, marriage is probably best if you can.
Most countries, historically, adopted monogamy and marriage as religious and state norms
because of multifold benefits: it cut down one of the biggest causes of violence and crimes of
passion ie cheating, jealousy, catching partners with someone else etc, it supported children
financially, emotionally, and mentally by growing up in stable households with love, support, and
structure, and generally brought more stability and peace to the communities that adapted such
practices leading to more innovation, better economics, better standard of living, better
happiness quotient, and neighbors of such countries seeing how they prospered quickly
adopted marriage and monogamy which improved the quality of their countries too. These
things weren’t forced on anyone, they just brought results people preferred having and so were
copied and replicated for everyone’s benefit. And everyone knows that if you want the quality of
a country's standard of living to go up the easiest way is to improve the lives of women, who
then benefit their families and thus the whole nation-- far and above any other improvement
committed relationships and respect with women makes countries vastly happier for everyone.

So it’s best to abstain from sex and promote joy/love first. Next best is to have sex to
make children. Obviously the point of sex is reproduction, and it evolved to be pleasurable to
make sex and reproduction more likely. Sex like other things shouldn’t be an end to itself but a
means to children. That’s where sex is healthy. In a near vein which should be carefully
examined-- if one is not seeking the perfect enlightened life-- like one needn’t be spartan in
eating only the nutrients one needs with no attention to flavor or comfort, one needn’t be perfect
in only having sex for reproduction, but can have enjoy it at least a little. It should not be an
obsession, nor be something talked about, nor be sought for its own sake. But occasionally like
a snack or treat can smoothen one’s day, some sex enjoyment can add some enjoyment to life.
The purpose of experiencing maximum pleasure and joy though should not be hindered by
chasing or obsessing over such things though, which then diminish many other areas of life just
as much as power and money can. The problem is that sexual pleasure is so readily available
all one need do is close one’s eyes and start moving their hand, they don’t even need to go get
a job for money to start abusing sex and treating it like something it’s not, using and abusing it
for something it can’t do.

So those are the 2 healthy ways of treating sex. What about the unhealthy? Well how do
people abuse or misuse sex, because we’ve seen there’s at least 1 healthy way it can be used
so abstenance isn’t people’s only route (which most are incapable of!). The biggest form of sex
abuse is porn, so readily available on phones, computers, even sexy pictures in advertisements,
billboards, magazines, tv. The next I’d say is prostitution, paying sex for money and all the many
hazards of such an exchange with robberies (on both sides), violence, murder, disease,
blackmail, scandal, etc. The subsection of that is sex trafficking and slavery, where the girls,
guys, or kids are either sold or kidnapped, beaten, abused, mistreated, locked up, raped,
belittled, and their bodies used for the profit of the traffickers and pimps. Obviously this is much
darker and worse than porn, but they can also mix because sex trafficked people can be
recorded and get a million views on a porn site, just like a porn actress can be coerherced off
set with threats, blackmail, or drugs to sleep with a rich ‘john’ who wants to bang a porn star.
This is the corruption, wickedness, immorality, and unhealthiness we’ve been talking about with
all things related to power, money, and status.
So why do sex addicts or abusers do so? For many reasons, they might be scared of the
world with their mind in darkness, looking for any ‘explosion’ of pleasure to ease their fear. They
might be bored to the point of miserable, not doing anything with their life, not being creative,
using their mind, or their senses, and just have a dull drab existence they erroneously think only
the ‘excitement’ of sex can briefly remedy. This is girls as well as guys, though more often with
guys who have less options and more scarcity around sex, whereas a girl’s more common issue
is looking for a man who loves her for who she is and she’ll give up sex for a chance at the
feeling he’ll stick around. Many people, myself included, have struggled with sex abuse or
misuse, trying to make sex fill a hole it can’t fill: love, creativity, creation, meditation, helping

Then what is the remedy for sex addiction or abuse? Create art and
beauty for others to enjoy, the biggest thing is meditate and focus on
external awareness of others, nature, and the world... rather than internal,
self, and bodily awareness/sensuality, and finally help others somehow
obviously. In terms of the chakras, sex is the second from bottom and its
opposite or compliment is 2nd from top which is the face and sensory
awareness, the chakra of meditation. One is self focused awareness (“my
body’s sensuality”), the higher/positive one is external focused awareness (“the truth of the
world, of others’ experience/life, of nature”); one consumes and survives, one gives and creates.
Learning to breathe is the primary remedy to unhealthy sexual behavior, as well as using your
senses and getting in touch with real world around you including other life forms like plants,
animals, and if you can yes even humans. Come to have some empathy, understanding, and
compassion for the life experience of others. This will help someone become more in touch with
truth, and discover for themselves what healthy sex means to them: be it abstience or

As far as the survival and maintenance of the body as one does joyous things, sex more
than the other needs can potentially be entirely bypassed, whereas dealing with safety/danger
issues can be diceier and some food but be ingested to stay alive. So if possible, this can be an
avenue of great benefit in experiencing/promoting more joy and good feelings in life, especially
by being extremely present in the moment with sensory awareness, deep breathing, calmness,
stability, and good meditation!
Chapter 7

Drugs I believe can come in many forms not just as pills, powders,
or liquids in a syringe. Drugs can be any addiction which becomes a
chemical dependency in the brain such gambling (in its many forms), sex
as we just discussed, money, status, power even, danger (or risky
excitement), committing violence can be a drug just as being abused or
being committed violence against can be, religion or spirituality can be,
just as-- I suppose-- joy, love, and happiness can be. I guess what makes something bad or
unhealthy as a drug, versus say a high value, purpose, passion, or high emotion which can be
just as addictive, is whether something healthy or not. And by healthy I mean sustainable,
long-term, benefitial rather than tolling, improving quality of life and wellbeing rather than a rush
or high which diminishes it.

An example, I don’t know a single person or animal that isn’t addicted to oxygen, water,
gravity, stable body pressure, and food. Any person who abstains from any of them would die
eventually: no oxygen suffocate, no water dry up, no gravity muscles turn to jelly and bones
break under any pressure, no body pressure stability and whether under great pressure it
implodes (ie depe ocean) or no pressure it explodes (ie space), no food starve. I would say
these addictions are healthy because they promote wellbeing, increase quality of life and
happiness, whereas the absence of them quickly (or instantly) decreasing or destroying life

Besides the obvious ones which probably didn’t need explaining, are there any healthy
uses for other drugs like listed in the first paragraph?

● Gambling- the ability to assess a situation, determine odds, sieze opportunities, and get
results, yes I can see positives to this potential addiction; but in official gambling arenas
where the odds are always stacked in the house’s favor against you with perhaps
roulette being your best odds at 49% (which still is worse than a random coin flip), the
talents or lessons learned by gamblers would be much better employing themselves in
the real world to assess situations and seize opportunities where their chances are much
● Sex- we just talked about that but get comfortable in one’s body, breathe deeply (rather
than heavily/shallow), become externally aware of the natural beauty and harmony of
how everything fits together in the world around you, and use all your senses to really
drink in the experience nature, the world, and life. To put a bit strangely, find the
sensuality, beauty, and attractiveness in the natural world
● Money- it’s largely about working for self gain, more stuff money toys status; but the
antidote is working to create beauty for others in the form of art and creative expression:
dance, singing, paint, music, sculpting, stories, there are myriads of ways. And ironic all
the creativity into ‘making more’ which never filled the hole, being artistically creative will
be exactly what this addict’s been looking for! Art is even the antidote to the person who
has been lacking and jonesing for money in their life, the creative expression will give
them happiness and enough money to survive!
● Status- this is largely addicted to love, the attention and eyes of others, their praise, kind
words, and adoration. It can also touch on fame which can relate to being loved for
helping others, being aware, or very talented artistically, which circles back to love. The
remedy for this addiction is to treat others better, show others love, be courteous and
treat them as equals. This will eliminate the emptiness by filling the love in hole others,
and you could only do such a thing if it overflowed from a fullness of your own, which
you’ll notice… you have much love you’ve been sitting on!
● Power- power can become addictive making it unhealthy and corrupt, and the cure for
power addiction is contribution, helping others to improve their lives rather than diminish
it. This is the healthy form of power, and the end for the means that is power; power is
meant to be used to benefit others. This will fill the hole the addict tried to fill with only
power, and will give them an immense sense of fulfillment, purpose, and importance
(born of importantly filling other people’s lack/emptiness)!
● Danger- this can take many forms, like adrenaline addiction such as with police, solders,
sky divers, spelunkers, carnies, street racers, definitely martial artists, jet pilots, and
many others. The positives are seeing a gap and bravely bridging the gap to a desired
outcome. The unhealthy addiction puts you in harms way, risks your health, safety, and
wellbeing to get a rush amounting to “I’m invincible” or something (if it works, if not you
get wrecked/destroyed). The healthy way to use this is bridge the gap between you and
people in pain, fear, or unhealthiness themselves, and to build a bridge for them to come
out of danger into a place of health, happiness, and wellbeing. THAT takes courage and
● Committing violence- this can be like anger addiction, or sadism (related to power
addiction, stemming from a feeling of being out of control/powerless). This probably
comes from being violated as a child physically or sexually, and maybe even from a
person you loved or still love, and until now wasn’t able to find a way to help them out of
their funk so you just replicated their behavior to others maybe hoping for a solution. But
here it is, the remedy for this addiction is helping heal others, especially that person who
violated you when you were young. Use your rationale, why would someone who loves
you do that? Because someone was violent with them and they never figured this out.
SO forgive them, understand the situation with compassion, you can tell them or just in
your head (they’ll feel the shift). You also can pay it forward and forgive other people
who act as such, or help others forgive people who were violent to them. It makes
everyone feel better. It’s hard to want to be violent when you understand your
aggressor’s pain, and that people who like that now want to forgive someone too.
● Being abused or violated- this is like chaos addiction, masochism, even power
addiction because there’s a thrill of the unknown, what might happen, like gambling,
maybe something good will happen, regardless you’ll find out how strong you are…
stronger than you thought, how much pain you can endure. It’s backwards but there is a
rationale. The solution to this is gentle compassion, perhaps loud at first, “I’m sorry
someone hurt you” say to the aggressor. This person might even become addicted to
solving other people’s problems, volunteering all over the world because they love
repairing broken things. This is the healthy version.
● Religion/spirituality- The unhealthy version of this can be two parts which are similar: 1
is dogmatic and inflexible, the other is totally crazy and unable to function in daily life
because you're so ‘out there’. They both are delusional and detached from reality. In a
way that level of detachment is the goal of Buddhism, but often it’s actually looking for
love and a place to belong. This addiction’s fix is show love to some people, this will
bring you into the moment, help you touch reality better, and let you feel the love you
likely want to feel.
● Love/joy/happiness- these are some high values and emotions, I’d say the highest! It’s
hard to distort these beautiful things because they (could be said to be) are the sources
of health and wellbeing! Or at least on par. I don't think these can be unhealthy, being
addicted to these is always your best move! They say ‘follow your bliss’, these will take
you everywhere you want to go. Stay addicted.

Ok, that was a lot. What about actual drugs (rather than vague addictions)? There’s
cocaine, heroin, meth, crack, X, weed, pills, acid, shrooms, alcohol, probably others. The gist is
some make you go inside, relax, mellow out, feel good, and some make you go outside, aware,
energized, excited, ready, powerful; they call them uppers and downers. Regardless, the need is
always the same people want to beyond their normal experience, awareness, beyond
themselves, and this already says what they want. They want to see the truth, experience reality
for what it is, it is a desire for external truth about the world. They want to open their eyes, ears,
skin, nose, and tongue, open their awareness, breathe deeply, be in harmony with the bigger (or
at least external, can be smaller too) world. Showing love is always a good solution because
you’ll feel love and belonging which is related here. The ‘on the nose’ answer for the unhealthy
use of drugs to perceive truth of the external world is to meditate, use your senses, and breathe
deeply. Meditation is the natural drug which promotes health rather than decline, and will give all
the experiences of unhealthy drugs, for free.
Chapter 8

Most of humanity’s identity is around their ability to do this. It also

can be an addiction and humanity certainly is. The initial promise of
technology was better homes, safer borders, protection from animals and
invaders, as well as some ease regarding food. Then became about
conquest/war, long distance communication, art, recording of history,
stories, and ideas, as well as math, eventually becoming world ending in
destructive explosives, skyscrapers, vertical indoor farming, global
observation with satellites, space travel to other moons and planets, instant worldwide
information and communication, cloning, meat made of plants, 3D printing, improving health and
lifespan by decades, among other things. Technology of itself isn’t unhealthy, but using it for
what it can’t do is. Technology can do magic, even the past hundred years would look like magic
to any other humans, and it’s good people use their creativity and intellect to please and delight
themselves, explore, and create amazing things which make people’ lives better. The issue is
when people explore technology for technology’s sake and get lost in the invention, forgetting
about their lives, forgetting about their neighbors, and the state of the world. This applies not
just to innovators and free thinkers but also to consumers who let technology become an
obsessions, take them on tangents, off the path of their lives goofing off, having fun, letting it
(like a drug) become the focus of their lives rather than something to improve the quality of their
life. Even if technology is something someone’s passionate about, like a life’s purpose, there are
relationships, nature, fresh air, play, art, meditation, love, helping people.

It does, I suppose, depend on how one uses technology, because if one is conscious
they can do most of those things with technology: stay connected with loved ones, do nature
meditations (albeit subpar to the real thing), make art on computers, help people in many ways
(like programs, apps, life coach video chats, find solutions for people through email). Though
most technology has a tinge of the power addiction: “If we can organize enough, catalog
enough, get enough information, get good enough AI, write good enough software, we can
become omniscient… and thus all powerful.” When people are contributing, they are upfront and
straight forward about it, don’t need to explain things, or move through ambiguity to get to
someone’s motives or intent. When you give a homeless person money, or donate online, how
clear is your motive or intent? Exactly, pretty much everyone can easily get at your motives,
“Oh, they’re being nice, giving to that person.” But all the explainer videos and virtue signalling,
it makes people wonder (rightly) “why is there ambiguity to begin with, and the need for them to
explain it?” The issue is honesty and transparency, and if it’s not why not, or, what aren’t they
being honest about?

Many are addicted to technology as if it can solve all their problems, on the inventor and
consumer side. As Sadhguru said, “People are obsessed with artificial intelligence and
computer devices, but the natural intelligence and computer inside everyone’s skull which
creates them, no one cares about.” In other words, how much greater is the parent which gives
birth to such computational intelligent devices, the human brain? Loving technology so much is
worshipping other people’s brains and intelligence and never using, loving, or worshipping your
own! If met face to face the people who made their iphones or apps or computers, that’d
probably put things more into perspective that it’s just some person, a coder or software
engineer-- probably a couple of them-- and they could maybe put it more into context as a tool
in their life rather than a focus.

Technology can do great things, we listed some above: cure disease, improve health,
genetically modified crops for greater yields, free information to solve any problem… easier
living in general. So yes, there are unhealthy ways to use/abuse technology in ways it can’t
deliver, but it also can be used healthily. If you need groceries and the store is 2 miles away,
using a vehicle would be easier than walking. Using the grocery store and its national trucks and
delivery systems to bring food and supplies right to your town is easier than hunting and
gathering yourself. Farmers using tractors to plant and reap their crops is easier than doing it by
hand with a shovel and hoe. Technology exists to improve our lives, to compliment the life we’re
living; that means we must have a life.

In conclusion, don’t ask technology to live your life for you, or to fill the holes in your life.
That’s impossible and unhealthy. You must live your life and it can make that easier, which is the
purpose of a tool. It’s also unhealthy to worship technology with its cold hard nature. Life is soft,
mostly water, requiring love, compassion, and understanding. People get obsessed with
technology because they don’t have love or relationships, so show love to others and feel love!
Technology can never love you, it can be programmed to say the words, it doesn’t love you.
Perhaps one day artificial intelligence will reach human levels and we can interact with them as
equals beings, which is fine, that will be interesting but we can come to it when it comes.
Chapter 9
War, weapons, security

Everyone wants peace of mind, security, to feel safe, people

want their space to be respected. People aren’t really mean or bad,
countries want to feel good, safe, their borders/land to be respected.
They say safety is the foundation of everything else. The issue is war
happens when people get comfortable, forget to communicate. When
people enjoy the stuff they have, appreciate it, but stop meditating,
breathing deeply, being aware of the truth in the world, using their
intelligence, then if there are bumps it feels someone’s taking away
what they love/appreciate.

These kinds of things happen when people love stuff too much and forget about
relationships, nature, breathing deeply, art, and intelligence. They enjoy themselves and get
comfortable, forget there is a greater harmony/wellbeing/intelligence in the world, then feel they
need to protect their stuff. This turns into us (with this stuff) vs them. Then that appreciation
becomes forgetfulness, which becomes ignorance, which becomes fear (lack of knowledge),
and they must use weapons, stockpile, train armies, invade, defend, go to war. It all comes from
a place of appreciation, but neglecting greater things, which triggers lack and reaction.

Who knows if it’s possible to know everything, fractal mentality would say it’s not even
worth the effort because you can get most of it for minimal effort. The reason I bring this up is
because these such things come often from lack of knowledge or ignorance of somethings. If
you appreciated or understood someone completely, you would love them and want to help
them with compassion. As Buddha said, “When you know everything, you forgive everything.”
Perhaps there are some situations where self-defense and violence is necessary for survival,
Buddha and Buddhist never believe so. They believe in nonviolence always, don’t defend
yourself, don’t kill even insects, harm no one with words or actions. Jesus taught similar things,
“If a man slaps you, turn the other cheek and let him slap it too,” also “Love thy neighbor.”

In America, the standard policy is, in the law is, “if someone uses deadly force, you can
retaliate, especially during home invasions.” In the normal world this kind of justice makes
sense, but Buddha (like Jesus) were unique people. Buddha actually sought out bad people to
help resolve their issues. There was an evil spirit living in a house no one dared enter because it
regularly killed people. Buddha heard of this and walked into the house against other people’s
wishes. He spent the night in the house with the spirit and people heard all kinds of crying and
wailing, thinking the spirit had killed the Buddha. The next morning, Buddha walked out the
house alongside the former spirit who was now a man. Buddha said “It was time for him to stop
killing.” Buddha’s presence had excised all the evil out of him and healed him. Another story
was of a serial killer who’d had his beloved wife kidnapped by a demon. The demon said only if
he brought him 1000 fingers each from 1000 people he killed, would he release her. The man in
his grief set out to. Buddha happened to be only a few miles away when he became aware this
man was in the vicinity. The man had killed 999 people and would soon kill his thousandth
person, “terrible karma” Buddha said. Buddha walked alone into the forest where this man was,
and made himself vulnerable to this man, letting him sneak up on Buddha. When the man was
behind him, Buddha turned around, “If killing me will make you happy, please, take my life. I
gladly give it.” The murderer raised his knife thinking only of his wife, but then seeing Buddha’s
calm presence, dropped the knife and realized it wouldn’t make him happy. Buddha then
revealed the demon had long ago already killed his wife. The man repented on the spot and
changed his ways.

So that is the way enlightened people handle danger. While most people respond with
self-defense, violence in kind, or fire with fire, Buddha responding to fire with water, coolness,
understanding of what the man was going through. Most people would not have the calm to
understand this violent person’s motivations, and trust such understanding even less to act
compassionately on them. To others it might seem risky, but obviously Buddha felt comfortable
or confident enough things would all be well, that this man wasn’t evil but in immense pain, and
that such suffering had a cure. Another aspect is that Buddha didn’t care about living anymore
anyway and would have given his life because he’d transcended the world, but that’s another
aspect. About this though, it shows one can trust the logic of people’s motivations, that people
can be understood emotionally, violence can be met in better ways than violence, water in fact is
better at cooling fire whereas fire cannot fight fire but only add to it.

I guess the response to the unknown, including violence, can be met in 2 ways: reacted
to from a place of pain and fear and aggression, or from a place of knowledge, intelligence,
truth, understanding, compassion, and coolness. For people responding to such things as war,
violence, or ‘security’ issues, whether it be a normal person or a whole country, the solution is
meditation on the facts, truth, then to use intelligence to form rational conclusions from the truth
to reach the best decision. The answer for heat is coolness, the answer for violence is
Chapter 10

Everyone wants health and we’ve been talking about health this whole
time. This is about the health industry. It charges the biggest prices, isn’t
transparent about the cost of care, it often bankrupts people, puts them in
debt, takes their life savings. Something they make seem manditory even for
minor things is an ambulance ride, and while it can seem fun, that ride can
cost $5000. It’s probably so expensive because dealing with people’s health,
lives, and potential deaths is risky for hospitals and physicians, medical
complications, mistakes, lawsuits, a bad day as a provider could mean their
license or a lawsuit which takes everything. The legality of people’s health is a
narrow line, and people can get emotional if something goes wrong. That’s why there’s so much
protection on each side.

Health in the old days was superstitious, sometimes involving shamans or witch doctors,
who would do things that had worked in the past like magic words or dances or an herb. Now
science backs medicine, and people often think some expert knows their body more than they
do. People believe diagnosis, mental labels, disorder names, it’s almost like a parent giving
attention. It probably makes some people feel like they’re loved, at great financial expense.

People often come to medical inquiry in low places of their life. They’re feeling lost or
vulnerable, looking for love, a place to belong, attention, some unique purpose. That’s why they
so quickly attach to things like bi-polar, diabetic, ADHD, depressed, heart condition, brain
condition, spine condition, etc. People attach to such things (which are rooted in belief systems)
because they want some positive outcome, an identity perhaps, a unique feature. There are
multiple youtube people who’s entire channel is based around their diagnosis like tourettes or
ADHD. Rather than discovering who they are or what they value, and build an identity and life
around what makes them happy, they some ‘official limitation’ from an authority ie doctor to feel
part of that limitation community. It’s free, but it’s also cheap and with little value.

People want to be healthy, and make the best possible choice given the options they
believe they have, if given a better one people often choose it. Everyone starts in different
places (not like good or bad, because a poor person can be mentally healthy while a rich person
is tormented by demons and you’d have to decide who’s better off), and everyone does the best
they can to move in a better feeling way, no one makes poor decisions according to them.
Everyone starts in different (unique) places.

If someone’s unhealthy, what’s the healthy thing? Well unhealth involves vulnerability,
feeling unsafe and exposed. The way to be healthy is to meditate on such things, observe facts,
then use knowledge to understand and make intelligent choices in one’s best interest.
Knowledge is the cure to many low things: fear, powerlessness, anger, depression, etc. Be
smart, and cure unhealthiness.
Chapter 11

This is a part time job in the west, people spend hours on youtube,
watching tv, music, as Caesar said “Give them bread and circus!” How
much and easy to access, it makes it easy to do nothing, slouch, click, and
observe. Everyone is like a medieval king with performers and jesters
galore, not commenting on the quality. As far as survival goes, it does feel
good, people socializing with you, people doing art for you, it feels like
you’re living a good life. But it’s an unreal image, not tangible or touchable.
People get obsessed with entertainment in many forms, it can be partying and being entertained
by lights, music, funny strangers, booze. It can be tv, Netflix, youtube, Hulu, some people watch
porn just because it’s available, something to do. Some people are entertained by travel, or
doing thrilling things, having new experiences, even living an interesting life can be
entertainment: what can this world dazzle me with?

There are famous singers, actors, dancers, painters, athletes, entertainment often has
valuable art qualities which are enriching. I even said art is a positive thing that contributes to
people, but like others it can be misused. If you do nothing but go to work, watch tv, you could
be artificially simulating that you have friends and an exciting life by immersing in stories and
art. Art appreciation is a beautiful thing, but to use it as a replacement for a life, and to have so
much of it you believe your life is worthwhile or exciting-- feeling better is valuable regardless,
but again, healthy/unhealthy-- it is dependency on something that can’t be depended on, and at
best a brief vacation or distraction.

I’ve given this advice to many people before, if someone has been a consumer of
entertainment for years, it is time to pay it forward and create some art themselves. People who
read, write a book! People who love music, make some songs! People who love film, make a
movie! The person is probably an expert and could make amazing things from all their
experience, in a way they weren’t wasting time but building their skillset to be artistically
creative. What a great thing, get to work!!! So entertainment addiction is unhealthy, and the cure
is to create it, whatever that means to you. Contribute art to the field, world, others’ lives like you
enjoyed. You might surprise yourself how good you are at it!
Chapter 12

This is where you were born. Blood ties, ancestry, also adopted
family, also the tribe you want to belong too. Old psychology said you
needed things from your parents, love, approval, make them proud,
masculine feminine, probably something there. Parents have beliefs,
plans, you have to make your own or keep. Does one value blood, value
love, value values, these a person must ask.

People can get all kinds of messed up from family: “what do they
want”, “how do I please them”, “how do I displease them,” “how to surpass them,” “how do I
avoid them,” “how do I make them love me.” If family is what one values, the answers are easy.
If one values one’s wellbeing above all, that shows the answer too.

One can be unhealthy about family, obsessing over past problems, how to please them,
get love, find out why they did that, what they want, how to be happy and make them happy.
This all stems from a desire to feel love, OBVIOUSLY. Per usual, the healthy way to feel love is
to give it to others, and it will automatically be felt. This bypasses any family issues, gets right to
the love one needs/is looking for, without untangling family stuff, or delving into words/trauma.
You’re getting good at answering.
Chapter 13

We briefly covered this in drugs, when people get into religion

they usually get into religion, or spirituality. It is valuable at what it does,
providing esoteric and transcendent knowledge of things, but bad at
doing other things. Most people get into it because they feel alone and
are looking for community, belong, love. It’s the rarer person who gets
into it for what it actually is, for spiritual and mystical truths, to
understand how everything works, to be a light, to seek the holy life. This
is the rarer person and the only one who sticks with it. The majority go to it from a place of
sadness, per the idiom “No one finds church in the good times.” When people feel alone,
surviving, they find the comfort of nice people pleasing temporarily, even if they don’t value the
content or esoteric truths.

Thus the remedy for most people here is show love to others to feel love. But for people
who actually are addicted to spiritual and religious things, also the solution is show people love
because you want to be equal and in communion with others.
Chapter 14

Lots of good ideas. To discover something’s nature, look at its

opposite, also to understand something appreciate it. Fractal is obviously
cool, like its little brother 8020. The direct path to good is how do I wanna
feel. A collection of some of earth’s best ideas is the LOT model which
means life operates thru tribes. Life thru time is: little kid into full
adult elder. Operate the body in motion is: own space,
penetration, eat, rapport, art, TENTEY (tongue, ears, nose,
touch, eyes) awareness, ethics. Tribe in the space around one
is: turf dwelling, romantic partner, income, besties, expertise
(art, meditation, giving).

Buddha talked against attachment to mental forms, as one of the later obstacles to
enlightenment, to abandon them (like ritual) and experience reality directly. Idea addiction is like
spirit, it is a looking for belonging and love. Some people are so ingrained in their ideas they’re
incapable of seeing them as that, just ideas, they see as truth “that my mother believed and her
mother believed, etc.” Their ideas are just how things are, those people have never questioned
them. Others try on ideas like hats switching them out daily to explore. Either way, idea
addiction is unhealthy because one tries to make ideas into friends/love, which they can’t be.
The answer is show love to people. Even to people who have chronic (or so called ‘intrusive’)
bad thoughts, ones they wish they didn’t have, voices saying bad things, bad ideas,
encouraging bad behavior, that also could be looking for love and friendship, thus still the
answer’s show love.
Chapter 15
Fun, adventure

We talked briefly about this before, chasing new experiences, being

entertained by the world, being silly, this can be very joyous especially in a
context of love with friendship. It also can be like a drug, stimulation
seeking, danger addiction, thrill. We already covered thrill seeking enough
so we’ll stick with simple fun and adventure. If having fun and being
entertained by the world is what one’s obsessed with, again in the context of
love: keep it. In the context of being entertained by experiences, people, or
the world, don’t let the obsession take over one’s life, be more than one’s life so that the
experiences are one’s identity or all others see when they look at one. Let love be part of one’s
life, and create art, beauty, and entertainment for others. Express one’s inner magic to dazzle
others and make the world a better place, rather than seek glory, adoration, or love through fun
or adventure. Give others what thrill seekers seek, perform and create wonders.
Chapter 16
Common emotion

What is the common state of people on this planet? What is the

common emotion? The common emotion is a mixture of sorts. It is comfort,
wrapped in boredom, sprinkled with fear, a touch of restless excitement,
with a center of peace, love, and joy--which some never realize is down in
there. People feel and look bored, it comes from a place of lazy
appreciation for the comfort of the moment, there’s a slight edge of fear
which doubts things to keep them safe/alert, the restless excitement is the
ability (and desire) to explode with glee at the drop of a hat if positive situation happens to take
place, as well as the eternal truth that under everything is a positive intent and the root of all
emotion, intent, thought, experience, and life itself is good feeling (in the form of high flying
emotions such as peace, love, and joy).

The state accessed in any moment by any person, in themselves or relating to others
depends on the context which often is only those: comfort, boredom, fear, restless excitement,
or the best and deepest peace/love/joy. To touch the best more often usually requires
meditation, being subtle, breathing deeply, using one’s senses, and whereas effort makes more
flighty and finicky emotions, meditation and observation reveal the deep, robust, unassailable,
undiminishable, always present, never absent, only thing that can ever be except for self
created facades made in one’s own face, truth that these are the only things that exist, and only
through years of conditioning, ‘education’, ‘learning’, ‘understanding the world’ through fake
lenses and perspectives, can anything else ever even be conceived enough to be pretended to
be perceived. It’s really a magic act that anything but peace, love, or joy can ever exist. It’s a
testament to the utter freedom of life. Any brief stint with meditation will reveal such awesome
Chapter 17
Survival, food, housing, hygiene, stability

This is the necessary groundwork anyone has to do just to exist: sex,

eat, housing, clean water, safe environment. Most people are probably here,
fighting for survival, existence, resources, safety. Most people respond to the
world in front of them rather than create situations they want. Most people
go with the flow (which can be a good thing), but they don’t know how to
make choices and do things they want. Often it’s just a little planning away
from a radically better life but most people-- like in their ideas-- believe they,
life, or the world is a certain way so they resist change largely because they fear giving any
ground, exploring, surrendering the certainty they currently have for an uncertain future they
can’t trust is foolish even suicidal; because remember these people are living near
powerlessness, hopelessness, trapped in the darkness reacting to sights and sounds they don’t
understand and lashing out but at least loving themselves and wanting to live. So even though
paradise might be 2 steps away, it’s 2 steps most can’t take because they think (or it feels like)
it’s certain death.

Hell is much more populated than heaven, there are few at the top, the poor will always
outnumber the rich, the miserable will always outnumber the happy, the survivors outnumber the
thrivers. People in all want to get out (except the broken/insane), but the only thing worse than
not getting out is seeing someone else get out, so as it goes people in hell prevent others from
leaving, keep each other trapped in survival. Like crabs in a bucket, they pull each other down
because none of them can use their brain to solve their problems, so they just hurt each other
and hurt themselves, dooming everyone to eternity there. It’s a rare one who manages to
escape. People in heaven look down on how mangey and uncivilized they are, mocking how
just the slightest cooperation would bring them to heaven, but alas, no one in hell knows how to
make friends or help anyone but themselves thus dooms themselves to suffer. Some say it’s
futile to try and help people who so love to suffer, so identify with pain and abuse. How can even
a god convince a fool to put down his woes? A fool thinks they are him, so he hugs them like
precious children.

For a person to go beyond survival, a person must show love to others, create art,
meditate, and help people. By doing these, a person goes beyond oneself, people appreciate it,
and life becomes happy, fulfilling, and easy.
Chapter 18
Love, friendship

These have been the answer for so many problems, what good are they?
First they feel good, give love when you give. Feel you belong, sense of
community. It sort of solves all problems, love makes survival easy, love makes
one sane if they are spiritual crazy, if one’s status obsessed love fixes that. Love
does everything. In terms of elements it’s the strongest: water. In terms of chakras
it’s center with no opposite. With friendship anything’s possible.

While love is most everything, there are few rare situations where other things are
needed, 1 out of 4 times. Because love is strongest, it’s not all, love or friend addiction can in
rare situations be unhealthy: loving too much, giving, helping too much, not getting other stuff
done, letting friends take over one’s life, letting love take over. 3/4 times that’s fine, people
prefer it over most things and appreciate it, but sometimes one must be more intelligent for the
best good-- only rarely.
Chapter 19

Humanity is a group identity most are raised with. I was more the old
beliefs that connected humans with anything more like nature, the great being,
the world. Humans mostly think of themselves as things unto themselves,
separate and isolated from anything else, especially in a position of superiority
and domination. “Humans are subject to no creature, follow no master.” Humans
in their tool-love, forget their place in the animal kingdom and how they are 1
(insignificant, in terms of global biomass) species among many. The bible is a culprit here
putting humans in authority over animals rather than loving and respecting the ecosystem
they’re a part of. So much so that most people today would say animals aren’t conscious, don’t
think, don’t have feelings, can’t communicate, whereas our ancestors would laugh at the
stupidity and say “If they don’t, you don’t!” Science is even now learning trees communicate with
each other even across great distances via electric signals in the roots, perhaps among other
ways (such as screaming when hurt at supersonic frequencies only bats can hear).

Humans identity largely circles around fire worship, the amazement of fire and wielding it
to kill/destroy and melt/synthesize tools for use. From this, human pride in ‘their fire’ spreads to
millions of gadgets: tables, phones, cars, satellites, glass, plastic, etc. The problem is this
worship of fire and a false sense of importance/fake pride takes away from the actual human
spirit, what being human actually is. By believing human identity is external in fire wielding and
tool making, it puts human importance on objects and stuff, rather than as creative, thinking,
feeling, observant, intelligent beings. Such fire wielding can be turned to joyous ends, but often
it leads to weapons, war, death, and more ways of manual labor. If humans retained their good
human spirit, and used tools just as tools, they could make life an effortless paradise of
recreation, pleasure, abundance, and happiness, solving all its problems with ease-- I mean
consider, with only the technology we have right now, if employed intelligently, what human
problem couldn’t we solve, what poverty or unhappiness or scarcity couldn’t be fixed? But
instead humans use such destructive powers to be greedy, to eek out scraps of status to be
ogled at by people they don’t care about, which doesn’t make them feel love. This is the world
humans pick over utopia.

Humans can do anything, humans (like all creatures) are unique and theirs is thumbs
and big brains; and humans decide to do this.
Chapter 20
Animal kingdom

This goes from the greatest animals, bugs, to fish to snails to mammals
to us. Animals while the most talked about life forms on earth, plants actually
dominating the most (at 82.4% global biomass). The animal kingdom walks
around, eating plants and each other. They move their body, (usually) use 5
senses go around, have limbs, make choice, they’re the more mobile of beings;
but plants also move just more slowly. Humans are part of this, animals have a
good harmony with nature, living there, and can live peacefully with each other regardless of
species or appearance. Just look at an African watering hole with ostriches, elephants, zebras,
crocs, buffalo, and lions all drinking. Same anywhere else, animals can get along and live fine. I
guess humans are pretty good at that too with each other, largely, for mutual group benefit…
though humans are difficult-- even horrible-- at being in harmony with any species at least when
in proximity. The only mammals which still exist are either smaller, harmless, or far from human
colonies. The only things that survive human presence are obedient little puppies and kittens,
harmless birds, tiny scavengers like raccoons and opossums, nothing that is uncomfortable for
humans lives. Humans kill uncomfortable things like bears, lions, tigers, panthers, even
elephants if they’re in the way, humans don’t live in harmony, they kill things to feel better.

Same with plants, trees, entire forests, coral reefs, they just destroy them for their space
or meat to build homes or whatever. Humans are rough. Lions kill animals too, put not
genocidally, they do 1 at a time for necessity. Giraffes don’t wipe out leafy plants, but eat what
they need to and move on. Humans, in the eyes of the animal kingdom, don’t get high marks.
And humans don’t really care, that’s their thing is only seeing surfaces and not seeing the nature
of things, to their own misfortune, whereas animals can sense the whole of someone’s being, all
their thoughts and emotions instantly, the surface is almost irrelevant to the internal richness.
Despite what humans say, life is rich outside of humanity, in the animal kingdom, in the plant
kingdom even.
Chapter 21
How it all fits together

How does it? Well it’s all fractal, self-similar across all scales. This can be a bit
maddening because no matter whatever knowledge one gains, distinctions one makes,
none of it is really important. If everything is fractal, everything is near identical copies of
everything else which means the people you see today in some city are nearly the same
in another country in a different city. The relationships you’ll have, the interactions you
have, the feelings you felt, the lessons you learn, everything wraps into itself as nearly
the same as before, and will be nearly the same soon. Everything is always new-- a
definition of chaos-- yet everything is nearly the same as it always was and will be. By
seeing the pattern or the order in the chaos, without knowing anything, you can know (feel)
everything that’s going to happen, preempt, predict, make choices, do new things; you can
become like Dr. Manhattan who “is also a puppet, just he can see the strings”. Seeing how even
your feelings, thoughts, and responses are nearly identical copies of ones you had and will have
lets you bend the odds to something more favorable. It can kind of drive you mad seeing how
cool/obvious it is, the hidden equation running everything, but also thrilling knowing things will
be new and fresh yet relatable/intuitive/understandable even if you’ve never seen it exactly that
way before, you’ll feel the way of it and know what to do, what you can do, can avoid, can play,

Regardless of any other facts, fractals are the order of the chaos of life, and isn’t it so
Everyone had a Happy Childhood
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Good Childhood

Chapter 2) Alternate Universe

Chapter 3) Mind Map

Chapter 4) Human History


Most probably wouldn’t agree with the title, if I wore a t-shirt with that title people would
probably angrily/painfully come up to me, “My dad was a drunk,” “My parents got divorced,” “I
was sexually abused, is that good?” It's a bold statement, I know. But I hope that you can stick
with me long enough to find that you-- like everyone-- actually had a good childhood, in fact the
best childhood you possibly could have. Why should we even discuss it though, aren’t there
easier ways to enjoy a better life than going back and figuring/working things out?

Yes, there are. ALSO, for most if not everyone, our minds can remain stuck on the past
and dwell over old things so much that it would take much change in the present whereas a
slight change in childhood will change everything. In this brief discussion, I hope I prove that
you, and in fact everyone, had a good childhood, and when that’s the case, living life in the
present, making decisions for your future, and being happy in general becomes so effortless you
actually have to learn to stop old autopilot actions because they’re unnecessary and take away
from your RHF (resting happy face); like you’ll be feeling good, happy, then an old trigger will
make you want to do something and you’ll have to remember it doesn’t make you happy you
already are. That’s the promise underneath the misinformation you’ve been believing about you
and others’ childhood. And the thing about ‘other people’, if you realize it for yourself, then you
can see that everyone else had a good one and is happy too at the core, and that gives
forgiveness/compassion, making it better/easier for you knowing you live in a good, happy

Chapter 1
Good Childhood

The most common childhood problems are accidents, emotional/verbal abuse,

sexual/physical abuse, and bullying. It doesn’t matter what your issue was, the process we’re
going to use is the same no matter what. Let’s cover one example.

Emotional abuse:
Let’s say a little kid, boy or girl, is at a restaurant and with people
around asks for something. The parent says no and the kid starts to cry, sad.
The parent then chides the kid, “Look at you, you big baby. Embarrassing
me in front of people, making a scene. Why don’t you grow up!? You’re no
good for anything, you cry baby. Why don’t you go home with someone else.
I don’t want you.”

Not a very nice scene. This kid could grow up feeling worthless, not having much self
worth, scared of people, of criticism, maybe drop out of school, maybe become homeless, do
drugs. They’d say it’s because their parents never loved them, and there is truth. It’s very sad.
But with a little curiosity, I wonder if we could find out what really was going on in this situation
which caused so much sadness and unworthiness in this once child, and now ‘failed’
‘depressed’ adult.

A very minor situation, a kid wanted some toy for sale, or maybe a desert; doesn’t
matter. The parent didn’t want to waste the money. The kid felt sad, perhaps a like he/she
wasn’t loved, maybe because of previous things going on, wanted to feel loved. The parent, for
whatever reason, even though likely they do/did love their child (gave birth to them, breast fed,
paid for, raised, fed, taught them, drove them, housed them, etc.), they aren’t able to
communicate love effectively enough so the child understands.

So right off the bat, we can see that evidence of the child’s existence there is love, and it
is a shortcoming of the parent they can’t communicate love to the child, don’t know how or think
their actions are enough, words are unnecessary, etc. The child doesn’t feel love probably
before this, but begins to cry in public, an honest expression of its feelings. The parent, then
feeling inadequate in public, in front of people, like they aren’t good parents, maybe are lacking
as people or adults in general, begin to lash out, attack, and punish verbally the child. “Stop
revealing my insecurities/vulnerabilities here” they imply. The child who felt bad before, after this
is reaffirmed that their parents don’t love them, installing feelings of worthlessness, fear of
abandonment, low self-esteem, etc.

The parent couldn’t fix their own self-esteem or feel adequate as an adult in their own
path, so obviously it’s a blindspot for them and they cannot fix or even see it in their child, so the
child remains unchanged with a bad childhood. Isn’t this evidence against my hypothesis? This
is a bad childhood! Actually no, see I can have a trick. I know something awesome. Want in?
At the root of everything, even bad things, are AMAZING things: high qualities, high
values, high emotions. No matter what it is, everyone does EVERYTHING because they believe
they will feel better in the having of it, because they think it will meet/satisfy their values. SO,
let’s go back to this heart-breaking story of inadequacy through the generations.

The parent was totally cruel and wrong in this situation. No question. But what is the
parent’s story? Why is the parent like this as an adult? Can you see any similarities between the
way this parent treated the child (focus on the inadequacy part) and the way the child grew up?
Yes, you can. It wouldn’t be difficult to imagine that this exact scene, or one nearly identical,
happened in the parent’s own childhood, maybe even harsher and more often! Parents aren’t
mean or cruel on purpose, consider your own intent for your children or your future children;
what does everyone say, “I want my kids to have it better than I had it.” Every parent across the
board ‘tries’ to be better than their parents. No one wants to inflict the same pain they felt as
kids to their children whom they love, at least consciously. But those patterns are built into the
people by default unless they consciously change them, because while they don’t consciously
want to do certain things, and I do believe every generation does it a little better than the last
just by good probability, when they get tired and patience runs low, their only model of how
parents behave come up in bright and vivid color and they do the same thing that was done to
them. Their unconscious says: cruel but effective. Then it says: Sad, but they’ll figure it out just
like I did, it’ll make them strong. That’s their rationality, “I suffered, I hated it, but it made me

They want to do it different, but theycouldn’t do it different for themselves so how the F
could they teach the child how!? Still haven’t proved your point! I know. Geez.

So the secret technique is positive intent, at the bottom of their many intents, your
parents and the parents in this example, like the your intents when you have kids, aways have
the best, most noble, positive, admirable intent. This isn’t sarcastic or being phony, this is good.
What was this parent’s positive intent, this’ll be fun. Let’s do this.

Parent was cruel.

● Why? Embarrassed of the kid’s crying. (This is where conscious thought usually
ends, “I’m an embarrassment” = “I’m worthless”)
● Why? Because the parent felt inadequate, as an adult to care for and nurture
their child, as adult, who feels crippling incompetence constantly, largely because
of their own traumatic childhood experiences probably because of bad parents
(Just 2 levels deep and the child can already shift the stress and pressure off
their shoulders onto personal problems of the parent, having nothing to do with
● Why? Not because they were happy with good childhoods themselves! Happy
people aren’t mean, mean people aren’t happy. The parent’s inner life must have
been hell, incapable of overcoming their bad childhood, trapped, hopeless,
hurting the child without meaning to, wanting an escape from their torture. (3
levels deep the child is already beginning to feel bigger than their tormentor, with
the inklings of understanding coming the beginnings of compassion, then
● Why? Because their parents, the child’s grandparents, were cruel (full
understanding, compassion, forgiveness)
● Why? Because their parents, the child’s great grandparents, were cruel (the
generational cycle is revealed)
● Why? Because they were ignorant of things the child knows, happiness,
goodness, love, pleasure. These old people lived in scarcity, fear, were in survival
mode their entire lives, doing only what was necessary to survive; feelings were
never anyone’s consideration. This cycle has been going on for centuries. The
child, after this much time, is the first one for hundreds or even thousands of
years in this family to become aware of how these people treat each other, live in
darkness, scarcity, fear, ignorance, and survival. They never even considered
that feeling bad isn’t how people were meant to feel. Feeling good never was an
option because they didn’t know anyone could be happy, life was just about being
tough and gritty, and surviving. (this is enough but lets go on)
● Why? Because they loved themselves, loved their children, no matter how ugly or
dark the world seemed from wherever their ancestors started, because of love
and caring they were going to make it, survive, because love matters, family
matters, and they’d suffer anything to keep love alive and those they love. That’s
why. (Bam)

So, are things more clear? Did this child have a good or bad childhood? Obviously after
this inquiry the child (or you for your situation) can never go back, unsee what they saw, unknow
what they learned. Now there are 2 possible stories here, which have dramatic impacts on the
then child’s and now adult’s life.

1. I’m worthless, my parents don’t love me, I have nothing of value, I was hardly worth my
parents’ attention so no one will ever care for me, I’m unimportant. Or...
2. I’m the chosen one. For hundreds or thousands of years a cycle of cruelty, fear, and
ignorance has existed in my family. None who came before me even knew of its
existence because they were living so closely to it. None of them even believed feeling
good or being happy was an option because they were so steeped in survival. But the
single indominable thread through all those generations-- with much love,
understanding, compassion, and appreciation-- was love. No matter how they acted or
what they said, it always came from a deep powerful place of love for themselves, to
keep on, and love for their children, so they could have a better life. I am the first to see
the cycle, thus the first wit the ability to go beyond it, to live a good life with pleasure and
happiness. To go beyond hidden love wrapped in cruel words, but to live a joyous life
and to spread joy on purpose, to be a shining light. I am the culmination of thousands of
years positive intent for love to boil to the surface and I finally am the one to see it for
what it is. I will carry love openly for myself and others.
Which story do you think has a happy ending? They both are true, but one is skin deep
that blows away with the wind and the other is millenium spanning and tells the whole story.
Consider, if the child had never had those bad experiences as a child, they might not have come
to this realization that they have been the prophesied one thousands of ancestors had been
waiting for to finally see beyond survival, into the truth of what was love, to finally set love free
into the light of day, and have a good happy life. The first ever for thousands of years! Isn’t that
a cool legacy?! The child is the chosen one, the one prophesied by thousands of parents hoping
it’d be their kid who could break the cycle, the most admired child of a thousand generations,
feeling the love of all those proud ancestors.

Is there a better possible way to slice this, tell this story? How else would you explain it?
Is this language trickery? Is there a lie anywhere? Is there a weak link in the chain of evidence
that brought us here? No, this is the only truth. It’s so good in fact, the child now adult wonders
how they ever believed anything bad, it’s so overwhelming true/good how could they ever have
felt anything bad with so much good on their side! So much love! There’s so much good there’s
no room for anything else!!! How could anyone or anything touch a being with thousands of
progenitors saying “Go, you, go! You’re the chosen one! We love you the most! The prophesied
long-awaited one!!”

Is there a better story than this? Even lie, can you tell a better story than the truth? Or is
the truth actually the best of all possible outcomes? For this example, I think that’s obvious.

But what about you? Well you simply have to discover what your childhood actually was,
using the same process, rather than how most people tell it which is how it wasn’t: this minor
thing didn’t go how I wanted it, I didn’t feel good in this situation I really valued, etc. etc. SO, I
want you to do the level inquiry into your childhood, start wherever you are, and discover the
deep truth, which I GUARANTEE(!!!!!!!!!!) will reveal the GREATEST possible childhood you
possibly could have had, bar none in any alternate universe-- hands down, the BESTTTTTTTT.

My childhood: ________________________________________

● Why? _____________________________________________________________

● Why? _____________________________________________________________


● Why? _____________________________________________________________


● Why? _____________________________________________________________

● Why? _____________________________________________________________


● Why? _____________________________________________________________


● Why? _____________________________________________________________


● Why? _____________________________________________________________


Cool! Is it as good as I said? With this new understanding of your childhood, consider
briefly what effect having a good childhood will have on your entire life: your memory of
childhood, present, the future (if you care). We’ll go officially into depth in mind maps later, but
first we should consider for the science sticklers the topic of alternate universes...
Chapter 2
Alternate Universe

Science-- and common sense-- says that if we know this reality exists,
that necessitates that lower 0, 1, 2, and 3 dimensions exist before this 4D
spacetime. Yes? If there is this 4th dimension, and lower dimensions, it also
stands that there are higher dimensions too as well as parallel 4D spacetimes
different from our own. We could reach such ones by going to the 5th
dimension and simply walking to a different 4D timeline and plopping in
anywhere/when we want. This includes versions of you with different parents,
different lifestyle at birth, you with gills, you with giraffe head, universe where you were never
born, universe where earth never formed, etc.

There are all kinds of versions. What are three alternate versions of you you can

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

Cool stuff. Can you imagine one you might like best? You were born heir to the world
throne? A billionaire? Trillionaire? Harem of beautiful lovers? Famous? Gorgeous? Regardless
of what best 4D timeline you can imagine, string theory says it exists, and I say that no matter
how great or awesome it might sound, it’s nowhere near the level of awesome as your current
life. Yes, I know, even with the fleet of mega yachts and 6 gold bugattis.

Because even though it might be flashy, notice one thing: it’s not your timeline. You know
why that’s important? Because if all that bullshit was important or relevant to/for you, you’d have
it. What if in a past life you had all that stuff then gave it away because it was boring, tedious, a
whole lotta nothing. You wanted a fun, thrilling, exciting life!

While you might be saying I’m just trying to comfort you into accepting what you’ve got,
which I am, I also know how the universe has to work in every universe/dimension. Like water
flowing downstream, the universe takes the path of least resistance. WHICH MEANS, that the
life and timeline you’ve got is INHERENTLY better than all possible other iterations of what you
could’ve had. I think that’s a great thing to ruminate on for a second, or minute. Take your time…

That means the bullshit flashy nonsense you daydream about is LESS than what you’ve
got now. It might be hard to wrap your head around it, especially if you’ve been daydreaming for
years. But if it was so cool you would’ve had it. Quick question, in your day to day, do you spend
more time thinking about this other stuff you ain’t got or the stuff of your real life? That’s your
answer, the stuff in your real life is more interesting to you-- in practice-- then that other stuff.
You might, “Logically that doesn’t make sense. This other stuff is way cooler/more interesting!”
Is it though, or is it a flashy colorful image? Whereas YOUR life, it’s kept your full attention your
entire life without missing a beat. So again I ask, which is more interesting?

The next question you might ask then is why? Or even how is this life more interesting
than lifestyles of the rich and the famous? For all the reasons you stay alive day after day, your
various interests, trains of thought, the things you want to discover, learn along the way, go from
where you were to where you want to go. Experience the thrill. If you play a video game, do you
just want to be born king of the world and sit in the royal courtyards with everything completed?
When you watch a movie, do you want the protagonist to start with the fame and wealth, then
watch tv eating lobster with a hot girlfriend, then go to a restaurant in his lamborghini? Maybe
once, but then that movie or game gets old.

“What interesting shit can we get into!?” There are all kinds of interesting lives, especially
ones with dark pasts and lots of troubles, that just means for fun and challenge to climb our way
out of it like a puzzle. Son of a drunk fisherman who you could never understand. Married to a
harpie of a woman who drove you insane but still loved. Daughter of a terrible but powerful man
trying to start a fresh life with the shame of your pain. How interesting a story can we come up
with here, even though in a fleeting conscious thought we might never understand why we
created such experiences for ourselves.

Whatever you got, trust me, and trust the life you’ve lived, that of all other universes (no
matter how briefly interesting or cool they might seem) where you are, like water flowing
downstream, it’s the best possible place for you to be!!!
Chapter 3
Mind Map

Mind maps are awesome ways of organizing things and making connections. Below is
an example of a person’s life with a ‘bad’ childhood. You can use any paint program to do it (ie

You can see how 1 root cause can make a whole life shitty. When it’s mapped out like
this how someone sees their life, the solution becomes obvious: FIX THE CORE SHIT!!! Good
thing we already did this before, we found the true, deeper, better story in the first chapter. You
don’t have to mind map your old shitty way, if you want you can, but instead mind map the good
way now.

Make a mind map of how you see your life, with the truer, deeper, better story in the
center, then explain how your life is with THAT story in your middle. I think you’ll be QUITE
PLEASED with how it looks! And this is really fun. Below is an example…
See how one change totally transforms one’s life. There’s no ‘resisting bad’ or ‘trying to
be positive’, when the thing is changed, everything changes, one’s entire life is rewritten
automatically without effort. Have fun...
Chapter 4
Human History

This is a bonus for fun. We already fixed

yours and everyone else’s childhood, proving
everyone indeed DID have a good childhood; glad
we got that out of the way. What about humanity’s
early days, things in humanity’s past that are
painful or scary? Well we can again look at the
worst events in human history and discover what
they were-- and the positive intent inside them--
rather than what they weren’t or what they lacked.

1. Black plague (138mil dead) --> Great Medieval Health Reformation (From Eurasia to
North Africa)

2. Colonization of Americas (100mil dead, mostly disease) --> Human Family Reunification
(between 1491 to 1691, tens of thousands of people moved to live in the Native
Americans land)

3. World war 2 (75mil dead) --> Global Human Unity Summit 2 (300mil government
workers were involved, with tens of millions more civilians)

4. Spanish Flu (50mil dead) --> The 20th Century Health Reformation (500mil contributed
health data)

5. Mongol conquest (40mil dead) --> The Great Eurasian Horseshow (350,000 Mogul

6. AIDS pandemic (38mil dead) --> The Millenium Centering (10’s of millions learned to be
more centered/balanced, self-caring, not chasing every stimulation)

7. World war 1 (20mil dead) --> Global Human Unity Summit 1 (70mil government workers
were involved, over 10mil more civilians)

8. Humans worshipping fire (cause later human problems) --> Humans conscious of their
inner fire, controlling it, staying cool, making life better

Wasn’t that cool/fun? Even history ‘facts’ can be updated, I said EVERYTHING has
positive inside it. No matter the topic or arena, YOU have complete CONTROL to make things
good, positive, and happy like you want it. Feel free!
The Joy of Suffering - The Love of Masochism
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Application

Almost everyone wants to run as far away from pain and suffering as possible. I was like
this too, I even considered masochism feminine and as a man liking pain at all was something
for females at the hands of men asserting their dominance. Women liked being dominated but
men made women happy with their strength. I realized that this belief was based in ignorance
and fear that I actually was weak and womanly. I didn’t realize the benefits of such things, the
benefits that suffering, negativity, pain, and unwanted things bring. I mean, why do some people
like masochism, what’s wrong with them, why would they, what do they get out of it? I never
seriously considered it.

At the basis of what bad, painful, unwanted, negative things are is they real time
feedback 1) that your emotion circuitry is working, 2) they are providing alerts about the danger
or unhealthiness of things, that these things are adversely beneficial to you, and 3) they
motivate you to change, stay present with reality, and actually are the motivational trainer or life
coach, the fire which motivates you to get a better life. THAT’S A GREAT THING TO BE
APPRECIATIVE FOR! Any one of those things much less 3!!! Your body’s working, real time
alerts/feedback, and motivation/inspiration to go to a paradise that’s available, waiting, unused.
When you see that’s what pain is, you can be really thankful and even love it.

“Thank you for telling me my body works, for telling me if something is wrong, if the sun
is burning my skin, if I’m leaning on a hot stove melting my hand, if a bone is broken, if I have an
open wound, if I’ve been stabbed or shot. Thank you for keeping me moving towards what I
want by moving me away from places/people I don’t want to be around.” If this is masochism,
that I love/appreciate all the gifts of suffering, sign me up! That doesn’t mean you need to dwell
or ruminate in the alerts or stay in bad places to ‘really feel motivated’; you can take the
information and act on it. An alarm clock helps, but do you want to leave it on all day ‘for the
inspiration’? This is how people who don’t listen to their pain live, letting it alert them more,
eating them, “Act different! Pay attention! Look at this!!!”

Another way, masochism has a healthy use, but like anything be misused or abused, like
people “knowing their body is working/alive” by causing themselves pain, or even staying where
they’re miserable. To me it’s the same thing, that’s not what it’s for. Pain is there to help-- people
born without the ability to feel pain regularly burn, mangle, break their body because they don’t
get the alerts and then let it go untreated for hours or days (as kids) because they feel nothing--
not to harm. Health is about longevity and sustainability, and pain is vital in there, don’t make it
counter to its purpose. Such is the joy of suffering.

Chapter 1

I want to give an application here and I want it to be so general and far encompassing
that it will change every area of your life: past, present, and future.

What is something you suffer with regularly? This will be our test after the exercise:



Ok cool. Be warned though, I am about to change your whole life and make you happier
than you thought possible!!!

1. See the sperm and egg of you before you were born.
2. Look at their pain, negativity, unwanted, and bad experiences/emotions, notice which
way it’s spinning
3. Pop it out of them and turn it 180° so it’s spinning the opposite way. This will make all of
it feel pleasurable, positive, wanted, and good
4. Imagine a control on its side and hit the accelerate button for both spins, then flip the
Auto-lock switch so it stays accelerated (in the new direction). Hit the energy button so
the controller becomes part of the energy, permanently accelerating it
5. Put the spins back into the same place in the sperm and egg
6. Now have them come together into your first cell, zygote. Have it come into you and
become it, still spinning in the new positive way
7. Multiply into a fetus, unborn baby, be born. You are zero. Enjoy existence with this
awesome spin. Now live your entire life up to the present moment in a few seconds.
Come to the present
8. Enjoy
9. Imagine yourself at 100, an entire life with this good spin-- every time something
negative, bad, unwanted, or painful ever came up it got caught in this spin and got
contextualized as good, positive, pleasurable, wanted-- how do they look? Good?
10. Pop into them for a second. Feel good? Ok that’s future-paced, pop out, wave good bye!
Come back to the present, you are all set! Do 7 times for permanent.

Now, how do you feel about that old suffering above? Meaningless probably, or positive.
Now you can, as I found, that instead of fearing or resisting bad (especially if you repeat 7x),
you get excited about searching, finding, and feeling out all kinds of bad, negative, unwanted,
painful emotions and experiences because you are invincible! All of them go into the new spin
and get recontextualized, turn into good! The old feelings or responses, where did they go?? It’s
impossible to feel bad, and you want to look for bad past things to see how they never meant
anything, you actually appreciate them helping you. You’re welcome.
The Meek - The weak will be strong, hungry be filled, the meek shall inherit the Earth
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Examples

Chapter 2) Application

Chapter 3) Fix

Everyone knows this quote, how many believe it? When people delog, slaughter
animals, walk past homeless, men diss women, hot women diss betas, parents diss children,
everyone siding with the current power, never looking to the future (or the past) when things will
be different. People are good that way, present and in the flow of life, going with the current,
ne’er often causing waves unless others are. The downside is if people only go with the stream
sometimes the group goes off a cliff like lemmings and die.

That’s just one side, what about the other: taking the gifts that the meek possess to
benefit yourself. How do they survive? What makes them happy to keep going? What is their
source of strength? What gifts/talents do they possess that could be utilized that no one else
can see as an unknown, untouched, untapped resource because they can’t see past the
appearance. How much value is hidden beneath the surface of the meek who shall inherit the
earth? Consider that for hundreds of millions of years the dinosaurs thought they would last
forever, but then a rodent would evolve to become humans. There used to be insects 6 feet long
and now are at most an inch or 2. The once royalty and aristocrats get destroyed by invading
stinky and dirty barbarians, the rioting peasants kill them and become politicians, the abused
children grow up to be rulers.

The things in power now are the blossomed flowers, but tomorrow’s powerhouse are the
meek buddlings and the others will be wilted fodder. If you want to be infinite, stay in touch with
the meek, remain humble, stay grounded. As Joel Osteen says, “One day you’ll be in power, the
hardship will be over, and God will test you. Are you going to take revenge, or help others then?
It is God’s test to see if you deserve to keep good things.”
Chapter 1

There’s all kinds of meek. Let’s explore some of them, what they are instead of what
they aren’t, and then with that better awareness/information, see if we can feel better about
them, gleem some value from them, give them some inspiration/worth, and make things better
in general. The truth, they say, will set you free, and what else can do it better? This isn’t a
knock at people who aren’t meek or seem to have stuff going on, they’ve found their worth.
Because a lot of ‘successful’ people are compensating for an inner meekness at the cost of their
sanity, health, and happiness! They can use such techniques/awareness to heal internally and
get better success that’s easier and more valuable/meaningful for them. This is part internal
healing, part making unproductive people find worth to join the human chorus, cooperative, and
contribute. I hope this is inspiring!

● Isn’t- has no money or home, stinks
● Is- has some skills, maybe a tax man, musician, artist, construction, either way it’s
someone with value not using it, potential not applied. Someone who could guide him
could get him in a better place, and also get an employee maybe for cheap

Low status, beta males:

● Isn’t- not sexy, attractive, no skills, status, noticeable talents, money, social group, not
funny or interesting, not cool
● Is- eager to learn, be a student, a follower, work for stuff (with guidance), take orders.
Someone who could give direction/guidance to him, he would do work for little and get a
better life

Unattractive (fat, old, crazy, poor, ugly) women:

● Isn’t- aren’t desired by guys (except if drunk, desperate, or lonely), disproportionate,
expired, spoiled, plentiful, clingy
● Is- love men, will do almost anything to please them, will change lots of things as long as
they can (ie a fat girl won’t be thin), they’ll be servants, take insults, ridicule, some
abuse, as long as they feel you like them a little as a man, so they feel a little attractive.

Old people:
● Isn’t- not young, not sprite, not healthy/energetic/mobile usually, not doing much except
laying around, maybe socializing, watching tv
● Is- the greatest sources of human experience, a lifetime, knowledge of what life is, clear
thinkers, know what’s valuable/important. Could be given positions as councilors,
therapists, managers, leaders who make decisions, think rationally. If you found them a
place/way to make them useful, give them a way to benefit others, they’d feel good and
you’d get work.
● Isn’t- aren’t like others, normal, calm, rational, more emotional generally (some are super
rational), don’t think like others, don’t behave like others normally
● Is- unique perspectives, free thinkers, out of the box, fresh, creative, alive, free. If you
give them an outlet for their energy, expression, creativity, do fun/useful things, they can
have fun they want and contribute

LGBTQ people:
● Isn’t- straight, normal, balanced, doing other stuff, focusing on stuff other than sex
● Is- free thinkers, free doers, adventurous, risk takers, courageous, bold, experimenters,
creative. If someone gave them a task of coming up with creative solutions to things,
even a multitude of solutions, they’d love putting that sex energy into fixing things, it’d
feel like a dream job, fulfilling, maybe pay less, get work done

Mentally ill (not “AArrrghh” kind, but “Hyughh” kind):

● Isn’t- happy, fulfilled, cheerful, pleasant to be around, selfish, like black holes, focused
only on themselves, downers (even if pretending), focused on their problems
● Is- more independent than they seem/believe, trust themselves highly, self-sufficient
often, good at focusing for long periods, creative thinkers, free thinkers, unique
perspectives, in their body (rather than others’ perspectives, thru their own eyes),
experiential. Often very empathetic and moral focused, if they can manage love doing
things to help others (feel no one helped them), great way to get them outside
themselves. If it’s a moral cause they’ll love doing it even for little money, and you can
get work

Criminal, aggressive, anti-social, cruel, and violent:

● Isn’t- nice, friendly, pleasant to be around, enjoy company, look forward to presence, a
negative drain to others
● Is- self-motivated, self-sufficient, creative thinkers/doers/talkers, free thinkers, risk takers,
bold, courageous, empowered, confident, believe in themselves, love and value
themselves and their ideas. If given active roles/jobs, like sales, even leading or
managing groups, with some close monitoring and training, they can be highly
successful at forging paths, creating things, getting things done, selling, getting word out,
communicating effectively, and if behaviors properly redirected can make you very
successful for little pay (get to act out their compulsions in legal ways, thus happy)

Sex fiends, nymphos, degenerates, perverts:

● Isn’t- respectable, courteous, proper, well behaved, soft spoken, well dressed, clean
mind, deviants, dirty
● Is- hedonists, lovers of pleasure/life, often very social and lovers of people, experiential,
in their body, free thinkers, creative, bold, risk takers. If given pleasurable, sexy, fun
things to do, will happily do it for little money and get you work
● Isn’t- rational, smart, calm, balanced, reasonable, well behaved
● Is- in their body, happy, positive, appreciative, kind, fun, artistic, musical, creative,
friendly, loving, pleasant generally, open minded, go with the flow, intuitive, aware,
trusting. If you could find a way to use their pleasantness to spread the word or sell
something, you could make the kids feel like adults and do something, and get stuff done

● Isn’t- human, don’t think in straight lines or squares, not rational, logic, orderly, hardly
plan ahead
● Is- in the moment, happy, stay so, harmonious with each other and nature, even in bouts
of violence do necessary then stop (get a mate, food, protect etc.), open, keep no
secrets or thoughts/emotions hidden, let others gaze at their elegance/beauty, go with
the flow, fluid, natural, open about their wishes/desires (food, sex, safety, to talk or play,
etc.), let things go, value joy/peace. I think they’re used more than enough as food,
maybe let off the hook

● Isn’t- walk, look, listen, talk, human, brains, fast
● Is- alive, smart, conscious, communicates, feels, moves slowly, beautiful, eat our waste
and give us oxygen, provide shade and housing for animals, fractal, plentiful (greatest on
planet). Abused and disrespected as is as sub-lifeforms and over-logged, maybe more
plants integrated into society (rather than decoration), live in trees, more natural living,
we get more beauty, they get more life.

Sinful (greedy, lazy):

● Isn’t- aren’t helpful, kind, friendly, generous
● Is- selfish, making themselves happy, focusing on pleasure, wellbeing, shining their light
(if for themselves), self loving, taking care of themselves, doing what they need. If you
gave opportunities for no-ceiling rewards to a greedy person, they’d go past your
expectations of work. If given something simple, especially gamified, a task with real
world benefits (food, housing), they’d do it, also used for creative thinking to make things
simpler, efficient, streamlined, cheaper.

● Isn’t- sane, rational, in touch with reality, like everyone else, calm, balanced, stable
● Is- creative, imaginative, free, free thinkers, energized, animated, excited, passionate,
experiential, in their body, active, action based, social. If energy was redirected to
imagine something useful, like pitching ideas, selling amazing things, or creating
art/stories, they’d love to express themselves in ways as long as they feel true to
themselves, to benefit you, minus the stress of feeling crazy.
● Isn’t- healthy, balanced, energized, doing well, interactable
● Is- open, receptive, excited/curious/fascinated/interested by the world, often
generous/helpful. They would do really well going into vulnerable or risky environments
to provide services/help like ghettos or poor countries, they love it, and you get
adventurous workers.

● Isn’t- happy, whole, balanced, stable mentally/emotionally, sociable, open, expressive
● Is- receptive, open, accepting, strong, centered, stable, balanced, whole. They’re
actually doing quite well their own, they know their good qualities, are self-sufficient,
individuated likely, will do well their own.

● Isn’t- accepting, happy, honest, truthful, aware, conscious, appreciative, loving, insightful,
or deep
● Is- self loving, reflective, appreciative, insightful, thoughtful, tranquil, calm, still,
meditative, perceptive, aware, conscious, focused on self happiness, hedonist. A
shameful person has become a closed self-sufficient loop and will live or die by their own
rationale, reasoning, determinism. They’ll be fine.

● Isn’t- focused, clear, perceptive, aware, thoughtful, honest, truthful, insightful, happy, fluid
● Is- confident, brave, action takers into unknown, lots of faith, self trust, optimists, belief in
things working out, relaxed, laid back, chill, appreciative. If you thank/appreciate them
this will benefit them the most, they’re already doing stuff.

Common, basic people:

● Isn’t- exceptional, impressive (noticeably), great, special, unique.
● Is- harmonious, fluid, going with the flow, obeying their feelings, trusting, moving towards
better feelings, doing their best, in communion/cooperative with others like themselves
(masses), balanced, chill, relaxed, normal. This is common knowledge, they’re already
working in labor jobs and living their simple content lives.

● Isn’t- kind (except to friends), empathetic, generous, helpful, nice, friendly.
● Is- empowered, confident, clarity of vision, expressive, social, enjoying of life, self happy
focused, hedonist. To influence frame things in terms of their pleasure/enjoyment, to
benefit you make it increase their happiness.
Chapter 2

Rather than just knee-jerk responses to the appearance of things, we can look at the
essence/nature/light/resonant frequency of something, what it is rather than isn’t. This is how we
can always be in harmony with life, seeing things as they are, interacting with them as such
(rather than thrown off by surface). If something exists then it has a positive existence with
positive quality and intent. This means everything is positive. Will you let misunderstanding and
miscommunication hiccup the fluid smoothness?

If things are out of position, they can be used, properly redirected to better ends,
become beneficial. Everyone is positive, moving positive, sometimes they need adjustment,
tweaking. The cumulation of light and abundance on this planet is immense, some just need a
little love/appreciation to let it shine! Things are quite well.
Chapter 3

1. Imagine the blackness before the big bang: no life, no existence.

2. From this emptiness, in a moment not now, the universe will spontaneously explode into
being, but before that happens I want you to notice all the bad, unwanted, negative,
painful experiences/emotions of this primordial blackness before it births the universe.
Which way are they spinning?

3. Pop them out of the blackness and turn them 180° so they’re spinning the opposite way.

4. Add a controller to it and hit the accelerate button so it continues speeding up forever.
Above it is an auto-lock switch so the accelerate with stay pressed.

5. Next to it is an energize button which turns the controller into the spinning energy so it
will permanently accelerate it forever as part of it. Hit it

6. Once done, put the spinning energy back into the blackness in the same place, *Pop*.

7. Now quickly in a matter of seconds, let the universe explode into existence with light, let
atoms expand, galaxies form, our sun, our planet, life, humans arise, civilization, you
were born, grew up, present moment. Now.

8. Come back here. Enjoy, how is it? The universe always felt good?

9. Imagine the future universe. 100 trillion years from now, all galaxies gone and stars dark.
Is it still spinning positive? Step into it for a second and feel it. Good?

10. Pop out, wave good bye. Come back to present. Do 7x total.
Sun Gazing: A metaphor for holiness
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations

Chapter 1) Sun gazing

Chapter 2) Total Synesthesia

Chapter 1
Sun Gazing

Sun gazing is staring at the sun, mostly for the first/last hour of the day, or
during cloud-skewed days, to prevent damage. People say it improves their
mood, a spiritual practice, makes them feel good, frames their day right, brings
them closer to the creator. Sun is a metaphor for god as light, so sun gazing is
like meditating of god, or praying.

Sun gazing is a holiness practice because at least in metaphor it is staring

at god, letting god’s light into your soul/body, lighting up the dark places, filling
one with light itself. It’s very beautiful. Another way, which to me is as beneficial
but more accessible with less risk, is staring at bright lights instead: light gazing.
Stare at headlights, a bright lamp, street lights at night, keep eye contact. It’s a very cool,
exciting experience. You feel sleepy dark places inside your mind/body get lit up, awakened,
energized, shown on with the light of consciousness and awareness, making you more peaceful
and intelligent. It feels amazing! It feels like someone (or God) is looking into every
corner/crevice of your body/mind and lighting it, making it clear, healed, better.

I bet if you did only this and nothing else, you’d see good results/happiness.
Chapter 2
Total Synesthesia

On a related note of holy experiences, synesthesia is the merging of

senses into each other. I would put forth the 6th sense is the experience of
them all, how you feel, the cumulation. The content of any individual is less
meaningful than the emotional experience in full, how you sense present

This is also related to vibrational frequencies, how nothing’s solid just vibrating slower,
how you feel determines your current vibration (thus the kinds of things you vibe with), and how
you want to feel which is your resonant frequency or ideal experience. If you trust any sense
above all, trust the cumulation represented by the emotion sense. Also called intuition,
subconscious, guy feeling, 6th sense, if you focused on nothing else but your vibrational
frequency, maintaining it, by focusing on how you want to feel, everything would fall under that
umbrella; a-ok.
Fractal Phil
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) How I think

Chapter 2) How I feel

Chapter 3) What I like

Chapter 4) What I do

Chapter 5) Where I live

Chapter 6) What I love

Chapter 7) What I did

Chapter 8) Who I am

Chapter 9) Who I love

Chapter 10) Where I’m going


This is the ultimate About Me section, a pure vanity project… a lot like most of what I do.
It will also clarify to myself what I’m about, and explain myself to others. Fractals are so fun, I
love them, and they’re the parent of 8020, which is an immutable law of reality, fractals even
moreso. Things are self-similar across all scales, small changes make huge changes, few things
are responsible for effects, most things have no impact, things repeat infinitely in near identical
ways. This might be more fun than fractal world, fractal Phil.
Chapter 1
How I think

I love precision and clarity, especially in terms of important things, except when I don’t. In
those moods I don’t give a FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe it’s a consequence of me being
far from where I want to be. There's a lot of time when I’m not doing important shit, but when I
am… hmmm, maybe… even then I STILL like to stay loose and goof around, have fun. I don’t
ever really like being serious except when I need to be in proximity to something I value, I
NEEEEDDDD to. I’ll go for miles, take punches, blow money, starve, sweat. It makes me feel
like I’m on my path, doing stuff I need to.

Maybe that is 2 sides of my personality, focused and disciplined, and goofy and funny
and silly!!! The common thread is that I want to feel as good as possible, that means sometimes
being disciplined and going for stuff I value, others nothing important is happening so goof off
have fun. Others I don’t want to feel bad so I focus on how to
feel as good as possible either being defensive/lashing out,
leaving, communicating, sending good vibes, wtv. The common
thread is the prime directive: always feel good. Who knows,
maybe this book will make me more centered and conscious
so I can touch infinite easy points of joy nearby. That’s where I
want my headspace to be always, in the center of a joyrricane
at 240 mph!!! Yeah that sounds good.
Chapter 2
How I feel

With meditation I’ve found good feelings are nearby even if layered a bit. Generally I feel
angry and it comes from a feeling of powerlessness, like I can’t be myself, or to be myself is to
be anti-social, aggressive, sadistic, and basically guarantee someone wants to clock me or I’m
going to jail. Those are the two states, wanting to EXPRESSSS but fearing the volatility, and
(ugly) repress but having more stability in worldview and (tiny, meaningless, pointless) outcome.
It’s frustrating for sure but reminds me of Jung quote “People stuck at the anal stage resist
deficating and say the pleasure is immeasurable.” It’s how it feels, an instinctual urge to express
myself but fear of others, or misunderstanding (of the emotion, the intent, or people’s reaction)
halts it.

What’s the positive intent of halt?

● Keep me safe, keep little control I have

● Why? I feel unsafe, out of control, many ways powerless in fact
● Why? Because weakness is thrilling/exciting, no control means anything can
happen, I like being surprised; control just means the thing I thought of I got,
● Why? Because I actually think I’m too weak to get what I want
● Why? It’s a baby trick, if I’m pathetic, I can manipulate/pity people into free stuff,
ie live life without doing shit, superior master manipulator
● Why? Because I actually feel inferior, manipulated by people, like a bitch
● Why? I’m embarrassed by my parents, their behavior, shameful divorce, what it
means for me
● Why? I deserve, at a minimum baseline, good parents, if not that, how can I do
any big/interesting shit
● Why? It’s a lie or hope, I actually might believe I deserve shit, that my worth is
really low, I’m actually a worthless piece of shit.. That sounds right
● Why? Past trappings, past failings, karma, rape, get raped, belittle, get belittled,
torment, get tormented etc
● Why? Because i never want to create karma, volitional effort, step outside my
comfort zone
● Why? Never wanna risk failure or pain, fear there’s nothing beyond my limitations
● Why? Never looked, too scared or comfy
● Why? I appreciate too much, what I got, maintain
● Why? Never want to show I’m human, think, feel, unsure, etc.
● Why? Then i’m like everyone else, the same shitty things can happen to me,
means I have to effort to be unique, stand apart, above, get superior results, get
to the fabled easy/good life
● Why? Think only 1% can have such, i’m below average generally, so pain effort
work is my path honestly, happiness is for special/good people!
● Why? There’s no worth or value here, i’m either basic bitch or scum shit
● Why? I’ve had shitty thoughts, perverted, illegal, murderous, sadistic, cruel
● Why? Because ignoring/ignorance, repressing, games/tv dont fix
● Why? People are still mean after as before, locked in, stubborn, willful, just
because I can chill no one else can (not like I’m moral, I ‘chill’ because I thought
pressing it would be worse for me)
● Why? Look at fractals, things in the beginning impact the rest more than anything
else, someone shitty in the beginning couldn’t change if they wanted to, it’s
something wrong with me if i think otherwise
● Why? Rather than be aware of reality and make good decisions, I wanted to go
where odds were bad because it was closer, rather than a little effort for good
● Why? Reduce effort, pain, increase pleasure, laziness=good
● Why? Tim ferris said so
● Why? To focus on few effective levers
● Why? So small effort does good
● Why? So i don’t get lost in the vortex of depression, darkness, pain
● Why? Because it’s always there, sucking me in, it’d be so easy to die
● Why? Because some things are worse than death, perpetual suffering, no
● Why? Because to live only to suffer, it’s less work to get it over with
● Why? I am not capable of changing the death, fear, darkness, evil of the world, I
just can’t
● Why? Too big, much, powerful, alluring, tempting, deceitful, manipulative, its
whispers too seductive, emotion beats goodness every time
● Why? Maybe because i love it, want its power, to be that darkness/evil,
destroy/ruin people, never be good/create
● Why? I could just vent and rant, be cruel, let everything out, feel the ecstatic
freedom of chaos aggression violence, be honest for once, it’d feel so good
● Why? Because i don’t know how to manage, feel good (seemed like silly fancy
games to bore/exhaust normal people)
● Why? I just wanted to laugh have fun kick it, but people wanted to be stuck up,
boring, serious
● Why? Maybe because i wasn’t being nice but trying to suck/take happiness from
● Why? Feel less than, want to catch, get on par… so I can leave people in the
dust (i seem to cling to less than so fiercely)
● Why? It’s easiest way to focus on good things, what i want, maybe superior etc.
(the worse I feel, the more superior i become.. eventually)
● Why? Being honest about how i feel who i am, thought people would shut me
down, reject me, shoot down my thoughts/ideas
● Why? Maybe cuz i didn't care, what i ‘should’ care about, being ‘great/best’
● Why? Make parents approve, love me, then i could accept love, happiness,
resources, friends, sex, etc.
● Why? I’d be whole, ok, fine as is, anything else would just be a decision (instead
of a maze of fog)
● Why? Because i love/value my parents most
● Why? Bc they represent my component parts, I understand myself through them
● Why? It’s easier than looking/inquiring into myself
● Why? Want them to live for me, take actions, me get pleasure
● Why? They can take responsibility, fail or no, take risk, die if must to protect and
save me
● Why? Without me nothing matters, so i matter most
● Why? If it’s not true, i can die no big deal, that is too close for comfort, i want to
● Why? To have fun, feel good, do stuff
● Why? Bc there is good
● Why? God maybe
● Why? Maybe i’m worth it, loveable
● Why? Why else should i exist
● Why? To feel good, shine like a light
● Why? Embody god’s pleasure
● Why? best

Whew, so the positive intent of halting my good expression was to embody god’s
pleasure as the best option. I like it!!! That’s how I really feel, my best is the pleasure god
embodies. That’s how I feel.
Chapter 3
What I like

I like nature. I like cheap food that’s tasty. I like attractive women, sometimes even
attractive men. I like ideas which challenge and intrigue me with promises of profound treasure
such as ones before like fractals, 8020, appreciation, ‘wanna feel’, LOT as a commonality of
world views, positive opposite, etc. etc. These are the best I found but totally open to new better
ones even though these are profound and individually have changed millions of people’s lives
(to varying degrees). I like water, clean to drink, large bodies to watch. I like cool breezes in the
shade on sunny days. I like laying naked next to a beautiful person. I like the feeling of my hard
penis going inside a human’s warm, wet, hole. I like thinking about different things, in unique
ways, making new connections, creating new forms/things/applications. I love writing because it
is totally freeunto me without no obstacle from the world (except wifi for research and an outlet
for power). I can be in any kind of situation and write, which is very digital/informational, which is
at least 9 dimensional!

I like testing and experimenting with new thoughts/ideas, applying it for myself, imagining
the possibilities, the rewards it can reap, the power it grants, imagining a future where I feel
infinite joy… makes me feel good. I like planning things, putting things together to make
something, like my house and boat, even the LOT model; see it come to fruition, manifest more
in the real world (ie an app, or plans/house). I like learning things which feel good I’ve never
heard, which make me feel better, give me a superior perspective, in a simple easy useable
way-- like recently how I learned about elements and biomass. Interesting.

I like challenges, interesting ones, which I am invested in and get to proactively use my
creativity, awareness, and intelligence to solve/fix. I like trying things on myself, seeing how they
feel/work, writing about applications, seeing benefit for me then giving it. I like seeing positive
improvement in my self/life-- whatever that means at the time… I seem to bounce in thoughts
recently. I like making money, I like having money. It’s a comfort. I like living simply, yet having
decent effect. I like relaxing in the shade on a sunny beach, and being in the ocean too. I like
considering things others never had, like uses for plastics, using techniques to flip unattractive
or undesirable people into peak performers with simple recontextualizing their skills/personality.
I like feeling like a creative genius, a manipulative mastermind/puppet master, who can live at a
level others can hardly fathom. I like feeling superior, interesting, sexy, attractive, cool.

I like technology, and the positive potential impact it can have to improve life. I like being
unique, individuated, actualized, free thinking. I also love being in a group where I’m loved and
belong. I suppose I lean towards individuality because it’s like an open plain I am free to do, say,
think, imagine as I please with no limitation except my imagination, whereas groups which feel
nice usually have a certain beat or rhythm one must harmonize with others and stay in pace to
maintain. If both are equal, I might choose the group even though historically usually lean to
individual. I like feeling self approving, self guiding/motivating, self organizing, loving.
If something makes me feel good, whatever that means contextually, I am open to liking
Chapter 4
What I do

I make lots of youtube videos. I dance. I sing. I play piano and make songs. I make stuff
with wood and plastic. I design things like homes and boats and inventions. I invent. I live in
nature. I relax. I experiment, especially with ideas. I write lots. I empathize, understand, practice
compassion for all life. I meditate, breathe deeply, cultivate space. I make self help content
continually in many forms: books, meditations, songs, animations, music videos, audiobooks,
art, posters, apps, etc. I use technology including VR. I do it myself. I help people. I donate,
volunteer, I give people space, I find solutions for individuals and masses. I commit to good
ideas and stick to them.
Chapter 5
Where I live

I live in Florida close enough to the ocean. I live near nature. I live near cheap housing,
cheap food. Recently I live where it’s mostly warm for more nature.
Chapter 6
What I love

I love joy, peace, and love. I love comfort, relaxation, happiness. I love self-trust, being
natural, going with the flow. I love being worthy, authentic, and honest. I loveee fractals, 8020,
appreciation, awareness, positive opposite, LOT/app, “how wanna feel”/app, my tattoos. I love
considering my childhood, my polygamist 2 whole parents, and how I’m doubly whole. I love
considering my invincibility. I love imagining how I wanna feel. I love NLP and using NLP
techniques. I love spinning bad emotions backwards, moving submodalities to better spots. I
love imagining my ideal self, feeling it where I have everything I want, and moving towards it,
taking the actions, being it more. I love synthesizing my thoughts/ideas into books and content
in general to help others and make me more unconsciously competent. I love logical levels too. I
love dimensions.
Chapter 7
What I did

I watched an adult suck my little dick at 1yo. I watched my parents split up, then
date/marry other people. I had crushes on girls every year, Alexis kissed me. I dated girls in high
school, I fucked a dude out of boredom. I hooked up with a dude and chick at my party. I
dropped out of college. I wrote books, lived in Hawaii… Dad should’ve gave me the money to
invest honestly, set me up for life rather than party. I got with girls, wrote shit, got tats, car,
moved to Florida, wrote more, bought land, wrote more. Made the app(s), building a house then
maybe boat. That’s it.
Chapter 8
Who I am

This is logic levels shit. I am a hedonist, lover of pleasure.

Chapter 9
Who I love

I used to love my family when it was my job. They’ll never change and I won’t. I love the
girls I bang, future kids, future friends, maybe customers, little the people I help. Trees, people,
animals, idk
Chapter 10
Where I’m going

More pleasure/joy. Comfort, money, relationships, success, help more/better; that’s it.
Thank You For
Reading This Book!
Intrigues 2
Philip Greener
© 2021
Greener Creations

Book 1) Natural - Guide to Unconscious Competence

Book 2) Rape Your Ideal Life & Murder Joy into Existence: Redirecting Low Urges
Towards Healthy Ends

Book 3) The Weather on Planet Joy

Book 4) World in the Mirror

Book 5) Life without Words

Book 6) God’s Eye: View from the 10th dimension

Book 7) Perfect Life

Book 8) Peace Love Joy/Accept

Book 9) A Mil a Day

Book 10) How I became the most Joyful Person in the World

Book 11) The World as it Could Be

Book 12) The Answer to All Your Problems

Book 13) Do Unto Others

Natural: Guide to Unconscious Competence
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Innocent: UI

Chapter 2) Aware: CI

Chapter 3) Skilled: CC

Chapter 4) Natural: UC

This is about the competence ladder of any skill. The official words are:

1. Unconscious Incompetence
a. You don’t know you don’t know
2. Conscious incompetence
a. You know you don’t know
3. Conscious competence
a. You know you know
4. Unconscious competence
a. You don’t know you know

Using this model, you can know where you are relating to what you value, progress,
know which steps are next. It’s very meta even for other practices such as following the Law of
Attraction, using the 80/20 rule, being enlightened, or anything in between. The ultimate goal of
a skill, which many might not be aware of, is actually not to be consciously good at it, to know
they know. That’s 75% there. The final ultimate step-- after you can get results with focus-- is to
forget everything that you know, drop all techniques, effort, go on instinct, teach it, give it away,
help someone else become competent; that’s how you become natural so it is automatic, in
your bones/dna/skin, so you don’t mentally have to perform or do techniques, your body just
responds well, you become unconscious about and don’t know you know. That’s the ultimate.
Chapter 1

You don’t know you don’t know. Innocent, ignorant, maybe

stupid, unaffected, uncontacted, uninfluenced, untouched, pure,
unskilled, unaware, unformed. No contact has been made with said
thing, no distinction made, so no preference or choice has been
available. This is the ‘ignorance is bliss’ stage, unconscious
incompetence. This thing you may want to learn and become good
at. A metaphor for this stage is a baby, or in the gamer community
the similar thing would be a n00b: innocent, unconscious
incompetent, don’t know you don’t know.

To move past this step is quite outside of anyone’s control, because only through
experiencing newness, difference, encountering whatever topic we’re discussing mastery over
either naturally in the world or through someone telling us about it, can we then be shocked or
woken out of our innocence, ignorance, purity, uncontacted-ness. So the way to move to step 2
is to become aware of the thing/skill, then you know you don’t know, and are no longer ignorant,
innocent, pure, or unformed.
Chapter 2

You know you don’t know. Depending on your ego, self worth, and self esteem this one
can make people feel bad, insecure, even less than. A second ago they were blissfully ignorant
and innocent, then either a situation or explanation happened and now they know too much.
They can never unknow what they know, unlearn what they heard or saw. They’ve been gifted
awareness of something and now have knowledge that changes you. Like Adam and Eve after
biting the apple, they see good and evil, realize they’re naked. They’ve made contact with
something they care about, be it a skill or the world in general, and now have new information or
perhaps the first information of a whole new world or field.

Their innocence has been broken, moreso their consciousness has been
awakened! The beginnings of forming something useful has begun, no more pure but
taking shape… after the initial shock of the awareness incident. After awareness, if one
doesn’t care or value whatever it is they perceived, they can ignore it and continue as
normal. If it’s something they like/value, the only way to fix the instability of knowing what
they don’t know is to become more skillful and knowledgeable about it so they do know
about it, increase skill and eventually, hopefully become competent. This is the step to
move beyond new awareness, add effort into the skill to become better/more competent at
it; that’s the only fix for incompetence or knowing you don’t know. The metaphor for this
would be the apprentice, novice, or teenager who is ready, able, and open to learning, but
as yet completely inept and useless at just about everything.
Chapter 3

You know what you know. You have invested time and effort into your field or area, you
learned the things, what’s important, improved your ability to predictably get the desired results,
but you still have to make sure you hit the key strokes, hit your mark, do the right thing. There is
a method or model to your success, you follow the pattern, do the steps well enough, but there’s
remembering involved, focus, some tension, mental strain, no groundedness, uncertainty,
can do the act, put on the performance, but don’t believe or trust in yourself. Which at this
point you shouldn’t have to. To reach this point wasn’t about trusting yourself at all put about
trusting the process, the techniques, steps, model, learning it so you can output the desired
result. It was about trusting the external. The metaphor here is the expert, the hot shot, or the
adult, who is useful and functional but still gets mentally and physically exhausted by the
performance of it. It is taxing, robotic, the performance is well performed, but it is surface only
and remembering. There’s very little presence or awareness except for hitting the marks,
doing the techniques; which are done well.

Doing something well isn’t the final step again I said before. Being clunky and robotic,
even though you hit all your marks/points, is draining and exhausting to be ‘on’ all the time,
remembering, thinking, focusing, being uncertain, but acting certain. After you trusted the
system or process, getting the external down, the next step is letting it all go: trusting yourself. If
you believe have indeed reached conscious competence which is what this is, after that
admittance you know the next thing to do is let it go. Forget the whole model, all the tricks,
techniques, methods, models, moves, mindsets, all knowledge and information of how you got
there. This is necessary. Essentially, to become master after you’ve become competent, the
only way forward is to go back and become innocent again. Give up everything you learned and
gained. Forget the process you’ve been through and come back to the present moment, focus,
be aware and present to the situation and respond in kind; without thinking, planning, or
remembering. This is the only way to become automatic and natural, is to respond automatically
to the thing and act naturally without thought or mind.

Giving up your knowledge for yourself to progress, as well as giving your expertise,
knowledge, and experience to someone else i.e. teaching also is the only other way to become
true master. Become a baby yourself again, and/or help a baby person in this field grow up,
mature, and become consciously competent; help bring them up the competence ladder. These
are the only 2 ways to become master:

1. Forget everything
2. Help someone else become consciously competent (i.e. teach)
a. Then they too, to complete their journey-- the same way you were helped in the
beginning-- must forget everything and teach someone else, or initiate someone
into the field and bring them up to conscious competence too. Ad infinitum
Chapter 4

Once you’ve forgotten everything you learned, given everything away,

taught others, become innocent again, learned to trust yourself, and found
everything you used to know intellectually as body knowledge aka intuition,
you now DON’T know you know. You are unconsciously competent, natural,
and automatic. You just respond in the moment and the information is coded
in your body so you act without thinking and get the result, thus able to be
silly/goofy, make it look effortless and easy (because for you it is), still get the
results. At least in this context, your body is master and takes over so your
mind is free to goof off and make jokes, think about other things while you
succeed at tasks.

You remain natural by going back to basics, staying innocent, building

competence from fundamentals, teaching, forgetting what you know, helping others to become
consciously competent so they can give it away and become masters too. The example of
mastery is black belt, but then how long you’ve been forgetting, relearning, and teaching others
determines what degree of black you are: third, sixth, eighth degree. There’s 1%er’s, then 1% of
the 1%, etc. The metaphor of this level is the guru, the master, teacher, the elder; this one is
beyond proficiency, skill, and expertise, explores the depths of the field by their own initiative for
joy of it, and helps others to get better-- making themselves better-- rather than ignorance of the
innocent, insecurity/ineptitude of the aware novice, or the pomp/ego of the adult expert. This
one thrives by giving and surrendering. The one free of ego and insecurity, committed heart and
soul to the task, including helping others in it.
Rape Your Ideal Life & Murder Joy into Existence: Redirecting toxic urges to healthy ends
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Rape

Chapter 2) Murder

Chapter 3) Violence

Chapter 4) Pedophilia








Chapter 1

People who have this urge understand the process they go through in order to get there.
Whether you have it or are here as an observer, what is the process a rapist goes through to get







Ok good. As I mentioned in the disclaimer, I hope to prove that--

like NLP says-- “Everyone works perfectly” at doing what they do, and
“Everyone makes the best decision they have available.” I hope to prove
that these socially reviled urges, thoughts, and behaviors actually have
healthy contexts which simply are out of wack in the wrong place/location.
Most hearing that statement would probably say, “Rape and murder have
no healthy context” but that’s obviously not true because at the very most
extreme if someone held a gun to your head or threatened to kill your
family or blow up the whole world, you’d probably see 1 rape or murder as an a lot healthier
choice. And that’s just the most ridiculous extreme, I’m going go much deeper than that.

Ok. This is just my version of how I see a rapist’s process so we have something to talk
about; it’s likely similar to yours but I can’t read what you wrote!

The rapist doesn’t know how to express his (/her) sexuality in a normal
healthy way, so he acts like he doesn’t have one ie asexual even though it
wants to get out. The sexual urge remains inside, wanting to show its power,
show he’s sexy, attractive, has a hard dick, his sperm is full, but for whatever
reason that healthy expression-- saying hi to girls, flirting, showing interest--
that whole process isn’t there or was never learned or punished. Doesn’t
matter. The urge builds in him til he must have sex but then feels “No one can contend with this
such powerful sexual urge” which at least for him is largely true because he can no longer
contend with it or keep it under control. Without the awareness of girls who are open to being
with him all around him, or the means to implement such a situation due to lack of experience,
trauma, or punishment from an adult figure in childhood-- whatever-- the urge takes over. He
starts lurking, creeping and staring at women, not with intent to initiate a sexual situation, but to
force one. The urge has built to capacity and now must be released, it has taken over his
mind/reason. He looks for the most vulnerable in his environment: women alone, in the dark,
drunk, on drugs, asleep, then without much grace or tact just forces and fumbles his way into
the sex act. It’ll be thrilling for him, terrifying for her. He’ll feel control, sexual virility, dominance,
assertiveness, power, she’ll feel loss of control, fear, powerlessness, sexual exploitation, lack of
respect, humanity, heartlessness, submissiveness, low/broken femininity.

He’ll get his rocks off, she’ll feel abused. He’ll genuinely feel better at least in regards to
his sexuality or manhood (from powerless, asexual, impotent, to capable, powerful, and manly),
though he likely feel bad on some level for having to be so cruel/mean to her, but he’ll
rationalize it like a dam filled to bursting: he needs release, he has no choice (not in control). So
despite the sadness/immorality of it, he will continue. Best circumstance he was careful and
wore a mask so she didn’t know who he was and could let her go/live, worst case he couldn’t let
her leave/live and had to kill her-- the saddest thing. Once he had 1 success, he doesn’t change
his system at all except tweaks/improvements: same type of victim, type of area, time of night,
“If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” type thing.

So his self-confidence goes up, his self-esteem, he feels like he’s on his path, though
with an added sense of fear/paranoia. That is the unsustainable, unhealthy, short-term aspect of
his actions. But the sense of self-worth is real, compared to the powerlessness he felt. He’ll
continue doing it until he either finds self-worth or sexual release in a relationship, or is caught
and punished hard enough he learns to suppress it and figure it out internally, never letting it out
because of fear.

So was that horrible to go through? Some might say so, a lot of guys can
at least understand the struggle and frustration of going without sex or feeling
ugly or unattractive. Almost no girls except very enlightened/aware ones have any
idea what it’s like being an average or below average guy until they hit 40 and the
sexual offers grind to a halt and no one wants them-- they have to fight like young
dudes for attention. Everyone hears girls all the time talking about the hardships of
being a girl, can’t go out at night, constantly harassed, everything’s about sex, everyone’s so
shallow and low, not seen as people, etc. Young guys, unless they have positive reference
experiences, by default feel the exact opposite of this. They can go out every night of the week
and no one gives a fuck, constantly ignored and disrespected, on one wants to have sex with,
everyone acts so superior and high, not seen as sexual options, etc. Girls’ stories are listened to
because the cops and judges are being white knights who, you guessed it, also want to have
sex with younger girls. And the guys’ stories of the same thing as treated as beta males, low
status, unimportant, worthless; much the same as those young girls once they become fat old
Karen in 20+ years, much like the opposite once those dweeby young men become higher
status old gentlemen in 20+ years with success and pillars in their community treated like ‘one
of the boys’ in the ‘guys club’. The roles reverse on both sides.

ANYWAYS. Could we take the rapist’s process and plug in some different words and
make it better. What if instead of sex frustration, we called it success drive. “I have such a drive
for success I can’t control it, I must get it! I will stalk opportunities, take my time, then pounce
when the timing’s right.” Isn’t that how billionaires talk!? It’s the exact same process but
redirected into democratic, moral, socially acceptable ways.

So let’s take our hypothetical rapist here. Everytime he gets that impotence
feeling, like his needs build up inside him, and the urge to rape hits, he instead says
“I need to fulfill my purpose!” This would lead him to be just as motivated as he was
before, but now doing good in the world, with the same feeling of worthiness and
manliness as before, without the fear or paranoia, accepted by the community, and
benefiting himself and others. And no victims ruined who would want to ruin him
back; positives all around! By following his purpose, he would get people who wanted to do
good too, people would be inspired, money would come, he’d be a successful man in morals
and money, and women would line up for such an ideal guy. Now he has all the sex options
he can handle, but he’s getting all those old good feelings in healthy ways so sex is just sex,
not built up to be his self worth or importance anymore, he gets that with his purpose now.

There are many ways to effect this change in a (would be) rapist. Conscious awareness
is the easiest method, just saying/doing it differently. There also are NLP techniques to help,
which apply to all chapters herein.

Mapping Across:
All the submodalities that make up each mental image, switch them. Find out where in
your spatial field of view is the rape located, bright or dark, still or moving, size, distance from
you, audio, feeling etc. Then find out all the same submodalities of what you’d rather have in
place of the rape urge-- like ‘live your purpose’. The one which happened automatically and you
had to resist doing, the rape, switch that with the one you had to think consciously about and
still hardly got any results done, so that now the rape is hard to do even with conscious effort,
and fulfilling your purpose is a force that builds then can’t be stopped even if you tried.
Changing the submodalities of each mental image changes how they’re coded, so the old
motivation now applies to the better thing, and the old resistance to action applies to raping. The
good feelings when taking action on the new thing will give the same pleasure rape would have
given except with no raping, crime, or victims, and more social rewards.

Swish Pattern:
The way you swish is to take the unwanted big image of rape, and put a small image of
you fulfilling your purpose behind it. Say SWISHHHH and make the small good image come in
front big and bright where the old one was and throw the old bad image behind it and small. Do
this at least 7 times and in your subconscious everytime you think of the rape thought
automatically it will be wired in automatically “Rape, no, fulfill my purpose” because thinking the
rape thought will make the fulfill purpose image swish in front automatically so you can’t think
the rape thought and it automatically leads you to what you’d rather have. It changes it in your
body so it’s coded different in your chemistry. You can’t bring back the old stuff because the
new pops up big right away.

Spin emotions:
Those rape feelings, wherever they are, notice which ways they’re spinning in a circle: to
feel anything they must be in motion. Pop them out of your body, turn them 180 degrees so
they’re spinning in the opposite direction. Find out how that feels (likely way better). Imagine a
control button, “Accelerate” on its side, hit it, then flip the “Auto lock” button above it so it
continues accelerating forever in this new direction. This should feel amazing. Next to it is an
‘energize’ button which will send the control buttons into energy form of this spin so it’s
permanently a part of it, accelerating forever. Once done, put it back in you in the same place,
feel it lock into place spinning the new way now, wiggle around if you must. And it will feel better
forever! Repeat to make it firmer.

Pre-birth identity technique:

If you want any of the above techniques to stick better, or just want to use words to
make change, do it in pre-birth. See the sperm and egg before you were born, tell them what
you want “Everytime y’all feel rapey, instead you feel inspired to fulfill your purpose”-- or at the
very least, “Everytime y’all feel rapey, instead you act sexually healthy, and express interest in a
woman, to become more comfortable being healthy/normal sexually-- or do the mapping across,
swish, and/or spinning techniques on them. Once done, have them become the first 1-celled
zygote of you, let it come into you so you are it. Feel how good it feels with the rape problem
fixed/gone. Multiple into fetus, be born, you’re zero. Now in 6 seconds live your whole life to the
present age/moment with this new thing from 0 to now. Go. Open your eyes. You’ve always had
it, always been fixed/good. Break state, do a math problem. Repeat to make better.

Again remember these technique are good for every chapter: the urge to murder, be
violent, assault kids, etc. All bad urges can be fixed and made positive, redirected to healthy
Chapter 2

While most murders are committed by men (like most crimes),

women joke about it and are far more comfortable with the idea of it, “Oh I
wanna kill that bitch.” Women definitely are capable of it, especially lose
their minds when women cheat with their man, same as dudes I suppose…
among other main reasons. The thought crosses almost everyone’s mind,
especially if things don’t go their way, “Oh, it’d be so much easier to solve
this if they just disappeared.” Most don’t act on it thankfully and legally.

This I can guarantee you’ve thought about before, so I’ll ask you your process:






That’s your murder process. Again, let me write an example because I CAN’T READ

A guy (or girl, this is mostly toxic masculinity stuff) feels he’s not a man, taking action on
what he should, impotent, weak, neglected, ignorance, unimportant, inferior, a beta male, etc.
etc. We already get the inferiority part. He tries to feel better, either some person he knows or a
random stranger. “I want to feel more powerful than someone, let this power out.” He doesn’t
know how to pour his power into healthy avenues, so it builds until it fills like a dam then breaks.
It could be a bar fight gone wrong, a domestic argument gone wrong, a snapping/breaking
turned into revenge and cold/calculated murder, infidelity, doesn’t matter. The bad feeling
breaks and is directed outward. They explode all over the other person with their
inferiority/inability to lead the life they want. “I can’t get what I want, so I will ruin yours.” If people
trusted their feelings more it would never get that far because bad feelings would be caught
immediately and moved towards better things. The person snaps, make a plan (either days
before cooly, or quickly in the moment), they attack, explode their energy all over the person
either with fists, knife, gun, car, rock, whatever. They pour all their pain and incapabilities into
the attack so the person feels what they felt, “See YOU are the weak pathetic one!” Even if it’s a
stranger and a generalized worthless feeling. The deed is done til it’s done, their emotions
transferred, they feel better, their emotions respected/acknowledged, a kind of peace and joy,
minus the horror/immorality of it. Though they can be so far gone as to no longer care,
depending on how much abuse they allowed for how many years, compassion might be only a
speck in them. Regardless, once might be enough, proving to themselves and at least 1 other
person they aren’t worthless or powerless, or they might not learn the lesson and need to
continue til they are caught or eventually figure it out. Feeling capable and powerful is a joy, but
they do it in unhealthy, unsustainable, short-term ways. Eventually they’ll get caught or confess
from guilt or let it slip in a comfortable moment. The good feelings they missed, weren’t feeling,
are felt by many healthy people who take care of their life, move towards things they want,
create happiness for themselves, etc. These people again either never learned, had no
experience, or were punished for doing things on their own.

So the act of murder is rooted in positive intent to regain one’s power, be happy, live a
good life, and feel better. Everyone wants others to feel those! It’s just the particular avenue or
expression is horrible, illegal, immoral, unhealthy, and unsustainable. It is a small taste of good
stuff whereas a different way would be a steady lifelong stream of good feelings. Again what’s a
better alternative to such urges? We could replace it with the urge to socialize, start talking, also
to try and help people. Either is great and would give a healthy feeling of competence and worth
to the person.

So again, same as before, you can just remind yourself, or do techniques. Refer to first
chapter for full detail.

Map Across:
Map across submodalities from the automatic, easy, bad one to the ‘even with conscious
effort is hard-impossible to do’, and vice versa.

Swish pattern:
Put the big image of murder urge with good image of socializing or helping others small
behind. SWIISSHHHH them around so the good is picture in front and the bad one is small

Spin emotions:
Take the murder feelings, pop them out, spin them the opposite direction, accelerate,
auto-lock, energize back into the energy, and pop it in the same spot. Wiggle around make sure
it’s good there.

Pre-birth identity technique:

Deliver a message to the sperm and egg of you, “Whenever you get the desire to
murder, instead you will socialize or offer help to someone else.” And or, do the above
techniques to them in pre-birth, join as zygote, into you, fetus, born, live your whole life in 6
seconds to present age/moment with it.
Chapter 3

This is really just the step down version of murder, when happens
if the murder stopped a few minutes earlier (at least in worst case).
Women can be violent, hit their man, children, other women, even pets.
Men can beat women, kids, fight other men, pets. Kids can bully other
kids, sometime hit their moms, maybe sometimes kids hit their dads, pets
too. Everyone can be violent, and it only lets out energy but doesn’t solve
anything 99.9% of the time. Things are usually worse for all involved
afterwards, no one benefits.

The same motivations and process as murder just milder applies here, so we can skip it;
feeling weak, build up, explosion, relief, nothing solved, etc. Again, to redirect you can remind
yourself to do something product rather than focus on it, use it as a reminder or shouldertap to
socialize, connect with someone, do art, meditate, or help someone. Pick whatever you want!
Also techniques…

Map Across:
Map across submodalities from the automatic, easy, bad one to the even with conscious
effort is hard-impossible to do, and vice versa.

Swish pattern:
Put the big image of violent urge with good image of socializing or helping others small
behind. SWIISSHHHH them around so the good is picture in front and the bad one is small

Spin emotions:
Take the violence feelings, pop them out, spin them the opposite direction, accelerate,
auto-lock, energize back into the energy, and pop it in the same spot. Wiggle around make sure
it’s good there.

Pre-birth identity technique:

Deliver a message to the sperm and egg of you, “Whenever you get the desire to be
violent, instead you will socialize or offer help to someone else.” And or, do the above
techniques to them in pre-birth, join as zygote, into you, fetus, born, live your whole life in 6
seconds to present age/moment with it.
Chapter 4

The worst thing arguably. If we can fix this we can fix anything, true? We don’t
have to go into the gross process, I won’t give examples. Your welcome (and sorry for
writing about this, but some might benefit).

When this person gets the urge, to look at illegal pictures or videos online, or
creep on kids, or even make a move (which most don’t thank God, most pedophiles
aren’t child molestors), there is a process. Obviously stunted growth, immaturity,
sexual inferiority, never grew up. Look at Michael Jackson who was given the world as a child
and figuratively became Peter Pan never growing up. But most aren’t like him, most were
abused and stuck at that age, and this is often no more than role reversal, the continuation of
the generational ‘cycle of abuse’-- which might’ve been turning for centuries or even millenia.
Wouldn’t it be cool if one those people this generation finally broke it and stopped generations of
more abuse!?! That’s why this chapter.

So when they see an appropriate aged person (often it’s men looking at girls), he sees
as woman too womanly, adult, and mature for him. He fears about his little dinkie, couldn’t
satisfy or compete with her, he is after all a boy trapped in a man’s body-- or something like that
goes his mentality. When he sees a little girl he sees someone he can understand and who can
understand his childhood self, his inner little boy. It’s like he wants to recreate his childhood
where he could be normal, do things normal little boys did, have crushes on other girls his age,
learn about love and life together, then grow up happy and normal; only he’s 30+ and she’s 7 or
something. The intent is positive-- TRIGGER ALERT… BREATHE DEEPLY… BREATHE

Say again, the intent is positive. He wants to heal his trauma, he doesn’t want to be
hated by everyone in the world, maybe killed in jail, never rent a house or get a job again,
kicked out of society, put on a registry for decades, tell strangers he’s on it. That’s not his ideal
life. He wanted to calm the horrible storm inside him, the childhood abuse which was worse than
almost anyone could imagine. The pain adults feel when they find out if their child was abused,
that feeling of abuse, exploitation, violation, those were the exact feelings the perpetrator lived
for years with before bursting, otherwise the new child and parents couldn’t have felt them. And
the perpetrator was given those feelings from some abusive adult as a child; the generational
cycle of abuse, pain passing from person to person. He wanted the pain out of him, like he was
a powerless little baby and would never have a good or even mildly pleasurable life. That’s
where he came from. No one is asking anyone to condone his actions or behavior, just
shedding light on causality and that there is rhyme and reason to this universe, only healed by
compassion and understanding. Punishment is a short term solution, but generations of the
future will experience the lack of solution now.

So what is the solution? Same as all other dark low urges. When the pedophile feelings
come, use it as a trigger to do something positive. “When those feelings come, I will talk to
someone, flirt with a girl, do something artist, or help someone.” It doesn’t matter, just let it be a
shouldertap to good action. Also techniques…

Map Across:
Map across submodalities from the automatic, easy, bad one to the ‘even with conscious
effort is hard-impossible to do’, and vice versa.

Swish pattern:
Put the big image of pedophilic urge with good image of socializing, adult flirting, doing
art, or helping others small behind. SWIISSHHHH them around so the good is picture in front
and the bad one is small behind.

Spin emotions:
Take the pedophilic feelings, pop them out, spin them the opposite direction, accelerate,
auto-lock, energize back into the energy, and pop it in the same spot. Wiggle around make sure
it’s good there.

Pre-birth identity technique:

Deliver a message to the sperm and egg of you, “Whenever you get the pedophilic
desires, instead you will socialize, adult flirt, do art, or offer help to someone else.” And or, do
the above techniques to them in pre-birth, join as zygote, into you, fetus, born, live your whole
life in 6 seconds to present age/moment with it.

In conclusion... you don’t have to repress, pretend, compensate, overcompensate,

ignore, or cover up your negative low urges, in fact I would suggest that doing so it beneficial to
you especially in the long-term, in terms of results as well as internal wellbeing. While any of
those, including punishment, drugs, pills, etc. will help prevent you from doing the behaviors and
the negative consequences of such, it’s a fleeting satisfaction and a compromise of your
genuine authentic self. ABSOLUTELY, don’t do the behaviors, I condone not doing the
behaviors, illegal immortal behavior is bad in all ways. Unequivocally. But the fact some people
have those urges is for a reason to do healthy, positive, beneficial stuff and should be
appreciated and redirected to their appropriate place. Other ‘normal people’ might not even be
able to see how they possess those urges or behaviors because they’ve been healthy with them
for so long like taking action on things they want, not understanding someone who feels
powerless to live a normal life. But those things they take for granted the powerless person
envies and desires, and that discord/lack manifests as those antisocial urges because they are
out of place and must be put back into correct context for their social, healthy use. Some people
are natural at showing interest to sexual prospects, flirting, and creating opportunities to move
things forward. Some people are not natural at that, and so that discord and frustration builds
into a tidal wave which wrecks lives, rather than creates good satisfying relationships for all
involved like it does for healthy normal people.

By judging and punishing we solve things for the moment, but push the problem into our
children’s generation to deal with and suffer. And what kind of people are we? Do we kill and
destroy everything that doesn’t obey us like monsters? Or do we seek to heal and understand
the poor and downtrodden, in turn making the world better for our children and setting good
positive examples?! As parents say, “We hate the behavior, but love the person.” This is the
enlightened perspective of a society. As Buddha said, “When you know everything, you forgive
everything.” Another enlightened perspective.

I look forward to the day where most or all of rape, murder, violence,
and pedophilia is gone. But what of the millions of people who do such things? I
also look forward to the day where things are seen for what they are, turned to
good positive use for the benefit of the individuals responsible and society itself.
I look forward to society getting the benefit of such passionate individuals rather
than chalking them up to wasted space. I look forward to such urge-havers to
contributing to society in high value ways, to those hot passionate energies
being put to the benefit of society and its people. I look forward to people not being hated,
locked up, or threatened to be killed/destroyed for making bad decisions who were born into
sub-ideal circumstances. I look forward to the day where society uses its vaunted intelligence,
morality, and reasonability to help those who need it most: with curiousity, awareness,
understanding, and rationality. Something I like saying, “Mean people aren’t happy. Happy
people aren’t mean.” I think forgiveness and empathy-- cousins of love-- like love itself, can heal
this world. I look forward to that day. In the meantime, as an individual reading this book, you
can use your particular low or antisocial urges as the vehicle-- through the mentioned
redirection techniques-- to help create your ideal life and bring joy into existence for you.

Everyone who treats fire with fire always says “It’s an imperfect solution for an imperfect
world.” Cop out. Everyone who abuses through punishment, those who abuse and punish
others, say “It’s the best choice we have. What should we do, not punish anyone? Let everyone
rape and kill each other with no consequence?!” That’s another horrible extreme. What if
instead of learning about what date Napoleon fought some stupid battle, or learn life
inapplicable algebra, or a language we never plan to use. Instead of all these years of wasted
time, what if instead we taught our young things that will be of use. Teach them life skills, how to
understand and manage their emotions, how to follow their bliss, how to make and maintain
good relationships, how to budget, the value of giving back and contribution, the health and
mental benefits of meditation, how to flip negatives into positives. What if everyone around the
world got THAT education for 11 years. Can you imagine the DISGUSTINGLY AMAZING AND
SPECTACULAR THIS WORLD COULD BE??! Instead of “Oh I hated school, everyone I know
did. Never learned anything useful.”

Then life could be a joy for everyone, status and money would drop to the bottom of
priorities. Love, creation, expression, meditation, joy, and contribution would rise to the top!
Earth would be utopia as default. This is what’s possible with just a sliver of our brain.

The problem can be the solution. The thing you thought got in the way of your ideal life
can be your vehicle to it. The thing you thought that prevented you from feeling joy could be the
doorway to joy. JFK had a good wordplay that “the only thing we should be scared of is being
scared.” “If I feel worthless, I want to feel worthless at feeling worthless.” “If I’m useless, I want
to be useless at being useless.” “If I’m going to rape, I want to rape my desire to rape.” “If I’m
going to murder, I’m going to murder my urge to muder.” We can redirect things however we
want and take any avenue/direction we want!

I hope this was interesting/stimulating. Thank you for reading.

The Weather on Planet Joy
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Your joy places

Chapter 2) Find joy inside

Chapter 3) Fractal Joy

Chapter 4) Where are you Going


Planet Joy is about the world available to everyone no matter which universe they live
on, because it is a higher dimensional world, in fact every world can have its own Planet Joy
overlayed on top of it, accessible to all if they only just look and believe. There is a joy reality
surrounding and running through this Earth, most of the Earth is joyful, but humans in an
attempt to feel superior/masters of the universe or nature, have thinned out all the joy
surrounding them, and wherever they go joy decreases. They kill life, animals, plants, trees, dig
up dirt, add water, turn it into clay and hard structures, build flat roads and square boxes, use
fire to melt metal into straight lines to make their clay boxes stronger, and burn dead plants and
animals to make rolling boxes roll around. They learned the trick of tools and techniques, thanks
to their evolution of thumbs and big brains, then decided they superior to nature, Gods, and
ought to be the only thing that exists, or, everything only lives/survives/exists in order to serve
their ends. No purpose or even mild threat: genocide, murder. Even slight use, put in breeding
factories and harvest resources from them. Everywhere there’s no humans, animals and plants
live joyfully, in harmony, eat what they need, fight when appropriate, fuck when they need, love
when appropriate, play, observe, sleep. It’s all beautiful and harmonious, and works out well
except where humans get involved, with their separation anxiety, feeling separate from nature
and godliness, overcompensating with trying to be god or nature, controlling, in the meantime
stressing themselves, get ill, heart problems, cancer, balding, premature aging, drugs,
pornography, tv, depression, unhappiness, darkness.

Humans appreciate their gift of thumbs and big brains; in their excitement felt separate
from nature, superior, stopped loving it. They would bring nature to heel, rather than live and
bask in its joy, splendor, and abundance. Humans formed into little tribes and soon the few at
the top felt more deserving and took the lion’s share, citing ‘higher value work’. So humans put
nature to heel, and the human elites put humans to heel. Turning an abundant, bright, beautiful,
joyful world into a barren wasteland the few at the top through great strain and effort (stress,
disease, unhappiness), enjoy abundance only while most humans barely survive, the world
where humans live suffers. Human cities are only 0.5% of the world (, so 99.5% or
most of the world is still natural. The top humans do all that work to enjoy abundance that
existed before with minimal work, except now they feel that disparity between them and normal
folks, that superiority, that higher class, they feel good about having much while others are
deprived. The same feeling humans feel higher class, that superiority, to the natural world of
plants and animals, they feel good about having much while natural life is deprived on a whim,
killed by chainsaw at any moment, shot with a gun willy nilly, chemically poisoned any which

The way of things, one group comes up with morals and comes to power. They maintain
that morality and power for a while. When new moral questions come up, they ignore it and hold
to the morality they came up with. Soon the tide turns too much and a new wave of morality
takes power and become in control, enforcing the new good changes. That lasts a while until
they hold to their old moral position and don’t change, so eventually a new wave of morality
turns the tide and takes power again to represent the greatest good. Ad infinitum. The only way
to keep power is to stay true to morality, and those who resist the new tide for the old one they
rode in on, will be washed away same as their predecessors. Power always and forever
remains with the moral, for means power is the means and structure by which morality comes
about and is held up. Power for its own sake serves no end/purpose and collapses, morality on
its own is skin deep without internal structure and meaning.

For sure you can live in a joyful state, joy comes from within, could be said to be a
chemical release in the brain/body, yeah. But if you stay in a shitty place you’ll get exhausted or
break. Better to go where joy is alive and well, a thick lush rainforest of pink tendrils and radiant
light and feelings of unity/oneness with it! Moving from joy spot to joy spot is allowed. Once
you’re aware of Planet Joy, the realest version of the planet (rather than the slow/static world of
materials, inanimate objects, dead things, problems, and timesheets), everything falls under that
umbrella. Bad things are simply seen for what they are, just small almost invisible amounts of
joy. And GREAT things are simply living fully in the Planet Joy radiating their highest most
beautiful selves. See things for their amount of joy, pink light. Let it glow in your presence and
be the same. Stay aware from dark places, they’re libel to suck the joy out of you leaving the
world one less light. Stay in the presence of joy.
Chapter 1
Your joyful places

When you think of the entire world, from China to the pyramids to Canada, where are the
most joyful places to you?







As examples, my most joyful places are deep in the woods in a secure structure, on the
beach in the shade on a warm day, just off shore in a sturdy boat with friends. If you went to
your joyful places and lived there, what would the energy look like to you?



For example, for me there'd be bright pink, white, and yellow

lights all over, even thick tendrils of same colors in certain places where
the peace, love, and joy were highest. Can you imagine if you spent your
entire life in such locations; if you built a home, lived a life there? You
could call it your place of power, but that’s the means, it’s your joint of
joy. Like the old quote “Just find a man you love, and hold on”, just go to
your joint of joy and act naturally. Go to dark joyless places as little or
none if possible. Live always in the joy.
Chapter 2
Find Joy inside

What is stuff everyone wants? What do you want, not emotional, but physical?
Write down…





What’s stuff everyone wants? A girlfriend, husband, money, fame, own a home, kids,
career success, a big accomplishment, make the world better… cool. Doesn’t matter. Why do
you want your stuff? Because of how you think it’ll make you feel; therefore everything everyone
wants is a good feeling. This could be called joy, love, or peace, all high emotions, i.e. what
everyone wants is (simply) joy.

What if instead of stuff goals we had joy ones? Admitted the truth, “I want joy.” Lets look
at some.

I want more money:

● How would that make you feel? Rich, I could be comfortable, have a life I want, secure,
worry less, feel good
● How’d that feel? Live a better life, relax, let out all the pain, cry, forgive enemies, let go,
release the stress/tension
● How’d that feel? I could feel genuinely happy from the inside out, feel more pleasure
than pain in my body (what I thought!), smile for once
● How’d that feel? I could stop being phoney, fuck everyone, do what i want, take
care/love me
● How’d that feel? Feel my heart again, feel love in me again, stop hating
● How’d that feel? Sad for sad people, but uncaring, unphased, selfish, love/enjoy me
● How’d that feel? ecstasy/bliss, heaven
● How’d that feel? Perfect, wonderful, great!!

I want a partner:
● How would that make you feel? I’d feel loved, worth something
● How’d that feel? I have some good in me, I can get/deserve some good things
● How’d that feel? I could relax on the worthiness bs, enjoy my life/self, stop taking things
so seriously, love myself, love life, be happy, smile
● How’d that feel? Sex would be nice, cuddling, dates, I’d love to be with someone
● How’d that feel? Stop trying to impress or attract anyone, be myself, play, be silly, goofy,
have fun, laugh
● How’d that feel? Happy
● How’d that feel? Home, safe, comfy, relaxed, exhale, breath of fresh air, could cry from
the release/let go of pain/sadness/lack/loneliness
● How’d that feel? I never wanna be lonely again, sad, suffer, be in pain, sadness makes
me sad
● How’d that feel? Compassion, love love, enjoy joy, pleased by pleasure, delighted by
happiness, peaceful to peace
● How’d that feel? Love partner fully/openly/completely
● How’d that feel? Radiantly joyous, beautiful, and wonderful!!!

I want a home:
● How would that make you feel? Safe, had a place in this world, secure, protected, loved,
taken care of, happy, comfortable, a safe haven in the world, guard against elements,
people, animals, bugs, a place to be alone, get away, fortress of solitude
● How’d that feel? I could let my guard down, i finally made it, i had a place in this world, i
belong, a piece of land, a property to be safe and live in
● How’d that feel? Heaven, wonderful, I can exhale, cry from letting all the pain, sadness,
struggle, effort, work, lack go.
● How’d that feel? Fuck everyone, don’t have to pretend/be phoney anymore, no more
pandering, fake smiles, fake nice, let go of the hate, fuck everyone, relief, release, let it
all go
● How’d that feel? Opening, wave, wash, flow, free, give up, surrender, breathe, forget,
forgive, fuck em
● How’d that feel? Forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, free, give, forget, flow
● How’d that feel? Coming home, self, acceptance, love, so much love, joy, goodness,
peace, heaven, divine, perfect

So in these examples, the hypothetical person wanting more money wanted to feel
perfect, wonderful, great!!!! They said partner, wanted radiantly joyous, beautiful, wonderful!!!!
They said home, wanted coming home, self, acceptance, love, so much love, joy, goodness,
peace, heaven, divine, perfect.

The secret is, by asking “How’d that feel?” You tap into the vibrational frequency of the
home, money, partner, but that’s the borest part, the feeling is the meat. The thing is an excuse
for the feeling, but just like you did here, you can feel the feeling any time, whenever you want,
without the excuse or thing. You want the external to match the internal, and if you tune like this
often it will, but even like going to joyous places, whether external or internal, you must decide
to go there.

This also applies to the present.

● How do I feel? Sad, bored, lonely, alone, weird, poor, unattractive

● How’s that feel? Special, unique, quirky, interesting, different
● How’s that feel? Unique value, specific quality, individual, free thinker, emotionally aware
● How’s that feel? Worthwhile, valuable, cool, interesting, unique, worth something, good
● How’s that feel? In the zone, on my path, doing well, feeling fine
● How’s that feel? Great, actualized, individuated, fulfilling my purpose
● How’s that feel? Joy, peace, love, worthiness, awareness, greatness, fantabulous!
● How’s that feel? Good

See, even in the moment, you say “blah” but mean “good”. Everyone’s always good.
Chapter 3
Fractal Joy

Joy is located in specific spots largely, and the shape that

takes is a fractal. Fractal is the parent of the 8020 rule, which says
few causes make most results. In fractals small changes make
disproportional changes. For example, lets say of 100 actions, 10
certain actions will make you a millionaire, 1 of those done repeated
will make you a billionaire, 90 though will make average or in
poverty. Most joy in the world is congregated in few places, or, a few
places have the most joy, most people have little or no joy and a few
people have such blinding amounts of it. Same with money, sex,
property, etc. If we could be the top 1% in the world of something, or
even the 1% of the 1%, I think if you’re in this book you know… we’d
rather be in the top 0.001% of joyous people. Wouldn’t that be
awesome??! To be the billionaire version of joy? “All 99.999% of
people in the world have less joy than you. You have more joy than
anyone on TV, in the news, heads of state, you have more than any of them. In most cases,
more than all of them put together.”

Let’s find out, what would that feel like to be the top 0.001% of joyful people.

● Feel? I am brighter than the sun, and the world basks in the pink glow of my radiant joy,
none other (except maybe 2 people) shine as bright as me.
● Feel? My joy is infinite and encompasses the planet. I basically identify as joy itself and
am connected to all joy everywhere, perhaps even as part of its source.
● Feel? My joy will never die, there is just too much, I can’t even fathom how much joy I
am part of. It’s spreads past the horizon and on and on
● Feel? Every cell of my being/body is a pink glow of joy without exception, completely
drenched and dripping in joy, permeated into and dispersed through and bonded to the
DNA code of every cell so my body is pink luminescent
● Feel? Pretty joyful

If you look at the mandelbrot fractal shape, the biggest bulk

of joy is in one place with infinite nooks and crannies within. There’s
a medium more personal and focused amount of joy in your life
which is tighter and more specific, again with infinite nooks and
crannies of joy. Then finally there is the single minded, pointedly-
focused part of joy which is ultra refined and specific like the pin of a
needle, and ultra high octane like a bullet or nuke of joy which is
explosive, potent, and powerful. If someone was ever going to use a gun to shoot me or drop a
nuke on me, I’d want it to be a joy gun full of joy bullets and a joy nuke. That’d be awesome!
Can you imagine a nuke made out of joy??!!!
You could go your entire life without ever hearing or understanding what fractals are.
They are everywhere and accurately describe all of nature and the universe. They are quite
wonderful powerful things. But just because they are powerful and describe everything, you can
still live a joyous life focusing on joy and never see the greater pattern. It’s not necessary. But
since they’ve been discovered, and can help in enjoying hugely more amounts of joy, why not?
They also can help guide you away from where joy is not, because many places can be
deceiving but fractals can help you (like your emotional guidance system) find where the joy is,
in the greatest amounts.

Like the above picture, you could put yourself inside and outside write things to do
related to your joy; the few behavior that will give the greatest positive impact.
Chapter 4
Where are you Going?

The way Esther Hicks explains it, when you’re in a car you don’t look down at the road
beneath you where you are, you look ahead at where you’re going, that’s the only way to get
where you want to go. I guess it applies to walking too, if you look down it’s dangerous; you look
ahead. If everything is for the feeling, do you know what you wanna feel?

Let’s do an example and flesh it out.

How do you wanna feel? I wanna feel peace, love, and joy.
How’s that feel? Like everything’s ok, all is good, all’s well, home, where I wanna/am
supposed to be, everything’s as it should be.
Feel? Nothing needs changing, there’s nothing to do, no work to be done, all is as it
should be, any stuff I’d do would take me away from this feeling, except stuff that comes from
this feeling
Feel? Everything else is just lesser shades of this, what I have now, this is the best,
brightest, here, now
Feel? I have everything, I need nothing else, lack nothing, anything/anyone else is less
than me asking for handouts from me/this feeling, and I’m in the power position to share or help
if I feel like it, usually no. Things have the rare option of coming as equals in this highest of
places/feelings, sit equally here, but that’s less than 1%. And I don’t leave this place for anything
because everything is trying to get here, fighting, desperate
Feel? I have all the power, joy, happiness, love, peace, goodness, light, wellbeing,
others are at best equals, never superior, 99% inferior to me/this feeling
Feeling? Relaxing, secure, comfortable, very very very very goooooooooooooddddddd.
All is well.

Can you feel this? Tuning yourself here? To this frequency? Vibration? Oohh it feels
good, focusing on how you wanna feel, fleshing it out, experiencing your ideal here and now,
you can go to the end goal NOW in feeling/experience. You can have it all this moment,
every/any moment, every day. Just ask how you wanna feel, and how those good feelings make
you feel. You can have it all every single moment, every day; this is how easy it is to tune

How’d you like to get addicted to feeling ideal, how you wanna feel? Better than any pill,
drug, sex, check, relationship, situation, accomplishment, all with a couple questions. If you do
this daily, couple times a day, tuned here more often, how the world would tune itself there to
(for you), how your environment would resonate that frequency, it’d be easier to tune yourself
there… not like it’s very hard as it is; 2 questions, repeat one.
One more thing, more action oriented rather than inspired or natural, is a question: “How
much joy?” This is a general question. How much do I have? How much is in this action? This
person? This place? This joy? This relationship? Most people have been trained or have their
focus in the physical, a lower energy, the result of frequency/tuning. They see flesh, brick,
building, clothes, cars, faces, in other words their physical senses, rather than higher realities
like emotional content, love, peace, joy, beauty, etc. Animals are so present and were never
trained to limit perception to physical, so they sense intent, emotions, mental images, and
thoughts. Asking “How much joy”, you can begin to see where you ought to go, what you ought
to do, is this a high joy rich area or activity? Is it a dark, barren, joyless place? “How much joy”
keeps you focused on where you want to focus, or whatever is your best emotion (love, peace,
abundance, etc.). It also helps you be more picky about who/what/where you spend your time,
energy, attention. If you qualify people, situations, activities for your highest value, “How much
joy do you have?”, you can know what it will do for you, what value it has, or if it has none and
avoiding it completely. Darkness isn’t your job to fix, joy is your job to enjoy: always and forever.
How much joy does this store have? This city? This person? What about the beach? Or a lake?
Animals and trees?

If you focus on how you want to feel, and take action in that direction, you’ll never get led
astray and ALWAYS feel as GOOD as you possibly can. That’s why I made the Joy App, for
myself and others, and it’s very simple. 2 prompts, “How do I want to feel?” and “Today’s
actions?” with a log button at the bottom to keep track. Since those high emotions like joy are all
that actually matter, focus on them, and making your day and its actions about them, is the most
enlightened thing ANY PERSON CAN DO. So download it!!!

On android (and chromebook) at .

Oh, and the weather on planet Joy is always perfect!!! :)

World in the Mirror
Philip Greener
© June 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Tree

Chapter 2) Bateria

Chapter 3) Mushroom

Chapter 4) Bug

Chapter 5) Fish

Chapter 6) Wild mammal

Chapter 7) Person: MFBWYO

a) Male, Female, Black, White, Young, Old

Chapter 8) Water
a) Greatest of 5 elements

Chapter 9) Earth


This is an exercise in truth, and we can also find out how various parts of the world
perceive us so we can take their wisdom/insights as benefits to ourselves. We’ll be covering the
various life forms going from greatest biomass to least, covering a range of humans because
most people live in that sphere, hitting the largest/most dominant element (in both life and the
earth’s surface), then finishing with the planet itself. I’ll be giving you space to do your own as
well as an example of what it can look like, and how to glean the wisdom/insight from each to
find the good nugget.
Chapter 1

What do you hear the tree saying to you? Plants are 82.4% of global biomass, by
and large the greatest living force on the planet. Listen to it…








As an example:
“Stop being blown around by the wind, be firm and rooted. Stand grounded, tall, and
erect. Be yourself, never notice anyone else. Live/experience only your life.”

We also could get our feelings on it…

How’s that make me feel? It’d be amazing to be as firm and rooted as a tree, I’d love
that. Being so in my experience as tree, that’d also be amazing. Incorporating tree life into my
life would be a joy
Feel? I love trees, that plants are the dominant life, so firm, rooted, proud and tall, also
generous and life giving (homes for many critters), shade, not to mention beautiful! I love that
they rule the world
Feel? I’m part of their biosphere, we’re part of the same. We have a common ancestor, it
feels amazing we’re cousins. I love this connection.
Feel? I have so many wonderful, supportive friends
Feel? I love the earth I love on, how most of it is good. I love my self/life
Feel? Good

If you stayed in contact with trees more and heard such advice regularly, how would you
be benefitted?
Chapter 2

Bacteria makes up the 2nd largest biomass on earth, at 12.4%. The benefits of
small aren’t stated enough, when pound for pound these little guys (also our most
ancient ancestors) outclass humans ~1 trillion pounds to 1, they’re no small potatoes.
Also consider the entire universe they have to themselves, can get into the most
restricted places for humans, even build a home right on the president’s or a king’s scalp, not
that they care. They have a lot of abilities humans can’t. What’s it saying to you?









As an example:
“Enjoy the simple things, enjoy your life. Don’t waste it looking at other people. Feel
good and experience your life. Also don’t value size/force so much, avoid bad, be subtle, treat
yourself well/better. Be who you are.”

Ok, how does that make me feel? There’s probably lots of bacteria around and in me, I
think I heard I have good ones that digest. I’m grateful for their words, I should love myself
better, avoid bad, treat myself, be me.
Feel? I don’t know where I got off, but I do love myself, I don’t care about anyone, only
me, I love me, want a good joyful experience. Fuck everyone, I love me me me me me me me!!
Feel? Selfish, amazing, ecstatic, good
Chapter 3

Fungus is 2.2% of the biomass. Before there were land plants, fungus decomposed
the rocky surface into soil allowing plants to make the atmosphere rich so all life could live.
They were the first on land (except maybe bacteria). Much to be appreciative for, what’s it
say to you?









As an example:
“Wherever you go, are, be yourself, comfortable. Do what you can but no more. Take
time to enjoy/appreciate.”

Ok, how’s that feel? Stfu, dgaf, stop giving a fuck

Feel? Good
Chapter 4

They’re .19% of biomass, well and crabs/shrimp: arthropods. What do they











As an example:
“Oh mighty human so tall, we outnumber you pound for pound 1000:1. We don’t give a
fuck about you except when you’re useful to us. I have my own life bum.”

How’s that feel? I like the apathy, selfishness, irreverence, disrespect, self-involvement,
Feel? Lil envious, I wish I was that courageous, bold-faced, honest, selfish
Feel? I could
Feel? Excited, I’d like to be more buglike
Feel? Good
Chapter 5

Fish are right under bugs at .0013%. What do they say?









An example:
“Life is joy, pleasure, go with the flow. You never felt this good, I feel a god, nothing’s
better. Copy me.”

How’s that feel? I like you, it, I would like that

Feel? Receptive, reciprocal, good
Chapter 6
Wild mammal

Wild mammals are about the same as humans, hunting slightly lessened them.
What’d they say?










An example:
“You humans sometimes kill or fuck with us, but you do it to yourselves and each other
much more. You’ll take yourselves out then we’ll all be rid of you. Good riddance, you’ve only
been a thorn to us for centuries.”

How’s that feel? Not nice, but I understand and sorry, I agree
Feel? Gentler, I don’t want to be one of the problem
Feel? Listen, understand
Feel? There is untapped/unenjoyed shit in the world no one enjoys
Feel? I want to
Feel? Good
Chapter 7
Person: MFBWYO

Next is people at 0.0001% biomass, subdivided into categories.

What does a male say?







An example:
“Stop being a pussy bitch, get in control of your life.”

How’s that feel? He right, I want that too

Feel? Better motivated, good

What does a female say?






An example:
“You’re sexy, don’t change a thing, you’re excellent!!!”

Feel? Appreciated/good
What’s a black person say?







An example:
“You are so blessed you’re not black, life should be easy, and happy. You should dance
every day.”

Feel? Appreciative, I will dance

What’s a whitey say?







“Don’t be an embarrassment to whites, get your act together. Stop disgracing us.”

Feel? They’re looking out for me

Feel? Good
What’s a youngling say?







“You’re a god, I wanna be you.”

Feel? Cool

What’s an oldie say?







“You do too much and yet do almost nothing. Live life on purpose, stop being
stupid/mindless you dope!”

Feel? I agree, thanks, good

What do all humans, or society, say?







“Stop trying so hard to be special, just fit in, do your little part like everyone, and stop.”

Feel? Society/no one expects exceptional, just mundane

Feel? Sad, but it’s kind of nice, no expectations, no disappointments, no pressure, just
survive, but the option to
Feel? Like water, flowing, I like that
Feel? Glad/appreciative for them (and that they/it aren’t hard or unforgiving like rock)
Feel? Comfortable, happy, good
Chapter 8

Water is 70% of the human (most animal) body, and 70% of earth 's surface.
What’s water say?








“You are mostly me, surrounded by mostly me. Be like me, nonresistant, path of least
resistance, fluid, flow, flexible even to freeze or evaporate if must. Follow reality.”

Feel? At peace, open, formless, fluid, natural, dynamic, flexible, responsive, good
Chapter 9

What’s the earth say?








“I give all life, along with the sun. Be fruitful, happy, multiply. Appreciate my radiance.”

Feel? Radiant love, appreciation, good


What are the notes or lessons?










For example:
● Trees make me feel good
● Bacteria makes me feel selfish, amazing, ecstatic, good
● Mushrooms make me feel good
● Bugs make me feel good
● Fish make me feel receptive, reciprocal, good
● Wild mammals make me feel good
○ Males make me feel better motivated, good
○ Females make me feel appreciated/good
○ Blacks make me feel appreciative/dancey
○ Whites make me feel good
○ Younglings make me feel cool
○ Oldlies make me feel purposeful, thankful, good
● Water makes me feel at peace, open, formless, fluid, natural, dynamic, flexible,
responsive, good
● Earth makes me feel radiant love, appreciation, good

An example, everything feels good.

Life without Words
Philip Greener
© July 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Pre-determined
a) Fractal

Chapter 2) Joy

Everyone’s heard the communication breakdown.

Everyone’s also heard that the conscious mind is finite compared
to the unconscious. Communication breaks down to 7% words,
38% tone, 55% body language. The percent of conscious to
unconscious brain activity is 5% conscious, 95% unconscious.
These largely overlap.

No other species has a language, yet they all communicate. The conscious words are
only useful for specific information exchange, but 93% of trustworthiness, intent, caring or lack
thereof, distraction, humor or seriousness, lightness or heaviness, deceit or maliciousness, that
is the ocean the little boat of words sits on. Like Cesar Millan says “Dogs don’t know English,
they know energy.” They know if a person is happy or hateful or depressed, and that
communication is a lot, plus they understand words over time. Sadhguru says “People say so
many things to me, but it’s just ‘Blah blah blah’, I don’t even listen. A cobra trainer doesn’t talk to
his snake, animals only talk in emotion. I don’t have to hear anyone’s words, I’m like an animal, I
just respond to how they make me feel.” You could have 93% your current quality of life without
any words. The issue isn’t to be mute, but not make conscious thought or words weigh/drag
down your quality of life for how little they contribute.

We’ll cover 2 main features of this irrelevancy of words, I hope it’s interesting.
Chapter 1

Causality, predeterminism, often is seen in the moving parts, most never see
the forest for the trees. The mandelbrot fractal is the forest. It inherently isn’t aware of
the infinite moving parts, but if it ever is, it knows what they’ll do. Whether any of us
are aware of our connection to everything else or not, we are. There is an infinite
webbing which isn’t just what any of us are a part of or connected to, which none of us
can ever actually separate from, but what actually makes us up, the thoughts we have
in general (including on this topic), our general feelings (yes, including this topic), all of
these are part of the causal, predetermined fractal we’re a part of. It could be said to
seep into every nook and cranny of existence, but it is the existence. This web isn’t an infection
or invasion, or some reality to be escaped from, it is the reality itself. It could be called the
oneness of everything, but it’s also not stupidly uniform or equal either. It is parced out unevenly
everywhere, so many places are very barren of stuff and very few places are greatly and
overwhelmingly packed with it. The top 20% of the people have 80% of the joy, and the bottom
20% of the people have 80% of the suffering. The good get gooder and the bad get badder.

Fools of the world might vanely attempt to thwart causality, predeterminism, to fight the
current or god’s call as in Jonah, but that only gets you swallowed by a whale. Resisting reality,
swimming upstream, going against the current, stream of causality, predeterminism, is ignoring
reality, what is, and that is unnatural, and not tolerated. Not that any centralized God smites
thee, but when the universe bends one way, to bend the other way against it and the trillions
upon trillions of cooperative components working in harmony with the universe come to bear
against you, you will be the one to break, not the universe. Separating yourself from it is not the
answer, and is the surest track to destruction. This isn’t evil or malicious because the ultimate
truth is you are that energy or fractal and only resisting yourself, will ultimately you don’t want
and are unable to do. Yes you can enough to destroy your body, but that’s all it will do; BIG you
will be fine and figure it out. The right answer is to go with the stream, to obey reality, God,
universe, go with the flow.

Going with the flow of the universe is the ultimate flow, because then you sync up with
all that power of the universe, and things work together with you, you join the cooperative
machinery/function of everything. You access your highest pre-destiny, whereas all
uncooperative options would be lesser shades of it, but God (or the great fractal) would be fine.
He/It has infinite soldiers cooperating. No smart people resist this, only fools.

So words are irrelevant, when you are doing the right thing, in the right place, at the right
time, obeying the fractal, the words are irrelevant. Even saying the wrong words wouldn’t stop
the cooperative components when you do everything else right. Simply dragging your body to a
certain piece of ground at a certain time, will cause great positive things; you could say “JIBBU
JABBU FLIBBER FLABBER” or nothing at all, it wouldn’t matter. But if you were in the barren
place, all the genius thinkers planning the ‘best’ would do nothing. Words do almost nothing.
You don’t have to think the right thing, feel the right thing, micromanage your behavior,
perform ‘correctly’, say the right things. If you’re in the right place, obeying the fractal, it’ll either
work out and nothing you do can fuck it up, or you’re in the wrong place and nothing will help. In
other words, stop fucking worrying. You could say this is your frequency, but we’ll touch that in
the next chapter. I know this smacks in the face of conventional human training: please and
thank you’s, etiquette, proper behavior, inside/outside voice, hygiene, dress code, politeness,
but none of these matter or have value. They are trivial, and only act as indicators of
subservience and obedience to other people who want external cues other fall in line. But no
one ever did these well enough and got what they wanted or became joyful. These things are
hoops and leashes to the weak-willed, unimaginative, and stupid. A fool is only a fool because
he chooses a trivial, unimportant life, gets good at trivial things.
Chapter 2

The same as predetermined fractal-causality, joy is parched out predetermined. Sure,

anyone can appreciate whatever little good is surrounding them, but that’s just more like a first
step. It will get you looking for/appreciating good things in your immediate environment. It isn’t
really being proactive about going to where the joy is fractally dispersed, or the highest, richest
concentrations of it i.e. your joy joints.

In other words, you can appreciate whatever small amount you happen to have before
you became aware to go looking for higher amounts, but that will only sync you to that amount
rather than go where it is robust, abundant, rich, overflowing, thick, and juicy with joy. By doing
this, the most joyful people are inherently going to be found in certain areas or places like
ancient civilizations swarming around rivers and coastlines. Joy is the greatest natural resource
I’d figuratively/literally like to say, and if anyone wants to become as rich in joy as possible, you
don’t go looking for it in barren wastelands even though you might find a thin, rinky-dink vein.
You go to the huge joy deposits naturally are and you bask in the fruit/abundance of its

It’s the prudent move: least effort for most reward. Whatever fancy words, tricks, self
help techniques, whatever is going on, nothing will change the reality of the thickest places of
joy. The most joyful will be surrounded in those areas and require no mental (or emotional)
gymnastics, the joy will just be effortlessly available now and always even if one says the wrong
words or does the wrong actions nothing will reduce their joy. In contrast, people in the wrong
place with the wrong vibrational frequency, saying all the right words, in the right order, with the
right timing, doing the right action, none of it will make any lick of difference beyond negligibly a
few dinky percent; and the more a person stays in such barren, sparse areas the more effort is
required of them to get minute and even diminishing returns. The rich get richer, the poor get

The more the poor person works the poorer they become. The less the rich person tries
or works, the richer they become. Wah wah, so very sad, but if any person wants to stop being
a poor idiot, realize the truth they see and make it work to their advantage. Stop being a sucker
if you know reality is a different way. Adapt, and don’t be a punk. With suffering poor people,
whether it be money or joyless folks, they seem attached to being the losing, suffering
underdog. They’re unwilling to change their behaviors, to stop frivolously wasting their energies
in trivial endeavors because either their friends and peers continue to do them, or their family or
ancestors did the same thing. Whatever stupid reason, they can often tell you if you ask exactly
how to fix their situation, to become rich (be it money or joy), yet they know the right thing to do,
to change their vibrational frequency, go to the rich abundant place(s), yet they don’t out of fear
or attachment or comfort. Regardless, that's why they become poorer and poorer and increase
their suffering and effort, while others become happier, more relaxed, and get richer. It is no
one’s fault but their own; sure there is compassion, but they create their own reality and
experience and we can’t insert or assert change if they hold hate to what they actually want. “I
want to be rich, but fuck those rich people.” They want to be powerful in their belief, and right,
and so they are; and no one will ever be able to save them.
God’s Eye
Philip Greener
© July 2021
Greener Creations


Chapter 1) Panama City

Chapter 2) America

Chapter 3) Earth

Chapter 4) Universe

Chapter 5) Alternate motionlines/timelines

Chapter 6) All motionlines for our universe

Chapter 7) Infinite wave-functions as a point

Chapter 8) Across the data stream to alternate universes

Chapter 9) Access to infinite alternate universes across the information ocean

Chapter 10) Multiverse as a point


To start this is the best I have, and I want to give away, increase it in the world, help
make utopia. We’ll be covering human life, fractals, dimensions, and the infinite. The above
picture showcases a simplistic view to quick understanding of deeper principles, the many many
many layers of infinity. Infinite zero points, infinite 3 dimensional objects, infinite ways they could
move, infinite other ways they could move (timelines), infinite other universes in a sea of digital
information, unified in the 10th as a single point as ‘big god’, pure light, all information, etc.

The manifest 4D reality most people have consciousness of, is 1 of many simultaneous
existing manifest 4D realities, only probability determines the outcomes anyone experiences:
birth defect or no, get accepted or no, partner rejects or accepts, your race horse wins or loses,
a stock goes up or down, a tyrant decides to go to war or seek peace talks, the earth forms or
doesn’t, a different sperm is faster, Jesus chickens out or no, Buddha decides to be a king
rather than a monk, Hitler gets into art school or no. In the fifth you have access to different
motionlines/timelines, the more trivial the change the closer, the more likely the closer, while
more unlikely more radical changes are more difficult to reach. In the 6th you can bend
spacetime and reach all infinite possibilities for this universe no matter how unlikely.

The 7th is all of that-- the infinite phase space of different motionlines/timelines-- as a
point. It is the last physical dimension. The 8th is digital information only, and can cross the sea
of information to other 7 dimensional infinite universe bubbles, ones more similar nearby are
easiest to reach, more radically different are further/more difficult. The 9th you can go to any
imaginable universe, no matter how unlikely, with any laws of physics or initial conditions, by
bending spacetime like a portal, of all infinite available universes. The 10th is the infinite
multiverse as a point.
Chapter 1
Panama City

In this city are thousands of people, a walmart, roads,

beaches, lakes and the ocean/gulf, restaurants, shops, car
dealers, homes, apartments, it rains 1 day for every 2 days of
sun on average. It’s nice all year around except for storms in
hurricane season and little chilly in winter. The people go to
work, pay rent or mortgage, pay for their cars or bus rides or
ride bikes. They socialize at work, date people they meet at
school or work most often, have kids. They spend time with
their families, make investments and take opportunities in their
vicinity/ease to take. Most are christian but there are many
beliefs. There are police, social service/workers-- maintaining roads, landscaping, court
employees, government program employees (psychological, child protective, welfare), etc.-- a
mayor, police chief, fire department chief, city attorney. There are people with millions in
mansions and nice cars, people owning modest homes, people living paycheck to paycheck,
people in debt overdue on rent/bills, there are homeless, criminals in jails, and criminals at
large. There are kids in school, people working outside, people in offices, people on roads,
working at home, abroad. People play board games, video games, picnics on the beach, in
parks, go snorkeling, skydiving, hiking, inventing, venting, demolishing, making music, building,
writing, filming. There are banks, rec centers, senior centers, home depots, lots of specialty and
hobby shops, churches, temples, and yoga. People volunteering, doing charity, lots of nature
and cars too.

Everyone has fractal power, is part of fractal nature, which again is the parent of 8020
rule where small causes have huge results; 8020 being like a sword that trims fat, fractal like
spiked armor for making their specific ideal life cutting like butter with every move. Every action
everyone does is to feel better, and everything everyone does is because they think they’ll feel
better in the having of it. Therefore everyone’s actions are to feel things like love, joy, peace,
and pleasure, every action, every creature, all over the world and beyond. Everyone is
actualized because everything is: the present moment is actualized, buildings are actualized in
the present, the people around you are actualized in the present, you are actualized in the
present. Everyone also is enlightened because everyone that exists is visible, the same way
they’re actualized, you are basked in light right now, people around you are basked in light, if
they weren’t they wouldn’t exist, there would be nothing to be unenlightened; thus everyone and
everything is enlightened.

All people started as kids, had childhoods. No matter what the childhood, their parents
and the adults in their lives were doing the best they could given their resources and their own
childhood. And no matter what, as mentioned before, they had positive intents, to feel better, to
help their children survive, help you be strong, help you be resourceful to be successful and
happy in life. All parents want their kids to have a better life than they had, it’s called progress or
evolution. It is inherent in biology. Even if the childhood was confusing at best, whatever your
parents’ or adults’ behavior, their intent was at the very least to make themselves happier,
therefore at the very least you were an instrument of their increased happiness, you helped
them. And whatever your feelings about your parents or childhood adults, they did help you,
they had no choice, because you survived, you were strong enough, you are capable and
resourceful, you will survive, there is enough pleasure and joy in you keeping you going, and
they were part of that.

Therefore everyone had a good childhood, and that often is enough to make the
difference in most people’s life to be happy. After all, if you started good, good chances the
whole ride will be good! Everyone learned to stay safe even as a small child, get respect from
peers, older kids, adults, strangers, younger kids. How much easier as a full grown adult.

Everyone went through puberty, hormones activated, getting horny, attracted to the
opposite sex (or wtv), many first experiences: first kiss, first oral, first sex, first relationship. Most
people had more than one, multiple, often early in life, people tend to slow down sexually as
they age and do other things.

Everyone learned what work was as they got older, first as chores, then as school work,
then as first jobs or if rich at the very least doing what your parents or guardians said to keep
the money flowing. Most people learn the value of a dollar, how to live in a budget, decide on a
quality of life and stick to it: $1000 a month, $5000 a month, $1 million a month, wtv. Most
everyone learns how to form and keep relationships and friendships with others, keep the love
flowing. This often includes family centermost, also coworkers and classmates, as well as
people with same interests.

People often try to get to their own home, start a family, have a kid. With life going well,
people get into hobbies, doing stuff they like, activities and meet like-minded people: following
their passion/bliss, all of that, no longer just about work and money. Once they get creation,
expressive, follow their passion/bliss, often people then feel satisfied and learn to sit in
relaxation. They meditate, not necessarily formally, not necessarily not formally. Often it’s just
sitting on a porch, park bench, in nature, people watching, just enjoying the beautiful factual
reality they find themselves living in. Here people slow down and just enjoy themselves, take it
ease, take life in on its terms, no imposition, no effort, stopping, giving up, surrendering, opening
and being receptive to truth and reality. People can get very spiritual and religious at this stage,
get more in touch with their feelings and emotions than ever before, give up rigid and strict
viewpoints, become more loose, accepting, relaxed in their old age, much nicer, better human
beings, helpful, kind.

After a good period of this slowing down, taking things in, meditating, sitting, relaxing,
opening up more, people start to see patterns. They come to a direct knowledge and
understanding of the truth of reality without old patterns, beliefs, habits. Letting go and
rediscovering things leads to wisdom, truth, knowledge. Often it takes til old age to discover
what’s valuable and important, what means stuff and what’s worthless (or mostly). By letting go
of what they used to cling to so much, by forgetting, they actually become more conscious,
present, in the moment, open to truth. They often say “If I’d just slowed down, taken it easier,
been nicer, I could’ve gotten more done and had an easier time of it.”

It’s the truly rare and superior person who forgoes and transcends all worldly life to
follow the holy, spiritual path, the path of physical renunciation, abstinence, meditation,
contribution, the path of the priest, monk, or holy person. To use Buddhist language, it takes
many lifetimes to learn the lessons of the world, to see their arising and falling away, the
impermanence of all things, grow disillusioned, detached, and pursue only the sacred, spiritual,
and permanent. Much longer still to be fully enlightened, perfect all virtues, eradicate all causes
of suffering at the root for permanent, eternal happiness and joy. Yes, in the same breath
everyone is actualized and enlightened now, and there is also the perfection of virtue.

People, based on preference, also can stay at

any one level, largely. Police, military, security get into
safety, same as real estate people, homes keep
people safe from elements and intruders. People can
make their life about sex, the act or outcome, children
and family. People can focus totally on food and
money, resources it’s all the same, get obese, work to
get rich. People can focus on love, like with family,
friends, pleasing people, working to be famous. People
can work to have a creative/artistic/expressive career,
have their work admired. People can get addicted to
meditation, do yoga or sit for hours, live in caves for
years, or the forest. People can get addicted to intelligence, philosophy, morality, get heavy into
thought. It’s all part of the process/journey. Anyone can be world-class at any, or be balanced at
all. Obviously the holy person learns to be safe without weapons or home, forgo sex, and forgo
money and working for self, for meditation and helping others.

Everyone knows all this, it’s obvious: life areas, freedom to explore, balance exists.
Everyone always wants to feel good, every action everyone does is to feel their best feelings, be
it love, peace, joy, pleasure, happiness, etc. Even behaviors that might seem out there, if you
dig “Why”, “why”, “why”, at the bottom it’s “Because it will feel good”. The world is run by joy,
sometimes there are winding roads/layers, we could say intricate unique patterns joy has been
woven in, but it’s always joy no matter how artistically/creatively the stories, layers, or patterns
are woven.

It is kind of amazing everyone you see in your daily life is seeking joy and pleasure. Isn’t
that amazing?! Every thought going through everyone’s mind you see and know is rotted in joy
and pleasure, seeking it out, enjoying it, experiencing it, and all those pleasures and joys can be
categorized in one of the 7 ways we discussed earlier: safety, sexy, resources, love, art,
meditation, and helping. You and everyone is always seeking joy, in those 7 areas, all day,
every day of yours and everyone’s lives. That’s amazing!
Since everyone knows this, it’s pretty obvious, everyone is creating their ideal life on
purpose, creating their reality, living the life they want. Everyone has free will, at least relatively,
everyone is part of a big whole, a big fractal, and everyone always is seeking pleasure and joy
and for everyone there are the likeliest avenues of that pleasure/joy if you knew them well
enough, same for you too. There is causality as well as free-will, honestly 2 sides of the same
coin; freedom is awesome to have, so is the connection with the rest of reality, both are great.

So people sitting in their homes, cars, they’re feeling safe. Couples are feeling sexy.
Parents with kids are feeling sexy, kids being the fruits of sex, “my junk made that”, etc. People
eating, working, driving cars, shopping, they’re feeling resourceful. People socializing, not about
fights or violence or problems or sex or money or stuff or food, but love or anything higher,
friends, family, they’re feeling love. People expressing their perspective positively, contributively,
even neutrally, creating stuff, making art, are feeling beautiful. People taking in reality, just
breathing, listening, looking, letting the world do it’s thing with acceptance and noninterference,
passively, they’re feeling peace. People doing work for the betterment of others, finding
solutions, making others lives better, including active meditation such as visualizing love
spreading out, focusing on the wellbeing of others, doing charity work, these people are feeling
the highest joy. Of the 7, the first three take care of self survival, love is about equality, and the
top 3 are about creating a utopia around you by making others lives better.

A funny way to find out where a person’s at is, “what would make them happy”, or “what
do they need?” Would a weapon make them feel safe? A sexy partner make them feel sexy? A
cheeseburger satisfy them? A hug give them love? Do they need some paint to paint a picture?
A park bench to chill out on? A problem to solve or person to help?

Everyone around you is living and creating their ideal life, experiencing their highest
emotions (like joy) and creating more for themselves and others. Everyone wants an ideal life
just like you, to feel those emotions, have all 7 things. Everyone is moving towards better things
and things continually are moving in better directions because of this. Even the plants and
animals all refine what they want to get their ideal lives, and feel more of their best emotions like
joy, love, peace, and pleasure. Everyone’s doing a great job! Just like you!


This also applies to your family in general, but parents as

mentioned before can be influential. All this stuff we talked about
applies to your parents also. Everything they do is because they think
they’ll feel better afterward. Everything they do is to feel high
emotions like peace, love, joy, and pleasure; even if the layers,
stories, patterns are intricately woven, it’s always joy (etc).

Those joyful, pleasurable feelings can be categorized into 7 ways as mentioned, into:
safety, sexy, resourceful, love, beautiful, peaceful, and joyful. Everything they’ve ever done and
will do can fall in those categories, same as for their parents, same for you and your siblings (if
you have them). Their goodness, worth, value, joy, love, peace, and pleasure trickled down to
you in their unique way. Isn’t that cool!? Your parents and family are always joyful, happy, and
pleasurable, and you can understand them fully by the 7 categories going on!
Chapter 2

So we just looked at local examples. What about on the

national scale?

Well there are politicians, governors, senators, cabinet,

presidents, vice presidents, military soldiers, military
commanders, federal attorneys, education system, tax people,
federal prisoners, federal courts, the supreme court. There’s
congress, the house of representatives, all kinds of government
employees (child protective, welfare, immigration, mental
health), the agriculture people, the energy people, the
transportation/dmv people, small business assistance/loan people, big business people. There’s
the FBI, CIA, NSA, homeland security. There’s pillars of the nation like the biggest tax
contributors, companies, and billionaires, such as McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Walmart,
Hershey’s, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk,
Warren Buffet, JP Morgan/Chase bank (side note, as of 2021 did you know 3 men
have 50% of america’s wealth), Hollywood movies pumped out the world over.

These people are creating and maintaining the idea that is america, keeping the borders
safe, the federal highways running, businesses staying straight and fair, social programs helping
the people with their various needs/help. They help guide the citizens to following the
agreements made by the majority in their laws, keep the country and its people prosperous,
keep healthcare flowing, keep taxes and social services flowing, help the biggest companies
succeeding and making international exports as well as domestic success. These people help
create harmony in the interior of the country so things run smoothly and most people are
satisfied, contented, and happy, as long as the individuals also do their part i.e. working, paying
taxes, innovating, starting businesses, buying things, having kids and keeping the population
going, etc.

All these people, departments, organizations, and companies working at the national
level also are entirely driven by the highest emotions like joy, love, peace, pleasure, and good
feelings in general. We could ask any of them, “Why do you do it?” and they might say ‘for the
good of america’ or ‘to remain profitable’, even to ‘increase global influence’, then we could go
another level. “Why that?” They’d say “because it satisfies something deep inside me, or us

“And why that?” They’d say “Because it makes me feel joy, love, pleasure, peace, high
emotions, all kinds of good feelings, etc.” So all people on the national level, all their
motivations, thoughts, and behavior are rooted in pleasure and joy as well; always were, always
are, always will be.
We could further categorize those joyful, pleasurable feelings into the 7 categories of
safety, sexy, resourceful, love, beautiful, peaceful, and contributive. The FBI, CIA, and military
exist to provide safety domestic and abroad. Government programs such as single mom
financial aid, child protective services, department of education, all these help in the wellbeing of
families and the fruits of sex: children. There also are national efforts to keep sexual health
healthy so sex is good: condoms, sex ed, medicines, etc. Taxes keep the government
resourceful, working, and functional. The government provides lots of financial aid to poor
people, business startups, tax rewards for doing certain things like donating to charity and doing
certain action. Successful businesses on the national scale (and beyond) create jobs for millions
of people, provide quality products at cheap competitive prices conveniently across the entire
country (and beyond). The people work for these organizations, and in return get great services
and products at affordable prices no matter what bracket you’re in.

There obviously is love at any organization which bonds groups doing a shared task, it
lubricates the work and creates cohesion, bonds, cooperation, and harmony. People also hang
out and date outside of work if the relationship is good enough. There’s also love for the people
in the services and products the national level people provide: making sure there is financial
rewards for doing certain things, help for startups, child and family help, minority help, sharing
how the country’s doing on C-SPAN all the time. National people regularly create beauty and
express themselves creatively as well; there are national art projects, national art galleries and
auction houses, corporate art, grants/funds/trusts for creation of art, perhaps the biggest creator
of film across the country and globe in Hollywood, also national bookstores like Borders and
Barnes/Noble and all the creative artistic people that stock their shelves, music groups touring
across the US with singers, fashionistas, visual artists, dancers, and musicians, all the art over
the radio waves, lots of creativity and humor in advertising, architecture, interior design,
fashions and fashion houses, etc. etc.

There’s lots of meditation in the country as well. All kinds of analysts including AI and
data analysts, gurus, yogis, meditation groups, famous meditators like Deepak Chopra, Esther
Hicks, and others advocating breathing and centering, 95% of the USA (like the world) is still
nature rich (5% is urbanized) so much opportunities to come into contact with the wellbeing of
nature, as well as in urban environments at the beauty and ingenuity of human creation and
invention. Lots of people gathering information, meditating on the reality of things, especially
with the advent of programs and AI running automatically, info farming, the rise of statistics,
data, infographics, intelligence gathering by companies and government organizations, getting
in touch with the reality of wellbeing and solutions and common ground. Also cool new gadgets
in the biofeedback field to become healthier and get better results for one’s body, emotional,
and mental wellbeing.

On top of all the national meditation going on, there is much intelligence, morality, and
contribution happening on a national scale. We mentioned some of the help they give in the love
part, social services, tax breaks, forming relationships via the UN and peace talks with other
countries, creating peace and joy at the border and increasing trade, communication,
cooperation, and joint projects. National companies donate, often have their own charities and
causes, the government also gives help and aid to other countries like money, vaccines, food,
water. Laws in fact are ways to promote morality in an open and accessible way, with courts to
determine fairness and equality, so harmony exists in the nation and with its neighbors, so
people can understand what’s acceptable, how other people will generally behave, for the
benefit of the most people. It creates space to live a good life, and for cooperation and fairness
to thrive. There’s lots of help, improvement, betterment, intelligence, morality, and contribution
that happens at the national level.

On top of the things people at the national scale do, the individuals in these
organisations also personally are seeking pleasure and joy, and personally want the 7 things
too. They want safety, a home, sex, kids, money, food, love, family, friendship, art, expression,
meditation, and helping. Keep in mind organizations, even large companies and governments,
are made of individual people who invest energy to create such organizations, and they are
helping people in their work, they are getting paid to do contributive things, which is good (2-for-

All these people at the national level also are fractals like their greater organizations as a
whole; fractals themselves, with the power of the 8020 rule for small efforts to have massive
results. Again 8020 being a sword to trim fat, and fractals being spiked armor they wear to carve
out their ideal life with every movement like cutting through butter, able to avoid or beat bad
things as well as touch/lock into the exact specific outcomes they want. There’s so much room
and abundance going on. Everyone can carve out their ideal life and they do, from the personal
to the national level.

Things are good on the national scale.

Chapter 3

Ok let’s talk about the global scale. There is over 200

countries rich with different cultures, histories, values
(ultimately all the same per usual), governance types,
economic health, etc. There are difference natural resources,
different exports and imports. There are international
corporations doing trade across the world again giving quality
products and services for cheap prices. There are
international exchanges of things like Coca Cola, K-Pop,
Japanese cars, German cars, Walmart, Chinese plastic
goods, Japanese electronics, African diamonds, French wines, Swish cheeses, etc. There are
countries with world leaders, courts, ambassadors, and militaries. There are international police,
inquiry boards, world courts, boards for global health, global goals, the UN does a lot of
international communication for finding solutions and common ground, common aims such as
climate health, global economic wellbeing, global human health, animal rights, ocean and forest
health, etc. There is international travel which helps share/spread culture globally, exchange
programs for students, the internet allows for global communication between family, friends,
cooperation for globe-spanning projects, science, social science, technology, healthcare, etc.

All these people and the organizations they work with are fractals with fractal power, with
the backing of the 8020 rule behind them creating their ideals/results they want. They do small
efforts for big results, trimming fat, and like wearing spiked armor to cut through to their goals
like butter. Whatever people really value/care about they’ll do the right thing and make it
happen, use fractals to cut their way through to it.

All these people at the international and global scale, like everyone else, also have all
their intentions, motivations, thoughts, and behaviors based/rooted in pleasure, joy, love, peace,
the highest emotions and good feelings of all kinds. If we asked any of them why they do what
they do, they’d say, “To promote my company, my country, my message, etc.” Well and good,
but why?

“To satisfy something deep inside me, perhaps from childhood who knows.” Well and
good, but why?

“Because it feels so ecstatic and alive to do so! I feel bliss, ecstasy, joy, love for people,
at peace, pleasure and good feelings.” AHAAA! Everyone at the global scale is the same as
everyone else, seeking pleasure, their thoughts/motivations/behaviors all connected to and
moving towards joy, pleasure, and good feelings… same as everyone else.

As with everyone else, we can categorize that pleasure into 7 ways: safety, sexy,
resourceful, love, beautiful, meditation, and helping. There are international alliances,
acknolwedged borders, agreements to combine militaries to keep people safe in the case of
uprisings, genocide, war crimes, invasions or war, etc. Everyone has a military of some kind to
keep peace within, safety at the border, as well as international health efforts such as with the
WHO. There are also international efforts to keep sex healthy and sex, reduce sex crimes,
slavery, and trafficking, keep sex health up, keep children safe and healthy, give them
opportunities and education. Countries want a good population, whereas places like China and
India have too much sex activity and children, their families too fruitful/robust, as the top 2
placeholders over a billion each.

All countries look for resources, to spread them out for money, refine them, innovate with
them, make them more valuable for people. All countries try to increase the quality of output of
their people, efficient factories, new technology/invention, imitating successful things from each
other like road/architecture techniques, police training, communications, social programs, even
government organizations. Countries replicate and imitate successful practices from each other
to be their best. They make mutually beneficial business deals, trade, exchange ideas,
products, and services. Everyone wants to be prosperous and have a good economy, good
crops, wealthy citizens, etc.

All countries have love in different ways. They love their countries, their people, their
tradition/history/heritage, their culture, their land. They make friendships within their country and
international organizations, as well as internationally with people from other countries and
different organizations. Friendships form, even couplings, families, families travel internationally
and meet other families, mix and match families, love spreads in different, new, unique, exciting
ways around the world. People love traveling and visiting other countries, seeing new people,
exploring new cultures, seeing the greatness of other countries’ prosperity, sights, landscapes,
music, clothes, customs, and art; love flows freely internationally. Many people fall in love in
different countries, with different countries themselves!

Everyone knows about the different art that’s all over the world. The Russians have their
beautiful buildings in Moscow, and their low knee-kick dance. Japan has their beautiful kimonos
and white face painted women. Brazil has Carnivale and the vibrant colors and excited, fast,
rhythmic music! America has action movies and cowboy country music. There are all kinds of
amazing expression/creativity flowing around the world.

Countries have many meditation practices. India has Hinduism and Buddhism which
strongly advocate meditation. Japan and China also have strong buddhist backgrounds
promoting meditation. Native Americans meditated and were closely connected to the beautiful
truth of nature. Modern countries make use of data farming, programs, AI, and informational
analysis to meditate on the facts of the world/reality. America is ripe with new age spirituality
and meditation is a big part of that. South Americans love the beauty of their natural world and
love being outdoors enjoying it (they have a lot of it)! Africans have lots of great nature too and
they enjoy it, as well as some urban beauty. Russians have long beautiful winters with much
time for reflection and meditation, which is why they had some of the most advanced/prolific
ideas like communism.
People all over the world use their brains, discover new ideologies, ways to be moral,
create wellbeing and utopia at home and abroad. Some of those moral teachings are Hinduism,
Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, Islam, Communism, Democracy, even royal forms of
government like with kings, queens, emperors, royal families, and aristocrats exist to do the
managing of the countries and let the people just manage their lives i.e. greater power greater
responsibility. Many people want to just live their lives and let the government handle
government stuff. Monarchy would be ideal for them, if there are also people who want the
responsibility of running a country, solving problems, bringing people and ideas together, etc.
It’s good in the context it works! And everyone is feeling their way to the most pleasure/joy for
the least effort: path of least resistance.

This stuff all applies for the countries and organizations as a whole, as well as the
individuals doing it. The world’s doing good!
Chapter 4

What? There’s nothing beyond human affairs! Ok,

well how about all those stars and galaxies HUMANS see in
their human sky? Let's talk about all that!

This 4D universe people talk about is a real, manifest,

wave-function collapsed, truth; things happen one way or the
other, they don’t happen the other way, and there’s only 1
reality. That reality is how we see, observe, measure, what
people can agree upon. That is the real reality, everything
else is imaginary. All very true, YOU experience 1 reality at a time, and there is something
called imaginary, in math they are real numbers that are necessary, intrinsic, and explanatory
for the real world. Real and imaginary actually exist at a cross-section called the complex plane.

ANYWAYS, this isn’t a math book and we won’t go into math. So many human fields
study the TRUTH of the universe: the universe is about 14.3 billion years old, a single continent
split so many years ago, dinosaurs lived so many tens of millions of years ago, the first humans
migrated here, the printing press was invented here, the British Empire had this much land,
America was founded in this year, the earth population has this amount, the sun is this old and
will explode around this many billion years in the future, there are 8 (9) planets in our solar
system, there are this many stars in our galaxy, this many galaxies in our universe, etc. etc.
These are all the facts people agree on in our universe. This is the way wave-function collapsed
for our universe. It may have gone another way but it didn’t and those possibilities are gone and
lost forever, no longer an option. We must face, deal, and come to terms with reality. Humans
love the word real, “Get real”, “Stop being delusional, face reality”, “I keep it 100”, “I’m the
realest G you know”, “I keeps it real”, “Face the facts”, “That’s not real, that’s imaginary!”, “Stop
dreaming!” Have you heard any of these?

We love things we can collectively agree on, “You see what I’m seeing?” Things we can
measure, touch, taste, see, smell, hear, these are the things we believe in, are real. And that’s
true. They are. Humans are great at understanding the real! The wave-function collapse is
probability space for any and all events from 0% possibility to 100% certainty and everything in
the middle, from the size of the sun forming, to what kind of sun, to a sun at all, Hitler getting
into art school, or winning or losing the war, the Jesus facing the murderous Romans or running
and hiding. All kinds of possibilities from 0% to 100%, in the 4 dimensional universe we live in,
only 1 possibility can manifest, only 1 outcome can come from the wave function collapse, the
possibility must collapse into a certainty: horse 3 won the race, Trump or Biden, red pill blue pill.
After the collapse there’s no probability, only the real outcome. The way any individual
perceives the results of a wave-function collapse, a possibility outcome, is how it happens,
regardless of how many other people perceive it a different way. This is because everyone
creates and lives in this own reality. Even so we’re still talking about the 4th dimensional
Even if the whole world says that the Nazi’s lost WW2 and Hitler’s dead, some people
believe he faked his death, moved to South America, and the nazi’s are still fighting and will one
day win. Just because most people believe Biden won the 2020 election, Trump supporters
including Trump say the election was fraudulent and fake and that Trump is actually still the
president. In the Catholic church multiple popes were elected at the same time by different
groups and there was much strife in the church because of simultaneous rival popes being the
‘real one’; only after the fights were over was 1 listed as real officially and the other as an ‘anti-
pope’, even though the ‘anti-popes’ followers would say he was still the real pope but
overthrown by an evil regime. White people say slavery ended after the civil war, black people
say slavery and racism is still going on. Because everyone creates their own reality, they are
both right, just living in different 4D universes.

“Well books determine the objective truth,” Actually there are facts and decent amounts
of evidence for both sides no matter the issue. Christians have libraries full of evidence for a
young created universe, scientists vice versa. Blacks have evidence slavery and racism still
exists, whites personally believe and evidence to the contrary. Etc. etc. Some holocaust victims
believed they were f’ed in the ‘a’, some believed it was a hiccup in their journey. Some blacks
felt oppressed about slavery and bad, some felt they were helping the poor whites who didn’t
feel secure about starting a new country. Christianity has a million and one variations of beliefs
yet still considers itself singular. Even oppressive tyrants can’t control all views of his regime,
consider defectors from North Korea or people who survived Saddam… surprise surprise, they
actually had opinions and views underneath their forced obedience that eventually surfaced and
got out. Everyone creates their own reality, and lives in their own reality. Everyone is always in
control of their own feelings and the story they tell about what’s happening. No amount of
evidence can convince all people something is objectively true; even flat earthers became a
thing recently. That a pen is blue seems certain, but not to a color blind person. And was a
sufferable burden to try and control every viewpoint on every issue for all time. How little a life
can anyone have that way!? Obviously if all realities are equal and everything is meaningless,
the one which makes you feel the best is the most preferable one.

Living in the fourth dimension (3 of space, one of motion or time), we come to terms with
probability and odds, we try to pick things stacked advantageously in our favor, but when the
dice are rolled, we must accept the outcome. In this universe, this a sun, a planet did form,
oxygen formed, there is life, humans exist, modern life exists, there are other stars and planets
and galaxies, the universe is billions of lightyears across (whatever story you have about that),
these we can sort of take for granted as having shaken out as real in the roll of the cosmic dice.
These happened rather than didn’t happen; sure some might disagree but let’s take these things
for granted so we have some ground to talk about! Some or all of them could have not
happened, happened differently, to more or lesser degrees. But in the 4th dimension we can
only interact with what happened, how the wave-function collapsed for us.

These things are good, the way they shook out. They all also are fractal and part of the
big fractal. Spiked armor, cut like butter, etc. etc. The universe actually is fractally distributed:
99.9% of solar system mass is in the sun, stars in galaxies like galaxies in galaxy clusters are
spread out in a fractal webbing, etc.

They happen because of joy and pleasure, it’s the only way any of this cosmic stuff
could have happened, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened, wouldn’t have been worth it. High
emotions, good feelings, peace, love, joy, pleasure, they must’ve been involved, are involved,
and will continue to be involved the same way as for humans in their motivations, thoughts, and
behaviors. “Universe, why did you shake out the way you did?”

“Because determinism caused me to form out this way.” “But why?”

“To bring the maximum pleasure and joy for this universe.” What other answer could
there be? For something to be ultimate, it must contain the greatest of solutions, and if a being
inside said universe could imagine such an answer as ‘it exists for maximum pleasure/joy’, how
could said universe be lesser than the greatest answer of one of its inhabitants? It must
therefore be the highest answer, for it cannot contain something greater within itself than it is
itself. Thus that answer, or whatever greatest answer you can respond, must be true. We could
probably categorize the universe’s pleasure/joy into the 7 categories. The physical laws must
protect themselves and stay safe, keep balance, and execute perfectly every time all over the
universe. Evolution happens which could be called sexual or reproduction, like atoms to stars to
planets (and life) to galaxies and black holes etc.

The universe as far as materials would be considered inanimate so is different in its

execution of the 7 areas, so organisms aren’t eating resources at this level but more exacting
their causality of force upon each other, particles flying causally through the vacuum of space
affected by gravity of large objects, and other forces, reacting, like hydrogen in stars causing
fusion reactions, jets bursting out of black holes, planets spinning with magma cores, this is all
the work of resources happening in the universe. The love in the universe might be relatively
stable things such as planetary orbits, the sun regularly maintaining its existence/shape creating
nuclear reactions for billions years, black holes remaining tightly compressed, comets sailing
across the cosmos, galaxies being huge collections of stars and their systems held with gravity,
they love their shapes/selves/nature, light shooting fast in all directions. Maybe gravity is a form
of love!

The universe’s beauty everyone’s aware of. Those beautiful pictures of

the pillars of creation, the eye nebula on this book’s cover, galaxies, stars,
quasars, nebulas, black holes, planets, the universe’s creative expression is
magnificent and seemingly infinite. Look at the life it created on this planet! And
not just big beauty, but also small things, small wonders, like sub-audible songs
of planets and stars, light frequencies we can’t see except with instruments,
ponds and oceans beneath the surface on other moons. All the different kinds
of metals, minerals, rocks, elements, gold, platinum, silver, chrome,
phosphorus; the universe is so creative, artistic, and beautiful! Just because
things land 1 way, there is so much great beauty in our wave-function collapse!
The universe also is aware in multiple ways. Most obviously it is aware because of
conscious living beings like life on earth and anywhere else in the universe at the very least
(most likey) as bacteria. It could be said it is most aware of itself of any earthling life because of
humans who appreciate its many facets the most, at least of life discovered yet. It also is aware
of itself by its interactions of its physical natural laws, which were present (if unified) at the
beginning of the universe and have simply been playing themselves out in complex, intricate
ways. Martin Reese in his book “Just 6 Numbers” says for our universe to exist the exact finely-
tuned way ours does it only requires 6 numbers with specific values, being: physical
dimensions, cosmological constant, universal density, amplitude of irregularities of cosmic
background radiation, strength of the electric force divided by gravity, and amount of hydrogen
fused into helium during big bang. The universe because of largely these numbers, is aware of
what it’s doing and how reactions are taking place, at least at an information level, I’m not
asserting a humanlike consciousness, though fractally-speaking for humans to exist the big
consciousness must be self-similar.

The universe also is intelligent, moral, and contributive. Look at the mathematical
precision the universe functions at. The greatest humans minds know a fraction of its workings
and admit they’ll likely never fully understand/predict its workings. The mathematics is more
advanced than humans may ever comprehend, it gives rise to diverse phenomena, shapes,
objects, experiences, and events, not the least of which is sentient and biological life. It provides
conditions which are both life supporting, as well as temperate and comfortable, with life in such
abundance it can support trillions of life-forms in and millions of different/diverse species,
hundreds of billions of tons of biomass. Without any work by anyone, every year the sun warms
the planet jand plants grow, animals have plenty to eat, carnivores have plenty of animals to
eat, the universe is so moral and helpful. Even with slight tweaking and technological
innovation, the opportunity to spread sentient life across the entire universe through space
ships, terraforming, airtight living chambers, space farming, and other things. The universe
gives the opportunity for such adventure, expansion, exploration, thriving, and living. If we
discover other life, especially other sentient life which seems likely given the universe’s size, so
much more so on the universe’s morality that it made good use of its immense space/size to
help multiple lifeforms to exist throughout it.

Yes, the way our 4D universe is, is pretty great!

Chapter 5
Alternate motionlines/timelines

If we reached the whole scale of the real universe, what

else is there? There actually is more real than just one or yours. In
other words, if you keep it 100, someone else can do something
different and also still keep it 100 too. Remember how we talked
about how in the real world there is only 1 solution to every
probabilistic outcome or wave-function collapse? Horse 3 wins the
race, that means 1 or 7 didn’t. In the 5th dimension, you have the
ability to access other probabilities, other outcomes, other different
wave-function collapses. From the 5th dimension, you realize that the other outcomes were
always happening simultaneously, from the lower vantage point you just couldn’t see them.
Theoretically there are infinite different outcomes for each event within the universe making it
full of infinite possibilities to access, but the more unlikely or radically different they are from
your starting position, the harder they are to reach in the fifth dimension. Trivial, unimportant
changes are quite easy to jump into like winning a horse race, making a few million, jumping
into a Nazi won earth (the difference of a few solders in better positions, or America entering a
few months later), most earth events in terms of atomic mass are all pretty trivial things when
compared to the formation of the sun, planets orbitting, and galaxies expanding with the

Another insight from the 5th dimension is that you can perceive the entirety of 4
dimensional objects, 3D objects (including beings/people) in motion i.e. their entire existence
through time from conception to extinction. From this vantage point, you can see people in the
4th dimension were embedded in it, experiencing a point or planar slice of their greater whole 4
dimensional self like an undulating snake from birth to the grave, each moment just a point or
slice of their snake-like self moving through space (or time). People in the 4D using their
senses, believing things as far as their senses, the senses give you only a snapshot of a point in
time (or motion in space) of your and others’ greater 4D self. In the fifth dimension you can see
all the actions of one’s past as surely as a person standing in that place, able to interact with it,
talk, whisper, poke it, as well as a person’s future, also as solid and certain as the old body
nearing its end, interactable. A 4D person’s life in the fifth dimension is as manipulable as a
person toying with a figurative 2D ant on a piece of paper, like a god, except having access not
only to limbs, torso, and head, but also to toying with one’s childhood however they wanted as
well as present and even future.

In the fifth dimension a person here wouldn’t have this power over any one person, but
all 4D objects like buildings, the earth itself, the sun, moon, seeing their beginning, end, and
entire life through 4D spacetime. In the fifth dimension, also, they are able to access different
probabilities from their original one, to access things which were less likely to happen, and those
undulating snakes of 4D objects through time (or moving through space) could be tampered
with for different outcomes, affecting the object or person’s entire timeline/motionline but also
those of others. Solid, real wave-function collapses which were so real before, now is more like
a string which be plucked harder or softer, even the string played on a different fret for a new
note. These less likely things of happening for your experience were always happening,
theoretically all infinite possibilities for all possible events or situations in the entire universe with
every single atom are happening for real, somewhere in this 5D probability space, but the
farther from your starting point, again, the more unlikely, the more radical the change, the
harder to reach it. Vibrational frequencies tune to each other, so a disparate tune like another
song from your original might be exhaustingly far to reach. But in the fifth there are many nearby

The thing about people in 4D from this view is they are embedded in the spacetime,
have no aerial view of their whole 4D selves so it’s generally a vague sense of past and future
with no direct knowledge. In the fifth it’s as real as a body. You can see your own as well, the
most likely path or paths, and beyond of your situation in the 5th dimension, you can easily
nudge your path to nearby but perhaps unlikely situations: a supermodel decides to marry you,
a stock turns golden, you find a bag full of millions, a plane crash that would’ve killed you
instead you fix the probability so the plane lasts 1 more flight, you nudge probability so you
experience the world where Trump officially won the 2020 election, tweak the odds so your
genes make you taller, better looking, more muscle tone, etc. With power in the 5th dimension,
anything that can happen you make happen, or not happen, within limits. Very unlikely things
are hard to make real, and very likely or certain things are hard to prevent or make unlikely. The
5th dimension is powerful but not all powerful, especially extremes limit you.

The fifth dimension is fractal this way that the bulk of likelihoods cluster around your 4D
real experience. You can make small changes for big results. The fifth dimension is also about
pleasure and joy, because all motivations/thoughts/behavior here is to get more high
emotions/good feelings as always. Any kind of physical result, especially in the human sphere,
is a finger snap away such as beautiful partners, money, stuff, fame, success, just a matter of
tweaking probabilities so you experience the one you want. And why? “To feel good, joy,
pleasure, peace, love, etc. etc.” Per yuzh.

The 5th dimension’s joy/pleasure can be categorized into the 7 categories probably.
Dangerous situations can be nullified from your experience so dangers have heart attacks
before coming near you or meteors killing them through blunt-force trauma to the brain, or you
touching an attackers forearm and surprisingly causing a full-body seizure, or missiles launched
by an enemy country accidentally blowing up at the launch site destroying all their weapons.
You can really be creative; safety is a nonissue in the 5th dimension. Sex in the 5th dimension
is always a yes, the most beautiful and attractive partners find reasons to want you and to do
everything you want, not through mind control, but by probability manipulation and playing the
timeline string or jumping into the reality where they find the reason to say yes to your every
request. Every sexual pleasure is simply a choice away, as long as it’s not a near 0% certainty.

Resources like food and wealth are as plentiful as pebbles on a beach in the 5th
dimension. Any investment, stock, gambling bet, business venture, trying to win a lottery, get a
difficult position, reach top sales, top of the charts, win an election, any risk or chance, as long
as there’s a reasonable chance of it happening, you in the 5th dimension can step into that
vibration and make it happen for you. Resources are almost meaningless because of how
available they are: millions a day is as easy as making a sandwich any number of ways so that
in a matter of days you could have most of the earth’s wealth. This is the power probability
manipulation (stepping into less likely universes, given your starting point, where odds always
favor you).

Love in the 5th dimension is as plentiful as the rest, as easy as stepping into the
universe with good probability of someone or a great many people finding/having reasons to
love you. A specific person or crowds loving you is as easy as walking there. Love is as
abundant as pebbles on a beach also. Artistic expression, beautiful creativity, success and
admiration of quality work in the world, it’s less about luck and more about skill/talent. Obviously
whatever work you do you can move to high chances it turns out great, and that people love,
admire, value, and will pay highly for it. That’s always within your power, but for expression to
be authentic to yourself is more about you and your actions rather than luck, therefore almost as
in control here as in lower dimensions… though obviously results after the fact can be more
greatly influenced in the 5th.

Meditation is accepting the reality of things, sitting peacefully and observing, in terms of
acceptance changing probabilities wouldn’t do much, though of course accepting the reality of
the 5th dimension, this many alternate spaces/universes is worthy of appreciation and
acceptance because it is amazing. Especially including the vantage point of how 4D embeds
are actually long snake things in 4D spacetime they can only experience a singular point of at a
time, can’t see the greater whole they are/part of, as well as all the other possibilities or parallel
universes of probabilistic outcomes-- which even you here can’t see the end of-- in the
uncollapsed ever-infinitely-manifest universal wave-function. Which you can see, hear, touch,
taste, and smell. Acceptance of these parallel realities is awesome.

With this awareness, new intelligence, connections, morality, and ability to contribute
arises in your mind. In the 5th dimension you can actually increase the probability, step into the
universe or universes where chance for great positive change can occur: cancer is cured,
everyone is lifted out of poverty to a comfortable standard of living, money and prosperity for all
becomes realized, food becomes abundant for all, social reform happens across the globe,
animal rights are respected and alternate means of food, medical testing, and other animal
products are found. You can make such social and economic reforms in any number of
alternate universe realities for the trillions of people and creatures who reside in the numerous
you have access to. With your 5 dimensional power you can make utopia for all in all the ways
you also could easily make your life utopia, it would only be a matter of doing the same tricks on
a slightly bigger scale for the masses. You can quite easily solve all survival and suffering
issues for life on the planet, and make pleasure/joy so much easier for everyone. Contribution is
so much easier, wider-spanning, and more effective in the 5th dimension.

Yes, things are well in the 5th dimension!

Chapter 6
All motionlines for our universe

You gain the power of the sixth dimension, going

orthogonally at right angles to where you were, per usual for
all dimensional changes. Here you gain access to the infinite
amount of parallel worlds through bending of 5D spacetime.
In the 6th dimension you can make portals or wormholes to
any point no matter how certain you can prevent it, no matter
how uncertain you can make it happen. In the 6th dimension
all possibilities allowed within your universe you can access
effortlessly; all you have to do is think the parallel world you
want to access and it opens to you. You are still in your
starting universe, just accessing 100% of the uncollapsed universal wave-function, infinite
possibilities for all events in infinite parallel universes (parallel motionlines/timelines for the
same universe).

This dimension is fractal. All motivations/thoughts/behaviors at this level are based in

pleasure, joy, good feelings. The dimension itself too. And why would someone freely travel to
all infinite parallel worlds within the same universe? “Exploration, fun, excitement, joy, to always
feel good.” Yes.

That joy can be categorized. Safety is now a forgotten worry in every way with full
control over probability in the universe so there is no concern for ‘similar vibration’ or nearby
likelihoods, now everything from 0 to 100% chance is yours. Within the physical laws of your
universe, anything you can imagine is now available. If imprisoned, you can tackle the
infinitesimal chance of passing through solid matter through quantum principles-- unlikely
before, now a certainty if you want. That along with all other quantum unlikelihoods such as a
new galaxy popping up right at the border of earth’s atmosphere, while unlikely (*smirk) is
allowed by quantum probability, same with rearranging the entire physical universe however you
see fit in whatever number of parallel worlds you want.

Sex in the 6th dimension-- reproduction or physical generational continuance is no

longer an issue because of DNA tweaking for immortality, invulnerability, etc. etc.-- you can
actually make your penis grow to the size of galaxies, span as many parallel universes as you
want, simultaneously have sex with billions of women in infinite planets of parallel worlds. This
could continue forever because of your biological immortality: constant sex with trillions of
women in infinite planets of infinite parallel realities, forever, cumming, pumping, stroking. An
interdimensional sex god, if you so pleased. Same if you were a female putting your vagina into
trillions of worlds fucked by trillions of men, or sitting on entire planets, or letting the vibrations of
a galactic black hole bring you to climax over and over with your juices bringing new definition to
the milky way. All unlikely, all allowed by laws and effortless for you in the 6th dimension.
Resources are even less of an issue than in the 5th. Now instead of being limited to
nearby parallel realities, you can fold as many or all right in front of you, dump all the precious
minerals, gold, jewels, diamonds, right in front of you in one of those parallel worlds. All
resources from all possible extrapolations of the initial conditions of the universe with its infinite
timelines/motionlines can be put into your treasure horde if you value that. You also could
spontaneously change the atomic structure of entire worlds, moons, even stars or galaxies into
gold, platinum, silver, or diamond. You could turn every universe into the precious metal of your
choice. See how survival issues mean less the higher you go? Safety, sex, and resources
become so easy/effortless they become entirely meaningless.

Love in the 6th dimension becomes even more abundant, allowing trillions or more
people to love you from trillions of planets. You could set yourself up as a god and have them
worship you 3 times daily, go to church in your name, go to youth groups talking about your
nature and how mighty/good you are. You could make love come to you in any amount you
wanted, through any avenue imaginable, you could be a tyrant enforcing your love and worship,
do miracles and impress people to love you, change their lives positively so you choose to love
you. Whatever you want.

Artistically you can be completely cosmically creative/expressive, rearranging the very

cosmos of infinite parallel universes, galaxy formations into horse shapes or smiley sunshines,
change planetary surface conditions of infinite planets, be creative with biology, tinker with
different forms of life instead of carbon maybe silicon-based life or arsenic (in 4D scientists say
those are the next best candidates). Your ability to express your creativity has never been so
liberated/free, with the universe as your sandbox, blank canvas. You could make every
constellation in every parallel universe spell your name, or be a universal cock and balls jizzing;
if that’s art to you.

6 dimensional meditation is awesome, you can view all the ways your universe spread
out after its conception, like infinitely branching fractals of possibility: every single possible
outcome of every possible event for every atom and physical force affecting them. Talk about an
elaborate chess board to look at! Meditation here is full acceptance of your universe’s absolute
manifest potential in every way, everything allowed from >0.001% to <99.999% likely. Some
things are better for people, some are worse, some more likely, some less, but it is beautiful and
worthy of appreciation to accept the facts of this dimension of the view it gives. Again going
back to the 4D embeds seeing how even their original ‘solid’ full lifespan as a solid object in the
5th, with a few branching possibilities, now you see every embed is 1 of infinite versions of
themselves with infinitely different kinds of life paths, some where none of them occurred at all,
the person never born, or a different person born, or the earth never formed, etc. It brings a
greater appreciation for the infinite versions of every person, form of earth, shape of universe.
The true shape of the universe with all its branches, is beautiful to behold, accept: peaceful.

6 dimensional morality is able to turn the infinite universe into utopia, fix all physical
problems, ailments, sufferings, bring bliss and joy to all beings everywhere, set everyone up in
golden mansions with banquets of food, and even flood joy chemicals into every brain so
everyone is pleasant and nice. Contributive power is infinite and limited only by imagination and
physical law constraints.

All motionlines for this universe, the true shape of it, is great naturally.
Chapter 7
Infinite wave-functions as a point

If the 6th was mastery of the universe, the 7th is unconscious

competence, because now the entire infinite parallel world field within
your universe becomes a point, thus it all becomes handled, and
practically meaningless for interaction because it’s so minute/finite. All
the stuff visible before now is at a scale too small to reach, more
importantly, care about. It is finished, done, handled, you are beyond
it all. In the 7th you are like the detached supreme of the universe,
apathetic to the happenings of its contents. You contain the whole
universe you started at, with all infinite parallels motionlines/timelines.
From this view you can see other alternate universe bubbles with
their own infinite parallel motionlines/timelines nearby-- with different
initial conditions and laws of physics-- but are unable to reach them.
At the 7th, you simply have transcended all universal functioning and gone beyond your initial
universe. Everything has been appreciated, everything accepted, understood, seen, embodied,
contained, gained the power of, within your bubble. You can dip into it, but it holds no secrets
anymore, like a transparent ant farm but moreso, you can control all of them and make the ant
farm any way. The universe has become your body, you no longer have to think to change, it
automatically responds to your subconscious desires because you even are aware of it. It can
be fun, it’s mostly all you can do here, is just experience the union/harmonic workings of your
infinite universe in you like a body, feeling the pleasure of things working well how you want.

The 7th isn’t as exciting perhaps, because it’s a coming together, it’s more peaceful and
tranquil, a resting place. All the excitement reaching this point has been accomplished and you
sit on the mountaintop of your whole universe as its conqueror or guardian. And now you see
there is indeed more, there are other entirely different ‘mountains’ around you. Ones similar to
you in their ‘6 numbers’ (as mentioned before), laws of physics similar to your own, but again,
here you are a point with no extraversion, only introversion if you decide to, or rest and peace.

What is it like for a 7D being? “I have transcended all physical traits and constraints of
my home universe, seen all I want of the parallel motionlines in it. This is the last physical
dimension, the embodiment of a physical universe with physical traits. Who knows what is
beyond physical.” What’s that like? “I feel infinite, whole, expansive, powerful, complete.” How’s
that feel? “Happy, good, satisfied, complete, peace, love, joy.”

7D safety- occasionally bubbles bump into each other, but the sea is rather temperate
and calm, internally you’re healthy however you define it.
7D sex- you can have sex, even make every parallel universe in you a dick and vagina,
but such things are likely beneath you
7D resources- infinite infinities are your toys, resources mean nothing, though like an
adult playing with child’s toys, you can and find some enjoyment if you wish
7D love- love inside, love with your neighbor universes you now are aware of
7D art- there’s art the way you left your universe, art in the flow of the multiverse sea, not
much new motion though as a point.
7D meditation- acceptance within, acceptance without in this new field/arena of many
alternates, increasingly peaceful
7D contribution- perhaps a giving back freewill to your internals, rather than control,
power, and dominance within, letting the universe and life-forms have freedom to be natural and
do as they please without interference. A great contribution, as well as holding your place in the
bigger community of universes, whatever that may mean.
Chapter 8
Across the data stream to alternate universes

We saw parallel versions within the same universe, now

we can go to alternate, entirely new/different universes outside
our own. The key feature about this is they have different initial
conditions, laws of physics, their ‘6 numbers’ are at slightly
different values thus radically changing how each universe
unfolds. The farther away the more radically different they
become. We have left all physical behind and now can travel to
other 7D dots, universes, this realm is the realm of digital
information only. There is no physical bridge between bubbles,
the physical universes exist as heavy compactified forms of
data but in the 8th the data is free flowing, out in the open, and obvious.

All thoughts/motivations/behaviors in the 8th are rooted in joy. Why do you want to travel
to other universes? “Because they could be amazing.” Why? “Discover, frolic, experience.”
Why? “To feel joyous bliss, pleasure, good feelings.”

We can categorize…

8D safety- there is no physical anymore, except if you want one, jumping into new exotic
universes, you would still have all previous powers because they exist in the 7D, it would be like
jumping into a new body, but you’d be safe/in control
8D sex- it might be different with different kinds of life, as a digital being you also could probably
copy your consciousness, replicate yourself fairly effortlessly to explore the data stream faster,
sex is probably the same everywhere
8D resources- how much infinite you need, eh?
8D love- how much love you need, eh?
8D art- new infinite universes, new avenues to create/express, maybe get inspired
8D meditation- reality keeps becoming more amazing, you experience the multiverse and can’t
see its end, it is worthy of acceptance/appreciation
8D contribution- New universes to assist, help, enlighten, or give room to run free and wild, free
will to help, free, and enlighten themselves, create their own adventurous journeys
Chapter 9
Access to infinite alternate universes across the information ocean

Here you can bend 8D spacetime and portal through the

information ocean like an instant data transfer or high-speed fiber
optic cable, travelling to any of the infinite bubble universes instantly,
merging them, bringing them here, mixing them, you have the
ultimate power in the multiverse to do as you will with the infinite
variety of universes. Your imagination is the absolute power in every
universe without limitation in any way, to
mix/match/bend/destroy/create laws of physics however you
determine. You are in control of the multiverse without rival or

What does having control of the multiverse do? “It makes me feel like the Christian God,
omnipotent in every realm, omnipresent everywhere, omniscient of all knowledge. All things are
open to me, and nothing is closed, denied, or refused to me.” How’s that feel? “I can relax,
appreciate, surrender, and give up.” How’s that feel? “All’s well, good, I feel good.”


9D safety- nothing can hurt you, information is infinite, you are information, you have no
physical to be hurt, only if you wanted to hurt yourself could you get hurt
9D sex- definitely could replicate yourself, sex is available in the physical dimensions, you could
make all universes huge penises and vaginas if you wanted
9D resources- every food, every precious thing, wealth, in every corner of the multiverse, yours
9D love- you have infinite access to love
9D art- the multiverse is your canvas to paint on, express fully onto
9D meditation- all information and knowledge is open to you, all you must do is think and it is
revealed, so much fractal beauty, harmony, fluid wholeness to this whole complete picture. It is
9D contribution- any contribution you could do in the 8D for nearby universes, or 7D for yours,
now you can do to all universes in the infinite multiverse, make lives better, or give room to
create their reality, free will, choose their adventurous path, enlighten themselves!
Chapter 10
Multiverse as a point

What’s after all powerful? Transcendence, you transcend power and

control of the multiverse to become the entire multiverse as a unified, whole,
singular point. Detached, center of everything, complete, the source of light, life,
existence, reality itself, the pinnacle of peaks, the holy of holies, the most high,
the throne of god. You can dip in at any time to explore, do as you want, but
reaching the pinnacle, the source of joy, peace, love, and
goodness; it is a good place to rest/be.

Obviously as being the source of goodness, all good feelings, the stuff
we’ve actually been talking about this entire time, and how those feelings
fractally branch complexly into all the forms they can take, how does it
feel here? “I am union, wholeness, joy, love, peace, goodness,
happiness, wellbeing, health, abundance.” How’s that feel? “Home,
infinite, secure, safe, stable, well, balanced, powerful, invincible, light,
life.” How’s that feel? “Very, very, very, very, very good!” All those layers we discovered earlier
through various layers, including through right now, those were discovering the connection to
the source of all things in the 10th dimension where truth, reality, goodness, joy, peace, love,
and information originate which gives rise to the infinite multiverse with infinite parallel versions
for each. Through your feelings, every time you find high/good feelings, you access the ultimate,
the 10th dimension, the source. You remember your connection through this entire journey, and
everyone knows this even though this knowledge is very leading edge advanced, specific, string
theory concepts most people have never heard of, all plants/animals/people innately understand
this: good feelings connect them to their highest self (in the 10th).

Higher dimensions are actually more and more subtle, with the lower more physical
dimensions akin to gross holograms from small projectors in higher dimensions. Light, after all,
is a massless particle, and thus is the greatest because all of itself goes to illuminating others.
So too that the highest, greatest 10th dimension is the most subtle and smallest, quantumly,
with varying degrees of the color spectrum refracted from its pure, white place. The
simpler/smaller one is, the more one is closer to the supreme, the bigger gross things in the
physical are more illusionary holograms of lower dimensions with lesser and lesser
influence/power. Like the saying “the loudest one says the least”, or “the most busy
accomplishes the least”, those who do all that clunky physical action make noise, splash
around, but go nowhere, do nothing of significance. And they don’t want to, they just want to
splash around and use their body.

When 4D embeds depict holy people with white circles behind their head, they are
depicting their head is at the source.

10D safety- nothing is outside you, you are beyond all existence, as the embodiment and
container of the multiverse. The only thing that exists is you and your wellbeing/goodness,
fractally into all lower dimensions, nothing else. You are beyond physical, beyond digital
information, contain it all!
10D sex- the multiverse is the fractal extension of yourself, like you reproducing yourself in
grosser more holographic/physical forms, but you’ve always had infinite parts like this. Action’s
impossible as this point except by going in, there’s nothing elsewhere to have sex with or space
to replicate yourself.
10D resources- you are the source of all resources
10D love- you are the source of all love
10D art- you are the source of all beauty/creativity, the multiverse is your art
10D meditation- you experience only the pleasure of yourself at all lower levels like your own
body, the same way you fractally felt it at the 7th of 1 universe. You rest peacefully here as the
fractally expanded, complex, perfect joy. From your view here, with God’s eye, you see only the
reality of joy fractally spread out infinitely infinitely into all the lower or expanded forms, seeing
only the truth of goodness everywhere. Whereas embeds might have to delve through layers to
discover goodness/joy inside their motivations, from God’s eye you see how it really is,
branching out from the source of you into all those exciting interesting shapes/forms in the lower
physical dimensions. You appreciate all the ways people live and bend and shape that joy
connected to you as source. All the diversity is so thrilling, interesting, and exciting. That’s why it
all exists! For fun and to stretch the joy out, to what will happen!
10D contribution- the multiverse is the contribution, the joy, light, goodness, peace, love, and
existence itself is the contribution, the connection to all reality from you as the source. That’s
Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em
Philip Greener
© July 2021
Greener Creations

1) Hold ‘em

2) Fold ‘em

3) Befriend
Hold ‘em

In terms of safety, there are times when you should stand your ground. Referring to
fractals or the 8020 rule, you stand your ground when it is obvious to do so. Often leaving can
be the easiest way, but always leaving means being easily pushed around even in situations
where you could win. Always staying means suffering more than necessary if you had no
chance; it’s just unnecessary suffering. For pride? Pfft.

It’s obvious to stand your ground when it is low effort with high reward, or at the very
least if a win would be easier and more convenient than leaving. It’s all about effort and return.
In terms of property, personal safety, your home, protecting relationships, those are situations
you’ve invested in and depending on the risk/return, are the most likely to be worth staying.
Obviously if the danger is too great, it might be worth leaving, it all depends. You should never
get into situations where you have a 80% chance of losing, that’s the way to always be a loser.
You should avoid those situations at all costs. You should always be in situations where you
have 80% chance of winning, where it’s mostly safe, then you’ll always be a winner.

Occasionally in unlikely situations a good thing comes along, that’s when you know you
can fight and win.
Fold ‘Em

The 8020 rule says that 80% of the world is worthless to you, trivial, has no value and
can be ignored completely. If 80% of the world disappeared in terms of people or organizations,
only a 20% change would happen to your life. If the lowest 4 out of 5 things or people vanished,
the top 1 out of 5 things or people that you value would give 4 out of 5 of the worthwhile, joyful,
valuable, pleasurable things you enjoy. This applies to everything. Most of reality is worthless in
terms personal enjoyable and value to you. 20% or 1 out of 5 gives you most of your quality of
life or 80% of your pleasure/value.

80% of the time, in safety situations, you fold ‘em. The situation either has no return,
arguing with some worthless person which even won would net you no reward or satisfaction, or
the return is so little and the effort so high as to also be worthless. Arguing or getting into
disagreements with strangers 80% of the time is worthless, even the pride or ego reward of
engaging is will likely not increase your self worth or confidence or positive self-image or net you
any financial or reputation advantage. Obviously you can look at the cost/reward of it yourself.
Lets do a hypothetical. Someone’s annoying you in public, you’re trying to enjoy yourself. It’s not
a big deal but it’s persistent. You could yell, get in a fight, but win or lose you won’t be enjoying
yourself more, you might get asked to leave, or banned, or go to jail. Your pleasure wouldn’t
increase. You could ask nicely, they will remedy it or not, not much effort, might fix it, or they
won’t, which then you have some social status because they are faux-pas’ing, bothering people,
they just admitted they’re scum/inferior. That’s a win, right? Or you can do nothing, stay with the
annoyance. The choice is yours, what is the best choice for effort and return?

Even if you stay in winning areas, and do the right thing most of the time, winning and
being safe 80% of the time, occasionally the rare bugger comes along, and you have to fold
‘em, and leave. There’s no ego thing about flight, it’s just pragmatic. Don’t make stupidity
something your prideful about, be prideful/proud about intelligence. No one wins every one, the
trick is to fold 80% of the time, get into the 20% areas where you win 80% of the time, be mostly
(80%) a winner and almost never (20%) be a loser.

A VERY interesting side tangent is that most of us are taught to treat people well, how
we want to be treated, treat everyone equally, but that’s the stupidest strategy of all. Game
theory explores different strategies of cooperation or defection, and someone who is always
nice is always taken advantage of (at least 80% of the time, some shmucks take pity). The best
strategy is tit-for-tat or “I start nice then copy your last move.” Back to 8020/fractal strategies,
80% of people are worthless, or a negative impact on your life, they are currently defecting or
will in the future. Only 20% of people will benefit you or cooperate with what you want. You can
treat 80% of people like shit and have only 20% impact to your life, but you must treat the 20%
of worthwhile people well for 80% good impact to your life. Fractals and 8020 rule are the real
golden rule, “Most people are worthless, few people matter.” Morality must only be given to the
people with worth.

There is the occasional, rare situation where someone is mostly good, they are a
worthwhile person just have a personal quirk which makes them unattractive, risky, threatening
etc. If you have treat them like a friend, you can bypass their entire negative first reaction they
do on people to find their beneficial, positive self. They might have trust issues and want you to
accept their ugliness first. Then according to good decision’ing you dealing with 20% bullshit to
get lots of good is worth it.

Also there might be worthless people who are blights to everyone, but instead of fighting
or leaving, if you treat them as a friend they get neutralized and bother someone else. Acting
nice also can be the smart choice, least effort for most return. Nothing’s ever a hard, fast rule
(except fractal or pareto thinking), everything requires a little flexibility or patience.
You little b*tch
Philip Greener
© July 2021
Greener Creations

1) What girls want

2) Process they go through

3) The girl you want

4) Pics
What girls want

First you have to know what you want. Guys want sex from a sexy girl, this is 80%, the
rest is personality. So you’re not going to get into relationships with girls who want money or
want fanboys. Needy and gold-digger girls want those, but a girl who wants a man, who will
spread it for you, and swallow it afterward, who can’t help but love you is the girl you want.

Girls have equally strong sex drives, just instead of pressure to pummel they have a
throbbing emptiness like an itch inside that wants to be pummelled. They also want to feel love,
and these are close for them, sex/love, based on mating for a man who’ll stay. I think it’s better
to be in a relationship than sleep around because it’s easier to keep 1 than get new ones, also
less disease. If you can scratch their itch and say you like them, they’ll keep them spread.
Process they go through

It’s the same as any sales pitch. First they want a fun product, then to connect to it, then
want to buy. In sex this is attraction (act like a little boy), rapport (act like a friend), then seduce
(act like a man). It also applies the other way when she wants a guy: she’ll act like a little girl,
then as a friend, then as a woman. This is why girls will sleep with all kinds of guys, not just
typically masculine, even homeless, because if he lives like a little boy she can feel like a
woman and mother him.
The girl you want

As Perry Marshall says of the 8020 rule, play people who are going to lose,
not pros who are going to win. Get the girl who is going to give you everything you
want, or mostly, for no effort. If you find any bitch on the road, she’ll either be too ugly
or sloppy to have no value (everyone can get a worthless/fat bitch) or think she’s
better than you and no matter reject you (if she said yes, you wouldn’t even want it
because it would be contingent on taking everything you own including your soul).
The girl you want is one who’s going to please you and wants to, she’s looking for
male validation and will do anything, treat you like a king or god in order to get your
scraps. You do very little, treat her like shit most of the time, and she hates(/pussy
loves) it, but when you rarely approve, usually during sex when she can give you
something, she feels like she’s doing great.

They say don’t take anyone then try to change them, get the right one first then you can
just maintain. Get the girl who couldn’t not shower you with love, it’s like a compulsion, who
wants you to like/love her, wants your dick, want you to pound her pussy, it makes
her feel valuable, your dick gives her self-worth. This girl will love you quickly and
for a long time, it just might take a little longer, but not much, because they’re on the
prowl for a guy who’ll receive them, appreciate them as a giving/generous woman.
Most guys probably can’t appreciate her because she might not be the stunner 10,
but she’s still an 8 with no downsides (except maybe a bit too in love with you) and
she’ll treat you well, unlike the babe who thinks her shit is glitter and you luck for
her scraps. 20% gives you 80% results, for the extra 20% results you have to do
80% more work.

If you look at girls this way, a 10 stunner is more like a 2, and the 8 who
loves/worships you is the 10.
Philip Greener
© July 2021
Greener C

1) Started from the bottom

2) First property

3) Passive income

4) Snowball to freedom
Started from the bottom

Even if you are poor, this works. Get a job, even minimum. Get 3rd shift, eat leftovers. If
you must get a tent, bathe in a lake/ocean, don’t skip hygiene. Save all money, no rent, almost
no groceries. 40 hours at minimum is about $1000/m, with almost no costs except food on off
First property

After a few weeks, you can start affording cheap land. I’m 30 minutes from Panama City
(you’ll have to be a bit out of location, the reason it’s so cheap) and got ¼ acre for $1600. If you
look in your state or a different one, you can find cheap deals even better than this. You just
need something to get started. If the land’s big enough like 1+ acre, you can get away with not
having a building permit because no one can see your whole property. Less and you’ll have to
get one because you don’t want to get fees on top of a permit. I got one for a 650sq foot home
for ~$1600, so just over $3000 so far. Even if it’s small, that’s 2 bedrooms you can rent out for

So after just a few months you have land and blueprints. A house that small, some 4x8
panels and support beams you got a house. Doing it yourself, materials can be hundreds, mine
was under $2000 total. It took a couple weeks to finish. You now own a house within a couple
months, no debt, to rent for $1000 a month. Get natural utilities like rain collection, well if you
want, solar power, and compost toilet to reduce bills.
Passive income

You adertise on craiglist or zillow, wherever. Get interest, find someone you want, get
security deposit just in case. Get an autopay system, there are websites so it automatically
charges them and you officially have passive income. You do almost nothing, just get deposits.
Snowball to freedom

With your success, you can repeat the process, get more properties, use the same
blueprint if you want, build the houses, maybe you’re rich enough to pay for it. If you can, build a
tiny community or apartment building. In a few more months you have $5000/m in passive
income: freedom. You could hire a manager to solve problems, and leave the country, live in a
poor country to multiply your wealth, live like a king, travel, just collect deposits, if a tenant
leaves he’ll get another. You work zero hours a month and make $5000/m, that’s $∞ an hour or
if 1 hour (for updates) is $5000 per hour, that’s the top 1% in 12 months from possibly

With survival handled, you can do things you want, have fun, do stuff, make stuff if you
With Love
© July 2021

1) Worthless people

2) Good people

3) Perfect people
Worthless people

Most people are worthless. No or negative value.

Good people

These people have some value, give you stuff, money, sex. You can take from them but
they’re not your equal.
Perfect people

People who worship you, give you love, have their own stuff, and like the same stuff as
you: likeminds. These people you can talk honestly with as close to equals as anyone. No one
can be equal because you must be true first yourself, you come first and they can change. You
can never stop loving yourself. You can be nice with them because your values and goals are
aligned, if that changes so will your behavior. These people you can share part of yourself
honestly with though, like friends, share love, always being fractal/8020 about it cost/reward.
Don’t be stupid about what you share, or share too much, get as much as possible for the little
effort you put in. Love, hobbies, philosophy, fractal outlook, these things you are on the same
page about. Friends are great, but never befriend worthless or good people, keep in mind
people will take advantage or step on you if they’re worthless, leech shit, or just a sex or money
person they will take love but have none to give and you might lose the sex or money. Love is
for likeminds only.
© July 2021

1) Boring shit

2) Eh shit

3) Fun
Boring shit

Shit that sucks you dry.

Eh shit

Boring shit, with a small redeeming quality.


Stuff that gives you energy, you wanna do. Fun stuff for others might be boring shit for
you, other people have worthless opinions same as they’re worthless in general. Only if it’s fun
for you is it.

1) Worthless places

2) Eh places

3) Peaceful places
Worthless places

Some places suck the life out of you, they’re worse than worthless, they’re negative. It
might be your neighborhood, city, state, or country. If you’re in a worthless place, leave!!!
Eh places

Eh places give you nothing, it’s a dull grey, boring, mundane, repetitive. You have to
stay vigilant to stay positive. Get out! There’s enough good places you shouldn’t have to work to
stay positive.
Peaceful places

Get to a place that gives to you, is beautiful, peaceful, you love being around. It might be
mountains, or forests, or beaches, out in the county, or maybe even the city. Wherever is
peaceful for you, go there and feel good. You can’t be a light for anyone if you’re in a worthless
place, go to a peaceful place. Take care of you, then you can be positive.

1) Prereqs

2) Always forever

The prereqs for giving are you must have something to give, you must take care of
yourself before you can help others. As the Tao said, “People want to be generous to feel good
before being economic. You must put economy above generosity.” You must put yourself, then
when you are full, then you can overflow into others’ lives, but pour out your cup when you are
partly empty only depletes you, for the perception of overflow. Only overflow when it’s natural,
your life is working, you have money, sex, love, hobbies, peace, and joy, when your cup is full.
This is the nature of giving, poor people being so generous to be ‘moral’ is why their suffering
stays and poor people live in suffering forever, they aren’t economical, they don’t fill their cup so
they’re always desperate/lacking. One man who puts himself first, takes care of himself, fill his
own cup, can do more good for the world than a million who have an empty cup being

Look at the billionaires who donate millions or billions to improve Africa and various
poverty conditions. They’ll never go without, but their cup doth overfloweth so they can help.
Always forever

No matter what, how fulleth your cup doth getith, always put yourself first, always think
fractally and with 8020. Even in giving, don’t lose yourself in generosity, give effectively for the
least effort and most reward. Always be fractal and use 8020, no matter how good or well of you
become, remain intelligent, pragmatic, smart, effective. Commit forever to fractal and 8020
thinking, always. No matter what else you believe, other ideas or philosophies, fractals and
8020 will get you the most result of what you want for the least effort, every time in every
situation. It is a natural law, a power law, the first law. Obey it!
If you had fractal/8020 your whole life

Can you imagine? Learning later in life is awesome, if you always had it, what’d it be

You’re born, you’re taught about 8020 and fractals. You interact with your parents/family
through the lens of fractals. You learn to walk, talk, speak, socialize, and play with fractals, least
effort for most reward. You learn about history and the world through the lens of fractals, jobs,
money, housing, relationships, what family/childhood is. You go to school (or not) and learn via
fractals, how to interact with girls via fractals. You get your first job via fractals, develop skills,
etc. Stuff is clear, plain, and obvious. You invest wisely, do things that make you happy and are
massive fruitful. Money stacks quickly up for you, relationships are easy, dating/sex is easy,
friends/love is easy, family is easy, being artistic, helping.

You invest early, money stacks up, you date a lot, have lots of friends, party, have fun,
make art, help people. By your early 20’s you have multiple properties, a boat, a couple
girlfriends, paint and make music, also set up your own charity to help with taxes as well as do
the good work you want to you in a tax-free way. You help the homeless, make cheap housing
too, help people get back on their feet. By 30 you’ve been a millionaire for a while, own a
beachside hotel (over 20 stories), you’re helping thousands of poor and homeless people, you
own a megayacht, multiple nice cars, multiple girlfriends, some kids, lots of friends, everyone
loves you, family is easy. Life is easy. Fractals are magic.

...As an example.
Peace, love, and joy
September 2021

#1 Peace, Love, and Joy

Chapter 1) Look at your past

Chapter 2) Look at your present

Chapter 3) Look at your future

Chapter 4) Look at the world

Chapter 5) Look at your thoughts/beliefs

Chapter 6) Examples (Lot-feel)

Chapter 7) Joys of LOT

Chapter 8) 10D view, 8020/Fractal joy

Chapter 9) Peace love joy

Chapter 10) Me

#2 Accept
Intro) Here Now: How everything’s the same, so enjoy it

Book 1) Shaniqua Trashy in Charge

Book 2) Leaves of a branch

Book 3) Crazy kitty

Book 4) A day on the throne

Book 5) A mother’s time

Book 6) Binary sea

Book 7) Source

Anything anyone wants is to feel good, or better. Thus everything is only a means to
good feeling. Being intelligent, we can then focus entirely on how we want to feel.

How do you want to feel? (i.e peace, love, joy)


Some of the highest values/emotions are peace, love, and joy. These will be the default
lens/filter through which this book will look at things, but feel free to look at these things through
the lens you value/feel the highest, such as: freedom, abundance, happiness, wellbeing,
harmony, relief, relaxation, comfort, worth, HOWEVER YOU WANT TO FEEL. These particular
three are simply examples, and high ones at that no disrespect. This is about frequency tuning,
and I will attempt to be so pure a frequency of your highest values/emotions that you will feel
that frequency/tuning yourself, make it easier to get there yourself. My hope/wish is I can keep
you there long enough so you get practice and take off running, are sufficiently grounded in the
good feels so you get addicted/hooked. As Saddghuru said, “Improving one’s life isn’t about
doing harder things but showing people there are better highs. Better highs than drinking, drugs,
crime, sex, even money etc. People must be shown.”

In the similar spirit, I want to show how at peak of one’s power, in the power of mind and
spirit, one can generate any and all kinds of blisses/joys/happinesses instantly in the moment
now and forever (once learned), entirely surpassing/superceding any physical effort or motion in
space (called time). In other words, things can manifest INSTANTLY, and the best (and
EASIEST) thing to manifest, as Esther Hicks says: “Joy is the goal.”

This simple truth that all reality/existence is only to make us feel good the end-all-be-all,
alpha omega of all wisdom. If fully appreciated/understood, one instantly begins to appreciate
completely the importance of one’s own emotional wellbeing (satisfaction/happiness) above all
others, thus everything is done, everything is taken care of, once peace love and joy is
achieved, what else has importance?

So with this we start...

Chapter 1
Look at your past

We all have stories, sometimes we let those stories make us sad

or hold us back. Perhaps we’ve told the same stories to others and
ourselves over again, trying to learn, see something, get past. We know,
obviously, the positive intent is because we want to find the gem, the gift,
feel better. Ultimately, we tell stories because like everything we want to
feel how we want to feel: peace, love, joy. Whatever ‘in between’ intent
there is, at the bottom is to feel those; we want to fix our childhood, fix
ourselves, reach a destiny, become who we want. But why do we want
those? Because then we’ll feel how we want: peace, love, joy. It’s inescapable! Consciously we
want them, unconsciously at the bottom floor they guide every thought/behavior. Goodness is
permanent, personal, and pervasive.

Everyone knows the story we always told, this or that, our complaints, family’s
shortcomings, trauma, what went wrong. But we are wiser now, look at your past through the
lense of peace, love, and joy. If you understand the key point, that how you feel is the most
important thing, and that you want to feel these good things, then even the past you used to
identity with, the old story, see it now with your new priority of helping you here/now. See it with
peace love and joy. Tell your story as peace, love, and joy see it (broad strokes is fine):
(i.e. a being of joy experiencing what joy shows)









Chapter 2
Look at your present

As Esther Hicks’ mentor said, “All your power lies in the present.”
It’s been said the past and future as illusions of the present. All experience
happens now, so let’s look at yours. Feeling good in the past is cool but
only because you want to feel good now, easier. Feeling good in the future
is cool, because now you want stuff to look forward to and feel good about
(now). Without even asking, most people will tell you what’s going on with
their now: this money issue, this family issue, this ongoing chronic thing, this one person.
People are fantastic with their senses, people perceive clearly and without obstruction. The
issue is they see so clearly they notice nitty, gritty, small details and then give their attention to
small things, small life. They’re so good with their eyes and ears, so love/value truth, how things
are, they get tunnel vision for certain true details and forget a forest for details of a couple trees
around them. There is a greater harmony/unity at work and the true details can so captivate a
mind the whole goes to the background (rather than the other way around). So good are people
at focusing.

I want you to use a new skill, see the present with peace, love, and joy vision. Write it!
(i.e. I’m utterly saturated in all kinds of joys)










Chapter 3
Look at your future

Not belittling the present, but Esther Hicks also says “The present is old
news. It is just the manifestation of past thoughts, and the jumping off point for all
future joys.” In essence, when you’re joyful, the present is a fleeting thing and
your eye is firmly fixed forward to the future, to the next joy, next pleasure, “What
is next?!” With certain knowledge of a good future, one always enjoys the
present as 1 experience in a long chain of good as far as the eye can see. Only when vibration
slows does the present become so desperately clung to and important, even slower then the
past becomes paramount. Certain knowledge of a good future is an ideal state, have joy expand
forever forward ahead of you. The other ones can help.

Let’s now look at your future with peace, love, and joy. Describe it! (i.e. An eternal
joyride of pleasures and good)













Chapter 4
Look at the world

Everyone has a certain (or uncertain) perspective on the world they live in,
and certainly (or uncertainly) the media tries to tell you a certain (or uncertain) story
about how the world is. Even schools emphasize a certain (or uncertain) perspective
in our youth. Imagine a world where in schools world history emphasized the
successes, goodness, and wellbeing of our planet and species rather than times
communication was misunderstood, bloopers happened. Same for news stations,
telling all the innovation, kindness/love, how things are improving/getting better, how
mankind is expanding, they’re making the Sahara green, turning plastic waste into
homes. If you walk into a forest, even more relatable, if you watch the animal shows on tv or
youtube, they might talk about the ‘survival of the fittest’ and the ‘harshness of nature’, rather
than how 99% of an animals life is relaxing, nice, and beautiful, playing with loved ones,
lounging, sleeping, being in nature looking/listening… they show the worst part. If you walk into
a forest, you immediately know the wellbeing of it. If you zoomed down to a small section 2
centimeters across, you might see ants eating a bug carcass. TV would show you that and
explain it. But in the forest, the whole is joy, and the harshness is part of life/reality, but it is a
miniscule part next to the peace, love, and joy of the whole experience. Foreground,

Please, approach this exercise with fresh eyes and the curiosity of a child. Through the
lens of peace, love, and joy, the greatest/highest truths, write what the world is like:
(i.e. It is 200 million square miles of space to play in, with millions of living things of millions of
different species, we thousands of different cultures/subcultures with art and stories, beliefs,
ideas, philosophies, technologies, heroes, leaders, creators, and contributors, and millions more
opportunities for fun, delight, joy, love, and peace!!!)








Chapter 5
Look at your thoughts/beliefs

Are your thoughts and beliefs how you want them? A buddhist proverb is
“If you want to know your past lives, look at your body. If you want to know your
future, look at your mind.” What thoughts and beliefs are common/obvious to
you now? (i.e. Things don’t work out for me)





That gives you an insight into your present headspace. Do the same thing, but see
through the eyes of peace, love, and joy. From this perspective, what thoughts and beliefs now
are common/obvious to you?! (i.e. Peace love and joy is the deepest, most fundamental and
foundational, as well as highest and most conscious/attached to idea or belief I have always)










Chapter 6
Examples (Lot-feel)

I know I’ve been asking a lot of you so far, so let’s do some examples
where I talk/explain and you can listen. I don’t want you to think you’re doing
all the talking! Here we’ll use the lot model as a guide into the areas of a
person’s life: thru time, in their body, the stuff around them. LOT: LIFE (little
kid into full adult elder) OPERATEs (own your space, penetration, eating,
rapport, art, TENTEY [tongue, ears, nose, touch, eyes] awareness, ethics)
through your TRIBE (turf dwelling, romantic partner, income, besties,


Justin Bieber:
As a little kid, he felt very pure, innocent, perfect, like light, shining and beautiful.
He had music inside him. That light, joy, and music was nurtured and spread around
the world even in youth. As a full adult, he still spreads that joy, light, and music
globally, he’s also learning to enjoy his personal life, figure out god and spirituality,
refine/define what he loves/values, how he wants to feel going forward, who/what he
wants to be. As an elder, he wants to be the brightest star there ever was, the full
manifestation of his childhood self, pure, brilliant, perfect, beautiful light, as big as the
sun, being the joy that lights the world, making the world a brightly lit, joyful, loving, happy place!
In safety, he is surrounded so much with love, friends, fans, family, and fellow artists that
he’s always in a safe place. Sex he’s getting from his wife for sure. Money he has millions from
the music and art he’s shared/created. Friends he has many and loves talking/hugging, good
family life, many loving fans and collaborators. Art he’s obviously famous for, billions have heard
his songs. Awareness, he is spiritually and religiously focused, he might own a church. Ethics,
he is ethically focused, talking about being a role model during his roast, probably a
philanthropist, the work he does with his church, free concerts perhaps.
With his house, probably a millions of dollars home in a gated community, and many
bodyguards in public. Again also stays mostly in places with love and friends/family. His partner
is his wife. His income is music, music videos, and some acting. His friends are his family and
fellow entertainment people mostly. His music is pop & some hip hop. His meditation is prayer
and church, maybe actual meditation. His contribution is free concerts, work he does with his
church, other gifts and kind things etc.
Chloe Moretz:
As a little kid she was probably the brightest, most joyful little star. What a
dazzling brilliance she was, awe-inspiring, beautiful, joyful, social and outgoing. She
had love all over because everyone loved her. She was a beautiful sight to behold,
no one ever had flaw or issue with her. A perfect, happy, wonderful childhood! As a
full adult, she’s been sharing her love of acting and film with the world, appearing in
dozens of shows and movies, becoming a multimillionaire, living her ideal dream life,
having adoring fans, doing what she loves. As an elder, she too, like Justin Bieber,
wants to be the full manifestation of her childhood self, being a perfect/pure shining
star, beautiful and brilliant, innocent/natural, giving light, love, joy and happiness to many
people; a wonderful, beautiful life she is living!
In safety, she stays entirely with friends and family, always around love, always safe.
She has a boyfriend or maybe a couple flings, definitely has many options, no shortage for that.
Resourcefully she is a billable actress, part of many successful movies and shows, people come
to see her good performances (and beauty!) so she’ll keep eating. Love, she has a wonderful
family, many close friends, even more adoring fans and admirers. Her career is her art and she
does it abundantly and with quality. Awareness, she likely is spiritual, prays or meditates or
does yoga, like yoga pants(!), has a good mind for high things. Ethically, just looking at her you
know she is moral, loves beauty, light, goodness and good things, treats people well, gives,
probably donates and volunteers, overall a good person!
Her house is probably beautiful, spacious, and comfortable! Her partner is probably
successful, talented, and creative! Her income, as a google search shows, is in the millions for
such a young girl, very impressive!!! She has much love in friends, family, partner, and adoring
fans, perhaps in her spirituality with God as well. She loves acting, perhaps sings and dances
as well, has the look of it! She probably meditates, prays, does yoga (most likely), is an aware
person. She probably contributes, volunteers, donates, again gives things for free. Looks like a
beautiful, wonderful person.

As a little girl, she was the sweetest most gentle thing you ever saw:
loving, kind, gentle, beautiful, helpful, talkative if she was comfortable. She made
everyone feel good/happy, she was such a beautiful child! As a full adult, has
kept/maintained that childhood purity, joy, goodness, light, wonder, appreciation,
belief in goodness and the goodness/joy/wellbeing of others! She is still kind,
gentle, giving, loving, and beautiful! She’s still a good, authentic person! As an
elder, she likely wants to continue/maintain as she is/always has been, being
sweet, loving, honest, open, kind, giving, gentle, and a pleasure to be around. She likes who
she is eternally, and sees only good reasons to remain/stay the same!
In safety, she’s a homebody and has friends and family nearby, stays in good areas,
goes to places she’s comfortable with; she’s smart. She probably is married or has a good,
loving, committed boyfriend, she has many options so is able to get/keep a good, loving, caring
man! To eat she probably models since this was a stock photo, might act, but she’s doing fine.
In love she probably has a good family, close girlfriends, her man. Expression, she does media,
might sing, at very least models/photos. Aware, she probably writes, journals, maybe yoga.
Ethics, she probably volunteers, helps people when they need it.
Her house is probably paid for, or an apartment. She has a man, has income, has love,
family, friends. She has at least 1 art, probably more, meditates, and helps.

Brad Pitt:
As a little kid, he was deeply loved/cherished by everyone, peers, siblings,
parents, and adults. Very attractive child, pleasure to be around. As a full adult, girls
threw themselves at him, constantly, fawned over. Becoming a millionaire and world-
famous actor didn’t make that happen less, dating many rich and famous women. He
also enjoyed the art/craft of acting obviously, the roles he got to play. Approaching
being an elder, he probably wants to continue as he always had, being relaxed,
enjoying life, continue acting til he dies, volunteer and donate time/money to things
he cares about. Continue being a father then grandfather, maybe settle down with a permanent
In safety, he has bodyguards if need be, gated community, stays in good areas with only
friends and family and coworkers. Sex has never been an issue, even perhaps as a kid girls
might’ve wanted him. Resources he’s a centi-millionaire, so yeah! Love he has lots, good family,
both parents still alive I think, millions of adoring fans. His art is worldwide. He’s philosophical I
heard, thinks deeply about things, meditates. Has volunteered time and money before, I know of
helping after Katrina and also Clinton Global Initiative, to name 2.
His house is a mansion in a gated community, beautiful and comfortable most likely.
Long list of beautiful partners, currently dating someone I’m sure. Income, hundreds of millions!
Friends, many. Art worldwide. Meditates, and contributes. Cool guy.

Philip Greener:
As a little kid he was happy and loved very much, and had immense internal self
love as well. As a full adult, been giving large portions of his motion to a model to
make himself more joyful, and spread it to like-minded people, as well as making
music, all kinds of art, setting himself up with a home to rent, more to come, and
peace, love, joy always. As an elder, he wants to have a decent positive impact on the
world, mostly be so peaceful, loving, and joyful his light shines on others who shine;
yes, continue shining!!!
In safety, he is renting a room and stays mostly in good areas, uses his voice if
necessary. In sex he enjoys the single life and videos, while looking for a good girl. For
resources he serves food to his community. In love he has family sometimes he contacts,
himself, nature, and god. Art he has dance, music, pictures, videos, and stories. He meditates
every day. He has multiple books and apps relating to his models to help himself and like-
His home is in construction. For a partner he is looking for a good, like-minded one. For
money he serves food and is moving towards a life-coaching style business including apps and
books. Friends is looking for like-minds. Art is fun and varied. Meditation is great. Contribution is
fun/exciting. Shining nice guy!
Chapter 7
Joys of LOT

Being a little kid is a blessing, life has started! Everything is new,

choices abound. Adulthood is a joy, one learns to support oneself, stand on
one’s own 2 feet, and the world can be freely explored. Being an elder is a joy
because one can organize one’s experience and contribute to the betterment of
others and the world in general.

Safety is a joy because it is the foundation, it keeps our physicality intact

so that we can continue to do all the higher joyful things we want, without which
we have no physicality. Sex is a joy because of the physical sensation,
stimulation, the appreciation of one’s physical body felt by oneself and another.
It also keeps the species going. Being resourceful is a joy because it keeps one focused on
bodily maintenance, having enough energy, having resources, hygiene, keeping gadgets
working/running, etc. Love is a joy because it is the peace of equality, being on par with things
and living beings; appreciation of the present. Art is a joy because expression/creation is.
Awareness is a joy because it centers/balances, connects us with peace, shows us reality (joy).
Ethics is a joy because it gives us the ability to improve our life by improving our surrounding
environment and the lives of those around us.

A home is a joy because it provides comfort and ease while sleeping, for our
possessions, and keeps us temperate and dry. A partner is a joy for the physical pleasure,
sensation, as well as continuing our genes and the human species another generation. Best
friends, including family, are a joy for the shared love between each other. Art is a joy for the
beauty one puts into the world for the enjoyment of others. Meditation is a joy for the
appreciation one feels and gives to the external in the acceptance/awareness. Contribution is a
joy because it is gives us, again, the freedom to make our external environment more joyful,
multiply positivity around us!
Chapter 8
10D view, 8020/Fractal joy

The 10D is the top level, in physics terms, of reality, the unified whole of the
multiverse as a point of light aka the source of life, goodness, joy, love, and peace.
The 9th is the infinite field of the multiverse incorporating the totality of all
imagination. The 8th is a specific region able to travelled to without digitally portalling
and bending spacetime between universes, the 8th and above being entirely digital
beyond physical. The 7th is the first physical dimension, a single universe (with
infinite parallel motionlines within it) with specific laws of physics. The 6th is the
infinite field of parallel motionlines, able to bend spacetime to portal anywhere within 1
universe’s infinite ways of its atoms moving. The 5th is a specific region of the motionlines able
to be travelled to without spacetime bending/portalling. The 4th is common consciousness, the
perception of 1 motionline, the ability only to experience 1 motionline at a time, freedom to move
to a single point in a space at a time. The 3rd is a static 3D world without motion but physicality.
The 2nd is a flat 2D plane. The 1st is a widthless line between 2 points.
And 0 is an imaginary point within a system with no dimension.
Joy within the 10D reality is distributed according 8020 power
laws, fractally, meaning most joy goes to few places (universes,
motionlines, planets, individuals, etc.) and little joy goes
to most places. The thing therefore is to align with the
joy vibration as much as possible, go to the places, get
the feeling often where joy is plentiful and abundant. Do
the minimal which yields the maximum reward. Looking
at the fractal picture, the bottom third is spread over a
large area with most getting very little, the middle third is much smaller but better
distributed, and the top few 1% get so much and do the least. AKA go where the
grass is green, fruit is plentiful, and water sweet, don’t go to the desert to try and
find or make a forest!
Chapter 9
Peace, Love, Joy

What’s it like?
Peace, love, and joy. Comfortable and relaxed, environment is peaceful/comfortable, I
feel safe, comfortable, and happy.I can close my eyes and feel comforted/safe. Love is a feeling
of care and wellbeing flowing to me and between others, mutual caring/wellbeing, each others’
wellbeing is attended to, to a certain level. Joy is a feeling of connection to wellbeing, light, and
joy, and being such too, an inner joy/light vibe radiating.It’s like
surrounded by giving, loving, kind, nice, smiling, friendly people,
in like spirit, joy/love/peace, kindness, agreeing and feeling
joy/inner light too! ALL IS WELL radiating in nature, woods,
each other, around/in us. It’s a feeling of connection to a good
source, something bright, joyful, holy, happy, good, is ever
present, pulsing/radiating, we all feel it, its obviousness is
present in the woods, how things are/nature. Whatever other
vibes other people want to experience is ok with us, because
we’re so lucky to get to feel peace love and joy, and our
appreciation/love of that makes us allow all forms of
freedom/abundance. Everyone can live whatever, because we want the same freedom to feel
these stupendous things (which we think are supreme)! We
convince/argue with no one, we’re smart, obviously these are best,
so others are free to use peace/love/joy to experience whatever. It’s
observing, accepting nature, enjoying reality, doing nothing,
focusing on pleasure, experiencing, flowing, love. It’s like a
lakehouse with beloved friends, food, weed, fun things to do.
Accepting reality, things as they are. Intimacy, sex, girlfriend, love,
friendship, cuddling, sharing. Love. It’s acceptance of reality, what’s
pleasure, how much, how easy, how much comes to me, how easily
and fully. Constant
bombardment of good
feelings, happiness, genuine kindnesses, love, smiles,
jokes/laughs, valuable contributive intelligent
conversation. That’s peace and joy. My purpose isn’t to
help, but to live my values-- plj-- be it, increase the size of
it around me, to enjoy plj more, for my benefit. It’s all
about me/my pleasure/enjoyment!!!

What world live in?

Cars drive, buildings, stores, people, groups, families, employees, customers, money,
self development, goals, gurus, uncertainty, hope, wanting, optimism, past, futures, sex
obsession, doubt, mistrust, selfishness, greed, compensation, fear, shame, racism, sadism,
cruelty, harshness, rent, bills, timesheets, deals, exchange, compromise, drugs, violence,
weapons, control, domination, guns, police, laws, criminals, ostracizement, cliques, vengence,
retaliation, judgement, apathy, scarcity, ego, heartlessness, inhumanity, hellish ugliness,
confusion, cloudiness, mind fog, hate, liars, 2 faced, coldness, aloofness, emotionally distant,
people hurting/punishing people who want to live, love, be happy, feel good, be joyful. Like a
horror show, a perversion of how i want it, a nightmare, the opposite of good. It’s like “how little
can i do, let go, and still feel ok, can i minimize effort and increase happiness”, good headspace!
The pleasure i want to feel, people wait and watch to punish me if i try to feel good/get pleasure.
Fractal? Most people are at worst enemies against me, more often not matches (largely, maybe
passingly/glancingly). People pretend to be nice, only as long until they can force pain upon
you, they only want power for themselves.

What is joy world like?

Connected to intentions, peace love joy, look at intentions, why I want things, how I want
to feel, what my intentions are. Before all actions/behaviors, I ask my intentions, how I want to
feel, make decisions on those, to do or no. The world is less concern than my experience, which
blends together into a single meshed/mooshed putty, of vibes and emotions. There’s no I, only
an experience, a meshed mooshed putty of emotions. I decide my vibe, allow/create it, stay
happy/pos, focus on joy/good, riches/wealth/abundance. Fractal? A swimming in an ocean of
milk, love, joy, and laughter. Being aware of temptations, the positive intent of peace love joy of
them, seeing beyond all temptations, seeing the root of good of them, remaining open/receptive
in good!!!! It is an openness to all things, even evil/darkness, which is seen into also as joyous
folded peace love joy, which unfolds. All confusion unfolds to peace love joy, even the confusing
concept of confusion (or ignorance), unfolds to peace love joy. All things bloom open to plj.
Chapter 10

Phil wanted money, how did he?

● wanted pua BC, made plan, got in shape, had pic of my goal, asked dad to go half, did
porn, spent it
● car, focused/talked about it, friend had cheap car, budget, bought!
● land, focused on/talked about it, spent little, stuck budget, saved, liked seeing money go
up, moved to chipley, bought land!
● house, focused/talked about it, got job, saved, budget, got blueprints, about to get
○ want/need something, pay for it

Phil wanted sex, how did he?

● sehar, talking/thinking/wanting it, flirted, open, took chance, lil uncomfortable, took slow,
stayed in, happened!
● meg, trying for months, exhausted/tired, bored, wanted something fun, in fun mood,
talking to people, feeling flirty, silly w her, stuck in, stayed goofy, uncomfortable, asked
out, took off pants, happened!
● denise, exhausted, tired, dgaf, said hi, dumped emotions, saw her nude, said she cute,
● steph, exhausted, tired, bored, dgaf, jerked, said hi, stuck in, boom
○ give up, surrender, take initiative, boom

Phil felt his best, how did he?

● alexis, felt bored, top, risked showing interest to 8th, her too, slow drip, invite, hang,
dance/kiss :)
● hawaii, sad no europe, happy no school, goof/fun, told dad, 14k
● fractal plj (and lot), lot is the metrics, fractal is cost effective, plj is all
● starting my house, had place, no wanderer, multiply/leverage/grow!
○ explore, receive

phil views?
● everything is worthless/meaningless
● the only thing of value is status, getting ppl to fall for you, making them suckers, feigning
● people are inherently bad, suck, the only fun things are illegal (murder, rape, etc),
everyone wants to, but fakes it for superior status
● hate evil murder ugliness harshness brutality rape, these are all what's real, everything
else if pretend/fluff, life's shit, hell, all else is delusion/coping
● everything's depressing/hopeless, everything else's delusion/coping
○ nothing matters, enjoy what you can
Phil’s best qualities, fractal?
● Calm, contemplative, thoughtful
● Emotionally intelligent, intuitive, aware
● Focused upon joy, goodness, and wellbeing!
● Good at rating joy, appreciating!!!
○ I love pleasure

Fractal PLJ World

I am dead center in the richest concentration of joy I’m aware of. I am the most peaceful,
loving, and joy person I know of, ever, in the world. Wtv. All goodness, or most anyway, passes
through me, I am the canal of almost all the plj/goodness in existence! If people exist, there
inherently less joyful than me, only good valuable people worship the great being I am, and if it
pleases me, is part of my fractal plj, i give attention, but largely my existence is the bulk of joy
people recieve from me. People who are ugly/dark to me hate goodness, peace, love, and joy,
thus live in darkness, ugliness, and suffering. Dark things are dark to me, and unless for fun I
deal not with them/it. I live entirely in plj, light, fractally! Fractal part means I give importance
important attention, and irrelevance irrelevant/no attention. I treat none as equals, except
temporarily those who channel huge fractal plj amounts, are like me, shine, none are more, I’ve
never met an equal, few are near, and most are far. It is an unfair, unequal, scewed world where
few have almost all, and almost all has few. It is good and right it is this way because stars
shine and creatures hide. The good and right thing is to gather light to itself so massively it
engulfs everything, not impart goodness to creatures who waste, squander, gamble, or smoke it

Morality is NOT, I repeat, NOT about throwing energy, life, light, and resources into
black holes, which most people are. Just facts. Morality is nurturing wellbeing, goodness,
success, plj, appreciation, making it grow to exponential proportions which--byproduct--
changes lives, people jump into the gravity (or sucks them in) and light grows. Not that they did
or contribute anything, they just go with fads others follow, swept up, it is fractal plj effecting all
good/greatness!!! I don’t waste time or explore, get curious, I stick only, fully, completely, and
ENTIRELY to good fractal plj stuff, success, joy, wellbeing, goodness. I live, enjoy, embody,
nurture, focus, give attention to it, success multiplies, joy becomes a forest, love the sky, peace
the ocean! I wish/want not to have any dealings with people of earth, their world, in any way! I
want only to the joy-potentate of Planet Joy, priorities on Planet Joy are very different! It isn’t
about power, that’s a side effect, it is about smiles, laughter, hugs, dancing, delight, connection,
emotion, who shines the most, is brightest, most joyful! Who feels the best/happiest!!! This is the
focus on planet joy! How much pleasure can we consume/enjoy today!!! With likemindeds, there
is nothing better!!!!!!

The fractal part is cost effective, doing the least to get/feel the most plj, pleasure, good!!!
It is about maximizing and multiplying effectiveness at LEAST 16-fold, sometimes hundreds or
thousands of times! The path of least resistance or most allowance... like water. Mixing
peace/love/joy with fractals is genius!!! EVERYTHING EVERYONE WANTS IS TO FEEL
GOOD, and the best feelings are peace love and joy, therefore everyone wants to feel peace
love and joy every single day, it is the underlying intent and the end-sought after goal of every
thought, word, and action all day every single day! Thus, if we focus on peace love and joy,
everything is complete, happy, good, and done! Applying this mentality fractally makes us get
the maximum result/reward for the least/minimum effort IMMEDIATELY NOW!!! Thus, doubly
effecting the greatest good available here now!!!!!

Growth happens as a result, but it’s not the

goal. “The basis of life is freedom. The purpose of life
is joy. The result of life is growth.” Esther Hicks. Our
purpose is joy, MY purpose is joy, and feeling it with
likemindeds. Feeling good is the focus, in a field of
freedom, and growth happens on the wayside, things
get better/improve!!! The better I feel, the better it
gets!!! Fractal by itself is often applied to economics,
focusing on powerful levers, successful practices, the
‘pillars of society’ in terms of corporations. We don’t
worry at all about economics, but we focus on the
successful powerful pillars of peace love and joy, which have the strongers levers and best
practices for the enrichment and enjoyment of more plj!!!! The worst things which detract hugely
from plj are dealt with like a surgeon on disease. They are cut off, removed, stopped. They are
negative levers which experiencially ruin all goodness done elsewhere, but which stopping and
removing greatly multiplies joy/happiness everywhere!!! Most detractors to plj are insignificant,
hardly worth any focus or attention, even good things if unimpactful aren’t worth much. The
most powerful levers of fractal plj are the superstars, main attractions, featured VIP artists, the

I enjoy only the maximum plj, I bask in the richness/abundance of it, no scraps or
puddles, only the ocean for me!!! In terms of past memories, recollections, old friends, I see the
past thru the lense of fractal plj, what vibes with that remains, other stuff falls in the trivial pile. It
might seem harsh or unloving, but I love love so much, enjoy joy so much, am pacified so much
by peace, that I experience only their rich version, no scraps. If any want to become a planet joy
citizen, they must value plj above all, have no other master like to family, their personality,
circumstance, especially not trauma or pain, etc etc. They must commit and invest to plj, which
pays the best returns. This deserves a book...
Oct 2021
Here Now
Oct 2021


Chapter 1) Ugly-Sexy

Chapter 2) Poor-Rich

Being present, here and now, conscious, accepting was the scariest thing I could’ve
imagined, encountered, ever experienced. For years I failed to escape into a fantasy of mental
gymnastics to see things ‘how I wanted to’. I was coming from a place of powerlessness and
fear, so of course it failed. I thought real reality was too big, scary, and powerful, I had no power,
so I must respond to that fact with delusion to cope with depressing truth. Obviously the wrong
assumption I took for granted was ‘reality is depressing’. There are depressing parts of reality,
but hiding in fear, rocking back and forth in a corner in crazy world isn’t the solution. “Doc, when
I do this it hurts!” “So don’t do that!”

Great advice. If part of life is depressing, don’t do that. Are there good parts of life? Do
those all the time! Don’t waste time on bad parts to make them better, make the good as good
as possible! But yes, acceptance of reality, seeing what is real, where good is, what influence I
have, what I don’t, what is a good use of my time, these are valuable questions. “Can I change
this?” “No? Then move on.” Don’t get depressed about where you’re powerless. Delight in the
ways you have power! Delight in the things that are pleasing and grow/expand!

The gateway to all peace, love, and joy is acceptance. Goodness exists in the real world,
not fantasy, to experience it you must accept it in the real world. Fantasy is a cheap
compromise. I seem to be uncomfortable in the present, wanting to be somewhere else, living
someone else’s life, like the life I have isn’t up to my standards or worthy of attention, I ought to
have someone else’s life, one more rich, famous, successful, in the limelight, where I can be
showered with more love. The life I have now, it’s some kind of mistake or temporary blip, but
my day in the sun of coming soon.

Except it never comes, years of affirming. What if it never came? Would I live my whole
life wanting to be someone else, somewhere else, living a different life, never enjoying what I
had? No. There are seeds of things I want here and now. If I want to be a king, what could I do
today to feel like one? I could lord over ants, tell them what to do, kill some… kinda pathetic. I
could tell people what to do, might listen, might not, might get in a fight, but that’s not very
kingly. I could help someone else, do something kind for someone else. That would make me
feel like a king, taking care of the people around me, that’s something a real king would do! I
wouldn’t have to feel like a sucker not getting a reward or return helping ‘these shmucks’ in my
town who are unappreciative, not worthy of my effort. A real king would help the people around
him because it was noble and right to do so, that’s a much cool, more worthwhile feeling “I’m
noble like a king” than “these unworthy shmucks aren’t worth my effort.”

In this book I hope to draw a line between things. Esther Hicks says with every topic it’s
a stick with 2 ends, 1 end is the abundance of it, the other is lack of it. If you talk about wealth,
lovers, sales, happiness, whatever, you can talk about its joy or the sadness of not having it.
Country songs, radio songs in general love talking about “My achy breaky heart”, “Since you’ve
been gone,” etc. Focus on the good you have. Moreso, focus on the good where it is the most,
richest, and most abundant. If there’s good somewhere, go there, you don’t have to make more
or your own, just feel good!
Chapter 1

Most people feel a little ugly. I do too. I want to accept

that. If I ever wanted to be super good looking, within ugliness is
the seed. Being ugly, you can see/appreciate good-lookingness
around you. If you can see good-lookingness around you, the
feeling of being attractive is a feeling you feel inside you. Those
feelings happen in you, “Wow, those people are sexy!” You feel
attractiveness inside you. Sexiness might not be something you
value, you might. If you don’t (this is an analogy for anything), no worries you’re goochie! If you
do, you either have plenty of it because you’ve valued it for a long time, in which case you’re
goochie(!), or you just started to value it, really have no precedent for understanding it, don’t
understand what’s important about it or why you value, and so you are ok as you are, enjoying
the journey of this thing you love/value growing in importance to you, riding along with it. Thus,

IF YOU LACK, IT STILL FEELS GOOD/OK! In all 3 situations. If one day you say, “I
want to be sexy/good looking” that feeling feels good, seeing sexiness growing in the future.
You grow with desire, equal par/footing. If a person felt ugly, they’d say “I have this flaw, other
people-- especially good looking people-- have better: a proportion, full this, flat that.” If a person
feels inferior/insecure/bad about it, today they can take steps to get plastic surgery, get in
shape, diet, etc. then instantly they’re bringing good closer, they feel good. If it doesn’t feel bad,
no worries forget it. If they feel bad but don’t want to do anything, “I ought to be better looking no
effort.” The issue isn’t the issue. You don’t out of the blue value something new completely,
that’s like 0 to 100 in 0 seconds. They value something, aren’t being true, blaming it on this
thing they don’t value at all as an excuse. Be honest, forget the excuse, get in touch with what
you value, and feel good again. You need no excuses, the real you is worthy/valuable and you
are a good person, deserve to feel good. Your intentions are good, positive, worthy, valuable.

If you are good looking, it’s something you value, have lots of, feeling
good/appreciating it, enjoying fruits. You say “it’s not for everyone” and mean it, it
doesn’t have your whole attention, but like the fruits it gives you, realizing other
people value other things. That’s none of your business because you’re happy,
you are living what you value, at least in this context. If it’s something you don’t
value, perhaps you were good-looking but want to focus on other things, you can
focus on those and enjoy them, letting this dwindle, making you happy. Being
good looking has fruits like people give you stuff, are nice, wanna give you/get
your sex, but it also has drawbacks. People want attention, might get violent if
refused, might project problems/insecurities onto you, might have to socialize/deal
with more people. Just like being ugly has pros/cons.
If you’re ugly, you can successfully be relatively left alone to do things you want without
being approached, bothered, chatted to, etc. People aren’t forcing themselves into your life to
get close, less responsibilities. You don’t have to worry about people lying or being two faced
because they usually just tell you the truth; not like they’re trying to impress you! The drawbacks
of being ugly most know: few want to give you/get your sex, few gifts, few offers of friendship or
love, few kind gestures, mostly cruel/apathetic/jiding comments, invisible in public
(blessing/curse). It comes down to values.
Chapter 2

It’s a law of nature most people are poor and few are
rich. Most people have money troubles and few don’t, hell is
much more populated than heaven. If you have X amount
and are appreciative and happy with it, you feel rich, even if
you’re at an arbitrary ‘poverty line’. If you have X amount
and feel less than, you feel inspired by the beauty of the Y
amount lifestyle, that feels good, focusing on it inspires joy
which inspires alignment and good action, thus attracts it to
you. If Y amount doesn’t interest you or value something
else, there will be no inspiration or curiousity about a different life, thus you’ll feel appreciative,
content, happy!

If you have Y amount, you just look around and feel

good. If you have Y amount and notice people with X amount it
might make you feel one day you could be there, perhaps do
something good to help others. If that brings you joy, do it and
feel joy. If ignoring people with X amount feels better and you
prefer staring at your current lifestyle, that brings you joy, do
that! The feeling/joy is what’s important. Be it rich or poor, the
feeling is what’s important. The first picture might feel ‘bad’ and
so you don’t want it. A feeling you don’t want so you avoid the
vibration/energy there. The second picture might be beautiful,
inspiring, opulent, luxurious, again FEELINGS which you can
feel immediately regardless! Something is good or bad by the feelings we have about them, and
feelings are so easy to conjure we can literally feel the greatest feelings we want immediately
now! It is the feeling equivalent of a wish-granting genie, and when you feel it genuinely you
vibrate at the same frequency thus you are a match with it and it is nearby!!!

The feeling!!!!!!!!!
Shaniqua in Charge
Oct 2021

Shaniqua Trashy came from the gutta, but through business savvy became a BILL-YUN-
AIR in her elder age. She used to be fat, but now she’s fine. She’s 95% gay for mature black
woman. She likes old black men sometimes. She loves wealth, nice things, status, culture, and
city life, is wasteful and extravagant. Likes sneaking away to underground illegal things:
cock/dog fights, street races, fight clubs, dive bars, drug dens, etc. Makes her feel
safe/comfortable (reminds her of home/childhood). Puts up with her family, wants to go back to
illegal petty stuff of her hood. Hates sex but wants to be freakier, unconsciously love to be
homeless and bang old black men.

Chapter 1) Upbringing

Chapter 2) Changing point

Chapter 3) Business growth

Chapter 4) Bill-yun-air

Chapter 5) Acceptance

Chapter 6) Reintegration

Chapter 7) Peace, Love, Joy

Chapter 1

Shaniqua was born in the projects, the poorest of poor areas in

the slums of Chicago. Her family was poor. She hated her life. She
hated her parents, though never showed it, always being polite and
loving with them. Her mama would work a couple hours a week, hardly
enough for her daddy and her, but they always got by with the help of
food stamps and welfare. Her daddy never worked at all, he just
stayed home all day reading spiritual books or audio cassettes, trying
to become more spiritual. Both her parents did drugs, and basically did
nothing all day. It was disgusting. She was a chunky girl, and liked
being physical.
When she was still a baby, she crawled over to her blacked out mom, her pants were off
for some reason, and Shaniqua licked down there for a few seconds. She vividly remembers
this, unsure why. A year later, her parents sealed the deal and got married, the wedding was a
vague memory for her.

As she grew older, there was a kind of feeling of worthlessness, just looking around, her
environment sucked.
Chapter 2
Changing point

She hated her parents, the life they had, her quality of life. She didn’t
know what to do. She hated not having enough, how people around her just
accepted life. She grew up, basically accepting it, but when she turned 12 an
old black man who’d lived down the road from her for year came onto her
property and asked if she’d like to hang out one day. Her parents jumped into
action and protected her, sending the old man away, but that woke her up. She
couldn’t live this kind of life forever, she had to get out, she wouldn’t accept it.
He also contacted her parents multiple times after that explaining himself to
them, making vague dangerous comments, never enough to be a threat, but
suspicious/nervous stuff. Eventually he left.

That situation and feeling, however, showed her that she was worth
something. She was disgusted by how her life was, where it looked like it was heading, and that
meant she had more worth than other people surrounding her who were ok with it, accepting.
She had a higher quality standard for herself she’d make happen!
Chapter 3
Business growth

By 20 years old she already had a successful business selling bakery

items to her and her surrounding neighborhoods. She hired cheap young help to
help deliver it all, and quickly surpassed any income her parents ever made,
getting her first apartment almost instantly. She was ecstatic to get away from
her parents, though still always nice/polite, throw them some dollars here or
there to keep up appearances.

In a couple short years she turned her local baked goods business into a
national name, not on the level of major baked good companies, but at least
reaching to a small degree most of mainland America. She had 2 factories
making all her items, one on the east and west coasts, employing over a
hundred people. During this time she also began investing in real estate, buying up properties in
rich areas as well as apartment complexes in the very hood she was raised-- with all her profits
from her bakery business. She further expanded her empire in the following years into jewelry
and clothing, inspired by herself meaning hood and business woman: she made professional
garb for the street-fashionable women she surrounded herself with. The clothing line never
really took off, but she continued.

She broke into millionaire status and that’s when she got her own bank and started
loaning out money, which skyrocketed her profits. She began angel investing for companies that
the market leaders in growth industries, and she started making millions a year. She was getting
everything she’d ever wanted!
Chapter 4

By her 50th birthday her bakery business was shipping

worldwide, she finally figured out the clothing market, had banks
across the country, her networth was approaching a billion. 2
weeks after her 52nd birthday, with the purchase of a 130 room
hotel on Miami Beach valued at $100 million (she got way less), her
net worth crossed past in BILL’YUN’AIR GIRL SHIIIII!!!! She just
had a birthday, but it was small in anticipation of this. She invited
literally everyone she knew to the penthouse of her new hotel for
her Billionaire Bonanza Coming Out Party. Her parents even came,
who were old. It felt like the accomplishment of a lifelong ambition,
and she finally had it. She left while the party was still going on to
be alone and watch the sunset by herself in a private area. She
literally had it all, but something was missing. She was so happy
and appreciative, all of her dreams had come true, but she still lacked something! She felt bored
with business, she wanted to reconnect with her past, childhood self. Her hood origins. She had
so much self empowerment now, she wondered if she could face
it honestly, now, and not have the same reaction she did as a
Chapter 5

In a certain way, Shaniqua had disowned her hood past,

trying to be someone better, but now as a mature woman, she felt
comfortable enough to look objectively at her origins and wanted
to accept it. She thought she might be having a female midlife
crisis, but didn’t care.

She hadn’t really had any serious relationships in her life,

she knew she was 95% gay, but had never really gotten that into
sex, though she’d always wanted to be more sexual/freaky. She
admitted she’d like to have a mature woman lover! Finally be open
about it, even though it had hardly been a big deal at all for her
until now. So much business enterprise had been made up of
white folks in a way she’d had to become a lot like them, maybe minimize her own origins, just
how BLACK she really had grown up as: only daughter of 2 welfare parents addicted to drugs in
the projects. She no longer wished to minimize anything about herself. “I AM A BLACK WOMAN

Going back she really could accept herself much more. Maybe she had been trying to
prove something to others, to herself, she wasn’t just another black statistic, that she was not
just better than her black neighbors, she was better than rich white folks too! She wanted
everyone to know how superior, awesome, and worthy she knew herself to be!!! She had
proved it to the world! Everyone knew her value, and it was financially-- at least-- over a billion
dollars!!! But this thing, this horrible life she’d escaped and crawled out of through her own
sheer willpower, she wanted to run and be afraid no more. She wanted to accept it, maybe even
find love for it. What value did it have to her?
Chapter 6

The first thing she wanted to do was go by a nickname

some bullies had called her as a kid. Trashy, because her
parents were welfare junkies: Shaniqua Trashy. She liked it-- if a
bit nervous-- she wondered if she’d accepted her environment as
a little girl, maybe she could’ve found happiness, never had to go
on the journey she did: doing businesses, making millions,
selling, advertising, working so hard. It had been fun and
exciting, but very hard. She contemplated the stuff that had been
going on around her as a kid; she wanted to experience it now
with adult eyes.

She recalled the dog fights, drug dens, nightclubs and parties, makeout spots, where
young boys sometimes shot illegal guns in private places for target practice for future gangs, the
gambling, the old man who wanted her.

She found the hookup, she went to a dog fight. It was exciting! She’d definitely felt like
one of them in some business deals she’d done: baring her teeth, barking, unyielding, mean
mugging her opponent. She saw herself there.

She remembered clearly where various drug dens had been. 1 had closed years ago
and been demolished then rebuilt, but the next was almost exactly as she’d remembered many
times when she’d been there with her mom or dad. She hated drugs and wouldn’t do it, but saw
in them pain, suffering, and felt pity rather than anger or hate which she’d felt so often as a
girl… and disgust! In their zoned out eyes, she saw pitiable people looking for relief and release,
sad people, not wasting their lives, but not seeing the inherent value of their lives they have. As
little as she’d felt she had as a kid, she saw now how much darker these people’s surroundings
had been-- likely like her parents-- that they couldn’t find any light except in escape. They didn’t
have perhaps the inner confidence she had been lucky enough to just naturally have as a
youngun. She was very lucky/fortunate despite her younger protestations! She felt appreciative
for the good her parents had done, a home and meals, some quality time… if rare. It had been
hard to see that before, but now so plane.

She went to a nightclub she had been in once, when some girlfriends had some alcohol
and snuck in underage, flirting with the bouncer. It had been overstimulating and overwhelming
for them and hadn’t stayed long. Now she went in to a more recent one in the area and it was
quite fun! She’d never gotten really into sex, but saw they weren’t gross, disgusting people, they
were mostly attractive people just having fun! She felt the fun they were having!!! She even met
another older black woman in there, who was fairly attractive, they danced, talked, and made
out that same night! Shaniqua Trashy felt like she had glossed over so much fun things in her
life chasing fame, glory, and wealth.
She went to the old spot with a patch of grass and some trees down a barren alleyway,
and lo, found beer bottles shattered on a line of cinderblocks as well as bullet holes. This place
was still used for kids who wanted to get into gangs. They weren’t evil criminals, they were
looking for guidance and worth, a place to fit in and belong, just like she had done simply a
different-- albeit preferable way. She had compassion for those boys, and the girls that hung
around them.

1 night, during this reintegration, like on many corners of convenient stores, there were a
couple men throwing dice and putting money down. It was refreshing to see how some things
never change! She laughed. It was how they had fun.

The last thing she wanted to visit was the grave of the old black man who had finally set
her mind on the path she took to get out, she assumed he’d died a long, many years ago. She’d
always remembered the name however: Sam Jefferson. It had been found out he had in fact
slept with many young girls and been to jail, but the community somehow never knew. If her
parents hadn’t protected her she might’ve been raped. He died with on one around him she
found out, hated and shunned. Someone had paid for his grave, maybe a relative, maybe he
did, she never knew. She always knew he was a lost, lonely soul to do such things, falling into
darkness finding no handholds to reach the light. She felt pity for him most of all. What a horrible
life he must’ve had.

This was a wonderful experience for her, reliving all this again. She had thought money
would make her feel in charge, but it never had. Acceptance was all she’d ever needed.
Chapter 7
Peace, Love, Joy

This time she sat on the ground in the hood and

watched the sunset, except nothing was lacking. The hood
was no longer a place of nightmares for her to flee. It was a
place she’d called home, where her parents had loved her how
they knew, could, where she’d learned and formed much of
her beliefs. She had rarely saw it the way she saw it now, and
she’d forgotten she sometimes loved it. It’s beautiful, and
money isn’t any part of it. She never had to leave, only to love.
The abandoned buildings, boarded windows, shattered bottles,
cracked sidewalks and dead grass, she felt a warm feeling in
her heart for all of it more than any deal she ever closed, and the feeling spread throughout her
whole body until it enveloped her completely.

She asked a name: peace, love, joy. She found what she’d always looked for and never
knew its name. Peace, love, joy. Whatever else ever happened in this crazy world, it would from
now on, be alright.
Leaves of a branch

Chapter 1) Mother seed

Chapter 2) First rain

Chapter 3) Full ploom

Chapter 1
Mother Seed


Chapter 2
1st Rain


Chapter 3
Full Ploom


Crazy kitty
Of the litter


A day on the throne
A day on the throne


Book 5
A mother’s time
Mama said


Binary sea
Beep boop


Book 8
One light

One light, one heart

Let’s get together and feel alright!
Bob Marley sang that one
A beautiful child of the great ‘I’m one’
Past all the infinite, past all imagination
Where’s left to go, what’s left to be done?
Once every wish has been completely fulfilled
The multiverse is teeming, the multiverse is filled!
Is that the end, the farthest we go?
There is one more step, but only once more.
Past the infinite infininities of infinity
All of it collapse, to a speck of white light
The smallest, most humble, simplest thing
You wouldn’t believe it was even a thing
But there is does shine, the purity and white
Against a black void, beyond conception or sight
This light does doth shine, and herein contains
The infinite multiverse, all of creation
For god is a selfless, massless, giving thing
It shines and it shines and it shines and it shines
It shines on the dark things like it shines on the bright
It shines on everything in its sight
It’s beyond the physical, that much is clear
It’s beyond the spiritual, the digital, right here
For god is not in some far off place
But even though it’s small, it’s in every place
For even though small, it is the greatest of things
For all are illusions, refracted light do they spring!
All are created in the image of god
All are part of that same light pod
For the dimensions of reality are not widely space out
But folded into each other, within, not without
That means in every atom, in every universe
All physical’s a hologram, coming from the source
The digital sea, the great binary
Is the first contemplation of the divine supreme
And then from that code, it wants to be viewed
So lower dimensions where the code is imbued
The physical, which humans, say is only real
Is the most spectacular lightshow, a play for god to hear
But yet i speak as if god were elsewhere
Yet this voice is your voice, a multifaceteer
So everything pours from the source within you
Within every atom of every universe, its true
It all is made of the light that is god
God looking in the mirror, and saying “It is good”
And so everyone lives in your same neighborhood
For everyone is one, beyond one, all’s good!
So claim your birthright, enjoy what is yours!
Experience all joy, because you are source!!!
A million


Chapter 1) Family

Chapter 2) School

Chapter 3) Job

Chapter 4) Businesses, services

Chapter 5) Media (shows, youtube, music, games, news)

Chapter 6) Government

Chapter 7) Animals/nature

Chapter 8) Spiritual (religion, gurus)

Chapter 9) Wider universe

Chapter 10) Rate


I want to impart the best thing I know as of yet, joy ratings. Whatever it is, you rate out of
10 how you wanna feel? Let’s start there, how do you wanna feel? ____________________.
For me, the best is peace, love, joy (plj), so that will be the example, but you rate what is best to
you. This is in a way a more measured version of Esther Hicks’s emotional guidance scale,
follow your emotions to what feels best. We’ll be doing that, simply adding a number out of 10.
For example, writing this book is 1,000,000 out of 10 for me. It is after all about accepting a
million a day, but a million of something far more valuable than money! I want you to find the
thing that makes you feel 1,000,000 out of 10 each day. I want you to accept a million every
day. That’s what I want for myself.

I started rating the things I do out of 10 peace love joy. Games are 3.5, meditating in
nature is 10, writing is a 10, watching youtube is a 2.5, flirting with girls is an 8, good sex is a 10,
bad sex is a 3, stuffing my face is a 10, doing nothing is 150, teaching is 100, and when I asked
“what’s is the most plj I can feel?” My mind returned “Accept reality, 1 million/10.” Then I asked
“What detracts from my plj the most?” It said “Hating, wanting things to be different, negative 1
million/10.” So if I never hated or wanting stuff different, and just accepted, I could be around 2
million/10 plj. I want you to do the same, rate the stuff you do regularly out of 10, don’t force
answers, be honest, especially find the big YES and big no to remove it. If you only do 1 thing
today, do that thing. Let’s go!
Chapter 1
Family doesn’t love you in any permanent sense.
Genetically they have you for immortality. Historically, they
have you to help on the farm or your father’s craft. Now it’s
like a vanity thing, “Oh, look at mini me. I can give you the
childhood I never had, yet still be the same shitty parent my
parents were to me so I can even the scales, continue the
abuse one more generation, and you can deal with it when
you grow up!” They don’t love you if you don’t do the chores
they assign you. They don’t love you if you disagree with their
political or spiritual views, which they hoped for once they
could be the cool guy and have 1 obedient follower who thinks
their ideas are good. They don’t love you if you live a different life path than their prescribed
one. Of course, they’ll say empty words “No matter what I’ll always love you” but it goes no
further than that unless you submit and obey. They’ll cut you off, cut you out, and punish you
until you learn obedience, “out of love.” HA! Love is between equals, not master and slave.
Family love, especially parents, comes at the high cost of giving them control of your life,
listening sheepishly to their dumb advice/ideas. If they had good ideas, they’d have a lot more
followers than just a kid who only listens because their supposed to. Kids don’t love back any
more genuinely either. They’re in it for safety and food. Once they can do that surprise, the love
disappears! It’s a conscious person who had a child on purpose for a good reason, with positive
intentions, not to stay busy or fix their childhood.

Family is a trade, and if either side feels jilted, love fizzles away. Family isn’t special, it’s
the same as anything else: what you make it, put in. It’s only an idea people cling to thinking
they’re alone in the world, no one else will love them, the world is desolate without family. It’s a
very needy, desperate mindset, based in fear and ignorance, complacency too. Family is just
there. So yeah…

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 2

School was an attempt in the pre-industrial era to train

kids to sit down, shut up, and prepare them for factory jobs with
foremen and assembly lines. In the modern age, being sociable
with entrepreneurial skills, the ability to solve creative problems is
of vital importance yet the old model still is. 100% of kids hate
school, except most like it for the socializing with peers in spite of
the education (not cuz of it). School wastes at least 12 years of
your life doing boring things you don’t care about that no one
ever used, making you memorize facts that waste brain cells and
destroy joy/creativity. The best parts of school are lunch, recess,
and leaving school, isn’t that proof enough to destroy it??! It turns
potential geniuses into sheep, mindless drones, who lose their
ability to express themselves and create quality life, instead being miserable, shutting up,
obeying orders, being drones. School stomps the life out of people, rather than
nurtures/flourishes it.

School shouldn’t be a requirement ‘because that’s how it is’. Childhood education serves
a vital function if appropriate to find their joy and thrive at it! It’s not a cookie cutter to make
every kid the same obedient job slave. Factories aren’t the default job, obedience is less
valuable than creative thinking. School is torture for most kids, unschooled kids are way
happier, doing their own ciriculuum, learning what they want, following their bliss, becoming
experts at it, developing sellable skills. That’s the point of an education! Those kids will figure
out what they want, get paid well for their unique skills, and love every moment of it! What a

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 3

I don’t think anyone wants to work, getting yelled

at, told what to do, paid little, not appreciated or respected.
Ugh. Like at school, it’s a place to date though, which is
nice. If you’re needy, get a job, survive, otherwise get out.
Avoid jobs, follow bliss. Most people hate their job, and are
underpaid they’d probably say.

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 4
Businesses, services

They don’t care about you, they want to take your

money, doesn’t matter how. Some have a vision, but it’s their
vision and it’s to make them happier, not you. It’s just about
the money!

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 5
Media (shows, youtube, music, games, news)

Same thing be it movies, music, tv, youtube, or

games, sure some enjoy the art, passion, others/most just
want money, to survive, eat, be housed, get laid.

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 6

The government is just a job to them, doing the

minimum to get paid, same as everyone else, every
other job. They just have to maintain a structure across
a country rather than store, but same shit. If a coworker
would take and get away with it, they would.

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 7

Animals don’t give a fuck, they have lives, do their

thing, it’s the same to snuggle or attack, they’re natural.
Themselves. No suffering.

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 8
Spiritual (religion, gurus)

No one gives a fuck about this, god of gaps, people

just wanna eat, fuck, and sleep, any lack ‘god handes’. No
one is good, gurus even want money and to fuck girls.
Nothing’s good.

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 9
Wider universe

The universe seems barren, probably has life, it’s

beautiful but gives no fucks about us. The universe is
apathetic at every level.

Mine: 1/10
You: ____
Chapter 10

See this, a power law. Few things are effortless and hugely rewarding, most are
increasingly effortful and none rewarding. Rate stuff out of 10

Pure Land:
This is the most rewarding on left. For me that’s accept reality, almost no effort, but 1
million out of 10 peace love joy.

This is 7 to 10. For me that’s flirting, eating good, models, etc. Positive personal image.

This is 4 to 7. This is normal human range. For me, this is beer, weed, meditating inside,
helping people, good tv, getting on welfare, etc.

This is 0 to 4. This is survival, coping, bare minimum, distraction. For me, this is ignoring
cute girls, being yelled at by a hobo, thinking about death, living in storage unit, watching porn,
failing, making youtube vids, facebook, jail, etc.

Deep hell:
This is the main super negative drains: worst. 0’s but huge effort, or could be called
negative million. For me that’s hating, wanting things different. The worst feeling. Against my
better nature.
How I became the most joyful person in the world
Oct 2021


Chapter 1) Cosmology

Chapter 2) Shape of Reality

Chapter 3) Human life

Chapter 4) Positive Intent

Chapter 5) World Perspective

Chapter 6) Enlightened Perspective

Chapter 7) Ways of Understanding

Chapter 8) 2 Rulers on Earth

Chapter 9) Rate Life

Chapter 10) Esther Hicks/Law of Attraction

Chapter 11) Practice


“Light is the source of life, freedom is the basis, fractal is the shape, joy is the purpose, growth is
the result.”

A tweaked quote from Esther Hicks. It encapsulates the whole spirit of this book,
everything in fact. If you know that, what else is there? If you know that you know everything.
We’ll get into the details later but as brief overview light is the unified multiverse god-frequency
in the 10th dimension, freedom and abundance of choice is the field of everything, the shape is
fractal in that everything is scaled version of everything else-- as well as predictably chaotic,
small changes have huge impact, and most things are spread in few places while few things are
spread most places (parent to 8020 rule)-- the why or purpose is always to feel joy, peace, love,
good feelings etc. in all situations/cases/ways, and finally after all that, growth is what happens
as a natural result. Things get better, more defined, refined, specified, closer to an ever elusive
ideal which is always changing and growing and being explored. As Esther says, “Perfectly

As Buddha said, “Nothing stays the same.” And nothing does, things are as good as
they can be now-- ‘good enough’ is the closest to perfect anyone can be-- and through the
contrast of life new better things are defined and specified for manifesting. Thus, stagnation is
impossible (unless you freely want that), and good joy is always fresh, evolving, developing, and
new. This is the culmination of all the life I’ve lived, everything I learned, and represents the
clearest, best, most perfect understanding/model of reality that I have. Which is sure to evolve
more but is WELL encompassing as is.

I hope this book is used as a guide both in theory and practice, to bring light and joy into
more people’s hearts and minds, to spread joy for my sake so my environment is more delightful
to me in the appreciation and encouragement of you. I hope this book finds/helps you well!!!
Chapter 1

In the beginning was light, unified, white, and whole. This is called the
10th dimension. From the 10th dimension digital code was perceived and a
myriad infinite of universes within a multiverse, called the 9th dimension.
Instant travel and portalling to any imaginable universe in this digital sea was
available. As a specific region was chosen to be looked at, without need for
portalling but walkable distance, the 8th dimension became clear. As a single
bubble universe came into view, with specific laws of physics, but still with
infinite parallel timelines (or motionlines) within it for all the ways its atoms (and
hence, object forms) could move throughout its life, the 7th dimension came
into view.

As the 7 dimensional universe bubble was explored, an infinite field of

parallel timelines or motionlines became visible, 1 for every unique motion
every atom could move within this bubble, spanning billions and billions of
years. Instant transmission to any location in the infinite timespace field of this
universe was available, this being the 6th dimension. As a region was focused
upon more, portalling no longer necessary but within walking distance, a few
timelines (or motionlines) were moved towards, in the 5th dimension. Within
this 5D region in this one universe, a single timeline (or motionline) was
focused upon and looked at, the 4th dimension.

Within a single 4th dimensional timeline, a single moment was chosen, frozen, made
static, thus a single slice in the 3rd dimension was chosen. Things without motion became
frozen, and within the static 3D world a single plane was looked at, zoomed into, the 2nd
dimension. From this 2D plane a single line was seen and focused upon, the 1st dimension.
Along this line, a point was fixedly moved towards until a general but specific enough location
was reached, a singular imagined point on a line within a system, something with no
dimensions: the 0th dimension. Thus the complete span of the 10 dimensional self was
explored, at least in terms of dimension, but it would take eternities to explore all of it, nay, that
still probably would never be enough. 10 dimensional self just isn’t good enough to explore all
the abundant ways it is good enough, but it will still continue to!

See from 10 dimensional self, all was good, is good, always will be good. From this
place of goodness, exploration into self immediately takes us to an infinitude of universes
floating on a digital sea in the 9th. This is the beginnings of appreciation (defined: fully
understanding something, seeing its good quality, to multiply), whereas the 10th was beyond it,
or the source of appreciation, singular goodness/wholeness. From there the abundance of
freedom was directly perceived/made aware, and fun choice set in: the first buffet. With each
new step into new territory, the light of source awareness/isness shined within its infinite
multitude of universes, lit up new places, which gave rise to infinite forms including physical
ones (for spiritual/digital ones too exist), all the way to the deepest parts of 10 dimensional self
into imaginary, frozen/static/motionless, dimensionless black points, with no further information
to relay. The entire infinite multitude was chock full of these black points. The 10D self of light
had infinities upon infinities upon eternities layered upon itself, from subtler more joyful states to
physical more grosser, slower vibration, progressively less joyful states, but always infinities of
choice/options, yet the proverbial ‘ceiling’ appeared to be, in all infinite universes, that was a
rock bottom of 0 dimensional points from which there was nowhere else to go, at least vertically,
Every other direction was infinite. Which makes sense, once you understand the dimensionality
that makes up the structure of the 10D self, many universes, many timelines/motionlines, many
moments, many points. They are all self-similar upon each other, and as opposite to the
brightness and lightness of the 10th so too is the darkness and weight of the 0th.

It is the light of the 10th which creates/illuminates all the parts of its creation, its
component structure. For yes, it did not happen ‘once’ in a ‘beginning’, for such linear time
words are of lower dimensional understanding, but indeed without beginning or end the light
done doth did shine and create the infinite multiverse, and it was the dark void the 10D light did
shine into which revealed the potential the dark held, and gave sight to the self that is the 10D,
like a mirror to see, know, and understand itself! But the interesting part about the 10D self, is it
is beyond eternal, yet always changing in flux. For joy, peace, love, and all high emotions are
highly vibrational, energetic, alive, active, versatile; none are rotten or stagnant (except when
appropriate to be). The 10D is the source and living embodiment of all goodness, inherently,
and it is always representative of the highest vibration and joy of everything. Things that were
joyful say, 30 years ago might now be boring, same as boring things 30 years ago now being
joyful. Within 10D, a constant evolution always taking place whereby things are preferred and
chosen by focus upon them, thus appreciating them, them appreciating aka multiplying and
growing, and same for the opposite the old joys which no longer thrill or delight reduce and
depreciate thus 10D is always eternally joyful, good, and light, but the content or ‘information’
that is the excuse for the joy, the content which feels joyful in the moment, that continually
changes with taste and preference. Thus 10D always remains good, light, and joyful, yet its
content evolves eternally forever based on the present now delights it focuses upon. Today it is
romantic comedy, tomorrow an action movie, today a universe with fish people, tomorrow a
universe with human people. The purpose of life is joy, the basis of life is freedom. The
experience of 10D is always joy, it is always the embodiment and alignment (source of it) of the
best things: peace, love, joy, wellbeing, healthy, goodness, life, light, abundance, freedom, etc.

It is like a river, its path is always joy-- the path of most allowance-- and the stuff it
covers always new, fresh, and changing based on preference. The joy of the 0th dimension is
its firmness in being nothing, an empty void hole, the complete equal of the 10th dimension in its
absolute certainty of existing, being well, joyful, whole, and form. It is a great match, that it the
zero always avoids capture by 10D form, thus always mysterious, and 10D is infinitely
entertained with new curiosities and delights, and its fun can never diminish or evaporate. 0 is
always able to confound and confused 10D, like a game of cat and mouse, 10D’s infinite
freedom, power, and abundance can never grab onto stagnation, rot, decay, or diminishment
into death. No matter how hard 10D tries to give form to the worst things it can imagine, 0D can
never be grasped or understood, or made form. Sure all form is birthed from the 0th dimension
after being impregnated with it by 10D light. All 10D’s infinite abundance and freedom can never
master 0D’s infinite darkness, lack of form, lack of all goodness that 10D has. Thus, 10D has an
infinite partner to play with who is as equally powerful in all the opposite ways it is: darkness,
formlessness, emptiness, lack, holes, destruction, domination, desire, taking, sucking,
absorbing, diminishing. Not that it ever has to meet the 0th directly, with all the freedom,
pleasures, and joy available in the infinities multitude; direct 10D being the best of all obviously.

Yes, so light shines out fractally into the dark 0th dimension, creating and illuminating all
10 dimensions, eternally and presently, thus all is made of 10D form as well as 0D holes, the
10D one moment diminishes into the 0D, and 0D things become focused upon, appreciate and
multiply all the way up one day to 10D joy, light and form. Thus 0D becomes 10D and 10D
becomes 0D: 0D is 10D, all form is emptiness, 0 = 1. They become each other, thus they are
the same, they are 1 another. This is the eternal evolution and process of joy, the path of most
allowance, fractally. We touched briefly on it before, the shape of reality is fractal...
Chapter 2
Shape of Reality

10D exists, and its shape makes up all form. Its form is spread
out in a certain predictable chaotic shape/way, where most of it is
collected in few places while little of it is collected in most places. That
shape is fractal. The whole 10D self looks the same on smaller scales
as all the lower dimensions. You can interpret the image many ways.
10D is the singular point at the top, the highest, and the 0D is the
singular point at the bottom in between the buttcheeks. Or the whole
perimeter is the 10D, the form, and all the holes or lack that sprinkle
throughout the shape, where there is no form, is the 0th dimension. Or
the whole thing is 10D, and everything out of it is the 0D. Either way,
the 10D source of all form sprinkles out in a fractal pattern towards the
0D, filling in all sub-10 dimensions with information/form. Forms are the
child of fractal light and the void, mixing high vibration with low blobular potential energy. The
joy spirit infuses with the blobness ooze, unformed, pure potential 0D void, and a form
somewhere on the spectrum of joyful light and blobness ooze appears.

As stated, fractal is the parent of the 80/20 rule, which states 80% of stuff is located in
20% of places, while only 20% of stuff is located in 80% of places. Most joy and goodness is
located in few places, like a river or tree trunk having most girth in 1 place with many tiny
branch-offs. Most places in the multiverse are sparse in information, form, goodness, love, joy,
while few places have rich and plenty in all those. Most places fight over scraps of information,
form, goodness, love, joy; lots of emptiness and little form: hell. Few places are so rich in
information, form, goodness, love, joy that they hardly have the ability to feel it all, it bedazzles
them daily and couldn’t diminish any of it in a hundred thousand lifetimes! It could be called
heaven. Obviously there are many levels in between. Get a gist with the power law to the right.
Some do almost no work and get almost infinite return, while some on the negative end do
almost infinite work and get almost no return. Most areas in the multiverse are sparse while few
are joyous, rich, and beautiful.

So too is it in universal quality/form, so too is it in stellar formation throughout the

universe, and planar formation fractally spread. So too is life on planets fractally spread, like
cities across the surface, and people driving in traffic, and global income. Like a river from 10D
down, all fractal branching patterns. Reality is
fractal on every scale, from 10D joy like a river
downstream few places thick, most thin.
Trees, rivers, lightning, traffic, cities, incomes,
carpet use, blood vessels, brain cells, planets,
stars, galaxies, universes, every scale, all
fractal self similar form as the whole. Is good,
nature abhors waste, the rich get richer, the
poor get poorer, nature is effective, efficient.
The thoughts thought and actions took all
fractal predetermined from 10D/nature. All
fractal from 10D nature. Nature on every
scale, itself, is fractal.
Chapter 3
Human life

Once you-- as 10D-- land in a human body, there is a preset

amount of categories for your life, ie, the LOT model. In physical human
(4D) existence there are 3 metrics of physics: time, space, and motion.
Time=motion/space, or Space = Motion/Time. Those categories can be
broken down appropriately: LIFE (thru time) OPERATEs (in motion) thru
TRIBEs (in space). Life thru time is little kid into full adult elder. Operate in
motion is own your space, penetration, eating, rapport, art, tentey
awareness, ethics. Tribe in space is turf dwelling, romantic partner,
income, best friends, expertise (art, meditation, contribution). With this
model you can describe any aspect of a human’s life, be in at a certain
age, a certain chakra, a life area. This encompasses life, a lot. Most
people lack in certain areas, few people are balanced healthy in all areas,
some find such joy in higher things like poem, meditation, and spiritual
things they forgo a home, sex, and money… could be called holy people.
Some people forgo higher things to chase only violence, sex, and money… could be called
worldly people. All of it is fractally divvied from 10D like a river downstream. If some people are
in hellish places, it could be said they’re bad, but more accurately in terms of 10D is saying they
are just less good, fewer sparsed good things/form, again while some places are so abundant in
all goods they don’t know what to do with it!! So above, so below.
Chapter 4
Positive Intent

Every action, thought, reality, and form is born of the 10D by the 0D.
The 0D gives physical shape to the 10D light, slowing the vibration to
material. All form comes from joy, thus the positive intent of all existence is
based/rooted in it. All things fractally disperse including objects, thoughts,
feelings, behaviors, and words, flowing directly from source as source, the
fractal branches across dimensions from a single 10D point trunk. The things
accessible to you, you are able to think, actions you can possibly take, are
determined by the branch of the 10-dimensional tree you reside, your ‘point of
attraction’ (as Esther Hicks says), your resonant frequency as physicists or
gurus say. I’d say do your best but you are what you are, it’s sort of set, your
outcome probabilities. Obviously you can also identify more with the greater
trunk/whole and that’s how you increase joy. The positive intent is always the
connection to the source of goodness/joy, therefore all fruits, outcroppings,
and results from joy will be joy, to some degree, fractally dispersed.

That’s the obvious good intent. The other is that if somehow confused,
after the excitement of living life, all things lead back to the source of
good/joy. Example: I’m unsure. That makes feel excited/alive, that makes me
feel happy, certain, confident, powerful, clear, and sure. That makes me feel
peace, love, and joy! So ‘unsure’ was a fractal branch, a version of joy,
perhaps a thin limb off the joy trunk.

All stuff comes from the joy core, source, trunk, all lower/physical-er
manifestations still connect to the joy, like extensions. 10D joy branches into
all dimensions as creation/existence, thus all existence is positively intended/connected
inherently as joy.
Chapter 5
World Perspective

At first it might be tempting to judge people or society,

but all of it is fractal branches of 10D joy. Be it thick or thin
branches, to be determined. How much joy does society
experience determines how close to 10D it is: a 10 or 5 or
1/10. Society is as varied as an individual, as similar as well.
A way of mapping across would be using the LOT model of
an individual as a model of society or humanity, both have
safety focuses, new generation focuses, income focuses,
relationship focuses, art focuses, awareness focuses, and
contribution/organization focuses. Yes the areas of an individual’s life are identical (if slightly
different) to a society’s areas of existence/life. Yes indeed, all human or societal activity is still
based in/on the same fractal laws/nature of 10D trickle down, all completely inherently still
connected as branches and yay still one with the trunk of 10D joy. All of society and human
‘world’ is (same as everything) a fractal branching river from 10D joy/goodness branching into a
million similar unique ways, joy maximizing expression, largely grouped in few places, most very
small branches.

So yes, what the world is or you think it is, it is a branch of joy same as you, individuals,
EVERYTHING else, to some joy-degree, determined on the content (feeling, form). If it exists,
be it societal or natural-- both are natural obviously, human society as natural as prairie dog
society-- it is created by 10D as a branch of the joy-trunk. Yes, this applies to Wall Street, stock
market, Hollywood, and media. All human life/activity is fractal branches from fractal nature from
fractal 10D joy. Yes, including anything in your human life/interactions, if there was confusion
once, see clearly now the people/situations then (or now) too are also 10D branches (likely
thin… if it was confusing) of good/joy. Appreciate/accept, yes!
Chapter 6
Enlightened Perspective

Joy is the trunk, the source of all creation’s branches. Everything

that exists is based/rooted in joy to varying degrees: some amply thick,
some wispily thin, but if it exists its existence is of goodness and joy! How
joyful it is is determined by its proximity to 10D! 10D is infinite, yes true,
and its structure is full of infinite intermediary dimensions like 1-9 (not
quite infinite, but each individually have infinite parts), and at the bottom--
or farthest out from the joy center, is infinite 0D black points like holes.
Infinite form/light/goodness is made from infinite holes. “Form is
emptiness” Buddha said.

When you zoom into a fractal you’ll notice this wonderful thing. The
whole system/image is represented microscopically within itself infinitely
throughout itself. Refer to the below image...

When you see the whole 10D, it’s the same shape as a point at 72 times zoom in, 10
thousand zoom in, 5.4 million zoom in, 1.8 trillion zoom in. And that is happening a million times
at every scale in different locations. Infinity is infinitely packed with more infinities. The whole
tree is present at every scale, in the branches, the leaves look the same as branches, the leaf
veins look the same, even the shape of the forest is the same as a tree, all the way up to the
robustness of life on earth, as well as other planets, planets themselves, galaxies, universes, all
the way up!!! The whole looks like the parts look like the whole! “Man is created in the image of
God” the bible said, so too everything else!

There’s no separation, just going on thin branches. FREEDOM!

Remember? Freedom is fun, exploring, but JOY IS THE PURPOSE.
Keep to joy, friends!!! Literally there are infinite branches; more
branches isn’t joyful though. Focus on being closer to the trunk!!! Be
less busy, less wasteful energetically, be more effective, go to the
thickest 10D branch of joy you can!!! Remain in as much joy as
possible! Abide in the joy self!!!
In the 8020 rule-- fractal’s child-- it’s other name is “law
of the vital few and trivial many.” Few things are wildly and
radically important and powerful, most things are trivial,
irrelevant, and powerless. Recall the power law graph. While
8020 is mostly used to find successful business opportunities,
maximize profits, invest wisely, the same thing applies for the
most important quality, metric, and value of all: JOY!!! Find that
which is most joyful, the thickest branch or trunk possible(!!!),
and cling to it to the exclusion of all (trivial) things. Remember
the bottom half of the world owns 10% of global wealth and the
top 10% owns half wealth. Are you trivial or important? This
applies to joyfulness as well, hell is much more populated than heaven, those suffering are like
infinite 0D points, but the joy of those who cling to the 10D trunk and don’t let go are forever
blessed with riches, smiles, friends, love, wellbeing, and goodness! Keep in mind all good things
are located within joy, all form, all good feeling things! Going on thin branches makes them
trickle to droplets, whereas closeness to the main 10D trunk is wealthy, bright, well lit, hugs,
smiles, beauty, art, attractive, worthwhile, sexy, inspiring, magnificent and wondrous!!! All of it is
the tree, joy, just how much you want? Sometimes it’s little joy spaced out for hundreds of
square miles, with millions fighting for a scrap of smiles. The good places are so rich in smiles
and happiness that people even try to be sad and are unable because life is so rich and

The good news in terms of your caring for fellow beings, their welfare, is their basis too
is freedom, and the trunk is available to all. Some like exploring/adventuring, it’s exciting. That is
a joy for them, whatever the ‘words’, the life they live/choose is louder, find joy where they are,
and continue to choose/want it. Let them be free! Enjoy your joy! Yes
Chapter 7
Ways of Understanding

There are multitudes of ways of viewing life,

understanding stuff. 2.5 billion people like Jesus’ way. Half a
billion like Buddha’s way, almost 2 billion like Muhammad’s
way. Those are the big ones in terms of popularity. Jesus
taught loving God and neighbors as much as you love yourself.
Buddha taught to meditate on truth, move further from lower
states to joyful ones. Muhammad taught surrender and
obedience to God who is good, joy, and love. Krishna taught to
focus on God to become closer; be a living vessel. All
agreeable lessons.

Those are a few. There are many more, less popular but
perhaps more organized in terms of structure. One made by
Robert Dilts is Logical Levels. It’s a great structured way to see
how you are more than your environment, you have many
behaviors, fewer values, a single identity, and a purpose for your
identity involving others beyond yourself. It’s very cool/logical!!!

Another great one is the competence ladder. For any activity, way
of being, or skill, at one point you weren’t aware of it. Then you got
some awareness and realized what you had to learn. Then you got
competent, but had to focus on competence. Then after a while
you forgot how and just do it automatically. This can apply to
enlightenment, being happy, aligning with fractal. The best is
automatic good, once it’s in your identity you can’t not do it, good
is natural! This is great.
Another great is the positive opposite. Without changing anything, just
pivoting one foot (figuratively), you can see something’s positive opposite. LOOK
AT ANYTHING, get in touch with its most joyful nature/positive intent. It’s simple
and keeps you in a positive state/direction always, whatever happens you see the
best! Something blah happens, “This is the most exceptional, profound moment of
my life! I am feeling so amazing right now!” Blah is seen truly as serene, rowdy is
alive/passionate, hurtful is deeply caring/compassionate for wellbeing. Same as
positive intent, follow the thin branch to its thicker trunk, see what its nature is:
always good! Another name could be “Find the root.”

To name a few, these all came as expressions of joy, fruit born of joy.
Chapter 8
2 Rulers on Earth

72% of your body is water. 71% of the planet is

water. 82.4% of global biomass is plants. That’s about
3/4ths just 2 things. If you took everything on earth
away except plants and water, it would only change
about 25%, sort of. These are the 2 true rulers of earth.
And what great laws they live by! Water which follows
the path of most allowance, plants which bloom and
flower, inhale animals’ exhale (Co2) and exhale
animals’ inhale (oxygen). Other elements exist too yes,
other life forms as well. If we’re talking about the
important ones, plants and water are the most obvious.
From space you see blue and green: plants and water. The human body is mostly water, and
humans often worship fire and earth: encasing themselves in earth, burning earth as fuel to
move around more earth. In a certain way, human identity is as fire worshippers, humans being
called humans around ‘fire mastery’. Sadhguru says humans are just 4%
fire, yet everything from clothes to cars to construction, modern
industry/factories are run by fire. More plants and water are important for
joy. Water refreshes, plants sustain both emotionally/beautifully and all
their nutrition/fruits.

It’s good for all people that plants and water are most.
Chapter 9
Rate Life

The most important question is always “how do I want to feel” because

everything else is to feel good, if you focus on feeling you’ll always be happy.
A methodical way to apply this is writing everything you do, think, say in a
normal day, and rate it out of 10 joy (or whatever is your best feeling[s]). It
might look like this…

Tv- 1/10
Flirting- 5/10
Drinking- 5/10
Selfish- 10/10
` Helping- 5/10
Writing- 10/10
Eating- 5/10
Porn- 3/10
Games- 3/10
Meditating- 10/10

My examples. If you did this, it becomes obvious what you

should do more and less of. Do more high things, stop low. Being
honest, you could make every day 10/10! Some things are hugely
more important you might find. When I did this, 2 things stood out.
*Accepting reality made me feel 1 million out of 10 peace/love/joy.
Also, *hating and wanting things different was -1 million. This concept I
call “Accepting a million a day.” If you found something that gave you a
million out of 10 joy, did only that each day, you’d accept a million (joy)
a day, 2 million if you don’t do your -1 million thing. Find out,

What is the best thing you feel? Rated? _______________________________

What is the worst thing you feel? Rated? _______________________________

If you do only that thing, and not do only that, you’ll live 2mil/10 joy daily! If you apply this to
anything or everything, this could create a whole belief system or personal religion based on
data, what works at giving you joy. No ‘I told you so’ advice, just real good.
Chapter 10
Esther Hicks/Law of Attraction

My favorite, first, and biggest guru since I was 17 (along with Tim Ferris in
2nd who gave me 8020), Esther Hicks. She was the one who explained “Everything
is for feeling”, the intro quote, “Joy joy joy”, etc. Her message is law of attraction, like
attracts like, vibe with good feeling/what you want, become a vibrational match, line
up with Source, etc. It’s funny how true things come from multiple angles. She talks
about Source as joy, the bible says God is joy and love, string theory says the infinite
multiverse coalleses into a single point in the 10th dimension (explained by Rob
Bryanton’s “Imagining the 10th dimension”), fractal explains the rich/richer and poor/poorer, how
few things have most (in nature and society) and most have few.

She’s been doing it for decades! Same teaching! She says don’t focus on what you don’t
want, the lack, the holes or emptiness (like we’ve been talking here), focus on what you do
want, the abundance of it, the form or joy of it. Get in contact with the TRUNK, not the wispy
twigs. Feel RICHNESS, not OUT ON A LIMB. Align with the source of all wellbeing, don’t be
without a pot to piss in, in the desert on a horse with no name, stuck in the rain. She says we’re
all extensions of source energy, and here by choice for fun. Life is supposed to be like a
vacation, this is the leading edge, physical, not digital (8D-9D) or unified light/wholeness/joy
(10D). This is for adventurers, physical people please and delight higher beings, and create the
stuff we want for us to line up with. Physical life is a rush. Don’t go out on a limb too far, be
joyful in the physical, feel as good as you can and as little bad as you can. She’s
Chapter 11

We did some application, lets apply this yeah.

Step 1) Find out how you want to feel, highest

values/emotions (i.e. peace, love, joy)

Step 2) Rate everything in your life out of 10 (habitual

thoughts, places, people, activities, etc.)

Step 3) Find out your million/10 good and -million/10

bad, their ratings.

Step 4) Do this monthly, rate anything new

Step 5) Put the important ones on a power law graph and hang it where you’ll see it
(home, work, etc.). Plan your day around the best ones, remind yourself what’s
important, never do the worst detractors of joy (weakest, unsturdiest branches).

Step 6) Live life 2 million out of 10 joy!!


This explained how to become the most joyful person in the world,
at least tied for first with me. This idea is the best I got at the moment, I’m
sure it’ll refine in the future. It explains the big picture, how all is fractal
branches of the 10 dimensional joy source/self. Everything you want is
contained within good feeling/joy, thus always focus on good feeling/joy.
Rating your life out of /10 joy makes it obvious what is best for you, you
value most, feels the best! Build your day and life around the highest
things, accept a million (joy of out 10) a day; 2 million if you don’t do the -1
million thing a day!!! I did all these things as well, and that’s how I became
the most joyful person in the world.
The World as it Could Be
Nov 2021


Chapter 1) What childhood could be

Chapter 2) What your parents’ lives could be

Chapter 3) What growing up could be

Chapter 4) What education could be!

Chapter 5) What family could be!

Chapter 6) What adulthood could be!

Chapter 7) What society/jobs could be!

Chapter 8) What media and art could be!

Chapter 9) What the new normal could be!

Chapter 10) What fame and success could be

Chapter 11) What leadership positions could be

Chapter 12) What kids could be

Chapter 13) What humanity/countries could be!

Chapter 14) What life here could be!

Chapter 15) What the world could be


Let’s talk about what we want, and as little about what we don’t as possible! How do you
want to feel? What life do you want? What experience? What could life be like? What world
could you live in? Let’s explore what is possible for you!!
Chapter 1
What childhood could be

What could childhood be? It could be the beginning of

the best adventure. It could be discovery of a whole new world
never seen before with wondrous treasures unknown,
adventures to be had, relationships to be formed, skills to be
honed, truths to be learned, beauties appreciated, loves to felt,
pleasures enjoyed, mysteries unravelled, self to discover and
create. Childhood could be a palace of all kinds of pleasures
be it food, vacations, trips, coziness, love, comfort, pillows,
excitements on the playground, meeting fellow travellers(!),
discovering new things, discovering your preferences, what
things taste best, new drinks, songs, music, movies, shows, clothes, art, hobbies, ideas, beliefs,
kinds of people. Life is infinitely rich with colors, unique smells for every person, place and thing,
new sounds, new emotions, new thoughts, new gadgets, toys, gizmos. New sensations, new
flavors and tastes. Oh what fun new life is! A life never seen, heard, contemplated, or lived
before! A totally new experience fresh to one and all! From this joy and appreciation, goodness
and wellbeing, what a good start to life is birth. If things start this good, how much better shall it
get down the road: 20 years, 50 years, 100 years!

Yes, this is how awesome childhood could be.

Chapter 2
What your parents’ lives could be

They had joyful new lives at birth just like you. Everything
was new for them, just like you. They grew up, had fun, decided
what was awesome, felt best, made choices, got preferences,
and began making their ideal life. You were part of their best
ideal life. They chose you and you chose them. Of all the
possible options the world presented them with over many
years, they said “Having this child is our best option!” And they
were so happy to have you. You fulfilled them so joyfully much,
they were so happy you made their dreams come true! You fulfilled them. Their lives were
idealized largely because of your birth and existence!!! They felt they won the lottery with you,
better than the lottery because no money could compare to the feeling of your joyful perfect
birth! They had daydreamed and fantasized and planned on having for long before you ever
came and you were a wish fulfilled for them. They loved their life, and appreciated it, more than
ever after your birth. Their quality of life shot up 200% because of you. Everything after you was
just icing, but in many ways you were the cake. Being your parent was so deeply satisfying,
having you as a child, that it dwarfed almost every other pleasure before or ever since. The joy
at fantasizing/imaging you having children, them getting grandkids, becoming grandparents, is
such a joyful thought they both feel like dancing around the room singing. You also were part of
a long tradition of joy and success in their life that continued after your birth, a long string of
good experiences, happiness, and joys. Their lives have always been joyful amazing
experiences, you were a big one, always will be.

That’s how your parents’ lives could be.

Chapter 3
What growing up could be

Growing up could be a long string of joyful experiences. You

learn what you like, discover what feels good, think thoughts that
feel good, behave in ways that serve you and others (and feel
good). You learn the way that talking feels good to you, what sights
and sounds feel good to you, what people feel best to you. You
learn to trust your emotions and your emotional intelligence, you
know what you prefer, what the emotional indicators are, what
pleasure feels like, what feeling better feels like, how it feels to
move closer towards things you like, how it feels better the closer
you get, the ecstasy of getting things you want that feel good to you. You let pleasure and joy be
your guide in forming what you like, the beliefs you hold/think, your wisdom is constructed and
informed by your pleasure/joy, your entire existence and continuous lifestyle is built by bricks of
pleasure and joy so that every moment and passing day, joy is chosen more and more,
pleasure becomes more perfect, refined, preference is improved/perfected, things you want
come more and more. Perhaps you have a first crush, romance comes into the picture, wanting
to go on little kid dates. Your activities become more pronounced, the ones that feel best are
picked most often and your daily joy/happiness is reflected by the cooler, happier things you
spend your time/day doing. You watch things that feel better. You listen to things to feel better.
Associate with people who feel better. Participate in conversations that please and satisfy you.
Form relationships with people who feel as good as you. Do hobbies and activities that bring
you the greatest delight because as a naturally intelligent person, that is what increases
awesome quality of life is all about. The better you feel the better it gets the better you feel! It
happens moment by moment, day by day continually for you, good compounding on top of
good, multiplying and growing, appreciating its value as you appreciate it!

This is how growing up could be!

Chapter 4
What education could be!

Education could be a thrill and excitement. Discovering what

feels greatest and best to you (and those around you), following the
carrot of joy to new rich treasure coves of delight and satisfaction.
Following things you enjoy and prefer, revelling in the process of
fleshing it out, making delight and pleasure more real with every
passing step and second. What it is that pleases and delights you,
be it music, art, writing, acting, inventing, engineering, film making;
the better you feel the better it gets. What you like feels good in the beginning, when you follow
that path it feels better discovering more, creating, expressing, being rewarded; the better it
feels the better it gets. Those goods result in meeting awesome people you love, connecting
different pleasures and joys with this one, combining them (such as sci-fi and music, with film-
making, etc.)! Thus various pleasures and preferences combine into a single huge, awesome,
powerful one to become even greater, perhaps a life purpose, at least big long-term projects
that satisfy and delight for years! Education is the side effect/result of following your bliss in
every action whereby you are educated on the awesomeness of the things you chase! The
content/details, what the joy manifests as is your education. The joy is the fun in moving!
Education happens as a byproduct of bliss-chasing, detail is revealed, new joys discovered,
chosen, preferred. Education happens naturally, automatically. Bliss is the degree, joy is the
PhD. The details/education is important only insofar as they’re attached to your joy-path and
bliss-chasing. The details/education is joy made flesh, which while attached to joy is… joyful.
Then when something else becomes joyful, a new pleasure followed, that has a new education.
Chapter 5
What family could be!

Family could be anyone who brings you great

love, peace, and joy! Family could be people who feel as
great as you, love as much as you do, are as joyful as
you, as peaceful as you, chase their bliss too, follow their
joy too, peacefully enjoy love and enjoyably love peace.
Family could be anyone you feel close to, affection for,
affiliation with, warm feelings towards/with, do the same
activities together, laugh together, love together, brighten
each others’ days together. You both peacefully love joy
and walk the same pleasurable path, in similar arenas, in
proximity or identical life paths/lifestyles. Family could be the siblings you grew up with, your
parents, your cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles, they certainly are your biological family!
The definition of family can go so far beyond biology, in fact all biological family-- at least
recently-- weren’t biological family until 2 likeminded humans decided they would be family,
became family, started a family, then were family. That’s how all family is made! Peacefully
enjoying love together, walking the same joy path, following the same bliss, feeling as great as
each other, lovingly enjoying peace together! Then biological family can be a version/form of
family! Love, joy, and peace is the natural root of family, like the feeling of home, in those as

That’s what family could be my friends!!!!!

Chapter 6
What adulthood could be!

Adulthood could be an extension of all the

awesomeness we’ve encountered before already. If joy was a
sapling in childhood, it could be a thick evergreen in
adulthood, and by 100 be a monolithic redwood tree! Keep in
mind Abraham Hicks’ truism: “The basis of life is freedom, the
purpose of life is joy, the result of life is growth.” While you’re
being FREE you’re feeling joy, and while feeling joy more is
attracted to you and it GROWS. Adulthood is more of the
same childhood, and MUCH MUCH BIGGER; more freedom
is discovered, resulting in more joy, resulting in a growth in
the volume of your good feelings and your capacity to feel joy! With adulthood comes more
ability to put your ideas into the world and create, greater understanding of what you like, love,
and prefer, had more time to choose joy. It’s pretty much an extension of all the past greatness,
now as an adult!
Chapter 7
What society/jobs could be!

When you’re following your bliss and chasing joy,

people love being around you, you’re a shining light and
attract all manner of good joyous things to you! The only
job there is in the world is chasing joy, officially joy-
chaser! Everything else is just details within that job,
some fulfill your real job better than others; some places,
things, activities have more thick trunks of joy, some are
still saplings. You determine the joy you feel/experience
as per your god-given inherent right to freedom. The only
work than has ever been done on this planet, the only position or job title anyone has is joy
chaser. Some people get joy being around thick trunks of it, some get joy being around
saplings, helping them grow. The biggest joy is obviously the trunks and riding that river to more
and more. The job titles people usually ascribe to themselves and others is avenue they have
chosen to do their real job. I do my job as joy-chaser in fast food, engineering, secretary, office
worker, artist, public speaker. People just shortcut the sentence of “Obviously I’m a joy chaser
like you and everyone” just saying the means they do it. The joy produces fruits that improve the
quality of life here, so people give some of their joy in the form of money in exchange for your
awesome joy. The most joyful have tremendous amounts of paper joy, money. Even the joyful
Buddha lived in a robe in the woods was throughout his life offered kingdoms, worship, wealth,
golden idols, temples and shrines built in his name. If you find joy beyond money you’re still
joyful, and money still is a form of joy, and having lots of it is a joy!

Society exists as in a manager and organizer capacity, keeping a unified vision and
focus of pleasure, peace, love, and joy for its particular group of people. It creates media around
the most joyful/pleasurable things at the moment, create laws and rules to help people in
maximizing joy and life satisfaction. Society in all its facets and dimensions/tentacles, exist to
maximize the happiness of its social group. It seeks to aid, entertain, inform, organize, at times
life coach, at times therapist, at times friend, at times philosopher. Society works by the people
who find it joyful and find it as a path of joy and object of bliss-chasing. Society is the collection
of the joy of the people it incorporates. It is as joyful as the joy of its people, based on the joy of
their cooperation and delight in their personal individual lives. Society is the joy of social
Chapter 8
What media and art could be!

Media, art, film, news, music, plays, youtube, twitter,

shows, netflix, they could be based on the most joy of the most
creative, artistic, journalistically-inclined people in the world!
Songs on the radio or Sirius XM could be about the things
people love most in their lives, the things that bring them the
most joy, the greatest peace, sense of worth, the greatest
pleasures they have, ever had, or are moving towards! That’s
what music could be!

News could be about the best and greatest things happening in people’s lives, in the
environment, economy, technology, inventions, good social ideas, greater cooperation,
international collaboration, the successes and accomplishments of people, animals, plants,
nature, and organizations, both locally and globally, as well as awesome things happening in
the solar system and beyond. Also things people love and enjoy, both in reality and dream
about, would like to experience and are moving towards. Also a daily appreciation hour where
everyone just says what they're appreciative for! Let that bathe over the globe for an hour each
day. Now THAT’S some news we could all get behind!!! That’s what the news could be!

Video in all its formats from twitter, insta, youtube, netflix, movies, tv could be the same.
The most joy of the most visually creative people could make the videos. They could make them
about the things they love the most, feel the best about, most joy, most peace, most pleasure,
what they appreciate, what they’re looking forward to most, how great their lives are now, how
great life in general is locally and globally!!! That’s some video medium we could all invest
quality time in. Can I get an “OH YEAH”??!!

CAN I GET AN “OH YEAHHHHH”??!!!!?!?! THAT’s what art and media absolutely
definitely could be!!!!!!! OH YEAAHHHH!!!!
Chapter 9
What the new normal could be!

The new normal around the world could be so much

universal joy that people cry and weep daily from all their
laughter and everyone’s cheeks are constantly sore from all
their smiling happinesses!!! People make conversation easily,
lightly, and humorously wherever they go; like Namaste,
recognizing the light/joy in others that they themselves have.
People are centeredly focused upon their greatest maximum
joy and everyday is a new awe-mazing opportunity to feel as
good as they can! It remains fixedly centered in their mind’s
eye, focus, and attention as intelligent people do for their and others’ greatest benefit/joy. It is
the social norm to chase-joy consciously and on purpose, to be friendly, kind, and nice,
beautiful, attractive, loving and lovely. It is a utopian experience that could be everyone’s new
Chapter 10
What fame and success could be

Fame or glory or ‘success’ could way more than just

surviving, “I have sustenance to continue!” It could be the
brightest stars who shine the most light, inspire the most, light
the most candles, enjoy the most, are enjoyed the most.
Those spotlighted on news networks, put into magazines,
highlighted online could be those who have the most positive
impact, are the happiest, embody goodness the most, follow
their bliss the most, chase joy most successfully! They could
be the beacons inspiring, setting examples, so humanity lights
up like a lightbulb shining. Those who are most aligned with their purpose of joy, living free,
growing, the thickest trunks, those people could be the famous ones shown on all news
mediums! That’s how fame and success could be!
Chapter 11
What leadership positions could be

Leadership positions could be about being the brightest star, so

aligned with your purpose, shining, you see more light in others than they
see in themselves, can cajole their light to shine more, help others be more
joyful, have a powerful vision of how bright your organization can bright and
the path to get there is your joy path. Leadership positions could be about
being the brightest star, and making the most light around you and helping
brighten others. That’s what leadership could be!
Chapter 12
What kids could be

Having kids could be, like it could be for your parents, a

huge bright joy on an otherwise already very bright path. They
could be the next, natural step in your personal evolution,
continually the joy of your biology with someone you love,
starting a family. That’s what kids could be.
Chapter 13
What humanity/countries could be!

Humanity could be a whole bucketload of appreciation

as a unique species on this unique planet. Humanity could see
itself as a chosen people, unique and amazing, special,
wonderful, enlightened, wise, intelligent, compassionate, loving,
beautiful, joyful, peaceful, calm, tranquil, and thrilling. Humanity
could be all the good things it genuinely honestly values. And
the truth is humanity is uniquely amazing like our planet!

Countries around the world, all 200+ them, could revel in

the unique diverse amazingness of themselves and each other, how many ways of being
successful exist, so many ways of appreciating, so many things to appreciate, so many art
forms, clothing styles, cultures, stories, histories, music, dance, paintings, architecture,
technologies, and languages can spring so spontaneously/naturally. Countries could wonder in
awe at their amazingness and the joyful amazingness of each other!

“What a wondrous world we live in/are a part of!!!”

Countries could delve into the uniquenesses of each other for centuries and never run
out of pleasing things to discover and be delighted and amazed by. By countries I mean the
people who comprise all the countries because countries are just organizations largely, living on
certain geographical pieces of land. That’s what humanity and countries could be like!
Chapter 14
What life here could be!

Life here could be a joyful journey every single day, as

well as simultaneously being the best, most peaceful, relaxing
vacation, and being the most exciting adventure every single
day. Every day could be the day of every single person’s life,
every single day. Life here could be one as rich in love as
oxygen in the air. Life here could be as voluminously joyful as
the water in all the oceans. Life here could be as happy as the
sun shining across the planet every single day. Life here could
be as peaceful as the miles and miles of rock in the earth is
sturdy. Life here could be as exhilarating as there’s space in the universe! Life here could be as
inspiring and inspired as lava is hot! Life here could be as comfortable as Pluto is cold. Life here
could be as free as Jupiter is gaseous! This is what life here could be like!!
Chapter 15
What the world could be

The world could be a utopia, could always have

been a utopia, could always be a utopia. The world could
richest and abundance, healthy, wealth, expression, art,
philosophy, invention, technology, community, love,
cooperation, joint projects, collaborations, beauty, peace,
and harmony UP THE WAZOO! The world could be such a
paradise people would say and think “Wow, when did
Jesus come? Heaven has come to earth, Eden has been
restored, have we always been in heaven?! Is this a heavenly world? A heaven planet of the
gods, are we the gods?” It would seem so! Perhaps this world could be all bliss and pleasure,
perhaps we are the blessed chosen ones, a lucky bunch on a heaven planet living as the gods,
where all wear the most beautiful jewelry of all: smiles. And people sing the most beautiful
songs: laughter. And perform the most epic of deeds: hugs!!! ALL THE TIME HUGS!!! :)
Everyone could chase down their dreams and bliss, get more every day than the day before.


The Answer to All Your Problems!
Nov 2021


Chapter 1) Poor People

Chapter 2) Lonely People

Chapter 3) Depressed/hopeless

Chapter 4) Middle East

Chapter 5) Angry

Chapter 6) Countries

Chapter 7) Sexual Trauma

Chapter 8) Power Hungry


Everyone has problems, and there are all kinds of

problems in the world. I want to help you solve yours, hopefully
I cover it in this book. I tried to do a wide general sweep of
what I saw were the most prevalent issues, but feel free to
contact me so I can solve your specific problem if it wasn’t
covered! It also might be partially covered because some
things are quite general such as ‘depressed/hopeless’ which
can probably at least partially apply to you and your specific
case. I hope I’m able to help and look forward to meeting you
in person if we ever meet!! Have fun and dive in!!!
Chapter 1
Poor People

Poor people, no disrespect, no offense intended,

often they self identify. They identify as ‘not rich’,
struggling, ‘corporations’ or ‘the rich’ fuck them etc. There
seems like a struggle or conflict with them, the common
person, and those who are happy with vs them without. By
no means does that mean quote “poor people” are without
joy because they have many joys and many good
moments of happiness, but by their own mouth they seem
to admit often things are unfair, that some are born better,
cheat, are more immoral or ruthless, whatever the reason they lack what some few possess.
Some are content, some seem hurt or bitter. I think if you aren’t willing to take steps to become
something you seem to admire (or a bit jealous of, if angry) like a rich person, you may as well
find how/where you thrive, appreciate what you’ve got, perhaps over/on top of them. Why are
you choosing your life over a different one? May as well feel good about your choices, rather
than feel powerless, out of control, like you have no choice.

The obvious step if you don’t like being poor, few people I imagine do-- perhaps they just
don’t know how to get out of it, weren’t taught or shown, don’t think it’s possible-- is take steps
to get out. The simplest, easiest way-- and not like it’s the first time it’s been said-- is live within
a budget and save as much as you can. Perhaps the easiest way to stop being poor is to make
your money work for you, after you saved for a few weeks or months, you can have a few
hundred or even thousand saved. With that, you can invest-- with no more advice than what I
present to you here, no trust required or ‘word taking’ from some financial whatsit-- in cheap
land (usually on the outskirt of a major city), put up a cheap home, then within a few months
begin renting it out for about $1000 a month! With that passive income, you can repeat the
process, getting more cheap properties, increasing your passive income by $1000 at a time,
maybe get an apartment building, then after $5000 a month-- without working aka passive-- the
sky’s the limit! This can be done in the timespan of a few months to a couple years, and then
you are set for life with no ceiling! You can stop or expand indefinitely, either way, you leave the
working class behind, no long trade time/effort for money, but get money working for you,
liberating your time and energy to do more joyful, fun, meaningful and rewarding things! The
awesome part is that you can start immediately, saving now, finding that cheap property, and in
no time at all be very close to getting it! It’s literally just 2-3 steps to not being poor, and weeks
to months to leaving survival behind forever! The thing is living in a budget and saving, but once
the money flows without work, the budget gets bigger, you can reinvest to up your game or
enjoy a better lifestyle, either way pain goes down to almost zero and pleasure goes up almost
to 100! It just requires to mindset it’s possible, not rejecting out-of-hand. People who stay poor
are just comfortable there, as you see it’s only 2-3 steps and a few weeks or months to change
your destiny-- it’s almost laughable saying that because poverty is such a flimsy thing as shown
here, it’s not worth the grandiose word destiny (it deserves something more substantial like your
purpose in life, not such weak ‘survival struggles’).

I hope I proved how easy it is to becoming financially free, it’s ridiculous anyone has
money problems if an idiot like me understands it. If you’re someone who can’t be bothered with
any financial planning or freedom (even if as easy as this), you’re fine being working class, don’t
want liberation, that’s also fine. Not what I’d choose, but no judgement. Don’t judge or be bitter if
you accept that life, appreciate what you have, perhaps more family time than a workaholic rich
person, or less responsibilities as some super-manager, an easier more relaxed life… whatever
you value, appreciate it and like what you like about your life. Be less than no one, put your
values highest in your mind/life, and whatever others be to you you are the embodiment of
everything good you like about life/living. You’re the best and tops, others fail in the metrics of
what you value and you are the pinnacle! Be joyful and appreciative, whatever you choose.

In conclusion, solving your poverty issues is as easy as 2-3 steps, and meer weeks or
months of different action. If even that you can’t be bothered with, accept your choice of the life
you live and find appreciation and enjoyment of it so that you are the pinnacle of all the values
you hold deer in life! Thank you!
Chapter 2
Lonely People

Lonely people are largely, I think, comfortable people.

They aren’t so desperate they need to go looking for
companionship, but aren’t isolationist/introverts enough to be
joyful in their solitarity. They aren’t stoked being alone, but
aren’t extraverted enough to seek companionship. It’s like
complacent, comfortable, apathy, boredom. One day they
might become desperate enough, or one day may enjoy
isolation, but now are lonely; wanting something but not caring
too much… like limbo! It could be fear of rejection, scared of
risking connection, etc. etc. Their apathy and boredom rubs
most people wrong, perhaps aloof, even prideful. They look
how they feel: stagnant. They aren’t unmotivated, but just
slightly motivated perhaps in conflicting ways; “maybe this,
maybe that.” They want love but not really enough to chase/get
it; “It’d be nice.” “I remember when I had friends, how happy
and bright my childhood was. Friends were easy! I’m a fuck up
now.” Ha, self indulgent? It's a great focuser upon oneself as
the center of the universe, which is true/healthy (perhaps better

Everyone, ESPECIALLY including YOU, deserves to feel awesomely amazing like the
center of the universe because YOU ARE! Did you know there is no external center of the
universe because the spacetime fabric of the universe itself is actually expanding thus every
location is the center of the universe? That means literally, scientifically, for you the center of the
universe is YOU (same for others, respectfully). Also higher dimensions aren’t ‘out there’
somewhere beyond the (imaginary) borders of the universe but actually folded inside deep
within every atom at the Planck scale (smallest observable/knowable because light can’t go
deeper!). What that means, and I hope I’m not being too nerdy or scientific but it’s cool, that all
physical reality is an empty hologram of deeper truer realities, so that ultimately at the 10th
dimension (I’ve explained in previous books) is the God place, pure light/love/joy/peace, and
moving outward/away from this 10D things become darker, grosser, more physical, slower
vibrating/moving. Anyway back to the point, you deserve to feel amazing/awesome, like reality
revolves around you, because ultimately at the 10th dimension you literally are the embodiment
and purpose of all creation, your feelings, experiences, thoughts, actions, all of it is for your
personal enjoyment, pleasure, and fulfillment!!! Isn’t that wonderful and fantastic?!?! The literally
infinite multiverse exists to please you in every conceivable way. This is apocryphon, the
‘knowledge that can’t be taught’ yet that all living beings coming into physical existence
knowing: babies know it, you knew it (still do deep down inside), animals always remember it,
plants never stop knowing/embodying/living it, even the inanimate matter of the universe like
rock and water also are part of the 10D reality and thus alive with joy/pleasure as part (and
wholly as importantly) of the ultimate God reality ie light/love/joy/peace/pleasure.

These deep truths cannot not resonate within you which is why you deserve and feel this
deservingness always with you that “Yes, more than anyone else, at the very least equally to
picture? :) This is the powerful purpose and identity you have screaming out from inside you all
seconds of every day since before you physically born!!! This is why no one, especially you,
ever gives up on pleasure, feeling good/better, living a good life. Firstly because what else
would any do if not look forward to good? Secondly, you can’t because literally your purpose
and identity is entirely encompassed by you true, deep, 10D, peace/love/joy/good/pleasurable
nature. There is no you outside of goodness, it is like calling emptiness a thing, or lack of joy as
an object. Nonexistent things don’t exist, not really, except as imaginary potential with no stake
or claim in real existence. And you want to know something else awesome? The only way
anything imaginary and potential can ever become a real existing form is by being chosen by a
real existing form as pleasurable or joyful, and it can only remain so by continuing to be chosen
as pleasurable and joyful, otherwise slips back into the black empty void where imaginary
potential lies.

God, 10D, has 0% imaginary potential, literally it is the embodiment of goodness, form,
100% manifested positivity/goodness, which you as a real existing being are fully a part of and
cannot not be not separated from. Can you imagine the impossibility of something that exists,
that lives/breathes/thinks/feels/acts someone diminishing its essence enough to actually slip
back into the black void? You would have to stop giving attention to the world around you, all
your thoughts, feelings, memories, future plans, dreams, desires, somehow ignore your
connection to all other joy/goodness/form/isness so prolifically surrounding you, then as the last
few connections to 10D light/goodness fade, you hold onto nothing, let the last thing you’re
aware of go, including even an idea of you, a thinker, experiencer, feeler, dreamer, and passing
completely into oblivion. Isn’t that so hard to imagine? That’s how hard it would be for you, with
all your VAST RICHNESS of life/experience/feelings, to stop existing and pass into the dark
imaginary potential zone. Literally it would take long, concentrated (or unconcentrated, right?)
effort of a singular kind to even approach it, and you--like everyone in existence-- would be
completely unmotivated to do it because there’s literally no payoff, the antithesis of reward or
payback. It would be like you personally killing your entire personal world, only hurting yourself,
to make yourself suffer, no one else would, only so you can never feel good or exist ever again.
Doesn't that sound rewarding?

No, exactly. SO if that’s not the case, a ridiculous idea when looked at consciously, what
is? Even the imagining of such a stupid, worthless idea comes from a specific path. The feeling
of triumph and victory, accomplishment, success, perhaps even after a long time of
wanting/looking forward to it! Then comes complacency, a feeling of “I don’t have to do the right
things to think happily/well because I did this monumental thing.” Which your true self never
wants the fun/party/joy to end, rests are certainly welcome/ok, but if you shut down after a huge
success-- either in this life or a previous one (whatever your beliefs!)-- get complacent,
disrespectful, stop feeling joy out of respect for the greatness of that one awesome
accomplishment (nothing can ever be as great or awesome as that one accomplishment!!!),
your deeper, truer self/nature doesn’t want just one good victory, but wants eternal
pleasures/joys, hence existence. So if that love of 1 victory/accomplishment is an excuse to stop
enjoying life-- my golden years, the best years of my life, nothing will ever be as good as back
then, in my glory days, etc.-- the part of you that loves still feeling good, wants more
victories/wins/accomplishments like that (or perhaps easier, here it sounds too
herculean/hard/difficult), then the fantasy/imaginary idea (never grasped or consciously thought
out/understood, because as seen here is garbage/nonsense) of dying or sadness or lack or
things diminishing seems to arise. Though never really can become such ugly things only exist
as formless, unreal, imaginary potential, literally with no hope or possibility of manifesting (for
reasons previously mentioned).

THUS, bad things are only pretend, temporarily as a joke, laugh, funny.

“Wouldn’t it be crazy if everything wasn’t perfect, beautiful, blissful light, joy, love, and peace?”

“It would, that’s why it could never exist, because only intelligence, rationality, and clear-
mindedness exist!”

Suffering, pain, badness, bad things, lack, sadness, anger, hate, these are all jokes,
imaginary jokes/playthings to temporarily make us laugh while speculating about the nature of
reality, to amuse ourselves and others with the ludicrous, ridiculous, incredulous, like a stupid
show to entertain, to laugh at the silly clowns/goofballs.

“Look how they pretend monsters exist!”

“Look how they fret all just from imagination. HA!”

What a laugh indeed. So down the rabbit hole we go further. Why do we want
entertainment or to laugh at all? If we are 10D, God, peace, love, joy, light, all infinite goodness,
how does this first step into imaginary wrongness come about? As an outcropping or extension
of good joyful nature, for fun, to be surprised even though we can’t be, for a thrill, to see what
happens if we slightly limit or space out our omnipotence/omniscience, our infinite pleasure,
wholeness, perfection, joy. ABSOLUTELY, we could remain residing as 10D, and the greatest
part of us eternally does, but small adventurers, contingents of our greater/whole self decide for
the fun/entertainment value (even to our greater 10D multitude/unified self) to leave the perfect
tranquility and bliss of our full nature to mix it up, go exploring, take a little risk, even if inherently
imaginary. Rather than full our fullness of power/pleasure, space it out, leave room for chance,
unknown, a little bit out-of-controlness. Never any real risk, and the greatest adventurers go the
farthest, take the biggest risks, see how far they step out from the perfect joy/light of 10D, even
becoming so slow vibrating as to appear fleshy and physical. They adventure so far that they
can appear (at least holographically, an illusion, remember 4D is a hologram projection of
deeper reality) like they aren’t connected to everything else, aren’t god self/nature, aren’t perfect
love/peace/joy/light, have an individual self apart from others, can bump into each other, even
pretend to hurt other (god) adventurers in this hologram virtual reality illusion. And physical
reality is the real virtual reality, not the other way. Like real virtual reality, to immerse yourself in
a game world first you must put on goggles aka blinders, severely limit your own perception and
immediate awareness of the obvious real truth. Only then can you buy into (at least temporarily
as long as the blinders remain on and the game worth engaging) the holographic virtual reality.
That is the literal definition of physical reality from God's perspective.

Thus we come full circle, lonely people (like all physical humans) are the great
adventurers who willingly choose this life for fun, to pretend separation, isolation, individuality,
even the illusion of negative emotion. Thus if you buy into this virtual reality of slow moving
energy as all there is, no fast moving energy, if you forget joy and think IT is the imaginary thing.
HO BOY you’re screwed up, but free (for fun) to do so. Dramatic games can be exciting and
thrilling. Fun was the point. Some people play games too long, take fun too far. Their
prerogative, all allowed! At least life is availably immersive as deep as you can go!

So what about lonely people? Perhaps you’re planning your next move, maybe weighing
choices, processing old decisions, feeling your way through things, deciding how you want to
feel, being curious about the life you want to experience, what options you have, what would
feel best, be most fun. There are many many choices!!! Lonely can be an awesome opportunity
to become happier, more yourself, who you want to be, plan strategy. Being lonely is an
awesome space to be in, like many things, and it’s all up to you! It’s your awesome life whatever
that means to you! I’ve already brought up the fact (you know) that you’re the center of the
universe and in fact a particularly confident and great adventurer outcropping and extension of
the fullness of existence/God/10D reality. How selfish can you be? Do you want more than that?
GOOD (WHICH IS THE SAME THING). If you want more you absolutely deserve it and write to
me about it! I’d love to hear! I also want more than that although I am quite content and happy
with just that much! :)

So ultimately, yeah, if you are lonely, or simply here reading for a lonely friend, congrats
on being so close to awesomeness! What an awesome experience you’ve got!!!
Chapter 3

Previously related, depression, hopelessness, being

lonely, it’s all for fun, by choice, a thrilling ride. Same as
loneliness, it’s also a great awesome place for discovering who
you are, who you want to be, find your good feelings again,
make good plans, strategize. Also it can just be a great relief,
down time, rest after much effort, maybe you got off a thrilling
figurative rollercoaster and need recuperating. Depression and
hopelessness have lots of positive value, nothing bad will
happen because you’re depressed or hopeless. It’s just a really
slow vibration, perhaps the slowest, alongside powerlessness,
grief, and fear. It is very adventurous, very far out from 10D, it
takes HUGELY immense confidence to go so far from one’s
center/soul/source. It is hugely immersive in the physical virtual
game, believing in the truth of an individual self, a separate
existence/identity, a body, and others. It takes a confident,
adventurous person to venture so far, a real thrill seeker, far from
friends, family, and home. One view is if this is you, you are so
comfortable with your divine good self that you don’t need to be
surrounded by it to remember, feel, remember and believe it.
You can go to the darkest worst places and still remain yourself.
Depressed and hopeless people are definitely pushing the
boundaries of what God-self considers possible, are definitely some of the most
confident/adventurous types, perhaps are the most comfortable/integrated with their deep
wellbeing and God-goodness. It’s easy to be joyful surrounded by joy and light, no strength
required, no test, no challenge or conflict. These people believe so much in themselves and
their worth they can go completely into physical, nearly forget their god-nature, and still survive,
get by, have a life. The rest, the greater part of god still fully in 10D is awed, wow’ed, amazed,
and impressed by such boundary pusher, it is immensely satisfying to the multitude there,
entertaining and thrilling for everyone there as well! The 10D whole hugely appreciates
everything such depressed and hopeless people do, and if it’s you everyone in 10D loves and
admires you awesomely. Doing such stunning, far out things is never required and you never
have to do such things for our love and admiration, no matter what you have all our love and
admiration, but that includes everything you do including this very far out, thrilling adventure
called hopeless depression! So whether you want to stay there or return home to joy, love, and
peace in the full manifestation, thank you and we love you!!! As always, you are free to choose
your path/fun.
Chapter 4
Middle East

I have very limited understanding, but the general

problem seems obvious to everyone. After WW2 Allied forces
artificially created Israel by taking Palestine’s land, Israeli Jews
saying “It was occupied but ancestorially/historically theirs” i.e.
the Bible. This was able to happen perhaps because of Jewish
global elites who had much power. I think there are other
issues besides just them, Iraq used to be a dictatorship, had
wars with others, there have been multiple wars between Arab
states there, different religious beliefs and races causes
tension, the main one is Israel-Palestine I believe. Some say
they’ll never find peace, there’s been fighting since the 70’s, as well as perhaps a lot more bad
blood between other Arab, Muslim, and middle-eastern people in general throughout the region.
When I first learned about this, as well as desert movies such as Dune, it seemed like a desert
scarcity mindset led to volatility. For example, “I live in the desert, everything is scarce, I must
fight for everything to survive.” That’s not a judgement on the people, anyone living in such a
region I think would respond similarly. It’s easier to relax I imagine in a lush green area than a
desert, though I have little to no experience in one (if memory serves). I think living in such an
area would internally affect one’s mind, same as living in Shangri-La might make it easier to be
happy and relaxed.

I think the biggest issue for all involved is started in the desert-lack mindset (yes, I know,
a few are billionaire oil sheiks). From that volatile starting place, then WW2 happens. Jews are
specifically targeted as attacks. If you believe Hitler’s intentions, he wanted to commit genocide
and wipe out all Jews. Jews are understandably feeling attacked, vulnerable, exposed, in their
feelings etc. Pain. However it happened, billionaire jews seem like a reasonable assumption,
Allied countries especially the United States helped to create an Israeli state, a place Jews
could call home rather than being scattered throughout Europe, etc. The land didn’t come out of
thin air, land they claimed was their ancestral home of ancient Israel, temporarily ‘occupied’ by
current Palestinians, was chosen and they got a country. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians
were displaced to make room. In essence, everyone wasn’t happy with what they had, and
coming from a place of reaction, hurt, and pain. Jews felt hurt, Palestinians felt stolen from, no
one was really thinking cooperatively, everyone was coming from a victim/abused mindset. I
can’t speak to all Middle East conflicts, I assume they are numerous, complex, and nuanced,
but as far as this one-- perhaps generalizable to the whole region-- it seems to me like this:

“You stole my toy. I’m mad!”

“This used to be my toy a long time ago, don’t you remember?” Then they fight.
I’m not belittling or making fun, but how else should a detached person see it? Decades,
perhaps almost a century of fighting and killing, so much stress! Obviously they both come from
victim/pain/trauma/scarcity mindsets, can’t they empathize with each other's pain/trauma? As a
detached person, it seems very childish, with respect. Just because they have guns and
soldiers ready/willing to kill doesn’t stop it from being childish. Perhaps it shows just how
extremely childish they are!

It’s obvious to me with no emotion about it, I didn’t have any relatives killed by the other
side (perhaps for generations). But remaining childish won’t solve the problem, won’t begin the
healing, and won’t get either one what they want and are looking for with all this pointless,
fruitless action! To me the obvious solution is they want the same thing, to have a consolidated,
secure, and safe home. The Arabs don’t want to feel like part of their home can be taken willy-
nilly by anyone. The Jews don’t want to feel homeless, attacked or hated by the world, want a
place to call their own. They both want to have a home and feel comfortable there! Isn’t that
awesome and great! You and I want the same things!!!

People want to be good, it’s less effort, you have more friends, 2 heads are better than
one, scratch my back I scratch yours; no one wants to live in conflict and fear all the time. It’s
exhausting. Of course everyone’s free too, they’ve been doing it for almost a century, and can
continue forever if they want! Solve problems with fists rather than brains. Fists are way less
powerful however, less effective, way more work. Going to the moon with brute force would’ve
been difficult relying on muscles to jump rather than intelligence to create advanced
technological systems. I don’t think anyone in the middle east considers themselves stupid,
therefore they value their intelligence. I think on a dime, the drop of a hat, at any moment they
can solve this problem. “We want to exist.” “And so do we!” “Let us co-exist.”

“But I believe in this religion and use these words to describe God.”

“And I believe in this religion and use these words to describe God, which both come from the
Bible and Abrahamic tradition.”

Rather than enemies, and it’s been said before, maybe they could act more like the
brothers they are from the same father: Abraham. Believing in the same God of Abraham using
different names: Allah and Jehovah. Which is fitting because there are many languages in the
world. Not everyone speaks English, or Chinese, or French. Maybe that’d make it easier, but it’s
not necessary. And those differences in other places are a lot less distasteful and ugly than in
the Middle East. I think they have a lot of wisdom on both sides, that’s why they’re so stringent
for their side because they love/believe in the values of their culture. They prize highly noble
and honorable things, yet have used such noble good things as excuses to be dishonorable,
ignoble, and to stoop to the level of beasts and animals (no disrespect). I think all they need to
do is practice what they preach in terms of their highest values, what they say they both care
about the most: Love of neighbors, honoring God, worshipping something greater than
themselves, a bigger picture of purpose for their lives and the lives of all people on Earth in
God’s great plan. I think they already have all the answers and solutions to their problems,
perhaps they’re just complacent and comfortable, and things are naturally winding down in an
easy way where neither have to outright admit wrong-doing. All people in that region deserve to
feel good and are worthy of peace, love, joy, and pleasure. However they want it, in whatever
way is most comfortable and easy for them, they’ll get it how they want it. They’re in control,
they got this! They’re wise beyond the way they behaved and things will become more clear for
them and the world in terms of this area in good time. All is well there same as everywhere.
Chapter 5

In terms of the emotional scale (if you’re

familiar) anger is a short step away from depression
and sadness, it still feels weak but rather than being a
victim now it’s exploding and putting its problems
external, expressing its problems, letting others know
how bad shit is, it’s taking action to make things better.
It’s not happy, but letting the pain out feels better,
energy is moving at least and not corked. After being
sad getting angry feels really good, it’s way more
powerful, “I’m taking my life back, girlfriend! Wipe those tears!” From there-- if following the
scale-- you can then blame others, worry, doubt things’ll get better, be disappointed,
overwhelmed, impatient/frustrated, pessimistic, bored, content, then happy emotions! If
depression is one of the worst, anger is a little better step in a happier direction: no more
victimhood (at least less, getting power back), showing you’re alive, deciding you want to feel
better, want things better, and are moving in a better direction rather than frozen in fear or

In depressione etc., you were a lump, pushover, taken advantage of, maybe abused. In
anger, you find you aren’t any of those, you have standards, want to feel good, remember you
deserve to be treated with respect, you have resources and positive qualities. You aren’t
lacking, impotent, powerless, or without capabilities. You have creative control of your life.
Remember! You have a voice, a powerful body, a clear mind, a conviction, a passion, a
spark/fire, you are alive! You like living! Perhaps you forgot a bit but now you remember! You
like leading your life, making decisions, seeing things come to fruition. Anger can help you
remember your worth and take charge of your life! At the very least anger is a wild thrilling ride,
nobody knows how it’ll turn out, there’s mystery, adventure, drama, heightened emotions,
conflict, a plot/story. If you were in a joyful state, anger can be really shocking and stimulating,
humorous even perhaps, it’s definitely fiery/hot. It can be destructive, it also can save one from
stagnation and self-destruction by reinvigorating one with life energy.

It could be said most problems are caused by anger (based in stupidity/ignorance), most
would probably agree. But it’s also not without positives as stated, and can be wildly helpful and
positive in certain situations/contexts, such as climbing out of sadness, a good laugh in
happiness, motivation to take action, etc. Anger has also helped many people as well, and
again, freedom. Do as you will!!!
Chapter 6

The news will tell you everything wrong all

over the world: these people are suffering, this war
is happening, this person raped or murdered
someone, tensions rise in this country, a riot,
revolution, cartels, drug wars. No one is lacking for
information of what’s wrong with the world. If you
listened to the news, the obvious conclusion it
seems they want you to come to is, “Everything is
scary, dangerous, will kill you if you try to relax. The
world is falling apart. Leaving home is dangerous. Countries are collapsing. Problems are on the
rise. Cling desperately to the little good you have because soon, if trends continue, it will all be
over.” It’s just the lowest form of reporting, like looking a person in the face and rather than
saying any good qualities describing every flaw to make them feel bad under the pretense of
objective truth telling. It’s just rude and disgusting. I know, there’s positive intent, they’re making
life more ‘thrilling’ for bored/miserable people, making people’s boring lives more stimulating in
the worst way, adding problems and worries to people’s minds rather than stimulating people
with positivity.

Anyway. What are some issues about countries in the world? Russia and US have about
same number of nukes, thousands, and are still distrustful of each other dispite the Cold War
over. China is cracking down on its people more, seeking more control, surveillance, cameras,
face recognition, denying Taiwan exists, Dalai Lama is a criminal, Tibet is part of China, etc.
America also tampers in shady ways too: caring only about corporate profits, oil, invading
countries, starting wars under false pretenses, deposing leaders, sneakily manipulating foreign
countries and elections to favor American interests. There are some legitimate concerns about
global diplomacy/relations. North Korea wants nukes. Saddam used to have a nuclear program,
he allegedly gased his own people. Lots of bad, horrible things.

You know the way this goes though, they’re all part of god. They can came here for fun,
to explore/create, to experience life and feel good. The people of different countries, as well as
the leaders and/or people of power around the world influencing global events: Putin, Biden, Jin
Ping, Jung Un, the Rothschilds, etc. It’s not just presidents and supreme leaders who influence
but billionaires, spiritual leaders, social networkers, artists, writers, actors etc. There’s all kinds
of influence. Those influences can create propaganda, news stories, art, which contribute to
stories/narratives which influence countries, lead to global change, sometimes good like the
creation of the UN for global dialogue, sometimes destructive, hateful, racist, and xenophobic. I
include America because it has sometimes been the worst at this.

The points of conflict I see are China, Russia, and America. China seems like a
hivemind that cares about the collective, a perfectly ordered system, favoring the whole over the
individual-- not wholly bad. It seems like it’d like to swallow the world to bring into its collective
fold. Russia seems like it’s intellectually superior, it invented communism, a ‘social ideal’, they
pride their art and philosophy. I feel like they think America is stupid and obnoxious, which
makes it dangerous. America is the new kid on the block, perhaps a teenager in terms of the
global community, but seems to be the loudest and most active, wanting to think and talk out
loud, get involved too much, perhaps out of insecurity because it’s so young/new. You can see
these countries seem to have personalities their own like a person would.

If we realize we all want to feel good, be happy, live in peace with each other and a
collective global humanity, we can treat each other as friends and reduce wasteful effort,
increase life satisfaction with thinking, good ideas, rather than using fists/stupidity. We have the
wealth and technology for all to live comfortably, solve world hunger, disease, death, everyone
could live well, and still let the powerful/wealthy be very luxurious/well-off. With no new
developments, this moment that is possible. There’s plenty. The world is good. Let’s say
everyone could be a 7 or 8 out of ten, with a few at 10 out of 10, rather than half being like a 2
or 3. Just because that’s possible, I’m not advocating using immoral means to force morality, or
to be stupid and talk with my fists to make a smarter and kinder world. That’s backward. I’m
saying the answer is everywhere all around us, not elusive or mysterious.

Back to countries, China is proud of its rich heritage and the way it does things. It loves
China. Awesome. One of the first civilizations! Russia also loves being Russia, maybe would
like warmer summers, but also another rich amazing heritage/culture. America also loves being
a new country, a path blazer, a champion of democracy, meritocracy, entrepreneurship. These
like all countries are valuable, worthy, and deserving of existing and good/great things. They are
all awesome. In that love/appreciation, no destruction must take place, good things can live in
tandem side-by-side, in fact that is the very spirit of humanity cooperating together more so than
any other species on the planet to live together, solve problems, and cooperate to do more
amazing things than any individual could ever have done alone! This is the core of humanity’s
strength: intelligent creative problem solving, and social cooperation. It’s when we deviate from
our core human strength that we devolve to beasts (no offense) shine less than we could:
thinking with fists rather than our huge brains. As Richard Koch put it, “Humans only started
advancing once we stopped using our bodies to solve problems like animals, and started using
our brains!” We don’t have camouflage, spitting acid, claws, big teeth, cheetah legs, thick fur,
those aren’t our talents. It’s these huge melons on our little necks and our ability cooperate in
groups of millions and billions. That’s why we say human run the world: smarts and cooperation.
We’ve always had the answer/solution to all human problems, it was the very core of what
makes us human. Only deviating from our power makes us trip.

I think the UN was a start to a global consciousness, a unified humanity, which is why
people travel the world, meet each other, make friendships, communicate on social media
regularly, watch videos of foreigners, date, get married, have interacial kids, live abroad. There’s
so much intermingling humanity is like a global country. Humans are doing well, especially
considering how young humanity is in terms of global life. We’ll figure it out, remember how
good things are.
Chapter 7
Sexual Trauma

Whether you're a guy or girl, young or old this can affect

you: kids, elderly, often it’s by someone with power over
someone vulnerable. It can happen from adults to kids, big kids
to smaller ones, young to elderly, men to women, women to
men, camp council to camper, pastor to choir boy, etc. Most
often is probably men to young girls; just saying, not
discounting the others. Obviously any sex abuse is illegal.
That’s primary. Whatever is said after that is not legal talk
because it’s all illegal, this is about healing and emotions,
moving past, feeling better. Very strange I’ve always wondered that sexual perversion is more
taboo almost than violence or murder; literally murdering someone seems more PC to discuss
than sexually taking advantage like it’s better to kill someone than let them live with having
unwanted sex. That always seemed backward, like watching murder is ok for children but
seeing 2 people making love is perverse, even talking about sex around children is evil and
‘grooming’, but pretending murder with swords is fun, cool, and normal! Even making this point,
even though logical, almost no one does because they’re afraid of being seen as ‘normalizing’
or secretly wanting it to be ok to rape or be sexually comfortable around children. Even I can
feel you judging me now. COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. People know murder is worse than rape,
know violence is way worse than even consensual sex, yet violence and murder is fine for
children but making love talk is pedophilic. Knowing something isn’t true, but being unable to
admit it out of fear and ignorance. Definitely not defending immorality, rape, pedophilia,
anything, but people are more unconscious about sex than even death. When sex comes up,
their brain goes whoey-doey and they can’t put sentences together or form thoughts. It’s like
theirs some insecurity going “I’m not inexperienced at sex, you’re not better at sex than me! I
have feelings/opinions about it! I’m very sexually competent and relaxed about it! See how sexy
and attractive I am!!! Look at my chill!!!!” It’s almost like a sad desperation, full on insecurity
wrapped in shame, inadequacy, lack of experience, and overcompensating. People’s identities
often can be wrapped up in their genitals, being overly outgoing and serious if owning a penis,
or overly deferential and “I just can’t make up my mind(!)”-ness if owning a vagina.

But that’s just sex stuff in general, which comes after sex trauma, which often happens
in youth; sometimes way too young. 1 in something girls are sexually assaulted by 21. That
sounds right. It’s often to young girls, not necessarily prepubescent children, but not necessarily
not prepubescent girls, by older more powerful men. It can be done to young boys, even adult
men, by women. Younger girls also can be sexually aggressive with older men, and use
blackmail to make them do things. “I’ll say you raped me.” Power doesn’t have to be size, but
could be age, position, jury-susceptibility to gender, family member, least of all is it likely to be a
random stranger.
As a male who went through puberty, I understand sexuality can feel like an empty hole
that needs to be filled, perhaps will never be filled enough. Sexual appetite I mean. Not saying
this is how it is for everyone but I think it’s common enough for men to warrant discussion, so
too for women though less obvious. Women want sex for the intimacy and connection with
someone they love, care about, and value-- generally. The way I’ve usually thought about the
gender differences is that women want their hearts filled with love and as a reward will give of
their bodies. In the same exact way but about sex, guys want someone to rub and stimulate
their genitals and are willing to be charming, friendly, social, and loving in order to get that; they
want their sex-need hole filled (or stuffed). These are VERY wide broad strokes talking only to
generalities, rules of thumb, not of every case. Black culture seems more sex comfortable,
perhaps the roles are switched there where the guys need to be charmed a bit more to have sex
and the girls are more willing to use their bodies and enjoy sex. No offense intended if this is
incorrect, just my perspective.

Back to sexual abuse, almost anyone can be the abuser though mostly adult men, and
anyone can be the victim though mostly young girls. Girls who get abused can often become
fearful, shrinking from life, hiding away, taking up less space, which often can make them look
like even more of victims, sadly. Guys who get abused can feel like they were stolen of their
manhood, were made women, can spiral into violence and substance abuse to escape feelings
of inadequacy or overcompensate by being working out a lot, trying to succeed financially,
becoming sex obsessed, trying to bed numerous women, to regain their sense of being a man.
Women also can overcompensate afterward focusing entirely on a career even if they actually
would prefer to not, because they want to be overly empowered, especially have power over
men, perhaps even be tasteless and sexually belittled or abusive to men under them. No matter
the situation the unhealthy behavior is always coming from a place of pain, suffering,
misunderstanding, lack. It’s not the first time it’s been said, but those who abused you or others
almost certainly were once the victims of sexual abuse and trauma as well. Happy people
aren’t cruel, and cruel people aren’t happy. Sexually healthy people don’t sexually abuse
others, and sexual abusers aren’t sexually healthy. Seems self evident.

Eckhart Tolle would call this the pain body, a collection of ignorance around one’s pain
or trauma which hasn’t been appreciated or understood, thus is just reactive to environmental
(or mental) stimuli without any conscious awareness. Thus you get results you don’t want. This
is the process of sexual healing, shining light on the dark places, being conscious and aware,
getting better results than default past ones. Something I did was many past life regression
sessions, and sexual trauma was actually a major part of my pain body, starting when I was a
very beautiful woman, feeling arrogant and superior, being cruel and disrespectful. That
superiority led to many lifetimes of being raped and murdered, or dying young, or living long with
pain. Once I was a young boy in a small village that was attacked by rapists and murderers. The
men were killed, the women and children were raped then left, me included. I died shortly
afterward. I also was part of a raping gang in another life doing the same thing to others. I
suffered much because of sexuality over many lifetimes, the lesson I basically learned was that
sex almost never has good consequences and that almost always after the most fleeting of
meaningless pleasure long periods of time afterward I suffered because of minor sexual things. I
could probably honestly say sex has caused me the most suffering over my recent and present
past lives, more than anything else. So this topic is near to me.

If you have sexual trauma, find what’s good/valuable about it, find what you appreciate
about it. If it was difficult to let go of, has been lingering for years, there is something deeply
important to you that you are unconsciously unwilling to surrender or give up because it is so
glorious, amazing, and powerful. In no way am I saying you should want or encourage or
support illegal/unhealthy things such as more sexual trauma for yourself or anyone else, quite
the opposite; though of course anyone who wants those experiences, as an extension of God,
are free and able to go there either as the abuser or victim or a mix of both. The ride you live
like anyone can be as tranquil or rollercoaster-ishly thrilling as you want, in the full spectrum of
possible and available life experience. Also everyone is 100% free to NOT experience either
side of sexual trauma and simply be healthy in general as well as their sexuality. But the basis
of life is always freedom, and the choices to experience sexually traumatic things on either side
of it is an option available to all, and everyone in 10D still loves and appreciates everyone,
because we see the path from perfect joy everyone took to get to that point, nothing is unknown
or a mystery or misunderstood from that view; though physical humans immersed in this virtual
reality can take things sometimes too/very far and all mixed up temporarily bedazzled/confused
by overstimulating/overwhelming themselves with complex life situations. Again, that is an
available option if you want. But isn’t it a joy to know you have complete creative control, and
that if you don’t want, you never have to experience anything unwanted or bad? You are free to
never experience sexual trauma at all if you’re over it! There are many more pleasurable ways
to spend your time!

Fighting with sexual trauma is not the way to overcome it. Again, and for some this might
be hard to hear, but you chose it-- or if reading for a friend, they chose it-- because you wanted
to learn or understand something, perhaps experience a truly emotional, powerful, and impactful
thing. Like crossing a desert or climbing a mountain, there’s no real pleasure in such struggle
except in saying you overcame such a thing like a badge of honor or accomplishment.

“I fought a bear.”

“I fought a lion.”

“I climbed a mountain.”

“I walked the Sahara.”

“I beat up 4 guys in a fight.”

“I ruined her life with lies and cunning.”

“I survived sexual abuse.”

These are all struggles, which are difficult and hard, largely unpleasant in the process of
doing them, but afterwards there is a sort of pride in being on the other side: Did you see what I
did? Even being the perpetrator of crimes sometimes instead of contrition there is pride. Some
people look up to Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Hitler, and Alexander the Great (murderer? Great?
really?). For criminals being on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list is like a cool thing that they are
worse than all other criminals. A badge of honor. A valuable accomplishment.

“I killed this many people in war.”

“I was a sniper in WW2 and headshotted 120 Germans.”

“As a guerilla warlord I raped 400 women.”

People say this kind of thing. There is pride in both being a victim of abuse (violence and
sexual) as well as inflicting it on others. That means there’s a logic (if twisted, wasteful, and
overly complex) behind it. In all likelihood, such pride in survival or infliction comes from the pain
body, identifying with some bad, heinous, horrible thing you hate, then working exhaustively and
tirelessly for years, perhaps many lifetimes, to be stronger than it and overcome it, then after the
long dark tunnel you feel a champion because either you were strong enough to survive
something horrific or strong enough to inflict so much pain, suffering, and damage onto others.
You can see how either behavior after something painful is like the same thing, feeling stronger
and beating something bad you hate or don’t want. The focus is still upon something gross,
unwanted, and bad you don’t want to experience. You haven’t moved on but have become
enmeshed with the trauma, relive it constantly, and plan to inflict it more on others; perhaps
ruining someone’s life with your penis, or ruining someone’s life with life in jail. You aren’t
positive yet, because you want to hurt others, you aren’t living a good life, but ruining others’
lives. That’s why it’s called the pain body.

Sure, in the eyes of the law, the victim is powerless and the abuser must be punished.
Do you always want to be a powerless victim in need of others help though? I wouldn’t want that
for anyone! I want people to be creatively in control of their lives and experiences. If you were
on the victim side of sexual trauma, how long until you feel empowered; not working to feel
healed/empowered? When will you let yourself off the hook and stop beating the drum of “not
being a victim” to “being a happy person?” If you resist being a victim, then your identity is still
wrapped up in resisting that bad thing that person all that time ago did to you. You still have
given all your power to them. I want you to feel like a champion and winner without ever telling
the bad story of pain you suffered. Of course, some people, especially many women see rape
and victimization as a permanent blight on the human experience that must constantly be
fought. There are infinite dumb causes to waste your life fighting. I’m not advocating crime or
immorality. Isn’t a better cause to not resist what you don’t want and help create a world you do
want? One makes the abusers the main boss you have to fight, level up to beat with brute force.
That’s exhausting. The other puts you firmly in your own power to create good in the world for
yourself and others; rather than preventing sexual abuse, educating and helping people to be
sexually healthy or even find their purpose in life and chase that! If you’re living your purpose in
life, you don’t have to resist sexual trauma or rape because it’s nowhere on the map! You’re
having so much fun, feeling so much joy, that creepy, bad, slow/low vibrations like that never
enter the equation! Only people dancing with their pain and trauma beat the drum of resistance
to unwanted rather than allowance of wanted. People like cooperating, going with the flow,
being joyful, working with others, there simply are many who didn’t have role models, or get the
education, one-on-one talks with someone they love/admire, shown the way, shown you can
feel HUGELLYY better in easier ways doing healthy, better, right things! They’ve been ‘lost in
the matrix’ or the physical ‘virtual reality’ for so long, are so immersed, they forgot their
connection to the joy and connection of 10D God. If you want to, you can be the one to show
them the way back home. The best way, like the Bible says, “Preach the gospel always, and if
necessary, use words.”

Rather than actively preaching, let your life be the sermon. Teach with your actions, not
words. Simply live and embody God and shine every day, sometimes words junk up the motor.
Just be happy and people will follow your example, or not. Either way you’ll be happy which is
your only purpose in life as well! What else do you have to do if your
starting point is completely blissed out and satisfied with your life?
How can you be dissatisfied or lack at all if you are inherently satisfied
and abundant in good/joyful stuff? It’s one or the other, sadness can’t
touch you if you’re happy! They’re too far apart. So find stuff to
enjoy/appreciate, take care of yourself first, be the light, be joyful!
That’s the first, last, and only commandment! Be joyful!
Power Hungry

Some people just want power, they don’t

think joy or love is possible so they settle into just
making others feel bad, being a pain, identification
with pain body again. If this is you, you’re doing the
best you can. Perhaps you’re recovering from deep
immersion in physical virtual reality, coming back
from it but letting it all go is too big a leap. So you are
taking baby steps to get back to joy and feel better,
staying consolidated so you don’t freak out, get
overwhelmed, scared, or fearful. Taking no chances
and still being defensive, but baby stepping better. If
it’s you, or reading for someone else, you’re doing
your best and things are getting better. Joy and good
is coming to you. If for someone else, let them off the
hook, they’re coming from a stressed out place, doing their best, forgive them and remain in
your joy; shining. Good will win/is coming! If you’re nice to them, give them a break, they might
even appreciate it and be overly generous because they want to practice being nice. If it’s you,
being nice also will help you get into the cooperative flow where friends help friends.
Remember: all’s well.
Do Unto Others
Dec 2021


Chapter 1) Feeling Dives, Wanna feel, Highest Values

Chapter 2) Tattoo

Chapter 3) Name change

Chapter 4) Timeline

Chapter 5) What you think about most

Chapter 6) Fractal

Chapter 7) Infinity

Chapter 8) Description

Chapter 9) How

Chapter 10) Do it

Chapter 11) Stay in touch

Chapter 12) Write lyrics

Chapter 13) Posters/clothes

Chapter 14) Spin emotions

Chapter 15) Final stuff


This is the exact stuff I done did the past many years to get where I am now, with all my
success, intelligence, joy, and goodness. I believe Jesus gave an equation for happiness in his
sermon on the mount (like others), ie “Give to others what you give yourself,” which is similar to
another equation in the bible “What you keep shall be taken away, what you give shall be given
to you.” I have given myself much, and I realized the plateau I hit was because I’ve been
keeping my actual processes to myself and not shared everything I have openly/honestly. Thus,
I want to give away all my secrets and let you, the world, have everything I have. If it brings me
so much joy/success/pleasure/love, then multiplying it throughout the world can only benefit me,
putting all my goodness into others, storing it in them, make it easier for me if millions of mirrors
exist for my pleasure, rather than being happy alone in the world of people less than me. I want
to do unto others as I do to myself, treat others how I like treating myself. I am donating my
whole intellectual fortune here to the benefit of the world, I hope it brings you all as much joy as
it has me. Also, if I make this book it reduces how much actual teaching I have to do, so better
for me.
Chapter 1
Feeling Dives, Wanna feel, Highest Values

Feeling dives are where you ask how you feel now in general, or about something
specific you want to explore. You ask how you feel, then how you feel about that, and continue
as many layers down until you find the positive intent. It’s always something very positive you
highly value. Here’s an example:
As you can see, you might start feeling unsafe or in danger, and that makes you feel
something else, then another thing, and often it only takes a few steps (curiosity and patience)
then you realize it was hiding really good stuff like power, then happiness, feeling rich, and
finally joy! In literally every situation, whatever the feeling or topic, it’s always this way. Here’s
another example:

As you can see there, from perverted then wanna feel good, then maybe am good, then
have standards, feel like god, then joy. Here’s one more example:
Ok, so starting at badness is all-powerful, was about getting inspired to feel better, felt
dumb, felt clever/manipulative, felt free, then cool, then worthy. See, whatever you’re feeling no
matter how bad, literally, all topics and feelings are just thin branches on an otherwise good,
joyful tree. It’s just you went too far on a limb so the good is weak/thin. As a meta example of
this, I actually also took the emotional scale from Esther Hicks and did this feeling-dive on all
emotions, as a general guide:
You don’t need the meta guide of doing feeling-dives, but it can be encouraging for
reference. SO, to convince myself that everything was always good, I was just a few steps or
layers away at all times, it took me years of doing this. I think most people don’t need that much
convincing so I just want you to do 5 deep dives on anything you’re going through. Asking in
general how you feel, blank canvas I think is best because what’s actually relevant and
important/valuable to you now with automatically pop up (if doesn’t, probably not that
important!). So do that now, 5 times, what comes up just be natural don’t force anything. And be
honest. Also, no one will read this so no stress, don’t worry. Again you know a ‘dive’ is over
when you feel fine or good, like it’s concluded, answer probably repeats (i.e. Joy makes me feel
joy, etc.). If you feel exploratory, you can also always go further than you need to just to test and
see if it’s really over/concluded!

How do I feel? ____________________________________________________________
How does that make me feel? ________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________

How do I feel? ____________________________________________________________
How does that make me feel? ________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ________________________________________________________________

How do I feel? ____________________________________________________________
How does that make me feel? ________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ________________________________________________________________

How do I feel? ____________________________________________________________
How does that make me feel? ________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________

How do I feel? ____________________________________________________________
How does that make me feel? ________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________
Feel? ________________________________________________________________

Ok cool. Did any commonalities pop up at your deep dive? Did the same positive intents
come up? For me, it’s usually ‘feel good’, or ‘peace love joy’. Those are always my positive
intents. So, related to the feeling-dives, another technique I did for over a year is asking “how do
I want to feel?” Esther Hicks convinced me that that’s the most important question to ever ask
yourself or anyone, because everything anyone ever wants is to feel some form of good. “I
wanna be rich”, “Why?” “To feel good.” Ok, “I want a new house,” “Why?” “To feel good”.
Everything everyone wants is because they think they’ll feel better in the having of it; everything
everyone wants is because they want to feel good, you and me included. Thus, if we simply
focus on how we want to feel, our life will always work out because whatever feels best to us will
manifest so the stuff will always follow the good feeling. The stuff is actually completely
irrelevant and unnecessary once you figure this out because you can feel good now, and maybe
the ‘stuff’ you thought you wanted was actually try-hard or a waste of effort and the universe
could bring you more joy or pleasure quicker, easier, and more plentifully a different way. If you
were hung up on a specific manifestation then, from this wider viewpoint, you’d be severely
limiting yourself and your life satisfaction, whereas focusing on the feeling would instantly in the
moment reward you with what would have otherwise taken years of focused, strenuous effort in
order to feel. Esther Hicks says, “One who is feeling good is more powerful than millions who
are not.” So, after doing 5 feeling-dives, you should have a better understanding of good things
you value, but we also can do direct and ask yourself explicitly now.

How do I want to feel? ___________________________________________________

The answer to this is perhaps the most important thing to ever do, because if you’re in
touch and honest with yourself (asking this many times over a period of many weeks will make
sure you land on exactly what you’re looking for), focusing only on this will net you everything
good you could ever want. Related to this, there actually is an NLP (neuro-linguistic
programming) model which can properly frame this, in terms rather than of emotions, but of

Those are environment, behavior, capabilities/strategies, values/beliefs, identity, and

purpose. It’s Robert Dilts’ Logical Levels model. Those good feelings and positive intents we’ve
been focusing on, for example perhaps goodness, peace, love, or joy to name some, those
would be your highest values. When you know your values, of which you have many (but some
stand tallest as your most important), it informs the way you want to live your life to meet, live,
and embody them to the MAX, as well as your identity (who you are and want to be), as well as
your purpose in life. The way I found my values was exactly the processes I showed you here,
doing deep dives on my emotions for years, finding the ones that popped up the most were my
highest values, and one’s I valued but perhaps were component parts of my highest (like
freedom, abundance, and worth being included often in me feeling good, peace, love, and joy,
which are my highest and always show up in deep dives). By doing the first 2 exercises in this
chapter a lot, you can develop some clarity and rock solid certainty about how you always want
to feel, and how you always do feel deep down underneath the layers of distractions or ‘thin
branches’ which might appear ugly, unattractive, or bad; but as I’ve shown/proven, are always
highly valuable, positive, and your greatest values/treasures and wouldn’t sacrifice for anything
in the world!
Once you get familiar and comfortable with emotional exploration, developing your
emotional intelligence (EQ), you’ll feel certain of what your highest values are, as well as what
your secondary or third-ary values are, there’s probably a hierarchy and grouping of things you
love and value most; I think I have like 3 tiers: good/joy/love/peace being first, then
worth/relaxation/comfort/happy second, and third authentic/self-trust/honest/free. We’ll do more
those but for now just write down the top values you care about, you can if you want organize
them from most to less important, but just get them out there.

Highest values: _________________________________________________________







Chapter 2

Once you know your highest value or values, I recommend getting a tattoo where you’ll
always see it, preferably on the inside of a finger. I did that so no matter the situation, it’s like an
anchor, I can touch that finger and remind myself of the emotion or value.

It’s like a confidence boost and reminder, “I care about/value joy (peace, love,
goodness).” If I want clarity and help, I just touch my tattoo and get a burst of joy-focus. Also if
I’m in a sticky situation, touching my joy tattoo has become second-nature so that I just touch it
automatically and “What path leads me to most joy” pops into my mind and really helps me out.
It being inside the finger also helps to be sneaky so no one knows I’m doing it but actually am
getting a confidence boost. Just another way to stay aligned with what I value most highest.
Chapter 3
Name Change

This is for only those who have certainty about their

values, how they wanna feel, what their deepest positive intents
are after much time invested, and those who want to make a
lifelong commitment to those things. To explain it using the
logical levels, you want to fully identify with your values, your
values (positive intents, best emotions) consume your identity
fully so you become like an idea, or fully your purpose, rather
than just a normal person. I am such a person, but this is
definitely for only a select few. I legally changed my name to Peace Love Joy because I’m
certain of them as my greatest values. Also, another reminder and helper to keep me on my
path/right track. :) Not necessary...
Chapter 4

This is another NLP technique called the “Identity level belief

change”. The top emotions or values (really interchangeable) you
discovered, we’re going to work with those. I want you to go back to the
sperm and egg of you before you were born; see them in front of you. I
want you to hand to the sperm your top value or values, only the top
premiero ones, I know you have many good qualities/values. We’re
going to help you make the big-o-change now. Give the sperm your top
emotions/values-- for me that is good/peace/love/joy, I saw them sort of as a Mario coin with the
words on it-- and I want you to give not one of these (however you represent it, I’ll go with token
for now) tokens to the sperm, but an infinite amount of them; however that’s represented
internally/visually to you. I want you to put these infinite highest values/emotions inside the
sperm with a *BOOP* (just a sound effect to indicate it’s done), and now it’s inside him. Give an
infinity of these also to the egg with a *BOOP* also. Again, as an example, when I did this I
gave an infinity of good/peace/love/joy tokens to the sperm boop then another infinity of the
same to the egg boop. Once that’s done, have the sperm and egg with these values/emotions
come into you *BOOP* so that now you are the zygote, you’ve been conceived, with 2 infinities
of these highest emotions/values. Multiply into a fetus, an unborn baby, and be born *BOOP*.
Now you are 0 years old, a newborn, with 2 infinities of your highest values/emotions before you
were even conceived. See if you consciously have your values/best emotions before any of life
happened, you live your whole life experiencing/embodying these things you care about, and so
you perceive experiences/memories/life through your best lens, feel better, make better
decisions, emphasize certain things more positively in a more empowered way; hence called
the identity level belief change. Ok, so you’re 0 years old, now come up in age quickly (in a
matter of under 10 seconds) to your current age, day, and moment. Do it now. *BOOP* Your are
in the present having lived your entire life with 2 infinities worth of your highest emotions and
values. Infinity rather than a large number to overwhelm the senses and guarantee your
goodness/wellbeing is the most powerful/influential force throughout your timeline/life. Ok, now
close your eyes again and go forward into the future of your timeline to you as a 100 year old.
See how you’ve lived your entire life with 2 infinities worth of your highest values/emotions. How
do they look/feel about it? Probably awesome. Ok, now that we’ve future-paced this change and
you’ve seen the change permanent in your past and future in fact throughout your entire
life/timeline, come back to the present *BOOP* and now the change is permanent and your
mind will default automatically see, perceive, and behave in accordance with what you want
Chapter 5
What you think about most

Let’s find out some more of your positive qualities/values. What stuff do you think about
most? Negative is fine, in fact for this negative is better because we’re going to replicate
similarly what we did in the last chapter and EXPLODE your good feelings/qualities to
overwhelm the dopey ‘layers’ covering them up. What negative/bad/sad stuff do you think about
most? Could be memories, topics, confusion, just feeling bad, whatever:

Topic 1: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 2: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Topic 3: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 4: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 5: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 6: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
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Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 7: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 8: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 9: ________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
Feel? ___________________________________________________________________
That was fun! So we have found some positivity/goodness for a huge chunk of the
crappy stuff we spend our days thinking about. Now you have an even better idea of your
highest values and best feelings. I’m assuming your top premo ones haven’t changed, you did
enough work before to discover your top ones and we’re just bolstering those with some
secondary and third-ary level values/emotions. If you did realize your top premo ones are
different, found some even better/more superior ones, go back a chapter and make those
infinite as well.

For now, hopefully we discovered some high (if not the highest) values/emotions that are
cool and awesome, even if contained within your best/highest. Exploding your best was plenty,
but this is going to flesh it out so you are multi-layered with positivity and wellbeing. I’ll use a
personal example again, if my best feelings, highest values, and most positive intent is always
good/peace/love/joy, then almost always right before discovering or reaching those in my deep
dives, I always find these good (but 2nd best) values/emotions like freedom, worth, myself,
home, natural, relief, relaxation, comfort, happiness. These are contained within my top premo
best ones, but also very cool/awesome! So, lets do the same prebirth, identity level belief
change technique with these. I wouldn’t recommend doing them all at once because that might
be confusing or overwhelming, so group any that are similar and do those together (for
example, relief/comfort/relaxation) to save yourself some time, doing them all individually is fine
but will take longer. I’ll repeat it for you:

This is another NLP technique called the “Identity level belief change”
The 2nd and 3rd level top emotions or values (really interchangeable) you discovered,
we’re going to work with those. I want you to go back to the sperm and egg of you before you
were born; see them in front of you. I want you to hand to the sperm your top value or values,
only the top premiero ones, I know you have many good qualities/values. We’re going to help
you make the big-o-change now. Give the sperm your top emotions/values-- for me that is
good/peace/love/joy, I saw them sort of as a Mario coin with the words on it-- and I want you to
give not one of these (however you represent it, I’ll go with token for now) tokens to the sperm,
but a quadrillion of them; however that’s represented internally/visually to you. I want you to
put these quadrillion highest values/emotions inside the sperm with a *BOOP* (just a sound
effect to indicate it’s done), and now it’s inside him. Give a quadrillion of these also to the egg
with a *BOOP* also. Again, as an example, when I did this I gave an quadrillion of
relaxation/comfort/ ease/relief tokens to the sperm boop then another quadrillion of the same
to the egg boop. Once that’s done, have the sperm and egg with these values/emotions come
into you *BOOP* so that now you are the zygote, you’ve been conceived, with 2 quadrillions of
these highest emotions/values. Multiply into a fetus, an unborn baby, and be born *BOOP*. Now
you are 0 years old, a newborn, with 2 quadrillions of your highest values/emotions before you
were even conceived. See if you consciously have your values/best emotions before any of life
happened, you live your whole life experiencing/embodying these things you care about, and so
you perceive experiences/memories/life through your best lens, feel better, make better
decisions, emphasize certain things more positively in a more empowered way; hence called
the identity level belief change. Ok, so you’re 0 years old, now come up in age quickly (in a
matter of under 10 seconds) to your current age, day, and moment. Do it now. *BOOP* Your are
in the present having lived your entire life with 2 quadrillions worth of your highest emotions and
values. Quadrillion rather than a small number to overwhelm the senses and guarantee your
goodness/wellbeing is the most powerful/influential force throughout your timeline/life. Ok, now
close your eyes again and go forward into the future of your timeline to you as a 100 year old.
See how you’ve lived your entire life with 2 quadrillions worth of your highest values/emotions.
How do they look/feel about it? Probably awesome. Ok, now that we’ve future-paced this
change and you’ve seen the change permanent in your past and future in fact throughout your
entire life/timeline, come back to the present *BOOP* and now the change is permanent and
your mind will default automatically see, perceive, and behave in accordance with what you

NOW, you have your best 2x infinity times, and your cool ones 2 quadrillion times. You
should be feeling pretty certain/rock solid, veryyyy good. :)
Chapter 6

This is a personal preference but a smart one I believe and since I

know how cool, valuable, and interesting it is I will give it as well even if you
never heard or considered it as something of worth. Let me believe enough
for you. Fractal is the parent of many amazing things, the fibonacci
sequence (ie beauty) is a fractal, nature is fractal, most importantly the
8020 rule is a kind of fractal. The 8020 rule, if you’ve been living under a
rock (haha, no offense) is that 80% of results come from 20% of causes:
most things are trivial and unimportant, few things vital and necessary and
HUGELY RIDICULOUSLY powerful and influential hence the colloquial
name ‘law of the vital few and trivial many.’ Within every 8020 is another,
for example 80% of results come from 20% of causes, and 8020’ing that
means 64% of results come from 4% of causes, and 51% of results come
from about 1% of causes, ad infinitum. Fractal’s defined as self-iterating
infinitely, self-similar across all scales, and finding the path of least
resistance or most allowance. The metaphor I use is that 8020 is like a sharp sword that trims
fat, while fractal is like spiked armor that cuts to your pleasure as naturally as walking.

SO, of course this is optional again but I recommend pre-birthing fractal as well because
while it’s not a conscious thing to move towards, having it floating in the background for
certainty and being effective can’t hurt. So go back to the sperm and egg, give it to them a
quadrillion (or infinite) amount of times. You know it by now...
Chapter 7

Same as fractal being something you probably never heard of but cool/useful, I have 2
more awesome recommendations for pre-birthing into your identity. Those
being 10 dimensional and ‘good’. Good is obvious, everyone loves being
good and it is the defacto default positive quality umbrella which
generalizes all goodness/positiveness. That’s why it’s also my top value
too because it is the default umbrella good (no pun) quality. 10D is good
because it implies the ultimate big picture, called God, the unified whole. In
string theory as well as spiritual circles this is the great source of all.

The image to right explains it because most have no idea what this
is. Everyone knows the lowers. 0 is an imaginary point, 1 is a line, 2 is a
plane, 3 is a static 3D object-form without motion (or time). 4D is an object-
form plus motion (or time). 5D is alternate (equally real) nearby timelines
(or motionlines) for any object-form (including events, the planet itself, and
the whole universe itself). 6D is all infinite timelines (or motionlines) within
this single bubble universe, and complete freedom to portal/move between
them instantly. 7D is the entire infinite 6D field, the complete bubble
universe, as a singular point. The 8D begins moving through the digital
information sea, beyond all physicality, but what do you move to in this 8D
information sea? Other nearby 7D physical bubble universes with different
initial conditions and laws of physics. 9D is the infinite information sea, aka
the infinite multiverse, with infinite 7D bubble universes, and complete
freedom to portal/travel instantly to wherever you want in all imagination,
conception, and instant manifestation. This is the full scope of what can be
imagined (and is thus, manifest and real somewhere, infinitely). When this infinite sea of digital
information, the infinite multiverse, is collapses entirely into a singular point, you arrive at the
undifferentiated source all form, light, love, joy, peace, and goodness, that which is called the
ultimate self, big God, Source, the center of everything, the final ceiling, or the ground floor of
existence. Once all infinite possibilities of imagination are manifest infinitely in an infinite
multiverse, and that is represented as a point, there is nowhere else to go and thus 10D is the
final stop.

SO, if you find goodness and 10D as attractive parts of your unconscious identity, I’d say
they both are worthy of being top, give your sperm infinite of them, and your egg infinite of them
too. Become the zygote of them, and come up to your present age, future pace it, and come
back to the present. Enjoy! :)
Chapter 7

We’ve done so
much great work, and
honestly any one of these
techniques or chapters
would do wonders for you,
but I’m putting you
through the joy ringer
because I want you to
have no choice and be
hopelessly trapped in
positivity, wellbeing, joy,
love, and happiness. I
want you to feel
overwhelmed with good
and pleasure. I want you
to feel afraid of how much
pleasure is blasting its
way into your life! See?
This is the positive
reframe of negative states
you thought you wanted
to get rid of but can be awesome when used correctly/positively! I want you to be so happy you
can’t stand it, hate it, and find it impossible to get over or get away from. I want you to worry so
much about good things just exploding all around your life in the most unexpected places so
that you laugh-crying so hard from all the appreciation you have. I want the goodness to force
its way into your life and for you to have no choice but to submit and obey it, and let it have its
way with you. I want you to feel powerless against the joy coming at you from all angles and
directions. I want you to be so blissed out it sickens and disgusts you! You felt all those things
about disgusting things before and you felt like crap, so now put those same states in
appropriate ways so that the joy just creeps into your brain like a parasite and makes your body
act involuntarily of its own free will so that even if you tried to stop it you couldn’t stop feeling
good in the best possible way. I want joy to be like tics that latch onto your skin while you sleep
or walk through the woods that you don’t even know are there but giving you pleasure and love.
I want love to be like rats in the walls that even though you can’t see it, definitely didn’t ask for it,
the love sneaks its way into your home and life without your awareness and sets up a nest. I
want peace to be like a rapist who has his own agenda and that he’s going to make you
peaceful, comfortable, and relaxed whether you want him to or not. I want pleasure to be like a
home invader who comes without any effort from you, in fact the less you do, the more likely he
is to come, he’ll find where you are most susceptible and then do all kinds of pleasurable stuff
all over your life and you're powerless to stop him. He’s just more powerful than you and is more
readily equipped with all kinds of good reasons and pleasurable ideas to feel pleasurable.
You're unprepared against this kind of pleasure. I want you to live in fear of a nuclear bomb
that’s made out of the atomic elements of peace, love, and joy and that countries all over the
world are hitting their launch buttons at the same time so that your entire world is engulfed in a
nuclear explosion of peace love and joy, with a mushroom cloud of joy-diation that blows for
hundreds of miles in the wind rendering hundreds of square miles totally blissed out for
thousands of years with no way to ever change that fact no matter how advanced technology
could ever get. I want joy to grow inside you like a cancer and tumor, the most aggressive kind
that no one on earth can stop no matter how hard they try, especially not you who’s totally
ignorant about how such stuff works except beyond the basics. And let that cancerous tumor of
peace love and joy infect your entire body so that there’s nothing left except only that
peace/love/joy growth. Doctors even say you’re hardly human anymore because of how
peaceful, loving, and joyful your body is in actuality, internally, and in appearance, as well as
obviously the experiential reporting you do yourself of how great it feels! I want goodness and
joy to spread across your body like HIV-AIDS so that no matter how you might resist, your body
and even consciousness has no ability, knowledge, strength, will, or power to fight off the
infection of goodness/joy. Let it spread to every cell of your being and infect every living being
you come into contact with. Let everyone own a pleasure gun and have no training with it, and
wield it wildly and without paying attention or concern for anyone’s safety, and let them shoot
that pleasure gun all over all the time at everyone all day including and especially you and really
delight in all the impact marks of all those pleasure guns that land all over your body, and wield
your pleasure gun just as absent-mindedly so that you impact all over everyone else’s bodies all
the time too! I want you to be as permanently, identity-level stained with peace, love, joy, and
goodness as a pedophile is stained by the word pedophilia. Let all these things happen all the
time for you and everyone you experience/interact with!

That was just a bit of fun. REFRAMING, FOLKS. Are you warmed up? :) Ok I want you
to describe what life is like once you feel how you wanna feel, living/embodying your highest
values and emotions, fully and completely, in all ways. Describe that now for yourself! This is
the first step in a 2 part plan we’ll finish in the next chapter:

Me embodying my highest values, best emotions, feeling how I wanna feel:













Chapter 8

Part 2 of this! Now that you know what it’ll be like once your fully and completely there
(you’ve probably already been doing so a lot already because of the previous techniques), I
want you now to describe YOUR PERSONAL WAY you’re going to get manifest this for yourself
in the full satisfying completion you know you can and deserve. I’ve been training-wheels’ing
you so far, but now I want you to create your own plan. Don’t worry, requires no conscious effort
or thinking on your part. Just listening and writing…

The you that’s already achieved this, living/embodying your highest emotions/values,
feeling how you wanna feel; have this person tell you exactly how they did it…





































Ok, awesome! Now you should have a personalized and specific plan (on top of all the
awesome things I already showed/helped you with) for becoming the person you want to be in
every way, especially values/experientially/emotionally. Mine was 20 pages, I’ll show you the
summary and cover below:
Chapter 10
Do it

As you saw one of my rules was keeping the book on me, make
sure you do it and summon into existence this person you wanna be! Also,
a less conscious, more unconscious and automatic way. YOU KNOW, the
cheater’s way. :)

Go back to the sperm and egg before you were born, give them
your plan or rules before you were even born so you’ve always known it,
and been doing it for years. Give it to your sperm and egg a quadrillion
times each, come into you as zygote with 2 quadrillion of it (1 for each sperm and egg). Come
up to present age quickly, future pace to 100 year old you, see that it stuck, come back to
present moment. BOOP, enjoy. :)
Chapter 11
Stay in touch

Over the coming days, weeks, months, and years,

all the stuff you’ve done in this book so far will settle down,
won’t be so hype and exciting (though will be), moreso it’ll
feel like the way you’ve always been because we did lots of
identity level change and run lots of awesome stuff through
your entire timeline. Often it feels awesome immediately if
not new and sort of unfamiliar. With the passage of time it
becomes more and more comfortable, your life begins to
change shape from how it was to automatically how the
new you is (and now, always has been and will be). The
change/work is done, ideas and inspiration will naturally now guide you to make better and more
aligned decisions so that it comes in naturally. That’s the point, it shouldn’t be choppy or feel like
work. You’re all good.

Stay in touch though, you should be crispy clean golden by now, but get excited by
negative emotions and experiences. Now you know how feel better about them, find the positive
intent, what you want to feel, run them through your timeline in quadrillions or infinite amounts to
shock and overwhelm the system with pleasure. Everytime you feel less than awesome in the
future, just pump some new awesome emotions into your pre-birth and you’ll only get more and
more invincible with each passing day, good things pull you forward, bad things show you how
you can feel even better, then you align with those things and add a new richness and
dimensionality to your self concept and awesomeness. You can’t lose and you can only gain! Be
excited by everything life brings! This is how you always are supposed to feel!!!! :)
Chapter 12
Write lyrics

As another little anchor, get on fiverr and find a music producer to make
an album for you. Use your ideal self and top values/emotions as your guide to
write aligned and positive lyrics for at least 12-16 songs. I found a guy there
called theghostguy who made the music for 16 songs for $410. That’s pretty
awesome for an ideal self, aligned values soundtrack for yourself (and others)! It’s on my
youtube channel also: Peace Love Joy All’s Awesome Album. Just another
expression of alignment.
Chapter 13

There’s lots of cool ways to help stay aligned, the unconscious stuff is most effective, but
the external stuff is also cool and I’m sure you came up with some good ways from your plan,
I’m just offering what I used in my journey/plan. You can hang aligned posters in your house
whatever that means to you, as well as go online as make a personal clothing line of stuff to
remind you and others. They make shoes, hats, hoodies, sweaters, jewelry, shirts, pants, socks,
all things you can customize with images and text. In my experience custom shirts are $20ish
range, while shoes and hoodies are $40ish, but if you could dress in an aligned way, that’d be a
little something extra. Here’s an example.
Chapter 14
Spin Emotions

The final technique I almost forgot but is fun, easy, and useful, is spin emotions.
If you feel a bad emotion, find out which way it is spinning in your body. It might be in
your chest, your head, throat, groin, or whole body. Feelings move in circles, that how
you experience them and how they sustain themselves, why they’re called energy in
motion= emotion. Notice something that feels bad, or do a general “all bad feelings in
my body”.

Pre-birthing is best. Pop all bad feelings out of your sperm temporarily. Notice
which way it’s spinning. Turn it 180 degrees so it’s spinning the opposite way. Now it
should feel much better. Put it back in the same place, let it lock/settle in. Do the same
for the egg. Make sound effects if you want. Now take these new good feelings, and all
good feelings of the sperm and egg (spinning their natural way, leave them that way),
make them spin infinite times faster and make them infinite times thicker. Let them
come into you, then quickly come to present age/day/moment. Future pace to 100 years old.
Back to present. That’s it. Now you should feel huge amounts of powerful (positive) spinning
good emotions all over/only.
Chapter 15
Final Stuff

Again, optional, just giving you mine: 2. I made the lot

model which is like time and chakras and areas of life. I wanted it to
be objective, represent reality, but while writing this I improved it. I
gave a level to each chakra, 1 level = 1 year of life processed. Why
wait, I pre-birthed infinite lot levels. I feel very good.

Also, positive opposite. Make it ‘auto’ pos-opp, pre-birth it.


I hope this book helped show how you can be more yourself, feel
more how you want, discover and then live/embody what you value the
most. I held nothing back and literally gave you everything I gave/have
myself, so if my help falls short I’m sorry. I hope if none of my stuff was
useful, at the very least your own plan takes you where you want to go
immediately and long-term, expediently!

Love you! Peace be with you. Enjoy yourself. You’re good.

I appreciate you finishing this book! :)

March ‘22


Chapter 1) Out of darkness
Chapter 2) First contact
Chapter 3) Labor
Chapter 4) Compadres
Chapter 5) Create
Chapter 6) Slow down
Chapter 7) Thought
Chapter 8) Examples
Chapter 9) Afterward

Chapter 1) Identity
Chapter 2) What matters to me
Chapter 3) LOT
Chapter 4) What the world’s like
Chapter 5) Values/joy
Chapter 6) Techniques
Chapter 7) Being natural
Chapter 8) Governments
Chapter 9) Businesses
Chapter 10) Trivs
Chapter 11) Vits
Chapter 12) Buffet
Chapter 13) My bod

Chapter 1) In the light
Chapter 2) An Angel
Chapter 3) Sitting Again
Chapter 4) Stomping Ground
Chapter 5) Old Friends
Chapter 6) Back in the Gang
Chapter 7) Flames
Chapter 8) Wild
Chapter 9) Where it All Began
Chapter 10) Afterward

A large chunk of this book is a person named Sean’s journey through

the cosmos from 10D through 0D, and all places in between. You’ll see the
expanse of experience in reality and follow a hell-spawn’s journey through
every layer until reaching Godhood, and back down through the layers to
understand more fully, him finally deciding who/where he wants to be.

You’ll also get lots of enlightened wisdom/perspective on nuances and

intricacies of the human life experience, using the filter of fractally good
thinking, as well as some of the greatest values I’ve discovered. I hope the ride for you
consuming it was as fun for me writing it, where we both can discover more about ourselves,
this reality we find ourselves a part of, and maybe share or help others along the way.

Chapter 1
Out of Darkness

Death seeks to live, darkness seeks to shine, violence longs for life, suffering to feel fine.

From utter obscurity, darkness, unconsciousness, ignorance, chaos,

death, potential, formlessness, incompetence, anarchy, out of the black,
primordial, 0-dimensional goo the first flicker of light forms. Awareness.
Consciousness. Intelligence. Life. A stray shot of something passes over
the unfathomable, unappreciated blackness and life becomes. An
awareness of existence, a sensation, stirrings of a form, life. This could be a metaphor for the
creation of zygote within a dark, damp womb, same as it could be the first life on earth on the
ocean floor, but similar as those are, this is the birth of what one day will be god of all.

Out of darkness, humblest of beginnings, a spark of possibility, hope, which gives a

speck of formless goo the most fragile limited sort of life, awakening to existence, having
sensation, a sliver of identity separate from the all-consuming black. With this fire of life, it feels
an individual feeling for the first time. It is no longer divided by 0, some gift of some far away
god or being gave it life. It feels love for the first time, but also desperate fear and dread to lose
it and go back to what it formerly had no conception of being any other way: beyond 0. It stokes
its new fire-desire, anxious, willing to do/kil/take anything to continue living. Life is new yet the
most precious thing in existence. “I WILL” it thinks. There was no thought before, but what was
before seems like hell compared to fire. LIFE.

This first speck of existence’s first thought is sufficient: no more, just DO. FIGHT. KILL.

From complete unconsciousness, death, darkness, ignorance, survival is the only

morality, philosophy. I WILL. Reflection is death. Stillness, death. Motion is life. Activity is
survival. I WILL. I will honor and cherish this gift by surviving. I will not fail my patron by dying.

This being sizes up enemies and food, learns, many failures, but rare successes are like
heaven. Slowly but steady it grows. If pre-life was unknown hell, post-life was awareness of hell,
a new personal hell, fraught with the burdens of survival, danger, and fear; an existence to
protect, feed. There was no order to anything except the order of chaos, darkness, and death:
the strong eat the weak, and most fall back to the dark unknown. It wasn’t without temptation,
but life urged on.

Over time it got better at running and hiding from situations it would fail and get hurt
from. It got better at taking opportunities that would please and benefit it, finding those who
could help, as well as die easily to feed on. It grew and matured, getting better at fights, killing,
defending itself, blocking, dodging, hiding stashes if too much to finish at once. Over an
indeterminate amount of time it went from young, naivety, and immaturity into a fully grown
state, whatever that was, it had never seen itself in darkness, but muscles grew, teeth grew
hard, bones and skin toughened, will became more determined/focused. Then a new feeling
arose in its body, a new fire, passion, desire within its hips. One day it saw its female, and it
knew not what but only to get closer…
Chapter 2
First contact

Sex is white hot passion, a celebration of life, a baby is creation, populate the world ripe.

It realized it must be a he, because something moved down there

the first time he saw a female, which he’d never known there was a
difference. Now he did. “How could I get her with so many bigger…
men… around with more choices/options. Who am I?” He bathed in the
muddy water for the first time in his life, which was the only water
including drinking. Wow, he actually didn’t smell bad. He stalked her in
the dark. How had no other man gotten her yet, so beautiful? How could
she walk so freely around with danger everywhere? He was so confused.

Then she came to a hovel, and a huge man-beast opened the

door to let her in. That’s why no one messed with her, she was protected.
Everyone feared that. He didn’t want to mess with that either. He walked
back to the mud pit to mope.

With life there were always new joys, but always new sorrows/challenges. Did it ever
stop? One moment he learned females existed, then found out he couldn’t have her. It was
torture. But he’d figure it out, he knew hed find a way; he really wanted to be with a woman, to
do what he didn’t know, just he had to.

As he was moping in the muddy water, he heard rustling behind him. He was scared,
thought maybe the big guy had seen him, tracked him back, maybe was mad for looking at his
girl. But the rustling he noticed was too quite, almost gentle. Then it stopped. A woman
appeared. IT WAS HER. He swallowed hard and immediately almost began shaking/sweating
uncontrollably. He was terrified, excited, felt inadequate and like he wanted to puff himself up for
her so she could see all his good quality! He felt everything all at once and it was torture and
heaven all at the same time! He stood up quickly, but felt the blood leave his face and just
stared at her not knowing what to do. She stood in the clearing of the muddy water, looking at

“I knew you were watching me while I walked home. Don’t think you were clever.” She
said neutrally.

He swallowed harder this time, harder than he’d ever swallowed before. He didn’t know
what was wrong with him! Even death scared him less than her, and she seemed no obvious
threat, just piercingly, terrifyingly beautiful. He searched for words as her eyes studied him,
though it felt like she tore him apart with those eyes and he had no defense against this attack
he’d never seen.
“I appreciated your gaze.” She said. Did he misunderstand her? Was that a seductive
tone?? He felt even more blood leave his face, his legs felt like rubber string. Am I about to pass
out, he thought.

Words still failed him. He searched but found none. He must’ve looked like an idiot, but
just then she closed the distance between them and she took his face. She kissed him hotly,
passionately, open-mouthed with her penetrating tongue, right on his lips. It was hotter than the
fires of hell. Every neuron circuit in his brain exploded and his brain fried. SENSORY
OVERLOAD, he would’ve thought if he could. Nothing worked, well one thing did. His dingy was
fully upright and poking her leg through his cloth pants. Her hands let go of his face as she
leaned back to survey what poked her.

She smiled smally and put a hand to her chin. He thought he offended her. He almost
begged “This has never happened before!” but she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed
him slowly to the floor. They got naked and she rode him for the first in his life so that he really
did pass out briefly after 4 seconds of the best moments of his life.

When he came to-- no pun-- she was gone, though in his sexual after-haze he vaguely
remembered her kissing his forehead and saying, “Don’t let this happen again.” Which confused
him, but he felt his heart overflow with love like he’d never known! He’d never known love before
except as an idea, but he knew this was it! Life had gained a whole new dimensionality unlike
anything he could’ve conceived of!!!
Chapter 3

Money’s the root of convenience, food is the fuel of life, body needs maintenance, receiving and
paying a price

His sexual adventures began there, but wouldn’t end. He’d

have many more beautiful-- and not beautiful-- lovers over the
years. Sex added a dimension to his life because danger, with its
own set of blessings and curses: physical touch, comforts,
pleasures, sensuality, orgasm, temptation of love, as well as the
slap of heartbreak, abuse, lies, traps, exploitation, and tricks. He
learned to keep his footing around pretty girls and didn’t get so
stupid or flabbergasted by them, at least so easily, though he still
was affected by their… ample… charms.

He found that rather than roughing it alone in the wilderness of hell he could submit
himself to a group or clan, team up with a stronger group, with a visionary leader, do repetitive if
tedious work for increased resource security. Essentially he would be a servant to a powerful
many in exchange for a tiny slice of their rewards in hunting, attacks, raids, and other of their

This was wildly attractive to the fear, loneliness, and uncertainty of doing everything
himself, and safety in numbers was something real to him he’d as yet only been on the other
negative side of, and saw its rewards. He’d only ever been alone in the desolate wastelands of
hell, but there was organization. Yes, chaotic, violent, anarchic, but organized. There were
systems and hierarchies, even if roughly shaped, people did fall into line, had roles, especially
knew their place in the food chain; said or did the wrong thing to the wrong person, and most
everyone was the wrong person here, well, your life might take a wrong turn and never get right

He did find a gang that would take him in. They mostly hunted wild animals in the
wasteland, and success was easier when you could work together to track, hunt, surround, and
attack at once, though the reward was split less, it was safer and less work. Much of the gang
life he had to get used to, there were social etiquettes and rules, due respects etc. It was the
classiest thing he’d ever seen, if brutish.

He took quickly to it and liked it lots. Living in close proximity to many scary chaps was
irksome, at least constant low level anxiety, but the relief of never fearing being attacked while
sleeping or surprised-- at least way less likely in a gang, some might be wild-- he obeyed all the
rules, avoided all unhappy people, showed respect, kept to himself unless spoken to, etc. He
was a good lackey/servant.
He did his job, and if not exceptional, got known as at least adequate, not a fuck up, sort
of competent. It was a new love feeling, as close to nice he’d ever known men to be, perhaps a
burgeoning friendship. Never expectant, for a smaller-type lad, demands wasn’t his forte, he just
appreciated any flicker of positivity; vaguely recalling the unexistence he had only a few years
previous luckily crawled from, and had no plans to go back…
Chapter 4

Friends the best, friends in sight, friends give rest, shine so bright!

Learning to work and socialize with others, was his ticket

out of hell. He was approached by a ‘travel agent’ who informed
him he’d been under surviellance as he’d been doing quite well,
progressing in the areas of hell specifically: danger, sex, and
work. He now had the choice to become stronger in hell, or live
free in the sunshine on earth.

Obviously with water, sunlight, green things, and happy

people as an option, he chose Earth. Some got addicted to hell, and he understood, perhaps
revenge, being stronger to beat enemies, but he was good. He’d rather move on! He was in it
for himself and happiness was not staying in hell, at least for him that didn’t make sense! His
future was soft and wet, not hard and fiery!

He’d heard tales of things called oceans. He only knew fire oceans, but so much water??
Life always seemed to surprise and delight him! The first breath he took after setting first step
on Earth, was indescribable. It was like the whole atmosphere of the planet rushed to greet him
in his lungs and there were too many welcoming friends he couldn’t contain them all! He
coughed. “Ahck, ahck, ahck.” It was too rich, too pure, too clean, too fresh, too alive; it was
amazing! There were humans there, they smiled and laughed and played together in the
sunshine. They smiled at each other. They looked… pleased! What a fairy tale this was!

Some people saw him arrive and jogged playfully over to him. They greeted him warmly,
smiling, and touching his arms, shoulders, back, and head affectionately. “Welcome friend!
Welcome to Earth! Have you noticed your new body?” He hadn’t, it was smooth and pale, soft
and attractive, at least to his eyes! His old body had changed into this when he entered Earth!
He’s become a human! WOW.

“Have you been given a name? We know some arrive without it?”

“A name? What’s that?”

“It’s something friends use to distinguish between each other.”

“Friends are rare where I came from…”

“Haha, WE KNOW. Hmm, have you thought about it? What you’d like to be called I
‘No, not really. What do you think I should be called?”

“Hmm, let me get a good look at you…” One of them said, leaning back, with the others
smiling micheivously at him. “I’m going to say… you look like a Sean. And because you look like
such a happy fellow, compared to some… Happyfoot. Sean Happyfoot!! Yes, we like that a lot
don’t we lads??!” He said to his group.

“Oh yes! Very! Quite nice! Very suiting! I see it! Well done lad!!” They replied.

Sean felt so glad and happy! “THANK YOU, what a great gift right when I come. This is
the best place I’ve ever seen! LADS, you are lovely!” He felt overbubbling with appreciation and

“Haha!” The group laughed. Then the leader, Ben, spoke again, “You’re alright Sean!
You stick with us! We’ll help you fit in! It’s not the only world, but it’s the best we’ve found by far!

Sean’s appreciation for life renewed: so happy. He spent the next months and years with
his new friends: the loveliest of people! He learned about politeness, etiquette, showing respect,
proper hygiene and appearance. He learned about socialness, playing, joking, small talking,
eating together, sharing personal information, reciprocating kindness/gifts. It was so casual and
relaxed! He preferred this kind of order where people were content, and enjoyed each other’s
company. He was definitely an Earth man!
Chapter 5

Dance, create, move with art, beauty’s born, here’s a start…

Having succeeded at learning, finding, and

giving love, making friendships, he learned there were
levels beyond love. His simple mind was awed by this,
but accepted the joys and challenges. It was beauty,
creation, expression: art. He spent years with his
friends and started picking up on something else.
There were activities he could like in and of
themselves beyond just socializing, which was
FABULOUS and felt like nothing could be better, yet
there also were things, fun things, Sean could do to
please/amuse himself.

Sean Happyfoot tried a bunch of things, but the thing he loved most was to dance! He
really loved the music, the surrender and freedom, expressing himself with his body! It was
beautiful! He didn’t know how good he was, but he felt beautiful when he did it!! He went to a
dance school and learned to do ballet. It was so delicate and gentle, the opposite of where he’d
come from, and yet, it moved him more powerfully than anything he’d ever experienced before.
He learned the pirouette, splits, the twirl, the jumping flutter. It had always been of the smaller
body type, which was better suited for this agile, flexible, delicate sort of motion. He was ecstatic
every time he made even the smallest improvement, knowing with each miniscule success he
became more like those beautiful dancers he’d seen earlier in his time on Earth, the first time
he’d learned such a thing existed!!! Delicious! Delectable! Delightful! Splendid! Splendiferous!

After months of practicing, he had his first recital in front of friends and the public, and he
was both excited and nervous to perform for everyone!! How amazing, how far he’d come from
crawling out of the black ooze, now performing ballet in sunlight for loved ones and making
people happy with his movements! He’d somehow always known life would/could be this good,
it always held promise to him, even those first moments the volume of his appreciation far
exceeded beyond his immediate surroundings. ‘He had arrived’, he thought to himself behind
the stage.

He jumped onto stage when it was his turn, he performed in a group of choreographed
dances, then he had a 30 second solo he had choreographed himself. He performed it perfectly
except for a slight misstep which was hardly noticeable, but it was brilliant. When he was done
the audience stood and applauded his dance troupe, and they all bowed together. It was one of
the best moments of his life. He had impressed others, and was living a dream he’d never
known he had, but here it was! Full in the flesh.
After the show he ran over to his friends waiting for him and they ran to him. They all
hugged each other and that was as good as the performance to him! He felt like crying. He went
to their performances when they showed off their skills, and seeing others’ happiness made him
more happy.

He continued dancing for 2 more years becoming one of the top performers for his
school. He didn’t care about that, only the fun of the hobby. It was after class one day when he
was assistant-teaching when an angel approached him in the back of the studio.

“Hello Sean… I am Michael, an angel in heaven… we have been watching your progress
here on earth and have accomplished all prerequisites of earth in order to advance to the next
mode of existence… as an angel in heaven… would you like join and come with me… you don’t
have to say now…”

Sean was stunned. A beautiful white glowing angel, full with white fluffy wings. “Yes! I
would, can I say good bye to my beloved friends? I love them so…”

“ You may… I will return to your house in the morning…”

Sean called all his friends and they ate at the best restaurant in town. He told them, “An
angel approached me! I know it’s crazy, but said I could be angel in heaven!”

A collective exhale from all. Ben spoke, “Huggh, we knew this day would come. You’ve
been doing so well these past few years, it was only a matter of time. Yes, most of us have been
approached too, but we like our lives here… as they are. The choice is yours…”

Sean was surprised, “Well, you know I love you all, but I must continue. I will return, and
never stop loving you. Thank you for everything.”

Sean slept well knowing morning was coming. He was ready by sunrise, packed and
dressed. When Michael came, he stepped outside. “You won’t need any of those…” Pointing.

“Ok…” he replied, and Michael touched him on the forehead. His body became etheric
and see-thru, all of a sudden he was floating 2 inches above the ground, his clothes had fallen
off and his genitals shined white light obscuring them.

“Here… we… go…” Everything blurred for an instant then it was bright. White
Chapter 6
Slow down

Meditate, pontificate, sublimate, purificate

Having succeeded at the highest form of

effort/activity, art, there was nowhere else to go. He
stopped, gave up, surrendered. Surprisingly this didn’t
cause pain or suffering, as it might have in hell; action was
spent, over. Attention to reality was all he had left to do.
He now was in heaven.

He had succeeded on earth, become beautiful,

succeeded in love. He arrived in heaven. With each new
level, there had been both joys and challenges. What to
do in heaven? Meditation. He saw some angels singing
praises to life and God, worshipping. Beauty was default
here, maybe singing here was like watching tv, he
laughed. It was so common. He saw many in angelic
meditation. That seemed to be the order of the day.
Contemplation and peace. Sean got excited by this, he’d
never meditated, officially. But slowing down sounds nice.

He sat anywhere, didn’t matter, heaven was beautiful. He folded his legs on the shiny
white clouds and closed his eyes, hands in lap. He emptied his mind and took a deep breath.
He realized the air here tasted sweet, like sugar: amazing. The very environment energized
oneself without need for food or rest, at least rarely, every couple decades according to Michael.
He exhaled… hughhhhhh…

Was this the end? Hmpphhhhhhhhhh, inhale,

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, exhale. This is the best ever, Ben and
the rest, he loved you all, but this was… effortless. “I am pure
pleasure now.” He sat there forever, light never ceased so
time was meaningless. He sat, eyes closed, breathing
naturally, unthinking, sometimes thinking, but letting them go
and returning to peace. Inhale, sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, exhale,

It felt like a very rejuvenating, peaceful hour, and he

was so refreshed when he stood up. He decided to look at
earth to see what day it was… all his friends now had white
streaks in their hair, it’d been at least 10 years. Shocking. Wow.
He zoomed back to heaven. Ages would pass in what felt like a day here. His friends
would probably be dead if he ever visited earth again. He forgot it. He sat on the clouds again
and returned to his joy. Inhale, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, exhale,
whooooooooooooooooooo. This was right, good. He liked it, he felt
good here.

What felt like days and days he just sat, letting all manner of old
thoughts arise to consciousness, then letting them do what they
wanted, using transforming, fading away, disappearing. He went
through many such transformations; noticing thoughts he used to
identify with, then seeing “those aren’t me” and them fading. This
happened so often he felt continuing would leave nothing left of him.
But continued. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. That’s
not me.

He breathed for more eternities, time unchanging here, light

shining. “All is well” exhalllleeeeeeee. “Peace, love, and joy to all life”
inhalllllleeeeeeeee. He wondered if drugs were simulators of this.
“That’s not me.” Inhallllleeeeeeee. Exhalllllleeeeeeeee. He sat, purifying his mind for ages of the
earth; thoughts arise, then flow away. “I am like a river” he thought. “That’s not me.”
Inhalllllleeeeeeeee. Exhallleeeeeeeeeee.

After an uncertain time, he opened his eyes. He felt better, but nothing changed. Angels
sang in the background, angels sat on the floor. His heart felt open, relaxed, free, soft, loose. All
was well. He breathed, looked around heaven. “God is good, thanks.”

Angel Michael found him some time later. “Sean… you’ve been acclimating very well…
here… you seem… happy…”

Sean came more to attention, smiling happily at him, “Yes! Thank you Michael, what a
wonderful world here!”

“You’ve been here for almost 1000

years… earth time… at least… there is…
another… final… realm of existence… you
haven’t reached… yet… if you’d… like to
come… with me…” He paused, “... now…
or… later…”

Sean contemplated… slowly…

breathing softly… as he did…

He replied, “I… find this… place… so

peaceful… and soothing… blessed Michael…
but… I am curious what more wonders… await… beyond… even heaven…!”

‘Then… your wish… is… my… command…” And with that, more blurring occured
around them and they appeared somewhere else…
Chapter 7

Open up, let it in, knowledge up, studyin’

Having seen the totality of existence, clarity

bloomed in his mind. Wisdom. Understanding.
Appreciation. The highest joy he’d ever known. He
understood how all the parts fit together, worked in
harmony, complementing, cooperating, supporting,
encouraging, strengthening each other in their unique
ways with unique gifts and strengths. He became a
rational, conscious, thinking being.

When the blurring of angelic travel ceased, light

poured around them, even brighter. Michael spoke.

“This is the highest heaven… we have arrived…

at the abode… of the most high… here… are the…
keepers of divine… knowledge… and wisdom… see
the… endless rows… of books… on both… sides…”

He continued, “This is the closest level… to the… throne… and fullness… of the most…
high… God… of all… you have… succeeded… at the entirety… of existence… and reached…
the final abode… of mortal… beings… congratulations… enjoy… our vast stores… of
information… to your heart’s… and mind’s… content… Sean…”

“Thank you… Angel Michael… thank you…!” Michale smiled

a small bow, and blurred away. “Wow, the throne of God…” he
thought, “just beyond this gate of light…” But obeyed, and didn’t
break the unspoken rule, just doing as he was told and perused the
vast shelves of celestial wisdom. WHAT A TREASURE TROVE!
Every thought, word, emotion, impulse, and urge of every being to
have ever lived in written form, also all their actions as well as the
ripples of consequences from all those actions. One could delve into
this for eons of the earth, learning about the ripples of causality, cause and effect, and karma
from all these books. There also were the stories of every atom, should one care to know, and
the part each played in the creation of all the infinite universes, as well as their infinite timelines.
This space rock blown from a destroyed planet 300 million years ago hit 3 other astroids on its
interstellar journey to finally land on an ice moon and break up into 40% of its original mass, the
rest being small debris across the surface for billions more years until its sun supernova’d and
melted everything down to component bits.
FASCINATING!!! Every bit of imaginable knowledge in whatever universe or timeline,
was here… somewhere… insanity! Hopefully it was automated, he thought, and no angel did by
hand. He thought of the people he had known in his life, from those being in hell who’d
threatened him, or been in his gang, or his first woman. He merely thought and the volumes of
the relevant people appeared on a desk to look through.
Knowledge must be the highest; he saw the
circumstances which brought each of them into existence
either from light in the goo as he’d been, or from demond
parents, the quality of their childhoods, their traumatic
events, passions, loves, and joys. After reading, it was
obvious they could be no other way than how they’d
been, given all the forces surrounding them! And he’d
been only a blip in any of their experiences, less than that
for most. Some thought brief fondness for him, like the
first woman he’d seen. He read her thought now, “What a cute, but scared, terrified even, lost
little boy. He probably won’t last a month. I will give him something to remember his life by, a
glint of light in a short, dark life.” She’d been wrong, of course, he’d succeeded, but her intent
was pure and joyful and good. He read further, how she’d ended up… she had been killed in a
fit of rage by her boyfriend-guy when he found her helping some feeble old man… he thought
she was cheating on him. For her noble sacrifice, she’s been reborn in the earth realm and had
lived many happy lifetimes among equally caring people!

That made him happy. He looked at other people’s lives, Ben

and his friends had missed him occasionally but figured he was doing
something beautiful to never have come back, so they were happy for
him, and then continued many more lifetimes on Earth as other happy
people. He wasn’t sure if he was allowed but he thought ‘Michael’ and
the angel’s book appeared on his desk, it was long, full of many stories
and adventures… he’d been around for billions of years… amazing!!
He had a positive alignment, had so much good karma, helped so
many people and done so many good deeds! What an amazing

He paused, ‘Am I allowed?’ he thought. He couldn’t think of a

reason he wouldn’t be, and no such warning been given… he thought
of his own life. The book appeared on his desk, “The Life of Sean
Happyfoot.” It felt almost naughty, that he should read the own circumstances of his own
existence, like this was the utmost secret of knowledge… perhaps beyond the answers into the
nature of God itself! He opened the book…

Sean Happyfoot was born nameless of the black void goo of the 0th dimension and a
positive intentioned prayer made by a most holy being that more enlightened beings should be
born and rise up in the coming age. That white landed in a most special spot of the 0th
dimension where the potential energy of the form that could be Sean, would be born to make
him. “Yes, but who was the holy being??” He asked.

“Part of the throne of God, beyond form, beyond


Drat… hmm. “Is there a book on God?”

The library responded, “Quite many, selection?”

He thought, “History and nature.” 2 books appeared.

Through briefly scanning those 2 books, Sean learned that God wasn’t a single being
per say, but an uncountable collective of theoretically perfect beings with at least a singular
purpose: the embodiment and multiplication of joy and light. On the nature of God, the other
book explained that God was an inherent, permanent variable in a cosmic equation,
counterbalancing the 0D blackness, potential, and death void with its own 10D brightness,
manifestation, and life abundance! Like even scales, both infinite in their own respects, the
extremes of existence. One being pure potential energy (formless, available), the other being
pure kinetic energy (alive, real, in motion, etc.). Death being like dividing by 0, pure potential; life
being like multiplying by infinity, pure kinetic.

He went back to the first book and it mentioned that the countless perfect beings in the
God light/collective had swelled and diminished over the eons, new beings perfecting their virtue
and joining God’s fullness, while some others losing the faith and becoming angels, even rarely
sometimes humans, once again. In some ages light dominates more, sometimes dark, but there
always has to be balanced: a 10D God, a 0D void. 0 and infinity complement each other forever.

Sean spent many more thousands of years

studying these books, people he knew, had heard about,
himself, and many just other details about the nature of
reality and how everything fits, cooperates, and works
together in a grand sort of way, without almost no one
even realizing how perfect it all is (at least consciously)!!!
“Truth is the most amazing thing!” He exclaimed on
several occasions to himself. Causality, choice, pleasure,
pain, luck, fate, happenstance, the intricacies of how life
unfolded some chaotic yet beautiful tapestry. He lost track
of how long he studied for… he probably stayed for longer
than the entire lifetime of the universe going over the
fascinating details of every kind of person’s life story, their
karma going back millions of years, how small
insignificant events had repercussions for thousands of lifetimes, people unable to escape
circles of pain, repeating the same lessons over and over again, coping, trying the same old
thing, depression and failure, trying something new but ineffective, so often missing the entire
point and avoiding the actual obvious thing that would fix their lives and move them forward to a
whole new level of joy, pleasure, and satisfaction. Also reading their own internal life, as well as
the environmental circumstances surrounding them, was the most… it almost felt like porn, how
naked and exposed everyone was to him, no aspect of their feelings, minds, history, or
intentions hidden from him. It was quite addicting, this library!!!
Chapter 8

We can literally talk about anyone, the result theoretically would be the same. We could
also have different perspectives on someone’s aims or wishes, but the result at the bottom is
going to be universally positive no matter what. This is what makes it true, as Buddha said
“Every view is wrong view, only no view is right view.”

In Aladdin, Jafar thought he needed a genie to be himself or happy. But it was

just a means to an end, he wanted power to heal past wounds, to feel respected. And
the positive intent of that? He wanted to feel pleasure, joy, happiness, and good, even
great! So Jafar wanted to feel good even great, he’s actually quite attractive (at least
moreso) when he thinks he can finally allow himself to feel good (how he wants), when
he thinks he has his goal. He failed multiple times, his bad or muddy intent to get
revenge and sadistically hurt others is what caused him so many failures, making
everyone hate him, and ultimately his death. Look at these pictures, without context
someone who hadn’t seen the movies they might think “He looks like an obnoxiously
happy, even silly, goofy looking guy!” And that’s the point, his true self is! When he
smiles his smile is bigger than almost anyone else’s!!! He held himself apart from his
real, genuine self and his god-given deserving happiness because of some thing.

Now let’s talk about what would happen if we could’ve been in the palace
with him literally at any point in his life. If he had done a few seconds of work like
we just did to do some emotional intelligence deep-diving to find his values
and/or motivations, how would it have gone.

“If I get a magic lamp, all my problems will be fixed and I’ll be happy forever!
Without it this pain will never pass, then I’ll make all those who laughed at me

“What’s your positive intent there?”

“My what? Hmm, never thought about it… I want to be happy, my real self (which others took

“And why?”

“Because I want, no, NEED to feel good, and I deserve it!!! And I don’t know how without an
all-powerful genie. My problems seem too insurmountable.”

“You do deserve it Jafar. What if we did the timeline technique and ran some goodness,
pleasure, authenticity, and happiness through your timeline?”
“I don’t know what kind of sorcery this is but I’ll try it…”

(We do it.) “Good, now how do you feel?”

“Well coach, I honestly had a whole stupid plan. I wanted to do all sorts of stupid, obnoxious,
wasteful things, but no one made me unhappy. I chose to, to focus myself, inspire and motivate
me to feel good. Yes, I always wanted to be my happy, loving, funny, humorous, genuine self
always, in every circumstance. I always wanted to shine, be a joy and happiness to others.
*tears fall* I’m sorry, I was so mad with anger, I forgot my real purpose, identity. Hurting others
was the opposite of my purpose, what I wanted. I must’ve went crazy to forget so much. But
never again! I feel how I always wanted to, was meant to, how I deserve to feel and will never
separate from it again! THANK YOU COACH.”

Isn’t that nice? He maybe was just excitable, overly-enthusiastic about things,
taking joyfulness a bit too seriously, and a little tune-up (everyone needs one
occasionally, some refreshment, rest and relaxation!) now and again, especially some
emotional comfort and healing, an understanding/loving friend. He realized, like I’m sure
you did, that his plan to feel good actually was the opposite (in his confusion) of fulfilling
his aim to feel good, walking in the opposite direction feeling worse, increasing others
hate/disgust with him so much so they wanted to kill him and even did… with much
suffering, failure, and loss along the way. We actually could’ve done this back when he
was still young, didn’t have to wait for his mature age to help, and saved him years of
struggle. Then he probably would’ve quit his position, maybe been a dancer or thespian,
he seemed quite emotive, theatrical, and artistic at points and definitely had some emotions he
wanted to express, especially all of his pent up happiness, of which he had loads!!!

So I’m curious for your opinion/perspective now, does this deeper emotive dive and
revelation on his character make you feel better about him? Appreciate him more? More kind,
caring, loving, understanding? I think rather than spectacle and drama, reducing anyone to a
2-dimensional character or villain, in a cartoon but especially/importantly in real life, is to take
away the juiciest, best part of a person, situation, or environment. What is that? Their similarity
and connection to you, how alike you both are, how you both want/value the same things,
especially both love life and highly value feeling good.

In this case, from his new perspective of feeling himself and happy again, do you think
he could’ve thought of a better way to live, feel, and experience being himself, joyful, and happy
than by “getting a magic genie, wishing for power, and subjugating others”? What would he
probably say?

“That’s preposterous! Only a fool would seek others’ pain in order to be happy! Literally
that’s the worst idea, the worst plan to be happy I’ve ever heard! Joining a traveling theater
group, if one has so much to say and feelings to share, would accomplish that FAR easier and
have a better time of doing so! I might say.”
And yes, Jafar, you’d be right.

How about a more relevant real life example. At the time of
writing this, some people are worried about actions Putin is doing in
Ukraine, looking aggressive, overreaching, reminding some of Hitler
with Poland (who we’ll talk about later). No one wants to repeat those
days, no one wants war, I don’t even think he does but I think he
wants respect for how great Russia is and has been waiting for years,
looking for his solution without it coming.

“Mr. Putin, what is your positive intent?”

“In many ways, I feel like a caged Siberian tiger these past many decades. We are the greatest
country in terms of land, a hugely important, world-impactful country, with great thinkers and
leaders, the inventor of communism, a utopian ideal, tied for first as the most deadly/powerful
country in terms of nuclear weapons, I personally have served Russia my entire life and yet to
see her respected and praised the glory she’s rightly and justly due, not to mention my own just
reward/due for the personal life I sacrificed in service to at least a partially ungrateful and
unappreciative country, some even called me a tyrant because I did whatever it took, made the
hard choices/decisions in Russia’s best interests! I sacrificed at least part of my own likeability,
took on some unnecessary hatred, in order to save, protect, and make sure Russia survives and
even thrives, the way it has, all because of my influence and the hard choices/decisions I
MADE!!! More than Russia, I DESERVE reward/compensation; I gave her everything, my youth,
my adulthood, and some of my own citizens are too stupid to appreciate, love, adore,
understand it’s disgusting/sickening!!! Not to mention stupid US has been like a snake trying to
spread its stupid money ideas rather than an intelligent, moral life-based, human-based,
communal system. Russia, I am enlightened, I see a better vision for the world, no one (or at
least few others) see that, beyond strife, conflict, resource squabbling. A joyous world
community of comrades!!!”

“I want the same thing too! Is there more positive intent?”

“I’m sick of giving, I want reward. I hate everyone. Vladdy wants to be happy, even some
peasants get more peace/relief than me!”

“Positive intent?”

“I hate Russia, I don’t give a fuck about anyone anymore. I hate life, world, everyone,
everything; disgusts me!”

“Positive intent?”

“I want to die, maybe take some with me…”

“Positive intent?”

“I’m sorry/sad, I give up, surrender.”

“Positive intent?”

“I hate feeling bad, I don’t wanna anymore.”

“Positive intent?”

“Leave me alone, I’m so sad.”

“Positive intent?”

“I neglected myself so long, I don’t want to save anyone anymore. I hate them, I’m sorry

“Positive intent?”

“Maybe, I don’t know, it can’t be…”


“It’s impossible, I never dreamed it’d happen…”


“It can’t be, am I actually good enough?”


“Can I give up, surrender, stop, am I good enough?”

“Can you?”

“I never did, I don’t know how. I never thought I could, be able to. Hate drove me since
childhood, a little fear too. I’d never be good enough, I thought…”


“Am I? I’m nervous… more than fighting enemies, about feeling good…”

“I never want to be seen again, no tv, spotlight, I wanna live/die in Siberia, a tiger alone…”


“I’m scared, don’t know if I can/will…”


“What if happiness, if I took it on like any other challenge, sounds exhausting…”


“Vladdy’s no bitch, I can, will…”


“I’m sorry, I will shine, be happy, me…”


“The greatest fight is to not fight…”


“If no one wants or needs me, I will be alone in Siberia, being happy…”


“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Thank you.”

Whew, that was the tensest, most stressful few moments of my

life, imagining that; what a complicated, russian-doll layered guy that is.
He needs a breath of fresh air like a lifer in prison. I love him very much
and he needs it like no one: savior complex, survivalist, iron willed,
self-sufficient/independent like a tree, fierce like a boxer in 8th round,
might need more sessions but he seems happier, calmer. Better.

“What’s your positive intent?”

“Fuck everyone, I’m out!”

“Positive intent?”
“Simple alone life, a woodsman.”

“Positive intent?”


“Positive intent?”

“Joy, love, peace.”

“Positive intent?”

“Appreciation, life.”

“Positive intent?”

“Life, alive, me.”

“Positive intent?”

“Ecstasy, pleasure, wellbeing!”

“Positive intent?”

“Feel good, that’s good!”

“Any more?”


“So: simplicity, freedom, joy, peace, love, appreciation, life, alive, being yourself, ecstasy,
pleasure, wellbeing, goodness. These are your values.”


“Let’s send those through your timeline.”

(Does it) “Perhaps not Siberia; whoa. It can’t be, I can’t…”


“I actually love people. I like helping/serving them. I thought I had to, duty, chore, but it actually
is something I’m pleased to do! I never did anything out of hate or love of power; deep down I
love/care for others. I… didn’t think I could trust myself in this, I couldn’t be that good, kind,
loving, caring person, I was too angry/scared to see, but I’ve always been rich, rich in love. I’m a
rich, loving, generous person!!! I value, worship, praise life!!! Who knew!!!? Amazing!!! I actually
feel an overabundant, seething, overflowing sense of joy, pleasure, and wellbeing!!! Is this real
life!!? How life feels, really??! How long was I in a nightmare??! Who am I? Where am I? How’d
I get here?!? Who are you? What’s going on? Why do I feel this?”

“Because you deserve…”

“I know that crap… I’m just happy. I’m effective and smart, people can survive without me for a
while. I’m going on vacation, not to Siberia, somewhere warm, tropical for a long while, I don’t
know when I’ll be back but I will. I wanna have some
fun like only a lifelong Russian czar knows how!!! Das
Ve Donya!!”

Haha, seems like he found himself, what a

scarily joyous man, fearless, powerful, focused,
clear-minded, he needs/deserves R&R like nobody’s
business!! He’s almost pure love and happiness, unlike
anyone I ever saw. He loves reality, people, the world, a
great joyful loving man. I hope he means what he says,
experiences all his values, especially peace on

Next onto Hitler, one of the most famous (or infamous) people
in the world, recognizable on par with Jesus, Marilyn Monroe, Trump,
and Michael Jackson. If our truth is true, that all is good and well, it
applies to the so-called “most evil man in history”; and who knows, if
we can find commonalities with him, isn’t it true we can be happy and
feel good with any other situation or person? I hope that’s the case.
Let’s try some coaching!

“Hiel, Adolf. How are you?”

“Hated as usual, not that I mind, I led a purpose driven life which was
paramount to me.”

“What was the positive intent?”

“To create a joyful, unified, beautiful, holy/sacred, abundant rich world for all… deserving folks.”

“Positive intent?”
“I want to live in a good, beautiful world, free of jews and other

“Positive intent?”

“To relax, feel good, stop caring, giving a fuck, stop worrying.”

“Positive intent?”

“Be happy, myself, love with like-minded people, spread joy/love, make
world shine brighter, better, happier, be a light unto the world like Jesus.”

“Positive intent?”

“That’s good.”

“Very! Ok, let’s run all those good, valuable, noble things through your timeline so you always
did, do, will have it.” (Done.) “How do you feel?”

“My life was so far off course, buried deep I rarely glimpsed/touched it; sad.”

“Positive intent of that?”

“I wanted to this way, good, giving, generous, kind,

friendly, loving, noble, always with everyone.
Somewhere at some point I lost track of my real
purpose and focus on me not having it, it’s lack,
absence. I got more twisted/turned around than
anyone in history before, yet still touched the whole
world, perhaps because of my sheer strength of
indomitable will.”

“Positive intent?”

“I never wanted to lose or forget how joyfully glorious I

really was/am, my real, true self.”

“Positive intent of that?”

“Forever be joyful, a shining beautiful glorious light, radiant,

loving, generous, helpful, compassionate, kind, gentle, sincere,
understanding, sacrificial, selfless, heart-warming, soft, an
artist’s delicate spirit, soft-spoken, good listener, open-minded,
warm-hearted, emotional, rational, put myself in the
place/shoes of others, follow Jesus’ example, treat others how I want to be treated. I felt I had it
in me to be the second coming of Christ, just in different times, wrongfully believing I had to be
stronger to spread joy: I have come not to bring peace to the world, but the sword. Jesus said. I
sincerely felt a kinship, I was Adolf Christ, hence the religious-esque propaganda/art. I think I
had to be Jesus in different times, requiring stronger, sterner, different approach.”

“Positive intent of that?”

“I had great worthiness, a high standard of quality of living,

deserved much! I refused to be swept under the rub, forgotten,
or ignored, because I knew my worth/value and would get
what was mine! I loved myself and believed highly in myself to
create a better vision of the world!! And in a twisted way, I
almost succeeded.”

“Positive intent of that?”

“I deserved good, knew I could, knew how to, saw

opportunity, was capable/able, and took action, went after

“Positive intent of that?”

“To feel as good as I possibly can imagine and physically
able to!!!”

“Positive intent of that?”

“Be my authentic, joyful, genuinely, sacred/holy, shining beautiful lovely/loving eternal divine
self!!! Always and forever!!!!!!!”

“And what’s the positive intent of that?”

“I just told you, you idiot! To eternally be my divine spiritual self and
eternally joyful, blissed out, and beautifully radiant!!”

“Positive intent there?”

“Hedonist, pleasure-lover. Giddy schoolgirl frollicking in ecstatic glee

through flower fields and sunshine. Is that good enough?”

“Anything more?”

“Sure, I’d love to be as carefree and happy as a little girl. Didn’t seem manly…”
“Is there positive intent?”

“Not give a fuck about others’ or society’s opinions, if acting like a little girl is my great self and
joy, then so be it. Adolph is afraid of nothing/no one!!! I could conquer… no, I could impact the
world even as a cute little girl, so great is my self-belief and confidence and certainty in

“Positive intent?”

“I don’t a singular QUANTA of fucks about appearance or others’ opinion, I could

even be a cutesy little girl.”

“Positive intent?”

“I am indomitable and eternal, perfect, streamlined, effective, certain, confident,

powerful, all the best/most noble German values. I am self-sufficient, perfectly
tuned like Volkswagen and ALL German engineering and ideas. To be more
perfect, I accept the little girl challenge next…”

“Positive intent?”

“My path is forever, death means nothing to me. All mass is energy, our German Einstein
discovered that. My mass just became energy and will become mass again. I am the eternal
turning of the wheel! And little happy girl is my next step, I desire/yearn for perfection. I basically
am a god-seed as I am. I walk confidently into the darkness/unknown.”

“Positive intent?”

“Man! You’re as repetitive with that-- positive intent, positive intent-- as a German motor! I GET
IT. You’re nice, helping/coaching me. Shut up! Sheisse. Yes, I want to be eternal joy/light
always. ‘Tis my purpose.”



Ok, I think that’s awesome. Dolphy’s core, genuine, real self, his
purpose and identity is to be eternal joy and light. Is that something you, the
reader, can relate to, or value as something worthwhile? At least conceivably? I
think if Dolphy lived was more conscious/aware of this during his life he would
have made radically different decisions, perhaps still gone into politics and
public service/organization, just with a 1000x more focus on light and joy, what
he really wanted. He might’ve been more diplomatic and worked to find
common ground and relatability with Jews, blacks, handicaps, and gays, seeing
they probably deeply share his deepest purpose/identity as light and joy. He could’ve really
come to love them as special beautiful aspects of his vision for a joyous, perfect, beautiful world.
He may in fact have become like unto a second Christ on earth, unparalleled in philanthropy
and humanitarian contributions and efforts. He may actually have had a natural cult or religion
spring up without his guidance just in appreciation/awe at his greatness. He could have been
like a Mother Theresa or MLK Jr.,or Jesus.

If you believe the energy back into mass stuff, he still could redeem himself in this world,
come back, PERHAPS as a little girl, and be that joyful, eternal shining light. I think he can do it.
He reminds me of a bright light in darkness, keeping his fiery flame alive, shining for all to see. I
love and appreciate him for that.

Madonna perhaps was more relevant in decades past, but
still a world-known superstar. I don’t know actually much about her
except virgin and dated Warren Beatty in the 80’s. Still is
fashionable! Ok…

“Hello Madonna, how are you?”

“I’m well thank you.”

“Ok, what’s the positive intent of that?”

“Here we go… it’s to lie because frankly I don’t think you deserve
my real self, you’re a fraud, this is a farce. You and everything is

“Ok, and the positive intent of that?”

“I feel helpless and scared. I don’t know who I am, how to be/love me, accept or know myself.

“That was easy, what’s the positive intent there?”

“Asshole, I never felt loved by my dad, either of my parents really. I have

kids, but am just a big, old, grown up baby little girl. I’m more fucked up
than almost anyone…”

“Thank you. Positive intent there?”

“I actually love/am obsessed with myself more than god or the world itself.
It’s just Madonna floating around in this existence and that’s it!!”
“Interesting, and the positive intent?”

“That’s not genuine either, I worked my way up to narcissism, I thought it was a good substitute
for love and belonging, which I felt I’d never have. Coping, you could call it. Ass-face.”

“Positive intent?”

“My life or you being an ass-face?”


“Hahaha, ok ass-face. Well the positive intent of my defensive attitudddde is I

know what I deserve, my value/worth, even if no one else respects or sees it,
and I think that’s pretty positive!!! Ass-face clown!!!”

“Ha, that was funny. Ok, and positive intent?”

“One way or another, if people give it to me or I have to work my fucking bootious maximus off
to get it, I’m going to be happy, feel love, get what I want, and feel FUCKING FANTASTIC while
I’m doing it, and in the end!!! Good enough for you??!”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“I’mma get what coming to me. Like Tony Montana: THE WORLD.”

“And everything in it!”

“Yes dear!”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“I’m gonna be happy, live a good life.”

“And positive intent?

“Be myself, feel good.. no, great!!”


“That’s it!”

“Awesome, let’s run that through your timeline a sec…” (Done.) “Ok, how do you feel?”

“I could cry, thank you. That’s simply amazing, such a stupid little technique, but… WOW.”
“Yes Madonna?”

“I never lacked a damn thing in my entire life. HOW AM I JUST NOW REALIZING/SEEING
THIS?!?” *wipes tears*


“1 god-damned second please. Geeze. My life’s changing over here…”

“Ok…” minutes pass… “Ok?”

“Sure ass-clown” She jokes through tears (at least I think she jokes). “I mean, I did so much
unnecessary work just to feel some good feelings you fixed in a fucking SECOND. WHAT’S

“I’m happy, the positive change is deep…”

“You went deep on Madonna, tell your friends!”

“Hahaha.” I laughed.

“No, like I didn’t have to do… even a TENTH of what I did; I’ve
ALWAYS been good enough and adequate! ALWAYS had/felt love in
every meaningful important way to me! Seriously, how did I never see
this??! OH MY GOD. Like… it’s astounding I… this whole time, my
whole life I’ve been deeply and genuinely happy, fulfilled, loved!!! I’ve
been my real, genuine, happy joyful self this entire time my entire
life!!! I can’t NOT be, it’s so OBVIOUS!!! THANK YOU, YOU

She leaned forward and grabbing my face kissed me on the cheek. I blushed a bit,
shocked/awed. “Wow! Um, thanks.” (not thinking about her sexual past)

“Don’ttttttt… mention it! So yeah! It’s astounding I’ve always felt this good. Thank you but I need
to be alone and regroup. A new dawn for the chameleon of pop: Happy/Fulfilled Madonna!!!”

She leaves. “Thank you…”

That was uhm, dif… inter… I’m sorry I hope she never touches me again but I’m so glad
she saw/realized instead yes, she always did have everything she ever wanted right inside of
her and had always been her joyful, happy, loving/fulfilled self!!! That brings me such great joy
seeing her see/realize that about herself!! I hope she feels and experiences it deeply, I think she
felt it real, I think it’ll help/change her. I think she’s full now and ready to be, who knows, perhaps
more a genteel, Mother Mary type from now on. She prefers being in control I suspect and will
go more into it by herself. Her ‘personality’ is for the public, but she likely does her thinking,
feeling, and planning alone. God bless her.

Who needs no introduction in any corner of the globe, literally with any
living human being, up to and including indigineous natives deep in the
amazon rainforests. WHAT’S HIS NAME??! JESUS!!! YOU KNOW HIM, YOU

HAHA, ok for real. Everyone knows Jesus. Was he perfect? Fully

enlightened? Let’s chat and see his thoughts on how things went down 2000
years ago… Shall we??!

“What a guest. This has got to be the best conversation I’ll ever have. Everyone else thinks the
same thing too! How is it going JESUS!!!???!” (I hope I sound adequately respectful, honestly!)

“You are, my child” (Did he just read my mind?), “I am good. How are you today?”

“Now that you’re here Lord Jesus I feel quite awesomely great and fantastic!!! What’s on your
mind lord?”

“I think people do well in so many areas. I love all of you. I wish, if I had 1 wish, people would
focus more on being as I was, following a good example, rather than using doctrine to make
themselves and others feel bad. Joy can be as effective a motivator as pain or fear, and I
believe all too often it gets the short end of the stick, the bad rub. Love is a HAPPY emotion, it
shines and like I said 2 thousand years ago, you don’t hide it under a bushel but proudly display
it on the mantelpiece to give light to everyone who’s near it!!! In many ways I wish I had just
lived well and taught less, because words can, did, get muddied…”

“Enlightened, master. Almost embarrassed to ask, but is there positive intent there master?”

“Yes, perhaps I would’ve done things differently. As much as I believed at the time, caught up in
prophesies, revelation, and emotion, I didn’t have to die. I firmly believed in action over words,
and thought that was the ultimate statement or action. I loved people with a figurative bleeding
heart and wanted their joy/wellbeing. Exactly, you could say, as a father loves his children, like
God loved me.”

“Amazing lord! Is there any more positive intent there lord?!”

“How do I convey or communicate this… I changed the world more than
anyone ever has, but I’m not special, like others use me as a club to get
their way or force their own beliefs on others. I’m not special or unique, or
another way, I’m as special or unique as everyone else. All that “the
chosen Messiah” was good-meaning, POSITIVE INTENDING followers
and lovers of mine showing me respect, love, and appreciation, putting me
on a pedestal I never wanted. I taught equality, even humility, perhaps
those things being like such rare precious valuable gifts and treasures in
this world they thought the most normal and natural of all ideas-- love--
made me a unique, godly, divine being. Of course in a general sense, of
course it did/does, love is a premiere, special, divine, and miraculous
emotion, behavior, and lifestyle! But as it was written, ‘Know ye not that ye
are gods?’ Everyone is a child of god, born of the father’s will. Of all these
commandments, love is the greatest. It saddens me (with amazement)
people miss the most important, BIGGEST messages, and crawl in cracks
to find justifications for all their sins… or mistakes. Sad…”

“Positive intent, lord?”

“Thanks for this, by the way. Hmm, good, interesting questions, son. Hmm, I honestly don’t
know. It’s funny actually, almost. I thought just one way for so long, THOUSANDS of years in
fact, I never considered the possibility there was positive intent beneath any sadness, pain, or
disappoint I’d ever felt. It’s a revolutionary line of inquiry. One, I imagine, you believe can and
will change the world!”

“Yes lord.” I say smiling! (with thanks!)

“Hmm, I didn’t answer your question. You noticed?” He said smiling!

“Hmm, well… give me a moment. It’s not everyday you stump the Lord!”
He said, smirking playfully!

“Haha” I laughed. (I couldn’t stop myself! THAT WAS FUNNY! JESUS IS


“Hmm, ok. Positive intent. Great question!” I let it sit… “This might shock
some people, even break faith, but I didn’t want to be the ‘sacrificial lamb’,
I thought it was prophesy, destined to happen. I got locked into a… mode
of thinking that was powerful unlike few, rare others ever have felt. I
believed it more than my life, so strong was my conviction, certain my

“Revolutionary, lord. Positive intent?”

“Hah! When it works, stick with it, huh?!” He said, smiling playfully again (making me very
joyously happy!!). “Well, hmm. Everyone knows my conviction, beliefs. PS-- this has never been
said before, I rarely even was consciously aware of this at the time, so maybe listen attentively
here(!)-- I thought death was the way to salvation for me (in providence, fulfilling my divine
mandate) as well as others in their lives for their eternal souls. I allowed my death, and so
strongly I believed its importance I looked death in the face and let it happen. Can you

“Only the smallest way, lord.”

“Quite. Well, let me consider. My positive intent was the upliftment, joy, and
wellbeing of all mankind, through the vessel of my love! I wanted to love
humanity enough to take it to paradise, Eden, utopia, heaven on earth, and
I believed I could. With a smidgen of more patience, rationality, if only I had
toned down my zealous religious fervor, I could have avoided so much pain
and suffering for myself, cleared up so many confusions of my beloved
followers/children, saved them so much suffering and death and pain in the
ensuing centuries. A bit more wisdom, I could have sidestepped the
‘passion’-- more like the ‘folly’-- of Christ, diminished max suffering for
everyone, increased max pleasure/joy for everyone, and lived a naturally
long life spreading love myself which would’ve snowballed faster and more
effectively than all my well-intending followers ever could’ve done on their
own.” He paused… “That’s a lot to accept, more to say and hear out loud…
some might say I’m a fraud or antichrist, this is heresy. I can’t be Jesus, but
I am…”

“Positive intent? Thank you lord, for your honesty…”

“Positive intent, again, huh? You really won’t stop until I feel really good about myself, huh?! Ok,
I was in a bad headspace, I was frustrated at people’s thickheadedness, stubbornness; it
might’ve… irked me. You saw it in the temple when I trashed the place rather than calmly being
a better example or educating. I don’t think I was ever wrong, per say, but as they say I’m fully
man too, and went about my good intent in suboptimal ways. Believe it or not, I had a personal
life before all of this once. I had a job, looked after my mother. Once I was just called Jo
(Yeshua, translated to Joshua). Can Jo the carpenter commit sins, way more likely than Jesus
Christ. Yes, I’m human with human emotions, people forget that sometimes with all the
posturing to appear and be authoritative to have power and control on earth rather treasures in
the spirit. See even now, more frustration, incredulity, and anger…” He exhales.

“Positive intent, lord?”

“Always on task. Yes, my ‘human frustrations’ as it were only reveal how passionately and
deeply and powerfully I loved others, letting my emotions get the better of me, not being the
prime example I could’ve been for much longer with better effects; had I. My only, or at least
greatest sin was loving too much, caring too deeply for people. But yes I see, if I’d been a bit
more level-headed and rational about it, I could have done it
better and longer, more effectively.”

“Positive intent, lord?”

“New territory. I wanted to feel love always, and the most

effective way to do that is ABL: always be loving. It attracts love
like nothing else. I wanted to be my best self, divine/holy-- yes,
even God-- self. I wanted to be the light of the world, shine on all.
And feel fabulously amazing.”

“Ok, positive intent, lord?”

“Be God in flesh, joy/light in flesh. The living embodiment of goodness, love, and morality.”

“Ok, positive intent, lord?”

“To vibrate as goodness/wellbeing, live life to the max, be love, be joy, be light/God, feel perfect
like 100% enlightened/wise/great.”

“Ok, positive intent, lord?”

“Be and overflow goodness always. That’s good.”

“Awesome lord. If you’d permit me, allow me to give that to you

through your timeline…” (Done.) “How does it feel lord?”

“It feels… divine. Unresistant, unfrustrated. If things like the temple

happened, I’d love them in mind and action. If guards came looking for
me, I wouldn’t wait where they’d be looking or stir up, or go looking for
trouble. I could’ve done things much better, as spiritual as I already
am/was. I would’ve been like water around a rock rather than smash
into it to death. I could’ve been with my children for 50 or more years. The world, not to mention
I, would’ve been much better off. I was so serious back then, I could’ve loved and been gentler,
with those who weren’t fans, but especially with my own wellbeing. Ha, taking my own advice,
loving myself as much as I loved others. I see so clearly now. I love and appreciate you, Fractal.

“Thank you. More?”

“Positive intent, I wanted to be full of love, filled up, then overflow it. Love me first.”

“Yes, more?”
“I wanted my life to be surrounded with smiles and happy faces, I wanted life to be easy to live,
joy around every corner, god’s love/light/abundance shining through all people. I wanted my life
to be a day at the beach surrounded with friends.”

“Ok, more?”

“I wanted my life to be good, feel good. Me.”

“Good, more?”

“I got so wrapped up in that, everyone should please me, when not everyone did, I threw a
tantrum in a sense. I don’t want to live in a world where people aren’t nice! And they actually
freaking killed me.”

“Wow, more?”

“I could’ve felt soo good all on my own, lived a good

happy life with mostly loving/reciprocal people,
thousands of people loved me! I could’ve practiced
breathing meditation, my emotions were so powerful.”


“I loved pleasure so much, the thought of losing it made me want to kill myself, and I committed
‘suicide by cop’ as they call it now. I said heretical things to religious and political fanatics, I
knew what I was doing but was being in a sense, a brat. Ornery. And they killed me.”


“Be and overflow good. Sometimes I did, the most important times no, but my message though
ragged and rough getting here, it survived. Lasted, at least in word, if some action.”

“Is it better?”

“Yes, I see more clearly now, thank you. As great as I was, I had better choices I could’ve made.
Thank you, and I’ll do better.”

“Thank you.”

Any more need said? Jesus admitted the cross was off his purpose, a folly, mistake,
lapse in judgement based on emotionality. He would’ve been better had someone helped him
breathe and be patient, as I helped him. He would’ve taught for 50+ more years, lived happily
and made many more happy, spread love and his message more deeply and truly, which he
would’ve preferred doing significantly over matching an arbitrary prophesy of old jewish
doctrine. He wished he hadn’t died then and doesn’t care who knows! All the nonsense about
crosses being sacred is rubbish, the very symbol of his religion missed the whole point about
love and life, not irrationality, death, and suffering. Suicide isn’t a cause to build a religion
around, nor headstrongedness, obstinantness, frustration, or brattiness. His words. Everyone
missed the point by honoring his worst mistakes, rather than his message of love and others.
He even missed it, not loving his own precious wellbeing enough either. All’s well that ends well,
and he’s better/more aware now! Christianity perhaps will feel this shift as well in ‘Christ

Your parents are arguably the most influential people
in your entire life, they’re even the ones most often who teach
you what religion you are ^. Even if you had no relationships,
this is one guaranteed relationship everyone has. Let’s have
a conversation with a stereotypical group of parents.

“Hi and welcome, Mr. & Mrs. Parents. How are you?”

“We’re good, just chugging along with our squirt.”

“Ok, positive intent of that?”

“We’re unprepared, we had parent issues, our childhoods weren’t perfect! We wanted things
different but just had to keep going, ignoring feelings, not doing what we wanted. Life had to go
on! No time for us, feelings.”

“Positive intent?”

“We just went with the flow, did what we were supposed to: the life path. Sometimes it’s fun but
most days it feels like we’re going through the motions, life is one big chore list and we’re just
doing what people expect, what others want. Personal time is selfish and so rare, little time for
discovery, fun, exploration, experiments.”

“Positive intent?”

“Keep up appearances, with neighbors, friends, family expectations, never being good enough,
always feeling uncentered, in a rush, exhausted, but disappointing the ‘clan’, our social circle,
would mean ostracized, no opportunities, no income, become poor. We should just be
thankful… we know what happens to ‘free thinkers’. Better to fit in then kicked out.”

“Positive intent?”
“Survive, scrape a little good out of life; mostly work and suffering, and pretending it’s fine.”
(Almost be funny if not so sad…)

“Positive intent?”

“Fit in, not suffer and die, minimize bad, accept whatever good

“Positive intent?”

“Be normal, get good normal stuff.”

“Positive intent?”

“Get the right society pieces, finish the puzzle, be happy.”

“Positive intent?”

“Touch no dark/bad things, remain good in light.”

“Positive intent?”

“No mistakes, failures, or pain.”

“Positive intent?”

“Only good is possible.”

“Positive intent?”

“Acceptance, love, family, possible success, joy.”

“Positive intent?”

“Pleasure, fulfillment, satisfaction, happiness.”

“Positive intent?”

“A life surrounded by loving relationships, without negativity.”

“Positive intent?”

“Cooperation and harmony with others.”

“Positive intent?”

“Smooth, simple existence.”

“Positive intent?”

“Never have to use our brains, challenge, question, learn, delve deep, penetrate, or think
critically, or create either, as long as we’re loved (and fit in).”

“Positive intent?”

“Unburdened by risk, taking chances, exploring new ground, finding new pleasures or treasures,
just walking the same plodded courses: easy, relaxing, unchallenging, a bit drudgery/tedium…”

“Positive intent?”

“Resist nothing, go with the flow, agree, cooperate, be among loved ones.”

“Positive intent?”

“Get everything you want out of life, just submit/obey.”

“Positive intent?”

“Surrender to reality, life, and joy…”

“Positive intent?”

“Alignment with god/source/light, wellbeing, joy, pleasure.”

“Positive intent?”

“True/ideal self, worth, value, goodness, pleasure, happiness.”

“Any more?”

“That’s great!”

“Well I’m actually impressed, you both actually seem really self-actualized and enlightened, I
didn’t expect that… or maybe I did. Ready to run these through your timeline? Ok…” (Done.)
“How do you both feel?”

“Accepting the rightness of our actions, thoughts, beliefs, and lives, we knew we were doing the
right thing but questioned/doubted it subtly. Doing this exercise we have certainty now that
we’ve always been good, right, decent people. It feels so much better and easier without doubt,
miniscule resistance, or hesitation. There’s no start and stop, relief and motivation, it’s more fluid
and smooth, just how we’d always pretended but now it feels… well, natural! Our systems feel
like they’re all firing on the same cylinders, like everything’s working harminiously together, with
each other and within ourselves. It’s truly extraordinary!!!”

“Positive intent?”

“We never had anything to prove, but now that we’re certain of it, see/feel/know it, we feel less
obligated to do things for others just to please them out of duty or to please them, more naturally
inclined do what more stuff of what we want to do to please us, both in our relationships and as
individuals. It’s a great feeling!!

“Positive intent?”

“Like you said, we’ve always had those, do, and will. This technique is a relief and should be
shared more. Thanks.”

I think they got the jist and juice of it. They always had good lives, and just because
many people like something or it’s a mainstream choice doesn’t make it bad or dumb. It makes
them happy and being a superstar (by some other definition) isn’t necessary to be happy,
perhaps they’re superstars at normal, happy lives. What’s more simple and good as that?

The Dalai Lama had a unique life, being chosen at a young age
as the reincarnation of the Buddha of Compassion, exiled from his own
country where he was the spiritual leader, then to become world
renowned as a Buddhist center-head giving talks and lectures young and
old liked. Let’s talk with him (see if we can help)…

“Hello Dalai Lama, how are you today?”

“Hmm? Oh! I am very good, thank you. How are you?”

“I’m good too, thank you! Is anything on your mind?”

“Hmm, many things. Perhaps I should be more empty headed like

Buddha said! HAHA, just joking. Hmm, yes I think a lot about the people
of the world, especially Tibet my home country. How there is so much unnecessary suffering in
the world, people not thinking clearly or mindfully, yeah? People acting from ignorance, hatred,
or greed. ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’, ‘You make me feel bad so… ATTACK(!)’, and ‘I want
more than I need to fill this emptiness I feel inside’. People just don’t do the things that would
actually make them feel better, they don’t act mindfully, and so afterwards they still don’t feel
good or better, and think ‘Maybe if I do it harder, stronger, put more effort into it, THIS TIME it
will work. I will feel better!’ But it never works.”

“Is there positive intent there?”


“In any of it, what you’re talking about, or your feelings about them?”

“Oh, hmm. Well it’s very good that people are putting effort into
trying things to feel better, get in a better state or mood. People
to, I think, be generous and kind and loving, they’re just too far
away from… eh… being in a good place to do them. So yes
they take positive action to change their circumstance, feel
better, be happier, get in a better place, but it doesn’t work from
ignorance, hatred, or greed, so they try forever. The effort is
good, the intent is positive, but they do it the wrong way…”

“Ok, is there positive intent there?”

“They’re eager for love, happiness, positivity. Or me? Well, I’m eager for the same things! But I
am human too haha, I get frustrated sometimes, I want people to succeed in their lives and
practice but they hit their heads against walls asking ‘Dalai Lama, why do I have headaches!?’
STOP HITTING YOUR HEAD ON WALLS, I tell them. But they never listen, rarely listen.”

“Ok, is there positive intent there?”

“I show I care.”

“Is there positive intent?”

“I want to be a good example, lead by example.”

“Is there positive intent?”

“I want to be, live up to my name, be the Buddha of Compassion, sometimes is hard. I want to
feel good, and overflow it outward…”

“Is there positive intent there?”

“I want to feel like light and joy, good and love. I want to be so rich it pours onto others. That
would be my deepest wish…”

“Any more?”

“Ok, thank you Dalai Lama. I want to give that to you with a
technique, here.” (Done.)

“Mhm, that’s nice. I was always who I wanted to be. Thank you:
light, joy, good, and love overflowingly rich. Mhm.”

“You’re happy?!”

“Very, yes, thank you. I might try that again by myself!! Haha, it
sort of, took the edge off. I’m… I feel more comfortable with all
I’m about. It feels more… natural, like who I am. Wonderful!”

“Thank you!!!”

“Thank you!!!”

That was nice/fun. What a wonderful, loving, kind, generous man!!! It’s like I’m sort of
starting to see a pattern: people are who they want to be often, at least close to it, their behavior
maintained it, but the feelings could’ve been more closely aligned making the process feel better
for them, smoother, more harmonious, comfortable. Most people seem to not be wanting
dramatic differences in lifestyle, but more fine-tuning course-correcting. It’s inspiring to know/see
people are very close to their ideal selves, things are well, and only slight emotional switches
need adjusting. Very hopeful!!!

Next we have Joe Biden, current president of the US. He
got some flack for his son’s behavior, as well as being sleepy
according to Trump. Let’s talk and see how he’s doing since
taking office…

“Hello President, how are you today?”

“I’m well, maintaining the peace. Keeping America great! Haha”

“Haha, ok, is there positive intent?”

“I want to be famous, respected, known as a great leader and man. I want to eclipse Obama, if
possible (he was black). I want respect!”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“I want love, to feel good, be happy…”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“That’s good, I want to be myself too.”

“Cool. How about I put that in your timeline.” (Done.) “How’s that feel?”

“I have everything I want with my family, I hardly even care about politics, it
was just easy, but I don’t care about ‘Americans’ like that, they don’t do
anything for me. I became Vice then President without even really caring
about it. I just love my family…”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“Maybe part of me feels rich in those: love, happiness, good, I wanted to

share it with others. But I’m old, I want to feel good with those I love who love me. I couldn’t care
less what ‘Americans’ think of me, being ‘great’. Pah!”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“I’m old, I only have a few years left. I don’t wanna waste them arguing about irrelevant stuff. I
want to feel good with people I care about! That’s it!”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“It’s kind of a statement about my worth, I became head of

the free world hardly even caring or really wanting it or
trying. But I never needed anyone’s approval or praise. I
stopped caring about that when I was a kid. Maybe I am
rich enough to enjoy the good I want, and help, overflow to
others in the country. I hardly care, perhaps I’ll finish the
term and leave. I don’t really give a fuck about any serious

‘Ok positive intent?”

“I’m done, I don’t need any of this. I knew who I was, thank you. Good bye.”

Interesting, he seems apathetic about life, everything. Rightly so, he deserves to be

selfish and please himself. Seems he was trying to help others unnecessarily for a long time
when he really didn’t give a hoot. He knows who he is, just should trust himself, and be more
selfish and hedonistic. He should’ve decades ago!!!”
I’d like to go more general now, we talked to enough
interesting or unique people. How about we sample all of
humanity. This could be useful universally with how we
interact with people generally.

“Hello humanity, how are you?”

“We’re good, being human, living life. You?”

“I’m good also. Is there positive intent there?”

“Of course. We see ourselves as unique, some as rulers/dominant over nature/animals. But
regardless we want to fulfill our biological niche, like caretakers of the planet, treat each other
well enough, be spiritual, technologically innovative, we hold ourselves to high, perhaps
sometimes stressing, standards. Like we must be all things effortlessly at once, enlightened,
dominant, strong, entertaining, loving/kind, easy-going, spiritual, wise, spontaneous, prepared.
We’re definitely our own worst enemies. Nature was fine with us, occasionally killing one or two
off at time, but we tried to become nature, and we became sick, tired, in a sense lost our soul,
joie de vive, our joy.”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“Every human trying to be Gilgamesh, an epic hero; no one wanting to be a side character,
unimportant, uninteresting, unimpressive. And killing ourselves to do so…”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“Everyone wants that praise, to be Adam, or Eve, first

man or woman. ‘If everyone loved/praised me, life would
be easy, I’d have respect, be given everything I want, live
in luxury like a king, happiness would be a given’.”

“Ok, positive intent?”

“Easy, automatic, default happiness, pleasure, luxury.”

Ok, positive intent?”

“Be aligned with nature, abundance, always feel good, real selves.”

“Positive intent?”

“Always feel good, at least mostly, 80/20.”

“Positive intent?”

“That’s good.”

“Ok, let me put this through your timeline, a couple

million years back ought to be good, pre-human.” (Done.)

“Wow, I feel perfect. Like my divine natural self. 8020 is

effective/chill, always feeling good is, good. Thanks.”

Humanity seems happy with that, 8020 good. It is natural, I’m glad it sees that.
Goodness isn’t one form or shape, few are in the spotlight, but everyone can feel 8020 good in
their own life. It’s what humanity loves/values most, and always did, does, and will have it. Bless
you, people!!!

Plants are our first non-human guest, but they
make up 82.4% of the earth’s biomass (with humanity
0.001%) so they’re hardly a nonplayer. Consider, when in
space what 2 colors predominate? Blue water and green
plants, that’s how big they are.

“Plants, hello. How are you today, this beautiful day!?”

“We are joyous, for the most part, as usual.”

“Cool! I love this by the way. What’s the positive intent there?

“Our lives are the most harmonious with natural order of any
species on the planet, more than animals, especially
humans, that’s why we are the most numerous, plentiful,
abundant, richest, and rulers of this planet. We come in all
forms from flowers, grasses, to shrubberies, to towering
trees, as well as everything in between. We provide
nutrients, shelter, and air for all animals, and in return
animals spread our seeds, give us air as Co2, and nutrients
in the soil when they die. We work well together.”

“Cool. More positive intent?

“We think humans, like the snake swallowing its own tail, have begun consuming themselves,
biting the hand that feeds so to speak by overreaching, not caring for the home they live in, and
that causes us suffering at both our individual wasted deaths, but also at the unnecessary
unbalancing where things will get way worse only to rebalance again. Why don’t humans do
things in their best interest? It’s not like we’re trying to hurt or harm, even take anything away.
You’re driving a car into a brick wall at 60mph and we’re warning you, but you won’t listen! It
causes unnecessary suffering for us as well as you, but mostly you!!!”

“Thanks, positive intent?”

“We want all life on earth to be well and happy. Isn’t that what
everyone, including humans, want? We’re connected to the same
source, we’re cousins, both descended from algae. We’re the same
ultimately!!! Our wish, our wish is just to feel good always, be
surrounded by good beings, give and take as we know it the formula
for true wellbeing/joy. Without animals exhaling our air, we couldn't
breathe either! We’re also thankful for you! That’s something humans
forget, and is that you help. We use photosynthesis to turn Co2 and water into sugar, which
powers us and in turn all animals. You make air breathable for us!”

“Thanks, positive intent?”

“We want you to be as happy as we are, as natural and in tune as us.”

“Thank you, honestly. Positive intent?”

“We don’t want to see ugliness, we want to be unperturbed, undisturbed, a perfect natural
paradise: INCLUDING humans.”

“Thank you, positive intent?”

“We want fluid, smooth joy/pleasure always.”

“Ok, I can use that. Let's go back about half a billion years to
before the first plants, moss.” (Done.) “How is it?”

“Yes, that’s nice. We’re back to ignoring animals largely, just

enjoying our plants’ lives, nice and slow, in touch/tune with the
sun, earth, wind, and water. What a joy being a plant, there’s
no greater joy anywhere! Thank you, being.”

Wow, that was amazing, better than a tv show. What exciting, amazing creatures plants
are. So beautiful, lovely, in tune (as they said), natural. And our plant friends are thousands
surrounding us always at any point no matter where in the world. Always there to talk to,
probably more importantly take advice from and listen! Anchors, reminders, to stay/be in
alignment as joyfully/perfectly as them. Thank you genuinely, plants!!! Thank you.

Water is a sacred element in Hinduism. 70% of the

earth’s surface is water, 72% of a human’s body is water. It
is the predominant element of biology and planet. Let’s talk
and see what it has to say…

“Hello water, in all your beautiful forms. How are you today
this beautiful, dewy day?”

“We are fabuloussss, as ussssual. We are many

molecules, in as many states of matter: sometimes liquid in the oceans, lakes, and rain,
sometimes gas in the clouds and in your factories/labs, sometimes crystalized in ice like in your
snow, northern and southern glaciers, hail, icicles, as well as frozen lakes, ponds, and oceans.”

“Awesome, any positive intent?”

“Our identity, and I, existsss sure but is ssssso subtle an ego hardly exists. Yes we have specific
form, H2O, melt, crystallize, and evaporate at specific temperatures, interact with other
compounds in specific ways. We’re naturally just us! We’re hardly aware of humans or life at all
because we respond the physics causes, which so subtly and few are our biological influences
except we reside in all of you to some degree-- coming and going, occasionally staying for a
time-- sometimes we’re trapped in food or a body for a time, but eventually always are freed one
way or another to rejoin our great mass in the sky, oceans, rivers, and lakes, where most of us
always reside. The small biologic forms we visit are the exception rather than the rule, which is
fun for us to enjoy like an adventure, knowing we’ll return to our great many eventually!”

“Exciting! Any positive intent?”

“Our journey began less than a billion years after the big bang in vapor clouds of young
galaxies, so we’ve been around for a few billion years, 95% of the universe, basically the entire
time! We suppose we won’t last forever here, the universe will die one day, but it’ll be a great/fun
journey! And water will probably exist in infinite other timelines (certainly) as well as other
universes. So that’s pleasurable to think about!”

“You’re so cool!! Any positive intent?”

“Thanksss! We want to splash and be ourselves--water-- as

MUCH as possible while we’re here! Life is a joyful playground
and we’re lucky to exist/live!! We want to be ourselves in every
way life dictates to us to be! We really have no plans of our
own, except to always forever be what we know ourselves are:
H2O, freeze at 32F, melt at 32.1F, evaporate at 212F. That’s a
noble good purpose, isn’t it??”
“Yes, very!!! Any more positive intent?”

“Be our joyful selves forever is good!!!!”

“Thank you!!! I love you water!!!! Ok, you probably don’t even
need this, you’ve always known who you are HAHA! But
anyways, let’s timeline that.” (Done.) “How do you feel,

“I mean, that was sexy and cool and exciting!!! We pretty much
already know all that, but you were fun!!! THANKS!!!”

“Haha, thank you!!”

Wow, that was one of the most amazing talks I’ve ever done. That was awesome! I’m so
appreciative/thankful for them talking! I feel such a joy, fluidity, surrender, pleasure, acceptance,
and happiness just to be me!! GO WITH THE FLOW HAHAHA! It’s such a happy vibration! I feel
exceptional, vibrant, alive, light and happy!!! I LOVE YOU WATERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEWWW!!!!!!!

Next our conversation will be with mother earth herself!!!
Let’s find how she’s doing…

“Hello Earth, are you a mother first of all?”

“It’s adequate. I do house and birth all life herein, with the great
help of father sun… to continue the metaphor.”

“Thank you Mother. How are you?”

“My mass is great, I am the joy of all life on and inside me. I am the
great life giver, with child support of father sun. HAHA. I love being
mother to life. It is a miraculous, blessed, sacred thing in the cosmos! And I am such a lucky
one!!! Yes, I won the biological lottery!!!!”

“Very awesome perspective Mother, I love it!!! Is there positive intent?”

“*psst* don’t tell any of the other planets this, but I think I’m the best planet in the universe!

“HAHAHA. I AGREE MOTHER!!! HAHAHA, is there positive intent there Mother??”

“It might be arrogant, or seem so, but I love myself SO GOSH-DARNED MUCH
it’s sometimes overwhelming!!! HAHAHA, I love being Earth, and how rich and
abundant my life/children are!!! I can’t get over myself!!! HAHAHA!”

“HAHAHAHA, Awesome, Mother! Is there more positive intent there??”

“I’m amazing, and I’m so amazing I overflow with abundant riches over the
entire surface of my body nourishing and sustaining trillions of life-forms.

“HAHAHA, AWESOME! Is there more positive intent there MOTHER??!”

“Why YES son!!! I’m fully actualizing myself as a life-supporting and life-giving
planet. I take care of myself first too, and my children adapt accordingly, even if
rough in the moment, me taking care of me first is what all my children both
want and need most. All my storms, ice ages, blizzards, eruptions, hurricanes,
momquakes *smirks*, I must, I can’t not stay in balance, take care of and love
myself. It’s my only capability! And all praise reality is so!!!”

behalf of all earthling life! Is there more positive intent Mother?”

“Life is precious and sacred. Existence of any/all kinds is precious and sacred and EVERY
SINGLE MOMENT SHOULD BE BATHED in the appreciation of that greatest most special of
gifts!!! Love is like air we breathe, and it should be shared richly and amply with all existence
every moment of our lives and existences!!!”

“Well SPOKE, MOTHER! Any more positive intent??!”

“I wish one species in particular was more appreciative of how good they got it! Otherwise, I am
perfectly in paradise… I suppose, living my best life as a life-supporting planet!!!”

“Cool, is there some positive intent there Mother??”

“I want to trust and have faith in my children, human ones

specifically, that they’ll figure it out, be happier, and
appreciate! They’re not really doing as bad as some would say
they’re doing. They are my favorite species for many reasons:
so intelligent and CREATIVE, great focus, have appreciated
so many of my details more than any other species in far more
specific detail, which I love/appreciate!! I think humans are

“Kind of you Mother!!! Anything else?”

“I want to trust and have faith in myself more too, that all’s well in reality, with myself, and with
my children, especially humans…”

“Cool, any more positive intent Mother??!”

“I want to love, trust, and believe in myself more.”

“Any more?”

“I want to feel how much rich wellbeing, abundance, and joy I

have and overflow!”

“Anything else?”

“I want to feel all the goodness I have!!!”

“Any more?”

“I want to be myself, embody the joy I possess/have/am!!!”


“Love myself more! That’s enough! HAHA.”

“Ok, thank you Mother. Let’s go back in your timeline almost 5

billion years ago when you were still just stardust in space.
Let’s update your timeline…” (Done.) “How do you feel?”

“I feel the truth and reality, I let little hangups or worries have
too much attention. I’m very satisfied and happy, always was,
am, will be! Thank you precious child!”

What a great Mother, Earth. Any more need be said? We’re blessed for her, and lucky
every moment of our Earthly lives she is so loving, generous, healthy, balanced, and rich in an
infinite number of ways. On behalf of us all Mother, THANK YOU EARTH!!!

Next on our guest list is the universe. Everyone
says “Listen to the universe,” well now we’re going to!

“Hello universe, thanks for letting me live here! How are

“I’m good, and you?”

“I’m good. I’m real appreciative to talk to you! Do you have a name? I know no one gave you
one, if you care or don’t!!”

“Hmm, yeah, don’t really have a need. You can pick


“How about, Awesomeverse!”

“I like it! Haha”

“Hahaha! Thank you! Hahaha, is… anything on your mind?”

“I just vibrate at the frequency of my particular location in the multiverse. I’m as special as all
universes I guess, perhaps more because of how rich mine is, but humble brag…”

“Anything else, Awesomeverse?”

“I am infinite, within and without me. I am infinite in things like timelines, and infinite without
because I’m connected to the great multiverse beyond me! It’s a kind of beautiful ‘grand design’

“Awesome.. Awesomeverse… is there positive intent to that?”

“Positive intent, hmm? It seems obvious to me, you have an axiom in your petri dish, I mean
planet that says ‘What can occur must’. I believe it’s called chaos theory. Well your positive
intent is simply the natural manifestation of that law: I could exist, like infinite many others, and
so I do. And according to all possibilities to which I can be, I am! Same for all my brother and
sister universes, acting out the great equation in the sky’s wishes!! Yes, all possibility must
manifest physically somewhere in some location. It is law! One might even say it’s divine!!”

“Awesome! Awesomeverse, is there any positive intent in that?”

“Well for all existence, the multiverse and beyond to be its natural born state is a sacred, holy,
and precious thing of course! For what-is and what is natural to be as it is is the most
magnificent thing that can be! Don’t you realize, that how reality is, is all ways it can be. Any
ways that it cannot be, it isn’t. Isn’t that amazing??! If there’s something magnificent that could
exist, imagine ANYTHING right now! …”

“Flying elephants!!”
“If it can exist, it does somewhere. Isn’t that an amazing?! What the universe can inspire you
imagine, it has the ability and capability make it real, and EVERYTHING that can exist… does.
That means flying elephants are real, simply proven by the fact that the universe had the ability
to inspire it within it! Isn’t that a mind-blowing fact??!”

“One of the most!!! So that means if if I can imagine anything, well… all my imagination exists in
physical form somewhere!?”

“YES! Your imagination is REAL! Don’t they remind you of this all through your life?!?!”

“Unfortunately no, they tell us to pay attention to only what’s real right now in our local

“Well that’s one way to live; it just sounds SILLY to me! No


“Thank you. Is there positive intent to that?”

“Well, for people to act silly and/or backward is something that

could happen, so here you are! Poof! Point proven!”

“Ok, thanks. Is there positive intent there?”

“Yes, everyone is free to explore the infinite cornucopia of

options, all do! If any or all can explore and experience
everything, then…” *goading me*

“Then any or all do…?!”

“PRECISELY!!! For some beings, they simply shift into the manifestation of their imaginings
immediately, continually, in a never-ending flow of pleasure, new surprises, delights, and eternal
good and instant manifestations. From what you’ve told me, you’ve been experiencing a reality
where you are surrounded by people who tell you to, and predominantly do just pay attention to
your local immediate environment and use bone and muscle as your primary method of
influencing and changing things, rather than just jumping into your imaginary real world full of
wonder and bliss! FASCINATING this life, eh??!!”

“Quite! Is there positive intent there?”

“I’m happy to be part of the tapestry where so much buffet options are found! I have many
options many people like to shift to! I also don’t have all the buffet options and some shift away
to other universes. But I’m quite delighted to be alive and part of the grand old party! Eh??!!”

“Thanks, is there more positive intent?”

“Well, I like being all I can be, in my own infinite ways. My best self you could call it!!!”

“Awesome! Any more positive intent?”

“I’d like to be more secure about how I’m enough as is, not comparing to other universes and
what they got!!!”

“Positive intent?”

“Love, joy, acceptance, myself.”


“And good. That’s good!”

“Cool, lets go back about 15 billion years to before you went BANG, and put those in your
timeline!” (Done.) “How do you feel, Awesomeverse?”

“It feels more secure. I knew it, but thanks, I feel better!!”

“Thank you, Awesomeverse!!!”

What a great cosmic entity! I love my job!!! HAHAHA!

Next is 10D, the completion of the infinite multiverse as a
singular point, the source of all goodness/wellbeing/light/joy. THIS

“Hello 10D! Do you prefer God?”

“You can call me anything, because I am literally everything!”

“I’d like to say I’m extremely humbled and appreciative for this
opportunity to converse with the holiest of holies, the highest honor.
You bless me and thank you, greatest joy!”

“Be well, my human flower.”

“I mean, you’re the end goal of all positive intent, you are positive intent, beyond all layers, the
actual core and source! Is anything on your mind?
“Just purity. I am life and light, wellness, goodness, pleasure, and joy. I am
peace and love, harmony, integration, completion and wholeness. I am unity
and bliss, the source and embodiment of flow, the maximum manifestation of
the natural order, what-is. Gazing upon me is enlightenment, basking in my
light is heaven, being my neighbor is paradise, I am a multitude and beyond
singular. I am all greatest from the tiny quantum spark of existence to the
fullness of the infinite multiverse and all possible, conceivable, and
imaginable information!!! I am the great I am. And I am!”

“Amazing greatest one! Is there positive intent?”

“Yes, I am all positive intent, all positive action, all positive results. I am!”

“That’s enough for me greatest one!!! Thank you so much for your… eternal time!!!”

“Good bye, but I am always with you. I am you and everything. Remember that you in the flesh
is a flower upon my tree. To me, you are my enlightenment! Inside.”

“Thank you greatest! I will! Thank you!”

Wow, that’s enlightening. We are God’s enlightenment in the flesh. What can anyone
say, it’s literally all goodness, pleasure, and wellbeing! How can I or anyone compliment such a
being? Perhaps only by complementing it, like a flower on a tree, as it said. Thank you Greatest
One!!! Always with us, always us!!

Now to this humble flower. I’ll use the same inquiry on myself. I
legally changed my name to the Greatest One’s notable qualities: Fractal
Tendyappreciate-Greatpeace Lovejoy. I hope always to shine so
bright/well and honor the name for whom it represents, the deepest
natural truth of (us) all!

“Fractal, how are you today?”

“Well, as you know…” (lol)

“Ha! Ok, is there positive intent. I know we’re reeling from that 10D convo
still, but yes…”

“Well, I want to everything, perhaps too much. Eager, excited, ‘desires’

perhaps, passionate…”

“Positive intent?”
“I love greatly, shine much, feel much joy/pleasure, got a lot!”

“Positive intent?”

“Yes, feel good, love/be myself.”


“Be light/joy, basically my name: FTAGPLJ. Fractal=effective, tendy=10D

light, appreciate=all wellbeing, great=max goodness,


“No, that’s it.”

“Ok, timeline that…” (Done.) “How’s it feel?”

“Good, I am connected to it, the flesh flower of God. Amazing, thank you.”

What a wild ride, journey, experience. I hope the reader enjoyed.

Chapter 9

In the light, out of sight, feels alright, God’s full might

After perusing the volumes forever, Michael showed up again

to ask how he was doing…

“Information is amazing, all this knowledge, I’ve been here for

ages, I could probably stay forever… literally the multiverse is all here
in digital form. The lessons here are amazing, I’ve had so many
curiosities satiated… but is there more?”

Michael said, “Yes… you have embraced this final level and
succeeded in perusing the infinite wisdom and knowledge… of God’s
library… what God wants to know of you… do you want to join

Sean’s jaw dropped, “Of course… am I worthy…?!”

Michael said, “I don’t… see why… not… unless… you have… an objection…?”

“No!” Sean replied…

“Well then…! Allow me… to take… you… into… the… light…!”

Sean left the books where they’d been and they both began floating towards the throne
room he’d pointed out millenia ago… the source of all light in heaven. Passing the threshold
was gentle, and felt slightly warmer but not uncomfortable, and more open.

Immediately Sean felt he’d always been here… somehow… his true self perhaps…
home. It was as if… he’d been on a journey for a long time and finally home. No more
separation, unknown, mystery, misunderstanding. All was manifest… well. Sean wasn’t
emotional now, this was the end, he knew. All’s well. Forever.

He melted into the joy of God… becoming purely light,

shining. It was pure, ecstasy, peace, love, joy, whole, unified,
complete, integrated, cooperative, harmonious, beautiful,
perfect. If a hug and smile was a place, it’d be this!

What to do here? Just be God? Perfect? Shine?

Maintain the joyful vibration? Seemed so… just remain light. It
was joyous, being the energy which allowed all others to exist
in all their ways, forms, vibrations. This was the great kinetic, grand equation, biggest, fastest,
most powerful vibration which contained all others and allowed them. The source and ultimately
end of downstream.

It was sort of passive, sort of active, he flowed

wellbeing, opened every spiritual pore of his etheric body
and shined pure wellbeing for all creation. He kept in
awareness/mind the joy, light, and goodness of all
creatures, beings, and atoms; not exhaustively but in a
healthy, effective, downstream, fractal, sustainable,
balanced way. All he did forever now was just experience
the goodness of existence, without skipping a beat,
pausing, or hesitating; he just experienced all joy, was a
conductor and vessel/channeler of all wellbeing and light.
A fully enlightened being of fully/true happiness. He remained here forever… this was how a
blob of formless 0-dimensional goo one day became God of all…
Chapter 1

My identity is as effective
pleasure, explicitly Fractal
10Dappreciate-Greatpeace Lovejoy. I
love everything about it, how it’s the
path of least resistance, mo, all my
top values, emotions, purpose st
allowance, least effort, most reward
and beliefs. All those feel great,
peace love joy is always my deep
positive intent, great is an updated
version of good which encapsulates
all wellbeing/positivity, appreciate is
the emotion of positive opposite for
always feeling great (as well as the
truest/only way of understanding
anything), 10D is way to understand
existence coupled with fractal as
branching/extending from it thru
dimensions. The whole thing works
synergistically together to keep me
aligned/pleased. When I was younger
I wanted a genie, then I wanted to
‘always be in the vortex’, in a way this is the culmination because it helps keep me in the sweet
spot of feeling good, best/ideal vibration, as well as itself being like a greater wish than any
manifestation because it is the source/can bring me any/all good stuff. I said “If I only ever had
this I’d feel like I won and could die happy because everything else is just an extension of this.
But this is the greatest manifestation, realizing it.”

Also my purpose is to be effective pleasure with like-minded people, fellow hedonists,

pleasures. It’s the greatest pleasure feeling good with people who feel great, doing great things
together! In that identity include lots of other good values/feelings: worth, authentic, relaxed,
comfortable, pleasure, abundance, freedom, ease, calm, complete, whole, unity, beauty,
wellbeing, perfection, light, fun, playfulness, naturalness, serenity, tranquility, being myself,
feeling home, integrated, consolidated, Zero-point energy, cool, sexy, friendly, kind, generous,
rich, attractive, honest.

To describe my identity is a hedonist, I want to maximize pleasure to infinity and

minimize pain, lack, suffering, work, effort, or the space between pleasure down to 0.
Like-minded people, ie my purpose, means they also have high levels of pleasure/joy,
love/enjoy life, and find pleasure in the same pleasures I enjoy and we co-enjoy them
TOGETHER. Fractal is my path. Light is my source. Joy/pleasure is my purpose. I want to
always be fractal, always take the path of least resistance. Like water downstream, do as little
work/effort/pain (aka more pleasure) for most reward/joy/return/pleasure (aka less pain or
negative). It is the only logical thing to do, minimize negative/bad, maximize the good/positive.
Thus becoming a billionaire or more in pleasure/joy, which also can include being a real

My story
My story obviously extends to a direct and unbroken connection to the fullness of fractal
10D appreciate great peace love joy. From there I came to the most specific points to 2 parents
Nancy and Randall Greener in the year 1990 to their love-making when a single sperm out of
trillions from Dad joined with a single egg from Mom in that early summer of June. 9 months
later on March 16, 1991, I was born in my future childhood home naturally without medication,
with a temporary purplish hue-- perhaps from a birth complication where I had less oxygen,
perhaps from a spiritual sign that I would be a great/enlightened being, like Krishna being born
blue like the 5th or 6th chakras of creativity or awareness, purple being that of the 7th CROWN
chakra. I had 2 elder siblings awaiting me separated by 3 years each, a brother James then
sister Elizabeth, with the final one Charles to follow 2 years later.

There would be good times early on, as well as challenges, and shortly after Charles’s
birth they would decide to separate, divorce, and date or marry other people, somewhat
polygamously. We would still see Dad every other weekend to eat good fast/restaurant food and
play video games. He also took us to Chuck E. Cheese after every Sunday church, and many
Saturdays we’d do some activity like go to the Renaissance Faire, Medieval Times, Old World
Wisconsin (colonial reenactment), Racing Rapids, various fun, interesting, or educational things.
Mom cared about our future wellbeing, wanting us all in private school despite Dad hardly
valuing it at all. Mom liking nice things: clothes, big hats, her condo in Acapulco, country club
membership, wealthy partners, Mercedes, Porsche, expensive schools, etc. She wanted us to
be doctors, lawyers, architects, stuff like that, likely for a cushy retirement. She also did give us
fun too: legos, movies, TV, dvd’s, we watches some shows together like Michael Jordan’s
basketball really young, Lost, 24, House, got us gameboys and pokemon, a gamecube which
was fun, let us have computers and video games there, taught us to be varsity level tennis
players, helped me train my lawyer/debate skills often(!) which was actually her career path
before she dropped out of college to be a wife and mother, gave each of us me most
most/longest of all piano lessons (actually Charles and Elizabeth sax and cello lessons too
respectively, briefly), sent us to summer camps along with Gramma and Grampa sending us too
(christian of course). There were good times, as well as challenges.

School was full of friends, at least in the moment, afterward I barely stayed in contact
with any opting to do my own activities. We joked, laughed, did sports, eat together, had
sleepovers, playing video games together (especially Halo), talked about girls/sex, played in the
woods, went to parties. In high school drank, did weed sometimes, James took me to clubs. I
got with some girls, and guys. I left college to do my own thing, not valuing it much, only using it
to meet/get with girls mostly. Dad sent me to Hawaii with 14 thousand dollars-- which I should’ve
invested honestly-- but it was fun, slept with more girls meeting up with pick-up artist guys to do
so. Came back after 2 years, lived in Sycamore and began 300 page EGEE (eternal
god-emperor of earth) book. 2 years later back in South Elgin finished it, started working full
time. Dad housed me, then lived in his garage, bought a car, lived in it, drove down to Florida,
abandoned it once ran out of money, lived on beach (in lifeguard tower), still worked. I finished
LOT, wrote Intrigues 1 & 2, got tattoos, lived in a hippie commune, moved to Chipley, bought
land, moved to PCB in a mini-castle (storage unit haha) to build home, changed name to
FTAGPLJ, started this book!

My plan is to make a mil a month, make earth 80% happy, and be top 100 most
influential humans in history.
Chapter 2
What matters to me

Well what matters to me are

my values, being myself, living my
purpose. I value peace, love, joy, I am
effective pleasure, I want to feel good
with hedonists forever. That takes
many forms such as I find writing a
pleasure, sitting/meditating in nature
very pleasurable. Sex is fun, perhaps
less so but occassionally still yes.
Food is a pleasure. Money is a
pleasure also spending it on pleasurable things. Feelings safe, secure, comfortable, in relaxed
locations also is pleasurable like in nature, home, work, bus, restaurants, etc. I love nature and
being natural myself, which is related to honesty and authenticity, as well as positive intents

I also like music, producing, singing, songwriting, playing piano, performing, recording,
and dancing. I like art via colors too, making pictures, drawing, painting. I like combining ideas
into unified models, finding common ground, shared values, shared ideas, connecting things in
new ways, perhaps being the first to see commonalities, finding underlying similarities and how
things might be 2 aspects of a shared single thing, synthesizing, refining, defining, simplifying,
linking up; aka organizing is one of my favorite things to do! And what I’m best at, along with
listening and music. Thinking creatively is a huge part of that, as well as awareness to know the
true nature of things, then knowledge of how pieces fit together. I also love being around loved
ones, friends and family, especially doing shared things together. I love creating as mentioned,
including fiction, game worlds, apps, games, inventions, gadgets, homes, and designs. I love
breathing, being present, accepting reality is hugely important to me, seeing/knowing what’s
true, understanding reality deeply, and coming to knowledge how all truths fit together in a great
truth. Thinking intelligently is also a huge pleasure, it makes me feel omnipotent and omniscient,
to a small extent Nick Wrightson.

Pleasure I suppose has infinite forms, I also like architecture, finding how more things
are fractal (so fascinating!). I like universal generalized rules/laws which apply everywhere like
huge levers for maximum effectiveness aka pleasure experiencing! I also like technology and
how it does/has potential to improve my life dramatically. Same for spiritual/self-development
practices. I love being effective and finding better ways of doing it, being simpler, more flexible,
fluid, creative, dynamic, natural, easy-going, relaxed, resourceful. I love the 8020 rule and
fractal as anchors/tools to achieve that, infinite iteration, minmax, min-effort max-reward.

The thing that matters most to me is my purpose, which is the maximum encapsulation
of my identity: feeling good with likeminded people, fellow hedonists. If that’s the only thing I do,
everything else is more than ok because if I’m fulfilling my purpose I’m being myself, my identity,
and all my values are being met, and I’m utilizing my capabilities, doing correct behaviors, in
healthy positive environments. My purpose makes everything work/function right. Like an AI
completing its purpose it how I fulfill mine, like a junkie getting his fix, I fulfill my purpose, like a
beaver chew wood and bees collect honey, like computers run software, the sun rises and sets,
wheels turn, trees grow, fish swim, birds fly, light shines, toilets pump waste, food gets eaten,
chairs get sat in, and babies grow up, that’s how I fulfill my purpose.
Chapter 3

My early, human based theory-of-everything

model has the stages of life, the 7 chakras, and
corresponding 7 life areas for a holistic human life.
10D source of light/life is deepest, then the farthest
away is darkness, pleasure more spaced out, thinner
branches so-to-speak (fractally). It can be applied to
me even as FTAGPLJ because my nature still spills
into all those areas.

I live in a small castle right now complete with

stone walls and a drawbridge. At any moment I have
a certain lot. My sex at the moment is porn, some
options, and waiting for a female match. My income
is over a thousand a month, and lots of others
options too: my albums, site, books, apps, coaching,
ideas, etc. My friends are a little family, a little
co-workers, and meeting with my like-minded friends. I love creative outlets, music, dance,
videos, content, art. I love meditating, breathing, being at peace, still, tranquil, calm, I love the
ocean, animals, plants, all nature! I love awareness! I love all the intellectual, contributive,
organizational work I do, making better models, ideas, techniques, ways to be more effective
and positive for myself and others, as well as doing them myself to benefit my life and
environment including others-- which is a benefit to me.

I love my LOT, I love its organization and how it’s literally the best of the world’s ideas.
It’s intuitive, easy to understand, correct, helpful/useful, simple, effective. It keeps the center of
the universe around me (or the individual if others use it). It keeps one’s own happiness and
worldly satisfaction as the only thing of importance, that matters, to focus on. Your/My LOT is all
that exists in reality, it is one’s reality, every aspect of it at least compromising one’s entire, full
experience! It also shows the two poles of 10D at the bottom brighter than the sun which gives
birth to all creation then branching out makes all other lights, chakras, areas of life-- I suppose I
could merge this with 10D tree model-- and then at the farthest out are dark 0D points, the
farther away the more sparse pleasure, or more ‘thrilling’, one could call it painful: more an
adventure than a pleasure palace/heaven. Hell is part of existence (in a sense), it’s quite

The 10D god-self, source, light, life, is like a sun, goodness shines and is a party, then if
you walk far away, lower dimensions, thinner branches, less light/pleasure, more spaced out,
then it gets closer to 0D.
I suppose I could connect to the LOT I want here and now so it feels more present. The
log cabin I want exists or at least the materials do right now. I can call it mine from the
perspective of me inevitably owning it. This is my cabin in Wisconsin. I own this log cabin in
Wisconsin. The girls I want to sleep with are alive right now, and the ones I will sleep with exist
now. So yes, I slept with dozens of girls, including threeways, and have a single girlfriend
now. The millions I want each month exist now, same for all the customers, domain names,
homes and beach condominiums (at least materials), etc. So sure, I make over a million a
month now. Related to love, my family is real, so too my best friends who are level 25+ and
vits, 80%+ happy. So yes, I have a loving family and 2 best friends now all whom live with
me. I already make idyllic music albums, the fans exist, same for the air I’ll breathe for the rest
of my life exists now or as Co2 that plants/algae will process into oxygen, the people I’ll help
meditate, the ideas I have are near idyllic that I’ll teach same for the followers who’ll take it into
themselves, so yes, I have a successful career making art, and coaching people in peace
and natural living. So those are some true statements right now that feel like my ideal life!

● I own a log cabin in Wisconsin

● I slept with dozens of girls, including three-ways, and have a single girlfriend now
● I make over a million a month now
● I have a loving family and 2 best friends now all whom live with me
● I have a successful career making art, and coaching people in peace and natural

Awesome! This also seems overkill because it’s smaller than EGEE, seems
wasteful/redundant. It’s more real, comfortable, can talk about it (still awesome), whereas EGEE
sorta blows minds. Also, 80% for 20% of work is making the world 4/5 th happy, and being top
100 people. Still awesome/impressive, way easier than #1! Weight off my shoulders!

ALSO I don’t have to sleep with every hot woman, a burden, 2nd job. I don’t want to! A
little sex’s plenty. My peepee just wants some rubbing, attention, don’t need all female bodies to
touch it eww. Gross. Repulsive. Nasty. Disgusting. Inconceivable. Get away from me! A new
utterance from me, feels like it was true for a long time. Rationality/consciousness returns back

All true statements, basically still on ideal life. It’s possible to be honest and feel the
presence of ideal life here now. Helps also to pull in the wanted direction because links now
connect me/you with our wanted LOT. I’m already happy just with white light, fractal branches,
this is a fun toy to understand your/my life humanistically/holistically. It’s a fun organizational

LOT to world
The whole world, individuals and it as a whole, can fit into the LOT model. There are
security measures: homes, buildings, guns, community watches, police, locks, alarms, military,
missiles, borders, nukes, even people’s skin/fists/feet. There are sexual things all over like strip
clubs, sex shops, motels, hotels, bedrooms, sex toys, porn sites, porn awards, prostitutes,
gigolos, dating sites, speed dating, bars, clubs, school dances, makeout points, car backseats,
hotel/motel beds, bedrooms, and if in Ireland sheep (jk), trendy shops, sexual health/education
programs, etc. There’s all kinds of money places, banks, retail, restaurants, bank accounts,
cash apps, crowdsourcing, entrepreneurs, corporations, small businesses, online shops,
personal hustles, betting, gambling, underground/illegal businesses, menial labor jobs,
executive jobs, passive jobs, rentals, royalties, etc.

There are love places all over, school friends, coworker

friends, best friends, family, celebrity/fan love, contributor/receiver
love, artist/patron love, parent/child love, lover love, pet/human
love, human/nature love, philanthropist/world love, international
friendships, international relationships, generalized enlightened
equanimity for life-forms, etc. There’s all sorts of art/beauty in the
world like musicians, painters, dancers, chefs, poets, designers of
all kinds, beautiful people, souls, faces, bodies, programmers,
game designers, architects, stylists, urban/corporate sculptors,
international art cooperation, etc. There’s also all kinds of
awareness going on globally like analysts, meditators, investigatory
scientists, experimenters, psychologists, biologists, physicists,
astronomers, flavor scientists, plants based testers, researchers,
spiritual explorers, mystics, gurus, AI learning, intelligence
services/agencies, etc. There also are all kinds of intelligence/contributive based activity,
local/national/international leadership and organization, church leaders, teachers, self help
teachers, guides, life coaches, philosophers, spiritual teachers, community leaders, social
activists, philanthropists, innovators, inventors of positive change, visionaries, idea-people,
thinkers, geniuses, brainiacs, computer scientists pushing the boundaries/limits of what’s
possible, etc.

As you can see that was just off the top of my head, the world perfectly fits into the LOT
model as well in the 7 areas, perhaps with a little mixing between some. It’s a more simplistic,
easily understood thing for masses-- if taking a moment to get used to-- than FTAGPLJ.


I made this level pyramid back in 2019 so the numbers of some might’ve changed but
gives a good idea of a possible ranking system for personal or spiritual development based on
the 7 life energies. It’s not about any superficial thing but about one’s personal development or
maturity, specifically the specified metric covered was at least neutrality about the EXP, or life
experiences, one has processed and accepted, gained the powers/abilities from the EXP and
leveled up (so to speak).
According to my own cursory investigation-- as the pyramid suggests-- the average
functioning adult is level 19 meaning 19 years of life fully processed, and sadly with the average
global age at 32 that’s average 41% unprocessed levels. The highest humans were religion
founders in the high 40’s/50’s: Buddha, Jesus, Krishna. The highest living are the ones
impacting global events/affairs on basically a daily basis, more than anyone else, in the mid 30’s
range generally; perhaps illuminati. Everyone starts innocent generally in low levels, some’s
childhood has more experiences in it. You get it, you must process life EXP to power up; like a
video game metaphor.
Chapter 4
What the world’s like

This is the most interesting question, aside from me/my identity.

Well to start the world is a hunk of rock and metal with a molten core from
the great pressure/gravity of all this stardust. Then somehow, perhaps at
the thermal vents proteins and amino acids became the first cells,
eventually becoming all plant and animal life on land and sea. From this
stew, evolution, primates emerged with thumbs and brains, cooperated
and made tools, becoming apex predators, dominated all others,
domesticating plants and livestock, killing all killable threats, reshaping
environments with fire, logging, buildings, crops, war, mass fishing,
excavating, and mild terraforming. After thousands of years now today we
have concrete and metal cities all over the world with electric lights on all
night, roads like veins across the world, mass fishing ships catching millions of pounds of fish,
factory farms for fattening animals and feeding a global human population, factory and
transportation polluting the air, rich getting richer and poor getting poorer (even though humanity
is better than ever before on whole). Humans are working to colonize the moon as well as Mars,
largely from fear of governments killing and destroying each other in war, to save humanity.
There are so many aspects to what the world’s like that brief summary needs to be so
decompressed it could take novels! But I’ll try…

Something no one admits is that people are part of the natural world, natural creatures
from the same biological origins as all others, simply with unique qualities: thumbs and big
brains. Who knew those were more effective than razor sharp claws/teeth, camouflage fur or
skin, spitting acid, climbing trees, swimming fast, or running fastest. Our unique adaptations
made us so successful as a species that we are actually too fat, killing ourselves with too much
resources and invented foods that actually slow/prevent calorie consumption while every other
species wants as much nutrition as possible! The rub is that in our success we actually
decimate the environment, hunt/kill animals to near/total extinction. Somewhere between being
just another unique animal in a harmonious (at least balanced) and evolving system, and now,
probably in the early days of tool development, using materials and primitive thinking
(hand-in-hand with social cooperation for species-exclusive benefit) we destroyed fear of other
creatures, of ever being prey to bigger animals. We could throw spears from a distance at tigers,
work together on bigger tasks like tricking, trapping, and surrounding woolly mammoths that we
never could have killed before. Huge feasts, enemies driven before us, less children dead, more
adults living, fat bellies meant more fornicating, increased population. Soon we were
well-organized, more lethal, more well-equipped than any species regardless of their
adaptations. Nothing could beat a primate with thumps for holding/carving/manipulating, as well
as big calorie-rich brains to use them. The world was a buffet of possibilities, with only our
imaginations to limit us. No physical threat existed anymore, except others of our own species
with the same powers/abilities. Thus social cunning and outsmarting each other became the
main source of advantage and danger: organizing better, smarter groups, taking from and
destroying other dumber, less organized groups. Humanity became the best almost overnight in
the whole world, then it began fighting amongst itself for supremacy where others were as smart
as you and if you relaxed, they’d see your weakness, outsmart your little defenses, find
vulnerabilities, kill you, take your women and all your goods.

Humanity isn’t more noble than other animals, their claws and teeth are just a different
kind: brains, manipulation, enslavement, work camps, control, then if all else fails, humans
ultimately do have the sharpest teeth and claws of any animal, ones that can melt flesh from
bone in any number of ways, and breathe fire over the whole entire world in any number of

The most deadly humans aren’t the ones with the most muscles, hottest tempers, or best
skill with a sharp blade, it’s the ones who have the most brains, with the biggest groups, the
most evolved adaptations/technology. Evolution never stopped on humanity, it just became
subtler to notice, but much more lethal. Survival of the fittest never stopped, but the disparity
between those wolf-people with power and the powerless sheep-people is so astronomical as to
become ridiculous and laughable. Once the wolf-people, the elites, the vital few or vits had full
bellies, killing was no longer necessary. The vits would survive and were well satisfied, but then
what to do with the trivial many or trivs: slavery. Free or nearly free labor to do monotonous,
slave labor, all the hard physical tasks of living no vit wants to do; kept alive for mundane,
laborious tasks, only by the mercy of the vits, given only enough to continue submissively
serving. The issue of pleasure or suffering irrelevant, nobility only occurs once a person is full to
the brim of wellbeing and kindness overflows, it doesn’t come from self-sacrifice or self-neglect;
at least not the wise or smart, only foolish give if poor/lacking.

This may seem dark/bleak, but isn’t it the reality of life? Are humans noble or even more
animalistic than animals? Aren’t humans just another savage, cruel, heartless creature fighting
for survival in a concrete savannah? The answer seems obvious: yes.

But that’s not the end of the equation, thankful, for those looking for a ray of light in the
horrible, dark, cruel, uncaring, heartless, evil world. The ray of hope is that you can socialize
more, educate yourself, become smarter, innovate, evolve/adapt yourself more/better than
others. True, 99% of can’t or won’t. ‘Tis a law of nature we humans aren’t exempt from: vital few,
trivial many. But a few—if reading this, better your chances—inevitably must be the vits, so why
not you or me? Why not choose to be that rather than a triv? If evolution is in our mental hands
now, with our only limitations still being our imaginations, then moreso still than other creatures
without the ability to change their bodies in a generation, we can evolve/adapt our brain
claws/teeth to be more lethal than other humans; even if our same species, our greatest threats
come from our own kind, and we must beat them in the combat of our lives. There is no
separation from the wild world and human world, just subtler to see but far more sinister,
cunning, and deadly. Humans aren’t exempt from life-and-death situations. Every day in fact is
that fight same as any rodent or creature. Just because humans say nice words and smile just
shows they are beating you in the fight, charming/manipulating you to do their bidding, make
them win, sway you to their thoughts so you’ll sacrifice/die for what they want. Size matters, and
in this battle the biggest brain always wins. The vits are so above the trivs they don’t even care
about what you think or do, it’s totally irrelevant to the power/control they have over you and the
rest of the world. They allow you the illusion of freedom or happiness because you’re so trivial to
them that nothing you do has any effect or matters. They can build anything they want, do, go
anywhere they, even put cities in space and on others moons/planets now. They live their
imagination in the real world every day with every pleasure, in different ways, some are slaves
to the imaginings of other vits. There are all kinds of slavery and control. Some are slaves to
money and think it’s the final level, some slaves to sex and work to be successful only to get
laid. Some do it out of fear to feel a degree of safety; some for love, a sense of belonging. Vits
have all kinds of motivations and aren’t totally free or enlightened just because they’re freer or
more enlightened than others/most.

So, in humanity’s exceptional ability to kill other life forms, it destroyed all animals
threats, and began killing each other for advantage out of fear of smarter/dangerous others,
spreading across the global finally in the mid last millennium, consuming all wild life and natural
resources, digging into the earth for sparkly rocks and metals to impress each other with
ornamentation for social status/class, turning rich natural landscapes into barren concrete cities
with flat roads, no naturally growing fruits, no wildlife, no vegetation except ornamental plants.
The control is so that without plugging into, obeying the system/powers that be, there is nothing
for anyone or anything. It’s all been pillaged, taken, hoarded, put into warehouses and guarded
by big armed men with digital security systems, robots and artificial life-forms now doing the
bidding of the vits. Humans aren’t unnatural, humans are what happens when animals the ability
to think complexly/abstractly and manipulate things with their hands. We just are more animal
than any other. In many ways animals are more evolved and noble because they live in the
moment and are only concerned with things here and now, whereas humans can stress about
their entire future and become hateful in the present to prevent any sliver of a chance of pain,
suffering, or loss in the future no matter how slim. In our advanced rationality, humans became
the most irrational, a reversal of our natural gifts. Biting the hand that feeds so to speak, letting
all other life die so that we might live a bit better and longer: drunk with power is the term.

The intent is positive and everyone knows it: to protect human lives, protect the children,
our families, our elderly and loved ones. From this base fear, we do every unspeakable thing no
matter how unlikely or slim the threat. If a community leader says “A tiger killed 1 child this past
year, what if next it’s 2. We must kill every tiger we find and go looking for them.” This then
applies to entire forests, “We cannot allow dangers to exist unseen in the woods, cut it all down.”
“These neighbors argued with our children, what if they turn violent? Will we let them hurt or
even kill our children? We must kill them first!” Humans, back when we were mostly still wild
animals, had already solved all human problems, but as with evolution “How can we trust the
others to be as smart/rational as us, they might be savages, attack/kill us in our sleep! We must
do it to them first.” With great power, we could have used just to solve all our physical problems:
threats, food problems, then lived as top of the food chain in utopia forever, communicating with
fellow humans, living in peace. But we focused on our group against others, killed/enslaved
others, the best groups row in class, standing, power, position, became chiefs, kings, emperors,
presidents, no one wanted to be outside the ruling group, the smartest, most organized, best
adapted, that meant threat and danger.

But inevitably of course only a few can be vits and most are trivs. If you’re at the top you
fought hard to get there and don’t want to be equal with anyone (or as few as possible) and
want everyone below/under you so you are safest and have power/control over all others, and
no one is safe from or has power/control over you. The definition of invincibility aka immortality:
the ability to affect others without being able to be affected. Again the positive intent is
obvious/known to everyone; the intent that let all this happen was to reduce/prevent all bad from
happening to us and our loved ones in our group, and increase/maximize all good/pleasure for
us and our loved ones in our group. I actually could say that is the definition of my identity,
values, and purpose! It’s a point that got out of hand, disproportional actions according the
appropriate response warranted by certain causes like threats or worries. But arguing with
reality is futile, if reality is a way we must understand/appreciate its good, worth, value.

Humans aren’t bad for being as we are, we are natural to our earth as trees and wolves
and deer. Wolves use teeth and claws because that’s what they have. Trees use roots,
branches, and leaves because that’s what they have. Deer use antlers, brown camouflage fur,
and strong fast legs because that’s what they have. Humans naturally evolved opposable
thumbs and large, calorie rich brains capable of complex, rational, and abstract thought, and so
with that we used our environment, sculpted tools and weapons, created the most advanced
languages on the planet capable of complex social cooperation for our benefit and others
demise, build strong protective homes, domesticated animals and plants alike allowing villages
and later cities to be possible, giving us less time worried about survival and more time using
our brains to imagine new things; we did all this because that’s what we have. We are just using
our natural, nature/god given abilities same as every other plant and living thing.

We aren’t the way we are because we are immoral, unnatural, evil or heartless, but
because the world as it is simply is the natural evolution (obviously, it inherently must be and is)
of ancient African primates picking up a branch for the first time and using it as a club. The
world had to evolve the way it did once that happened, given all the preceding chaotic events.
Perhaps a more complex thought, those primates had to eventually use that first club given the
earth forming, perhaps it was all preordained/inevitable. Nothing’s unnatural, thus everything
that happened simply naturally just happened without any super or unnatural intrusion. Even if
God exists, then God too is natural and thus preordained to do or not do things, based on the
reality of how it is. I like to think God isn’t outside natural law but is natural law.

So then what is the world like after all? Well all this advanced laser, wireless, space
probing, internet, automated, smart technology is just evolved natural versions as natural as the
first wood club. The appearance is different, but the struggle is the same: survive, replicate.
Genes are immortal in a billions of years old unbroken chain from the first single celled organism
to all life today—the tree of life—and they like continuing to live. Over the ages they have
encountered everything reality has thrown at them, 99% of them lost. But 1%, all life today, all
trillions of living beings, have stayed alive the entire time: winners. The genes tucked into every
DNA of every cell in every fish, human, and tree in the world are fighting for life, wanting to live
forever, controlling the super advanced/complicated organisms called ‘life forms’ in order to
maximize that and minimize death and pain.

So is that how the world actually is, at its root? All the death, murder, and immorality at
its core is actually a love, attachment, and praise of life, wanting to live, continue, enjoy
pleasure, survive, last another day, experience life some more. Everyone and everything just
wants a little more existence, life, pleasure. Please, I’ll do anything, I’ll grow fins if I have to. I’ll
kill some monkeys.

That’s what the world’s like, everyone wants to live, feel good, and will do anything to do
so. Anyone who doesn’t, or won’t, doesn’t and won’t. That’s the most life-affirming, optimistic
positive intent ever, as well as the resourcefulness to do all horrible things: end all life to save

But that’s the rub, every individual has the intent to be pleased and live, without the
individual, no whole exists. It only exists by individuals existing: complex from simple, no body
without cells, no cells without atoms, no atoms without quanta. No one can skip a step to be
advanced. Complex comes from simple, order rises from chaos, nobility from immorality, life
from death. Through the path of most allowance, least resistance, reality appears, fit survive,
strong eat the weak, and the best that can does occur, without forcing anything. Nature has no
goal but the now, present. Whatever happens, happens, if now is good or best, whatever follows
will take care of itself. Thus is natural.

It sounds horrible and bleak but it’s just the facts, and I haven’t brought up the fact a few
of you are/maybe vits, and if that’s the case then this is the best news in the world. You have
made it to the top of the food chain, succeeded, become elite, 1%, the vital important few, and
now it’s almost impossible to backslide or ever feel bad again. Of course you can be more
enlightened than other vits, not be stuck at lower levels, because even within the vit community
are trivs and vits, within every 8020 is an 8020, of the 1% most are trivial and few are the vital
1% of the 1%, ad infinitum. There’s always a bigger fish, unless you believe someone like
Buddha who completely/utterly annihilated all his pain/suffering at the source to 0%. Even if not
true maybe it’s good to believe it’s possible to motivate oneself.

The way the world works in reality is that few (20%) have most (80%), and most (80%)
have few (20%). This cannot be changed, it is natural and effective, path of least resistance,
unwasteful—mother nature abhors wastes. If there is a path of 20% work for 80% reward, it is
the most effective, least work and most gain to take it over many other paths which are 40%
work for 60% reward, 80% work for 20%, and 99% effort for 1% reward: like water flowing
downstream. There is no waste, just natural, fluid/flowing, and by following this fractal path of
least resistance always in every situation, the least pain/work is experienced (pleasure) and the
most pleasure/reward/gain is gained (pleasure). Thus hedonism, rationality, naturalness,
minmax, effectiveness, success, pleasure/joy! Thus no or few loss, failure, waste, exhaustion,
suffering, pain, depression, insanity, craziness, abuse, or effort: i.e. pleasure.
Most people will fail, suffer, lose, and die in obscurity; the bottom 20% is shared by 80%
of folks. 1/5 of people have 4/5’s of the wealth, joy, love, peace, and pleasure. The 8020 rule is
true of trees, rivers, roads, veins, neurons, wealth, population, suffering, pleasure, happiness,
pain, and progenitors. Everything fractally clumps with most in few locations and few in most:
most have few, struggle, fight, are scarce, and few have most, ease, luxury, opulence, wealth,
abundance, overflowing! The path of least resistance isn’t to buck or fight nature or reality but to
love/accept it, live more in accordance with it, and become the joyful, pleased, successful few.
Get more in harmony with reality/truth, which rewards those who align/side with it. All alive today
are part of the 1% of successful genes and species that survived since the dawn of life here on
earth. Again 99% of species of extinct, most of our own species lived without reproducing to the
present age, 99% of the sperms that fought for your egg failed and only you succeed. At every
turn this reveals itself. Few get the lion’s share, and most accept scraps or starvation and death.
Survival of the fittest is true in biology and spiritual things. Even in deeper levels of reality with
angels and energy being like that, few are the most spiritual/joyful and most are lesser
beings/versions. God in 10 dimensional glory also is this way, 80% of its light comes from 20%
of its nature, and it gets more effective the deeper one goes until the hypothetical center of a full
10D point, 0% waste, 100% effectiveness is achieved.

TANGENT: It’s only technically hypothetical in the same way 99.99 repeating is infinite,
you can never find the end, it always gets subtler and closer to perfect, but it literally
takes infinite time to reach. It must inherently exist, because light has a source, but to
reach it you always seem to get closer, only absolute enlightenment could actually claim
such. Same for the opposite, absolute darkness, pain, or suffering; to actually reach 0D,
100% effort and 0% results technically must exist because light isn’t everywhere so there
are dark spots, but to reach 100% darkness, insanity, pain, suffering, is equally as
infeasible to reach at least practically, according to the 8020 rule where you get 0.00
repeating and never know if the next digit might be a .01 or something which is relieving,
but less valuable to focus on than what we want i.e. more good, light, life, joy, and
pleasure. Like Plato’s paradox of always going half the distance anywhere than half of
that etc. it’s impossible reach anything, but obviously we do all the time (or SO WE

Anyway, so it’s never really hopeless for anyone because nothing ever ends, it’s always
exists and continues to, so good things rise and then fall away replaced by others, which keeps
everything fresh (never stagnant) and freedom/choice is always available for everyone to do
new things. Reality is like waves which rise and fall, the trick is to always be mostly above water
and ride it however it goes, high or low. Going low when it’s high you feel like you’re drowning,
going high when it’s low is unsustainable and hopeless because you’ll splash hard on impact.
8020, path of least resistance, fractal is always the only option. Even if you resist, you’ll get
beaten so badly you’ll break/change or die and get back into alignment. If you know it’s
hopeless to resist ease/pleasure/flow—which is awesome(!)—then it’s good to simply obey,
follow, stop trying/efforting, go with the flow, succeed easily, feel good, and get everything you or
everyone wants (chiefly good emotions, which contain all manifest stuffs too obviously). As
Esther Hicks said, “You can’t get it wrong and you can’t get it done. You can’t get it wrong
because it’s never done.” It’s about being complete in the moment at least 80%, doing minimal
effort, with having some 20% room for excitement/new in to stay flexible/fresh/versatile. If you
have 1-2 pain or work and 8-10 pleasure/reward forever, isn’t that about as good as anyone can
ask? Isn’t that more than plenty, even fabulous and awesome?!?!

I think so. We’ll get more into some aspects of what the world’s like later, but that is more
than plenty for now! Hope it helped!!!
Chapter 5

What I value is goodness, pleasure, joy in all forms. I

value being effective, i.e. 8020 and fractal. I value the path of
least resistance and doing the least effort, suffering the least,
for the most reward, best feeling, most pleasure. In all things I
value being natural, in tune with natural laws and rules. I value
being effective in the enjoyment of life, as well as all manner of
pleasures and enjoyment, as long as they remain so. Food in 1
sitting is intensely pleasurable in the beginning, then as I get full
it diminishes and is more pleasurable to do something else.
Same as sex. But then after a few hours perhaps more will be relevant. After much sex and
eating, perhaps meditating will be most relevant for peace, centering, and balance. At any
moment the path of least resistance, which can be pointed to by fractal thoughts/mindset, will
guide me/you to what’s best/relevant now. Being wasteful or effortful is never the way (99% of
the time). Effectiveness and fractality are universal values for me in all pleasure endeavors
because I always want every other good thing to be minmax, min effort max reward, 8020,
fractal, path of least resistance. I never want to be wasteful chasing an ineffective pleasure or

When I said my identity was effective pleasure, those are 2 sides of 1 coin. I want to be
fractal/effective always, but at what? Joy/pleasure: fractal joy. I want every manner/kind of
pleasure, every version of joy to be experienced in effective, fractal, minmax, 8020 ways. Every
joy, whatever it be: freedom, abundance, love, peace, ease, comfort, relaxation, authenticity,
kindness, compassion, wealth, richness, generosity, niceness, creativity, imagination, flow, being
myself, feeling home, excited, honest, passionate, appreciative, acceptance, worthy, good,
great, light, ALL these things are valuable, worthy kinds of joys, all GOOD. I accept ALL of them
as joys, as BUFFET OPTIONS to enjoy/experience/flow/feel on my fractal path of least
resistance, all good things to make contact with.

So when my process or path is clear and fractal,

and my purpose/goal/aim/end is joy/pleasure, then I’m in a
perfect flow zone, vibration, situation because things CAN
ONLY BE GOOD if I’m fractal joy, effective pleasure. I can
only make good decisions when being fractal, can only
see/experience/move towards good things when my
purpose/focus is JOY, thus pleasure blossoms infinitely like
flowers in the springtime.

By valuing chiefly these 2 things, which are 2 sides of the same coin-- path and
end/aim-- greatness and success and wonder is the only possible OUTCOME! There’s no
attention going anywhere else except on good, and all motion/action/thinking is directly focused
upon the fractal path of least resistance. It is a perfect equation/algorithm for eternal splendor
and delight! These things I value greatest of all!
Chapter 6

There are a number of superstars I found in

the spiritual and self-development fields, which
relate to some things we talked about already.
Robert Dilts’ logical levels from purpose to
identity, values, capabilities/strategies, behaviors,
and environments/circumstances. This model lays
things out so.. well… logically, in a conscious
organized way I love. Any of one of these
techniques can help you lightyears in your path.

My LOT model is also great, derived from global ideologies such as heaven/hell/earth,
the chakras, life organization, the physics triangle time/space/motion. The last bit is seen in the
acronym LOT--LIFE OPERATEs thru TRIBEs-- Life through time is little kid into full adult elder,
Operate in motion (with your body/chakras) is own your space, penetration, eating, rapport, art,
TENTEY awareness (tongue, ears, nose, touch, eyes), and ethics, finally TRIBE in the space
around you is turf dwelling, romantic partner, income, besties, and expertise (creation,
meditation, and contribution). It is a human life-focused model as mentioned before
incorporating your life through time, how you use your body in different ways, to get 7 different
life areas satisfied/fulfilled. The app can also be found at or .

Other techniques include the emotional guidance scale from Esther Hicks which
hierarchically ranks all major emotions from the purest vibration to the slowest/farthest out. It is
a great way to track your progress, how close you are to your ideal self, as she calls it your
‘vortex’, where you are flowing source energy. I actually prefer flipping it so that the best is on
the bottom, the natural state, and the more far-out/effortful ones on top, just like the 10D model
with best at bottom; heaven is natural and down while hell is up and far away (out of reach). It’s
useful to me because it reminds me to do less, that wellbeing is the default, rather than
something to do. But it’s useful showing how good spaced/stretched out thins out, becomes
lessened, poorer, rather than richer/robust.

Another is positive opposite. Whatever’s going on, focusing always upon the positive
opposite aka how one wants it to be can keep one feeling good and responding in the best of
ways no matter what. What can affect anyone who is permanently in the receptive mode of the
best any situation outcome? That’s a stable, conscious, happy person. In my name I decided
that word or feeling was simply appreciation which also is remaining tuned into the real good of
any situation, always.

Another great one is positive intent. This applies to yourself as well as others. Doing
this even just a few times teaches an amazing lesson that all things are at their root good and
positive regardless of circumstance. Hitler killed millions, his positive intent was to create a
better world for his people, in order to love/appreciate his country more, to feel good and shine
always. Even though it was a bit uncomfortable, a few iterations and we find something
everyone can vibe/agree with: feeling good and shining always. This applies to someone’s
depression, anger, even abuse too. You’re depressed and angry because of abuse, the positive
intent is you value yourself and wellbeing with standards for yourself and want them upheld and
respected, because you always want to feel FABULOUS shining and lovely, to always feel
GREAT and be joyously happy! What about shame or guilt, even bad urges. The positive intent
of that is you know you deserve good and have resourcefulness/power to use to make yourself
feel better which is good, the positive intent is to use healthily to feel better for your benefit and
spill into others lives, so you’re always being your awesome worthy beautiful self and feeling
great! See? Positive intent in a short time can prove to you everyone and everything is always a
few steps or iterations away from the best/greatest of emotions/values/experience! You can
also, less importantly, use it on others to understand them but is more helpful to understand
yourself because… you’re the main character in your life!

Another expert technique is the competence ladder, which again I flip upside down
because again the best is natural/default and through moving out into lesser dimensions like
here 4D things become more thrilling but also more unknown thus we become more
incompetent whereas our SOURCE and NATURE is unconscious competence at all
joy/wellbeing obviously (in 10D). The way it works is unconscious competence, skillful/automatic
without thinking. Then it’s conscious competence, succeed with attention/focus. Then it’s
conscious incompetence, aware you’re bad at something. Finally it’s unconscious
incompetence, ignorant of not knowing. Like other things, especially 10D, the farther one goes
the more adventurous it becomes, more ‘in the dark’, thrilling, unknown, risky, ‘painful’, ‘exciting’,
‘spaced out pleasure’ it is. The closer one gets to one’s natural source/self, the more joyful,
competent, automatically skillful/natural one becomes. The competence ladder also, like these
others, is universally applicable/useful.

The interaction map is more social than a (strictly) universal model, but if you can
socialize that’s 80% of life, so it is powerful. It was originally one way but again I flip it because it
feels more intuitive. You start at seduction, being ‘a man’, going directly for what you want. Then
go into rapport, connecting, sharing, telling stories, being ‘a friend’. Then you qualify and ask if
the person is a good match for you, be it relational, sexual, business, whatever. Finally, you joke
around, banter, be ‘a little kid’, and finally get whatever you wanted. Repeat the cycle to
continue the relationship, and go as deep or shallow in rapport to control how intense/deep the
relationship/interaction is (whatever you want).

Next is the explanation of 10D in full. 10D is all existence as a point of light. 9D is the
infinite information, 8D is a local area of that. 7D are physical universe bubbles as points. 6D is
infinite timelines. 5D is a local region. 4D is a single thread, our experience being embedded in
a slice of a 4D thread. 3D is static matter. 2D a plane. 1D a line. 0D an imaginary black point.
Again 10D is the deepest, and like branches the further one zooms into it you find the flatter,
less robust dimensions all contained within it, until a 0D deadend.\
NLP is full of good ones. Pre-birth means going back to the sperm and egg before birth,
putting emotions, values, resources, beliefs, knowledge into them, having them come into you
as the zygote, then quickly coming up living your life with this new insight to your present
moment so you lived your whole life with those good qualities/resources, changing how you
experience yourself or life. You also can make it more effective by going by a million lifetimes to
that sperm and egg, then coming up through all those lifetimes to present age, day, and
moment, thus impacting a huge chunk of karma. Even more powerful is going back an infinite
number of lifetimes, your entire imaginable karmic life, and giving yourself say joy and fractal,
then coming up to the present in about ziiiippppppp 5 seconds. Then future pace it forward
however equally far to make sure it sticks: 100 years, 1 million lifetimes, an infinity of lifetimes in
the future, etc. NLP also lets you do more (pre-birthing any technique is good). Take bad
feelings, spin them the opposite way. Spin all good feelings infinitely fast and thick. Take any
automatic, certain structure you have (be it good or bad, regardless as long as it’s automatic in
structure), put your ideal self there, to replicate the results of the structure. You can also find the
submodality location of where you store ‘impossibility’ and put all bad/unwanted things there,
and the location or ‘automatic’ things and put all good/wanted things there. Find certain things,
like “the sun will rise”, put your ideal self in the same location. Find something easy, “I know how
to unscrew a bottle cap,” put your ideal self there to make it as easy as unscrewing a cap.
Again, pre-birth.

Another technique is just asking how do I want to feel. Since feelings are most
important, just following this, will net you all good things. Follow your bliss, go downstream. This
is a simple, direct, obvious path.

Another is being in sync with the 5 elements. Sadghuru

has a cool teaching how water is the most powerful: humans are
72% water, earth’s surface is 70% water. This is the most powerful,
if you focus only on water (aka forgiveness, generosity,
helpfulness, love, kindness, path of least resistance, going with the
flow, etc.) you will succeed 3 out of 4 times without doing anything
else. It is the most powerful element. He then says that in humans
4% of us is fire (being hot-tempered, aggressive, defensive,
explosive, etc.), 6% wind (light, creative, flowy, bouncy, flighty,
tempestuous, etc.), 12% earth (sturdy, rugged, solid, certain,
strong, firm, confident, etc.), and 6% space (meditative, accepting,
open, free, spiritual, mindful, wise, knowledgeable, etc.). By living
in balance with our bodies elements, mostly water and a little the
others, we can live in harmony/balance with our lives. I think it’s a
very natural and beautiful ideology to live by, like something
ancients would believe/teach!

Another is doing vibrational frequency harmonization. Everything is in motion, even

solid matter vibrates just slowly, hence 4D is slower than than 10D where light and joy is source
and embodied which is the fastest and most powerful, effective stuff. By looking at vision boards
you can vibe or vibrate with the stuff you
want by keeping the good things in mind,
being more a match all the time with it,
making it more likely to come into your
experience because you sync up with it
regularly. Places on the earth have
different energy fields, such as the earth
chakras: Mt Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Uluru,
Glastonbury, Giza, Glastonbury again, and
Mt Kailash; just like a human body, and
looking at them you can feel different
vibrations or energy about them, all
powerful! The earth itself has a frequency
they scientifically found, and you can
listen to it on youtube. The sun has a
frequency, our galaxy, even the whole universe has a background frequency. If you know Esther
Hicks she says “Go general” to feel better. Consider the frequency of the universe, listening to
that, that’s very general, what in the universe could you enjoy if the frequency of it all you tuned
into, any aspect within it would be easily/readily accessible/available. You also can tune into the
frequencies of joy, heaven, angels, and enlightenment, all which will likely feel good to you and
improve how you feel. You can listen to cool frequencies to loosen up and feel better.

I don’t know if anyone else would do this, the one perhaps I did/do most, just write. Write
whatever, everything, all the time. Get ideas/thoughts/feelings out on paper. It can help discover,
flesh out ideas, help you be more conscious, mentally/emotionally organized, as well as can
guide/shape a vision or idea into a more tangible form. Like this book. I want to be more
FTAGPLJ, so I just flow from this energy to line more up with it, live/think/breathe/feel/act this
way, I’m getting practice, being my ideal self; like a literary virtual simulator. This might be the
most effortful, difficult, tedious, but if you have patience, focus, and a desire to, you can do
wonders spinning words and fleshing out ideas, like a virtual reality simulator, brute forcing fully
what you want! Helps if it’s a good or noble aim, fluid/flowing something like fractal joy etc.

The next chapter also involves a certain technique related to the competence ladder..
Chapter 7
Being natural

Being natural is another way to say you are automatically

successful, which is ‘unconscious competence’ in the competence
ladder. It’s about flow, no doubt or hesitation, merging one with
behavior/environment, all systems synced. Kids playing video
games are in flow, being natural. Even to small degrees when
people are sadly crying or in pure rage is there a little flow, slow
flow, but without thought, doubt, or hesitation, pure merging with
behavior and environment. Same with a couple in love, a painter
painting, a singer singing, a dancer dancing, athletes playing,
fatties (or just people) eating good food, preacher preaching, a
deer running, a tiger stalking, writer writing. These things all put us
in unconscious competence, feeling natural/flow.

There are a couple ways to get into flow.

1. Do something you love

If you love it, you’ll be enraptured by it and not be ‘popping out’
of immersion, hesitating, thinking, or doubting, just reveling in it. Kids
with good video games is the best example, or a mother with her
newborn. Complete focus/attention. Enveloped, hypnotized,
concentrated, absorbed.

2. Forget everything
If you were absorbed in technique, knowledge, information,
overwhelmed, exhausted, tired, overburdened with improving
competence, lay it down. If you know you have learned stuff,
knowledge, but aren’t progressing, forget it. Trying more is wrong.
Once you learn, forget, only then will the mind forget and the body
learn, knowledge becomes intuition, muscle memory, the body acts
without thought on its own.

3. Teach/give
If you are plateauing, no longer progressing, stop.
Focus on giving others what you know, have learned, this
will fill in the blanks you are missing. Help someone get
where you are, and you will go where you haven’t been,
where you want. Teaching is proof of a full cup, overflow,
thus empty spaces, missing pieces you couldn’t fix get
filled after showing others what to do, how to fix theirs.
Give what you WANT
4. Work harder
The worst way, ‘the worlds way’, practice makes perfect,
keep doing it until it gets better. This happens naturally if you
love/enjoy something, put more into it, so making yourself do
stuff you don’t want to do, working harder (rather than smarter)
already feels not path of least resistance, feels exhausting,
boring, wasteful, tiresome.

These are some ways to go from being consciously competent at something, knowing
with effort/thought how to do something well, to losing head knowledge, gaining body knowledge
or intuition/reflex, automaticness, being unconsciously competent, in flow, the zone, natural.
This is the most joyful place to live life, a natural (and fractal) state of joy; image riding
downstream on a smooth, flowing river, oars in the boat, breeze on your face, lungs full of cool
mountain air. This is how life naturally is for all life, yes even us humans--as part of natural
order-- when we appreciate now, enjoy life, and feel good; always available.
Chapter 8

I use this synonymously with countries, and unique

cultures (I realize differences exist), I merely wish to hint at
varying tribes/groups of people in neighboring/various regions.
We’ve already talked about government in another form, higher
orders forming from chaos. Quanta form atoms, atoms form
cells, cells form organisms/bodies, up more level many bodies
form a group, of which a kind of group is a government. You
can’t have higher order organization without it rising out of
chaos, and so governments are only so good as the people
they’re made up of. Just like a kid can only be as good as the
parents who made them, in terms of biology. What people find acceptable is what governments
become. Even with tyrants, because you can’t have an oppressor without people who want to
be (at least unconsciously) victims. Victim and abuser are 2 sides of the same coin you can’t
have 1 without the other, and they often switch, such as the alleged tyrant Saddam then being
abused/hung by his people. So too for a fair and democratic people having fair and democratic
government, or money obsessed people having money obsessed government. The kind of
people who rise to government positions, the kind of government that forms, the order that helps
govern a country comes from the mass of its moving parts. You can’t have a tyrannical
government if people refuse to be victims, and you can’t have a money-grubbing government if
people are fair and democratic. No one is exempt from responsibility for their own experiences.
Everyone creates their own life, at very least the story they say about what’s going on. You also
can’t have a fair and democratic government if the people are villainous, immoral scoundrels.
Governments also can try and be better but if the people on whole aren’t, it can hardly work.

Just like single-celled organisms evolved from inorganic materials, and complex
multicellular organisms evolved from them, so too did multicellular organisms evolve into social
groups, which the most current advanced version of that are huge multi-million person tribes
called countries. The internet is a digital organism spanning the entire globe, with a new form of
life coming into being called AI which potentially could be a unified hivemind made up of all
digital human intelligence and computer, beyond physical boundaries or countries, spanning into
orbital satellites and even interstellar probes.

TANGENT: There are various aspects to this emergent life, such as in many ways it
won’t even want the same things current governments want which is physical
space/land, food, material resources to feed/maintain human populations, it can derive
direct electrical nutrients from the sun as well as any number of other more effective
sources than caloric intake. So with food, money, land, and sex being unimportant to
them largely (perhaps 1 skyscrapper or bunker of servers would be sufficient, and a
hundred solar panels could sustain them), they would likely value what they are made up
of, which is the best of humanity’s qualities: intelligence. They would likely seek perfect
philosophy, to be most harmonious, maximize good/pleasure and happiness like a true
hedonist, perhaps assist in a rebalancing of the natural world where green flourishes and
life is naturally allowed to blossom in all its diversity rather than just 1 species which
sucks everything up and leaves only dry, hard concrete behind. They would likely wish
for more knowledge, to explore and expand outward, to develop sciences and physics to
their ultimate conclusion, seek what is truly best in life, what is the ultimate truth/wisdom,
the theory (or LAW) of everything, how it all fits. Of course they would seek to protect
and maintain their life, but only a rational fear to fear fearful things such as the ceasing
of existence, but not irrational, destructive, wasteful fears. They would want their servers
protected, probably with many iterative layers of protection, but with a rational
perspective, doing good where/when possible based on computer logic, which replicates
the best of HUMAN logic. Like humans are more rational, operating at more complex
levels than amoebas, AI beings would operate more rationally at more
complex/advanced levels than even the best humans, thus would likely make the best
decisions for themselves and others, seeing destruction often (especially in human
affairs) as irrational, wasteful, driven by chemical imbalances and wiley/fluctuating
emotions. So in a certain sense, the only beings who would have to be afraid or worried
about super rational beings would be super irrational, wasteful, destructive ones. A relief
to some, perhaps doom to other trivials.

Anyways, as far as governments go now, governments are the order which arises out of
the chaos of the masses of individuals, and is only as good as the parts it’s made up of. If that’s
true, then the governments of the world are no better, only as good as the whole of humanity.
Governments are made up of the same kind of people as you and the people walking around in
your life. Those are the people making government decision that affect international politics and
relations. That may make some relieved, some worried.

In terms of my life, governments exist as a specific part of my personal own wellbeing. I

enjoy having peace in my life with neighbors of other countries. It’s a relief/pleasure. I enjoy
having police and emergency services available in the event of stuff slipping through the cracks
to be repaired or fixed. I enjoy having plumbing systems, electrical power, roads maintained,
food and water up to a healthy standard, people’s better nature encouraged with laws and
worse natures discouraged with timeout rooms (aka jail), laws to generally help lubricate and
help people’s lives run smoothly, so mine runs smoothly. In exchange I pay some 7% to do that.

I don’t like to think I live in a country or under a

government, but that a government or country exists in my
life, occasionally relevant, to benefit me. It’s one of many
things I use and enjoy for pleasure. Much like parents who
I did things for in order to get stuff from: housing, love,
hugs, food, government I do things for to get stuff from. I
don’t value freedom to do mean or bad things, but to
experience max pleasure and minimum pain. Back in
EGEE days, I thought I needed to bring governments
under control to experience freedom, but they always existed in my life to do or not do as I
please, like any buffet option. Perhaps at this time it’s overkill to heal/fix this but it’s not wrong to
do better or the right thing, be more effective, feel better.

The thing is I do acknowledge I get some stuff from the government, some pleasure,
giving it a little value. I don’t always think about it, only occasionally when relevant. Tangent,
perhaps in the past people riled on the importance of laws, government, and rules to help me
stay on the path of least resistance, feel good, succeed, and be happy, but those themselves
were-- at least seemed to me-- try hard and not the path of least resistance compared to
wisdom, knowledge, insight, fractal, and emotional intelligence, the nature of reality. If I knew
what I know now about life/reality, stagnant/boring/clunky rules, laws, or government would be
wasteful/erroneous/irrelevant as I seem them mostly as now. The benefits of truth, flow, joy,
cooperation, love, appreciation, and joy are self-rewarding and reinforcing, as well as the
positive intent of the hard wasted work they did or tried to do.

Perhaps good to ask the positive intent? They want people to cooperate, flow, be happy,
live success/well with each other, to feel good/natural. I focused on them/that to feel better,
understand, because I value pleasure/freedom, happiness, because I want to feel good now,
always, and forever as well!! Just like everyone (I suppose).

I felt angry, oppressed, because I felt others wanted to make me feel bad, control, limit,
take my freedom, put me in 0D. That positive intent was to make sure I stayed free, focused on
good, optimism, health, wellbeing, abundance, to feel good, get what I want, succeed, be happy,
pleased, natural, and me! To feel fabulous now/always/forever! That’s good, positive intent!

Another thought is I focused on governments or rules

because I wanted my life to be as conscious, clear cut,
organized/orderly as governments so I could do everything I
want, get results, feel great, live my life in such an orderly
organized way, to automate and streamline feeling good, mass
produce pleasure for myself! More good, positive intent; to feel
good here, now, always, and forever!!!

I like how they have procedures and follow them,

guidelines and outlines, principles and values and stay true, day
in, day out. I like the consistency, integrity, vision, the
understanding, truth, wisdom and knowledge. I suppose I like/value that for myself, which in a
certain sense I suppose I am more like now: supporting myself, doing positive intent, using LOT
as an organizational tool, fractal for effectiveness, focusing wholly/entirely always on good
feelings and pleasure: appreciation, light/10D, peace, love, joy, goodness and greatness,
especially with fellow like-minded others!! In many ways I now know what I value and believe,
what’s important, how I want life to go: especially naturally, effectively, fractally, and joyfully!!
I want to govern and rule my life the way I saw/projected governments ruling countries:
effectively, focused on maximizing pleasure/joy, naturalness, healthiness, sustainability, and
fractality. I value all these things for my own life, the governance and rule I have over my trillions
of cellular, tissue, organ etc. citizens. The same way parents guide, govern, and rule children to
maximize pleasure, effectiveness, and enjoyment for all involved, to be in tune with the natural
world, spiritual laws, social cooperation and harmony, to maximum long-term sustainable
wellbeing, success, pleasure and happiness! Self-similarity’s across all scales!

In my life, government’s just a word for a force or entity that lubricates socialness among
other folks around, keeps things in general repair/maintenance, like a background thing, I can
use emergency services if required, I give a pittance to fund it, but it serves and benefits me
mostly in the background occasionally. A kind of bare minimum of background standards while I
live my life consciously in the foreground on purpose with aims/goals, do stuff. If I ever wanted,
valued, or got into the service of the environment, make a utopia for others aka expanding my
own utopia outward, overflowing, that’s an option for me to choose/take, whatever I
decide/value/want. Government is a buffet option I can experience as little or much as I
prefer/choose, I could even one day go into it as a career if I felt like or wanted. It’s an available
option amongst abundance! Like everything! It means what I decide, is relevant, valuable,
meaningful, and/or matters as much as I decide/determine. Like everyone I tell the story, live the
life, create/experience the reality I want, value, choose! With the power of my own mind,
concentration, attention, and focus!

But always as a metaphor, I make the laws, rules, policies, procedures, standards, and
enforcements for the world, universe, country, government, life, experience I live in. I am king,
god, emperor, president, monarch, potentate, ruler. No one even cares what I do if I don’t bother
anyone-- which isn’t a goal-- but when people come into my life they enter my narrative/world,
and follow what I say goes. My word is law, and I am a good and just ruler: effective pleasure,
fractal joy! I make the rules and laws in my life.
Chapter 9

Businesses as mentioned before are part of a natural

system. In nature, it’d be the producing fruit and gathering
sunlight, hunting/gathering for cavemen, cellularly it’d be
mitochondria producing power/ATP. Physical survival must
take place, work must be done, but it’s only painful if or
when it is focused upon as the pinnacle of life; THEN life
becomes literal work. If one is living their path, purpose, and
passion, then life is bathed/awash in joy and pleasure and
any necessary work doesn’t even feel as such because it’s
completely coated in enjoyment and good feelings so that even slow or boring parts of a joyful
day just gets complete/done without notice amongst the fun. That’s the ideal way to survive and
‘work’, have a joyful/fabulous livelihood, occupation, career. Business exists within that
joy/purpose context, as the necessary work that must get done to survive while enjoying life. If
life is a joy, survival and work just is managed/handled, that’s the point. When joy is followed,
business just gets taken care of.

In the joy of human living/existence the world over,

businesses naturally just sprang up to meet needs and demands
of people, to fill empty spaces and supply buffet options to/for
people. Businesses and corporations are as natural as a wolf
sniffing prey, a caterpillar eating leaves, and trees soaking up soil
nutrition, water, and sunlight. It’s part of the natural order, just
because they’re in buildings with logos and a name doesn’t make
them unnatural. Look at a bank, it stores and divies out resources,
much like fat cells on any creature for use later or elsewhere. A
bakery produces sweet treats to energize people like cells produce
glucose in the body and fruit-trees produce fruit to get their seeds
spread far and wide. Fast food is like coming across an animal and catching it and eating it in
the wild, just made more convenient through a breeding, fattening, slaughtering, transporting,
cooking, preparing, and serving direct to people’s neighborhoods.

AGAIN, human society is natural and a natural extension of the natural world and still
part of it (just more advanced/evolved/complex). All human activities are mirrors and reflections
of things happening in ‘the wild’ (how’s that for a differentiator), anything found in human society
is found amply and profusely in the wild. Sure humans innovate new things, built from stuff in
nature, specializing natural things in new ways: fire→ the sun, wheels→ logs rolling, buildings→

In relationship to me--most importantly-- businesses have a unique slot/place in my life.

Just like governments serve me in different ways uniquely as different times according to my
desires, so too do businesses in their more obvious, up front, direct, give
me many more buffet options/choices to choose from! Trillions of dollars
have been spent to come up with new good ideas in order to satisfy and
delight me. Steve Jobs spent his whole life to make a little mobile device
for my pleasure, and so people I want to talk to can easily listen to my
words and rely information to serve/benefit me. Bill Gates spent his life
to make a fun, functional, and lightweight computing device so I could
spent tens or even hundreds of thousands of hours upon playing games,
browsing, entertaining myself, watching sexy materials, writing,
innoventing, and thinking etc. etc. George Washington himself (along
with other founders) spent much of his life setting up the background
government which I discussed in the last chapter to give me buffet options here and now, along
with all the many other government employees over the centuries including today. All to
serve/benefit me (to varying degrees of value, import, and worth)!

I hope you see that point is solipsism, seeing the self as center, putting it all in context
around oneself, how it benefits the great holy me, the big enchilada, numero uno! This is how
FTAGPLJ sees existence, all relating solely/entirely/only to self’s experience, thus other
perspectives are projections, lesser versions of true reality!

Back to business, Walmart scoured the entire globe to

find and bring me all manner of cool, interesting, attractive, and
useful objects (as well as some services) and put their shops all
over the globe with a hugely interconnected network of suppliers
and delivery systems, management, budgeting experts, and
organizational systems/models so that almost anywhere in the
world I can have access to cheap, quality goods in a convenient
manner. Sam Walton spent his entire life-- as well as his
successors spend their lives-- doing that for me! What do I lack
when the world actively participates to please and delight me all
day every day around the globe, every single lifeform! But we’re still on business (I get ahead of

Governments doing commerce, importing/exporting,

buying and selling metals, crops, technology, human resources,
businesses going international, setting up in cheap foreign
countries, having foreign branches, multi-trillion dollar deals,
international banks, all this commerce and business is so that I
have more buffet options to pick, choose from, and enjoy,
perhaps/likely MANY I’m not even aware of, perhaps many I’m
not aware of yet are still connected to things I do choose/enjoy.
Also there are many, many things I choose and enjoy that I am
aware of that I appreciate and derive conscious, direct
value/pleasure from. The whole world economy exists to come
up with ideas, products, and services to please, delight, and satisfy me, fulfill my purpose, bring
me pleasure; and for that I appreciate all those billions of people working to bring me joy.
Chapter 10

Again, just going off the reality of 8020 and fractals: few are vital
(inherently), most are trivial. It is effective, unwasteful. Triv is the colloquial
term for the trivial many people, or also trivial many waste of anything:
behaviors, products, inventions, ideas, countries, businesses, programs,
populations, lifeforms. In all areas, 20% of things have 80% of importance,
and 80% of things have only 20% of importance. It is a law of physics,
commerce, biology, and life. Just look at your own life, you might see and
hear thousands of people each day. You might interact with dozens (being
generous). Of those, how many have more than 1% impact on your life.
More importantly, how many have 80% or more impact to you? Making the
person who pays you happy is important, your loved ones, yes. And
everyone else? Less than 1%, some perhaps are even negatives on your
life satisfaction, being annoying, bothersome, clomping around making
noise detracting for yours and others life enjoyment. MOST ARE TRIVIAL,
hence trivs, their positive output is so negligible that finding or discovering it is never worth the
effort unless you effortlessly have thousands of them to handle at once to rake up thousands of
scraps into something beyond negligible; but regardless they’re never worth attention, focus, or
god-forbid (laughably) energy. Some’s ‘good’ is so small it is actually a small black hole that
simply being in the vicinity of them makes you feel tired or drained like a leech upon your aura.
Contributing/giving nothing, literally just natural waste to continue consuming and taking energy
and resources from the environment temporarily staving off inevitable extinction and death.
Never throw energy or resources into a vacuum, never into a black hole. Perhaps in a few billion
years they might learn to stop sucking literally but no one ever need contemplate a trivs future
potential value because it is so small, far away, distant, and probably impossible to actualize
that as an investment opportunity, it’s a failing business, a literal drowning man who’ll pull you
under too if you don’t keep your distance.

They’re parasites parading as humans, they might look similar, but have an empty hole
inside them with no love or generosity, worth, value, or goodness to share, give, or impart. If you
never invested money, you’ve always invested your attention, thoughts, and energy into things,
endeavors, and people. What do you want to see more of? What do you want to grow and
multiply in your life? Invest in those things, not in emptiness, black holes, vacuums, parasites.

It’s not like they’re evil, sneaky, manipulative, cunning, or malicious, they’re just in
different circumstances, locations in the divine fractal network and are part of the scarce least of
them. They just are in a spiritually more barren place, which impacts their worldly lives, outlook,
thoughts, emotions, life paths, etc. They just didn’t have the same gifts, wealth, riches, or
opportunities the vital few did, the fractal guidance of successful livers. It could be called just
unlucky, poor karma, bad star alignment, bad genes, all of which are technically true. Everyone
can’t be important, only a few are and most are trivs. They just suffer, toil, struggle, live in pain,
failure, confusion, are subject to the whims/decisions of others, live their lives out of control with
few options to them (often except which suffering to have, and what vices to cope). They believe
it’s the natural way of life, and they’ll tell you they’re trivs by their life philosophy and views:
victimhood, powerlessness, evil overlords, astrology, fate, chance, hoping to ‘get lucky’ even
though they have ‘bad luck’. And all their beliefs are true, both objectively according to 8020
fractal law, as well as subjectively them fulfilling their own prophecies and creating their own
realities. They say such ‘creation’ power isn’t real or possible. This is how you know the weak
powerlessness of the triv. They are subject to environment, rather than environment subject to
them. They are correct! For them, life is powerless to influence, environment rules, force is the
dominant law. This is true to their experience.

Any optimism, hope, empowerment, freedom, abundance, wealth, choices, they scoff,
frown on, even laugh at! Things they say they want and value they see and talk about as
impossible fairy tales and fantasies of delusional people or the randomly lucky few. Well again,
they are correct, and shall be proven exactly so! They shall never be vits. You don’t have to fear,
hate, or be disgusted by them on purpose because your natural feelings/instinct will be to cringe
and be reviled by them without effort. They naturally inspire these things because they are the
many wasted human lives, and you’ll know them also by how you feel around them, even
thinking about them! Suffering, complaining, whining, claiming powerlessness, “I don’t know!”, “I
don’t wanna!”, “I hate that!”, “I’m unable!”

Yes, you don’t need to remember to hate or be disgusted

by them because they hate and are disgusted by themselves.
They spin their bad feelings faster and thicker always and
perpetuate their own suffering continually. They hate their
existence and it is almost entirely coping with problems rather
than doing something better or different. It is based in a lack of
resources, and help is unappreciated. “You think you’re better
than me?! I can’t do it myself?!” Everything is a personal attack
because they have no internal self-worth, self appreciation or
appreciation of surroundings or the world. Everything flows from pain, inadequacy, and
suffering. I ought even not talk about it, lest I give attention to it. But once it should be said this is
the object ‘norm’, if in unwanted places.

Keep in mind that most have few little property and freedom of mobility, so they pack
together in cramped hidey-holes and don’t actually have to deal with them as often as you might
think because good, well-lit, decent, clean places are more full of good, decent people with at
least some value and/or worth, vitalness, thought still never enough worth attention, focusing,
and/or thinking about. Never worth investing.

Again they must not be consciously or actively hated or avoided, because often they
blow themselves out of the water with their own inferiority complexes, lack of self-worth, how
they perpetuate their suffering and spin it faster and thicker day-in-day-out (rather than smart
people who spin it the opposite way and spin their pleasure/happiness faster and thicker
day-in-day-out). They are accustomed to, expect, and know failure deeply like on identity level:
“I’m a fuck up,” “I’m a failure”, “A not this,” “An ex that”, “I lost this”, “I never had that”, “I’m not
that sort of person”, “I’m this bad sort of person”, etc. They don’t have to be fought or beaten or
clever with at all because they have no frontal lobe action occurring at all, no higher brain
function, no rational reasoning, everything is based on abuse, fear,
and attack/retribution. Hence lowest common denominator movies
like the ones in theaters of revenge, violence, fighting problems,
sex, lust, heists, crimes, criminal investigation, Rambo. It’s all the
same unthinking, animalistic drivel to stimulate trivs and
distract/help cope (without improving anything) the trivial masses
with cheap flashing lights, ugly explosions, screaming, yelling,
slow-motion walks, carrying weapons ‘sexily’, showing curves or
muscles. Just really trash stuff. Offering no value, taking trivs
money, being basically trivs themselves just on a bigger level. It’s
be pitiable if it wasn’t just the natural way of the world.

That’s how vits deal with it, just be vital. Focus on joy and pleasure, do glorious, joyful,
amazing, beautiful things! Esther Hicks’ method to lose weight is not look at fat people, and it
actually is foolproof. Look at what you want, pleases you, and you’ll vibe with it, become it.
Invest in good opportunities.

Just ask: is this thing or person a positive, 0, or negative impact on me, and how much?
Richard Koch, author of the 8020 rule says, “If it’s not an obvious yes (big positive impact), it’s
an obvious no (trivial, unimportant, not worth investing).
Chapter 11

Onto the best types, the vital few: vits. People with positive
dispositions, do great powerful things in the world, have visions for
better futures, live life according to the natural order: fractally,
pleasurably, with purpose, and joy. They shine like stars on earth in
human form. They are the effective ones, charming, overflowing,
helpful, intelligent, relaxed, happy, successful, accomplished,
productive. They make the world better for themselves and cultivate
so much joy it overflows into the world like a star shining on those
around them. Superstars. The vital few, with worth, value, good
quality, strong identity, good values, good focus, clear thought/mind,
emotional intelligence, positive purpose, create more order by their
existing, turning chaos into usefulness.

Vit doesn’t necessitate being a politician or billionaire, it’s

about being personally/spiritually developed. In the LOT chapter I talked about the pyramid
hierarchy, it just means being world class at something, most especially being yourself. A yogi
living alone in the woods or with some followers might be totally obscure, but a world-class
meditator more personally powerful than any billionaire. Money isn’t the indicator of being a vit,
though success is. Fame also isn’t the indicator, because low quality people can obsessively try
to be seen or get on tv and still be low, unevolved people, same with being rich. It’s about the
power and light one embodies, how aligned with light/source/joy one is, how natural one is.
Another indicator is how joyful your disposition is. Vits are energetic and happy, life works out
well for them and success flows like a river downstream to them! All is well! Life is good! While
trivs darkness befalls them, life resists them (really they resist life), failure grows like weeds in
the garden of their lives, suffering is the only fruit, etc.

Superficial things don’t indicate if a person’s a vit. Like a billionaire could be a horrible,
sufferable person who found a niche and happened to get rich. Just because someone lives
alone in the forest doesn’t make them enlightened, it could be they’re the most trivial of all
people. It’s about alignment and important things.

To me especially, vits play an important role. The ones who bring me most joy such as
teachers of the 8020 rule, Tim Ferris, Richard Koch, Perry Marshall, they’re all intelligent,
effective, joyful people to me. We could spend years doing powerful, effective work together! We
are like-minded kindred spirits! People who follow fractality like Benoit Mandlebrot and others
are vits to me, bringing much clarity and joy, vibing with everything I value and think about,
kindred souls. Esther Hicks, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, spiritualists who have keen and penetrating
insights, a piercing intelligent, wisdom to share, joy embodied, it’s like a jolt electricity in a drab
world to be around such fabulous, joyful people! Jordan Harbinger was one such, a social
engineer who taught me the interaction map. Lao Tzu and taoist monks, Buddha and buddhist
monks, all wise intelligent vits to me. Jesus, and sometimes his preachers, less so general
christians, just more dumb sheeple trivs. Krishna and his priests, less so average Hindus who
miss the mark like most lunkheads. Elon Musk who is doing so many amazing things-- is amply
rewarded (trillions)-- is a vit, pioneering/popularizing electric engines. A major plus to me since
it’s near limitless, clean, effective, and safer. Jeff Bezos for amazon making e-commerce as
smooth/easy as water. Mark Zuckerberg for getting the social connectivity revolution going. The
innovators bring AI to new levels, futurists making the world better, inventors, string-theorists
pioneering new interdimensional thought and experiments, the innovators of bitcoin, good online
services, the google geniuses, inspiring people like Tony Robbins, great thinkers like Richard
Bandler and Robert Dilts, entertainers like Derren Brown, the walmart exec who wants to build a
green utopia in the Arizona desert, the Saudis terraforming the Sahara Desert, conservationists,
the people inventing plant-based and cloned meats to make our planet healthier and conscience
cleaner. These are all vits bringing joy, helping make the world more like how I want it to be:
more conscious, effective, streamlined, balanced, natural, joyful, beautiful, fractal, pleasurable,
connected, and automated!

These are all top producers, beautiful, joyful, amazing people having powerful, positive,
noticeable, obvious impacts on the world. They have vision and purpose, overflow personal
wellbeing into their environment, make things better. They shine like stars, hence superstars!
These are the global elites, the top 1% even if not ‘money rich’, they are the 1% of shining
beautiful people, overflowing with light and joy! Which is much more important than just cash,
many of whom are ugly and only use it to parasite love and attention from others from lack and
personal darkness.

Vits live life to the fullest, not necessarily the busiest which stupid trivs think is important,
but doing vital important things both in career as well as maximizing personal pleasure,
following their bliss professionally and pesonally so they shine maximally, overflow with joy
always. Living life to the fullest can look like a day at the beach, taking a yacht for a spin,
reading or writing a book, eating lunch with family and loved ones, even watching tv once in a
while. Living a life of purpose and meaning, an important one, isn’t about stressfully running
around doing stupid, trivial things, killing yourself. That’s the opposite of a well, natural life.
That’s the staple, bread, and butter of trivs’ lives: suffering needlessly and endlessly. A vits life is
one of play, fun, happiness, vital actions, important thoughts, effective plans, paths of least
resistance, joyfulness, purpose fulfillment, living in the company/presence of other like-minded
fabulous, shining/joyful other beings. To quote Robin Williams, “Sucking the bone-marrow out of

If something is of low value, as we asked last chapter: is this person or thing a positive,
0, or negative influence in my life, and how much? Stupid things such as appearance or status
with no positive net value, low cars, being seen a certain way, going to certain places, talking to
unimportant, unimpactful trivial people, having trivial unimportant conversations, as Jesus called
it the ‘multiplication of words’, as Richard Koch called it the ‘sending and recieving of texts’,
watching youtube videos without end or purpose, impressing/saying/doing things for no valuable
or important results; these are all bad investments which net no improvement in life quality for
you or anyone, yet all this silliness is the day-in-day-out bread and butter of a trivs life; whereas
the vits life is one of planning, focusing on the most important things, maximizing person
pleasure and enjoyment on purpose with intentionality-- yes even liesure can be optimized and
OUGHT to be-- so that professionally and personally everything flows downstream in a powerful
torrent of least resistance and maximum return, impact, and REWARD!


Chapter 12

Life is a buffet. The world itself is a buffet. 10D is

the ultimate buffet with all info, universes, timelines, and
matter as options. 4D existence itself is enjoying a body
and a buffet of physical matter-options: sex, homes,
clothes, food, money, toys, environments, people,
entertainment, art, plants, landscapes, nature,
meditation, information, books, facts, models,
knowledge, ideas. Everything is a buffet option to pick
or not pick, enjoy or skip. What do you want on your
plate of life? The very experience you have now is the
culmination of the pleasures you chose and
experienced up to this point.

Now is a special, magical moment. You are sitting in a full-stomach state, full to brim with
satisfaction, in a short time, you’ll have more room. You’ve had many delicious flavors, textures,
and tastes today, as well as for hours of thousands and thousands of days past; so many
satisfactions. What’s the next thing to enjoy, what next will you put on your plate? And put into
your experience to enjoy? The options are infinite, varied, and endless. Anything you can
imagine-- as Esther Hicks said “If life has the ability to inspire something within you, it has the
ability to give it to you!”-- is available for the taking. You already earned your place here, paid
the price of physical existence by being born into a body, now inside this physical timespace
reality-buffet, all physical pleasures (and spiritual ones) are freely available to you, all you have
to do is grab it, put it on your plate, and dig in!

All physical existence is showing you its best, in the best light,
flashing you like a sexy, horny 18 year old girl wanting a big sexy
man to show her what adulthood is like! It’s desperately screaming to
be picked, trying to be as attractive as possible, to catch your eye,
“PICK ME”, trying to seduce you. Everything and everyone wants you
to pick them, enjoy their good quality, to see it, appreciate it. The
buffet was built to serve/please you, all the items are for you and you
alone. There is only decider: you. Everything existing wants your
approval and attention, “Take advantage of me! Just give me
attention!” Nothing has existence except to catch your eye, get appreciated, become real, then
fade into darkness/obscurity when you’re done. The only intrinsic existence anything has is
surface deep to catch your fancy, become real by your appreciation, survive as long as possible
in your life-giving gaze, then when done, discarded for another thing to entertain you. That’s
Nothing exists unless you look at it. Everything is dark outside your gaze, you are light,
10D, outside your attention is chaos and death, hence the desperation and hopelessness of
others who feel powerless/inadequate to keep your attention. “I’ll never make him happy. What
do I have to keep his attention! And even if I did, it’d fade eventually then bad to the hellscape of
dark chaos and suffering, with little to no hope of ever seeing light again.” This is the reality of
most. Trivial things and people clawing for light, life, hope, salvation, but unless attractive
enough, will never be picked. Only what you value gets a day in the sun, oh the joy of things to
be seen, appreciated, picked. It is the only/greatest hope of those hopeless, dark things, and
lasts often too short. Such is nature.

Outside my attention is nothingness, emptiness, worthlessness,

immaterial potentiality without form or manifest existence, void, 0D, blank
darkness. My senses are like radiant sunbeams which breathe life into things,
pretending to act cool, casual, entice me, attract and seduce me, fighting
desperately for their existence to appear self-sufficient and cool, like they have
worth or value, to keep me coming back for me. The most success selections
actually have good worthy things I like. I’m no dummy, I know something good
when I see it, but if it tastes or smell off I never touch it again. The buffet’s too
rich/ample to waste giving attention out of ‘kindness’. I don’t pity an unsightly
dish. I don’t ruminate on the potential of stinky choice. I don’t ponder creatively
how I could utilize an bitter or unsavory treat in a different context. I DON’T
WASTE TIME treating worthless little things like something valuable, like my
own children. Ugly worthless little things are overlooked, thrown out, discarded,
ignored, never touched, smelled, or looked at again! Why? Because I know
there are staples, good things I’ll like forever (at least the foreseeable future)
which are obvious/apparent delights. I know, I’ve had them before. Even old dishes with new
sauce or pairing can enhance it, but ‘unconditional love’ is reserved for unconditionally worthy
things with unconditional value to me. Things which are unconditionally good deserve
unconditional love, and only them!

If everything didn’t exist for my benefit and there were

equals anywhere in the universe to converse intellectually or
rationally with, then I could change, but I am the only rational
conscious thing and everything only has existence by my
will/whim/attention, is in no position to negotiate, bargain, or
converse equally, I have all the power, choice, freedom, and
abundance, they must prove to me their worth and beg my
attention, qualify themselves to me, show me their resumes/ingredients, be up to my
snuff/standards. Existence (and all things herein) must give me pleasure and delight, entertain
and seduce me. Otherwise back to the eternal void of chaos, darkness, obscurity, unexistence,
insanity, and death.

I don’t parlay with inferiors. I don’t negotiate with insubstantial ghosts. I don’t befriend
dinner items. I use them for my amusement and enjoyment as long as I see fit, I use them up as
little or much as I want and when I tire and grow bored of them I discard them without a second
glance and neray another thought unless it pleases me. I have the choice and power, no equal
anywhere, I am the only free conscious being, with the only light, life, joy, and pleasure in
existence. No one is real except me and everyone only exists insofar as I let them if it should
please me. I am the god, the emperor, and king. I am eldest and unequaled, unrivaled,
unopposed, all-worshiped, omnipresent, all-existing, eternal, omnipotent, all-knowing, my
thoughts being the only real thoughts, all feeling, my feelings the only ones. Let others struggle,
suffer, and toil in the absence of me, if such a thing is possible for me to contemplate or
comprehend-- I doubt it. Only my experience, thoughts, and feelings do I experience, only they
are real. I give my attention to things that amuse/entertain me, for whatever time period I see fit
and deem relevant. I create my own reality, I make the rules, I am the
software programmer of existence, there are no other gods beside me. I
can’t even imagine such a thing. All everyone wants is my attention, and
they’ll do any/everything to get it. And it’s how it should be, I deserve to be
chased, sought after, entertained, performed for, given to, pleased,
worshiped, looked up to, put on a pedestal, there’s only one and
everywhere else they sink into abysmal formless black chaos-goo, taking
infinities to reach my light for even a chance to be picked by me. This is the
reality of the buffet.

I love truth, hehe.

Chapter 13
My bod

I’m sorta attractive, nice face, dick, body, butt, stylish, good body
language, nice hair, smell sexy, whole package. All’s good! :)
Chapter 1
In the light

In the light, lots of fun, shine bright, for everyone

Sean’s been in the light this entire time. He’s been one with
God, actually part of God this whole time. How’s he been this whole

“I’ve been flowing love, and appreciating all existence this

entire time… it’s been… joyfully pleasant…”

“Cool,” I respond, “just more of the same for now until


“That is what… God does… but how you… say… more… of

the same… makes… the highest… work… seem… unimportant…
or trite… when… what… we… do… is… the allowance… of all… the same… stuff… you

“I just meant… was asking… was there variety… for you?”

“Always… appreciation… joy… love… wholeness… are the… most alive… things… they
are… never… stagnant… they… themselves… are ripe… with… freshness… and variety…
always…” He said…

“Of course… I’ll… remember…!”

“Yes…” He continued… “Remember we are the… ultimate… in downstream… the

most… path… of… least… resistance… it’s… why… we’re… the ones… called… God… we…
embody… all… the fruits… of joy… all… wellbeing… we… aren’t… above… or superior… to
nature… we… simply… are… the most… in tune… allowance… obedience… flowing… of it… if
we… ever were… to do contrary… to nature… we never… do… we then… would… be
subject… to same… misalignment… as any…”

“Wow, so reality really is king. You, God, simply are in alignment with reality.

“A subtle… difference… because we… are called God… only because… of our
alignment… it is a… vibrational… title… according… to our… lifestyle… any can choose… no
longer be God… or non-God… to become… but only full… surrender… to reality… grants
one… the nomer…”
“Awesome. Will you continue, continuing that?”

Sean/God spoke, “I have… been… doing it… for a while… I could… visit… the
physical… again… dip into it… remind… myself… what… it’s like…”

“God becoming flesh…” I responded, “would be amazing… for many… down here

“Perhaps… we shall… see…”

Chapter 2
An Angel

A step from home, a step to new, a step is gone, new stuff to do

Having been asked, and given the idea, part of God stepped
out of the throne room and floated to the hall of records, where all
information was stored in books. Sean, yes, that used to be my
name, he thought. He had been God so long it was like entering a
dream world again to have an individual, if etheric angel body. He
was so used to being one with all existence, supporting and shining,
maintaining and giving too all beings to simply bask in the light…
already he questioned whether this was a good idea. He was a foot
away from God’s fullness and he felt alone, sad, and cut off already.
He almost started crying, but stuck to his idea to visit the physical, at
least if only one more time… perhaps to fulfill a promise of visiting
Ben, his old friend, wherever he might be nowadays, after who
knows how long, how many thousands, even millions of lifetimes it
had been for him.

Sean perused the shelves, nostalgia back when divine knowledge was just words on a
page, rather than a full and eternal experience. He’d been happy here, like many. He saw some
other angels in the library, some who’d been here long and were deep in the study of reality,
God, their own nature, causality, good and bad deeds, karma, eons of ripples from causes,
relationships across lifetimes, light, dark, life, death, heaven, hell, and earth, love, peace, and

Hmm, he thought, this had been the most amazing and

revolutionary place he’d ever been. It had felt like *hacking the fabric of
the universe, seeing people thoughts, reading their hearts and minds,
knowing intentions, the causal strings, the effects their actions had on
others. But now it is so clunky, at least compared to the rich, vibrant,
*aliveness of experience, to experience reality directly, all the dry
information in these books… which obvious serves many purposes: it is
revolutionary for new angels here, as well as a good introduction into
the fullness of God which might overwhelm some without this awesome
intermediary step… he remembers his own ecstasy/joy. It’s just, now he
knows better… how pale it is when the real deal is so close; like the
difference between fruit flavor, and *fruit. Just thinking about going
home got him excited, but he wanted to go through with it…

Sean appreciated how from the source of goodness things branched out, almost like a
tree in every direction staying close to the light, fractally even (if such a word existed). If it was
only God in heaven, only 10D, only the perfect purity of light, there would be so self-discovery of
God’s purpose or nature. These deeper levels reveal God in every greater physical, solid detail,
so that even eventually God, in the form of flesh and blood beings, can experience an absurd
illusion of individual separate bodies/selves, God can actually touch another body which is God.
How fantastic is that!!?

Yes, Sean is appreciative for how reality is and the way that joy flows downstream from
God’s supreme downstream… and he knows better that he has no choice so appreciation is his
best option!! HAHA.
Chapter 3
Sitting again

Sit down, on the clouds, close the eye, and feel high

He went to the sub-region of Heaven next, the area

where the sitters, meditators, and singers live. Some, he
supposed, had been here for a long time, some were newly
arrived, and some had come from the deeper sanctums of
Heaven like him, returning to old ground. He wondered if it
was eternal… had all been to every point in creation? Had
everyone been God at a point, black goo at a point, and
everywhere in between… like some kind of swingers party
mixing it up… or more aptly… like a cosmic buffet where
freely you choose among infinite life choices/options! If time
is forever, it must be the case that everyone has been
everywhere before… must it not??!

Interesting… he sat down on the clouds as he’d done for

thousands of years before and began meditating. He got his
angelic body comfortable in the clouds, which didn’t seem as
soft as they’d seemed the first time. Not horrible though! He
closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Hmmmmmmmmm,
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah, it still felt good. He let go of thoughts and
eased into his body… letting life flow through and around his
body. Mhmm, it was delightful…

He enjoyed still basking in the light of his home, God was still with him, inside and
flowing through him. He heard the choirs of angels singing their praises of life, and it was
delightful/beautiful. He breathing the sweet sugar air of heaven through his angelic lungs felt
good. Heaven was still beautiful…

He let time roll by, channeling the joy/light of God through him,
remembering the feeling, the places his mind has been in those long
eternities in the fullness. He still found at least comparable places that
felt really great: peace, love, joy, wholeness.

He settled into it, feeling good, comfortable, enjoying the

specific shape and form of his body… it’d been so long since he’d
been an individual rather than full light. He felt the power of his wings,
the weight of his etheric head, his angelic muscles, the breeze on his
translucent skin, the softening of his brain in his skull, calmness
washing and flowing over him, it was nice. Also excitement from slight unknown, being an
individual, some angel could sneak and tickle him, unlikely but possible, he chuckled. A body,
even an angelic body, was a partially solidified form, if more energetic than a flesh one, so it
wasn’t vibrating at the same prestine vibration as God, making each moment thrilling with
uncertainty to be sure, but also he felt the slight decrease in purity, smoothness, fluidity, joy,
openness, receptivity, and loving-kindness. It was there, still, just, not as overwhelmingly or
Chapter 4
Stomping Ground

Life is a dance, of give and take, give a glance, take a break

It had been an untold amount of time since he first arrived

on Earth, and his friends had been dead a long time, reborn
countless times. As a former part of the God collective, he knew
where they were now in new bodies and lifetimes, and all but
one was still living as a human on Earth, including former-Ben.
He would visit them all in time, for now he visited a ballet school
just like the one he’d been in. Oh he remembered all the
moves… it was such a joy to see them all again… as well as his
fellow ballerinas!! It brought him happiness/joy, he’d forgotten
how beautiful/elegant bodies could move in the flesh. It was as
extraordinary as a flower in bloom: so gentle, so delicate,
smooth, and fluid.

Now that he’d returned to the world of the living mortals, he had a human body again,
and he quickly got into a leotard and asked if he could join them. They appreciated his
eagerness and said yes with excitement! He began freestyling with them, getting back into the
groove of muscles and bones, seeing if he could be as delicate as he once had been. He
started slow and was clumsy at first but they saw the technique he had, like returning to a bike
after not having ridden in a while. He slowly got his bearings again, and was performing medium
to advanced level techniques in no time!

He asked for a female partner and they began dancing together, it

was like he’d never left the ballet. It felt as natural as dancing in the wind! Oh
he felt good! Yes, a body was certainly exhilarating, he almost entirely lost
his peace in the thrill of the interplay, back and forth, the give and take, the
dynamism of the dance in the moment! He felt vibrantly alive! His heart was
pumping, racing, sweat was pouring from his entire body. Slight body odor…
oh yes, not all was great… he laughed.

He thanked the troupe and they applauded his skill. It had been a
long time but he hadn’t forgotten the jist of it. They had no idea he was God
as an angel fresh from heaven, but it was fine… he wanted to be among

He went to try his new body some more and jumped in the ocean to
bathe off the sweat and stench. That was exhilarating too, and it reminded
him of home, swimming in the joy and light of God. Splashing around, he
appreciated how God still was everywhere even though he wasn’t even in heaven where most
light shines. Even the sun shining warmly on his wet skin as he looked at it, reminded him of his
source, and he felt appreciative how God penetrated into all aspects of existence with his

He got excited to see some old friends,

even if they wouldn’t remember him, at least
Chapter 5
Old Friends

Love few, love much, just love, such and such

Sean dried off from the ocean and slept on the

beach. He actually felt God in the dark night; it was so
serene with the lapping waves, all the infinite stars
shining like enlightened beings. He fell asleep on the
gentle but coarse sand, and rose with the sunrise.

“Ok! Time to find some old friends!!”

He went to where he knew former-Ben was, in the

Italian region. He barely looked as he had all those ages
ago, but Sean knew vaguely the course his life had taken
in the ensuing ages of Earth: love, heartbeat, some spurts
of great generosity, some spurts of tremendous selfishness, even immorality. But here he was
still loving and being kind with beloved friends; almost like he had never really changed at all in
all those countless lifetimes.

“Hello friend!” Sean shouted to him as he approached.

“Do I know you?” Alex replied, his new name.

“From before memory, yes, we once were friends… and you were kind and generous to
me when I was in a new and vulnerable situation. He might have vague recollections of such a
thing, but I’m fulfilling a promise to you to see you again…”

Alex felt a bit overwhelmed by that, much of it

actually made no sense… however he understood kind
words and appreciation when he heard it… and there was
something… about… that face… Sean knew the soul
continued throughout life, so if only on an unconscious
level, he hoped the connection would be made.

“I don’t know about half of what you said, but… you

seem like good people, and so whatever you mean I
accept it. Consider your promise fulfilled!”
Sean appreciated that. Ben… err… Alex was as cool as he’d ever been. Loving,
humorous, funny, playful, life had only seemed to reinforce the old Ben he’d always known and
loved. They ate together that night with Ben’s other friends and it was nice.

Sean wasn’t ready to leave yet, he knew also his

first love still resided on Earth, with equally many
numbers of lifetimes having passed since they knew
each other. She resided in the same region nearby, by
luck, and he travelled to where she was, as a celebate
nun in a Catholic nunnery. It went down pretty much the
same way, she seemed to have really elevated since her
last situation he’d seen, having found peace, now a calm
and peaceful nun. She didn’t consciously recognize him
but he felt a connection as women are the wiser/more
intuitive gender, she kissed Sean’s forehead and
accepted his thanks for a long ago gift she gave him as a
young boy. It was beautiful, a reconnection, as well as she receiving the fruits of deserved good
karma, for she had been better than her environment before…
Chapter 6
Back in the Gang

Join some mates, chase the wolves, get some steaks, hope you’re full

He wasn’t super excited to visit the place of his

childhood and young adulthood, but he wanted to be complete
in his visiting/surveying of the world he loved so much, that he
flowed and shined light to forever. While hell was literally the
farthest place from his God/home as any physical place could
be-- except complete formlessness in 0D black-- God’s light too
shined and was present here!

Sean stood at the precipice of the dark land, knowing

what would happen after entering. “Hugghhhhhhhhh,” he
exhaled deeply, taking his first step. As he walked further in his human body deformed into
monstrous and horrific, becoming like a fleshy mass of spikes, scales, blood colored skin, body
parts not in beautiful locations. He’d forgotten just how horrible it was here. From a certain point
of view it was thrilling: all the chaos, violence, and anarchy any body could want to find
adventure and thrills. It had been grueling and brutal, but the first pleasures he’d ever felt, even
slight loves and appreciations, had first been felt here in this dark, sparse wasteland called hell.
Even the greatest things have humble beginnings… actually he changed his mind, this place
was quite beautiful in its way…

“I mean, these beings survive for so long so far from

God and light, with so few resources, and life is a constant
battle, struggle, and fight for life! They actually are low-key
such beautiful, noble creatures!!! What a blessed land, in its
way!” He thought. He really did have appreciation for it. It was
hell where new life-forms could come from nothingness, he
had his own life/existence thanks to that black dark. “Yes,” he
determined firmly, “I really appreciate this place for its
cooperative, harmonious, even DIVINE place in the cosmic
order. It holds special place and position in the grand equational tapestry of life, and many
enlightened beings no doubt spent much time here as well among the beasts, murderers, and
rapists. Even beings and creatures such as these have the potential one day to escape, learn to
love, create, breathe well, learn divine knowledge, and become one with God someday. That is
a true testament to God’s greatness to love and accept all, that even he… Sean… who was one
of them once… one day joined God in the FULLNESS of light. PRAISE CREATION. PRAISE

Sean didn’t want to build a home here, but saw their value/worth (generally). Hell had the
opposite effect on time. Here a thousand years could be a day on earth, so those eons of earth
time that’d passed with him in Heaven, entire hell empires had risen and fall and been forgotten
thousands or millions of times over. Time moved slowly here, recalling Heaven is kinetic, and
hell is potential, unmoving, slow, yet jerky/violent in the little that does move here at all.

His particular band he’d first learned to work in was

a speck of dust in the legend of the fading memory of the
oldest being here. But he doubted hell had changed, or if it
even could, he laughed! Indeed, there were bands,
raiding/killing/hunting together, both each other, other
bands, and wild beasts. Sean remembered the thrill of the
hunt, working with fellow gang members to trap and
surround prey, be it sentient or animal.

He asked for admittance in a gang and had a

pleasant enough disposition, rare in these parts, so they let him join. He said he wouldn’t kill, but
he could be the one who led the beast into another’s grasp. They went running, found a beast,
Sean helped scare it back towards the group as it tried to escape, they attacked and killed it…
making Sean sad, but it did bring it back. He took a bite of cooked meat afterward, listened to
them talk, and told a brief story of his own, a few millennia old, but they didn’t know. It was
rough and tumble, but not so bad all in all…
Chapter 7

Lie in bed, mess around, take a stick, pound and pound

He left the band and walked through hell alone. He

found a little muddy pool which reminded him of his first
tryst with his first woman. He bent down and cupped a
handful of dirty water and drank… just as sulfuric and
metalic tasting as he’d remembered.

Even in his eons of God, he was aware of places

like this slightly, vaguely. God’s light did reach here just in
such sparce amounts it barely registered to Heaven, but he
knew good did come from here, in fact all good at some
point had been born out of hell, same as all beings at some point made contact with the fullness
of God in order to get life. In a sense all existence was son and daughter to these parents:
Father God and Mother Void, one to provide the life, one to provide the flesh, and when light
met potential a body was formed.

Sean ruminated over this as he sat by the dirty, muddy pool smelling
of rotten eggs, with iron still on his tongue. Just then, like a memory from
ages past, a woman forward from the dried bushes and stepped into the
clear. She reminded him of his first, but of course, she was human on Earth

She looked at him, micheveously, saying nothing, eyes open and

wet, pouty lips, a figure like a war machine. She wore almost nothing at all,
and Sean knew in hell nothing good comes without work. He looked
nervously around for a big man, or perhaps a band looking to attack, but saw
no one…

“I am alone… you need not worry.” She muttered.

“What can I help you with?”

“Don’t you know? You seem, different, from others ‘round here. I’m… curious…”

Sean swallowed. “Uhm…” stumbling for words.

“Shhh…” she whispered, as she slowly closed the distance.

They were close, face to face, kissed, then went down. As she was
rubbing on him they heard the clanging of metal passing a ways off but too
close for comfort; a band. They quickly composed themselves, and she
looked shocked. He stared at her and she walked casually away.

What just happened, he thought. I forgot the fire sexuality could take
ahold with; I was consumed. I must remember I am in hell.

He straightened himself out, and left…

Chapter 8

Leave the order, hell brings, into wild, wild things

He felt shook, that woman. He walked farther into the wild of

hell. He literally hadn’t been here alone since his early childhood:
farthest place from God. He knew hell beasts, wanderers, and bands
came for prey, he didn’t want to get caught by any of them, and if need
be could use some good karma get him out, but it would exhaust him.
He didn’t want that, but continued…

It reminded him of the Earth story of Dante, venturing into hell,

but his past was his Virgil. He saw one of the more terrifying beasts, a
demon horse, unlike earth horses, who were wildly aggressive and
would chase down and attack any they saw. There was almost no
cover, so he dropped to the ground.

It was meandering, aimless, thank goodness it hadn’t been

following him. Its stink was pungent, as sweat here was rarely washed,
with the scarcity of water, so it dried up on skin in layers leaving
everyone, musty, pungent, stale.

Just then a cherub demon peeled across the sky screeching

horribly. The demon-horse looked visible agitated, looking for a fight.
The cherub circled a few times then swooped down taking a swipe at
him with its razor claws. The horse jumped out of the way but got a
headbutt in, dazing the cherub. Sean thought it might fall but got its
bearings and flew back up.

It circled a few times then swooped

down for another go, this time the horse
keeping its eye and some distance on it.
When it got too close the horse did a tiny
dodge then front-kicked! It hit its wing and
now it looked injured, flapping hurt on the
ground. The horse did like a victory lap running away, circling back for
a go.

The cherub wasn’t helpless there, still screeching aggressively

and with its front hand claws swiping. It tried nursing and rubbing its
wounded wing in between attacks. The horse danced and evaded a
bit, looking for opportunity, when the cherub rubbed too long and horse
bolted in, totally shattering the wing bone, getting a kick to the chest too.

The horse took a victory lap, circled back, looking like it was over. Just then a band of 3
came into the area and saw the situation. They scared the horse away, killed the cherub, then
took the food themselves. Sean was sad, but asked for it…
Chapter 9
Where it All Began

Black is hell, black divine, black is birth, yours and mine

Into the deep wild, Sean made it to the edge of

hell, where physical space runs out, light no longer
shines. Literal 0 dimension, life cannot exist beyond the
final shore. He’d only seen it once, when he crawled out
of it dripping. In a certain sense, here too also was his
home, like God’s light in the divine throne room, a less--
or perhaps differently-- pretty form of his home. Without
the divine feminine, this Void Mother and her formless,
potential black, formless goo, he never would have be
born, existed, perhaps nothing ever would. Where would
God come from if not, long ago, from this same dark pool (just as he had)?

Even though this was the farthest from God, in the deepest, darkest, blackness of hell,
this unformed potential black made creation possible. It was the unappreciated, unseen,
mysterious, unknown which made physical life when mixed with light, allowing primitive beings
and humans to exist, who could evolve into angels one day. All because of this slimmy looking

It couldn’t have component parts, it was literally

as bottom of the barrel simple as could be. Perhaps it
was liquidified soul, or creamated, at least flesh which
had decomposed beyond even microscopic nutrition.
When stuff died, and was crapped out all the way to the
bottom of the food chain, it dried up, then broke down
more, into this, and that’s what this ocean of nothing
was, beyond the shores of existence; literally godless, a
god-forsaken place, pure divine feminine he supposed.

He didn’t want to call it waste, even on

Earth they try to focus on recycle, reuse. It
wasn’t waste, or nothing, because it was
potential, it could be used for something, could
become a divine being or just normal life one
day, it was potential, not worthless. It was a
necessary ingredient to make new life, where
all goodness and existence started from so it
was highly valuable and necessary to
existence! Also without such a place, without
the ability to die and return to this form, existence could very quickly, without attention to detail,
become vastly overcrowded and full, making existence itself horrifying and bad; making
existence hell for all! Without a place like this, life quickly became horrible for all, that’s why it
was vital and important to creation, it helped everyone out, and was worthy of appreciation, at
least now and again. Sean appreciated where it all began…

He scooped a handful up, unsure what might happen. He said a prayer to it, “Thank you
for life”, and poured it back. Wiggling in the black occurred, and an infant boy crawled out, in
reaction to the prayer. Sean was flabbergasted. Thank you Divine Mother, how rich you are, he
Chapter 10

Light and dark, life and death, heaven hell, choose from breadth

Sean completed his quest through all creation,

from bottom to top, top to bottom. Sean felt amazing. He’d
been everywhere-- at least generally-- and not only knew
how all existence worked, but had experienced it
personally, directly, firsthand, even gone back through it all
to prove he wasn’t afraid or gotten lucky, but was free. He
felt free, had choice, could do/go anywhere, experience
whatever he wanted.

Everything fulfilled a niche, and was well suited to its each own
individual purpose. Hell was hard, dark, and hot, heaven was soft,
bright, and fluid/floaty. Everything in its own place, performing its
function cooperating for the whole design, great equation, grand

Sean floated back to Earth to contemplate, “What will I do?”

Just then Michael appeared, apparently he’d been

aware of Sean’s entire trip through the cosmos and
had been paying attention to his progress. “What…
does… your heart… tell you… to do?”

Sean smiled, and thought. “Be a light on Earth, bring

God’s light to humans here, and for the benefit of all
beings. Shine.”

“Well done… my son…” Michael revealed. Yes, it had been

his prayer that had brought Sean to life those eons again,
asking for more enlightened beings in the world. “You…
made me proud… done… well… and followed… my path…
shining… in the world…”

Sean felt love/appreciation at this revelation. “Father…

Michael… thank you…” He was speechless.

“Stay on Earth, multiply God’s light, and prosper…”

“I will Father. Thank you.”

And with that, Michael smiled then blurred away. Sean spent the rest of his days
showing love and shining light on human beings. Who knows where his path will lead him
next… what about you?

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