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===Michael Spavor===
===Michael Spavor===
{{Main|Michael Spavor}}
{{Main|Michael Spavor}}
02963609288 南昌市青山湖区上坊路43号:079188176385 二路9号经济开发区管委会大楼029-86516411[http://yangling717.blogspot.com/2011/12/blog-post.html]

Michael Spavor was a consultant working in North Korea. He is a founding member and director of Paektu Cultural Exchange, an NGO that facilitates sports, cultural, tourism and business exchanges with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).<ref>{{Cite web |date=December 13, 2018 |title=Michael Spavor: The detained Canadian close to Kim Jong-un |url=https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46552644 |access-date=December 18, 2018 |website=BBC News}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |last1=Alam |first1=Hina |last2=McCarten |first2=James |date=September 25, 2021 |title=Meng Wanzhou free as extradition case dropped by the United States |language=en |work=National Post |url=https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/cp-newsalert-mengs-extradition-case-dropped-in-b-c-shes-free-to-go |access-date=September 30, 2021}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=August 11, 2021 |title=Cocktails with Kim Jong Un: the Canadian jailed in China for spying |url=https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210811-cocktails-with-kim-jong-un-the-canadian-jailed-in-china-for-spying |access-date=September 30, 2021 |website=France 24 |language=en}}</ref>
Michael Spavor was a consultant working in North Korea. He is a founding member and director of Paektu Cultural Exchange, an NGO that facilitates sports, cultural, tourism and business exchanges with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).<ref>{{Cite web |date=December 13, 2018 |title=Michael Spavor: The detained Canadian close to Kim Jong-un |url=https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46552644 |access-date=December 18, 2018 |website=BBC News}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |last1=Alam |first1=Hina |last2=McCarten |first2=James |date=September 25, 2021 |title=Meng Wanzhou free as extradition case dropped by the United States |language=en |work=National Post |url=https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/cp-newsalert-mengs-extradition-case-dropped-in-b-c-shes-free-to-go |access-date=September 30, 2021}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=August 11, 2021 |title=Cocktails with Kim Jong Un: the Canadian jailed in China for spying |url=https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210811-cocktails-with-kim-jong-un-the-canadian-jailed-in-china-for-spying |access-date=September 30, 2021 |website=France 24 |language=en}}</ref>

[编辑] 事件
未封锁: 黑瞎子岛、银龙岛
未封锁: 天安门
未封锁: 文革、大跃进、三年自然灾害
未封锁: "YTHT"
汕尾 (指东洲事件)
[编辑] 新疆与西藏
未封锁: 额尔德尼·确吉杰布、班禅喇嘛,东突厥斯坦
西藏论坛、Tibet Talk[15]
西藏时报、Tibet Times[16]
[编辑] 异议团体
[编辑] 异议人士
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[编辑] 政治人物


中国的25岁的美国空军军人亚伦·布什内尔(Aaron Bushnell):

2016年上海杨浦区卫计委诊断不公,指鹿为马,黑白颠倒,不承认我原本身体非常健康的女儿由于接种了狂犬疫苗出现的严重疾病与疫苗有关。我到上海杨浦区信访办上访:不受理。我到上海市信访办上访:不处理。为了引起重视,为了解决问题,为了给女儿讨回一个公道。2018年3月我到北京为女儿维权,被地方接回上海后,不料被以寻衅滋事罪被判了一年二个月有期徒刑,随后又被取消了养老金和医保。我和相依为命的女儿,唯一依靠的生活来源突然被掐断,生活在了饥寒交迫的冰窟之中。孩子被疫苗致残的这10年 我们从住院到治疗,已花费医疗费100多万元,加上生活等各项开支,掏空了我们家庭的所有积蓄。已无法生存,无以为继。
为了活下,2023年9月11日我的女儿谭华来到宁波大学:强烈要求宁波大学恢复其母退休教师华秀珍的养老金 在没有任何不当行为之下,被宁波警方 强行送回上海后,失联。
3个多月过去了 宁波大学和宁波政府对恢复我的养老金和医保的问题仍然没有任何的说法。



*1.上海市疫苗受害者谭华(家长华秀珍 15102135346),接种狂犬疫苗,致脱髓鞘、癫痫、过敏性皮疹,诊断不公,结论与疫苗无关。至今10年不但没有解决问题,受害者被暴力毒打,家长遭打压以口袋罪寻衅滋事入狱1年两个月,随后被原单位宁波大学取消一切养老待遇,常年高强度管控。



*4.内蒙古包头疫苗受害者李旨航(家长梁东芳 13327185745),接种麻风疫苗后致脑白质病变,智力、肢体双重一级残疾,视神经严重损害。经司法鉴定后违规接种与疾病无因果关系,当地卫计委拒绝接受疫苗异常反应诊断。

*5.甘肃省武威市疫苗受害者王岩峰(家长王开瑞 13659355214),接种乙脑减毒活疫苗致再生障碍性贫血,不久后死亡。经不公诊断为没有直接依据有关。其父依法维权被判寻衅滋事罪服刑三年,至今没有说法。




*9.陕西省宝鸡市疫苗受害者张登科(家长张德鹏 17526589239)接种麻腮风减毒活疫苗、乙脑减毒活疫苗导致重症型脑膜炎,不能排除预防接种异常反应,损害程度二级乙等。事发地只按陕西省补偿办法一次性补偿56万,孩子目前语言和肢体都有严重障碍,面临长期高昂康复和护理费用困难。

*10.吉林省四平市疫苗受害者董欣瑶(家长王冬梅 13844404614)接种狂犬疫苗导致慢性肾病,终身不能治愈,经过鉴定属于预防接种异常反应,损害等级为三级戊等。只有不合理一次性补偿7万余元,没有后续保障。






*16.山东省临沂市王尚尚(家属朱莉 13165296100)接种新冠疫苗导致幼年型特发性关节炎,经不公诊断结果不属于预防接种异常反应。患儿留有免疫性疾病,当地有关部门至今没有说法。







*23.吉林省疫苗受害者李晓(家长谭小红,15843561475)接种脊髓灰质炎疫苗导致小儿麻痹症。多年未解决问题 深圳盐田法院行政诉讼案件中,庭审前,笔记本电脑、手机皆被禁止带入。合议庭审判长冯炅(行政审判一庭副庭长,违法审理行政审判二庭管辖范围的案件)违法、枉法、造假。信访举报三级法院皆不回复[https://weibo.com/u/7483280443 中国的布什内尔]




'''贺振华'''重庆[[长寿县 (消歧义)|长寿]]精神病(车上无端杀人因作案时精神病发作不负刑事责任),27岁男乘客遇害者[[失独家庭]][[谷姓|谷]]某[[2023年]]5月4遭遇无妄之灾[[K435次列车杀人案]]([[武昌]]-[[东莞]])被一素不相识"精神病"男子突破安检持[[管制刀具]]杀害,[[2017年]]曾经持刀伤害工友并直接导致公司损失100998元(为敖某支付医药费总共大概13万元)且有[[吸毒]]史和精神疾病史被司法局非法释放后故意杀人。衡阳铁路运输法院认为,贺某实施了杀害他人行为,经法定程序鉴定为依法不负刑事责任的精神病人

[[2022年]]4月14被公安[[丁公路街道|丁公路]]派出所[[赖小民|赖]]祯吉床上強行撫摸、親吻[[猥亵]]犯罪后([[中华人民共和国刑法|刑法]]第237条强制猥亵罪、侮辱罪、猥亵儿童罪规定:以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法强制猥亵他人或者侮辱妇女的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 聚众或者在公共场所当众犯前款罪的,或者有其他恶劣情节的,五年以上有期徒刑。猥亵儿童的,依照前两款的规定从重处罚)绑架送江西精神病院又被[[非法拘禁]]犯罪,赵勇(警号011967)与辅警戴荣华帮助赖祯吉实施猥亵犯罪。
截至2024年3月中级法院[[法官]]换了一圈没宣判的?,2022年9月7日,中央纪委国家监委决定给予罪犯[[沈德咏]]([[1993年]]-2022年3月,[[江西省高级人民法院]]副院长)[[开除党籍]]、开除公职。<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8B%87%E6%95%A2%E6%8F%AD%E8%A2%AB%E8%AD%A6%E5%A3%93%E5%BA%8A%E6%84%9B%E6%92%AB-%E5%8F%8D%E9%81%AD%E9%80%81%E7%B2%BE%E7%A5%9E%E7%97%85%E9%99%A2-%E6%AD%A3%E5%A6%B9%E5%87%BA%E9%99%A2%E5%85%AC%E9%96%8B%E7%B6%81%E5%BA%8A%E7%81%8C%E8%97%A5%E5%85%A7%E5%B9%95-122301686.html |title=勇敢揭被警壓床愛撫「反遭送精神病院」 正妹出院公開綁床灌藥內幕 |access-date=2023-12-25 |archive-date=2023-12-25 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231225152335/https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8B%87%E6%95%A2%E6%8F%AD%E8%A2%AB%E8%AD%A6%E5%A3%93%E5%BA%8A%E6%84%9B%E6%92%AB-%E5%8F%8D%E9%81%AD%E9%80%81%E7%B2%BE%E7%A5%9E%E7%97%85%E9%99%A2-%E6%AD%A3%E5%A6%B9%E5%87%BA%E9%99%A2%E5%85%AC%E9%96%8B%E7%B6%81%E5%BA%8A%E7%81%8C%E8%97%A5%E5%85%A7%E5%B9%95-122301686.html |dead-url=no }}</ref>2022年7月,江西省国有资本运营控股集团有限公司员工[[周劼]](罪犯消歧义)在朋友圈炫耀,引发社会关注贪棺自称遇到了胡副省长,同月,相关“调查”结果显示,多条朋友圈为编造:出于个人炫耀,“不存在”某省领导给他递香烟的事情,[[退休]]卸任一年后,[[江西省政协]]副主席[[胡强]]被查。

* 2010年6月1日上午9:50左右,湖南省永州市零陵区法院发生一起枪击案件。凶手持微型冲锋枪冲进法院向法官和工作人员扫射,现确认造成3名法官死亡、3名法官受伤,凶手当场自杀。
* 2012年11月9日,湖北宣恩农民吴西华杀死曾在交通事故纠纷中殴打自己的宣恩县[[拘留所]]干警杜平因死者存在过错被判[[死缓]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://news.sohu.com/20130530/n377469141.shtml|title=村民当街杀死警察被判死缓 嫌犯:他用脚踩我脸-搜狐新闻|website=news.sohu.com|access-date=2013-06-02|archive-date=2019-06-09|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190609145558/http://news.sohu.com/20130530/n377469141.shtml|dead-url=no}}</ref>。

== 文献 ==

*[[郑州空姐打车遇害案]]:疑患精神类疾病注册[[滴滴出行|滴滴顺风车]][[司机]]<ref>{{cite web|title=村干部:空姐遇害案嫌犯刘某华疑患精神类疾病|url=https://www.jiemian.com/article/2131011.html|website=界面新闻|accessdate=2018-05-14|date=2018-05-11|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180515043958/https://www.jiemian.com/article/2131011.html|archive-date=2018-05-15|dead-url=yes}}</ref>。在从事滴滴司机之前曾驾驶摩托车撞人,导致对方变成[[植物人]]。曾扬言要杀人,有过一段婚姻,母亲有精神病。<ref>[https://weibo.com/n/Add-on 遇难者部落格]济南[[空姐]]</ref>
*[[张扣扣]](1983年1月6日-2019年7月17日),陕西省汉中市南郑人,仅赔张扣扣家9639.3元,2001年初中毕业后应征入伍,在新疆服役两年后[[除夕]]2018年农历新年夜杀13岁未成年时杀他母亲汉中官员犯三个(王正军因故意伤害致死被判有期徒刑七年出狱后被杀),审判前,张扣扣提出汉中中院是否有管辖权的异议,并申请做精神鉴定均被驳回。<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.thecover.cn/news/1578135|title=张扣扣申请做精神鉴定 被法院驳回|author=沈轶|date=2019-01-08|work=封面新闻|accessdate=|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190113100304/http://www.thecover.cn/news/1578135|archive-date=2019-01-13|dead-url=no}}</ref>被判立即执行执行后主审法官[[陕西省高级人民法院]]副院长[[曹建国]]违法被查。
*[https://i.ifeng.com/c/8MKLdlKPCK9 南昌女子被送精神病院事件调查,该院强制他人入院曾败诉] {{Wayback|url=https://i.ifeng.com/c/8MKLdlKPCK9 |date=20231225144323 }}(2008年12月7南昌男子万友生)
*[https://weibo.com/u/3645568414 李宜雪抖音直播]


===Michael Kovrig===
===Michael Kovrig===

Revision as of 02:23, 14 April 2024

Michael Kovrig (left) and Michael Spavor (right)

In December 2018, Canadian nationals Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig were taken into custody in China. It appeared that their detention on December 10 and subsequent indictment under the state secrets law were linked to the arrest of Huawei's chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, in Canada on December 1.[1] In English-language media, the pair are frequently and colloquially referred to as the Two Michaels.[2][3][4]

Prior to his detention and arrest, Kovrig was working for the International Crisis Group out of its Hong Kong office. He previously worked for the United Nations and as a Canadian diplomat.[5] Spavor had been a consultant and the director of Paektu Cultural Exchange, an organization that promotes investment and tourism in North Korea.[6]

On September 24, 2021, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Kovrig and Spavor had been released from detention in China after 1,019 days, shortly after Meng was released from house arrest in Canada.[7] Canadian officials initially insisted the espionage charges were trumped-up.[8] However, in 2023, Spavor accused Kovrig of using him for espionage without his knowledge, resulting in him unwittingly passing on information relating to North Korea to Canadian intelligence agencies. In November 2023, Spavor sought a multimillion-dollar settlement against the federal government for involving him in espionage activities without his knowledge. Michael Spavor reached a $7 million settlement deal with the Canadian government in March 2024.[9]


Michael Spavor

02963609288 南昌市青山湖区上坊路43号:079188176385 二路9号经济开发区管委会大楼029-86516411[1] Michael Spavor was a consultant working in North Korea. He is a founding member and director of Paektu Cultural Exchange, an NGO that facilitates sports, cultural, tourism and business exchanges with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).[10][11][12]

人权、政治、专制、专政、一党、高干、八老、革命、书记、腐败、暴动、暴乱、人大、专政、舆论、洗脑、文革、情妇、鸽派、网特、迫害、赤匪、赤化、民国、斯诺、共产、共党、共匪、共军、国军、反攻、民意、多党、弹劾、独夫、独裁、北韩、俄国、和谐、统战、封杀、屠杀、镇压、高官、吸储、暴政、抗议、闹事、公款、首长、国贼、两会、两会报道、两会新闻、全国两会、接班、交班、文字狱、太子党、双十节、白皮书、黑社会、小参考、悔过书、泡沫经济、三个代表、个人崇拜、两岸关系、两个中国、红色恐怖、高薪养廉、歌功颂德、粉饰太平、新闻封锁、信用危机、国家安全、国家机密、民族矛盾、舆论反制、上海孤儿院 警察、民警、公安、武警、交警、城管、劳改、劳教、刑警、消防队、大盖帽、司法警官 [编辑] 事件 中国茉莉花革命 中俄边界 未封锁: 黑瞎子岛、银龙岛 六四,天安门事件,民运 未封锁: 天安门 未封锁: 文革、大跃进、三年自然灾害 一塌糊涂 未封锁: "YTHT" 汕尾 (指东洲事件) 未封锁:太石村、苏家屯 蚁力神 [编辑] 新疆与西藏 疆独、新疆独立 藏独、西藏独立 流亡 达赖 达赖喇嘛 根敦·确吉尼玛、根敦·确吉、确吉尼玛 未封锁: 额尔德尼·确吉杰布、班禅喇嘛,东突厥斯坦 西藏论坛、Tibet Talk[15] 西藏时报、Tibet Times[16] 天葬、司马晋、雪山狮子 热比娅、迪里夏提、东土耳其斯坦 [编辑] 异议团体 带有“民主”字样的政党和团体,如中国民主正义党、民主中国等 天安门母亲 [编辑] 异议人士 魏京生 王丹 吾尔开希 柴玲 封从德 刘晓波 丁子霖 王若望 刘宾雁 吴弘达 司徒华 方舟子(然而他的真名“方是民”却没有被审查)、新语丝 张戎(《毛泽东:鲜为人知的故事》的作者之一) 王维林(但“坦克人”却没有被审查) 未封锁:王若水、孙文广 民运 、游行 、学运 、学联、八九、刘刚、鲍彤、河殇、暴乱、学潮、民联、动乱、韩东方 、刘永川、上海帮、钦本立、阎明复、杨建利、天安门、王军涛、远志明、司徒华、张伯笠、谢选骏、方励之、余英时、王若望、许家屯、辛灏年、高自联、学自联、工自联、木犀地 李鹏、李月月鸟、李总理 熊焱、熊炎 民主、民猪 李录、李禄(南京大学学生) 常劲(原北京大学学生自治会筹委会副主席) 戈扬(曾任新华社上海分社社长) 沈彤(北京大学生物系学生,曾任高自联常委) 童屹(原中国政法大学学生) 邢铮(学自联前主席) 张健(天安门广场学生纠察总长) 李兰菊(香港女学生) 项小吉(中国民联理事长) 李旺阳(湖南工自联会长) 梁擎墩(高自联常委、北京师范大学学生) 刘俊国(广州高爱联主席) 刘文胜(中国社会民主党组建者) 吕京花(北京工人自治联合会组建者) 苏晓康(《河殇》总撰稿人) 汤光中(海外民运) 唐柏桥(湖南高自联组建者) 王超华(中国社会科学院研究生院学生) 万润南(原北京四通创始人、总裁) 郭罗基(曾在北京大学哲学系当教授) 王润生(北京社会经济科学研究所) 吴仁华(中国政法大学法律古籍整理研究所前研究室主任) 赵品潞(前北京工自联常委) 易丹轩(广东商学院学生) 于浩成(南开大学法学教授) 张伟国(《世界经济导报》政治法律编辑) 于大海(中国民联成员) 赵海青(学自联主席) 张志清(原中国政法大学学生) 积克馆(香港一个纪念六四的网站名) 陈一咨、陈一咨(前中国国务院经济体制改革研究所所长) 世界经济导报 严家其、严家祺 吴学灿、吴学璨 李淑娴(方励之夫人) 冯素英(王若望夫人) 胡平、民阵、多维、黄翔、高瞻、刘青、齐墨、秦晋、唐捷、盛雪、汪岷、王策、杨周、岳武、张林、张钢、民主墙、王炳章、刘千石、刘山青、李志绥、高文谦、张五常、曹长青、王涵万、司马璐、苏绍智、刘士贤、刘晓竹、程铁军、白立朴、蔡崇国、陈破空、博讯、boxun、第四代、王力雄、黄祸、陈宣良、宋书元、杜智富、傅志寰、关卓中、郭岩华、韩联潮、何德普、黄慈萍、贾育台、金尧如、邝锦文、黎安友、李少民、林樵清、刘国凯、马大维、马良骏、倪育贤、潘国平、王希哲、吴方城、谢中之、徐水良、张昭富、杨怀安、开放杂志、异见人士、异议人士、华夏文摘、美国之音、地下刊物、持不同政见、大参考、李洪宽、薛伟、北京之春 [编辑] 政治人物 江泽民 未被百度、Google和雅虎封锁 江贼、贼民、江贼民、江流氓、江则民、将则民、则民、泽民、择民、哲民、江折民、江主席、江猪、江猪媳、酱猪媳、僵贼、僵贼民、江八点、江流氓、江戏子、江蛤蟆、老江、江core 江绵恒、绵恒(江泽民之子)、江泽慧(江泽民之妹)、王冶坪(江泽民夫人)、尹庆民(江泽民秘书) 江罗(江泽民和罗干) 未封锁:罗干 胡锦涛、锦涛、胡锦滔、胡锦淘、胡紧掏、胡景涛、胡总书记 赵紫阳


中国的25岁的美国空军军人亚伦·布什内尔(Aaron Bushnell):

华秀珍,我女儿叫谭华,是复旦大学和麻省理工学院双硕士研究生,爱好长跑身体非常健康,曾任企业副总经理。天有不测风云,2014年正值风华正茂时,被狗咬伤后接种了被医生瞒着的尚在上海作试点的成都康华生物制品有限公司生产的人二倍体狂犬疫苗后被致残,留下了不可治愈的:脱髓鞘脑病、全身过敏性皮疹、癫痫、听力受损、脑萎缩,白质内缺血灶等严重疾病,也因此失去了工作。 每次癫痫发病,不分时间不分地点的晕倒抽搐,两颗门牙还曾因抽搐摔倒被撞掉,看着发病时女儿那痛苦状态,我肝肠寸断,痛不欲生。女儿由于长期病痛,加上被当时的地方不择手段残酷打压,患上了精神障碍,晚上经常做噩梦,哭着喊着“妈妈救我!妈妈救我!”,我抱着抽搐哭晕过去的女儿不断给她按摩直到缓解。现在谭华常年靠吃进口的奥氮平、德巴金、左乙拉西坦等药维持控制发病。白质内缺血灶没有特效药,病情在加重。 2016年上海杨浦区卫计委诊断不公,指鹿为马,黑白颠倒,不承认我原本身体非常健康的女儿由于接种了狂犬疫苗出现的严重疾病与疫苗有关。我到上海杨浦区信访办上访:不受理。我到上海市信访办上访:不处理。为了引起重视,为了解决问题,为了给女儿讨回一个公道。2018年3月我到北京为女儿维权,被地方接回上海后,不料被以寻衅滋事罪被判了一年二个月有期徒刑,随后又被取消了养老金和医保。我和相依为命的女儿,唯一依靠的生活来源突然被掐断,生活在了饥寒交迫的冰窟之中。孩子被疫苗致残的这10年 我们从住院到治疗,已花费医疗费100多万元,加上生活等各项开支,掏空了我们家庭的所有积蓄。已无法生存,无以为继。 为了活下,2023年9月11日我的女儿谭华来到宁波大学:强烈要求宁波大学恢复其母退休教师华秀珍的养老金 在没有任何不当行为之下,被宁波警方 强行送回上海后,失联。


本月12月18日我和女儿谭华都被放回家了。 3个多月过去了 宁波大学和宁波政府对恢复我的养老金和医保的问题仍然没有任何的说法。 今我再次强烈请求: 1.请求浙江省政府和宁波政府立即恢复我的养老金和医保!让我能够活下去! 2.请求上海政府立即妥善解决我家被拖了10年的悬而未决的所有信访问题




  • 1.上海市疫苗受害者谭华(家长华秀珍 15102135346),接种狂犬疫苗,致脱髓鞘、癫痫、过敏性皮疹,诊断不公,结论与疫苗无关。至今10年不但没有解决问题,受害者被暴力毒打,家长遭打压以口袋罪寻衅滋事入狱1年两个月,随后被原单位宁波大学取消一切养老待遇,常年高强度管控。
  • 2.福建省福州市疫苗受害者刘浩楷(家长刘立军13696870077)接种乙肝百白破脊灰疫苗导致肢体语言智力多重残疾,鉴定为预防接种异常反应,损害等级为一级乙等。面临长期康复、护理高昂费用困境。发病至今16年未解决问题。
  • 3.重庆市酉阳县疫苗受害者崔文韬(家长石翠红17783308639)接种乙肝(酿酒酵母)、卡介苗致脑病引发继发性癫痫,目前偏瘫、面瘫。经过两次不公诊断和一次违规的鉴定结论:不属于预防接种异常反应。医疗费早已超过百万,医学会用业务章企图瞒天过海,相关部门推脱责任,维稳单位限制人身自由,面临长期康复、护理高昂费用困难,发病至今14年未解决问题。
  • 4.内蒙古包头疫苗受害者李旨航(家长梁东芳 13327185745),接种麻风疫苗后致脑白质病变,智力、肢体双重一级残疾,视神经严重损害。经司法鉴定后违规接种与疾病无因果关系,当地卫计委拒绝接受疫苗异常反应诊断。
  • 5.甘肃省武威市疫苗受害者王岩峰(家长王开瑞 13659355214),接种乙脑减毒活疫苗致再生障碍性贫血,不久后死亡。经不公诊断为没有直接依据有关。其父依法维权被判寻衅滋事罪服刑三年,至今没有说法。
  • 6.湖北省武汉市疫苗受害者冷奥飞(家长叶红珍15337233292)接种百白破导致难治性癫痫,经不公诊断不属于疫苗异常反应。现在患者脑萎缩、脊柱侧弯、智力低下、走路异常等残疾。医疗费已花费100多万,将来面临长期高昂治疗和护理费用困难。
  • 7.江苏省宿迁市疫苗受害者高依朵(家长高映1580039550),接种脊髓灰质炎疫苗导致脊髓神经根炎、肺炎、双下肢迟缓性麻痹、脊柱侧弯,经不公诊断为偶合症,2022年8月至今看病花销已达140万,还面临长期高昂康复和护理费用困难。(专家组张冠李戴用活疫苗的诊断标准诊断灭活疫苗,鉴定书用办公室章企图瞒天过海)
  • 8.山东省烟台市疫苗受害者王松林(13275352006)接种新冠疫苗导致急性髓系白血病,诊断设置障碍,要求患者提供大量材料包括诊断之前的体检证明,并且表明及时材料齐全也是通过不了,只是走个流程。
  • 9.陕西省宝鸡市疫苗受害者张登科(家长张德鹏 17526589239)接种麻腮风减毒活疫苗、乙脑减毒活疫苗导致重症型脑膜炎,不能排除预防接种异常反应,损害程度二级乙等。事发地只按陕西省补偿办法一次性补偿56万,孩子目前语言和肢体都有严重障碍,面临长期高昂康复和护理费用困难。
  • 10.吉林省四平市疫苗受害者董欣瑶(家长王冬梅 13844404614)接种狂犬疫苗导致慢性肾病,终身不能治愈,经过鉴定属于预防接种异常反应,损害等级为三级戊等。只有不合理一次性补偿7万余元,没有后续保障。
  • 11.重庆市疫苗受害者张翊萱(家长张玉春19908313399)接种新冠疫苗导致急性脊髓炎,经不公诊断为无确切关系。目前截瘫,大小便失禁。已康复花费60万,需要长期康复每月花费4万,面临长期高昂康复和护理费用困难。
  • 12.广东省深圳市疫苗受害者张金昌(13723791739)接种新冠疫苗导致肌萎缩侧索硬化症,经不公诊断结论为偶合症。目前生活不能自理,面临将来生活困难的问题。
  • 13.吉林省吉林市疫苗受害者王浩宸(家长王冬静15543250811)接种新冠疫苗导致发作性睡病、自免性脑炎?经诊断不排除预防接种异常反应。目前生活不能自理,损害等级二级甲等。已花销25万。面临长期治疗的费用困难。
  • 14.深证市疫苗受害者刘梓悦(家长刘春生18926762781)接种A+C群脑流疫苗、HIB疫苗后不排除疫苗异常反应,损害等级二级甲等。终身护理的情况下,只有52万一次性不合理补偿,没有后续保障。
  • 15.河南省洛阳市王鸿瑞(家属刘勇13949254553)接种新冠疫苗导致重型再生障碍性贫血,经不公诊断结论为偶合症。已花销30万,后续6000-7000元每月治疗费难以为继。相关部门踢皮球。
  • 16.山东省临沂市王尚尚(家属朱莉 13165296100)接种新冠疫苗导致幼年型特发性关节炎,经不公诊断结果不属于预防接种异常反应。患儿留有免疫性疾病,当地有关部门至今没有说法。
  • 17.深证市疫苗受害者刘梓悦(家长刘春生18926762781)接种A+C群脑流疫苗、HIB疫苗后不排除疫苗异常反应,损害等级二级甲等。终身护理的情况下,只有52万一次性不合理补偿。
  • 18.北京市杨培(15201550537)接种新冠疫苗导致心肌炎,经不公诊断结论为偶合症。当地有关部门至今没有说法。
  • 19.山西省阳泉市疫苗受害者马雨馨(家长郄栩峰18335354274)接种A群流脑疫苗导致脓毒症、败血症、组织蜂窝炎等疾病,经不公诊断为偶合症。目前孩子毁容严重,当地部门没有说法,面临高额整容修复治疗费的困难。
  • 山东省日照市疫苗受害者杜鸿轩(家长胡翠义15263365587)接种长春长生百白破脊灰疫苗导致脑出血,诊断不公,不承认与疫苗有关。患儿目前植物人,当地政府久拖未决。
  • 21.贵州省新冠疫苗受害者卢友平(18359233679),接种新冠疫苗导致运动神经元病,不能生活自理自理。
  • 22.河北省新冠疫苗受害者王红(13785567491)接种新冠疫苗导致白血病,目前吃靶向药化疗药维持。
  • 23.吉林省疫苗受害者李晓(家长谭小红,15843561475)接种脊髓灰质炎疫苗导致小儿麻痹症。多年未解决问题 深圳盐田法院行政诉讼案件中,庭审前,笔记本电脑、手机皆被禁止带入。合议庭审判长冯炅(行政审判一庭副庭长,违法审理行政审判二庭管辖范围的案件)违法、枉法、造假。信访举报三级法院皆不回复中国的布什内尔


  • 西安市精神衛生中心夫妻“被精神病”绑架罪(中华人民共和国主席令第83号公布,《刑法》第239条,“以勒索财物为目的绑架他人的,或者绑架他人作为人质的,10年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑没收财产)非法关押70天
  • 中華人民共和國人口販賣
  • 何享健2020年6月14在广东佛山自己的家中遭携带枪支绑着炸药的多个歹徒入室、抢劫绑架

杨功讯,父亲被关进监狱非法拘禁致残疾,杨功讯上访途被村支书诬告杨是精神病,被关押进精神病院达两年,放出来后腊月28浙江平阳杀6个(原因或找到,曾被强制关精神病院)强迫关押他同村长。社区书记白某已(被害人,殁年47岁)等多次组织调解,杨功迅只领取部分调解款。 2023年1月19日7时50分杨功迅在平阳县驾车撞击手段,致白某已、陈某绿(殁年66岁)、杨某英(殁年78岁)、陈某连(殁年73岁)、杨某垢、王某玉(殁年70岁)6人死亡,劫取了陈某的轿车后杨功迅投案(有“免死金牌”精神病史)出狱后习武依法杀电击治疗强迫症非法拘禁罪犯村支书却被温州中级法院判死刑。


2022年4月14被公安丁公路派出所祯吉床上強行撫摸、親吻猥亵犯罪后(刑法第237条强制猥亵罪、侮辱罪、猥亵儿童罪规定:以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法强制猥亵他人或者侮辱妇女的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 聚众或者在公共场所当众犯前款罪的,或者有其他恶劣情节的,五年以上有期徒刑。猥亵儿童的,依照前两款的规定从重处罚)绑架送江西精神病院又被非法拘禁犯罪,赵勇(警号011967)与辅警戴荣华帮助赖祯吉实施猥亵犯罪。 截至2024年3月中级法院法官换了一圈没宣判的?,2022年9月7日,中央纪委国家监委决定给予罪犯沈德咏(1993年-2022年3月,江西省高级人民法院副院长)开除党籍、开除公职。[13]2022年7月,江西省国有资本运营控股集团有限公司员工周劼(罪犯消歧义)在朋友圈炫耀,引发社会关注贪棺自称遇到了胡副省长,同月,相关“调查”结果显示,多条朋友圈为编造:出于个人炫耀,“不存在”某省领导给他递香烟的事情,退休卸任一年后,江西省政协副主席胡强被查。


  • 杨佳袭警案,2008年上海公安局内杀六名警察被判死刑未做精神疾病鉴定(一辆50元人民币自行车引发血案),北京母亲王静梅被精神病。
  • 2010年6月1日上午9:50左右,湖南省永州市零陵区法院发生一起枪击案件。凶手持微型冲锋枪冲进法院向法官和工作人员扫射,现确认造成3名法官死亡、3名法官受伤,凶手当场自杀。
  • 2012年11月9日,湖北宣恩农民吴西华杀死曾在交通事故纠纷中殴打自己的宣恩县拘留所干警杜平因死者存在过错被判死缓[14]


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Michael Kovrig

Michael Kovrig (born February 3, 1972)[4] is a Canadian former diplomat and geopolitical analyst and advisor working for the International Crisis Group, a transnational, independent, non-governmental organization focused on preventing and resolving deadly conflict through research and advocacy.[5] He wrote about geopolitical issues including China's military in Africa in addition to the North Korea nuclear crisis.[6]

Previously, Kovrig had worked for Canada's Foreign Affairs department internationally and domestically for about a decade, was posted in Beijing between 2014 and 2016 as first secretary and vice consul and consul in Hong Kong.[7][8][9][10] Kovrig was considered an intelligence asset, as a diplomatic officer at the Global Security Reporting Program (GSRP) within the Canadian embassy in Beijing, and later when based in Hong Kong at International Crisis Group, according to a 2023 report.[11][12]

He also worked for the United Nations Development Programme in New York City as a strategic communications specialist, and as a researcher for the firm that later became Rhodium Group.[13]

After being detained in December 2018, he was accused of "Spying on State Secrets or Intelligence for Parties Outside the Territory of China" by the Chinese government in May 2019.[14] His arrest was widely considered[15][16] to be political retaliation for the arrest of Meng,[17][18] though the Chinese government has denied any connection between the two cases.[19] Kovrig, Crisis Group and the Canadian government all insisted that he was innocent of all charges[20] and US President Joe Biden declared that he and Spavor were being used as "bartering chips".[21]

Arrest of Meng Wanzhou

The detention of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor followed the arrest of Meng Wanzhou by Canadian authorities. Meng was the chief financial officer of the Chinese telecom giant Huawei, founded by her father Ren Zhengfei.[22] She was arrested at the Vancouver International Airport by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at the request of the United States, pursuant to the extradition treaty between Canada and the United States.[23][24] On January 28, 2019, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced financial fraud charges against Meng.[25][26] If proven guilty, Meng potentially faced up to 10 years' imprisonment per 18 U.S.C. § 1832.[27]

Arrest and detention

Kovrig joined the International Crisis Group in February 2017 as a senior adviser for North East Asia.[28] On December 10, 2018, Michael Kovrig was detained in Beijing around the same time as Michael Spavor, a Canadian consultant with a personal relationship with Kim Jong-un and a history of working with North Korea.[29] Following their detention, the men were transferred to detention facilities where they were interrogated for up to eight hours a day. The lights in their cells were reportedly left on 24 hours a day, and they were denied access to consular officials and to their lawyers.[30] The prosecutors of China later charged the two Canadians with espionage endangering China's national security. If proven, such a crime may result in life sentences or more, to ensure the nondisclosure of illegally gathered intelligence. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called their arrest "arbitrary".[31]

In March 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Kovrig was permitted by the Chinese government to have a telephone conversation with his sick father.[32]

Chinese legal proceedings

On June 19, 2020, the men were formally charged with spying on national secrets and providing state secrets to entities outside of China.[30][33]

In the lead-up to the first high-level diplomatic talks between Chinese officials and American officials working for Joe Biden, Spavor and Kovrig's trial dates were announced. On March 19, 2021, a two-hour closed court hearing for Spavor ended with no immediate verdict and Dandong Intermediate people's court stating that it would set a date to release a decision later. Because the case involved Chinese national security law, the chargé d'affaires at the Canadian Embassy in China was denied entry to provide consular assistance. Diplomats from the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Australia, Sweden and Germany also sought access but were denied. Kovrig's trial was scheduled for March 22.[34] It ended with the identical statement - that the verdict will be announced at an unspecified later date.[35]

On August 10, 2021, the Dandong Intermediate People's Court found Michael Spavor guilty of espionage. The evidence presented at the trial was not made public.[36] Spavor was sentenced to eleven years in prison, in addition to the confiscation of ¥50,000, and his deportation. The statement released by the court did not specify when the deportation would take place, but China typically deports convicted foreigners after the completion of their prison sentence.[37][38][39][40]

Canada's Ambassador to China, Dominic Barton, accused the Chinese government of timing Spavor's verdict, as well as that of Robert Schellenberg one day prior, to coincide with that of Meng, which was occurring simultaneously in Canada.[41]

Michael Kovrig was tried on March 22, 2021; the verdict was to be announced at an unspecified later date.[35] The trials were held in closed sessions[35] in accordance with China's rules of criminal procedure for national security cases.[42] As of August 11, 2021, the verdict was still unknown to the Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau.[43]

International response

Their arrest became a subsequent point of contention for Canada–China relations.[31]

On January 21, 2019, more than 220 political and academic individuals signed a letter calling on China to release Kovrig and Spavor.[44]

On April 23, 2020, the 500th day of Kovrig's detention, Trudeau said consular visits for the detained Canadians were being blocked on account of the coronavirus lockdown.[45]

On September 5, 2021, a "March for the Michaels" was held in Ottawa to mark the thousandth day of Spavor and Kovrig's detention.[46] Organized and attended by the families of the two Michaels, about 150 people gathered to walk 7000 steps, meant to replicate the number of steps Kovrig took daily to maintain fitness in his prison cell.[47][48]

Release and aftermath

On September 24, 2021, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the two Michaels were released and returning to Canada on a plane with Canadian Ambassador to China, Dominic Barton.[49][50] Their release came on the same day that Meng was released after the dropping of her extradition request as part of her deferred prosecution agreement with the US Department of Justice.[51][52] Kovrig and Spavor arrived at Calgary International Airport the next morning, where they were greeted by Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau. Spavor remained in Calgary, while Kovrig flew to Toronto Pearson International Airport to meet his family.[53]

At a press conference held on September 27, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Hua Chunying maintained that the cases of Meng and the two Michaels were separate, stating that the two had "applied for release on bail for medical reasons".[54]

A 2023 Global News investigation claimed that then-Liberal MP Han Dong privately advised a senior Chinese diplomat to hold off freeing Kovrig and Spavor in 2021. In a statement, Dong said that although he had spoken to the consul-general, he had not initiated it, and he had not suggested delaying the release of the Spavor and Kovrig, instead calling for their release.[55] Following his review into allegations of Chinese government interference in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian federal elections, Special Rapporteur David Johnston said that allegations that Dong had told Chinese officials to extend the detention of Kovrig and Spavor were false.[56]

Government settlement and allegations of intelligence sharing

According to a report by The Globe and Mail in November 2023, Spavor sought a multimillion-dollar settlement against the federal government for involving him in espionage activities without his knowledge. Spavor alleges that he provided Michael Kovrig with intelligence on North Korea, which Kovrig then secretly gave to the Canadian government and its Five Eyes allies without Spavor's permission, leading to their arrest and detention.[11] According to the report, a "highly placed source" told The Globe that Kovrig was "considered an intelligence asset, as a diplomatic officer at the Global Security Reporting Program (GSRP) within the Canadian embassy in Beijing, and later when based in Hong Kong at International Crisis Group."[11]

A watchdog report criticized the GSRP operating in a "distinctly grey zone", putting its officers and their contacts at risk and breaches global diplomatic conventions.[57][58][12]

In December 2023, The Globe and Mail reported that the Canadian government has offered CA$3 million each to Kovrig and Spavor, while Spavor's lawyer is seeking $10.5 million.[59] Spavor reached a $7 million settlement deal with the Canadian government in March 2024.[60]


In a statement, Global Affairs Canada denied that Kovrig was involved in espionage.[61] Kerry Buck, a retired diplomat and senior fellow at the University of Ottawa's Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, also rejected claims of espionage, saying that "GSRP diplomats write diplomatic reports. As with all diplomatic reports, they are read by people in Ottawa, including the CSIS. [...] In no world does this make GSRP diplomats 'spies'."[12]

In response to the report, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin argued that the Canadian position on the Michaels detention being arbitrary had been "debunked by facts over time" and that the allegations were "a complete distortion of facts and blame-shifting".[62]


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