Nutritional Support to Reverse Tinnitus

(more health tips)



Q: I suffer from tinnitus (noises in the ear). Is there any supplements that can be taken to improve or eliminate this condition? - Layperson

A: To answer this, the cause must be known. Essentially, this situation is due to poor circulation anywhere along the and nerves and blood pathways of the ears from disease(allergies, autoimmune disorders, cancer/tumors,electrolyte disturbances, endocrine-diabetes ,hypothyroidism, infections, metabolic disturbances-high cholesterol,high triglycerides, high or low insulin levels, or any combination thereof), genetic defects, mineral/vitamin deficencies/excesses, toxins, trauma, and so on. If the circulation can be improved without medical intervention, the following supplements are known to help, suffice to say, through different pathways-Black Cohosh, essential fatty acids, fish oil, garlic, Ginka Baloba, kelp, magnesium, potassium, niacin, vitamin E, and vinpocetine. Different supplements work for different people, but none works for everyone. The ones that come close are Black Cohosh, Ginka Baloba, and vinpocetine. Many studies in many countries back these last three. The drawback is that their use must be maintained or the effects wear off.

On the 2-27-2014 Patrick Timpone show ( ), second hour at 25:15 Dr. Richard Massey said to try high dose vitamin B12 injections, or for the right ear try procain as per *

* Dr. Klinghardt’s neurobiology site appears to be unmaintained and minimally functional, and replaced with  See these articles:

This article offers suggestions for detoxing the brain and said that tinnitus can be due to 8th cranial nerve dysfunction or electrogalvanism or jaw infection 

This article associates tinnitus with mercury deposited in the cranial nerves

6 natural remedies for tinnitus:

Colloidal silver may help: 

An excerpt from

P: Emailer: Can diluted turpentine be placed in the ears to help tinnitus?

J: I wouldn’t do it.

P: It seems a little aggressive.

J: I would not do it.  I would use garlic and mullein ear drops, fill the ear canal, plug with cotton, sleep with that ear up.  Tinnitus is resolved by taking turpentine internally.  So taking the 3/4 to 1 tsp. turpentine twice a week, and over time the issue of tinnitus going away is gone.

It has been hypothesized that zinc could be useful in the treatment of tinnitus,[194][192] although while some evidence suggests that persons with tinnitus are at higher rates of deficiency[195][196] other studies have failed to find an association.[197] At least one study has noted that 50mg zinc supplementation daily for two months is able to reduce the severity of tinnitus in 82% of patients given the supplement, with no significant reduction seen in placebo.[195]

The  evidence is currently preliminary  and only one trial has been conducted, but high dose zinc supplementation may potentially have a therapeutic role for tinnitus.

Take the Zinc Taste Test  to check your zinc level:

This “drilling” technique of applying pressure to the ears with the palm of the hand and thumping the fingers on the head behind the ears seems to temporarily reduce or eliminate tinnitus for some people: 

Chris Barr “Not A Doc” says research and experience indicates Dr. Christopher’s Ear & Nerve Formula with Dr. Christopher’s Oil of Garlic as a carrier in each ear has been effective for tinnitus.

From one of my EARLIEST teachers, Dr. John Christopher: “Use B & B Tincture as follows: Place four to six drops of oil of garlic in the ear with our eyedropper and follow this with four to six drops of B & B in ear, then plug ear with cotton. Turn the other ear up and do the same as with first ear - plug this one also and leave in all night, or night and day if desired, and flush ears on the seventh day. This is done by using a small ear syringe and flush with warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water (half and half) then continue on. Apply garlic oil and B & B tincture this same way week after week until desired effects are acquired.” [B & B is now called ‘Ear and Nerve’ formula.]

From Dr. Thomas Brewer’s August 6, 2017 newsletter:

Most people think that Tinnitus is an Ear problem, but it's actually a Brain problem. In fact, the solution to Tinnitus also acts to prevent age-related brain damage while repairing what is called 'Neuronal' cells.

Most Tinnitus sufferers have undergone hearing tests, blood tests, or neck and jaw tests. Common treatments include earwax suction therapy, hearing aids, sound therapy, and even hypnosis. The results are still poor. Tinnitus is not caused by a bacteria or virus either. Yet Tinnitus sufferers tend to develop stress and depression related symptoms as a result of their inability to stop the noise in their head.

Ringing in the Ears is actually Ringing across the Brain. Tinnitus is a disease of the networks or communication lines (Synapses) that connect the entire brain. The brain cells must stay oxygenated and they must not get attacked by free radicals. In order to keep your brain cells oxygenated, you must substantially increase your ingestion of raw organic foods high in B-Vitamins, or take more Complete Vitamins Plus (5 per day), or do both. In order to prevent free radicals from attacking your brain cells, you must increase your intake of phytonutrients.  Phytonutrients allow the body to produce antioxidants. The best phytonutrient that crosses the blood/brain barrier is found in Heart Algae, or “Red Heart Algae”.  Suggested dosage is 2-4 per day.  The Enriching Gifts Heart Algae achieves extremely high nutrient density (40-70mg astaxanthin, compared to 4-12mg elsewhere) by growing the algae in the controlled environment of a photo-reactive dome where nutrients and light are precisely adjusted for optimal result.  Use code r19037 for a 20% discount, or buy a case and save 30%.  It would also help to take a high-potency proteolytic enzyme on an empty stomach to improve circulation by cleansing the blood.

Tinnitus is an excessive toxicity issue.  Some people have resolved with consumption of turpentine; see the Candida Cleaner Report at  Also may try taking 1 gram of Ashwagandha (it acts on the brain) twice per day and 100mg of CoQ10 and 100-300mg R-Alpha Lipoic Acid once per day. 

Swedish Bitters herbal formula has been used to clear up buzzing and ringing (search for “buzz” and “hearing”):

Herbal and homeopathic approach for tinnitus:

From Dr. Al Sears:

They found 70% of marines subjected to loud noises during rifle basic training had less hearing loss and ringing of the ears when given the amino acid N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) compared to those who did not receive it.  NAC also reverses hearing loss by production of glutathione which repairs inner ear damage.  Dr. Sears recommends 250mg per day, or 1200mg 12 hours before a loud concert.  For surprise noise exposure take 1200mg ASAP, and then 900-1200mg 3x daily with meals for 14 days.  

Luteolin crosses the blood-brain barrier and protects nerve cells.  Niacin and magnesium boosts circulation.

So researchers at the Marine Corps Base at Camp Pendleton recruited 1,000 marines going through rifle training. All were given a standard hearing test.

Then researchers gave 566 marines a powerful amino acid three times a day for a month. The other marines took a placebo.

A second hearing test after the study’s conclusion found that 70% of the soldiers who took the amino acid had dramatically less hearing loss.1

The powerful secret weapon the soldiers were given was an amino acid called N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC).

The researchers found that NAC protected the tiny ear hairs in the soldiers’ ears. They had less damage and also less ringing in their ears.

NAC is so effective our military now uses it to protect soldiers from blast noise, gunfire and explosions.2

You may not be subjected to the same level of noise these marines faced during their rifle training.

But every day you are bombarded with ear-splitting sounds from our modern world. Things like roaring traffic, screeching trains, leaf blowers, lawn mowers and high-speed blenders.

Our ears weren’t designed to deal with these loud noises day in and day out. And it takes a toll on the delicate inner workings of your ears.

You see, your inner ear contains over 15,000 tiny hair cells. They turn sound waves into electrical signals that go to your brain. That’s how you hear. But loud noises damage these sensitive cells.

By middle-age you can be left with serious hearing loss. It interferes with enjoying your favorite TV show or having a conversation with your loved ones. You can have chronic whistling, hissing or ringing in your ears.

Most doctors will tell you there’s nothing you can do except get some high-powered hearing aids.

But supplementing with NAC not only prevents hearing loss…

It helps reverse it.

In a recent study, Yale researchers found that NAC boosts your production of a powerful antioxidant called glutathione. And that helps repair the inner ear damage done by loud noises.3

NAC is available as a supplement in most health food stores. I recommend taking 250 mg per day. But if you know you’re going to a loud concert or sporting event, take 1,200 mg 12 hours before. If the noise is a surprise, take 1,200 mg as soon as possible afterward. Then take 900 mg to 1,200 mg three times a day, with meals, for the next 14 days.

Reverse Hearing Loss Naturally

NAC is just one nutrient that protects your hearing. I use many others with my patients here at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. Here are three that can help protect your ears and even reverse hearing loss.

1. Luteolin. Luteolin is a powerful antioxidant and one of the few that can cross the blood-brain barrier. It protects the nerve cells in your ears from oxidative damage. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory that can repair free radical damage that harms the hair cells in your ears.

The best way to get luteolin is through your diet. Aim to get at least one serving at each meal. Here are my top picks for foods and herbs rich in luteolin:


Fresh thyme



Olive oil

Celery seed





Dried oregano








Brussels sprouts


You can also supplement. For sharper hearing I recommend taking 25 mg per day.

2. Niacin. Your inner ear, like your brain, has no energy reserves. It depends on oxygen and glucose from the blood supply. When blood flow slows, your inner ear is starved of energy.

Niacin or vitamin B3 is a natural circulation booster. It energizes healthy cells of all kinds. It also fights inflammation and improves hearing in people with sudden hearing loss. And it’s been shown to reduce ringing in the ears.

You can boost your niacin levels with food. The best sources are grass-fed beef and organ meats, pastured eggs, chicken and turkey, and wild-caught salmon and tuna. Good vegetarian sources include peanuts, beets, leafy greens, nuts, peas and beans.

You can also supplement. I recommend starting at a small dose of 250 mg per day because too much niacin can lead to “flushing.” Increase the amount gradually every month until you get up to 750 mg or 1,000 mg. You can also split your dose into twice a day to help reduce the flush.

3. Magnesium. This mineral boosts blood flow to the tiny vessels in the auditory canal. And it supports the health of inner ear hair cells. In one study, 320 Army recruits were exposed to high decibel gunfire during their two weeks of basic training. Those taking magnesium had 50% less hearing damage than a placebo group.4

Sadly, over 70% of people are deficient in magnesium.5 Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are good food sources. So are quinoa, lentils, almonds, sesame seeds and cacao.

I recommend getting between 600 mg and 1,000 mg a day as a supplement. Avoid magnesium oxide or glutamate. The glycine, citrate, malate, and chloride forms are better choices. Take it with vitamin B6 to increase the amount of magnesium accumulating in your cells.

Dietary taurine supplementation eliminated tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) in rats.  Higher amounts and frequencies of taurine supplementation yielded better results.  The referenced study used 300 mg/kg.  That would be roughly equivalent to around 20 grams for a 150 lb. person (about 1.5 Tablespoons). 

The GABA like calming action of taurine in the brain auditory circuits may be responsible for this improvement:

Taurine can be purchased in bulk powder form at sources such as FDC Nutrition and Bulk Supplements.

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for tinnitus: 

From the 6-28-2021 One Radio Network show with guest Dr. Jennifer Daniels:

What to do for constant ringing in the ears caused by too much exposure to loud music? Most tinnitus is caused by dehydration and toxicity. In this case it is nerve damage. Fix it by consuming cow brain for the nerve tissue.

Cow and pig brain works; chicken and fish brain does not work. Cook with scrambled eggs or make into chocolate pudding.

The Paul Stamets Stack for Tinnitis and Hyperacusis:

While at the TinnitusTalk forum, check out the Success Stories for what has worked for others.