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Free Aiming For Spells

szapp edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 23 revisions

The configuration of this feature is found in the file config/spells.d.
Adjustments to the reticle for spells can be made in config/reticle.d, see [wiki|Free-Aiming#reticle].

List of config functions:


Related functions that can be used



This function is called continuously while aiming with spells to correct the aim vob position.
It should never be of use and should be adjusted for individual spells only. Usually, no spell requires the aim vob to be shifted. Exceptions are spells that utilize the aim vob as target to spawn VFX on it with the functions GFA_AimVobAttachFX and GFA_AimVobDetachFX.

func int GFA_ShiftAimVob(var int spellID)
spellID Active spell ID (e.g. SPL_Sleep)
return Distance in centimeters to shift the aim vob along the viewing angle of the camera.


This is not a config function. It is a function provided by GFA and can be called from outside.
Attach a visual FX to the aim vob. This function is never used internally, but is useful for spells that visualize the aim vob.
This function should go hand in hand with attaching a visual FX: If you attach an FX, you should make sure to remove the FX, when it is no longer needed.

func void GFA_AimVobAttachFX(string effectInst)
effectInst VisualFX instance to attach (e.g. "spellFX_LIGHTSTAR_WHITE")


This is not a config function. It is a function provided by GFA and can be called from outside.
Detach the visual FX from the aim vob, that was previously spawned with AimVobAttachFX.

func void GFA_AimVobDetachFX()