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Shoes of the World


In the Middle East, religion has influenced shoe design.One popular kind of shoe here is the babouche. Traditional babouches are made from soft leather. They have a pointed toe. Some have bead decorations, or a design made from thin, colored, thread.


Religion and culture have also influenced the design of shoes in India.A paduka maker cuts a piece of wood into the rough shape of the bottom of a foot. Then, he adds a small knob on the top. It sits between a person’s first two toes. Under the base of the shoe, there are thin, rounded pieces of wood in the back and front, to raise the shoe off the ground.


Saami people keep the reindeer for food. But the reindeer also provide the Saami with the material for their boots! Reindeer boots cover a person’s whole foot and some of the leg. The Saami make these traditional boots from reindeer skin leather.



Saami people of Finland wear boots. Saami people raise reindeer. Reindeer are very large animals. They have antlers – long, hard, bones that grow from their heads.

Reindeer Boots


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Geta is a traditional shoe in Japan. A geta sandal is usually made from wood and cloth. When wearing a geta, a person’s foot sits on a long piece of wood. In the middle of the geta there is a cloth that forms a shape like a letter “V”. It goes between a person’s first and second toes, and then to the middle of the sandal.



Each klompen shoe is made from a solid piece of wood. The inside of the shoe is cut out, so a foot can go in it. They protect feet from sharp objects and harmful liquid acids.



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