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job hunting like online dating

job hunting like online dating

Where shall we send your critique? Now, we just need to know where to send it! We know how urgent job-searching can be. If you need your resume quickly, buy a resume writing package and add a hour rush request after your purchase to get it delivered fast. The job-search process is remarkably similar to dating. Your heart races and you spend hours obsessing over what to wear and what to say. You want to be well-liked and in control. There's a ton of uncertainty, huge potential for missteps, and the need to come across as interested but not desperate. Surprisingly, some of the best advice around dating can be applied to an effective job search — with good results! Here are 10 ways in which dating and the job-search process are the same.

Job Hunting Is Like Online Dating

How is job hunting similar to dating? Employer’s red flags and more!

By reflecting on these tips, you will gain some new job-search techniques and set yourself well on your way to the next professional opportunity that you love! You do not meet new people or learn about professional opportunities by sitting on your couch with a bowl of ice-cream, binge-watching Netflix! Yes — the same advice you get for finding that special someone applies to an effective job search. If you want options, you have to get out there and be open to possibilities. This advice is easier to give than to receive, especially in the dead of winter when the weather is miserable and all you want to do is hibernate. However, that's also what makes it a great time to be out there starting your job search! The start of the new year means new budgets, new projects, and new opportunities. We all know that the world does not revolve around looks — and yet the way you present yourself does begin with your choice of attire. On first dates and first interviews, your goal is to make a favorable impression as a great match or candidate.When choosing your attire for an interview , remember that clothes should be the least interesting thing about you. You want to stand out for the right reasons, so in most professional circumstances a classic suit and minimal jewelry make for a safe choice. A position at your dream company is just like that good-looking guy or girl at the gym. You would love to move beyond wistful glances and have an actual conversation, but what's the best way to do it? Do you make the first move or wait for the other side? The trick to solving this professional and personal puzzle is getting clear on how much control you want over timing and circumstances. If you choose to make the first move in the job-search process, you get to pick when and how you reach out. Done well, a first move can communicate your strength and interest without making the interaction uncomfortable. Have a positive attitude, be prepared, professional, and take care not to put undue pressure on the other person. A patient approach that is structured to add value works best over the long term.!/fileImage/httpImage/hi-switchapp-jpg.jpg

Forget Job-Hunting Sites. Networkers Turn to Dating Apps.

There should be a balance between letting your personality and humor show during an interview and being cautious about what you say. Advice on dating and interviewing comes down to being aware of how you come across and managing it — to a point. Putting on a fake personality won't serve you. After all, you can only stand on your head for so long! During the job-search process and in dating, the other side is also carefully watching what's being said, so you have to look for clues and patterns to complete your understanding of what's happening. Do they like you? Do they have reservations? Will you get the next call?


As in dating, it's a good idea to be present and pay attention to your surroundings, the other person's demeanor and attitude, and any other signs you might pick up along the way. However, it's decidedly not a good idea to overthink them. It's easy to focus on the fact that your interview was very short or that the interviewer seemed distracted. Those signs might mean that they were not interested — or perhaps that they were dealing with an urgent client demand that had to be addressed immediately. You don't really know what's happening inside of someone else's head, so look for big patterns and try not to jump to conclusions. On dates and interviews, you want to be smart about your choice of topics and words. Showing your cards too early or being too open in the first interview can set you at a disadvantage. There will be time to discuss your salary expectations when the prospective employer is confident you're the right person for the job. Bringing up money or other sensitive topics up front is like telling your date that you plan to be married in a year and have kids soon after: too much pressure at the wrong time.

Advice to survive online job-hunting: Think dating apps

Here’s why job hunting and dating might as well be the exact same thing

The interview went well, you walked out of the office building buzzing with excitement about the next steps — just to encounter radio silence for two days afterwards. You thought they loved you! The manager said he would be in touch soon! Have you been professionally ghosted? How do you follow up after an interview without seeming desperate?What should you do if you get no response after the interview? On the receiving end, it can be exceptionally frustrating — especially if you find yourself consumed with waiting by the phone or obsessing over what you might have said or done to deserve the silent treatment. Professional ghosting is just as frustrating. My best advice is not to let it consume your days. Keep on moving forward with the job search. It's a good idea to reach out to your contact after the company's stated decision-making deadline has passed, but if you find yourself refreshing your inbox every 10 minutes it's probably time to focus on other opportunities. Describing your perfect partner can be a frustrating exercise, especially if you believe that you'll know your true love when you see them. Same goes for professional opportunities. It can be difficult to start your job search and describe your ideal job while keeping the description realistic, grounded, and clear. Of course, you want to work at a company that contributes to improving the world and report to a boss who appreciates your efforts.

10 Parallels Between the Job-Search Process and Dating | TopResume

The pandemic and a tight labor market have pushed job hunting online, creating a new dynamic for applicants and hiring managers.

Looking for a new job? Have you tried Tinder? | Tinder | The Guardian

6 ways job hunting is a lot like online dating · 1. Carefully curated profile · 2. Regular updates · 3. Dial down the group snapshots · 4.

Is Job Hunting Like Dating?

Like going on a date, a job search is a necessary evil that you must endure to reach your desires, unless you're content with being broke and single for the.

Job hunting vs. Dating and the red flags - PitchMe

Dating should be fun(at times it can hurt) while Job hunting is torture. If you think the two are similar it means you are doing it wrong and.

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