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attractiveness and intimacy online dating social psychology

attractiveness and intimacy online dating social psychology

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Engagement in intimate social interactions and relationships has an important influence on well-being. However, recent advances in Internet and mobile communication technologies have lead to a major shift in the mode of human social interactions, raising the question of how these technologies are impacting the experience of interpersonal intimacy and its relationship with well-being. Although the study of intimacy in online social interactions is still in its early stages, there is general agreement that a form of online intimacy can be experienced in this context. However, research into the relationship between online intimacy and well-being is critically limited.

Do Looks Matter in a Relationship?

Our aim is to begin to address this research void by providing an operative perspective on this emerging field. After considering the characteristics of online intimacy, its multimodal components and its caveats, we present an analysis of existing evidence for the potential impact of online intimacy on well-being. We suggest that studies thus far have focused on online social interactions in a general sense, shedding little light on how the level of intimacy in these interactions may affect well-being outcomes. We then consider findings from studies of different components of intimacy in online social interactions, specifically self-disclosure and social support, to indirectly explore the potential contribution of online intimacy to health and well-being. Based on this analysis, we propose future directions for fundamental and practical research in this important new area of investigation. Engagement in meaningful and intimate social interactions and relationships is one of the key components through which social factors influence general health and well-being Berkman et al. However, the recent and widespread integration of Internet and mobile communication technologies into our daily lives is changing the principal modalities through which we engage with others Amichai-Hamburger, , Steinfield et al. In light of these changes, it is critical to consider how interpersonal intimacy experienced in the context of online social engagement may influence health and well-being outcomes in the digital age. Social factors act at multiple levels to influence health and well-being, including upstream effects of social-structural conditions e. These effects ultimately converge at behavioral, psychological and physiological pathways that are linked more directly to particular health and well-being outcomes.

Similarly, the social contexts of the Internet can be considered at multiple levels, from the explosion in the capacity for social connectivity enabled by online social networking applications Dunbar, , Steinfield et al. While online social networking can increase one's social capital Ellison et al. Conversely, factors such as increased online disinhibition and self-disclosure favor online intimacy Jiang et al. Thus, certain aspects of Internet-mediated interactions can facilitate meaningful and intimate social interactions, highlighting the potential of this medium for cultivating well-being through high-quality social engagement online. The existing literature on the impact of the social use of the Internet on psychological health and well-being points to both benefits and draw-backs of this medium of social interaction Bessiere et al. However, there has been little consideration of the quality or the intimacy of different online interactions in relation to health and well-being outcomes. Furthermore, there has been no systematic exploration of the specific relationship between online intimacy and well-being. In light of this research void, the aim of this review is to consider the existing evidence in this emerging field to identify potential starting points for more systematic research in order to understand how online intimacy may influence well-being in the digital age.

attractiveness and intimacy online dating social psychology

Module 12: Attraction

We begin by considering the concept of intimacy in the digital age by identifying the characteristics of intimacy in online social interactions, its multimodal components and its caveats. We then summarize the evidence for the influence of online social interactions on health and well-being outcomes and consider findings from studies of different components of intimacy in online social interactions, mainly self-disclosure and social support, to shed light on the potential contribution of online intimacy to health and well-being. Finally, we discuss future directions for fundamental and practical research in this important new field. Interpersonal intimacy is regarded to be at the core of the most fulfilling, affirming, and gratifying human social exchanges Prager, , Ryff and Singer, , Sperry, It is commonly related to a number of comparable concepts, such as love, closeness, self-disclosure, support, bonding, attachment, and sexuality, with the boundaries between them often considered to be continuous rather than distinct Prager, , Sperry, Although a number of definitions of the concept of intimacy exist Register and Henley, , Reis and Shaver, , Waring, , Wilhelm and Parker, , in a broad sense, intimacy can be defined as a dyadic exchange that involves sharing what is personal and private Prager, It can be realized in the context of intimate interactions and relationships that encompass both verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as shared behavioral, physical, emotional, and cognitive experience Prager, Advances in Internet-based communication and social networking applications over the last several decades have lead to a major shift in the mode of human social engagement Amichai-Hamburger, , Steinfield et al. This shift has resulted in new ways to experience and actualize intimacy, both in the context of pre-existing relationships and interactions with strangers. Physical proximity and direct face-to-face contact are becoming less prevalent in day to day interpersonal interactions with close individuals Holt-Lunstad et al. This is indicated by changes in family lifestyles, including increased numbers of dual-career families, reduced intergenerational living, greater mobility, delayed marriage, and the increase in single-residence households, as well as by the increase in the number of individuals who report not having a confidant Holt-Lunstad et al. In contrast, Internet and mobile applications such as email, instant messaging, and video chat have become the mainstays of daily social contact with family and friends Broadbent, , Wilding, Likewise, social networking platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, have amassed millions of users throughout the world Ellison et al.

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Social Psychology

Since the early days of the Internet, researchers have questioned whether it would be possible to foster intimate relationships using this medium Kiesler et al. It is now evident that the development and maintenance of friendships and romantic relationships online is common and that these relationships can be similar in meaning, intimacy, and stability in comparison to conventional offline relationships Broadbent, , Ellison et al. However, online contexts vary according to the features of different platforms, such as the number of participants social parameters , the modalities of interaction text, audio, video, etc. Individual differences can also influence which online contexts users prefer and how they engage with others online Amichai-Hamburger and Hayat, , McKenna et al. Therefore, a number of factors may influence the way in which intimacy is expressed and perceived by users in interpersonal exchanges online. Owing to the relative novelty of this field of research, there are still many outstanding questions regarding the contribution of these factors to the experience of online intimacy. For instance, what is the frequency of occurrence of intimacy in different online contexts and how does this differ from the occurrence of intimacy in conventional offline contexts?

How do the modalities of interaction and the richness of the media, from text-based to immersive, contribute to the occurrence of online intimacy? Does the experience of intimacy differ when interacting with individuals who we already know offline compared to those we meet online? Although the lack of evidence to answer these types of questions does not permit an elaboration of a concrete model of online intimacy at this point, we summarize some of the factors that are important to consider in understanding how intimacy is experienced online in Fig. We discuss these factors in more detail below. Potential factors influencing the experience of online intimacy. A number of factors may influence the experience of online intimacy, including social parameters, modality, and prior familiarity. Social parameters refer to the online context in which interpersonal interactions occur, including one-on-one, multi-user or social networking contexts. Prior familiarity relates to online interactions either with strangers or with individuals with whom one has a prior offline relationship. Modality encompasses the physical features of the online setting, including unimodal text-based platforms, multimodal text, audio and video platforms, or immersive 3-dimensional online environments. Finally, individual characteristics modulate the perception of the different features of online contexts to influence the experience of online intimacy.

attractiveness and intimacy online dating social psychology

4 – Attraction and Relationships

Many Internet and mobile applications facilitate social contact between strangers. Certain types of online platforms, such as online dating websites e. Finkel et al. Other platforms, that are not designed for this purpose, can nevertheless foster intimacy online. In particular, by preserving anonymity online contexts can promote the disclosure of personal information, opinions, and feelings much more readily than in face-to-face interactions Joinson, , McKenna et al.In particular, in many online multi-user virtual worlds or role-playing games, users are able to create avatars that portray personas as similar to or as different from themselves as they choose by varying their appearance, gender, species or form Guitton, b , Guitton, , Lomanowska and Guitton, These online social platforms also allow individuals to share common experiences as they explore virtual settings together or participate in role-playing games Chen et al. Taken together, these features of online interactions between strangers can actually accelerate intimacy formation in comparison to offline contexts Genuis and Genuis, , Rosen et al. Indeed, as is the case for online dating websites Finkel et al. Much of the social interactions occurring via the Internet and mobile applications involve pre-existing offline relationships Broadbent, , Ellison et al. For instance, the most popular social networking websites, such as Facebook, mostly promote interactions within existing relationships as users are typically not anonymous Ellison et al. Social networking also facilitates the maintenance of weak ties between acquaintances, but does not typically increase the level of intimacy in these relationships Ellison et al. Therefore, in these contexts, individuals generally engage in more intimate online behavior with those who they are already close to offline Hsu et al. Furthermore, various digital applications are commonly used as a means of maintaining long-distance relationships with family and friends, fostering a sense of belonging, shared space and time, and perceived proximity Bacigalupe and Lambe, , Madianou and Miller, , Vetere et al. As with social networking interactions, the existing nature and closeness of offline relationships is generally maintained in electronic exchanges Wilding, , although in the case of established close relationships, online communication can actually enhance intimate self-disclosure Valkenburg and Peter,

7.1 Initial Attraction

Overall, the distinction between online and offline social engagement and intimacy among individuals who have a prior relationship is becoming somewhat blurred, with online interactions becoming an extension of offline relationships Ellison et al. Although the existing evidence indicates that Internet technologies can facilitate online intimacy, it is important to consider how the multimodal characteristics of these new media affect the quality of the individual experience of intimacy. Internet media differ according to the number of individuals that one can interact with, including interacting one-on-one, with a select group of individuals, or within a massively multi-user context. As well, Internet-based communication interfaces can vary according to the modalities used, from unimodal asynchronous interfaces e. For instance, increasing the modalities of media that are used by a virtual community is related to an increase in the potential for inter-individual connections Guitton, a , while the potential for shared social experiences as measured by increased social density is related to the redundancy of communication within a medium Guitton, One important difference between intimate exchanges online and offline is the lack of physical proximity and contact between online partners. Advances in virtual reality technology have enhanced the immersiveness of online experience in a way that mimics some aspects of physical proximity and contact between individuals. The use of 3D human-like avatars in currently available online virtual world interfaces allows for simulated physical interactions between individuals that are realistic in nature Cole and Griffiths, , Gottschalk, With the addition of haptic feedback devices to these virtual interfaces, actual tactile sensation can also be incorporated into the virtual experience Bailenson et al.

Alternatively, the digital transmission of intimate physical contact has also been explored through the use physical objects that are integrated with Internet-enabled devices Vetere et al. Furthermore, recent developments in mobile technologies and augmented reality promise continued advancements in the digital simulation of conventional physical contact Long et al. It is important to note that distinguishing online intimacy from conventional offline intimacy does not necessarily mean that the definition of intimacy fundamentally differs in these two forms of communication face-to-face vs. Furthermore, recent work demonstrates that intimate interpersonal exchanges in the digital age regularly involve multiple modalities of communication, with online exchanges serving as an extension of conventional offline interactions Broadbent, , Broadbent, and with individuals seamlessly integrating multiple types of media in their digital exchanges Madianou and Miller, Indeed, the contemporary expression of intimacy spans both the online and offline realms, with individuals supplementing conventional offline interactions with intimate contact through various types of media, including text and video messaging, social media, and virtual environments.

attractiveness and intimacy online dating social psychology

Online intimacy and well-being in the digital age

The individual experience of interpersonal intimacy in the digital age involves a unique combination of media use based on applications, platforms and modalities including both online and offline that suit the particular needs of specific interactions and relationships. Despite the potential of the Internet to facilitate online intimacy, it also has a number of shortcomings as a medium for positive relational experience. While accelerated intimacy in anonymous online communication may facilitate relationship development, it may also lead to excessive self-disclosure, sexual disinhibition, and unrealistic expectations about online partners Genuis and Genuis, , Padgett, , Whitty, At the same time, there is a greater inherent risk of encountering dishonesty, deceit, and exploitation in such anonymous interactions Genuis and Genuis, , Robson and Robson, , Whitty and Joinson, Furthermore, as social networking applications become more integrated into everyday lives, the distinction between private and public space becomes blurred Bateman et al. In particular, the emergence of cyber-harassment, cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking among adolescents and adults poses a serious threat to positive online social engagement Guan and Subrahmanyam, , Whitty, Finally, the added sense of obligation or the perception of continued surveillance related to sustaining regular contact with family and friends via the Internet and digital media may in some cases reduce the satisfaction of maintaining intimate relationships using this medium Madianou and Miller, , Wilding, These concerns may compromise healthy relationship development and maintenance online and beyond the Internet realm. Nevertheless, the availability and continuous advancement of various platforms, applications, and websites designed for different types of social interactions has the potential to mitigate many of these shortcomings.

Similarity: We Like Those Who Are Like Us

The beneficial effects of social relationships have been observed across a wide range of physiological and mental health outcomes, with research particularly highlighting the importance of high-quality intimate social interactions Berkman, , Karelina and DeVries, , Kawachi and Berkman, , Ryff and Singer, However, research on the health impact of the social use of Internet technologies is still in its early stages, with studies focusing mainly on psychosocial outcomes. A number of studies have reported positive effects on psychosocial well-being related to online social interactions, including increased self-esteem and self-efficacy LaRose et al. Other studies have reported an opposite relationship between the social use of the Internet and psychosocial well-being, including increased loneliness and depression Moody, , van den Eijnden et al. These discrepancies are likely related to differences in the populations studied. In fact, the direction of the relationship between social use of the Internet and psychosocial well-being can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of online social application used, the type of feedback received in online interactions, as well as sex, personality and social disposition, and the level of existing offline social engagement Blais et al. However, studies so far have focused on online social interactions in a general sense, thus shedding little light on how the level of intimacy in these interactions may affect well-being outcomes. An important question to ask when considering the role of online intimacy in health and well-being is whether the features of intimacy that contribute to health-related outcomes differ between offline and online interactions. According to the characteristics of online intimacy described above, certain aspects of intimacy, such as self-disclosure can be experienced in various online settings, whereas others, such as physical contact are very difficult to convey virtually. In addition, the time-course of intimacy development online, particularly with respect to intimate self-disclosure, can often be accelerated compared to conventional offline contexts Jiang et al.

Psychologist on dating: there are no rules of attraction when it comes to meeting your match

Together, the findings demonstrate that attractiveness does matter for commitment to existing romantic relationships and emphasize the value of dyadic.

Online intimacy and well-being in the digital age - PMC

Partner choice in romantic relationships is influenced by many factors. It seems that one of the most important factors for the development.

Social Psychology: Attraction | SparkNotes

Overall, the distinction between online and offline social engagement and intimacy among individuals who have a prior relationship is becoming.

Module Attraction – Principles of Social Psychology

As we found this difference for social attraction, it can be explained by evolutionary psychology. Men value physical attractiveness in women.

4 – Attraction and Relationships – Social Psychology

The aim of this study was to examine how physical attractiveness, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity of a profile owner affect physical and.

Initial Attraction – Principles of Social Psychology – 1st International H5P Edition

First, intimacy is the emotional component and involves how much we like, feel close to, and are connected to another person. It grows steadily at first, slows.

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