Internet Marketing Strategies for 2016

Internet Marketing is a changing field, and if you’re not updated with the latest marketing strategies then you’re losing out against your competitors who are leveraging the full extent of 2016 marketing strategies.

  1. Video, video ads, and interactive media
    Video ads on websites and Facebook video ads are rising in popularity. Interactive multimedia products on websites are also seeing a considerable spike in usage.
    As for videos, animated explainer videos on YouTube briefing, your brand promise or business idea can widen your traffic. 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube each day – it’s a force to be reckoned with.
    You should also make interactive media, video tutorials, courses if applicable, or video explainers and embed them on your website for a better chance of explaining things and getting prospective leads.
  1. Mobile will triumph
    Syndacast’s infographic about mobile usage shows 55% of mobile data usage is spent watching videos, 78% of Facebook users are mobile-only, and a bit more than 50% of e-commerce web traffic comes from mobile devices.
    Of course, mobile usage has been spiking since the past few years. Just a few years ago, users visiting the internet with mobile devices were a meager 20%. Today, they’ve surpassed desktops and laptops combined, the force that the smartphone is being used for close to 60% of total internet usage.
    Marketing for a smartphone is an important internet marketing strategy for 2016. Also, social is the new search, making it all the more important.
  1. Content (marketing) is still the king
    Content marketing remains to be one of the most efficient and strongest channels for driving traffic and organic growth. Content marketing, thus, is a very useful internet marketing strategy for 2016 as well.
    What you have to make sure to scale with the new technologies is to introduce content diversification in your website. That means not only using text, but also audio, video, images, downloadable, and interactive web apps because the internet users today crave for diversification in the content they consume.
  1. Paid ads network is inflating
    Paid ads on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and many other social networking websites are increasing with their rising competition.
    Paid social advertising, especially, is rising like a torrent challenging search engine marketing.
    It’s also to be noted that the prices are spiking for paid ads but more options are surfacing now, which is a good thing. For example, social sites like Pinterest, Twitter, etc. are also exploring options relating to paid advertising and sponsored content for quite a while and are finally seeing positive results.
  1. Apps and web apps
    Location-based targeting is essential and one of the biggest up-and-coming internet marketing strategies in 2016. Smartphone apps make the best use of it.
    Apps (and web apps for desktops and laptops) are a focus area for targeting when planning your internet marketing strategies. This is one stream where the steam will never run out because smartphone usage has been seeing constant growth for a long time and it’s never going to be hampered unless some other sort of technology arrives replacing smartphones.
  1. Non-traditional future technologies
    Wearables have immense scope for leveraging native advertisement and local marketing. Internet of Things and virtual reality will also play remarkable roles if your business is touched by the genre of content they deliver or aim to deliver.
    Digital assistants like Cortana and Siri should have access to your business details and local cues to boost your web presence.

It’ll be a mistake to leave out non-traditional technologies when making internet marketing strategies for 2016.

Authored by Marvin Pipesa well-known internet marketing expert who has served as a marketing consultant in many fields like social media, guest writing, email marketing, and so on. Marvin uses many modern techniques to harness traffic, conversions and leads through intelligent internet marketing of a brand or company. He believes that every digital marketing campaign has to be considered a full marketing campaign, and that to achieve higher success rates, it’s important to work on your image or brand reputation. With that in mind, he’s also pursuing a corporate image management degree. To know more about his work, visit:

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