Attend Lectures on Your iPod and iPhone through iTunes U

iTunes U

Apple offers much more to iTunes other than music, movies and photos. Now, iPhone and iPod owners can access their universities lecture over the device for free. Called iTunes U, it is part of iTunes stores that consists of educational audio and video content. It offers them free lectures, language lessons, audiobooks and many more essential facilities on tip of their hands.

You have the freedom to explore over 50,000 educational audio and video files from top universities, museums and public media organizations across the globe. You can check out most popular download and other featured contents. You also the option to choose different available categories such as business, engineering, fine arts so on and so forth. You can even click on individual universities and other providers, helping you to learn about the topic.

Each class session’s video and audio tracks are available for download. iTunes U is just waiting for people to access these episodes in the podcasts folder, allowing them to download and sync to their iPod or iPhone anytime, anywhere. It also supports Mac PC. They keep on adding more contents and providers regularly.

UK Universities that have decided to avail courses lectures on their portable media player are University College London (UCL), the Open University and Trinity College Dublin.

Professor Peter Mobbs, head of UCL’s content on iTunes, stated, “Our students will be able to revisit materials presented to them in lectures, so they can learn anywhere and anytime.”

This innovative step towards the education of students will surely seem to be a very useful tool. Currently, the iTunes U is used by Harvard and Yale Universities in the US for their students to access the course material through the website store.