Can you hear it?
Your heART yearns to break free!

  • FREE from self-judgement and fear
  • FREE from external pressure
  • FREE to express your authentic voice
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It's time to sync your Art & heART.


We’ve all been told since we were children to “follow our hearts” but no one ever showed us how.

That's why I created the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual. 

An easy 3-step process to get you deeply connected to the part of you that knows how to create the life you want. A life where you are doing what you love everyday, expressing your authentic creative voice without fear, and navigating creative blocks with the serenity of a monk.

And it all starts now!

Download your free guide to HeART Alignment and get instant access to:

+ Gentle video instructions from me, guiding you through each step

+A beautifully detailed PDF version of the guide (if you're more of a reader)

+A soothing audio mp3 walking you through the ritual that you can listen to anytime, anyplace

My HeART Alignment Creative Ritual will gently lead you, step-by-step back into alignment with the heART of your creativity, helping you create from a place that feels FREE from pressure & doubt. 

What happens when you sync art & heart?


Eliminate Fear

Kick fear, procrastination, and self-judgement to the curb, so you can focus on the joy of creating from a heart aligned place

Own Your Creativity

Embrace your unique and authentic creative expression and say "NO" to creating outside your artistic integrity

Restore Passion & Joy

No more pressure to perform. Let creativity flow through you with ease and love the process instead of obsess with the outcome

Get aligned to joy!

Instantly access your HeART Alignment Creative Ritual Guide and start restoring the connection to your authentic artistic expression today!

Your creativity is about to energetically upgrade!

Let's GO!
Much Love,
