Leaving feedback and grading dropbox assignments

  1. Access the Leave Feedback page
  2. View a file submission in the document viewer
  3. Transfer feedback from an associated rubric
  4. Grade and leave feedback for a dropbox submission
  5. Provide feedback as an annotated file attachment

The Leave Feedback page enables you to evaluate and leave feedback for submitted assignments. You can download dropbox submissions from the Folder Submissions page to work on files offline, or view and grade a document directly on the Leave Feedback page.

The Leave Feedback page contains two main sections: the Submissions List Panel and the Evaluation Panel. From the Submissions List Panel you can download submissions to work with offline or view submissions inline with the document viewer. The Submissions List Panel also displays a user's file submissions ordered by date. Use the Evaluation Panel to grade and provide comments on folder submissions.

The following file formats are compatible with Dropbox's document viewer:

You can also annotate users' web and plain text file submissions with the HTML Editor and attach those annotations as part of feedback.

If you use rubrics to assess Dropbox submissions, you can choose to append the overall rubric feedback to the Dropbox submission feedback field. If the rubric uses points, you can also choose to scale and transfer the overall rubric score to the Dropbox assessment score field. Both of these fields transfer to Grades if the folder is associated with a grade item.

Access the Leave Feedback page

On the Folder Submissions page, click the Leave Feedback link beside the name of the user you want to leave feedback for.

View a file submission in the document viewer

In the submission list on the Leave Feedback page, click on the file submission you want to view.

Evaluating and grading submissions

Transfer feedback from an associated rubric

You can assess a user submission with a rubric associated with the dropbox folder. For each associated rubric, you can grade a user based on set criteria, and you can also provide additional feedback in the HTML Editor.

  1. In your associated rubric, click on a criterion's Edit score and feedback icon and enter feedback in the HTML Editor.
  2. Select transfer rubric feedback to general feedback for the assignment.
  3. Click Save & Record to push your rubric assessment score and feedback into the submission's overall score and feedback area. Otherwise, click Save if you want to keep the rubric score separate from the overall score and prevent the transfer of rubric feedback into general feedback.

    Note  You can attach multiple rubrics to a dropbox folder, but you can only push one rubric's assessment score to the submission's overall score.

Grade and leave feedback for a dropbox submission

  1. If you assigned a grade item to the dropbox folder, enter a value in the Score out of field. See Creating dropbox categories and folders to learn about assigning grade items to dropbox folders.

    Note  Information about grade items tied to the dropbox folder appears beside the score value.

  2. Provide comments and suggestions in the General feedback field.

    Note  By default, rubric feedback transferred to general feedback will appear beneath your manually entered feedback. You can edit transferred rubric feedback in the general feedback HTML Editor, but the rubric will not reflect any changes you save here.

  3. You can Add a File, Record Video, or Record Audio as feedback. Feedback given as an annotated file also appears in your list of added files. See Provide feedback as an annotated file attachment to learn about leaving feedback directly on a copy of a user submission.
  4. Click Save to continue viewing and grading files on the Leave Feedback page.

Provide feedback as an annotated file attachment

Edit submitted .html, .htm, and .txt files directly from the Dropbox tool. This is attached to the submission as an annotated file.

  1. In the submission list on the Leave Feedback page, select the context menu for the file you want to annotate.
  2. Click Edit a Copy.
  3. A copy of the user submission appears in the HTML Editor. You can add feedback and highlight text directly on the copy submission.
  4. Click Attach Change.

See also


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