


UBP's Small business Workshops to Employ & Empower Trans women

Contribute Now


Help make the world a little sweeter, when you contribute today.

We’ve seen the stats - trans women have a hard time meeting basic needs. One of the many barriers to get there is getting hired for jobs that pay equitably and help them shine.

So, we decided to equip thousands of small businesses in the Bay Area with tools and knowledge that big companies have so they can hire and empower BIPOC trans women!

SWEET is our pilot program where UBP will train 40 Bay Area small business employers to create more inclusive workplaces to recruit, hire, & grow BIPOC queer women & femmes. 

The full pilot will cost us ~ $25,000.00 to get off the ground and thoroughly vetted so that future workshops can welcome more business leaders and small nonprofits at affordable rates.

Our goal is to fund 8% of our SWEET pilot, or $2,000 with individual contributions - that’s you! 

Help us make a difference by making a one time contribution to Fund SWEET or set us up for long term success with recurring gifts - sweet!

Together, we’ve done amazing things since 2017, join us in making the world a little SWEETer. 

Thank you,

Linet + Alexis + The UBP Team

Recent Activity

Name Joannie Krohn
Activity Type Contribution, Mailing list
Amount $65.00
Date 02/14/24
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Contribution, Mailing list
Amount $10.00
Date 02/12/24
Message Thank you for all you do to support this community!
Name Bentley Lim
Activity Type Contribution, Mailing list
Amount $250.00
Date 02/05/24
Name Stacey Hanlon
Activity Type Contribution
Amount $100.00
Date 01/10/24
Name Joan Krohn
Activity Type Contribution
Amount $100.00
Date 01/02/24