ASF: Share Your Food Sign Up Form
We want to invite people to sign up to share your culture’s food to our congregation right after service during our After Service Fellowship (ASF) time. All you need to do is prepare a dish that can feed about 10 people and we will serve small amounts for many people to taste (You do not need to worry about providing a whole meal, just a taste for each person).

As an international church we have a special opportunity to experience many cultures, so please Share Your Food with us!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
E-mail or Line ID *
What kind of dish would you like to share? *
Would your dish need rice to go with it? (The church could prepare 10 bowl of white rice.) *
Which month would you like to prepare the dish? (Please select the months that you are available.) *
Please let us know if there's any other thing that you would like the church to provide/prepare for you :)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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