2024 FPC STM Registration Form
FPC Short Term Missions

Welcome to the Friendship Presbyterian Church Short-term Mission (FPC STM) Registration Form.

We believe that God has called every one of His disciples to join in His kingdom work that the world may know who Jesus is.

We are excited for your interest in participating in our FPC STM program. Please read the following carefully and respond to the questions to the best of your ability with honesty and integrity.

The registration deadline is October 15, 2023.

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Email *
Important Information
We, at FPC, believe that a mission trip is not just about the trip itself, but it is about learning and growing in understanding God's kingdom work and includes the whole process of training, the trip, and debriefing.

Please look at the specifics below.

Requirements to participate:
- Must be a Christian
- Must be 18 years old or older
- Must be reasonably healthy
- Must agree to follow instructions especially on the trip
- Must participate in all activities included in the FPC STM program
- Must be open and honest about temptations and struggles


February 11-17, 2024
We are planning to leave on Sunday evening and arrive on Saturday evening.
It is during the Chinese New Year holiday which is on February 8-14.
Note that February 11 is the second day of Chinese New Year (初二).
Also, February 17 is a Saturday working day (補班).
This means that if you participate in the FPC STM program, you will need to take days off from work on Feb 15-17.

The cost of the program not only covers the airfare, housing costs, and meals, but it will also cover training materials, insurance, supplies, pre-trip retreat, debriefing retreat, tshirts, and other training and miscellaneous costs. The participant will be trained to raise support (both prayer and financial support). If the total amount is not raised by the deadline, the participant will be expected to make up the rest of the amount.

The total cost for participating in the program is $20,000 NTD per person.

The registration deadline is October 15, 2023.

A major part of our FPC STM program is the training and debriefing. All participants will be expected to participate in all of the following activities.
The training will include book readings, Scripture memorization, in-person training sessions (8 times), Super Saturday trainings, an intensive retreat, and a debriefing retreat.
Please note the dates below and be sure that those dates work for you  

8 Training Sessions (Sundays, 4:00-6:00pm)

Super Saturday Trainings (9am-5pm)

2/2-4 Intensive Retreat
2/11 Commissioning Service (During Sunday Service)
2/11-17 Mission Trip
2/23-25 Debriefing Retreat

Tips on filling out this form
There is a lot to fill out here, so here are some tips to fill out this form:

1. Make sure you have your passport with an expiration later than August 2024

2. Make sure you check if you need a visa to go to the Philippines (if you do, please let us know)

3. You may first want to answer the questions in a Word document (copy and paste the questions below into a word document) and then copy and paste your answers into this form. This way you won't lose your progress if something happens by accident.

The questions are as follows:
  - Email
  - Full Legal Name
  - Chinese Name (if applicable)
  - Gender
  - Birth date
  - Passport name
  - Passport number
  - Passport country
  - Passport expiration date
  - If Taiwanese or ARC holder, ID number
  - Do you need a visa to get into the Philippines?
  - Are you a member of FPC?
  - Emergency contact name
  - Emergency contact email
  - Emergency contact phone
  - How did you come to believe in Jesus? (<500 words)
  - What is the gospel? (<500 words)
  - Please tell us about any physical or mental health issues you may have. Please also include what medication you are taking. (<500 words)
  - Do you face any temptations that we should know about? Do you drink alcohol, take drugs, smoke, or chew? Do you struggle with sexual temptations? (<500 words)
  - Describe a bit of your family background. (<500 words)
  - Describe your current relationship with the Lord Jesus. (<500 words)
  - Describe a conflict that you've had recently and how you handled it. (<500 words)
  - Describe the last time you shared the gospel with someone. (<500 words)
  - Have you ever been on a mission trip? Describe your experience. (<500 words)
  - Will you promise to do your best to raise the amount of $20,000 NTD for the FPC STM program?
  - Will you promise to attend and participate in all the FPC STM activities as planned?
  - Will you promise to follow all instructions especially during the trip?
  - Due to any number of issues, the FPC STM leadership reserves the right to remove you from the FPC STM program should any issue arise. The funds raised for the trip up to that point will be dealt with appropriately (we will ask the donors what they prefer to do with the finances). It will not be given to the participant. Do you understand this policy and agree to submit to it?

The registration deadline is October 15, 2023.
Statement of Data Privacy, Insurance and Image Usage
Please take note of the following stipulations as you fill out the registration form.

Regarding Privacy
FPC values the privacy of every participant who attends our events. For this reason any information provided in this registration form will only be used for the purposes of the STM program. After the program, we will delete all passport information.

Regarding Accidents, Injuries, and Death
FPC will strive to provide as safe an environment as possible for all participants. In addition, FPC will apply for travel insurance for every participant. By filling out this registration form, the participant/s agree to not hold FPC liable for any accidents, injuries of any sort, or death.

Regarding Image Usage
By filling out this registration form, the participant also agrees to FPC's usage of their image (pictures or videos) for any FPC related advertisements, promotions, presentations, or events whether it be in Sunday morning services, during any FPC activity, or on any web-based presence including FPC's webpage, Facebook, and LINE.

If you would like to opt-out of the Image Usage agreement, or if you have any other questions regarding the stipulations, please contact fpchurch@friendshiptaipei.com.

By filling out the registration form, you agree with the above statement.
Full Legal Name *
Chinese Name (if applicable)
Gender *
Line ID
Birthdate *
Passport Name *
Passport Number *
Passport Country *
Passport Expiration Date *
ID number (if Taiwanese or ARC holder)
Do you need a visa to get into the Philippines? *
Are you a member of FPC? (Did you take your vows in front of the church?) *
Emergency contact name *
Emergency contact number *
Emergency contact email and/or LINE *
Your Spiritual Life
How did you come to believe in Jesus? (<500 words) *
Describe your current relationship with the Lord Jesus. (<500 words) *
What is the gospel? (<500 words) *
Do you face any temptations that we should know about? Do you drink alcohol, take drugs, smoke, or chew? Do you struggle with sexual temptations? (<500 words) *
Health and Family History
Please tell us about any physical or mental health issues you may have. Please also include what medication you are taking. (<500 words) *
Describe a bit of your family background. (<500 words) *
Living Out Your Faith
Describe the last time you shared the gospel with someone. (<500 words) *
Describe a recent conflict that you had and how you handled it. (<500 words) *
Have you ever been on a mission trip? Describe your experience. (<500 words) *
Describe what you expect from participating in this FPC STM program. (<500 words) *
Will you promise to do your best to raise the amount of $20,000 NTD for the FPC STM program? *
Will you promise to attend and participate in all the FPC STM activities as planned? *
Will you promise to follow all instructions especially during the trip? *
Due to any number of issues, the FPC STM leadership reserves the right to remove you from the FPC STM program should any issue arise. The funds raised for the trip up to that point will be dealt with appropriately (we will ask the donors what they prefer to do with the finances). It will not be given to the participant. Do you understand this policy and promise to submit to it? *
I promise that all my answers to the above questions are true and genuine. Typing in my name below will be taken as an equivalent to my signature. (Pressing Submit will also capture the date on which I signed). *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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