Get featured on Record Union's website
We are looking for photos of Record Union artists working in the studio or performing live. We'll use theses images in our ads, social posts and website.

If we use yours, we will link to your music on Spotify and display the photographer's name.

If you have some professional quality photos (not snapshots or phone images) and you own the rights to them, fill out this form for an opportunity to get this free exposure!
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Correo *
URL to your images
Upload your images to WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive or a similar service and give us a link to them.
Name of the Record Union artist in the images *
Artist name
Artist's Spotify page URI *
Spotify URI
Your real name *
Your name
Photographer's name *
Photographer's name
Please check the boxes to confirm that your images comply with these conditions. *
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