
How-To Videos

This site is here to help with questions on Cornerstone: Requesting Sessions, withdrawing from sessions, looking at and working with your transcript, and uploading external training.

For those who need help uploading external training -

Go to number 4. at the bottom - there is a video and a google help document that will show you the steps. Once it is uploaded - your principal must go into Cornerstone and approve your training for it to then show up in your total PD hours.

1. How to Register for PD/Training

The button to register for training now says the word 'Request' but this still means you are registering for the training and securing your seat in the workshop.

2. How to Withdraw from Training.

The video to the right explains the steps on how to withdraw from a training you have already registered for/ requested.

3. Understanding your transcript.

The video to the left highlights the various aspects of the transcript in Cornerstone.

4. How to Upload External Training.

The video to the right explains the steps on how to upload external training you have attended into cornerstone, including your certificate.

Cornerstone Principal Approval of uploaded training.pdf

5. Principals - how to approve training uploaded to Cornerstone

See the instructions to the left on how you can 'manage employee learning' and click 'manage pending requests' where you will then select checks to approve the training requests.

6. Principals - how to get PD Training Hours Report

See the instructions to the left on how you can pull the Training Hours Report specific to your Campus!

Click the gray arrow in the top right of the document to enlarge the document.

6. Training Hours Report in Cornerstone.pdf

7. Teacher has External Training - Principal cannot see

7. Teachers - do you have external training, or uploaded training your administrator cannot see or approve?

See the instructions to the left on how you can modify the training listing so that the principal can see the training, it will show pending completion approval, and the administrator can then approve the training.