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Last Updated: Saturday, 19 March, 2005, 11:19 GMT
Woman seeks arresting bachelors
Freedom of Information image
The woman used the Freedom of Information Act to get the details
A woman has come up with a novel use of the Freedom of Information Act - to find out how many eligible bachelors belong to her local police force.

The woman made an anonymous inquiry to Hampshire Constabulary to find out the current number of single officers.

She also asked to know their email and home addresses and their promotion and pension prospects.

The force declined to give out personal details but revealed there were 2,000 single officers in the county.

It caused a few smiles here
Police spokeswoman
It also told her that there were 266 police bachelors in the specific area she was inquiring about, 201 of whom were in uniform.

A spokeswoman for the force told the BBC News website: "It caused a few smiles here.

"We have a dedicated team to deal with the Freedom of Information Act and they gave all the information they could give.

"Basically she does not have a right to know those details. We do not give out personal details of officers and we do not have to give them out under the Freedom of Information Act."

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