CSS 420.1: Cryptography from Lattices

Instructor: Akshayaram Srinivasan

Lecture Timings: Tuesday and Thursday at 2 - 3.30 PM.

Prerequisites: Basics of discrete probability and linear algebra.

Assignments and Lecture Notes: Piazza


Course Summary:

Date Topics Covered References
09/08/22 Introduction to Lattices Regev: Lecture-1
16/08/22 Minkowski's Theorem
LLL Reduced Basis
Regev: Lecture-1
Regev: Lecture-2
18/08/22 LLL Algorithm
Babai's Nearest Plane Algorithm
Regev: Lecture-2
Regev: Lecture-3
23/08/22 Attacks on Low Exponent RSA with Deterministic Padding Regev: Lecture-4
25/08/22 SIS assumption
Collision-Resistance from SIS
Peikert: Chapter-4.1
Micciancio-Regev: Worst-case to Average-case Reductions
30/08/22 LWE assumption
Secret-Key Encryption from LWE
Peikert: Chapter-4.2
Regev: Learning with Errors Survey
06/09/22 Completing proof of SKE
Public-Key Encryption from LWE
Vaikuntanathan: Lecture-1
Leftover Hash Lemma
08/09/22 Dual-Regev Encryption
GSW Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Vaikuntanathan: Lecture-1
Khurana: Lecture-11
Khurana: Lecture-12
13/09/22 Bootstrapping
Applications of FHE: PIR and Secure Computation
Khurana: Lecture-11
Gentry: Computing Arbitrary Functions of Encrypted Data
20/09/22 Trapdoor Functions
Introduction to Lattice Trapdoors
Jain: Chapter-6
Vaikuntanathan: Lecture-6
22/09/22 Type-1 and Type-2 Lattice Trapdoors Vaikuntanathan: Lecture-6
27/09/22 Trapdoors for SIS
Introduction to Digital Signatures
Vaikuntanathan: Lecture-6
29/09/22 Pre-Image Sampler and Digital Signatures
Halevi-Malkin: SIS-based Signatures
04/10/22 Sampling from Discrete Gaussians
06/10/22 Identity-based Encryption
11/10/22 CCA-2 Security from IBE
13/10/22 Selective Secure IBE without Random Oracles
18/10/22 Attribute-based Encryption
Boneh et al.
20/10/22 Attribute-based Encryption Contd.
Boneh et al.
25/10/22 Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Pass-shelat: Chapter-4
Rosen: Introduction to ZK
27/10/22 Zero-Knowledge Proofs contd.
Pass-shelat: Chapter-4
1/11/22 NIZKs in the Random Oracle Model
3/11/22 NIZKs from circular-secure LWE
10/11/22 NIZKs from LWE
15/11/22 Review Lecture