Using this Report Designer Job Aid Catalog

Last updated on May 16, 2013.

This site is no longer being mantained.


Some tasks are harder than others. Each job aid is rated by degree of difficulty/level of expertise required, using this scale for increasing level of difficulty and need for experience:

1 Geek Head

Designers after completing Intro to Report Designer course

3 Geek Heads

Adventurous designers with intermediate to advanced SQL skills

2 Geek Heads

Designers with more SQL/report design experience

4 Geek Heads

Very adventurous designers who can research reports without detailed instructions

List of Job Aids in this Catalog for 3Q2012. Select the job aid name to jump to the job aid in this portal

1.       Work with the Master Page and Report Parameters

2.       Display a Custom Column in a Report

3.       Research Data Models for Multiple Reports

4.       Calculate Percent Complete

5.       Set Up Conditional Visibility

6.       Use a Localized Label in 6.2+

7.       Learn How Operators Work

8.       Research and Insert an Operator

9.       Find a String of Characters in Report Design Files


10.   Analyze Curriculum Item Status Report

11.   Analyze a Legacy Report for Conversion

12.   Troubleshoot Binding Errors

13.   Use Scripts to Prevent Running a Report with No Criteria

14.   Display Text if No Rows Returned

15.   High Level Steps to Create a New Report

16.   Use Report Designer to Browse Tables

17.   Analyze Query from CSV for Learning Needs

18.   Upgrade Reports to 6.3 or 6.4

19.   Insert and Format a Simple Chart

20.   Work with Certificates of Completion

21.   Sample Certificates of Completion with Images

22.   Case Statement and Reports for Traffic Light

23.   How Packages are Used in Reports

24.   Set Up a VMWare Database for Testing

25.   Run a Report on Your Reports



Designer Task

Description/Desired Outcome

Link to Job Aid or Design File

Notes and Tips


Work with the Master Page and Report Parameters

2 Geek Heads

Use a report parameter or master page that is different in one specific report.


FAQs about working with master page and report parameters included in the SuccessFactors provided library.

Tips for Editing Master Page and Report Parameters from the Library (pre 6.3)


Tips for Editing Master Page and Report Parameters from the Library (6.3 and later)


See also Tips for Customizing Existing Reports

Use a different master pages for a specific set of reports

Hide the report title parameter so that admins cannot edit title at run time

Set PDF as default (or only) format

Add page x of y to report footer

Add a different element such as a data set to your library

Research a script that shows/hides data based on the value of the report parameter


Display a Custom Column in a Report

2 Geek Heads

Display a custom column from the user record on the report.


Create a reusable sub select that can be added to any query or use a separate data set.

PowerPoint data model and query samples


Design file samples:

Sign In Sheet with user custom column on enrollment list as child query



Data model for custom columns

Query samples to learn more about YOUR environment

Define reusable sub select statement for any query

Sample reports to download


Research Data Models for Multiple Reports

1 Geek Head

Research data model examples and query extracts for multiple reports

Job Aid PPT for Multiple Data Models

Download PowerPoints to PRINT each table:

Then build your own data model.

Link to PPT A with tables

User Record

Items and Learning History

Curriculum Status

Scheduled Offerings/Registration

Custom Columns

Online Content

Online Exams


Calculate Percent Complete

2 Geek Heads

Analyze a query that calculates percentage complete

Job aid for query analysis of percent complete on items


Sample rptdesign file for Percent Complete, summed by organization.

Use this annotated sample to figure out how you can re use the whole query or sub selects as needed.

One query returns items only when at least one user has completed training

Another query includes items for which users are assigned, but no users are complete


Set Up Conditional

1 to 2 Geek Heads

Use report parameters in several different ways to show/hide data.

Research a SuccessFactors provided script that defines the data set to use at run time.

Job Aid for Conditional Visibility

PowerPoint file with step by step explanation and examples

Use report parameter checkbox. Admin can select to show/hide a report element

Use report parameter text box. Admin enters a value that determines visibility

Use report parameter dropdown list. Admin selects entry

Use script + report parameter. Admin enters value, script runs that data set


Use a Localized Label in 6.2+

1 Geek Head

Add a localized field in a report for version 6.2 or 6.3

Job Aid For Working With Localized Labels In SuccessFactors Version 6.2+

Word document with instructions for working with localized fields introduced in version 6.2

Add the syntax in Report Designer to retrieve the label value based on user or admin locale

If your implementation only uses labels in one language, you STILL need to use the special syntax.

* As of 6.3, you cannot just edit the query to return the label directly. Nor can you retro-fit a legacy report to retrieve ALL of these fields directly.


Learn How Operators Work

1 Geek Head

Figure out how SuccessFactors implements operators.

Job Aid to Explain How SuccessFactors Operators Work


List of Operators Used by SuccessFactors after Report Designer

For the original list of SuccessFactors operators, refer to the Reporting Framework technical guide in your release documents folder

Operators in the job aid are grouped to show which operators are: needed and used most frequently; needed and used on occasion; or not needed because Report Designer has a different way to perform the same function


Research and Insert an Operator

2 Geek Heads

Replicate an operator from an existing report


Use a BLOB search query to locate reports with a specific string. See next job aid for description.

Tips For Replicating An Operator From an Existing Report

Explains how to research behavior of an operator in an existing report (legacy version or report that has been converted to Report Designer). And how to use the same operator in another report.

Includes sample rptdesign file with the solution.


Find a String of Characters in Report Design Files

1 Geek Head

Use this query to search for a specific string in the definition field of the PA_REPORT table

Report Designer file to search for text in report definition (stored in BLOB field)

Use this query in Report Designer (or in another SQL browser for non hosted customers).

Returns a list of reports matching this criteria. The Report Designer preview displays the XML in detail.


Analyze Curriculum Item Status Report

1 Geek Head

Research the query used in the SuccessFactors provided Curriculum Item Status report

View a sample query to pull Item Status (completed items only) for both free standing items and items assigned via curriculum.

Query Analysis for Curriculum Status


Sample query for item status where only most recent completion is listed

Analyze the single query used for Curriculum Item Status report, CSV version. This report was converted from the PDF/HTML version that used 3 queries/data sets.


Analyze a Legacy Report for Conversion

2 Geek Heads

Analyze a legacy report from previous versions that used SuccessFactors proprietary XML format.

Job Aid For Analyzing a Legacy Report For Conversion To Report Designer

Analyze each section to identify re usable chunks from the legacy report

Locate report parameters from the legacy version

Locate queries and binding relationships if relevant

Identify operators from legacy report; re use operators in new Report Designer report only if Report Designer does not have another way to perform the same function


Troubleshoot Binding Errors

1 to 2 Geek Heads

How to research and fix broken bindings/binding errors

Job aid for troubleshooting bindings

Research common reasons for binding errors. Fix issues related to bindings that result in errors during preview.


Use Scripts to Prevent Running a Report with No Criteria

2 Geek Heads

Prevent a report from running if no criteria are entered at run time.


You can use a script to present instructions instead of running the report.

Link to rptdesign file to demonstrate

Link to Job Aid for Preventing Report with Null Criteria


Coming next quarter: how to display run time criteria on the report

Create a script to display an error message if the admin tries to run a report without selecting any search criteria


Display Text if No Rows Returned

1.5 Geek Heads

Display a message to the person running the report if no detail rows were returned in the main table

Sample rptdesign file with solution

See sample rptdesign file to research conditional visibility of the header row

Display a specific table header row if no detail rows were returned for that table

Similar strategy can display a message that the report ran, but no data was returned


High Level Steps to Create a New Report

3 Geek Heads

Create a new admin side report and include all of the necessary elements

Tips for Creating a New Report


See also Tips for Customizing Existing Reports

List of elements that must be in a report before importing the file into the SuccessFactors app

Key steps to create a new report

Tips for researching an existing report and keeping or replacing each element


Use Report Designer to Browse Tables

1 Geek Head

Use a data set in Report Designer to browse table and field names

Use Report Designer to Browse Table and Field Names

Steps to use a data set in Report Designer to locate table names and see a list of fields


Analyze Query from CSV for Learning Needs

2 Geek Heads

Analyze the CSV query for the Learning Needs report

Link to job aid for analyzing the Learning Needs CSV report

Parse the complex CSV query and identify each select statement and the UNION logic.


This report contains just ONE query and was a conversion from the original PDF/HTML report with two data sets.


Upgrade Reports to 6.3 or 6.4

2 Geek Heads

Convert a report from a previous version to 6.3, using localilzed fields and new version of Report Designer

Link to download job aid with high level steps for upgrading reports

Link to PowerPoint job aid with screen captures of upgrade steps

(30 mins)

Link to job aid for working with localized fields in 6.2+

Link to job aid to fix extra page breaks introduced in 6.3

Version 6.2 introduced admin-localized fields for a number of fields often used in reports.


Version 6.3 introduced a new verstion of Report Designer (v 4.0) with an updated BIRT verstion. At that time, a second library was also introduced, the PlateauThemes.rptlibrary.


The resources listed here help customers convert reports created in earlier versions.


Insert and Format a Simple Chart

1 Geek Head

Create a simple query to count records and display results as a pie chart

Download job aid explaining how to insert and format a chart

The key to a good chart is a good query. You may want to research existing SF reports for samples.


Work with Certificates of Completion

3 to 4 Geek Heads

Research the FOUR different report files used to generate Certificates of Completion

Updated in January 2012:

Download job aid explaining the framework for the four Certificate of Completion files

Download PPT job aid explaining how to edit C of C based on scheduled offering and user side C of C reports

Download job aid with steps to import and OVERWRITE the system-provided Certificate of Completion report file

Sample report files for C of C reports pre 6.3 (no extra page break, only Arial Unicode MS font)

Download zipped file for user side Certificate of Completion, after 6.2 without extra page break

Download zipped file for user side Certificate of Completion, with certificate visibility based on user domain

Download zipped file for Certificate of Completion Admin at end of Learning Event Recorder, after 6.2 without extra page break

Editing Certificates of Completion requires plenty of test time.

There is a high level of fuss factor to get layout to work exactly as intended.


Sample Certificates of Completion with Images

3 to 4 Geek Heads

Use sample Certificate of Completion design files for the user-side certificate

Updated in January 2012:

Click to download PowerPoint instructions for layout of Certificate of Completion with images embedded in the table layout

Click to download a zipped design file with sample graphics to edit

You want an image in the certificate, but find that the background image no longer works as of 6.3.

Download these sample files and instructions to modify your own quickly and easily.


Case Statement for Traffic Light

3 to 4 Geek Heads

Create a query to assign a code of Green, Yellow, or Red to each item due date.

Create a report for PDF/HTML with color coded display.

Group results by organization for subtotals.

Allow admins to display subtotals only without details.


Download job aid with query for Curriculum Item Status "Traffic Light" status


Download a zipped report design file for 6.3 or 6.4 (demonstrated at SuccessConnect 2012)

You want to color code users based on training due dates. The query displays the text as Green, Yellow, or Red based on difference between due date and sysdate.


The report uses the Highlight feature to change the cell fill color to green, yellow, or red.


* Query supports search based on days remaining. This means that admins can schedule a report with a constant so that the report includes users due from 0 to 30 days or 31 to 60 days or 61 through 90, etc. If days remaining is less than zero, the user is overdue.



How Packages are Used in Reports

3 to 4 Geek Heads

Research an existing SuccessFactors provided report that uses packages.

Download job aid with examples of packages used in SF provided reports


For customers with direct access to your database: download a PPT that shows how to navigate to a package in a SQL browser tool such as SQL Developer


Report Designer file to search for text in report definition (stored in BLOB field)

You find that SuccessFactors uses SQL packages to retrieve data instead of writing a complex query. Examples include reports for curriculum status and reports that retrieve data related to exam questions and answers.


How do you find all SF provided reports that use a PKG?

Non-hosted customers can check the PPT for the query extract.

Hosted customers can download the sample rptdesign file with the same query.



Set Up a VMWare Database for Testing

4 Geek Heads

Install the open source VMWare application. This allows you to set up a virtual machine on your workstation.

1.      Download the instructions from this link, then continue.

2.      Go to this site and download VMWare player 3.x and install.

3.      Download the training database file from this link (allow several hours because it is over 1gB) and unzip (per instructions)

4.      Start VMWare and install the database VM (per instructions).

5.      Download and install SQL Developer (per instructions)

6.      Launch SQL Developer and set up the database connection (per instructions)

7.      Connect to the database and browse/test your queries

This solution can supplement your hosted access to via vJDBC. The training database contains 3000 users and records for learning assignments (via curriculum and freestanding), learning history, etc.


* There is no front end to the LMS. All of your testing is available only on the back end.


The advantage to the VMWare database is that you can use the Oracle SQL Developer tool. This allows you to test queries AND to get detailed error messages.



Run a Report on Your Reports

1 Geek Heads

You want a spreadsheet that lists all current reports. Then you can work with the team and unpublish the reports you do not need.


Run a report to display details on all of your reports. One report file generates a list of user-side reports and another generates a list of admin-side reports.

Download a Report Designer file to generate a list of all of your reports for admin side (6.3 or more recent)

Download a job aid with the query for admin side

Download a spreadsheet listing all standard learning reports for admin side


Download a Report Designer file to generate a list of all of your reports for user side (6.3 or more recent)

Download a job aid with the query for user side

Download a spreadsheet listing all standard learning reports for user side


The sample report files and queries ONLY return reports related to learning.


For customers with one or more Plateau Performance licenses, you would need to edit the query if you also want to include reports related to performance reviews, assessments, goals and plans, goal alignment, etc.



Report Designer Resources Available to All Customers

From documentation available on each customers ftp server

Getting Started with Report Designer (version 3.x for SuccessFactors version previous to 6.3 and version 4.x for SuccessFactors version after 6.3)

Reporting Framework (version specific, so look under a directory such as /Product_Documentation_Read_Only > TMS_6.x > 6.x.x/Guides)


From Documentation available upon request from Customer Success:

Data Dictionary in Excel format to download version for 6.4

Entity relationship diagram (ERD) in Visio viewer to download version for 6.4