The Oxford Dictionaries Premium - French is a powerful resource which is essential for learning and teaching French, and any other professional or educational uses involving the language.

However, the extent of its capabilities is not always explored to its full potential.

In this 20-min talk, Ashleigh Alderslade, Senior Editor, Strategical Lexical Projects, will take you on a tour of the dictionary, covering:

• How the bilingual dictionary is structured
• Ways of searching for information
• How to explore an entry – including usage examples
• Understanding the labels
• French grammar, including verb conjugations, phrases, phrasal verbs, and derivative entries
• Pronunciation information
• Writing guides, glossaries, and more
Ashleigh Alderslade
Senior Editor, Strategical Lexical Projects
Ashleigh Alderslade is an editor of the Oxford French Dictionary and Oxford Spanish Dictionary.

She studied French and Spanish at the University of St Andrews and Translation Studies at Durham University. After her studies, she worked as a trainee Terminologist and Language Technologist at the European Central Bank, which fuelled her desire to work on bilingual language content. She has worked at Oxford University Press since 2014, where she works on a wide variety of dictionaries and language products, such as dictionaries for display, like the Oxford Premium website, and language content for APIs, etc. Each year, she updates and expands Oxford’s French and Spanish bilingual dictionaries.
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