Leon N. Moses Distinguished Lecture in Transportation - Patrick T. Harker

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Patrick T. Harker President & CEO Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2023 [ 7:30 PM ] Kellogg Global Hub, White Auditorium - 2211 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL

ABOUT LEON N. MOSES The Leon N. Moses Distinguished Lecture in Transportation is named for 3URIHVVRU (PHULWXV /HRQ 1 0RVHV DQG KLV VLJQLƓFDQW FRQWULEXWLRQV WR WKH ƓHOGV RI transportation economics and regional science, as well as his long and dedicated service to Northwestern University Transportation Center (NUTC). Moses came to Northwestern University in 1959 as an Associate Professor of Economics. He was appointed the Robert E. and Emily King Professor of Business Institutions in 1993, and had been Professor of Economics with a joint appointment to the Transportation Center since 1963. He retired to become an (PHULWXV 3URIHVVRU LQ +LV ZRUN SULPDULO\ IRFXVHG RQ WKH HFRQRPLFV RI ƓUP location and the critical role played by transport and transportation costs. From 1976 until 1980, Moses served as the Director the Transportation Center. Under his leadership the Center gained national prominence for its several conferences exploring the prospect of transportation deregulation. During his career at Northwestern, he also served as Chair of the Economics Department and held a joint appointment at the Kellogg School of Management. Moses served on almost all major university committees while at Northwestern. Moses attended The Ohio State University where he began as an Agriculture major but later changed to Economics. He was discharged from the armed forces in 1945, after which he returned to Ohio State, graduating in 1947 with highest honors. He then enrolled in the graduate economics program at Harvard University and was awarded an MA in 1950 and a PhD in 1955. He became an Assistant Professor at Harvard after receiving his doctorate. Leon N. Moses passed away on October 12, 2013 at the age of 88.

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ABOUT NUTC Northwestern University Transportation Center (NUTC) is one of the world’s leading interdisciplinary education and research institutions, serving industry, government and the public sectors. Founded in 1954 to generate substantive and enduring contributions for the better movement of materials, people, energy, and information, NUTC stands at the forefront of transportation research and education. 187& EULQJV WRJHWKHU DFDGHPLF UHVHDUFKHUV VWXGHQWV DQG EXVLQHVV DIƓOLDWHV LQ D joint open exploration of transportation and supply chain operations. 187& DLPV WR LQŴXHQFH QDWLRQDO DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ SROLF\ management and technological developments, with the goal of making WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ DQG VXSSO\ FKDLQ RSHUDWLRQV PRUH SURGXFWLYH HIƓFLHQW VDIH VHFXUH HQYLURQPHQWDOO\ IULHQGO\ DQG VRFLDOO\ EHQHƓFLDO


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PATRICK T. HARKER President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 3DWULFN 7 +DUNHU WRRN RIƓFH RQ -XO\ DV WKH WK SUHVLGHQW DQG FKLHI H[HFXWLYH RIƓFHU RI WKH Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. He was reDSSRLQWHG IRU KLV VHFRQG ƓYH \HDU WHUP HIIHFWLYH March 1, 2021. In this role, Harker participates on the Federal Open Market Committee, which formulates the nation’s monetary policy. As an engineer by training, Harker has continued to apply his research and receive patents throughout his career. He considers the effect of automation on the labor force as “the perfect intersection” of engineering and economics. Other WHFKQRORJLFDO LQŴXHQFHV LQFOXGLQJ DUWLƓFLDO LQWHOligence and machine learning, are also playing a part in the Third District’s and the nation’s economy. By focusing on economic mobility, one of the Bank’s research priorities, the Bank’s researchers are looking for ways to create sustained, inclusive growth through practical applications. Targeting VXFK UHVHDUFK WR WKH HPSOR\PHQW ƓHOG FDQ KHOS workers, communities, and industries plan for inevitable disruptions by connecting workers to training programs while encouraging discussions on the skills that are vital to a constantly changing market. %HIRUH WDNLQJ RIƓFH DW WKH 3KLODGHOSKLD )HG Harker was the 26th president of the University of Delaware. He was also a professor of business administration at the university’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics and a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the College of Engineering. Before joining the University of Delaware in 2007, Harker was dean and Reliance Professor of Management and Private Enterprise at the Wharton

School of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to being appointed dean in 2000, Harker was the Wharton School’s interim dean and deputy dean as well as the chair of its Operations and Information Management Department. In 1991, he was the youngest faculty member in Wharton’s history to be awarded an endowed professorship as UPS Transportation Professor of the Private Sector. He has published/edited nine books and more than 100 professional articles. From 1996 to 1999, he served as editor-in-chief of the journal Operations Research. In 2012, Harker was named a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and a charter fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He was also named a White House fellow by President George H. W. Bush in 1991 and was a special assistant to FBI Director William S. Sessions from 1991 to 1992. Harker is a board member of both the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia and its Select Greater Philadelphia Council. He is also a board member at the Science Center in Philadelphia. Previously, he was on the boards of Catholic Relief Services, Pepco Holdings, Inc., and Huntsman Corporation and was a founding member of the board of advisors for Decision Lens, Inc. He was also a nonbanking Class B director of the Philadelphia Fed from 2012 to 2015. Harker has a Ph.D. in civil and urban engineering, an M.A. in economics, and an M.S.E. and B.S.E. in civil engineering, all from the University of Pennsylvania.

PAST LECTURES 2019 “ATTEND! CONSIDER! DECIDE! What Planners and Machines Must Learn to Predict Travel Behavior”

DANIEL MCFADDDEN Presidential Professor of Health Economics, University of Southern California Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley 2017 “Outlook for the US Economy: Is this as good as it gets?”

MARTIN EICHENBAUM Charles Moskos Professor of Economics; Co-Director, Center for International Economics, Northwestern 2015 “Convenient Flight Connections vs. Airport Congestion: Modeling the ‘Rolling Hub’”

JAN BRUECKNER Professor of Economics, University of California, Irvine 2013 “The Economics of Transportation Safety”

IAN P. SAVAGE Professor of Instruction; Associate Department Chair, Department of Economics, Northwestern; Director, Transportation & Logistics Undergraduate Minor Program, NUTC 2011 “Is US Economic Growth Over? Lessons from the Long 20th Century”

ROBERT GORDON Stanley G. Harris Professor in the Social Sciences; Professor of Economics, Northwestern

LEARN MORE transportation.northwestern.edu/news-events/leon-moses-lecture

Northwestern University Transportation Center Chambers Hall - 600 Foster Street, Evanston, IL O: 847.491.2787 / F: 847.491.3090 tcinfo@northwestern.edu transportation.northwestern.edu facebook.com/infoNUTC twitter.com/infoNUTC tiny.cc/NUTClinkedin


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