Tiny House Tryouts & Lodgita - Investor program
This survey is for investors interested in profiting from the surge of interest in tiny house living and traveling, and the unique position of TinyHouseTryouts.com and its partners at Lodgita.com to serve this market.

Since 2016, Tiny House Tryouts has been building a market for tiny house vacation stays, while simultaneously building relationships with commercial builders of tiny houses on wheels, and land owners around the world whose properties allow tiny houses on wheels to be used as rentals or vacation rentals. The forth piece of the puzzle is you, the investor.

A tiny house on wheels is different than an RV or caravan in that it is constructed for more durable, residential use. Therefore, unlike an RV or caravan, many municipalities are increasingly codifying the use of tiny homes on wheels for long-term tenancy and short-term rentals. They provide a unique, comfortable, and fully self-contained experience for travelers who want an alternative to hotels and airbnb room rentals. In addition to the image above, please look to our facebook (facebook.com/tinyhousetryoutsdotcom), or instagram (instagram.com/tiny.house.tryouts) for some other examples of tiny houses on wheels.

The beauty and appeal of tiny homes comes from the incredible custom craftsmanship that goes into each build, but for this reason most builders and artisans can only produce them one at a time, and only once a customer orders the build, pays a deposit, and can contractually commit to paying the full balance upon delivery. Additionally, because moveable tiny homes are not considered real estate, financing can be difficult to access and more expensive than loans for other housing options. Therefore, many people who would like to buy a tiny home for themselves, live in one temporarily, or to rent one out on their property, are deterred by the upfront costs and uncertainties.

That leaves us with an industry under-served by the demand for its products. Investors can help not only to keep the tiny house industry and movement afloat, but also earn incredible returns and tax advantages on a unique form of short-term rental that is booming during the pandemic: https://www.wsj.com/articles/travelers-turn-to-tiny-homes-during-covid-19-11605128533.

The best part is, you don't have to do much of anything at all! We can match you with a set of builders to choose from for your investment, negotiate a favorable price and insurance options, find a suitable property or properties to host it, have it professionally delivered and set up, and then furnish it, promote it, and manage the short-term rental.

You may also choose to rent your investment to a long-term tenant, and we would be happy to help you find the right resident; we can even facilitate a rent-to-own program so your investment can provide your tenant with an affordable pathway to home-ownership.

Additionally, our unique and custom-built platform at tinyhousetryouts.com (launching in December 2020) promises to be a central part of the information and promotional ecosystem for tiny houses and tiny house rentals. If or when you want to sell your tiny house investment, we even have resale programs to help you do so.

This form allows you to express your interest in the program and preferences. We will reach out for more details and to match you with potential builders for your investment. There is a space at the end of the survey to submit any questions you have for us. Thank you.
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How much money are you looking to spend on a tiny house on wheels? (Most models start at $60,000 USD, but $80-100k is typical for tiny homes with certifications that might be required by some jurisdictions or property-types). *
Would you require financing for your purchase? *
Would you be interested in a pooled purchase agreement, where you can make a smaller monetary investment in an ownership share, but still benefit from the tax benefits, returns, and resale gains?
Our land partners and build partners are all over the world. Is there a particular country or region where you would like to purchase your tiny home investment or place it for short-term rental? If you have no preferences on placement, Tiny House Tryouts will suggest a placement plan based on factors projected to minimize costs and maximize return. *
How soon are you looking to make an investment purchase in a tiny home and start getting it rented? Note that tiny homes typically take 4-6 weeks to build from start to finish and we can set it up and start getting it rented soon after, but some builders have longer waits for new customers to get in their production schedule. *
Any comments on this survey or feedback or questions for us?
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