Friday 20 April 2012


Lee Mcintyre  is, in some respects an ordinary guy who floundered around from job to job for several years. He began with a geography degree course but changed his mind and moved onto law and did complete that degree after which, he spent three months as a graduate trainee with a car rental firm. He quit that and then did two years training for accountancy. That didn’t suit him either and he trained as a teacher and found that he loved teaching but he still; hated being an employee and having to do what other people told him.

From these unpromising beginnings emerged the conviction that he really wanted to run his own business and after some false starts, his truly original way of doing things began to produce amazing results.

If I tell you that the basis of the product this blog is all about is called “The Upside Down- Inside Out Workshop” that may give you some idea of just how different Lee’s approach is to just about everything he does.

Anyway, enough about the author and let’s take a look at this unique product. The “Instant internet Lifestyle” is a series of eight videos each of which covers in full an entire teaching session carried out by Lee for a group of, in the main already highly successful Internet marketers.  These people were desperate to learn the new, innovative techniques that were the basis for Lee’s unprecedentedly rapid rise from zero to an Internet marketing business netting thousands of dollars per day. 

Now all this wisdom for which the attendees paid almost $1,000 each is available to you for the princely sum of $20.00 and it is this unbelievably low price, which is the one of the keys to his system. You can pay $20.00, get the whole course and walk away with a great deal of knowledge and know-how which would have cost you a fortune elsewhere. More likely, you will then realize that this system could do for you what it did for Lee and has already done for many of his students and be eager to buy other products from Lee to get even more detailed teaching on how to implement his strategies. On the other hand, if you were to ask for a full refund you’d get that too with no hassle. 

If you'd like to find out what it's all about just CLICK HERE. 

 I'll be back in a day or two with some more, detailed information about the Instant Internet Lifestyle. 


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