Future Proofing Yourself in the Age of AI: A Roadmap for Learners of All Ages, "The Art of Life's Steering Wheel" 2nd Part
Oldies on the wheel by Dalle2

Future Proofing Yourself in the Age of AI: A Roadmap for Learners of All Ages, "The Art of Life's Steering Wheel" 2nd Part

Greetings! Bonjour! 您好! 

I am Gareth 王, am delighted to extend a warm welcome to this 31th edition of the newsletter.

The winds of change are blowing in the age of thinking machines. How do we harness AI's immense possibility while safeguarding our values? As generative models like GPT-3 shape industries and remake society, the steering wheel of the future is in our hands. But charting the road ahead requires new skills and wisdom.

I hope to explore all these below, hope you enjoy!

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We stand at a crossroads, fellow travelers. Advanced AI systems like large language models (LLMs) and generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs) are rapidly evolving and making their way into more aspects of society. This technology holds immense possibility to transform industries, reinvent education, and take scientific discovery to new frontiers. However, for many it also stirs uncertainty and anxiety about the implications for livelihoods and meaning.

In this second installment of "The Art of Life's Steering Wheel" series, we delve into the transformative era of Generative Language Models (GLLMs) and Large Language Models (LLMs). The advent of AI-driven language models has ushered in a new epoch of possibilities and challenges.

Whether you're a wide-eyed youth (1st blog about purpose is for you!), a seasoned adult, or someone in their 40s or 50s looking to adapt, this blog post aims to provide some insights and actionable steps for thriving in the age of AI.

embrace lifelong learning as imagined by SDXL BETA

Embrace Lifelong Learning

In the age of GLLMs and LLMs, the most valuable asset you can cultivate is a growth mindset. Lifelong learning is no longer a choice but a necessity (even for newly beta & alpha launched products).

Degrees and skills can no longer remain static; they must evolve with technology. Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, continuous learning is the key.

Actionable Steps:

a. "JUST do it" mindset, unlike in the old days, you don't need permission, money, nor from a certain class. ChatGPT, Bard, ClaudeAI and many ways of creating codes, prose or documents. easily using prompt to create digital photos from Dalle2 to stable diffusion, you can use them now (although mid journey, chatGPT4 or others are fee payable) [my previous blogs on ChatGPT , Dalle2.]

b. Enroll in online courses: Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer a plethora of courses on AI, machine learning, and data science.

some sample courses with links at bottom of this blog (will be updated, any suggestions please comment so I can add to the list!)

c. Explore free resources: Ivy League Universities like Stanford & Havard offer free AI courses online (👏!)

d. Join open-source communities: Collaborate on AI projects and gain practical experience while contributing to open-source initiatives /tools like TensorFlow or PyTorch (from Meta/Facebook).

Be aware of ‘quality’ of data set

OpenAI, Claude.AI and other LLMs provider like Stable diffusion are still rather opaque as to what data ‘exactly they had been trained on. Although often ‘training data’ area leaked accidentally , the basis of competition is indeed on the ‘training data set’ used.

Real danger however is adoption of LLMs (big or small) and using chat generated results to create custom models following the much vaunted Alpaca model (yes, as key is amount of data available for tuning models, they proposed to use chat created mass amount of data to ‘self-instruct’ data) surreal, so using chatbot data to train model essentially! it might work but surely quality is questionable?

Therefore beware of what model, system you use, and of course all the above are for english speaking countries (even if the model is foreign language capable) below is a fantastic YouTube video explaining the AI/LLM/LMM landscape)

Develop a Multidisciplinary Skill Set

The future belongs to those who can bridge the gap between technology and other domains.

Become an expert? AI experts who understand the ethical, societal, and legal implications of AI are in high demand. Whether you're an engineer, marketer, or artist, AI literacy is essential.

Actionable Steps:

a. Enroll in interdisciplinary programs: Pursue degrees or certifications that combine AI with your field of interest, such as AI for healthcare or AI in the arts.

b. Attend workshops and conferences: Participate in events like NeurIPS or AI Ethics conferences to gain a holistic understanding of AI's impact.

c. Collaborate across disciplines: Work on projects that involve cross-functional teams to apply AI in innovative ways.

d. create your own meetup, or hackathons within or outside work to create some bots or help train future AI stars.

The Challenge of Large Language Models

Understanding LLMs:

Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-3 are immensely powerful but come with nuances. "Open" doesn't necessarily mean public access. Enterprises must be aware of the implications of data ownership and model access when working with these technologies. Users of LLMs must also be aware the firm that own your voice, data, facial or body likeness might resell your data, indeed your data could already be freely available now (implication? someone could use your voice and face to open your Android/iPhone..thus your wallets! )

Ethical Considerations:

Ethical AI, such as Anthropics' Constitutional AI, emphasizes transparency, fairness, and responsible AI usage. It's essential to prioritize ethical AI development to avoid the pitfalls of misinformation, bias, and manipulation. It is however still a 'black box', unlike MPT-30B by MosaicML, XGen by Salesforce and Falcon by TII UAE these are the 'opened' ones you have not heard of yet.

The Downsides and Mitigation:

LLMs can be used for both good and ill. To fix the world, we must address misinformation and manipulation. Platforms and governments should collaborate to set regulations, and individuals should be critical consumers of AI-generated content.

a call to action as imagined by SDXL Beta

A Call to Action

Harnessing GLLMs for Good:

You may not be aware, next generation of autonomous LLMs is already here! AutoGPT (auto work on its own!), AgentGPT (needs human intervention), and similar tools, can be harnessed for positive change. They empower individuals to create their codes, develop AI-powered solutions (agents), and connect with a global community and interact with the web or other services (some could create codes). Use these tools to address societal issues, promote education, and amplify your voice or promote your cause/products/services.

Defending Against Misinformation:

As seen in election meddling and global conflicts (empowered by social networks like Facebook and X/Twitter), misinformation poses severe threats. Promote media literacy, fact-checking, and critical thinking. Technology companies should implement content verification mechanisms to curb the spread of falsehoods.

Industries on the Verge of Transformation:

Industries such as healthcare, finance, and education stand to benefit immensely from AI. Embrace the opportunities but remain vigilant about potential risks to privacy and data security.

Industries on the Brink of Transformation

The impact of GLLMs and LLMs extends to various industries. While opportunities abound, so do risks. Stay vigilant and informed about how AI is reshaping your sector.

Actionable Steps:

a. Explore AI integration: If you're in business, healthcare, or finance, consider AI solutions to enhance efficiency and customer experience.

b. Conduct risk assessments: Identify potential risks associated with AI implementation, such as privacy breaches or job displacement, and develop mitigation strategies.

If you needed help, give me a call! email AIHelp [at] wong.org.uk


The age of GLLMs and LLMs is a pivotal moment in human history. How we harness this transformative power will determine the course of our future. By embracing lifelong learning, developing multidisciplinary skills, addressing ethical concerns, combating misinformation, and understanding AI's industry impact, we can steer our lives toward success and ethical responsibility.

Remember, the steering wheel of life is in our hands, and it's our collective responsibility to navigate this new era wisely, for the betterment of humanity and the preservation of our values.

Hope you like this shorter blog post format.

Signup to FixTheWorld.4good.space newsletter so you will be informed of next instalment 3rd post on : "The Art of Life's Steering Wheel" on How to Avoid the bad side of AI & how to be /stay safe in this new epoch.

FixTheWorld or GiveUp first few posts were on ChatGPT , Dalle2 here on LinkedIn if you are interested. others I use OpenArt.ai nightcafe.studio

There are many free courses, from basic to advanced:

Computer & Technology Basics Course for Absolute Beginners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2kg3MOk1sY

Harvard CS50, 24hours of Full Computer Science University Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mAITcNt710

Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Course, Lecture 1 (800+ students bet many of them wish they had persevered!) - Andrew Ng , founder of Coursera & DeepLearningAI (Autumn 2018 vintage) http://tiny.cc/StanfordAndrewNg latest 2022 version: http://tiny.cc/StanfordCS229_2022

Machine Learning Course for Beginners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWONeJKn6kc

Making Friends with Machine Learning Cassie Kozyrkov http://tiny.cc/MLFriends

Machine Learning & Neural Networks without Libraries – No Black Box Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wwiOSxDAmg

Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning Collection on Coursera https://www.coursera.org/collections/machine-learning

Edx machine learning courses online https://www.edx.org/learn/machine-learning

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