September 15, 2014
This Week In Congress
     Floor Schedule: The Senate has scheduled a cloture vote for Sept. 15, on S. 2199, the Paycheck Fairness Act, under which employers would face tougher standards when defending themselves against claims of sex discrimination in wages and could be required to pay punitive damages. If time permits, Majority Leader Harry Reid also may seek reconsideration of a vote earlier this year that blocked consideration of legislation to raise the minimum wage, S. 2223, Minimum Wage Fairness Act.  Read more...

California Governor Signs Legislation Mandating Sick Leave
     On Sept. 10, Governor Jerry Brown signed the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 (AB 1522), requiring employers in the state of California to provide their employees with three days of sick leave per year beginning on July 1, 2015. Prior to this legislation, approximately 6.5 million workers, or 40 percent of the state’s workforce, were prevented from taking a paid sick day.  Read more...

National Poll Results Show New High Marks for Marketplace Fairness Support
     On Sept. 10, the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) released the results of a new poll showing the support for collecting sales taxes on internet purchases at the time of purchase has reached an all-time high. An increased number of Americans also support legislation requiring the point-of-sale online tax collection concept of marketplace fairness.  Read more...

National Association of Manufacturers Release Study on Cost of Regulatory Burden
     The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) released a study on Sept. 10 titled “The Cost of Federal Regulation to the U.S. Economy, Manufacturing and Small Business.” The NAM commissioned this analysis by economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, who estimated total federal regulatory costs reaching $2.028 trillion in 2012 (in 2014 dollars).  Read more...

Briefs Filed Defending EPA’s 2013 Nonhazardous Secondary Materials Rule
     In February of 2013 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rulemaking declaring that scrap tires that aren't discarded and are managed by established tire collection programs should be treated categorically as fuels, and not as solid wastes, when burned in boilers or solid waste incinerators. The rulemaking also covered other non-hazardous secondary materials  Read more...

EU Chamber Wants China to Remove Auto Industry Investment Limits; Allow More Competition in Aftermarket Sales
     A group of European auto parts manufacturers is urging the Chinese government to adopt regulations to open up competition in the country’s spare parts market and phase out a rule requiring carmakers to establish joint ventures with Chinese manufacturers to get business.  Read more...

China Considering Letting Car Dealers Sell More Brands
     Chinese authorities are considering relaxing restrictions on car dealers to allow them to sell vehicles from multiple brands in the same store. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce, responsible for regulation governing auto sales, met with dealers and carmakers the week of Sept. 1 to discuss possible changes to the rules.  Read more...

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