
Be patient with yourself; 
Self-growth is tender. It's holy ground. 
Start now - give yourself the commitment.
There is no greater investment.

Dear Friends,

As summer is coming to its closure, it's time to give some intention to fall / harvest season, and your learning / loving priorities. We are excited with our new courses upcoming at the OMpalace Yogavidya and hope you will join us. They fill up fast, registration is open NOW. Also note as my wwwsite is under construction none of this is posted other than on my blog and via this newsletter. Should you have questions, call or email please.
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The knowledge of self is the essential knowledge; it gives knowledge of humanity. In the understanding of the human being lies that understanding of nature which reveals the law of creation.

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NUMEROLOGY demystified

The art and science of astral vibrations guiding our every breath, thought and deed, simple to learn, challenging to practise and ohhhh so informative about our day to day lives, perceptions and reality.
Sunday Sept 22, 10 to 5.30
$ 210 pre registered 


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Have you recently felt an uptick in enthusiasm, courage and passion? That's because now Mars is in Leo. This is good news for Mars energy, which is the power to assert yourself and be motivated toward your goals. For the last couple of months you may have felt sort of misdirected, as Mars was in Gemini (too intellectual) then in Cancer (too emotional).

But now that Mars is in Leo, you are ready to hit the ground running again with full speed. Leo is also a Sattvic sign, motivated by purity, goodness and higher inspiration. So this is a great time to pursue those things that inspire you with a lot of courage.

But, you need to be careful, because you may have a certain amount of pent-up aggression and push too hard, be too forceful. If you're feeling frustrated emotionally and psychologically now, you have to be careful as that pent up dissatisfaction with your lot in life can undermine your career and goals. If you're an entrepreneur, or looking to do something new and different in your career, now is a great time for that!

Remember Jupiter is GURU, the remover of ignorance. Jupiter directly re-energizes your relationship with time. Jupiter has been retrograde in Scorpio since April 10th. This retrograde cycle was about exploring and connecting with Universal wisdom. As a student of Universal Law, maybe you had to explore some testing of the Law of Karma; or, maybe you got better at expressing the Law of Gratitude. 

Now, we began a new cycle with Jupiter direct August 12th onwards, so it is time once again to reach out and share your wisdom; to re-engage and find wise teachers and become respectful students. When the student is ready - the teacher will appear.

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Welcome some personal Help?
Book a reading of your natal chart or transits now:
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This practical course is designed to give a comprehensive understanding and grounding in the principles of Vedic Astrology. Everyone's birth chart will be analyzed and interpreted as this is the best way to learn through ones own natal chart.
Weekly, starting September 12th
6 weeks
every Thursday 6-7:30 pm
OMpalace Yogavidya

By pre registration only. Important to sign up now, 
as there are charts and handouts for me to prepare.

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Never forget that your days are blessed!
You may know how to profit by them,
or you may not, but they are blessed!

Sometimes we have a strong sense of what our destiny is calling us to do, but we don't feel quite ready or brave enough to answer the call. We need a push, an intervention, a serendipitous stroke - what you might call "Fate Bait". FATE BAIT is a person or event that awakens our dormant willpower and draws us inexorably toward our necessary destiny; it's a thunderbolt or siren song or stage whisper that gives us a good excuse to go do what we know we should do. Do you have any ideas about how to put yourself in the vicinity of your fate bait?
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AYURVEDA, the Mother of all healing, personal one on one consultations, workshops, and the much awaited Panchakarma retreat, deep purification and dosha balancing in a small, world renowned temple town, a holy ashram and supremely skilled Doctors supervising the daily treatments.
Southern India
February 10 - March 02 / 2020 

Exceptionally affordable and all inclusive package. Last spot. Contact me if interested. Don't wait, the time will never be just right. :)
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"Truths are not truths to you unless you realize them within yourself. Without realization, they are just ideas. For spiritual perception, spiritual consciousness lies not in vague theological ideas, but in the acquisition of Self-realization."
~ Paramahansa Yogananda

"Self-Sabotage is merely misguided Self-Love"
~ Brad Yates

Have you made friends with your Saboteur Self? There is a wealth of our energy that can get tied up with this part of ourselves. And if you look closely (instead of trying to 'get rid' of him or her), you will see that they are all about trying to keep you safe in some form or another. Negotiate with the Saboteur Self to free up and re-assign all that valuable energy for a purpose that truly serves you now. This part of ourselves is operating from an old, outdated program, running since childhood and is of no good use in your adult life in its old format. Set an intention for this New Moon to see through this part of yourself with clarity and compassion ... and you can re-assign this energy in ways that serve your highest good now!

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Donations are ongoingly welcome
to offset the hard costs of these mailings.

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Love and gratitude
May the stars light your way
and may you find
the interior road forward. 

Explore possibilities
Join your Astro Oracle
and Wellness Explorer

christina richa devi

Yoga of the planets
phone 519-372-2216 canada
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OMpalace Yoga Vidya RR# 8-617682 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5W4 Canada

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