The Oxford Dictionaries Premium Arabic is a powerful resource which is essential for learning and teaching Arabic, and any other professional or educational uses involving the language.

However, the extent of its capabilities is not always explored to its full potential.
In this 15-min talk, Tressy Arts, Executive Editor – Strategic Lexical Projects, will give you a tour of the dictionary, covering:

• How the bilingual dictionary is structured
• How to explore an entry, and access all the available information – including usage examples
• How to look up an Arabic word when you are not sure of the spelling
• Understanding Arabic verbs
• Arabic pronunciation
• Writing guidance: how to write Arabic numbers, dates, and more
Tressy Arts
Executive Editor, Strategic Lexical Projects, Oxford University Press
Tressy Arts is the Chief Editor of the Oxford Arabic Dictionary.
She studied Arabic Linguistics at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands, and joined its team creating the first corpus-based Arabic-Dutch and Dutch-Arabic dictionaries under the coordination of Jan Hoogland. This awakened a passion for lexicography that followed her to Britain, where she worked on the Oxford Arabic Dictionary project from its conception in 2009 until its completion in 2014, leading a team of Arabic and Arabist scholars across the globe. Since then, she’s joined the Oxford Languages department and among many other dictionaries and language products still expands and updates the Oxford Arabic Dictionary.
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